Macon daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-186?, November 10, 1865, Image 2

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JWKNAL^AND^MEOTGI^ 8. ROSE A S. B- BURR. RDIT3W AMD"PROPBIEtOHB. lIACOK, FRIDAY ItORNtVQ- xov * n • 186; FOR GOVERNOR, chas. j.jenk ins. £3C* E. H. Pugh, Augusta, is our au thorized Agent in that city for the receipt •f Advertising snd Subscription. S. Ross St Cos. Petkolbum nr Tinnesseb.— Letters to ths Chicago Republican from Chattanoo ga insist upon it that Tennessee will take a front rank amongst the States that furn ish petroleum. They go much into detail about the geographical formation of the oil bearing territory, the oil springs, and ths rocks thst are impregnated with petro leum. The Tennessee Mountain Petro leum and Mining Company, under the Presidency of Major General Ruuseau, j-osaess*} more than fifty thousand acres of oil land. The letters represent a great oil excitement as prevailing in the neighbor hood of Chattanooga. Rsooxstkcctiom Begum. —Under this heading the Boston Advertiser reports that “at the competitive declamation of Harvard College, last Saturday, open to all applicants from the new Freshman Class, the first premium was awarded to a stu dent who lost his arm, serving as captain in the Confederate army, the second to a young mao of negro descent, the first un dergraduate of that race who has ever oeen admitted to the University.” # t Atlanta Medical College. —The New Era of the 7th, says the formal inaugura tion of the exercises of this institution took place before a respectable audience of •tudanta and citizens at Wesley Chapel the previous morning. Quite a number of ladiea were in attendance, approving by j presence the efforts of the Faculty to once more get tho justly reputable college under way. rr is a singular tact, says tne JNashville Banner, that so great is the demand for •clool books iu the South, that the North ern publisher*, to fill their orders, are com pelled to send a large amount of their prees work to Washington city. In all over twenty presses in Washington are en gaged in printing these books. The prices charged for pre* work in that city are 20 per cent more than in the Northern cities. On* retail dealer in school books hero sold $15,000 worth last month to Southern book •ellcra. Three fourths of all that go South j ara sold to the negroes. I3TA railroad train was recently plun dered by robbers not far from Vera Cruz, and an < fficer and nine men of the Foreign Legi.»n captured. It was said that Mnr *r^- v 6 t is2!ne__wouid dispatch a powerful -i- , * , . lvr *■*'—« I'UUiiyejj J 'Z "tl " f IWs b » nd *« «i.i ° r OUte J bv the ritilnna •>» riicr* ot I, near that place, and re count the killiug of 37 and capturing of 68 | risooera. 1 * ' “ ~~ rani has been announced from Rich mond hat General Joseph E. Johnston j hsd been elected first director, and subse- j quentlv President of the Soldiers’ National I Express Company. The following were j Lie remarks on the occasion ; Mr Chairman r.nd OnUlemm : I have had no i gtier gratification in my life than my e,.v!K>° to this position by'the Board o{ re* t. rs, and it* confirmation by the stock t.-Mer*. L i,opo that pis months hence yon m»y th.nk and fed a. you do now; but in r K " rg# ° f , m y. dut,e « 1 «hall require much advice and I thank you, for the honor conferred upon Mr. Chairman, lor the C manner in which you have informed me of my election. £igi.t directors were elected, of whom v Ur . are from Vir g'nia, two from New Z* v° m M;irvUnd ’ «Dd one from >orth Carolina. P* Corrnpondanea.—The •Distance of this correspondence and its effect, IS practically set forth in the follow mg paragraph,, from an editorial in the London Tunes, of the 18th ult.: dea,ands on the part of the Un.tcd uidemnitv for ,k. ; sustained by their commerce, by theTay* •go* of the Shenandoah til ™ j other Confederate v«S f Bn:,h harbors, J* que turn to arbitration. I or ,i m ~ the i fuse- the claim, decline*to referth?* .I* ' t<> arbitration, but offers i » i matter commission any matter su ~nit to a : -f,hi, e c nx , ndenc , »*>• pi. of BriAh iover H' ! tvr uto the question of anv ° C '* *° 6n * : for these kiea~u dec’r nSat,UU ' ai* not the fit subject f,! r !