The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 15, 1832, Image 4

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<il ip. mm: NESBITT'S BRICK STORE. NO. 203, /Jus just received from Mew York, A GOOD ASBOHTMENI OK SPUING & SUMMER Hr# doodSt Which he will dispose of al very low prices for Cash, or upp. oved acceptances in town, VI/ RICH French Muslins and Crape Shawls, ii great variety Ladies printed Cotton Stocking's, (a new article) Du black and white do do very cheap 6 4 Plaid and stripe white Me dia, for dresses 6 4 tuper and common Cotton Cambrics, very Cheap i,allies Fsrs'iols and Silk Umbrellas, in great vs riely I’ltin and colored stripe French Ginghams English Muslin Ginghams, a new article 4 4, 6 4, Fluid Lcno Muslins, for Musqueto Nets Favdhon Gauze, a large assortment 30 Pieces soli undressed Iriih Linens, some very , line and very cheap Lied Ticking and blue stripe Homespun, white Sateen Jeans, for Corsetts 1 bale 4 4 1; itlon Diaper for bed spreads 7-4, 8 4 and 9-4 Table Diaper, Damask patterns 1 bale stout next Homespun for negro wear I case 6 4 >Va it. m bleached Sheetings prefer ed to the Irish Shirting for cheanneas Hue twilled Nankeen, for boy’s summer wear B lie a <1 yellow first chop India Ns. keen* 1 Case uiperuir long ilo'b Colton Shirting, as ter the style o ( ’ the English, but cheaper 5 dales assorted brown Shirtings, at reduced prices 1 Case dark French and Iriih Linen Drilling White French and English do do a very beau'ifui article lilsck Fn ich Ui-mbazh > Ik marble col’d Socks A large ai, orlment nl a 1 de C lion Fringe Flain 80l tunet I ce, and KdgTig and inserting A complete assortment of rich 1 bread Laces and edgings and I’serlion Bengal Stripes a> d Sursucker Ginghams, new style Side and Shell Combs, in great variety And expre i* t receive 1. h '■■ summer a CONST NT ,S Ui PIN O HEASONAIiLii HUUDH. # r, U 86 FlitiF'l'sALb FOB jut t, XT Hoi (HjOBE. A severe nob cs cullcl is apprise. ing. A “ New Coalition'’ ol factious men art man aging at Vv asiiingion to acc >rr>plit>ii their s< .fish ends a the haerd of 1 heir country’s pe.c<, prosperity and ti mur. Ex.r me nsv. met. The Champion of hii unreasonable I anil'and the Au thor ol Nu ideation, having no principle in com mon but s resile** ambition, are lound united in their . (sorta to t iffl. 'he President in his foreign neg t uuon km I .action in our haha of li go iaii m, and fill our country w. h discontent ami anarch i. h u ini liir the peop eto lake the alarm ! \ln ch. • 1. v I'cni 11 o ur Minister to Great lln tan w<s b n th- lit a overt act ot this “ Holy dll liunce" against i very tiling that is pure in our g vemment and j atnotic in its administration. I will soon be lolluwed by others i q tally hostile to «tie inU-ri sis of the people and ii.suiting to ihe Frrsident of their choice, Instead of devoting themselves to the promotion of justice, harmony and peace, a band of political mui sgers in Con g'ess am spending sleepless ingots aid anxious days in dt vising means to array against the Pre sident all the si Ifi.n, uv riotous, corrupt and cor rupting 11 Huenct a winch pervade the Republic. With these they hope iu vanquish the conquer- r ut Europ *s bravest a. mica and ch se in obloquy and di g see the imb ic c-rs r »t bun who ** hut filled the manure uj his count y s glory ” Wli;,i re we In . x.. ct ,ro n the success of this “ New Coalition I’’ Wih our foreign relations be be ier nianagi d ? Will cur laws beexe uen With m>re Ii 1 hty anti energy at horn i Wih our agricu ire commerce and rm.nufacturei fi itirisli more I Will our nations) orbt be soon er pai ! Is there hope that the tram ol pub he ui general would progress better or so wed I Nn j it 1a not tor iti • benefit 01 the con try that the *' New Coaht.on” has 'been tonneil ;• nor is any nnpovemenl in the puJbc prosperity cxptc ed »r> m its snee The struggle is for power for, (or the pub he treasure. Mon win. want foreign missions juogfjlups and other vahmole offices, unable to swerve the stern integrity ol Andrew Jackson and sell to him their influence snd support, nav, united