Newspaper Page Text
mu ■ iii ■ ti- *********.******* ««n.
PRINT an »,’■ ’ r BLl*.( ill
WII„ iIAM j. lU'\. i
Con'Hfioui, be. ‘
fir F«r lh« CITV PAPftR, (<*<(.* h *•*• »:k, Fur* iMlar* |,«r ;
annum, pt.ya.Ll* in adv<uiO«.
Kr COU NTRY I’Ai'hK., "ni" a ■ ?«•>, I hraa Foliar Ape
mmi'n in advnu e
rr *io it.ipar diiconti dirn.' , »«onato lu «t ntfo .i nr* g;i/*nj
sa l all «rr. nr«t I \l I>.
YT TKRM > • ■ Fi ■ L'ollnn in. . jin j»hv-. »; • in 1 „
f-.-jF* AT' KV\- r -NT - . VV r i'« *■ a- »<• t«. "fi" ».»u
Si*'? ■ i.*il - <il- pnriqu> •»• :«>r »*.•• 6rv. »« * rl*. •
flit ' . i• i o»r<* 'JII irt* r inch f.iU'diMtrii
fc'y fOM I \!■ .A f’l o,\ s‘» v ‘ i. rn ttl 1 ' Pci • •*
Or Guardian , f i* ijiiipt»d,by la w « to bfl !•<-. !on ib* 1 Ctr*l
d».y in lUr m.-nt • b I> * <*n i * li i *of I* •• forenoon * r »'T
li.ri’n »n lh*: after Hit •, nt • h■. f >nrl- lit* <hc of lb-; county in
wit -li thn p' > Ritual*.- »<•(»< 'r»-th«f« "hI m«»t bo j
g » in a; i .e . SI XT Y <}.••/# pr*rina« to th » day of •
aa It.
t< per- .•< im>r» •« lift •• mao.
mr, KUftl V d-.ya |>r-»vi ~if .o th»- Any of 1
jV .» co to lh** ilcblor* ond »• - illlof* • • rat a* nm«t be puhliib* -
for FOK J fc day a.
‘Banft Scpouts.
I'cumi'.’ Mark, Sat.isvah, U .10, 1825.3
Tin Kxc. llrncy t». M I n i' ) :
■>i i !i,•>■.., the honor herewith . subni'l «|
.>■!«>»• jni >i tli * c*> i lition '.r’ t? iu h., made *ipi
to tfu !■.( ins l ,
it. -jr >p . . inform y ti, tha* in *l. m .t-j
. ■•“Mtnftm ut\., . wiiich our of air roust r.:s; «>oi.>-
l 'li lerciftl Lons... .1 [' - nil lubor- • ft*N
ti tioi »!> >i ’ ■,.■* at ho/- 'fd. *' nil t*i know..
l« nouip, wiit. . ir n inlnivottioii ft'
i * b -i. obtained, it ii o .RJi-mlj b, b«Vfd llmi
. r. i’t'lc .1 oiv will a - -nr i'> ir.t Hmk
Vorv reiipecUnify, .m <>• hoiv’;
GK ). tV, ANIKvtS ;V I . , H
'’CtfWSfU 'if • V'mi'h ' r li.' f’L.j M V.V Ji It h j
.ft'.’ Si. ufUioy. i.
N: i. i oflbiß ; -lik •■'.'••• o .
11 ... ■ i. M lit
Os Ule now on '43.81T
- - .'W'i.ld >
•■jb;.. b! ri.Ti'iv. i, 821 51'#
Put* to oilier t' nks, 8,259 85
I‘. ip u nd.vinu 4 1 • p*' t*. .■ id in
.i-eulonds n >, t,ii n.*d, ''.
t» mil vide ! ■ i - 49, t 5 ti l
■ ! ■ <Ji
i. U.
..v (, .... j -pc ■ niv'i. 121,0 . . ;
" .i.k notcs.d i.. ii* r ijanfci i 1,41 «
.t -J >
'.sin r w \ irk, ‘.!i-7.15( ,
-1 linff ( xohanp.,* m (
t lon ;n. 110.4 J 4 4 {
- Uil 023
PSlfl 'a ~ i• >■ ..’ll *
'. j i > b rer.t.i". . . 9.611. ; -
!. i. .114'' Ii ju* i* *1 In. 1 , >i 20
■— — 30 9U2 '. |
f'.ly ntno! 24 17
ha. k itork, 5,73 7 50
.* and |1 scim.i 'r- ! . fJ
Jr. ana • 1-4 , " u-mioy, i->
JiAur-tv, 502,721 21 i
\ou s.. d i .>• p >i.
rl. i moi'ijf I* - ** Ivii.j, o- I
I ■ .. lit ill
■ >;• -ii J i ■ ik' ''• 2'“4 569 68
it. ”*..!pr, . n b
v it .li übllu'. .1.5,598 22
li. c nt id ti*.' probt
bit ipd . 41,873 35 I
SI ' ',21 ' ; t
, *ib > .mi .1 9.5" is
:.j< ~ j., .. i p.iiter under mump P" and e suit,
inte if i.niouiil.i >■ m |... ;y lb* u n.l 1"1 »is.
a ;;nftd, 81 MMOIJ u>M, P P, 8. i
,1. MA US UAL),, Cash -
Vh*s It ’ I’. ,*■ ' . tV tSHAII, Out. I, IS2.'