• the - v an offer, which is of Vtfrv j ; tr . at, ° 11 —and , or sign ficaoce. to refer ‘‘‘ i . Mn P°rtunoe , matter-, of a similar kind ‘" l ’ ltrat, . u “ any j two Governments niay h "'Y •greed. • Rafter be, OTR 'Jffe, the Ui.Ongu;,.,,, * ck * >e * «|, lilWure P,or > 19 »* ski* *of IS. oath o! .! '' \ fi r* oow f '*' before dra *- t*c-r, she holds is hi. r ' A Pnion •wi.rtc.;;*; ; m v “r *>• ** h » *»P frew hi. he,ii *' Jm ‘ u,9teu ' a nd. »i»h 1 «*to is .host t# take the * r *^ p! w om»!., **“• tis.idly cling. to her ,lci-r. ’* , hcr son - 1 % ‘ ° the backet which hi '' T° : rr’* *• — ~ o,j, u : h h “ ; ■•4 ssiilfaij. h * 9 «-J*ct w' .lA, 1 **xtvuiitert. —[Tj -» *“<* ■!>« *"**»»>» are xxS' !ted ln , *•*« South- Jir i i*y C«agre* ty ts^e the oath *•' “ * « she rrbela bave »*ver » Urd nx>uer to find aa£ “l* 8 ' Ae „ , *® e w *f ®o«n»ected w uot «u »r has go ne t 0 WQf b p »ar, H 3 u • Haber of sud “Ppoim ; ** postmis- l I General News. Henry W. Allen, who Was elected Gov 'ernorof p.urtio? of Louiriapx of the Federal jkfe 1802, is id the City of Mexico,, and has started a papor Ciete in the English language called tho Mexican Times. The Louisville Journal states thatJMorri man, the noled guerrilla leader, has been severely wounded and captured; and that he is confined in the military prison in that city. . - Bayard Taylov opened a series of lectures in Louisville on tho 6th inst. His subject is “Russia aud the Russians.V The damage to shipping by the recent storm on the Atlantic was cxtraordinai y se veie. Nearly every ship that arrives las a narfativd of wrecks seen and boats picked up. The Fung Shuey, which arrived at New Or leans on the 2d inst., saw no less than seven wrecks off the coast of Florida. The amount realized on the sales of Gov ernment property has exceeded the exp' cta tioris of sll conccrned, eveept as to horses. The mules have averaged a much higher price than was anticipated, and it isesp. cial lv noticeable that the roiling stock of the military roads, much of which had been used over three 3 ears, has sold for twenty per cent more than »he original .cot. The extraordinary advaDOfe.of the price of paper has compelled the Memphis dailies to raise their subscriptions to 816 per annum. A counterfeit fifty-eent pieoe, with Wash ington wearing a beard for a vignette, is in circulation- Wa hington with « beard is a novel idea. There is a movement on foot to start a new daily paper in Knoxville. A gentleman named Tomlinson, who was formerly con nected with the Chicago Times, is the prin cipal man in the ucw enterprise. Through the efforts of friends, the Young Men’s Christian Association has gained a strong foothold and is doing a good work in Knoxville. It has the support and sympa thies of many of the prominent men of the place, and will become a centre of power, and of good, moral, Christian influence. Some enterprising business men are erect ing a saw mil! and planing milieu the town of Trenton, Ga., the present tretuiuua of the unfinished Wilis Valley Railroad, for the purpose of manufacturing furniture. The firm is Divine, Rice & Harris, and they have a salesroom in Cincinnati. This is the way to build up the South. ; A grand mass meeting took plate at Tul lahorna, on Friday last, for the purpose of | indorsing the administration, and taking in j tj consideration the interests of tho State ■ and country. lhc Atlauta New Era has pieced the name of Hon. Charles J. Jeokius at the head of its columns, as its choice for the next executive. The journeymen shipwrights of Baltimore, determined to mark out a path for them nave established an independent ship, yard, AOd are already taking oontraeta. fruit freely from a lady’s garden all summer, against her wishes, and lately he received a large bill for it, Which he paid rather than figure in court. r^ke W as,a i n g to a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazetto says the President will present his views at length on the negro suf- question in his message to Congress T;.e same eorrespondent says there »r- ru mors of a general amnesty to those frtates wuieh repudiate the rebel debts, nrid ; dopt the constitutional ntneaument. It is stated that the railroad botween Pue b.a and the City of Mexico will be completed by the first or uex May. A rumor sUtes that au oyster bed has been discovered at Fishing Ford, on Duck river, some forty-two miles from Nashville. The Eufaula News says Mr. A. J. Uob flrts, a compositor in that office, set ten thousand ems in five hours aud tLirfy min utes. • Arrangements are being made to organize a National bauk at Chattanooga, with a cap ital oi 8100,000. Os this amount, S4O 000 have already been subscribed by the .citizens of that place. < - i o,l [South Carolina Railroad.