The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, December 27, 1825, Image 2

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♦AV‘"‘’ V\ ' ' ■. v \ ,-Ui\ .VT (' PM«*■ T} 1 1 iv n 1: Rj ; i I r-. DRV < ■ ■ ■ ■■•■ I f nni'.it'O.-tSf «Va r , , th* ( 1 . \ K !.v •< * vm A. K i'w |»vt I : i ■ !.K ;r.c* ft Thri»«i Doll*r» | **. ■■ ’,i t A 'Fi ■ln# D«n ( .- Ir, I hat - BTC giv«-,fi ( ■ - l ,•• •• i \ ■ r i'Mjr.ifii ■ 'i** j.j nft i .I** | * .];v j .1 iV' K* : f'vS i' "*> - , Ir/M!1 r /M! b“ >'l H.\ tn« rwN*. oft ■'■ ii .-.i,» > iin • • ■' V 1 - r **•'- ■» i .i*'i non 1 • -iv ?' Vv fov ■ . . c-i*'’HUiiJM ** j ' . ' .) *.!, ’• ’ iU: fa t id hy A- 1 -;., i, .1; hxftcntirs ... , • -V, *i W (,u Ihttfii-,Tu«*‘ I' v ' ■ . m> I ■'y jf , . «* > Oil 1 V i * Pi- ;.y ,1 ? i u r I- OUT 1 ;;K •' )' (fItCF- Of* iFV'V\*4A. I■■ i all ' > Joi'r.'-d •‘‘iu'.iof the 11 Ut u/i. . u > i ■' * ■- *(>»* iV W vv , to. v • ;',i <.• ha-. ’■ ani:»u;<c<d sawn die I-, mid. ’ .. butii to I.M- he', t, will ui j naut ‘v'c ’' It >viil fw •> ■ di's * . (! , ,s ii, Ar’> in Hun inent, ;; >4 ; -i --i. min,’ .r ml <: im'i m «t ili« p:nA*etice, ,1 !!■ ~v ' oi die New State ■, Ij.p I.: I'M . . • ('■. llonU' . •MH.ll a . ,-,j 1,;. it; iy b iio|lgC*l t l ' V . tlitt , j , n .)■; \ . arc .iiu ady - j ; ji ■ Ip i, i ■ ilev * . . . <it .. 1:. • it, itimt 1 ' ' • ” cl aim n ; “ a < .»«gi < 1 h'ln tin 11 a CeIIgPOHS ; ; . .. ,e ,r pi Fi> ape a. ~,, , t Auum'h.u, ,>ud to HeUli* t!' rig'ms «' it p<n 'iii.i m! . ;;;!■■ tr. tt-.u 'ilc*. ti y,c othti'; . ’ju ■ ii,< ven! Vo wliat < »> , ■. t> r i.! *. • * 1‘ h . . objtt' will ii if, t, tven ot that nntii|iii \v . , ' V itt ••■■••.riil i-vci ait ,j .-in ..• • ! (••■ r hr Mlgllt 1’.,,., j Ii is , ii I> i, 1 >!•> SO Vlhi l; ■ ■ . inti t_‘ ■, l •» j1 » r , r ■ ■ , . , t:.rt n ■ ’ll. . t'l 11l I , '’Cf t olt •pin CIV I till l i vi 1 1 vc 1 , • ■ i»*it .jpcak o cal ■•■ :i wide • A»<u 11 ,■ ■ ■ • i • . j I’ 1 ■ j■»<*,.i» , Ini i . - til pi < in' v-.‘i r place ',vhir,!i i» .i i) ini', ■•. O bv I, jr sun <•! Inis :rV S 1" i.v pul. Fit h i•, : than the. K voy ' i , i t ,ip J ‘.ii’*. i oni.i in[)■ • i r* p, ) the will'll! man equal n in n> ty ,li. ■■■ p.u’in h’lkkc asjiect tin I»;• • seil mi■•■. a•■.d I•■ .el ,|ktil; n ■ aa ■, vipiTii?» ity , 4 n .I to (!> V cncii i L.; nun iind ICpims.” ti *i’ ninvir 'oifit (in> nciitus ot Bull s.i in tonvokii’i.r, !K ; s aniccst ;a-. : nibiy. M ,, ' ! ■ .. ... itai ioi ‘p. -i «•<!! <l. )•• iw.v. us »i the means • •. .;■■ -.I • •■■• i hat may « c , I ■ *; 1 v •• ■ ,• 1 1 ■ i- (In* ns • r u'. inn'l .••.Inin.-- iV.i indiiid > til in iii,r evidence. It <h (■■<l .•! Pa .10,1 was nut to take place th,-, ( ill- r Wind ■ notliix ;n* find ••>. lie ca , >1 . ■•• -t ■ t i-t pi it" ■! .at )n e>tly -eve, i ven lu:i iP . v liai’i u up, niu; 1 ■ up, ’i! ■ i•.. pipt ii a t eli.ii: • ; that h , i ,v ■ m • tin i '• id', ('u p siicccs " .