wi h odier a'-pirsnls to the Presidency ii ail sens oi combinations to destroy his pupulsn ty and detest his re election, that his place in -j be occupied by one with whom they ituj bargain for p umo ion bis these men only—men win w u u pre-er •* war, (amine uud peatile -ce, m any other scourge,” 10 the r own exclusion in m power—that arc seeking to fid the country wito c mpliiints and factions. II is the interest and desire of the people ti preserve the administration of their government in liiiuesi hands. To cfleet this object, it is only necessary that hey guard against ueception, and take steps to procure correct infnrmaiion in r Itoioo to the administration. They Will hud AN- Ulhi'V JAt KsUN as tine to Ins c iuntry now, *i be was when he put L> liazard fortune, lame, and file, in repelling our invaders. They will not hr content wi ti Ins simple re election by Ihe sane v te winch placed him In the Presidential chau ; bm. by securing him an increased majority, they w. 1 tew -nl Ins patriotic devotion and enable bin. ti A ush Ins career of public usefulness in glop and in triumph. As in the case of Washington, so in that of Jackson, they will tak care the our Republic shall not be stigmatized with tbt imputation of ingratitude. To enable every Ficeman to obtain corrcc information during the impending conflict, w< propose to publish thirty unmbe s ot an EX FRA ‘ILO'iB, commencing aoout the first ot May am Continuing until the election ot Electors, <0 ONE DOLLAR It will be » large imperil sheet, entirely tided with useful matter. Om number will be published after the election, giv tag the result in every S rte, »s much iu deiai as possible. it will be chiefly devoted to a vindication o the character, tame and principles of ANDREW JATKSON, wnh a view to his re-election. I w promptly repel the slanders and falsehood winch may be promulgated to destroy him, am fi Id the ** New Coaling 1” up to merited deles tab on From the nature of the undertaking, all sub scriptions must be paid in advance and no pam w ill bo sent until the money shall b» received I 0 enable all subscribers to begin with it>* first number, we beg our friends who may rr cctve these pr ipoaals, immediately to raise a sub eeription and returns, F, B. Blair. w March 1832. Tan; SATURDAY COURIER 1 Tilt, LaUUEsT ANU CHEAPEST Weekly Newspaper in run caiTiD s.tatks. 13 PUBLISHED EVERY SA I UUDAY, WomVwarA & ttpragg, naira g 2 mcM, Payable huj yearly in Advance, r |AHIS popular Journal is printed on an extra X fuse imperial sheet, ol the largest dimensions .1 contains twenty eight columns of reading mat ter, each column being equal to eight pages of a , duodecimo book. The publication of the COURIER wai com irienced in April Isst, since which lime it lias re I oe.ived a palronsge so unexampled that mure than jsevi n thousand copies are now distributed wei k jly through all part* of the United State*. I bis I .fad, wlucn has no parallel in the annals of the nodical piets, will show the high estimation in which the Courier is every where Field; and tbs’ he same ratio of increase will continue, insy (air ly be presumed, inasmuch as since the commence ment of the present month, nearly one thousand new names have been added to the subscription list. The Courier possesses advantages overall olhei weekly newspapers. Its immense size admit* nflhe greatest possible variety, and its contents lurnul, an extensive useful, novel, entertaining and in structive niisoelluny, comprising the different .branches ot popular literature, -.ich as Tales, Fo - etry, F.s.ays, Criticiams, &c.; notices of the Fine | Arts, Humor, Sporting Anecdotes, Sketches oi Life and Manners, Police Reports, Price* Current | Jof the Grain Market, Foreign and Domestic In ; | 'lelligoncc of the latest dates, and an abstract and summary of all matters which may possess inter , est I- r the general reader. 