The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 20, 1825, Image 2

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~ .),y - • - 1* «.v>4i4r-'ih 0 teteenti) Coiujrctf#. >■ Jli 3'l si "ION. iIOUSt OF, UKPUEST2NTATIV .S Fridr.j, December 9, ! 8:16. ; ie f lu" ing Standi*;L*-.uini>U- wen.- , m.ounc- ia» haviujj;been oppoi'i'ed.hj the Chair, ' i/.: CommUtce of Election ~--Messi ■». ■“ ■ >-iic, len 1 • tei ell id B an. 1 .in . / ‘"ays and Menu .>1 M 1 • ■»*., ol Delaware, Cock. '*t< on, i S VtcDulllo, I).right, md lire at. „Ui,' n/ 'Jtlv.r. —Mes>r-. ‘'V :'lams, ,»■ 'y, Wiii'ii ■■ J am* ■ Wi!■ lUrlier, ' onn. M.iriituiale and ID* •> • C, ’■nil/t' itj Cummi’ri e- -M i > N i;w- Ci I 1 sail, -f lii <: Malta:'!in, and Worts. C< inline*' ■ a tlu> ft !• Lomu. ■ Me«- -is I: .i, "I Indiana, VI . r ' ill ,11. , lll|) !. UHtl let'll. i.ii.LU' on th' '■ "'ll ! >H xid l'o»t Jinan . —Mch«. Ingham. Bartley, Alexau i;. ul Tenn ''ickeau, M; i-iwi'.l Dor* ■ i . 1 Ha • ~.ri".!lee i ’ the- lK»h ft of Columbia. — M . Cent, Alexander, <d V< Thomp ., .( i uiirnp, Manin Humphrey, f/fur ‘thy mi lit Judi iary. —Messrs. Webster, ’ nvuigstoa, Buchanan, Wriglil, i ayfi. . ;• i< l )>-i sey ../, ■ hr . . son i lin iilr'iimary (Uui ■ Messrs. Littß-., \llt-o, of Tenn. -gir iii i ; ut,i'’, 1 ■ 'i>t ou *. , I u(.!. er, ot i,. > ■ ,! rsey and Sprague. :H>Ui * *HC ~r 1 '{' IUV j »* • ■<it y nli • Mo i, l -.A ' ill ■> and an. I! in Its "a C, Kand Claims.-- M , ' capl *•'•• a. ,nt ' aC• • <-mke, 1 -t. I'Jin ii” A mstrong. AfnntjucUli'i i,—Messrs. , j ir, (' ■. i, !!ini.i«f, Witkliftc, Da • ’vi iti* anil Burgess. , /> 'm ■ . {fth'i. -'l. SMS. ( M ;ve Ivli !..-i t of Be kuer, ~ i 1 lin i mil ■ , ' i Fnrsv th < •■v ri 'net-l, I t ud)!n, ': e.ter, on!, ij. K >.-.leU an.i Steve 11, *■! I' ,'.n;ny!v.mia. ... .a JUnnj VS ■-!;?- ‘l, Mil tei nt M< ■ Il iistun, I. ,mi ■■ i, . t. ir. i•. ii, a in! Wan l. f (>(,. -ti ’/i"-i . „iu - ( (»v. Sin.t.i > *-Ml Harris, lialtock, Meech, . (jarolina, ami Taylor, o( Va. j, ,i .. >. .Yiivul , IJ/'un . ■•M(*"ii' I'm .!■.!. . Bat ! tt, '• *■ * . ■< ntis 'ie and Sai.-.' (' I’lniill. ; • 111-Vital UUil ( lifllh'lllCil /•' ,USi Mool el* .aid Herrick, of Accounts " si . 'Ht ■ of Vi . Pet.r, a(I Me.N ie!’. Committf'i on Jlc; '■ Hurt • th* I) ..ul , 1 i S alc. M Ha ' ( s, >1 \, aad \ side v. CoimnUr.i- ttn E > (ttiuiivnvts in th> !)■ ■ pit, .* * .