Newspaper Page Text
- \
- t
t: Madness rules the Hour." j
We hoped that the revenge of the Fed- a
eral party in the Legislature had been amply
gratified in the elections of Speaker—Pre
sident and Clerk of the Senate, Judges, At
torney and Solicitors General, and that
judgment and good feeling taking the sway, (
would retrieve, by working many positive!'
benefits to the State, the errors of that “ lit-j<
tie brief authority” which in the first mo-,*
nients of possession had intoxicated and de l'
hided. We were deceived. Intolerance 1
and persecution still rule at the seat of
Government with an unsated appetite and
new sacrifices are continually required. '
It appears to be now a settled and avow
ed policy that no Republican shall remain,
in nfiice, and the reason has been giv-r
en in a late publication with a franknessh
which had graced a better cause. Clark has j
been unsuccessful before the people, and
Troup has walked unhurt through the fie
ry path of detraction—to the executive
seat. The mortification is too great to be
borne quietly, and because the friends of
the disappointed candidate have the majori
ty in the Legislature a grand effort is made
to elfect a change in the public opinion.
The modus operandi is by pulling out all
the Republicans and putting in iheir own
friends, under the belief that men in office
have influence, and that it will be the duty
of these otficers in gratitude for their elec-j
tions, to sally forth, the apostles of the Clark!
cause, in quest of proselytes. Miserably!
lame as is this policy and certain to meet
the indignation of the people, it is pursued
with an untiring and unsparing zeal, which
occasions our Correspondent at Milleclge-
Tille to say in a letter»f tl e 21th ir,st. "We
were not surprised or mortified, when the
faithful and long tried servants of the pub
lic were yesterday hurled from their places
to make room lor the hungry aspirants of a
party whose chief anxiety appears to be to
possess the loaves and fishes. The old
Treasurer who had served nineteen years,
and whose conduct in office had been this
winter for the nineteenth time unanimously
approved, was nevertheless permitted to re
tire by a majority of twenty votes.”
Yes— we announce it with grief—
Geoiige R. Clayton, an able and up
right officer has, with the strongest claims
upon the intelligence and justice of the Le
gislature, been rejected and turned out of
office— because he did not belong to the par
ty happening to have a majority in the.
Legislature. Hamilton the amiable and
intelligent Secretary of State has not been
retained in he is a Re
publican. The Surveyor General failed
for the same reason. Thus are faith
ful services repaid—thus the disappoint
.ments of the late Governor’s election reven
*ged— thus the high and sovereign will of
the people declared in that election, con
temned and set at defiance ! who will say
that these men would have lost their elec
tions had the people voted by General Tick
et ? We ask emphatically , 'if the polls had
been held throughout the State, would not
most of those persons appointed to office by
the present Legislature have been rejected
by the people ? no impartial man can doubt
it. In the elections by the Legislature
then, the will of the people has not only
been unrepresented but positively disobeyed,
and for whose benefit lias such a" fearful res
ponsibility been assumed by the Represen
tatives of the people? We are sorry that
the answer is so easy and obvious—for the
gratification of party resentment. But our
correspondent proceeds
“ Congressional districts are (o be made
and are so arranged as to secure the se
lection of particular individuals—the col
lege which has grown into notice and use
fulness under their neglect and even oppo
sition is not to be spared*—additional trus
tees are to be appointed to dignify some
others of the party”—So, we are informed,
a Hoard of public ivories is to be established
and certain persons are to fill it--and pro
bably the whole show will wind up with a
vole of censure upon Governor Troup !!•
Our friend asks in conclusion " Is there not]
a redeeming spirit in the people which will
put things to rights?” For the sake of the
State-—of its character abroad and repose
at home-—we hope the majority will yet
pause and reflect. Long ago we heard of
the threat that “ the State House should be ;
eviscerated ” a grosser term was used which
we dare not to repeat. The elections in the!
several counties hail then just been announ
ced. \\ e looked upon the expression as
idle and unmeaning; but it was prophetic, l
of what has actually happened and figura-j
five of the political butchery by which the!
Capitoi lias been deprived of some of its!
best officers.
The Boston Palladium of Friday, says!
that Mr. Kean visited that city a few days
since, and had an interview with the Man
agers of .the Federal Street Theatre.
American Tea. —Specimens of tea, raised
and manufactured in Franklin county,
(Pa.) have been exhibited at Chambersburg.
The tea was raised from seed found ina
box of imported tea.
