Macon daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-186?, November 10, 1865, Image 1

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R y s. ROSE &CO iisiiKj l“ U r T *<*.*"* - U 4 BROADWAY. I. T. ,2*555"* *25; =§§|§H%s2f^ * Mi * • tZrZ** •» ■o*««l. fro “ CSissssaa- %?tf«LtA§ ■ACIffl! „«•«*-* 4rir« it Uua ••c*’* ** !T! Agirltw*lvayaaru nc "** 11 ’ * •.* k .Ywifffcl S.«»lkHy” •» «*• a • IT-amo—W* »• ««* «rt of or «• 3T.-p.r-r -ttoto. to ~d «• * Tv’w’i iwfnirtHm « to a.j pros to wrk tkte Jla „ rnf.'r* aafu/orfum. „ gni Charitable Inetitutione will 5t, ‘ it dsalt ~£ZcZ** JSS* * ■*■' “ •*•“ * ““~r:r»eJ«TBCB*CO. m 4 On.. Washiagtou. D- C n J. Kto*. ts OYESTEKN k CO, CltlO FORTE >U V( FiCTURERS, 109 BROAWWAY, VK w YORK. . ««uoe of the Fab!* and the trade ia invited s„ *tr 4 Li T OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO .b ft tor voitsuw and puntj of too. are at. «, fc,Aerie offered in thta market They ..,. t W x.dem mprovemeaU, French, Grand »T> Pedal. Ire. Frama, Ovar-Struog Bw minani bsiag made under the person Mr. J. 8 GROVESTBEM. who has . . rf-irai riprrienea of erer 85 year* ia theii m . ■■ .-«. * tni » warranted in eTery particular. •ii vesteen Piano Fortes” received »*. lof merit over all others at th»- -• -atrti World’s Fair. > trit tiM msi rumen to from the beat r Lcsaoa, Pane. Philadelphia, Baltimore *-:'*• X«rk; aad also at Ike American In •»f success) to yearn, the (old and silvet at whwh oaa he aeea at our wate .. ... mptnf—iih, we make. m pmS Twit orfo, and h* manaUetnriny . v.U a ririctly saak a>a‘e«, are eoahled to oftef „ ..-«a>*ai* a: a pnea which will praolade al i v Sr»re Octave, round corner a, Rosewood •vi rwwtSTi. v i, Srrn Oetarc, round comer. Rosewood Imre couloiag SBOO. ' • Ssreu Octave, rosad corners, Reeawooo XIV style MU. T.mi SM Cash la Currant S ands. . >t:vk ci *cclars sent free. i * 0 * octlß-tf . See York. ■. anieaas. Savannah. .. -o. New Tork. e. a. holst. Savannah I' H. BALDWIN & CO., to. ITS PE.4IIL STREET, 1C W Yo» M • HIGH AM. BALDWIN & CO. "AVANNAH, GEORGIA, Wnrr»l CsmMob MfrthaDlfi. > v aumiMe r»ao ta the —la af COTTON, , ..j.rßODl'Cß,aad MERCHANDIZE (an aa .. GRIiKRS PROMITLY PILLED. >r-a adTaneea mada on eon(i(nißaata to on • am a >araanah and New Tort, nr to oar friead •wietl Radar to Asets Areas, Maeoe, On. ■aaC Am > COTTON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS 4 CO., tJAIULsg COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' Waroa, tiror|ia, »« curi Su*et, next Door to Pootoffite. \\ ’ ‘ »■» P’ntni 1* make cash adrmsewa oa skip ’l *'•'* •* Mtoe to Norton, Slaughter 4 Cos., 4 or to oe; e-orrcspoadeata ia Liverpool, •»* ewatrt of cotioa entrusting tba Mine «r to « «r A pmaal, shall bare prompt re, « « ft-.* or currency aa they may direct. J'An for tba purchase af cotton. * * »rr aad • ghi exchange oa Sew York, -•aiawoa to J. B. Rom A Boa, Bow* ' : k Lott A Howe, Hardeman A Sparks, N. A. HardM A Cos., Sarusib; a T*»k. Nashville; CiUxoaa’ Bank, Louie ** -<~i Bank, Louisville. ■ • Jen real, Forsyth; Banner Repub A aeay Patriot, Columbus Times -*t.-*nge Reporter, Onffio Union, • sar.-d-r. publish eae mootb ud aoad JuHN T. EDMUNDS A CO., . *'■' - Maeon, Oa. Woodson & Buchanan, tE>ER\L LAND AGENTS, ; hbert » Georgia \ \ 1 ■“*« number of deairable ' :i ’ N '“'■•STATIONS ; ** —4 Mi With good - -W» Oc some of th, fo r farmiae ■"-** « «*> « r-r*» V a!£S* caS a » part or whole, to *»'«, Caul. ud rrw-'M desiring to larortto *’• 3 d *• •* ’ ere requested to eontowvi.*** tho * e • •td in xedi«t#J f. r ur on the WOODSON kBCCak5l5, Cathhm. Qa. OLD BOURBON WHISKY. tUrT + on consign- INOTTA IOWE? itlacon l)trill}jjiountol anil iUcsocngtr lISTE W FIRM. gnrOL£Tolfr HUNT A CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, SEOR6IA. TATOW have ia store, and for sale, the larrest and IM beat assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES and HATS ia tha South. Tboaa wishing to buv, to sell again, will hart Bad facilities not surpassed by toy house aeutk of Cincinnati, as tha entire etoek has been pur. chased FOR CASH, from the manufacturers in the ciliee of New Tork and Boston. A good supply of TRUNKS and UMBRELLAS wilt al— he kapt on hnad. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. W. R. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, oels-tm T. J. HUNT. FOR SALE. I>RIT<?S. MEDICINES DYES. PAINTS, OILS. BRANDIES, WINES. GLASS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Prepared at aU flours, At BOYD & GORDON’S, 2 doors below Telegraph building, oct3-tf Cherry, Street. W. D. WOODS 8c CO.’S, Merchant Tailors, At their Old Stand in VORT VAT,LEY. GA., HAVE just received a superb stock of Ready Made Clothings AND Gents’ Furnishing Goods OiF AL£. KINDttl. Consisting in port of SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HALF HOSE, NEGK-TIES, LINEN »ud PAPER.COLLARS, Pocket Handkerchief* etc., etc. BOOTS and SHOES Os all Sizes and Prices. All of the shore goods are of tbe latest and beat itylee. which wa are offering low for Cash or Country Produce. octiO- lm* ■ ■■■' —-.7 J. W. O’CONNOR A CO., MACOIV, Georgia. Office on Cherry St., between 3d and 4tb. Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, and Agent* for E. M. BRUCE fit; CO., Augusta, Ga., E. VI. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., Apalachicola, F;a., and WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York. We will receive and forward upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to our care for shipment, as own ars may direct. We will make liberal advances upon consignment* of Cotton to Watts, Crane A Cos., New Yo k or W. C. Watts A Cos., Liverpool, England ; pay Revenue Tal, Storage, Freights, Ac. on same, and lorward with promptness and dispatch. Planters and others will be afforded every Ucility in our power to send tbeir Cotton to market, and receive piotupt return of sale. Mr. W. E. Clarke is our agent at Albany, Ga., and will give all information to parties who desire his ser vices in shipping or purchasing. Our personal atten tion given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. IVew lark Exchange for Sale. oct7-Sm JNQ. W. O’CQNNQR » CQ. PUBLIC SALE or a VALUABLE PLANTATION, STOCK, CROPS, &c. WILL BK SOLD, to tbo highest bidder, on the SECOND TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1865 fOR CASH, tbo Plantation belonging to the estate of ffm. Lockett, situated ia Crawford county, and adjoining Ewell Webb John Dent, end others. Tba piece contains 1 500 seres, is well improved in all respects, with ac eomiaodations for *5 bends, and is one of the beet plantations in the county either 'or cotton or grain. r Also, all the Mules, Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Crops ot ail kinds, together with Wagons, Carts, end forming utensils ot ell kinds. Tba sale will taka piece os tbe premises, coalmen, sing at 10o’clock, aad will continue from day today unut all the property is sold. ISTTerni* C*?h. B£X j 0 LOCKETT, Executor of Wm. Lockett, deceased. Ootober 28,1865. For further information, apply on the premia**, or to L. N. Wamt-i.Mscon.Gs. °td» CLOTHING, HATS AJfD Furnishing Goods. rpHt undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to JL his former customers, and tbs public generally, that he has resumed busineM in this city, and has as sociated with him, Mr. B. C. Smith, under the style end firm of E. Ssulebury A Cos. Thee here taken the well known and central stand, on Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic Hell, where they are prepared to furnish gentlemen with any arti ele appertaining to their wardrobe. Their well eelectod stock of Slothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods, will be replenished by weekly ship ■£&“*’’'“e. BAPLSBPRY. ROOFING! ROOFING! Tin Roofing, Guttering, Copper, »nd Sheet Iron work of every kind executed. WE era now prepared to do alj kinds of Tin Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of work in Copper, Sheet Iron, ete., on short notice, and reasona ble prices. Ws are prepared to make contracts with parties desiring work " guaranteed. HERINGTON A RICKS, Corner of Fourth and Poplar streets. oct 12-lm* . WANTED. A GOOD COOK, WABHER and IRONER. For *V u honest, fsithtul woman, without children, s bo»e and liberal wages is offered. Apply at THIS OFFICE. JONATHAN COLLINS. . JAMK3 FOSTBI COLLINS & FOBTER, WHOLESALE CQHHISSIQIMERCIAITS ; ’' ' ■ V ■ • ' / •• *ia i. Airr v 21 . ’= « General -A-gents, . r> ;<in .r or- WEST SIDE TUIRD STREET, Two doo|[B from Hardeman and Sparks’ Walehouse. PROMPT personal attention given to all consign mentis of Cotton, Produce, Manufactures, and ar ticles of Merchandize. Orders and consignments solicited from all parts o( the country. Also, will puichase Meal, Corn, Bacon, Lard, Cow Peas, Flour and all other Produce. COLLINS A FOSTER. Macon, Oct. 22d, 1865. oct22-tdec3 J. J. ROBKKTSON, A. p. BOGGS, Formerly Cashier Bank State of Auguqta, Ga Georgia, at Washington, Ga. J. J. ROBERTSON & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— COMMISS’N MERCHANTS, 275 BROAD STREET,) AUGUSTA, • * GEORGIA. Will give strict attention to buying and selling COTTON, GOLD, BANK NOTES, BONDS, and MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. Consignments Solicited. Will receive, forward, and pay taxes on Cotton and Domestics (or Northern markets. CHARGES MOD ERATE ! Fkkights to Savannah Ofkkiiing Frbki.t. Refer to A. Porter, President Bank Slate of Geor gia, Savannah ; John Davison, President Bank State of Georgia, Augusta ; Mcßride A Dorsett, Macon, Ga. s»piO-2m J, -3EC. FAm. «S3 00„» FOKYV A It Dine AND < ©NINIISSION MERCHANTS, No. 41 IARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, TEN 18. Particular attention will be given (deceiving and forwarding all goods South, or Cotton|and -Tobacco North. Ws keep constantly oo band a lull assortment ot all kinds of Agricultural Implements and Machines of every Variety, Consisting in j ait of the follow ii