Newspaper Page Text
l -lited> Slain’ Cummisaioneru,
'■ iLattO'i li Ihi lu'.t Tfniy conduit nil by
then iviih the Creek Indians,
- r. ■ ,■(,*! f>* s ";li h oourv** »r.;>v l»*f •tea'- h«*d
i, ami o In- apolog are gi 11 Jj
.1 i J, wlieu we look t > ill - v-lar.e aid cu--
tu no * of ini Wnan he arrived
i >kin Arrow, wc can assure bun that he iw
v soil and cli'date extremely mfavoravie to tip
p'i> I, limos irii h. M.s dealings were w.ti,
thoac sv Ia i» *,t >'». l chsrg;,’ Uiomselvra. I was for
tlis council (line co,ivied to account tor the
'nitrsyfe iviuclr orci ,m ■ 1 the commotion, and
m - u.;i*ihers ot such council had long been un
der (lie Ot-dsg.* n) others wio Wei not In-e from |
im d .i;iii,i. I'li v w -. lift: illy, i ndnale tr- 1
l it.i.i , ■/ ft,. si, file v had rnurclerc ■
y Mcl.i- >•■ .. and were n>w to an-wer for it. Tito'
y ;<» i.t 11 ite ih v the n *lll thia dcciuioh t*i. ■ that he
had ip ■ pc, cu>;i t' • la' >i, of .swathe grot;: '
. •■■l />,• 'hoin ahorily pr ;v, .•.in, w»*, tnat the!
pi-iapec; o( aam .-.y o in d Is mis, before i
■in • 1 mli"d in the f ... • tirnilucuj in
i liryM of nPlt-IC 1 ■ y ciis'ress(ll) By i
• ' and-, Although v are < niiratl dory,
ue- ;ii'(,.osed the tr. «ty "did. 1 1 s solemn rntifi
' • >ti as o Julher, and ton g iveruni nt agout,
•li mid h .ve biro conclusive ’Vi lonoe id its valid
tv. I hut l ian ex parte procedure then, its lorce
should hare been considered questioned •>■<.•l its
ncgoli f ora i s impugned, displays at leas’, an ea
sy nemllily, lea llnyp » on,,elusion-, obvi us l / in
jppst. ITe lurtliei prot’iiuilmgs o 1 that cn" ci,|
ev.iico still Oi-iec plalipiy i dipiproprielV nndl
iapifii.r of the e-mis- pm i-,1. A cbn I', that is foj
try, an Indivi urepnred fir the pu * •■•id dec
♦»| «le I ■ r 1 1 ., p with the. oi i ! oi the Inie 1
. ' p rp
?rcsspp>n, ippi.e-a statement, v ii'Ot a e; cmn
niissi nnrr pres, it oilpi ■ p nxpo-n as f*l«<; sh« j
Id. r is reject'd, aid credo.tee is given to th.
sUteniTi’ •’ugo ist ill'* r.uiigregafp 1 world ■’ 12)
li !■• snlph: Vi; t- "1 T'lt.l, seeing lliul hi s dfi.i'.-'a
tin os timl such leadv access •<> tin f.f lings •»«*'-
e i lid in dd'..-, only acknowledged hc rer re
solves to push his success until he should again
b■" on i i ■dling of the suit, of which In tie 1 '
dream I til!, in.* hoi been uo ■ .vfnlly dspri-j
• "J, ( IVC-< utle pi" to ‘ aeii mi ila! UP.d. 1 ■
h • iipi'O ip, ,n. uiaotoi * f ft>r uim” -- s nrs - ’ tip j
Tpipl i ’ til:*, h would 00l fill toi ld a s ; 1.. r
v'.ii r.iHil l die sino gl ie rumba of
Ins fmners '.tf.uJ, la/ diwo at thr onisiefa ul 'lie
dices and tn« u o tip ;-t mid With i s hi'iirs-
Wi! i ,i! • neral Qxim lasted **experience ol
twenty i'» vtn nth. v cofsui sold siulMi'ro In
■ ■ ,i- in "' i : the j
vd n l r.tion of this •’dint'ti^uitibedchieftain,”]
i He now rrCogirzei'this c mil-1
■ S. 'll.: (jrei.'k N item" ■ eoa : CsUy aletf '•> I
Mi i the oil. r party, ft. iiUlft tr* a' y tusking J
par y —calls it, not more than one fiftieth o.‘ j
.-i atiou” attempts to depreciate Ur treaty b> |
saying of it, 'no matter bow oVaiucu"—-and ti j
iially, in the ov< rft iw of be levoience, exprease-j
r hope, “ that Mir »|i|)p Is of llie chieftain wd f
not be disregarded.”(J i' I’he infornriatio.i son j 1
its comu itarias re rep rled to the gtnrcro !
jii -tu, uid : c determination is iminfdiaicly lu
li-’h ' refer the treaty, improperly burthened a I
is, to the consideration "! Congress. If we
"jr’V'Vjf' .1) •• the report of Oners) (laities, foutt
seftiwa*Bßii(£'.< he (idle of »n Indian, as being tht j
t mid of the r -lefenee •»! th tr "ity to Con
gress thru have ve u ; ready shewn, from tin
mart civ inistam • ■ p( the ease, tne tinsuhatati
ted fonodipti i i as such a r"i'‘r< ice. it psr !'
