The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, August 22, 1871, Image 4

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inoistinct pbini ^ — --r—rn*Mi ofletklo onstitution. itaUt that (V Sai' hai Tty kaM a* S* mobcy A ri.A NT A. OA. AlOCBT «, 1WI. rnr static mas cMiirnM. • flM Art. ■w Mi 1IIUM —liars Waal iMoiq ai a a r Bob-kua. -nam m ' bum Koal. — • pratalaar .'dr* » M. Ban <a I • windbag. 7V Ku» Mi nprmmmtsd by Solldtor 0«f«) K. p Mwl. H:il * COodier Col. L. to BtaekWr. 11111- • r M Bro . u d Z B Hargrove . .« I. J (iwtnl] ud MMm.Thrwkff * Thro»h- Ajb cWt to the ErrewtJve ] •aw ttet Aron. J C Him alar gat the wrot for falls tn. t IKnUaaakka Amir Mr Hot/ hto* «w arre*t«-d Id Marietta and brought I for part* unknown. Oewral t;«rtr*B «*%») itad to the warrant on the prr • iid tumt it vu defertfae. The def<t» *an« M* x»-d pat upon notice of wtiat violetloa be ws* gnfltv. 11/- wmm »liltag to a tow it to be amended. The act laoM be or alleged. and the nntore of the fraodbleot rw-an* aaed sta'ed. < a*.“i-ei B-kUt) aaid that the difficult!#* suggest'd / n'O '*• net by the order and direction of the eoort. TaeobJ »• of a warrant wu to bring the party into • '4.t. at.d a warrant need not ba a* partlm’ar aa fat. ral faartrr!l maintained that the warrant not eip!1e!t enough The eaae a boa Id be stated. Jw* loe Bui held that tne warrant waa fall enoogb t . proceed on. He renewed the rig t to atop the cave a- anjft uc to allow the defendant time oaoa«s r. inom taKM tws rr*«i> Hi/.•••e P. Boriivu shown a bill of J. M. A J. C. > .Inat the State Road for $5/A5 40 k..»i un I>41 by Ba algnatara and date It wai aadMvd by liov bkiaa Had a ronveraation v»lth lUochkta* at the ba-eeea Houre about the Ah vander MU. Had to him that It waa reported he bad odvod |f«Jor rh- Alexander bill. M‘<rrnx>— uninib t*at he oot $*©. but that paid ft 41 of It to C. P. McChlia. book he. per li.-toio witnera thi some two mnntha ago. ( Via) what HnMMuaar eeived the fOOOfor Noth i j w«. .a (1 the tone the bill waa paid. Hoich* lua« waa Aa Hor in 1*00 ( o.. • xa aioed b the State-Witnera wai Arwnt of Ibe M*t* rtoad Ilia duty waa to art la e jeh mat <t» aa di eet-o by bta anperlor oHeera. Ixrft taa vwa1 in JmiMmry It waa about the Iftth of June w„«n .»e n.rt II *hkira at the Haaaeen House llotch ra bad gone op to McCalls’a room to talk upon aaattei* who tou> rr? He rd that Hatcbklaa got the $000 from Fry, fl.'Kigr t an i Alexander, and went up to aee him Ktandonl the bo k- Alexander bad aereral hill*. Ibm’t arow whether Hotchhiaa denied receiving the m ney at first or Lot. When be admitted i .g the ffiflu be waa not alluding to the Font Office money r<d fetid y Fry. H«- wrote a letter a week afterwad from Marietta, * .ting that witnras had mlaunderatood him. woat llotcbklra MUd about paying him $400 McChl la did not deny receiving any money, but aabkthat be did no know anything about the Alexander money H jp’H^ed the money waa collected by Hotriikiee from • .tuer aonreea. Ur waa not went to Hotchhiaa to flmi n it any thing. U une a mentioned it a few days afterwards to A. L. Hurria ai.d Colonel Blodgett. M< ( ails mid at railroad crorsing that he Intended t.ihave llonhkiaa arrested. Oo to McCalls’* office fr.-jucwily t# get mall and ait round. Don t know that he geta |*a> for It When liolruklaa admitted that be got the ffW, don’t think be raid from whom begot it. II raid of Alexander hill drat, afterwaida of the lotion of poal-<iffice money. Uotchkiaa aatd that he had r<alerted aumc money. W’Uaraa did not ud<-r to settle the caae with Alex a ider for gX.iftO. Did not get any money hi tn self, c. p. x'(alu awonx. W itma- recorded the Alexander claim la paaa book aa money |«id out. Uotchkiaa fnrntebea witness monthly with the acconnta for record In pass book Th.*y are already paid ana audited. When witm received the Alexander c'-alm. it bad been audited llotrhki— W itneaa to Uotchkiaa about TMKaX a<N*f« < I.AIH- —daliu* for goods never fnrniabod to the road. In a room of the Mvaaeeu House he t«>ld Hotchkiss the facta aa witneaa understood them—that this, with others was bogus, and that he liadreceived, according t > r< port, a part of the money. Hotchkiss said knew nothing about tt. A good many thing* were done wrong on tbs mad for which he waa not rtapon sIMe. Hr denied rec. ivlng the $800. acapicior* tEKBoi' Wltiisaa began to suspect that something was wrtng. ny observing some irregu lari ties hajipeni la Oct. beror Novrmlter. On this oc aston, Uotchkii hroui lit In a batch of bll’a to put In the pa»s book, but refused to leave them. Uotchkiaa wanted to ead •wit the -mounts and names of the bills to witneaa re -rd without vntnea- seeing them, and then to carry t tern twrk. Hotchkiss brought them twice and iu*od to leave them Finally, Hotchkiss left them and they were recorded Don't think that Hotchkiss r»rr admitted tome that he got $800 M CAI.1.A OKTS 111* DAMDUtV. Witness wrote to Hotchkiss that he understood that he anil that he had paid $ W0 to him (witness) and de manding a categorical withdrawal. Hotchkiss in ply drilled that he ever said it. HOW Ht ( H X CAU.A SOT. Hotchkiss after his return from Chattanooga, avid that he had collected 11,000 Witness received $iM in money and a check for $lS0outof this, for wfcleh he gave kis due bill, and the amount was charged aa advanced on salary. STATE HOaI> Orru UU DEAWIXO PAT STILL. The money collecied on debts due the State Road before .Tannery, 1871, are disbursed by witness In the abaence of the r gnlar Treasurer. The aalar ra of S«perlutendmt Blodgett. Super- vtasr A L. Harris and other* were still going on. The Treasure!'« account still remains unbalanced. Uotchkiaa had drawn for two month's salary since Jan uare last. Witness' salary as bookkeeper la go lag on. STKAUXO THE EVIDENCE. The recnlar pass-book In wit levs' office waa ab- t*rartcd during the mo ning. while he was at court, atihough he i ad locked hi- door. soppiy Agcst of the Western and AX BaOroad last year. Fry whs clerk. Fry signed the MB. ft whsboC by my tnacrmctfoa. OcmrloasDy he would sign biB- by my dfrertioa. It whs not cws- tomaryfor him to sign antes* I told him. He had ho authority to sign without mj knowledge. When be did sign tb -t was the usual form. That Is not my haadwrltlrg, but Fry*-. If i«my opinion that that la Muds'# hardwrlrtos- ■ Several bflia were ahr/wn wltr.e— , <Jcrotlcrn—Are these bfll# boots balls* Anawer l tWnlc they are! About two months I found ft out. I saw an entry In my hr-oka that excited my sa«pic!on. I then went to the general book-keeper's offi'- -. I am satisfied he knew nothing of it tiU I want there. Don’t think I hvd conver sation with Hotchkiss about ft. There waa a meet ing of Alexander and myseif, Mr. Fry, Mr. Hctckklsa and Colonel Harr's, for the purpose to get th*« money paid hack. At that aseeling Hotchkiss was with ns. There was no deficit*- plan arranged. Alexander was .Ding to make restitution The other parties who imd got money wer*- not willing At that time it was chargnd that ■OrrWKiaa WA* IMPLICATED. ▲t that time Fry rtated in the nvwrd that Hotchkiss knew nothing about it. I believe Alexander claimed that Fry h*d mid thar he paid Hotchkiss $8W« a L. BAKKIS there making effort for restitution of th* Alexander was willing to r«-tum. Fry wa" not, and there were all the parties that I understood hud any thing to do with It. Hotchkiss said nothing about retarmng money He waa aorprlaed at being called attend such a meeting. ik.e't xxow whcbx rnr is. aw him on Whitehall str cton Sunday. I think he waa at my father’s house on Saturday. I do not know where McCalls'* pass hook la. Fry was “nr ri-EEX," from October. 18», till the road was leased, tell how Hotrhkls- came to atUch hl« name to that draft without taking upon myself great r«-l<on«lbill If hat draft covers the bIH, It ought to be at tached. It the bill was pasw-j wnlle the draft out, Hotchkiss did not do tha* IV THE BEOULan WAT. if nest Ion-State to the court if you got any money from Alexander 1 An*w«r—I never got any of that money that I am aw are of. 1 GOT MXC HOKXT rom Alexander, for which I gave my not-— $1,400. paid Fry |50n. On the S3d of May I got It Fry $1,008. n'caLLA anua a mice. Charles P. MK'alla recalled.—He teat Hied that In January be discovered that there waa something wrong about the Alexander Mil. He thought it rath< a heavy amount to be purchased in one month. turned over to him by Hotchkiss. The monthly dealings with the Alexanders was strikingly less than the bill before the court. There waa paid to the Alexanders In October, $380 66; In November, 35* 10, and In December. 1870, f 15,919 97. Total three months, $19.49* 73. WrLLKV’a SIOVATCRT. P. Harris—r<-called—The signature of Jan Mullen lain the handwriting of James Wilson, Mul ler Ic. Wilson wrote a smooth, plain and bold hand, and signed moat all the bills for Mullen PUT OPTS THE CHECK. Witness delivered the check to Fry for tb'- amount of Alexander Mil. Recollects it from the fact that had to get tho bank to carry the chock for several a* the road had no foods ob haud. The bill audited December *7th aa No. 45. Defendant gave witness the amount of No. 45. Witneaa paid It. 3 he Superirdcndent signed it afterward*. It wa* paid cash. BAHNACLE* CUKOCNA TO THZ WRE< Witness still holds position aa Treasurer, receiving pay from the State, and as agents, receiving pay from the lessees, ((fan. Oar trail—You are n fortuiate set of fellows.) Five or six wore continued in office by order Governor Bullock. OapW Footer Blodgett and his clerk W ilson, C. K McCalls, I. P. Harris, A. L. Harris, and N. I* Uotchkiaa. Tk*y were cox tinned in office to wind up the old business of the road, ho far, the witness found the work not very heavy. They drew their as lories. Had not paid any since January, a muren or run dkiPt. Witneaa aaw draft in Fry's possession ; r.cve it In possession of any one else. The Board of Com mlsaloncrs could have ascertained from the books witness the payment of the Alexander claim, unusual for accounts of large amounts to tally to “quarter of a cent,” though It may occur occasional ly. The Lessees look possession of the Road December *7th, 1870. Defendant remained until about the first of February. The draft was present ed by Fry to witness but not paid, a fund*. AX OEDSR DISOBEYED. Wltnesa recti'"d sl