The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 17, 1871, Image 4

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OOicthln (Constitution. ATLANTA, GA., OCTOBER IT, lftTl, I 14T TIk- Georgia p«p«*rs geaendly wre en «i »r*iug and c*>mplirn« ntimr Ben Hill’* ■ Alu-nni Addn-aa »l li*e f.eorgia Ui»iv#*r«ify 1 Tb** wapoj^r rc|»ort *»* »S»c lime did him in- jjofior. m m m We find that Colonel Hodgson, of Ala hyna, bu written a card withdrawing hw i-*n that Colonel Tomlin»r»n Fort, of < Uatlan'xiff*, wu in complkily with XtllOB, the of General Clanton. We are glad of tb»" It waa but just to Fort, and in accordance with li»dg¥)n'« known chivalry. The Cirrfa«l»oro llrruld. Thia worthy contemporary *ayi that the following extract, omitted in our quoUtmna from it* article, in which it speaks of grow ing I>«-nv»cratic unity on a platform wisely pretermit ting any opinion in regard to the vaii Uiy of the amendments, is necessary to “If at pr ent nallv erh onMit.ittonally do *«• should aid shy we vtiat KidkalUn thi* is no r t > trod* has .in n the struggle, mucl .•pt as final, what lias const ly done. We can in the future resort to all con'-titut mod** until, «'*on"r or later, th^c ni.e* tiitional wrongs shall l»e tonstilutio righted." We give it with pleasure, and endoiv: TMe Orranlrntlnnnf the Leglilafure. The people c.f Gc«-r_ii demand it of ibeir legiMatora thet a etmight-out I)l*uk; ratic organization of both Ixnliea be made The grand i»sue upon w hich the State was c-irried for .be Democracy at the last election was the corruption, extravagance and incoutpe- tency of Radical rub*. Upon this the I)e- uiocracy had an overwhelming triumph. Upon this party devolves the duty of retrenchment and reform. A luiiure to discharge the duty 1 must attach to the Democracy alone. Uadi* I cal agency in framing the organization would , divide thU responsibility. That agency must I lie excluded wholly. 1 The people hav**, l>y their votc* % achieved I the privilege of an entire Democratic organi zation, and will be s itiafied with nothing i el-e. ; This can only he secured by Democratic ! unity and concert. Unity and agreement of i action can only lie obtained by a party con- i vent ion of the Democratic memliers, whose decisions must lie sovereign. ThU plan .lone i will prevent scrub contests, in which the ; Radical minority will become the of j power and the controlling element. This | must be avoided. | Tin*. Democracy has a great solemn duty | b fore it in the coming session of the Legis lature. Many m<»ht delicate questions r qiiir- ing calm judgment and entire integrity w ill come before it. We believe they w 1 be Georg** !*ewa Items* [CONDENSED VOW TBZ C0*»VlirTlON. The Velocipede ajain makes its re appear in'; d well. I fr ires. ago fire r* < •liter great fi which, l»«»wever,it leads. New York, in 1X3,lost 650 costly houses, worth with their contents $14,000,000. In two years the burnt area was entirely rebuilt, more splendidly than ever. In 1*45, Pittsburg lay in ashes ; over 1,-00 boasts burned, and the loss $5,<#lO,<iOO. Portland, Maine, in 1860, bunted in the flames $10,000,000. On*; fourth of theprpu- lation was left bomeleaa. Over fifty build ing* were blown up to stop the fire. Few trace* n'*w- remain of the fire. In 1m12, M<*«cow was deliberately destroy ed by its own people to defeat Napoleon. The great lire in London in 1866 has hith erto been regarded as the greatest of i< coni, j It la»t#il seven days. Nearly 15,000 b In selecting presiding officers, it is c-i*eci- ! ally that they should cbo'nw clear headed, practical, resolute, experienced nun. I Parliamentary la w is no child's work. The I presiding over u d» ld*erative body, where j laws are passed, and great issues of right and I property are at stake, is no easy thing. ' | It takes brains and a heap of them; it tikes strong sense; it takes tact of a high or der ; il lakes absolute control of impuh-e and 1 temper; it takes patience in its rarest d* gree; ’ it takes prompt decision: it takes habitudes of correct thinking und pointed expression; it lakes nerve and presence of mind ; it t.ikts piactie d familiarity with the abstruse mat ters of parliamentary* law, that don’t come l»y instinct, but by education. Let these things lie considered in the choice of presiding officers, regardless of pcr-onal partiality. Gcruin it* In tfi«* Cniled Mute*., The total number of Germans residing In died States is 1,61)0,533, distrihu en day*. Nearly 15,000 hott-«. folJowl>; Alabama, 2,4*2; Arkansas, 1,563; puMic, w*-rc cmi-imwd. VV1«>!< < alifornln, 21I.101; Connictirtit, 12,4«. ks were blown up to arrest the flat In 1*64. Atlanta, Georgia, went up into smoke and down into ashes, with entile unanimity, at the banda of <»en. Sherman. Columbia, Pouth Carolina, did the same thing in led. The destruction was so nearly (om- plete, that the job was perfect in it* way. Tkf tluion and tlcfelern Railroad ■.ease ( lie, Governor Bullock employed the following able attorneys to represent tlie interest of the Plate in the lease case of the Macon and Western Hailroad: Anderson Lanier, of 3! icon; A. O Bacon, of 31-icon; B. B. Hin ton, of Columbus; Win. Phillij**, of Mari ettn. Wc are informed that the Governor got ex- Clovimor Joseph K Brow n and Chief .los- tire Is* lirane to determine Ihe sir.*; of tlieir fee*, which were settled at $1,250 cadi, m iking an aggregate of $5,000. At least the fee* of the Miuon lawyers are thus, an*l we undeiatand the others are, of the same mzc. As Ihe Supreme Court decided that the Plate had no interest in this lease w.ll be seen that the employment of conn 'd t« feprrjM'jit the Stat«*'s interest wasunm-ees-aiy, and it open* up to probability the *u« that has U*en cxpressei Coventor Bollock is spending the Si .:«• money to gain Drmurralie friends. It fortunate, however, that he selects such ni* n* the above, who are incorruptihle, and wl» would have spurned the fee had they hav thought such a thing was contemplated. But there i* another view to this case. < courses lawyer taker* fee* as they come, the 1« gilinnite panfessional services being in tli market and bringing them meat and bre.u But Ibis wholesale employment of l.irg Dumlrr" of attorneys at the caprice of Hi Executive at Stale exp* iw should lie sto|i|H*d. The |i w ire, 1,142; Florida, 507; Georgia 2,761; Illi nois, 208;758; Indiana, 78,000; Iowa, 66,162; Kansas, 12,775; Kentucky, 30,318; Loui-lann, Maine, .W; Maryland,47,015; 3!assa- chusctts, 13,072; .Michigan.64,443; Miumsota, 41,364; Mississippi, 2.060; Missouri, 113,618; Nebraska, 10,051; Nevada, 2,181; New* Hamp shire, 436; New Jersey, 54 000; New York, 316,002; North Carolina, 004; Ohio, l*.\'-:#7; Oregon, 1,875; Pennsylvania, 160,146; Iiiiode Island, 1,201; South Carolina, 2,751; T*• see, 4,53!); Texas, 23,085; Vermont, 370; Vii ginia. 4,050; West Virginia. 6.232; Wb. nsir 162,311; Arizonu, 37!k Colorado, 1,456; I Juki ta, 563; District of Columhin, 4,020; Ihbr 3ss. Montana, 1,233; New Mexico, 282; Util 35^. Washington,645; and Wyoming Tirriti ry,G"»2. id il, ( of the nev J.< Kr^Hhlir life This Chicago c I a»*ia rn »ire i nm pit nj. oinpaiiy has its rainifica- taoM*, or, more correctly, branches through out the entire couniry, inc-hiding a llotui h- ing one in Atlanta, whose Rt»« kholders are among our leading business men and capital- hits, and whose Board of Directors have for their President and Vice-President Me- rs E. E. Haw son and U P. Grant, two of At lanta’s most prominent and valuable citizens, tine of the editors of Tilt. CoxsTirv i ion was recently in Chicago, and had writ:* •>:» letter from that great metropolis of the West, but the terrible lire laying that magniti vnl eity in ruins induectl the witliholding of the letter, and w e have coneludeil t«» jK'ii a short editorial in lieu of it, toueliing more esjH ii- mlly upon the gnat Insurance Company, in which a large portion of our people ar so deaply interested. Insurance Companies are now universally ranked among the gn*at benevolent institu tions of the age. In fact. Life Insurance i' l«e- nevolence upon a grand scale reduced t.* an organixcil and systematic scheme, by which the mass of mankind interpose to save tin- widow and orphan from suffering and want, at the >au»e lime that it affords a protitahl - in vestment. But we shall not enter into a general dis cussion of Life Insurance and its vast bene fits, for few men can now* lie found, who an not its warm advocates. Wc can but re mark. however, that there are two des*"S of men. who, it seems to us, arc guilty of almost criminal folly, if they neglect insur ance ; those, first, who in cast' of death would leave their families entirely without means of support; and. secondly, those upon whose l ::>i- ncss. though large and prosperous, sudden death might entail confusion and heavy b*ss. That man can afford to lx* happy, who. whatever his circumstances or dangers, car- lira with hint the consciousness, that his death, however unexpected, will but liit bis loved ones farther above the contingencies «»f dependency and want S> The CossTrrt*no2» has ever labon il to build up our insurance companies, and w*«- arc now glad to have it in power to commend in high terms the Republic Life after an in vestin'. lion of its condition. Its building in Chicago has been partially destroyed by the fire, but it suffered no other loss, and the bo tiding will doubtless s«H»n lx* rest red. Tl»e Company has been iu operation n<-? yet two year*, and its business compares favora bly with the three or four leading insir ; :t« companies of this country during the liist years of their existence. We are >a: >>- lied that the company is managed w ith great care, skill, and prudence, and that the securities of the company are good, and are n*»t affected by the fire, lx*ing it*al estate. The President of the Couq«iny is the A. T. Stewart, of Chicago, in n»« i •en tile matters, a gentleman of the very hL*\c>t character an-1 one whos<* fortune isomn:. 