g, viz: Lever ]'< wers ard Three hers, (with wrought iron cylinders,) English Chain lowers, Treshers, etc.. Portable Circular Saw Mills, tor "VS pd Cullir g; Western Hand Coin Shelters; Shingle Machines, Clothes Washes and \Vringers, Pumps, Engines. CottonßGius «ndE Frcsses. Sanford’s Straw Cutteif Kinti cky Cjdt Mills, (. asi Mows. Revolving Horse Rakes, Reapers ard Mowers, with latct inprovetnentg. Aericultural Ininkti/ents n and hcaies kill e fold si nu nu'setmer’s prices, the cost of transportation added. * SIG-K CANE < RTSBERS AND EVAPUUATOHN. A full assortment oi Csrriepe, Biig/V,»i.d W agon Material always on band. V. e keep constantly on band and for ule, the latest and most improve styles oi RFC DIES anpi/.RRI W e are alto agents for FAIRBANKS’ SCAI.FS. Orders iilledor HAY, CORN, *OATS, PRODUCE, and Provisions 4 ill kinds. |3gr Orders received for Salt. Consignments resjrectfully solicii|.v act 17-3 m J. K. I’-T (I, A c«. painting. HOUSE, SIGN, AND Ornamental Eainting. GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, &c., &c. Having on hand all the necessary material to carry on the business, we are prepared to give satisfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may favor us with their orders. . ,_ . . We will also keep on hand and tor sale, mixed Paints ot every description. VARNISH, OIL, SPTS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, &c.j &c, Orders from the country jjromjrtl :jmattended jo. over Roberts, Dunlap A Cos., Cherry st., augl6-12m Macon, Ga. references t —W B Johnston, N H Beal, J H Zeilin A Cos, B A Wise, Clayland A Dumble, I sroy Napier, W A Huff. _____ MATT. YORSTON, Gas-Fitter and Bell-Hanger, A LL kinds of Gas Fitting and Re airing, and Bell Hanging and Repairing done neatly and cheap. Order* left for me at the Journal and Mee eerger Office will be promptly attended to. sep26-3m r. O. RIDQELT. M. SQUIER. 8. F. WARREN RIDGGLY, SqillEß A CO., COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS LANIER HOUSE BUILDING, 1 1 Macon , Ga. References:— T. R. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J. T. Croxton, Macon, Ga.; Holmes A Patterson. Hopkins A Bro., New York; C. W. Bruner, Savannah ; Tucker A Cos., Louisville. oct23-3m. For Sale. AVALUABE PLANTATION three miles west of Oglethorpe, containing 800 acres of land. 800 acres improved, under good lence, with good Build ings, Gin House and Screw on the premises. Also, a tine Spring of good water, also a Fish Pond full of fish near the residence, and the place is well watered and timbered, suitable for cotton or corn, and well situa ted—close to a good market. Those in want of a bar gain can call and see me, or address Oglethorpe, Ma- S?!’””"* SAU’L H. FELTOS. J. P.STRONG A SONS, Have open at their old Stand on 2nd St., (Two Doors from Cherry Street., A LARGE and well selected assortment of Boots and Shoes. They invite their old customers and the public generally, to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. We are confident we can sell aa low as M any house in the city. oct27-lm* MACON. GA , FRIDAY, NO YE VIBER 10. 1865 E _ HBN i T bell, and. w. bell, New YorkAJity. St. I.ouis, Mo Henry Bell & Son, WHOLESALE 1 Staple and Fancy DRY aOODS AND NOTIONS, NOS. 144 AND 146 MAIN STREET, (BKTW. VINE S3. AND WASHINGTON AVE.,) oct?6-Bm* MAINTJ.EOUIS. e. U. HOWS*. J. A. J. ADKBTON. ALBERT TENNLNT. BOWSE, ADEKTON A CO., YY'liolosale Wealcrai In Staple and Fumy Miry Goods , 84 MAIN STREET, oct26-3m* SAINT LOUIS. M. H. SAXTON & CO., (Cor. Fifth and Walnut Sts., under Southern Hotel,) Saint Louis, miasouri.. General Agents in the West for the MASON & HAM LIN CABINET ORGAN, and PIANO FORTES, made by Win. M. BRADBURY, New York, N Y. Piano Forte Cos., New York; Chambers & Gabler, New York ,-' James W. Vose, Boston. C M. BAXTON, long and tavorahlv known as a leading Puolisher of New York, is the General Agent for 11. il. Saxton & !*o. oct26-3in henry t. chiles. Heretofoie Chili.3 & Carr CHILES & CO., General Commission .Hcrchtints, No. 76 Nor th Commerci and st., near the corner of Locus', uj* stairs. ST. LOUIS, MO. Careful persona! attention given to t! e j urchase ol Plantation and Family Supplies, the sab of Cotton, Tobacco, Grain, and Pr doc- generally, oct 26-8 in H. WHITTBWORK, R. B, W HITTEMOHE, New York. St la tris. 11. A R. B, M IinTIDIORK & 10., H Holcsnlc Drillers Tn » HITS, CAPS AND MHAM CiOODS, No. North Mnin sfftext door 1t» the Hank ol Missouf i. ST. LOUIS, MO. Highest market price paid for Furs and IVltiies. H. fid. HOLTZCLAW, Attorney and Coun.