The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 18, 1825, Image 4

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PROPOSALS For publishing in Milledgcville, (Geo.) at Semi weekly Paper, lu be entitled The >Vuv ui U\vi Tobedevoted to the illustration and defence! of tin; interesting Doctrine ol the Uni vii ':il Holiness and happiness of the Souls ol ihe llu'iian Family, anil ol the Unity of God. JiV V SO.:IK 5Y OK DELIEVERS ON •• UK HIST TUB LOUD.” Milius non tangcre ehunu. TUB Publishers of the proposed Paper with nil such men, who delight to v\ itocss the I h appiness of the'n fellowicrealurcs, do rejoice in observing th apid inarch ol science* and beholding the .■''■tens' 1 - intellectual im pn •■•••• * these, ! United States, an ■ ■ ocoajtitution, no tot in of goxei * i: ae (ace of the] eat Oi, atno.’., oi- , that lords so many f.n iitie I ■ ■ on. ■' it of the noble pur,»osi - , ami me. .il improvement, as onMltUtion It, id the appli ed!:.U ' on : \ ■ M. chul prutoction and benign inllti"... u ol ('••• govern:, ml of these United States, '! •:r.■ 1 s n■ ; i:diiiien • t the rapid and ■ o itinucd imptoveim iit oI the human mind, but m any inotiv s at ■ oxh hi fed calcu late- if ige its cu <|ui i its energies.— Here every man may think freely — every tonin' may speak boldly — every pen may bei cmpluv ■ 1 to wile fearlessly — every press in iv ],. nt lawfully, and every mail may ■i i u- widely, the productions ol wit, i. wisdom, for every reader to read ■ i i ;eat nt giving oll’ence ; and to con i' ' on nil the subjects of human in m and conjee ure; and here too, are t • .• found a large collection of sub , ,is ol curiosity and admiration, sufficient to draw the attention and engage the reason me pow *,rs ol the man of active genius, and even ti stimulate the supine. \V dfvve, however, that the present and j eh ippiness of the whole, human family, i! • *cts of the greatest importance, and i,l ~ „rthv of the solicitude of she benevo lent and wise ; and are capable ol alfordingj them the most pleasing contemplations.j W bat can bo more delightful to a benevolent min i, Ilian to see by faith mid feel by hope, Truth. Ime an.) mercy, if; liiu nj-I. ilcb-’entUng, Aiiu n .lure nil gljvvmg. in llii.-n’s liusl liloom, ().i (he <l,l cli#tk of death. sin I a itd-l i-usrfa n 1)1 ■ii.lin--, Ami benuiy i in" rial- itv-i'kfi tr.-m Urn lumh. Allh iu ;b, wo believe the declaration of the Scrip!me,that it is the will of God our Saviour, to have all men to be saved, and to coon unto the. knowledge of the truth , yet wo h In ve that lie makes use ol means to bring them to this knowledge, without which they cannot love him, or he happy ; and we fai ihtT believe, that there is one Mediator between God and men, the Mia Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all tobetes . life din due lime, and vve believe that the tiaie to proclaim and testify this Divine truth is ul hand, and that U will soon be made known to all people, as a truth id glad tidings, und of great joy—--and we (eel it to be our religious duty to contribute all the 1 means wc can, for tiiat pin p .se. We are, (therefore, solicitous, that all the friends of man, and true believers in the Scriptures and Disciples of “ Christ the Lord” would aid i,] the innierl,iking. Ami vve believe, also, that there are a large number id gentlemen of talents and benevolence, in these Southern f Stales wim are true believers io the consohi-j tyrv doctrine of I" uiversa! Salvation, and in, tba: of the Unity of God, and who will assist in leading the minds of their fellow creatures so the knowledge of the truth as it is in .le ns, bv con ributing their reasonable exposi tion i>f the Scriptures of H vine light, to render “ The Slur of the South' ’ pleasingly) luminous, to