The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 04, 1870, Image 4

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THE CONSTITUTION. BY W. A. HEJlPHLLIi & CO. I. W. AVEBY, Editor. TEEMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: WEKEI.Y CONSTITUTION, per annum... $300 tlx months 900 DAILY CONSTITUTION.per annum 1000 six months 600 100 I the money it Mid. r.-xr ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at one del lar per tqnare often lines, or space to that amount, f rthe first. and fifty cents for each subsequent in sertion. without regard to length of advertisement ATLANTA. GEORGIA, JANUARY 4 tW According to an eminent mathema tician, M. Adhcmar, the world is to be overwhelmed by water 0,200 years from this date. He gives many scientific reasons for the opinion. We notice it simply to put our readers on notice, that they may make their wills, arrange their insurance, and other wise prepare for the event. (louse. Bryant and O’Neal said only 3 were ineligible. And in the Senate, only 2 are said to be really ineligible. This re duces the number of probable ineligible Democrats to 5, all told. If the places of the 5 are filled with Rad icals, this would leave the Democrats and Republicans 121 to 83 Radicals. There are other Radicals of doubtful fe alty, to the number of 9, who can not be counted upon positively to go with Gov. Bullock. In fact, it is understood that some of them have declared their determination to oppose extreme measures. In the above calculations, wc have taken the worst view against the Democrats. Others think that a still more favorable re sult will be seen. In regard to the 13*vacancies, they will, when filled, most probably furnish Demo cratic members. % These estimates certainly do not justify the Democrats in resigning. They afford an unanswerable argument for sticking, and making a fight for Georgia’s interests. WHY ABE PRINTERS DISSIPATED? Some one pnt this question to the immor tal Splvens, of the Wheeling Intelligencer. Spivens gave him the following impromp tu reply: When others shunned the in uric v sk Those Bonds. The Herald’s Personals. The New York World lias a three column article giving the New York Herald tough trouncing for its column of person ala. The World claims that these adver tisements are the basis of all sorts of ras cality, that they promote vice, and arc the agents of profligacy and crime. Tho World cuts dose, and dissects keenly, and of a verity, it tells much truth. But of course tha Herald is no party to any scamp- isliness involved in these personals, and can not stop to enquiro of advertisers their objects, even if it had the right to do so—a matter that admics of no dispute. The World will have to reform New York to stop the wrong of which it com plains. The job is rather large, wc think. The only sensible course for the World, that’we sec, is to get up a counter-column of u Personals,” whip out the Herald on its own ground and monopolize the busi ness, and then correct the trouble. Wc are informed that Mr. King, Presi dent of the Augusta Railroad, came up yesterday to renew some State bonds, for which provision was made, nc found, we are told, that the bonds that the Legisla ture had declared should be issued in re newai, had all been used for other pur poses. This is the result of Governor Bullock’s illegal and unauthorized use of that large quantity of State bonds, to which allusion has previously been made. Of course such a thing must injure the State credit. When shall we sound the depths? r ut Where flash on flash was bright’mng, Great Franklin went to fly his kite, And bottled np the lightning. And since his time, when cares oppress. And hard times are tightening. The Printer seeks to drown bis woes. In dranghtsof”bottled lightning.*' When badly tattered—bis warm heart , A place lor grief to rankle in— lie takes his *' lightning,” flies his kite, And thinks himself a Franklin. Call for the Executive Committee. The members of the State Executive Committee of the Democratic party of Georgia arc requested to meet in the office of Dr. J. P. Alexander, in Atlanta, on Wednesday, the 5th day of January ensu ing, at 10 o’clock, a. m., for consultation and advisement in the present juncture of pub lic affairs. E, G. Cabasxss, December 30,1869. Chairman. Democratic papers in the State will please copy. THE CUILLOTINEAT WORK. Gov. Bullock on a Rampage. “I will USIV1B IUO VUUil, uuuac uuu. . . r the town of Fayetteville, Fayette conn ty, Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: One hundred and thirty-flvo 135: acres of land, It being a part of lot number ono hundred ana twenrir-slx (136), and lying in the sixth district of Fayette county, to satisfy six Justices’ Court fl. fas. issued from the Justice Court of the 495th District, G. It, in favor of R. M. Mathews, plain- Hulbert Removed. State Road Gone Up. uistnct. tj. at., in favor of R- M. Mathews.plam- tlir. and Jemima Powell, Eliza Powell, Martha Scott, Nancy Powell and Mary Powell, defend ants. Levy in ado and returned to me by Morris Jacobs, L. C. This Nov. 23.1869. WM. L. ELLISON, Sheriff. Printers fee $2 50 per levy. Blodgett, Harris, Hoyt, Stallings, Mollen and Gaskill,to Ron the Machine. Swayze to Start a Radical Paper in Atlanta. Hnlbert for the United States Sen ate. LETTER FROM BRAZIL. Settlers—The Paraguay Volunteers —The Brazilian Emperor — Mr. Blow —Horace Greeley’s Name Forged. Social Demoralization. One of tiie most salient marks of the in crease of social demoralization North, is the growing openness of vice. Formerly the orgies of drunken de bauches, and the abandon of demi-monde revelry, were not permissible matters of mention in tho public prints. The very allusion to such things was forbidden They existed, of course, among the de praved, but, by the verdict of delicacy, they were consigned to the obscurity of silence, and no waft of their minted odors readied those who were too pure or too prudent to seek a personal experience of their vile contamination. The fnmillarity with their flltliy particulars was confined to particl pants, and no giozing details awakened innocent curiosity to evil life, nor roused Incessantly the mad devil of a libidinous nppetitc. Wliat ever was done under the scum, was at lcast*Uncbronic1cd, and therefore, harmless to the uninitiated. But a new programme now governs Not satisfied to record the good, the best journals Nortli are crammed witli the nar ration of immoral life. The purlieus of vice arc invaded, and the disgusting de tails dragged daily before the had and the innocent, made glittering with the finest rhetoric of genius, and paraded in all the tinsel of novelty and sensation, for the de moralization of the pure, as well as the stimulus of the evil. The effect is damaging. The minds und tastes of the growing youth arc tainted with wicked knowledge. The glimpses of a dangerous and alluring life arc enough revealed to intoxicate curiosity, and woo n trial of its guilty and damning experience that must, more or lcss,corrnpt. The poi son in seductive form is a standing tempta tion before undiscriminating spirits. Can wo wonder that the ago is becoming so . wicked, that tho youth is so fast, that ini quity is gained before wisdom, and ruin often comes in tho very bloom of life? These reflections havo been engendered by reading in the New York dailies graphic accounts of a Frcncli ball among the demi-monde, that, according to the pa pers, mnst havo been a scene of the wildest wickedness. Its details are unfit for the papers. They are so gross, indecent, sick ening and repulsively immoral, that they should have been buried in the foul mem ories of the few hundred beastly Baccha nalians who attended, instead of being spread before millions of readers, to inform the inexperienced of wlmt had better be unlearned. The papers have preached their horror of the scene. But their weak drivel of cen sure is no antidote to the strong poison of such knowledge. If their object is to stop such tilings, pnt the police on their track. If to awaken the indignation of the com munity, the community is better off