The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 23, 1825, Image 2

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rn. • jtyp-t*-' ■■ .v:> ■ * vuVAti*v' v«i ».'•!' "ji>, i r,:o ay w; ,1,1 \ M j. HU NCR. I i ' tvllli . i - . ■ ,r • > ' "!T1 F if !»■ .!« ■ .■- | ’■ >•' • V J . v, ifK- & '.ofik, rhrft« *»■.' t i»* ; *-I ■■ irr -t.l- # *»■ ; • . , ... . MvrJ»k • . 'hmk »* ' ; . ... ... ,f v i . ! (v/uCiL t rl« tai U. ruf us * i , ! i}i»* s'. r**i iuse i !io«N ,[tu . . . » .r ««« h t 'Mifiiiuum.c j .! • v .... ; - ' - - -t,./. >. ,| ■, j- •;yr * ,u; to • tt' J , _ _ . , i . •■ * ' t ... j . ’ .• ■ >' ... ml It i 'M ';• •. < 1 'STM t..’T? mv \: i s }\ ' VI 1 I .f fV VH.f«. ,1 ti p' ' •<' • '• A,. UjJ'Ui*. ’i ! i v?: 111 (: i 0 t i . —■*“ l primitive Christiana detnouatra i ■ 'ie y ver j pi (I >’ i.' < ivlnc )i •’suasion . •■ ■ • im i! ... lulu '1 ti, ; u.nder-j .(n ~ m -I ■t. same tint'- j. i ify | i. .ii" ami Strci » (he a .{ions <>( the l»e ---- (a e Inst ri.iitii, .»•< ■ ’ asthcl i>! Cut: •„ . .v, ill' j 1 a > i|> I hi . iv .'j iie reformation <■' • ii, ’ iiii. -rli. • ’ ■ ,■ • Ur • ion d! all : ■v ,:i. . ■!(* . ‘ jiifcViulii- ' ■ d ,i --• r e * ■ • r-«!♦*•», • M‘ir«■.> I lie ll'.'i •• [)n.i ; !> 1. "I peril I ''.; .•i n' .iin'i ,i’ ,'nu v •!« I .• ! * • t ■ (> .i’ ito w > . , v •i j. .. ■./ ' «ta*ST I '. : Ni 1 ii ! ■* i *i* i t*.iinfc<i /, t , * - : i I st i! n tin* l11 i'ilry in ' . universal)' .ii i •• uictv <il i'■ ’ " > ii to ti'i'j 1 J j t ■ (,'niuurv. ■". pi lie tx | min rv 1 r i ' I -»ii Hi in i ' lit: o iVi moi'tiiC; i* 1' : |ji> mne ;on : .i 1 to ion ,I,’nii i) ■ i ■ t l ies !,'• ‘ 1 ■ ! .i ip miu li. r lu; oom.iU'l I - ,» i ilium' VV!> :i J *!»•• • Ceu; hi - > ■7, ' 'll I . I\V 11 C ■ lldiil >'l, •; 'V' hoo ; ‘'/ !.■ ~i J'l 1 ~i ■ Frii .C J, ■ lii. i.'.rr, ;rom 1 nej! mm ce Ito 1 t i lie] •: .1 i. I'll •( 11 < I!'. ■ ‘ tiiilj . ■ , ' . i 1 1 ii j ai ivnys I* ol i i . ! .t tO ok j' 'u r . and mo-1’ * ■" mi". . -i.ii.iiis of tluvir ■i i. ‘ion it*! | :or ■ •! ii- r « ini’ I,■■ . tint s'ia l Us ui tliose <1 my.,j 1 • ‘ r, .'.O' ■ y -’ml In vv I l ’-' I 1 ■ j.i ol -lu : .i,' o liuio to t : ’ , 1 , 1 ■ li.' i tin. j shall teach ‘ ■i 'ie ou i iiit lu ■. I- >, ..non sliult do. l'liou!| i*' from - i i I■, 'i to the ri”h, hand noi > 1 ■ • ii ii, ‘; 1 1 (iiin.i mah. ..hsjrto-t.o do :\c ! i is, g 1,. > I i ! .it • hoi infor-u thee.**- ■ i 'I• 11 • I-I' I. ••r; • ■ lui thv!‘ ■ ' ’’ 1 1 . , I'- I. ih-Ci i 1•■!•■! V ihtV h ii iml conduct of ! c.o officer' adi i 1 , 1 llelijjiou of rh.. 1 ' Mtu.'i ■■ ti mankind »i lo ■. i ilftlipon over die . -ifi 1 > iim.-.L profound I' ulo , vln in mil ret was but a .in ■’ii! iiocy tie ' when Christi ) . I itsei to tae world ,'U'i.ii ! 'iith • ■ I sru* M i' i' law, but drliv-j 1-. n ahe ■>* us letters, it .va-1 ;• ■ ■ ! ul'inuudy, in the capital - f the ' 1 • am! pri . " : ,or. ■ i v lb" \.m . mi i It. -<■ /. I for its purity, ~)■ n :m p >. . v.i, „>u, and t> : i>a. cod. i: on ac,■ nit, Stosc ;uid the ‘hi .i I idmitte 1 ami c isKdv. . I>v ' tl • M. v .. ,nij>!|iy up,. ' ■ --If till Cut c, ’ll,' \ - .1; . at i*•;'t• ' tli ;■' nlvu'd ini’ ' . ■ . t is i nlion die Mr . i ■.M i do t 'ion ini (all id Star.,l ie i 1 ■' .tin M.i. ... self restm a. mi, -ami! •. ■ [' , i>; vn arena* a om-iaeat, as p’o- 1 . ,d : ■ t ’•« >!