The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 29, 1825, Image 1

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ryamo nr "ft** l ******^mmtmwnnrr t,^^^xnmtvwmxrmmmmmmmmKtmmmmKmxmF: mmtamm » nm»\SLtf ;■*'** "WHrntw. I ? *■ (maw*;* jtiw.ji' -*■-.-Tjg xMzrr wrrr*-. .mu mwiVmmnmc ■’•—* •* »r-tr* «.r rryr ur ..wmjwit' “ Many of the political evils, under which every (Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of Ms real conslitulior »ml interests.” pUIESTt • NEW SERIES Yol. 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 1825. No. 45. Cfte <£cnstttiittanali#t | is PUBLISHED K.VF.HV TUESDAY \N3 FRIT)AV BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. man 1 age i?s ? nmt’i;. Tiy .Authority oj the Slate of N%tv- York. ' SPLENDID LOTTERY, so he Drawn in the City of New-York, m the 4th of January, 1826. AMD FINISHED I.M FIVE MINUTES. 45 NUMBERS—O, BALLOTS TO BE DRAWN. i-.ach Ticket having 3 Numbers in Combination. I. B. \atcs 8c A. AVlniyivj, MANAGERS. scheme of the • * can -lovk st*ata LvtaTatxuee 'J |J class 3, for 1826, I HIGHEST PRIZE S 100,000 1 prize of §50,000 is §50,000 1 do “ 20,000 is 20,000 I do “ 10,500 is 10,500 I 3 do “ 5,000 is 10,000 4 do “ 2,500 is 10,000 10 do “ 2,000 i* 20,000 39 do “ 1,000 is 39.000 78 do “ 500 is 39,000 468 do <c 100 is 46,800 4,446 do “ 50 is 222.300 l 5,051 Prizes, §567,600 ! 9,139 Blanks, Less than tiro blanks to a Prize. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole - §SO Quarter gl2 soi Half - - 25 Eighth 625 - I'hisis the most magnificent .Scheme Unit has.. ' V:: r been '*il jred for tiie of the rr.* ndsi at' Lottery advert tire in America. Tee small) ■ umber of rick; 1 s. rid tins unexampled deiuan;'.' ,* mcirt, (s a aulßcieiic warrant, that there will not be i chat:so left, for weeks before die daj- fix-; eti for the drawing, sal dial the price el Tick-1 cis will sh ally rise to §fi(J. 1 CC/’ Gentlemen are therefore requested, to he' early in their application, as ail Orders actually! mailed before ihe rise will be entitled to be sup- 1 plied it the present rates. Notes of tiie Hank of (he U. Slates and its! I’raiiches uiul. generally, the Notes of ail Uanksj mat pay specie, receive I at par. Alio, Mercantile Drafts at sight, cm any of the, large Cities, and Priae Pickets received ft’: : -; v in payment. Ad Letters to be post paid, r i he Mails may be relied on as being perfectly! . ife for all remittances. Vales & .MBiityro, U'asfuniflon Citv . October !1 IJI t 81 NOTICE^ 7jp IB Oo'wtiiees'i.') off). Famish & Co, « .1. Iswlvad by mutual c •on--q on tiie Ist da of July Use The business o i concern willl be closed by Pa man, Cokm- -v, Co. to whom alii ‘inlebted are requested in mik payment. Daniel Pai-isb, Jasper Corning, Parish, Holbiook & Co. , Vluv'h'ft’od. O't. 18 w 2in 84 C 5 >p a ft 7 ra k its ITi p fJWE Subscribe )>■■ formed a Cnpari - r-:~ SL ship under the firm of« VRISH, CORNING St CO. and w II transact business at the old stand j of It Parish & Co. whtre tlmy have now opepj 500 Packages Staple and Fancy i IDiiVf (fKDdHDSa" I 1 ’ if a Cnmpr sing a mtnulete assortment, winch will I be sold on favorable terms. I Daniel Parish, jf Jasper Corning, [, Joseph Kernochau, |f Thomas Parish. !' Charleston, Oct. 18 lw2m 34 !. notice; rjTIF, unders'gned have been appointed as | I. signees of Amhikw Low ft Co. of Savan nail, merchants, and of Isaac Low & Co. of Li 1 verpool, merchants, by deed of assignment bear ing ti de of the 11th of August 1825 :—All per sons indebted to either of the said firms on the 1 day of the date of said assignment or subsequent ' ly, are hereby required to settle the same with ns or either of us, (or with Mr. James Taylor, who is our authorized attorney) as we aie the only persons authorized to receive, and receipt for the same. Benj. Burroughs.) , . William Gaston, $ dssi S™™\ XT’ Th - Editors of the Milledgevdle R-corderl and Augusta Constn utkina list, will please publn h the i hove one month and forward ikleir bills to the Republican office for payment. Savannah, Nov. 1, 1825 J 