YVe learn from a friend who was present v .
on the occasion, that the venerable and
venerated James Monroe, late President
ot the United States, was sworn as a Jus
tice of the Peace for the county of Louden, ,
in which he resides, on Tuesday last, ami \
immediately took his scat on the Bench asaj
junior member of the Court. The chair of j
the presiding Magistrate was tendered, I
and, with great propriety, declined. j
Alexander Gazelle, 19 th inst,
According to some calculations, four hun
dred thousand barrels of salt, will be made
in the western parts of Pennsylvania during
the present year. The western part of our
State was formerly supplied from New-
York; now part of the State of New-York
receives its supplies from (lie Conemaug *
and Kiskiminetas. j
Salt is sometimes sold at Pittsburg as I
low as 2 3 cents a bushel.— Ibid !,
■ —QO©-~ 5 I
i The Steam Boat Macon will be launched !
j To-morrow Morning precisely at 11 o’clock I
1 from Pritchard’s Ship Yard, Gadsden’s!
! wharf. She is intended for the Darien I j
Trade. [C/i arlcslon paper, j
THE Members of SOCIAL LODGE, No. 5.
are be punctnid in attending a
! regular morning of said Lodge, THIS EVENING,
at 6 o’clock.
An election of officers will take place for the
ensuing Masonic year. Consequently the lire
'liren are requested to come prepared to dis ,
charge the past yeatly dues—and old arrearage* ,
as it is of the first importance to the Craft, iliat,'
'he funds of the Lodge should not be neglected
by delinquent brethren.
lly ortl/r of the IV. Mister,
W. 15. L)avi.«, Sec y , .
December 2 It 46
The Vlembers of the select
Council of Adonimm, are requested to attend a
regular meeting of the same on SA’i URDAV E
VENING, at half past 6 o’clock, on business ot
importance, and by the election ot officers, for
the ensuing year.
liy ij-der of the Gr, J. /, C.
Geo. Compton, Sec’ry.
December 2 I
Irish Volunteers . .
APPEAR on your Parade Ground, on SAd UR
DAY, the 3d, December, on Green & Jack
son streets, at half prut 2 o’clock, P. M. in com
plete uniform, as the bye laws ol the company
By order of Cay.. Ooujuck,
Ray Held. O. ».
December 2 It 46
YOU are hereby ordered to appear at yout
parade ground, in font of tile City Mall, on
SATURDAY, the 3d December next,at 3 o'clock
P. M. armed and equipped, as the By-laws of tin
cerps direct.
tfy n'der of Capt. Stuhgks,
(t. W. McCoy, O. S. r
November 29 2t 45
i ORSPEOTFULLY informs the public, that she
St* will open a SCHOOL in the city of Augusta,
on Reynold street, near the Episcopal Church,
on Monday the stb December, for the purpose ol
instructing young Ladies in the several branches
of Reading, Writing, Grammar, Arithmetic, Ge
ography, History, Rhetoric, Compositions, &c.
Perms of tui t on and other information, maybe
known by application to Messrs, K Kktchcm, A.
McKenzie, J. S. Holt, or to Miss McKenzie,
at Iter School Room. i
December 2 46
VE Y ds, of Dwight’s he h’gy, bound in Calf,
. three, four, five sod six Void, of Cabinet ot
| Poetry, London Edition, four vols. of Sliakespenr ’
plays, n elegant binding, five vols. of Orlando
Furiose, in boards.
I hese bocks I have 'oined—those persons who
are in the habit of borrowing books are requested!
to 00k in their library and it found return them, !
"S they all belong to sets, and of course of vdue to *
J. M. Hand.
December 2 4t is 46
VWc. DoWava Vluw.vvd.
I OST on Thursday the evening of the Ist December about 7
o clock, between the Court-house and John Moore's corner
—a small HKD MOROCCO POCKET BOOK, containing one
hundred dollar bill on the Planters’ Bank of this state, and about
forty dollars in small hills, one. Gold guinea the reign of George
the 2d, one note, on Matthew Carswell for I JO, and one or two
smaller notes and papers useless to any person hut the owner—
The, City Ollicers and Merchants of the city are respectfully re
(jnested to be on the aleil to detect such money if it may be of
fered. Any information left at this office that may lead to a dis
i covery will he thankfully rewarded.
December 2 .jr,
BEFORE the Stable of the Globe T»v:rn, 01
SA TURDAY nest, precisely at 10 o’clock, n
j Gu.iY Make, Saddle and Bridle, sld to pay tht
I exoense of Stublage,
December 2 it 46
excsiawm op^acii
O.i the Ai’orlh, in sums and at sty lus to it pm- |
I'Oil SALK by
Leers, Bunnell & St. John,
Corner Broad Si .'I Into.s.rS.rec::.