order from the Huperlntendrnt to pay on the certificate of the purchasing agent alone, but paid no attertlon to it, aa he could only disburse amounts on warrants. “BOW THE OLD THIXS WOXM." Witness thinks Hotchkiss Is paid salary on pay roll Paid him 8*50 in January. Supposes dsfendant doc collect money from old eUlms. Defendant, iu absence of Superintendnnt, gave the amount of the MU on tha paaa book. Cross-examined by defense—Witness gave defend ant authority to collect bills on post-offices between Atlanta und Chattanooga in February after he left the office in the State Depot. He collected near $1, 000, but has never paid it over. This oecurcd after the Alexander transaction. DID UOTtmUM GET THE HONE’ George P. Burnett, recalled—Witness uudecatood defendant to admit that he received *«00 The post office money question came up before that. Defen dant did not mention $900. Witness told defendant that Treasurer Harris said that he (defendant) had col lacted post-office money and had not paid It over as h< should have done. Witness tn.d defendant that Alexander and Fry told him (ffitneta) that he (defendant) got $800 of the Alexander money, and that he had better tlx it np. When the Alexsuder claim was under discussion, de fendant said he received $800 and paid $ V>0 About tne Brat afloat July. J. G. Alexander. Joseph Fry, Si. F. BoteAkiw. R. F. BUdgaU and A L. Bar rie met at the office of the last named. Harris sent for thorn. Noons owned to racatviag any of the money Fry aaid that Hotchkiss had not any of tbs money. The imprsaskon or inf ranee was that FjJ had got IL TWO WiLUVO TO DUMML Crooa-euunibed by the State—Fry waa not sworn at this mectiag. Fry and Alexander expressed a wil Ungaros to return the money. OCR FRENCH LETT EH. Pamela Fkklteatlan—Iralaffanl Pstrelf Boparing Bv 1* iff Iks BecsRt Itraggls- MeCuliA submitted a list of bogus vouchers aaeeting. amounting to about $*0,090. for coLcld- ra- tiou Did not think all the money was stolen. Thought some of the vouchers good. Six of the were for Alexander and two for A. J. Orm< oil and tallow. nr ac*Lira bot'kaica. Fry, when he mid Hotchkiss did not get any of the ney. applied it to all, and not simply to the Alex under claim. is A FAT SIT. Witneaa is still In tdBce as commissioner for set tilug up the old affairs of the Stale Road and prepar ing the annual n-purt. mriW-ITlOX TO SETTLE. J. C. Alexander testified that Burnett proposed to settle the case, and expressed an earnest dcrli tie it as witn'-ss did. Witness urjed Barnett and Mc Calls to inform him what to do. Met Burnett at Sa*- Uouse. Burnett went out to see McCalls in an other room, and when he returned said that for $*,* 000 wiinee* would be let out. This was some lime in March—can't fix the precise date. Understood Burnett to mean that he was to get the $*,090, and so stated in his presence In the meeting at Harris's office. He denied it. and said that it was to be restored to th< Treasury of the Road. Woul 1 have paid him $*.999, but was advised not to pay so much WHAT IT FAXNKD OCT. Witness received from Fry ou account of the first bill $*,000, and cn account of the draft $1,400. Never aaw any money paid to Hotchkiss. N paid him any money. May have told Burnett that Fry taid that defendant got the money. AS EXFLAhATIO*. The draft remain-d in the possession of wituc*» until after the bill waa paid. Fry explained to dc fendant that Mt K wen. Grant A Co. had shipped the goods, and bad requested J. M. A J. C. Alexander to put the articles on one of their bills nndcr their bill heads, and defendant then signed the acceptance. No gooda weresh pped. Witness under imp'cesion be gave up the draft to Fry. W’itness received the money on the account from Fry in Fel-ruvry. Witness receipted the bill In blank before the money waa paid, and after the acceptance of the draft. The bill was left in Fry's possession. Cross-examined—Witness signed the receipt in blank and handed it to Fry ; never heard of it again until Fry paid the money. W'itnesa handed draft to Fry. Never aaw «’r*ft for some time. The diaft was 6 before the Board; stated to them it was genuine. The amounts of the account and the draft are the ime. The bill-heads of J. M. A J. C. Alexander were used because the road made Urge purchases of them and they were paid more promptly. CA/X4IMG sCRNEfl. Defence announced closed. “TUe Hun offered to recull MeCmllu, to uecertuio " Fry fure him u llot of the purtio, purUelputluit In 'he schemes of plunder. Objected to by defence, and objection sustained by the Court. The State offered to introduce John Thomas, City Tax Receiver and Collector, and prove the amount of taxable property returned by defendant. Objected to by defense, and objection sustained by the court. Both parties closed. Court adjourned till 10 o’clock a. tt. to day, to hear argument of counsel. THAT MISSIKO FANS BOOK. The following communication was handed in: “Will the City Frees Reporters plewse explain their notice of the disappearance of the 'Expense Book,' or 'Pass Book, as you called it. “I had possessaion of the book yesterday, in order to separate the ordinary from the extraordinary pense to appear in the Annual Report of Western and Atlantic Railroad officer*, as I had a perfect right to it. No doors or drawers were locked locked by me. When 1 read in the morning paper* that the book was wait ted, I brought it into court “Pletse consult McCalls, if you choose. “Respectfully. A_ L. HARRIS, August Id, 1*71. Cool W.4A.B. R. ccvRCLraios. The Cask of N. P. Hotchkiss.—The case of the above named parly, charged w ith cheating and swindling, which has occupied the attention of the c mrt of Judge Bull for s day or two, was disposed of as far as that officer waa concerned on yesterday Messrs. Bleckley sod HowcU made able speeches oi behalf of the proseention, while the defendant found an earnest and energetic, defense from Mciur*. Thrush er and GartrelL Judge Butt, upon a full hearing of the case, bound over Uotchkiaa in the sum of $2,000. cunm cw>n ram. I|«ntw trmm MmiI ■•war* ui ■Um-Cnp !■ Vwt The account of J. M A J. c -rper. vie., -mom-ting to $5 995 40 Is approved by B. F Wodrott. purchasing agent per Fry, and James Mu' ln, v a*tcr Machinist Tha draft drawn by Me- Basil Gr nt A Co., of New York, Is for the anioswt, and the hill* appended for tbs same article* specified In the other bill. Both bills are la the handwriting J. C Alexander refunded to witness, August 15th, lbs sum of $3.960i THE DRAFT. Witness doe* not th'nk that the draft was paid by order of the Auditor. Never raw bills fixed once attached to tbs draft. The draft never came In Ike hands of witness. THE CAT LST OrT OF THE BAG J. C Alexander testified that Fry came to him and raid that he wanted to make some money In the way it waa generally done at the State Road. Fry fur nished witnera with the items of articles be raid that be had purchased from McKweu, Grant Jt Co.,of New Tork. with the approval of all partira at tbi road. Witness made oat bill on bill head of J. X. *J C. Alexander for the amount. He presented the bill to Hotchkts*. wno gave hi* Acceptance at thirty day*. The Bute Rood was leased, but before the present company took charge. Fry got the money on the Alex- an.h r claim Wltn *• signed the receipt in advance. Don’t know whether he signed both bills at the same time or not. Fry sold tbs Alexander Mil was not settled, and got wttncSN to present the McKwen. Grant it Oo. claim. A HEAVY BAVL The same bill was In effect paid twice. The amount paid out aas $11,998 80. When witness obtained the money on the draft he paid It over to Fry. He received $*,800 from Fry on the first baa! before the last Fry broaght the acceptance to witnera before the expiration of the thirty days. The bills ware not at tached to the draf. when witness presented them to the Auditor. They were attached before presentation to the Board. Witness went before the Board and made a statement. The account AuREEHEST T Witnesa slates that there the p oties interested to disgorge their ill-gotten gall at 1* August 15th. Hotchkiss was met one of the number v tines* returned nil he got, $*,40fii The *550 was from another transaction. THE Mown* OXXS. Witness states that the other meraban of kts firm know noth! wg of his transection. Witnera and Fry were the only parties knowing the facta. Don't think Hotchkiss knew any thing about ti. The court then adjourned until 9 o'clock this morn lag The prr limitary examination wag resum.-d at 9 o’clock a. h . yesterday morning at the office of Jus tice W. M. Butt, before whom the Investigation was t>ein£ had. The State resumed its testimony. COLO EEL c: LXEBSOE. The Clerk of the Board Railroad ftiramlTinners, sworm That the bills were broaght before the Commission « rs, of w hieh this is a record. My information is that i .eniocr . was pal i on he draft. These Mils are the that came together. Toat entry was made tn 1l In thlf case. Alexander came toms, saying he had Wti* r* from parties in New York authorising Mi to draw for these MU*; that he was anxious to have ti passed by tne Board, and wu willing to FAT A SHALL COHHISSIOE to get 1: parsed He came before the Board and made a statement of his authority to draw this money. The Mils had THE EXDORSEHKRT OF BLODGETT AJTD HUT-LEX. After it was passed, I received seventy-five dollars, wnich I am ROW READY TO PAT BACH, not as conscience mo-jcy, but if it bcloogs to the State of vswrgla I have not paid bosk aay. I will pay It hack if a is fon d that it kwiongs to the State of Ooor $ia. 1 have got it, and will pay ti hack whmevvr ti is lth any one since yesterday about Alt tutlmony in this case Talked with several about the cose geuerally. Wit ness, when desired to name them, wrote them down and handed them to General Gartrc'L Talked with Major George Hlllyer in Major Har grov e's office Major McCalls was t^ere also. (Gen. Gartrcll—Four Majors counting yourself.) Witness gave the names of A. L. Harris, F. Blod gett, E. F. Blodgett, (he took a drink with the last named, whether mixed or straight not stated,) J. J. Blake, Colonel R. J. Cowart, W. Pettns, Colonel M. A. Candler, J. M. A J. C. Alexander and E. R. Sas- seen, (witness indignantly cea.ed interviewing Sas- seen). THAT $890 AOAIX. The first coarersatioa with defendant at the S«s soon Boose was In reference to the prat office