>ellor at Law, Perry, lloustoH County, Ga. WILL practice in the Counties oi tbe Macon Cir cuit. sep3< —3in 830. B. TUIiMN. J- H. H'SRTZ. T U RPIN & HER TZ a Wholesale anti Retail Dealers in C JL O T HING, AND tiEJiTs’ FIRMSUINIi (iOOBS, TriaiiKiilur Bloek, Cherry Shtreet, MACON, GEORGIA. CLOTHING made to order on short notice by Mod sieur BOUSE octtf-12oi KEMOVAL" ROBERT FALKNER WOULD notify bis friends that he has removed from his old stand at W. J. McElroy’s, and can be- found at the CORNER, next to OARHART A wIU be p_l««M4_to_<o»LMsb-§a»Sfc times prepared to dt all kiuds oF ROOKING AN*) GUTTERING at reasonrble rates, besides all kinds of repair ing in the riN TRADE- He keeps constantly ou Hand a good assortment of TIN WAKE, which he will sell at reasonable rates. Parties desiring their work done promptly and at reasonable rates, should give him a trial. sep27-tl ’WANT]i^IX good Cabinet Makers. good Carpenters. X T ONE other need apply. GRENVILLE WOOD. oct7-tf Telegraph copy. HENRY L. JEWETT. JAMES I. SNIDER JEWETT & SNIDER, 111, ul (.ale Commlssioi) Merchants, ANP g i: .r eiia #< ./ g t.’ *vts, SECOND ST., BETWEEN CHERRY AND POPLAR., MACON, VKOKI.IA. PROMPT personal atteniion given to all Consign ments ot Cotton, Produce, Manufactures and ar ticles of Merchandise. ORDERS and CONSIGN MENTS solicited from ail puts of she country. KgT Agents for several First Class Insurance Com panies. octt-3m* B. H. NEWTON. F* LAWTON. NEWTON '& LAWTON, Grocery, Produce & Provision Dealers, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THIRD STREET, NEXT TO HARDEMAN A SPARKS’WAREHOUSE DCNX A maxoham’s old stand, MACON, - - - - OEOBCiIA. Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Country Produce. °et 15-lni PA.IIN r Tl]SrGh. CHRISTOPHER BURKE, [latk lovi A blrkb.] HOUSE, SIGN & DECORATIVE PAINTER, Paper Hauger, Gilder, etc., etc. «AVING resumed Business, the undersigned hopes by attention and moderate prices to meet a share of public patronage, llis ability as a work man is known to most of the citizens of Macon for the Pa p»int Shop in Floyd House, opposite Medical Col- Paints constantly on hand, at moderate prices. CHRISTOPHER BIRKE. oot 12-lm* JUST RECEIVED A nice lot of Furnishing Goods. ALBC, »y rf 0..^ |Tp|i[ , |l|tiltm AUGUSTA HOTEL PROPRIETORS: S. M. JONES, ' Z. ,1. RICE. WE respectftlly invite onr old friends and tbe trav eling public to give us a call. Our House is located in the heart of trade, and convenient to the depo^. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 24, 1866, , l; undies Fill’s. ■ THE ONLY STOCK IN MACON We have just received a STOCK OF FURS, in part of HALF CIPES, CONEY, CIRJULARS, MARMOT, COLLARS, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, CUFFS, SABLE, MUFFS, FETCH, etc., This is tbe only stock of FURS BROUGHT TO MACON. We in'ite the Ladies to call and examine them at the storeof T. W. Freeman. H. SHAW k CO., nov4-it B. Pop* Frkkuax, Ag’t. fresToysters. WE are now receiving daily supplies of FRESH MOBILE OYSTERS, and con supply the public at our Restaurant on Third Street, under the Floyd House, four doors East of the Postoffice. Parties can be supplied by the Pint, Quart and Gallon. W. S. COPLEY A CO. oct29-tf. JOBBING AND WHOLESALE HOUSE. I. SIMON & CO., 391 ... Broad Slreet, MANUFACTURERS IN MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, AND DEALERS IN GE,VTS' FCII.rtSHIJi'G GOODS. —ALSO— JOBBERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Y'anliee. Yotions , Hats, Boots , Shoes , Trunks , Fallses, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, l»’« t c he s, etc., etc., etc. generally, that we have established the above House with the purpose of selling the Goods, and not to keep. We can and, will sell TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT LOWER than any other house in the South. I. SIMON A CO., novß—3m Broad St., Augusta, Ga. New Map of the IT. S. “Our Country Restored and Reunited.” i pH IS Map shows all the Dew States and Territories L of ihe Northwest, and is beautifully colored. A lew copies just received and for sale by nov4-2t L. F. W. ANDREWS. LUMBER YARD, Corner Ilunfefrand Fry or Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. * THE subscribers have opened in Atlanta, Georgia a Lumber Yard for the reception of Lumber, which be will sell for a small commission. The at tention ol Saw Mill men, is called to the fact that thev will save from 60 to 100 per cent., by sending to tins market, than by selling at the Mill. Consignments soliciied. We premise quick sale* and prompt remittances. Refer by permission, to 8. Rose A Cos., Mac<.n, Ga. , nov3—tf GEO. W. BURR, A CO. BUILDING LOTS FOR SILT, AND FARMS TO RENT. THE subscriber offers for sale a number of_ choice Building Lois, situated on his plantation, jußt be yond the c rporate limits ol the city, and along the rSavanuah Road. Location elevated and healthy. The Lois are extra large, and embodied in squares. Also—Will Rent several hundred acres of the plan tation ; all in good condition and very well adapted to the culture oi cotton, and some portious most eligibly situated for Market Gardeus and Truck Farms. Appticaiions to Lease certain parcels will be con sidered, and such lrom manufacturers are especially invited. For further particulars and terms, apply to my son, Ltuis Delaigle. CHARLES DELAIGLE, Augusta, Ga. F.,r the present, I can be seen at the office of Mr. W. B. Davison, two doors below Southern