The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 13, 1825, Image 2

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W lti-,.W:K-r M/rMMf ■ <• ■ - ' «•*••• ,|. HWn. 5 rum V van‘*^. Ni ',y Vm«< N incm’Kr 29 p,, r. • Pu-etship S’ - aa,U u.».. I’ T, Ac jived Paris p»peri of the 24th, and Havre ot the 26th ult. ( Lafayette v u at Paris, and hid ( )im>d the house of M. 1 ernaux, with the I! video E" - and several gentlemen late Deputies •• opposition side. Upon Gmleral Lafayette’s approach to la s scat at Ligrange, tin* inhabitants ot the ad j ~-ont villages sent out to meet and welcome i-t. A trio, arch, with in- niption .nalagous to the occasion, was erected up on Hi,; mad by which he pissed ; and at the door of his m anion h.; was greeted by a . *r(v of young females, who presented ♦<) him a bouquet. \ is slated from Frankfort, that the. house M ... llPhschild has undertaken to build a Jew-' 11 ispital, with tunat.uie, &c. nl the expense of about 100,000 florins, and to ■ ndnw il witli an annual revenue of 3000 Korins. dwelt TVc/os.—• It is rumored that the Greeks have ceded the Isle of Paros to the Americans, in ackmavledgmeni ol the ser ve es rendered to their cause by the United Slates. On tb i 17th September, a letter written from Napoli le llomaid, ays, “ Viler a siege of five months the garrison <«t Mis mlonglii sees its efforts crowm-.l with com plete success- Missolonghi is .mutely tree from danger. <> icnral Greece is delivered entuelv from th harbarians. A lew rem nants of th- Turkish army are blockaded Sn'ona, and w 11 be cm ipelled to surren der . discretion. Ibrahim Pacha ieendea vmning to retreat upon Uorou, with an el fin * to obtain winter quarters, wilh a slen der army of GOOO out 22,000 There are onlv 5000 men ready to sail from Alexan dria lor Peloponesus. The Grecian fleet, under Sactorius is lying near Casas, wei! prepared. The insurrection in Claudia con lie e, (, lx successful.” A h i ier ot a recent late Ironi Madrid, say,. “<) the sth ot October, a youn» m.n was hanged, who, at, (he moment of his ex ecutioii ci ied Viva Mina, and said to the people, that there were more than one Mi na in Spain. He afterwards •minsed ■’ con less himself and kiss the crucifix. It tins (.or :i.r.i excited liomn in the public, they were still mine shoeken to sec (he .took who attend ail the cm Ipi it mrike him win toe ima ,r e ot lac Divinity, because he red ’sed O » ' to mil.•! ace { lie following i-, Irons the Augsburgh Ga- Ue ; “ Letters from Hie frontiers of Italy, mention iuiportanl negocintions having been sei, on foot helweim (he. Holy Sec and the Republic ot Colombia, the ietic ,it avid H recollected, sent mne time ago a Diplo matic Agent to Rome, in the character ol Ambassador ; but the. Spanish Lnvoy had then influence enough to have the .New State and its Ministei treated with disdain. The Colombian Ambassador even received orders to quit the States of the Pope. St now appears that recent events have ren deied the Roman Mlmini-tnition less .se vere. and the Cardinal Secretary <d State has declared that the order >u question had been obtained by surprise, and should be ieganled as null and void. Ihese letters add that upon the approaching anniversary of the Pope’s Coronation, his Holiness will is «oe an Ordinance, bv which the land tax will he considerably reduced. The extreme poverty with which the people are oppress oil, seems to render this measure neccessa ry. In the meanwhile the Jesuits have been put in possession