money. That being disposed of, we talked of the Alexander Blatter. Defendant admitted that he received $90o and gave $400 to McCalls. Defendant did not deny anything. He did not my muck, nor seem desirous to talk much. General Gartrall—Did you not testify yesterday In this case, that tn the conversation at the Sasre^n House with the defendant, that at first you rather thought defendant denied getting the $800* Witness— Yes, but he afterward. In some fifteen twenty minutes, admitted it We were talking about the Alexander claim, and no other, when he admitted getting the $800. Positively believe that the Inten tion of his answer was that he got $800 of the Alex ander money. Gen* ral Gartrcll -Did yon not swear on the cross examination yesterday, that you did not know wheth er he denied or owned getting the $800. Witness— Don't think I did. If l did, I did not un < lore Und the question. At this juncture seme words passed between Gen. Ga'trell and witness, the latter thinking that the former was trying to take an undue advantage of him. Checked by the Court. The examination was suspended until *Jf o'clock r. M. at the City Hall. EXAMINATION RES UR ED. At half-past two o'clock the examination waa re turned at the City Hall. Major Haigrove addressed the court in reference to the occurrence of the morning between Gen. Gartrcll and the witneaa. (Burnett.) and asking that the State's witnesses should he protected from insult. Gen. Gertie 1 was surprised at the remarks of Major nargrove. He hod the right to scrutinise the witnera thoroughly on the cram examination. He put legal questions, ana was entitled to base them answered. He should purser his right in this and nil other He had no intention of aggrieving either the witnera TVs Status Gen. Gartrcll opened the testimony tor the defsi ‘ »f Ml swing east capo Atlamta, Jane,!, 187L .V. F. EetcdtiM, Marietta : Deab Sir—I was greatly surprised to learn to-day, from Major Burnett, that in •<“ ‘ yesterday, you left Mm and you admitted having received the $800 (alluded to by Mr. Alexander) and further, that you had trivm me $400 of this money. Now, air, I write to demand of you a categorical answer as to whether you did state the above to Ma jor Barnett. No one knows better than you do that such a statement is utterly false in every way and shape. 1 request of you an immediate reply to this letter by re tors of mail. Respectfully. _ „ CMA3. pTMcCalla. When will yon bo hover Marietta. June t, 1871. C. P. McCalls, General Book-Keeper—Dear Sir: I a very much rarprlsed at the contents of your note of the 1st instant. I made no such statement ns you refer to. Iam sure Major Barnett is too honorable to mean any mUrrprteentation of what I said to him. I toM him I had eoUecUd some post office money (al luding to wkotCoL H. had said' and had reported the ram# to the Superintendent, and had let you have about $488 As both these natters were fresh in MrJ. Barnett’s mind. I suppose he confounded the two. rhough I certainly said nothing of the Alexander af fair after I left >our room. stfkPy, N. F. Hotcuum. TJfiWT AJTD .«OTL Peru a ph Murder.—A colored man, Ilamp Whitehead, was in good health Wednesday morning. Yesterday morning be was dead, and eircamstancu» indicated that he had been foully dealt with. We should have mentioned that Whitehead belongs to the Chain Gang now being worked by Alexander, Grant A Co. Mr. James Alexander, a nephew of one of the contractors, ha-« char, e of the gang. On Wed nesday, Mr. J. Alexander had .occasion to chastise Whitehead. The death of the man, the box used for his burial, the harry, etc., looking suspicions to the Coroner, be had the body brought before n jury, w ho rendered the following verdict: “That decea- d came to his death by a blow on the bend from unknow n hands." Why he was ouspidoned has not been fully developed, though we hear manp rumors; as ti is, Mr. James Alexander has been arrested for the murder of the man Whitehead, and a committal trial will be had this morning, before Justice Johnson, at 9 O’clock. Mr. Alexander at present is ecalined in 8p»d*1 Foreign flurrsipood—cofF TWOonstitniloc. The municipal election* are voted n bote. Fresh Attention ha* been Attracted ioltie sub ject by a punch publication, depicting the <ta!amandcr erstume for the town councilors to protect them against petroleum accidents whn in their Hotel de Yille. The fresh prorogation of the trial of the CVunmu- nist prisoners at Versailles, is received with something like Indignation, especially when the assurance was gU en— “The charge lspr.*j»arui. the lawyers are Bi t, The J ad gel fill racj»*d’ The arrests daily made of leading Insur gents, modify govern! indictments without doubt. Yesterday a Col. Cbarton was secured, despite the rumor tliat lie had been killed on a barricade, and his wife and family put on “weed,” the police suspected the trick. There hre n rreat many poMiers'still quartered in the city, a proof that the police force is not yet at its maximum ptrength. In the Zoological gardens the military are still at home with the lions, wolves and such small deer. But the animal? are quite tired of these permanent visitors and scarcely honor them with' a look. The army seems niled to tame, ail the heft* f* roa* iu Paris, from lions, etc., up to Commftnhds, with a weakness for arson and assassination. It is very curious the frequency with which epis copal palaces are burned down in the prov inces, the cause l)einir unknown. After the palace at Borages comes Tours, both fol lowing quickly on Nan'v. The spirit of petroleum seems to be abroad. These "acci dents” are happening at an unfortunate time, when the nation is inclined to be merciful to wards the r»3,UU0 prisoners awaiting trial. The activity is very gre.t in repairing the evidences of the recent straggles. On the Place dc la Concorde the now statue to "Lille” is preparing to be put up, and that to •‘Strasbourg’’ to receive a gilded crown. The fountains are being repaired in the aarnc lo cality, and the enormons sea-gods and mer maids cut a droll figure stretched like dead giants on the road-way—not a jet of water in their swollen jaws. The city generally is lively—a great manv arrivals and numerous departures. The present used to be our dead season—ever the gayest in Paris. The bill of health is good. Last week the deaths were 859, and no signs of any contagion. The busses run their old hours; the last creeps homeward after midnight. It is a conven ience, nr t that the hitherto necessity to go to bed with the lark w as a drawback. It added to the health of the population, and the ladies must have discovered “ Good hours of fair cbe -k* »•<’ the ftirest tint era. And lower the price of rou^e—at leas-t some winters " The mule population is really becoming markedly stout. During the siege it was as lean as Cassius, and lost what it pulled up under the Commune. Let it beware, and re member that when Jeshurun waxed fat, he kicked. Tho theatres do not draw, although the weather is of a senegalic temperature, and ice cheap. The Chatelct re-opened a few evenings ago. The only distinguished person in the audience was Theresa—the diva of demi-taMC—very stout, and not looking hap- pv for a bride. The imperial arms were hidden in a cover of green cloth. In the green room was a well known arti*te, ele gantly dreised, but with conspicious dirty hands. Nail brushes are not plentiful. He explained the circumstance, owing to having shaken hands with so many friends. Moral ity is in the wind. The late earthquake has overturned so many things that it is not sur prising want has largely added to the ranks of prostitution. The till** de joir, not content with night to display their attraction*—all are said'to l>e beauties in the dark—parade them in full day, seated before the cafes. Petitions from professors and heads of fami lies have been forwarded to the minister of police against the dangerous nuisance. The authorities make razzia after razzia of these unfortunates, bat the cry is still they come. The anti-Prus<*ian league, we arc informed works well. Not a commercial traveler from Farthcrland can obtain an order from any French house, but German goods arrive nevertheless via England. No Tuetonic tradesman can earn a sous, and merchants prefer tneir German correspondence the sous of Alsace and Lorraine. We have a street called “Berlin”—it is to be called rue de Metz for the future, and the pretty Avenue Napoleon crossing the Trocaden, will be changed into the “Avenue of Deliverance,” in honor of the Versailles troops having bivouacked there on entering the city. Hues “de Moray” and “Fourth September”—after experiencing so many baptismal up* and downs, will remain wliat they are. AH soldiers who have disappeared during the campaign, and do not turn up within two years, will be considered as “permanently absent,” and their goods and chattels divided among the heirs at law. Formerly five, and in some instances eleven, years were allowed to lapse before such distribution was made. It will be for the war and navy offices to* prove tliat missing person is only “tempora rily” absent. mi. Clayton County, August 1$, 1871. Editor Coiuttovtion : Yesterday was indeed a happy dar for the farmers m this county. The PhilafcApiua Agricultural Society of Clay too county held th**ir Fair. No one would imagine the great improvements in agsicultare by ti “ the aid of these societies and We had the pleasure of listening to speeches by Colonels Thomas C. How ard and James M. Calhoun, that were indeed refreshing. The exhibition was large and it seems that our farmers are determined to neglect nothing that will be beneficial to them. On Thurs day, August 23d, we will have another Agri- coltural Meeting and Picnic at Mt. Zion. We cordially invite all to come who arc friendly to the cause of improved agricul ture. Com never was better. Cotton looks fine and the yield will be large, notwithstanding the acreage is not so large as last year.. Agriculture. BKfiBOIAt Beaflau Canatf. T T McCWMN kas applied tor examption of really Cl • amt >string apart of homestead anon land lot No. 67S, Etirktaetuk District, second section In raid county and I will rasa upon the reroe nt rar Doiuriarortlle, on Saturday, the Iftk cay of rat,** 11 a. H. W. W. HINDMAN. OnBnory. Jaly 31,1871.