•■ . I'liia id 11 don oij d i e-iji'i, so I'ee.cs'ar. to uie| 1 e >od i •overnmeiit ot Malions,' i 1 e cm i! s.,’,auon ol ciei y huocinl m ''■ 1 •" in itwh Vnces- CC.i UP 1’ n'.i'i to " Civil [,H'UI v 1 II ‘.o : and f,.|l , c th ■ Ml 1 H in. a Im.j. : mi with orndd). a• I ■Ol '■ a 'li ■ • f 1 t . '■ \ •?> *i :v d ■ V'U ' to* *1 ?’ i • • S V *1 . I» 1 M..V !, til'.!,, hi. IV "i : ! ‘...ioiin-oi "■ d.'d,c . . oiid I .... of i; ' them, amll > « * m rules* 4 i - ith nui.l, •1C it r V ,*'• ‘ ‘ * cauu ; }’. • 1 ' t l \ ; ;U.* • tut*. 4 , j ; l> i ‘ •• v - v ?bl'-V'<l ->j law,j . only **ujiport ai • \i .• »'.;«{* ’-i hud I >i-o .J » ■ . i i•* r u un; ■ ii. r i i tciuiv . ! • , • \ '“ ' ‘ it *i*t ■tv Winn - .t rnu c,i a,' Ml! .He-"I lit I I'd Cl Mac I -i % ‘ n>UMctn>n, wh-.f a w i j , 1 • i\ i . a ■ \ r - i.. >ut iu ( iUu- 1 ■an obligate -ami that '.upj. irl is i. lie found, ii. th • liv n i.’xerceie ot individual faith, die tacit san . ion of the learned ol ja ■ no; natioi -, • id the universal approba ,|i.ion ot public Mpinion. 1 With this lieligh/u thus e* abhahed, and .■a a. i riiu',, t oe supported in your ountry \i ! „f your headers in politick aft •»: nriitossioa of that no ac ■l ihe lencv the Le^islativt ■ .'irr is i t.m State over your polilica om its As a party, you i.mquestioiia dd r had the ,n to us • yout power ash i yo •. in a, ;"'!'in.i la 1 11,' 1 , pe‘,v < i >n-- '■ tiui end vonr i rst (■ was to ' v ail .’■ours. Ives •' t' '-VV( ■; <t flTt* ■ 1 tic >( ’• rhe’i v ” • !, arm within your nil • finvehy s■■ . 11 n to '0,;... 1 ••. Unit ohciu V 1 ** f * ni I nevnr /ails, to effeci taste w 1 • •,, the. morals, ami the Reli ; "11 . M.e (,f a poo • pie. a party, you coir-oicreii it your duty ill as n it ego. to spren-i Judu d <iu Uy the State, and to confide thi ; si‘c,uti(.’; "f imirials : • men, who in the • - t Ii would sta mp or i. pulil s . ■ inipr. ss i»t sterling merit, sou uul lonij l. uecJ and per, i;.s just ly, that., you oaii been ci:urged byyoot i(• liticiil < ppo enus, with *n incapacity dm (■' .va iimc m, 1 nidcd upon thi . lit ot I .laturnl cupucil j, of learning and of mo !and mdc <1 .hat ’ cy •ouu-'imcs had it)'. -.inlhiOiHl to all n that ooi iniporiing liumcllufio.' .if, • is m- direct and an ""M . .in ption, noi ii i-anted by any sc •of (he people’* . yo then, o • ; yoni e:< . .o hs a par' , depe .aid u m the a ■ an < i > eiit ■ i u I ". ri p ! icy ic.‘i »1 ! me a intet rsts !f tin St'ld . ■ 'ity, whieii 1 I opov-d 1 If - 1 '•or • ~ • too' : hitve regar rnnn fs, 1 in the vn >. i . c(xnmu:-i!' I B' 'p ' t'.l- >i til CO. i I jrjyij —in t ; m administratioi f civil • oi' y so liberal ns to es/V./c’ no particu- I I u- sect and extend p. o> lion to all, n.ight Ifcinl ti i i on and J.!,< oride of the pres ent, agf < ■ • ■ h, whosi ;iai.ii w.,s I in ■ i >' is! t ‘.vlule its ho.: y i- !■ ontan ila.i; ■ >■ . 'ac pow •, thought .divcniiy --U oat man ,as a religion- animal, ruat ins mind cun •. *ou fno nu't.ftlity, if cot directed to the tn c, would einbu. e tlie worship of a fals" i)eily, and while th. , iv-ligion was . u. now lelt !•> the support of pobl!< v opin ion a ible as tin vh< le un - . oulrl jbe offecf'd oy :.c virtue . ill" cvvs of [the inembei , vim compo'it-d i;. i. were •arcful to cm ti ■ »•-**' mic. , upm .hut i: m ".t i v i 1 ‘ic ,u, mb -- i mice th* ii’,.. 'mopin'. • t paid b; . ui.voun ger Plin; to the virtues oi ihc 4.,. os of Htthyma in his dav. Vnd i c ern hi . sp •■a■• m u i; te ■ b-t louse In • r,«..