- TV e learn from the Charleston Courier of 1 red on wJit * , painful acddea t nccur- Zl nlfT Aay lafi f ° n the South Caro ii a Railroad, or rather a branch oi it | i^ u resu!ted "V I,e kiiiin g of three men I >-n engineer and two firemen The n ar iUeuiars so lar as w e have been abli to 1 IX&' ar f 1 : .fe. a n“,f';™Ti r h rv wen t ,hr, '"“« tive vVhcr r ards from the lotshmo tw'fts their u,Jk -- ««* tion. No other m•„ u'~ ma "^ ed eondi- casualties are renm-furl Aty. (onstitntiona/ist , ~th. * ‘ a ' | *z pur won, and doesn’t want the office. i h ° propoßal for au international stress to guard against and check th , tsr A Toronto dispatoU nay. th'ut .ho Siiudor. kidnapper. hnvo boon con, n>ittod ' Jall 1,11 ,he e Pr‘"g Term, The j ury -«ro oonsurod and diaoharged btr'ih. juddgo for not giving in a conviction a f ter baicg mght day* looked up. BY TELEGRAPH. TELKGRAPIIiC RKI’OKTS Os THS PBKS9 ASSOCIATION. from Washington. Washington, Nov. 7—There is a report, which seems to bo well authenticated, that the President has approved the sentence upon Wertz to be hanged by the neck un tif t he be dead, and ordered it to be. Qar ried into execution on Friday’ next, and preparations are now being made for the execution. New York, Nov. 7. —The steamer Car nack, from Halifax, with the passengers of tire wreck Circassian, arrived this morn ing. The Charleston Courier, of the Ist, says the st&uner Alhambra arrived there, tow ing the brig Charles Wing into port. The latter was dismasted. Efforts are being made to establish a National bank at Charleston. Pittsburg, Nov. 7.—River six feet five in ches by pier mark, and at a stand. Clear arid cool. Washington, Nov. 7.—The Chief of the Fox Tribe, had an interview with the com missioners of Indian affaris this morning in relation to their material interests. The Sacs and Foxes have, by treaty with the United States, a reservation iu Kansas and annuity of $51,000, but the Foxes will no live with the Sacs and have located it lowa, and want the government to change the arrangement# to. suit their ciroumstatos. They were asked among other things how they would like to go iuto the Indian Territory, where it was proposed to establish a go eminent, em bracing Indian titles, but saiu they wanted to thick all mattefs over The Commissioner replied, “If the Foxes ran away from reservation and disregarded the treaty, all advantages would inure the Sac*. They must go back or state some good reason why they will not return.” The Chiefs replied, “It was impossible for them to live with (he Sacs.” They are to have another talk with the Commissioner, and were promised a sight of their white father before they left Washing ton. The National Intelligencer, in Doticing the visit of a delegation of ladies from Bal timore yesterday, with a numerously signed petition seeking the clemency of the Exec utive in behalf of Jeff. Davis, says the in terview was of the most agreeable charac ter, and the petitioners left with the most pleasant impressions of the President. He made the important statement that com plete arrangements have been made for the tbc of the lani!" ® ootdin e ,0 Proclamation by the Mayor of Savannah New York, Nov. 6 —The Savannah Her ald of the Ist has the following proclama tion : Whereas, The military authorities of the United States this day relinquish their authority to the Mayor and Aldermeu of the city of Savannah, I hereby issue this my proclamation, declaring the city to be again under civil authority, and notifying citizens of Savannah, that all ordinances of the city are hereby revived, except so far as they conflict with the new status of tho negro, aud the tines and penalties of law will bib inflicted on all those who shall vio late such ordinances or any parts thereof; and I exhort all good citizens to earnestly co-operate with the civil authorities in maintaining law and order of our city. [Signed] R. D. Arnold, Mayor. XTSCGeneral Gideon J. Pillow passed through Indianapolis ;i few day’s since, on his way to the Wabash couuty, to