—anfiSdltAwfit printer'* fee fit* S«ti«e t* Debtors til Creditors. A LI. persons haring demands agaiaftt William Gates, deceased, late of Clay too county, are hereby noticed and required to present them properly attested to the undentifned. Within the tires pre scribed by law, and all pereoae indebted to raid de ceased, arc hereby required to make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the fith day of May, R. R. R. KADWAY’S READY RELIEF CI BES THE WORST PAINS IRiaOM HE TI TWENTY MINUTES- Administrator's Sale. lejcai hove of sole, under tin order from the Honor able Court of Ordinary of *oid county, all of the real rotate of Philip Houseworth, deceased, consisting - laad lot ^nd parcels of land as folio* *: Two hundred two and a half (*08j acres, lot No. *50; eight acre* of lot No. *51; to acre* of lot No. 130; 1°0 am- of lot No. *11, and *7 acres of lot No. a*»—all iu the 11th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county. The above land or premises have ^ood imprtv s. swelling ncuse and out bouse*, a good spring Fnltra IhwHPt Inti tor Ssptomher T»rm, IBT!• September next, within .— foBowing property, to-wit: lot of land In the city of Atlanta, fronting 50 Teet on Stpte street, ana running back east same wldtk 150 feet, and known as lot No *0 of the Seago A Wal lace subdivision, it beiqg part of laad lot No 81. in the 14 district of originally Henry now Fultnn county. Levied on as the property of W. T. Headier, by vfr. tne andfto satisfy a ft fa loaned from the lEMth district O M in favor of A K Bcago vs W T Hendlev. Levy made by J T Levelr«\ L C. and returned to me Au gust the 7th, 1FT1 A lot number one hundred ana citreteen (118,) in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Pulton county.Ga., the same being lot No. *8, in Languor, Crane A Ham mock’s survey, containing 5 41-100 scree, more or 1 ts; on said lot is the Brewery building, known as the urthy A Richter > Brewery, and also the dwell ing houoe of the «oid Orthy A Richter. Levied on as the property of G. Orthy and K. Richter^by virtue of and to -attsfy two fi. f*s. iwued from Fulton Su perior Court—one in favor of Langrton Jt Crane, and parcel of laud lying end befnf In the city of Atlanta. Fulton county, G#„ being the undivided two-third* of that city lot kuown ou Vincent's man of &aid city as fractional fat No. 30, fronting cn Wadley street 120 feet, and runniug back aloug rh** right of wave* the Western and Atlantic Railroad *S* feet to lot N< J. M. ANDH80K. ANDERSON <& WELLS, So. SO SHteto* street, Atlanta, Georgia, Opposite PassengerfDepot. *y. thence acrcas the• ^on 111 west c f lot No.**, water con tag onus to the dwelling house, and good at right angles from that P<*fat to .he i*epncitu; ►hard, i will sell in two division*—190 a-re* in one f 24 an<121 an< * the nnenrr.mberetTlot be Diarrhea, Dy*entery, Colic, Sunday School Cllkbbatios.—The sixth annual celebration of the Sunday School Asso ciation of Dc Kalb eonnty take* place on Friday, the 18th insc. at Stone Mountain. The programme ranged for the occasion is an interesting one. The annual address will be delivered by General John A Gordon. Instrumental music wiUbe furnished by the Stone Mountain brass band. The down passenger Ira n Friday morning will stop at Edgew ood and Kirkwood long enough for the children gathered there to get on board, and it is to be hoped that the childri n will be prompt oo the spot. At Decatur some five car loads will be added to the train. These will arrive at the Mountain at 8 o'clock a. M. The schools from Lithonla and vicinity will arrive at 9:80 a. * , by the way freight. Parties not connected with Sunday Schools, either a* members or officers, can go for half fare. The officer* and member* of the Association meet to-morrow, Thursday, at Stone Mountain. The citizens of the Mountain are doin? all they can to make the occasion pleasant and profitable to all who We had the pleasure of meeting in our office yesterday Mr. Dank M. Richardson, the Junior partner of the firm of Samuel H. Richardson A Co., general commission merchants and wholesale dealers In breadstuff*, grains, etc., at 8t. Ixral*. This firm, sell* Immense quantities of flour to our merck They can supply dealer* with aay quantity desired and at price* to please all. The junior partner mokes his headquarter* at tho store of Hightower A Co. He can give you all the Information desired about fit. Louis, quotations, etc. State Road Again.—Mr. N. P. Hotchkiss is to have another railroad case before the courts The State v* N P Hotchklre, tor cheating and swind ling, wo* rolled before Judge Batt ou yeetei after the disposition of the first case. Mr. Hotchkti* objected to a trial before Judge Butt, so his case been removed to the court of Justice Johnson. The case has been set down for a hearing before Justice Johnson on the *8th Inst. The Km raul House.—It was rumored that this house had been sold. A real estate agent in form* ns that this ti a mistake. The facts are, that in order to interest our citizens move In the property, the ballding has been transferred to the Atlanta Im provement Association, Mr. Kimball retaining the principal amount of stock. Mr. Richard Clarkk.—The committing trial of the parties charged with shooting the above named gtstiomaa. waa set down for a hearing before Judge Butt to-morrow morning. We presume that the Investigation will hardly taka place at that time. Mr. Clarke rested very wall yesterday, though his situation ti still regarded as being very critical. Suicidal Attempt.—We learn that while laboring under mental aberration, W R. Psndley, of Lithonla, a few evenings since, attempted to commit suicide by catting hti throat. At last accounts he waa still living. State Road Sale.—The sale yesterday of A. J. Haralson, R. H. Baptist, auctioneer, of lost good*, baggage, etc-, of the Western and Atlantic Railroad warn wall attended, and the articles sold broaght good prices. Sold.—Tallulah Fire Company haa sold her hand engine to the R. E. Lee Fire Company for $500. The Tallulah boys will have to look to their Personals.—F. L. Upson, Esq., of Lex ington, Judge Parrott, Senators Hinton and Bruton, and Mr. Ragland, of the Columbus Enquirer, are in the city. Personal.—N. L. Hutchins, Jr., of Gwin- ett waa In the city yesterday. Prof. J. L. Jones, of Covington, enlivened our ■rate with hie genial countenance yesterday. New Rendition.—Quilp rays that L O. G. steads foe ‘‘I Only Got Tight,” It stand* foe “I Owe Qrec aa Thrower.** Loon Well.—The M. E. Church begins to pro-ant n handsome appearance as its walls and pletioa. HjlaJ-TXT.—The City. after reading this advertisement need any BUFFER WITH PAIN. RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF 18 .CURE FOR EVERY FAIN. It was the first and in Ylie Only Futn Remedy that instantly stop* the most excruciating pains, allays Infltm—afis • the Lungs, organa, by e IN FROM (Ml TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain t Rheumatic, bed ridden Infirm, Crip led Ncrvoi Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may Huffcr RADWAYS’8 ready relief WILL AFFORD INtfTANT EASE. Infiammition uf the Kidi:c\*, Iu (lamination of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Bow'-i*? Congestion of the Lunge. S«>re Throat, Diffiult BroatLio^. Palpitation of the Ileart. Hy«t'ric«, Croup, Dlphtheami. Catarrh, Influenza. Headache, Tootharhe. Neuralgia Rheumatism. Cold Chilis, Ague Chin. The application or the RKADY RELIEF to the part or part* wher the pain or difficulty exist* will kiloid ca*e and comforr. Twenty drops tu Lull a tumbler of water will In a few moments ~ “ '* ” " ' Wim& in the bowetiTand »U IniernarPains. Traveler* should alwuv* carry a bottle of Rmri* way’* Ready Belief with them. A few drop* in water will prevent nickne** of water. It J* better than Fn a* a stimulant. BUYER AND AGUE Fever and Ague cured for fifty cent*. T here is not a reused! ■! agent in thin world that will cure Fevei and Ague, and all other Malar ions, Biliou*. Scarlet, Typhoid, fellow, and other Fevers (aided by RAD< WAY'S PILLS)so quickas RADWAY 'fl READY RE LIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH !~BEAUTY !! Strong and Pure Rich Blood—Increase of Flesh and Weight -near Skin and beautiful Complextion Se er rc-u to ull. Dr. Radway’S ^arafapnrlll ttu Hosolycnt Has made the inort aetonishlng Cures; so quick, so rapid a-c the changes th* body • ndergoes, under the Influence of this Truly Wonderful Medicine, tliat EVERY DAY AN INC tF.ASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IM SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop cf the 9USPARILUAN RESOLVENT commuuicat»< through tho Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids und juitc* of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the waste* gf tin; body with new and Bound material. Herofn-a, Syphilis, Consumption, lilandular ins^-ase, Ulcers la the throat. Mouth, Tu mors, Node* iu the Glands and other part* of the *ys- leio, Sore Eyes, Strmnorou* discharges from the Ears. orchard. ad *S»7i* acres in another doi -One-ha.f cash, and balaace months’ credit, with approved security. For particulars apply to JOHN M. H OU fi EW ORTH, Administrator, ragll—wtds Printer’s fee $10 GEORGIA, FBltsu County. Oki>i> arv 's Oykict, August 7th, 1971. of homestead and 1 will par* upon the at!» o'clock, a. m.. on the lvth day of August, 1871. my office. trictof origiually 11. nn , m-w Fuitou, countv, levied on>s the property of R I* Glenn and James A Wright by virtue or and to >atl*fy a mortgage fi fa issued from Fulton Superior Conn, in favor of the Atlanta National Bank vs raid t-leuo A Wright. Property pointed out in fi fa August 1871. Delta lb Coiatf Sheriff's Salon* and thirty-three acre*, more It. fa., iHsued from D< >: : iu t-aid laud* being n life M., DeKnlu county, in favor of John W. McCurdy vs. GeorgeUiurk, agin etc. Levy made b> M. W inniugham, L C. aud r turned to me. JAMES ilUN I KK. Sheriff angl-wtds [Printer's fee frS.N) per levy.] GEORGIA, Fultou C'suutf. OnDiNtnT's Orncx, August 3.1871 /CORNELIUS bHEEUAN ha* applies for 1 ttws V_y of administration, upon the estate of Churle* Hughes, late of said county, deceased : This is therefore, to notify all persons concerned to tile their objections, if suy they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letten* will be granted tbe said applicant as applied for. Attest: DAN IKL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T. Cooper, Clerk. aug4— w30d Printer's fee $3 The soldiers in the suburbs of the city gain five sous an hour by aiding fanners, etc., in field work. The orthodox laborers protest against the vuiUnircs jeopardizing . the craft by engaging for inferior remuneration. The journals are not quite content with the acquittal l*y the Jury of Honor of M Devienne, who was suspended from his func tions of Judge, owiue to a letter of his being found among tbe Emperors papers, wherein he caused Marguerite Bellenger, a wench of his ex-majesty’s to admit her little boy had no Napoleon blood in bis veins, although she sang in the sovereign’s presence, in dangling her young hopeful ‘‘dance to your daddy, my wee bit lamb.” This liason lt\Uo the*flight of tbe Empress fo Scotland in 1804. The press demands the publication of M. De ▼ienne’a defense, more particularly as the Belkmger is dead, and in any case blames the first Judge in the country wai'iug on any one' mistreas. Alas 1 Marguerite was not a Pom padour nor a Main tenon. The old times are returning. There was a duel this week between Mr. Middleton, an Englishman, and M. Delpech, French. .The former had written disrespectfully of Gari baldi, and at the “meet” received a sword thrust in the haunch.