guide the wise, to the babe vd, Jirthlehem, the Saviour ol all men. lu addition, to this pi aspect of enriching: the column’ol Flic Star us the South, the publishers will have the pleasure and bine li s of selecting from a number of periodical public iti > is ol the same nature and design, u w published in the Northern and Eastern Stal.s. Although the primary object of (lie pub* hheis, will be toillustrate and defend the doetpoc of the Universal Holiness and happiness of the souls of the human family, and die Unity of God, ami to disseminate the knowledge thereof, yet they will admit into die columns of The Star oj the South, well written articles, which may be intend ed to establish a contrary doctrine, but will icservo to themselves the light ol animad verting on them in the spirit of candor, and v 11 Iv the po'ileness ol the gentlemen, tender u -s of Christians, considerations id Pniloso peers, aod love id Druthers, whom they Do - lieve all mankind to be. TERM;? OK PUBLICATION, j. 'i’\ie publishers of The Star of tin South, do not calculate on, or wish to re ceive, anv pecuniary benefit from its publi cation, and therefore, will always regulate (lie sr/.e ol the paper, according to the extern of patronage il may receive, Imm tin on ligbleneil and liberal public. 11, ll will be printed on good paper, and with :i fair type, and folded in the mannei of N iles’ Weekly Register, with an ind» x at the close ol the 2liib number, and reltreuces to cverv article, forming a volume of pages 111. Price to subscribers will be &! 3C per annum, payable on the receipt of the In si number to the printer or any person win may hold a subset iption paper or ’at the end of six months, from the time of tin jublication of the first number. j IV. No advertisements will be inserted in. be columns of The Star of the South, .except notices ol the death,of distinguished I persons, oi man luges, and of the publication of works of literature ; of their nature and merits. | V. A competent Editor of The filar of the South will be obtained, and it is now iu- jtended to commence the publication on the , j first day of the year 182 G. N. il. Printers of newspapers in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, and Ala bama, and the Post Master at all the court houses in the same states or elsewhere, will please to receive the names of any who may widi to subscribe for The St r of the South, and scad them to Fort Hawkins, Ga. hy the OOtb of December next, and so on as they may be obtained post paid out of (he sub scription paid, directed to the Editor of The j Star of the South. Si Printers in die Southern States who are friendly to the liberty of the minds of man, and free investigation, will please to in-1 sert the above Prospectus in their papers, as! often as they think proper. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sol l on the first Tuesday in De-\ cember next, at the Court House door, in IFaynesborough, Parke county, within sale hours : One Negro man, named Nelson, levied on as the property of Robert E. Brodnux, {to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices Court of said county, at the suit of James Vndcrsou against Stephen W. Blount, and Robert E. Urodnax. AI.SO, Three Negroes, viz.. Luce, Susan and Elizabeth; levied on as the property of Lewis Dyne, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices Court of said county, at the suit of L D. Marsh, Executor of Jane Rennet,l deceased, against Lewis Dyne, Richard Dyne and Administrator ol Redding 1). Bryant. also, j One Jack, levied on as (lie property of Rawls, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Rawls. also, Thirty-five Acres of Land, n . < T -• ;jbeing the interest of Henry J. j 200 acres ol land, adjoining lam . !on Lowery and others, levied or, , peitv of Henry J. II dliday, io fi. fas. in favor of Ezekiel Inmr ALSO, One Hundred Acres of Land, lands of Henry Crew and others, lei; 'fi <n. .is the property of Arthur Royals, to satis fy a fi. fa. in favour of William Ligon. Jim T. Kort’i, s. jj. c, | October 28, 182a f 38 i Sheriff's Sale. H ill be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu ary next, ut the Market-House, in the ci ’ ty of dugusta, between the usual hours of sale : Four Negroes, viz. Rachael, Toney, Dris to and Rose, levied on as the property of A. Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the ibre * closure of a mortgage, Thomas Gumming * I vs. said A. Rhodes. AI.SO, ’j The following Negroes, viz. Charles Gil bert, a man, Nancy a woman, Gabriel and l William children, Jinny a woman, Biddy, *, Alfred, Sarah, Phcebe, and Ann Eliza, chil * idren; levied on us the property of A. 'l Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclo-j ‘I sure of a mortgage, Anderson Watkins vs. : I said A. Rhodes, Pi ter K IJfiisdair, Sh'ff it. c. | November I, 1823. r td 38 Executor's sale. ON Till. l ÜB!)AV ilie 13th December isexij will be sold mi lit ■ Plantation ot the lan ! .Ail. Nicholas Wins, on L.iiilc Itiver, in Coluin j 1 1 iviivcounty, the Hoi a and Fodder ami other pn ! j visions ma la llieri* 11 e present season, ill lit. | , r»mime utensils hi 1 mging to ltit? pluc.', the sine ’i ot Horses Mules, among which a-e some va I luuble bn oil Mares, an,l ti .e Ho ls of the lies. •: blood —tlie stock oi' Hat 1 , some tub and some 11 halt blood ol tiie brei ; stock m 1 Uni; 1 -, am] the J'l.oi nuoii i here are about li ’ ecu humlr d acres ot I,and. and enough cleared, 'and in cub Ration o give cnployment lo tvveoly ; tive or thirty bands. Much of this land is ol '1 good quality, die rest wry valuable for Us j timber- —also— b At the same time <uu! place, will , he said tbe (Ansi a d Savv-M.lls ua laid Ituer, L ,la d die bridge ac.oss i., kn wn a.> Wares, will.'; ! »b >ut fo r; v re-, o I. >d u'taclieil thereto. Ami ou TiiL'RSDAY, the 25i1; ’I Dccemb. r, mere w.ll be mid at the Flantauonl lon Sivaniiib liver, in Columbia county, ut llu ; l *! -niniib ot lb, K k-e Creek, the whole of Hi A ■ | Ho, n and Fonder, K.>nn;ng n eiis.l., stock, tec.i d : belonging to out pt.ioe. and also the Plantation ..1 us -if, iuctv.d.n£ s;x Imndred ucres ol hud lof v ery < xccbent ijualilv. I'| Aucl ua TaUttSDAV the 2l)tli ! Dee mber. wil. tie sold al Hie market-house, i. Ii City <>t V ijfiista, about forty very likely I \ei;>-oes, including mechanics, turn e servants !(') md field lia.ids. lb- sales ut each place Wil ..I olloire ic. al ten o’clock, A. M. an i close at 4 ■’click,!’ M. mid be continued from day today, n .Id live property is aP sold. *■ faelve in -mbs credit will be given for all Hi inns over Ten I) Pars, and notes a iib good se -i i iv 'eij ured, before tlie property will bede j dvered.. ,lj Susan D. Ware, K.v'trx. rj Wm. V\\ Holt, hx’r. it Us the II ill us Il'aie. ■s OCj' Rbitors of N’cwspa >rs in l.iorgia, ami th. j. E 'mors in' ibe C'i'umiiu T I »c'>/ie, in S.iuth-Caro y 1 in are it q i s c 1 i gve I a- three ve kly in serdmis, »n 0 iai w aid their acc u Us to tins office ” for payment. o lie fiber- «1 54 e— c ViD .k vuu\ Vvuvlvwi, iSeatly Executed at this Office. Sw\e. On Tuesday 6to oi December next, w.ll be told u< th; Mjrk t Hou-e in die City ot Augiidii . Cb' tiv /j; the usual hours :—J 202’ Acres of Land in first Lis irici. oi Monrue cooiuy, No. 157, 1 Negro man named .lack. 1 Pew, No. 72, in the Presbyterian Church. ( Ail b longing u, the estate ol John Clarke, dc ceased.—Terms at sale. Jiy order the executors. Fraser & Bowdre, Auctioneers. September 30 F Executor’s sale. Wf ICC be s >.