‘raiius of iuvealed - 'lorion u.p.’ nt ir! 1 ;• upon the \itai loc I'iire 1 •; :i. tnei.. vanity • • verted ic ■ .a.'' . . "i ..ui' imaginar fieity <’i” * i v;> notions h i!n perfection 1 d ■ m.. ; > •--they deluged the. fairestj 1 pmtim id h'.u ~ with blo 'd .ml the Pa-. " ! • es •" I . • i upon,' i the -tl i and of Fenel m. v you were u* der no ' •'■><• . ' ril j utdu'.k opinion a;, >u pm ■' loan i oiiiiu!' ,s, for the p ••»■ di 1 it not sacrifice tii r ■ ■■( *•> ligiou leu lings {„ the graftfi*! i rlie• f political pnpulicei, tn-i I a i oi,' 1 ■.•.•i1l admit that therc| <• ’ " ’ 1 1 gr- -iids of did i. 1 •' c i you am! your oppo : ' - ir,t y i, G nerni'i- Troup ha> ' ’ oi' f’ ■(!( real Stvf' I' -and •■ho am mg vv ii apply j it that i i n r teri iot ■. jl c on or i.r • :icl, oi yi,u wi M be willing ' ■ "me mm ■, a.. by ;,if nil!;'- : j' ’ie > had no •n ,1 ot complaint i ;»on 1 ' 1 ; ■ . ■ of hei inteiu animadvert with fn don Stnte (lie '"l),' ase wit , candour befov Jyourselvcs, ami s:» , vhetla v •» .he choice 'ot <htt Candidates le iffice it uie’late Kio, > t the Sum ol cou try diiceted you ■ cry instiiu, , rit'm.T than y. <: In (■ovorrm and his friends ? t ■ .of lif.-d ;• • sum, instances >■•••.•• .yo worthy and competent .ceii— Um 1 '(Mi .. ~ suii'i atinn oi v«'U' si- I - rtion m o. , -the m iion n. r, ■>! 1 • • . rors, uou t. ■ p '.ver do worn * | fliesc rem iri me fm udeil up. e the mp-An, tii-* • ••{•• re . . arc tight, ■a.''! ' (.»."■ 0)C" I ,u'v ViTOllg 0 . '' !.icl, | l.irli t i have [given airujoHtyoi near seven hundred a I'.'.i.i -t .ou— i' mat ■.e-re was vcailv ■,« v ice jot tnc people—it lie* people I'.' C cot !!1 ’ o If tl I. I. ■ ■ 1 it UlS""g (hei, " , cu d i -1 " 1 ,. ‘be so fortunate i ’I f tOVIiiCO - io UI ;.( i n*y \vc!'i> so lelu M.o'. >■ . , ", ' i, i. - ■■■! ' * v J.c leu- i m e- uld ■ * ■ • 'C,f' .■ c ,1 V c„....,1c, 1 . W 1 eu ■ ■ - - r Mai, the i _ is . - •ii !• iiiml with lo; go- with » ticH. i « . I-, in ugtie-red v. iieOu'!' even (im polUit <■{' tlu j, ouutn . reijuired the * xer ise of thiaf (ft s'nuisit'ilifv which v u have assumed ! '.'.lit 1., the /jro/'ss'fnf Christion- win, • ■ ~oi'.v i..nil, as,' ;; cl >n>ii• Table porti >n ol i* | "ivv.'i .s its-’ —ina- ■ id' our represent,!' j wyes v•• h; . r su. i ‘Pried with Ch i', v, Baptism —v.e hav seen them break aii'i cai ■1 bread, in commemoration ot that body, Twhich was broken for them, and they hive . drank of that c p which is the blood of the I New Teslamen , and which was >hcd tin ti i the remission of sin?, '< This public, this solemn profession, im 'i([msed an oiiigition upon them, to “ hon or the Lord i Ir God’—to remember that t]‘ the powci t at. i are mdained of God,’’ il that, th.f powe - .s mutable and that they i-lan respond -le for tin exercise of it.— nd ••'that while th y;• ■in that. exercise of now- J » -•er, they were, i • ight or ;i« ve be n “ .he I. Ministers of Go; ;■ th pc«. .'** 1 »r g< I.”— '.v nil a duo aen • tlia. •biigution. which t, it is believed is ev • felt Gy real Cisris iljtian —the actaf J gi-ri- is a most soh own duty— ns: often have io vole in i-;sorrow, but uc»t in tin • • he will not i-jcoinpromit the , rest of mis country to seivc hi? parly iiis i hind, and he can y nev. r separate tin i lea of National pros ’ pcrity and advancement of the Gospel e'in the community—while he is sensible that e|no Legislative enactments can possibly en ii fb'i e i belief of its doctrines, or an observ .iaaccof its precepts, he will carefully avoid ..