Gold, Silver «md Bank .Yores of all kinds bon.dr i 1
and so hi,
November 29 4.5
§ SDs,©®® I j
Your T?v*i7.e,s ot* VkAVsj
Youv W\ZfcS ot S,OW> ttoWs
YWfc Pvixes ot \,OVW> DoWal
And :’.n unusual amount of the I. IViees.
The Fourth Drawing
it no T\Vm\
Os (lie l oiter'’is drawn, Si there tv main undrawn
Capital Frizes,
Except one of SIO,OOO and one of SIOOO.
.ipply for TICKETS and 67/. IRES at
.No. 3H, Broad-street,
Whole Tickets, 55 11 00
Halves, 5 f»0
Quarters, 2 75
fiAlilEN' I! ILL S' will be received at par and
T\\o Fortunate VWivwcvb,
Will be promptly paid in pood money.
Orders from any part of the United States
post paid, end ming the Cash, will meet prompt
J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
December 2 46
a Irorgk~ja cksojy, ~
Tin Plate Worker,
No. 168, lUiOJtn STREET
BT.OCK lin C'< fl'.-e fitters, Coffee pots, Tea
kettles and Tea pot*, llrillania Tea pots.
Tassancl Japanned Candlesticks, liras* Japanned
and Glass Lamps, l ea Trays, Waiters and Bread
Uatkels, Iron Glass and Tin Laiyllirons, Drittania
Iron and Metal Table and Tea Spoons, Iron Cof
lee Mills, and Pea K. tiles. Tin Boasters, I’umps
Measures, Scales and Weights, Brass and Pewter
Cocks, Nutmeg Graters ot various patterns. And
has on hand a large assonment of TIM M’AKE
which he will sell wholesale or He*?.il.
Ilpcembet' 2 6t 46
(AT the Brick Store on Campbell-street, imme
diatelylii ft>e rear of M'Kknzib & Hennoch’s
Uncle Budding, on Broad-street, being very
desirous o ' closing the present concern,)
aUBU (B (D (D ID
| Comprising a very general assonment of
Country net chants aie invited to rail and ex
amine the Stock, as <bey will be sold at extreme
ly low priegs, and on lon* time, for ap|troved
November 18 F 42
She \ Fom’ia \WpaiTcA.
U WING taken a Shop a few doors above the
Globe Tavern, takes this method to inform
the pubde, that he will carry on the business of
Making, Mending and Polishing
saama* ©©sass.
The mending is done by Ct menting, and made
qually handsome and durable as when new.—
IF lias for sale, a general assortment of
principally of bis own Manufacture, which are of
sered low for Cash or exchanged for old Combs
Myron Clark.
November 29 8i 45
The Subscribers,
Have Just received a supply of very superior
William Poe & Co.
N'o. 275, Sroad-Street.
November 29 3t 45
®(D Hluls. Sugar
50 Bbls. .Northern Gin
50 Bhis. Whiskey.
Thomas .VUGran.
November 29 2t 45
'Hie Subscriber
tf~kPFERS bis services to his friends and the
■ pllt->l■ tor rrr ■vi g, selling and shipping
COTTON’. IBs Counting Uoom is removed tn
h ‘ Warehouse or Air, W f , 11. Shelton, near tie
L. C. Cautelon.
November 22 4i
yiN’D Fas s.iLK.rr ’Tar. office of the
(Cl Jn’o h Street. 1
:Uc,vwg\a vuu\ ?MmUv-V' av v.Vina
! giimanacli*
—CO N T A I N / y r?—
4 STRDNOMICAL Calculations,
. Phenomena of the Planets, (or 1820,
Character mill names of the Plancls, with
i their mean distances from the Sun, scc.