■ - ;.f tiu predii iittl tar ui • . it ■ • < ■ UP' -.1 ! IIPV’,'. it coiunicr ’l l >s nf ir ; up - jo* • I«'» piv.iic.lim< i. t■ i 1 l >!iii i , v >■!ii a is reu ,ih ant Is it not just Uiciefote Ui • 1 s is ■,p,'itp! flip ( iinm■ is ■• • . i ivii .is : ; <t. The tnea , ■ t< rwin »va With Vlllpl (C ■, Ilf, t’l PS i i i u ml the 'eclai ition oi t!i .■ law, to th ■in . rM, th . olimiti. pel mart time, n arc and iu war. .Tie CollKi’C 8 IPi hr ■" , ,'i ..I i ji I . to- untie) lid i . r p.l '•■ i icij Ir i" .. uail p u ,ri relithoi! •vr:. - Ft. Ihi ,-i \r. tin- le#' plate tl i r-u • r.• ■ ■•• • ■■.• ~ , ,ii< n <>t \ a, 'tl. »le Vi , , mid sed, -l <:!■ ui the [(} 'iu! " ■.(•»• I ‘'B, ■ h t iin v .i ,e ■■ ■,r ■■■■■ , F < -''p !..!-■ not m 7 a 1 ioi ■ ii. cm 1 ivpil -n ' I . V S’' ' ' ' < • ■ •U i' 'UI J 11 ■■•; • '•.’» .. in. ; v- (j latclv, • ‘ ill iis . Mil as,, a lilst hr. inin.u ■ipipii, ;n lep s.pteen iiiiliions. If > ■ mninlaincd no re!at ma ih ,e HUf s • ;!■ | r. u•; I nil), ■re. not ur ?• p ill,; future;’ VVI M jr ’hi, I: ed (ha. r • . U . ? * •'■ ■ P , ’ -il- <' : 'il ,v mlUiVu.’ -• ■ 'HI It. • nf. vt d it V- li' v».. i n i n , iriOJ th .A '.it' .ca •, n• A ’ Ua* a » us. [;■.*:iujihlai, ! 1 .n wurl*s ... la -h :d*t. i< VMUiii i.inh! f ' ii , i \ ( \i: oi»a null a’id u•;:",1 bv .♦ ; > ! ihn till! V.U | 1 -v . , ,pn, ‘ J \)\\ 'M» Ihv .i v a. n ••i ~ ••> a if, ■ the pp-rmiu p r Ha . , Hr TnH' .er '■ it; ,eiu - , i p. KUil,; '■ >• •! el, i , ilii : i fj • • 1 ■ ' , V 1 ’ O I , i IU »} I'c > V* j siiict* i ir bf Pethinn, nil -hi p .’it ai puVil 1■ i :• iiu "I’d I'spi, i;,.iy those ■•! .". pre, ens il'rcsidcnt, ai,; not at all inferior even ;•> I 1 ,! u*u of, and are superim to ShoM; l-d iiiany juirla id Kurapc vvh’ch uauu■•( ye? ■ 1 11 •p r avoid the obscurity and andiijxaify jid’ u jdonmey. »0O 1 I’rnra (he Pori (R.) // re d. ■'UR I!)hi T L OC( UHRi' : ,yCE. ■ have never before had so , ainful a H its ti perform as we r e no . enteri:i*.' o ii i in detail oi no o< caiv.-" e, vv 1 irh c< •- .d. 1 S a.b< ,u i Frid : if ai a closed .1 a ucighbonriiip vi lage, a; ed . v dl tin ti... iu hoi . > rji'p’i 'ecliuj/.s, ai..', by ' ;:c d. .i;n ■<j ■l’l-nnjrs <d‘ four viuieiitlei uturu. d: 1 ;- O solutions A poor, but well im;,i. < i, and irulustii mi.'ali, i th" in «» owaitu the ~ i'.-i- shoeina 1 r. ;-rJi >, at the vii age Cl *e (Hon •■ ip " • ■ art rough, t ■: the ■ih -v ol fo;ii cjnl . . ii. tin youn pc "I * ■ ■.. it., . is ’• ■.» ,i lew mouths' old. h..ving buai • ne-s jit the latter place on Friday mst, re m»1 >•! 1., I kr iu .nr, for the a-r of herself ul tiiiMieii p iiu iSI s p'-n oi an opening ,di 'ii . VVim tin ■ view sl.-e call id a', a ,i n. "s ■" ip in Si.aii'iri.ugh, i.nleied the , same ;n. •• d .P-e w ..aid cull for it before , »!,»• <■ .v, !t was accord in ly uvv •■i i and p. i r :U re'd) Fv tt poor w In the in tp * ’ .. I. wave , a fanner c:;'. ■ ; • the sau in •>, .. 