The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 24, 1829, Image 1

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| _____ Many °fth« polit ca.evils, under wlm-li every (.ountry in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love forour Country, but to aoignornuu. of its real constitution and interests. *' f'KIKSTLy NEW SERIES Vol. VII. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER «4, 182$. No. 45. i -'-j: 1— ■ - . . . . . . ._ * I———— 1 ■ ■ - - . - ' —.... . ■—.—... . - , . . Cfte Congtitutlonaliieit *5 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. *** We are authorized to an nounce Edmund B. Glascock, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff of Richmond county, at the Election in January next. August 28 20 " '' ! ■ ~' - . *** We are authorized to an" -Jounce WILLIA '• B. SHELTON, a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county, st the Election in January next. September 15 tde 25 We are authorized to announce WILLIAM SMITH, Esq as a Candidate for She riff of Richmond County,at the Election in Jan uary next, October 30 38 AX O&BIXAXUE, Prescribing the formation of Scuttles, and for the regulation of Stoves. Sec 1. Ba it ordained by the City Council of AugusU. That it shall be the duty of all owners of Buildings more than one itory high, and co vered with wood, to have made In the Roof of the same on or before tbe first of December next, a Scuttle, with a nafe step leading thereto, and a sound Rope of at least three fourths of an inch in diameter, securely fastened on the inside of the Roof near such Scuttle, and of such length as will reach any part of such roof, conditioned, that the roof of such Building is not easy of ac< Cess by Dormant windows, or a Ladder securely fastened to such Roof, Sec. 2 Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of the owner of every Stove which is or shall be erected tor use, to obtain a certificate of the officer commanding the Engine in the ward where such Stove is erected, that every caution may be used to guard against the danger of fire. Sec. 3, Be it further ordained, That any per Son violating this Ordinance shall pay for every Stove which shall endanger the City by Fire, and for every Building not provided with a Scuttle, a sum not exceeding Fifty,Dollars. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the City Couycil shall at their first meeting in December, in each and every year, appoint a Committee of citizens of not less than three for each ward, to examine ail Buildings, and report ail persons vio lating this Ordinance to tbe City Council. Samuel Hale, Mayor of the City of Augusta, (.Bonos M. Washer, C, U. October 33 33 ’ AN OR UINJiNCE, To repeal the 2'2d Section of tbe General Ordin ance and tor other purposes Pbc. 1, Be it ordained by the City Council of A- guua, t hat the 22d Section of the General Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2 And be it further ordained, That all Cot ton which may be w.-ighed in the streets of Au gusta, shall be removed from the same within twelve hours after being weighed, under the penalty of fifty cents, for each an I every Bale for tvery twelve hours thereafter. Samuel Hale, Mayor of the City of Augusta. Gbobob M. Walker, Ci. G, O’, ober 30 38 JUVI" RECEIVED AT THE AUGUSTA HooH £*orr» THE Xor U\ A v\c an lUervie’w ; FOR OCTOBER, 1829, CONTENTS OF NO. LXV. I. IRVIN.*3 Conquest of Granada, A Chru tide of me Conquest of Granada. By Fray Antonio Agapida. 11. Authorship of Junius’ Letters Junius Unmasked, or Lord George Sack .vil’e, prov -d to be Junius. 111. Modern Greek Literature Cours de Literature Qrecque Moderne, don ne a Geneve par Jacovaky Hizo Nerouloa. iV. Egyptian Antiquities. 1. Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology. By J. G. Prichard. .. 2. Apergu des Resultats Historiques de la Decouverte de I’Alphabet Hierogiyphique Bgyptien, par M. Champoilion Jeune. 3. Den Gamle JEgyptiske Tidaregning es ter Kjlderne paa ny bearbejdfct, as R. Haak. ▼. Dwight’s Travel, in Germany. Travels in the Norh of Germany, in the years 1825 and 1826. By Henry E, Dwight. Vi. The American Jurist ▼ 11. Holmei-’s American Annals The Annals «l America, from the Discove ry by C > umbus in the Year 1499, to the year .1826, By Abiel Holmes. "Out. Lite and Works of Oanova. The Works of Antonio Oanova in Sculp ture and Modelling, engraved m .Outline by Henry Moses, with Descriptions from the Ita lian-of the Countess Albrizzi, and a Biogra phical Memoir by Count Gi'ognara. IX. Grecian and Roman Geography. -1. An Introduction to the Study of Gre cian and Hunan Geography. By George Long and Uobley Durghson. 