ignor ant of vice, than mad at it. If to reform the poor brntes of the lewd carnival, news paper sensationalism won’t reach the gan grene. Let such tilings stop. The press is pros tituted when it degenerates to be the mere scribbler of villainy, and the historian of lust and drunkenness. Tho General Assembly. We have been counting noses in the General Assembly with the aid of a well- informed legislative friend. The Democratic and combined Radical and Republican strength stands respective ly thus: Rio Jakkbo, Nov. 28,1869. Friend Poreons: Dr. Hick'was in the city a few days ago on a visit, and says there is no going back to Colorado county, as every thing was swept away by the freshet, and those of my friends who thought of coming, have now decided to come. They look upon me as an agent of Divine Providence, sent to invite them to new homes, whilst they yet had means, to purchase. Dr. J. C. Crisp led the way, and is looked upon as the patriarch of the S. Paulo com munity. He lias written for the papers some excellent articles on the soil and cli mate of S. Paulo, whicii have been well re ceived. Dr. Boyd and the Bainsley broth ers. arc at S. Barbara, and arc all doing well. Dr. Reinhart, who has been 30 years in Campinas, writes me, that he is much pleased with the Bainslcy’s, and says that the Doctor will mnke his mark. Dr. R. came out in 1839 with Lieut. Strain, of the United Stales Navy. They came purposely to survey the Parana River. The difficul ties disheartened Strain, and the survey was abandoned. On their return to Rio. the Doctor joined the United States Frigate Constitution, to <ro and explore tho coal mines of Bornes, (Borneo.) The English were too quick for them, nnd the Doctor, having been capti vated witli the fine climate of S. Paulo, and hia present amiable lady, for all I know, re turned to make his home there, and he has been very useful and kind to our country men ns they pas3 through Campinas. A steamer resembling the Mississippi boats left hero yesterday to run on the Paraguay, to transport the volunteers from Assumption to Rosario, where they will embark for the cities on the coast, most convenient to their homes. Steamers from Assumption to Cuyaba, the capital of Matta Grosso, must only draw seven feet, and such boats will soon be in great demand up there. The high price of sugar and of rum, as well as the gold, will attract people to Matta Grosso, and the Northern press, in' stead of abusing Brazil, had better be look ing after the interests of their subscribers, by publishing useful information about the country, for which the English manufac turers have been preparing marketable goods, such as water-proof ponchas, knife blades, unwieldy spurs, saddles, bridles. &c.. according to patterns obtained while the war was going on; and the American press was abusing the Brazilians, and prognos ticating their defeat. Now that tho war is over, the Emperor will reside with his family in Pctropolis. during our summer. Mr. Blow, with Ills family, have taken the house formerly oc cupied by Mr. Buckley Mathews, in Pe tropolis. The Imperial family arc much beloved by the Brazilians, and ail foreigners who come in contact with them are attracted by their amiability. The Emperor’s solic itude for his people engaged in the war has been unceasing, lie lias been continually visiting the hospitals and asylums, con versing witli the sick and wounded at their bedsides. The two chamberlains, Leopold and Cruz Lima, who accompany him weekly by turns, are also kind and attentive, calling Clio Emperor’s attention to cases which come under their own cognizance, which their mingling with the world gives them a good opportunity of observing. I could tell you much of Sir Leopold, but fear to offend his modesty, should this meet his eye. Cenclr’s paper is improving, and now and then contains some valuable informa tion ; and Scully’s Anglo-Brazilinn Times holds it own. The Peruvian fleet still lie in our harbor, nnd. it is said, awaiting the result of the insurrection in Cuba. The engineers and many of the petty officers are Americans, but the commanders arc Peruvians. The two monitors have been docked to have their bottoms cleaned and painted. The Emperor has visited them, as lie does ev ery novelty that comes into port. Smart, who obtained money from Wright & Co-, by a forged signature of Horace Greeley, has had his trial. The verdict of the jury was, guilty of obtaining money under false pretenses, bnt forgery not prov en, which the judge declared annulled the verdict, and at once appealed for a new trial. He has been nearly two years in prison, staving off his trial until a few days ago. Rio is healthy, and the weather is fine. Yours. H. Lewis to L. Superintendent Hulbcrt of tho State Road has been dismissed from office by Gov. Bullock, to take effect from January lst,1870,(next Saturday). The Governor as signs as a reason for the removal, a confiden- Hal 1' tter written by Col. Halbert to John A. Wimpy remonstrating against placing all power in Gov. Bullock’s hands, which Wimpy, in violation of the confidence re posed in him. exhibited to Gov. Bullock, The reason stated by the Governor is only a pretext, a3 Hulbert’s removal was agreed upon several months ago. and the Govern or only waited for the passage of the Mor ton bill. Governor Bollock says Hulbcrt blowed too much for himself and never tooted any for him! The new officers of the road arc said be: Foster Blodgett, Superintendent; A Harris, Master of Transportation; W. Stallings, Treasurer; Henry O. Hoyt, Su pervisor; James Mullen, Master Machinist V. A. Gaskill, Attorney for the Road. It is hinted that the new regime ensures the payment of the Cole claim against the State Road, and the Railroad park to the heirs of Mitchell, whereby the State will lose over one million of dollars. It is reported that Swayze, assisted by editor of this city, will soon commence the publication of a “ bitter-ender ” Radical organ, with the earnings of the State road to back it. A current rumor on the streets assigns Col. Hulbert as a candidate for theUnlted States Senate, and knowing ones predict his election on the first Ballot, by a large majority, over Blodgett. Moderate Republicans are expressing themselves freely in opposition to Bullock and Blodgett’s ruinous schemes. Somo them favor the impeachment of Bullock for his outrageous conduct. The Legislature is considered safe against Bullock’s plundering schemes. Bullock’s last move has sundered the Radical party. SENATE. Vacancies, - - 2 Democrats, - - IS Radicals and Rep. 24 HOUSE. Vacancies, - Democrats. - Rad’s and Rep. SO 44 175 Tills gives tho following party strength Vacancies, 13. Democrats, 102. Radicals and Republican, 104. Upon this showing, the whole combined vote of Radicals and Republicans, inciud ing every thing not simon-pure Demo cratic, gives only 2 majority over the Dem ocrats. Bnt there arc men classed as Republicans, who never have voted with the Radicals, and many of whom are now known to be opposed to Bullock’s extreme measures. In tho Senate, there are 0 undoubtedly against Radicalism, and in the House 18; making an aggregate of 24 who will vote with the Democracy against the fierce measures of Bullock and a Radical organi zation of the Legislature. Take this 24 from tho Radicals, and tho vote stands SO Radicals to 120 Democrats and Republicans, instead of 104 Radicals and Republicans to 102 Democrats. But it is expected that this Democratic vote of 102 will badiminlshed by excin slons under tho oath. Allowing 4 Democrats in the Senate, and 10 in tho House, who arc ineligible, which is an extravagant estimate, and their places filled with Radicals, as will bo at tempted to bo done, and we havo still 112 Democrats and Republicans against 94 Rad icals. Of tho 14 Democrats, however, proposed to be removed, 2 have had their disabilities removed. Of the 12 left, the places of 3 will be filled by Democrats, as tho next highest candidates. This will reduce the I Funny Mention. The Spaniards say; “A woman's coun sel is no great tiling, but be is a fool who docs not take it.” A lecturer at