1 ■ ired one ot;i'r,. id ai • -nic to > • •p, ( .’ he would r ,’;.-r if in u short time. " dangerous uvne i rtl was also g.,1 readv according to order, iui iper j tion the word “ poi is'iu** ••••’:i • writte*; oi the paper containm<: ,f ” . nut, nnfor! mate!' , th.; two were placed i- in .-ether hue pi.u-i - on; i n called the first ed the wrona he could not ■ i she tea• el I I itiitu to her little family, the inu.ii.ent. uu i- suspecting iiiessc • 1 d**atli i- Soon after her return sir ,•■'■ some 1 1 ,'r ; • nic in ilin.r. of In;t iutp; ■• <A>■ I’lrcii, i.i i ir, of them eight yesrs fag , the secone r -jsi*, and the other md • four. Tin; pool wo l*‘! also took a large portion herself.-- Death noiv coinnienred liavoc, and tin H dreadiul efTects w ■ j dway attend tin „f lakina oi ; ■! m.Uv poison v arc soon trinm ,t 1 11 1 ..rii uvpp die tender frames of the liltb ,{iitmocents. No medirul assistance was m ar }e i;,i d. Still >■ Oi'“ btr.i!•■;;•*, 110 Olie W.iS Sll ... t'.H. Sutpefttc ion or d;sifaction, musthavt fixed umni th’ wretched parent. Draiii, ; v/evor had tint 'omnie' d 'I , _ _ . m (work, i'll ninth**' still ;i ’.ire i.e n- infaiit : liar ou! ■, piirviving child, laid upot i iI ip She P . • • oys of approin hin, ■ lis.ioiute' !■’ 1 •■ h had lost liis tern!;; Pie nul bec.u we Ice me n esse, \rr, , th i,. drdiglit o. hr cm ea had deparj|j and oh ’■ i ■ „„ ... .. niPvlicai advisetj.n .;■ -is ,e;i ~i ‘mi ■■;.!'• -i(; ■• y, il \ ilii (in. , destrovc 11 iug hv, 'to dawn am. th ui live, inr v. oundee ipn iiok ii , ;diup. die eternal iiuiiiiiims, viliithei lie p, Vdiriii ■ had departed, and where. n« casua ‘ lep irtment can dlstnr . . .duo. nr ■ ; • o> ilu'ii happiues . j„ ;’m ni v. in only surviving chd ,vv ~ f ■ •.; Fu pi danger ns fdale—it naviiy u.r: ■! !• ii suckled by die t ■ ’the. , , v r ■be id taki o the deadly no- on. ■ b orn ■f; .1 u• V sat ujtoi*. tlic bodies • • i ! , ne 1 after a very ininuic in ,atio nto a! 1 iuc circumstance s of tin they ilelive 1 a verdict (as regard t.f “ pip d.enfa H alh.” . Hero wt Jo ■ ji ct biit ■ , * , nit \p”c ■ : u ; uur m on o of tlie j trv, it certainly .■; ■ ■ vi lief ; in pvinr 1 ( , ,e e;e retfeviuiiih . < » . (d w: arc rig's n .' 1 v nloi u‘d) j, « ! . • lii.iib.e i.i etc-s s j ness cd the man oi vv! placed the pm i, c lson m> m mm .o to Jmit * t mi ; juke. It v 'lit- sitisequvMice , m tlu ;d»" Dial ;>oi. m p written on liie •me since it tuts allowed to be taken fre h ~ .Imp rV'b dlib rate woman, vs . v , a e ,!:ri vvi'hi any thing like canti- p - lg ■u v. d «ntal . )eat j. drumyi., from the - 'Vi-riti- [’('■ < I■■ but u.iiii. t thr> •' into t'n', me. recollection b- ",h nm »IU . ;i cat e imgh lave prevented t!i •il ~, b oup e lilts’< i.i u-uiild tiav, ib,- oi ■leu de.t'f. ot ■ I pi j .ii ini, in. • > ictims. • *• >. •Wflfc-v