Macon daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-186?, February 01, 1866, Image 4

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AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS, To OwnerTaniiTShippers OF <3 O “2? •GP O 3BBF « JOHN K. GILLIAT &. CO-, LIVERPOOL, ENG. OBER, NANSON 8l CO., NEW YORK. OBER, ATWATER &. CO., NEW OP.LEANS. NANSON, OBER & CO., ST. LOUIS. tW. HENRY WARREN & CO., AUGUSTA, GA, REPRESENTING the above wall knowu houses lor the State of Georgia. we will put in order and snip Cotton from any section of the country, making liberal aiv.uces and'speedy returns. The reputation. of these houses will insure the most favorable negotia tion of Exchange on New York, Liverpool and Lon don. , By our advertisement, it will be seen that we keep exprea-ly tor the trade, a LARGE GRO UERIES. of all kinds, HATS, CLOTHING, BLAN NETS, LINENS, etc., etc., etc., which we will sell as CHEAP, and m many instauoes LOWER, than can be bought m Louisville aud Cincinnati. We propose to merchants bolding Cottou to make Uif in aevar ces in Cash or Goods, aod sell or ship their Cotton to my of the above points, thus giving them the adv.iQwe of Augusta, New York or Liverpool m&r- An investigation of the above will prove that our facilities for doing b-riuess with any section are the very ber . and the advantages we postess for making advance 3 in Goods or Cash are probably superior te anv one in the State. We earnestly eclici. a correspondence with Dealers and Shippers. W. HENRY WARREN & CO., 175 and 177 Board Street, nov2S-tf AUGUSTA, AG. s js - nr f 1 AND TOBACCO MANCFACTORY, Augusta, Ga. kelson & Mcllwaine, PROPRIETORS. OUR friends and patrons, and the publio generally, are informed that we have resumed our business in Augusta. Our Snuff will be produced from pure Virginia Leaf Tobocco., besides having introduced the latest improvements in Machinery, etc., and the whole establishment being managed under our own personal supervision, enables us to furoish to tbe tiade an article which we challenge the world to excell. Our celebrated and popular brand, kS Th© Georgia Hebei," 5 “So Called ,” Will now bo re-produced under the uame of “ Sweet as the Rose," And will be put up as formerly in those neat little packages with an interesting improvement, which the consumer will discover. The attention of dealers are invited to our favorite article of SJKO&nrG tobacco, Made exclusively from tbe purest and best Virginia Leaf* Our Manufactory is located at the OASTA-Xj FAIjZjS, NEAR THE AUGUSTA COTTON FACTORY, Where we will be pleased to see our old friends and the public generally. > Messrs. Blair, Smith A Cos , 298 Broad street, Au gusta, are cur General Agents, who will attend prompt ly to all dealers in our line. T. H. NELSON, R. L. McILWAINE. jnnlo-6m* JOBBING IND WHOLESALE HOUSE. 8. SMVION & CO., 3SI ... Broad Street, MANUFACTURERS IN MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, AND DEALERS IN GMJTTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. —ALSO— JOBBERS AM) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN faiths e Notions. Hats, Moots , Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Mags, Umbrellas , Watches, etc., etc., etc. We will announce to our friends sad customers generally, that we have established the above House with tbo purpose of selling the Goods, and not to keep. W» can and will sell TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT LOWER than any other house in the South. I. SIMON & CO., novß—Sm Broad St., Augusta, Ga,_ ~AUGrU ST A HOTEL PROPRIETORS: S. M. JONES, Z. A. RICE. WE respectfully invite our old friends and the trav eling public to give us a call. Our House is located in the heart of trad j, and convenient to the depof / Augusta. Git.. Aug. 24, 1865. PAINTING^ HOUSE, BIGOT, AXD Ornamental Fainting. DRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER RANGING, &0., &o. Bavin? on hand all ths necessary material to carry an the business, we are prepared to give satisfaction, both in c.ecution and prices, to all who may favor us with their orders. * We will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints 0 1 every descriptien. VARNISH, OIL, SPTS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, &c., &c. Orders from the oountry promptly attended to. DRURY k TRIPOD, over Roberts, Dunlap k Cos., Cherry st., auglfl-12m Macon, Ga. references ' —W B Johnston, N H Beal, J H Zeilin k Cos, B A Wiae, Clayland k Dumble, Leroy Napier, W A Huff. ' E. I>. C4RPEJTTER DENTI ST , PERRY, HOUSTON CO., OA. LATEST ARRIVALS! .1.’