>/’ thf /VertuM.Me. -s. Bur 1. i i ’ and I ).n ee pii'-t. Cam ii'L on / ;>cndi un ■ in U. /•Ctrl ' utof liar M • I,.ttn ,K ■ mer, and Badger. (.iiiiinii.'it: in ll.iye.:i!Uurcs in Hi ')>■ in ■>! ■the. Vac./ -,M. sn-'-. <T a, Mr droll of C. ,• u.t'Mslh*r, ol N. V. • i. it'/e; , I lilitni’S 'I .■: 'OS! ••Mmsi Ohio . i.i Tev ‘ ■ irt. aO(l lleiis ■ mini!'V ■■ U.ipa. i.i'i t ’» s’nh * ‘ Boldin:;.. -.\Jcs.*i . Join n, . Va. Swan, and O i, Comm 'ii on llnr ''i'll /' -lesaes. IsaUCkr I (? ' ia. It: \. SKBKi . <l t>M M! 1 ’KK . ip." ■>. I "I of tliK Af'lii'lH. M> e Mfe , Bat a, ~ ,• May. ol ()• Govgn . is V • Tenn. O l /lot ’■ u id ( i.Hills vjessii lloilljt hill, li-ec'ici, StiMvari, A-dnir.s, oi New 1 c.rk, I loin ', ■! i> m-. and 1 ■ ■ id < nnmitti :/>! Hr subject <• ■ Pv> u* fh> Mon luj Co!" i" h ■, Mejsrs. B.ivlieb, Bad' i: \ . Angel, Carwai, I . lut, hd' , and 1 iianj hi a, (■ I**. ( ■>/, .ni l . i,<■ ' <>/ i, \i oin! ■ .. verst tp aa I Osi ton ... til CJi sen i/otu -M 'Ss . ' t invi 1 ! ( V . jd;. ■!., r. li - wards, of Tenu. B. teller S,.wvcr and A i,inn., o! Ohi i. Cjuimid ■ in ia- sti'Jei ' I If'vii'hls and Am,i.si7iT>'. Meu-rs, IBadliiv Join.sun, ol Now-\ oik, Miller, il ('em Junes Jono;. jii, K. 15< j;g, .un! Bro n. Conn.■,ft., on the of Ci- Executive licpurtmenls- ■ ■ Messrs, m •• •'‘o’ M‘ an •, ol D .' o. ii r., I )is> (li. Hen,' m.‘. i ..(Kl. ! ■ ioii, and In ■ i etsj..!l,l>> . I.' s : ' .. „ if jonm . • mi ■ •. ii ne'vul ii'iish: inxton. -■ M -srs. Bas-..*tt, Air ton. Base, Ifenrv. W 1? i.ii; :.! W oife. Bl'.Otli. AJ \ 'IN:-,;; . i',Sl|. Brills' Jon Ml I, • ailiii'a, near ii.isl .i, .;p u: tin pro., a entitled Conflagration, anti inftn dm as a picture of tije ■ of the . /' t ' -A e learn, upon inquiry.' - ' ■ dr* N . \ i* iv did on nh.J' '•*! I'' ' ijuiy will i' -nit from Hie ! Samuel W illiams in : .m • '•' ■' m i m ie ( |s a e.i.;-".i i-nit u jr o" r is i .o.fjilciulv’ ' iid a in; .T- ... , f h. r CM .* . m eaem^'t CONSTITUTION ALIS'l'. A L'iGUH’VjI rUESDAY, DECF f BEE 20, 1825. CONGRESS Mr. Johnsov i, K ntu 'Ty, lias again proposed in the Sc naM t . abolish imprison itietil for debt. W e heartily wish hin. .m --• cess, iltliough the sulijci A u cJilticidt one,, and will req ; o much . kill in the a * .nge | i hnent of its details. i i j resolution offered by Mr. Ruggles of] , Ohio, to appoint u standing conunittec or ] > Hoads and Cat als, w . discussed n the| Dth i"-t i t tic Senate and lo«t, Aye; 1 V M il i it would thus •ini",-; that the; Senate doubts the power ~f Congress to] • .onstnii i, Hoads and tianaia. Surely upon 1 1 a subject like this, ol sue!; ‘/real' import dance to tl. country, the »afet course would •be to amend the Constitution. If it be •■ sc . Ito give such a power to the United States, |let t' e grant appear in tin.