- M. Albert Duray, a plucky journalist and a brave volunteer, was insulted by the Prince de BautTiemont while both were prisoners in Germany. Then, as now, the Prince refuses satisfaction, and M. Duray has written to the President of the crack Jocky Club to remind a member—the Prince—of the necessity to discharge his debt of honor. Lamartine, though celebrated in his own walk, had a weakness to believe he was a doctor, as Ingres fl ittered himself to be a musician. A lady with a sty on her eyo con sulted Lamartine, and he assured her it w&9 only “a crystalizeti tear ” Georgia Matters* The South Georgia Times says that Judge O’Neal is out again, and soon will have en tirely recovereohis health. From the Federal Union we notice that meeting has been called in Baldwin on the 22d, on the subject of a collet in the State House. •»- The Weekly Gazette says that Barnesville is visited by refreshing showers. A revival going on in the Methodist church. Taxable property of Pike County $1,887,855. The Gwinnett Atlas, says in some sections of our county there has not been any lack for rain, while in other portions of our county the farmers have not sufficient rain to sow turnips. The editor of the Atiasi addressed the Gwinnett Farmers' Club on the 12th. From the Chronicle and Sentinel we learn tliat the police of Angnsta made a raid on and captured ten colored Cyprians Monday night A majority of the Council of Augus ta, $t a recent meeting, decided in favor of enlarging the canal. The matter of enlarge ment will be submitted to a vote of tne people. The People’s Defender states that w has been resumed on the Savannah Griffin d North Alabama Railroad, west of Newnan. Tbe same paper states that Coweta county has been blessed with spendid rains: that money is fearfully scarce; and tliat tbenraach crop of that section is abundant, but tn infe rior quality. The Savannah Advertiser says that there are a few cases of broken bone ferer m that city. From the same paper we learn tnfit St John’s Mission Chapel of Savannah had been robbed of a prayer book, two books of altar service, two lamps and the entire library of tbe Sunday School. We did not know Sa vaanah thieves were so mean. The Columbus Enquirer informs us that eighty persons hare connected themselves with the Girard Baptist Church, since the commencement of the meeting there. Co lumbus and its neighborfRHOT have been having fine showers. Eighty thousand dol lars of the stock of the new bank m Colum bus has been taken. Dr. Edward J. John son. of Columbus, is dead. The Athens Watchman says wheat and oats were unquestionably ent off from one- balf to two-thirds in that section, and that there will be a great diminution in the corn crop, with a probahilitv of a corresponding falling off in cotton. Mr. W.'W. Thomas, Chief Engineer on the Northeastern Railroad,’ is in the up-country examining the different proposed routes. ' He desires to begin the survey about the 20th. From the Federal Union, w* learn that Milledgeville is to have a colored tire com pear. The same paper states that the crops in Baldwin do not promise to be a* good as last year. Milledgeville ha« a race boat, con structed by Colonel Miller Grieve, Jr. On the 8th a set of colors was presented the boat by some ladies of Milledgeville. The flag was presented by Captain Williamson on behalf of the ladies, and was received in behalf of Cokrael Grieve by Captain D. B. Sanford. Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumor*, C ancer* in the Womb, and all weakeinng and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Los** of Sperm and *11 wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove to any of these forms of disease them. 11 the patient, dailyberaming reduced by the wastes aud decomposition that i* continually progressing, succeeds In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood— aud this the SABdAPAKILLIAN will au<t does se cure—a cure is certain : for when once this remedy appetite improving, and flesh aud weight inereasing. Not only does the SAUSAPAKILIJAN RESOLV ENT excel all known remedial agent- in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin dis eases ; but It is the only positive cure for Kiduey and Biudder Complaints Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Drop sy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease. AftiWiinarla, aud in all cases where there are brick- dn?t deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like tbe white of an egg. or • breads like white silk, or ther* is * morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust depos it!*, and when there is a piloting, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Crioo SI Per Bottle. SB.. RASWAT’S Perfect Purgative Pills. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gmn, purge, regulata, purify, c’cause and strengthen. Had- way's Pills for the cure of all di-order* of the Stom ach, Liver, Boweis, Kidneys, B adder, Nervous Dis eases, Headache, ('on*tiparion,Costivue*s,iiidigestion, Dv*i>ep«ia, Biliou sues*, Biliou* Fever, Inflammation e Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the In- deleterious dru„ tST - Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation, inward Piles. Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Btomach, Nausea, Hen burn. Disgust of Food, Fullness or weight in 1 Stomach, 8onr Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering tlie Pit of the Stouisrh, Swimming of the Head, H ried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of RAD WAY'S PILLS will free the system from a 1 the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. SOLI) BY DRUGGISTS. READ “ FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter stamp to RAD WAY A CO.. No. 87, Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands w ill be sent you. julvfi-dAweodly J Water wheel, MilM3earin§, Shafting FulTeys i*H#4AUlM0Rgf .SEND FOR A CIRCUlWUJEr'f nor5—flood <fc v» ly SPECIAL INDUCEMENT! Club, Club, Club. t K>R THE FUTURE we will club the Dally and Weekly Con-titntlon with The Rwrol Southerner, An excellent agricultural monthly paper. Jhe Daily with the Southerner $10 The Weekly” “ “ r 2 50 JuneSS tf d«tw W. A. HEMPHILL A CO. A REBELLIOUS STOMACH.—The Stomach, like £\. the body politic, resents Ill-treatment by rebel lion. And when It rebel*, the liver, the bowels, the nerves, the circulation, the brain, revolt likewise, anti the whole system ti disastrously agitated. Pacify and regulate the deranged digestive organ first, ana the disturbance in its dependencies will speedily eraas. Tba taaic. alterative, corrective and purifying properties of T A BRANTS SELTZER APERIENT, render It on irresistible remedy in case* of indiges tion and its concomitant atlnlent". It U a fine stom achic, and its cathartic operation is so mild and genial, that It never produce* the slightest symptoms of debility. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. EVERYBODY, Buy One of Our Eecipes! WOm ffITK DOLLARS TO ATT 02TE by the teat ef a candle. Any one can money with throe recipe*. Full instructions sent of receipt of 50crate, eerf crate roch. Addrqes TTB. SPENCER A CO., anglD-w3t Dalton, Go. MERCHANT MILLER, 8th lliratt LeutivlUe, Ktaticky IT'LG UR of all grades alwava oo bond, and furnished r at tbe lowest pr n J vAwnata ' George Page A Co No. 6 N. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STUM EUIIES MB BOILERS GEORGIA, tll tan Csnntr. OitDixart's OrncK, August 3,1871. T\TR8. MARTHA COBB wife of James Cobb, ap 1 v§ t>Hp» for exemption of personalty aud valuation id Hotting apart of homestead. I will pass on ie same on tue 12th instant, 1871, at 10 o'clock, , x., at my office, in A'pharetta. Given under my hand and official signature. aug4-dltAw*t GEORGIA* DcKalb County. OnmNABY's OrncE, Angust 11,1871. W HEREAS, A. M. Hairston, administrator, de bonis non with will annexed, on estate of Isaac Towers, deceased, having applied to me for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, for the purpose of division. ThD is, therefore, to notify all person* concerned > file their objections, if any, within the time pr scribtd by law. else leaTo will be granted sold a pile mt, as applied for. W. R. WEB8TKR, Ordinary. aag-15 -w4w Printer's fee $5 GEORGIA* Henry County* Ordinary's Omcg, August 8,1871. W M, H. BRY-AN8, administrator of the estate c John Bryans, deceased, applies to me for lea\ o sell the real estate of deceased. If objections exist let them be filed within statnb y time or the leave will be granted. Witness my official signature. OE >. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. augl5-wt\v [Printer's fee $5DO] AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, • HORSE POWERS, COTTON SWEEPS. STEEL HAY-RAKES, COTTON SCRAPERS, POST HOLE DIGGERS, STUMP PULLERS, CIDER MILLS, Ac., Ac., 4 MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. A GENTS for H. a F. BLANDY, Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines. Saw MUla, Coin and Wheat Mllla. Bone Mills. Shingle Machines. Ac. Alao, Agents for Schofield'* Cotton Urease* and Horse Power* Agents for Wayne Agricultural Works, Reapers, Mowers, Sto. Agents for Breanon’s Threshers, both Separators and Ore and Whe“* * v — We w Having negotiated specii enabled to offer all >tuner.t* in the country, we art Al»o at the same time and place, a tract of land con- ■torarar, res, more or !e.