The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 31, 1871, Image 4

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c^ffhln Constitution. • LANTA 6A OCTOW 24. 1*71 To Ihr legislature. . iriially ini|**»rt*nt that every I)* tn <• • nvrnber »;f tli<* Legislature l*- m. . at tbe ojrf-ntng *-f tbe aeaeion to parti*-. ;j* : ;n tlie organization. Let those hlw • Hi-: tno* **o time their leaving home • • • bam jmmtmUj. V not our D«mocrotie contemporario t t* Lj u ^**n UKiMmhm? K a«%la. !'. U twice na large as the Unite* ' •* having «*igiit millions of square tuih - n?y . jht millions of people. Th« •i *.f whole c ontinent from lb* Ar ie O-an to Darien would leave us In l..i. I Hu- la. The- Itawuan religion is Orth* - c;r*-* k. It-* army is 1,135,943 men an* • : •»! It** navy is390 skips, with 171,0() r 1, « o,fty\ miles of railroad, oret •_V 0 in I **f t*legruph. It is hbig thing. — * -*•*»■ » — A« kuuwlrdcmrst. Tili* Athnta r«»sinTnm» Erka In- V . lai 1 on our table. It is a neat journal is teen page full of readkble n»*ll*r. I* r Il'-mphill X Co. evidently have faith . h rt. j. an 1 thinking that about 10,WK < . .,f tlii- j*iumal distributed at th* !i Fair Would !e Ilf-fit Tiie CossrITr .; : t onee puMhhed it. Any one wish i , • »: * :m have a ropy at the business oflict (irstral Sew*. Monr Advertiser is of the opinion .t the .o n*-r.»l news de partment of a news- r is its “chief attraction to the reader.” Tt. •• i- inoeii fore- in th** statement. The . ,f p pie w i'!» to know what is phfta- i it. - world by a glance-, and have no • 1* w . *e on h ng articles, or t»» wade .i hut - editorials. For this reason, attention i* j>aid to this department i n « »>mi . i rioN\ Several hundred , fr*»:n all parts of the United Stales, r , r , . . |y :»r« I. and items of general i»- j ; • ir fir t elippe 1 and then eonden*rd for *., iig public. It is rate that a news , m f .. iiiti’orlanrc escapes The Consti- *ii Tlox’s da ly rummaiy. *ri»r « ousillullois for Public Printer. We haver 1 little to say in advocacy e»? • •ur candidacy for the public printing, pie- . rri • that e»ur labor* and our friends should for ti . We cannot withhold a kind . from a !«ading legislator, which we are 5. i.iiiti* 1 to give in another place. And we • . .t r« Train the* expression of our thanks t » ;:.•■ writer, and the many others like him, w!i■ * h »v< kindly re<*ognized our bcnrlMl i. ,ng for th.: cause* of good government in • > . «lnr nM Htale, and woulel uphold us in . rri.. i.-ing battle against the plunderer* . 1 tie pluii b ring of Georgia's Treasury. Chirag*. Cliii igo lo*l 20,00) buildings, covring .•#) a ics, and worlli $100,000,000. Over • u o |MT.-i»ns have* left the city, leaving 1*0.- i » Five grain elevators with 1,000.000 1. ;-li»*ls of grain burned braving eleven hota i 5.00 ),000 Inn.teU. Of lumber 50.000.0ft0 1«' t .•.• !*• fmrnetl, leaving 240,000,000 feet < -.o ill tuns burned, leaving as much I i - f all sticks of g<hh!s were destroyed house remain. Ten per e-e tv rnrrmcj was burned, wliole !•*•* was 25 jkt cent, of her !«*•:: a* If rerlvr it ridgr. Ini other night, at Nashville, Gen* r il lb. ridge*, who was thereon business, w.a- m unified and made a most admirable tall: th i-t of which is contained in one single .•■■•nit iht, and so well pleased etc we with 1 t .t that w<* give the report e.f tin t-i-li a* we find it in the Union and Atm • m of the 22d instant. He tells hisaudit i that in- d >t s not now make speeches, but that if Ir was in the habit of eloiug so he km Fr ;m a private letter from the N*»it’. to a leading m m here, we- learn that the ih Jculs are elections* ri::. r -*!ffly with ti;e e-ii ti/ •t •.be Southern people have exulted i i the Chicago fire, and refused to aid the si.:.' ti t*. The thing »h-»ws the desperate and r. c ra pulous character of the Hadtcal leader-*, and to what flimsy pretexts they rev»rt f- r sue* ccsa. Tiie S«i'itu his not been able to give much, but yet has give n her mile*; From eve ry e»j»- S forward contriojli »ns, in the very r •• of the fact that our own war distresses 1 n » aid. (h.u Frank BUir, in his iate Will the Ad:n ; uij*tr-ti >n succcel in iiii? From the tone of the Northern pn.-> we, think Gr.iuT, Butler X C«*. have ovt rn :i*. htd themselves end overdone the busiu -s At least we hope a reaction is about to set j in, and, as a specimen of the view the North- j era press t k • o' this question, wc append j an «x’ract from a recent numbe r e>f the New 1 York Herald, a paper which supports Grant, j We think the ex r .ct significant b* cause the Herald is a pretty good weathercock: C KCTUVii.