advenlore the C/mval iris fortified and nccoin
.;upd his* opiivon >, . iMi.'-s and lep.rl, with, 1
Other farts awn from the hoi!) of the Creek j
nation, lipfu w. proceed to shew that uni ! si,i <
mu ne.pi i'ad 'rust com- in a shape, 1 Iras' 1;
ijneslvruible. gr>.-ai tfu" on the part of tin- f
Hr 'ki II t now ClPllll' »n lof 111' Sf- who irl ml
e nsen mtk di*-in, h* b.-p- to tu nish ■ (
i if* !»Pv skill;; In ■ ■ Sortie of
nc,.i. .-up:,, i> 1' < ■ •■<•. ir knowledi;
• - 1 ,. i. .. • "..suit, ••• e.i.e'hne <•••■ n he
' hid*;. II .'stiinooy hs,' ,fiii-.-eih i ’
ti'iuii i ,i e.'si aullioritles io t ie trrrtturv. ■ |
ho uu, • , or nr tiu '.i g, til' ilu'i ' j
,•■1 , - 1 . i ,v,:. it i: i« but the tr, noiiy • ' ■ I.i
implirnteJ for tiioii* o;)posiiiou to In-treaty,j
b ith •!•<! an 1 since is conclusion, and there j
fore me * "it he •.•..•mu’, jf 'merest, ft'
ihc at ‘ i "i o' ■'i*■ ft*. iilitsionat »•!», Smite
and t i,> if are reti * on, evt.u ‘y arc no’ '
• • i" e.' 'he imputation of pet judice »n< ,
, p ry . If Indian i ountrymeil have jp'fi
■I. n it fti ni nre relug**' ** from'
A' v• up the s 'i'-.'! clepeiideni upon it ;
«*■* ms • * y-.’ll pr vib s e ol . . >y. k a de-l
it el hit . Hoi ip t the evidence li«l« been!
,1, v, -i *' OPT, i 1 , , ,'U ' - fill f’ -'
e , rent , ■ ->!!(-, .a_i possibly ullUJi'" j
i rt i toon n '* ags u. ■ ' . > ug" tv ;
i. jrf I•' " e •ft I'd; • 'tie Id - >o! ling ’
,h , 1 1 * * conelm- -ns . I i it u; , air io |
u favir i.e mu' »■ *mi -> ssoinb!, conthtde 'hat!
h, r.unifi 1 to-i, p- it, fir has fitn'e 1, that I
i .•• •* U »’• :• .'V e- ■ ’ , p"' * .i ” ■•wi '
.i ,ot . "o’ i part it ~/■ > .Vullsri. l'll> 1
i rii ' I'’™, a * i ft..- i recta is div
a, ,1 tv four in;. ~r mai |'„. r , th ■ iel
ill- ■ *1 ' I .hvtdv mo villages Avibm-j
i• •' ”• ' * ■ s.l l:> !»•’ v <: :« j i,', ■ j
dd e uo"" "i o’ s>i Indian cnunctl. f
hi •* ■' '■' .y on /, . , i;/>■ nut ::n . nl\
i i i rifM of ter:..ry ,ih\;/i /; j, .
Cil'T ns W; ,■ uijgotiatlUg, a ii V. t:
1 ,t * i iii hr th.- -iniv;
: mi- pi - ii ir " : I hi, lour otignta
p- - - si ■ Cow tl i, Cioisitiih, Ostveciiee sod
( ii- ■ <■ vetuh coirnino'et-s oi (Ik
C, i i m,. " ' : i ii> ’ow die Broken Arrow
~ , vei n. i- Its ivt st f"wards the AhtliHu- -
, itii net* iiirtiiwst'diy to the Clterv
*.;tr, and wiilt t . . line to Sandtowu on
; ,h 0.-'ipc. I hits much (’ iwe’.uh includes
i |OI i! .. rt,- -i, a pmti-m where ■ is
pmahrmis. The same town eomiiv-n
n> i eiisl o- Gliiitahoiie.'iec ' - east wart
i. f- .. . * ' i- and thence io the head of that.
1 tluni-'e witii the wliii* settletiKms, to ('hat
■ i-e.-. Cosseujh is immed ,'il\ h-jimv Cow
ctuh ru'-nii'g from the Klim H cro • die ( lists
ii -- t-e into the sn, -1 Jp«< ; in tne Vlalbatn.p
hoi ■ , In in’' do'vu th.- ut (or quantity.-
ftiictial . » 1 Ucltee ir-- the only other tribe.*-
w i the li 1 " 1 • t . .irgia, Tliv ft’" as titilv
ri'i'pes -nted a the treaty, and the . s ter is con
, de.-ed -is h 1 1 p*i■ lis I>■ !-. t - luviog up , ittiorilV.
e: ea d I’ *->knunatch •■/ mod noon t|i
~i ims aeKlem- nts Ihe .mii ap -i n
vi lie litter fe i -vers.-d u rii<* i ,-atv to ftp
*' i 'ii, ■ut > part ri t'oolcsubatohi ■ is ceded.—
t . .i: th'.* g igtaph,, a, tin,,, ,ou , i rp s i
t l ’e ,evi ral 1 >wnt to he Mifliei -ully e rrtc,\i
shsli proceci in c q-.-.p* wltai portion of ■h« a > i
v a v presru'K'i. I !.» In imit Agent d ,Clare
o' ir ot f> » s . t i itat . h tr« ■ a
* " o i ll Mb a , aril - ....’*.
'• n. G.» tea s.t » t si |t w.iv e i ude.i “ ■'
■ i lit nr ll oi t.' iwt .oil.” Vic >k.j tto
1 gran.- .din will deny th’t the town of
Oowr■ was represented at the treaty. We
Imit th i the whole town were the adherents of
I Intosti, and then remark that a treaty “ sign
hy Mcfntosh and liis adherent* alone,” the
oweluhs. embraces more than one fourth of the
en i’ni ~ amipiif i/niion of the whole Oreelt na
-1 ‘ion. I’he tlitchateea, a tribe not attached to
do weft h or Cusetuh, but of considerabie territo
y (ind population, were represented by tfieir
lead cfiiefa, and signed the treaty, Kven this
ni"*rmih. < of our iorces seems very satisfactor dy
j i ro .-, back the ~ !ium of the expression **iif
-,le tree. ruki pg n.uty.” Uut ws proceed fw
• h if- uu ; "t that nincb derided pa y, and
iip .p propni ti-m that it increases the bo.,s
--’ < I ** (jreek nation” which intends to “ die a
; nong the tombs of their fathers,” will he necet
■ [ssrdy diminished. We rejoice tha* we are ena
bled to diminish it so much, for humanity would
Or grieved to see many of the sonp of the forest
laying down at the corners of the fences ms
jniiiing tip* groom) wit" theqr 'lie , ' while
‘houi.inda of the same i i were exalting in
'heir prosperity, in a delighuul reg ■ non th-:-
fanadian fork ol the A k nisa,. I . our numbers
'hen, already formidable, v - -- ' > numerous 'c
"i. entati m from the ol.t sod evifi.aivc town of
' ; •* letoh. These were there and “ took the m'.* - .’’