■•l.' • .’■ 'II -t irt nr CyKOIKU .t :
■5 . f.roio.f, Ox ' 1 b.:5. '» :
.To * 1 . 1 ■ ■ til ~.iv.' ... i 10 H .1 i.
-Agin .\ U* the l«f»i«l*lM'C . i qnisitinn, 1 j
i.eri-iv.ili ir.msn.i. be annual exhii.if ol'tlie rtmt-i
I. d condition ol the Hank and rs '.'(licers u( I }is- j
f'.iint ami Pep <aitc, lly llint mau* ueitl it s ill,
.' •• ■: i'u* amount nt bills it. circul.t..r,*i. pay
it** pi --ip'o htnik, is - - S* ’■ 4
*'■ ~. t, total 1 mm in ciroulation
m |i. ii v. tlie* officer, 61 fi *■ 1
1 ... tunuuii! .n •■j , (tie ..;i l.rud 287 . ■
I *>.. 1 ■ ! t*i •»!hi >n
himii is IVP 192 .’s
And lbo to.«1 animint t . . notes
..tri : , .it>*. m in »uit' and hill ’bßni.*,
. n ."sign *">.s of p. lg'in i. . 6.i,4 7 <Ol
An ailioimt * tb * sn. In. film! .., . , - In 1
set, 1 herefoiore r
yv. lifts b. . ■ .i|ipliei( to lb». ft***:-milt Inss.
iii* nil. ounied ptipera., i cc isit ion on i
in *..'■ -if, ns I eretului* ■ m-.v ■ by . .<■ I ri .
u'.*v and lilt* Rurplus nnyv rem . * *■ ‘'*lll., ;
ts 575.669 181
rv- 1 's or diacovnt aecnunta It
•* usi >y muatba, ab'*> iiiv* to .; 11 iffy ether th*: «nm of '45,1 •! ■!
A tliunei.u gl ih*-.v er . ~ ~,ii ..
slink Ita' been declared b) .no In ■ <•■
of, the setn .annual seltleinen' to,' > |
amount is >s4.i,t.KfO r«t|iur 1 1 p»> . . . 1
v.lion deduo *d Iran fvl4.i,4'* ; u , .
(urpulaut' s>iOU 4!«; sj.
It nn> I v pri I<r in ••«*o» lo v .-. .1, ~
tbrupgn sevei I , ,nii\, kind ■■ •
failui. » I. s'e reet uily occurred, I’ K[ti
li. .1 tin. thtlt Vl »I * tt,t| >r, - , I,
tc this irs! i<ivtiun; nod >,.. ~ • not o
(■■rent pinder >he most ur*>> . ... ve.-vdi ' n
h a *■«) 1 |u»l f■ on nnt r . • ■>. i. t >
•<1 at’tet detl the 111 t .., *■■ \ i,, ;; v
(he div.tiend w!. .■ b . ; ■~s s\- c . ; ,
k have the •n. v
) enroll' sorv't,
iHignctl.j Vi, i HtU l.iv 1;,
/■’■ n’!
Ipir. ■ < !h; the Bn; r.l f ' • . v
■ P ' 1 ; t t. ,
. • ••*,;. A ;f —fttl . 1/1,- , *
V.i'l E r.J (il'Ailiiii . j , | ,
r t . ‘ U *.s '
■ 1 t'l'sl St'tck. I; i, ,
** u-h ) ■ .. ur.t ,
. ' ‘t* ■ •>«! . .; 1
M »l \>-») ■♦>••• * » »ICU V. ", I
. _>fr I ti) {frht
■ • Sul dv V I'Hli l i ,V» ■:
Du • i ♦'*> inu«;mt. : i
■ J' in. -r nr a roll? I 1 *ii?r fiio ?* -»
s ),14.2 ( 0 7% ;>2|
Gl*. '
|hy die ..nUd'Tt.*et, ind*.: iig
, ih.isc in unt 2,003,95" 28
(“ Discim.itffJ hill* c ac mj;e 218,485 16 j
2.222.424 44*
Asalgnmei .» of judgement-* 38,u43 SO j
;■ Heal : state bicmdingbanking j*
t npie . .el 's, t)(7 30,
■ >x r O,OUU 1
"8 . . rain ?>o» , it.d
U'it ,■ I.* ■*' 1 Savannah h**.. k ( i, '<4,136 |
(“ Loral ~ i*., '.m rice 01 accuuniH
&c, 32,688 58
“ Cosh on hand, sundry local
hank no'e*, 75,892 25
“do. 111 U. S. Link ..oies, 49 210
125,102 25
Do. in Specie, 387,720 8 ,
g 3.142 072 92
Sljfnod, A. POHTJSH, Catluer.