* ASD >E<.l *-ry ’ liadic iKli <f eh** ■ -Uonol CHEROKEE PILLS NO. 2. For the lb imnal ot Olistructicns and the Insurance of Regu larity in the Recur rent:*? of Monthly Peri <U rj^HKSE PILLS sr< speech in M »ngo: an evident* e.f t... em people. Once f-»r all i-- 1 . allu ct as of th a.ill iu •:J1 »l.e failing Femtlf Rojulator. i-y.*?;tno*e oh»iinate ones n ilderaud chup^r luet’.icines fail. Ti-t-jr ar*-coaipe.r<-d <>f the most active and power ful principle- of plait’*, r w:* aad berries, *■> iii^h'y c»i.c.-ntr-:ci: tli^t each pill cfatiiM more nu-d.cai rtn-n.-tU tQtn a wi.u! • box or bottle of ordinirv Cul- .ar iif'i;fiti ■ i t h i i . a t Ahi» » :g:» p'Wcnak J>:t so :. I I and pita anl in their operation, thattbe mo.--, feeble c*n u.Le tbtm with j erfect asfeiy. G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer Kierutor’H Sale. B Y VIRTUE of aa order from the Ordinay of Ful ton exiunty, Georgia, will b_- sold at tne Court lioae** coor, ia Atia .ta, on the first Tatsday (being the 5th day) iu December next, commencing at iu aud coniiuning until ail is sold, the foi- ct, within the legal I !* Griffin r***d. and ad- ura o-.hiTs. couuius about i' rdof lOarc-e, 10’ acre* of •en d. witn r out house*, and •lf-rvd or.e of Uir U-«i farm* in the neighbor hood of Atlanta, or initi- part f Georgia. Any per ’ ei]eet-» would i tions of bruti a fare**, and a* th^* upon one **f his to II »y him u:» grandly stii.l: “ rtnl to the Dearth of :•* ■ :■>! l OUI AL 4 011 itllvPdN !* I DALTON, (*A., Ocfoln-r 25, The Whilfield Suj<*rior Court is in idge Hwrvvy, of the Home Circuit i Judge- Parrott’s p ace this term. H* fc, careful, capable judge. I s* «• tendanfv b->id<- tin* able- local bar, ( • Warren Akin, Colonel Win. II. D. Colonel tt, ( Hi*-!:* 1 Luffhcm, others. The new business ii small. L coriipia'.n of the diillfic.-s. Liligali* n flourishing. Monty is not of live tl.«i t!i’- le. r , fnfl tmm-ttory r*-p'irt m-.i .lute*! ;o do iiiu*'ri harm ? v.ho are .-t re.dy in th- u a* !-*, more *Ti-Utnp:u ..»• ti< ard of th-a»rocit : ‘arolir a? And yes erdav v dy «u.l drunk‘-n rot. by i< k-. at the KepiibUc-'in « - . i, the ratue >:at<. < f • rtrre’y be nor Fed b/ai-y I mittee, beca!»**■• they are .-by t l lie- * i n bhing h- could say “that would Ik* mop i > fu! Ihan to express the hope that wc an all lmsy and doing something—1<» express tin 1* u«- we al 1 feel tail ail idle, whining r< , blag *lcn»and* n> illn r the rcapti i o ■ !«.%% 'I la*- i on*»11 n l Ion MuiiiI*. Tiik CoNstii i riox having nnnomieed it^- it f*»r State Printer, has received the f*•! low ing among numerous evidences of favor , 4 • a , Octolier 21, IftTl. H r . A. Ht in j i/t i U *(• Co.—dr. NT* \ our «iretilar of th:- 27th instant, came i< lu.tid yesterday. Allow me to reply by as Miring \ mi that it will alTord me pleasure t< give you all the a>sistanre 1 can,as an hum I*. nit mU-r of the Legislature, which is s-h>ii l«» convene. I have, on all occasions, given Tin Ati.xnta (’usstiti’TIox the cmiil at «1 in; more to twin the tide of polities in 4 o orgia than to any other paper or person 1 \ --ur “Campaigu Documents’* were in) text IwMiks in convulsing my county and de feating the Kailical party. As a matter ol . 1 am bound logo for your interest 1 will » ill and se«- you when I come up. Yours, very nspectfully, *** A private letter waa received here yester day Iron* one or the civil engineers of tin Brui-wiek and Albany Hail road, stating that Kimball has dispoxd of his iuterast in that nml to the contractors, who will meet .* in Brunswick to organize, and push the roadr Ti.. letter stated that this disposition of hi.- int*T« *>t in the rmd was made by Kimlml! 1 »-• week, w hich would put it before the seiz ure by Governor Bullock. We give the statemt nt for what it is w orth h:. .win . nothing of the facts. If true, it is important. T»ie speculations upon the Governor’s sciz uro are mam . and conflicting. Bollock lias acted without authority, we belivc. S>mr eontmd that the act is in Kimball’s interest, as it saves the road from the creditors, and fixes Kimliall time to recover. Others claim that there lias l*ccn a split between Bullock and Kimball, ami the act is unfriendly, sine* it renders negotiations of the bonds an utter i. e-ifeasibility at present. A wide variety ol • -'ujeelure is .used, but it is all conjecture a! la-t ■ ire Inxnrasrr. F.verv kind and department of bu-dneas b . its crisis and days of excitement. Jus* "V the business of tire insurance is disturlnn’ ned violently sinH'ked. not only throughout the l nited States, but als<> to sixme extent ir. K -r»'P* i>» probable that the Chicago fin xv .1 u vssitate in the end the failure and