(l at the 10. mer re tueiice ol J niM IT Vi wtu, »■ Kon Hi .n.i cuiity, deceaseu ! on th Mol,iJay i i December nx , the F< r i ~l,al of the said deceased, consist-] mg 1 ■ . ( tier, likewise, the ■i>c ' iccp, three head u H..r ilii Furniture, Plantation Uu I*. Rented at the same ime, ill i croon lie res tied - wise, uv Ne,,r'jci ibe hired, belonging l -oill esl, (; I Likewise, will he sold at the same; ) ime anil place, one Negro VV named Glav. oelong r.g to suit! es(a e. Twelve m i i,-. credit wdl be gi.en, and No'es with a pr.iveu s curily will be required beior t ie delivery' of tin- properv. James Atwell, Ex’tr. of Jet •!'/. r of John Atwell* OctoSn* 25, 1835. 6 V t oj it/Xecutor’s -Sale. Will b • sold on VI i .1 , di iViii of December next, at the Plama'io.i o- William Junes, dc ceas ’d. liteo. Co on.m.t o-mity : All of the Stock of said deccas d, co,ris ing of Horses, Mules, uv i, She p. Hogs, b.c. Also tin I‘iania ion and shop Tooh.— • Iso three Colton Cuts in good repair, Thresh j■, -g ii'icl editing M cii no, wheat Fan, two Wag ns, two Ox Curts, one (Jigg and Harness, »o.i ither articles not licro mcnlioned, Forms ma i vnowii on the dry Lucy Jones, Ex’trot. N. aI. Benton, Ex’r. Os the mu u[ ihe deceased. N -v'-mher 3, 1835 o*' -r 39 Laud and *N* vgroes. IIV, Subscriber dlVi-s for sal ’, ilia valuable ti C /. tJVTATIOJV within twelve miles os i.y. co.mining 878 a res, 200 acres r ear..d under a good itnee—vvi t. adopted to the cu • i. if corn and cotton, 1 •ly wued by M . i t Muloi'C of tiiis place. The situation ir. red by none in point m health. The ini ■mint re n, is a c iniforiablc JiW'h'.L LI.VG /hIUSK -good stable —corn (too. r, &<•.. w tb the paulai in can lie hud 21 .v EG ROBS, c m isting of Men, Won-in, and Children, lic it tonic I I i wi.k on a farm. .Jlso a small i ock ot C.J I "ILI. and UOHHI.S — arming uten siis. ckr. The above will be sold a bargain, for, and I’osstssion may be had on thi first day of Janu ■ u-ynixl, those who wish to puichase, can exam . me the Land & Negroes by calling at sh ; plants ,i ion, and loi iuilher [ al'ind re tq-ly to James Patterson. November 11 3 40 N il I IL ti. WILL he sold on tin 20.!i December nr-x o’i the pr inises. that w -11 t .uwn and vu u .hie IMMU.'C S FANL), at pvesSut occupied by ttie subscriber, situ bed at th Fork ol die Mil ■ilgevid and Wnghtslnoroug i roads, six miles ' 'run \ugusla. i —a i. o , The Household Furniture and o ■ titer persona! property. There «r two hundred , icres of Lrud—l ivooty-five good swamp —and . six of which is prepared f r cultivation. (’lie imppovemenis Comprise a comfortubl :l)i* King, and coin nir.-nt oio buildings I'll terms of payment vvil. be made easy to the purchaser. William U. Burton. OT/‘ I lie editors of the Georgia Jou ual will oidilisli ti.e above twice, and iorw.ird their ac c uni to the subscriber. W. H. li. j November 1 37 Administrator’s -^ale. E) Y order of the honorai le llte Interior Court, 9 w ill be sold at the Market House in the City ioi Augusta, ip I lie first Tuesday in January next, be ween the usual hours : Two Slaves, viz. Roxina & Har ry. belonging to he Fatale of ihe late John (la rutlKTs, and sold for the benefit of the heirs creditors. U. 11. Wilde, Adin’r. November 4 r 1 -8 JN oticc. be sol i on the first Tuesday in January next, at Columbia 0 iurt-House, between tile usual hours of sab”, agreeable to an order of the | Honorable Inf nor (I >urt of Walton countv: One 'Tract of Land in Columbia county, vii.g on Greenbrier Creek, containing ■315 Ac es more or less, including the Plantation ■ ami Mills—it being apart of the real estate of ,) I Ilonas'J Hies, late of said county, deceased, for 1 1 the benefit of the Heirs of said Estate. Terms on the day of sa’e. i William Booker, Adm’i. J October 25 