The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 03, 1832, Image 1

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r • t,O«BTH’U TiONAGIdT. i AUGUSTA ? FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1832. " I WE trust there issime mistake respecting the attack upon the Stage mentioned in the Chronicle of Wednesday. Our ci'y and its environs have e ter been remarkably free from outrages of this kind, and we should very much regret, the occur fence of an incident going in some measure to de prive it of this enviable reputation. We are told that whatever injury (he driver may have sustained, tlhe stage, baggage, horses and a passenger who *vas quietly asleep, received not the least. The well uisciphned horses proceeded onward about ten miles and slopped of their own accord, when the passenger calling for a drink of water became sensible for the first time of the absence of his /«/»». The circumstances of the case—and we do not vouch for these we relate, will no doubt be fully investigated by the indefatigable and enterprising Mr. Sbasso*. Shameful J—l he Senate were engaged yester day from two o’clock till six, in secret session- The subject of their deliberations was the nomina tion of Mr. Van Bchkn, and the result was tire re jection of the -nomination —by what vote is not known—but it is rumored, by the casting vole of the Vice President. The Senate of the United States is no longer the Bioal august body in the world ! j A Bill has been reported by the Library Com mittee of the House of Representative*, making an appropriation for the purpose of procuring His torical information from the public offices of Great Britain. We confess we had rather ace the Gene ral Government moving in this matter than our own Stale. It remains very uncertain what the ratio of Re presentation will be ; 44,000 has been negatived by a vole of 105 to 81. The following is an extract from a letter—evi dently a private one—written by Mr. Weeb of the New York Courier, and sent to the Schenectady Cabinet by one who says ** he came honestly by it.” 3Ve wi»h he could have added he sent it honestly for publication. But it is before the world and is another proof of the schemes which politicians are incessantly weaving and of the imprudence which commits them to,paper. As to the VICE PRESIDENT, Van Buren must be the man nolens volens. If not, WE CAN NE ViER MAKE HIM PRESIDENT, and the TRUE POLICY now is, to start a candidate in EVERY STATE, It is said that the Senate will reject bis nomination to England. I HOPE SO ; for then his election as Vice President, and afterwards Pre sident, is rendered morally certain. Those who delight in beautiful prints and fine specimens of binding and printing, will do well to Call at Mr. Leon Drux's Book store and examine his rich collection of annuals and keepsakes, We s-y nothing of other attractions presented at the same place—but the works we have designated cannot fail to fix and reward attention. No one can look on the prints 11 The Bcudoif”—“ The re ply of the Fountain"—“ Scandal,” and “ The Or phans” with indifference. The contributions are from eminent hands, and the Tales, Essays and Po etry are entirely homogeneous with the splendor And finish of the works. The long announced Novel of “ The lost Virgin of the South,” has just made its appearance in Tallahassee —we are anxious to get a sight of it. Our Representative Judge Cluylon, has arrived at Washington, and taken KSTseatTn the House, A white owl measuring five feet across the wings was lately caught near Selma, Alabama t and pre. aented to the University of that State. What could be a more appropriate gift to a College than the sage bird of Minerva ? Slate Rights !