su-pcnri «:i of forty or fifty insurance compa nies. Tuis w ill explain the active movement among th * companies to array before the 4 Jdic their condition, for the general eonfi- d« nee havii.g lfe*en shaken, it is necessary ti show what (MOi|Waki ar»' solvent. But there is still another reason, and that is the opjx>r- tunity presented to increase and extend b.isi- n» ss—a golden opportunity that may n •: oc cur again in a quarter of a century. We saj “golden” oj»portnnity, fir, though it is iLutf. i«* the weak, to the strong companies it wii. prove in the end a rich harvest. This is ar experience of the past. By an increase of business, a company may recover aneuor- in is l *ss in a very few years. But to do ?h>. it m-cessarx* tosh*>w an alarmevl ;»co- ple in what c -mpaa}' it is safest to c nfidt t. r interests; this done, those needing iusu riiKe will, of c*wirsc, fl»>ck to it Ujf It i> an ill wind tha: blows no go.xj,’* s • 4 h . Igo Times, “and among the Ih-i - • - . * i'lc.eago fire was that our people v ' - • • * mrtietion of Victoria i l.tfiin • ••"‘i* was an noun ceil to lecture j. ■ times.” We thought the fin w . . ..rn out lo U -t blessing in disguise. • l it w- -I xt iii from this that sure enough grand i iij . hit lion* r .- , .• *vxi i< • mark that tLc in l.« \;ngt* n county g. n- s % l*at difiit ultjtor ti e :>■> lO Zilid business to iO. • filling ; r-cenis corusU t , free of postage, c J-v" S It i* Miei l -kc no otner. tf Ur- p*i.;-_*i»- will i:«*t 1 >ou, e!,c «• *• th** ns 'n y in ;i ktter and v. ill -in o jou i y niait, free of j ■> :uge, s: e from ohsurvatioa. Ladies or Get fideiiCi*. stating syinoiobis. I*a m sd«lr-‘* in* iu n*rf.-rt c>n 1 plainly their rli<n-a.-cs am iu not hesitate bee m-s ol . a.- 4 u— !i:i -e iroati-ti natieiiti race—faliy m all portions of the civilized bj o.rretpOi.dence. Patietits addressing ns will p!ee«e state plainly a! the symptom^, and write j-*» i office, county, Mato and name of writer, aud enclose postage stamp for reply. and! utiful, th* * but tin- corn Doctor halves. The wheat crop f np promi-f-s wcil. '1 he people are spirits. Dalton grow* slowly but stt A NEW IIOThl. KKH’Kit. I find that my *.l 1 friend, I)r. B. B. Ii is * pined the Gmrgit Hotel, and matter of satisfaction. The caters well. He does nothing by (oxhI hotels always help a place. HIE DALTON /.NO MOliOANTON KAII This enterpri.-e lets imnle slow* p: .riss. | Its constructi<hi will do much f-»r Dalton.] Two c**Miipanie- are said to l>** after it. i here seem* to lie little doubt of iu ultimate con st rue l ion. Our Calhoun fra nds are pushing ti c same route. I opine that both termini, Dalton ami Calhoun w ill lx: u.-cd. POLITICS. Politic* stems quiet. Tlic r*>urs'- <*i The C*>nstiti:txon in working fur par y Ir.rinony is geni-Tally endorsed. The people me In:*- lo constitutional government. They >.e t!a- harm that has resulted from the New Di- partorp agitilion in the Soutli at tins time, an I recognize and approve the sound p* I:. v that sought to avert the agitation, and leave our Northern allies unhampered ii their local battles. The desire to see home i.iath rs attended to is universal. The delih*-ration* of the Legislature arc looked to with eager interest. The current against Pull* ck is overwhelming. The wish for his is: nicnt is very widespread. Even the lh dieah tin n. wives are against him, and 1 hear that Helical legi*la*or* say they will vote h r his iinpeaeiiincnt. RUTCI.I* \N REORGANIZATION. I hear rnanv rumors of an entire reorgan- ry The overthrow of civil government in Smith Carolina by o-.-.r military Pnsiilcut stariles the eounirv like a clap of tli ;:: ler in a clear sky. 'I he functions of the Male Ex- f-L-iitive are usurped by the Presid* nt; the Hadieal judiciary i» thrust aside f.»r ihc pro vost mar-ha!; ami a drum-head c-oiut manial is suhstitutLsl for trial I Governor S-ott to say «•! the State of South C.tiol was there M *m« siic vi- lencc’ that was h -yoiid the c-onlrol of the State antborili< s ? Hs.s he been so lmsy making money that In- I ailed to observe llicdangi r in time to avert it? «»• hai the President, without be ng :t>-umed that there is “doniest and that the local government eannot eoulrol i» ? or does the Governor admit that there is disorder, and tint lit* has taken no Mi ps to quiet it?—Patriot. r! What l;:.s •abject ? Had r.i t:< of the H-publi eirtv riic body of tin- party are ngain-t Bmhu f. and Bl*Hlg**tt, and a strong effort will be made to throw overtfeiard. 