Buy sissippi plantation next season. The Express business south of Chattanooga has been turned over by Adams’ Express to the Southern Company, of»which Mr. Sbeeteris Superintendent. HOTEL ARRIVALS. . BROWN’S HOTEL. Novkmber y, 1865. W W Anderson. Kv; Sami Parker Kv D W Lewis Aniericiis; H U Uarlsfiefd, Ringgold; Wm Long Louisv.lie; J S Jones, Ga.; B King'Dawson: H L Ha ton, Baltimore; J G Johnson, Ga; H A Smith Oglethorpe; H M Davenport, Savannah; S E Spring’ Ga; J i) Gray. Ga; G S Rosser; Ga; J T Walker, GaJ R R Howards Ua; V G Cook. Griffin; W S B ack- E *" f A A a M P, f RKi W A Mr* Vri A l 6 Son ands: i, a arid servant, l,a; J F Sowell Ga v7Tir a r n; w | Ou; B Green ’Ga! £. T k y A Tre , - k i^!S n; /V r G McGehee, Fla; D Burts T " rn ’l ,,eed . Ga; M Gilits, Lumpkin; Warn! mack,Ga; G iersyth, Albany; J Voung, Ga; Thom- IVew Advertisements. Auction Sale. THIS DAY, AT 11, A. M., IWRL seU, at Auction, in front of my office, bedsteads, Mattresses. Tables, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Potware, Harness Saddles and Bridies. ’ ALSO, S good Family Horses. One w, , ..a Double Dray, with sundry oiber articles,* ’ and ° ne , L- II- BRYANT, J!!" 10 - 1 Auctioneer. | • , A.VIi r IffISITIM HU! NEM BUSINESS. Great Reduction in Freight VIA : st. Mas, am iijiiiiyiui PACKET LHVE. QUICKEST and Cheapest route trom all points in Tennessee, Geortr o, South Carolina and Alabama, oyer the tsashfille ami Chattamoga Railroad to Nash riile, thence over (he Nashville and Xoithwestein Railroad to Jahnsonville, aid via the St. Louis. Cairo and Johnsonville Packet Line of fine steamers to Cai ro und St. Louis. Connecting at Cairo with iiliuoi. Central Railrcud, lor al! p latjj No.-lh ami East, and with the different steaoiers K < ir >s: South, ml h "ff 0u: .l ? iv r s . shippers the advantage of forwarding .heir tmjrlits through to destination with out chans.nir ears saving commission, and dravnge at .Njisqvilitjj and n l btivond. Freights coiieeted at destina'iioo, and all charges ad- i vsneed at Johnsouville by the St. Louis, Cairo and ! Johnsouville Packet Company. she surest, ituicaestand most pleasant route for pas sengers going North and Northwest. r Ni hart Boat and superior Hotel accommodation, »t Johnsonviile. C. J. CAFFREY k CO, 1 h* r . ~ , ... Proprietors of the ot. Louis, Cairo and Johnsonviile Packet Lina norlO-acn New Advertisement*. AUCTION SA.Le! BY FTNDLAY & KENRICE, THIS HORN ISO, »t 10 o'clock, 1 Bureau and Dressing Case .1 fi Table* 4 Mattresses. U(v»king Store. I * MISCELLANEOUS. 10 coils Kentucky Bale Rope. | . ."v 10 boxes Chocolate. v* ’• „ 5 do Starch. 10 caddies Green and Black Tea. 10 boxes Soda and Saleratus. 4 dozen boxes Mustard. 1 do Axes. 1 do Wire Selves. 1000 Havana Segars. Cases Bottled Whisky Cocktail do do Wormwood Cordial. Tin .Plates, Tin Pans,-Tin Buckets. 8 dozen Spools. 2 Clocks. Lot Curry Combs, and many other articles novlo-lt* AYCTCTIOISr WE will sell at our Auction Room in FORT VAL LEY, on SATURDAY, • Bth inst., at 11 o’dock, 2<> Mules. Also, 3 Six llorse Wagons with Hanes*. novlO-ateod* POSTELL A JACLSOX. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, “etc. Ifir.e Carriage with double Harness. 1 line Buggy with single do 1 tine Pbwfen with double do Ido do without do For sal# sale at less than New York prices hy novlfl-St* FINDLAY A KENRIt'K. NOTICE. AT a meeting of the undersigned Physicians of Ma con county, which was held at Oglethorpe on the Ist of Novemb-r. Dr. S M. Prothro was called to she Chair, and Dr. A. A. Watts appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting being staed, the following Reso lutions were offered by Dr. A. D. Smith, and unani mously adopted: Resoloed, l«f. That having witnessed the want of unity of action in the Medical Profession, and lor the better cultivation of the science of Medicine, a Medical Society be formed which shall be styled the Medical Society of Macon County, having ’a President and Secretary to be chosen annually from among its mem bers. That a Constitution be drafted in which shall be defined the duties of said association. Radioed, fid. That, we cordially invite each Physician residing in the county to meet and co operate with' ns in organizing and perfecting said association. Resolved, B d. That a meeting of the physic ; ans of the county be held at Oglethorpe on