—Alabama has declared all the territory within her boundaries to be subject to her laws, and deprecates any exercise of jurisdiction therein by the United States, as an usurpation of power. Os the late inclement and severe weather, the Georgian of the 28th ult. says - Th_! two days last past have been the coldest we £ave experienced here for several years. The ther mometer has been ten or twelve degrees below the freezing point, and the canal, and other still water, have been covered with ice. The cabbages, cauli flowers, and other vegetables in the gardens around, have been injured or destroyed. It is reported that Col. IVm. C. Lyman, has been appointed a Superintendent of Public Roads, in place of David P. Hillheuse, Esq. removed by his the Governor. • Alabama recommends General Jacxsoh for Presi dent, and V. P. Bumosrn for Vice President The finances of Massachusetts are deranged— the .receipts and disbursements of the past year shew a deficiency of $56,522 45. In Louisiana, the balance is the other way < the receipts exceeding the expenditure $45,000, and the Governor says "thissurplua must necessarily aug nent every year." Mr. Mitchell, of South Carolina, said in a late Debate-- 1 “He had read no passage of laie with more de jjgkt thsnona in the report of the Secretary of the Treasury,! which bore testimony to the pure, spot less and inttproachable character of our merchants. Out* of upwards of seventeen millions of bonds to be collected, there was a deficiency of only $46,000, and out of 71,000,000 the whole su n collected since the adoption of the constitution, not more than si* millions would be lost. He declared to Gad he had more pleasure in this statement of the Secretary, •han b* should have if our manufacture* equalled in * f extent and productiveness, those of England, which it had been stated, from the perfection of th«ir ma-1 chinery, were equal to the labor of two hundred 1 millions of people. He hid always preferred, and’; he hoped to Heaven he always could prefer, na tional character to national wealth." | lltepeqple in England begin to talk about "a 1 declaration of-rights” and to inveigh against here ditary distinctions of birth. The Lords had better give way to the current and adopt the Reform Bill —otherwise they may soon find themselves without; a house over their heads. Symptoms of the Cholera as they have appeared in England. j 11 The patient for the most part co mplains aUtiut of nausea and uneasiness in the stomach and bowels, 1 presently followed by vomiting of a fluid resem bling rice water or thin gruel, and frequent evacua lions from the bowels, of a similar appearance ) cramps with toes and fingers, rapidly spreading up the arms and legs to the chest and abdomen, when the sufferings of the patient become truly distress ing The pulse, at first weak ami fluttering, be comes lost at the wrist, and generally not even dis tinguishable, at the pracordial region ; the strong est s uice becomes puerile, and at last, hoarse and whispering) the tongue and sauces cold, the skin cold as marble, and livid •, urine completely sup pressed, the cramps, vomiting, and purging gen erally at this time cease ; the movements of the chest in respiration scarcely visible, and were it not for the placid and rational answers to questions, you would suppose the body had been dead sor 1 ■ hours j so in fact looks like a living corpse. Such is the assemblage of symptoms in this dreadful ma-! lady.” I , Sharp Shooting —A Mrs. UhoaJs, near Elmira, N. Y. in the absence of her husband, seeing two deer approaching her dwelling, recently, took his rifle, fired from the window, brought down onej reloaded and brought down the other. She fired at three others who came up soon after, but they fled. The game was secured i The Governor of Nassau, is quite unpopular— one evidence of which is the following Toast, drank • lately in the Island with unbounded applause s— i "King William the fourth God bless him. | SirJ.G Smyth God d—n him, with four times four.” Elias Duudinot and John Ridge are begging our northern bretnren lor money to relieve Ghcrokce embarrassment and to enable them to pay their i Counsel. This is pressing the figure u little too fur ,- 9 could they not be content with sympathy—good 6 wishes -praise of the Redman ami the abuse of the 1 , Georgians I ! Captain E. S. Gn«u of the ship Tallahassee, * has written anew play--” The Cradle of Liberty j i or Boston in '75 " (, Mr. Haxas at the opening of hit speech said of s ; Mf< CtA» ‘ rj j “The Senator from Kentucky commenced his (remarks a few days ago, by complaining of the ad vances of age, and mourned the decay of his do iquence, so eloquently to prove that it was still in ; full vigor. He then went on, sir, to make a most j able and ingenious argument, amply sustaining his , high reputation as an accomplished orator.” ; ' ' COMMUHJCAXSO. ?' THE WEATHER. j| There must have been some inaccuracy in the J editorial report of the temperature of the weather 'i in the last Constitutionalist, giving the range of the •j Mercury at 9 o’clock on the morning of the 26;h - ult. as 26°.