Paterson, N. J- asked his audience in stentorian tones, “ What did Moses say?” The answer came from a hundred throats at once, as follows; - Sbo fly! ” He passed. A dentist, trying in vain to extract a dc cayed tooth from a lady’s month, gave np the task witli this apology: “the fact 1% madam, it is impossible for anything bad to come from your mouth.” A lazy lad, who did not go to chnrcii un til the congregation were coming out. asked, “Is it all done?” “No” was the reply,“It is all said; but-I think it will be some time before it is all done.” The Mariposa Gazette of December 12, says: “ The unseasonable conjunction (May and December) was again illustrated in this place, a few days ago, by the uniting in the bonds of matrimony of a blooming damsel of twelve summers and a favorable cuss of forty-five or thereabouts.” A country bummer, who had deserted his family, recently sent the following let ter to his wife: Imc coming hnm nex week monnay, and hav furgiv yon ftir jawin me, lie come on the 6 o’k tranc & shill stay to hum here after & tri to be a altered man, I want peece A so do you, why shonld’nt we love each uther as wc used ter when we was fust jlned together, ive slned the plcgc but if S ou ever jaw me agin fur coming hum tlte e wallup you fur wo must hav pecce. N. B. hav fish fur supper when I git hum, I allwus did Jove fish speshly tom-kods.” He came home “tlte,” and was sent to jail the next day for “ walluping” his wife. Secret political societies have been discovered in Moscow and in the interior provinces of European Russia, which are plotting an insurrection for tho 17th of nbruary, ~ ,. tho anniversary of the emanci pation of the serfs. Democratic reduction to 9, of which, in the j’ The flight of Lopez is fully confirmed. Radical Party Bifurcated- A RACY DOCUMENT. A Democratic Appeal to a Radical Governor. Campbell County Postponed Sher iffs Sales. ■y^yiLL bo S id on lboflr*tTae*day in Jan February. decSl-wtds NOTICE. Daniel SI. Byrd ts. The Gwinnett Manufacturing' Company—Debt in the Jnsiiccs’Cbnrtof the 407th District, G. M-, Gwinnett county. Ga. fTSHE defendants aro hereby notified and cited A to bo and appear at a Justices’ Court to be held in and for tho District aforesoid, at the Court House of said county, on the twenty-fifth before the Court Honse door, in the town ol Campbell ton, Campbell connty, Ga, the follow- '£o te°c’nand numbers 955. 8ST, 1.M8.1,000.1,0*2, $6, all In tbc ISth district, 2d section or originally Cherokee, now Campbell connty, each lot con taining 40 acres, more or less. Levied on to sat isfy ail faissude from Cobb Superior Court, In fa vor of James H Alexander vs. T M Kirkpatrick, D M Dunwoody and A S Alkaison, executors of Charles J McDonald, deceased. Property pointed ont by the plaintiff’s attorney—J M Edge. Also, at tbc same time and place, parts of lots of land numbers 937,885.1,006.929.951. s86,969, 986, 1.003,927.981. 9S2.924, 956, SE2, 928, SS3. all In the 18thdistrict andSd section of originally Chero kee, now Campbell connty. each containing 40 acres, more or less. 85-100 part of said lets. Levied on to satisfy a fl fa issued Dorn Cobb Superior Court, in favor of James H Alexander vs TM Kirkpatrick, DM Dunwoody, AT Atkaison. CIO- jurKpiuriuk, i/fli Duunwuji a auuumiu, bad* enters of Charles J McDonald, deceased. Prop erty pointed ont by the plaintiff’s attorney—E M i, at the samo timo and place, the west half . .. gQi district of origi- of lotof land No. Ml, in the I HTCTDSOISr ZECQXrSIE* JONESBORO, GA. BY IV. G. HUDSON When you come to Jonesboro’ call at the Uud- Gwinnett County Sheriff’* Sales. W ILL be sold before tlio Court House door in town of Lawrcncovillc, Gwinnett county. Georgia, -within the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in January next, the following property, to-wit: .. . .. Forty acrcsof lmd, known as part or lot. No *27,' - " " ‘ ■*" ‘ Foe Pan Water, us this celebrated Pump, entirely tasteless, durable and relia ble: equal to the good old-isshloned wooden Pump, end costing lest then hall the money. E*iilyarran- gedeene tobesnn frietlefc and in construction so simple that any ont can pot K up and keep Kin repair. CnS-GBlATCHtfS 624-6.626 on as the property of William A- ilrecr, to satis fy a Superior Court fl. fa from Gwinnett Supe- ior Court in favor of JolinW. fchamblcev* W A. pointed This THE BEST A HD CHEAPEST RUMP NOW MADE. in the 6th district of said conntr. adjoining lands of Greer, Frank Turner and o-hers Levied Greer, for purchase money Property ont by T. M. Pe-plcs, plaintiff’s attorney. November 30,1869 Also, at tbo same time and place win be sold. GEORGIA, HJtilton County. Superior Court, August Term. 1869—Present, h 5. Hon X. B. Knight, Judge. NANCY N- BAMSEY, > Libel for Divorce. known as tbo “ Weems Placo •’ bounded on West by the Chattahoochee Blver, on the South by Level Greek, on the East by lands of Matbcw Strickland’s estate, and on'the North by the Isham Born place, containing two hundred land nally Coweta now CampbeU connty. Levied on ofShadrick Lewis, to tatlsfy a fl the property _ issued fromthe767th district, G. M. John C. Bur- son vs. Shadrick Lewis. Levy made and returned to me by H. D. Watkins, L- C, this December 8th, i860. EVAN R. WHITLEY. Deputy Sheriff- dcclO-wtds Printer’s f«e >2 80per levy said Dsni Court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness my hand and official signature, this December 29.1869. JESSE MURPHY, Notary Public, dccSl-w3w Ex-Officio J. P. NOTICE, D. Fcchtcr vs. Amt M. Feehter.—Libel for Di- yorce-Fnlton Superior Court, November Term, 1889. GEORGIA, Campbell Connty. Obdinabt’s Office, Doc 6,1EC9. W E. WILKBRSOH. Guardian or bis two . children, Milton li and Mary E._Wllkor- rriHE Simmons’ Liver Medicine, prepared by J. A. H, Zeilin & Co, of Macon. Ga.. has proved to bo a spurious imposition. The recipe by which they prepare it is made public, and many others havo rights to prepare it besides themselves. For proof or this, see the artlcio from John G. Gnice. the following letter f-om Jas. K. Chiles, the last An to Dr. M. A. SIMMONS, at luka. Miss., or any erty, this Is. therefore, to cite all persons concern •- ' ‘ *— ‘.ions in my Office, ed to show cause, by filing object) why the said W. R. Wilkerson should not bo dis missed from his guardianship of Mary E. and on, and receive tho usual letters Milton B Wilkerson, of dismission. Given under my official signature, this Dec. 6, 1869. K. C. BEAVERS, Ordn’y. Administrator’s Sale. Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found in •aid county, and it farther appearing that the said defendant reside, without tho limits oi this State. It is on motion of Solicitor, for complain ant: Ordered, That defendant appear and answer at tho next term ot this Court, and that she be served by publication of this Rule, once a month for four months before tho next term of tliisConrt, in The Atlanta Constitntionaa news- paper published in Atlanta. Ga. J I) POPE. J.8 C.. A.C. A truo extract Trom tlte ininutcsof said Court. December 29,1669. dec31-wlam4m W. It. VENABLE. Clerk. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. Obpinaet’s Office, Dec. 21,1869. G EORGE W. VARNER has applied for ex emption of personalty and setting apart and ry of Gwinnett connty, Ga-, will be sold be fore the court honse door, in tho town of Law- rcnceville, on the first Tuesday in January next, within tbo legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Two hundred and liny acres of land, more or less, number not known, belonging to the cstato or James Waits, deceased, on which land there is a fc;ry interest of onc-cighth part, wbich will be sold with tbo land. Saidland lying ncai Pinckneyvillo court ground, and within one and a hair or two miles of tho Air-Lino Railroad, on whicii t/act is some bottom, .