i. V\ i,3 ,mi i nr. 1" ■ * ■ , , ! iion ip v■ i en. ■vi > e l ,•« , [i rei . , . ml res , th mer was nut front the (Jluin t id C mmurc ' of Pl;,i idt’{ if: ;■ .s i• •Pm p ’pi invitin' ’ . e 1 - of ; u . k vva 01 ' * I :v", ill V . Iso , j jji ■ were olf-n by S'. F■ i.; • • the pbvver of the Sup ne Co ... "iu u two odieys on ,F e ; id jm< in din; 1 b;r ini sol rh< Ii ■■. is rogai. i. ii • p m. ‘li.ei’ d-ittrs 'i ■ , dpig toi t in- -’o'ul •• s i Pidlv or vi nil’ll iu t ii jC’tr. t’r.n of it s < !li i-rs, tor tiie ensuing ti veil • i Lowt ■. i ently a inei ■■ i . F. u S ret vv ; Vlountj Baiii v, ~s t diH iml S»>i. vin at-An ( and 1 ■■. Si• » \ I'tant sbmr Keep rim K . F .a 1 1 ‘.p 1 11 u, wa? elected Chr ! un— i o.yUo ’. vv e hav p p ■■ to 1 Sep* ii'orr .1 f ud F . ■ Il I". i> I!■ • ■ 1 . 1 . ■>. C. t ■•■■■“’ ■* V>' ■ ii, ■• ,>c’ provision ! matte • ; -oniiiap > > .-enUarifb d’j , giver me tto a erai Conj ■ 0 >|be ;■!■] at tin I ithinus ol Panama. W. httv( : ! -.o i, pov -ii n •••i, i( a ; ial parnpiltt! from ? cm •■ha -h wc chape to collect some I • mnistralivi: «(j Itht jj’i.speiity and poli; ’ wisdom ol the!l R-'iniblic.- - find Hi oem men 14, j< j In t 1 i- -Mi y ,y, various •mb-; • its o! ‘I;;. Mti'.a'it. '■!’ -he idt-iit wen ■ OTcii • iii;.i:* a,;,; . .vc ‘ommittees,; fid the resol (if offe b;, It Johnson, i . >f ” ‘atucky, «•: j'j>i • a ' onioi’ to j lire into f t'% '• 1 o’ '• dag iia-l; jir -unineui, for dei, : , ■■■ after b t .emending it, bj inst. ■> tb ..c.e v< ;u ’i mitt- to it juire ulo Hit /; . jd~v o'" os |taiili-tilingtin or'*b m . ban'kruptcy j • throughoutthe United 'es. S.-< ie dis-j] Jcissioii tou:-. place on v. >•>, lion offered • ';by Mr. Katie, of (lii' 'dative to our »ting Judiciary systen -vidch will bo (■ j'und' i*i Senators! a-.».d. A mime Uvus .at. ml by Mr. : I'd, of Mass 1 i sc:'s, calling upon tin Nh» ._•• 'b jiai -iP; ;• , pi the documents in ’ .o of Co.u i >dorc ,(Porter, &c. i( "1 In tin- H•. e cl .r. ,i utatl-'es, Mr. | (j j W of 1 -1 or prcaonic .• petition of the sut '|v,- «H oil'll ers os ‘i u'iooa; v * in v ' esulm 5 in 'be .n .Masiari.usetts was fee . re *to toe -c *. > ft- ,i,i Id t t Res ■ in.-o ' ■ s. Mi Wur , seated ape: d; > • iubjt rial \ tablisiunen , yv hi cl was* referred to ase . .le< t tti'cil', • ’wire itdiudui. 'J try \f r . ,! £ *>/... ,/chuaett 'li.- jccl of h /, air mi j. the Constitution, by . . <'•% i ’ Vh'"--- • -pecific powe to . .p-ojc ,«(<■. ...ou-yf 4 jar v.M at. 1 tuals, s v ttocn. ‘ns i; ' ,j and ti. ; cr>- oc of .ncfei a.-.u ‘iber- ‘ 1 8.1 fti •bj ft re*o,u i.. . j 'i ' ‘ ;l o to cos Ciitisls, (* |- cm- 0 .oliofit ■ , c'cclusivcivjj s |1 ippro|>nat •* f n- ... bo expended bv ( ;'';ie -i-vei. States ?'• racli „f tiiese rd>j.;ctsj‘ • States s! • •• laV alsnj ~iir- sur if: 111-,;;. . ases, lorisirnctj roads and canals, am! exercise several ini -1 .inor powers relating b '.a,.. :am and, tner i, arts. Mr. Mitchell at > • .ao-i ■ , a‘so in-i 1 r rr 'u- .ii a Tsij-. riot; to end the C i.