1 The Literary Department of the Courier is I wiitchiully superintended, and no article is admit I 1 led which docs not possess positive merit. Uiu Hundred Dollars were paid (or a Friz. Tale which , was published in this paper on the 7 h m January, I and other inducements have been offered to se cure original contribuiiunr. Among the voluntary ol the Courier arc Miss Leslie Uauihor of several publications, w hich have been .highly app auded by American and European 1 critics;) Richard Penn Smith, the celebrated Dra jmatist, Novelist, and Magazine writer—Mrs, Caro line Lee Heinz, the accomplished author of the prize tragedy, "De Lara”—Miss Bacon, the fair writer of the padiebc “Love’s Martyr," Etc. And many othera whose names are equally distinguish od, besides a number- wnose productions under fictitious signu ures, have elicited general appro hation. In the selection ol liters?y matter, Ihe publish ers of the Courier have expensive Iscildies. Their exchange fist includes the most va uabie Ameri ’ cai j uniats; and among other periodicals which they receive from abroad may be spindly enume rated Uulwi-r’s new MonUuy, Campbell's Metro, poliian, Lrt.zer’s Mag-zinc, London Literary <ta 1 zclie, Blackwood's, La Belle Assemblee, Wor d of Fashion, and the United Service Journal. ! I hrotig*! heir agent, Mr Willmer, they are also furnished with the choicest English papers, inclu ding the J ho Bull, Hell’- Life in London, tec. A portion of the Courier is appropriated to Sporting t lelligence, and particularly to 11.a. branch which relates to the larf Subjects of this kind are introduced as often as a proper regard to variety will admit. Descriptions of Favourite ' Horses, their pedigree, perlonnsnce and appear, accompanied With engraved likenesses, art ; occasionally given, in furnishing which assi is procured from severs distinguished sportsmens Foltce Report* occupy a share of attention. 1 These are prepared by a skilful person, eng get ‘ capreSKly for that purpose; and as the msttnal. •re gathered Ifom authentic sources, th.tir gene •-al accuracy may be confidently relied on. In ar r rttll K‘hg them for the press the reporter combined «cinnsneas with fact, and so constructs tbe narnt * lives, that in most instances they will he found extremely graphic and diverting, without the s Ighteat sac, dice of truth. r In preparing ihe contents of the Courier, strict regard is paid lo News. All foreig 1 intelligence, ■ip to the latest dates, is invariably given ; ami ' whenever a prest; of important matter msy require it, an extra will be published. The summary of domestic affairs is m re complete, correct and lull. r and embodies a greater extent and variety of in -1 formation than can he found in any other paper, ’ an in addl'ion to a condensed statement of locab tea, a synopsis of pa-sing events in all parts of the country is ngulsr'y prepared and published. In order lha those who hve to augh may find matter (or tin ir mirth each numbei contains a melange of Humourous < 'iibjec s some of which is ' illustrated by an engraving, executed by a skilful •rtiat. I'he Editorial Department embraces reviews of i w publications—notices of the fine arts, fkc.; cmarka on general topic—descriptions of public 1 m|irovemeiits, amusements, Sec. —distu-sions of tillable subjects—dramatic criticisms &c This 1 ‘epar ment ban been, and will cantu ur to bo. con 1 tided 111 a spirit of the most fearitss uulepen ‘ deuce. Whatever c mes fairly wdliin observa tion, shall be Irankly dealt with, and no station or 1 influence will deter the prompt and decided ex pression of unbimsed opinion. I Iu fine the Ssturuay Courier professes to be the largest, cheapest, most diversified, entertaining ard instructive newspaper is.-yed from the Ame rican press. 