1825 7 IS oticc. WILL he sold at the Die residence of Sarah Cariledge, of Columb u county, deceased, I on the 24 h inst. the remaining part of the pro ' | perty belonging to the estate of Elisha Walker, j I deceased, consisting of Land, Negroes, Household and - K; chen Furniture, Horses, Hogs and Cattle, to gether with a quantity of Corn, I odder and olh er articles too tedious to enu.otrate. lerms of sale ” ade kn ova on the dav. David Walker, Ex’r. X'WPmhfr 11 N once. \T INF. months after date, application will bt eN made lo tlie Inferior C mrt of Franklin conn ■y, when si ting for ordinary purposes tor leave b __ sell tlie Heal Estate ol Jacob Slrickla sd, deceased or the beretii of the Heirs of said deceased. Hardy Strickland, Ex’r. July 1,1825 lm9m A Edward F. Campbell, A ! Fhineas M.’ Collock, f LX E( i l,Tl - / el. al. ) South-Carolina, Edgefield District. IS N obedience to an order of the Court of 8 Equity, will be sold at Hamburg, South- Carolina, on the slh day of December next, on a credit of one, ttvo and three years, with interest from the date, all that Tract or Plantation of Land, lying at the junc tion of Horse Creek and Savannah River, |, and within two miles of Augusta, contain- i ing acres, be the same more or less. 1 iThe purchaser will be required to give j jbond and security with a mortgage of the , premises, to pay in cash the cost of suit i land for a title deed. • Whitfield Brooks, J Commissioner in Equity. , Edgefield, C. 11. f , t 28th Oct. 1825. { Ftd 38 ITJ” For the evidences of title and a 1 more particular discription of the land, up- ( ply to E. F. Campbell, Augusta. i Wovuiug tn V\\w V übVvtt \ < VLL persons are advised to be upon their guard against Uu. Elihu Lek j Cahtleuge, who has recently left an amia- r ble wife and three small children, and elo- i ped with another woman. He had been 1 employed by bis aged father (who is up wards of 80 years of age) to collect a sum t ot money, amounting to 2,400 dollars, all s of which belong to orphans ; which he has • embezzled and fled with, leaving a great many contracts and debts unsettled. He ( is about 29 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches t. high, of a spare make, very active, large ‘ nose, and a man of remarkable forward manners. Ii is possible lie may try to im pose himself upon some Christian Church, as he has a letter from the Baptist Church in South Carolina to join such others as he wishes.—May the innocent and uususpect i ing escape his villainy. Ajres Caflledge, James Cart! edge, jr. November 1 2t v 38 gC7“ The editor of the Charleston Cou rier, will publish the above twice (once an week for two weeks) and forward his ac-' 1 i count to the Post-Ofiice, Columbia Courl-I House (Ha.) fur payment. SHnojeA ov Stolen. j 4 T'or iuar the plantation of Mr. Jno. Ilartoii, L seven mil?» from Augusta, on or about ill 14'h ult. three Ca'tle, one cathea l Cow with ii <1 -ides, while back and belly and redhead—om bl. ck Cow with horns, a w‘iilc spit in W-r tort ''tad ami white spots on her rump- o ne calhtuil yt arling, with wiiite and red spots, a l marke' ■/ith a swallow (oik in each ear, and branded with a I! or Y not known which, as there wen two brands among tile stock. Any peison s e curing Said Cattle, or giving mfarma.ioo o them, shall receive a generous rewsul. Apply 1 to Jno. S. and E. A II h.t. Hid. Hagood. Hancock County. November 11 40 N oticc. 'Vj'INE months al’er ditto, application will be IN made t > the Honorable the Inf.