* hiiuianterita! law,! ' i i language nut to be mi eratood. There ds always danger i i,e .using a power I whose very ex ■on . tp> .is upon wire !drawl* arguments subtle inferences. jh.d lu Untied Stit assume only those ’/ ia.wen. of whose gatim there i. no 1 oubt—let others founded in ingenious so ipliisuy be abattd ••*’ ingrafted on the 1 - .'-M-igina! instrument, by amendment', ft 1- •!in lid way .tone •’.■:* the Constitution .m] dir piv ervi tiitif . ••• ad f • the benefit and ifutun* deration ; ’ Ir. 'An Biuen h * 11'Kived .in '.me*. 1 Cunstltu' I , 'embrcun**. this s *. •j In the IB -, o( IT. pi err sfives a cc lin■ 'I lias i- •■■!. ' ; .p.‘,.u!ed , o -ii'"' [propriety ol cling the claims ol u 'ii : •rs ;f tt '■:■■■ ■ ■ ion "j annv. j '1 . M‘i ;u, tiered u csolnt m■! [nil the ,r h- -iettion •. ' ih c iiicnt.' :»!••(! Vice t\ eh’’ ' cli lie pmn.» ■• *U m ter d i t c naiiite- Ul-; w oil .. ■ i- •■ -Me :. j I' .i iy.. • ;• •it ■lto f lid an ection o 1 ,ll.e Ilous ot ! ; epresc-ntatiu;-;. ' l , Both lloiims were at ihe last date it.] M. lull and active (!>•• iiaiiyt,* ol the! i! :• . UU S ► | - -JStJa - - •I oust U.-vnooli ii • ! Ilo8.i„-,i{e, has beei: ; " o the Senate of die l|n!ced States If ■i place of Mr. Barbour, u" v ■ 1 I War. The Legislature of » mrgi , fl pffiba ■ .hi ■' .tiijni ion Wednesday next We shall ;i a due Bin place its promim-v acts befo • "• bile. At present we anU publish a pyeiiy etilng of r nsons againsv Court oi ( ! \ [ipeals : ’ j “ I'he Committee, ike. beg leuvi to re •] pc ** i a i . ".’'mv.- labored in vain d -i'cestji ji i.! ■■■ iijioi! which such a ourt can b' ■*[bli.'!l(til vvihuilt impo.-.i: ; .i; il.hSitioi d ■ ■ . ■a iic, public, and mcre/isiug !. evien-c • suitoi . W ;ili regard la the aildi;i‘*n |>■ •L. do o .pease, which would result from »uc! an, ;institution, i ' - ch ar to the inindt of --u*; '; cointm t**( in it such an estaidisa.acid woulu. , •;t!ei ess;irily add i vtiol to . "i sent list 01. i joflice.S in this state, and that those oili.n ■■•■;■ • h laid tip ( ■ i by , , son.. ~ is-es ■ a, vlw• 1 hi s'. ’ -mcl '• s’r.’e nil.n - 1 th ii thn- : ■ (jflic’i ■ ss. mi I- I; iva a -dary, suitabio to the'u, i d ... ami *ccs, A'd v ilh nw I in ', i ‘ i casing the. ex pen con ouitora, il i.- aelmv- i ed by nii.r nmmittre the (jo.*st'r -..n*;.