'l'he publishers claim for its contents ’ a character of vigorous originality, judicious se l) lection, extensive var ety. and interesting de'ail j r and they invite comparison with cotcmporary ' publications. I PREVLIUMS. , Pernons procuring live subscribers to this pa , per. ai d forwarding the amount of a hsh year's , subscription, gi, will be entitled to a sixth copy it Persons forwarding ten subscriber!, and remit c ,n K will be entitled to an extra copy, and s , discount of ten per cent Persons forwarding fifteen subscribers and fl.f l( j|teen dollars, will be entitled to an extra copy ol , r the paper, and a copy of Lord Byron’s W'orks, M l l oir Walter Scott’s Works, or any other Work of lt , * similar character and value, which may be pre k , ferred. ,1 Uncurrent notes of solvent banks, received at par. Address, free of postage. jf Woodward & Sprats;, V No. 11 J, Chesnut sit tet, Philadelphia. I —— )J GEORtiIA. Jefferson County, d \\ r HERE AS Asa Holt, applies for Letters Dis » 1* missory ou the Estate of Sion Horn, de ! ceased. i These are therefore to cite and admonish al t and singular, the kindred snd creditors of the sail deceased, lo be and appear at my office, withir e 1 the lime prescribed by law, to file their objec “ i lions, (if any they h»vc) to shew cause why sail J Letters Dismisaory should not be granted. Given under my band at Office, in Jcfliersor -ounty, this 19th day of December 1831: —35 I), E Botliwell, Cl'/c. !M)3l SiN.3LIE a 9A9 A FINE PLANTATION, ;i y.V .V CItIVEN COUNTY, , . I Containing one hundred and fifty i Acres, lying immediately on the Savannah U ad : 1 ■ about seventy miles from Augusta, and fi ty fr< m j Savannah—known as the place fotmer'y occupi led by Mr. Solomons. It has a good Dwelling, Store, Kitchen, Bamca and Stable andseveial, other out homes. The situation is healthy and agreeable for a family. The water good and the! neighbourhood re spectacle. It is also a good, Stand for a Store.—Persons desirous of purcha* ing, will do well to call, "r those at a distance, to address their <ff-TS tmrre 'lately, to hamuel M. Jack non, Augusta Ga. April 1.3, 1332 9t 86 I,looor 1,2.00 \crris of LtmA WITH SAW,FLOUR AND UillOlfi iUIULJjS ON IT. SITUATED in IJarnweli District, South Caro-1 'ina, 18 miles from Augu.ta and 10 from the | Village of Barnwell, about on a line direct from! | Ghat lesion to Auguata, therefore it is presumed! :'he Hail Hoad wel **ither pass through it or not ■far off. Pric- 000. one fifth ('ash, or approv-i ,ed endor-ed paper a- 60 and 00 days, the balat ce at 1,2, 3 and 4 years credit, with interest and I mortgage of the premises. Titles indisputable land warranted. Apply to John Guimarin, IVo.leh-Maker, JTo. 147, Broad street, Augusta July 8 6 ‘Q'SIIS Published Monthly—with numerous En gravings. Forming in one year two vo.utnes, of 336 pages each, and only per annum. 'JMIE June number, which will be ready for de L bvury early next month, will complete the first year since the work vas tsegun. In that time, we have procured, at great expense, suita ble embellishments for it, consisting of upward, of Sixty beautiful Engravings, on various sub ects, and some ul them of a superior and costly dyl«. In addition to these, there may be includ ed two appropriate engraved Title Paget, with ' separate Indexes to accompany the vo.urnes ami sis een pieces of Music oi the most approved kind* —w Inch, with more Ilian six hundred and seventy- I wo large and closely printed pages of fetter i pres-, together comprises two volumes of the L. ' dy 'a Book, one of the cheapest publications in th ’ I United State*—being furnished to subscribe* monthly, a* 'he moderate price of $3 per annum. ( Having redeemed the pledge wc made to the ’ pu die in the onset, to in: ke the work creditabl to ourselves and satisfactory to a!l who patronise ( | ", we led authorized to state, that as our abilities a ,d willingness have increased with an augment ed hst of subscribers, no effort, will be wanting ( on our part to render the tuvure number", in tm ry particular, superior to those which have bee., so extensively approved. A large amount of dues on subscriptions re mams uncollected. We respectfully request * gents and others, whose accounts are still unclos ed, to forward the balances due u« in their hands ( at once, that no mistakes may occur hereafter it | urnisblng them prompt'y to those who settn , thitr arrears. The enormous expenses whic ( . *re necessarily incurred in publishing a w >rb ( in the extensive scale we have adopted, does no 1 admit of an apology for thus seasonably soliciting . from all a compliance with