the 15th of No vember tor the purpose of carrying out the above reso lutions. S. M. PROTHRO, A. D .SMITH, ‘ E. A. LEGO IT, A. A. WATTS, T. P. OLIVER, novlo-lt B. F. HOLSENBAKE. r. v. kxobel. c. j. CArrser. KNOBEL & CAFFREY, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No 11, ‘ City Bnildingei, IS ST WEEN MARKET AND WALNUT STREETS, ST. LOUIS : 7 : : MISSOURI Ordt-is for Bacon, Pork, Lard, etc., solicited and promptly tilled. novlo-*>m SWENEY & SCHNEIDER, MANUFACTURERS OF Copper, Sheet Iron, amt Cop per Work tor Distilleries and Mills. Copper Still# and Copperwork C>r Log Distilleries always on hand. IBR. Main St,bit. Washington Iv. and Grem Street. Jiovlo-3m ST. 1.0 (’IS, MO. FOR SALE. LOT No. 192,8 th District Ware county, near junc tion of Sav, Albany aud Gulf, and Brunswick I Railroads. Land produces cotton, and affords a due J situation for a Steam Saw Mill. _ u|t „ j uovio-iot* Agent for Legatees. j Buy Mules and Make Cottou. 1 propose to rent out part of my Plantation in Bibb’ in lots to suit tenants, and dell several good Mules Horses and Brood Mares. WM. LUNDY. ’ DOVIO-10t* Savannah Medical College. rpHE regular course of Lectures will begin on Mon- M. day, the 20th of November, and will continue for four months. The session has been delayed for two weeks, by the occupation of the College Building for hospital purposes by the for es of the United States JAMES B. READ, M D., Dean novlO-lw GKOROIA.PDLASKI OOCNTY.—Wherrar., Bel sant T. Uarrel. Administrator ol Benjamin H rrell, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and sin gular the heiri and creditors, to be and appear at my of. (ice, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given urnier my hand red official signature, thl* Xov 10,18*5. J. .1. SPARBOwi Jiovlo-6n> Ordinary. riEOHGLI, Pulaski County.— Wnereas, Mary ' I Oathout, administratrix of Wm. B Oathou-, ai.pliw to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap’ pear at my office with the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, Not 10 ,8M - . J. J. SPARROW, ’ noTl °-* m Ordinary. JfN KOKGIA, PULA 6 KI COUNTY —Whereas, 'shade « Graham applies for letters of Administration or. the estate of George W. Graham, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all parties | concerned to be and appear at my officewitbin the t me pre scribed by law, and file tft-ir objections, if any they have lor said letters will be granted. J S ’ Given under my hand and t ffliial signature, this 10th ! Jay of November, 1865. j j SPARROW i aovl °- 80d Ordinary. j Pulaski Count}.—Wnereas, lie,,* ! D. Grinstid, applies for Letters of Adminislraiion on ! the estate of Thomas Budd, late of said countv dec’ i. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons In terested to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by Iww, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted Given under my hand and official signature, this No veml)-r Id, 1806. j, j gPARKOW, - Ordinary Pulaski County.—Whereas, Emeline Lister, Guardian of Alien P Graham ap plies for leave to Sell the real estate of said deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all aud siDgu liir the kindred And creditors, to be And Appear &t my of fine within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said leave sh uld Dot be granted Given under my hand, this 6th Nov n ber, 1865 novlO-wQm J. J, sparrow, Ordinary. SIXTI DA YS date application will be ma te to the Honorable ourt of Ordinary of Pulaski county foe leave to sell the real estate of John J. And- rson. tale of said count-, dec’d. WM. M. ANDERSON novlO-a 60d Kxeutor. SIXTY DA YS after date appllcat on will be ma e to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county for leave to tell the real estate of Joseph M Giaham lsre of said c unty, dec’d. MILKS SANDERS. novlO-wSOd Administrator. ! - WANTED. A SITUATION as Salesman and Drummer in a Wholesale Grocery Store, by an experienced gentleman. Ibe best of references given. Apply at this office.- novS 6 YOTTNG, BROTHERS & CO.; Wholesale Dealers in MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING, SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, No. 185 Main St , 88 kBS Lake Bt. bet. Washington Av. k Vine St., corner of Wabash Av., ST. LOUIS, MO. CHICAGO,ILL. nov9-Bmd* CHESTNUT < ,OVE WHISKY. | | cases of this old and favorite brand of WHIS I" ’ KY, just received and tor sale by novS-3* McCALLIE * JONES. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALLp reons indebted to the ettate of A. C. McPhail, 0{ Pulaski county ,deceMed, are hereby required to make payment ; and those haring claims against said estate, most present them, duly authenticate in terms es U :;«*Mod. MART K.MCPB ail, Admr-w. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wiiili id mu nil! GLASER & ROSI^f, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, HAVE just received and are now offering the largest assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., at prices suitable to the present depressed limes. Having considerable experience in this market, and the stock being carefully selected by ourselves ana bought for cash, we are, therefore, prepared to offer to the public, and sell our goods at the very lowest mar re * We are offering to Country Merchants and buyers in general our entire stock of READY-MADE CLOI H ING at New York cost ' «. oiurw Don’t fail to call at the Mammoth Dry Goods Home of GLAnhJ* A K.UMIN, novS-tjaul Second street, Damour’s Block, three doors from Boardman’s Book Store, Macon, tia. GROCERIES. The following which have been re ceived, which we offer to the trade at wholesale: HO barrels Yellow Coffee Sugar; 30 “ C Coffee Bugar; 30 “ B Coffee Sugar ; 30 “ A Coffee Sugar; 40 “ Crushed, Granulated Pow dered Sugars; Mackerel in kits aud h’s bbls., No. 1 & 2; 10 cases English Mustard ; 25 “ Indigo; 2 kegs Nutmegs; 25 eases Alispiee; 25 “ Starch; 25 “ Soap; 125 boxes Caudles; 10 cases Claret; 10 cases Ground Ginger; 10 “ “ Pepper; 50 “ assorted Preserves; 50 “ quart and half gal. Pickles ; 10 “ spiced Oysters and Lobsters ; 5 “ Green Corn ; 10 “ Drake Plantation Bitters; 50 boxes Candy, assorted ; 10 cases Schnapps; 2 kegs Alum; 2 kegs Brimstone; 5 kegs Epsom Salts 1 keg Glue: 2 kegs Sulphur; 100 kegs assorted Nails; 75 kegs Soda; 50 boxes Soda; 100 boxes Tobacco, assorted brands and qualities; 20 gro. Anderson Solace Tobacco; 10 cases fine Smoking Tobncoo; 50 caddies Tea; 2 kegs Saltpeter. A I,SO, A full assortment of Drugs. J. B. ROSS & SON. uov 9—7 t CHRISTMAS IS COMING! GREER & LAKE * “ the good tilings to eat and drink. O nn 1 nirnna, .n I'IIUI ' SAND CRACKERS: ROMAN CANDLES; SKY ROCKETS; and all the v rieties of Fire Works. anv o"’ a , fin 'n 1 ° f Fa “ cy T,, - v *’ of ,be quality, m any quantity, all to arrive next week. Coining in to-day, 20 bbls. Extra Brown Coffee Su^ar. 25 “ Yellow Potatoes, 15 “ YelLw and Red Onions. 5 “ White Beans, Cod Fish, White Fish, Mackerel, | New Buckwheat Flour, and Rye Flour, to be here in a few days. COME AND SEE US. t.ov7 I “THAT EGG NOG” ; OD CONDENSED MILK. • O yol Tt° and see We know tbat i( win suit nov7 GREER A LAKE'S. McGrREW & CO., Commission JVTerclj ants so. 65 COMMERCIAL ST., AND 33 LEVS* BT., ST. LOUIS, MO., •Manufacturers of the JtfcGreir •Machine Rope . Dealers in Bagging, Rope. Bacon, etc SrecL.l at* teutum giveu to b Ilmg-orders for General Mercbandfce octSl—lni* NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! I ss thirrt'i, 111 lhe Blore ot Shultz, comer of ira and Cherry streets, an extensive assortment of Bonnets and Hats, of the latest stvies ; also RIRRO.YS, COALERS, f'JEILSf and a good many other articles usually kept in a Milli. nery store. Come one, come all, soon, as Ido * " ex pect to stay in Macon Out a short time. I will sell my goods at low prices. _ “v 1 nov9 st * MISS LACK A.VS. I RAISINS, PICKLES AND OYSTERS. Boxes New Layer Raisins, 25 half boxes New Layer Raisins, 50 boxes Pickles, 20 cases Oysters. Just received and for sale bv . 007 J GEO. T. ROGERS A SON. b*i c o.r «i,rD ,s.n t. H A & lihds. Prime Shoulders, jfi.MJ’ 250 bbls. Salt. Just received and for sale by dc>t9 GEO. T. ROGERS A SONS. Dougherty County Cotton Land*. S T °F ( F .E a , P /r C< ;. of 7600 A No. 1, adjoining ( il det ' 1 and others; could have b4n sold so. per ace before the war; TOO acres in cultiva tion wilh all necessary improvements, including Gin House. Gm, Iron Screw, etc. Can be bought for tit teen dohara per acre cash, if applied for in thirty data * bil | V ?n a . Dotber P lttce of 1500 acres, one of tJOO acres two ot 500 acres, in ft ct . n v size nl,„ . 