-«, i: being a part of land 1 t No. 118 in the llih district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, adjoiLiir: the lands of Goodwin, Register and others, levied on as the prop erty of Joseph Conreey, by virtue of and to ratify a fi. fa. i>-!<uud trom the Justice's Conn of the 1.231 h district, G. M., iu favor of B i . Thigpen vs. Joseph Coureey. Levy made br J. T. Loveless, I. C.^pr.d re- tnrned tome July 20, 1 71. Al»o. at the same time and place, a tract of land containing eleven (II) acres, more or less, it being a part of land, lot No. 149, in the 4th -ti-strlct, of origi nally Henry, now Fulton countv. adjoining the lands of B. F. Touchstone, Dr. O. -J. Register, and other*, levied on as the properly of M. Fitzgerald, by virtue of und toeatiefy a 11. fa. Issued from the Justice court of Hie 'With district, G. M., in favor of It. F. Thigpen vs. M. Fitzgerald, levy mad** by J. T. Loveless, L. 1’., and handed to me, July 20th. 1871. Al«o, at the same time und phn c.a lot containing i<* Iia-f acre, more or 1c--. situated on the east side of Foundry ttreet in the first ward of the city of Atlanta. Fulton county. Georgia, fad ween Magozirc und Collier streets and adjoining the property of Myers Jt Kondriv. levied on as the property of S 11 Mri’amv, by virtue of nut to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Suiierior Court in favor of JDOl guan vs S K MctMj.y. July 14 1ST1. Also, at the same ime and place, a loi of land taiuiug aOJX acres, more or less, it being lot No 1«2, in tiiia 11th district of originally Henry now Fulton imity, i»a. Levied on as the property, of N 11 Bacon, by virtue of and to satisfy a ti fa ls-med fro the Justices Court ©t the 530th district <* M, In fav * time and place, a city lot lying «*fn in 14th district ... ton county, Ga.. being all of No 28, aud part of lot No 29, of the College Hill Survey, commencing the cast sld<* of Collins street, 150 feet north of a foot nlley, and running east along the line betwi lots No 27 and 28 127 feet, to the corner of lot No 23. thence nor h 95 feet, thence west 127 feet, more or less, to Collins street, aud thence south along the cast aide of Collins street to the beginning. Levied on tne property of George 1* Frawer, by virtue of and tv satisfy a 11 ra issued from Fulton Superior Court, In favor of John M Stoke* aud Son va Gorge P Fiari Property pointed out by^iaintifT* attorney. Augt Also, at the same time and place, all that tract parcel of land lying In the city of Atlauts, Fulton county, Ga., and kne ’ “ ‘ * * lot No 87, bounded _ Lurkie street: on the northwest, UK) feet, by Cane street; on the northeast, 200 feet, by au alley, bring t of land lot No 78. ia the 14th district of origt- ly Henry, now Fulton county, containing half zs?i.m less. Levied c Charica Bohnefleld, by virtne of aud t> Good!* nt Mnnn<notui-('i-i*' I»rl<*en, with Freight added. Farmers and Dealers arc reques»ed to coll and see r.s bef're purchasing, or LIST. mav!6-d&w6m send for PR ANDERSON OppwiU Si. WELLS, pRasenffer Depot Delta lb Com ml y SkerlfTv Sales. GEORGIA, Homrr Gommtr- G w In nett Can aty legal A4v*ril,c OMMKAnv s OrncK, Jolj «, 1871. , v'^TIiTv “vmtk-i- C KEO. P. KLLIOTT. administrator of the estate | ttslK.W NU1H I.. V of Catharine E.iiott, deceaaed, Hpplies Tolled before me ns an ostrnv. on the 1st i me for leave to sell the real estate of deceased: * r . f . If objections exist, let them be filed within Statn- 1 •- ^ Vl’ v. *^^Orirt-H- Jon«, of .ry time, or the leave wiU be granted. til© 40ntll ]>istrict, G. M., of Gwinnett COUI1- lYitncM m.v oAcUl•Jmjuwe. tv. (ia.. n dark I’rown row whti white face. J»1,«-W4W * pJiMrr”S-I a “ d » f ;' w «•!'»*“<7 her -klejtnmaAed. , about ton vears old, and appraised by C. R. l Ross and John W. tlo/.i, freeholders*o( raid j district, to Ik* worth ion dollars, and tho taker only cent ; inj: and taking tare of her : The owner i.« lu n-liy notified lo apptrai Ijt- 1 fore me, pro\ c projRTty, pay cost, and Uke i her away, or she \\ ill l»e soldi on the preminea of the said Geo. li. .Tone?, the taker tip, on Thursday, the 17th day of August, 1871; | augtt—2t J. T. L AM K1N, Ord’y. SHERIFFS SALE, | Will l»c sold before the Court House door in Lawrencevilh\ Gwinnett county, Ga, be- i tween the legal hours of sale, on the first j Tuesday in September next, lot of land, j numlier not known, in the 7th district of j Gwinnett, contjiinm»80 acres, more or leas, and joining lands of Daniel Horn, Mrs. Dora, and oihen-. Sold l<> satisfy a Suiverior Court „! fi. fn in favor of Able r R. Roberta and -1 Tabror G. Roberts, administrator, etc., rs Harrison R. Brogdon. l*ro|wrtv pointed out by the defendant. M. Y. liUAND. aug»—td Sheriff. satisfy, a fi. fa., issued item DcKalb Superior Court in favor of Hagan A Co., v«. II. H. Stnwcrs. Afao. at the rnne time und place. 15(» acres, more or !•-«*, being tbe West, ihiee-fourttos of lauu lot No. 183 in the SixtiTatn District of DcKalb county, said laud adjoining the lands or E. A. Carter. W. II. Bras well .-md C. G. Kcvk Levied upon as the prop erty of W. R. Pond fay by virtue of, und to sat isfy. n fi. fa., Issued from DcKalb Superior Court flavor of Perry f ~ GtiOHGIA, DcKalb Conaly. OroatAXY’t Own, July rath, 1*7’ HE RE AM, J. W. Jones, administrator on the I W 1 . . . estate of Z. It. Jotic*, having applictl for Iciv to sell the real estate of said deceased, for tho pm pose oi db'1-ion: This is, therefore, to notify all persona concerned, to file their objection-, if any. within the time pre scribed by law, else leave will bo granted said ap plicant. W. It. WEBSTER, Ordinary. jt»ly28-w4w Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA* Henry Canaty* OnniXART's OmcB, Angust 9,1871, the corpus of the ward's estate. If objections exist let them be filed within statuto ry time, or the leave will be granted. Witness mv official signature. GEO M. NOLAN, Ordinary. angl5-w4w Printer's fee $5 00 NOTICE. T OLLED before me as an eatray, on the 15th day of August. 1871, by N. C ‘ * District, G. M., of Fulton , __ Georgia, ONE RED AND DARK BRiNDLK COW. with a young CALF, said cow has some white in her face, on her flanks, aud under her bell)-; is about two or two and a half years old, and has no ear marks or brand. Ap praised by August Kctterer and S. Stephens, free holders of FaidiMstrict. to be worth Twelve Dollars and Fifty cents, and that it ia worth Fifty cents per day to keep them. The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, prove propery, pavoosts and expenses, and Uke them away, else they will be sold on I be premises of raid Aughtman, the taktr up. on the Jonesboro road, about 8 mile* from Atlanta, ou Friday, the 25th day of Au gust, 1871. aag!6—dlt VALUABLE LANDS FOB SALE. \\i ILL be uold on the premises. < Tv the 4tb of October ue*t, at public “ - - - - - S ( a j 0 n f j e , Wednesday, j c outcry all the lands belonging to the estafa of Mentha Landrum, late of Fayette coimty, deceased. Baia lands arc sit uated mostly About eight miles west of Fayetteville, and about nine miles south of Fairburn. There are qhont 1,(W0 acres. Said Innda will be sold In several parcels, varying from 100 to 500 acres. The terms of sale will be one third cash, o-»e third due in twelve months and theother third due in two years with in terest from date of sale. These lands arc valuable. Persons desirous of making pitreha esof lands are invited to examine Mid lauus. N. R. FOWLER, Auctioneer. Administrator's Sale. I N compliance with an order f rom tho Court of Or dinary of Cobb c unty, wlh n- sold before the Court Honse door m the city of Atlanta, within the legal horns of ssle. on the iirrt Tuesday in • etober next, one vacant lot near the junction of Pryor and Fair streets, fronting on Nonh side of Fair, 203 feet, and bounded ou the North by lends of Lamb aud Roddy. Said lot belonging tb the estate of C. C Admin. Birator. anglt-wtds GEORGIA, DcKalb CoBBty. Ordinary's Omen, Angust 16, 1871. "W? HERE AS, Samuel C. Clay aud Green R. Clay v v htvc applied for letteraof administration on the estate of Jesse Clay, Sr., late of raid county, deceased. Ail persons concerned are notified to file their oo* jectiona, if any, within the time allowed by law. Georgia Female College. LEIItLATIVE CHARTER BRANTEO IN 1840. REV. GEO. Y. BROWNE, President. T HE next academic year begins on Mondav, Sep tember 18th.* An electic d -ss has been formed for the benefit of those graduates who may wi-h still further to improve themselves, or to prepare for teaching. New Patent Ariou Square Grand Pi are used. Expenses are as moderate as In o».v. slmilarmsti tutor. For further particulars addre-s the augl-d2awA « 2m SIMIOIS’ Liver 5 UVBR DISEASE ud Indl*. stion prevail extent f uobohly any other ma ady, and relief is always anxiously sought after. If the Liver is Regulated in its ac tion, he«lrh ia almost invariably secured. In digestion, or want of action in the Liver, cause* Headache, Con- R atipation, Jaundice, Pain in the 8houlders, Couvh, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious at tacks, palpitation of the heart depression of apirita, or the blues, and a hundred other aymptoma, SIMMONS' LIVER EMULATOR ia the beet remedy that baa ever been discover ed for these ailment*, tidly, efl pi£’Teg*u$e * (im pound, and can do no Injury in >ny qoanti- tie# that it may be aken. Itiaharmtcaa in every way; it has been naad for forty yuan, and hundreds of the good and great from all parte at the country will vouch for its vir tues, viz: Hon. Ale- enter H. Stephens, of Georgia. the knndroda of whom we can refer to. "yrafl. postage prepaid, $1.25 i. B. IELIE * oo.. SAL* BV ALL DBUOG^Sl axcbox uxb mama. NEW TORE AND GLASGOW, Ctfuc at UadootoTT to Usd lbita aad Pumoeka every respect with all the modern improvements cal culated to inenre the safety, comfort, and convenience of passenger*. Bates, Psyablc in Curreimy, to Glasgow, Liv erpool and I nslialwry: First Cabin, $65 and $76, acoordum to Location. Cabin Return Ttckata, $130, secnnng beat acronuno- dattons. Intermediate, | flmnne. $*•. Parties seadlmTfor tbotr fnondalnter OM Country can puebaee tickets at reduced rates. For farther narueu are apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, 7 Bowling Green, N. T., or to V. DUNNING, rteeptng Car Oflkea, Atlanta, Ga. Broponelhfa Anau wanted in towp rad country. junetl-4 wtro. parcel of land, lying and being hi the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, commencing at the junctlou alley, thence along said alley south it, tfimcc one hundr * - • • e street, thence alou street north one hundred feet to the _ i itbclng part of land lot number 79, lu the llth district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing one-half acre, more or lc.