Macon daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-186?, March 15, 1866, Image 4

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AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS. "-A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR GAINED.” Thta truism you can reaiixe by l' archfts "‘ e NELSON and McILWAINE’S FINELY FLAVORED SCOTCH SNUFF. “SWEET AS THE ROSE,” WLMh .!«• «. *“* A "‘ NEW YORK PRICKS. -a ■ SSS-'i I fornofcvoo «cpt that Southern a««l«ni m»y encourage and sustain SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES, And at the same time save themselves freight and •ther charges. The quality of their Snuff they guarantee to be EQUAL TO ANY, AI«D Excelled by None in the World. GIVE IT A TRIAL. MUR MONEY and ENLARGE YOUR PROFITS, By sending your orders «t once to NELSON & McILWAINE, Augusta, Ga. fcbai-tjnlyld* _ To Owners and Shippers OF COTT 1 03V - JOHN K. GILLIAT &. CO, LIVKRPOOL, ENG. OBER, nanson;&. CO,' >kW YORK. OBER, ATWATER it CO., NEW ORLEANS. LEWIS NANSON & CO, ST. LOUIS. W. HENRY WARREN &. CO., auuusta, «a. ■ WEFRCrtENTINO the above well known houses tor li the Htate ot Oeurgoi. wo will put in order end •tup Cotton from any section of the country, tusking 1 1 hern I advances and speed r returns. The reputation ..I these bouses wiil insure'the most favorable neeotia of Kachange on New York, Liverpool and Lon- Hv our advertisement, it willbe seen that w«I keep a. rssslv W»r the trade, a LARUE STOCK l»k GRO CERIKS, ol *H kind*. II ATS, ULOTHINU. HLAN NETS, I.INKNS. etc., etc., «tc, winch we will sell as CHEAP, and iu many instances LOWER, than esu be bought in Louisville all,l Cincinnati. We pro|a»e te Uinktin bo ding Cotton to make thru, advance* m Cash ~rfloo,ts, and mil orshiptbrir < . iron to envoi the slmvc jxuuis thus giving them dm advautge »f Augusta. New York or Liverpool mar kets. An investigntion of the above will prove that our facilities for doing bseiuetM with any section are the itry beet, sad the advantages we posies* for tnakiug advances in O.xids or Oa*b are probably superior to snv one to the Stale Weearnestlv solid, s enrrospondeucs with Dealers and Shippers. W. HENRY WARREN A CO., 17.A and 177 Board Street, nov.'Mf AUUUSTA, AG AUGUSTA HOTEL I’KOUKIFTORS S. M. JONKs Z. A. RICE. WF. re*|s<ctiuUy invite our old triend* and the trav sling public In give n* a call. Onr House is located in the heart ot trad*, and convenient to the depo?* Augusts. On.. Aug *4. ISAS. I'AINTi NG. HOUSE, stoisr, AND (>rnamental Painting. GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, Ac, Ac. kiav ag nt> hand al> tbe necessary material to carry >* the bnaitwee, w* arv prepared to give aatistaction, both m v.eruuon suit prices, to ali who may favor us with their orders. We will also keen on band aid for sale, railed Paints at ever? denrripties. VARNISH. OIL, SPTS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN PUTTY, SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, At- Ac. andere troui the country promptly atu-nned to DRURY A TRIPOD, ‘ .w«r Robert*, Dunlap A Cos., Cherry at., sugia-lim Macon, Ga. aarasascss' W B Johnston, N H Beal, J H Zstlia A On, B A Wjr, Clai land A [tumble, Un,r Nayuer. W A Huff. ’ CLOSING S\ L E OF WITTER ROODS. January lOtli, 18(50. MV Stock of Woolen Fabrtis,|C.>uaistuig of Drees Got da, Shawls, Cloaks, Pantaloon Stuffs, . , Blankets, Ho, etc., • ****!*? . “4 rather than carry them over U' l Wil\ V)« tell at 4»rr*Uf , Pri,.^, *■■»*»« win ~u.« tad Mr wbal lbr> ba\« «*v«m by wauur 1 < «r rif' T COlEmaN, ' ,r ( b *‘rr, and Second si*. avSSja. assaasse. N«» Street*. SCtl<>U I, - !I> ' S IKON WORKS. ■; ifl’ | _ nil. m jHßßaft|JMjft J. S- SCSO IP X BLD. % .manufacturer oe . STEWJ ENGINES and BOILERS, UPRIGHT and CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, FORCE PUMPS and LIFT PUMPS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS, And all other kind x of Machinery to ORDER. ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILING for RESIDENCES and CEMETERIES, Columns, Verandahs and Castings of every Description. All kinds of HOLLOW-WARE, at Wholesale ONLY, such as Oy’ghk, *s*ldllet»*, L*otM, AvO. Fifth Street, adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Ga. inar6-taprill G- IR, EA. T BEDUCTION I \ freight. WK arc constantly receiving by the new routes opening, and at greatly reduoed rates of freight, * . CHOICE STOCKS OF FINE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. We have now on hand and for sale by the Cask, Gallon, Case or Bottle, Best Bourbon Whiskey in Macon, Finest Jamaica Rum, eight years old, t Perfectly Pure Irish Whiskey, . f < ’ognac Brandy, Vintage 1847, Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines for Medical use, Choice Old Holland Gin, Boker’a and Drake’s Plantation Bitters, Choice Brands Cliampaigne and Rhine Wines, Our goods are carefully selected, by a partner of our House, resident in New York, . ]i\ are bought at lowest market rates for CASH, and will be sold in like manner. MEGRATH, PATTERSON & CO., febl!-6m Mulberry Street, opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. MADISON STRATTON, THOS G.POINTItK. HAMPTON J. CHRNKY, BKN.J. P. ROY. STRATTON. POINTER & CO., WHOLESALE , Gr r o c e 1* s, AND Commission Merchants, For tbs Sale and Purchase of * V .% ■ Cotton and Tobacco, WHEAT FLOUR, I* OKU, BACON * LAKI>, DRIED FRUIT, Pig Iron, and Produce Generally, No*. 1> anti II Rroad street, XAMIVII.I.C, TFNUL WK WILL keep on hand a large and well and selected slock of groceries FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. lo which we invite the attention el the merchants ol Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Strict attention will be paid to receiving and for warding, and to the sulc of groceries and all goods on consignment. Being in the large and commodious store and ware house so loug and favorably retnemliered as the house of Johnson A Smith, and afterwards as Fisher, Whe less A Cos., with the immense sheds and storage rooms, we feel prepared to handle all Cotton, Tobacco, and General Produce, or goods on consignment, on as favorable terms as auy house i t the city aud expecting to establish our business upon a perma- V'T!®* 1o do al > iu uur Power to meet a ntH?rdl hhdteut public palrontige. ocHr^m' 0 * HUd al " a> ' i on hand. JOHN MKRHTMM.'. B. H. WARINti. Jolm lerrj-man & Cos., Baltimore, Md., FARMERS’ AM) PLASTERS’ AGENDA, tor th< sale or FertHzera, ImpltmtnlH, .Hathlurry, M.U'e S(«rk, 4 fl W K are now prepared to receive orders for X 0 1 Pemvian Guano, and other FERTILIZERS of known value. Kefir to **»“*£>«* *» eod Thus. M. Tomer. Hp*ru E. C. Wade A Cos., and P. H. Behn, Savannah Messrs. .Visbets, Macon. Addies, JOHN MERRYMAN A COJ Haltimore, Md "EXCELSIOR!” The European Plan! ISAACS' HOOSE Just below “ Journal and Messenger ” office, and directly opposite thefMagnetio Telegraph office , Macon, GVa. Visitors Furnished Accommodation* ./ /’ *//.#. HOURS. 'glljE uudersigned would take pleasure ia announc ■ ' U K to . his triends aud the public generally, that hi* Dew building basbeeu completed in every purlieu* lar, aud that he ba» succeeded in making tbe moat complete arrangements for carrying on a FIRST FL*IBS HOUSE IN THIS CITY, ON TUB EllHOmih PLAN, Meals aud other accommodations furnished to tran sient customers and citizens at all hour*. The extensive experience of the proprietor in the Hotel and Restaurant business, warrants him in guar enter ing to his patrons the utmost satisfaction in every particular. J Having just relumed from the Northern markets with a complete outfit for his ►VJEIF* BVILDIJTGy and a large supply for bis RESTAURANT, he trusts to metit a continuance of'the flattering nab ronage heretotore bestowed upo U him, both by rwru lar aud trausient customers. * The highest market price paid for all kinds of game. K. ISAACS, decaff-U Proprietor. ■ w.- CONSTITUTION WATER Dl ABETIS Ul dUUbl ’ * he kmmn *K CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT IRRITATION OP THE NECK OF Til BLADDER, “SSrWpTjAsgSP^ SHU AIL FEMALE IRREGULAR’TiKH. Certificates ol cures froui well known persons from all parts of the country is circular, will bTseni oo ed- MORGAN A ALLEN, Agents, d*cl«-*m No. 46 Ctit at, Siwfat WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, $ iff ;A | ,t. ■i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Silve v are, ‘lronies, &c., &c., WORTH OVER ON K M ILL! O N DOLLARS! All to be sob I at FIVE DOLLARS each, without regard lo value, AND NOT TO BE £Ail» FOR Until you know what you are to receive ! ! ! 