Express Office, up stairs. Applications by leiter promptly answered. nov3-6t IMPORTANT CHANGE OF BASE. THE undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and the “rest of mankind,” that they have removed to the large and commodious Brick Store on CHERRY STREET, BETWEEN IST AND 2ND, rccupied by A. P. G. Harris, where they will be pleased to see their friends, and all interested in an excluaively Commission House. We would also inform the Mer chants and business men of Georgia, that we have made arrangements aud will open an office in Cincin dati, and will fill orders for Groceries, Drags and Merchandize of all descriptions, at lowest market rates, Dr. Withers will make his Headquarters in Cincin uati, and will give prompt attention to all orders for purchase of Goods in that city, orLouisville, Ky. Special attention will be given to the purchase or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings Shirtings, Dried Fruit, etc., in either city. Goods consigned to our care, will be promptly forwarded, at lowest rates. Orders ior Goods in this market promptly filled,. WITHERS A LOUD, Cotton Factors and Gen’l, Commission Merchants, Cherry St., bet. Ist and 2nd Sts., Macon, Ga. novS —lm A CARD. At a meeting of the undersigned Physicians of the city of Macon, it was unanimously Resolved, That medical bills in future, shal| be con sidered ddk and payable, when the services are rendered. . '• Tbe members of tbe medical profession, should be placed on an equal footing with those of other callings, and profession?, who have everywhere adopted the Cash System. , . It is not asking too much, to require of others what they demand of us. Beni. A. White, James Mercer Green, J R. Boon, William F. Holt, Joel Branham, E. Fitzgerald, D. W. Hammond, A. P. Collins, W. P. Parker, John R Godkin, F. H. Hail, J- Emmett Blackshear, A. L. C. Magruder, B. F. Griggs, George G. Griffin, A. M. Boyd, J. Harris, Jr., H. A. Mettauer, W. G. Owen, J B. Hinkle, G. N. Holmes, P. H. Wright. 11. J. Smith, • oct29-lm J. M. COOPER, Auction and Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA, W r ILL give his personal attention to the purchase acd shipment of Cotton He ie also prepared to make liberal cash advanoaa on Cotton in store in Albany, Georgia, for shipment to Messrs. Norton, Slaughter A Cos., New York. Hav ioc had many years experience in the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission business, he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to parties entrusting their business to him. Orders and consign meets solicited. Respectfully refers to J. B. Rosa Macon ; T. H. Johnson, Albany. oct 29-1 m* Grand Reception S Re-Opening of the Brown House! AFTER undergoing a thorongh renovation, the BROWN HOUSE will be opened for the recep tion gnd accommodation of the p u blic,fr°m and aftot TO-DAY, 18th October. E. K. BROWN. F. M. MYRELL, smiim jin siif akiit. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING Merob.ant, Bmd I* STREET, SAYANN A.H, Ga., (Second door West of A. Low A C 0.,) Has unsurpassed facilities (In connection with Steam- j boats, Ship*, Railroads and Adams Express Cos.) for Forwarding. Rbpck to—Hunter A Gammell, Bell, Wvlly A Chris tian, Savannah, Ga.; Geo. T. Jaekson a Cos., L. B. Davis, Augusta; W. A. Huff', E. C. Legriel A Cos., Macon; S. M. Verdery, P. P. Pease, Atlanta; A. A. DeLorme, Geo. W. Long. Darien ; J. S. Sammia A Cos., J. C. Greely, Jacksonville, Fla.; TeaadaleA Read,; H. L. Hart, Palatka, Fla. nov7-ltn JUST RECEIVED. A fresh supply of OVER-COATS. Business Suits and flats. E. SAULSBURY A CO. nov7-6t E. D. CjMRPEJTTER DENTIST, PERRY, HOUSTON CO., GA. PIANO TUNING? 08. RICE is now in the city for the purpose of • TUNING and REPAIRING Pianos. Names may be left at J. W. Burke’s Bookstore. nov7-2t* REMOVAL. J. W. BURKE & CO., rr 1 rrn jwrart/ t'Ai/ I JlJhlß Book Store, Printing Office and Bindery; To Snider's Building next to Bap- \ list Church, SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. SCHOOL Books, Miscellaneous and Religious Books, Blank Books, all kinds of Writing Paper, of tbe best quality, Envelopes, Arnold’s Fluid, Inks, Gold and Steel Pens. Indeed they keep everything usually kept in a Book Store. Particular attention paid to filling orders from tbe country—special discount to the trade. All kinds of Printing and Binding neatly executed at short notice. novs-2t VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE LINE. THROUGH receipts given by the Agents ot the Southern Transportation company at freight rates to Baltimore and New York, at a guaranteed rate per hundred pounds, as per bale (on Cotton.) Rate from New York to Macon, $4.68 cts. per hun dred pounds. THIRSTAN R BLOOM, Agent at Macon. Y. G. RUST, Agent at Athens. nov7-3m* Telegraph copy. m 7ude & wricht. _ e.mmteet.ii .nd I’nmr.Mlini. M AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SPECIAL attention paid to receiving and forward ing Cotton to New York or Liverpool. Refer to