HivK or Dauii v, Oct. 17, 1825.
I’o Ills Kxcellenry t... vl. I r iiif.
| sta —Acr, ,rnpHi,)i..g this .;ii/rnPunicn(ion, you
jß receive the Heport, re
iquired by the Legisisfuro, of the a alt of the
!$;, .. By this report you vi!l obs rv.* that the
! Mn'ik is in posse nin ■ • v . -..sul-Tsb 1
■, .r r. fund , you .v if . ~*i,iaik, that there i j
11 accurnulattd hind ot nna hundred and ninety j
. et. iliunsa . 1 and eleven dollar* ami eighty three
cu, t.u winch are to be added, eleven il.ousand;
■ io-hi s lor interest secured />*, mot gage . Lmn*
in .. -six < fion■; nd .*igi>t imndred and f-.rly twnj
•loll: and n* o con;-. 1;. tninil.ced h jit) stock:
j held ‘ y tip; dink— inter it on debts, c, ...h.-10-•
jg*"* ’ in juilgment and suit, ii ry .h* isau < d ill .i
■pi an amount •it it ill be .••■serv. .1 out 01 0 ~
Icon no ‘he .vof L ... u-r .v . I
■ u* nd d tlsrs, nuking .... aggrejr'itf .um at that
*iin<* of two lun. Jr. dan eighty four llruusand
■ivi.i hundred ami li'ty-ibree dollars a 1 ninety
tw*. *..iis, a **• 1 *jfi which the board c» .irec
eiimint doubt silticieiu *. meet every los
they bi.v- sustainul from the . n r** .• —u nt o*
be illStitll'l'lU.
, Ihe i : .\ .i it, . 1 < u!c ♦li': ;■ ,! .. us ...
; '*’. ... , *. u ;. A . ,<1 ,11 ■ ill
■v ~c . the)* to . .1 . - ary to n.i,.nl..>n *vii
2■*.!l o' • • r ,|l|. . 1. rv ng of equal, .y with!'
; otbei institutioi 1
•v)ii|e ti < > sliai) have admmistcico i.uf .rh 1 1 ib.-i
■ .* ..its 1,1 Itie coinmui.i!- during a peu IJ.II ery
neral dist i*<.*ss.
■v 1 I "<,.rt:ii*i v> ur Kxccllency’s very oh’ , v’i,
(Si.-Nv,..,) r. si» vl'liiljsi:,
/ j vi\s 1 fiavi: 1
j State of th- H.i.YK OA fi.ftUll'V .'..*;
h- i'n: (./ I'rlo/i, p it;'
I. 1!
■ i'n He H. Sluln ftse-e, J,«56 t ;7u,3
a... on i.a.i.l ... l)n
hen. 400.030
! ■!.. ilank l>a
•ien, 156,075
,• m c; '-illation, 1500 258
——— ) ) 56 ..Co
I pi ■!; and losH,I osH, .197 ijt 1 Bo|
capcal |,a'<( in, 654,175 i
1 United Si 1 es, 96, fgl
j iti■•ute.iuv Nj. ’ and 12, ' s,oti). 90
| din.wiu- 1 account, 13
I Hull ft Uoyt, 27,212 i
| monies 011 Icjnvutc, 35,377 61 1
f“..' B°4 ;95 73
H\ cash balance, 67 3,26.'* 1
comprised of P;,.* ; en
hills 400,030
ot Specie. 278,2 10 85
.' Uftiee Ban!*. 11. S. N. York ,>;{j I
; Branch be ik Dar . n at
j Macon, 17.065 18
I <l.) do Mj 1 ie*>, 176,13*. - 1 1
I d.* do M '* ;,y-. vhi
■■■’■• - - - '097,723 33;
I Marin- am* ‘ ' tl*. uavsi ish 1:6 h «.|!
HiJls of F.v I'nnge ~9,141 :Jsli
. hills and mne-d r:.,muled, 1 096,.i. i 0>: 1
1 .ho WilUimi fc Co. Ag’i. London, 53 771,
| Hank Mouse and Lot, 10,000 ('
| Darien K. S. saw mill, 8468 97*1
I bonds and mnngages, 18.753 42 i I
stuck account, (8 136 91 j’
1 inn ntal cl: ■pc 2,716;)9 ! (
! '
Ba* r. or .viv .-n, .1, L'i..j. i]
llis I* - - ill ec ,(, \< iU ,| ■ ji
e 1 li • . . ..