1 l»y millions. lie has *'ut humitrti and ffty Vkvummti JalUir* invested in the Republic, and is. therefore, very apt to six* that it is >kilh fully managed. The stockholders, in Chica go. too, arc among the first and most sui »vss- ful business men. The lxx>ks show ed a rapidly increasing business, and wc have no hesi tancy in declaring upon the authority of the editor visiting Chicago, that the Company is ably managed, and is destined to become one of the greatest and m»*t popular in existence. The large investment of its funds in At lanta will add largely to the city's prosperity. In view of them facts and the interest of our citizens in the Republic Company, we are happy to know that the Secretary of the Atlanta l>epar;oient has received direct infor mation that the company was not at all se riously ir.iur d by the fire, and will pros* cute its busimse- wi»h unabated energy. It might have htn otherwise, but for the rule t>f tilt coaqwAny to invest its capital in the sections t»f country’ occupied bv its Branches. Tbc Counlr) I* esv of uror^ia. Tin* Savannah News pays some merit**! eomplimenu b» tlie Country Pn>sof Gi orgia which wc heartily endorse. It say^ on Georgia rural press is far ahead of o any other Southern State, save K*mucky and on a par w ith that of any Northern Stab We go farther an*l say that w e doubt V tb Country Press of any Northern Stab- <*ai equal ours. Our conten»|M>rary hopes to sec* 11:*- da; when the Country Press shall lx* a res;>. «*ted and recognized jM»wer in the land. I? i to-day. The following statement is a great u anceonthe streets of Savannah, 'i he elec lion whisky in Savannah lias not given out yet—Simnnah Aries. Savannah is to be treated with a brief sea son of German Opera on the 3utb. Savannah has a new ‘'Shell'' boat, which will be en tered for the Macon races —Advertiser. Cotton is beginning to com" in. and we trust that money w iil soon be more plentiful. Nearly one hundred bales of cotton were sold in Milledgeville on last Saturday*.—Fed eral Union. A naptha limp exploded at the residence of Mr. Mitchell, of Savannah, while l»eing handled by a servaut girl, burning her bands badly. 1 he Striven House will be re-ojiened on tbc 15th.—Sacannah Republican. The protracted meeting in St. James Methodist Church, Augusta, is still pro gressing, and w ill continue during the week. The bone of the city sheriff took fright on Wednesday, w hile standing on Bridge Row, harnessed to a wagon, and ran away, dam aging it some. The number cf .-chool children in Augusta is 5,010.—Chronicle and Sentinel. The Skating Rink of Columbus has been ojxned. There w as an attempt to rob the store of Coi. W. Barden, of Columbus, on Monday night. Miss Lffie McDougald, one of the fairest of the daughters of Columbus, was married la^t Tuesday to Mr. K. M. Nor man. The rL'lit of way through Harris county to the North and Jv*uth Railroad has been granted in writing.—OAumhu* Sun. CarUTsvilie bos shipped, so far this season, several Inin Ired bales of new cotton, and the staple continues* to come in, though the county will not make more than a half crop. Messrs. Hollingshed, Ford and Tbomt>s n are erecting » linw* kiln *.it the Hendrix Moun tain. It is estimated that the farmers of Bartow county lost over two liumlre*! thou sand dollars by the failure of the wheat crop tiiis year.—CarterncUe Standard. On Sunday night, a negro man by tbc name of Tom Holmes, residing on Bridge Row, in Macon, so severely whipped his lit tle son, a lioy twelve years of age, as to cause his death. A brake-man named King was knocked from the t<»p of a ear on the Central Railroad, on Tuesday, by < with the rafters of the bridge over Walnut ('reek. His bead was crushed by* the bl I) lily Citizen. Colonel William S. Strain an old and highly respected citizen of Green county, died oi the 5th instant. Mr. J. E. o i, was married to Miss Annie F Stephens, of Clark county, on the 5th inst The of Union Point are holding i continued meeting. Matrimonial trade is qi look up in Green county. Mr. David Dickson, of Hancock county, after running hcdule of bachelordoin, was icceiitly d to Miss Clara Harris, of Sparta. Hreensboro Herald. Albert Ross,of Macon, exhibits a pear meoMircs marly twenty inches in cuinferencc. The iron on the Brunswick Albany Railroad lias been laid as far as A1 bany, and is now la-ing laid between Albany i t CuthU rt. The privilege of selling fruits, ndies, etc., in the Floral Hall at Mac is been sold to Mr Mark Isaacs for $5(j0. The ”D -ilar Store" was sold toL. B. Pike for $220. Mr. Crew, who hits invented a singl heel railway engine, Iihs Ix-en induee.l t -*it the Georgia State Fair, and will brin ilii him .s< veral of his unique and alino: arveloua engines with cars enough Vo n< •mmodate a sufficient ihhuIxt of passenger e will lay a track in tin* Fair Grounds and iow his invention each day. Twoiiml«of the law in Jdacon lmd a fight Giannis’ Court on Tuesday.— Telegraph and Mexxeuger. Sugar cane “flush" in the Valdosta markc two for five cents. The Ocean Pi nd is eigl ben inches higher than it was ever know to be lx*fore iti the recollection of the ohle settlers. B if has fallen in Berrien county in consequence of the amount of stock iq there. Tl.c Savannah Prt>l»ytery was held at Valdo-ta last week. A Cow of the Re Mr. Parrish, of Berrien county, brought forth a few days since, four well .h velope' ' calves. This is vouched for by gentleu undoubted veracity. The number ol dn il in Valdosta is 5 '. The uuniber to school is DO. Report Agricultural Items. kCCSltE.-OXD roB THE CONtTlTCTIOB 1 With shelter, good pure water, andsteemed food, bogs are rarely attacked with cholera. In Tennessee the probable yield is esti mated at 25 to 33 per cent, less than that of last year. Opium is now successfully and profitably cultivated in the neighborhood of Na-hville. Planted on good land, cultivated similarly to cotjon, it does well and is a profitable crop. It requires one-fourth more food to winter a cow if she comes to the barn in a p«x>r con dition. At no other season of the year is so mu'rk care ueeth-d as in late autumn and so little care exercised. In Texas the crop has been materially in jured by the continued severe drought. The average estimates indicate a reduction in the probable yield per a re, as compared with last year, of one-half. In Georgia the weather has been unfavor able. Storms in September swept < much of the State, doing an injury to the crop. The probable yield, compared with last year, is variously estimated at one-half one-fourth. The Canadian Poultry Chronicle thinks that there may he some advantages in cover- hens and chickens. But that fresh air fresh l rass, and fresh ground, for the bens t< tratch in, far more counterbalance the ad antage of expensive diet and superior lodg- Co large i f.llige the i tin impr • that faluc e*lii and prosp ili.-ir spli r.-of u-eful- 1**1 abroad, is the ;!!<*:»- local departments legr kn.o ■ in ent t of inter* ~t ii suit of wl»i. h is l jirosp* to j r hi^toiy I the At uut.i lla ■ a Good Trade. The Albany News learns from a pri letter that the Atlanta trade is heavi* r this season than it lias ever been before. Tlie wholesale business is particularly a< Immense subs are effected every day. and dry goods tarn work night nnd day.rci eivln, ano packing goods. We can account f<-r a! this, os the merchants of that town ait* u eliterprKing si t of fellows who are d:s;.i»sc to make an occasiimal investment in primer' ink.—Exchange. I.elle Monthomki Ed.tors Const, is not opening The receipts Icouiery. At.a , October 10, is; 1 'ion : The business seas » lively as wa >tton are scarcely half ted. .itrv _ they wore this time last yi is at counted for from the fact of pi*, putting their font; heretofore given i sively to picking cotton, t«* gatberinu for the purpose* of saving it from the tin negroes who arc rambling over the < < doing nothing. Tin* meeting of thecitizens of Montp last night to nominate a candidate for 1 was largely attended. From the g-nxl f*. ling manifesteil ami the determination exp:cm by so many to do their whole duty in the ap proaebing election, I imagine the pre itimhcnt (who is a Radical and a Je have to blow liis horn for outside help if h< walks over the course as easily as he ili i la< year. Montgomery, however, is a Jt-idical eity, and likely to l»e so for some ti come, unless the Democrats (every oi them) Iput their shoulders to the wlictl and pull altogether as bos Ixx’n done in < tli**r plww. If they do this, the chane*-* are in tlx ir fa vor. of effecting an entire change, and *>nc more with honor and credit control tli* ir nl fairs as in years past. Tliey see, and hare t tlu-ir sorrow felt, tlie importance of siu-U eliange. As it mm* stands, the Mayor is Radical, the police force divided, half \v liiti half black, >*» you see there is quite a mix nm*, a soft blending, not so much of c« lor, f*»r rou know neither white nor black an* n g.irded as colors, but it is a darky whit man, and a darky dark man. It is all Radi cal from the Mayor, including every Coun cilman. policeman, and every other of.';., r of the city's appointment. This is pretty hard in this beautiful citv. Let us all feci the Exchange II..tcl man. Watt, says: “It won’t lx* so long." Tlie w eather is very warm and cloudy, and the shrewdest mo qui;**cs in this or any..ther country. In Georgia they come singhy. but in Alabama they slsp upon a fellow* u [ !».