—A Pastorelli’s Thermometer that had ,| been carefully compared with several others was (Selected for the occasion and placed out the over * night in an open portico, exposed to the bleak and r j searching west wind at 7 o’clock in the morning jit stood at 14°—a little before 9 o’clock it had fal lien to 13° On the following morning, 27th, at 7 i o'clock, it was at 12° and a little before 9 o’clock Jit had risen to 14.°—On the 28th the mercury rang ed at 14° at 7 o’clock, and 17° at 9 o’clock Re ference is made above to the searching wind thro’ the boisterous night of the 25-’6. Wind has no whatever on the mercury in the thermo ;meter however violent, unless it bears humid va pours with it, farther than to stir up and remove i concealed masses of atmosphere of other tempera ture. W. We learn (and are requested to publish 'he fact) ' - that two of our citizens have sent to New York by a (judicious agent, to bring on to this place, one of ithe Arabian horses lately imported by Mr. Rhind, si with a view of improving the blood and quality of i-our race horses The horse is expected here by ( | the first of March. Editors of papers throughout *1 this State will likely serve a good object, by oopy -1 ing this notice. [ Washington News, The establishment of a new and uniform system : of Bankruptcy, is probably about to engage the con jsideration of Congress. This is an old topic, and its . revival promises to give full occupation to that body. The National Intelligencer says, that the subject, . will now present itself in too imposing a form to be avoided or set aside. •’ Treaty with Turkey. —Wm. R. Hudson, F,sT (bearer of the Ratification, on the part of the Suita ll s Mahmoud, of the Treaty la’ely concluded between I the United States and Turkey, arrived yesterday at i quarantine ground in brig Angelirtc, Capt. Johnson, 9 in 95 days from Smyrna. gs Mr. H. has had a passage of 102 days from Con (stanlinople, having left that capital on the 9th, and Smvrna, on the 16th of October. ’j The Angelina experienced a constant succession l of heavy w esterly gales and bad weather. Stie has brought in the surviving crew of the brig Superb of ; Portland, taken from the wreck, in a distressing i condition. Boston Daily Adv- Beauties of the Militia System. —Fourteen young ! Shakers, of the Niskayuna Society, have been corn • mined to Albany county Jail, for refusing to pay , militia fines, | Yesterday by the Rev. Mr. Talroage, Mr. John Foster, to Miss Jab* E. M. Zina, daughter of Mr. ( Henry Zion, all of this city. j On Thursday 19th ult. by the Rev. Dr M. Wad del, Dr. Isaac S. WaiTTit-q to Mrs. Mabipa Mtsi all of Abbeville District, South-Curolina. On Monday night last, in the 35th year of In-rage, II Mrs. Lucinda S. tVallvn, wife of Thos, J. Walton, 1 Esq. «f 1 his city. fteisns’ Official tike \Aat. DRAWN NUVIBERS OP THK D'laware and North-Carclina Lottery, Class No. 1, for 1832 91, 59, 24, 14, 2, 16 30. 18, 13. PIUZKS CASHED AT ' BEERS'. ! ' next Tottery. | ! Grand Consolidated Lottery, ; ' Class. No, 2. Drawing due, on Monday Night. HIGHEST PRIZE 30,000 Dollars, | With 20 Prizes of 1000 Dollars. ! 20 do d 6 500 Dollars. Tickets g 5, Half $2 50 Quaiter SI 25. Prompt attention paid to r. tiers at BEERS’ Fortunate Lottery Office. No. 241, BROAD STREET. KT* Add ress W. P. Users. February 3 It ’ STRAY iiT). ON tbs night of the 25.‘h January instant. from the residence ot the subsodber, a BROWN i< AY HORSE, 12 or 14 years old—the hsir taken | fl' in some places bv the wagon gear—about 1S t !»'. 1 a half minds high ! Also, one small BLACK HOUSE MULE, six i >n ,ntha old. . Any person taking them up, and letting me mow at the Richmond Hadis, or giving inform!