{every public ac., that might uiiug those ridoctrines, and those precepts into con- Y rcmpt. 1 When his sud’erage is to be given to a ■Candidate for office, his only inquiries will I j be, is lie capable, is he // eel and of ap > proved m : ulsi —drilling (lie .-,c qualifications, i concentrated, he w i n 1 adaniioti them tor party pi: , oses, id bestow his suf frage upon be intemperate debauchee ! ithe disturber in conjugal happiness, the! .| despoiler of female fame, or the open! and publi spbemer of hi* trod i ! low ■> Llepresenla*'• es, wl i, by j their nu professions, have assumed' I those .1) -.*, have dr parted trot -that.' -•duG ■* ii- tl ••• viii have assoc. i-J .lie 1 •' ‘tb limi , ei‘. ouci; ■• •< keep l,e fUbifv of spir'n. lliC bo : ? ofj>.ie.”j (i. ii■ jmi.-! —Von win. f . . , end .■;{; pul .a’•• • react, ni <; *• Jc of the .(Ram.; ci. vli ihetn.w t* • mine wheth j|'-r ihey have waited in Ibis • m i..unity hii»,J .1 -me yon arc now Ch'ist ?, bound: , ; ,.noi, uccau'-e they have nv h hobo. 4 1 -due —, ic v. ho ; tie ipnlysiu r.ibliclyl -Ide-i ided •■ ■•: 1G —r ded in Loi 1 j jjan • < Savic.ui Ci'.riitt- •and basta* -1 t; c j ■ of God.—And il you nd tha, apr ■ dcssui';' < hristian, has, unde the oath of u ’gistr'or, by his vote, contributed to ih ; exaltation of such a cha.; icter, how far you . ivybe jm tilin' vet to commune with suck. r , ra' ro' erious import to those, 1 ■ ■•Vi'io ecu id , that ' whosoever shall eatj fjtlnf bre:' 1, d drii.! that cun of the Lord,, *)«•• -orthiiy, shall be guilty 1‘ th- body and dblood of the Led.” Do nut, i charge you, overlook those h • ns'de tlions, or f at then, vs fretful es r fusion- *■ in- 1 <hnted o' 'ion—how >( » » v cl preseat, ' intoxicated ■ t>v yoc- mi< -sfiil efforteTw political as ['ce'iifc ■ 'nr S. tc the i .pproach ing, ami not fai istant, w world 1 p itself, with all !u- h,e of p ■-.••.-' . ! odicc —when you ite politic chworda, (Ithe tret mi of Troup, id, the Glory i Mack’s, shall alike become ind.fferm t* und - and dee (rum your m rcory aid •>a<( you at le |ge • these at irni* the sober remonsti. mr of froth ami i n ini J( ION. j Vvti m V'L'ftWfc . • t .New V uk De .-mber T' The; ket hip Catlmu*. Capt-v’ Ij.ev amved •■estenhiy morr..a. ! r >’•’• r< • re, 'Civinv sailed on the !.;• ulr. I ; 1 Mont,-sir- arrived out on T e .’■! uhd , ; this port A Havre paper of tin 4th ult. •■■serf, UTtt a Convent ion was *igui.d : ' i/.iris cu. p.ii between (he »• • -clc ■ •■•. icr meat at,..; tl.? Oeputics front ilaeti, ■>: : ch the piivUcg ot ‘he duties w. : - • iimoorts and exports in Fr.» ■ t vessels, ' Mextended v. tlu whole isf; id t-f St. id ■- ■lmit.'ro, ins lead i.t bene ;■•■ ■ < S .c ; to obi j ~ to Frenc f jwirt. k ift ■ : .:•» that tlie ills 1 s , . . ’ iTtun...icing dunes oa i,,e imports into; J France,’. :xr-. ml to all fie products of ;( ai, with ilie exception ni *uga. —dial is ! ! to ?ay, these productions are t pay one ilf the duties in France are imposed on Ini tiioi- ui the same ' . id from French. .ones .oul eiher com; . •.. hi P - pap< t , stab t ia< Mr. Bicv. ■ . Idnistei ■ dinner to the Cabinet .Mini.-:ter, an 1 uie foreign Am [bassadors. e | Th • Berlin Maritime ct; miercia). Society • 1 have built, cquippcil. ami !r. i -u, two- large .'vessels tortbe N-*w of South Ame ‘‘jrica. One >( tbt tlu nee Lo i satlc » from S».:,ci .t, I >» die 13th ul'. 