1 barn *.:.:.t Iea«ling men in that organization cnntempl ite i-alling a State convention. It i-» pr<-;* ved to re onstreet the Executive Con-mille Akennan, it is believed, will lake a prominent part. Already his li idical State friends are urging his mm - f* r Governor. Tl:e name of Dawson A. \«’.dki i also l Of sured, and that is, tin fart! is proposi-d agaii State K a lively Bailie i w ir- t his sacred V:>j<>ty henchman in-chief, F« »-?•-«* of Their “frods,” as the pure CovoJe iis*-d t*» dub irn-gularities, nr** t*>o henvy f.*r even that pious party i f moral ideas to tote safely. In coming down I had the ptea-i.rc of meeting Mr. Carrie, who keeps tin* i- iiroad eating house n’ Marietta. r caterer is an old printer, and as su mend hi n t > the fraternity. He relative of that lint old veteran D editor. Colonel Thompson, of tiie : News. hue Wt Lii'Ixliix Once TSorc. re 1h coining unutterably with tliis win were not tie hounded on Akcrman an in all the S m the Mibj'H t w #nr peopl President Grant was 'hers lo declare marti. rn States, we should «1 tempt it deserv It rstand it. Tht v i the that all these reports of Ku-Klux out are nianufaetmed out t>f whole cloth, !• purp*»se t-f tfedstcring up the Kudicn! j in the North by “ filing the Northern h« against us. They know that the Dcm- of the Sv.itli condemn disorders of « kind, including the alleged Ku-Klux. As a sp ciinen of lmw this wholesale n facture is carried on in poor down tr* South Carolina, we insert the following, t from that lbulie d sheet, the Union, of i'« bia: •• White th-* Tnir. «1 St.V..*s Marshal i- *• work it>c Ku-Klux iu Spniunrurj- <ouutT. Ih • U bui»y with llifin»i>i’orn* iulamrt-ii* maniy who l’ui.1 bp-.-u h-n- !'> ih«- c;>nii»y ; nnd intc lii; -i i-fftcl tluit ours,;. - t<\ ubii»j..i)g »r»- cwnoB i i .nany l»ortionsof l.ial MVlion." Now, wouhl any reasonable man suppose that this “raw head and bloody 1 <nes” story could be so easily accounted f. . and the truth set forth, as in the following ex tract from the Laurensville Herald. « f the 20th instant: “A few morning* since, we *re to!d t^a( » pnrtv of men was engn^eil :a * r«>x bant. In i*cwnii>t-ri. ov t -r thec uintry on- of the party came acr<*»« m.xi. ni:h whom he had had a ix-nonal diffl u :y v. ,.rd> man did -'rike'ihe m-gro a f!‘w over V . \u- u. witha pi«(ol or aiick Wc couldn’t a«ccrtai: \* '*■***» Hu- ai otn r «*na »«f tin* pirfy. who a.-«» k >■ x rlit i.'-k-w w« U, coraiu; up. itn ncdtatcly put a *•< t<* tin- Mifficnltr. It i* al*> proper to add that ttc .i- .i : *u ndk-r the influence of liquor at the ti and :hrre 11ix tellinjj xvnal ► indof ai.guige he max hive U!*ed. We w: l state still farther that thr a--k.l int, ts we are informed, is not of this i«»ui:ty The iifficultr was aliojvther of a private and |kr-.i i prtH'laim* it to the x< •- d .* •>ut-a-e commit-.ed by the nostorions klan > > for th.- tru:n an 1 s . much for th--I n "nuirai:'-* by wt.i|>p : .ng“ h.*.ng common t on. the assertion I 4 .otall*- and m«licii A'c challence the Union to the cn ime-a i ..akc the count or To whirh reci t his the follox Sraphs: i he Union ha* broadly a*-»,rted the exi-; ck down from the pvt-; d of facts, the sam ng bold and man - ’ f*c:s. r Klux 1 fi'se. and * We ifvirgc The ^a- pajw-i para- Kn- .^1 Ind peace, with only lie re and ih-rei pt*r*onald:fficjliy incident lo oxer, caamai r . rhi- • ery pe»ce las • ecu a thorn tankiirg in th. h t.-t of | the tUdica ear y. or a: lea»t th»t p-»rtio j ,f r that »a< it* hcad-Crntre in ('o’.urn ia. We know it and tne editor of the Uuiou know-* ii. During tl;;- :;t r time, we challenge the world to po m u» a sir. ac*. Iou t .e psr. of the whi’e-. that wears the a;>. . .ranee of a Ku Klux opera ti .n F*»r th- beneflt of the Union we will, however neiuion three i»utrages t;iat occurred in tr. s ct>anty which partake of tne K ; k. ix character. • u gh: anack ujfem the widow Chevk; tne ni^htara.uih.d old mau >h*w. and the righr attack uptn :*. f ..n:o >f M.- Mott, during h:s aheence. The- . u--agt5 were committed by n -gru -s. and were • f .he m.»*t vharact.f. and yit bat one . f tl. r.i was Ktticed by the Union—he one sent to :t r»y • *omi li-iuiere?: d fnend. ' These oatragva. to some extra* a«re pernaps traceable to the Ike a teach-.: . >f ilu- .'i-ioiu aud beside* the**- Wc Cbaiicage the ed.tnr pi hat j«Kir»al to uan>e a single lnsunce he Ur :er that nas occurred ’e think this is a fair S4*ccimen of the mode »nd manner in which this whole Ku- Klux business is done up. The truth ia the negroes can be made to do anything and say ai.yi.ditg by the uibM-rabl« carpet-baggers and scalawags w1m» control them, and all these tales are got up for North- consumption, auu to give the Adminis tration at Washington an excuse to declare martial law throughout the South, and there in- keep us under the military control of ifir iarty in power, aud aiso fan the hate of the Northern people against us. I*. It- H. EADWAT’3 READY EEL EF CUIIK8TIIK WllUir TAINS. I* rao> Tu TWEflTV MlfcUiEi HOT OH3 H0U3. after muiug this adverlisemeut need at!