.. ’MI : : ' J. W. BURKE & CO., Second Street, Next to Baptist Church, Macon, Georgia, Have just received a magnificent stock of PHOTOGMPMAIN&COLORED! Among which are the following: Davis, Stephens, Heth, Rodes, Lee, Johnston, Beauregard, Pemberton, Drayton, Bragg, Longstreet, Stonewall Jaokson, Semmes, Maffit, Ewell, Early, Howell Cobb, Floyd, Forrest, Magruder, Hood, Sidney Johnston, Vallandigham, Mrs. Lincoln, Stuart, Polk, Breckinridge, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kirby Smith. Fitzhugh Lee, Louis Napoleon, Wheeler, Zollicoffer, Hardee, Empress Eugenie, Dick Taylor, Cheatham, Queen Victoria, Henry A. Wise. Prince and Princess Buckner, Price' of Wales. Morgan, Lovell, Hundreds of FANCY HEADS AND SKETCHES! PLAIN AND COLORED. Call and examine our splendid stock. Jan. 28—ts. # LADIES AND UI&NTLEMUN: NDSSBADM & GOODMAN, No. 14, COTTON AVENUE, ISText to Scbreiner’s Book and Music Store, MACON, GEORGIA, OFFER A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Dry-Goods and Clothing AT NEW YORK COST! As we are determined to raise jfloney. oivje: 7 AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS. s®” Superior Inducements offered to Country Merchants. dee3l-lM NUSSBAUM & GOODMAN. W. i>. BANKS, Carnage Repository • v.,y ’fso- ' r: zMi - ■ *'*-.j " ' 9 dfttilCOfl) ■. • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CJcYW’g’KL Opposit© the “Stubblefield Hons©. 55 I AM NOW PREPARED TO PUT UP TO ORDER ALL MANNER OF WORK belonging to Carriage and Wagon building. I offer the best; of facilities for Repair ing articles of the same character. My arrangements arc complete for Smitliwork, Painting, Trimming, Repairing, And all work required on all kinds of Vehicles. I solicit the patronage of the people of this city, and promise to give the utmost satisfaction to all those who may entrust jobs to my shops. I am also prepaeed to Varnish and Repair Furniture At the Shortest Notice* Prices will be the LOWEST that can possibly be afforded. I will always keep on hand for sale, a geod supply of BTJG&IES AND CAEEIACtES WHICH WILL MM SOLD T MOW JPIGURJES. HORSE SROEima Done by the tnoist experienced workmen in the city. I guarantee the utmost satisfac tion ia thisxarticnWr. 1 '' dec29-tf W. X>. BANKS. EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. Your attention is Kespeetfully ©ailed to th© following Oard: A. LjOUIS eftj OCX, Wo. 36 Street, Nashville, Tenn., Are enabled through oertain advantages not possessed by any other house in the South west, to hold out inducements to Southern Merchants, never before offered, iu the purchase of— Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Buts and Notions. Mr. WM. COPPERMAN, formerly of Albany and Newton, Ga., will be happy to his old friends, at the above place, and take pleasure iu attending to their orders. A.. LOUIS & CO., Oet 16-ts No. 36 IVorth Market Street, Nashville, Tenu Legal Notices. GEUU6IA, .llacuii Cuuut},- n lit reus, Alfred i. Ac e, applies to me for let erg of Administration on the estate of Thomas D Pittman, late of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persops concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Feb ruary next to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters SQoold not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 4th of January, 18C6. JNO. L. PARKER, jan9—Bod. Ordin-ry. GEORGIA, Houston County.—Ordinary’s Office for said County.