I P'S I '"' ** .*1 ■ I'.'tfi ;».*ce •).') ! have 111- 'I
; iiutior 1 ■ ■ ■tc v . v 1 statement i:
■ '*' ** ' *.' * lll i .... ■' n„3 on io I. hi-; dute.- “ !
i ii* t Trim;* t ■ .;* . ~,. ■ .-xluhit.-d on ilv I■'1 ■'
*’ bet on.'<llf. ■• dr * :<iation o-’t
j’.f- •<•«.-I!*’t» .dt V,. I iVfd. Hie 1). *,*ctor ■ ;
in' li**- ' ' tr* c. .In . .. rui of the imes.:|
add ■ i * 'K)i> l > in.* Mt unit ..I the d ••ibtfu-L
i'l-f.* 1 ’•* ■ 6 •*«-*.; iTt ■; bad vhi s ..* 'vducei 1 j,
’ A ''‘' “ am .till (b, ing McMiillh.'s debt) Imv .
. > ver )'
1 * •'«' '■<*' 1 to Le, wit!*, great rts,, u, |.
.'•••*■• ‘ ’> ,
'n*u-*ii .) V. ■ll ,S I-'!. 1 \’KR, /'■,* ro. I •»,
(M) I’
" •••'■'a- .J. ’ ■ i‘c , • >.•>," '.**[s'Urs n{th •
tiu.< i. t:, i\ ./>•• f. October,]'
J) A*.
‘ I ..> Capital '■ k, 600,000
1 .ni. t- - .on eba* r - hiila in r ■
m cu < on, 414783
•* ti jl’ slt-posit*-, j ; 5\2 7>
’ Lv lends unpaid 3 j. 3 1
■J * Lml vid.'*! pr Is, bd,. 29 64j
| 1 a ‘a *1 !-• *'b In-, i • * r.;,nk *> Augusts '
i. *d . evnih'.t .... .I*. .A < <MVI I Nt.,
. Oc*.»»cr 'si 1825 /.•, ■; /,*, ~
I" amm.r* ■ ' due Lie Hank.
> a O' 1 •■:*■. . to m.»’fi*. , '■ u. 95; 44,
don ini, 14 . 3 J
ind tins amount ,"*;■ r. bed■•*
(be yt: ) r.ii.m Imeu hr.l, 3,!>>■.• .'6
| LJ
f-1 , ~st" :*■ ■ . v . ■ 3 31 .i
. ti). , tine uu ■
IHi * ■ ci .itere ;n>
F vign .'ii.V ~ 53 ’Ov
A.mount of Specie belong
ing to the Bank n liie
vault's. 253,701 70
_ 472,427 70
$ 1,394 512 4:
Schedule of debtt due the bunk if Augusta, conoid
ered bad, referred lu i i the e ; ‘.tbit hereunto an
Joseph Carrie, ndorseu . .under
Bryan loaned 2S it March. 1820. 233
Jot ailian S U •ry ,o,ni rsc! fiy Oliver
Smrgps. lea ■ ' l 7 'h Sent 1322, 650
I fames 1,. Oliver, ei uorsed In- Penn &
Jackson, loaned 21st and 28th March,
1820 1,394
| Vai’nn Morgan, endorsed by L. fl.
Sage Si (iii. loaned 19th Nov. 1822, 310 21
Paul Uooney, endorsed by A. McLati
rin, I. McOowl, jr, loane-.l 10th fob,
1824, 99 95
Ti/al, 3,1*0 76
Taken from the bonks of t lie Bank cf Mi frusta,
and certified by JOHN U. COWLING,
October 1, 1825 Hook Keeper.
Schedule, of real estate belonging die Bank of . iu
quota, referred to in the exhibit r leantn annexe-!
All that lot. ;• parcel o> ground commonly cdh.-J
| the Bridge Hank Got, fronting eighty feel on
lirnad-Strei-t. and extending in depth to Hey
nolda-Sireet, on wide!; it f mis or-c- hundred
•.mi ten feet, comprising the, buildingnn Broad i
direct, commonly called tin.’ lindir • ,i•, k and i
ilircs Cenementslron.iog >n R wiu ds-bircet —|
cost at’s sales forty thousand dollars, J
trnpr ved lots fronting thirty feet
i «ar’n on Broad-Street above Camp
bell-Stro-l —ro«t at sherd! ’s 'tics
el cn lliousaml one hundred and
■ v ei.ty one dollars and tw tin l \ -)■ <
! -.finis _ 11,121 251
i.u<s Nt I and 6, in the town cf Katon
on, n square D.with improvements,
Iwo other lota in said town conlain
i"g one halt acres, situate on the west
aide of street leading to Milled jeville
cost two th luaand dollars 2,000
851,121 v 5 |
»n from ( ■•••• S- k
■•..a certified hy lb AIN G. C ( * Wl 1
October 1, 1826 Ihok-K
\ Rankin: */« • and. led rs re.-l to in the F.dnut.