ot the Palace fJorro meo, and mot e than thirty families domicili ated there forced to seek for other dwel lings.” On September 22 the temperature in Swe den changed suddenly from that, ot summer to winter. In a short space ol time the fields were covered with snow and the wind vvas extremely i old. According to recent intelligence from Rome, the Pope is better, although still un abli to leave Ills bed. He receives the au thorities and transact- business. His phy sicians hope that Ins health will soon be re established. Extract of a private- letter of the ithinst. from Trieste.: " MEsidonghi holds out, and defend* itself valiantly Several inure Aus trian vessels La> • been taken by the Greeks The brig uvero. of 80(H) si iyos, the lines', of our navy, having been met on its way to Sin-- yna bv a Grech-armed ,cssi!. v. ..s at tache I on account d having 30 I'urkish pas senger- on b nird, and the Uap'ain being ob I'.a. d to dei’ein 1, the vc-sel was cap tured, the men k'uietl, and the brig sunk.— P ,-ce rich Turks wen; kept tor tin, sal-., ol obtaining a ransom.” Extract ot a privaU letter of the 10th in-; 'nun Madrid:—‘Since the departure of the '. cum ier » ' have been «x peeling .ui v a ■ one,'- ot I administration, except V Calonnu'de ; ud, that tiie lour ,!mu., i Mi: ;sters w- e.'d I); succeeded bv men complutclv devoted to the Apo-tolical pat tv. Phis intrigue, the principal support of which consisted ia partial insurrections that were to have taken place in the pro vinces miscarried, because the sth regiment ot the line which a,is at Grenada, by com meiu-ing the revolution prematurely, gave ocoiMon to at rests, Irmn wl'.ich revelation* « u-ued that discoverctl a part of die pro it she kpostolicals, however, upon tlu miscarriage ol this lir-r otiort directed thei: ,i I'Miiion U the persons dial surruunded hi: Majesty ; ..nd the Duke de Plnfautado, win ;is nn.jdetcly devoted to them, and wiion ney wish to placr at the hea ; >‘ l the « >r sign department, was summoned on the 6 mst. to the Kvcimial. It was then belie . .-d that Ministers were dismissed; but pow-i • ful diplomatic agents at Madrid having gone imme Lately to the Escurial, by limit jinHuence, joined" to that of the Queen, who supports M. Zea with all hei power, die storm was assuaged, and it row appears .ml •nly that M‘ Zea will keep his place but that 5 hi- antagonist is likely to be dismissed. — Phi- change in M.Zm’s situation lion d ics not seem to he etfect ot ham n existing betweenlll. 1 ,ind the Ministers .1 England, itig-ui. Austria and France ; ,'but that M. Zea, perceiving it injurious to him to alienate from himself the minds ( jof some of these agents, by bis refusal to cuter upon the negotiations relative to the , I Americans, has at length determined to make some concessions, and listen more favourably to the overtures of Mr. Lamb, One tiling is I certain, as soon as tiie crisis „t the Esc.rial , was over M. Zea hastened to Madrid, where die summoned a Council, trial s u a long time , jin deliberation, it. is supposed,upon American liaffairs. fheConsultingJunta is now olcupi led with a project for abolishing die provincial I districts, and thus destroyed the spirit of (province and want of uniformity in admin , titration, which have been so prejudicial to t Spain, The Peninsula would, according to the project, be divided into 14 departments, .dike France,and have a civil regime, Similar ,I to that of the political chiefs under the I Cortes. This plan, which Joseph