—Whereas Ann E. Greene pe titions the undersigned for Letters of Administration up on the Estate of Wyles L. Greene, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in terested to be and appear at my Office on or before the first Monday in February ntxt, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not te granted. Given under my official signature, this Ist January, 1866. . J Vm. T. SWIFT, jan6-80d Ordin*' y GEORGIA, Upson County.-Whereas, William McHargue. applies to roe for the Administration of the estate of Willism Rohir sou, late of said county, dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause, (i r a y thev have) why said Administration should not be granted on t e first Monday in February next. Given under my hand and official signiture, this 4th day of January, 1868. WM. A. COBB, jan6—Bod. Ordinary. fIEORGIA, Pulaski County.—Whereas, Mrs. E. J. Fraser, Guardian for William M. Snell, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the k'ndred and creditors of said deceased, 'to be and appear at my office within the time presented by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 25th day of Decem ber, 1865 J. J. SPARROW, jan6 80d Ordinary. GEKGIA, Macon Con illy.—Whereas, John C. Rodgers applies to mo for Letters of Administration on the estate o! Alary C. Rodgers, late of sa id county de ceased. This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said Letter. should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, January Ist, l«f>6. JNO. L. PARKER, janß 30d Ordinary. CiEORGIA, MACON COUNTY —Whereas, John Yu Kelly app-ies to mo for let'ers of Guardianship cf the persons and prcpe.ty o r Sarah and Alary Bartlett, minor children of Julia B. Bart'.ett, late of said county, deceased. ‘these are, therefore, to cite and admonish concerned to be aod appear at my office within the t rue pre scribed by law, and file their otjectioLS, if any they have, or said letters will be granted. Given under my hand and official signature,this 80th day of December, 1865. JNO. L. PaHKEB, janS- SOd Ordinary. i \ LDIiGIA, Macon Cos Uit I y.—Whereas, William VJT J. bailey applies for letters of Guardianship of the personalia oioperty of Alary V. Lafly, minor child of Jesse F. Lalley, late of sain county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause If auy they have, way said Letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 80th day or Dec., 18C5. jan2 - Slid JOHN L. PARKER, Ordinary. p eorgia, Macon County.—Whereas, B T Lafly VT applies tj me fur lei to sos Guardianship of the person and pr perty of William E. Lafly, a minor heir of Jesse F. Lafley, late of Said cuun.y, deceased These are therefore to c'te aid admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice with-.n the time prescribed by law, to show cau.-e—if any they have —why s .id letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 80th day of December, 1865. JOHN L. PARKER, jan2-80d Ordinary. O EORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, Peter W. Gray, Executor of the estate of Williamson Mims, deceased, petitions the undersigned for letters of Dismis sion from the said trust. These are therefore to oite all persons interested, to be and appear'at my office, on or before the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they bar), why said letters should not be granted. Given under my official signature, this December 4th, 1865. dec7-m6m V/. T. BWIFT, Ordinary. GLOICGI.LPnIusUi County,—Whereas Elisa beth McCalister, administratrix of J. W. McCales ter, applies for letters of Dismission from said admistra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 4th day of December, 1865. JOHN J. SPARROW, dec 6—mlim Ordinary. GEORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY.—Wheress, E. F. Lee, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Sarah Fale, late of said county, decened. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at otce, this Ist day of January* 1E66. J.J. SPARROW, jan4-80dw Ordinary. /~f EDBGIAj PULASKI COUNTY.