-ti : jj tut ion ■> trr .. ,tkc a, Se ..-tor or ;tc-j pro,Hive in Congress 'tieiisible to aov! 1 ioilic ii tie wi'i. IJov •riimei )B esston »f . ■ seat or with Niifter tin exp ■, : of id# trr-. ■>( r• 1 ( A Com mil xs ol ierrito; - * ( ed, on ; ■ iijii •>! v; in , , to br . ’■ O' Hie list oi *• t >:u ; . fi change w?ls n.,; nan ■ L ' • . :n . rii.yiiv.'fm-fC and + e pro--11 1 Hve ' ind • i have 11 !’-e ’ iin he rifer-Mice peti-1 • Is ;hi i*’ --t „ t : NKll AL HU LI i. aM A '"respoudent has fur lishei the rbilaxy nitl* the following :»e 4 bio-1. jnnij-hj of the la; ■ Ge* Wum m H'-h- i re; ’*en H;cl »a‘ bora - Derby, Conn.! in. ,< dl 1 ■ ; 'O', 1 7 ■ t- r, I di 'i! !i '■ ii i' ~ > u.ti'.iibcr n! the ' :r ■* of ■ ou ■■■ rticii'i. for y-■ .■ ■, ui •! 1 - ,f' lir- gmid-fiilK. ■ : -;p Hoi!, nc - Ihi , paths. >evv yc.»rri. ,li& r.san-'l' .net, Jo le'-enh Hall em i_ s>.- n;.' fiv D. rby-sh". : Fit- , „il 'gland, nun settled .a . ; ;,, Co: I these ancestors w. re tH\-< >d' the ground r-pj 1 Ge - '. val gn; luai.< < ! V, ’• S’ ill, . . , ■ : I ami ci : ■ , !a' —wr • .ijipoiiiird ,it.tin hi aCm tinen ,ip j tat tlegim at ... m<i -c rv-» ..nng I- •ms \vlli):i‘ id tile t‘ o'. 1,,- ; . . „ . s 1 • promoted i- die rank . .m|,> ia J.m lour' ;T7 : ; ■ ’ > \7~'d {>. ;iv . t'olnn ■ J ti pointed by Get ■’ i ,'- ; at 11« cuniv'-ind a Ictachment of the vm ■■ (.- 1 f'lil'' tcoK j>OSSOSS ? ■ n ii'. • ,iy » ; ■. i when the J ■. ited it. He w H ■ i-ic i" cc . i to ae troops that h. ■ r e re ained i; s rvico ai the close <>; th. 1 , ' t ‘ f;c-’ till) OK <UC i i'll ;ICM '■ ■t, ir ’ n iter oil' ~4. ,;■ lie . oa, in ot i’Hi, he was , ( .i -cl iiiimissioner, t d •• 'r, ,i" 0. Cl* . in No 'ln ■ ■ 4 (1, - , I»* • ’I •• '•: ij,il * o I'llK \ . '.u L ‘ ’ v ,!■ - tie I V i.-I t are. lu iTH 1 ii ' man • f- only 'iiiu o< llo'ioral ■ Abr.i cun Her, m N’av i Mass, where be ho• ont;-. ipaU-, «id ed silt ;. ■ i ■, tlui n '' ’ for j m;ib .- ; o latent NJ i tern, •. .■itiamh- I I divisioi » , :, i. ii - .>, . Mai re nl '' , , in 1803, he v/a. app,.;Ue be. I 1 ■ ter. it.ui vot M ■ hiir h n- ■' ' j jwas appomted Bristamei Dcae in , . , mv ol the ti nit' i aim .(»■ i• ’ nt hich I; acteil api ’ »o ~ jr ■ liie -I’lcr' n o Vn-'tory. uid , ■ v "|onfokli'd in his a >• c the • < ■iii"; *' 1813 no-1 . ',i.-< i . n * hodpn Ol i’ree , ■ I’t bv • •mh!islr.'il ;ii Mexico, post >1 ■ i o | the 100-l 'milueiitial icn’c :o , it com r\ ‘ 1 ' Die ntiicers were insta !yi in ;,e u na limn, ."I t ie 29th h ; i ; ' • ■ •v. by tie Hot. ■ -,s .. A • tu in .5. ii>: i 1 •*i P 1 J ol t!v, 'll te ot ‘* ; nut!i Caro ta rtl ■ ■ t * | tS .* ~~ f , \i jhiu , ■ :c amber i 1 •>/»</• r,--?(i>oe ten lay ago, letters rcte received in this fv ■■<!». won in- ’ne j SHSf;er-to<i ot the i',:& f the Hrac bof i the United States at New i; dransy ; that on investiga'W n> ,< feu .