*ut g whateviT, and pop their ?:.;*uts * ally Dr. Hurlej’s .Ague To^ic’- Purely Vegetable! Ao Anenlc! J nercary in Ita Cemp«»iiion ! Dr. Ilurley’s Stomach Bitters! the remedy, i »r excel me. for ill diitiiies aris- ■ Z from r..-biiitj. disordered stomach, loi*^ of ej»- peti te, torpid ii\er. iLd’L’e«tion. and all kindred iil- “ t», where a gi-atle ai*U p*-nnancnt *tiuiuluut and : is required. Pl--a*ant to take Oue dollar per OR.HURLEY’S SYRUP OF SARSAPARILLA Witli Io<lUle ol Foiasli. fj^MUS Preparation ha* lone been reensniized l»y the as the itiiin Umly e * ithou* a rival. L)r. Sealirook's INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. mg. In Arkansas, in the Southern part of the State, cotton was injured, particularly on up lands by drought. In the Northern part of the State its condition is more promising, irge majority of reports as the yiel 1 give i average of five-eighths to three-fourths of imp as compared w ith last year. The Rural American gives the following the best mode of keeping meat fresh; Cut the meat in slices ready to fry. Rack it in jars, in layers, sprinkling with salt and pper just enough io make it palatable. Flaee on the top n thick paper or cloth, with ill half an inch thick. Keep this on all the rhile. Meat will keep perfectly good for three weeks in summer by this method. A committee of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange has just made a report on the *e>ent cotton ctop, and we condense some ales from their report. In Mississippi the crop is not good. Bad weather has caused the shedding of forms, nnd a two rapid open ing of bolls. In some cases picking com mend'd earlier than last year, though the average is from two to three weeks later. The average of the estimate, based upon a comparison with last season, is that one-half to two-thirds the quantity may be gathered. In Louisiana, the crop is improving. The crop is from two to three weeks later than last season. The average yield per compared with last year, is generally e3ti- e ! at one-half to five-eights, wi»li a fa- able picking season. In Alabama, the ;> is not go d. Estimates of the yield per acre, as compared with last year, range ~rom one-half tot lire**-fourths. Picking gen- rally some two weeks later than last year. The crop will generally be gathered by the st of November. Dr Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy I S rwil rail it clnim* to be—a SPECIFIC-r mov- in" all worms from the human vim-ra. No harm ful eilt-cl from it? use. Children love it. No danger in giving au overdose. *5 cents per box. (iwinneti Ceuntr legal Adver>l*e- meats* TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. 1 Sealed proposals for rcbuhling the Court Ilousc at Lawrcncevilie, Gwinnett County, will be received until 12 o’clock, M., on Tuesday, tlie 5th day of December, 1871. Tue building will be of brick, sixty feet loDg, forty feet wide, and the walls to be twenty seven feet high, the lower story to be two feet, and the upper story twenty inches thick. There is to be two partition walls running across the house, leaving a hall twelve feet wide, and one brick wall dividing the north half of the building into two rooms, these walls to lx? one story high. ^ There will be four rooms down stairs for oftiecs, and the stair-way running up between the two rooms in the south of the building. The Court room will be up stairs, with two fury rooms in the rear of the Judge’s seat. There will be four chimneys and six fire places. The court-room and offices to be sealed overhead. The contractor will be required to finish jaid building by the first day of September, 1872, and supply all the material for com pleting the same, except the brick now on hand, which are cleaned and hacked up ready for use, and estimated at about ninety thous and, lx*sidcs the bats, of which there is as many as will be necessary for tlie whole house, and about two-thrida enough rock for the foundation. For full specifications of the plan and the terms of payment, apply to the undersigned. JAMES T. LAMKIN. oct!7-tf Ordinary. Fnltou Postponed Sheilff Sale. \\7 ILL be sold Wforc th**C\*ur Houm door, in the >Y citv of Atl&OM. Fulton county. Georgia, on the llrft Tuesday ii. November next, within me legal j —* " ' ‘—*—'■ IS individual two-thuds of that city lot kno- cent's Man of said city as fractional lot No. frouting on Wadiev stmt liO feet, and running back aloug this right of way of the We-tern and Allan*ic Railroad 233 feet to lot No. 29, I thenco across the »onthw»st corner of lot No. 22. \i that point to the begin- ■ uuuumbt red d. as it- uortluro i No. IS, in the !4th iny. having! lot between the v boundary said lot district of. ori^: It. riudl>r<tok*8 ELIXIR OF BARK AND IRON, T HE tlrcat Tonic and Appetizer. One dollar p« botqe. All tor salt* by Dnig-.ista everywhere. ‘ " , Proprit tur*. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, [CO x four Mr. Patrick Cmwfonl, <>1 VaUU»ta, di.*d the l:h instant. lie U i s*»n «»f Mr. JI itli and Mrs. Lavinla Fiawfoid. who died Valdosta very recently. He was 111 at t time and knew nothing of the death of hi: parents.—South Uioryia Tun,*. X meeting low lnx*n ctded in Jefli Jackson countv. on the 14:h inst., in the in terest of the Northeastern Railroad. Mas ters George D. Thomas, Robert G. Taylor and Charlie Sotiddir, committee of the l’res- b\ Sihlmth M*hool, at Athens, have prepared a suitable tribute of respect :in»l re-.doti*ms relative to the death of their eoinpanioii, Wi!'i*-G. Deloney, u noble little nii inli'T of the si liool. Mr. A. B. C. Dor- sev exhibits in Athens a new cotton press, which can lx- worked liy a twelve year c 11 lioy. The Templeton tnmpe have closed a short and pleasant engagement ,n Alliens. Little May rarried the audienta-s by ttorm Every one was delighted with the performances An Athens gentleman complain* of the man agement of the Post Office at that place, and asks, ‘ is there no remedy ? And cannot this in,pad,d po>tmus er be sent back to Towns eoiinty, and a man who is faithful and capa ble, Ik* appointed in bis place V" The North Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church meets in Athens on the 2Pih of November. Messrs. Moss, Nicholson and Bail v. wardens of Athens, have been ap pointed by the* Town Council to represent the stork of the town in the, Northeastern Kailroa«l Convention to he held in Athens on tin* 18th of the present mouth.—Southern Watchman. VETOED FOR THE COX9TITUTION J Mr. Childers,of Hriskill Station,has legged chicken cock.— Chronicle. The Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad was sold to W. B. Johnson X Co. for $350,(00. Tlie Cincinnati, Cumberland Gap and Charles ton Railroad was sold to the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad for $300,000. Daily Dress and Herald. Hon. James M. Bright, of Fayetteville, is dead. Ex-Governor Sentcr lias gone to Ills home in East Tenmssee. The building of a new railroad depot has been commenced at Pulaski. A strange and fatal disease has broken out among the hogs m A\ ilson county. The Confederate Historical Association will inaugurate a series of lectures in Mem phis tiiis se:iM»!. A ear with twenty-two bales of cotton was burned near the National Cemetc*y last Thursday. The old board of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad h been re-elected. General Buford’s colt, Nel lie Grav, has won $12,000 during the season. Memphis Ledger. At. a meeting in New York of Ihe stock holders of tie* Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad the following officers were elected: \V. F. Drake, of New York, President: Directors, Rupel Sage, of New York; A. J Dearexcl, of Philaddnhia ; It. T. Wilson, o| New York; J. H. Barbour, of Alexa dria Va.; J. L. Welsh, of Philadelphia; H. A Smith, of New York; C. N. Bliss, of New York; P. C. Calhoun, of New York; \V. C Sli.*!ion, of New York; C. W. Leavett, Philadeipliia ; J. II. Scribner, of New York A. F. Higgins,of New York; W. N. Bishop, of Bridgeport; Josiah Morris, of Mont gomcrv, ami J. S. Kennedy, of Tuscaloosa. Divly Tinas. Political !S< «h item* Alubau linns. ;ntv> him before he knows it. Occ m;\\ voitk. New York —The Reform delegates to the Democratic State Convention issue an ad- n*>s to the Democratic voters of the city. I'hey urge all honest Democrats to nominate men *>f the highest character for intelligence ,.oui integrity t«* the Legislature, having no diubtof their ability to elect then bv over whelming major:tns. thus assuring, with the speedy downtall of Tammany, that some of ihe stohn millions w ill l*e recovered. The address closes by saying, let us pledge our- stIvea to viudicale aiul mit em the li n r of the Democratic party Use every n.tans, through the ballot-box and counsel, to t ring the criminals who disgrace our party to con dign punishment. The address is signed by the w hole Reform delegation.