1 may want. Corn, Fodder, and s'm jToT . -diw Real Estate Agent, Albany, Ga. Afraid to Laugh. I Ladies sometimee repress their laughter to avoid «. * “ and , ° Jd *’ We wouIJ advise Jou to try the Fra- ! z ido.vt. It will remove, at once, all impurie “VaTt , progreßß ofdecay> and w hiten such : part, as have already become black by uecay and i leave the breath aa fragrant as a rose. eXt , TtevSi'*!, 1 *»' *ppir toThT'c^t^f! 2-Sf B»MrSA2UR ootMod ■*!*/. H. Harrell, Administrator, GEO. D. APPLETON. N. D. NOYES. JNO. B. MAUDE. APPLETON, NOYES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES' NO. ItO NOBTH MAIN STHEIN, (between Locust an i Vine,) no?9-Bmd* BT. LOUIS, MO. f. 3TKIXGEL, M. T. L L. L- ALLKN. J. T. IX JiORSTJtAX D. STRINGER, ALLEN & CO., Manufactures and Wholesale DDALKRB IN CLOTHING, 160 and 162 North main St., nov9-3rad S’l'. M.OUIS. ALEXANDER <3*oll EH. SAMffEL BAXTER. VKNHT WI tKPIL. EAGLE FOUNDRY, Xam St., bet. Carr and Biddta, ST. LOUIS, mo. Crozier, Eater & Cos., (Successors to RENFREW, CROZIER i 00.,) ’ MANUt'AUTt'RKRS OP STEAK ENGINES, STEAMBOAT MACHINERY PORTABLE AND STATIONARY BOILERS, AND SHEET IRON WORK or ALL All Descriptions Always on Hand. novll-ly* samx McCartney & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Importers of Wines and Liquors AND Rectifiers of Whisky, 110 aud 112 Second Street, nov9-Bmd« ST. UOUIS, MO, •80. kINGBLAND. PHILIP KIVGSLAND. DAVID K PKRGCTBON. KINGSLANDS & FERGUSON, PHOENIX FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Cor. Second and Cherry Sts., ST. LOUIS. Manufaclurvrg of Page’s A Child s patent Circular Saw Mills; Steam Engines and * oilers of all sizes; Cox k Robeits' p tent Thresher and C'eant r; hand and power Corn Shelters; R. Bail’s Oh-o Mower and Reaper ; Cotton Gin.f, Cotton Presses, Came Mills, Horse Powers and Cast ing* of every description. r.ovD-3o*d DOWDALL, HARRIS & CO , WASHINGTON FoUnDKY, ENGINE AMD iVACIIIME SHOP, Corner Second and Moigun Sts., ST. LOUIS. B ’ ei4 ™ K ,'* iuCa “"<» toilers. Saw and Su, ~ J Machinery, Single and Doable Circular Saw Mills, Tobacco Bcrews and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard C-T 7* aQd Cylinders, Wool Ca_rding Maciifaes, Building muu "SSmcX* w ills, lead Furnace Casting's, Blast Fans etc. Agents for the sale of James Smith k Co.'s Superior Alacame Cards, and Oil Well Machinery. Kmd* J. B. SICKLES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SADDLERY AND IMPORTERS OF Saddlery Hardware, 141 n.llN STKEE r, nov>-8a ST. LOUIS. * ST. LOUIS HOT PRESSED METALLIC NUT A\D BOLT FACTORY, OFFICE 21 BIDDLE STREET, I ST. LOUIS. ' W ' "• 8T0 “- sTo N E & DURYEE, MANUFACTURERS of Hot Pressed Metallic Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Spikes, etc, nov9-Smd I I PETERSON, HAWTHORN & CO., lISALKKd IN Saddlery, Hardware, Coaeli-Triin mings, Leather and Shoe-Findings, NO. 170, NORTH MAIN STREET, 1 NT. I.OMS, TIO. STOLEN, 0 N ; f the 24th '“ st -. from my stable, in the city of », -'lacon a Horse and two Horse Mules The Borse ,s a long, tall, Dark Iron Gray. The hair on bndv u nd TT* mu s h '’ffhter in cr-lor than on the {!?■*•. B tended on the shouMer with *‘U. 8,” and on onVnf g O, L °i” T hin ,' D fleaih - and about 6 Vears old. Stmoict wir eS ° f ordiß ?P' 7 1Ie - 'fcht colored and r; re , , on the back-tail shaved last j spring, now about half giown out. The other under httl« B h y BIXe “u* 1 dH . rk - Bhor '' b(Kj y u, ‘ d neck. Very - hdir 00 tbe ttt ‘ ’ excepl “ *null bunch ou the v £'l°:r ‘ he , 6th i F s ? a F , « was stolen from a post in i v«r. a m -'iJ ar *C L br, * ht ba . v Horse, about lo or 12 ThV . d ’ W r ?~b ,all and B,ar iD his forehead j The upper hd (perhapajof his right eve. has a small A l?R*r 0 | ,t *5 da r i dKeOn i,a niar >f>n from an injury A liberal and satisfactory reward will be given for the Horse or Mules, or either of them. * net. 27-ts D. W. HAMMOND, j P- P- PEASE, Receiving, Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. ALSO, DEALXK IN COTTON, DOUBNTICS, TAttXS, ItOPF, TOBACCO, PROVISIONS, Ac. Careful and prompt attention given to buying ana selling COTTON. In Scott’s Range, between Cherry and Mulberry streets, _____ macon, oa. REFERENCES: £z.