1 letter It -.a ■ . st;.’ that the Cm ; ici m Austi i in nt sse*. •- • ’;received orders from •'..■ i< >vcri;,neiU not . 1 .allow Uudi Alps n . . >.-,ited by Gr, • j tried vessels, ’ The vine planted >u tlu- Crliuoa, hr • been prod i A At- ' c-' 1 nd the t :nst sacrum oxpectatio-is. Ihe .iv. i ige v*ciautity of ■ nine. . irlv, i-' co .ipui ,1 at i,7’st'.o<■ : I h uiich pints, |J Extract of a /rffer fra a Havre, dated j! s’/ (tetobtr. II Cotton is in good defnand. Ihe sales oi October amount to bales, and a 0 uck now remaining at j ■ above fO.SOf of all de j : : i I ’’ ,'ntc sdi d ; Georgia I pland 1 '0 a 1 ”>(); N:w ')flca is I s') aI 71 Ala .".a Mo ’* bin’, and Tcnnc -s. s !35 a 1.4>; St k.. tjUiingn 1 -25 a ' 00 ; Bahia, none ; Mar: a ,inone; Hicc, Carolina, 291' a 30k sales.—- ? jCofiee in dull. The stuck on hanj istr.tlinp *j!,ut the advises from Holland th I'Oi-th . lare unfavorable. j Pcur>, November I.—The eve per cents •jhave improved in price, The three pei - cents, on the contrary, for the end ol the f ! month have gone down. The cause ot ’. e ': fall is by some said to be the inaction of ’ e f great capitalists who are waitin'. 1 ; f ’ the 1 opening of tho tegislat've session ul Ft. e, • to make offers for the new loan dest ued to e reimburse the five per cents. By ■/.hers, - it is attributed to t;ic\*carcit’ of money, lijon account of the great rumber ol nurses (now constructing. -j General. Lafay tie.— Captain Allyn has i(politely favored us with he following ex t'tractol’a letter iroin General Lat-yette, > I which he rect, ed on the eve of his depar »ftare tiated “La Grange, October ::8, IB 1 » Here is my last letter, arid I wis 1 t could send many others along wit!. 1- but ;he presence- of"avocations : my ;.rrival, - and a kind concourse of u;• • *•■' have so 1 much encroached on my tivr • I n 1 must ■ depend n,. >i vou ! u inton. i New-York ■ jcom :pondent- that ■ ft m good health, ! .. : i r frit nds, hat hi pe they lo ijno qr s' on that'-' are i antly think I {ing of them, with m arls I t of affecuon • laud gratitude.” ,' ...ii©*— i| CiHHi.t.sTov, ■ ember IT. ■ 1 }">•’ J/avanns. — fMI Oh./ ' ' i. schr. Eclipse, we ceived jon e'es of Hayanna p-ipe ■. Ao uist.j ;'i '...•■• ; otain nothing of .u• t ; ’ : the j)bl!oV/'i, tter from out •> ■ m !enr will lie round to cm ’.aw r 'gence ot 'much ii.iportance from Ms .o ■• j Extract of ft >r l ■r to /he h. (ia*.e.d '• Havannx, Dec 7 1825. *» The object of this is to inferm you of I the arriv'd, on ■ Sth inst • bngotj war, i\l ’:a pt. I ! ••■•■ '• ! J S I fron i eiv iz, bearing a flag of truce, and 1 .ving oil board Genera! ..ppm • andj {several ithef officers fron. ■ I ?■< which, 'capitulated with the Mexiesu: .a 19lh ultimo. ! have not marnt the ~■■••■ • apitula ; ion. An i.nglisli brig ■ e ’ ived this; ■ morning vth th? ofheers a -oidiers, a; •.mounting to about eighty The M ■ icabo sailed from this [tort la' 1 1 evening, ik, cry thing n inaitis epoet in (hi. place. --wsa©— Eire - * .iout one o’clock this morning j the lli roe st-try b>ick store, No, 104, Vcsey js.reet, ovcupieil by Drake \ Coddington,! vas di red t■be on ft ... The flames! when first seen, were issuing from the win ws of the second ■ u.r, V considerable < ; f hr.