Un vnto ami" red.
Got and imprm n.ents fronting th (tv.three feet
no Broad 1 reel bound- ! on tins blast by a \ :<l ,
, v ten fret wide, ymi on the 'Vest, by the
.t,h *i Bank otdhr Sta.e o* Georgia— valued u
.■ f.i-'et-, thousand dollars, ,-',>2 000
-ce evdanation in relnt't'o to this property in
' ii * of Ist <lt ,18 ■
i Isk n from 'he becks ol the Bank of Augusta,
1 md < enifie* - by JOHN G, COWLING,
I October i. 1825. Hook-Keeper,
, The Murder of Miss Cunningham,
! * *
'The following notice <f t!,i hti.ihl detii,
! with some particulars not heretofore sta
teti, is now published, in the hope that it
i may yet contribute to the detection ol «
j monster unfit to live :
i On Monday dte. 4t!i day of April last, a Cunningham, a young woman
1 a no lived near Clntrlestov. a, m Cecil coun
jtv, Mar* land, let her home to go to het m
i)»tinr.A not far distant, taking with her
jibe child of a relative about four years old.
[She had to pass a short distance on the post
|road leading from Havre-de.liraco to Blk
[ton. About II o’, loci in the day, she
istopped at a house on that toad, wh re *h<-
•" i" iiiv’fe.l ’«• .’.‘die, ;ud G-tU fij.»r,
i- on oi' the V tse ami ir,- wife iitt:- ui •
going the nan way qd would Walk with
; lie She eplied that the chilil walked ve
■t\ slow, that she would therefore go on,;
land they might overtake her. J'bese peo-i
pie '.ere delayed, ami did tit., leave then,
lhouse till about 1 o’clock. While on their,
way in ~ i •at ■om
out of the word, non a here Mt?< '-.nulling 1
. A.ti after* ■. ... tV.ind. «ra;t
fill .*, itid v\ an tiff a dark Vo: , mi,
who asked as He passed them, 1 how fait is
it. to the terry?” (Ha,vre-d< tirade ferr .V
Me uneasiness was entertained by the fami
ly which Miss Cunningham had left, i be
wig supposed she ras at the house 5... m
tended to visit. < i 11 ■ * following Kride",
morning the child, in an r.lmosl famished
state, was discovered standing at a branch
by a neighbouring woman, who, kj, .• mg
the child, aski -i it “ whom it came with ?”
It answered, “ with aunty- Where is
your aunty f” The child, pointing to the
woods, said, “up there,” •* Why did she
ooi come with you ?” “ Aunty is asleep,”
jit an-wered —“ 1 could not wake her.”
Persons want immediately to make search,
in aof whom following i traik which the
jchild had made in going to ami from the
j branch, was led directly i«» ihe lilelrs. hod
lof Miss t uiinMigham. Os the horrible anti
! blood-i nil liny spectacle which it exhibitort,
iwe are permi-itetl miy ♦<■. -;■> that on he.
bndv Hu O' ek ' . , seven wounds,
tb ' 'tali- .. .inther ha ids
r. r I oi g tht weapon ,
aiHi bl'>—i-v«s4..‘is ••!. inc ♦ <ie of the
;ne< b •• ire <• ?t• two. I'rom the extend
ed !»*»«• *t- l 1 it'iii-, and hair, me ap
•at I'o < ; leva tii .-"■■vd bv the f>-«t
“ */
.on i p'.- ii n* here she was lirsl
• •»-. •*. >’ > vat a Ida k ivi: sit
•toe-.i )• Z"- v-a ,■ n ;••• ■.cd off and ..■. i
iy i Mil , larked or
i.- n. ktllioTi. '.• a- lour t \ti - oi..
'.is ■' " I ’' • r ,i,| , -id j» had I'clh ’• >t
.. <■ j tint > - -IPs, ilt to lid of :»
the ■ 1 1. t 1 > other inf
i ‘ti ■-I the tnur ..u ‘ r a ; *.• . v
k it i* utuiiiit’ >* ill -i ks lc. D.t* I?. r*,t
' Mom'iuy tii; V cid.iy, le > ing it mlv to «r*
thebn . it tk, bu
ibegging us “ aunt)'” to xake <>ml get up
i'l’he lower part ot -i sfiii.-sleevv, evidently
torn off, was found at the spot, and is sUlij
ujkept. _ j
j One John Conners, u. native ot t 'anada.j
'and a shoemaker by trade, was arrested in
'] Virginia on the Ist of June, and has lately
j been tried in Maryland for the above mur
. tier. He was acquitted on full proof, that, '
at flu time the crime was perpetrated, he ]
was in Mtllersburg, Kentucky. T’tis man’s ,
anest f|uietcti inquiry us toothers. 'Jn the J
dav of the murder, a stranger crossed the |
ferry at Havre-de Grace, who paid the fer
ryman a striped cotton igcket with sleeves, !
for his ferriage. This man had with him a
bundle, and wore a dark colored surtout, 1
! supposed to be of boitle green. A man in ‘
a simila• dress,and also having s'bundle,
} was overtaken bn tlie road by a boy in a
gig, anil asked the boy to let him ride On
being refused, lie got into the gig, and con
*muued in it til! they saw Miss Cunningham
jat au-i di-tance. and whom they would .