-s. Levied on us the )>ro|icr- ty of Gu»>. A Iluwalil, b\ virtne of ami to ratisfy a Mortgage fi fs issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of N R Fowler, Treasurer of l uiton L<<an and Building Association, vs. Goa. A. lltiwald. Property pointed out in fi fa. August 3d, 1871. Also, at the name time and pi. ce, the east half of lot of land. No. one hundred and fifty, in (.he s» eu- teeuth dlstict. of original!} Henry, now Fulton county, ; except two acre* iu the southeast corner of said lot. levied on a* the property of Ira R. Foster, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fi f*. i*8ued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of N. R. Fow ler. Treasurer of > ulton I<oau and Btiilding Asso- soclation vs. Ira R. Foster, property pointed out iu fi. fa , August 3, 1871. Also, at the same time and place, one lot of land lying and being in cit> of Atlanta, and known as land lot No. (78) seventy eight, in the llth district of orig inally lleury now Vultou county, and known iu plan of raid city a* lot 114, fronting fifty fuel on Walton struct, running bark at right angle* along the lines on either side of said lot one n und ml and forty-six feet seven inches lo an alley, bounded on northwest by Simmons' lot, on east by Cox A Bro’* lot. Levied on as tbe property of E K Sassetn. to sati.-fv a fl fa in favor of Oscar Chiisiuun, fasned from Cterdou Supe rior Court against E R Sasseen. Al*o, at the same time and place, one-third undi vided iutere.-t in the follow ing lot of land, iu tbo 14th district of originally Henry, uow Fulton couuly, to- wit: 55^i acres, more oi lera. Three and three-ouar- ter acres of raid 55V acres, more or lees, out of the southwest corner of lot number vt.'i) >event \ -five, and fifty-one and one-quarter acres, more or less, off the uortnwcbt corner of fat number seventy-six (70.) all iu tbe plan of said district, and kuown*a« the Bomar place The other two thirds amiiv lded interest being ih ? property on the heirs af Patrick aud Henry Gard iner, aud now occupied by Michael Gardiner and the raid heirs, cold undivided one third inti rest levied on as the property of M chael Geidiner, by virtue of the following fi fas oam in favor of Peter Gray vs. Michael Gardiner, issued from the Justices Court of the 1026th District, G. M.; one in favor of Robert Brown vs Michael Gardner, issued from the Superior Court of Fatten county, and on-' in favor of Tinsey GEORGIA, I'ayelte f'onul) • Orprcart'i Owick, July d, 1871. WHEREAS, Jno. w: Kelly. Secretary tor Roem- m lis Collins, guardian of 1*. K. Col ins, has file his final return, snowing a full attribution and ?r tlcmeut w ith said ward, and applies for b mission, which letter* will be granted on the 1st. Mon day in October next, unless some valid objection* art filed according to law . DAVID C*. MINOR, GEORGIA* Henry Cnnnty* Oiuiinaiu ' timer, July ti. l«7i. M A' and K. 8. SOWELL, administratoin of • Jo m Sow ell. deceased, represent that they have fully adnthletered the estate of deceased, and pray Ithin « of di-mirision: by Jpo. Mill edge, Jr., plaintifl* aitoriuy. August time and place, a city lot. 7th, 1871. taining one half acre, situated bn the corner of Har ris ana Butler streets, in the 4th ward of the city of Atlanta, together with the buildlngon raid lot, known aa Rondeau A Co.** furniture munufactorv, and all the machinery thereto attached. Levied on a« the property of Ronrfaan A Co., by virtue of and to sat isfy eighteen mechanics’ lien fl fas. issued from the Justice s Court of the 1,234th district. G M, in favor of the following parties, to wit: J M Douglas, 9 S Middleton, John II Peck, J L Patterson, Chnrlev Lynes, II Hardin, ri L McGaapbelL T A Flyna, Cha* Hilliard, Nedd Flynn, L E Cross, Henry Robinson. K 7. Turner. O A Hmlth. W H Bolls, J ft Holme*, j a I.-enhower, ano Wealcy Uardinett, vs the said Ron deau A Co. Levlei male by Maj Z Smith, and J T Loveless, L Go, and returning to me. August 7,1871 A. M. i'ERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff. August 8,wtds printer's fe‘ $2 50 per levy. Fulton Sheriff’s Sale for Septem ber, 1871. W ILL be sold, before the Court-house door, in the city of Atlanta,Fulton couuty, Ga., ou the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: All tha ‘ --■ - *— * • 14th diet front' „ _ taining 1\ acres, property of Noble A Bro. Levied on as the property of Phillip Groover, to eatfafy a State and County tax fl fa for his tax for the year 18flW. * “ time and place, part of land lot The part so levied on is in ward 3, i Love street, in the city of Atlanta, con- ‘ *” Ires, aud adjoining the the city of Atlanta, containing 28 by 200 feet, r lose, and a joining the property of V A Ga«kill Levied on a* the property of JR D Ozbam, trustee far wife, w aatfpfy a balance due on a State and County tax fi fa for hip tax for the year 1870. Alao, at the ramc time aud place, part of laud lot lot number 76, iu the 14th distrfat. The part *o levied on is in ward 2, block 19, fronting on Crew and Cnunlcy streets, iu the city of Atlanta, containing 1-8 acre, more or less, and adjoining the property or James Her ington, (colored.) Levied cn as the prop erty of Richard Johnson, (colored.t to satisfy a State and county tax tt fa for hi* tar for the year 1870. Alao, at tbe same time and place, part of land lot number 84, in the 14th district. Ite part po levied on is in ward 1, ton taining U acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of Mr* Alice McCarty, to satisfy a State and County tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1870. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot number 51, in the 14th district. The part so levied on 1* ia ward 4, block 134, fronting Houston, Ford und Ellis street*, in the city of Alania containing^ a more or lees, and adjoining the property of Barti Levied on aa the property of F W Fiynn, trustee for wife. *o satisfy a male and County tax fi fa for hi* tax for the year 1870. A.'i the above property pointed out by J M Harwell. T C. Angust 7, 1871? GEORGIA, DcKalb CsBBty. Ordinary's Orricx, August 1st, 1871. W HKRFAS, Mrs.Haliua Ellington, guardian of D B. Ellington, an Imbecile, applicj to me for letters of dismission from raid irust: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- sous Interested, to b<> and appear at my office with!'' the time prescribed by law, then and there to show cause, if any they can. why said letieie should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand, at office, tills Aug art 1.187L W. R. WEB8TKN, Ordinary. ang4— wovm4m Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA* Fsltsi County. Ordinary's Omci, Augu-t 3, 1871. TT|7 HERE At, A. M. Rfeshardt, administrator of tl the estate of J. P. Gallagher, late of eaid county, deceased, represents that he has fully di- -*■— his said trust, and prays for letters of die- term, 1871, of thfa Court, else letten of dismission will be granted the applicant In terms of the law. A treat: DANIEL PITTMAN, Jno. J. Cooper, Clerk, Ordinary. aug5-w60d Printer's fee $4 50. GEORGIA, DcKalb Ctnl) . Obdk art’s Orricz, August 1st, 1871. W HEREAS, Mrs. Irena Harris, administratrix on the estate of L. A. Harris, deceased, having applied for leave to sell the real estate of raid de ceased for the purpose of division : This ia, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to He their objections, If any. wiuitn tbe time pre scribed by law. else leave will be granted raid appli cant aa applied for. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. aug4 i w4w Printer"a fee $s. GEORGIA, DcKalb CSBBtjr. Mgjm | w | j creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tbe first Monday In January, 187*. sad show cause, if aay they have, why aaid adminis trator* should not be discharged from their adminis tration and receive letters of dismission. U£W«U, MAtlk Caamly. OlDiluxi'a OmcB. AUffVt 1st, 1871. W 'QERKAS. J. C. Harris, administrator of the estate or William Brunt, late of said county, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission from Tbsse are, therefore, to cite mad admonish all per sons Interested to be and appear at my office within the usual time prescribed by law, then and there to show comae, if any, why said latter* should not be «ader my hand^ at offio^Jhis^Aagust 1,1871. bu*4—’WMrim at office, this Angust 1,1871. . R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 60 ully adm 'or letten _ If objections exist, M them be filed Statutory time, or the prayer will be granted. Witnera ray official signal! julylt—Win tifiU. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Henry County. Oruinaiiv’s Om< E, July 12, 1871. T is repreaented to me that Samuel Lee, of rah L liae de oar ted this life , of admiu- Q EURO I A, (Jiriuncit ('ou„ty y W illiam B. Pharr, administrator, witli the will annexed, of Edward Pharr, deceased, represents tn me that he has fully administer ed aaid estute: This is to rite all and singular, kindred and creditors, to lie and appear at my office on or | Ik-fore the first Monday in November, and allow cause, if any they have, why said ad ministrator should not lie discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismiss ion. J. T. LAMKIN, a u<r 12—Id Ordinary. GEORGIA, OfrhweU County. Thomas G. and J. M. Jacobs, administra tors, with the will annexed, of Thomas Ja cobs, deceased, represent to the «Ordinary of sard county that they have fully administer ed said estate: This is to cite all and singular, kindred and creditors, to be and appear at my office, ou or before the first Monday iu {September next, and show cause, if any they have, why said administrators should not Oe discharged and receive letters of dismission. This June 5th, 1871. J. T. LAMKIN, june 7-td Ordinary couuty. deceased, has departed this life intestate, and Wm. C. Lee having applied for letters istration on stole of deceased: All par.ies concerned are notified to file objections, .