-vior Court u Kichtnond county, wiiile silting for Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a Lo: in me City of Angus 'a, bounded by Elis and Houston streets belong 1 ing to the estate of Michael Silver), deceased, lot the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot saidesla’c Andnjw J. Dill, adin’r. Nathan Leeds, adin’r. in right of his -wife Alary Leeds, adm’vx. Augusta, February 11, 1825 l.nDm Notice. ’ 'VT INE months after date, application w ill be xN made lo the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Franklin County, when silling •or Ordinary purposes, for leave to sail the real Estate ot John Gettings, late of said county, do " ceased, for the heirs and creditors of said dc -1 ceased, John Lettings, adm’r. Anri! 12, 1835 1 87 j N otice. •V! INE months after date, application will In i’ Ln made lo the Honorable the Inferior Court ■ 4 Columbia county, for leave to sell a tract ol Land in said county ot 105 1-2 acres, joining Murray, Hay and others, it being part of the tea 1 slate of William Uinion, deceased r Peggy, Binion, adm’rx. March 15. 1825 tn9*m ”5 N otice. INE months attei date, application will be IN made to the Court of Ordinary ot Frunklh County, for leave lo sell one hundred Acres ol - Land, in said County, as the property ot Adam Linn, deceased, for the benefit oi the Heirs and Creditors of -.aid deceased. John E. Carson, adin’r. ) January 18, 1825 lm6in 03 r, N otice. [1 VTINE months after date, application will bt Li made to the Justices of the Interior Cour a. ->f Franklin County, wlieu silting fur Ordinary pin post), (or leave to sell the real Estate of Da vid Ciark, deceased, lor the; heirs and creditor. | of sa.d dr ceased. Thus. Mays, ex’r. ~j April 12, 1825 Irr/'m 87 t .j Notice. INE months after dam, application will b< ■ | made to the Honorable 'lie Court of Ordin J, try of llui ke county, for leave to sell die real E iale of Enoch Farmer, decea-ed, John Farmer, adm’r. Lurk e County, Feb, 1, 1825 lm9m 65 patent COTTON P11&S8. I'M IE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends . and die public in general, that lie has invented NTt\\ & useful .Maelvivit, Jor the purpose of backing; Colton into square Bales, by the power of a L ver. tic ting on a Fiiivum which drives the follow r that presses the Cotton into the Hu j. The power of this Machine is such, *'.ll from 450 to S‘JO p mods of Cotton can he p> eased in. (1 live yards of 42 inch bagging with considera ble eas , and in a very short time. The superior advantages of ibis machine are clearly manifest, that in addition to the small quantity of bagging required, f rslvch certainly is an 0 jeci,J 1* 0 bands cm with gnu ease, pack from eight In twelve bale. in one da}’, if the cotton is conven ient, by having mine a sistance in sewing, which is by far the must tedious part. Tile simplicity of this machine and its superior power aic great ly admired by mechanical artists, and in fact ail who have seen it. Hy a mec anical demonstra tion it is proven, that the power of the 1 ver and its concomitants are equal if not superior to any, even to ihe wedge if properly applied. I-loiu the high and frequent encomiums past on the invention, the subscriber is induced to of fer it to the Public as something worthy ot their immediate notice. Any person that may want, can apply I o die subscriber. The probable cost will lie PIETY DOLLARS, when all materials are found, .- nd EUafl IV, if not found. Patent Letters having been obtained from the Depart ment of Slate of the United Stales, all persons are prohibited from making or using the same without legal right. All infringements will meet with tne igur of the law, made am) provided in suc.i cases. Any mechanic that may wish to he benefitied by ih- invention, may by paying a very moderate sum secure individual c luniy or talc rights. Tim •so e is tiered to fanners and nil others. The s:e of the Machine is sixteen feet long, three feet -wide, and can be used in a house of six teen feet pitch, or brought so near the outside that the cotton