Macon daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-186?, February 13, 1866, Image 4

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AUGUSTA 1 ADVERTISEMENT^ To Owners and Shippers OF C3 O "3F TFO 3*3F « % JOHN K. GILLIAT &. CO-, Liverpool, eng. . OBER, NANSON &. CO., NEW VORK. OBER, ATWATER 8l CO., NEW ORLEANS. NANSON, OBER &. CO., ST. LOUIS. HENRY WARREN 8l CO., AUGUSTA, GA. REPRESENTING the above well known houses tor the State of Georgia, we will put in order and ship Cotton from any section of the country, making liberal advances and speedy returns. The reputation of these houses will insure the most favorable negotia tion of Exchange on New York, Liverpool and Lon- Bv our advertisement, it will be seen that we keep expressly for the trade, a LARGE STOCK OP GRO* CERIES, of all kinds, lIATS, CLOTHING, BLAN KETS, LINENS, etc., etc., etc., which we will sell as CHEAP, and in many instances LOWER-, than can be bought in Louisville and Cincinnati. We propose to merchants holding Cottou to make them advances in Cash or Goods, and sell or ship their Cottou to any of the above points, thus giving them the advantge of Augusta, New York or Liverpool mar kets. An investigation of the above will prove that our facilities for doing bssiness with any section are the very best, and the advantages we postess for making advances in Goods or Cash are probably superior to any one in the State. We earnestly solici. a.correspondence with Dealers and Shippers. W. HDMtY WABRM & CO., 175 and 177 Board Street, nov2B-tf AUGUSTA, AG. m T*3i IDs W IF AND TOBACCO MANUFACTORY, Augut>t:i, Ga. Nelson & Ulcllwaisic, PROPRIETORS. OUII friends and patrons, and the public generally, are informed that we have resumed our business in Augusta. Our Snuff will be produced from pure Virginia Leaf Tobocco., besides Laving introduced the latest improvements in Machinery, ete., and the whole establishment being managed under our own personal supervision, enables us to furoish to the tiade an article which we challenge the world to excell. Our celebrated and popular brand, " The Georgia Rebel,” ‘CSo ('ailed Will flow be re-produced under the name of “ Sweet as the Hose,” And will he put upas formerly in those neat little Rages With no interesting- improvement, which tl\e consumer will discover. 'i’he attention of dealers are invited to our favorite article of SJffO K J.V« TO «.-#<• tf’O, Made exclusively from the purest aud best Virginia Leaf, Our Manufactory is localed at the OAISTiIIj FALIjS, NEAR THE AUGUSTA COTTON FACTORV, Where we will be pleased to see our old friends and the public generally. Messrs. Blair, Smith & Cos , 298 Broad street, Au gusta, are our General Agents, who will attend prompt ly to all dealers in our line. T. H. NELSON, R. 1.. McIhWAINE. janlo6m* AUGUSTA HOTEL PROPRIETORS: S. M. JONES Z. \. RICE. WE respectfully invite our old friends and the trav eling public to pivc us a call. Our,House is located in the heart of trade, and convenient to the Augusta, Ga., Aug. 24, 1805. PA I NTl’ng" HOUSE, SIGN, • AND Ornamental JPalnting. CHAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, &c., &o. Having on hand all the necessary material to carry on the business, .we are prepared to give satisfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may favor us with their orders. We will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints ot every description. varnish, on., SPTS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, &c., 4c. Orders from the country promptly attended to DRURY & TRIPOD,' over Roberts, Dunlap & Cos., Cherry st., auglb'-12m Alacon, Ga. kekehkncks : — W B Johnston, N H Beal J H Zeilin & Cos, B A Wise, Clayland & Durable,’ Leroy Napier, W A Hulf. 3 ' ADMINISTRATOR'S SvIIIS. «Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, will be sold, on the first Tues day in March next, before the Court House door in Hawkiusville in said county, bolween the usual hours of sale, one feixth part of jour hundred and live (405) acres of land, more or less, (said land belonging to the estate of Allen Graham deceased, and lying in said county and known as. the plantation on which de ceased lived at flic time of his death). Said one sixth part of said land sold for distribution. Terms on the day of sale. MILES SANDERS, Adm'r. janl2-ids. of Daniel Graham dec’d. ADAH ATS TRA TOR'S SAE E. AGREEABLY to ap order of the Ordinary of Craw ford county, (January Term I860,) will be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in Knoxville, one hundred and eighty acres of land, more or less, being the place whereon Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn resided at the time of her death, lying and being in the second district of originally Houston now Crawford county. Sold as the property of William Diiun, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on day of sale.' DAVID McGEE, Ad mV, janl6-tds* do bonis non. ADAIIATS TRA TOR'S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door In the to was of Jacksonville Te:fair county, on the first Tuesday In March next, lot of land N. IBS. in she 7th District of said county, sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Terms