■p we shall hereafter shew, anti mo are not only
wnVnpr but proud to be considered of :I,J ** liftlel
| treaty making party.’’ *A'e yt.t conaidt tltem as
jof the treaty making party, a itlie ** adherents of 1
Mclntosh,'' am’ associated with the Cuwetuh*
and IJitchatees, claiming uu; occupying much
greater extent of t.*rrit«rj than within Ctel
limits of Georgia. Bu’ as tin tr>- d- !■»» -•■ i
beyond the Oem/ps hioi'o Irry. .• may i. ■ beam a
to shew the motive which ‘ *: t' nvh.-tcl
m fltt. < uy a por* v■. , min. It I
hi-' been shewn, that !: (p .mmi **.i . f
jto na extend considerably w • in** limit- * j
tha* r ate. This « .-If . -i ieit reason 1
ivh;- ive ■ liould inc'.udi ■>, . ;; portion of j
Ins iiiloeated territory vim'.b; - • r.'ason iiowe I
jvp'*, u.,t h 1 plans!liie, on-; vis in it, - fr< t, tviit,
of .fi .j.xt.:<n ” ,okn vatcl-.-f li" '■■ . re: *
eigl t only, . i .ssion, b- v i c* the
were from I’- os iha'chee prope:-, »nd one from]
I'abide;,* dtpuiation. who -u if" ' eaty. —!
'tut ’it:' r ic,len. - ')f caf ' ■ ut vvcil havi
T-eit omit *.! ,| otilv *v ,ve, vo iiP iM- ip the sn
perior an t ~ior< ... vaditi,, ‘-.-f ft, .' .a. nle-l!
vith .1 rtu .1 cm '. ,i, . rrbtl 1 ' 1 '.*’»(* 1
(erlj o-p-i /< vl, which ns y‘ t n the exer
| .' ..1.. < .tit tin '
;i’ ■ ti■ ' . ; .ig-’s nation. We k: "W n) o"j
• :ir *i -ti. > rale, ttiat ii. de ; I’erti'ivr ivt j ’
[lie rofif.r: ivet n■■ In an Indtßn nine.l • u ,
rule always pr,- ,~i Ail-.hiefs of the n-''on hadj
been invited to at ter,d, (14) hundreds d"i attend, i
ft/ and with the advice and consent ol the Gnv-|
i.n it' 1 t, ,r.d the i • wn Agent, ail •;'otrt v.;
.A.. Indian- present,, ,-pt <i. tit assented to. *
| vv' te willing to sign » treu y. It in>y possibly be;
jiiisistedby so n,, flu* the Cu -tuln should be I
I stricken from the estimate. General Gaines .'
I very confident “that an Indian in aunctl r,e"crj
llies.” These Indian:, in count -1 ai>ree'! ’ a sea- 1
| non and ■«. and lent hat an 1 liai
having once “ tftk.m he. tm*. * never retracts, ---i
We .ncludc the Ciiisi.-tults, •- riglttfully us wo do
! tie lament; i Mclntosh. They had consented a.*
poleiunf) ,id as b<iM(f as* be— they wec« as ob
• nox-'ius •* tassfiinAi'Uii ;<s he, inti nefthf i were
1 nifty of I glier crimes than * .stemmmg a tor -cm j
jot corruption din-.racefnl’’ to those wlu* bad
long ami earnestly liciu them -ruei de'- ■ j*
Wear- Brnpibh that the niatomeui* , .ft 'defti, 11
i'tfit iurmshed, wdi nve to undergr, a c.aupMi»oti\ l
with some ,»( (host heretofore furnished by C n.
ti. ics upon llie amt subject. We despair ul
I’livutcing ihn General himself that h.i ive been
dec, ived and betrayed into error ft, it i ’ro!*'
,l)le that he would rely upon the c lence v, I»poI»
1 1*■ ■ h»* acijnlrod, not only again 'n , L>.
he cruigtvgati-d wm! : ’ One c<uiK>>)at ; .ou .» .i«l|
jHi i.s. that th:; trial an rot, iemnalion to - .nftij
jlse * i Sfbjftci’ed ’*ifc tre-« end our-wivt-s. hasj
n -**n timlrr st ■]> if Milbo'i . and that 1 rC
tr, >/rotate t ,na! art sii-tf ■ ■ ,em wit: what
i* Itavi iin to, the ard of jus ,r.,. tVe
rot a' a, ."St 'f m -ker of m*. vd* gat ton
■••flich tfliTC apl-.-'t ;' Il IV-' Cm'dllCT'd. — j
ft ltl» s due p.-rtir ■ ! ppe .n; tlienisel .-ti an- 1 ,
, iirnished w ■ ,-j < 1 detra tion v.!tic i|
jiht* iir-.c., 'id ~\ profligacy :ontained, <>r it.-i
k i.-pt •■ 1 .* r.i, -ie ,-v pet!,-*ps esteem ti j
I -> ’ft in', lha We have- nut been compelled to
. iv-lte % visit lit Wa' ;r gl n under the escort ot s[
| mi’itary, or Indian chief- Wo bad a right to ex-j
i >ect, tai -ii the exerci* of that high at ite otj
>:»r t« wlft-.-h the General lays rlaim. those who j
■ stand high as honorable men,” would ha " es ,
■ aped an alt -k. tty aystenoua aliusiotis nod c f
| vert intimukiions. in th. iiighest tons of ’>'d, ;
1 'iai;'*n nc i' pro;, pt t • repel ike ftyt.'v i.isivt
. ,nn of ini, ropri.'ty in himself--the Cl r-r *■
! ■ nr If he dispcy rd.s that, then «'*’‘|
i of ciiivaliy ought to ,j ch ium “ to <'■ ■-"* ■
: "Thors as be. would they ihoubi in unto hint,” j
the AteiHT'iti’p' stility In us is :,t pci*;.-i pc: ,
v- I . ■ , pbe- 1 ,:,i ;t..■lu '.!' ■ e I
| -I,* . -tai dy mu ’.■■* iifipriisTi', :• the great)
i 1 i,.:i pul.- -■ ,f ti.* . lmini.-tw ion, o; i
. vat I • i an »j
, propriate unruory beyond the Misnissippi; a po-,
hoy worthy f 'he disti'igu abed •>* . stor
j li'.'ti it i.rigin-i'i .. j* . *i of hi' . v,n*
zealously labor ; ■ *y it into ” ot
I fb : - policy an-iuld mee mm. *1 ailvoca 'etui
;."g sii does to the p e u rvation and nut
j i v * sons of the forest,' it I to th-.* growth,
j pm-periiy atn l safety of •he liiioi - Mur car. u.