« th; J, icountryguai ■ c .tuei-i' -a the j.civi-' 1 ‘jlegc ol appearing before ony tribunal k -.n • • ilie la" sot 1 1 *(• . ; i b'- '.ii . . youri, ■ sitteea entii ; a now attnrm .t m ra. .. and ‘.ilent: c .! • "Tml Ibe pro!'- *j! and p : tici* iu .m i ■ rt. could a • Pinpio ‘eii v iihoui . unj..; d" : for Ibeii :• : es , which com pc i ivouid ne isa *i ■ • ihuii .stT.iors. V .. ■•."•>.!• it v are ot. >ii ‘ that the establishment, of sucl an inatitu! ’ T-vottltl Micre.ase Hie very evils winch it i •lent, dto erned’ , iur yrc Coin:' nt- -.u --' m ■m sec Ju-li ud m, i :he w... mi-st ad-: i v tn '< ' >• V i . V poeal!. ■■! ttott de , fron the vt TnO'Vii principle-of tas <»■>ve* >, ,t, s** fai '| is to ha\ the 'dh t-rsi-t ti *s v ou'd (if suchj mi i sli ihl ■ . ■•.! lt«i iii 1 i :>v myi< ■ ; i your ci mmittec have i ic. •■ n t«.[ij.. i-xlv.eiice of s.n n-ni ■ the evils at c in ouri, wtii-di are . omri.i .cl iiu'.T uui jires- Mt Jit ;ieiar» ' vsiein, lur it liusi* nlftcers ■•e .dec • u o ■ in 11 'a ■i y, i succes.Mir ■ i iy \t •;Ii th.. stun i let, disregard the rules and de- , • ’ '"ie • t tln tr pi"> trs, am; i-.siiib . i 1 new svsice.i for th u guv., rniueiit, as do th. ; Ju‘ .. 'ol on; Sill. '! u>: I,:. ;,‘s, im r . .un- ; ii ■ d that I are vein h i assed ami pern! b• •! i I eithern ii. the t. iracier ol ,s .i;. , - • •-, , cs. md i■. a * the oppoi ton lefeat t|ye|| 'on : <*f justice by non ; . ,\ c al.s .uui ' are :ady 1 utuerous, ■ n (h‘i j i sent judicial ', s. ■ id ofh , w!m i vM'ii- .i the tti'i in ofv .i . 'iiuuM '•*.' would be mJtii.i ■ •!, should a court of errors, and appeals be esiddi.' ed.” Such re t: - . eason* <i gains; -e establish ment of a c ..i rof final resort i r is un j necessary > a ,! that i.n • ■it will be! established dun , the pres -o' !S»i«n. - j Mr. Mo-, on i 1 ! ;■ nscnt to sei re, says; thr Baltimore An oaf it' elected (lover o. rs V jnia. vVu.- ircyton retired who!- from public affairs ; m have Jefferson,! j Adams and Ma lison, ar.d the people ap-| {proved their cono 1 V*' vdoesM". Mon-' | roe disreg- f example? ot surh high au jthority r Does he look back, with ip egret toj j the honors which lie wore for eight years,| |aod is the executive office of Virginia to be ; j the lever by »vhh • , again to be rlevat 1 •e.l to the Preside "w.’/S * _ |' | William It. (•;"■ tono arrived inthisj 1 City on Saturday lost. We arc happy to, understand that lev health has g’-ally in-1 ( proved, and that it is still improv g Among <he pet so j.