‘•old for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms rash. On application, the premises will be shown to ony one previous to the day of sale. S. G. HOWELL. SALIXA WAITS, Adm'rand Adm’rx. do bonis non. nov23-wtds Printer’s fee $10 only genuine'-Liter Medicine." FOBSTrn, Ga , October .4,1669. Or. it. A. Simmons, tula, Mite.: bo present means of dis charging a duty whichl believe lsdnemy friends and all whom my name might influence. About six years ago I became acquainted wit! . A. Simmons, and bought from hit Medicine ” *— andwhic compound, and eminently i diseases lor wbich it was recommended, yearlsav ACo.,whc Simmons’ same at 10 o’clock- A. 11., on tbc 12th day of J anna- ary, 1870, at my office dec28-dltaw2t JAMES T. LAM KIN, Ordinary. Printers fee $2 GEORGIA, cKalb Connty. OBDINABY’S OFFICE, DlC. 27,1869. J OHN PRATHER has applied for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass' upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. M., on the 6th day " at my office. of January,1870, dcc28-dltaw2t JAMES L. WILSON, Ordinary. Printers fee $2 GEORGIA Gwinnett Connty. Obdinaby’s office, dec. 27, I860. died for exemption " lass upon the same iday of January, 1870, at my offico- JAS. T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dccJS-dltAwflt Printers fee $2. H A. VAUGHN has applied . of personalty, and I will pa; 0 o’clock, a. M., on the 12th t GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. OBDINABY'S OFFICE, DtCZMBEB 27,1869. A J. ABBOTT has applied for exemption or A. personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock. A. K., on the 12th day or Janaary, 1870, at my office. JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary. dec28 dltawSt Printers fcp$4 GEORGIA, Henry Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Decexeeb 25, i860. G EO. U. GARNER has applied for exemption of ' ' _ personalty, and setting apart and valua tion or homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. K, on Tuesday, the lltb day of January next, at my office. dcc28-dltsw2t GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. Printers lee $2. GEORGIA, Gwinnett Connty. Obdinary’s Office, Deo. 29,1SG9 TESSE A. PATE has applied for exemp II pass upon the same st 10 o’clock, a. k , on the 12th day of Jon JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec30.dl*W2t; Printer’s fee $2 GEORGIA, Gwinnett Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, December 20, 1889. From tho Missouri Democrat) OPEN LETTER TO GOVERNOR ELECT ALCOBX Our Dear Governor—Sir: We are not one of those who officiously endeavored to provent you from taking your scat on that Gubernatorial throne from whence, we hope, and in fact are rath er inclined to believe, that you will dis pense justice in the same sized gourds to white and black alike. Our elevation to tho tripod of this sterling journal, followed so shortly upon your election, that we are certain wc must be tho only opposition Editor in the Stato whom you can have nothing at all against. We were out of harnoss daring the canvass, and wc are, therefore, completely innocent of having squirtod any printer’s ink at your largo and commodious character, and if we had have squirted any, we don’t think, Sir, that wo would have used a National Union Con servative Republican squirt-gun. When that immortal light artillery company of a hundred and thirty-five members, rank and file, first unlimbered the above mentioned remarkable piece of ordnance at Jackson lost summer, we quit tho business. So. Sir, you cannot fcol any spite against us, indi vidually, and admitting that fact, it is pecu liarly fitting that we should plead as a me diator between you and those men—and the followers of those men everywhere— who unlimbcrcd tho squirt-gun at Jackson —sweet Jackson on tho Pearl. Many poople think, Sir, that you will do a better part by those who opposed you in the late contest than they thought you would do before the election, and we do not really believe that this opinion is based upon the old idea of making tho best of what could not be helped; upon tho adage of not crying over spilled milk. Oh! Sir, if these fond ideas could ho realized. If you would bo tolerably mild in yourap. pointments. If you would only hold a mcdiumly stiff veto power over your folks in the Capitol, and joke them occasionally out of that two-thirds "business. If you could patch up our mail facilities. If you could forgive, as wo do, those poor deluded newspaper men, on the opposite sido to you, for the many hard things they printed about you—if you could forgive them—if you just could, Governor, forgive them—if you could forgive them so freely as to let them have a reasonable share—say half—of the legal advertisements which were gobbled away from them so unceremoniously. Oh! Sir, you would then receive the heartfelt blessings of a people, of a people, Sir, who —bnt we cannot proceed—theso tears— these tears. Sir, will spoil our copy! You will admit. Sir, that you will have a glorious chance of verefying these hopes— in fact, a magnificent opportunity of doing the clean tiling. An opportunity, Sir, hich perhaps may never be repeated, for J yon ever do run against us again, I don’t actually think, Sir, that we will ever take any more of Grant’s kinfolks in ours, for still as its kept Governor, that little busi ness helped mightily to do your little busi ness. But to return to the clean thing. Do it, Governor. Do the clean thing. It nevr er yet hurt any man. Do it and win the eternal gratitude of a people, who, to say tho least of them, arc all from the same State you are. Do it, Governor, and we will see to it, personally, that it is rightly appreciated. Do it Just after you have slashed a man is the best time to make him your friend. Do it Now is tho nick of time. None of us entertain the least anger at present We ask you politely, and it would be a shame for you not to do it Do it, Sir, or by all the ancient everlasting and mythological Gods of Miss Augusta J. Evans, wc individually will' rally around us tho only thirteen acknowledged Demo crats in Yazoo county, and, flinging once more to the breezes the rent and riddled standard of old fashioned, square out hard headed Democracy, give you for all tiitfb to come tho best we’ve got in her dilapida ted shop. Yours in trembling suspense, W. E. same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on tho 12th day of Jan- nary, 1870, at my office. JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec30-dlt&W2t Printer’s fee $2 GEORGIA, Henry County. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 27, 1809. B M JAMES has app'ied for exemption of • perso alty and sotting apart and valuation or homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at8 o’clock, a. H., on the lUtb day of January, 1870. GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. dec30-dltkW2t Printers foe $3 GECROia, Henry Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dac.27, JOSEPH M. GRESHAM has applied for ex J emption of personalty and setting apart and atic , Bat ary, 1810, at my office. same at 11 o’clock, a M-, on the 11th day ol dcc30-dUw2t GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. Printers ice $2 GEORGIA) DcKtilb County. oboinaby’s Office, Deo. 21,1S69. A LKXANDER MCWILLIAMS has applied for and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M , on the 3d day of Jann-iry. 1870 at my office. JAS. L. WILSON, Ordinary. decSO dlt w2t Printers fee $2. Fayette Connty Deputy Sheriff’s Sales. YyihL be sold before the Court House door, in vv tho town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the the legal honrs of sale, tho following property, to-wit: One huodred acres off of lot of land on which A. J. Pollard now lives, known as the H. H.Patc Place, number not known, in thq sixth district or Fayctto connty. Levied on lo satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from Fayctto Superior Court, in favor of John I. Whitaker, administrator of H. M. Pate, deceased, vs. A. J. Pollard. Property pointed out by John 1. Whitaker, for tho purchase money. This December 24,1869 Also, at the same time and place will be sold, letot land number thirty, in the sixth district of Fayette connty, to satisfy a Tax fi. fa, issued by tho Tax Collector of Fayette county for the year 1869, against the property of, or known as tho Iverson property, in dclaultof two years Levied on as the property