An Extract,
An Ephemeris of (lie Planets places,
Solar & Lunar Eclipses for the year 182 G,
The period of human Life,
Ancient advice tn Parents,
' The Anatomy of Man’s body, as governed
by the twelve Constellations,
Moveable Feasts,
Ember Days,
Chronological Cycles, lor the year IS.IG,
Moon’s Phases,
Equation of time,
Sun's Rising, Setting Sc Southing, and the
sign of the Zodiac she is in at noun,
Miscellaneous Particulars,
Rising, Setting and Southing of the Stars,
Do do the most conspicuous Planets,
Prediction of <he Weather,
The National Calendar,
District Officers,
Time of holding United States Courts,
Government of Georgia,
Members of Congress,
Officers ot the Executive and Judiciary de
partment of Georgia, (corrected)
" 1 hne of holding Superior & Inferior Courts
of the several counties in this State,
Officers of the Executive of South-Carolina,
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and
f Judges and Commissioners in Equity,
Times and place of holding Courts,
List of the civil officers in Augusta,
Officers of the Hank of Augusta,
„ Do B auch Bank of the Stale of Georgia at
i. Augusta,
1 Do Medical Society of Augusta,
1 D» Trustees Richmond Academy,
■ Bo Managers of the Augusta Frec-School,
Do Female Asylum,
• Do Union Wharf Company Augusta,
List of the civil officers in Chatham county,
Officers of the Planters’ Bank,
Do Bank of the State of Georgia,
- Du Branch Bank of the U. States,
Branch ot the State Bank at Milledgeville,
Do do at Washington,
iDo do at Eaton ton.
Do Notaries Public,
Do Custom House,
Do Marine & Fire Insurance Company,
Do City Constables,
Do Steam Boat Company of Georgia,
Do Foreign Consuls,
Do Commissioners of Pilotage,
Do Branch Pilots,
Do Certificate do.
Do Port Wardens,
1 Do United States,
Do Public Auctioneers,
Do Chatham Academy,
Do Union Society,
Do Library Society',
Do Savannah Missionary Society,
Do Georgia Bible do
: Do Savannah Sunday School Union Aux
-1 diary—
Do Savannah Religious Tract Society Aux
Do Savannah Sabbath School,
Do Georgia Medical Society,
. Do Savannah Agricultural Society,
Do Hibernian Society,
Do St. Andrews Society,
Do Military first Regiment,
• Military Department of Georgia,
New Gardner’s Calendar,
The Cavalier,
A tide Table, to the most eminant Ports of
the world,
My father’s at the Helm,
A sensible Bachelor,
Spinning and Reeling,
Droll Similes,
Road from Fayetteville to Norfolk,
Roail from Augusta to St. Mary’s,
_ Do from Augusta to Natchez,
j Do bom Augusta to Nashville,
IDo from Augusta to Milledgeville,
i Do from Augusta to Athens,
1 |C7* Jl handsome allowance made to
those that take a quantity.
December 3 40
22d November, 1825.
FfflUK Animal Election for Thirteen Directors
£L ot this Instiliitioii, will be held at the Hunk
in;' H juse, on MONDAY, the sth day ot De
cember next, between the hours of 10 A, Jl. and
4 P. M.
Augustus Moore, CitslTr.
November 25 3t 44
%* NO'riCE—The subscriber
, resumes the practice or tub law, and may C.,r
ibe present be consulted at hia Dwelling, on Ellis
; ureet.
Robert Raymond Reid.
November 15 t>t 4t
11. AMES.— Dentist,
V 5 I.'PEC I I't’l.lA rtle;s his professional st
JU vie-s to tlio I.arlirs mid Gentlemen of ,ui.
-Mi'ii. H.s practice includes a>l operations cv. •
perform, 1 upon the I eeth ig»cl Gums.—Me m s
u it* fir.ial Teeth, from one >o a Cull set, m such ■„
imonuT I’rit 111 try have the appearance anil much
hih • tr’illty if natural ones SatisCjijtnry tvi
lenco of ins professional capacity will beexhib-
U‘ Ii! required. Ladies will he wailed Upon at
■heir ilwi llou.;s. When not on business, JJoot
AMKS m.y >e found at the Mansion lieu e.
L)ee«n her 2 4(5
''Bill!'. Howu’tl Insurance (j -inpany of Now. York,
a. wtli Insure C-iton and other Proper.y a
ouin-i the dr.nge-s of ihe River, &n. between An
<usts and dnvannaa and Charleston, bv their
j A. Cam field.
1 *7trfu*'n, Nov, 25'h 1825. Iti 44
A ,\EVV 1 1Jt*PIjV OK
■7i, ■■.•/* ur.CEn kd nr
H.‘ Piccinet.
I N->Vf*'nSf’r 25 , |
HierilTs Sale.
Wid ho Mild on the fi-st Tuesday i„ Jan r.ry
next, at on Court hmse door, in Wayne.l,.;.
ron< i iturite county, within the n ,id sa ] c
One negru wo ma t named Linn,
, levied on as me propi ny of Michael Wig mih
djeeasei, to sit.sfy snniliy /!. f t:s , favour of
An Im * Heii and others.
's'\vo Acres of Land, ad
. jomi Lands or Simeon t.mvrcy and others le
v,ed on . is the property of Dennis Lark. dec’e is
ed, to satisfy ah, (a. in favour of Sle in ;n Car
penter, deccas.d, pointed out l»y R eidien Cork!
er, senr.