—/*atri,-i. [IT General Beauregard was recently in- t« rvK-wed by the corresjH*ntlent of a New York pajxT, w ho. among other things, :.^ked if he l(H»Ke»l upi>n the New Departure as "available in the South." The General re plied : "lr suits me, sir. I favor it as the nearest and lx*>t road to Democratic success It aievl? my views as being progressive. I am tired of living only for defeat on obsolete, dead issues. The D« rmxratic party must place itself in the van of progress if it would lx* victorious. Let the jutsi go. We want something more than traditions. We must > in sympathy with the progressive age we live in. The Democratic party cannot »tanvl still. It has done well to accept the >itua- tion and uke a front rank m this age of progress.” General Beauregard is fully up with the times. He understands the situation, and proposes ut make the best of it—Memphis Acauutehe. It seem* as if no positions under the Gov ernment can lx* retuine I but by adherents to the present Administration. The importance of a vote is exhibited in the late California election, where the Demo cratic Assembly ni an in Tulane county was elected by two majority, ami the Democratic Senator in Santa Cruz District, by nine. l*re>ident Grant has at last ret tuned to the Capital, after a continued absence of four months, with the exception of a few* occasion al visits ns the guest of his Secretaries, to at tend special Cabinet meeclings. An Iowa Radical journal says that Senator Ilarlan “has a financial policy of his own.” lie appears to, or else he could not have made a fortune of hundreds of thousands of dol lars out of his official positions within the last few years. The Philadelphia Te’cgraph,a Radical pa per, is responsible for the charge that Came ron, a Radical of the deepest dye, purchased the seat which he now hold* m the United States Senate as a Senator of the great State of Pennsylvania. H. S. Foote comes out in a card denying that he is the author of the reunion and re form movement party in Nashville, or that he wrote a word of the compact of associa tion. He also stated that he is proud of be ing a member of the association. “John Taylor, colored.” will learn better by anti by. * He was a delegate to the Radi cal convention at Syracuse, New York. He had IM-en presented with a ticket for meals an«l lodgings at the Globe Hotel, the head- qo: rt rs of Sen itor Conkling.the Grant n ager against Greeley and Fenton. He v to the hotel and—well, we w ill let him tell his own story: "After waiting two hours for my lx*d, ex pecting of cour«xj to be treated as the other gentlemen. I was placed in a side room, and tea was served to me. I told them that a* it was midnight, I w ished my room nnd was compelled "to wait till after one o’clock before I could find a place to lie down. The clt rk, on my asking him for a room, told me that he could not accomot ’ate me before others— meaning white gentlemen. I al.-o found a colored alternate on the other side compelled to eat in the negro quarter, though charged full fare. I could not consent to such treat ment. especially from those men who would would make me and other colored men be lieve that they were honest and true Repub licans. The three meals were paid for and 1 went to the Empire Hotel, where no dis tinction was made whatever. Every kind ness was shown, both by proprietors and servants.” John Tavlor bos something to learn yet Knowledge will come to him by experience. G»Trrsor Bullock Rises to explain. N F.w York. October 6.—Governor Bullock, of Georgia, w ho arrived yesterday, was in terviewed to-day in reference to the notice recently issued by the State Treasurer of Georgia, to the effect that in consequence of the absence of the Governor, and no one in the State Department know ing where he was. no warrants on the State Treasury would be issued except those on civil establishments and special appropriations, as the law in these cases specifies the amount. The Govsrnor states that the notice of the Treasurer is a singular combination of false- hood and absurdity. The Governor left Georgia in the latu’r part of July upon bis usual summer vacation with his family. His intention to visit California was well known to his personal friends, to his secretaries, and to Mr. Conley, President of the Senate, w ho is Executive Officer and Lieutenant Governor. He will start for Georgia w ithin a few days. The exception made in the Treasurer’s no tice includes all warrants that ale drawn, and hence the absurdity of the notice. All Ex ecutive warrants must lx* first submitted to the Comptroller Gen< ral for approval, and so approved, the Treasurer has no discretion, and is required by law to pay. The Gover nor states that the notice of the Treasurer is only part of a scheme to injure the credit of the State and depreciate the market value of Georgia bonds, fot the purpose of buying them m at a large discount.—Patriot. [COXDFSSED FOlt TUE COVSTITCTION.] Judge Mills, an old citizen of Huntsville, died of apoplexy a few days ago. The sub Ku-Klnx committee of Alabama is holdin jisscfsion in Huntsville.—Iluntstdle AdcocaU Mr. Franklin CM inckston, a valued citizen of Mount Meigs, died of apoplexy i day. Captain John F. Whitfield, i ns Superintendent of the Montgomery and Fufaula Railroad.—Montgomery Adrrrhxcr. Trains on the Selma, Marion and Memphis Railroad are running light trains Northwes of Grem-boro. But a tw o-third cotton i r»>] will be raised in Hale county Mr. Joshu: Lawrence, of Mississippi, and Miss Alici Avery of Hale county, were married on the 21st ultimo: also, in tlie same county, on tin *23d, S. b. Hatch and Mi*a Mary A. Hatch. Grtendkjro Deacon.. Mrs. White, sister of Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Autauga county, was burned to death lust week by ihe explosion of a kerosene lamp. The house of John R. W hite, near Harrell’s Cross Road*, was destroyed by lire last Fri day night. The plantation known as the “King Place,” in Perry county, Ix-longing to the esiato of Wiley P. Swift*, deceased, was sold a dav or two ago to General Peltus for three dollar* per apie. A few years ago some of this land sold for sixty-two dollars per acre.—Sell South Carolina Sewn Items. [CONDENSED FOB THE CONSTITUTION.! Mr. Henry (. lark a well known citizen of Charleston, died on the 10th inst., of apoplexy. The County Commissioners of Orangeburg, charged with malfeasance in office,have been convicted.—Charleston Cornier Attorney General Akcrman, w ent up the road on the 10th instant, in company Colonel Merrill, for the purpose of investiga ting Ku-Klux affairs at Yorkville.—Daily Unioi The Count}' Commissioners of Darlington have spent, from November, 1870, to Septern- lx*r, 1871, no less than $26,130 92. A Cotton Factory, on Red Rank Creek, two and a half miles from Lexington depot, is to be erected Lexington Dispatch RICHARDSON’S Irish Ziinens, Damasks, LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, &C. onrwlTe* called on ogaia to CAl'TIOli \ > CONM .W KK>a n -aia*l U»e indi»ciim.naie w*c of Iritdi fubr c* made up to imitate our good* in fold, tr.-uie mark, amt peueral uppeamnee. and to w tlicin. ihj.i their only eafe^uard i* to ace that the theutic aeal ot our lirta J. N. RICHARDSON, SONS A OWDEN, 5* stamped upon each Deternjiard to confine ourselvei t'pun from the cl>< Joabje; »mr« ed and bieacr will be or iH lMlitU UT Ol'U, he same durability and s^tisfac.ion «n the we.*> a inch xliii genuine goods have aiw»r* afford'd. J N. klClMICpBUX. j-O.VS & OWDEN. Belfast. Ireland, 5 Mo. li, Utl. IsT X TWENTY-FIVE BOLLAK8 will be paid for iVi) i single case of incurable Catarrh. Dr. jjerwiu’a Vegetable Catarrh Cure is the cheapest, us package Bp Ill'll! «• - because i Louis. Mia*- -uri. iC*-d Man and Adniiui>trator , H Sal#*. ■\A'ILLbe sold before the Court House door, V ? the town of lKcatijr. D< Kaln coanty, Oeorgi on the fi-rt Tuesday in November ne;t, wi»hin tl legal bon*# of under an order from the Donor able Court or Ordinary of said county, all of the real e-tat- of Pliilip Uouseworth. deceased consisting' * land lot -»na parcels of ianu as folio- s : 1 - ■* J - half ,20*H i acres, lot N U acres of lot No. ADMIN L8TRATORS SALE. Bv virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, Ga., will Le sold, before tbc Court house door, in the town of Lawreneevilli*, Gwinnett county, Ga., on the l»t Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of s de, the following lauds belonging to the estate of Eglx rt B. Smith, late of said county, deceased, to-wit:_177£ acres, more or less, parts of lots No. 165, l 'O and 157, all lying and being in the 5th district of Gwinnett* county, and six miles below Lawrcncevilie, on the Monroe road. (The widow’s dower therein is not lx* sold.) Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms cash. This 22d day of September 1871. A. J. SMITH. octO-tds Adtnini tratrix. *#url from Fulton Mi;u-ri«>r Court f the Atlanta National Bank ilctm and Wright Property tKiinu-d no Fulton county ; ■nn and Ja-ni'S A. i mortgage fl. fa.. Augti#' 7th, lt»7t. Jacob Hopp & Il< • time x:d place, tli« interest of bond for , ttvwii: land lot the J4ih district of originally Henry now >ucty. adjoining Hlnekmaa «nd Dorej J. n. ANDERSON. 0. w. WELLS. ANDERSON & WELLS, No. SfO Alabatua street, Athuita, Georgia, Opposite ;P;i>'Oiiger Depot. lo wbich J. K. Ji: Klas-t-n a »H>ud for title ooden bnlldiug. Lc\ led being ihe Ho;.;» Jt K email vod of Jacob Hopp Sc Hermann ued froi Court of llo^ liiltti district, tt. DmiMOody > -. *>aid liopp ,t K a Major J. Snrth, L. C., and le'.u 4\h, 1>7\ A homx Alabama i property < and lot in th-* free*, in the l~t •f Clarke and 1 tth ai>tr ct v. 1 «vi,i Roberta. , from the JuMia p the aaui -aid lot ia a he property • d conuiiuiuu of i^r.d lot 77, ii now Fulto AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, HORSE POWERS, COTTON SWEEPS. •MACHINERY A GENTS for II. Jt F. BLAND T, Manufactnrera of Portable and Stationary Engine-, Saw Mi da. Corn and Wheat Millis Bone Mill*, Shingle Machine*, Ac. Alt*o, Agenta for Schotleld'w Cotton Preaaea and Horae Power*. vi«d en a* the pro- ertv of M L. a*id Mrs. •rt-. by virtue of and to ratify a fl fa. Agents ?or Wayne Agricultural Works, Urtpcr*. Mower*, Su>ck Scale*. Ac. Agent* for Brennou'a Tlireahera, both Se;*arator* and Ovemhota, ranging from and Wheat Fan* Wc will al*o *cll Pitta' Mach _ Having negotiated *pecial contract* with the best Manufacturing E>taVm«hnv enabled to offer all my i nd hand d to me >t ptember 5th 1S71. A. M. PKKKK-.SON. D,pnt> sbeiiff. rcplO—wtd** Printer * fee 5*i per levy A Chattanooga ltailr VAHHiA, LEKOS Etc, For Floyoring Icc Crrjm. Cakes & Pas!ry IllOMI’SOX.HTKiilKi PRICE M'F'ttCrt Depots, Chicago end ot. Louis, j! THE GfTIAT BSCUPEaSTOfi OT EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The mo**.t reliabl? Blood Purilipr. The sur,? Rcpairop of Broken Health. The true IKcrvc Supporter. The Permanent Strength Rcnewer. The most Energetic Tonic. In all czsiea of Debility, Toor Bloo«l, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it study and durably benefits. Sold by all Druggists, or the Manufacturers on the receipt of ■$'>, will send, by £jpress, 6 Dollies, which is sufficient jor 3 or £ months. Prepared only at the Lnlioratory of TJ105315S32, Stoclc & Prico ia : f’£T Co. OR. PRICE'S'cREJM BAKING POWDER. Sprr'.ul Flavorings Tor Ire (Team, Fakesi Pastry. 247 ul 243 LASS STSSS7, - C2ICA33. ILL. 327 zz::zz stesst, - - - ST. LOUIS, I£3. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Will be told, before the Court house door, in the town of Luwrenceviile, Gwinnett ■junty,Utorgia, on the first Tuesday in Nu mber next, within the legal hours of sale, tlu* following described lands, belonging to the •state of N.' F. McElroy.lale of said county, sed, to-wit: 250 aeres, lot No. 72; , part of lot No. UK): 2| acre-*, more or less, part of lot No. 172 ; -all lying and being the 7th district of said county and State, .*cn miles north <>f Lawrcncevilie, lying immediately on Ivey Creek, and in four miles of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Rail road. Sold for Ihe purpose of distribution. Terms: One-half for cash ami the other on *e months time. This Septcmlicr 26th, 1871. JAMES A. BELL, 3-tds Administrate e by a practical chemist, ns w'U ocial reference to its hchliful- iiclfs that aid digestion. Perfect thet, •nly *i.i •>sL Biscuit vt) light Ifn n« forfeit right to tnithfulnrs*. 4Mr.Mu. v If'* cheap imitations. Be sure you get Ur.'s trzavi Unking J-witr. Sold by Oroo-rs. Mauutac- ( .r d only lor THOMPSON, KTKKI.K & 1‘UltK XIK’G L'O. Depota, Chlcuguoad St. LouU. *ep2ft-di*odAw1y SHOES' SIMMONS LIVER regulator: u obably any uihe bImi, aod rHfea ■■ ) always anxiously sought after. If the Lint Regulated in its turn, hii-1 h ■» »1 most invariably eucured. icTion in the Liver, cuuees Headache, Coi stipatiou, Jaundio J'atii iu the Shou'der ncuu 'h. Dizziness, Soi ri Sluiaacli, bui taste i • the mouth, bii: >u* a tiickd, 1-alpiiatioN i | of spirit*, or Ihe bluea, I mpt •me, SIMMONS’ | LIVER KEriLL\TuR ir* the best remedy that ha- ever bee a disco 1 ed for these ailmei It acta midly, effectu- It ia harmless in every wt orty vear-, and hundri da of i all parts of the eonntry for f< ill vouch for its v j the hundreds of whoi J. H. ZIJMN & «?«-• Macon, Georgia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. april22—dJLvrly 1:H*. 190 s of lot No. £J1, and " itrict of or • premise* have gord irnprove- »na oat“nett"*'*, a good spring the dweiltrg hou-e. and good The aboTe ! .nd of water coutagnou- to orchard. tu:l?el in portion and teVTo acre* in another port-on. T-rras -One-ha f cash, and b+lanrj c months' ere lit, with approved security. For pari-nl.r-a,-p:' to John il. lloUSEWoETH. Admit sugll—wtds Print* r’t> Admiuistrator’a Male. B Y \TRTl*E of an order of the Court of Ordinary o' Coweta c >anty. Georgia, will be sold on the firs*. Tuesday in November next, before the Court House door, in Jonesboro, Clayton c uuty. Georg a, that lar?e and valuable tract of land, consisting of tweive or fourteen hondreO acres, known as the Jack Johnson plautation. si'uated about three mi e- north <>f Jonesboro, on either sid**of the Macon and We»t**rn Railroad The northern boundary touches Mr. Fuller's land, extends to the right and left of it. and :* within one h«if miie of Morrow's Stetioo. To *e lands are < f excel.eny quality, a large portim U are * f excel ent quality, a large portion w*-ii timl*ered. Wilt be aivideaand sold in several pare*la. >old a- the property »»f th- -tate of Job H Johnson, late of coweta county. * eceisod. Terms—One-half cash; balance on twelv Luoutha' tim' 1 . With interest- Will give bond for ti 1- a»r. N G. Hudson, of Jonesooro. will show these lands. Scpt<oaber 2i)th. ISTl.^ CHEROKEE PILLS NO, 2, Pop tbc Kcmoval ot Obstruction* aii<l tlie Insurance of lie'll lorlty in tbe Kccur- rencu of Monthly Periods cpitBSF. PILLS arc ar. unfailing Female Re.-aUlor. intended for special ca-ea; ttioae obstinate where milder and clitaptr luediciues fail. noted of the moat active and novret- tar medicine in the market. Although powerful, yet so mild and nlearaiit iu their operation, that ' feeble can take them with i etfect safety. t^”Tfiey mar be eifely used at anynje, amlstany perlei, except during the i'ir«i Tnree'Month*, during which the unfailing nature of their effects faltibly prevent pregnancy. All letter* seeking information or advice wi! be piomptly, freely sud dircreet!y Each box GQnUfini About IfiU pill*, and wrap- ped ia white paper printed in deep red lettcra, with fall and explicit direc.ioua cucloacd. ty The C herokee Pi I Iw No. 2 are sold by all enterprising Druggista in tlie civilized Some nnpriucipl. il dealer-, however, try to a<r|j leaa compounds in place of thia; th.>s<i which they cau purcaase at a cheap price and make _ nciplcd uke no other. If tlie Drugg: you. enc o-e the money * th'-m >o you by mail, tee from observation. Ladies or Geuuemen can address ca ta aerfe fldence. stating fully end plainly their disi'e! syuiotofua. Pa iei ta ..-eii i*-*t hesitate beam*® of tneir inability to visit ua. as we ha-e treated patients ►uccesefnUy mall portions of the civilized globe, by correspond-.-! Patients addressing us wiil please state plainly all Jxe syi * * tad La reply. W« desire to our thirtv-two pa j* pam “ “AS I '**’ * Addn JiT. LOCI’S MBDITAL AS<OfTATION. 117 Ni rth v ixtti J?:reet. seplS-dJkwly balut Louis. Alia.-oari. George l*age & Lo., NIo. 5 A. Sehroedxr au-l, Daliiotors. Manufacturer* of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE* ANO BOILERS rarufT txraovso. roaraana Circular ^aw MIHm. Gang, Malay aa4 Huh tew VI11 la, GRIST MILI>, TIMBER WHEELS. SHINGLE MACHINES. Etc. Dealers in Circular Saws. Belting and Mill supplied generally, and rnanafacturer's agent# for Leffel's Celeontted Turbine Water Wheel, and every description of Wood Working Machinery. AGRICULTURAL ENGINES A SPECIALTY, pr Send for inscriptive Catalogues A Price Lists. aov&-deodAwlv For Sale. SPLENDID FARM, situated on Nashville and ad, 22 miles from tbe latter p banks of the Tennessee River, containing about 675 ai re*. Will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to WM. LE CONTE, Adair-vide, Ga., Or, WM. GORDON. Esq., sepT— dttJcwfiw Columbia. Ten GEORGIA, Gwinnett County, William B. Plinrr, mlministrator, with the ill annexed, of Edward Pharr, deceased, represents to me that lie lias fully administer ed said estate: This is to cite all and singular, kindred and reditors, to be and appear at my office on oi fore the first Monday in November, and how cause, if any they have, why said tul- drator should not lx* diseharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismiss n. J. T. LAMKIN, aug!3—td Ordinary. ii. li. 4?. RAD WAY’S READY REL«EF CUKBSTBB WOKSt I'A INS. lit FROW ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES 3sot osxs Hour. after reading this advertisement need any one BUFFER WITH PAIN. It \\kxa the firstan<l is Tire Only l^niii Kcmedy th»t iust'intly stops the most