> otic hl'FFibK WITH FAIN. It UHsthc first and is Th*-* Oul.v Fain IfiMiird? •» i• : ■ - * lot/ t*»; > ihi-ntitH** x -racialill** pail:-. :i Iajs i. ii ■miiialloi**, J.i.l cU* r* ( t rtiou, eh m r if li . X. i . .t r i. ,. r IN !•' .UMUXE TJ TWENTY .MINI IM S. P.ADWAY’S REo.DY RLLI£F W ILL tKrOit » I MAN E.»S1£. Ii;ll i;uai.;tiu:i(f tuo li.du. ys, it li uuniution *»f the Dl.n.M l i»> Uoaii) K i.\ Kit A > I) \l- t I.. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Klrnugaiid Puif Kicii 1im.-.;m-of rh.-l: ami Weight—rlcarbkiuand H<-auiiisil L curia to ail. naaway’fi ^(tl'Slipitl ill till > f. V 4*11 f lias made Uic m.irt i.ei.*iti.-ning Clues; .-•* «|w o the iiulueuce of ilu* Truiy V. oi.ih-.fu7 il >.ii:iiMni«-a:c- it ■ iclhim-al.d. N :: rri Wo:. .- «:». .ind .iv • :.*-, U— of these r.xui* » ir We desire ’O *.*ud our •!. eiitiUed - M \N^ AND V% t»f. LOUIS MEDI/AL 117 pj-13-dJkwly : irty-tvro page \ •MAN AS In S<o. iation, . .-th -ixth btruck siut Louis, Missouri. *AK-. t'AiC.I.LlAN •FA LI:. •AN KhMi K.\Trace, ail km.’ • ■-irouh-. >rr-»' m«, v . - , and r--u. ti-' • ttsc>: but it is tin- only positive cure fur K.Gfiey fiittl i-Bulilcr iry, and Womb diseas* Gravel, I'ialfe-r.-* of l sy, Stoppage of l»r:. tit's IM-*a-e, \V vd v . and in ull r - :... tiie \\ es W here i- thick. auu pa.i: III :iie Small of l -Back X'i-ic?.- foe Iluttit-. 32. 2*3a'A2’3 Pt-rl'ect IVrfec ly IxMekwi, eleganOy cio-e-l with sxv.-e! gum. •»• Purify, i . - 1 o.s : r She e tire of ail ui oro-r# of the . Liver. 1 k>weis, Kidiu-vs. II Kill.r, Nerx. u •tipation.C'o Dis t»- -. r\ -• ti.- f«>: -of t ■ Di_ : symptom* . L*oiistip.«'.ion. »nward Files. Fuhness of 1 iu the H-a.l. .v-'.dity »>f the St«ituacu, Ntnse burn. l>i*^u-t of Food, l-'idini-- or wei_-| >ron::ich. Sour Eructations siuhing . r Fiut The Fir of Ih - S;.»iii«h. Swiniuitnguf the li. ried and DitUeuit Bnathii:^. f KADvx.vVS 1II.LS will n'H»v*- named disc*rticrs. <®WVT'ER WHEEL, Mill Gearing,Shafting£PuiTeys foou « hUNJ’^ILTimobI^^ ^_1sEN0 rCBAClRCULflff-"^- Ll\ ER DISEASE and |lndlg t-,» ■ry way ; it ha* be- >vd Jno. xatii short* r. *-x Govtvaor of Aiaban a. Gen. John li. Gordon. Mott, of Col am bn*. Ga. Manufactured only by DR PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. ■j! SSL r VA1T^X,aTls:£01T Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream. C.ikes & Pastry. THOMPSON, STKKLE & PRICK M*F*G ( 0 Depots, Chicago and 8t. Dcuis, stvxt rxcTcntr.s o? DE. PBICE’3 CEE AM BAKING P0WDEB AND BLOOD ENIUCJIKR. At ‘ ’ . ri‘. uW.'’h/»' the City of Atlan a the fir*t Tuesday in Noretnbi hour-of *al-. the following pnu>e. ty, to-wit All that tract or p ireel ef land ly*iu*and being iu the of Atlanta, bul’on county, Georgia, being the individual iwo-thbd*of that city lot known ou Vin cent’s Map of *aht city a- 4 frsettonal lot No. oi). fronting on Wad’ey atnvt ISO feet, and ntuuiug back along thin right of way of the Wc-tern and Atlon'ic Raiuoad fett to lot No. X*.i, thence across the couthw tt c-Mi.- r of lot No. S4. In tice at right angle* from that pt.iut to the begin- i:g, having lot* N gland .1 «i:*i the unnamhered lot between the two t»*t - »ei.T:o:.. u. a* it* northern boundary said lot No :{i in and lot No. TH. in the 14th i>trict of, orLiually It. n*y. now- Fult n county; !-vied on oathe pro; *r:y«»fXLP •-him and Jame* A. Wright, by virtu* ■ * ai.d to *«ti*fy a mtwtgage fi. fa.. J"* fetreet, with a ng four room 4 i < o“iu.H street, an- '“/.A • the bridge, running hack 60 feet to an r *» of iau-i. more or lea*, on tt* ro. qooriy ,«>r gold mine in the 1 rock dwelling hUOllfe-^ ip. w!• i will keep ih.* quarry perfectly •i ai property. cou^Dting of the tool* of *hop.c>.uip . acarr buggies, boreea, igier'» * -ni:a for qnarry hand*, a ■ and caiv* *. hog*. r. r ;h.* o*!ier proper*}-. A.i the foregoing pr*’|». ity xx •t bidder* for the purpo< eir- of *aid Patrick L-.ut . Iiarnee*. farm- AtUuta, da., Oct. 16, 1»71 Pcllaib r untv Sliei l\TILL Ik- -o’.d lKsfure the Corn DeKolh PETER LYNC H, .FAMES LYNCH, of Patrick Lynch, decease*! Fif . i Dtc. i I •. the fol - V- Of la id S i'- 'I' i I):- hundred and thirty * ight tLi-ti Levi.d on us tt property of Wi iiam N New \s T L Ko**erT 4 < n u> mi:rs:ri**-r of the c*tu e «sf N Morris, deceased. '111.: id'll day of ()•:!*»!• •-. Hit. J. M. \i lCHillT, Deputy Shcriif. octJ’xi 4\v Pri ! 