1 !-e ign.n'anl d the so,c n obligations of the .’n
jt I States remove the Indiana from the bin .s
‘ tieorgi:' Still le-s can he b . ignorant of the
vi'caled unauccsßSful etVxrta us the Federal Go
vernment l > ii'Tituit itself of this obligal n f'lie
. macs of failure must al o he known ft* him.
• ’f., • are pro -ipally to be found in the subtle <«
, viere of the ,*:J interested ard ,'n c.r rotating t of
■ n I philanthropy over .hr condition ot *' untulor
..■in" Whether the policy which has been
’ rov'oiiunenJt'ii, will, or otlgln *o he pm sued "V
, , c present adniiu.stri’.ion iued not now be in
'v(hr d 11 tar »r satidied, 'dial the course
‘ 1 : ~ in will not be the littn
Cep. i.. a, and > Its., “<)',«./ has iec.'i d re”
I* limit ’’ .%• tic,” evet; though the c.'int
■l ;,ienc * nin ~ *• untutored man'* may hi
! lepnvcu m -ppurtuni y ot d ing " among
die lom'jH e 1 n-.* i i.tiers.” It is pos*-ible that th
I General m«> " - * tne ability to give a ti roper
•*1 -aplsntiioii of , *C’ -duct t.> ihoat order a host
Authority 1,,, ha* c < ■; but fie 1 ml be f-'tobl*
• at it ■■ dl r ■ quire fro n him a very different
■ i *.o use. ’*.i.,.ty the people oi G-'ort.i.* that
nas not b< fi ■ i -a feeimg ailvcrsi i
ftteir j ,1 heat intei" ■ a
i f, r.i-.i . ,n re ininutely to tin ,i»- of !■<.
njftfv k. ■ iii n, and in r*l. " r r -tils o'
|wh ell it is c pp'tipua -J, v*-p nhii'., irl v vuppli
i 1 with tin means , ',,;mft,g t.»r Jill .mmp. .
Ij-.f (■ d-oni'-g traily ot .lie podiu ni wT ;,t
i .‘riT ;..k> n. and of fiofv-ag • pming nr/ptertet
■ mvipoi , Hie lal<- treaty !’li sc vho .ire ‘Oil
:. ~. . h han affair - ) i tin
i r-n-nt ■•'. Ution of tlmv, will c is, "t
j*ivc bow p, -it an , flue ■ * I Agents c!
j ft, ftp. b's must oascss o'er tic tribes a
u [mohg which tiieyi reside. An nt deri
I sequence From the very fact, that he is a man o
ea superior race, sufficiently important among hi:
t fellows to receive the ippointmeiU, His otiicia
- power etuMes him in a thousand ways to msk.
his favor desirable ; and this consideration doe.
e not more forcibly affect the Indians than the wniti
- men settled in their territory. Whatever train
a or lucran/; employment the latter may pursue
. is materiui'y affected by the agent’s patronage 01
r discouragement, and they become Ins ready am
s effic - t in-grume its of operation on tneir sav
, age neighbors, whenever he deems it espedien
■ to withhol hi . direct interference. These re
marks*i. »t !t if as foa. p va. ified in tl - Creel
I 0 - i a nong any ether aboriginal community
. in the United S.Kes, t . lit i-ot be d übied by
. men of competent information hut that in sin;
tribe a great if not predominant power ie at pre
. suit exercised by John Crowell the Agent* Thus
I Criplett the Sub Agent, Hatnhly the Interpreter,
i VValltei the Sub Agent lately removed, and Ten
. rv and Thomas Crowell, brothers of I tint eng*,;-
; ed in Indian trade. The influence of ail, the x
i gent concentrate; in his own per; >n by Ins supe
; nopty ,f station, which renders the others sub
: servient. To wha* legi<.-<> this liaaffn* --.led ntcy
>t infc red from its cV-cl o the 'bief Melt’
f tosh the strongest md boldes ~ •.
de igi -of bis Agent. An extensive profit#,
■ olj trafic find been r some time pros-.cuted by
rj'hf brother* of the A- -nt, n, which i)e In ;,-idt
tl■ ever v. LI, bn Itad no part-pa -
[(Mclntosh innrii: • d term netl to engage 'icon,
< I niece, a white man iiarnvd dtin.-on, who Itad mar
itried bis sister became the conductor of the bn
; I sinew, either n »he • ipaci> y partner •■* cle h
| I ■' :«!>'■ situ o pri incur* m
■ pred's of the Crowe 1 is, W
■jlhtr t!i . C ; ;uif»t»rvr . :r i.,;d in- ■ 'J-• : oi
: t. it •; »-. i. tv- i, >i il, : « arrcsW..