made known on day of sale. j*Blß-80d M. N. McHAE, Adm’r. GBBAT' BBD-UCTTOdST "' ' ■ SfV FBEIGH'I’. # 7' - Vi i - ■ ' ’V , „ mr ii* fi. -si '’nT’* ’ .r; p-i . WE are oonatautiy reseiving by tko aew routws opening, and at greatly reduced rates of freight, •• . ■ eHOIOE STOCKS OF FINE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, We have now on hand and for sale by the Ca»k, Gallon, (Ja-,e or Bottle, ; Y Best Bourbon Whiskey in Macon, Finest Jamaica Rum, eight years old, Perfectly Pure Irish Whiskey, Cognac Brandy, Vintage 1847, Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines for Medical use, Choice Old Holland Gin, Bokcr’s and Drake’s Plantation Bitters, v Choice Brands Champaigne and Rhine Wines, Our goods arc carefully selected, by a partner of our House, resident in New York, are bought at lowest market rates for CASH, and will be sold in like manner. MEGRATH, PATTERSON & CO., feb2-Gm Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. MADISON STRATTON, THOS. O. POINTER. HAMPTON J. CHENEY, BKNJ. P. ROY. STRATTON. POINTER & CO., WHOLESALE Gr 3T O o e r IS, AND Commission Merchants, Forihe Sale and Purchase of Cotton and Tobacco, WHEAT FLOUR, POlllK, BA COM LARD, DRIED FRUIT, Pig Iron, and Produce Generally, Nos. i) and 11 Broad street, NASHVILLE, TEJIBf. WE WILL KEEP ON HAND A LARGE AND well aud selected stock of a ItOCEEIEB FOR The WHOLESALE TRADE. To which wo invito lb© nitontiov» ©f the merchants ot Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Strict attention will be paid to receiving and for warding, aud to the sale of groceries and all goods on consignment. Being in the large and commodious store and ware house so long and favorably remembered as the bouse of .Johnson <fc smith, and afterwards as Fisher, Whe less A Cos., with the immense sheds and storage rooms, we feel prepared to handle all Cotton, Tobacco, and General Produce, or goods on consignment, on as favorable terms as any house in the city; aud expectiug to establish our business upon a perma raeut basis, we promise to do all in our power to meet a liberal shureot public patronage. USr“ifagging and Rope always on band, oct 17-6 m J .»'f: if* daili' rarer IN AUGUSTA, GA., For Gratuitous Circulation. IN the early part of January, 1860, the undersigned intends issuing the first number of a Morning Pa per, which will be entitled the “DAILY PRESS.” It will contain interesting news matter, compiled front the latest Southern, Northern and European jour nals. Taking sides with no political party whatever, it will coniine itself to' the advocacy ot every measure promotive of the general wellare. Its editorial columns will be under the charge of Henry Cleveland, Esq., while the local department will bo supplied by experienced and competent Re porters. The Daily Press will be distributed gratuitously every morning, throughout the entire city, and on board the cars and steamboats which leave Augusta. Agents will circulate tho Daily Press throughout this and the adjoining States, thereby ensuring a circu lation obtained by no other newspaper published in this section. The publisher guarantees a larger circulation than any paper published in this city, thus ottering superior Inducements to business men for making their wauls known through its columns. Business cards and advertisements of every descrip tion respectfully solicited. Advertisements inserted on cheap and liberal terms. Send in your favors at once. E. H. PUGHE, Proprietor and Publisher, Corner of Broad and Mclntosh Sts., Up Stairs. dec27-lf COTTON GINS, COTTON GINS. npOE undersigned have formed a copartnership for A tho purpose of Manufacturing Cotton Gins under the namtj ot Massey &, Johnson. Their shop will be located’at Massey’s old stand, three miles from Macou, on the Cential Railroad. Their machinery will be driven by water power, giving them many facilities, enabling them to make gins at as low price as any other establishment in the couutry. They have se cured the services ot best and most reliable mechan ics formerly worked bv Mr. Samuel Griswold for so many years, and will have the advice of Mr. Griswold. Our Mr. Massey has been favorably known as a gin maker for many years, and as he will super intend the business, he assures the public that all work sent out will bo perfect in every particular. All orders addressed to me, at Matou Ga., will re eeive prompt attention. O. W. MASSEY, jau!B lm* F. S. JOHNSON. G. H. SORREL. a. C. SORREL. SORREITbr OTHERS, HIML COIMISSIOS ISCPS Savannah, Gfeorgia. REFERENCES: Messrs. H. K. Corning, Son & Cos., N. Y.; Peter V. K 'Ug & Cos., N. Y. ; Fisher, Brothers & Cos., Balti more; National Bauk, Savannah, Ga.; Francis Sorrel, ’-sq., Savannah, Ga.; Chas. Green, Esq., Savannah; 1. it. Bloom, Esq., Alacon, Ga. novlJMSm ROOFIN’ GH notice and put up by experienced workmen, jmff-tf OLVER, DOUGLASS A CO. JE XE C UTOIVS SAE JE. WILL be sold at the Court House, in Tlioidus tou, Upson county, on tbe first Tuesday in February next, a lot of land belopging to -the estate of James Blalock, dec*., containing Six Hundred and Ten acres, (6JU)niore or less; adjoining lands of A• Stafford, M. Cochran and others in said county. To be sold by order of tbe Court of Ordiuary of said county of Upson for distribution. Terms on the day of sale. dec!3 R. W. BLALOCK, Ex’r. cMmnniM wn!