[soon have me., -n <he man jumped out.
•(and sat down on the sui. f the road.
.! Qn the previous Satin lay night, two
; I men, a woman, and a chi! '!, wbr ; ,a,d t hey *
jhad come from the Potomac f anal, lodged ’
1 1 at a house in Cecil county, near the Cm— - '
!apeak.r- and Delaware Canal. About 12 o’
j clock m Sunday, being a stormy snowy!
jday, th.ey left the house foe the c*na; Jva
jly on Mt.ndav morning, one.of n * t.
turned, got fits break lost, and to A from his 1
■ bundle several articles of .dot.;; g. .
lie left saying they belonged to the o-- 1 -.
|mat ■.oi etu .wd and took tl • m t.b nexilj
ijday- ihe won-at and th id <■ imt come
back with them. The man wno leturn,.-.! '
on Monday morning, soon left the house, to 1
go hack, as he said, to the Potomac Canal,
ami passed on !he post (tad from Elktoni'
towards Havre-de Grace. He tvo'e a dark;'
:colored coat, and i with hint a bimdl
! On or about r OR i ui \pril, a tone
■j was arrested it> B !t ; iwo>T who, on Ins ex jj
uf< nati- ’’ hefoie . uiiigibtratc. suteo to i'.a ;
jmagi-.'.i r.e >■ ■cntleinai; present, : b:itj'
he the y ng oma •■■ a ipui
■ ;ed in Cecil that he .vus ting n: ,'ie '
id d ajde, wl ■ g).
ithat he ; ent.<med n t‘;i c'lbn'hood
.1 Friday, wlv-t she ’v< ft-oun th?t in p, *
■..ali ig la oart 1.? •as ii if ; a. 1
A banger, that be might he iak • up, , -ul;‘
■|asked a gentleman.on the r«r•! to lei bi-id
• ride in his carriage, or remain >i >m tj - *. *■
'with him, the latter of which hr did ; :h,
he saw fit a funeral, and was sony to .•> * <iV < 1
. that so fine looking a ynpog wotnan v ion id j
havi been s-.i cruelly treated ; and, finall y.'
■ that be came fti io Havre-de-Grace to Bal I 1
jtimore by water.—This man, when arrest-) 1
’.ed, had a dark surtout and a hurdle witli;
- him. What is yet more strange, he told;
t the magistrate and the other gentleman,| !
that lie catiic from Canada, and that ni ;
j name was John Conners. The boy men j 1
j tinned above, and .uiothei pers>.ti being
• jl«r, said he was not the man tnev !iad ■« on;
•Jon the. toad. He was discharged, and ask-l
'j* <• the mugisti ate (• a certificate to pre- ”
'! vent his being taken-;p again—which wasi
' .given him.
•! A reward ol has been offered)
'j by an Executive Prochimatioi., for the vie .
j lection of the destroyer of Miss C- F.-ii -
■l tors throughout t!ie hm at- .>pi ■ ; '•> i, >
t requested to give p ■.. t • *t» ;,h above !
fl Any* u. int ,J .• pence bv Utter i'
dor other wise trauamitt. . ,u vithei oi vhej
Baltimore. Editor.., * iit; gladly received,;
■»nd properly used to bring so foul an jffen ('
1 1 dor +(> justice.
: mo igIX
,/>i th' Superior Court of Richmond Conrm.! 1
*i I’rosem 'l>!- Hon. mbli k, Jndg, . ;
lie f ■ ii.LLna, )
t* Petition r ot Fore el* >
V n,ci > K i.> SHIN v sure.
V, ' i i,. '*!
*1 T t I*. ’N ro'it't ;; !■ r! IfU j,!
I j *■■) fcl »f-ui -o' i'i Kq .' Kodcmpri'tn 1 !'
■I and 1 tile Lots of I it us
I; 1 (i ! If’ing .o ‘ ie chy oC A'lg'iistu, v Tv. t» l/i.t
iI. ,■ vn Miie oisto j.-)i slu Jto *'.e plan of {fie y«ir'J f
, I'.o'nerH oM ’.. i an! si vei ii bound'** ;
j lorthwst ;1) :>} U \ Mi'tv;, ca.-itw r lly b) Hons j'
tot t reet, tout w riil bj Hi i 1-street, m ,
i!wesli-Wy by V.ot number fourteen j cootainingj’
r j two hit-28, more or less, which -aid two l.ot'dj
-' in" conveyed ;■» the said Wili am Lamkio. oy j.