- -.poKen of as Minis ,ter« to the Cong' of Panama, tin; hue! 1-gencei mention, William H Cp.a- kohj* and Ai BiiRT Oar . tin. W- . .oong: ■those who think c determination thel !’r. -ident to send oys to this Congress a 0 lent one, and shot!id rej -ce i • sec th. choice fall 'pi n two such able ' c'. 1 cel lent men. At this moment, ;it whole' lot Spank-' America fee, with the •\up ■ f l . • -■ two points, t' KurUi an ouiio- i 1 ■ and Spain n . . n» ackt dr, ;t in.: iid oeiiden; »of : cohen. . n at-l! . . i' ,i is me llt-it,;. upon r I'be • cn of ;--i I sic ■ ■ ver .• iete.- vlingji ;ti *::e southern state i, to say u.e n. t>. s! ia 'c, and iorasmu--;-. a-, is . be pre-l' '.cti to at tt! a , . uf.oii :if the P; :a- , Convention, it is important tite of this • h .id be foi ■-• der : ; W. Mr' ... ! in' * . , eSf . ; , : .v,. t . ew i tnc ' ..." ;• - AM with !k - , eri ivoungcr a? .1 ' • r nenccd si-Avs. '*' i; Hud ■ 1 is'-- ■i • ,vi, . ' ■ v C *K • fV :• vt (!I . ' . - die follofring sensible cunstittttiui .’( ’u, -action, the laid:- • i.o .-.o •.•■■■■ • ■ • ■ Ig' d in by I enu 5.V w ' j it i* said o' die Fi.. ish g. W 1 m»w tsi ringly tl nu ■:'U‘si ■'■Vo, 1 ; ; it leading . are!. ; - <1 through their countless v ,iumes| ( jo "(Won s o law: : 'io fuck, (i. "g b'u the will ot (lie Parliament.i j Ilf ;.o hh-gii,,'.!s v(-:i to •■'tor i the r<oach up,>n mw ut wood- it - o . ; ic • ■ , opi boasted i iti n ■' tHlUvil-m., W ■■ ■ ,rc..!•:! V I;! '’- ,-.r ' ils own <aCo, t •)• .i •. ■, and j.ict lo!’ exercise a- '.not dc. . clcderiv ,ad|i | well-deliaoil ■ sve d uin our li 'for i-.un tlu- clans-.; -v ; ' .iii.h'.n : -u, • 1 ■cuarteni.g e; .*.i .nil -r n .:n imk 1 tic mo'lUifiCiUVs, ho., *he t:Vli 11 M t- •-1 improvement! .t. ■ .? M d fir, a i•. .a,-,!i i .'.-I, ' re'; .•■it-rivv,. li‘ . ir 1 'asp , \vo have tin dit to d n fir-! ■ ;V s '• • I •..'on I ... 1-d't , v-> ia t, to our lea ; icl*: .und yon iviil see ,l t c rr^ - >v. if* ’.hr ' siii'j-ct; Hit I':- ‘he '/•<>!/. j The;;!' !am t ■ !•)«!.• .die., the 1 ■ ui l!* * r.-i yi. ir Con i-, -I.- n - i •■;:<!j | ir. toes mil- thr.: 1 ; k mi .-.-ar/erv Un .- j, , Uxo * 1 ■- - liu; hclwecn i u. • u(is We had as- 1 « twr om-- .- ■ ini “ oldei, tite, and h - n-m..i-i -.s a » vet, i. ; .. n 'vhich r.-. ■ .' j ciu.n > descant and • mi'd ..• •' h; Mt ;• ..: ,• -■, . ha* sv.e'led '■ tr - a tli?l >n ' oul; ' ... veei first ai las Is • Idty thousand vw’.nines ; and if vou ii'-e tup be as >td n.= we, j- : > -mrs will be exactly in the s;-me S'- kiy and dropsied ■•n-diiion Oh : bat vou do oo( .die a con ■ ‘ •> o : , 'i.. ’ir; the?'; pov. rs wm ~ , u; fei led by the framers and can be readily! interred vithout cartyin I. .. ini epot ■ UTS.