<i to Ibe a del 1 fu ;, . 00b wh t 1 was im-j imediately paid by his securities Soniej |it ays fins, tuently, letter said 4 i .-•■-J et del !i d'-ncy was discoxered ol ‘ y2o. 'OO and tiia" ihe Oaslder toqlu tot be fount Mhe late.' ifiieliig' lice is *i'it a st : l! farlhei yleienc;. ; 1 i covered—and confirming the lie 'it ofj ‘ t .tsluer.— dow fa, tlncm representations I are true we <; no-; ■ rh ipa the case is exaggeialcd, bni th»- . cr > d nibtsomf tbin» ’• wron.y, / ii. • -c . .msianv ha- been j-okrn of » e c ■ w. , have 'n.'ebi i"*i 10 tneunin .• neroiinwc, lie.-! ping thi re rn., be me • '.rmi-. v did no f s 11 .< 1 * .he Ne w-Orlcans h papers, it i said iat - - :-bie,j ha>',- oulu ted '< st -t! ■ • ■■ ' 1.1 -.;,t ii tson ■«o»- • /'<■«> f.,'itheyts . ' h :Rb . ' “ ' 1 . ’ ~, he.en sncenngiv invi c ted hi i, " " =. . v C, vi - id.- U-()r>'- : and in is 1 ■ pirit smind !i ba in •!« • ontiaue his ikes this early opportunity to inform r *i.tti ic ti., til tn vs - roc.'f 1 '•■■i 1 hat l:e wii P do-, if;-I '.op , I - * in-1 th;u' atioo, of ti - iiooi-st, rmi c■"mi ■ -;eV', c ; i he siupf iyi,. cs, -j . far A proporiloi: OH, otumunityi[ c.->f don I 'i;,-. facts, and ~ l>-pii .!)'■■ Du.' s.ces vital'yi*. 1 ," in thorn ' oi s'* little cst so him ;<Ci ” icbcs ".■■.c, -hew -, - to say j { (hat be oevs himsef , »uch r. poet, a- 1 , y»i ! viiaf ’• Hen; to y- »tn.ud'*i< • e very a fliittenmr •• • ’ sue •-1 ‘.net -heoii-i, j sc| for *hi he; ex-jj ertions In be: td t-.» .»p so iowip as ,c notice «h; !■ .iiicli might comcj from the -ex ■ : • if he Pat’ioi.' Atnoi* :a- never -er been suspected oil 1 ig ■ nnterft c • es» .<f and n 1 ■• ■ ft re b ea is i e an inter- U .bronco with any f ■ but u'fnvirU credit,; Mid the I - ikers [h 'c.-, : •, j sincere in .a* '"hen for i-c.«nd vdi , ‘tit nos hi- ■ Oii. : ’ • : : n c ni’er, ■ , .nest stand l nth in op-*» am' -onci -w’f what be will urge and t in 9iver W'. ■ 'ill :. g»rj. »■ r-‘i : hn : 'rt.ili -• . •if.? , by c uicliulii.,: • *!■• :•■ -, i.i . much cel:.crated wtUer,-' . I*’•■ ■f* fee ■•••■• , .I,> ,ci deny utul it iH r ~ • 1. i understand, i ' ’ in - ty tin inventors mark • and j It it 0 truth may ’pr■ ,n ■)■ ■ ,1 itiinct --■ I;■ 1 • I the .< i.ttn it besides as the mint »tv >.■ htshi b J - ■>. BO tifl [ ers ; a.-' it of'en a.; < «>< •t' t ; i.-v he 1» ■<i only •■t '.u hour, it done, itsir iwork, and -het ,>• <■ -- -1 d.- '■ f\ih< r-'i Hies „■ {io.iv.rig •. j ter sc> hat wet >■ ** >.> >. bn • f. . jfoit ci! >1 is. t t . b ft eg, • ' that pv ■ > :U .1 ;, ifer a t'av-'i- by publishing f,, | ( wist, ii - ■■ THAN - AGt' t> : b'ANF.It j, A 1 C'-resp- bmt cf th bnii.ccticnt Mb -:. ; ror, r 'v '■ ■ ' fu ■■ ;oratiou ci good'.i -if..;, conc ; , i Thank*-, j igi* ing Day j r jisUCi. (V-iSA • • >... •; T»c.lncs—6.s,ooo-, h ■ :„;h Du -.s -515,000 lbs. Ben! ; i.'