—Whereas, C. W. Vj Ashf-y, applies for the administration of the estate of P. P, Wilson,late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to site and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said administration should not he granted. Given under my hand this Ist, day of Januar»lß<!6. jan4lmw J. J. SPARROW, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Pulaski County.*Whereas,Eliza beth Coo iy applies to me for Letters of Administra tion on the c3tato of A, B. Coody.late of said county, de cease 1. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pe-sons in terested to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by lww, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Janu ary Ist, 1866 J. J. SPARROW, Jani 80d * Ordinary. GEORGIA, Macon Gounty—Whereas James R. Barnaul applies to me for letters of dismission from the Guardianship of Laura Ann Lamb, minor of Luke Lamb, deceastd, la'e of said conntv. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons in terested to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of January. 1864. JNO. L. PARKER, janl6—m6m Ordinary. Libel pgr divorce, i« Bibi> sappe rior Court Aov, Aoj imrstcd Ttrm, 1865.— Mary E. Dorset, vs. Sam i. Ai. Barnes. It appearing to the Court, that the dependent in tbe case stated, has left the jus isdiction of the Cowrt. On motiou ordered that service of tbe case be effected by publication of this notice once a month tor four months prior to tbe next Term of the Court. By order of the Court. JOHN RUTHERFORD, janl9-m4m Ati’y at Law. Notice to deutoks and credi tors.- All persons indebted lothi estate of Giles M. Chapman, late of Crawford county de eased, are re quested to make immediate payment, ar.d those having de ni nds against said estate are r- quired to present their de mands duly authenticated in terms of law. ’> IrsDecember 18th 1865 L. 0. CHAPMAN, jan!9-40dw.* Adtn’r. T*EORGI4, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Whereas, Ed ™ B ward Carswell applies to me for letters of Adminsi tradon de bonis non, on the estate of Juba Knight lata of said c unty, dec’d. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, t > be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to snow cause, if any they have, why • aid letters should not be granted. Given tinder my baud and official signature, this 16th January, 1866. JAS. J- RAY, janl9-30d* Ordinary. EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Whereas, John Harrall, wJI applies to me for letter* of Administration on the estate of Lawson S. Hendeison late of said county de ceased. These are therefore to cite all persona concerned to be and appear at the next term of the Court of Ordinary, to be helu on the second Monday in March next, and show cause if any they have, why su'd John Harrall should not be entrusted with toe Administ-ation of the person and property of the said John Harrall Given under my hand and official signature, this loth day of January, 18£6. JNO. L. PARKER, JanlS-SOd Ordinary. TtEORGIAy Telfair County.-Whereas, M, fi wJf Mcßae, applies to me for Letters ot administration on the estate of Duncan F McLennan, late of said county, de ceased, and for the administration, de honis non, on tbe estate of' uncan F. McLei.nan deceased, 'l'hese are therefore Jo cite aiid admonish the kindred and creditor of said d.'ceased, to be and apprar at my oflfice within the t ; me prescribi dby law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let'ers should not be granted. Given under my hand, at this office, this 2d dav of Jan uary 1f66. JOHN M. DORMIA. Janlß-8 and Ordinary. NOTICE to DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.” All personshaving demands against the estate of Ducan McLennan, late of Telfair county, deceased will present in terms oriaw, and those indebted will please make immediate settlement. January 2d 1868. M. N. McRAF. janlß-60d. ______ Adm ’ r - EORGIA, UPSON COUNTY: VI Court of Ordinary. November Term, 1865. Whereas, George J. Lewis files his petition for dismission from the Administration of the estate of Goodrich D. Williams, late of said counly, deceased. It is therefore ordeied by the Court that this rule be pub lished once a month for six months, in the Journal and Messenger, Macon returnable to the June Torm, 1866, of this Co.urt, that all persons concerned may have notice thereof and act accordingly. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. ,WM. A. COBB, Ordinary, aov 16—6 m ( and ex-officio Clerk, 0. O. JE XJEC UTOMVS S*lJL£. PURSUANT to au order of the Court of Ordinarv of Macon county, will be sold, at Executor a sale, before the Court iiouse door at Oglethorpe, in said Macon county, within tbe legal homjj of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, one lot of land, number 175 of the 9th District ol originally Irwin, but now in the county of ilenieti, containing 490 acres, more or less, the estate of Kzekiel Adams, |and sold for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditois of ! said estate. Terms ae*h. N. M. MASSEY. » > 1 GEO. L. MASSET, > =1 JNO. D. ADAME, ) ** I jauf-tds NASHYIUiE ADVERTISEMENTS. MADIBON STRATTOX, THOS. Q. POINTER, HAMPTON J. CHENET, BBNJ. P. HOT. STRATTON, POINTER & CO., WHOLESAI.E Gr r o c e r s, AND Commission Merchants, Vr ' 1 *• ■- " > );,•>/. .) . For the Sale and Purchase of Cotton and Tobacco, WHEAT FLOUK, PO.RK, BACOil’ LARD, DRIED FRUIT, Ptff Iron , and Produce Generally , Nos. 0 and 11 Broad street, NASHVILLE, TENN. WE WILL KEEP ON HAND A LARGE AND well and selected stock of GROCEEIEB FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. To which we invite the attention es the merchants of Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Strict attention will be paid to receiving and for warding, and to the sale of groceries and all goods on consignment. Being in the large and commodious store and ware house so long and favorably remembered as the bouse of Johnson & Smith, and afterwards as Fisher, Whe less A Cos., with the immense sheds and storage rooms, we feel prepared to handle all Cotton, Tobacco, and General Produce, or goods on consignment, on as favorable terms as any house in the city; and expecting to establish our business upon a perrna ment basis, we promise to do all in our-power to meet a liberal share or public patronage. and Rope always on hand, oct 17-6 m DRY GOODS. .A. OA.KXS TO THE LADIES. Just Received, AND offer for sale at a very small advance on cost, a splendid assortment of Solid Colored Dress Silks, . Fancy Dress Silks, Elegant Hair Nets, Nubias, Son tags, Hoods, aa other fashionable DRY-GOODS. My stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothes, Cassimeres, Linens, Flannels, etc., are even more complete than it used to be in old times, and I can assure my customers that they may fely on as cheap prices as can be found at any other house in the city. E. M. BROWN, nov22-tf Opposite the Lanier House. a B. TURBIN. J. H. HERTZ. Everybody’s Interest is to call on TITR-PUNT & HERTZ, Triangular Block, Cherry Street, m»7HERE the public will find anew and well se- W lected stock of Gent’s Clothing and Furnish ing Goods, Cassimers and Broad Clothes, Doeskins and Vestings of all kinds and styles. Our facilities enables us to sell as low as any house in the city. We ate constantly receiving new styles and new patterns of Ctothing and other articles in our line. Mons. FT Rousse.the well known Tailor is still with us, and we are prepared to fill all orders with dispatch and neatness. Give us a call. janl2 ts TURPIN & HERTZ. QMO. B. TURPIN. J. H. HCIiTZ. TURPIN & HERTZ 3 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CLOTHING, • AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Triangular Blocji, Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA. CLOTHING made to order on short notice by Mon sieur ROUSE oct6-12m • •• CONSTITUTION WATER is without doubt, the only known remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT IRRITATIQN OF THE NECK OF THR BLADDER, INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND AIL FEMALE