; v * viof* i. ».< the regislit: :ig i.iiun ntcr
•nr . , M .toafc-nterr , ed, gave bonds foe tj.e
, 1 'pj-narmte, -if ‘hlii , > . federal Court i.r-d
lin end imp ; tv prevailed.— Vht e ,- .
cee-iinga prodncoc ,n. Aility between (be par
.'tea, which ■* flier al’bcicil *o c inceal 'those
•ho • Hue- (li- i. an-,*, , h the Orceva .n
■ ■ Irk. -or v-;i , apprehend 'now this
ijqttdfT I attache . die -.lahnia portion ot the tribe
■Uo I’lUVf:!, They ha 1 1»<-bii opposed u) -t; A
■ jcter Au.iii., ■ thed-no sdhcceoi of uur
■ st by his valor and ability, tad greatly oontri
! '-’tvo- to ihei; siib(uc .'.ton. At tht, *to>r. of the
! '•■ --' *■* , -it i-i "rue; ,•• ’ . ,m-,
1 1 ; " . cl' i .. . •r"c<t ii n stca oi ’.he
•s -i ■" .. *I • -■ . * ■,..,u ( .o' bo
j liter nude "hei’.i "nlmica - <■ A
■ neeo the iiivtitimer lof t , . 1 .i.sgrada-
a;; i i., v/oti .iti 11i,.; .nb in, die
| ordinary !;;»:• r.i ,;n ■- r , ~ts con** ed in
t !0 a deco. ~ ai .o„/»y , i.i.jit i. me proclaimed
lenc.ny cf the • conqueroi. Mcint-ish .-as mo *a
''' hi • * api recia this slat >1 and
j'" - <e dear indicct.ons of 'he dangers with
jwltici -n* v/a nenscud. the lull b* of I ..ikabft
| c hi .; u-d Pole Uat tpci-igi which de ic triced
j'ie. 'it li ft who -i oi advr tc u cut ion ot
11-"'I 1 -"'- the « .' » o> Alabama
• cl- i- < nd han n fore; ot -1 -. 1 :oflai laws
• '•■i-o it w»j piopotc *o oottuim the former ic
i -it 1.824, vt Brok . At-'ow in general conveo
i lion, the pr.v msitior ve successfully resisted by
I! Mclntosh, .cl after wards, when our conferein
cc 9 commeicedat the same pit-:... in ib.cember.
i t i- prindpal se it oi the Agent's influence, this
(crnel .'-'no rss always favorable to a cession, win.
' ! ‘ promoting it than we Lad i-.-a
**"' 1 ‘ lan ww w«s iniiuii'etl, mu he
a:i , ' *’A'' ttantialiy "I ~«t he icnev, that the
Ul, ‘ s • -vijcabatcaicc- and L’ole Cat Spring were
4 1 that hi, should fear rotriel *<><• ac
•nf? »/w»n tr> them, but liter are -om« wh
would ,v- iof « pretext to h.>»e me munl<-.r.|
«d. , ' 1 my of (he Upper Town chiefs fire hostile
to no aii>d many are still living who i helped to
I hastisc.a .1 whose .-Utions 1 had to kill in the
Hate war, as the enemies of the whites —That
jO ’'.-lland Walken were also against—That ntfi
lay ere present willing to a treaty, but for the
fear ol secret inj-fy and the disple sure of the
Agents f(he- tprid ensions of h gailant war
-- i : i ->uld be i - t ned, ii is easy to infer how
nv.n it intimid.' ■•>.. >v< uni be produced a'„ung or
j Pi,wry men Toe na'ion knew that their agentfi
i were opposed to •. covt m, and it required outre
J;v igr-Htilmi -J do- -y possessed, or dared to e;
iercisi; at fuc’ '■ r -- -id urn'.-- such v.-cumstai--
’• resist f -•)• -tit'-m 'fenc- the acy 'nrn
ment to anoih« • ;,-t« and different but as
th. -e agents have ibs ■■ niined this oppofitiion, we
shad now take the liberty of rev:«v-,ng timii
c t ibr the purpose of ct.abling the pvhlic
o u-.-i; rsnu'c • ..ether the principc.l of then:
i : nd injured man” if-i been tn
it iuir-;thsntly (.rmounoed fob- ''.hut wo ■ -*■'
He. . ... si.u.f-.tori: p.-.rtuc. i ! -' op .-sen •
[am ...*-on, we would promise a few w-.- .i* ;
I hi
j r. . -.pproprlatii tol he t;.,n. of 13*. \
... i li-t e.rpi oi I eii'i, ; ■* iei wi '
( ,\a nr! C i t a dons arts, fur c«s
-- • ■ try for the Wit
11 ft . irc : >; iattoi v. > prmv ltd three sever--.
it. i.- '« he f -rlioi ■: by the Ol’.rro
jit needed n oci isi , in
training a 1 -etiog, v ■at this vc failed of sue
-e ■ ■.. in) nied
ijs g-g oi more ;»v'.r»bi pi .- -■ . ;h • -
. 1 ' n ast - proprii on
.ji , Uoe.g -s« <’f 18J;i‘I. In summer
1 j.,,., . I? -, s were received, nd -e wen
1y,..- Td tu comment:- » negotia-ion w fSt
’■ tr datly to the (
!I Inga an I wishes of Georgia in .oy treaty that
.- - mat ... Imb t -itorj obe 1 1 eat ■1 (
si tit* price to I-; givet the time sid manner u
.! iK-gmistiop, in . V,-, r■ . iiters !t-'t to -n.r <•>» n »’• -
-etton (i.». Vims nppmtited, si -.1 thus w.ruct
»j. - wf c.iinme-ie-.’u our ),ro edirgs. On ’lit
.Iv rt Uj .hat we aul.nowi'tdged • the War i)c
paviii-cnt the -ipt of our : i .-t * -7U
} *u'y, 1824, we ed a correspondence w. ; M'
the Agent, Col. (> *w -pre pars* -ry *o « met-*.