Messrs. John T. Edmonds A Cos., Macon, Ga,; tiowdre A Anderson, do; Roberta, Dunlap A Cos., do; Rolf A Simms, do; T. R. Bloome, do; Hunter A Gammell, Savannah, Ga.; Charles L. Colby A Cos., Savannah, Georgia. novs-tf* Tajmer Wanted. * trusty, industrious, and well experienced TAN t\ NER, who can come well recommended, can get constant employment, with good wages, by applying to the’undersigned at Americus. ADDERTON A MAXWELL. noy6-12t (kstablishkd in 1780.) T. MACKENZIE &. SONS, No. 222 Baltimore Street, Near Charles, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Coach, YFagonS Saddlery Hard ware 8 Harness Materials, FELLOES, SPOKES, HUBS, BOWS, SHAFTS, AXLES, SPRINGS, ENAMELED AND PATENT OANVAB Enameled Dash and Collar Leather Coach Varnish, Japan and Leather Varnish, Ben* zoine, Harness Oil Blacking, Axle Greese, Carriage Bolts, Bands, Oil Cloth, Buckles, Terrets, Hooks, Bitts, Ornaments, Hatnes, Lace, Fringes, etc, all at tbe lowest price. Low for Cosh. oct2B-w6m. REDUCTION IN PRICES. DRESS GOODS DECLINING. November If A, I§6). TO-DAY the prices of all Dress Goods on band, are reduced, to make room for an extensive variety soon to arrive. Call soon before they are all gone. 8. T. COI EMIN, nov4—tf Corner Second and Cherry Sts. To New York via Darien and Savannah. • THE completion of the Macon and Biunswiok Kail road to Hawkinsville, and the favorable Boatable condition of the Ocmulgee River, render this now the cheapest and quickest route for the business of Macon and Central Georgia. Through bills of lading will be given after the I.lth instant. All accommodations ex tended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dispatch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin k Cos., at Savannah. Messrs. Nightingale AUuger, at Darien, and Asher Ayres, at Macon, will act as Agents. GEO. H. HAiLEHURIT, nov4-lm Acting Presided M k B. B. It. COME AT LAST. THOSE Navy Caps so long looked tor have arriv ed. Call soon at T. W. Frekman’s if you wish to get one. H. SHAW k CO.. nov4-6t B. POPE FREEMAN, Ag’t. House Painters Wanted. 6or 8 first ra|*House Painters can get good wages by apptring immediately at oct24-tf ' DRURY k TRIPOD’S. HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. A NO. 1 family Horae in good order, spirited and young, but perfectly gentle, and anew Buggy and Harness, tor sale cheap. For further information apply at this office. nov4-tl. vroon : vrooo:: PARTIES wishing to purchase Oak and Hickory Wood, will do well to call on nov8 —6t W. C. SINGLETON. DR. CHAS. H. HALL, has returned to Macon and resumed the practice of Medicine. novs-6t* Cotton Seed ! Cotton Seed ! ! ONE thousand bushels of Cotton Seed for sale, to be delivered at Albanv, Ga. NEWTON k LAWTON, Next deor to Hardeman k Sparks’ Warehouse. nov6-8t AGUE de MAGNOLIA. A to.let delight 1 The I>4lm' (restore and gemlMtea’i boon ! The “.WMtMt thin*" and largett quantity. Man ufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Deed ter bathing tbo tec. and person, to render the skin salt and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume dotting, Af. It overcome, the unpleasant odor of perspiration. • It removes redness, ton, blotches, Ao. It cures nerroue headache and .Hays Inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cares muiquito bites and stings of Insect*. It contains no material Injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singer* It la what every lady should have. Bold everywhere. Try the Mag nolia Water once and yon will us* no other Cologne, Per fumcry, or Toilet Water afterwards. DEVI Aft BARNES A CO., novS dAwrodly* S-T-IMO-X. DRAKE’S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and lavlgorat*. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind, They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fevara. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cur* Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nonrous Headache. They are the best Bitters In the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature’s great restoror. They are made of pure St. Croix Bum, tho celebrated Call saya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with tho pleas ure of a beverage, without regard to ago or Umo of day. Particularly recommended to dolient* persons requiring u gentle (timnlant. Bold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private C. B. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE dk CD., novS-dAweodly* SI Park Row, Hew Tork. We have learald not to bo astonished at anything. Tears of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationaUUee of the habitable globe have turned the ories into fact* and established a basis from which wo need not err. We are not surprised at such foots as ths follow ing—although the persons who write them are. We know the persnns and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to on dorse their statement*: “Nsw-Bcnrons, Mass., Nov.N, IMS. £ Data Sixl have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating ernmpi in my limbi, cold feot and hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medlelncs failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends la Mew Tork who were using Plantation Bitters they prevailed np on mo to try them. I commenced with a small wlne-glaso ful after dinner. Feeling bettor by degrees, la a few days I Was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had on. tiroly loft mo, and I conld sleep tho night through, which I have not done for years I feel Ilk* another being. My appetite and strength have also greatly Improved by the use of the.Plantstlon Bitters. Respectfully, Jcditb Kusem.." Rasotscuv, Wis., Sept. 1«, UM.R “ * • * I have been In the •ray hospital for fjurtrmi months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitts.* * * * bottles restored mp speech and cared me. * * * 0. A. turn The following is worn msTSinager or us union mom* School for tbe children of Volunteers : “HivsutTtn Mtxsio* RTtn 8* , I New Tork, Aug 3, lb6l ( Dn. Drain: -Tour wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lunge with most happy effect. One lit tle girl In particular, with paint In her head, loss of appe tite, and dally wasting consumption, on whom all medlca skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. Wo commenced with but a teaepoi nfhl of Blttere a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly Inereaeed, and she Is now well. RespeotfoUy, Mag. I. M. Dsvon.” “ • • • I owe mnch.te you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved soy life. Rxv. W. H. Waoooixb, Madrid, N. Y.” “ • • • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife hat hsen greatly benefltted by their use. Thy friend, Asa Ccaais, Philadelphia, Pa." “ • • • I have beta a great sufferer fr.m Dy.pepsla, and had to sDandon preaching. * • The Plantation Bit ters have eared me. Bit. J. 8. Oatxobb, Rochester, N. T." “ • * • I have given the Plantatioa Bit'ere to hoa dredi of our dliabled soldiers with the moet aetonlshlag ef fect. G. W. D. Aanaaws, Superintendent Soldier*’ Rome, Cincinnati, O." uo » o The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which 1 was laid up proetrate, and had to abandon my buslnece. H. B.Kiusslit, Cleveland, Ohio." " * * * The Plantation Blttere hava cured me of a de rangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Orgaae that has distressed me for yean. It acts like a charm. C. 0. Monas, He. 184 Broadway." Ac., Ac., Ac., A., Ae. The Plantation Bitters makt the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and an exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Oalleaya Bark, Wlater green, Saisefrat, Roots, Herbs, Ae., all preserved In per fectly pare It. Croix Ram. 8. T 1860—X. Persona of sedentary habits, troubled with weekaets, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ae., deserve to suffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical authori ties, and an warranted te produce an Immediate bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notios. -Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ten In bulk or by the gallon la a swindler and Impostor. It is put up only in our log eabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which sev eral penons are alreadv In prison. See that every bottle has our United States Stamp ever the eerk nnmntUated, and our slgnatun on steel-plate side label. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable globe. * P. H. BRAKE * CO., novfi-dAwSm* tl Park Row, H. Y. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM* This la tffe moet delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It cliangee the sun-burnt face and bands to a pearly satin textnre of ravishing beauty. Imparting the marble purity of youth, and the MSfimtea appearance to Inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan freckles, ptmp'.ei and roughness from the (kla, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. Itcon'alns no material Injurious to the skin. Patronised by Aetreeeas and Opera Blngere. It Is what every lady ihoald have. Bold everywhere. Retail pries, 90 cents Prepared by W. K. 11 AG AN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEW AS BARNES Sc CO., nov4-dweodly* N« w V* f k- _ Instruction in Music. AS. SCHLICHTER, Prot of Music, at the e WkSlbtah FaxALB Colisoe, will give leuaons on the Piano, Guitar, Violin and in Vocal Music. It orders for Pisao Toning, be trill prosaptly attend. ooUl—lßt* VxA.'laXi:| .No. Ijn7 ftlfLY JOl A t> \M> OFFICE CUK.NEIt TH’Rt) ..X t » Th Ti , t* ***■») wtiu»c> a* ffl .nf n*nr xaaxtjutmi •uaacuiPTitfir *.»tm SSJttu::::::;;: *£ ■Six Month* ±1 On* Year. ..... ,*;* quent ininioMor 6n7w*s!u& «M| rwta ■ !r* > *' Hacoad week 40 oenu per aquw* mtm kMtrrwi Third week 80 ceou per rniau* eeeh iaeenkn Fourth week 25 enteperequere each ienrnnu month, fS per square. *** "* _Bpewnl Notice* 25 per cent oo shoes mtm. MACON, FRIDAY MORMXO. HQV Jo, )iM , What the Badicals think of flan Mai