Dm cl of I idenlnrt* trom .lEn-fes t; -r, of tl.e c. j
ot Am tuts. Also one other 1. *► b- r.deilr
ij north ov K,li' .el (»hi by Louis 8.-ries i.-'-.i'l
• •s-iuth by Green-street, and v evt by Join-, Turpi:.’ |*
• l ot -, containing one plain,., of an acre more ert
,( s which saiil I.ot ,v ,s jonv-\cd to the
j Wiliam t.amkin l " Deed of indenture (Von \ 1 j,*
t -i li’ d'.cge Bherif; of Nnriimm 1 county which
’ said lb c‘e 1.-'ts were m 1,1;,, :g»d b • tiles;, tVo-j ; .
' .noil ‘..tni-.n to tv lli-tni . . Diilc- ~ It ;; >rt. |i .*
i (>a>tot. Sloan anil Walton Ki.n. fi), -| |
! tie i)-iv i- ot of a certain proi. s .ry' m- ■ |'
-J iem ci.d.;i‘iiv tlie a.u Wtl'iam , Diio. i, Gt >. p
,! i (St Sl.’ao md Walton Knignt, having subs-. -|i
, j .; t 'lilly to toe date ot rani mortgage, convcyia; .
land •m o t ; ■ ill n U lon all
! igilt, (.tie, :;t >rest, rlaim o; 1 .1; m, d, of, In :nd to
-) "a- ' I'" Mg•;*• d premises, md 'fie sum ol
t'-un;;. d D -dais i -in,; mi/ due upon tin
•*;■" m (?««<• =
fi ". 1 i )‘or ’ n w, t i vy iI •«l Nova ober lirm ;
lß’>, upon nioTjii of Jous \\ Wn.u , Feiitiun
; -r- \i 'nr t
. ft i. o'-.i- ’/hr l,r Co: -[, That the pr icln i
*‘ ill i'i : Had ' isi.; in-oi s, j;-e, I c p,, 1
', ;*-’ -t Wilfi t 'el.o non sis It-a-m t'lt- dau j
„!|iit t>o.-n thencr .i-iri the i.juity of I! j
. )' i- nntion v- ili b- {.-.rever ia.rretl and iorecins?d .
a.i !i« (uoitgi;, d premia -a mid -i 'fie fiw <t.-|
'*■ {r- IS. At. i I ■ ' rlOrdered Tint a ;v o*!
II j tin " uk- fie pul* 1 ■ ned in ot the Gauet tea t;|
j; Ida Git» at i. - ice in every mm h. until tin j
i re « >pui -i payment, or .'em di -j .he I
. n lis spec t, at I
’ . * coll' tut l time, ill,- in norv is dorr. -;to h. |
6 ’«'o* „
Prut t * , f rt?cf ft- i {'■* Minnies,
J.imes M Gavva- '• ;
f> T 'llfif 'i, i»ieO I »i 5)»
~.1 WUtrj'dJ* ' mtt. . .
| ’ CoSSTXT CJT'fOXA :• •'
I FUDA »i (' MB Est
I‘au editors of the liit«-'*iaemvv v»
not know where th • ! no of iiiv iiou i* ,r
found in the politic so*'* ><vi . -Ye,,,
tln tii. I ho'ti. \vf•' i-.c.u; anhui' l - . ,
fidence in the ad nm Uio the
Government an i'i not dispute '• n.-
to do any niaUei or ing .vl- •
general welfare” are celled H • taf ,•.
Those who would cm one ..:Uf •; •' ...
to the exercise of powers ..oh ■ I
constitution, ■•. ml. who belie.e to..
Rights are valuable and mould be >r-, i it
cd sre at present called the I Towni,
In truth, however it may l>. tr. •* •utcics:’-
tiiv, 3 sti vers to dtstroy the \>’
which parties were dis. '• ui>. •. .
Clarl''and 7' r ouf when a *«•».!
i* ; c.ians, mean nothing mure not : ;
Fede aUst and Ih’puhl.icftn. S r. ••,»
be sure luv*. • hanged ■. ■■ m .. .• i.
of Opinion but ,r is rtaiu t.h ■ t the aim
principle ol division til! ns fisml -
was in the reign of terror, the
ha ppy revdlutii ! •:
e-ah*i became odious beci.’. it i«cu>
to i minority wlim ; for'um- w-- c ,. ' ,
r;-t; . ana hencr tac P ■ ,■ c:--t ‘
to listen the public . rim • , s,.
tliei lire, urn ,r ■ . . .
the 'ef.-.iri 1 pm .j "■. ■' <i •• •
then' insichication> m • ■..■•
The h a.■"
the eas ■ '■■■' -l-.t 'mi ...
cheated by f a ctcncc.
nyasttres htive ba. . pt <p > ! .-■ ■■
spirit ma.ilf > ' ■'■self- •
dec Trine ol »«,/<•■ v//<. y :r. c
yern merit has be< 1 ...