—-M 't v- .11 JC' d> i til I hr /ii.-.c/’t. K'!i winch hh.l i light t-h o, thr; ? nov.. - . inn si to -• t u,c- ■ i s- -(f.'; ;-i -ji i ~ ,i • Uo exercise disci ru-.n -o< > ■ ; .. w, : uia like, wilt , <■ pov/m;■ no virne l a ding to to j they , I ivet v ; l in ia. ■ 1 me i'ii v . —Ah, bd i.hi- •- * ’ ■ iin .-.! dr. /.-iix.-.Cily .: ref.CV,-., ' n 'I- in hn-rlaii'-. ; . v. Ibe w .. i,. :. .; \ i , m-.i v.a few >o. - r .- vou resoliiiidv determine 1 vour C.i-.'lStii'i't n- i.n- -.l'd; .'4 ii ll’, tl l icd ocean "1-■ ■ Tni. u \ ■ i ehrmot i -in -.hat v ’.'i r.reat men wi: ) im.- ■ your in;:, s.'itu l . • uii c.. er .! 1 (;. ■ . and immense nfl :i an I impo 1 : - ■ vc' iii'iii’ lor : e.n! - ni„i .\ - n.i.llt 01’ dun.CSU 11 . 0-. .... .1 i -I SUCli’ primeliiagnilode, and so intimately interwo von with all ;wli ; a. in ; a ,-! tl \ . do ni'i; mu men vvi.ii.un ; po< compli mem u ' -e !, «■! n v-• 11 tv diere >v.i< i"> nc cer-'i’ tor on till) i',*.- uiunin: them in their .“ great • ’ ’•: terfor (he • '"ive ,ranted c Uher, and well-t-rprc sv ' , wei» f .Unite dv less consequence m- • t nil.■ ■• c i yt-u Ipei pie, or the dur itioS of on- L ( Pruedtnt. —the dotninant party, in "-s-| ilificatiou of thr-ir W"fr h nded nuasures oh Jprosciiption. rete. to the conduct ot tin ; ■ Troup party as precedent We have aln-i 1 ay taken occasion to refresh their memories j jon this subject. To the iac(» - J ..i'i h e stated, wc i,; m ... ' I which serves to show She » g 1 f ‘'.ej I precedent on which tae • rciy At the exit a session A'i ’ last - iwere 10 sectional •v- >rs elected. ’•> (theseten, ihrm, are ■<. t endured belong j ling to the Troup party. When tins election! t-.-.-k piace .'I- T.cup iiariy were i r > . deci-i Eded in j iris Phey I u . in th own ha., la, an. ■ : Ha . am-j [soever they -he Yet - - .....j t u . jnse thtir p.iwci lot tho pun.use -! . a ;;i I lion. j Lei, m, hear ro . i)i : re-- [diculoua excuse. If the high handed mea sures which we have . wit not b* detended in m tenable ; round hem be handonc ! '• t'-eir fate. i-co. Wc learn f. n the t v ille paper’s John iluams, ot • .issue, has re. . jved from the Prcsidc’m .-a h d Stab ;' jthe appointment|of Ciiarg le A■ ithis Government to t.u «i; A.■ kof Gu.< c-i iinala. Wc understand, f. <l. i ucepted tl : ?. , ■ hi i.-ie. . h -GV-jM 1 *' tv , D ( ;c. 