IRRCGULAR’TIES. Certificates of cares from well kno .rn persons from all parts of the country in circular, will be sent on ad dressing MORGAN & ALLEN, Agents, dec!6-3m No. 46 Cliff st., New York. p 9 9 9 'P 9 • • • • • • MERWIN & BRAY FIRE jiRMS COJUPrfjrir. jpATENT FRONT LOADING, Metalio Cartridge REVOLVER, Anew Patent, and the Best article ever offered for service. A fall supply just received and for sale by WRIGLET 4 KNOTT. dec*27-tf IOHN VERBTMAN. B. H. WARING. John Meriyman & Cos., Baltimore, Md., FARMERS’ AND PLANTERS' AGENCY, For the Sale of Guano, Eertlisers , Implements , Machinery , Live Stock, tfc. WE are now prepared to receive orders for No. 1 Peruvian Guano* and other FERTILIZERS of known value. Refzr to David Dickson and Thoa. M. Turner, Sparta. E. C. Wade 4 Cos., and P. U. Behn, Savannah. Messrs. Nisbets, Macon. Addrtws JOHN MERRYMAN 4 CO* nov22-3m Baltimore, Md. General Confusion! The largest lot ot FIPtE WORKS Ever offered in Macon. dcc2o~tf N. A. MEGRATII, Agent. G BORGIA* Tulggs County.-Whereas, Louisa Ard applies to me for letters of administration on on the estate of Daniel Ard, late of said county, dec’d.. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular thekindred and oreditorsof said deceased, to be andappear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Utters should not be grant id, Given under my hand and efllalal signature, this 16th day Decemober,lß6s. J. I. MoDONALD, dec'io-80d + Ordinary. MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Professional. DR. J. B. HINKLE, baa resumed the practice of Ibis profession in Macon. Office over Massen burg A Son’s Drug Store. Can be found during th night, at the residence of A. G. Butts, on Arch Street, and between First and New Streets. octlO—dfim. L. N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTEL L& P. WHITTLE, Attorneyea at Law. Office • over Payne’s Drug Store, next to Conceit Hall, Macon, Geo. - octß-6m» GBERND, Cotton Avenue, Macon Georgia. • Manufacturer of every description of Saddlery and Harness. Hides bought and Repairing done. No business done on Saturday. novl-Bm* LAW NOTICE. IHAVE resumed the practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my care in the State. Having just returned from Washington city, parties de siring advice and counsel relative to the preparation of papers under the Amnesty Proclamation for pardon, and the status of contracts and title deeds executed during the last four years, ean consult me hy letter or in person. Office at my residence, near the new Baptist Church, Macon, Ga. 0. A. LOOHKANE. jyA-tf Dr. F. O. CASTLEN, CITY PHYSICIAN, (4th ward,) tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Office over the store of Bowdre A Anderson, where he may be found during the day, when not pro fessionally engaged—at night at the residence of P. E. Bowdre, on High Street. Macou, Jan. 4-3 m HOWELL COBB. JAMES JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON, A-ttorney s at X. aw, MACON - , GA. OFFICE opposite Post Office, over office of E. A. Wilcox. novl-3m* M’BRIDE & DORSETT, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office: with R. W. Cubbedge, next door to I. C. Plant’s, Second Street, Macon, Ga. oct4if DR. J. S. BAXTER, \ ON SECOND STREET, Over office of T. R. Bloom. ipml6-lm O. A. LOOHBANB. A. O. BACON, LOCHRANE & BACON, *ITTOIUTEYS *IT LJIP, MACON, GA. Office over Boardman’s Book Store. jan4-3m* Cotton Seed.. 1000 Bushels Cotton Seed, recently ginned, from Louisiana, For sale by dec23-60dd* ASHER AYRES. GAS FOR SALE. MATT. YORBTON, Gas-Fitter and Bel! Hanger, has just received a large lot of superior Gas- Burners, which he is putting up cheap. All Repairs on Pipes promptly attenned to. Orders to be left at “ Journal and Messenger” office janl6-tf COPLEI & H INSON, r.I.BfIL 5’ GIIOCEItS, AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, Third street, 4 doors from the Post Office, Macon, Ga. WE respectfully request an examination of onr stock, fully believing we can make it to the intere.