' ■ ‘"■l .1. - .- ). .1, ■ J •’
• efer >1 ‘vn ■ ■ • ■
bk jealousy, W e or ■•. tlv.-.iv ■ce
fa ■ . * cal * ■ ■ ; ■
names'' rind b- 0.-mb.-y,
ly ' v: fi ■
■ t . ■ Stall
ted. It not pro:> v r to so -> r.i
»i)rtr> uut wheat V or, n i■ . .
' ! <lt ' tie ! ; i.:'.* .r I
Ir. j ;•< >,5. I h(- ■oe * I
other,vise ;i e i >“m , »•’ .it .
itom the r n.’» r ■,•••■ *rei •...
.adherents • Jimbitioii .no! rr.
V ■■ believe u i* sonv- in
I 11.9>J t* 0 ftf i l? r > C ''u.'* t Us.
j tCX't /.*' dilS— • CIS♦: ' J . ‘ir *<’. , . .•*
mod cabal and i. nd t • ,
Uvhorjve .oeaer per .a• •n, •
either of the parties, but ha • sought
j advantage «cc*.--iniia - . ! v r.n tioii.
joe rt‘-;ogc»zed as the • •.t > rami ,ir .mi.
ipetiduni piditi ia. s »*f the 'a. Th« ~•<
■prise, we haz.rard rutiii;i s•■
(prove i'ne -' . > - ■ ~ ■
~ oliticfll rdes i-.i vhen /■•■ rr crc
jinends but cannn lore re (a ■ _i •. >«
(foundationis shifting and f- . ’ n
jibing can be construct* <1 upon u. ; k ,i.
v hen led by a strong oUachmcnl To
jk. ! >tt men will cordiat on • ,<
!/»/ ' -oikr:t( 'i. ", t ide ■*• *i*i>
: ■, lave point
i,l(l i» •< ■ ■ 1 i •< inofc' i 1 ;c.(■ “. : ■ ••••.
l i boss who O>K ■ ,d '.! m il. I'- Oi •• 0/. : h
led bv it—it njgi.; b<- -• ell tm !t
: * *
) O - 1 •( t a t ;,< f U ;f» w • ■ V
\tke (. egidatV'-e and 1 •at ,J tin •
friends < ahee will
|bt ( by these o• ,
If rtan j otlpng it re than . • -
[h'if/uh.’-.! .tn.
■! the ( reek D< putat
jhavior. a v . d the, i•>. drtoss of >h ;
i open itii the ,1
As. ' invm r, the Thief.»{ ' !>■•
morm : .umboi of thus* w! ~,
•(ml.: -iand t' e <■; ran i; f’ ’ t; c
vill not be waited foi
amt ' r conferences on To ml-.
T , • •toinmen
»' .S t :; -I f the ta UV vCi . • '■■ ■, r i 1
anti. pi • • :e . *.«j>_ fav'u.
these, ionto: .n.'n it ! • ■,•■ . . .
/*■’ • • h’- I* I’I: M . V kO l ‘ t ‘ i»
gre w o f the a
W k ?!■<■ happy toe- ci V" -u
authority as the 1 »
iactory acco inmLuiot ‘ s
at W;i- 1 to if the diffic
mu of the ' re.' f rear M p. • . ,
States had admini jterrd tt- affairs
ijiiarter fli, nigh fit and propel ugc ... ,
ililficulties would nevei at ■ tied
Georgia at this iUiy, in h. 1
have been ; ,n po.ssft.- ■ <•(' he 1
presume fro a the ibov t;. i 'if •a,”
1 will hr removed from lis Sr a r
icontemplated by the 'treaty ’
j IVcaty itself will he si- tained h>
iisiraltim without referring it • , ,-i
Vn«dher treaty may |-;r'*aps hr i; u
; I the country occup l d *>. t,. •
jAh i.una may he re r- nr . .
(nMigeinent will in no ■ imp jv
:tic ■of the 11 ru alrc idi -.1
I'liere • in ’ruth c.m u I <>!
!fhr Im-.incss, d. the (■iove.n • K. '
i >v*.*i'd tlir h us .vlll if t \<h i .
[with little or no rcloclanc.- !,•>■ ” i
jiv iv bighlv be id ;ia! i i: c
liiavc si-nse enoi-.vh •»! sv
. ... i■ i , ;,. . ~. ...
uid thrown Geoc ,I:i obi
»•> h •- hope i -v no- to- . v**. ‘• r, ■«.