2, Elements of Geography, Ancient and tfapodern. With an Atlas. By J. E. Worces yfir. A New Edition. of American Poetry, with Cri - Leal and biographical Notices. By Samuel * Retell. XL Hotack’a Life of De Witt Clinton * Memoir of De W’itt Clinton, with an Ap ‘pendix containing numerous Documents il lustrative of iha principle Events of bis Life. By David Hosack. Xfl. Captain Hall’s Travels in the U. States and Canada. Travels in North America in the Years 'JMPPerIy List of New Publications. nSlmber * 40 WIVJIE-BDUSi jq e Commission Merchants , 5 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 1 - THE Undersigned tefider their sincere thanks to their friends and customers for the very liberal patronage they have received, and avail - themselves of this opportunity to inform them, that . extensive improvements are now making in their Ware-House Establishment, so as to render pro ’ perty intrusted to their cure, more secure from fire than formerly. The extent of their Ware-House Lot, togethor , w hh its contiguity to the river, renders property in their establishment, as safe as in any other in the city. The brick part will be completed in ample time for early fall business. Merchants and Planters, who favor them with their custom, will have their instructions promptly attended to. They will be prepared to make liberal advances t on produce in Store. Sims, Williams & Woolsey. f September 8 2m 23 i NOTICE.—We have this , da V taken into Copartnership Sterling T. Comb , the business will be conducted as heretofore un ! der the firm of Hims, Williams & Woolsey. i September 8 4m 23 •iWfexandei! Mackenzie, CONTINUES THE w&iaiß-jassrsa AMD 1 I COMMISSION BUSINESS. He has made arrangements with Messrs. Heard & Cook, for the Storage of Cotton until his new' , HRK PROOF WARE HOUSE, (now erecting) is, 1 ready—the Store for Merchandise is as secure as any in the City. FOR SALE. Cotton Bagging. . September 22 27 : PROPOSAL For Publishing in Philadelphia and New Fork, A MEW SSMI-MOMTUI.T PUBLICATION TO BB EN 1 TILED Btieat-Cxalt Unmasked A BELIEVING, as we do, most sincerely, that! the various religious coalitions and cumbina . t'ona which are, and have been formed in our| country, are hostile to our rights and privileges ■ fas a People—that there exists among the • I leaders of a proud and aspiring priesthood, a de termination to establish an ECCLESIASTICAL . HIERARCHY, and to reduce ua to a wors- thmi ( Egyptian bouadge—we have been induced by , these and other considerations, to issue Pi-opo- ’ ; fop a work which shall' counteract these uu-f r holy designs. ;( Like the fabled Dragon, which is ssid never) even in sleep to close his lidleas eyes, the stirring i spirit of Ecclesiastical domination slumbers (if at . all) with unclosed eyelids ! The enemies of men tal independence are dirpiaying a fiery zeal, wor thy a better cause. Their publications sre as nu ‘ merous as locusts in the land of the Nile !—theu l clergy well nigh innumerable—and their exer-l tions untiring and incessant— and unless they and', their schemes are encountered with equal vigil ance, equal zeal and activity, by the friends of j religious freedom, much of that glorious work . which has been done, and well done, will have! to be re-achieved. |. Freemen of America ! Friends of intellectual '• emancipation! The tree of liberty was planted' upon your soil amid the whirlwind & the storm / It has been watered with tears and blood! And ( now-when its towering branches have well nigh' reached the heavens, will ye see it felled to thei earth, without a single effort to prevent its de-' : struction ?—We say No ! God forbid ! j 1 bat there exists at this tremendous crisis, an l absolute necessity for a work of this kind—a . work which Bhull coolly* fearlessly, dispassionate 1 . V in d perscveringly expose the uogocily schemes 1 1 of an artful, ambitions, and designing priesthood will not be doubted by any who are blessed with reason. Such shall be our end and aim/ We shall devote our whole souh to the purpose . i exposing the clerical schemes, and pious frauds • and corruptions so fatally prevalent at the pre i sent time. 1 CONDITIONS. Fbiestcbatt Unmasked will be published semi : monthly, in the city of New-York. Each numbei , w 'u contain eight closely printed octavo pages and to enable every friend to the rights of man to possess the work, it will be afforded to subscribers • at STf °' pß P er and Panting, Viz r Fifty cents per annum, !