excruciating pains, a.lnyi ich. Bowels, r excruciating tlie par Infirm, Criptled Ni-n with disease may suffer Kheuinattv, lled-riddet RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KaSE. Itiflamiuatiou.of the Kidneys, lufliin.ination of the BlaJdei Inflammation of the Bowels, Congestion of the Lung' Sore Throat, Difliult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diphthean-u. Catarrh. Iuilucnza. Headache, Toothache. Neuralgia Cold Chills, Ague Chill. The application of the llh.AD\ RELIEF to part or parts where the pain or ditficulty exists afford ease and com for ■Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in a foi moments cure Cramps, Spasms. Sour Siouiuch. Hear burn, rick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Coin l in the Bowels, and all internal i’ains. . .avelers sti.mld always carry a bottle of find- wuyS ICt'udy K> lief with them. A few drop in water will preteut sickness or pain- from cl an.: f water. It is butter lhau French Brauuyor Bitter s a stimulant. I EVEIl AND AGEE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents, 'i here Is no FILLS) so ijuiek as It AD WAY'a READY RE- Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong sna l*urc Rich Blood—Increase of Flesh and Weight--Clear Skin and Beautiful Coiuplcxtiou Se cured to all. Dr. rtnclwny’S SursiipurilCuu UuKulvvut Has made tue most astonishing Cures; so quick, rapid are the ciun-es the Body i ndergoes, m the influence of this Truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INC..EASE IN FLESH AND W hlGaT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GUEAT BLOOD PHUIFIER. Every drop of the Sat* FA KILLIAN RESOLVENT communicate* through the Blood, Sweat, trine, an •taer fluids and juices of tbe system the vigor of lif< for it repairs the waste* of the b.niy with new an sound material. Scjufa a. Syphilis, Cousumptioi ulatidular disease. Clears ia tue thioat. Mouth, Tu mors, Nodes in the Gisuds and other j of Sk “ff. Kill pi to t s in tin' * of Sper; >f these forms of dieeasi succeeds iu arresting t -ume with new mater s and this the SAR.'-Al'ARlLLIAN ’ c -mrcences its work of pt rflicafloi dim'ntebiug the loss of wastes, rapid, and every day the p tient will f.-el . . growing better nd stronger, the food ingesting belli ■etite improving, sud fl L _J — * i repairs wi 1 be self .iiSAFA'KlLL!AN RESOLV appet: Notoulydui. ... . ENT excel air known Chronic. Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin dis eases ; but it is the only positive KiitfiCy and Bladder Complaints Urinary, and Womb disease.-, Gravel, Diabetes, Drop sy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of lini.i Bright's Disease. Albuminuria, aud in all cases whet there are brica dust deposits, or the water is tbfij cloudy, mixed with substances like the wfiito of a egg, Jr ibreads like whit? sijk, i‘f there Is a morbid, dark, hil'.ou. appearance and white boue-du.-t depo it.-, aud wlt*u there is a pitching, burning seusatio when passing water, and pain in ihe Small of theBnc and along the Loins. X'rice **1 Per llotlle. Bil. KA9 V/ AV‘S Perfect PurmUvvc l*il!s. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gun purge, regulata, jjurify, cleanse and strength Dh eases. Headache,Coustip:ttioii,C\«#tivness,imligei Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever In.lan. a or the Bowels. Piles, and all derange.uents of tt icrnal Viscera. Warranted Voeff. it a positive Purely Vegetable, containing mercury, miner deleterious drugs. IPT" Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digest!\e Orga*.,.: Constipation, Inward Plies. Futine-a of tke Bloci in the Hea l, Acidity of the b'.omacli, Nau-ea Heart bum, D*igUsi of (ootl, or w-rigtn in tin Stomach. >oar Eructatious the Pit *»f the Stomach, ftwii ried and Difficult Breatldrg. A few doses of HAD W AY'S PILLS will free t system from a 1 the above named disorders. Price cents per box. SOLD BY DUUGUIM S. READ "FALSE AND TRI E.” Send one letter- stamp to RADWAY & CO.. No K7, Maiden New York. Information worth thousands will h you. juhb-dawrodly king or Fiinterim’ at ung of the lleac, Hur- IMPORTANT NOTICE CONSUMERS OF PRY ROODS All Retail Order? amounting to |20 and Over Dellver- od in any Part of the Country FKEE OF EXPRESS CTI4KUEM HAMILTON EASTER k SONS OF BALTIMORE, MD In order the better to meet the want of their Ret&i Customors at a distance, have established SA.ttPLE BCBEAIV and will, upon application, prom ply send by mail fail line? of Samples of tbe Newest and “ ‘ ‘' Goods, of FRENCH. ENGUSH “£15 of homesti alu-t iou of personalty, iti*. at my office, in Dei a Monday, tbe 22 1 day rill—dltJcw2t •vill pass u|K>n th< ut o'clock, a. 1871. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary » fee $2. Exrcutor’s Sale. B Y’ virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Henry county, will be sold before the Court tioiue door in the town of Jonesboro, * layton ty. Ga.. on the first Tuesday iu November, ltJTl Mat. one lot in said rth half of lot No. tion of said own. cast of railroad, sold as property, undisposed by w ill, of John Do . . d. eeaa.M, late of Henry cottuiy. for the beueflK e heirs and creditors. Term* ('ash. G DORSEY, Executor. »ep27 w40d Printer's fee #10. Administrator's Y|7lLLbe Fold on ihe first Tu uuty. iu the jderuu id c Sale. slay in Novemh of sale, b»*fii rrdc . l»eKuril r from the Honorable y. one half «>f lot land •riginally II •f Old , in he 15th district DeKuln conn r, b- ri nging to the .-state of Hotx* Ozuore, deceasid. Sold for the purjio>e of dri i-ie G. S. OZMOKE. A dm initiator. -w40u Printer's fee #3 GEOlfGIAy Fayette County. Or.niXART's Orncx. September 26,1871 J E. H. WARE having applies for letters of c . ministration on the estate of Richard Wu t<- of s.iid county, deceased ; All person* cone- med ar • hereby notified to I uir objections, if any exist, within the time p .•rilied by law, other wise letters of adimiiistrati ill be granted io mi d petitioner, on the first Monday iu November next. DAVID C. MINOR Ord nary. 29—wlm Printer's fee $3 50 UEOU61A. Full inly. Okimnary's Office, October 3, 1871. IIOMASB. ARCHER has applied for exempts nalty and settiug apart and valuation T 'HOM/ of M stead. ■ Com GF.OKGI A« Douglas all whom It my concern: ■\\7TLLIAM F. MEADOR having in propi r > V applied to me for p.-rmauent letters or r lion on tin* e.-t-te of WiPiam B. Barn. •d, late of Union county, M -tc of Arkausa is i- to cite all and singular thecredito of kin of William B. 11 met*, to t*e and a.. ly office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, whv permanent admin ocU-30d led William F. Me. ral. this Oefober 2, 1871. W. W. UINDM.iN. Ordmarv. Printer s fee |3 50 GKOUG1A, BeKttlh County. Ordinaiiy's Office, Sept« inber 29, 1871. At/nFRKAS, Mrs. Ava Artninda Wright has ap- YV plied for letter- * * persons concerned arc notified to file tin jections, if 8'iy, within the tim*- allowed b. letters wiil be granted said ns applied Odl-w4w thin tbe legal ly. via: Lind Lo .1 Fifth s. cii. SheriffN Sal U f ILL be po’d. before the Cour Honw door, in t ongla-svril.-, Dougliss cumy. G , r-i.i, on the first Tuesday in November net hours of et|le, tlie follow ing nrop« No 130. in the becond District, an originally Carrol*, now Ix.ttg'ass county. L vied n dcr one fl. fa. In favor of James Roberts, led fni Campbell Superior Court, April Term, 1871, as t property of G W Stanley. Property pointed out by plaintifl's attorney, T. VV. * -*• -his Beptembi r :ju, 1871. rt?HW STEEL HAY RAKES, COTTON SCRAPERS, POST HOLE niOGERS, STUMI’JPULLKUS, CIDER MILLS, Ac., ic. 4c. IF A.1.L KINDS. to ' X home power ■, Aaltman A Taylor eight , n, l ton-liomr |»»>wcr Scpamlor, Goods at Muuulacturcr»' Price., with Freight added. maylB-elAwAm ua before purchasing, «ir send for PU . I ANDERSON &. WELLS, Opposite Passenger IVp<»t Administrator's Sale. Jill be sold iK-fore the I'ourt House door, iu Mel>uu- ongh, Ucorgia. on the first Tuesday in November, 1871. the following property, to wit in said county, are desirable places and will be t- parateiy, or in mann< "* ie benefit of the heirs at ■ [■ of 2-{.‘> acres, more or leas, iu 12th and Shake Rag Dis'.ricis, known as “Buck Adamson place,” ! Brewery. Ale< ^ • <>f too acres, mure or lees. In Bear Creek Pis- ; ing lot No| “** Fulton Sberiirs Sal. s lor Novem- • ber, 1871. W ILL be sold, before the Oonrt-honse d<n>r. in the city of Atl mta. Kn'ton county, th., on the first next, w ithin the legal hour* .*f . uvwlt: rtliwvst corner of .and lot No. W Ivh g inwlh M. Krir, ided tl the “John Weems place," joining the west p lards of Win. Alexander et al. r 100 acres, more or less, in 8th District, Barslieha, known as the ‘‘Lee plan . he hait a intng 210vv acr«f, it be rca, it bviug the north- tn d. it Iteing | art T land lot Niwiih a amp of land 179 :IJ100 fret wide itiing north ami Miutn a< ro*>« Block No. 17, all >. in 8ih District, in th- 14th uistrict of « rigiuaiiy Henry. i.ow KulW used. Balance of county. Li vied on a* the prom-rty of Michael Knew, ith Improvements, i» i by virtue of and to aaliafy a Mortgage n fa. is-u.