liuna iparle would have executed, was then sue-j I'cessfully resisted by the province, notwith-! . standing (hat they were overed with French bayonets. The mom‘fit for such an imper-j (ant; change seems to be ill-chosen. A . I strong sensation was excited last night by , the hasty convocation ot the council of the ilndies : but it turns out that the only ob ject of which it assembled was to unite with I the Chapter of the Convent of St. Francis I the Greet, in nominating certain Fathers lot the Americas. The Court ' 1! return to Mad ■ on the 2(>th inst. Sev ral police | uflir -i wlm manifested /.eal fur the king’s seivicc at the time of the conspiracy of Res , sieres, have just been promoted. L'he num ber of vagabonds, which was always very great in Spain bus recently increa-e ' toj . such an extent at Madrid, that tiie Council iofCastile is seriously ot upiri) u, jtlie means of getting id ii them. Fonnerly ,!these o t of people \ disposed of by 'siMiild g them into the army or navy, but isuc. is the state of our fins ces, that instead lof augmenting the army, there is need toi diminish it.” ’ t&ffa*- Savannah, December 5. hu'uston oj Cuba. — The Editors id tiie (rt’Oi "ian have been favored with the fol ’ilowing extract ol a letter from t . rthegena, by an arrival at New-York. It is from an officer of the Colombian Na ’lvy, to his brother in this city. Cakti;ackna, 23tl Octobet, 1 825. 1 presume you have heard of the intended 1 (expedition fitting nut at. this place against" (lie Island of Cuba, consisting of one 74 ’’five frigates, six sloops of war, and a num ' b<T of brigs, schooners, gun-boats, Ac.— 1 j I he number of troops will consist of from ten to twelve thousand, and it is generally ’. believed From the disaffected state of affairs 1 and revolutionary disposition of the inhab itants, that we will find an easy conquest, ’ or at least we are sanguine to that effect.— ’’ All that prevents our departure is being ob liged to wait for.the arrival of the two fri gates from N. V. which are daily expected. Thus you see. 1 shall in a few days be again on the field of action. I had obtained a furlough for the purpose of visiting the, United States, when I received orders,to,-, proceed direct to Cai ihagena, at w’. , I arrived with the squadron froo'f.h 1 Cahello, to re-unite with the squg, l ‘ , .m a i gainst Cuba. The operations of the squad -1 ron are to be directed to General Lcno Cle jmenti, Commodore Relucho and myself. — \As yet 1 do not know what ship I will be ‘(on board of, but expect shall lie given a : preference to one ot the new frigates, hav ing understood that they will he superior to ‘ any vessel afloat, and equal in force to « ”4, being intended to mount 64 guns ol ■ heavy cai’br •. d; This expected expedition must cause : m! uneasiness to (he wealthy inhabitant! •. 1 1 >i that rich and beautiful island, and I sin iiji-erely hope that they will not expose lliem v selves (o an usides- and de- dive war (are, for a- soon as the banner of Colombia -,is unfurled on their shores, there will be ■ thousands to join her standard daily—but -.should ibef not vccode to our p. aposals -| doubtless that rich and fertile country will I he laid waste to the tavages of war. \\ e arc making great preparation for the 1’ eel nation of Bolivar’s birth day on the 'Sth inst. which ills believed will excel g.any thing •t> lliuncy von •.er.; since the , 1 possession bv th'* Co.omlTans fhcrerts el - readv upwards of £lO 000 for a dinner, v ball