. ,ig. At Mi Hedge' -He mi ■!*.• 9th Sow, , aitei
([closing a contract so itiotta, we dr W nore clog*
■ jiv to the subject of out iid*<ion, an 1 oommunicat
ej«-•! freely and re ■ ily our news, sentiment
i. j and ferhng. A- 'no f.-mplimeot. we mAc
’’ iioapebg- *hut ■ *,•!* i ep uni
- hearty -■ ~ -t tl.* 1 -ucs .-n - . h-w v-cr
i t,-ooi i>, ly to enter. In the pint i
and duty we ast about to asoentain ■ •
satisfy our sc 1 c.- ,v . i -ibv-.'le* tr sboub.
r bablv lUiOUnter, and ■.i the ;... ■ by whicp * -i
11 were to ’■*• .•vrr.-pirt Kegarding the Ag--:f. h
, ; ■ apable of exercising a povt ti f’d irfbi
■ '.j—a control fiU* a’x-- 1 i's abaofi.te, partlcuUrll
c! >vet lu; c h, oi the Upper h p» >ba‘*i<
. i,- m!•!».: w: ■ -.vie matter of ■ cue ~ j
.-1 (hb ■. ■ op, i nd for the ft - t time* tu t :,r >
t, It ton wts --i. ib- -f ! < derhrat -t;-- '• one of u
it I tv.. ./«■ r, .. ;i|g bel -re. Vi v '•■ .* At c have .-tu
J .;ii otth b.-sure a c.r rnitA fit Legis'.*'*tr<
~01 <b-org*«, that in that vm.- - - . y( .t-u •
r(;o a treaty w’-tS th . Orer-lu, be .*<*!d “ tbs', -e fun
-si had the thing Sted 'l'haf he »i * se-l ot— «
~ftlie ufiior ar* t. e- ~' am! uated plat*
,| y 'hut l' i-vvil* ut '-G ■■ i-.-n - eb.-..-I-a
: -hi .1 1 ; fe -lings * i. to i -■•i" •
■'. • . •
i cumsun ■ si-.-i I'scts, we slto.i -i not tav> ,-h-en
, jiiiS wildap-t | »uted flTusi ;i' tl«»t no .ston t
as tor.e and character of settled ho-tiilLy. It was
is regarded at the time and afterwards, as evidence
ai oi a willingness on the i art of the Indians t<
:c cede at least a portion of ’he territory. On the
is filth ol Sept. 1824, in a letter to the Age nt we ex
[e pressed our great concern for the result of our
ic mission, and begged that lie would “ prepare th*
e, Indians lor the issue vre desired.’ Hi» sitswer of
tr the vt2 d same month begins to display him in that j
id character oi effected neutrality in which we found j
v- him when the iiegoctf.l ion commenced. He saya.j
at “I will with pleitjurc close a contract for you, or)
■*- do any thing i<u nti.v r-quire ne to do elation 1 ,
kto the contract or ai-y other mutter touching ’
T bnnioc»h a { the ;/iat I eng ■ .ntlv ‘ ■
iy il must he distinctly understood, that it rs-'.t he undei
is ijcue special inetructiont."
;■ Hariy in the lost week in Nov. *24, one of tht
s j commissioners, Meriwether, arrived ai the ageo ;
r, c*. a-td there first came to it knowledge of the i
*■ »-leh~ated talks, dated I'uckabatchefc, 2ath WUy,
•ja-.d Pole Cat Spring, 29th Oct. 1824, TUt agent
*• j'*d k o* , wn, both ot the exit em.e and authorship ot
; .the burner cv»r since June, and although in ci
t Irca nnidenee with "is, the -V’ar lep ■ -r* j
V j’■ • 1 ■••• i-tnuni'- ed no m -,r , c-.-m < t-g it
j ,'C affi -. ed tot:-,.--..i fives; ;-j • tig jUy :t (.'is 1
*1 tg to ■ - ... ion,
|- 1 -' (*, who »-,6 them, Th'-. aiiswc! « ■-,)
- ."■■■■ the one -1 ,e 'at. Pole y»t Sting was >vriu j
” ' *•• absence at da Wi.iah, that h- :!• ( nut know
wrote i *1 ut - u di tty of o-l
*■ pinion titai l! -,n f . - ;j v . -.. . jcrs In*!
;• baptis* itii is,, nai-y. ■< ,o theTu-kaba’citcetalk, j
|- he disclaimed all knowledge -i its au torslnp— 1
. r.s. be had seen i ;-e» !•* »t Brok -n Arr-jw
yiid tnsc ncutiosU re;-, -ed -sign it—
sposi on t- prevaricate and a treaoiterous
" ; men.” ■■ .nfor'u isti -npaniments O-i
’ itrntr. r* ... iwfrom.b Hlnlj
■ ’ - ’ a t< ■ ;tr -si also, the ... ,
ermed -a- -* fa- bark s--- J»;.ite h- kue-v thej
--i ... -r.tchcc *: ss / rit;*.ii by " alke•, *V he
•; ( - f-n it ;jo .but it was -0 h - ii>. »! w-. j
-■tiny On the 16. I . h -repeated the Kmc itt-j
I- ■ fll-.---. - ;U, j,- ,] a ,J((£,; (I-,, (* - f.’ Spr’ Igj
ftjuHc was written by talker also at hU own house.]
-■*l u re!at:o,-, tu th* se talks v?u would remark fust I
«*»tlioy j -irper; ’o sontein the aolcme declarations ot;
■ Creek -it --, »ver to cede ‘ another toi ot ■
rj land,"and t<> listen to no proposition l, jr that pur |
■ j i'j>fie, fi'id not r;wsn o meet cou,-nisstoners upon*
Cj;-if.t su-y- e* fut-dtermori : vtu■*:• .vd uertb;
y gun md r - s” against such ns s' >utd dr«
■' " -' f/.ftlv at, war wi*b the.'.virli-;
the ora dated
o.Si.. . five ob'r*- i 'in - (omis'-ioi' The ;t j
’ k »wn ■ II bj he apt it lon-J
ej.rress ■ . .-.«»• ■, v., J- ... that tt.-sty
i; be held ■ ■ *i,r th- Sl ..;r *t ; - ■ •.