8t 39 Eov Sa\e. A LIGHT BAROUCHE, and match of gemli' /» Enquire of the Printer. November 15 ' ({ , j' av.. iiuu a——mm——— - ™ DIMOCK & M , UiSH, .f&crrljant Catlor#, AT THE AUGUSTA No. 164, Broad-street. I *VK fins DAY HKGKIVEJ), FKIt THE LAST '-TEAM H()A| —hirge and fresh supply of — READY MADE CLOTHING, —C INSISTISO OK {ILCE and Black Dress Cna s, • J Coatees, different colors. Bine, Ul.ick and I'ancy colored Pantaloons, Blue and LUuck Cloth Vesis, Sdk and Fanny ditto, handsome patterns, Uang-np Pantaloons, Satinett Coatees and Pantaloons, Etc. All of ti,.; ah ve.Garments have been made of the latest New Turk fashions. Persons wishing in purchase, will do themselves the pleasure 10 i ll Kt die above store. October / 39 N'otAce. WIL LIAM KIB BE, , '|pAKt‘,S xlns opportunity of informing his trieud.-i A. and the public, (hat he has entered into Co parmership with Mr Jambs Wells, of Savannah, late of the Mouse of Xilhur., Hills (J Weils, for die purpose of carrying on me business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, //« the City of AugtMu, ■rwo IjOCHS BELOW THE OLOIIB TAVEII.V. ''itend keeping a general supply ■1 LLOIHS, CASSfMERES and COOTS, of all descriptions, usually kept by Mouses of their pro lession—and al tl,e “ H!rle time assure the pul). . no t,me "or pains shall be wanting to ■mu those who i.-aiy call on the Mouse Wells & Kibhe. October 11 .jj NEW t 1.0 l fUNO. s- ip- IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . CLOTHING, II !ilc h ,fl made up in 11 -workman-tike manner, and Bof the brst materials ; i.UE and DLvcX superfine Dress Coats. D°. no. 2d finality, I'l-ocir'n ’ ?** VS allt * Barsou’a gray mixed Hlne and Drab Bov Coats, Coatees of different qualities, Youths’ blue and black Coats, Cassirnere and Cloth Pantaloons, of almost any colour and prices. Sattined Corderoy & piime-bang-up do. Blue and black cloth Vests, French, India & English silk Vests Hiik Velvet - . . 3c. i Great variety of Fancy do. i 5-;.;;ri. Colton, Frilled and Plain Shirts, (some! very fine,) Knitted, Colton and Worsted Drawers, Worsted aid Lamb’s wool knitted Shins, ; Fine flannel Shirts and Drawers, Ladies’ Cloaks, Tartan and Cambiet do. Feanought great Ccats, Silk Umbrsl as, Boys’ ami Mens seal-skin Caps, Gentlemen and Youth’s Hals, Hosiery. Gloves, Stc. JU.SO, Mouse servants Coatees and Pantaloons, Negro Jackets and Trowsers. Check’d, strip’d, and coa-se linen Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, Red fl mnel Shu ts. THE JUiOVE GOODS Will he disposed of wholesale and retail at New-York price.!. No. 231, IinOAl) STHEKT, Three doors above the Post'Office October 21 <iA o‘L' % Card. A f’bN ! LEMAN who has filled, some of the ;.*■ respectable literary situations, in the United States, (as his tesiirnoniida, will amply at test,) would assume the management, <J H u Aca-i demy, where Midi a person may he required, or I accept, of a limited number of private Tuitions His instruction, embraces the full course ot Col-i legiate Education. And his references, will in I found of the highest, and most respectable order. Letters i post paid) addressed, to R. S. L. to the care of James Hahi-kii, Esq. or, Cupt. JiJhs • on, mick, oj this City, mil meet, itnlh due atten tion. Augusta. Ga. Nov, U, 1825 9t 43 VL Uraue, CONTINUES the practice ofH.e Law at Monti N cell ,°. Jasper Conn.y, where lie will punctual ly attend to any business confided to his care. H< d-o practices in all the other courts of the Oak nulgee circuit, and in several courts of the Flint md Northern circuits.