-, dy - being b;-red m .lieu | ■ :■ lofts, soon took fire, and Pi inter was in a short time enveloped in dames, im i destroyed, together vvilii m: of the .ock of groceries belonging to Messrs. 1' S' C. The amount of propert y clt l is ' 1 led. to be between 5 ami GO'c r? a , •if which was insured. It is be I '. 1 1' : ; -• .'uiiiilna .vas set ou fire, as no 1 : ■ '.••-• arried during the day in the up; a <(;. lon t " ‘enng the tor?, it v*r.-. !;m- • nge h>»i? bee. taken from ima cro s were found on v.l nc-r iW iV. V. Com 10 h nsf, j | Gem fid Scott took cotv. 'ol ('••» d*s i tr’u ol i ! ursdaj Hi» t visit » Goi Island was atm ■■ nc dby a salute.— ! G eneral Maine [.ton .'tmt -Jiately l*d •isnv, p, v‘-a the *• yof Washington i Baltimore Jhnericui { '■ V\ : )0,., . from th e Albany Gaily Ltd 1 . ~ (ha* •»-!© canal nil:- (his sni a un will I amount tt ■ 00,000. I earl : . '* oils '-ere. *280.320, thusj ■■•istug .ii reuse to this year of 510,.*70 'dollars. Ibid. H >sTON, December 3. ‘ The obsequies of the Fite Gen. : William Hull, took place in Newton, ou{ rhursdiiy.—The pall wa supported by sir l 'members of the Cinc.en: ■ i ; Ui? procession I . was i mg, notwiilvstai.duig the weatln war.' !uiif;tviirab'e, and was composed of hi? be- Ireaved family, relative*, and frh .is, a 1 number of th* Uev, Clergy ot this city,! . ■ ’wion and vicinity, and ne.ite.-ous m lit ' utionary arm jand neighbours; whose countenances t fvtnced the dt> - loss they had sustained. , The tin .ns • 1 grace was addressed e i ■ist impt essi pray et >y the B i i lower, and the . unar.-. of the < • .jvere deposit' .. if: 1 nuly torn'; ,lton. --»o*— j Chile ■ a rrit an E y umstance qi ■• utmommou in to-. ;u ■;■•, .;iuteiy happened in Scania ■. woman at vork i the fit Is laid bet fant e . d t lit le distance ; soon aftei ap . i : e infant, end cptried • 1 it, anti ■. Ihepm • wot 1 in v. tin heard the cries m t mill n ihe air, is become tie and is no v in the hospital at Malone. Hamburg Eoj r. -■€»#• J| The Wooden hate. The noted -Bur :oughs, vviii v.f.s confined in Cu*!!c Wil i liums, (mow Port fndepentlencc) '"a* :,en fenced ~f • le the M ootlcn :.l.':*se, oi :arne mai.a: ; luct; when mounted t.c w.y ijat' isted 1 " Ohaplait. of the G*. ti*.-- 1 ith “a mor • Mr. B .t art you that Vi o , ing, Mr. Chaplain,” replied Boroughs ' you see I'm ’unnintr die Christian :, o. •1 ’ COXSTITIJTIONA L IST. 0 L Sl .l . s DECEMBER 23, 1825. e The President’* Message is the univer c sal theme. and it 15 curious to observe .he - different trains oft! ought ami reman. {-> ejwhich it has given rise. Some of the p.. -.- Jes laud it to the cies, and insist that it is a the bust statepaper this century !u / pr< - ■ jduced ; while others depreciate it.- merits , and cull u- doctrine- by all sorts of ugly s unit out-of-the-way epithets The Hu h mood Enquirer, is particularly severe up" s Mr. Adams ; we think in sum • instanc . - - unjustly so, but the remark upon that par* - i, of ihe tnesvige rolar'n ■ -o Georgia, is atrik - ingly . rot. !he , irer an • j L ‘ti jk Up l!": '« ''i, r <*n'. Out ■ ' .Ur. A• . . in ~'l- t■ J M ... ,jU f tiiavn iv* ) -», roved; vv - w ; n .a i- , i ,t • ible, tribute whicl Mpay •* ■ • *?atiat*!il ;v« '• Mention, • u-• ..- f bf-.i happy ♦<’ hare-gouc with lum ./! pror. hup'- , •• n': ‘/’c j r<t; cd alx-.t twe thirds • ' : . . ■ ; .. • •ng far the Pan . . if in iti doctrines v;t vr \t friend ’ the i-al priucipie-. /,-f *n* • .. : i Kilt ca.v »’• I! th- r ~/ 'L' cftbionof •. i i ,i i, ne ii, in /.c reri j.