our terms. A few of the numbers from the first of January, , are still on band, and can be obtained by persons who wish to subscribe. All orders (enclosing , the price of subscription) must be B'Mn.qgf.d to, L. A. GODEY & CO 12 Gh»«put-S'ree*. Philadelphia. & Subscr ptkrnis for tlie Lady’s Umk received to ihe Augusta Book Store bj William, J. Hohbt, who im the Agent for the Work in Auguata, Julv 15 8 HaKtfvi’a VfcaclWatet, FOB THE COM! LEXION. TH IS fsshionable lotion is entirely free from , any dcleieri us ingredient, and is so inm • cent tha- the most delice'e 'ady or child may u-.r ■ .it with perfect safety. It eradica es, fretku-* pimples, spots, Simla- ns, tans, redness, all cutane- | r’mis eruptions and effectually renders the skn, r win e and blooming Its cooling and fragran' t . properties add to die pleasures ol the toilet an s :comforts of the nursery. Gentlemen whose lace - jare irritated by the operation of shaving, Will find • I Halford’s Pearl Wster to possess u-common j soothing and healing qualities. Travellers ex posed to changes o- weather, causing a r ugh and liartb skin, will find it to possess balsamic powers of surprising energies. The celebrated Brumirel well known in the British train of rank | 1 and fashion, selected this article for his favorite Cosmetic, and the increasing patronage of the f public *ulty demonstrates its utility. Prepared from the original receipt by G. Bed ‘ ford, chemist, Condon —And for «a : e by Turpin & D’Antignac, r Agents. | >1 December 23 54 i, w—— f Compound Chlorine Tooth Wash, IjH)U cleansing and whitening the teeth, pre serving the gums, removing every disagree b e taste from die mouth, and rendering the breath sweet and pleasant, The Chlorine Tooth | wash has an agreeable taste, is perfectly harmless • levoid of »cid, and yet sufficiently detersive to remove the adhering tartar : it is a speedy remedy tor all eruptions and soreness of the mouth., com -8 plelely removes the unpleasant smell and taste a; : ter smoking or chewing the • Modern herb'—and renders the most offensive breath perfectly sweM , —Price sis y cents per bottle, with directions for ( using.— For sale hy , r Turpin & D’Antignac, ,1 ' Agents. December 23 54 SHERIFF’S TIITEH, For sals at lint Office, JOHN* OULMAMK, WATCH MAKER, Ko, 14sT, IVtoaA-fttcfcfci. HAB again began busineas, in the Unck House No. 147, Broad street, lately occupied as the 31 TV HOTEL, where he will bestow all hia at-. I ienlion on repairing WATCHES and CLOCKS I |of every description, in the best possible man-1 ner, and at very reasonable prices. He solicits j i the patronage of his ftienda and former eusto i liners, and all who wish to have their Watches 1 made to keep good time at a moderate price. ; He i will tell hit remaining ST OCA, consisting „ , 3 1£ W 3& Ji watches and clocks, DASTOR&, 4’c* 4*c. 1 Tor let s than they coil, at Wholesale and Retail, '1 hick Patent Watch Glasses, *nd all other descriptions of Watch Glasses, con itantly kept on hand. May 4 gj I & Standing Committee of Coun cil, for the present year. On Accounts—Measr«. Harper, Bones Delai - It. j Streets—Messrs Crumb Kent an ' Huh p Pumps.— Messrs. McCumus, Hat per &, Glas cock. Market.— Messrs. G'nscvck Kern. & Ale Combs j M-igazine—Messrs McComb Kent ls» Bishob I j Hiver Bank—Messrs Thomas Bones &Cr mp, , Drams—Mes>rs Jlelargle Harper etui huh a | Heabh—Messrs hones Thomas. *- d Crump . i Police—Messrs, Km, Bishop ai.i! M Combs Fire Engines—Messrs. Bishop, Glascock and C ump Jan- er*. Harper Kent and T)elaig!e. City Hat!