-tof purchasers to trade with ns. Consignments solicited either on commission or to be sold at Auction, pleding our best endeavors to give eotire satisfaction. W. S COPLEY. A. C. « ANSON. janl4-lmd CLOSING SAL JE OF WINTER GOODS, January lOth, 1806. MY Stock of Woolen Fabrics, consisting of Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Pantaloon Stuffs, Flannels, Blankets, etc, etc., is entirely too large, and rather than carry them over to another season, I will now sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. All who have not supplied themselvrs will please call and see what they have saved by waing. S. T. COLEMAN, janll-tf Cor. Cherry and Second sts. Wilbur, Pease & Cos, ;P. P. Pease & Cos., Ralston’s Granite RangeJ No. 17, Alabama Street, 3d St., Macon, Ga. j Atlanta, Ga. COTTON FACTORS* Forwarding & Commission Merchants, GEO. G. WILBUR, > P. P. PEASE. Late firm ; Fi m of Wheeler 4 Wilbur j P. P. Pease 4 Cos. RftFBREXCBS: Wm. Bryce 4 Cos New York. James M. Beebe. Boston, Mass. 1). Rodney King Philadelphia, Pa. McDaniel 4 Irby Lynchburg, Va. Guthrie 4 Cos Louisville, Ky. R. M. Bishop 4 Cos Cincinnati, Ohio. Ward, Shaw 4 Cos Montgomery, Ala. S. S. Webb 4 Cos Mobile, Ala. Massengale 4 Snyder Nashville, Tenn. Wm. R. Green 4 Cos Vicksburg, Miss. Wm. R. Green 4 Cos .New Orleans, La. Wm. R. Green 4 Cos St. Louis, Mo. Fisher 4 Warden “ “ Scott 4 Bros “ “ McGrew 4 Cos “ “ Taylor 4 Grilfiney New Orleans, La. Erwin 4 Hardee Savannah, Ga. jan4-3ro EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold at the Court House, in Thomas ton, Upson county, on the first Tuesday in February next, a lot of land belonging to the estate of James Blalock, dec’., containing Six Hundred and Ten acres, (610)more or less; adjoining lands of A- Stafford, M. Cochran and others in said county. To be sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Mid county of Upson for distribution. Terms on the day of Bale. declS R. W. BLALOCK, Ex’r. GUNROINJT'S SjIEE. BY virtue of-an order of the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski County, Ga. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in Hawkinsville, in said county, between the usual hours otsale: One sixth part of four hundred and five (405) acres of land more or less, (said land con sisting of lots number 177 and 178.) Said one Bixth part of said land, sold as the property of Allen Gra ham deceased, and for distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. janl2-tds. E. LISTER, Guard’ll. GEORGIA Telfair County.—Two months after date application will MT made to the hoporeb e cour of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the e-.tate of Dnncan F. McLennan de ceased. January 2d 1866. M.N. McKAK. janlß 60d. Adm’r. NOTICE. THREE mouths from date application will be made to the Macon 4 Western Railroad Company for renewal of Certificate No. 1276, dated June I.Mb, 1861, in name of Hiram Dewing, the same having been lost. janl9-mSm.* vMJtinriSTRvtTOR'S SfIEE. WILL be sold before the Court House door In the town of Jacksonville Te fair county, on the fliit Tuesday la March next, lot of land N. iM. in fhe'Ttb District of said county, sold undsr an order of the Court of Ordinary of said couqty. Terms made known on day of sale. Jan 18 80d il. N. MoBAS, Adm’r. JOURNAL AND MESSENGER JOB OFFICE. «— OPRIETORS HAVING LAID IN A NE W STOCK OF" MATERIAL, Are prepared to execute any and all kinds of MAI® *® MiCT PRIWIOC, SUCH AS r - PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, BILL MCEA.3DS, M-JAISTD BILLS, CARDS, <scO_, «5eC. OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY, And work executed on the shortest possible time. GIVE US A CALL. Jan. 23-ts ROSE & BURR. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS! GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHTS BY ERWIN Ac HARDEE’* Line of Fast, Iron, Lijfht Draft SIDE-WHEEL STEAMERS, BETWEEN SAVANNAH and MACON, Via Hawkinsville and Brunswick R. R., touching regularly at Doctortown, and running In connec tion with Albany and Gulf Railraod, the new and elegant Iron Steamers CHAS. S. HARDEE Capt. R, Johnson, TWO BOYS; Capt. Thoe. Daniels. Having elegant accommodations for freight and passengers, will ply regularly as above, leaving Savannah every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Hawkinsville every Thursduy morning at 9 o’clock. It is the desire of the agents of this line to make a permanent connection between Macon and Sa vannah and the landings on the Altamaha and Ocmulgee rivers. ■ is object la view they ask the s-- yo:. ‘ ants of Savannah and Mao.i- .- -> nd Planters along the l>iii ;rs. effected at the very Lowest Rates. FR .IVED AT ALL TIMES AT OUR WAREHOUSE, FO@T OF EASTBROAD STREET. W. B. DAVISON, E. A. WILOOX, ERWIN A HARDHH, Agent at Augusta, Gu. Agent at Macon. Agents at Savannah. Jan26-lw NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS Wholesale and IFtetail! BY L. EMANUEL, SECOISTD STREET, Macon, Georgia. I am daily Iteveivtng and Opening a Large and ElegantgStock;** Fait and Winter Goods Which I will sell LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. My stock consists in part of Calicoes and Domestic Goods of all descriptions; French and English Merinos, all colors; Black Milks, Poplins and Debagea ; Lustres, Km press Cloths, Bombazines, and all other style of in m fiiiiMi mu mis. Balmoral Skirts, Cloaks and Shawls, Swiss, Jaconet, Mull, Nanaook MuiH ns, Edgings and Inserting! of all kinds; Hats, Boots and Shoes; a large slock of Notions; Cassimeres. Satiaets and Jeans ; Flannels and Blan kets in abundance Carpets and Oil Cloths, and a great many other Goods too numerous to nic#and well selected stock of G-E3STTS’ CLOTHING Which I am selling at COST PRICE, asjl have not sufficient room f< r keeping them. OME TF C7OSS A *.Ji And examine my stook. I call the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS Especially, as we are determined to sell cheaper than any other Honae is the city. Give me a trial and aatis y yourself. gnd street> Macon, Ga., two doors from the Alley,at AbrahanS^ldm'nrf P. B.—M. Abraham will be glad to see his old and many new friends at this House. oetli-t| jiOJtUJTMS TR*l TOR'S SjILE. BY virtue of an order of tbe Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, will be sold, on the first Tues* dav in March next, before the Court House door in Hawkinsville in said county, between ihe usual hours of sale one sixth part of four hundred and five (40ft) acres of land, more or less, (said land belonging to the estate of Daniel Graham deceased, and lying in said couDty and known as the plantation on which de sensed lived at the time of bis death). Said one sixth Dart of said land sold for distribution. Terms on the day of sale. MILES SANDERS, Ad u’r. janl2-tua. of Daniel Graham dee’d. SAVANNAH and AUGUSTA, And Intermediate Landings, connecting at latter point with Georgia Railroad aud points beyond. The following Steamers being or exceeding Ugh draft, and having ample and complete accommo dation for freight and passengers, will ply regular ly as follows : Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, will leave Savannah every Saturday morning at 9 A. M. Augusta every Wednesday morning at T A. M Wooden Steamer LAURA, will leave Savannah every Wednesday at 9, A. M. Augusta every Saturday at 7, A. M. Iron Steamer AMAZON, every ten days. Our captains and pilots are the ablest and west experienced on the river, and no effort will eb spared to meet the wants of the traveling aad freighting public. •NOTICE, SIXTY days after date, application will be made te the Honorable Ordinary of Crawford county, for leave to ■•11 a hoase aad K>t in the town of Knoxville, belonrh g to the estate of Thomas Andrews, late of tald county, dic’d. . . . JOHN W. EELIB, doc2f-6 and m > r . NOTICE. r|IWO MONTHS after date application will be ineds to JL the honorable Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, tor leave te sell a part of the estate of John 0. Kawitns, late »/ said oouaty, deceased. * Janl-fcn NICHOLAS KA.WUNB, Adm’r.