of, and known as the Iverson property. Pointed out by s-iid Tax Collector. This December 24,1869. Also, at the same timo and place will be sold, lotof land number eight, in the fourth'district of originally Henry, now Favette connty, to satis- fy two Tax 11. fas. usnedbytho Tax Collector of Henry Count}' Sheriff’s Sale. . . McDonongb, Henry county, Ga., on tho first Tuesday in January next, the following property to-wit: One yoke of oxen. Levied on as thepropertyof ■John B Richards, to satisfy a 11 fa issued from tho Henry County Court, William H.Crnmley vs John R. Richards. Property pointed ont by S. C. Mc Daniel, thU Deo 6th. 1809. B. H. HIGHTOWER, Dopnty Sheriff. dec7-wtds- printers fee $2 50 per levy. GEORGIA) Campbell Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 28,1869. J AMBS B. McKO WN has applied for exemption or personalty and setting apart and valuation or homestead, and I will past upon the same on the 5th day of January, 1678, al my office, in Campbellton in said county. R. V. BEAVERS, Ordlnnry. dec21-dlt*W2t Printers feo $2 Postponed Executrix’s Sale. NOTICE, B Y virtue or an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bnrke connty, passed May Term, 1869,1 >f public sales in Campbell- willscll at the place W. - . t ton. G&., between the legal honrs of sale, on the tuU) ua.f uui>n««Ai tuu ibftm sate, vu tuu first Tuesday in January, 1870, the following lets in the town of Palmetto, Campbell county, be ly: lot on the west side of the railroad, on the back range, with a front of 66 feet, and running back 132 icct, being lot No. 17, and onc-ilfth of an a< AUo, that lot being part of No. 17, in the town survey, commencing at tho north-west corner of the store house on said lot, iheqca to tho south west corner or said house, thence on a straight lino to halfway between tho kitchen and dwell ing honse, thence dne west to tho original line of said lot, thence north along said lino to the cor ner, thence cast to the beginning; the same being the noi th-west corner of said lot. Also, a part of lot No 14, it being the west half of said half lot, containing 62x31 feet, upon which the crib and stables are situated, and lying upon Berrien street in said town. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay forpapers and stamps _ CORNELIA H. HOPKINS, nov25 w40d Executrix of Lambeth Hopkins. NOTICE! rjOLLED before me ns an estray on tbo 18th day year old, unmarked. The cow has both ears cropped, and is abont twelve yesrs old. Apprals. rd by Thou. J. Evans and T. * D J. Randall, to bo worth fifteen dollars, and that it is worth twenty- flvo cents per day for keeping said cow and year- ling. The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, pay costs and expenses and take her away; else she will be sold on the premi. scsorsaid Milton A. Candler, near Decatur, ' Tuesday, the 28th day of December, 1869. dec24-dltAw2t JAMES L: WILSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Gwinnett County. Obdinaby’s Office, Deo. 27,1869. C l W. CBUMLY has applied for exemption of personally, and I will pass upon tho samo at 10 o'clock, a. i(., on the 12th day of January, 1870, at my office, JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dcc28-dltAw2t Printers feo $2 GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. W HEREAS, J. T. Clower, administrator, and Mary E. Harris, administratrix, on the estate of Wm. C. Harris, deceased, makes appli cation to me fur letters of dismission from said administration: This is, thereforo, to cite and admonish all and singnl r, tbo kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April, 1810. to sbo w cause, If granted the applicants. Given under my hand official signature, this December 27,1869. JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec23-w4m Printers fee $4 60 GEORGIA) Campbell Connty. H EREA9. John A. Parker,_ guardian of .. . Wiley B. Milam, Louisa F. Milam and Catharine M. Milam formerly, now Catharine M. Aldridge, having applied to the Courtof Ordinary of said county, for a discharge from his guar dianship of Wiley B, Louisa F. Milam, and Catharine M. Aldridgo, persons and property: —.— —ito aU persons concerned. Fayctto connty. against W. B. Scott for the years Levied on as the property of W.B. 1868 and 1869. Scott, by Morris Jacobs, L. C.,* arid returned to me This December 24,1869. ISAAC B. AVREA. GEORGIA) Hilton Connty. Obsimabt’s Office, Die. 28,1869. C HARLES R. PATE has applied for exemption irpcrsonalty.and setting aside the same, and I w 11 pass upon tbo tame on the 7th dar of January, 1ST0, at 10 o’clock, a. m, at my office, in Alpharetta. O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary. decSl-dlAwfit Printer’s fee fi Deputy Sheriff of Fayette Connty, Ga. dec28-wtds Printers fee $2 50 per levy GEORGIA) Fayette Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec, 23,1869. Jj'ENRY MITCHELL hM applied for exemp tion of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass npon the same at my office on the J0>h day of January, 1870. DAVID C. MINOR. Ordinary dec28-dltaw2t Printers fee $2 GEORGIA) DeKalb Connty. OBDINABY’S OFFICE,. DEC. 27,1869. JOHN A. CIIEWNING has applied for cx- vainatfon of liomcstPS'Wiffd I will pass upon the I JiT on- tho 6th day of Jan- same at 10 o'clock. A. nary, 1870. at my office. JAS. L. WILSON, Ordinary. dec29-dlt£ w2t Printers feo $2. GEORGIA, DeKalb Connty. obdinaby’s office, Deceneeb 2s, i860. valuation of homestead, and I the same at 10 o’clock. -- - pass upon a., on tho 7th * day of dcc29-dlAw2t JAS. L. WILSON. Ordinary. Printers fee $2 GEORGIA, Hilton. Connty. ObdinakWb Office, Dec. 23, 1869. JAMES M. DRAKE and JAMES MAULDEN J applies.for exemption of personalty, and set ting aside tho fame, and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock, a. k., on the 8 th day of Janu ary, 1870 at my office. m O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary. dec29-dliW2t Printers fee $4 EXECUTOR’S SALE. I 'Y virtue of an order from the honorable Court 5 or Ordinary of Morgan county, Georgia, will sold before the Court Honse door, in the town nr Franklin, Heard county, on the first Tuesday In February next, between tho usual hours of s&iPf two Hundred two and a balT acres, number (51) fifty-one, eleventh (11: district of said connty. Also, on the same day, before the Court Honso door, in the town of Marietta, connty of C:bb. lot number tbreohonored and cighty-one (381), nine- teenth (19) district and section second of Cobb This is, therefore, to cl to show causo by filing objections ip my office, why the said John A. Parker should not be dis missed from his guardianship of Wiley B., LouisaF-Milam and Catharipo M. Aldridge, and receive the usual letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signatnro, this December 25,1869. R C. BEAVER3, Ordinary. dM28-w4»d Printers tot $S GEORGIA, Gwinnett Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 23,1869. JACKSON McDANIEL has applied for exemp- J tionofpcrsonalty.and I will pass upon the same " —- - ’ ' " tho 5th day of January, at 10 o'clock, A. .on 1870, at my office. JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary. dec25.dltaw2t Printers fee $2 1 REFUGE FROM QUACKERY, seventy ceres, more or less. Levied on as the property ot H. B. Brogdon, Tor tho purchase mocev, by virtue of a n. fa from the Superior Court ol said connty. In favor of N.L. Hatchings vs. H. R. Brogdon. Property pointed out by plaintiff. This December L1669 WM. J. BORN, Deputy Sheriff. dcc2-wtds Printers fee $2 59 per levy CURRAN P. RAMSEY,) Bulo lo pcricct service.