-rk m in-t-.i. . ■ • 2,000 hush , 1 - ' 1,, c-> ■- : !.- -■. 1 ,1■' 1 ih’jj >■■ -40 ,‘v <! ■ 1., j. :ii“, . • mi;, : ic ■ ns—l!).n;iO lbs. cnee j - i’ <>:». • A, pic Sauce - iJOO io.L ;t...rriii’.'ieri \in .-O'bOO.• fhiiopf. 1!■ ; I > 0,000 vpple in- ..v <;> pies and ; istry,!| .lo, : 1 Otf—W tuc, “ -,,t115. c3rai..i yDO do. i tin 120 Rum, 1 0 do.-—fide Brand , and v > , 9C)O d<»—Kggs, 522.-;, 1000. ' * " j ; VVhich would take (550 hhd». of :,f -inedi ■ omnpkins—Bl hlul•>. M dassef—4oo lbs. :Gingci -- 7000 lbs \lspice-—bt- Qtifi >bs- 1 1 ! Flour—-43,333 lbs. Butter and I.aid— }23 hhti ■■ of MiDc 100 bi ■ - each— ■ 0 ■ Nutmeii >0 lbs <f ir ■ ;im -.i- (10 d< ■ • ■ . end ; ■ V t 1 i •■dullais. j 'j Yours, etc. I. Z’ "A 1: ui Hi - ■ nark iiic t ! " -1 -t-. I inuy pr ‘ a:,! ,>s. be .■ > *:>. t, enou;.,:i as 1 lit goes, -mi' many M.ip." it •> are •ft (!-•-fill liistii'iCPr (■ 'll .1U1! ii.,; ''id: i- common • . nl-. - iar;p.-. cp.iuatit * ! SU:: 0.1 US 4 .-It ' • ‘7 :: ■he : : 1 ded - “.Ii ; C.C.. cl oi ;■ 1, 1 s/t cetera* f O it ri,' i f * j ij ! t . | "Kh'-nv eaudi .1-1 ( - ,!•« cyi" riu-c ny wn) 11 ... tin ► . , ■ * v» ’> r’je - , ~ ♦ .v " : .• fi.i.v ■' ■' •: ,!■,.'mg;ini -;• ny n-cg.Jv;. . ~ j.* -■ U Peml)«i?,on. ■I ■■frvtti. |.V( OR»beV " f ’ '■ AW MfTKK. Mill he Hinted, 11, ■'* ‘ i the M;,ih.-t-HrtUse t on .• <u .'m-.'L 11 vin jjf,„ 1. x, Ut • G 12f !t O' 'oic ' lion . net i the firw " , J'.dA ri. tenenj'.’nts .idpnnhu;, and tli< l, "jStore • • tie n ith „u Hr,- . so, - u*e ts, h, \CC ' * • At' oP *! IF I vr’:>‘.V - , •'hiuuuc i II tie, Jidm'r, Bccctr her ■"’ CONSTIIIJTIONAiJSTr" | AUGUST A I I I L'llßl b.( '•'•AS has a,,.)!, come routu m jwithi(» ;•'.•• o: joys and pastimes. We ■ i ■ '/t greetings u! the season, u> I i ju r patroi;. id spuds. M I ; A H, i” was given at die Plan- J ter.H' lintel, or. • riday Evening last, in him - •»! Vv i ’ .- 11. C« .vl» left tin |* ' it;.. I’ll .: ..iturdajr, Ho da.-; Mis ■>■ , ■"»■#•* “ mi I »••<: ■i js ,! 1!! and it v- n •- pvtcd in town yesteiciay, that he had suffered ,i relapse. »ut v su .. ict, our t I eth whiten previous to the dosing of the ’ m-b ok Monday, mereU sr Ti-,d O, : ■ ;di s bee confined tu iis i)vvi Ur’a w .Ci., though ii p ■ ■ hi; be able t jae * day or two I'hey also state, that Mr, • nn -’Li., the Ps rsiiit-oi of the Senate, ha '••ewi uliable r Uei to ids dutic for.. da f •- two,owm£ to indisposition, ».ni u.a; sr-- ■ rat ether men.bora or rue Legislature vers 'll. Ocor pea -♦<##*— V/e have seen t letter from Millet.',, •-d vhi'i suites os follows ;••-** Cm. ,• * i r , the v Lobby every day, drilling hi- treors. j l an ears tfi tad bet; i vers tloi ■" ! tii A. < f i'oWfciL, , < the tatter to V'd dov.:: old Pei r Lhv’ • oax- and .0: ot I ir,. reached the >• ,r 3 nt cite lat who vv tout mentioning .jo-ra, hni.j.e i .moon' 1 uto the Senate, «!u; in- a speech i i the iJn 1 .