1 , gutsnii.g ibo imj, a ciul'v vi . nds in f-.-vi-gia
■j lie was present in June and * ie--- o' ' ■*iic• i
1 - g •*p .nt-op -sition. »«’. givittg . j
t not his lu yto hav« . ttri ■
•jeltee’iial--,- by p.ocurbtg hta t ■ -ov ! fru -.t offi ;-j,
• - d his v. ulsion iroin .:;ti.itinnf V-’;t.H t». •
•jd ■> bo tv ,i to have gtiarde t his p upU-{
•j.-gainst such mischievous delusion Wa |
-.n bound tn have candidly and prompt |
Jty d.ielosed to us the »b -ai.-le ag.ttnsv tvbic I we j 1
• in. to cc-t cod, an..! to luu ,-.x - - .ed vhe instdtou-jt
• | '•-{Jt'osers of the wlalves c-f the govcrmt.ent - IL-I t
[ wib iiot say. hat he pursued any one, ol tiu:-« ,
• ( obvious dictates of du'v. In coimec-tv.;* -.vttl j
these talks also, we would further remark tha ,
the Chervkees ha i held an imiustri -ut inter
course with the Upper Creek town?--hid writ (
ic* to Big Warrior and sent him docuiwid
wtiich we Irew from tiic hands at fug in-lt** j,
cap'. Walker, pending the negotiation at Broke; j,
Arrow. We bad witnecssd similar r—'-»»dinp-i*
■ uaiore oimie part ot *ne'htcrokees of i’orivilh f
•jand Spring Place while attemjvting to mak-. t
' trea'y with them. We- had exj*<.r*onced Im.- sen (
’ sib iy their forestalling influence, not to regard ;
i the papers dated at Tuckabatchce and Pole Cm -
t Spring, from the beginning, a: serious obstacle- j 1
to our success. Perceiving the influence they t
bad upon our proceedings displayed in the co ■ I
q ierable obstinacy of the fuckabatchiaus—con ;
lending as wc did. without his rid, if not gainst
hi-.i ex< s—■t-acoimtering the e fie els o. the ‘
long and . -.-;r.ed opposition of otl-.ers—placed
i as we were, under the centinid wutchiillness of t
unexpected adve-.-.i-ies, it is ai-iguiar, that a*. (
<■' '*ke- Arm tve sitaukl bare been able to pro ,
duce he sigh. .st avut-ahlt. symptom. Hut it t* ,
.icvcrtlitless t- that .« one time. ag.>ina< uii
1 these ohslucles our success was rendered irior. *
: than probable. '»lu retmtutble J- rlared I *t-i
--yheHev Missionary Smith said that it .* dib.
'j heat lor them to go, and that if be w s ,ot quite
!so old, he would go with them— The agent iiim
'l.self, but not to the India --., sai i *.«y would.hav
jto go in a shoit tune any how, and that they wer ■-
t 1'0,.-ls if tiiey d*d not'ac-,-; t ur <■ • *;> -nti■■-. I'hr'!
utest of (tic op ion 1 and
' b -I'l 'ii:edby tl ~ ai; «• r!'u! rarndatß ;■ j
g ... ai ed yc ep Lspf ed iy I
“(liiisoni .aw ‘-.i'k. uarnblv, -die U. '
■jinterpreter, - . pi, -n e•» •• t, s, ' . ■
'j stated " that ~- .. .j in : • , on.•
q-i ;oeed, hut • 'he used t-.-. *, , -
1 ' a treaty, anu a-.’ailed." t ■ • th
j prereDt i. *g c acd It- .ivill i.
• "»>■»•' •her, were ’ s
; *I on: 11 did t•• even pnr*L - nrs -u: 'hu-r r •;
K !retentions triend and ke c tbi , Jm '- s ■ '
■•I neutrality I he arst rrt * ■■ n •
tosh m and tlu ~■ •
t ' clar r that w never - • bn •- ■ iir|
up wa ei " Ha ing tut -
but Fru less efforts for xie. ; i.-.- i, ». .
*’ i come a cotnWnati-'u ao form:..- • - on,
ex; • ;wied ir -.hi I
-1 - from on r .oitric l, • ird -, w-n t'---y w, . . t
• ! ihcr old i r countertVit,
: ‘j "On tit r- ening of this da- -'l6*' ./•-, iS •*
e |lhe .. Mlintisisi’Oer cun.,altcJ «s to tiic r ,
ibe p trailed, ih-lb-v. g that t! r.i- *.- ,-
1 I de;eate.i by o- -ibio iti"-! -nd jircw. . ( .
“j ii ;-d to pursvi- the subject t-y try tnc
v.i. h they i.ld ■■. ! .’ ~sel it . a |
I -.a the OS.-at votive, i:;., jstii i nd , ;... i
-"( neans nad be-n resorted t., f . ; . , ,
’■ i purpose of iitsplring
ts l -nrejudiw- and bdinar • one pa; ' f
r tow ' i if spread ■■ . u i . •
II ,n he dthv. by- v ! ana ■ ■ t*’’ It* .
tl j | i the amuse of
got-'-’tinn. i'he ejin-mssm ,-,■ f. them 'vv,
’ c-•;t-i-rcht-d in the -.j., if ti.s u- T--,f
1 i,- tobtuat ,■ ,■ . : e- . opp.Mvuni'y •** e.xer’'i*gi
' j its devise;..'irnl the cumiUn-i.-'-onet-s >but traj
'i ttUUeaol count* a* ion. W« ssti fie
'[that a treaty could n *,i.'tainu< ! **••'” tl* chid.*
'' within the limit" t- coiyia ar.d >o the extent I
'-j .be , »a* -n. 'I tv; bo ot such- *'
“’I would s-tv hi- it exchargß it *;• i- orv a d could
> ■ if on half of th
. ; . cum mi rs entertaining
■ 1 . , validity *
'|by , vT.- ' .tan fearing to cxi-'.-t** su -hi
,ll jpart oi t*ir hielit to tli« resentment of the c-.n b■■(
“‘jn-.tvir-,:« solved «; •** a temporary adjoiimmeat]
" i for be purpose -if obtai'iing further ins'rucd-n.ii
' ;ft'.*t govt-i ment.” “• e will not 1 ; -,.
•■’l plained, the .»xpt- *--i,»n, “ resx itment t ; -
atii We hi “ feai sxpo
h- ie-td!--- c'-.-fs to the penalties of -.alt-; -.
'’! 'a* Cor neither *uej, nor the opposvrs or r hit,
ti at t-.v ex' re ot t.'ty law t , -e>
•|won ofsny ten dory, exeep: the of •'<> •
r tatchec *nd Foie Cot spring*, and lf< ; . •a*
" i fthe«o f" sitivelv denied. Hot l,i,i*. .-<»Rtc of
L " the clii *fi» d’d not er.tei :;:n r secret (••■<.•101, #c »r.’.