« is without doubt, the only known remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS;. GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT IRRITATIQN OF THE NECK OP THE BLADDER, . INFLAMATTON OF THE KIDNEYS* 1 CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND All, FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well kno ,vn persons from all parts of the country in circular, Will be seat on ad dressing MORGAN & ALLEN, Agents, deelG-3m No. 40 Cliff st.. New York. JOHN MKRRYMAN. 15. H. WARING. John llcrryman & Cos., Baltimore, Bid., FARMERS’ MR PIASTERS’ MCI, For the Sale of' f» nano, Fcrtlizcrs, Implements, JfSaclt Inert/, Live Slock, Sfc. WE are now prepared to receive orders for No. 1 Guano, and other FERTILIZERS of known value. Refer to Y. David Dickson and Tims. M. Turner, Sparta. E. 0. Wade & Cos., ami I*. 11. Belin, Savannah. Messrs. Nisbets, Macon. Address JOHN MERRYM AN ft GO.; - w>v22-3tn Baltimore, MJ. THE CONCORD tihAPE, Just Rc<>imE iititl for Sale, A LARGE lot Os CONCORD GRAPE VINES, . from Knox’s celebrated Nursery, near Pittsburg,- j’ a ' These vines are all well rooted, and in fine of tier fclr planting. The '‘Horticulturist” says of the “Concord,” that it is truly the “ Grape for the Mil lion, and front its many good qualities, its health, luxuriant growth, easy propagation, productiveness, early bearing, fine size and lair quality, has become a universal favorite.” Tbe climate of the South is pecu liarly adapted for its culture, and now is the season, font the Ist of December to the Ist of April, for trans planting. From one third of an acre 5000 Lbs. off Hiis EFrsiat Have been gathered in one season, many of the clus ters weighing from one to two jjounds each. For table use or for wine, nothirg can excel the Concord. It is a large and delicious fruit, thin-skinned and ex ceedingly Itiscious to the taste, its superior flavor, hardiness and vigor of the vine, freedom from disease and unrivalled beauty, place it 'first on the list of grapes for the South. The plaids on hand are not cuttings, bp t Rooted V ines, Aud of one year’s growth. They will begin to bear the second year after planting. (Aiders, accompanied by the cash, will be promptly filled and forwarded by Express or otherwise. L. F. W. ANDREWS. Macon, Dec. 12-ts JW € OAT MANURE V T9!SI SA G ICE COMPANY. Capita! Stock - - - SIOO,OO 2000 SHAI?EB AT $5 00 II! ONE HALF OPEN TO SUBSCRIPTION. For further particulars sec circulars at Messrs. Rott, Sims <fe Co’s, Macon, Ga., who will receive subscrip tions for stock. CIRARDEY & BUJ AC. decl2-2md BaSF* Telegiaph copy 2 months. COPLEF felMNSOit, FAMILY GROVE IIS, A. TJCTIOISr AND Commissi on M ere ha nts, Third street, 4 door s from the Post Office, JVtacon. Cra. WE respectfully .request an examination of our stock, fully believing wo o.tu make it to lire intere.-tof purchasers to trade with srs. Consignments solicited either Oq commission or to be sold at Auction, pleding our best eudeavois to give entire .\alisluction. W. S COTLEY. A. C. MAtf4*N. jan!4-lmd O. A. LOCHRAKE. . A. O. BACON, LOCI HUN & BACON, ATTORNE ITS .ST EA AIACON, GA. Office over lloardman’s Book St re. jan4-3m* Cotton Seed. 1000 Bushels Co*, ton Seed, recently ginned, from Louisians., For sale by dec23-tiodd* ASIIER AYRES. G 1.1 RMS B.3A"S HAB . E. Bt an order of the Court of Ordinary of Putaski-Connty, Ga. Will be sold on the first meeday in M arch next, before the (,'ourt House door m Huwkinsville, in said county, between she usual hours of sale: One sixth part of tour hiindred and live (40.,) acres ot land more or less, (said land con sistmg of lots number 177 and 175.) Said ‘ sixth . parted said land, sold as the property of Alien flra jcceased, and for distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale janl2-tds. E. LISTER, Guard’a. Legal Ifotlces. Gl Themis U rim’ ley, applies k,r oflMwn'taslto^fftofc the Administration on the estate of Richard T. Grimsley, This Is therefore to cite and admonish all persons cow ccrned to be and appear at my office within the time scribed hy law, and show cause, if any tliey have whv sahi Letters should not he granted to said applicant Given under my hand, and t ffieittl signature, this 3* (fay of October, 1865. JOHN j. SI’ARROW, octß - m6ia _ __ Ordinary. Gi liOKGBA, f*U I’ounty.-Whereas Nan -1 cy binith, applies tor letters of Dismission from the ceaTe1 IStrali ° n ° f Wnl ' ! ’ milh ’ ‘ iUe of said county, de , These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred agd creditors of. said deceased, to be and appear at niy othce withm the time prescribed by law, and show cause it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 3rd day of November, ISGS. J, j. sparrow octS-inGm Ordinary. A » PHlissiii Ctmnty.—Whereas, T - J. Reeves, applies to me lor Letters of Dismis sion from Administration on the estate of J. V. Covan, of said county, deceased.. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office Within the time prescribed by law and show cause—if any they have—why said Letters of D Emis sion should not be granted to said applicant. Given tinder my hand aid olHoial signature this 12tli day of October, 1884. J, J SPARROW, oct 14 dm Ord fiary. (IIIIKUU, Pulaski County,—Whereas, Mary v. 7 Oatbout, adraini itratrix <*f Wm. B Oathout, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust These are therefore Incite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office with the time prescribed by law, arid show cause, if any they have, why said letters'sheuid' not be granted. Oliver, under my hand and official signature, Nov. 10, 1565. J. J. SPARROW, noylo-6ra *• Ordinary. r'KOROIA, PULASKI COUNTY.—Ordikary’s Ok fick FOR SAID Countv.—Y.’hei eas. John B Parkerson, Administrator upon the estate of Cordial ,N. Parkerson, petitions the undersigned tor letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show causefif any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 11th day of December, ISOS. J. J. SPARROW, decld-mCm Ordinary. Gt eorgria. Pniaski <!ouuiy.—Whereas, Richard T R. Smith, administrator on Use estate of Hezekiah Smith, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from sain Administration, These are therefore to cite and admonish ai! and singular the kindred and cyeditois of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not bn granted to the aoid appiicanl. Given under my baud at office, this 9th day of December, 1565. J. J. SPARROW. decl4-msm Ordinary. 4TJ.JEG4’tiIA, PU-LVtiKI COUNTY. —OkoiUaHv’s Op. " Finn Ftp. said County.—Whereas, Joha B. Parkerson, adrn’r. of the estate of Sherwood L. Parkerson, deceased, petitions the undersigned for Dismission from Ms said trust. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail persons in terested, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed bj law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given under my. hand and official signature, this 11th dav of December, 1865. J. J. SPARROW, decl4-m6m Ordinary. <OS ; :ois«lA, PULASKI COUNTY.—Whereas, Mary Ifi McPhail, Administratrix of A. C.McPhall, dec’d, applies to me for letters of Dismission said Adminis tration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ard singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this lSih day n- October ISOS. J. J. SPARROW, ocl2o- Cmw Ordinary. Gl K018G.3 A, I’niibiki Count y.—Whereas, I Dai'lin Johnson, applies to me for Letters of Dismis sion from the Administration of the estate of Isaac John son, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aid creditors of said deceased, to be am ap pear at my office on or before Pie first Monday in October i,ext, to show causi.i’ any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given umlor my bund and official signature, this 17th day of August, 1366, ,TKO J SPARROW, Silglf-mtkn - Ordinary, GEORGIA, PULASKI COUNTY. —Whereas, Bel sant i’. Barrel. Administrator of Benjamin ILrreii, appiie,a to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail, and sin. guiar the heirs and creditors, to be ;md appear at my of fice, Within the tijne prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand md official signature, this Nov. 10,1805. J. j. SPARROW, novlO- Ctn Ordinary. rfUJEORGIA. PULABKI CtJDMTY —Whereas, Susan O. Anderson, petitions the undersigned for letters of administration upon the csUte of Henry Anderson, late of said county di c’d. These are, therefore, to cite and admonis-b all persons iniuresiedi to ho amt appear'ai, iny office within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted, (liven under rny hand and official signature, tills 9th day of January, 1860. J,J. SPARRO W, jml2-80d Ordinary. | /TLAlOtUfj. lAv «ssty.-—tVticrcas, Mrs. i K. J. Fraser, Ouardi.-ui fur Wiiiiam M. Snell, applies j to toe for Letters of Dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar tin' kindred and creditors of said deceased, b> be and appear a t my office tvitiiin die time prescribed by law. to show cause, If any they have, why Said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 25th day of Decem ber, 1865. • J. J. SPARROW, ' I janC-BOd Ordinary. . /N EOUUJ A, Coilssiy.--Whereas Elir.a \A both ftfeffalister, administratrix of J. W. McCaies ter, applies for letters of Dismission from said ailmistra tiort. These are therefore to cite and admonish, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear al my office within the time proscribed bylaw, lo show cause, if any.(bey have,.why said butters should not be granted to said applicant. G iven under my hand and official signature this 4th day of December 150.’,. JOHN J. SPARROW, dec 6—mOm Ordinary. C'JEiSKfiSA, PULASKI COUNTY.—Whereas, E. If. ™ Lee, applies tome for letters of administration on the estate of Sarah Tale, late of said county, dece;Sed. These are therefore to cite and admonish al! and singular, tiie kindred ami creditors ol said deceased, to beam} appear at my office within Uietirueprc-scribed by law,toshowcause, if any, why said letters should not lie granted: Given under my ham!, at office, this tst day of January l IS6O. J. J. SPA Know, jan4~3odw Ordinary. l tIiORLSA, PULASKI COUNTY. —Whereas, C. W. vlf Ashley, applies for the administration of the,estate of P. P, Wilson,late of said county, deceased. These are therefore tociteand admonish ail and singular, tiie kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause,' if any they have, why said administration should, not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist, day of January, 18f-6. jan4--lmw - J. J. tPAUftOW, Ordinary, f~l IJOUSGA, 3»i! I.'ivki sits ty.