A L4f)—
Two hundred and fifty Acres of
Land, a (Joining Lands formerly owned by Mutt
- Joneg, deceased, levied on us the properly of Jo
ah I. Rowell, to .‘ulssfyaii Execution in favour of
j Samuel Garlick.
, rive hundred Acres of pine Laud
j on thickhead, adjoining- Lands of J.jlm Landing
and other.-, and 100 Acres on Little Buckhead.
adjoining Lands of William Wallace, levied on as
the property of Scyring Wallace, deceased, to
satisfy two fi. (as. in favour of Wm, West, Guar,
dian ol E. Sapp.
t A hrec hundred Acres of Land, he
the same more or less, a J- ining Lands of W«|.
er Harris and William Kl'lf-ts, levied on a.s the
property of fJbaple' W arc d teens, d, to satisfy a
h. fa. Worn the Superior Court „,* Burke coun '„
,in favour of the Adm'r. of . a,res Churchill, de£
ajrjiinst the Adm r. of Charks Ward,
pointed out by John Chnrcui l. - *
John T. Forth, s. b. c.
N. I?.—Also, three hundred acres
"C Land more or less, adjoining Lands of Thus.
Burke and Turner B, Moi re, levied on as the pro.
ty or William Bell, deceased, to satisfy an Exacu
don in favour of the Esclteator of Burke county,
against the Adm’ra. of William Bell, deceased,
pointed out hy Benjamin Bell.
J. T. FORTH, s. ii. c.
November 28 1835. k td 4(i
Sheriir’s Sale.
Will he sold on tin; first Tuesday in January next,
at the Court hou,e door in Wayncshorough
Burke county, within sale hours:—
Fourteen negroes, namely, Dido
Bob, Philida, Delis, Charlotte, Sully, John, little
Bob, Jim, Bacha-1 and her Ihree children, and
Dinah, h vied on as the property of Simon a’. Fra
sier, dec. to satisfy a (i t„. from the Superior
Court of Burke county, ihe Kx’r. of John E. Fra
sier, vs. Simon A. Frasier, dec.
Three hundred and thirty acres of
land, more or less adjoining lands ol Estate of
Philip Sapp, dec. lev ed on a.s the property of
Thomas Allen, to satisfy an Execution in favour
ol Wnlard Fisher, pointed out by defendant.
Ai.Bo \
One negro hoy, named Mod le
vied on a. the property of Seaborn Ward,',l'sat
isfy sundry fi. fas. in favour of William If. U IJ.
well, returned by a Constable,
John T. Forth, s, p. c.
November 30 td v 4 r,
Tux Collector’s hale.
Will be sold on the (irsi Tuesday in January next,
at the Court house door, in Waynesbo- mgli,’
Hnrke county, within sale hours ;
Two hundred two and a half A
cres of Land in Telfair county, No. 110, in the
P IOUi District.—2so acres of Land in Habersham
county, No, 139, in the 10th District—levied on
ns the property of Thomas Pierce, senr. to satis
fy lua l ux for Ihe year 1824.
Isaac Lewis, t. c. b. c.
November 29, 1825 td 46
Administrator’s Bale.
vVill be sold at the late residence of James
VN elcb, deceased, in llurke county, on Friday
the 6th day ol January next :
All the perishable property belong
ing to the estate of the raid deceased, consisting
of Horses, Hogs and a quantity of very likeK
> Cattle, Plantation tool;;. Household and Kitchen
furniture, a set of Blacksmith’s tools j one cotton
Gin and running Gear, one r ad Wagon, or,*
. horse Dart, and a quantity of Corn and Fodder
one t«ig, and a splendiil close Carriage, near!
new. Ihe Negroes belonging to the decease;)
wdl be hired until the (jnl day of January nev
thereafter, amongst which are a number of e
oellent fi Id haniis, at d n Blacksmith, as well
house servants. The plantation will likewise li
* rented for the year next ensuing, a considerald
pa.t of which is first land, of a good quality ai
in pretty good repair,
't'onm —Cash lor all rum, tinder ten dollar/:
all sun s over ten dollar-, a credit until the fir
~ *10) ot January, 18;.,. the pui-cti ser giving sms
[• notes with approved security, Ihe terms ofsa :
r must, hi every instance be complied with, bes
•he prof ;eny will he d< liv.-rsd. Bale to conlli
‘rotn day t< -day. until all is sold.
Isaac Welch, JUlm'r.
November 1825 o: , iq