<■ W paid in advance—ls not paid wifo" livery of the first number, seventy five cents will • be demanded. Those who forward Five Dollar ' r s . hall receive Eleven copies. Tetters to be ad dressed (POST PAID) Publisher, W», • HuyflHiNsoN, Philadelphia or New-York Agents,, #nf * -hroughout the Union- 1 Ihe first Number of » PnißSTciiArr • will be issued on the first of January 1830. Sub : senbera will please forward their names through ! the medium of their Post Masters. 1 New York November 13 ’ 42 TO HKi\T. ! From the first day of October next, j Ise£si A Large Store on the North side ot Broad-slreet, near the Planters’ Hotel. • —ALSO— TvYi Brick Stores, a few doors B below the Bridge Banking House, near the L« t er Market. John H. Maun. s August 7 ,829 9p * 4 buElUKh’") IlrtJsS, F»r tale at this Office. SAVANNAH, OEOIIOTA. The Shhaetihex, BEGS leave respectfully to inform the publ!< of Georgia, and his friends abroad'that the b >ve BS fAHLISIIMENT will be continued open sduriog the Summer, as usual, and that arrange , 'Dents are making for the Ensuing Season, which f te confidently expects will sustain tbe well earn I ed chancier of the House, and at the same time secure him a share of public pstronag *. H. W. Lubbock. July 31 12 JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALR AT THK OFFIOK qF THE CONSTITUTIONALIST,\ , BY THE GROSS, DOZEN OK SINGLE, The Georgia and South-Carolina ALMANACK, KOB THK fAH Os OUB LOBD a§3® a CALCULATED BY ROBERT GRIER, WILKES COUNTY *.Containing Astronomical Calculations, Enigmatical I able, to tell ihe age us persooti Fr. gnustics «f the weather,, Fourth day before new and full Moon, The Three Wonders,of Women,, Was I right or was I not? A Tutkey t Redeeming the Time, Cumin’ thro’ the Rye, Wholesome Advice, A spirited wife, Anecdotes, &c. &c. iSnlar and Lunar Eclipses for 1830, Hiuts and Extract, An Ephenieris for the Planets places, The Anatomy of Man’s Butty, as governed by the twelve Constellations, The Seasons, Moveable Feasts, j Ember Days, Chronological Cycles, Moon’s Pnases, ; Equation of Time, Sun’s Rising and Setting, IMoon’s Rising, Sotting and Southing, & the j Sign of tho Zodiac she will be in at noon, 'Miscellaneous Particulars, Rising, Selling and Southing of fhje Stars, Ditto of the most conspicuous Planets, Predictions of the weather, Government of the United States, District Officers, • (Tipie of holding United States Courts, lOfficers of the Executive and Judiciary De- I pan oienls of Georgia, Members of Congress from Georgia, Time of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts in this Sta'e, corncted by the last Acts of the Assembly, Federal District Court, for Georgia and ! South Carolina, Officers of the Executive of SOUTH-C A RO j LINA, 'Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas and Sessions, Judges and Commissioners in Equity, Times and places of holding Courts, 'Corporation of Augusta, Officers of the Bank of Augusta, .Merchant’s and Planters’ Bank, I Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, jDitto Branch Bank of the State of Georgia I (at Augusta,) iDitto do do do at Milledgevillc, Ditto at Eatonton, Ditto at Washington, Ditto at Greensborough, Medical Society of Augusta, ,Academy Richmond County, Managers of the Augiitja Free School, Grand Lodge of Georgia, Masonic Meetings, Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Geor gia. .Union Wharf Company of Augusta, Steam-Boat Company, p> List of the Civil Officers in ChaWamCoun *y. Officers of the Branch Bank of the United States, V , si , Ditto Bank of the State of Georgia, Ditto Planters’ .--do i Ditto Marine add Fire Insursiice Company, Ditto Commissioners of Pftotjge, Ditto Georgia-Medical Sociew, Ditto Hibernian Society, T Ditto St. Andrew’s Society, T Ditto Bram h Pilots, -Ditto Certificate, do Ditto Port Wardens, jGardner’o-Calendar, !A Tide Table to the most eminent Ports of 1 thr World, New Line Stage Road from Fayetteville to Norfolk, 1 And from Augusta to St. Mary’s, Di'io from Augusta to Na-chez, Ditto from Augusta to Nashville, Ditto from Augusta to Milledgevillc, - Dit'o from Augus-a In Athens, Together with other Entertaining Mailer, October 30 . =S=SSSSm,i~„i' , ' 1 ■"'= MARTIN FREDERICK> , CONFECTIONER. INFORMS hit friends and the public in general that he has removed his establishment to the new brick building recently erected on the South cjside of Broad street, between Washington and e Market streets, adjoining Mr. Bignon’s, and oppt n site the Bridge Bank building; where can be had every article usually kept in his line at the short h eiit notice.