-Whereas, 81iza beth Goody nppjies to mo-for Letters of Administra tion on the estate of A, J>. Goody,iate of said county, de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish a!! persons in terested to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by lww, to show cause, if any they have, why. said letters should no! be granted Given under my hand and bilicbt! signature, this Janu ary Ist, 18C6. J. J. SPAItIIOW, janf-30(l Ordinary. Jd.KOK ft IA. Pnlokk! Cminty.—Whereas, L. L. xiß llarroll andT. L. Taylor ipplies t > rae 'or letters of admiaistration on the estate ofAugustus W.Budd, s*te of sa'd county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singu lar the heirs and creditors, to lie and appear at my office . within the tbp.e.prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted-to the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this Janua ry 6th, 1865. J. J. SPARROW, jou!0-30ci Ordinary. / lEOHGIA, llouston County.—Whereas, Tliom- V.T ns L\ Goff applies to me for Letters of Admin istration upon Uie estate of Nancy Wood, late of said county, deceased. These nro Therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at my office within tiio time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, Given under my hand and official signature, this January 29th, 1860. WM. T. SWIFT, feß3-80d Ordinary. /i-’ipibCfjA, Houston County.— Whereas. Joint i ; Kendrick petitions the ntidersignert for Let lers oi Administration upon the estate of Charles ~V, ’ 11ll ‘ °* naid county, deceased. «js these are therefore to cite and admonish, all lo *?° 11 ' 1 appear at my office \ \ - t . ,me Prescribed by law, and show cause graniedy lavo ’ said .letters should not be hand «-al official signature, this fcb V&l ’ WM. T. KWI FT, '*' Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY —Wherea-i i’uier Vi duce^r y i>en X fon to |h 0f lhe i CStatU <lf Williamson Mimsj salll tni3t. ,ln<lCl :ilSntll for of •Thtrstj arc to cite all nersonN „. 104 , * . bfyeutet uot hegrarJcJ. ' 1 w Bal^ my '' ir ' r,R ' !iip, ‘ atur ' 5 > Dccotuhcr 4th, ,Ut ‘ n ' f,m W ; T. HWIVt, fir,Unary. incty t ation on he estate <d‘Ls, r h K. f U. These arc, therefore, to -cite aial admonish all persons «"■! sl’i’Tl."; 1 wiLl,i " »'*« time raid letters sliouw not iio (! i < M K |,w“’. f any U,ey llilve ’ wll - v (liven umi.-r my hstfd and official simmliire, this 27th November, ISIS, W.M. T. SVVifT, I' ’* Ordinary. ADM IN TOR’S SALIA ■ '\M ILL bys.dd al Hie in Tl.omus } Y --towytipMOHeoeuty, on Hie lirsl 'Tuesday in • .April next, Last bail, of lot of i, and, No. «a in the Jilh liiytri.-t of oi iginafly '-ionnnow’Upson county, continuing one hundred one and a qiiar fer (tui; i)aTi - cs,moie or less, belonging to Hie ea tnte-'of rtbbn -E. Hurketf defeated. Hold .by. order ol the i"ii»t of Ordinary ol said ebtnity, tor-distribution. TMtrms Casli; „ JOHN BURICETT, jan2f-»0 Adm'r. Legal Notices* GCO It CIA, Macon County,—Whereas, Alfred J. Acre, applies to me for let era of Administration on the estate of Thomas D Pittman, late of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Feb ruary next to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 4th of January, iStC. JNO. L. PARKER, jan9—3od. Ordinary. GEOIIGIA, MACON COUNTY—Whereas, John Kelly applies to me for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of Sarah aud Mary Bartlett, minor children of John >l. Bartlett, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail parties concerned to be and appear at my cilice within the time pre scribed by law, and file their oi jectiors, if any they have, or said letters will be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 30th day of December, 1865. JNO. L. PARKER, jaiiS 80d Ordinary. / A CORGI A, IVlacnai Cpuiity.—Whereas, William VX J. Latiey applies for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Mary V. Lafiy, minor child of Jesse V. Lafley, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office witbin the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, way said Letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 80th day of Dee., ISfS. jan2—Bod JOHN L. PARKER, Ordinary. Georgia, Macon County,—' Whereas, r t Lady applies to me for lelte'S of Guardianship of the person and property of William E. I,afly, a minor heir of- Jesse P. Lafley, late of said bounty, deceased. These are therefore to cite ar and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and appear at my of fice within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause—if any they have—why said letters sliouid not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 80th day of December, 1805. JOHN L PARKER, jan2-;iQd Ordinary. /X BORGIA, n