and -upper, which will be extremely 1 g. atii ying to the feelings of the community, t nut onlv from its being the birth-day ot the s, illustrious Bolivar, bui the entrance on that -|day of Eedro Gaul, Esq. with other diplo linutic characters, woo are or their wry te i- meet the ministers and delegates ot the o'North am Small Republics at ;• general con si gross at 1 an,ana. i i Sooth America must become ihe empnri cjum, and young men of genteel and ir|libera! education, cannot do otherwise than ,sj rise to fortune, especially if speaking the ojlunguagi and writing well. There lus just ‘i.i* not-v-.-i armed aj splendid G 4 gun hip ?Wn Hii.l ...Id to the g eminent. with » con ■■lenient! I t>( GOO iru :i. Six is a lift« ■-•••;> M», •’ ‘ r ‘. .nice, uivl will augment our forc< • atly. I » ! V\ • • ,irt; momently ia|»* < h'is frigate from | rj England for this government, anti we shall r»joe ;re some time yet before u - sail, ij ■~~>!§0O‘ l| The. last/hunt of Mont Plane.— (Fro m tTlie Minor. —‘ h-rne en Suiss , 4th Hunt • • 1R25 -*.mong other excel rririties of tjf ~ ■ i ha- ■i st completed Ihr ar..r .»• .tal; ot reaching the summit "f, s M..nt c. A few hasty particular? ; amuse you. Dr. Edmund Clark, my s sell', ami twelve guides, started from Char* s monni on Thursday, the 35th ol .August: ijiwe react;'.'! the summit on Friday, the Stith; e*imd arri• -«l hack at Channoum on Sunday, i 27th '1 ; e two night* we were absent we y slept of .nurse, on the eternal snows, in s an atmosphere ol 12 degrees below tree- Citing. Ine danger.*, and J Ucultles of pass in he Glai I rs <ln Jr :sons and that of jjTaoconi. ai 1 subsequently traversing the | i jiPit ri •: ns 1 ■ plain*, of snow to arrive at the (op, -!wii! all i more fully detailed m a pamph ijlet which is to be publish at Geneva in '(the course of ten days, as -on c our ar jrative is i ady. The baromele wt- ter in • ches owe; with us than in the v alley de i Ch irmouni, where we bad a man taticned; ,to observe the mercury. The tbermnme-lj cer at 12 o’clock in the sun was 2 12 be - j • low A ;ez;ng only ; our pulses va ed from 1 100 to iSO. “ 'Flu, rarity of the atmosphere had vari- i oils edects on us all; one or two of ihej* guides Med prefjscly at the nose j one spit ,' blood during a whole day ; 1 vomited du-! ( ring If! hours with little intermission.— i Sleep overcame us at every moment; but -j my principle guide, Coutet, son of him whoj went with Monsieur de Saussure in 1787,1- j would not permit me to sleep on the snows ( la long tin. . (. ring the frost, &c. One. of ■the in. st m;-. kable things s she most per- 1 feet sib- ; -e v-'.-ch reigns on the t o of Mont! Blanc. Von. da nut heat one thing. The!' u ( | skv is daiiv, quite indigo, T’he full moon in such a black ground was the finest thing I. imaginable ; one star was visible only ; our faces almost all peeled, and our eyes were;! I very much swollen It was a ht,» arches.' )thing. The last ascension was lour ym*.r« j s since, when three guides perished by an a-! lyalanthe. Wo sealeo up a bottle with’ jnames and Uides, ami plunged it in the snow, 1 jSomt hundred years hence it will jerpaps , (come, -in light, for we 'nave ascertained the ’ ■ jprobable rate of movement ot the glacier . W- j\ no an f o<r' iphs of any sort 'tv bless you. *■ M.IKKH ' U SJIEF.a WKI t.. i! - L \FAYETTE IN FRANCE. , From Ih>> National Gazette. ’ The Paris Journal des Deb its, oi the 14th I ult. contains translations of tire valedictory! address of President