—Country and town purchasers will do i well to call before they buy elsewhere, as the as e sortment will be equal, if not superior to any es tablishment,of the kind in the southern Country, and the terms liberal. (J3* Phe'establishment consists of two separate . stores in front, one of which (the upper one) is entirely appropriated to the Context lonary busi ness. In the rear of the lower store is a spacious and handsomely arranged wotm, Which will be well supplied with the most popu Isr journals of the day. October 2 , , 30 BRANCH OFTHK , A WI aKHIIBIh* AUGUSTA, GEO. THE subscriber since the fire of the 24th ulti which destroyed the City Hotel, has now the pleasure to inform bis old customers and friends, that he has taken the Brick House, (own ed by Mr. Fbinizy) and just below the site of his old stand, which is now nearly filled up. for the purpose of Public Entertainment,-and invites his friends and the public, to call and see him, as no pains shall be spared to make them comfortable, j He also informs the drovers, that he continues the stables of the Old City Hotel, and will devote all attention ro Horses stabled with him, and his prices will be as low, if pot lower, than any other House in the City. ’* •' William McGar. 03* The Edgefield Carolinian, and State G)a zette, Columbia, S. C. and Uilledgeville States-' j man and Patriot, will please insert the above 6 times each, and forward their accounts for pay ment, , - October 30 4t ‘ 38’.*' TO RENT., A The MANSION HOUSE on Green-Sircet, at present occupied by Mr. Willum Shaxho*. Posses sion given on the first'October next For terms apply at tke BRANCH BaNK. 5 .Inly 21 9 TO KENT. J§«ivw The Middle Tenement in the JlftiLFire Proof Building on the Corner of Campbell and Broad streets, at present occupied by Mr. Jchn L. Anderson. ixsn f ; £ The Fire-proof Building on Camp , bell street, at present in the occupancy of Mr. 1 William Harris. —also— . , : \ The upper Tenement, in the build ; , I ing on Camp bell-street, occupied by Mr Wooisey —ALSO Four Offices on Campbell- street. APPLY TO , M‘Kenzie & Bennqch. September 4 2i' 1 NOTICE. “ L THE undersigned has appointed Jobs H. Mans Esq. bis Agent during his absence from tb« 1 State. i •And has also to Rent. I tIM A commodious Dwelling house I wi-n a good Garden, Carriage-house and all need i lul out houses, situated near the Eagle Tavern, I on Reynold- streets Possession to be given un • the first of October next « Asaph Waterman. ' June 23 tfow 12 j tcTrent, ; From first October netit, j M Store next east of Lewis Gibson, i Store and Dwelling on the'eorner of Broad ' and Cumming-streetsi Store east of Mr. Mathewaj -wo Stores and one Dwelling near the Merchants 1 and Planters’ bank—Enquire of 1 Joseph Wheeler. \ Jqly 7 5 Notice. | 1 A LL >ersons having demands against the Es ' tx tale of WuitAM Hahtxab, late of Jefferson, ( county, dr.eased, will render them within the ' time prescibed by law, and all those indebted to I said Estate,are requested make immediate pay < ’ ment. ' Thomas Hannah, ) aJ , I Joseph Wigham, $ Mm rs ' ! August 12, 1829. 8t x 17 1 — i Notice, ] THE Subscriber having it in contemplation to t discontinue his Gardening in Upper Htm ( burg—would be willing to engage in the same f kind of business with any person having land \ suitable, and hands to carry on the business, either . in Augusta, Hamburg or their vicinities. Any person wishing to engage with him on those terms, will please to male early application by spp’ying or addressing a letter directed to him at the House of Confidence, Upper Hamburg. Jacob Furr. Octrihrr 16 t 34 - . ( Rook, aaA Job pTintiog, 1 Neatly executed nt '.hit Office ‘ ■w • » Sis tec Ponds iockey Clutu S&&OM,, ; ¥*7"ILI, commence on TUESDAY the 22d of il *T December next, free for any. Horse, Mere . orGe’ding. , The Ist days Puree, 3 mile heats, fop sns 00 The 2d days Purse, 3 rrl'e heats for 150 00 The 3d days Purse, Handicap, mile beats, to be made up of entrance money, (to. il Aged Horses to carry IS6 Ih*. Six yea.'