“ iSfSLgSiJxs iU'rb&r- I Sgg? MIX & kirtlandT Have received and are now offering LENT’S FINE BOOTS, GENTS’ CALF BALMORALS ! AND Congress Gaiters. ALSO, The Ladies’ Celebrated Steel Sbank Gaiters 0 f«.i„„. L a »r Wh,C r h f or . DQrabil >ty. Excellence of Constrn” fer ‘ ‘ “” a Tln °*’ M W *«TI?IiK“ tl ! f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W . A. Huff, WHOLESALE PRODUCE MER (: , r MACOX GEORGIA. ' W A «T,B » . - • ■ I 10,000 bushels of Corn, for which the hlgßWt market price will be paid ia Greenbacks or Groceries, st a cheaper rate than they can be sold in tin* . s • . I will receive this Coro at any depot on the Sotith-wostern, Macr o . Brunswick Railroads, shelled or in the ear. Parties bating C-.r* f„ r small lots, will find it to their interest to call and see or advi-e with p, • . I selling. I have a house,in Atlanta to which lam shaping most of tuy g - Corn, Peas and Oats, and the price obtained for it th» re enables me t„ p» v than any house in Macon can do and make it profitabl -. In addition to this, I am prepared to haul from Plaotat.iui>« t,r, t’ * stances where a sufficient quantity is offered to Make it an objewt. The h» u i," ! i ti g being the great trouble with most planters juwi now, my propositi D t ( ear and haul it myself, will I trust, enable me to buy "o favorable t-rn - Parties having corn for pile will please write me h re, « r addre*. ii, agent it Albany. Mr. Bren k- will make eoeagemeata for me, fun. L-h ■» . corn as delivered at aby station on the Uiad below Americas .POIiHO k *•* | ~;j/|SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! 500 barrels VIjRGINIA SALT on htnd and coming i u ly. 1 his salt I offer to the city aud country trade at a lower prictfrihan it « this market. Having omployed an ene/Kcfic pu|[.shrewd bunii.e's man to g t. and ship to me at this pkec' SaR and Groceries of all kinds, I f.—J f t ,c that I shall be able to offer as great inducement't' pa-chas*-™ u ary h 5. . My system is CASH in buying and ia lling, fnd my money being „ e , cilities for buying and shipping a little l etter than most booses, I drfv • a every kind and character. Call and see before you buy, is all I ask. W A foiT^slvle. A splendid caddie Horse and a tine pair of double Haraeae. - . .. w. r.Hrn FOR SALE. A good road Wagon, Iron Axle, by W A. r Flour! Flour! • 250 burrolu and 100 sackn ewportino i»nd ohiiice Family flour for talc 1 j ■ ;.i: to! ' ■>*>’ FISH! FISH! 25 barrels aad 50 half barrels No. 1 Mackerel for sa’e by \y \ NAILS! MAILS! 150 kegs Nails, 6s, 8s and 10d, for sale by W \ • TOBACCO. 75 boxes of common and 50 boxes fine Tobacco fur rale by VV A ii tOB« AND VIKA 1,. After this wci-k I will be able to fill all city order, for Corn an IV- ' f V TC :I J *” *h'P through to mv Atlanta hrmt ir laree uuaatttU* t J . , Consumers in Atlanta and Upper Georg’a will do well to call ow i- V■ > Street, Atlanta, where their orders can be fill. and. 4 ‘ ' WANTED. I0« bales good Middling Cottou, for which the mvkit price will Ufa] w BACOA SIDES. pounds choice Bacon Sides for sale by \\ i um. 1.1.1 PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT ‘ r AT COX & HILL’S OjIJD STAND. PEACHTREE HTREKT. •'•A . 4TL4HT.4, 4. 1084.1 t 1 t“ke ‘bt? t»otb.J to in(r, rnl n.jr Irieud. in Muan ud Alhal. U).i I . assnci.tcd with <nn Mr E. C. COX, in tkr r„ dnrr and Con..i“ n' {,!■„ . . 1 ducted to Atlanta, under tbe name and stflc ~f IU FF & ("OX I respectfullj solict tor the Atlanta Hou**, orders acd co»««»r„t, atdfr, - in saying that sat.s’action will b. rixen to all who akav die «»- M™W “h 'TURNER"’"'*«*•* *»“'• * l “* ces or Air. w H 1 LKNER, who will at .1! times M", 7 tb!°i^ s “ cJmSt’ COR7ST. 1,000 sattks prime new Corn lor sale by " HUFF A foi 1 niL'aL. - 1 j. 500 sacks Meal fur sale by fJt’FF tt’ 1 RLOTJII. | I 100 barrels euperfine and family Floor ft.r ml. by 1,1 m SALT^-SALT. 350 barrels prime Salt for sale by UVFT* (t ” N A.ILS A.NDMACJEUiI^ 50 kegs Nails and 50 barrels and half barrels Mackerel for mlc CQX i * i We ex P« ct » Hrgo supply of Cora, BW°m7T IV.», tU , western Georgia, and will ondettvor to make 't to be t’utcrtst of <W * . on us. w Having agents at Albany and Amcricus for tbe porch.* of *<*»•• * ' thoToY ° De 10 Louisville, Ky., for the pnrpo eof making*« * f P™ f „ Ind our Vr’ W°Vf V iH con as wm e,i^rlnt ,n f hooo \ to offer -uch inducem- ntf to eooewMr* » At.anta u.d g rantee to us a liberal portioo of tfeir cn«tom. Call and see us. in Ft Jt coi Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Oar Money, oar Energy .nd oar • of7 U