Adams to La' aykti'e; and the General’s answer. The editor ot I i that paper observes, in a note —“ In gencr-i ' al, ibe-e t o historical documents appear! f to us to he extremely remarkable. They • arc »f an importance quite other than that -of the course of exchange or the game of i public, fund, which absorb all the facul ’ ties of our statesmen. They confirm the i high considerations which we have been de - veloping for the three months past, upon , the present and future relations of the two - Americas towards Europe.” The Journal des Debats contains no ac - count ol what passed at Rouen, when Gen eral L.mavuttk was there; but the narra ; five of it, furnished by the Courier Francais 1 ii unquestionably true, as will appear from, yt} ic annexed translation <>f a very interest- lc tier addressed to a gentle.nan of Phi- ‘hia, and received on Sunday : •* J'runce. Lauhasok, llth Oclobep, 182.5. “ \ touM wish, my dear sir, that the joy winch we experience in seeing again our country, our i ni'.y, and our friends, did not prevent me from writing to you in greater detail ; otherwise, I - would avail myself of iiiia occasion, to give you n a nrticelar account of our passage, during .which. ot withstanding the extreme violence of th I 'weather, we constantly felt that happy influence jot tl>e American flag, under which we tasted "(during thirteen months, a felicity unknown to tv j sther men, and which all cou-d they f.n-m an idee if .fit. would ardently desire, i would describe t yni the afi’ etiug w.floom ■ with b General l.afay* e.te received ih landing on ht.s i.aiul soil; -ftie r.o --1 b e enthusiasm which broke out at every st'-n om » s route, and the tears of joy which lus fa oily j -a id numerous friends shed over those American i urels with which his brow is loaded: Itut t lack : ,_lfor this, Until lime and ability , and, n.orcovsr, I j ( a ii bewildered in the remembrance of the p >s' j strong sensation of the presjnt. N..verth- 1 |l it '/ould be exceedingly grateful to u. t- j 1 I oil you how much every enlig;. .med man in' ; ; ratioi and every friend of i.berty syrajisthise i U tow more thin ever, with : .o uner.eir niior..; Po nil those grnrrous Sendmcnt* a )..oh .i - cam »f Lafayette hitherto awakened in h- -ion, « s now added oio of profound ..•ratii; t wai l t> me peonie, wl i h .ve just'iispcn.-' d t th : ml t .j • great an ! iinbl nv* a lesson. lei i hope ' !m(| , j k r -i vd* no- oe lost. 1 I ’I auppvt i!k- nice of 'he d 'tails winch I ,tu inald* to wri-e, I >ci‘*l ion two numbeis ,t the r«.,. :.r- frvirw, hv which yen will «... ! i.t il v , Havre, the citi/.-u expressed, withou’ moi -s-j o', in, to the i ru of .he two hemispheres, the;. . id niration for h's character and atUchinjot t > !;:■ j c | -r nciples—at U men, they ex,. »rience 1, Iro nr : t j jiind, headlonc, and coarse pot c,, an armed, re- j -1 m..,; nee. which, how-ver, did not prevail in the i tempt t • suppr.o-s their transports j V.iese circa »i atices may 1 appreh •!, he ac-; ! ■ to yon- countrymen; as they ewthat.j ' i Prance, tm, Liberty is beloved, and the A mm. | an character at predated, j Accept sinner.' assurances of mv u. ahera'.Pe ill eem, and believe me to be, eirirely and sl.v -,ys ours, IB\ x -" 1 B.” 1 [Mr. I.KVtssinn, as it will be geneially rec-l e 1 cted, was tile ion-. ed Cbinptnk-u of Lafatettu, tin his American t. ir 1 it;" rvi L, NAT ION AT. c z. n>. The Paris Can*(it< (io ■■ •. -ii> ■ j-.vliicii we’hav . be*ore us. i oiua:p ; «»v. - r.