* JT appearing to tbc Court by tho return or thi' JL Sheriff, thatthc defendant is not to be found it, said county, and it farther appearing tint said defendant resides without the limits of this State, it is, on motion.: or Council for complainant, or dered: That tho defendant appear ami answer at the next term or this Court, and that ho be served by, publication of this role once a month for four months (before said next term.) in Tnx i oxstitc tion, a newspaper published at Atlanta. Georgia. May term, 1S62. N. B KNIGHT. Judge. A true extract from the minutes of said Court this November 3, 1809. nov5 wlaw«m W U. NESIHT. Clerk. M lgust doth ers. imimni, arm uuugui, num mm a rntur no,” which he brought from the up country. den 1 found a pericctly safe and reliable and, and eminently suited to tho class ot much pleased with it, he asked me fbr my certiA Aim, but procured i ' lye' ' — ape Very respectl JAMES R CHILES. class of diseases, whatever. wrapper, containing tbc graph of tho proprietor. preserve the wrapper for counterfeitdotcctor. For sale by DruggUts generally. decf-W8m “RAMSDELL KORWAY OATS.” Planters of Georgia, Hesitate no longer to bay the “ NORWAY OATS,’ Now on sale by MESSRS. W. M. & R. J. LOWRY, Of Atlanta, AND OT3E8I>00&L AGENTS IN YOUR STATE given tolhem. We are authorized to offer Premin - s of $50, $100 and $150 XJSf ieorgii December to 15th February, paid at tho negt Stato Fair Premiums to be LET EVERY PLANTER IN THE STATE isriko rapidly, and comucte for the premiums Address: HOUGH A CHURcH, :e Soutbwe TOOLE, S3 M. Special Agent, Knoxvillo, Tcnn. DeKalb County Sheriff’s Sale. originally Henry, now DeKalb county, nu not known. Joins lands of William Mille Henry Clark. Levied on as tho DroDcrtv of Bishop op, to satisfy a J i the 683d ilistric Property pointed out by jilaUitiffs i Levy made and returned to me L. t , this tho 4th Decomber, 1869. decQ-tds—printers feo $2 50. GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. This is. tlicro'ore. to cite and admonish ail l sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to si GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 22,1869. J OHN R. PRUETT has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. h., on tho 5th UjiUll iuu BUUIO fit AU u uviva, JL- day of January, 1870. at my office. JAS. T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec25-dltW2t Printer's fee $2 GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. ■VrOTICE is hereby given ’« all persons con AN earned that William W. Brand Uteofsaid connty, departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for administration < n tho estate of said William W. Brand, and that In terms of the law, administration will be invested ip Mir ( Jerk of the Super or Coart. or tome other lit and at the first regular term of the proper person, . _ Court of Ordinary, after tbo expiration of thirty - - —j c - —— — - days from the da'c of this notice, unless some valid objection is made to his oppaiottnent. Witness under my band and official signature, this December 24.1869. JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary. dec25-w30d Printers fee $3 GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. YyHEREAS. D. R, Lylo applies for letters of . . administration on the estate of James Hall, late or said connty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all cause, if any they can, why letters of administra tion on the estate of said de ' ‘ — *- cceascd should not be granted the applicant. Given under my band and official signatnro, th‘s December 24.1869. JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec25-w30d Printers fee $3 GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. OBDINABY’8.OFFICE, DECEXBEB 23, I860. G EO. T. SPARKS has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will i ' pass upon the same h day of Jan nary, at 10 o’clock. A. It., on the 5 1810, at my office. JAg T j, AMKIK Ordinary. dec25-dl&w2t Printers feo $2 aranty. containing loriy acres. Also.onthesame day. will be sold before the Court Honse door in w bviu. uciutv iu6 u)un xiousc c the towu of Canton, county of Cherokee, eleven (11). third district and second sectioj tabling forty lot No. On, con taining forty acres, more or less. Sold as the property or Littleton T.P. Howell, deceased, un der an order of the Superior Court lor the benefit or the creditors. Terms cash. Dec. 24.1889. , J. S, FANNIN, Executor. ded-9-wtds Printers fee $10 GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 27,1S59. A RCHIBALD P. M ANGUM has applied for ex emption of personalty, And I will pass upon the tame at 10 o'clock A. si., on tho 12th day of January. 1870, at my office. JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary. dec33-il!Uw2t Printers fee $x GEORGIA) Hilton Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Dec. 21, i860. G W. ALLGOOD and A- J. McMAKIK applies . for exemption of personalty, and valuation and setting apart homestead, and I w_M pass on thesamoMr naRr my office, in Alpharetta. atlOo’ciock, A. JL, on the 31st inst. dcc28-dlt4w2t O. P. SKELTON. Ordinary. Printers $2 GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. •TXTHEEEAS. Mary Wells, guardian ofHilliard VV M. Wells, shows in her petition, that she has fnlly settled with her 6aid ward, and desires dismission from from said guardianship: This is. therefore, to notiiy all persons concern ed, to show causo, if any they can. within lhe time prc'cribcd by law, why letters of dismission ahmpi .. . - 5 not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this December 22^ 1868. ^ LAMKIN. Ordinary. dec-35-wlOd Printers fee $8 Monday in February, 1870. Witness my hand and 1 November 3,1869. Printers feo $4 GO. Near Mobile, Alabama. JL last February, being now robn its session on the 7th of December r.i for the present session, payable hal vance in cnrrcncy, arc as follows: Entrance Fee,first year only Medical Fee, . Bed and Bedding, if furnished by College... P. POUBSINE, Agent, B* Administrator’s Sale. legal honrs of sale, the following land', to-wit: One hundred and three acres, part of lot or la longing to t of said coni cash. Novembcrl8,1869 HARRISON R. BROGDON, Printer’s fee $18 00 Georgia) Campbell Connty. Obdinaby’s Office, Deo. 20,1869. connty. dec21-dlAw2t Printer’s flee $2. POSTPONED EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE. B T o will! of Burke county, passed May Tcri_ „ I sell at the place or public sales in Decatur, between the legal hours or tale on the first Tues day in January. 1870, that tract or land in De Kalb connty, Ga., belonging to the estate of Lambeth Hopkins, contairiing one hundred and ninety two and a half acres, more or less, known as lot 176, in the!8th district, and bounded north GEORGIA) Hilton Connty. j ■YX7'HEBEAS Madison Jameson, Administrator jj VV ofWilkinsonJaroeson.dccasid.represcntsto u tho Court, in his petition duly fllod and of record, p that he has fully administered Wilkinson Jamo- p son's estate. tl This is to cite and admonish all persons con- 0 - cerned. kindred and creditors, to 6how cause, if s any they can. win said administrator should not „ bo discharged from his administration and re- a ccive letters of dismission on tho first Monday a in December, 1869. sept 7, lf69. s O. P r-KELTON, Ordinary. c scpl0-w6m Printer’s Tee $4 60. t GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. ! WTHEREAS, M. M. Bolton, Administrator on n VV tbo cstato ofG. E. Ross, deceased, make* 1 application to mo for letters of dismistion from a said Administration: - a These are, therclore, to cite and admonish all n and singularthekindredaudcreditonofsaiddo- n ceased to bo and appear at my offleo on or be'ore ■ tho first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they cnn. why Letters of Dismission t should not begrantod the applicant. a Given under my hand and official signature this fi July 30th. I860. > JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. 1 aug3-w6ra Printer’s feo $5. s GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. "YTTHEREAS. Daniel Harris, administrate- on VV tho estate of Buckner Harris, deceased, makes application te mo lor letter* or dismission from said administration: This is.