| of i. • nap u;: v' . ) .■* \u(* ant j. - jin .. ■ « , v ■ ■ df'ctrn - !l s ihiT. ». .■ .is rn.'*oncii»i» ;*. iohd sin man lad the doctri - •? mosr ■ • 'h* toned not! ulti ii ■ any Ai wnu n hah cv *. neen . uhmitted 1. tho nca | - cpl ! . scarcely u 5R ”.ng h>< v ■ ttpii.-i: ih. t’ . se. dir. J- a Adams We ii .. j nu room 10-day for a» eiteusi /c 1\ a.• w ..(** portan* t -t-cr The Pi- a' ■■■ h.n accepted the n ‘ Congn at Panama. He; nds by of i-Jc wied Bank not system-—alsc the ; rop. . Tgamzation ct - /, Vt— •he lon cf the per.-non law—i ** establisimv ii 1 .I'. I -Sc h j. . f Instruction—if j < tiblish ent of « \at ion ! t/niver; • - pioration of the 'Thole north-w it of iiis ontineo! by th« , er t iprient c» public »! n-’ why not • o \»o \nn. raed prx ■■ I pie. • w for 1 . t. us- %tj’, Ur j . •yme*-I -offer hi rr. ice* ft-Mhe t,»f i . -iron U |thf h iic Hole •; —He >• . m.U u- free .... i. i A . i. e; Observatory, or.- t th se li;;St iio< c ; >< the -ki Ih lading pa] ora ha V\jr »». i» r-'■ ,f melancholy i that re cuMiu.r t iv from the r of retir- ; li. for wi i.'o . • • i,e»!> • t>bse. >n» ; v ror observer upon on hull of the globe, .tnd the -..n th r«vo • in perpfc' .'ii *l 'tifrj ,, ':s to ->ur nnssarching e — i'h* Pre . n .so recomir-.’ij 11 an • Dapai'.ironl of the .ior reallyj all I.m . splendid schemes *-r to be carried mt v^c U ti» . .| »va art i» *. to know ho -n> i ’epurtmenis or .., - shall require to faperioten.' >,• national affairn.) to keep dov n • the i. wmuln/ivf ,thb' "hi* *h- .innto.inni.iLvd ♦-,?: s -I the j■ ■ ' .i. • ’f.-.i* ■ i.-.oiiimi .ii * ■ , • ,cmr.v o’ . , , 4 re-, isirrof the Patent u i .. c erection .i ? • U-T.-le Mon ■ ml to the iliuefriou* Wash lugton. lie pepomm-'ni' indeed o w -Mdcr- und him, the passage ' * tavi , • , ifo, Comm Mur iifactures, i*.e i tiltiviliou .«id «..»< - --■ , l; .nonlofth -. Alcdu .«ud o. the elvirc.nt .*.■•/«, the adv« ••nv o ’ TAterature, and tb*. t--f the -n.ienu*: or.M , ■ ’ ami pr..-found and he fiss thi uch lawi lar’u '■ ■ tlu Ip) ’ - credos trusts - { H*• ■ •*! ..led ' : »»i er t.,t. of power? a‘ • time from »l n wi.d. ... •*kpro.:> enumcralt- 1 power* jgivm by the Constilfion , .u . other - »m th siiil <s T - . uni (still broader ground f real I •.( ih» Institution of etvtl govtm'/unt iti*?/-,' 1 aometimes presenting our lu?y ? ■ ex •'vcipu .one ot these isir roach me tits a “ debi," an •]■ fage~ r»*ni” we have “ : 'fsd ’ wU!i dm cirili«»vl ■ . I I ■ ", ~ U.bsrty in poioef ; that • are b; .- -.d with nior.; ; b-n , • mud be the most powerful nation . "i.* world hut tt - dit’on und*>«- yr!*ich wa hold this pow* .al shall -. *• ;er> -d to tin- '-nd, ,i jo.d was to reply ■ -i! ; rop/c, . ,p!.i .ng the j ntirucl wrought. h» !.ibcr,» . ir o\ci,-i!si t;-; r <n-r in tlu same directiou.** Mr. Adame take r.u-; .. t us right *:r<L't this matter, ‘ in .vc ,'s'ty- f the n*> live A I-.c i . of ir- ■.nh* Union, f-ill behind » -• ’- r , .ser vants i" the ej<*rc it of the trust comroiit .d to Oi f tlu* ■ enr <; t of our mmon So the ..iplish > c.p •i . <, j.n --r; ; to the hoi . atri whicM neither the anihrxu < v the f-'.so«rc«-H of nr i c.» b->-. >' T . ..■ claiming • tie U-aucral Gorunt >ll ■ ich pow ,-g a* -. y think the states nr- 1 not adequate to dlsoh.cge, v.