50 Mctiais Awarded THE CHEAT Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KXABE & CO. Maniifact'ircrs of Grand, Sqiureand Upright PIANO FORTES one att dii*il ar *! pttrrhn*- pruio'iucx"* ti.e.n u:itii':i iiV\nYis'Y u:i•! ale uud iha AGiCAFFK -RAM) PIANOS and in* other Piano. i.*.i th in ha> yet been ric: Lieis promptly Bat‘imore, Md.. FREY EH,. Atlautit. G TO GREAT RECUPERSi aR 0? EXHAUSTED EEERCIES. The most reliable Blood Ptirilirr. The sure ttepali’cr of Broken Health. The true Serve Suii^or'.er. The Perciaiie-it .Strength timelier. The most Eiicrgctie Toair. In nil , or Dsl.iHtv. Poor lllowl. T.\nh i'?rv. lG-ortln-.d i;ip -t:un, it sin.:y mi 1 l.. n S»M by all Dtrtyiuli.... i/„ Jlaavtaclurm «>• */•« I- .!! Kail, by 0 Lotties, ’■s.tjjieid.l u,r J <--• l TnouUu. Pi ej. tr. T only «! - ty of S'.iol; E: Pri-o S-’i’g Cs. TR. PRICE’S CRES?5 b"KIRG FC1SCER, Spocl:)l Fiavrrln^a Pd 1 lr»» f reufU.frhrt A Pastry. y -rrsT » T - Ti o only hird -nvh* by pmpf teal the in : l. - . r’.tmjs't */ <•/ arhehs Ilu’ aid digettin a:.d -n 1 r?.id, cak*.--, not I : ‘ ' ■ • - in ! v- f -. .i r ebt t*» trutiitulrw^*. h- •; -li-ap iiiiit itioirt. lw snrw you get Dr. liter’s i rr ith iLt'.ir. i J ‘tedtr. SoidbjDroCirx Manufsc- • ’> I v THOMPSON, STUM: Si BiillE iil-’t* ft). Depots, Chicago and Et. Louis. fcpSG-UeodJtwly 8itA«0 SAL- F VALUABLE PROPERTY, At Ho^ar.svil c, Ga., cn thj l-3th of Nov., 1871. 324,COO V/orth o» Property TO HE DISPOSE ) OF IN SH ARES OF $2 00 KACII. Over $20,000 in H'vtl Ks’.iIp, and over $17,000 worlli within lie* c*»rp.;rate limits of ihe town. Disirilmiion by r.-.fll *. Five disinten s’.eti parlies ?•* managers who will reeeive titles to property as the tickets a:c sol.l. 7 I AV IN-; d* ! imi • •! •«» .-uivcrf our property into i L wc nave * I-?* t;tl fiv r eentl men **r known Integrity. t«» whom we v. i » uitrn*l the who'e nun- ii* entire • titeijei-e. a .d wil *raii«fer a-e -«.!d to them tu • •f di-t i tome. >h» th it • • * r-.Tt f..- h • an. 'Dnt the all.i T t pr.iAIj li*-1 f iii •• -_uiid :lie puid-cagt •i ; r.i.ieri v comnn l*-I)A«l etc.nil !.•-* klid we! Iiiii-li-d U.ree l.uujrrd yard.- ”f the depot Second Gr.»t>d Kriii-—A feplemiict d have *a-*-n -po- the |-•-?i 1* ii*y < f pn- • fr*eil . 150 acre* high *.:ate of cul-.ivation. r- tiled the ik** tif cotton, three -An * 1 gut.'.ly fttriil-lie l anti Hal!, n ith comf«irtal>!c counting ruam, -h iv- ingat.d c<*anr»r« on both ri le- 42xdB feet FuUith Prize—A new and c tiuif »rt.«!*ie dxv. lliug I *f* * * comtnodioi Fifth l ri/..* A room. |gx*20f.' • p*.r:i ’ the Sixth Prize—A -pN-ndid new piano, combining all Ilia- * d<-?irabU iu a good iusir tn.ent Seventh Prize—A dew and durable double buggy and tartMW* Two hundred and thirtv-nineotlr r prizes, a* fol!c One vacant building lot, in the** part of i bull i The finest Durlia: nM Two very line mi’chjcc.w«. value the beat*-*—Virginia rah tie) wad »»■? paid for the A fine biood»d heifer, two year? o d \ Cn- lilooded ytardng bcli. A !*p.en*lid dew tWo-h <r*« wagon a- (i barn *s. A ft; of hue furii!ta*c A ne*r andriheudtd IvmiuaUd -tvei *hot gun.. »»u- fi:.e 1* <MiOetl !• r. Thtrieen |«i sewing machines. ji»R) noinc made buggy h&rne**. bert fiLi»h. f:»). Two vacant lot*. 4-; acre-Jeach. at . One vacant lot, i>.. acres, i:tar the depot depot, $2U> each.. vacant lot*, from 1 to 1,V acre*, 4tR) yard* ifrout Uie d« pc>:, $175 each •even v cant lot*. 1 acre. 400 yard* from tee de.oir. $ 90 each ] rwo vacant lots, 1 acre, 400 yarda from the depot, *1-25 each re, 400 yards from the , to 1S acre*, 400 yards from •e, 400 yards from the 1 vv ar between the States, by which the mouey 150 824.1M) Plan or RArrLE.—There will be six dice thrown from olc b**x—three time* f-r eacn ticaet The ntgUvst uumb-.r of dice thrown will entitle the hol ier of the :i ket for which it is thrown, to fie* be.-t prize : next highest number t > the next h.-*: ;*.tz.. and ?•> »>,. i>R'il -ii t -L *•*’.»* ’ wiii tfe- decided t»y a *ccon 1 :...o.,‘ Ik:tween the coufe*unt-. The manage.* wiil .on*.l • ila--* throwing of dice, and no one will he for another, except i gold watch, wot th flPO. will be rattled between t«-a or more agent*, sell lug one hundred rickets tach. Those scliiag two hundred will have two chance*, and so on. TO THE PI BLK . Wc. the undersigned, managers of the above r n*er- prse. d**em it neces.-ary to *t»te to the public, that and agents; a; d. that memo: ey for ticket*, wueuever desired, ho* been r. turned to the purchaser* <»f the ]may ouy ticket*. same. We again a^ure i It dll ui**u* v refund It >1 YuU J.M ■ off at i J C. TILLMAN, Nlih.lL W. II. U PALE, J. A BAR Run. Managers. Ail c »tur.iui.tcation« should be a idre*s«d tc MuRTuN A TR MHL.E, Hogans.ihe. Gi. A-en . C A till Hit AIV Ell ? Prevented! EVERY kwiuceti I't nnty • ecal Advcrdxc- aeaii. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Sealed proposals for rebulding the Court louse al Laxvrenceville, Gwinnett County, will be received until 12 o'clock, M., on Tuesday, the 5th day of December, 1S71. Tt*e building wiil be of brick, sixty feet forty feet wide, and the walls to be twenty seven feet bigb, the lower story to be two feet, and the upper story twenty inches thick. There is to be two partition walls running across the house, leaving a hall twelve feet wide, and one brick wall dividing the north half of the building into two rooms, alls to t»c one story high. There will i* l>e four rooms down stairs for offices, and the stair-way running up between the two rooms in the south of the building. The Court room will lx- up stairs, with two jury room* *:ir of the Judge's seat. There will Ik* four chimneys and six tire places. The court-room and*offices to be scaled overhead. The contractor will be required to finish ii 1 building by the first day of September, >72, and supply all the matt rial fo cling the same, except the briek i and, which are cleaned and hacked up ready and estimated at alxmt ninety tie ms ind, besides the bats, of which there is ai many as will l>c necessary for the whole house, and about two-tlirids enough lock for e foundation. For full specifications of the plan and the terms of payment, applv to the undersigned. JAMES T. LAMKIN, octl7-lf Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gwinnett county, Ga., will be >1 t, before the Court house door, iu lhe town of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county, Ga.. on the 1st Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of s le. the following lands belonging tt* the estate of Egliert B Smith, late of said county, deceased, to wit : 177; icres, more or less, par’s of lots No. 1(5.5,15G and 157, all lyii gand being in the5th district of Gwinm lt county, and six miles below nceville, on tuc Monroe road. (The widow’s dower therein is not l»e sold.) Sold * benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms cash. This 22d day of September 1S71. A .I. SMITH, oct3-tds Adniini tratrix. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Will be sold, before the Court house door, the town of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, within the legal hours of saie, the following described lauds, belonging to the estate of N. F. McKlroy.late of said county, ceased, to-wit: 250 acres, lot No. 72; blR res, part of lot No. 1J)0; 2} acres, more or s, part of lot No. 172; all lying and being the 7th district of said county and State, seven miles north of Lawrenceville, lying .Lately on Ivey Creek, and in four miles of the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Rail road. Sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms: One-half for cash and the other on twelve months time. This SeptemlnT 26th, 1871. JAMES A. BELL, oct«-tds Administrator. GEORGIA, Gxcinnett County, William B. Pharr, administrator, with the will annexed, of Edward Pharr, deceased, represents to me that he has fully administer 1 said estate: This is to eite all and singular, kindred and creditors, to be and appear at my office on oi the first Monday in November, and show cause, if any they have, why said mi nis! rator should not be discharged from ids administration, and receive letters of dismiss n. J. T. LAMKIN, aug!2—td Ordinary. &A‘l at Fair])inks’ 5cale Warehouses, FAIT2LAIVES & CO, 252 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PA1HBANK&, BROWN Jfc GO . UK MILK STREET, BOSTON, For .*ale by lexuliug Ilaul.v :r»- BeaVrs. eoi»2l»-d2a\V lui—t ue*& f ( Dr. Hurley’s igue r io -ic’- Purely VegemMe! No Ar»cn!c! ] Jlcrturj 1 C» Coiiipositi »n ! N O CURE. NO PAY, If No il.-ui>;«-r i:i laki-i- an poison in our utvitiri!'*-*. u Dr. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters TS tlie remedy. t>nr *’XCfl «, fen I in;* from irchitisj-, iii-. rit**nvl sto cr. it.«l ; 4 rc-'piirttl Plva-i ■eelions Ik* fo’loxvul. loilar po troll; DHaH^RlEY’ Wi Ii rj|MII< I’r.|M-:: ; SYRUP Of SftftSAPAftlLLA Itrilrele ol i*oia>ii on hi* Ions lKt*n roctttfaizrd l y tL — - ! ot 1‘tirili i «l I n* pi Ltd) . Itr. 8cabro#k*fl INFANT SOOTHING SYF.UP. j 1IE iir’.i-pcn-ald.* s -medr in t -.** Nii**rry. Vi 4 ' *»H No Mull «rt.« of S -a<<rook‘*. Hc-ilih to Ihc eh/d, s clear eou*cicnce to the x« :, Dr Hurley’a I I S real y all it claim ing all w orn,- fn spular Worm Caml lo he—a SPECIFIC- the !i:>titan vi-cera N t’hihtren love it. No Dr. riaulirook's ELIXIR OF BARK AND IRON, 'IIE Great Tonic an»l App* tizer. One dollar per Adinriristf:it<»rs’ Sale GEORGIA, K’LTON COUNTY.