—Messrs. G'uncock. Thomas » d Hospital— M sirs McCombs Kent and llirper. Published hy order oi council, passed the 10tl» of April 183$. Geo. M. Walker, Clerk. April 20 88 feiViY EH. »L‘VD3JN»7~ 13HB Subscriber acquaints the public that he has engaged T, 5. MOOD, Spoon Maker and tiiai he can now have Spoons, Ladles and Sugar l ongs, made to order, of fine Silver. Work in the above line will be faithfully dune and on reasonable terms. Persons having old broken Silver Spoons, or other old Silver articles, esn '*ve them made into new Spoons, at No. 147 broad Street, Augusta. John Gnimarin, QCf Old Silver taken id exchange lor new Spoons, Mav 10 3p WANTED, A Teacher to take charge of the Grammar Sch-iol about to be opened in the town oi hens, Geo. to whom wni be given a salary ol JbiiJUO »nd all the Sciiooi will m»ke over (ha. sum. Pr ifs of q shtications to afford ample in structions in the lo.iowing branches will he rt qu red. v z 1. E glish Grammar, 2 Arithmetic, including fractions, and the ex traciion of the Hoots mmu ; ely, 3. Caesar's Commentaries, 4. Vi gil. 5. G cer-i’s Or»tinns, 6. Greek Testament, 7 Grai c« Mi- ora. ] Unexception ble recommendstiona of mora character will also be expected. The Truaiees , flat er then,aelves that the proxumiy ol he schoo l to the University of the State s the ex tensive Libra-ies attached to the College and Li lerary Societies ; the cheapness of board, toge ther with the notorious salubrity of our atmos pbere, the Institution in question, cannot fail to at ract the attention of the State, particularly when it is considered as preparatory to an en ranee into our Slate College. By order of the Board of managers, John A. Cobb, Pres’dt. R. L. NEW ION, Sec’ry. N. H. The School will open under the direc tionnfa te-no-irary Teacher, on the first Monday n January next. Athens, December 27, 1831 57 i Cowttof Common i?U'as, £ March Term, 1832. 1 IT appearing to the court by ihe return o the Sheriff ihat the following Special Jurors 1 have been duly summonrd to attend this Court, and l ave made default, Ordered, That they be - ad. fined in the mm of 3 wenty Dollars, unless "ufficieni excu-e bt fil'd with the Clerk on oath, at or belore the first day of the next Term, to wit .W. G Cr mes, John Madden and Abra ham M. Woolsey. A-d 'bat the followi'-g Petit Jurors also, b»> -ng summoned a- d making default, Ordered Thai they each be fe .ed in the turn of Itn D< - lars, miles* like excuse be rendertd, to wit William Eve, M W Small, John Fudge, Benja min An-lev, Allen Cr-ig and George Summers, ! Extract from he .Minnies. Wm. Jackson, Clerk, At’l 17 87 CiTvV > ISHK partneraliip of Nisbtf and Floyd, in the L practice o iL w. is this day dissolved. The business of the firm will be settled by them jointly. Morgan, county Ga. Jan 26—3 t. E. A. Nisi bet will practice law in the following counties, to win Morgan, Puinam (Jasper, Newton, Clark, Taliaferro, and Walton ; He will devote >;is undivided attention to the pro Tension j and will attend promptly to the collection 1 of money, in any oflhe counties of the Oakmulgee, Western, Flint, or Chattahoochee circuits. The Augusta Constitutionalist, and the Athe nian, will please give the above »n insertion in , their columns once a week for three months, and forward their accounts to E. A. Nesbit. January 31 Suit And Commission Business. kVTNG taken the store lately occupied by fl. Mr. C. PHfiMes, I will continue to transact lie Auction and commission Business, as recently conducted by him. and solicit a continuation <■< the patronage Mr Phillips has been favored with. My attention will hr d voted exclusively to Good j on Commission. 1 am prepared io make advances to any amount, and on liberal term*. J. Marshall. 1 Adovit*., 10th January 1839, j Attgu&ta and fta\vmuaU DAILY STAGE LINE. i'ITHE Savannah Daily Stage Line ia in complete i a. order, and now running regularly—leaving | Augusta every evening, at half past nine o’clock, and arriving in Savannah every ivenirg at eleven 0 c'nck—and leav ng Savannah every afternoon, at three o'clock, trd arriving in Augusta every afternoon at five o’clock—ihu- traveling over a ; distance of one hundred arid hr y three miles, in less tme Chan any other line at the South. The Stage* are good and comfortable, and the dri'era steady and experienced, the horses ex cellent and in fine order, and the accommoda -1 ons on the road, such as cannot fail to give sat isfaction, The Fare through, is Ten Dollars-- considerably less ths-i on any Southern line, William Shannon, Proprietor, (O’ The Uillodgeville Federal Union, S.vsn nah liepuhlican, C .arle»ton Ucrcury, and Macon Advertiser, will give the above four weekly in sertions. and forward their accounts. Affi'fi 84 PROPRIETOR hrs this healthful sum- M. titer relre* l in ri-adiness for the reception of visitors. The Medic 1 qualities of the waters, it is believed, are surpasses by none in the Sou h ern c-untry. The most moderate charges will be made. A Stage will pa s this place, twice s week, from Athens to OUrk ville. and a Sch oE will be opened for children who may .