Hampton’s Bkotiott. The Radical press of the North are very much exercised orer the reported election of Gen. Hampton. It may be re marked, however, that the result of the election is not yet positively known, bat the returns thus far received are very de cidedly in his favor. The Tribune, notwithstanding its ex treme views, speaks more favorably than could be expected. It says: The election of Wade Hampton, for merly a General in the Rebel army, to be Governor of South Carolina, is a singular but not surprising manifestation of South ern feeling. Mr. Orr was the opposing candidate, and his election was urged by Union men in the ground ol his reluctant adhesion to the rebellion and his lukewarm ness during the war. Wade llamptow went into secession from love and fought to the end. He deserves the justice of saying that he did not seek the office; but, on the contrary, declined it South Caro lina measures her favorites by no other record than the very war which made her a conquest, watte namp on, politically, is one of the worst men of the South— personally, one of the best. We ibosld lave preferred Orr, out, at the same time, hope much from the Vinitnw aad dignity of Hampton’s nature. The Herald, although not exactly of the same complexion os some of the radical journals, is very little better io many re* •pects, thinks that Gen. Hampton is nn “incorrigible rebel,” .nevertheless he will make a very good Governor. As it may be of more interest to our readers to see the remarks of the Herald, we give them entire: Wade Hampton is elected Governor of South Carolina, and it may be sup]M>md that, that home of the fire-eaters is ruuoe structing itself to its full satisfaction. It is of course not doing so to the sattefnetioc of Phillip-, Stevens, K "™““Eij| n Vn lh ‘ , \r‘“ T i' Hamilton,"the mort incorrigible of reT^S? will be made the text of number!,- a .. u —•_ re on tioo policy. Phillip**, m the Vein ol h;x “South Victorious,’’ "ill «**k w» oel-e S u h Caroli a would cliomi. lot ri- j « if she hud won tin- fi^ut. South Carolina ill'*’ iiwsu. 1 the representatives In fore ’lit *•- o extreme opinions '»t the two Mt «• Massachusetts, vaunting that she w the extreme advance of < .vii.z,* > wild for abolition; und South C . .. .. making it her pride that she w a.- oj , • -«. . to all this liberalism and by slavery and asserted its divine in.tit and excellence. Muasachunt:*, rely n. upon Ihe intelligence of the people, was always ready to extend the suffrage, and South Carolina kept the whole power of the State in half a dozen hands, her Gov ernors generally being elected in a very small circle. But now South Carolina has utterly broken away from her old system, febe is no longer the haughtiest of the oligar chies. She is a republic in the lull ***'nse She has given the power to the people; and possessing still the same natural char acter that made her extreme one way. she will now be extreme the other way, and will go far to be more radical even than Massachusetts. She will push the Bay State hard in the field of physical develop ment, and having, as she will, plenty of Northern capital and energy to help her, and an unlimited State pride to gnAy,it will be yet a fair race of the two sxtrMMW. Wade Hampton, once the most intense of fire eaters, will be the most earnest of all in this new sphere, and this is tbs evi dence that the South is not victorious. Condition of the Xegrot on the Conti — This region was once thriving and proa|*<*rv>ua— a fertile garden. It is now, notwithstand ing the glowing account that we have heard from certain quarters, in a state of great destitution. General Saxton has just published a letter in which a melan choly account is given of the State of the freedmen there. He says : Unless clothing of all*kinds is furnish ed, there must be grata and Isas of life during the inslHMta season now approaching. The meanest the ihyml of the Freedman’s Bureau are entirely inadequate to meet pressing demands of destitute humanity. Blankets, woolen shirts, pantaloons, women and < hildrsn'a under clothing and dresses, and shoes and stockings of all sizes are needed. Indus try batoeen interrupted, and over large districts entirely suspended, and thousands of people are entirely destitue. Thirty* five thousand blankets are wsoted in South Carolina and on the Sea Islands alone Every necessary article of wearing apparel which you can send will be the Means «f saving some one from suffering. Another Counterfeit Greenhoei.—htvi coun terieit ten dollar greenback legal te: d«T notes have just been put in circulation in the East. In order tbah our business men may be upon their guard, in reference In the new bogus issue, we give a brief de scription ot its muin charactemti. a: The notes are dated Washington, March 10, 1862, letter C. The red aeul - badly e*e cuted, as is alr*o the border of the note, which is made up of reitt-titton- .»f the letter X irregular'v put together. The general appearunce of the biff is bad. »