'O. I he first we- k < " tl>«; be ■- Ch i rce \ d isin 'fairly cndei tvn v, !:• vh ■ iSQntativi s, aH the great ci {already oinieu, n:ni '■ 1 | ap|>oint tc.T.t fi | Alte c idso tv.-. th* • ; (naps ll’ic- most ,noi; mO. vvif’ present ihemseq ~■• ; riug (he session, ’• .. . .;. ;m . ' .i ; hart ss—in the jSen ite, th rop< ; abolish Impmonmei • of Rep- t:- e id the Con ; 1 ■ ,Uu ’- ■ ... 1 in regard to ne ■ uou I 'cvd. . -n i Vic. I* % de It rA - h.ff! • •>&*• John iniidniph It -.‘ke,;. iovsne,;; Uepresent,' ;ve n .'niirs-. ir-.-.j, r,. ■, of 'b-mnia, h, < •i <•■ ••.•ted . Senator »r*--n ,t A tub;, in pi. ' V i'-M.’b--r. ib, nr - c.i. Mecrei. ■ A '■ y * ’ ■ ■ ot at lade Hil! • at S. V h ins 1 day •’ ■'-• ’ ; <■'. ■■■• with di-.paichcs »rti - '.ltniish K '.-nji-.i :! ■ n ‘ l !,..r Ko- ’-j<, 1 A Cwiiul boat arrived at /h an m, .a. ..1 ’ ii’om ckc.ieatcies, 11)0 mile" v i'li ~l cargo ot f)(inl*r w . one ti>- ' gr - an- bim , aii aii«e aiwi well ami tics- 1 * foi tin ■ flu- t- 11‘ a •'■- nt " co.. ■ the ( titled itates, since ' ;■ I • IHIH-" , A ;?-.53,6 ; -J,5 . gold, silver, »-nil copper ; d ■ulat!” ; medium, (wo ' •!.’ . head, far our popuiai ~ f-agince:* v • • jpou <• to ',•••. (our i or the great -ad ’ . . • New-Orleans, »i ,1 . ■ *, 17th ult. illeJKegisu I. a- • : v sea 1 ,. ided - int, >■ ; ■ u’< ■. .-. ,i. ’ •A'c»? , ' gp f’ ■ po-.. their k, . • . .xv.'iu is e - v.- . ”1 <•( . agnn ~ .-.ndca .ri ,• wlii.- li Wi ». r. t from If 4,000 to 5,000. - "*©«•«- 'V T Hoston b t I'-. ir. “Several oi cui i. f, "ere. jn.nic| Struck o I Fnda v night ' ihc ■. ■ ;:. . i)l hive utficers in their hous-- to tu-j- I U’U.-ICI o’, ill) roi :■ 'C ’! »the hou >1 10 i.t. Aankei in i.ondon, in v-’Kto es,: ■ti -• ul’.c : led cu-iiideucc :r- !>it')?rti) : > -., :;■!» ■' ■ ’ ll -I oortitlg . • :■(’ Ii ;t 1 - . • * 11 11 t ■ n*od .• or ,i - :•» Vs o j • v\r f .' . j (•»( I vi;;, j|cSlroV 1 *’• t *.. I*; i ij-u'. ■ a. a . jpovM -u m-es ct \ ".\ , r v t. ■ : . ■ ■■■ u*?( A'.- bi / ■ .*»! lira! : i return of absent friends gers . | j..... ; , I suing their ' Mspenive vocaimns ; «v<- ; ' 1 :i;- looks • hcttficl IHlll prom ■ 11;;. —U . -■e'fSVe*' Death of . 1 ■ ■ pur slates, lii ISngad i ■ :»<-ial \V i?. ! liam Hull, died at Newton, Massachu set'.;- on the mi ruing ( i the ir. ult I i V' A. regular mt n- ol’ August |Ciia-"l»>r Nu. 2, will be he’-I *tth< >t on-c Ua< !) IN . at half p-> o’> • ' inouj) ek. •id if Office'.-. « b 11.1 -ii 'e que ( > pay Ui' rdn "t. JSjf v.'rfer of (hr M L, rj ■*’. A, MosaTsi , V,- • Iler,;i.,!)cr *'o it .. 