* .tccnuat o r tl-.c !■.'er.u A- v ;utte ni Lagrange, v . ;-j.. y '“I jour columns. I : - p nei» r - 1 ;■-i limited in a public tesli- .■ ■: ! ,bc ot ;t,sion,j i not withstanding strong c.‘ -.rt» on iiie p..rt.;{! the municipal .mthrinii'i f p sin j ciitgs of any kind Wo ppocee-' in! tin <1 .to IM'P t,f ebe a.llli Cb"'t ViV.ltb \-I "I . le. ■.! u the t v.t c ( mj auoi-s . - •tn •• itb one of Vis at. ,-w \ 4 .drißs Vi lei ;..i e ac,a u be i you, grown-younger troin live atrnosph' ;< id; liberty which you have been breathing, am] i the, spectacle of the happiness of a powerful l vim! grateful people, which you ha ecoutem-| plated with delight. Like the Americans,! we could wish to describe ti you our love, pleasure and admiration; but these senti-| ments, Hg tatingtoo strongly our hearts, de-j prive u? of the power of so doing.’ To wldch ‘-he General replied—" The af-| [feeling wlcot vy which ‘iced me h. io.i and the iresh testimonial ol attachment 1 which you lavish upon in -day, fill up fliet measure of my Vy in timing myself in the bosom of my fauply in the midst o. you, ( my dear Inends and neighbours. iJuriiiic , my juurn r> sv ovei tiie tree a 1 prosperous , 1 territory ;>f the United .States, it u - sv-eetl, |to me to t 1 ’ tk. (bat the voice, of Shat excel lent and admirable people won d resound | (even as far as your amijes, and Vat you., .would enjoy them for me,” 1 “ The enemies of the people’s cause li.',va; ( least it cs i reproach upon me, that x-j, pressing my sentiments, at the American], | meetings, T thought also of you. They •■•vep ilight to believe this ; ami hi fact, at the , [sight of the wonders of public ■ ■ nerity [and private, happiness which, m . ‘ ira-i jinensK country, are the fruits ol .oei /, equal jity legal 8t national order, it would .ave been difficult so • oi; to forget t'v ;di 5". nl ever cherishm ri.,; > v Frenchcouiv men shun - lexercise the -’ nc rights and obtain ihe same fell ity.” j. " Vuu •nine now restoreu »'• o>y retreat of La Grange, which is dear to me on so a-|, ny accounts; and to those agrir.ultun vm-l. pi -y ments of which you k; .-w me to to. mid which a long se’iies ol ytats, i . shared with vmy n dihors, and the .;i, at- ; er part of the iriemls ho surround me.;; '/our iegaid, fully < ; < on my part, , ,nuiK<r.;: f in to be n ureand in.- p.rir I.j. Accept, I pray you my thanks V the fine , festival i you have t-repav-V i< .• me. and', | that f.lls • r.,y !i. .rt with delight MStd grati-j, jtude.” j No lc t than ■ ■ ' m tnd pe. m ■ srefi [present ‘his joyous co i - .lemor.: .' >. of the . 'le'.mn >f him wh-un they called the .Jmeri-' \ :an No!i'ih‘'s Quetl. The danc : 'g continued, ■ throughout the night, and the Vr was tilled ! [with cries nf “ Long live La ?ay«fte”— ! l j" Long live tire friend nf'he peopleOn; 1 I the following day, the General received a j considerable number of distinguished visit - i lors from I’aris, Jeremy Bcnthani was amonjf ■these. We remark this language in an editoriai: article of the Journal des Debuts, “in less than fifty years, the United States have remle> ed all America, with the cxccp-! lion of Brazil, republican ; they created irk Europe, during some years, the. French Re public am! >er progeny. How many years! will it require for Republican America to act upon Europe, shaken by ur Revolution. —upon Europe where the ideas that sup ported the old governments are so asto.i-j ishingly weakened f All resolves itself in to a simple rule of proportion. The minis*! terialists