cun ht conveyed by a tube from the Gin to the J J ress, Lewis Layssard. HnHfix, N. ft. Sent. 2* 18 15 14 p HO ami steam baths. »R. HOUEL, a French P iVdician, respectfully informs the public, that lie lias established SI HAM MEDICAL UVilKi m Augusta, i'he very 1 ig(i repute tbrtec Hath* have acquired 11 Europe, (although a late discovery) they are to be 'found in every hospital, mid ihe grea cares U.: y Have pei'ioruied in Boston, t’hi -1 l.ub'iptn*. and Charleston, can leave no doubt of I their erhaucy. . ;,e most gentle as well us the 1 ueat p,;vve-nut medicines are administered by mat | on-in-;, without any pain, trouble ordisg-ut to tke j j/iiUiHll. 1 They are a never failing remedy in all cutane uu, alien'.i -ns; from Psora, Ringworm.., uc. to ncal.ihead ar, I Lej.-rosy. tiny also have never - uiled c< £ timer acute or chrome rliou -1 m itis.n. In g andohtt ovsl-.sicdous,, auu -atcons, dropsy in ail diseases.ofThe joints, gouty fcffUtions dispersion of tumors, ill u-nwl eypodis, spa anodic or nervous affections; in alt bit.a-..', disorders, dyspepsia, hypacoiidriusis, apilfc,,cy—tin -i: L-aths have been lound most ser viceable, ami luveotte.ii succeeded eten m here ■btary complaints. la line, this manner of ad-nm- . -itornig almost eveiy remedy belonging to the - * icali.ig art, may ht 1 end . red applicable to ' . very vase, and (i, is icpcaled) with: at any pain,- .rouble, or disgust to the patient. "j Ah these halhs are not yol genro-wtly kr,.>wn Dr. flouKi. will be happy to give the most r<4 v ® pectabh: references to persons who have l et of curt d by takii g them. January II 5T NOTlLti. we A I’l'i ICATIOK will be mad:- to (lie /Amoral) £%. the i ivr*' Conn of Columbia County, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon day iii December next, for a 1 order tor a writ of distribution, to div do and lay oil’ the l*-gacy of Lands beq eatiicd James s X- rner, by bis fattier John Turner, decra.-ed, m his last will and Uala ment. Ad parlies concerned are hereby noti fied. Isaac lliyan. November 10 1825 40 JS otice. 4 LL persons having d mauds against the Es /tL late of Joins,;., late of Columbia Coun ty deceased, are requested la hand them in pro oerly attested agree ably to 'aw, and those indebt ed to stid Estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to the Executors. Isaac Willingham, } £*; Cornelius Jones, > K Thomas Willingham,.) p St—tt into i- 6, 1825. 8t v 22 NOTICE. ~~ ~ /B^IIREE months after date, implication wil be fi. made to tlie Inferior Court of Columbia County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for have to divide twenty' Negroes, the properly of James Martin, lute of sa d county of .vliicli the heirs living out of the county and Side of (i orgia, are respectfully notified of such application, i his 29tn day of August. 1825. Hubert Martin, Jidm’v. August 30 2'n3m 19 Notice. months aiter dale, application will he i, made to tlie Justices of the Interior Court >1 beriveo County, when sitting foi Ordinary I purposes, far leave to sell acer ain tract ol l.aud containing two hundred acres being in lire coun -1 ty aforesaid, belonging to the Estate of Caleb Howell, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of the said deceit - d. Mahala Howell, Jdin’x. .Tune 13, 1825, In 9m 103 THE FOLLOWING OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS May be had at thin Office, —to wit : MAURI AGE Licences, do. Bonds, Adminla 1 ration do. Letters Testamentary, do. ot tinariianship, do. <•( Administration, do. o> «!>• -'ra’nement, do. Dismisaory, Rccogniumcei, bu.i nos ■ »«, Bills of Sa-e, Powers of Attorney, da a 1) tds of Conveyance, Sheriff's Titles, it ti >• l i cences, Patroon’s K- ceip.s, Mortgages, A.,, pren tices’ Indentures, five. £vc. September 9