-During his absence an *ffice W ‘ be leh t 0 atte " li to lhe business of his Monti cello, Julv 27 m tf 10 THE FOLLOWING iHantts, OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS May be had at this Office, —to wit:— MARRIAGE Licences, do. Bonds. Adminis. . tration do. letters Tesitumentary, do. of | Guardianship* do. of Administration, do. of y\p, i. rauement, do. Dismissory, Recognizances, Sub [tcuas, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney. Blank needs of Conveyance, Sheriff's Titles, Retail f i. jeenee*, Patroon's Receipts. Mortgages. Appren- Kices f. identures, &c. ■SO'JSXt 333fiA©ISX & HAVE JUST JH'CE I t’li J). I'I'XMS Fii )! no writing Paper 130 do ler Paper ( < few Heara* wills g It edge .) Wrapping Paper 5 Cases Spelling Rooks A few Firkins nrmu; Goshen Mutter (t ill'd Flour, Full ui market Ueef Northern Pickles in Jars. A 1.5(1 Stover ami P'nes of all descriptions H iiisanl Worms of all sir -s Brass and Cupper Kettles Sheet Copper and Crass Sheet Iron for (till Saws, &c. fkc. I November 22 41 4.5 | vv.vSls s> ij 83D® PRIME HAMS and MIDLINGS, ill •him received anti fir sale hy Thomas S. Metcalf. .150 Caslcr Stone LIME. j October It 32 :! ■ »; AND COMMISSION S VO UK, No. 325, BUO^VD-STREET. T*HE Subscriber conti'i ys to transact the AUC- S- TION and COMMISSION BUSINESS.' And' will make liberal advances on Consignments. . , A. Buss;. October 21 34' -j CIVET OX ¥ACT«LUGE. | The Subscriber OFFERS bis services to his ftlei.ds and the! public, lor recevingi selling and shipping 1 ! COTTON. His Counting Room is removed to! the Warehouse of Mr. W. It. ShelUn, near the Bridge. L. 0. Cmtelou. j ‘j November 22 I'*" ' | | stgrag j 1 AND COMMISSION BU. ESS. : I FBI ME undersigned begs leave to tender his ser-l , X vices to the publ.c generally, in the above! (line of business-he pledges himself to use ah <l,l - give personal attention, and to exert him [self to the best of his abilities to give general sat jisfaction and to promote the. interest nl all tuose jlhai may think proper to favor him with their on ,lom. Liberal advances will be made on all pro ,i bice committed to bis charge, either lor sale, ex 'ortation, or otherwise, and facilities 111 all cases \fwhen required J will be afforded; that but few lolheis in his line can crjnul, and none surpass. All orders will be lliankiuily received and promptly |altended to, * 1 | He has taken Mr. B. 11. Warren’s Warehouse iat the foot of Hie bridge, (belter known by the name ol “ Leigh’s Warehouse ,”) us situation be ,n jr diute.y upon die new wharf it thereby jaiiords pccu'iar advantages to shippers, !ic. j Ihe whole establishment having lately under j gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in 1 [complete order for the reception of all kinds oi 1 I produce, merchandize. &c. His close stores are .cleanly, s< cure, and perfectly safe. Win, B. Shelton. j. *'?• rhe only Tobacco Inspection in the city, is; also kepi at the above Warehouse : and for all 1 l obacco of the./oai quality, inspe ;ted here during l' ,ie f" sum K season, 1 will give six dollais per hum area, and in the same ratio for the more inferior .quid.lies. W R. S. September 20 25 ViV .M Vi h IVMiE ,! and Co mm issio n B usiness. M his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and' . s prepared to make suitable advances upon all I >reduce placed in his hands lor safe. John Everingham, ir. NOTICE. APPLICATION wdl be made to the 7/onorsblel : the Inferior Court of Columns County, jsitting as a Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon-L jdav in December next, for an order for a writ °f distribution, to divide and lay off the legacy of! Lauds bi q.icathed James S. Turner, by liis father! iJoh ii Turner, deceased, m bis last will and testa , Jment. Ail parties concerned are hereby noti fied. Isaac Bryan. lj November 10* 1825 40 N otice. 4 LL persons having demands against the Es < ■. tate of John Junks, late of Columbia Conn I •y deceased, are requested to hand them in pro 1 Ipeily attested agreeably to law, and those indebt ed to said Estate, are r< quested to make inune I abate payment to (be Executors. Isaac Willingham, S Cornelius Jones, i H, Thomas Willingham, j 2 | Septemhfr6. 1825. 8' e 22* 'j *** Mmck-The subscriber iresum-ts the practicjs or thk law, ami may for the present be con-ultcd at his Dwelling, on Ellis |3treet. Robert Raymond Reid. i November 15 ft q; j B! .. CJiSMITHING- , J. F. BEECHER. J (2.J I'll ; 0 /-’ NT. wTO n K, ) RESPEC .FULLY informs the inhabitants of this and tbs surrounding country, thai he has taken tue Ulacka.nith Shop, on May-Street, opposite the steam-b->at - dice, sad shoo was for merly occupied by J,Danforth. This .