- c ion to Janes, at Augusta, shall be libe a!;y (rewarded, by San.uel Tarver. February 3 3t 65 , STRAYED OR SiULEM the plamation ot Vu-s. Patsey Moore's, i near Appling, on‘2S‘.h ii.stant, TWO SOR -1 L HOUSES, one a large bright Sorrel Ho rae, >f wttn 14 and 15 band* Ji gh, with a large b tie in his face—a large bushy tail and thin r i t .e, vt ih » white soot in each side of his neck ; by a yoke) the o her «fc.-ut 14 hands high, r »uli thm mane ai d smalt long tail, with two or •win while feet, both very fat.— A reasonable - ward will he given for ihe up prehension of the t tiiii t if aiulen, and adequate compensation for e ii Hornes or information given that they may ft got. Simmons Crawford. '| Celumb'a county Ga Jan, 31. 1831 3t 66 J i’HINTING TYPE. JAMBS LUMMEB,. &FFERB for sale at his TYPE and STEREO !« I lYi'B FOUND\RT 107, Nassau street, st isis moths credit, or 7 12 per cent, deduction, i ;asii, at the prices affixed. " | Hl* Type will be found ac perfect, and made of la good materials, at least, as tna' man ufactured at jar.y is neatly all of an entire 1 ’eyi cm, is lighter face than any other nowexhibil- I -ii & will consequently wear longer, look better, rate icso ink, and less labov h/'worxing, than ruos! fc ’ ither Type. r Diamond—per lb, $2 90 £ Pear! 1 40 ? Nonpareil SO Minion 90 s Brevier S 3 Hurgeois 46 i| Longer Primes” 40 L Small Pica 38 ■f Pia 36 r English . . 34 Great Uoubie^^^Ht Six all larger 30 ’i L ads of ami sso constantly on t hau I —Outa of every description on metal bodies j Pie iea and all other articles necessary for a print -hug i ffioe, furnished to order. ; Printers can be supplied with second band type - wluc h baa only been used for stereoty pii g. on | very favorable terms. ) Old Type received in exchange at per 100 ('ponds. I, N B.—Stereotyping of every description w H f be I ankfully rece ved, and attended to w.ih cor t rectne s and despa>ch, on reasonable terms, f Publishers of papers who will insert ihe above r three timea will be entitled to receive g 2, on set t I'eirusut of their accounts, or in any Type cast at . hi; boundary, provided tour times tfee amount is purcbised. N'to-Ttrk January, 1832. ‘ To the YubVic. ; S/ r HEBEASmy Wife Susamsab, hag lately a i ri d-'pted a course of conduct toward! me and my two little motherless children, (her step ’ 3 ughters.) that is disgraceful to herself and to the ‘ t rx, and even to the c mmuuiiy, to publish which particular!':, would disgrace a Public Journal— u id whereat she has baeely sworn the peace a • i Kaii Mt me- thus compelling me to leave her.— m Phene are therefore to forwafn all manner of per n ions from tradi g with her. or in any manner fl crediting her on my account.- , Thus. H. Brickell. 'B'tlsrv SI 2*l 65 ‘ij JUBT HKCttIV tbl), n Atvxeft first Doven • I dish TOBACCO, ’ f 42 do prime HERRINS, ? For sale by J. Marshall. i January 24 63 LAW NOTICE. HE partnership of Nisbet and Floyd, in the * practice o L w, is this lay dissolved. The bus iies>> of the firm will be sctled by them jointly M >rgao, county Ua. Jan 26—3 r 5 K. A. Nisbet will practice Uw in the following counties, to wit i Morgan, Putnam, *’-tr, Newton, Clark, TaJ aferro, and Walton. <■ will devote his undivided attention to the pro t won j and will attend promptly to the collodion of m mey, in any of the counties of the Oakmufger, vVr.itern, Flint, or Chattahoochee circuit*. tae Augusta Constitutionalist, and (he Athe ■.. so, will please give Use above n inn rtion in , heir columns once a Week for three ■. ,iths, and , i.rward I heir aocimota to E. A. Nt:>. January 3l x 65 Auction ‘ •BY J MARSHALL. Tlua IWvj ivt \l uV.Vock, (Without Reserve ) 4j VfTcLn'fps Ylskina anAK-er- •: I V IShghily dr irr ft ■■! and s >!d on accou it of a’l con ..oi ned, Terms- Nmety fij a credit for approved paper. ( I 4J S °~ '' ' Qr Cask* Uslsga Wine J t Qr, Casks Tencr,o'e Wine ti 5 Kegs niliithore Lurd I 10 Demijohns Sicily Madeira Wine • 10 Boxes prime Herrirgg f' 2 flarrela Beer ll Setts Dry Measures Water Buckets, Stone Jugs sod Jurs, &c. &u. . —AISO v One \lorac, . One L\a anA VLatnesa. v o TKHM ♦•• AT sALU. ffiaas msuiPa j AtYiaVt past six o’clock, ( A UKIV Nil 4L AsSOKIMIST Os STAPLE AND FANCY wmn «(D(dids 9 ‘ HARDWARE k CUTLERY, , BOOTS AND SHOES, Fowling Pieces, Pistols, Dirks, &c. 5 IKK MS CASH. ‘ { February 3 It ’( OF ;i PLAINS & SAT lINETTB. || UT J. MARSHALL. ' : Will be sold on FRIDAY MORNING > next, at 11 o’clock, on account of all con [ cerncd—slightly damaged, ( ! NINE PACKAGES . ' PLAINS % SATTINETTS. \ Terms—Ninety days credit fur approved paper. January 31 2t 65 AT t MUtiiQW* I • {lf not previously disposed of.) , Will be sold to me higaest bidder, on the first ' J Tuesday in February next, at 11 o’clock, r.t the j 1 lower Market (louse, in this city;— !