1 i • ' the Hate BRA? f ;> aT ‘ i’FOEW 1 K ... ! ; Hoard of ' ’*.Rtor«, • ■ «... Flil , ■ . •? . .! »rt( lent -D, .v <’!•?• V , , '1 • Hank | Cm .•'•.dates for t lie appoin rnant, «*».ay .< ir.e j amount .i»' -dary as ■■ t . P j,j : quirc-rl !'.n application tc the f at' o . I'l onUf nf (hr Baurti, \ Herr*.. ( . jh. : De-embf >■ > < r'r*' ; T-J- C-u\\V;*Bl'V\, .OfcSPRCVFULIA ■■i 1 < lie ,■ '■* •' ' ' of . Jfriuis, t.ia- i.iin : ‘ ‘i : -:u ~ I ■' t#i . place a! Vs : a on Green ... t, on THURSDAY" K 'ENlfit •> . ’•’•4 : uivt, andt.vety Thur- v , foil, wit vU ■ tpt ■ If p si., o’. 1 ■> , December 20 tUiT" i»AfNTi . 'jj: ’• if. : Vie p. , iv. ' t i;,i it" ■ 1 ■• ' ' •.v mav bs scv.m by g’ul • I" . lw 20, . 1 • V) h e ..Vi ' .. ’ * * "■ *" ' ft V ; ■.<* : •>' ■ : Os. ' 1 b »• gif - • •f--. ■■ ■..-.Mau, Dec i'mbe-r 3UBT lUitJEIY Kil), : t . >i - ; vj \ f \ A HOI .ICON e’f'i J\c C-i’a/i I * ... ;• itussia . .sib , -a :!)(■• Great, ■'■- 1 r >!. ...I by , j. ), . ,1 • * j#■ ' :,ra, ■ I : , ■ nil • I ‘ bonr «» - : t« I' -U. r ' ■ Orrit.M si: ;,v ~n tale.. .'•fir, * \ . 1 .. ,1, 1 •*-1* OD<, •,.- si■ ui . ■ '!” 'UKKiII y~. Aft ■■■ !• * T v '>: • -■ ./ ■ :!r ■ . ■ , J '"/ // ■. ■ • "i.icia a; ■.l fu.i.sti ” Orcemhpr 4^; •$.. ;■ ■ ' 'iT 4 , i ' * *'■ i ’ • ' A« •a. •I'll,, ■.•. J » Die J * i)til ; ■ i 1 t■ ■ ■■■■•■•. t • ,■: .' e “ r ■■ ■ . . « (. .* Jf- Counting i. « ;/r *;>i ■ eh use 1 Mr. ip the Bi j- ; .. L , Oat)<ei‘ •. mimoNjl LOA fS' ■ ' 1 •■ ■ ■r< : ' 111, , ■■ ■■' ;:, (j I>» ; ■. A ’ ■ i» ui 'poo oil die iiia 1 si-’ iin a) i 1 . i r. •• in l * i •:!>.- i.'e i 'ii t* ■ till I V hth Glass ■ >nd « Dep* O'; sa, the rates ot i nji,. >. v u f '. .ill Ui ret 'i' .>•-:• ' ar p «, v,s who . ,t. ii- . ; ■■i"a ... if , .eraiiltt'.;' V. f ■ 1 -. in'"ail -tie '.I f iit the mt'H'i »iivt.. •for tit ke’s of a imis- a t.. Isaac ’ 3 ■. il‘ -; ’ \'lerk, i/i‘ “ . of i \ unite*. i)( - ...tb. r 56 6c 50 ■ ouvbft \U\h\v' <l. T ■ *.< S’ •.•■'.■•lUßHJKill S is i lev. if. 1 abo' ■ ■ t i. a. i . fV. rn. '■ . ols m ;■ >n>l to i ubiii hat ’ . i inest Itendi and i ’ . - »• • meriting, a <'a■ ' .•• •.: :’u6 ;i• i • I ’ h ‘a i en u tale, a t-OMBS, , . lib .Vlftiuitacnirf; i.»» '»! . 1 ,f ' • b• i »ll) .Mv’f.m rhrlJ. \V\ ufc Htvv.d, ■ ■ • /dr'. 1 lit i■'■ i. ' / '£ ' ’ * L iti Jan ‘a 1 1 t : ■ ■ •■■ rot s. b< longing to W il •till .‘ ' . • ' iv. IvuljO' ( J »«.'•/,- Mil. iv, . rti ■•: .• , . ,i'4ml .i , flit ii ’a' i.oii 'iiita.. ■':uitat | .) o: till- '•a' nit H 1 <4, v-v( I'ti'nl for oni 4 ’M', ’, Hun,-'in o>'<:ttuber lb 18.2 ’’ 't 50