1,7;V1 (fold and Silver Waicfies were distributed 11111,114 tue patron.-: -if Parkerxoii & Company dur ing the month ot January. lxtitj. Read oorikments by the PressOtpcuklug of the firm in ttie most com plimentary manner:—“A most industrious and group •rous house.”—Shlppensburgh, Pa.,Sentinel. ‘‘Give all who deul with them perfect satisfaction.” —Dunkirk, N. Y. Journal, “Enjoy a high reputa tion for honorable dealing and tbe quality of their goods.”—New Paltz, N. Y. Times. “Perfectly reli able and will do all they promise.”—Nyack N. Y. City and County'. “Stand high for honesty and fair dealing.”—Fislikill N. Y. Journal. “Honor able and fair dealing nTen.”—Stapleton N. Y. Jour nal. “One of the oldest and most reliable firms in business.”—Oannjoharie N. Y. Radii. “Keep their word and act honorably by tiieir patrons.’’—Lyons N. Y. Press. 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches S3OO to 750 600 Magic Cased Gold Watches 250 to 500 500 Ladles’ Enameled Watches 100 to 500 500 Diamond Cluster Ladles' Sets 300 to 700 1,000 Diamond Solitaire Rings 75 to 250 1,000 Heavy Silver Hunting Watches 75 to 150 1,000 Open-face Sliver Watches 20 to 75 1,000 Silver and Mahogany Mus leal Boxes 100 to 500 1,000 Silver Dining Sets 75 to 350 1.500 Sliver Tea Sets, complete 50 to 200 2,000 Silver Urns and Salvers 75 to 250 *,OOO Seven Chamber Revolvers 75 to 300 *,.500 Patent Single Barrels Pistols 25 to 75 2,000 Richly Framed Oil Paintings 75 to 350 2.500 Elegant Peart Opera Glasses 25 to 75 3,000 Mammoth Photograph Albums 15 to 50 3,000 Cluster Diamond Rings 25 to 100 3,000 Ladies’ Oval Bracelets 15 to 50 3.500 Gold Chains of different designs, 25 to 300 Sjsoo Gold Thimbles, chased 5 to 50 10,000 Signet and Plain Gold Rings sto 75 10,000 Gentlemen’s Scarf Pins sto 50 12|500Brooches'and Ear-Drops sto 35 12.500 Gold Lockets, double gloss sto 3t> 10,000 Gold Pens anfi.&old Holders 'I 10 to 75 10,000 Sets Studs and Sleeve Buttons jto 25 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups,. sto 50 5,000 Sets Tea, Table & Dessert Spoons.... 10 to 25 5,000 Sets Tea, Table & Dessert Forks 10 to 25 5,000 Sets Tea, Table & Dessert Knives.... 10 to 25 2,500 Revolving Silver Castors 25 to 75 2jioo Silver Cake and Fruit Baskets 25 to 75 12.500 Wine Holders and other articles sto 75 To immediately dispose of theabove magnificent stock, certificates naming the articles are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificate upon payment of 85, whether it be a beautiful Watch, or a Musical Box wortli SSOO, or a Plain Gold Ring, worth $5. The return of any of ourcer tifleates entitles you to the article named thereon, upon payment,irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $5 is named on anv certifi cate, it will at once be seen that this is ■ No Lottery, but a straight-forward legiti mate Transaction, which may be partici pated in even by the most fastidious ! Any one wishing to invesnji the above en terprise can receive a sample package of a half dozen certificates, naming some of the above arti cles, by sending a stamped envelope bearing their address. Certificates not to be paid for unless fully satisfactory. We do tliisthatall may beconvinced of our sincerity and the genuineness of our sale.— Call on or address, PARKINSON & CO., feb2l-3m 208 Broadway, N. Y, Treat gift enterprise, - 200,000 Gold and Silver Watches Sets Silver Ware, Diamond Sets and Rings Eng lish Silver Cruet Stands, Butter Coolers, Dinner and Tea Service, Pianos, Hewing Machines, Vest Chains, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold Pencils, Sets of Jewelry, Ac., &e. To be Sold at ONE DOLLAR Each, with out Regard to Value, And not to be paid for till you know wliat you are to receive. CATAIjOG-TTK Os jtirh and Valuable Artieles at one Dollar each. 100 fine Gold Chronometer Watches, each S2OO 100 fine Gold English Lever Watches I.sft 200 Ladies’ Gold Enameled Bijou Watches 1.50 500 Solid Silver Hunting Lever Watches $lO to so 200Siver DinnorSete 100 to 150 150 Sliver Tea Sets 1( Jo to 1.50 3,000 Euglislt Silver Cruet stands 20 to :so 3,000 Silver Fruit Urns 1.5 to 2,oooSilver Butter Coolers to ’ll) I,oooSilver Ice Pitchers a, •&S2 Wlyer Goblets, G°id Lined ] 15 to 20 10,(M0 Gold Pens, Silver Pencil Cases Xto 12 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons ],- a, 6,000 do Silver Desert Sporms 201 o Tat 5,000 Large Size MagicftprlngLockets..