* old to carry 118 lb#. Five yean old to carry H 2 lbs. Four years old to carry 102 lha. Three year* old to carry 86 lbs. Two years old to carry a feather. / Three pounds will be allowed to Wares and Geldings. Bvrke County, Ga Oct. 16, 1329. id 34 1 1 From the permarion of numerou* Ladies and Gentle ■-. men, ha* re cotkmenced the 8T.1N6 BUSINESS, AT KO. 346, BROAD-STHEKT, Which he hopes to csrry'on to general satia'es* tion. His work shall be done in a superior style/ at a moderate price, and at the shortest notice. He will dye Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Crapes. | bilks, and Ladies’ Dresses, in various -'color*, ac- to order i and Gentlemen’s Goats a stand , ing blue, blacki or any dthel 1 color. Country orders particularly attended to, and the . work finished Recording to promise. OCJ* SCOURING done in u superior manner. N- fV~He humbly solicits the patronage of hi* ormer Customers, Ladies and Gentlemen, in both town-end .country. ; October 20 4» 35 • JVL&S. C. A b.iiWlL, RAJTftFUL for the patronage she ha* rccelv- Vi cd, r»p(iectfully informs the inhabitants of Augusta and its vicinity, that the Exercises of her SCHOOL still continues in the same residence she occupied thfc last yctf, (Mr, McGran’s Build, ings.)—A few Female BOARDERS can be con , venlehtly accommodated. / CO* French, English, and Music arc taught in the Academy. October t r. ,30 • WlW\je offered fox sale ' L*nu and on a credit, thefollowing Tractt of Land. A Tract on Spirit Creek, eight miles from Augusta, in the county of Richmond, containing five thousand Acres, known as Major Cowle’s Mill Tract, well limbered and a huge quantity of Black Jack Wood on the tract.—Also x f Tract of Land in Columbia county, containing six thousand AcrCs, known as the Sweet Water Iron Work*, a large portion of said Lands are excellent, planting Lands, and well improved.— Apply t* John A. Cowles, at the Planters’ Hotel, or to George Twiggs. November 3 39 1 .V 4MS Minn fttsiul. STOP THE THIEF !! ON the 2d day of this month/ 1 started my Waggon xnd Team to AugQita with seven Bales of Cotton—the Team consisted of f|tef Mules, and one good sited gray Horse, the 3at. ter is blind—of the Mutes, one is a mare, the others are alTnrlale*, that have been altered, buif' the one in the lead does not appear as If he had been gelded—another has lost an eye, but the ’ ball has not shrunk. The body of the Waggon is painted red, and is remarkably well ironed on ’ the inside, all the spokes of both the fore wheels are considerably cut by the bolster, which ia too long. The Driver, named PHILL, is a common sizsd brownish black man, about 25 to 28 years of age, is uncommonly strong, and has a pleasant countenance —by an accident, when a child, a large portion of his right hand was burnt off— however a small stump of the thumb remains.' There went'alao wi'h the waggon, a boy by the name of BILL, who is about 13 years old, rather slender and small fur bia age, smart and active, has a good countenance, and when bo laugh* hi* teeth show very plainly, and may be discovered to project mure (ban ii usual. Having been informed that a white man bv the nime ol GEORGE BRUCE, from Sparta, was seen widi and claimed ownership of the above described property, I suspect he has sold the Cotton in Augusta, and gone off with Waggon, Team and Negroes, he is said to have relation* in Kentucky and Ohio. Said Bruce is about 3 feet 6 or? inches high, about 21 or 22 years of,'blue eyes, his luce round and speckled with hu.nps, is stout and well made and quite fleshy— it is believed that one of hie arms is Isme. I will - give the above reward for the apprehension and* conviction of the Thief, and the recovery of the wholeof the property —(not including the Cot* ton in ny case) or One Hundred and Fifty Dol lars for the property only, or Fifty Dillars for the oldest ai d Twenty. Five Dollar* for the young, cat boy, if taken in this State or South Carolina, and double for either or both if taken in Ohio, or any other non slave-holding State, or Thirty ' Dollar* for the Waggon and Team—delivery tu be made to me in Eatonton, Putnam county, ot to A. Slaughter & C. Ltbuzan Augusta. B 3" A will be given for in. formation on tbe subject. Benjamin Mo«eley. Eatonton, Putnam county, ) - October 22d, 1829. 5 01 T c< * Is otice. PBBSONS having claims against the Eatateof John 11. Kimbell, will present them as re quired by law and (hose indebted make pay. ment to ■ ' Samuel Halft, rfdm’r. March. 33, 1829 79