-thererorc. to cite and admonish ail per sons concerned, te be and appear at my office on,, i or before the first Monday in Dcceralwr next, to j show cause, if any they can, why letter* of dis mission should not be granted tha appl cant | Given under my band and official signature, tills i September4th, 1869. JAS T. LAMKIN, , scp7-w6m—printers fee $4 50. Ordinary |i GEORGIA) Hilton County. OBDINABY’S OFFICE, JUKE 29, 1869. XTTHEKEAS, Thos. B. Newton, Guardian of VV John S. Jameson aud Nancy Striokland. shows in his petition duly filed, aud of record, that ho has fully settled with his wards, and de sires dismission from said guardianship: This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why leave should not bo grant ed the applicant. O. P. SKELTON. Julylw6m Printer’s fee $5 Ordinary. GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. YTTUEREAS Charles O. McGuffey. Admintstra- VV toron tboestato of James ceased, makes application to mo for tetters of dis mission from said administration: This is therefore to etto and admonish nil per sons concerned to be anil appear at my a nice on or before tho 1st Monday in September next, to jho*> cause, ir any they can, why letters of dUiuHion should not bo granted the applicant Given under my hand andofllcial*iguaturp.<his May 31.1869. JAS T. LAill’KIS, Jut w6m—Printer’* fee. $4 50 ordinary GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. W7 HEREAS. William Q. Betts, Administrator VV on the estate of John A. Bette, deceased, makes application to me for lottere of dismission trom s*id administration: Thi* is, therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and friends or said deceased to thow canto. If anv exist, to his being dismissed, by fil ing their objections in my office on or before tho first Monday in November next. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 10th. 1809. JOHN T. LAMPKIN. Ordinary. JalylS-w6m—printer’s feo $4 50. GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. TXT HEBE AS, William Henry Striokland, ad VV mlnlstrator on the estate of O. P Strick land, deceased, make* application to mo for let- tors of dismission from said administration: These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to show causo why said applicant shall not be dismissed, and that letters ot dismission bo granted to him on tho first Monday in November next. This July 27, 1869. JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. julySO-wGm Printer’s Tec $3 GEORGIA) Campbell County. T> Y virtue or an order of tho Court of Ordinary « AJ of Bnrke connty. will be sold before the Court House door in lampbcllton, on the first Tuesday In January, 1870, within the legal hours of sale, the following real estate, in the town of Palmetto: town lot, or part of lot No 17, in 1st range, old Hotel lot. ono fifth of an acre; lot No. 17. in 2d range, garden lot, one-fifth or an acre; lot Nos 16, 2 17, 18.19 and 20, in tho 4th range, one-firth or an acre in each; the old Seaborn B. Watts' dwelling lots, and a small fraction of a lot baok of Smith A Brother’s Store, exact amount not known, sup* o posed to bo abont 19x30 foot. • All sold at the property ol I am belli Hopkins, - deceased. Terms cash, and purchasers required - to furnish paper and stamps necessary for deeds c to be executed. COBNEI.IA HOPKINS, d Executrix of the last will ami Testament o or Lambeth Hopkins, deceased. 0 nov25-wtds—printers fee F5. c Administrator’* Sale, the first Tuesday in February next, will l«o V7 sold at the Court Honse door la Carapbclllon. Campbell countv Georgia, within the 1 wlul J hours of sale, lots ol land numbers fifty and flfty- tbreo, in the first district and fifth section of originally Carroll, row Campbell county. Sold as the property of VV il!i:>p» C. Cash, deceased, lor the benefit of tbo heirs and ercuitors of said de ceased. Terms, one lialf cash: the balance on a creditor twelve monlbs. December 13.1869. WM N M AGOCIRK, Adm’r., NANCY A. CASH. Adm’g., Of W C Cash, deceased. e dcd7-wtds Printers fee $10 0 GEORGIA) Pulton County. Obdinaby’s Office, Dee 20.1869. _ rpHOS. F. LACKEY has applied for exemp- ; JL tionofpersonaUy.amlsettiDgapartandvalna. tion of homestead, and 1 will pass npon tbo capic at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the 38th day of December, - 1669, at my office. * DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. dcc21-dlt*W2t Printers fee $2 GEORGIA) Campbell County. Obdinaby’s office, Decexbeb is, isos. - T AVINA PHILLIPS, widow of Henry Phil- U lips, deceased, has applied for exemption of personalty, and 'Citing apart »pd valuation of D homestead, and I will pass upon this same *t 12 • o’clock. M., on tho 1st day or January, 1670, at - my office, ih Caubcllton In said connty. R. C. BEAVFRS, Ordinary. f dec2l-dttftW2t Printers tee $2 r GEORGIA) Campbell Connty, 1 \\7 HEBEAS. Bedford Luck, guardian of : V V Sophia Smith formerly, r.o-.v Sop-da Walk- 'i er having applied to the Court of Ordinary of ‘ said connty, for a discharge from his guanlian- 5 ship of said ward’s person and property: * This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, ' to show cause, by filing objections in my office. ’• wily the said Bedford Luck should not be dismissed from his guardianship of Sophia Smith fomorly, now Sophia Walker and receive the usual letter* of dismission. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this December 17,1889. B. C. BEAVERS. Ordinary. ' dec!9-w40d Printers fee $3 : Fayette Connty Deputy Slier if 1*. Sale for January. J \\T1LL be sold before tho Court House door in ? VV the town of Fayetteville, Faye> t county, 1 Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, ibe following s property, to-wit: Tho Southeast fifty acres of lot or land, nnmbcr one hundred and twenty, in the finh district or originally Henry, now Fayctie «• unty. Levied ' on as the property of M. M. Tidwell, to satlsry a 11. la. issued from Fayette County Court in favor ■ ot B. C. Ellington ts. James L Uohgood and M M. Tidwell, and other 11. fas In my hands. Prop erly pointed out by R. C. Ellington. This the 26tli (lay of November, 1809 ISAAC B. AVREA. Deputy Sheriff. dec3-wtds Printer’* fee $5 50 per levy GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. \\J HEBEAS, E, UJ. Watson having applied to ' V V he appointed guardian of the property of 5 Sarah J. Pieatns, Mary A.. Nancy. John B. and 4 Emily Watson, mirors and orphans of Thomas S. 4 WaWon, deceased, late of said county: This is to cite all persons concerned to be and ap pear a’ the firat term of the Court of < irdinary after the expiration of thirty days from the first publi cation or this notice, *n>l show cause. If any they can, why E. B. Watson shonld not be intrusted with the guardianship of the property o. the said orphans. Witness my hand ond official signature, this November S9,1880 JAMES T. LAMKIN, Ordinary. dec2-w30d Printer’s fee $3 Administrators’ Sale. TTY viitno of an order from tho honorable Court Dif < irdinary of i oweta county. Ga., will be sold r at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, be fore the Court Bouse door in Campbc-l co.. Ga., between the nsnal * on’s of sale, on the first Tues day in February, 1870, lotof land No. 148, In the 0th districtof Campbell dtnnty, and lot, number ' nknown. adjoining said lot No 143, each con taining 202,'f acres; also, ono lot in the town or Pulmetta, known as the Hadaway Lot. contain ing, as supposed, one acre, more or less. All be longing to the estate o' Park E. Arnold, de ceased, late or said connty .or Coweta. N. U. BRIDGES.) P. W. ARNOLD.) Adm’r. J. W. ARNOLD.) deel8-Wtds Printer* fee $10 Campbell County Sheriff’s Sale. \,\/ ILL be sold before the Court Honse door in V V Campbellton, on the first Tuesday :n Janua ry next. within the legalhours of sale, the follow ing property to-wit: Two bales cotton. Levied on te satisly a fi. fa. Issued from Coweta Superior Court in favor of Sion P. Steed, vr. Barton D. Smith. Property Yointedout by plaintiff, Dec6th.l8r,9. L. H GRIFFITH, Sheriff. dec7-wtds—printers feo $2 50. RULE NISI. GEORGIA) Hilton Connty. Jacob R. Owen, who tne* for himwlfandJamc, P.Simmons.vs Jackson Gregory.- l’clUt nid foreclose Mortgage in Uiltou Superior Court, August Term, lett). earing to tho Court, by tho petition oi B Qwo , who sue* Tor bim.