-.. 10 to 20 150 Ftrst C buss-Sewing Machines to to Mi All the above list of goods will be sold for one dollar each. Certificates of all the various articles, stating what each one can have, are first put into en/elopes, sealed up ar.d mixed: and. when or dered, are taken out without regard to choice and sentUy mail, Mrus giving (HI •> fair oh«u,c o„ re ceipt o the Certificate you will sec what you can have, and then it Is at your option lo sond'onedol lar and fake the article or not. One certificate may obtain you a Gold Watch Service of Silver Plate or any other valuable arti cle. WILL BE NO BLANKS. One sealed envelope, containing an order for one ol the valuable articles on onr tint will be sent to any address on recelptof 25 cents, tj for $1 • 13 for *hJ K L'X lih JgF ui '! Bl sot ' ,INI wt,! * premium solid Silver Hunting Case Watch, $1.5. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. Goods not pleasing the tastes or fancy of our customers will be exchanged free of cost, Agents and others will be allowed 10cents on each certificate ordered !«v them, providing not less than five are ordered at a time. Agents will collect 25 cents for each certificate and remit 15 cents to us. Address all orders to KEJGHTELY & CO., 8. E. cor. Nitssau and Ann Streets, New York. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. marlO-wtim E. REMINGTON & SONS, Jtm REVOLVERS, RIFLES, MUSKETS AND CARBINES, For the United States Service. Also, POCKET AND BELT REVOLVERS, REPEATING PISTOLS, 1 Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifie and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials generally. Sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade throughout the country. 111 these days of House Breaking and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have one of REMINGTON’S REVOLVERS. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms, will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Uion, N. Y. MOORE & NICHOLS, Agents, No. tO, Courtland St., Ne% York, mai7-3m Wilbur, Pease & €o, { r. P. Pease & Cos., Ralston’s Granite Range,; No. 17, Alabama Street, 8d St., Macon, Ga. j Atlanta, Ga. COTTON FACTORS* Forwarding & Commission Merchants. GEO. G. WILBUR, j P. P. PEASE. Late firm Fi m of Wheeler A Wilbur , P. P.,Pease A Cos. HBFRItBNCKS I Wm. Bryce A Cos New York. James M. Beebe Boston, Mass. D. Rodney King... Philadelphia, Pa. McDauielA Irby Lynchburg, Va. Guthrie A Cos Louisville, Ky. R. M. Bishop A Cos Cincinnati, Ohio. Ward, Shaw A Cos Montgomery, Al.a. S. 8. Webb A Cos Mobile, Ala. Massengale A Snyder Nashville, Tenn. Wm. if. Green £ Cos. Vicksburg, Miss. Wm. R. Green A Cos New Orleans, La. Wm. R. Green A Cos St. Louis, Mo. Fisher A Warden “ “ Scott A Bros. “ “ McGrew A Cos. “ “ Tayldr A Grithney New Orleans, La. Erwin A Hardee Savaunab, Ga. jan4 3ro L. N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTEL f * P. WHITTLE, Attorney.* at low. Office 1A r over Payne’s Drug Store, next to Concert Hall, Macon, Geo. ' octli-iim* Reduction in Freight of Cotton, BY BUTTS & BROTHER S LINE. CIOTTON received and Bills Lading given through > to Sew York at St*> per hate. Unaixare 3 per cent. Freight t.,Savannah sA 56 per hale. Insnnvm e per rein. Macon, Fefc. BUTTS * BROTHER. Mkt-U State of Georgia—Bibb County. To the Honorable Superior Court .of said County: , I - 'HE petition of Simeon Toby, Jr., George W. Wilbur, Tlion. W. Fulton, Sam’l J. Gust in unit O. A. Loclirane, all citizens of the Stateol'Georgia, 'or anti in behalf ol themselves and such other persons as may l>e associated with them, tlieir suc cessors and assigns, respectfully represents: That the paper 01 instrument of writing hereto annexetl, and which your petitioners pray may be taken as part of this petition, sets fort the objeet of your petitioners' association, and the privileges they desire to exercise, together with the name ami style bv which they desire to be incorporated. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that said Charter <>f Incorporation be granted to them under the laws and Constitution Os this State, and iirnh r such rules and regulations as to right may apper tain. LOCHKAN&A’ BACON, Atty’s for Pet’rs. CHARTER OF INCORPORATION OF THE Fulton Manufacturing Company. Whereas, Simeon Toby Jr., Geo. G. Wilbur, Thus. W. Fulton, Sam’l J. Gustin and O. A. ixiUi nuie, all citizens of the State of Georgia, for alarm behalf of themselves and such other persons us may lie associated witli them, their successors and assigns, do hereby make application to (lie Superi or Court of Bibb County, where said part ies reside, for a Charter of Incorporation, under tiie name and style of the “Fulton Manufacturing Compa ny,” with chartered powers, rights and privileges and immunities which are hereinafter contained, which Charter of Incorporation the said Superior Court of Bibb County, under the Constitution and laws, lias the power to grant; Now, therefore, In consideration of the premises, it is hereby adjudged and ordered as follows : First—The said named Simeon Toby, Jr, Geo G Wilbur, Thos W Fulton, Sam’l Gustin and O A Loclirane, and all persons that are and may here after be associated with them, their successors and assigns, lie, and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic, under the corporate name ol the “Fulton Manufacturing Company,” and under said name shall have and use a common seal, and shall be capable of suenig and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, in any of Hie Courts of law and equity having jurisdiction. Secondly—The authorized capital of said Com pany shall be $300,000, (three hundred thousand dollars,) and the time for which they shall lie In corporated Thirty Years, and their rights under this Charter and their liabilities such as are pre scribed by law. Thirdly—The corporators herein mentioned and the stockholders may assemble and organize, by the election of a Board of Directors—not less than 5 in number, chosen out of the stockholders—- and elect a President, a Secretary and Treasurer, and all other agents or Officers they may deem necessary for carrying on the business, and pass all by-laws for the good government ttnd interest of said Company consistent with the laws and Constitution of this State and of the United States, or with this Charter. GEORGIA—Bibb County. In person appeared Simeon Toby, Jr, who, being ing sworn, says that the amount of capital m notes of solvent Banks—to-wit, National Banks of the United States—and the properity actually paid-in at its sworn valuation, and ready to he employed by such corporation, is ninety thousand dollars. SI MEON TOBY, J n, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12tli day of February, 1866. K. W. OUBBKDGK, Notary Public. GEORGIA—Bibb County. Clerk's Office Superior ( 'ourt, I February 171 h, 1866. f Entered on Minutes of said Court, Folios 82 and 83. A. B. ROSS, Clerk. Bibb Superior Court. Filed in Office February 13th, 1860. A. B. KOSS, feb23-law2m Clerk. CHEROKEE CURE, INDIAN MEDICINE, l/’P/ t? A Cures all diteasos cau.-ed by or self-abuse, viz :~‘Sperrnator y ZJ&k r/kwi, Seminal - Weaknee*, VnfiVa Night - EmUeioum, Imsi of hMKpwHXB Memory, Universal Laeei - Ml “/ fade, Paine in the Back, Dim- A-, b«* of Vision, Premature Sh*- AFt Old A ye, Weak Nerve*, D/t/i --_KJInf /Tjb-j cult Breathing, Pale I’ounte fe nance, Insanity, Consump tion, and all diseases that fol low as a sequence of youthful indiscretions. The Cherokee Cure will restore health and vigor, stop the emissions, and effect a permanent cure after all other medicines have fail<*l. Thirty-two page pamphlet sent in a sealed envelope, free to any address. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for SS. Sold by nil druggists; or will be sent by express to any portion of the world, on receipt of price, by the sole proprietor, Hr. W. S. MERWIN, 37 Walker St., N. Y, Cherokee Remedy, plaints, viz: Gravel, Inflam /L< Sgk, 11 X, mation of the Bladder and KKK « Urine, Stricture* of the pjjlgJNfil»rVj|iMt MVrethcn. Dropsical Su-ell tngi. Brick Ihc*t Deposit*, and all diseases that require a diuretic, and when used in CHEROKEE INJECTION, does net fail to cure Gonorrhea, Gleet and all Mu • cous Ditcharge* In Male or Female, curing recent cast* in from one to thrpe day*, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor Alims or White* in Female*. The two medicines used in conjunction will not fail to remove this disagreeable complaint, and in those caaes where other uiudiciues have been used without success. Price, Remedy, One Bottle, $2, Three Bottles, " Injection, “ “ $2, “ •* $5. The Cherokee “ Cure," “ Jlemedy," and “ Injec tion" are to be found in all well regulated drug stores, and are recommended by physicians and druggists all over the world, for their Intrinsic worth and merit. Borne unprincipled deulera, however, try to deceive their customers, by selling cheap and worthless compounds,—in order to make money—■ in place of these. Be not deceived. If the drug gists wiU not buy them for you, write to us, anil w« will send them to you by express, securely packed sml free from observation. We treat all diseases to which the human system is subject, and will be pleased to receive full and explicit statements from those who have failed to receive relief heretofore. Ladles or gentlomen can address us in perfect con fidence. We desire to send our thirty-two page pamphlet free to every lady and gentleman In tbs land. Address all letters for pamphlets, medicines, or advice, to the sole proprietor, £ ©Dr. W. R. MIIRWIN, 37 Walker St., K. Y. For sale by J. 11. ZEILIIN & Cos. deu27-Birieod ■■■■■■*«■ DYSPEPSIA, BDr. Strickland’s H Dr. Strickland’s Tonic is Ha concen t,rated ureparatldn I rp (ViffT P Hoi Roots and Heriis with H x u 1 ■anti-acids and curinina jf Stives to strengthen the tarn. It is a certain remedy for Dyspepsia or In digestion, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite. Acidi ty of the Stomach, Flatulency, hikj Debility, it Is not alcoholic, therefore purliculurly suited for weak, nervous and dyspeptic persons. For sale by all Druggists everywhere at 81 per bottle. -Dr. STRICKLAND’S I cure for a pile REMEDY ■ PILES. ■ Him cured thousands of the K Hworst cases of Blind and ■ iiw.. Piles. It gives im '-w™gHmllw>i mediate relief, and effects a permanent cure. Tr? it directly. rt is warrant ed to cure. For sale by all Druggists at ;i0 cents per boltle. - STRICKLAND’S 8 COUGH 8 mellifluous I no more, 1 Uough Balsam ■ warranted to be the on s^HuKSbiBSBBHHHIy preparation known to cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Whoop ing Cough, i iironic Couglis, Consumption, Bron chitis and Croup. Being prepared from Honey and Herbs, it is healing, softening and expectora ting, ami particularly suitable fur all affections of tbe Throat and Lungs. F’or sale by Druggists everywhere. DIARRHOEA. Over IS.iKIO soldiers were cured of Diarrhcea and Dysentery last year by the use of Dr. Strickland’s Anti-Cholera Mixture. The fact of its I>eing used so extensively in the Hospitals is proof of the effi cacy of Dr. Strtekland's Anti-Cholera Mixture lor tlie cure of acute and chronic cases of Diarrhcea and Dysentery. Tills is the only preparation known as a safe and certain remedy for Cholera. Do uot be without so valuable a medicine. Cet a bottle of it.directly. It is sold by all Druggists at SB cents per bottle. J. H ZEILIN & CO., jan27-eod Iy Wholesale Agents. SPRINGHILL SCHOOL, Near Perry, Houston County, Ga. (WILL revive In my family and thorongldy educate, four additional boys, or will give such instruction - tlie parents may desire, sipeeial attention will be given toall practical appHoations of autio-nnacics. K**r board and tuition trom Ist of March to Ist of July, >U». For languages each, sl2 extra. Refer to Col. Powhatan B. Whittle, and Gen. How ell fobb, Macon. MdFiUV.’w Lißoi BROWN, it. A. NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 *■' 'C.r. Y?.Vi'V.'gripf Portable Steam Engines. PLANTERS