• Adi. when (Jeaiu; •■■■;::■ in t,h Looby. IVvM ’f it (tie of the j,;. ind,.; Irious and useful men in tire Senate. •’ * v** Sow'-idc ■ v>- -. vi doubtful.-- The towing mini . A.imv -(Me uis paner of tht 28th ult . -..-ate one j.i ice i ■ resting news ’ ■ reade, ■ 'his ■:> nr, ; U in " toll' l ' -r way • in. ship Mars, from it the isla cl of St. 'J ■ ■‘Y’" :l ‘ instant. Two gentlemen' 1 ’ ' >•’ ''•!'?■■■ if ids IvL. were on or i t\v« or ... gt ■; homas • ' hysetaci :neichr:'i,.,ti!j.l <■: i 1 ■ •-i th«t Oft*.: fi w ] , ro' ■'.’V ! Iron* ■ 1 f)oi : ' . 11) 1 ..... >v > . ' • Or ‘ IJ^, ; < ct* ■ ■ o m oat aPm at, p> vee, 1 v ' -n. i . *if l : i)i % w. ; 1. *, vi. MOS'l Oh -if ■ V(P‘. ■ ’ rVNO i ’>N : r/’Lr'i A iT.’iS WIiKL LL.’iii \ • I't. '' ■1)1 CM SS’T -•}» ■Wi !!!<•. ■ W.' ■ ’ ■ ■' ■< , v r , V .... ■ ■ " ’■’•j, IRAIIOU,*. • • : '■ ' 3. c ' ce just received-; and ht< ! Ihem )S ' p , ,l e n > ' : is «V( • '*'* ■••mtf.diu in j-'diiica! poi o' vie vi', . . ceiraiuly a matter ot dee, ,iV -d l’ * iim inhab >an;-. of St. 0 ruing,' bv Euro|)o and /. s.t. ~:a. " Postsci pt.~ -Sine ri have corn 1 wit g» • Mia . day* fr- »hr t-;.,, r he. t I ad been a ; Horn in go, ou! it v, ,’sso ri, led ii , ; ■ risings had i put : quo'., rest .d ihco.ijrlmut !• ..dand. 13 Not will, uading these .orroberativ . Mitirs, we lec-1 n<i lie-iiriion ,j cxpi -s. . ~, belief of the tncorre ,d the ab ji, telligence. Capt W ■ ■■■ rVthe ship ti.niye, v ■ a rived at Mol ile >tl an , «1 on .1’ so ■ )th Nov it’d heard nothing of such news; and bj m »r --iivul lately it Savannah, wi.i h fun-isned • lt H iter thing ha > bee it do the subject " Chat. Cow ~ . *» • ft’Qlfatlt Pia?-i j Wijxiams has been re-elected i principle K-eeper d lue Penitentiary f he m. mingt year M ire glad to bud .at the ag -for prose j to.; has abated, md us , • ■ r.ic !!<vit o»n ha- or. ret.-.-. ■»' - f ‘ dfiri. to which he i- v.-r* w* > •*• )R'-! i. • -The sue- • 5 i’ U . I at ure I ire* 'I ii hat v-iiiu* exhibitions ol most s-> .1 <>f pa u, A few f.ay; >1 • ' the . i g - the session, t e! id citois r ;h( . , ! 1 • !>. ... , I’ll lit Joint billiot it rr: jP '-it ’.UK; , the removal of »t< > :n<> >t / ■»' ' It t* -..•’.p-rent enough, than • .ricudf. ' >o -i 1 .0 i-.i h riai’imjr.H vr ■ ■ M ivernor troup, have been governor bv Lii men •. pi t smal ,nd political, view ~.; ,ia desire l a ~ a • anti mi :v, . | power*i • »’ ha* .--i.ipt n. di Legislaiu ifi . - ■ i | in .-sir ■> .. ,1 dpi’ it, '■■ vvhi \ v \ j it‘lV.l r i‘nsure * f-vt*, ' rnup. l'['% :■« \,l' • v.t\ »0 • ■ v thenisc-vi.. —Jill,, ■ v r.tleu •(. of c • , ~,, •. .s ,i ” e ed—it wt may judge cl - u- .; ■ Uive reai i s■ ■ . ißan; nipt la-', sin claims f tin \ i K• ■ - 'i, inner i. t i *' *ut sun in i” ' cilia to -e 1 .. i I , tr .<!\ ir vide si • . jineiiiheis o! b-.tli llou>-■, fVon in'ce V/’ ' - I . t