-d use of widow of deceased, e sold, lot of land No. 650, in 19th dia- ot» of originally Cherokee. I from Fulton Su|h- Paulding Sept I Al hen possible, will be given < GEORGIA, Fayette C'oun*y. Urdinaiiy's Omi X, October 2, 1871. ERROD THoHNTnN, administrator on tbe . by Thorn too, deceased, hav' n il the rial estate of arid dc- II applied for leave ceased for distril This is, therefore, to notify all perrons 'concerned to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law, else leave will be granted said ap plicant as applied for. D. V. MINuR. Ordinary. oc:0 w4w Printer’s fee Z5. GLOKUIA, Dekalb County. Ordinary's Office, October 4,1871. W rilEREAS, John W. White, Executor of the estate of John White, late of said county de ceased, having applied to me for leave to sell the per ishable property belonging to said estate; This ts, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any, wiihiu the time pre scribed by law. e'se leave will be grauted said ap plicant as applied fur. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. GEMUOiA, .tli 1 ton ('runty. Ordinary's Officb, October TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. peri (he estate of Jacob > adtuinis! David R. Uool ■coiiuism e«tate. Wnrcsmy hand aud official signature, thi* Oi P. SKELT- *N. Ordinary. tober 5. 1871 octll—w4w fee *3 Uaiiry County Shet iir.s Sales. \\J ILI- l>e sold before the Court-house door, in tue town of McDonough, Henry county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to-wit: re tiou*i: in Oreek, Henry connty, property of R. A. lUnderson. lying .nd western Raiiroid, and being the first bui.ding south of the s*ore hou-e occupied bv S. 11 Griffin. Levied on by virtue of h mechanics' lien or tt. fa from Henry Superior Court, iu favor of Phillip M'hnrrit. for flld. Ociob r 3 )H71. WILLIS GOODWIN, bberifl II. C. octlO-wtde [Printer’s fu-J <2 50 per levy.] e brick s Notice To Debtors & Creditors. octl0-d&w!»d .f said PETER LYNCH, nd JAMES LYNCH, Elecntors of GEORGIA, Dekalb County. OiiDiSlUt'a Office, October 7th. 1871. \\J HER BAS. J. ('. Harris, administrator of the >> estate of William B. Johnson, deceased, late «f said county, applies to me for letters of d.stuls- sion from said trust; These i scribed bv law. then and there to exists, why said letters should not be grantiil • riven under my hann, at office, this October 7th, 1871. W. It. WEBSTER. Ordinary. octlO—w4w printer's fee $5 Admiaistartor’s Sale G eorgia. dkKai.b county.—'win be sold befoi the Court-house door in tbe town of Decatu . DeKaib county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Dwcetnber cex ! , within the legal hoars of svl**, under an order of the Houorable, the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following property beion'riug tor Fa-hjcnable _ t»G*fcSTIC MANUFACTURE, guasantetiug at ail times low, if not at lias prices, than any home in tr ^uylng oar goods from the larg-.-st snd most cele brated mannf»ictprcrj in the diffeis ut part* of Eur< aad importing the same by more, our stock is at all tfr . tbe novelties of tbe London aan Pans As we boy and sell only for cash maze bo bad debu, we &r« 4bi« &ad willing to self ourgooda at enoi Tes to PirTEZM P*k Cent. Lmm Pmofit than if w Orders unaccompanied by the cun will be sect ag« Department. Addrces: HAMILTON RASTER A SONS. 1«7, 199. 2U1 and SUB West Baltimore street, •oTVdendlv i tarn more Md button. Terms cash. oct'.O—wtds uiuHBll, NATHAN RI’SSK J., Adro r. printer's fie $10 Dr. W. G. Drake, R esidence on wheat street, i at Berry. Venable A Co tins' P. achtree and Decatur atreeta. minors of William D. W»^u% late uf said county. Ail persons concerned are notified to file their ob jections, if any exis law. elae letter ” appiied for. octlO— »80d frin the rime allowed by GEORGIA, laltsa Cauuty. Oedinaut's Office. October 5th, 1«71 AT ^ HERE AS, E A. Robertaon applies for letters oT ?▼ gna dian-hlp of the propertv of Lawson K. Hope and Ciifforu B .rton Hope minora and phatis of L. H. Hope, deceased GEORGIA, Henry Cannty. Ohiunart's Office, September 15th, 1871, T’ ,T. EDWARDS, administrator of the oatate of 1 • S. C. llightowt-r, deceased, applies to me for letters of distiiissiou from said • state: If objection* exist let them be filed within statuto ry time, or the letters will be granted. ‘ V\ imess my official signature. GEO M. NOLAN, Ordinary. »epl9-w3m Printer's fee $4 50 NOTICE. Y17 ILL be sold before the Conrt llause door, in the > v town of Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, «.n tlie first 1 uesilay in November next, within the legal hour* of sale by virtue of the las-t will and testament of Robert W. llo'comb, J80 acres, more or Ires, of ot of land No 22S, in the 15th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county. Improvements pretty food. Sold for the purpose of disunion aad to per iod titUu. September W, 1871. JOHN HOLCOMB, Execntor, scp22-w40il l’riuter's fee $5 Arini’nistrator** Sale. \\7ILLbesold before tlie('oart House door. In tbe >v town of Decatur, DeKalb county. Geo-gia, on tlie first Tuesday tu November next, within Hie legal hours of aaie. under an order irotn the Honor able Court of Ordinary of said county tlie following land- belonging to the estate of Z. R. Joius, deceMed late of said county: One lot of land of 1t>4 acres, im proved. with good orchard, one third wood-laud, one fourth bottom land, creek and branch bottom, and one lot of ri5 acre*, adjoimning the above, without any building, some woodland, mud about one-third bottom Unde Both lo!swell watered. Terms—One- tlirrd cash; balance due 2dth day December there- fter. September 5 lt>71. J. W. JONES, Administrator. scp8—wtda Printer's fee $:0 GEORGIA* Henry County. Ordinary's Office, September 15th, 1871. rp J. EDWARDS, executor of the last will and X • tc-tanieiit of George Crawford, deceased, repre sents tltat lie has discharged the duties imposed by said trust, and appit^- for letters of dismission : If objections exiat let them he filed within atatuto- ry lime or the letters will bo granted. W itueas my official signature. Ol •. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. sepl9-w2m [Printer's fee $4 5u ] GEORGIA* Henry County. Ordinary's Office, August 7, 1871. fOHN W. MAXWELL, sdniinistrator, cum testa fj mentoanuezo, of the es ate of Kmily Bencctt, •U-ccu.-cd. having completed said admiuislraiiou, pt- tion* for letters of uisnrireion: IT objections exist, let them l>e filed within statu tory time, or the letters of dUiniMioti will be granted. Witness my si-’uaturc. GKO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. »UgW—w4ra Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA* I'eKulb County. Ordinary's Office, August 1st, 1871. YI7HRREAS, Mra.Btlioa Ellington, guardian of D. vv 1* Kriinglon. an imbecile, npplict to me for letters of dismirrion from said tru*t: 1 he*e are, therefore, to cite and arlmonikh ail per son* interested, to be and appear at my office wit hi the time prercribud by law, then and there to show catse, if any they can, why said lettcis should not be granted sain applicant. Given under my hand, at office, this Autn»t I. 187t. W. R. WEBfsTK-t, Ordinary. aog4—womn4m Printer's fee $4 5U GEORGIA, DeKalb Couu{f. \HERE AS, J. W. Scruggs and N, 8. Juhan, aa- VV iniuirtratot-s uf Richard Holt, deceased, repre sent to the Court of Orcinary of said county, that they have fully udminietered said estate : Tnis is to cite ail and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said decea-cd, to be and appuar at my office, ot or before Use first Monday iu January, 1872. »Hd show cause, if any they have, w-fiy said adminis trators should not be discharged front «heir adminis tration and receive letters cf dismission. This i^d day of June, 1871. W. IL WEBSTER Ordinary. jum-35- w4ra Pnntor'a fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Dekalb County. OupiNAUv s Office, August 1st, 1871. WHEREAS, J. C. Harris, a Inrinlstrator of the tt estate of Williant Brunt, Iat of said comity, deceased, applies tu ma for letters of dismission from *a'rt trust: These are, therefore, to cite and admo-ri«h ail per sons interested to t>e and appear at my office within the nsnal time prescribed by law, then and there to show cause. If auy, why said letters should iu>t ha grantea. Given under my hand, at office, thU August 1, t8.1 w K WkiiSTKIt, Ordinary. aug4—wmn4ot Printer’s fee fit 50 GEORGIA, Fayette County. Ordinary's Office, July j, 18TL** VI7IIBREAS, Jno. W'. Kt-lly, ffecretarv f» r Roemo- ▼ v iis Collins, guardian of P. R. Col ins, has filed his final reiupt, showing a full distribution aud set- tlemettt with said ward, and applicator letters of <tis- misalon. which letters will be grauted on the iat Mun • lay iu October next, unless stone valid objections are filed according to law. DAVID C. MlNoK, july7-w4m Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50. (■EoKgI.%, Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, August 8d, 1871. T W. RUCbER, administrator of the estate of •1 • J. F. Waddail, lalo of said county, deceased, lias applied fur letters of dismission from said estate : Thi> is, therefore, to notify all persons conrcrm*!, to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be grauted the said applicant as applied for. Attest: Daniel PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T- Cooper, Clerk. uugt—woamRu Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA* Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, August fid, 1871. TAMES C. DAVIS, administrator of the estate of vl J«»nn T I)av.s, late of said county, dec«as«Ml. has applied for letters of dismission from said estate: ThU U, therefore, to notify all }arsons concerned, to Hie their objections, if cny they have, within the Ume prescribed by law, else letters will be granted the said applicant as applied for. Attest: DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jim. T. Cooper, Clerk. aug4— woarntm Printer's fee f.4 50 Administrator's Sale. YV7 ILL be sold before the Conrt House door, la the VV town o» Jonesboro, Clayton coun'y, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Novmher next, within the legal hours of sale, under an oxJ*-r of the Honorable Court of Oidinary of *akl county, all the real estate belonging to William Catos, late of said county, de ceased, |Uacres of lot No. 110, and 70 acres of lot Nu. J la. ail in the 12th district of originally Henry, now Clayton county. Sold for the benefit of the b. u-s and creditor*. Terms cash. September 18th, 1871. W. W, CAMP, Administrator. sep20—wtds Printer's fee f;]0 Executor's Sale. T\7ILL be sold before tbo Court no..*e door, in the v V city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday iu Novem ber, 1871, within the legal hours of sale, by virtue 01 an order of the Court ot Ordinary of Fulton county, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land No*. 3, 4 and onc-half of lot No 5. in the 14th district of originally Fayette, now Fulton couLty, Georgia, containing five hundred acres. .Sold as the property of J. M. Smith, late of said county, deceased, for the purpose of carrying out the wishes of the testator. TERMS CASH. JOSEPH T. SMITH, Execntor. aeplfi—vr40tj Printer's fee $>Q GEORGIA* layette County. Ordinary's Office, October t, 1871. \\7HKRKAS. L. B. Griggs has appiied for letters VV of L'uardhtn.hlp of the person and property of Wiley Boeworth, minor of W. W. Bosworth, de ceas'd. Thi« is, therefore, to notify all person* concern ed to show cause, if any they can. within the time pre scribed by law, why letter* should not be granted said applicant, on tha first Monday in November next, a* applied for I). C. MINOR, oct4-w4w (Printer a fee |3» Ordinary. GEORGIA* Dekalb CauDty. Ordinary’s Office, October i, 187!. \Y7BEREAS. Samuel C\ and Green B. Clay, adrain- V V istratora on tbe estate of Jesse Clay, deceased, having applied for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased: Thi* is, therefore, to notify all person* concerned to file their objections, if any, within the time pre scribed by law, else leave will be granted aaid ap plicant, as applied for. W. R. WBB8TER, Or llnary. oct-3 —w4w Printer's fee $5 Prop TtJ pointed i Also, at the sa a city lot la the y.h and llnnler tud lot 77. in the Wa*U«l. by v r«»r.i Knhoii Superior Court l i.Ur Nao«-y Waddail. >laaiitlT. March fi. 1871. Fulto n i». tiraj >u. <1 fmr IbvJ 11. Andvr»v'n, plaintiff's a r 2J. 1M71 Also, at the Hire time and place, ji I Ilia at I.. *|»erty point. .1 .lurary. Oct»- f land lot iu the 14.h district of originally llcary. now uunty. The part ao UvuhIou Is iu ward 1. on Humphries str ut, in the city of Atlanta, containing 50 hy tio f.-et, n.o-eo. lesa. ami fsh r»*yZ Walton. satk r Urn v.-s v John M. Harwell, t. < A. M. PERKKKSON, Iteputy Sheriff s Printer’s fee $2 10 p«T levy a Office, September 9th, 1871. :** R. Stephenson, administrator of Johu Stephenson, late of said roomy dr- iug applietl to me for leave to s*ll ibe of raid deceased for the purpose of di- fy all persona Intrrra- any. wiihiu ibr tim*. ill In: grauted aaid ap- W. IL WEBSTER, Ordinary. *epH-w4w Printer's fee $5. A I>Tl I MS | H ATOM’S BALE, TIT ILL In* sold before Urn Court Ilonse door In the v f city of Atlanta, Fulton county, (ieorgia. on tlm first Tuesday in November, within ihe legal hours of sale, under an order of tlie lloiioiabb- Court «.f applied for. concerned file pre- i will be g anted the ap- t ia 5th day of Ordinal ne lot of land No .Ti, in the 17th district^ origl'- illy Henry now Folton comity, containing au? , rvs more or less, with o dmarv improveiu. nls ; «. u . half of the lot cleared an t fit for i ultimtHHi. tt.. other half pretty w ell limiwretl, plenty of good water, “ ‘ Ferry, lands of I twelve l tbe Chattahoochee i f fraction of land h lug and brine it the town of Alpharetta, Milton county, iictween tlie legal hours of sale, on tbc nr.-i rnesdsy in November next, tlie follow Ing pro|s riv, ill lyiug un tbe Chattahoochee river. In thia county. am inai pari or Traction or land ! . lug and beincin the first district and second section of I. rm. rly Cobl>. now Miron oonuty, rontaining six ai.d one liaif ffOi) acres, more or less, know n >u the plan of said dlbtrict as No. «. r >73i five huudri-daiidseteuty-thr.^' also, all that truct or pa reel of Umi Iving aud being In the (Klh) district of Gwinnett, now Milton maty, Georgia, known In Ike plan of awtd district • No. (3»i ) three hundred and sixty-five, it being tm> >uth tialf uf said rraclional lot. ronfaitiin • .uir k«u dn-U acres, more «»r li»a; also, (A) itar.^- acres of iJfifil three hundred and sixty lr. . J, hounded by the C'kattahno. h.. the Northeast, aud by the a*rvw*d Itn-na said fraction on th- Northw est, b vk- na to aatisr.v a 1 f. r0ux ^^Eperk>r ('own ot tin » Jacks, within an This September ;.t, 1871. H. B (> MIKRL Itepnty Sheriff. 11 Mj $5 per levy Mortgage fl. fa 1 •untj't In favor «.f J. R. Ow an and Jas. P. Mmn. regory. The same being pointed out ■ho pro;«-*ly of said Ja-i on Greg.»r> • virri Printer’s )!\yATER WHEEL, Mill Gearing,ShaftingPulfeys .SENO FCS A CIRCULAR novk—Cc^aalv A (lliiiiiistrator*H Salt 1 L lie sold hefcj wn of Dent tbe first Tiii'Miay in N rd*wrof.ThI;Hoi * followiii; the Irgj •rahh-rmiri <• lands belong decease tl: One h>t, 2fiiacre«, more or lesa. No 19i I 13th nistric. improved, comfortable hon-e and buildtngh, «J acres in cultivation, ri) or Ol acres in. District. 2 s5 acres. Als. mad- known on day of cleared, 50 c. ed, good springs and a n and well UmWrva. Term sale. Scptcaitx r 5, 1871. 11AJRSTON. Administrator aepd—wtda GEORG!A• llcnry I'ounly, • Libel for Divorce. ELIZABETH II. CLINTON, ( WM. R. I*LlNTON. ^ BULK TO PERFECT SERVICE I T «i ap &* r | n * V* l l ,u Co ,rt b y ,he ”*»nrn of the A bhi nff. Hun the defeiu ant d.wa not reside in this connty; and, it further appearing, that h«* .(.tea pot n- side iu this Sutc, it is. ou motion of Council: o. d.-red. That said defendant ap|war at>d answer at tk- next Term of Ibis Court, els.- that the (ascherun sidered in default and the plaintiff > lo pro “«!■. A" 1 * '*!" mfcmt, Tl,«t thn nil. 1.. published In The Atlanta Constitution, once a month for four mon'hs. A true extract from tli« minutes of said Gonrt JulyF7—wlaw4m U.JVKMS, < Vrk GEORGIA, Usury County. Ordinamt's OFF1CK, September li, 1871. tbit PermrUa Brow:. . r ■ We, and Lc\» II. Tar ner having applicl for tetters of administration on catatc «-f de'eased. If objections exist let them 1* filed within statuto or Hie letters will »m- granted. “ itness my official signature. GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinarr. aepli— w«ki Printer's f.-« $n AdmiiilMt.ator'ii Sulo. B Y virtue of an order of the Onnrt of finllnary or Henry connty. (ia , will l>e soi.t Mw.: tbe Court House, in MrDonough. Ga.. on tlie first Torwday in South GEORGIA* Inltan Connty. O&piNART't Office, October A, 18'1. M argaret Mitchell wife ..r w a. Mitchell, (her bn«hand refaring to apply.) has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at lOo ch-cK A. M., on tbe 17th day of October, 1871. at my office. oct4-41fcwtt November, 1871, the ftdlowing pove rty t.*-wii; 206 acres, more or less, :t being 72 acres of i side of lot No. it iu 7th district, and 1 ;4 arras. deceased, for the benefit i»f tbc heirs and creditors^ —is cash. ?l*-w40d GEO. P. ELLIOTT, Adm'r. SARAH E. J. RODGERS, i vs /-Libel for Divorce. JOHN W. RODGERS, f In Fulton Superior Court, April Term, 1871. rT mpMmrinjg to the Court by the morn of th- _l Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in thi- county, and it further appearing that he d«w- uoi r**slde in this Hutc. it is, on motion : Ordered. Thai said defendant ap;>cor and answer at the m xt Uvm of the Court, or that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed tor- * July lb— w la mint GEORGIA, VeKalb Couniyi art's Ofeice, ScptemW 7th, 1871. W HEREAS, James D Hardage, administrator of the estate of Young G. Floyd, deceased, lore of said county, applies to m - for lettcra of dismission aid t These are. therefore, to cite all aud admonish all person* interested, to be and appear at my office within tbe lime prescribed by law, then and there to abow cause, if any, wby said letters should not bo granted. Give» under my hand at office, thia September 7 th, 1871. aep&—w4m GEORGIA, Henry (aa mly—— , rdinart's office, July **. 1871 M V and R 8 S»*>hkLL administrat«Hs of • John bownll, deceased, repres.-nt tost ih«-T hav*» ful!v admini-i<-red the estate of de enae«l. and pray for letter, of din«las>on : It objec ioua exist, let them be filed within Statstorv time, or the prayer wid be granted. <'«<‘*J;fe-'- NOLAN . ordiMty JuljK I-ruKtr-, (m #4 W