-cll aud Jas. ons, accompanied- by the note and 0 pav to t 1 dollars I 1st any loss he may surely ahip ior said (*) acres of fractional further appearing that saiilnoto remains * It is therefore oruerwl that said defendant . uto Court, on or bsfore the llr;t dav of bo can. - And that in lailureofdc-' lion in ' - do, the equities Ol redemption i after barred and forecl»,ed. I it is further ordered, that tha CM af|M|H ris Bulo, as tho law directs in snrh cases. N U KNIGHT, Judge. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, 1 norb wlamtin W. II. NESBIT, Clerk. GEORGIA) Campbell County. JUR WEEKS alter cate spplirallo will be made lo the I ouri of Ordinary of said county. f George W. Clecklcr, deceased. This cr 21. I860. \\ 1LL1AH SEI.itAN. Administrator, (w Print. r’> fee $5 DAKCU3 J. PETWaY.) ts. > Libel for Divoice. JOHN M. PETWAY. » In DeKalb Superior Court, September Term, I8M. 1 r ? appcarii g to tho Court try return of the Sheri- - - - — ’ ' - - Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in ■his cunn v;an l it furth.r appearing that be doia not reside In this Niate, it I., on motion 01 Crnn- eel. ordered that said •I.Tcuoant appear anil an user at ilie next term. r this Court, else that 1 ho case lie considered n • c anit. nnd the plaintiff ' tnd it 1* loilh-rordered. allowed 1» preen - newspaper published in tho rity of Atlanta, once a mouth for Tour manths previous to tho next term ot this Court. HILL A CANDLE It, Attorneys lor Libelant. A true extract f on tbc minutes or Dt-Kalb Su perior Court. HIRAM J. WILLIAMS. Clerk 8.C. novG-wlanriin GEORGIA) Hilton Connty. OBDIN ABY’fl OFFICE, DlC. 20,1 W D. McCL-bKY auplles for exemption of . personally »nd valuation and setilngapart or homestead, anil I will pass in the same on tbc , 30th intt., at 10 o’clock. A M , Doc 20:h, 1808. 1 O P eR’MON,ordinary. 1 dec22-dlt&w2t—printers lee $2 GEORGIA) Gwinnett County: IITHERKAS, William P. Iliinnieutt. Admieis- i VV trator on the estate u ltiiuiiicuU. • deceased, makes application to me lor I- tiers of : iiismlssi'<n from said administration. This is tbtiefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be ami appear ul my office on or ' boioro tho 1st Monday in -eptcmuer next, to show ' cause, H any they can. win letters ofditmission. • should not be graded the apuli-ant _ _ J apn Given under my band ami official signature this ~ * SII’KIN. May 31,1889 ' JAMKHT. LA ■ul-wGm-Prlninr’t fee$4 50 Ordinary. GEORGIA. Gwinnett Connty. Obdinary'b office. October 4.18 TirilEUKAa. Fanny Kirkland and Wil VV Kirkland appliest-< . . . mo lo, int ers of Admin istration on tho estate of William Kirkiaad, de ceased, late or said county and Mate. Theso arc therefore, to cite uml admonish alL and singular Ihc kindred and creditors or said dc- ceased, to bo and api-car at my office ou.or before the fiist Monday in November next,and show cau-o, ir any they- havo. why Letters of Adminis tration. on the estate of .aid deceased should not l-o issued to Ihc applicants, liven under my ha „ . , . ami and offici ri signature, this October4th 1869. -IAME3J. LAMKIN, oct6-u«m-printer, fee #4 5J Ordinary. GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. YYHlritJohn G_ -Tnltu-on. administrator on the estate of James M Johnson, de ceased. makes application to me for letters ordls- ld ad min* stratum: mission from sal This is. Uiereioro, teoho and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at ray office on or before the first Monday In January next, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of dis mission should not bo gi auted t ie applicant. Given _ 11 ode. 1 ' hand and official signature. October 4, 1869. ocl8w3m JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary. Printe ’• fee $4 60 Valuable Land for Sale. L YING in Campbell county. Ma„ five miles west of Fairburn, and five miles from l’iduietto. and bix miles from Campbellton, cotuistinir of 430 SSSi-fV™. 5.*^' Rood dwelling house, eto. World aore. of good bottom land, all in a good stato of cultivation, w Will Anil Inttt Inn aa.k * r.^1 _ _ * . will tell low/or cariTat priva'te'irieTwJi’f^oJ sold before tbo 1st Tuesday in December next. I wtUsell thesamci at public outcry before tho Court Hou o door in La-nubclllon on said premises there is a good Tan Yard, Gin Honse, Mill. etc. ocl27-wtf G W.TOttltKXCK. NOTICE. T ILLED before me as an estrac by Joel Her ring, of the 479ih district. G' M. or Fulton county. Ga.. on the 2d day or November, 1S&I. ono largo sized Bay mare mule, about 9 or 10 year* ?]'l and appraised by Joseph Willis and John W. Humphries, freeholders or said district, to be worth one hundred and fitly dollars and that it is worth *orty cents per day lo lake rare of-and feed her. The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, p ovo property, pay cost- and cxpcnscs.iand take her away, else she will be sol • iniTrens o the l»w. JOHN T.COUFEK, Clerk C.“ novS-wCOd GEORGIA) Gwinnett Connty. Terms cash. Purchasers to pav for papers and stamps. ' CORNELIA H. HOPKINS, Executrix of Lambeth Hopkins, aevl7—w(d» GEORGIA) Campbell County: - , .. . aHVHIU li. VVRIsODe deceased, makes application to mo for letter* or dismission from said administration: This is, therefore to cite aud admonish nlWio- gnlar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased te bo and appear at my office on or before the */■* Monday io April next, to show cause. SgSr n^> C |Si„rcS y ,h , c e . , ^ca 0 n r t. 1,U,,,, ' >iO “ th?. i L t ^ C r r iJ , T85“ d * n<1 ° m '“ l , JAMES T. LAMKIN. Ordinary deul4-w6ra Printer’s fee $1 B». ADMINISTKATOK’S SALE. S Y order of ihs Court ol Ordinary 'county Ga., will be ’Md-belorc lhe'Court - — ate door ini-awrcnccvillc. on tho first Tuesday north half or lot ol land No 4# in the «h dis tric t a id county, containing oio hundred aidtwen- t/ fivoacre*, more or less Bold for the tcnelit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. ThU November 19-h. 1669. EDWAliD H JOHNSON. Adm’r. novll.wtds—printer* fee *2 50. GEORGIA) Gwinnett County. VV **®; K *? AS. EIlsha Chamblce, n>lmin 1.1rator, V and Elizabeth Johnson, administratrix, on the estate or James J. Johnson, di ceased, make* SSSSitoStaiMm&R r Lcttc " ofDUml5 “ on rro “ .JhU H. therefore, to cite aad admonish all and kindred and creditor* or said do. ? nd ?K** r ** my office on or berore ?? f5Vvi to E <5ay January next, to «how cause, «ri the !' b ’ ,T E* Why l£ttcrs ‘ hould not ho grant! Sept. ISth 1869. JAATEAMfBr scplG »6m-pnnter’« lee, $4 Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. within the legal bourn ofirie. „u thofirstfum-' January next, threo fifths (undivided) or lot of land No. 62 in the 8Ht district of tho third section of originally Cherokee, now Murray coun tv Tho samo being tho proprty of Als'on H. Grccuo. iat: orDeKa'beountV’dce. ased, and sold for the benefi t of tho heirs or said deceased, this 24th Nov. 1S69. Terms cash. WILLIAM EZZARD. Adm’r. noviSwtds— printers fee $5. TSTHEEEAS, John T. Dangino li executors of E. Heath, utestovu. . to the Court in ttaclr petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that they have fully administered' > and A. Austell,, deceased, represent*. Administrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an ordorof the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county. Georgia, will be sold be- lore the Court House door, ia Lawreuceville on the first Tuesday ia January. 1870, within toe le gal hours of sate, one undivided seventh interest in lot of land No 236. in tho fifth district of laid county, belonging to lhe estate of Slathew r ‘ late oi said county, dcocasc-J. Sold I of the heirs and creditors of sa cash. November 18.1809. 8. W. DAT uov20-wtds GEORGIA Gwlnne B. Heath’s estate. ■ . This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, I ordinary's Of auis is. tnererore, to cite ail persons concerned, i » 11 ■■ • • kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any they Tl TANNING CAIN can, why said executor* should not be disch’rgca lvl of personalty, i fromtheirexecutorshlp.andreceivelettersofuis-; tion of homestead mission, on tbo first Monday in March. 1870. same at 18 o’clock. ' Given under my band and official signature, ry, 1870, at my Deo. 4th, I860. B. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. [ dec5.w4m—printer* fee $4 60. • decoi-djj.: _