-hethtr the 'ties ha » actually conferred them or not ) If the least dnnbt stiouid eutertHiHi;d about such a power, why, 'dr. Adorns ru• tlj y kn t a. once either, by t - jst ex • > aordinary oou- . »lona from ■" «*pn p * constitution; or ifthtt expedient ■ ii?m onh *e .•. , . .Mv to th»* .! -i.e r• i &.* t iv ul o'-y - r '/,>■ 1 f c’ .j) gon r.*(T?f*.nt I ! i ' Are nu hT « cs the r>-» of 'the ’ iv-i.h.r -t. hard to •; nose <h».-. •> > 1 i- *i i Reriib!** | ’.VS . , -a‘ >, ('lu v ~ . .. . ~,n , ; I Ve* ’ v.ik 5-■ , .. i•. ■,. ir.U-h’iu '■ •'» tl'v-4 i ■ ■ ' ■ ' :,a h l ' ' : • - •• so ton |n* i.. -- hren j •** -1 .*h * ttrov • V■ i‘ lrj*‘vc ■ ■! i! .i. / I v01,o 1 , » > d age -ore» y v .>-gir-a will L--t j-hes, ■ !?•: their. iT't p • r f legilimata ■ ■ »,>•<. ... ) their •.! iient. If m ... ( ingf. ~,c • ir . [peel: i ■ thnne o* ’ ‘ ' -i..- . T ‘ has ■ j'.vhrr ■ hor f look hack • on w- i ’■ t,‘ . rcfatlio ! j She pv. ■' t-ei-* list, »li" hcbnice in our ‘ •> •. ion. lan i voici . ii lay | (‘•t tli-' •<•*' .'On of !*•<• const<t Kir. The \ • has com**. ivl'Ci; i w .’houlh not only look tu th-. ayiogs of our Henry nnil '*o«v Ifti ./, m, kit of Ihf great ’>hf lin our ".refe M-.'- fl A lams {( ■>' c -he I- -it an!,cr.t -i 1 vi. . ' •• ev. rb - ’•* ~lj - ... a picture in 17R 7 >' •» it i ii.n/K of thing’ which is most ■ tgcnial to our happinc- ~ud 1f:..! is, -T-i. • f r 1 1 . ••v-irc s'av.H. .• U „:.-5 j! i the p ■■if.ts~.ri m'» ; if- .- J hr. pincsj, each . I ting to * ft- federal h h ' Tofit sv, -r ugnly, ? would Irrt.-ler th sfoveromeot Mil I ,* ao--.*quatc those |- »* jor; ••. and if 1 •a ii. r « •*nt’ hi . .1 of .. •• 1 th. isefn 1 Mi. Adm... •»»•. ITT s' pi ;• . I t V i*. M.;-.jcc.t ot ■ he. Ur* vk car. r- ■a u - .• - -Had h* t- } himself *h saying •■■■lviut co’-ipHr t: it with the ur*’ p itaie . • .n.iicr. tint .1 ■ ‘-r h ■ ,nu \mtin h saK negotiated m good 1 i n • • i still mu ter is I for {aim 1 ■ ’ i* • i.' the offscia l state men! c toe United Stale* ('em- Jrr.Tfsi-- i.tpubi: . -;>on thr»’Buhi. | iVb shall hereafter, when more at lei ci.Rccf -thtfr views, ;iv j express our lowi: up m this inriiHeu ci. -ag: -.if the new ’ ’’resilient— but of <T; ./ir ' ■<•'( >l, whether Iron, th«■ ■:/vU o ‘ -rrv ■ followir.g which Mr. V. ,i.jh ... i, •• .. T .trine Message,” from his Kxcellenc . ■ T- M-rnor of Vermont, is perhaps best ii ••/. ’to brighten and improve the in* . !:.iy the fury of party spirit and ■ i ..iluct, universal harmony : •' •♦*ll >i d He ,»e th - > he wen r**qucs* li t *••*»' v ‘ •■■■■■ • T■ i • .ind takn aoc■ - •. •■- ■ • him at • oitrili If -** -! and that tbA i.nv:tation ' , .-I* :ir'Tlif,.UOCC 1-i !• s i X; ‘f- he • i‘ut ! relinquish the Guhen n'.oriiil J'he Home iVe th n • e G« !nor w:< not again a {‘anili-lat- -if there be L, a;iy ruth in th.; remark, that “ the din i 'l' ii/ai) to tht /. v s is down ih- throat”- ■ L |lie must itidubv Ay have Unci, ic-electcd. J ctiN ivi.i.n js bear; elected Governor . ■>! Virginia. Mr. Mouroe was nut a cau idu-alt*. nor v. >" . v / ftu- .f Kroya, on- ' tb? most prominent men of Virginia* was Mr. T’s. opponent I 'VT» J M « expe ... a i • I ■/ «hile wi •' in «»'■ i . >• . hf " ih*, combo , 1- gi •• >f 1»24- -r 1 i distingui-. i-'i for h- o-th of ch:»- ■ ejjcter and Repubitcan p r?t,ipi.. Jfe, dn l j. « V Uciys ' IC‘ : ’iUU V, ,f ladgrgv m* it •.’where he had for >cveni: .-«eks r-c s.‘ forminj. the of a m- mv f i.e'i.-C' gislature. He had lo sealed the;