-hop is now I [open for the accommodation of all those Iba l arc! 'pleased to fav »r it with their custom. Hors.* shot J ing, will be done with the greatest dispatch.— j I ullv aware of the injuries done to horses In! had shoeing, I have determined to take lhaij branch as much as possible, upon myself. Lastteel tools of all kinds, made and repaired;, in the ncitest manner and warranted. | City and Country work, executed according toL ! order. j *be subscriber lias for the two last years, been;, employed in a steam boat factory, where all kinds; ( ot heavy machinery was Manufactured, and can! ( wi It confidence, offer himself to the public fori, .the execution of different kinds of Machinery I j '—"’ill tv ill receive every attention. Rely-Ji !ing on the experience I have had for the last ten! | years, in firs; rate shops, I consider myself au-fi: thorised, to offer my services for any work that! can he manufactured in any shape in this vicinity 1 That share of patronage that shall be offered.! shall he treated with grateful respect. November 8 3 m T 39 (HgticuUwM i The. Subscriber Unit constantly on hand, a large assortment of Wood’s Patent, Freeborn, & Law rences, the light Scottish and other PLOUGHS. —ALSO— P general assortment of I All made under his own direction of the best f j materials, and most approved patterns. Robert Philip. 1 One door above the Planters' Hotel, 1 1 November 1.8 t t 37 i, TO RENT. I JbA ONE Tenement, two storv 1 |||j|L Budding, lately occupied by Mr.l, 1 Christopher Low, 011 Broad-street, immediately above the Flamers’ MO-1 uh, ..tiier I’enement next the Gullv, a 1 bote Ar. Vlorance—also several one story Tene-l Imentson the opposite side of Broad-street, im jmeeutely above “ Colton Range"- Pos-essionl !ur to' lmme, ialC y- ,y 10 Mr. James Harper,j; r ... E. F. Campbell. 1 | mivember 15 gt 41 j - - ■ 1 1 TO BE RENTED j On a Building Lease, I* I HREE Lots, fronting Walk- * er and Watkins Streets, opposite to! jUUH t,le Callmlic Parsonage House. The( I L “ ts each other am! will bell c-t separately <t all together, as may he desired. 11 Q W. W. Holt. a September 2 2 (i TO RENT. " p !?gg!l AVo convenient Dwelling h Ilouses a n(l Lots, situated on Reynold-street, near the residence of Anselm Bugg, Esq.—Poe session given on the first day of October next. ty'Pl.X 'lO G. Dillon, j September 27 27 ToiUhrvr, j 7 it From the first day of October ‘® next, tor one year, the House and Lot 011 M In-Ip tosh-Streei, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives.l„ Apply jo Robert I). Ware or to »Vm. W. Holt. jp Susan B. Ware. |r August 2 11 is! NOniT. I ALL those who are indebted to (he subscriber,! I will call after the 20th inst. on Mr. WilliamT jSmith, junr. who is iluiy authorised to act as my!h attorney. u F. Dupont. s The store he now occupies might be ha I from 11 (20th until the Ist October next, on inoderalt [terms I November 15 fit 41 JS*otice,. XpHE subscribers have connected Vhcmselvc -I i in the practice of the LAW—they will uni 1 Itormly attend all the counties of the Northern j Circuit; and the county of Franklin, of the Wes * tern Circuit, one of them will he genet ally found I* at their office in Klberton, wh re they will take! 0 pleasure in transacting the bus ness of those wh> may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the I s ' Law. I John A. Heard, " Thomas J Heard. j January 1, 1825 57 a NOTIGR I Agency of Mr. (hum,ns S. Bakkh, hav " . ing b.-en determined y the principal, tin undersigned.