-ccom ae\p heir parents. The pr pri t. r will use his best exertions to render h visitors comfortable. Wm. M. Morton. QO* The Uilledgevliie R?cor I,;r, Federal Un ion, smi Journal, Christian Repertory, Wash ington News, and the Savannah Georgian, will give the above three monthly insertions! and forward iheir accounts. April *4 3im 89 The Hubscriher, HVVINQ relinquished the Auction and Com . mission Business, in favor of Ifr. Joua Aar. sham., i* will be continued by him at my late stand, 254 Uro"d Street He is prepared to m-ke advances on any Consignments he may be favored with. C. Phillip*. Abowkta, 10th January 1832. hO ICE. T\\ft Augusta Ice Company’» Ice iioUSft, is now open yon the delivery or ita. Ibe price lor the present season is tour cents per pou d, for aii quantities over oue pound, and tor a smg'e pound five cents. ICB will be pu up in S-w Oust, and sent into the Country and ml orders punctually attended ft. ICE ’ I KB i S may be had of the Subscri ber cr at .he ICE HOUSE. The h. urs for delivery on Sunday from 6 to 8 o’clock 4, M. and from tuisrisc to au.-,set during the week. J. S. Boers, Sec’ y. April 13 . ASt ab B \ iJ\"u bCiVu KUNtT THB SUBSCRIBER. RESPECTFULLY nform bis friends and th public generally, that he still continues the ibove business at his old stand, back of the Endg dank Budding, Reynold street, near the inter neciiosi of Bridge How—win re be is prepared to Dye Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Clothing of tl£ kinds Leghorn and Straw Hits, Sic in their va rious colours, in the neatest manner and at the shortest notice. Wm. Taliaferro. N. B. Damaged Umbrellas and I’arasols can be repaired at the above place at short notice and to reasonable termi,—He will also purchase old Umbrellas. July 12 7 An Ordinance, fi preserve the Water Works vilv'ch convey Wa ter from Turkneil’t Spring, and Jor other purpo se*— WHEREAS, the Git’ Council, by their agree, ment made and tered into with Thomas AcGran and his assoc :s, on the 19th Jsy of March 1828, to conve’ ater into the Giiy, did covenant “to pass am -iact from time to time, such Ordinance* as rr be proper and necessary to preserve such wat works from abuse and in jury, and also to pre nt the unnecessary use o f Hydrant water. Sec Ist. Be st therefore ordained, by the Citv Council of Augusta, that any person who shall wilfully injure any of the water pipes or hydrant* within the corporate limits of the City shall oc conviction be fined In a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars Sec. ?d. And be it further ordained, That any person or persons, who shall drsw water from the Hydrants in the streets, except with the permn-. sion of the owners of the works, or for the pure) pose of extinguishing fire or for the use ol som« of the fire companies, may be fined in a sum not exceeding sis-y dollars. Sec. 3d. And be it further ordsined, that any , oerson or persons, who may have contracted for the use of the water of Tui knell's spring on his, ; her or their lot or lots, who shall in violation of , his, her, or their contract, draw or permit to be i'drawn more of said water than is necessary for the use of his, her, or their family, may be fined !in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars for every of | fence. Done in Council, the 24th day of Sept 1831 James Harper, Chairman. By the Chairman Gao. M. Walker, Clerk. October 4 21 Notice. * LL persons having demands against the F ~\ late of John Mathew', deceased, are request ed to hand them in according to law, and tboso i who are indebted to said estate, will please make mrnediate payment. James Cartlidge, Mm V. July S. 1831 lm4m