« , . - .... any exist, within the time prescribed by law, else . GEORGIA, OiCinnut County. the letter* will be grauted. Witness my official signature. julyl5- GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. IYtatcFs fee $:1 GEORGIA, Henry County. Orpinorv's Orriek, July 12. 1871. S TEPHEN G. DORSEY, executor of lhe last will and testament of John Dorsey, dccca«e<L, late of raid county, applies to me for leave to sol* all tho real estate of deceased that Is undisposed of by aaid GEORGIA (•trim,rtf C>u Four weeks after date application will be made to the Court of i trdinary of said county for leave to sell the land beloging to the estate of James Roberts, deceased. W. P. MOORE, J. H. BIIOGDON \ July 18—It Adm'rs. If objections exist, let them l>e filed within Statu ton-time, else the leave will be granted. Witness my official signature. GKO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. julylS—w lw Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA* KeKalb County. Wf HERE AS, M. A. Henderson, Rnfna Henderson, fv and William Ileudcrson, exeentors of the lust will and testament oL.Greenville H«*nderson, late of raid couuty, decearad, applies to me for fatten* of dismission from rajd trust. These are, therefnap, to cite and admoni-h all per sons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by l»w, then and there, to show cause, if any, why raid letter* should not be granted. Printer'* fee *5. GEORGIA, Fultou County. Ohdixartfa Ofttck, August 2,1871. •ife of J. M. Mabbe „ apply) applies for o lty, anu 1 will jkars upon the *an: , on the 15th aav of August, 1ST DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinsn. Printer's ft**; £* Four weeks after date application will bo made to tbe Court of Ordinary of said eonn ty for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Thomas Allison, deocanC This July fl, 1871. ROBERT 8. FOSTER, Administrator. july!8—It De lionis non, will annexed. ir.ption of peraoualt; GEORGIA, Gwinnett l*»unly, hereas, John T. Brand haY’ing applit-d to be appointed guardian of the property of Eii/.a J. and Laura L. Smith, muior orpliann of K. B. Smith, decease d. Tiiis is to ciie all j*eraons concerned to l-e and appear at tlie fin>t term of tiie C’ourt Or dinary, after the expiration of thirty day* from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, i! ai»v they ran, whv the said | applicant should not be ai)lru&teJ with tho guardianship of the property of tbe said ; minors. Witness mv hand and official signature. | this July :t. 1871. J. T, LAMKIN. i j uly 18—4t Ordinary. GEORGIA* Fulton Couuty. Oki>ikob\ "t Ornir., Auguet2,1871. GEORGIA, nett County, ugl-dl&w^t Four weeks after dale, application will Ira _ . r .„ _J made to the (’our; of Ordinary of said conn- the i5th day of August, 1871, tv for an order to sell the lands licloneing to mvt. mo* aw mi estate of Francis M. Wardlaw, dcceaseiL This July J, 1871. SAMUEL W. KFOX July 18—It Ordinary. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary Printer’» fee $2 - Libel far l)!v SARAH E. J. RODGERS, ) JOHN W. RODiiERH. f In Fulton Superior Court, April Term, 1871. I T appearing to the Court by the return of tb Sheriff, that the defendant doe* not reside in thfa eonnty, and it farther appearing that he do*, not SHERIFF SALE FOR AUGUST. I Will Resold Vfore tne Court house door, M M H JL..„ thtf »«wn nf l.nwet<-nw\illc, Gwinortt reside in this State, It Is,*ou luotTon : Ordered, Thai I fOUMIy, fieorclu. on the firv Tuesday in S ld ^.?^K t hSfSgK!K' wer \ Augiift m rt, within thr nnul lr R ,1 hour- ot the Court, or that the casobe considered in default, ente tiro follnn tnrr nnnrurtt and the plaintiff allowed to ... ,' OW prr>p< rt\ , to Wit : i The life interest of Ann i(. Scales, in what | Is know as the old home place of WUlhuu i Scales, deceased, lying on the waters of the ! Chattahoochee river in said county, contain- jing 180 acres, more or less, in the 7tb of ' GwinelL i.evied on as the property of said j Ann R. Scales. ?o satisfy a Superior Court fi fa, in favor of J. N. Glenn. l*ropertv pointed ! out by the plaiuiiff This July 3. 1871. M. V. BRAND, I julylS—It Sheriff. jnlylfi—wlsm4m GEORGIA* Fulton County. Ordimabt’s OmcE, August 3, lb?l. TANKS S. DOYLE, guardian of Eva C. and Mi^. J£ rew ’’ *. n<i F ’ A - ^rflwford, guardian of William T. Crew, minors, have applied for leave ti* sell the real estate belouging to their raid wards • This fa. tcercforc, to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, If any exfat. within the time “I0!«e®koi*, u.K.ibt.,mi. Attest: DAN’iEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jro. T. Coopbr, Clerk. ausri—w4w Printer's fee $5 . W. F. Tilly, Sr., administrator «!»« •n the estate of Stephen Tilly, de- ... ... . (- onr | of ordinary of said GEORGIA, Fulton Couuty. Ordinary fa Omcs, Angnst 3d. 1871. J W. RUCKER, administrator of the estate r • J. F. Waddail, late of said county, deecasec has applied for letters of dfamfarion from f-ai estate This Is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to flic their objections, if any they have, within the __ T fcl? 0 letter* will In- granted the Daniel pittman. ordin»r. . V aug4—woom4m Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Fulton County. Ordinary * OrncE. August 8d. 1871. J AMES C". DAVIS, administrator of the estate of John T. Davis, late of said county, d»-r«a*od, has applied for letters of di*mfaeion from said estate: This is, therefore, to uotify all persons concerned, to file their objection*, if any they hove, within the time proscribed by law. else letters will be granted Printer’s fee $1 50 bonis ceased, represents tn tii oanty. that he has fully nd mini noted raid estate Thfa ip tn ( it. all and singular, ’the’ kindi^Vnd creditors of raid deceased, to Ik* and nppesr at my office on or fa-fore the lir»t Monrin in «■<«»• un and show r _ trator should not he discharged from his adminfai ’ they have, why raid od» ini*- rharged from h: - - - I of This the 8th marchlO—vigm GEORGIA, Henry County. nenry Superior Conrt. April Term. 7*71— Present His Honor. James W. «*r»*en. ELIZABETH R. CLINTON, . OT. S. CLINTON. r"*' ,0r DIVOrr " RULE TO PERFECT SERVICE. I T appearing to the Court by the r. turn of the Sheriff, that the defem.ant doc- not re«ldc in this eonnty; and it further appearing, that he docs not re- side in thi* Stete, it is, on motion of Connell: Or- oerod. That said defendant appear and answer at the next Term of thfa Court, Hre that the case hi coo^ sidered in default aud the plaintiff flowed lo nro- wed. And it .*• - 1 •»*»--- -• > - - GEORGIA, Fnyette C’snntf. •ved from hi* raid trust, and V.. for administration on the estate of said John W. Hpeer, and that in terms of the isw the administration will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fir and thirty day® after the publication of is mode t proper peraoL. this citation, unless some valid object!' his appointment. Given under my band and official signature, this August 3d, 1871. DAVID C. MINOR. Ordinary, aogb—wDQd Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Clayton County. Ordiraky’s Omcs, August 7lh, 1871. W W. CAMP, administrator of the estate of • William Cates, .deceased, applies to me for leave to sell the real estate of deceased : Jf objections exist, let them be died within Statutory ti“e, orletve Witness my hand and offlctjti aug9—wtsr ^ unstote. J. H. MORROW, Ordinary. Printer's fee $5* GEORGIA, Mtiltoai County. Obuisaky’s Owe*, Angus! 2, 1871. M RS. MARY A. THOMPSON, wife of Clarl Thompson, applies for exemption of personalt' sod valuation and setting sport the some, and 1 wlL pass on the same on the ltth latent, at 11 o'clock, a. GEORGIA, rUftlton Cauuty# Omhhabt'b Oz-f-u s, August 9.1871. TO ALL WHOM XX MAT COKCZSK. N OTICE is hereby given that D. W Bennett, Into of said county, deported this life testate, the executor appointed refuses to qualify, sod no person having applied for administration on said estate of D. W. Bennett, 1 will, on the first Monday in Septem- next, appo nt the Clerk of the Superior Court, or e other fit and proper person, unless some valid ctlon is made to hi* appointment. Printer* ■ fee $4 50 r four month*. e extract from the minutes of raid Court " a WEEMS, Clerk. july27-wlaw4m GEORGIA, DcKalb Coan y. ORniMAMYfa Omcs, July 2»ith, 1871. W HEREAS, Nathan Rathcli has applied for let ter* of administration on the estate of Thoma* Akin, late of raid county. d<*era«cd : All person? are hereby notified to file their ohfae. tione. If any. within the time allowed l»v law ete« letters will be granted the raid appliranr 7 ~ R. WEBSTKIt, Ordinary. Printer s fee $.'! jaly28—w:*)d P01K COUKTY^FARM FOR RALE. J>20 Aci-«s tfUatf for 93,000. Un ' 1 , b " V, ' r “ *• loth. fKt that the Farm formerly owned by II. F. W imfarnv nee* ased. situated 4 mile* cast of ('<U«*r Town fa now njwd for th<- loo «nra nf *5.001 Th.- Farm roiun HO acre* of land. 400 of which I* flcared and UBder tln-VS the lands. tor. There fa a *trong probability of the ' and Oartereville Railroad running through I am prepared to proveto anv one likclvto purchaser, that 20, if not 25 per cent can be resUrod upon the amount asked for the farm. Some of the mo*t sensible men tn Polk eonnty agree with me tw raying the place fa offered too low. Mr. Lawra*. 11t- toff on ti»c place, will take pleaMtre iu showto tt to any one. Apply to J. R. WIMBERLY, Ajrenttor ^ MRS. A. C. WIMBERLY. frjar * Station. 6. R. A D. R. R. novS wtf Kstray Notice. r the 1, _ day of Masch. 1871, one heifer Yearling two and one-half yaarooUL yellow hriudie with motile face, marked with a otto off each ear, and short tail, has »bort horns h£~ K aired to be worth six dollar* and fifty cents, by wl* C. Smith and C. IL Erotin ^ T The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property pay expenses and take her a wav or she trill hesold ontho freshohl of John Favor, mi tho 12th day of August, 187L D.C. WNOB.Of*tMi,.