Count y. —Whereas, I). W. VS Alexander, administrator on the estate of Allen A McNeil, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration. This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at ray office ou or before the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be.granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Decembei 9i.h,1565. JOHN L. PARKER, Ordinary. Gi MlItGiA, Macon James 1 R. Barnaul applies to me for Utters of dismission from the Guardianship of Laura Ana Lamb, minor of Luke Lamb, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons in terested to he and appear at my office on • or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause if any they have, why said lett»s should not be granted. Given under u,y hand aud official signature, this 12th day of January, IS®?,. JN ). L. PARKER, ' janlG—m6m Ordinary. rfX EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Whereas, John Ilarrsll, a" applies to me for letters of Administration ou the estate of Lawson S. Kendcison late es said county de ceased. These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the next term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the second Monday in March next, and show oausg if any they have, why said John Harrail should not be entrusted with the Administration of the person and property of the said John Harrail Given under my hand and oiiicial signature, this 16th day of January, ISCG. JNO. L. PARKER, jahlß-80d Ordnary. Telfair ConHty.— Whereas, M. N. Mcßae, applies to me for Letters of administration ou the estate of Duncan P. McLennan, late of said county, de ceased, and for the administration, de bonis non, on the estate of 5 uncan F. McLennan deceased, 'Jhese are therefore to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office within the time prescribed by show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he vranteft. Given under my hand, at tins offise, this 2d day of Jan uary ISG6. , JOHN M. DORMIA. janlß-B'd . Ordinary. ( i BORGIA, Upson County.—Whereas, John T AT Walton applies to me for letters of Adminis tration ou the estate of George W. Doster, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office within the time pre scribed by law, aud show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and oiiicial signature, this Ist day of February, 1866. WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. { ( BORGIA, Upson County.—Whereas, Nathan X A Williams applies for the Administration de bonis non, of the estate of James .1 Smith, late of said county deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singujar the kindred and creditors of de ceased, to show cause, if any they have, at the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in March next, wily said letters of Administration should hot he granted. Given under my hand, this the 22d day of Jan uary. 1866. WM. A. COBB, j at i2 l-80d Ord i nary. j IKORGIA, Upson County. —Whereas, Kdward B. Thompson, of said county, aopVies to me for Ho administration of the Restate, within said Stat e of Georgia, of Waddy VV . Thomdson lat e of Hart county, in the State of Kent ucky, dec’ll. These aim therefore to cile and admonish all and singular, the Kindred and Creditors of said de ceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said administration should nSt, lie granted to the ap plicant, on the first Monday, March next. Given lllnlet- my hand, tins January ISOth, 1866. WM. A. C'oßß Ordinary. Feb. I—3od. / t EOHRIA, I'pson Couitty.-Wheress, w tlllani vT McHargue. applies to me for the Administfatioo of the estate of William Robinson, late of said county, df-c’d. These are therefore toeite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause, (if any they have) why said AdmWiixtration should not he granted on Pe first Monday in February next,. Given under my hand and oftpiial signilure, this 4th dayof January, 1865. WM. A. COBB, TjanO—Bo4. Ordinary. CNEORGIA, UP3ON COUNTY: * Court of Ordinary November Term,-1865. Whereas, George J. Lewis files his petition for dismission from the Administration of the estate Os Goodrich I). Williams, late of said county, deceased. It is therefore ordered by the Court that this rule be. pub lished once a month for six months, in the Journal and Messenger, Macon, returhah'e to the June Term, 1860, of this Court, that all persons concerned may have notice thereof amt act accordingly, i A true extract from the Minutes of said Court. WM. A. GOBI’, Ordinary, noviC—6m s and ex-officio Clerk, C. O. /'I FOK4JIA, Upson Conaty.-Whereas,William v K T Respess, temporary Administrator of the estate of James L. Pickard, late of s id county, deceased, applies for permanent Administration, de bonis non, of said est-te. These are therefore to cite and admonish al< arid singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in De cember next, then and there to show cause, if any they hive why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hai and this ISth day of Out ,1865. oetST-wSm W»f. A. COBS, Oy pncry. rt EORGSA, Upson CoHiity.