have but one hope, founded in the 1 adversity of mankind ; it is, that distur-; bailees and divisions will arise in America ; that the new republics vvi 1 i Gill a jirey to an archy, or receive the yoke ol some ambi tious military chiefs. But, if they acquire! constancy and flourish, in twenty-five years, hence Monarchical Europe will experience j the effects of the blind system pursued here.j And wit.t are twenty-five yca-n fora peo ple ? The French Republic lasted only ten years; the Empire vanished ia about (In same number of years that have elapsed: since the happy restoration of the Bourbons.’ How many things have not the adults of l France seen—and how many things may they not see in the last stages of old uses ?! 1 The discovery of representative Repub- I lican system contains the germ of the des I (ruction of monarchies —put yourselves in! the rear of the ag*. and you will airiveati i Republicanism--place yourselves in front, the had, and you will e iter f, \ ; iof consiitulio(ial ( inonai hy. iliese .; . p..*c-; iucal truths.” Cotnmodore Macdonough, —Funeral lion lots have been )>;. 1 io the remains nf this oood man and gallant officer, at Ncw-Vork. j A procession formed ot the t.’ivll ml Mili- ! r?.,v Al'thorities, and immense concourse of , i uecoinpaiiied the body to St. Raulß ’Church, where tnncral service was per ; formed After the} service, the ;iroces>ion 1 moved tliiuugh the prircipal streets to the isteam-boat, which was to convey die body to its place of interment at Middletown, 'Conn. Minute guns were fired during the | procession from the battery, and the bells (of the ritv tolled. The colours of the ves isels in tlie ! irbor, were at halt mast. The Abbe de I’radt published in the first . week of t‘> i.iber. at i’aris, a new octavo en [tilled 7Vic Congress uj Panama, He pre dicts the most impu iant eßeets trom tlu deliberations of the Congress. VST****** T - - CO '”Si 'f )'l '. ON .v ; . Ji' .7 .' r. . | TUKSJ> ■ : <■>' *•' i■ : ■ . G ,-i e< in eVancc w-'h . and 1- !K te ■p <; os" ■ms • iv.« i.a>• ■ i- n (from ill . omv tto • wed ■ ■ <; .-p 1 „ ups r. m ’ i)B' - ■ o ir. S'i V u re 1 id . n .11 • .tlei tior, i l! ;-ve for A- • ri * ;us ta • kn • ituinlv *- joy u. In- in* lour kind eve .:enc ;d btS«*r-.- ■■■•. u f ;<• lexc**prion ‘ ’SHi- ...■■• -a >.<■ jfoundet and t'-e Mol ut n,» r, '* • ■ Repi-b | VVt -ir ■ happy to lit d 'uni ’.Sic,.-- r t l !* Jrfu uetenni. aim: n r :* pm I ' .. .. authorities t< repress all feeling am •• ipeople n (~« lie •••■■ ;< r cui I--- ■been realized, es;c .i< . t 1. ' >, - a;.Uck ot tlu' sulditis ,no. . -* 'Lit zens was iiifauioic itijior: ta-- .i> V.- 1 although the Hu: ■' paper- ba» •. given n; ias .ng ucom muni -os a nui oer -t individual-, V -.e Prund cs»e jis ' 4 rever ■ ce.f <,/ met■ • »••*” oh- . im, sag (. i »rs in thi side ot cha <ins : !bid “ overthrown cm ; aider last -.(I ■. S' ij; . ' hts is bad louga. and it- p .?■ n>, ; the will of Charles X. who has late! in vc y respectful t. nr of tin -m. idaring that M- do O Va yulti ; -as ci ! -.i.eir youth ; »u.v ’ • ■ -ben • young - ..dlo’y and a .t hy r - ! wl si ip this it ■ , i idea jtlirt- ‘>e ' a ,n;ick bo !e<- .ml u. r» . ban decef brothel the 1: ' 5..- .nay the, “i ’ ' r > o both her- s -ei'vs 'ivr- 1 e:*iueati., ob’Shinv..- . ' - apulauji; a.iit . ~i'- ui v‘ ievi«- u i viovernnr - . beer mn«-h I. a -tmarkinj; .b s<* ant, nr-o»« . ' •• subject, v hiv.ii i.Uc ’»• i-’es b -yor-l the -V. ,niac ar: g-> ..-•nUnuaily wringing l<;.