' re.'dy to *drmt: not for exrr.utitn nor viols -
r l*w, but of assnrrir.uii t. gray*/ a nurd-run
■ malignity.
1 Tn hf continued I
1 LaU-.fei. kuvov>e
(,'h; r '.-ton, *ove -btr
■ Ay ire a ”i. v a! • ight, "^lv.
cap*. • o f■' ' or,'ie ''' ■
from Cowes, we nave • of-tsvc ' 00
pers lathe 'yith a c. . nrig !
and Pari.i Sates, to the 1/tb. Our
bowt vet are *«ot complete, r »i;'s.v o' ih- ”1
termediee date- ben, deficit. =>i. she >-
er vm not '.'ported 'a 'MgV a
1 papers incur possessiongive if
'the markets. We learn, however f . a
!i>a v-the Tally Ho.tbv. .0 ni •. <1 .
’jr-ni 6r id taker, place •• <! »< C. ■ '»it
,j Tin; adit ,a- mte ! ' .•» c. •« • ,M ' •-
,jP ' • ifh ■ e <»v : * ■• f
i'. -;c .« •• ... *iM. 1I ' V • ‘ ;
1 a tin re prosp
i.’Ur !.ut advirt
'fli; ioilG'-atg Cw. ota; 1 ‘
)fu nished I • ntlemaa
referred to.
/?< ;■ 0^* f/u .•<*. Cotto
Kasi-India Ho".s r, MB
■ ' 1) .-r s t.ioil,. 1' 1 ‘ * 1 ‘M.iU .V. i ’ .-i
./« , •'..<> St .;r. r 'idling, 0 , ’ t'. th t and
(good u>, 9c a 6|; ' Madras, Gy .., <•.
The sale vvi-iit of! v.ilhnut. .1: nation • of
• anti sol 1 great* pari wa 5t -■
ken by the Trade, and the remaindei
| ;xport If ■ gals sold at foil price, anti
rats ir roiive lost iees 1-8 lower than the
ijjievious cai rency
j <{h sale in Mining, lane, ot tTOt) Sic
[all r broug lin 230 bales ;o< •
Tc ■■■fu 1- ■ Mat h* a ft.
. Tli 'll -r, 1 '. 1. V r: i until ■■■.; ,
i ■ , ATiCStv . ■• ■ •<»*•! •1' . . h.
■ii.' 1 r a . »i not I)nh,
jl* ><| tin.: .t 1 - •■■ -nd • r.itj'iifteii .1
,1 c of tli.,sv pr , >ii v.. . ,>■
i.ilnr inn sdeelin, ynpaie
!-n ’ ereh and ...v- t.r.ifor • ■ 1 ■
1 '■■> •’} . I fligiin***!' fviidooi.”
| Chi Hrandyv i.e has attracted consinersoic *t
j ■. es? v >n : e Nff'ii ’
Mr. Booth, <>:•■■ .led ui:.
nights'« J»r i, in the part of (1 '■> -
i ' tic ;<«pßis .:■ not e.odaider him is e>liib 1 :,>>
'.inch is veil t ✓ i r ottraoi’dina. v ;.«|ver,
it is stated in a Plymouth Bap.-
Veoman, ot thr, r u 'h \
iJsunt, is very likely to sneernu
<,mt estates ot live Earldom d
r oiii(!i,
Tin., amount of duties received at the
Custom House at Leith, for the p -a; ?r.
ending the 10th Oct. is £205, . ... ,
a larger sum than ever before collected du
ring an eijuftl period in any port in Scot
land. M
Under date oi' Oct. 0, i« I»*
mentioned that 4,4.>0 francs, the product
of it bill given at geneva, on the 21st Sept,
has been remitted to the Greek Uommittei
in London.
A society lias been formed at. Lausanr.
for the purpose of educating young Gcee
in concert with the association, estabH ;
r at Paris.
The great timbei ship Baron of
was on shore on tlie Lungsaod, tfi
carelesine •or mistake oi the. jr t' ! *
ted by a Is tree from Hr agent t*
Deal. The late accounts “I tl
represent her as still rentalr i., .or,
. ,tn no probability of float 1
and every appearance of <: storm; o giit.- -
Part of her '.ergo had been carried |
If.ran Stockelbcig, a Charged* 4So <
to the United States, embarked about tin •
■ ■ | |f; of Scpteml et •■ r Sti ■ n
in an AmerlcainP'P for New ork
fire broke out at Liven ■ on ( e .1
■_• it th Hh October,, in t build i
'■ rnverl-' the •* Uou ; in r-.-t- ft
■ i '■■;) 1 ... ■ • W
••‘i'C i‘ l(i’ ■J••{ of • : if ,W . ll
! , . .V t. • nrllt or,a. <\ r
■iv ■ . ■ -ion 1 ]l
‘ |l
,: t... in- .io r l ' I [
■ ■ ■ , ■ w
jth'.on r.icj . l -'i• )»t S ■ I
vs s vr, P' ;■ ■•.> ii 'l
i 11
ih a! / , ’r< ■•
i .g;’ I
n.rM' |
;.srr' , iMI
',chi JH
ti.i ■ . ■
k .s •»<; f I
r ■ •' 0•' ; I
i - all-. t’ I
‘1.... 1 . ...
■jgi, i; ■ : . i " c • I
“iCoacr. 1 n ,i i: ■■(! n ■ e i « I
■'id'. look , J
J'vlii. i s '■m\ were r. i icke- ■ . .”. t
i and aH i i . ■ ■ • i
!no nbt - V•• „m ; , i t ’"i
, tac ,< nv ndisr, *;;!;• i ■ -«o •■■•
!, it ;s from C < i ; \ j,
her. • o firm the at e ini h i itio ■ >
'hat > lotroni, at tin- he.. 1 o! '20,0 .
; v. .* put suit of Ibraiihia 80.. ha
were enl : ■ t «,
d . . f
D ut ip tli
ci :,i fin no; ing bit' he -aOj-ru.
o ■' the wai
i fl'itlerirp es the proceeding* " the •-n-k
'J< ■ IMI ’3l ;h’ ;-,ml :. M - ■'