--Whereas, Ambrose vJ Murphy, applies to me for Letters of Admin-.stration. With the will annexed on Ihe estate of Stanley Pcurifoy, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish aij, and sin gular the kindred and creditors, to be and appear at rny office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of Oct., 1865 oct27-w6m WM. A. COI’XJ, Ordinary. gTJJBOMGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY —Whereas, James M. Davis, executor of the estate of Uriah Jones, de ceased, petitions the undersigned f-ir dismission from his said trust. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signrtnre this Ist November. 1865. WM. T. SWIFT, novi-rnbm Ordinary. riIEOEGIA, Monroe County.”--Whereas, Lu v* cinda T. Taylor, applies to me for letters of Ad ministration on the estate of John M. Taylor, late of said county,deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and s'ngu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and a. pear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ff any they hate, why said it tiers should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 9th day of January, 1866. JOHN T. STEPHENS, j anl2-80d Ordinary. To all Wljoiii it may Concern. rSIHE undersigned hereby gives notice that he has J. filed his petition with the Ordinary of. Pulaski county'to be discharged from his administratorship (under act of 1864) on estate of John Lee, late of said couniy, deceased, on account of- removal from countv and Elate, and inability’, therefore, to attend to said trust, that in two months from the beginning of the publication of this notice he will apply for the sanction of this petitiou, and to be discharged from said admin istration. JOSEPH KING, Adm’r. of John Lee, with Elizabeth Lee, Adrn’x. November 9, 1565 Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Macon County.—Notice is liereby given that to all persons having demands against Lonj. F. Flemming, late of said county, deceased to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so us to show ilieir character anil amount, and all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make im mediate payment. BEN.I. HARRIS, .. . Ailministnitor’of Jiyn3o-30da. > . R. F. Fi.eM.ming. NOTICE, mWO'KONTHS after date application will be made lo bonurabk Court ol Oruinary or Pulaski county- for oi^iV^i'aiucc^:^“ uicoi johi ‘ u ian7-2m __ NIOHOLAS RAWLINS. AdmV. fcJ!X months after' date application will be made tn i.'. ,"!i '?!/ of Giuwlord oonuly dismission iih Extcntor of the estule of i>uvid IVtslon of said county. T'llOS. W. I’RES’I O.v’ Fx’r December 9tb, 1865 —ailiin > • • AOTtVE. T O^dlo^ 8 . f W"; U to l»>« Court of A. uruioary of I uLtsKi County, for ieMv« tn «hll n.« deoeased le btlOU * ina LeVi , o.„q dec2o-60d L L ' UAJ(R X V “EXCELSIOR!” The European Plan! ISAACS' HODSE Just below “ Journal and messenger” office, and directly opposite Telegraph office, Macon, Ga. Visitors Furnished Accommodations .IT Jl.f, BSOIIItS. undersigned would hike pleasure in announc es ing to his friends and the public generally, that his new building has been completed in every particu lar, and that he has succeeded in malting the most complete arrangements for carrying on- a x rSI&ST t:r,'JSS BOISE IN THIS CITY, ok tub r.ricopßAiv pi.aiv. Meals and other accommodations furnished to tran sient customers and citizens at alt hours. The extensive experience of the proprietor in the Hotel and Restaurant business, warrants him in guar anteeing to his patrons the utmost- satisfaction in every particular. Having just returned from the Northern markets with a complete outfit for his .V# IB * Si S 23.Dg.rU, and a large supply for his RESTAU li/VjSTT, lie trusts to metit a contjniunce of the Haltering pat ronage heretofore bestowed upon him, both bv regu lar and transient customers. The highest market price paid for all kinds of game. a-:. Isaacs, dec23-tf Proprietor. NEW YORK ADYERTISEMENTS. I*l AWO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 400 BKOAIIWAY, NEW YORK. THE attention of the Public and the trade isinvited to our Nkw Scai.k 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are no rivalled, by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Hass &c., and each instrument being made under the person al supervision of Mr. .1. 11. GRO VEST KEN, who lias had a practical experience of over 3. r > years in tbeii manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. The “ Grovetitc. u Piano Fortes ” received the award of merit over all others at the celebrated World’s Fair. Where weie exhibited instruments from the best maters of Condon, Paris, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and New York; am! also at the American In stitute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals, both of which can be seen at our waie room. - Ey the introduction of improvements, we make a still more peifect Piano Forte, and bv manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Prices —No. I,Seven Octave,round corners, Rosewood plain ease $275. No. 2, Seven Octave, round corner, Rosewood heavy moutuiog'JSOO. No. 3, Seveu Octave, round-corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style $325. Terms : Net Cash in Current Funds. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE. “A. AO.” octlß-fim NEW YORK PIANO FORTES. . ERNEST GIiABER, v MANUFACTURER OF New Scale First-Class Piano Fortes, FACTORY./122, 724 A 12(! EAST 221) ST., RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, and in successful operation, by means of which he has greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He will therefore be able henceforward to turn out 35 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that inconvenient delay to which Dealers and Purcha sers have been subjected, frofii the fact that for more than two years past he lias been continually a hundred instruments behind orders. A full assortment at all times may be found at, his Manufactory and Ware rooms iu New Volk City. Every instrument, fully warranted. Retail Warerooms, 'M3 Broadway, nov!3-3m Dll. J. S. BAXTER, ON SECOND STREET, Over office of T. It. Bloom, janlfi-lm A S 15 I J ii'^iFizW FOR BALE. MAfl T. \OIiSTON, Gas-fitter and Bmß [I inger, has just received a large lot of superior Gas- Burners, which he is putting up cheap. All Repairs on Pipes promptly attenned to. Orders to be left at “Journal and Messenger” office janltJ-tf Wilbur, Peas* &€«,,!*. P. Pease & Cos., Ralston’s Granite Range, No. 17, Alabama Street, 8d St., Macon, Ga. j Atlanta, Ga. COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission Merchants. GEO. G. WILBUII, ] P. P. PEASE. “ Lale firm j Fi mos Wheeler A Wilbur 1 P. P. Pease & Cos. W KKFKKKNOUSI Win. Bryce A Cos New York. Janies M. Beebe Bostou, Mass. 1). Rodney King Philadelphia, Pa. McDaniel A Irby ..Lynchburg, Va. Guthrie A Cos Louisville* Ky. R. M. Bishop A Cos Cincinnati, Ohio. Ward, Shaw A Cos Montgomery, Ala. S. S. Webb A Cos Mobile, "Ala. Massengale A Snyder Nashville, Tenn. Wnr. R. Green A Cos Vicksburg, Miss. Win. R. Green A C 0... ...New Orleans, La. Win. R. Green A Cos.. ,St. Louis, Mo. Fisher A Warden " “ Scott A Bros “ “ McGrcw A Cos .’ “ “ Taylor A Urilliney New Orleans, La. Krwiu A liardee. Savannah, Ga. jau4-3li> BAR. J. B. IMNKLE, has resumed the practice of MJ his profession iu Maoou. Office over Masseu burg A Sop’s Drag Store. Can bn found during tb night, at the residence of A. G. Butts, on Arch Street, and between Frrsl. und New Streets, nctlo—diiru. L. N. WHITTLE. p. B. WIIITTEL * A I*. WHITTLE, Attorneyes at I,aw. Office iLjm over Payne's Drugstore, uext to Coucert Hall, Macon, Geo. octa-6m* ROBERT FALKNER, s**.L*j: G-iY. , . ■ ... Y rd.BX, •, .- ■ JOURNAL AND MESSENGER BUILDING, (UP STATUS ) ’ it'd/: / --!.» • • 'd 1 jt> ■ ■■■. . ; ;ud ;v; ■; i^ DEALER IN' ' ■ '• and Hi - STOVES, • . ' !j - 'At;- Y. h . QHEET’, IRON, OJ ~ . . TIIST PLATE, tilt, TL/YISTS, PLATES, \ , BUCKETS, COFFEE POTS, ETC. HOOPING AND GUTTERING Ob all kinds promptly Executed, in tlie best style, and on reasonable terms. . Also, any and all kinds of work in SHEET lIION, COPPER, TIN or LEAD, promptly executed. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for Tin Ware, filled at reasonable rates. A FINE LOT OP STOVES Ol every variety and price always on hand. Everything in the. Tin Maim fact tiring line for sale very low. CALL AND EXAMINE. JOURNAL AND MESSENGER BUILDING, COR. THIRD AND CHERRY STS febli-tf JOURNAL AND MESSENGER JOB OFFICE. THE PROPRIETORS HAVING LAID IN A IN EW »T< >< M* « > >1 ATEIH AL, Are prepared to execute any and all kinds of fim md fmm tmting, SUCH AS % • PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, BILL hand bills, CARDS, &C., <S/;0_ OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY, And work executed on the shortest possible time. GIVE ITS A CALL. Jan. 2S-tf ' . ROBE & BURR. >. W. 11. BANKS, Jflacon, ------- fJcartria. Opposite tlio “Stubblefield House/’ l AM NOW PREPARED TO PUT UP TO ORDER ALL MANNER OK WORK belonging to Carriage and Wagon building. I otter the best of facilities for Rkpaik ing articles of the same character. My arrangetneifts are complete for Sniithwork, Painting, Trimming, Repairing, And all work required on all kinds of Vehicles. 1 solicit the patronage of the poo jdo of this city, and promise to give the utmo.-t satisfaction to all those who may eutrust jobs to my shops. I aru also prepared to Varnish and R.epair Fui’nitiire At tSac Shortest Notice. Prices will bo the LOWEST that, can possibly be afforded. I will always keep on hand for sale, a good supply of BUGGIES AI3SU> CARRIAGES iriiif f/ ini/, uk •it I.o ir* fig truus. HORSE SHOEING one by the most experienced workmen in the city. T guarantee the utmost satisfac tion in this j articular. W. IX BANKS. .1 O S3 \ W . € O X , Wholesale ami Retail Dealer iu Boots, Shoes, Calf Skins and Shoe Findings, .A.t Iledmced Prices. An examination of stock and prices solicited. Store at Robert*, Dunlap A Cos., old staud, dec7-tf CherrySt, Macon, Ga. WOOD, LOW & LUUWKJSEN, General Commission Merchants, JSTEW ORLEANS, NO. 29 CARONDALET STREET. . nov 19-Btn* young, brothers & 7xl Wholesale Dealer, in MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING, SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, No. 135 Main Bt., 88 ABS Uki St. . bet. Washington Av. A Via* St., corner of Wabash Av st louis, MO' omoaoo.tLl ’ novDSmU* -