-,*a.-«l i«. ione shape or otuer, that it is t-e ossibi. |a public man at the so-.f -to pi.- it • . -.nnoticed. s . t-A'”ut io the >• ? 1 di•.■ jstates can look with patience :;t a. | interfere with ou l ■ a-'p.-rit c i iinpiirtane-:, and ■;. c :such K / .tii.i.i.i ■;» • • • ui land of Mr. K ingan-. .- • . . be;- - not wonderful tlu* his :cdi;., .r i ’■'>t. 1•: . .at'«i)is>-d .>'•• * «vi;-!r .. '■■•• • < ■ e « I sage of ijrov. Btu~. o o ih- f. .o I Nr. hi Carolina e find a :tains a fummou r ru. ' ■w oi *S-s: ‘I ■ and a rebuke to ottiuous iatermedd. Is subjoined, j '• V <jo vUI fi' Tc-.-iih re uvn nil" '*.»».• ('•* . -in, • proposias'the “ gmdual uiihuc-Ij '* • l -o-»v . A tlin f rA o >‘ j nation of ttv*j no.oplr of color. Th«-- - l»?ve bc«n dts.'-r, •’> the Ltyiislaturc of W t.issippi nod Vj .'■■'por , and. .’..jji.iy * ,by :hos« of InJ. ma, fVl»\v.n , «. ». "rv! 'll j a-ptpftftr I‘min tb**ir «>-oi*nip-»oy«ut; cso' oi.r All oi i r 1 r ..ape -tfully ru'.i iailed. w,t<i ••• nuing wnv.- - I ' «t jwe i ,cot. bm wiip ftielmpr ot livelv ■«.-• i overweening in ,,, pr.<‘ which •h n »! ‘ c ‘ h ••, ■ ' 1 • ti oui internn p -- °p® j will shortlv les*r»i .•••■-.I p. •• wh ■* •f u mm-'v »»• ”■ t n ,*1 went ft cv m mu.vhuent " Lr'. •■-i ohm hU**i!- ioero* An< '.hut they •. M * on. . - vejfh-iis in ihmkin. . to. t • *-a |nnighhor huve a natural il-formity. : is, ni 1c- hcp jgOii.-i man r». ooiUinua’l/ to ru hnd fiiru '«f his n.iso.i 1 • -r 1 wisdom w l . h ovjver. dictate tht court; proper to oe V'. *’S i upon tills ilclieote ipjoulion ” \ We raav soon expei to heir- oi a - election and to rcceiro • .-sc !'■ • .--'at?- i Message. It is sa'hl t?ia Mr. jNew-York, is the (.hniniUiu'i u \date for the Sneakers chair. Wo k. i.<r ikoow what light tne I'rcwdent at: 1 b. Shinei. have to ming! in the elections of i s House of Representatives, bit i it be re ithat Mr. Clay is to exert hi- inilucnn |lavojr of Mr. Taylor, we are sorry! ~ ifor we are yet to lea u that this ! lias been distinguished lor anything ■- speech upon the hi|sso-ir; cjues ion, b which the debate opened, and w!u , i read from his place, and u most* impi ■ and improper *■ Herati“»- ol the journals ot 'the house. Mr. M L ine ot O&lawj (opposing cand'date is a gentlesoa hints an accomplished orator, and a most 1 amiable man. Mr. F ■ • • 1 ken of, but he will no* stand in M»e ‘ Mr, M'Lans. —o(6® Tlie citizens of New-Vmlt, t;a- ■ thrown into ecsi -cies by the int- idiirtio.- ot'the Italian 0 .ra, into that < n —• •Inors and Signoras, quavered like -i;. hi. and overv body was enchanted it w< ai No believe tiie account - ..f tin; t vipi --te: ■ of the music, it must hove res. vide I ; - which facon says has ‘an agrecim. : jhi ..-lit 1 ing ofhght piojirii; upo/. <i ' v Neapolitan A .it P - declared that “ 11 v ears of t • n,- ; lined with Morocto.’- W e 1 u ■ ijiiin what the cars of an* An rriiv.n ' ■ ;'ence are lined with or resenvi »• v-. . rura s, ami delicious ‘ r n< :s arc -!the noblu performances - -p r I' Kean, \Ve liope the i-.iin .>i v Italian Opera does no' an ... -itiou of the regular dr "•» i j • ; The notice who • uas been Ken . .'remarks upon pa’ liv- U n oi-a -a. , actly what aut’u-ipit'-d. ' v i • ‘•future events wil. nub c - ~ entirely correct; hu' it ,:,s a. ■ , ■ let pie origin am* p >- ■- ■ jty, be fail .y and ly t; at • --I r Iror pointed out. ill 'I he joint Committee ot tin ‘ • to ■. -on Free Schools and Cub! 1 ■ tiuiade a lona repot t o',an p o. • iliills—-the first mopuses * l •*■