| A two story HOUSE and LOT, i . being the first two story House ’above (he Plan* ' ters* D tai, in the saToe by Mr. Wm Whits.—The Lot contain* 50 feet j front, and 100 lett deep. „ The House bus been built about two years, and attached to it la a good KITCHEN, SMOKEHOUSE and PUMP. Pos session to b given on the Ist day of March next. Terms—Ninety day* ctedit, for an approved I endorsed note. The above will be sold a bargain at private t Sale.—Apply to , J. Marshall, Auctioneer. 1 February 3 tda 66 ( - - - - S I'he Subscriber, H AVING relinquished the Auction and Corn t million Buiinen, in favor of Mr. Job» Mah * sß*ai„ it will be continued by him at my |«ip stand, 254 Broad Street He ia prepared to mike advance* on any Consignment* he may be favored with. . C. Phillips. • Atrorr rs, lOtb January 1832. 66 t AWi'ILDTf ~ j And Commission Business. s HiVlIfG taken the alure lately occupied by Mr. C. Phiis.ips I will continue to trnniact the Auction and Commission BGainess, as recently f conducted by him, and solicit a continuation o I the patronage Mr. Phillips has been favored with. . tiy attention will be devoted exclusively to Gooda ' on Gomm ssion. I am prepared to make advances . to any amount, and ou liberal terms. ,! J. Marshall. a ArecrsTA SOth January 1832. s To Bstut and to Wire, out, " For the term of twelve months from the first of *■ February, 1835, the following properly. A SAW and Grist MILL, in ( good order, with a sufficiency of Timber for Sawing Lumber, an excellent Negro Sawyer, and four other abb- Negro Men—Also for aide, three 1 prime well broke Mules, a r*-ry L' g, Gcsr, afid every thing necessary belongii.g to it, on a ere- f ;t «f twelve mißiba. i Jainea Baal. ' December 27 - 55 [ LAW THE Subscribers have entered into Co.paft nership in the Practice of LAW, and will attend to any business in the way of their pro ftssicn confided to them. They will undertake . collections ;n any part of the upper country ol Georgia. They also design opening a Law School in Athens upon the plan moat approved in simi- / i kr institutions in the Northern Slalea. A. B. Clayton, Ed. Harden, n George R. Clayton, Jun. “ AUmm. Dec, 27, 1831 lm3m 6 7 LAW — (jTi^- TIIB unrleriiigned have formed a Copartnership in the Practice of the LAW, under ihe firm | and style of Janitma Iv Rt;u-its. The Office will * be always open in Augusta, and they will Practice w in all the couoliei of the Middle District. 81 Charles J. Jenkins, Philip H. Echols, { November S* 4V mtmmm i mi ummmmm Sherift r H bale. 'Vill he soM »t the Court House iloor in Wayne*- boro' Burke county, b--'ween the lawful hours of sale, on the (ml Tuesday in March hem, the filluwidj; property to wit s One ntgro boy by the name of Vick, levied on as tlie properly <i I hmn «s Burke, enr. to satisfy ore Expcudon fr• n< the Inferior s«>url of UUtke ciuni), in favour < ( William tftirphpce. Executor of Hcnj ai-ii Bn tk, dcct.« d, «s security for Lemon Dunn, ~ Also One piece of Laud containing 56 '-.Crea, mure ol lc*a, levied on as the properly of I'.vuu Lewis, to :■»'ifsfy one Extcodon in favour ->f f? >ld Gartick &. Co, joining Lauds of Jess* \ltaway and Isaac M)«*ez. t> t,sh— Oho Tract.of pine Laud, con* taining ai’VMiiy Acrcr, ruin'or lew, adjoining hand of William G. Hates and others, levied on <t the properly of Chrrtoft Sppitrs to satisfy an Execution in lavour oi Moses Uulkcy, returned u> me by a Constable. T. II Moure, s. b. c. J tuttarv 30, 1832 t 66 GEORGIA, Burke county. WHEREAS Wiley Hu chjtis &. Nancy Uu’c l i«, ens, apply for Letters ~f Adnriiniimration >n the estate of William Hutchens, deceased. Those are then lore to cue and admonish ail and singtihr the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear at tnj office within the time prescribed by law, to file then objection* (if any they have) to shew can c sthy raid letters should nol he grunted. Given tinder my hand ut c.fli e in this 3lhh day of January, 11)3). 