and MECHANICS \JII.L FIND THESE IS JNT GUILT IBS i * -• -* - WELL ADAPTED TO THEIR WANTS* • -* # t't —♦ * / We Warrent tbem to give satisfaction. FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS A. N. WOOD & C 0 EATON, MADISON Co', N. Y. feb2o-3m EDDY’S Kerosene Cooking and Heating STOVES AND RANGES. the: cooking stoves will BARK, BOIL, STEW, FRY AND # ROAST with t lit- greatest economy and facility, and without heating the room in which they are used. They are perfectly simple, operating like an ordinary Kerosene Lamp with a chimney, and are the only Keroseire Stoves that burn without smoke or odor. The Heating Stoves are very convenient andeco nomleal, especially where a lire is required but a few hours at a time. , , "We have been perfectly astonished to see what a labor-saving, dirt-saving and heat-saving insti tution is Eddy’s Patent Kerosene Stove. Taking the cost of running it, and the result attained, it i is tiie best patent iu the murk el.’’—Worcester lially B| &,„ s for Stoves may be sent through American Advertising Agency, 389. Broadway, New York. MOORE & NICHOLS, „ Manufacturers, 40 Courtlandt Street, N. V. Also, Manufacturers of Gas Cooking and Heating Stoves and Apparatus. And agents for E, Remington & Sons, llion, Ma n u fact ure is ol Revolving Pistols, Rifles, Guns, Gun Canes, tiun Barrels and Elliot Repeaters. febUO-ffm TO ADV ERTISERS. — A Supplement to the Daily News, Consist ing of uniform pages containing Adver tisements and other matter, will be published And 20,000 Extra Copies Daily, WILLBF. ISSUED, to be circulated carefully, FRF.E OF CHARGE, iu each of the following places: All the Railroad Trains coming in or going out of the City, the City Railroad Cars, the ferry boats, Steamboats, foreign Steamers arriving or depart ing, all Emigrant Ships, and iu all the principal Hotels in London. Liverpool, Paris Bremen, and other European Cities, and In the Island of Cuba. Also, in all the principal Cities of the United States and the Canadas. This will make the Circulation Greater than that of any other DAILY JOURNAL in New York. ADVERTISERS Now availing themselves of the opportunity to make known tlieir business through the columns of the NEW YORK NEWS are convinced of the importance of itsgreatcirculatton, inconsequence of tiie large orders received by them, certify to tiie value of this Journal as the best medium for Ad vertisin'' and the public generally de|iendiug up on publicity to secure an extension of business commensurate wit ti enterprise, should not fail to Income.acquainted with the unquestionable ad vantages to lie derived from announcing through tiie columns of this popular Journal whatever re lates to Commercial or Financial matters, no mat ter what may lie the particular business 111 which any party may be engaged. I will give 25 per cent, for all advertisements procured oy canvassers. Advertisements of any kind and in any language, will be published at the rale of 20 cents per line, each insertion. N. B.—All advertisements intended for this Sup plement should lie distinctly marked "Dally News Supplement.” Advertisers will lie supplied witli any numberof the .Supplement at the rate of $7,50 per Thousand. F. GUSCETTI, 243 Broadway, Is our authorized Agent tor the Supplement. UKOVKSmV k 00., PIANO I'ORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 BROADWAY, NT JS W YORK. TUK attention of the Public and the trade is invited foour Nsw Scale 7 OCTAVE KOSKWOOD PIANO FORTES, which tor volume and purity of tooe areuo rivalled, by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Iron frame, Over-Strung Boas Ac., and each instrument being made under the person al supervision of Mr. J. H. OItOVESTEEN, who has had a practical experience of over 85 years in tbeil manufacture, is fully warranted in every particular. The “ Grovcsteen Piano Fortes ” received the award of merit over all others at tbe celebrated World’s Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from ths best makers of London, Faria, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and New York; aud also at tbe American In stitute for live successive years, the (fold and silver medals, both of which cau be eeen at our waie room. By the introduction of itnprovemente, we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and bv manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash sysiem, are enabled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. Prices —No. 1, Seven OetAve, round corners, Koeewood plain case |275. No. 2, Seven Octave, round corner, Rosewood heavy mouluing 1300. No. 3, Seveu Octave, round corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style 1325. Terms: Net Cash in Current Fond*. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE. “A. & C.” octlß-Gm United States Steel Pen Works. Factory, CAMDEN, N. J. R. ESTERBROOK &CO., STEEL PEN MANUFACTURERS, Warehouses 403 Arch Street Philadelphia, and 42 John Street, New York. These celebrated Pens are of Genuine American Manufacture, and comprise every leading style in ■ lie Market, and are equal in flnish, elasticity and fineness of point to the best Imported. They are, t herefore, sure to gain tlie confluence of the Amer ican public. Samples aud prices on application. lots made to order, of any pattern or stamp required. For sale to the Trade at the Manufacturers’ Ware houses, as above; and at retail by all Htatloners, Booksellers and News Dealers in tbe U.B. feb2o-3m R. RSTKRBRoOK A VO. SIMON TO WI, B , Formerly of Tallahasse, Florida, ATTORNEY at law, And Solicitor of Claims, WASHINGTON, D. C. iurnoc» sr »-»:*«i*.ioa: Hon Wiu. Marvto. Hon. J.C. McOehee,Florida; Hon. H. W, Hilliard, Robt. Habersham, Raq., Geor gia; Huu. James Dixon, ;Conu., C. S. Senator; Hod. 8. B. Colby, Register U. S. Treaa.; L. A. ThomuuoEaq., Texaa; t'oroellus Vanderbilt, . New York. teur-au r »a f ■ ROBERT FALKNEI! !t?l A \ .' * 3 to u l JOURNAL AND MESSENGER BUILDINu. (UPSTAIR* , DEALER J IST STOVES, SHEET IRON, i XIIsT IPLAILE, manufactured F-A.US, PLATES, BUCKETS, COFFEj- J»OT ROOFING AND GUTTERING OF all kindß promptly Executed, in the beat style, and «n re*eo lU |,i, - Also, any and all kinda of work in SHEET IRON, (UPPER - promptly executed. . ] . ' ‘ \ ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY for T in Ware, tilled at rea*, n .^ A FINE LOT OF STOVES Os every variety and price always on hand. Everything in the Tin Manufacturing line for gale very low CALL AND EXAMINE JOURNAL AND MESSENGER BUILDING, COR. THIRD am' ‘ feb2-tf ****,»„ JOURNAL AND MESSEM® i3T'O33 THE PROPRIETORS HAVING LAID !J k NEW OF MATERIai, # Are prepared to execute an y and all kindaot PMii ah© minm SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, UTILL heads, liAisriA bills, CARDS, ScC , Am OUR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN ANY. And work executed on the shortest possible time GIVE US A CALL. Jan. 23-ts ROSE & BURM. W. SI. BAAKN, Carriage depositor • _ * Jtfacon, tleorp OppoNite the “Stubblefield House." T AM NOW PREPARED TO PUT UP TO ORDER ALL IKAN.VKB Os * belonging to Carnage and W agon building. I offer the beat of fsc.l.Oa. h » *•**] INO articles oi the same character. My arrangement* art ooapU* M j Sm iHi work, Painting, Trimming, Repair* And all work required on all kiuds of Vehiohe. I solicit the patrons* JM* A of this cify, aod promise to give the utmost satiafaetioo id all iW els •*} I entrust jobs to my shops, f am also prepared to Varaiab and Repair Furniture AI the Shortest ilotiee. Prices will be the LOWEST that cao possibly be afforded. I will dwx,. *•» for sale, a gcod supply of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGE WHMVH H *ll. t. HE M.OW ftHVi l* HORSE SHOEJWO one by the most experienced workmen in tbe city I gueram— mi tion in this f articular > < < J dec29-tf W- !>• p . M. HORKBL. A. C. HORBBI. SORREL BROTHERS , suml mism mmm Savannah, Georgia. . REFERENCES: Massrs. H. K. Corning, Sou 4 Cos., X. Y.; P*tor V. Ktag 4 Ca, R. Y.; Fishar, Broth..* 4 Op., MalU u»ore; National Bank, Savauuab, Ga.; PranciaSottst, Eaq .Stf'baM*, «a.; Mavano.4 T. R Bloom, Esq , Macao, Cfa aovlE-Ow , B. i XOCEBaEB. mH LOCHUANE l B.M 1 •sttohjte ri mt ut | Macon, ua IKNRY A JOHN HSlt*] V. f'HAMHgRSSTRKfcT «» Vl* J o'i:’stF’hTng| A largE so U adapted to rtcuiAsm *■* I jaoi? no. , 1 : i.UrtW vV H