—The business will hi r-'alter b. | .conducted in the name of the Subscriber, and j jail persons indebted to the establishment wii I 'make payment t) Ovill A. Rukkiuck, who ie,n [duly autlmriz’d to adjust the concerns of 1 < '' business, lat. lv carried on under the superin [u tendance of Charles S. Baker. Den. Long. j“ November 18 42 Vm\vrtlvmia Fur s«/« at thii Office, ■ mnw I I - iTT-THniWHMilllUT’— — | mii.w llW—m IIIIT . NEW ARRANGEMENT For Dispatch. Augusta and Savannah .MILL STARE. Through in twenty-six Hours. public an; respect Cully informed that the , vJi':)|)nt*u rs o! the above line, feeling' every disposition to render it ,the most desirable, have determined to pin through from Savannah to An gn ta in i wenty-si- hours, leaving Savannah at 5 0 clock, ./. It. and Augusta at 8 o’clock J). M. bey art provided with the most careful and ex perienced driver-, that Stages comfortable, and the horses superior, in short the whole arrangement is such, that they anticipate universal satisfaction for seats, apply at the City //otel Savannah and at Hie (,lobe I avern Augusta. Gillii-rt Loiiffstreet, ) ~ Wm. shannon, •hignsta. George Milieu, Savannah. vie "' s (,f the mercantile community in the fullest extent, the time of and - val and departure is such that letters can he an swe red the same day. November 11 40 mail stare, f-fAS commenced running on the first Octo , , ~i J - er 'r Ai>ply l< ’ r seats at the GLOBE TA- V LUN—Fare litteeu Dollars. October 4 2(it 29 Mrs. AtUuw VlutcUvson. T AKKS 1,113 °l>portunity of informing her tnends and the uihlic in general, that her SOiaDDIL recommenced on MONDAY, the 14th hist, in Washington street, opposite Mr. Miuou’s, where she is willing to receive a limited number of pu lerms of Tuition the same ns during the * “ preceding- winters. ! Four young Ladies can lie a-c immodated ■ u 1 board, , h i In addition to the ornamental * * nr *' q " n ' A 3 : i ,U “s hi4 “'!'» instruc. t Work acrnr l "V* J SO ,ven * n ,^ace «n<l point now oraeHn t most “PP'-oved methods practiced m New-\oik, and in Scotland. "‘ tSC bran CheS ’' n,reeD ol- I * Vtmg ladies not belonging to the p’Chuol may be instructed at 6 Dollar p f r quarter' lours of instruction in these branches, made known at the School-Loom. November 18 42 R~ Mrs. vv altlTaul fcSPEC J’FULLY informs her tnends and the young Ladies of Augusta that she will com mence giving lessons on the PIANO FOIM’E and in SINGING, at her residence—or in private families as may best suit the convenience of the pupils that may be entrusted to h r care. dj I erms moderate, and made known on an phcation at her residence. Keyn dd-s.reet, first house below the Eagle Tavern- October 21 •» DANCING ACADEMY Mt. T. B. FaywUe’s «c\\oi . MIL F. wishing lo u. vote ms wh ne mie to Jus branch 0/ Education, request those Parents who wish to confide Iheit hildien t. h s care, to make immedial. appl cation, having ma oy new an elegant DA VCDS, that he vvi-iu-s to teach his Pupils. Mr. F. will attend as lisual in private Families, an 1 Seminaries when ca led for. For further particulars, npp‘ v at Mr. I IS La riTTEs’ next door to Ur I’urpi.,’s store, Broad street, MUSIC LESSONS. MUS. T. it FsYOi.EE, ili for the en courage incut heretofore received, inform uer tnends and the cnm-nuniiv, ihd she con'io .l s giving It s, the I‘I.LYO t'OHTK and : S7’ : M7V// am rm Mrs, F teaches'h r „ tlm art of singing m the newest style. Ap 3*y ns in 111 •ah >ve advertisenn nt, N vember If! q, n DANCING school. MW. CAUiMViSNWj, RESPEC ITULLY 1 form? the Ladles and .en. tleiiien ot Augusta and us Vi-.inuy, that his Dancing Schorl is open, anil wdi conii to b 1 * open through the -< a son.-Days of I muOn are ■n Tuesday evening, (rum 3 i.’c.. ;k, mud huh setting,and Saturday Jiornlng,from 9m 12 o'clock. I bore will be a practising Ball, tor the Scholars 011 y. - very fortnight ,11 Saturday evening, from candle light until 10 n’rl' ck. His night Sch ml will Hike place on Monday md Wediienlay, Ir m 7 o’clock, in the evening, '-util 9 hi Green-Street, usual Room. Mr. (i has opened a subscription list for Cotil on Parties, which will be on Tbur day every r night. 1 November 15 4t 41 £> We are authorized to an luttnce Atssr.M Hum, E-q. a Gan indite lor Siic • If of Itichrnond County, at the election in Jan 1 ry next. October 18 12 t 33 t>* We are authorised to an lOllnce Ilot-i.ANn M 'l TIIK, Esq. a Candidate (er he Office of Sheriff of Hichtnood Crnnty, at th . rnsuing election. October 25 3i