66 John GK Baduly, CVk. t liurkr cofm'y WHERRAR Hardy Berry, applies for Lett, t of Administration on the estate of Acjeld Morri’, deceased. Thcae art- therefore to cite and aiVuminh a(( and singular the kindred and creditors of the suid deceased, to be and appear hi my office will; in the time pr< scribed by law to file their objee 4 tionu fit any they have) to shew cause wLy said Letters should not b ’ granted. Given under my hand at ttffice in Waynes! a rough, (bis 30di day of January, 1832. 66 John G. Watluly, CVk, GEORGIA, Burke county. iIERBAD Wil-;iam Kollina applies for> iW tetrs of Adininistration on the cala'.f of Benjamin Seegar, deceased. Thane are therefore to cite and admonish alt and singular (be kindred and creditor* of the n«id deceased, to be and appear ai my office within the time prescribed by law, to file their • bjec tions (if any they have) to shew cause why said letters should not be granted. „ Given under mv Land at office, in Waynesbo rough, this 30th day of laxtaiy, 1332. 66 John G. Bad illy, CVk. GEORGIA, Bwke county, 1»/'HERRAS James Cook, applies for Letter* *7 of Administration on the Estate of Abra ham Cook, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish alt and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, tc be and appear at my office with, in the time prescribed by law, to file tbeir objsc. tions (if any they have) to shew cause why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro* tl.i: 90ib i}»-» of January, 'US' 7 66 John G. tiaduly, Cl’k. GEORGIA, Ihirk* county. \\[ HEREAS William Barron, spplics for Let- Tv ters of Administration on the Estate of E« liaabeih Sims, deccascdi These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular (be kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear at my office within the liroc prescribed by law, to file their bisections (ifany they bsve) to shew csusc y/hy said letter# should not bn granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro* this 30th day of January, 183 t. 66 John G. Baduly, Cl’k. GEORGIA, Burke lOUnly , WHEREAS William Bcnnet. applies far Let ters of Administrufmn, on the Estate oi ft - braham Neyland, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish ki! , and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased; to be and appear at my office with in the time proscribed bylaw, to file their ob jections (if any they have) to shew cans,-* why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro* this 30th day of January, 1833, 66 J°l jn G. Buduly, CVk. GEORGIA, Burke county. WHEREAS Wade Brown applies for Letter* of Administration on the itlste of A ague tin Brown, deceased. These ere therefore to cite end edmonisb ait and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with in the time prescribed by law, to file tbeir objec tions, 'if any they hove) to tffi-w cause why said Letters should rot ne granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro* this 30th day of January, 1832. 66 John G. Baduly, CVk. GEORGIA, Burke c tnuty, Rachael’ Sturges, sppiia? for Let TT ten *>f AdmiursUaliua on tire Estate oj Samuel aturgeo, deceased. These are theieffire to cite and admonish ah' and singula?, the kindred and eredi'ors of said deceased, to be end upper.? at my offite within the time prescribed by law, to ale their objections (if any they have) to shew cause why said Let ters should not he granted. Given under my h« id at office in Waynesboro* this 30th day of January, 18.32. 66 John G. Baduly, CVk. ~N1)TXO eT 'IW- Office of the Cierk of Council will Ue open i. Iron 2to 5 o’clock, t*. M. during the next two weeks, for the purpose of giving all person* liabls to pay City t axes, an opportunity to make heir returns. O. thin, all interested, will please ski notice. Geo. M. Walked, Clerk. January 24 g j N utice, EjtOtJß months after dale, application will be made to the Inferior Cotut of Durke county, when silting for Ordinary purposes, (or leave "to mil a Negro Man named Jerry, belonging to (,'«• politic Short motor c’lild of Lucy Short, for (he benefit’ of said minor. Phillip Kobitisou, Guari’n. Jj- -w* \ tar >«-