-On tiie first vj T icrtLty in Dec -.-nlwr ir-xt, will he *old at tit (’••tut lion--«!o.»r. in Atlanta, in *aitl county, with tin* lawful Ii • ;r- • f * i *. four City L«»t* of land *i nt.«l on I to k ►trut. A*i u.t i G.**>r^i:i. m l-t.d 1,._ s:» rigniy-tb:-.—. SoMaaih* p*oj»»*rty of >arah M lipit- e. *l*fe**.*a«—*, f* r the benefit *»f (he i eir* n • r i 111 ca.-lt; ih«* of «r Jtolf rix nt tti'fi-’ credit; pnrehaf wt.l ik* rt*ipi;r-l (•• ^tve note* with securitv. DANIEL A McDUFr E**'. Admitit trator <c:2l-xvkkl Prinu-r'a fee $5 Ocorgc Page & Co., •Vo. 5 xV. S:\roet1er Street, Baltimore. Manufacturers of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES A H 9 BOILERS PATENT IMPKOVXD, POKTABL.B Circuln r* Hnw MiilN, (i>ns, Unlay aud ftnnli Saw iflllln, GRTST MILLS, TIMBER WHEELS, SJTINGLK MACHINES. Eie. D--al* r« In Circular Saxr*. Belting ami t. railv.andmar.nfactnnT’*agent# for Ufi.i 4 i . ieSrar-i Ttirhine Wat-r Wheel, and every de*criplion of W<hk1 Working Machinery. AGRICULTURAL ENGINES A SPECIALTY. %ArT Solid for di.-c.nptiv** Cataiognc* A Price Li*t*. novfwi.-i xia-.wiv i'ii I ton Po«l|i»itc ILL be sold before the ^ lie i Iff lair. J. n. ANDERSON. ANDERSON & WELLS, No. 20 Alabama street. Atlanta, Georgist, Op|KP*ite2< % «is ciigx r|Depot. -DEALERS IN- trom Ful« of the A: I Hr fav*»i iu fi. Glenn and AagUB 7th. lull. ai-o. at tne * tn- time rrd place, the hitcrect of .Ta< oh llopp JL Hi;. a .n K a-** n. I o d'lig bond for title* in the following de*cril»e*l pr«*x*ertT. t«»-wl*: Tin nty-tfve acre-, nior-* or * No. Is. iu the 14th di-trirt Fult-m couuty. a-i’oming L'-ektaxi hcitijj th - -iiae t» x\ aieh ,1. It. xx all • ltopa Jt K!..--en a hand lor t 1 - ( .-mall wooden buildf. g Levied uu i of Jacob iiopp A lli-rmanu Kit--. I fn*n XI . in is Iiu.iw.hm1v v-. *a;»t lio;.p A K ..*■- -a. I. Major J. Smith, L. C , and ie timed to ith, MIL A house and lot in the ci y of All nit* Alat.ami street, in the let ward of eaid < i property of Clarke and Holland, a ry Public'# . -i • f C. A. a j made by Mil i the lttn ui-i ■ I * lu i •• pirt of min'. . 1 M 'i. i the Jtt-'ir***' Court of th* 1 '.Y. :i Di*tri( i M . in tuxor of 11-: j.Min N. Wil' . x-. M. 1 i d Mrs. Emily Rohef- L -vy made by .t R. riiom| on, L. C., auu hard, d t . . *- ; ' • • /»*li. 1S71. A. M. PEItKE soS. D put» sheriff. feplO—xvtds Printer * fit- 5o j«*r levy AGRICULTURAL IM PLEM ENTS, COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, noRSE POWERS, COTTON SW EEPS. SIACIIINKKY STEEL HAY 1LVKES. COTTON SCRAPERS. POST HOLE DIGGERS, 8TUX1P;PULLCRS, CID1 R MILLS, .V<„ »!•* AIX KINU-. \ GFNTS for II. F. BLAND Y, Manufacturere of Portanle and Suit ionary En-jt A '' n*«at Mill#, lloue Mill#. Shingle Machine#, ir aud Whit Ki Wc will aliHi ootl Pitta’Mach _ ’ogottated special contract# with the l»«it JJ auufactur in^ Knah.I*inuei*! 1'hreahera. both Sejiarator* and Overall-> A iaylor eight and ten-hor*** jwwfi-r s. pars' < untry, we are Gootls at Ntllllllf (K*t VAX’Ol’a Prices, G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. G U .V U Dl.xrii *S -» \ LE. 1 >Y virtue « f .m order of the Court of Ordi ary of y Henry county. Georgia, will he sold in-fore the court-house door, in the citv of Ari-nra. Fultm count.-. Georgia, ou the FIK'T Tt « SU.\Y IN DE CEMBER NEXT, ft 11 a. xi . the following, a* the prop.-r'y «>f niv ward. II ii-\ Dor*ty : '1 EN ACRES, mere of 1?-#, lym^ et-t of Calloway *tr«vt. It will be *ol t. size, by Colonel ( nily for iuvestnieii For full paruc i Adair, a: hi* office Terms : Cath. oel5-xv40d with Freight added. maylfl-tlAw-Ani reque#tt*d to call and : MARY E DORSEY, Guardian. Executor's Sale For Sale. .1 SPLENDID FAlfiM, ►Ium!«l on NfirlivlU. and Chattacocga Railroad. 22 miles from the latter place, and on the hank# of the Tennessee Iliver, containing about 675 acres. Will be sold iheap. For particulars apply to WM. I.E CONTE, Adair#vi!lv, Ga., Or, WM. GORDON. E#q., aepT—dttJcwrfiw Columbia. Tenn. IVO'IIO to. riAOLLED before me as an estray, on the 12th day of Steer, about live year* old, smooth crop off ear and split in the lef , broad clear horns, ha* t o work mark . and appraised by A. S. May#ou and E. L. Casey, freeholders «»f sal it district, t«> he woitb uboti-' seventeen dollars, and that it is wortli 25 ecu;* I*er «la^X' t*» feed it. Tiieowm r i* hereby notified to appear before me. I rove property, pay costs and expenses, and take it ' il will be sold on the premises of * Mi; •i'i.i day of October, 1*71. oct14—dlt * fro; W^JSTTJilD, erof Freti* : und Music in a Female Coileire, a sin tioa to te.rlt in Northern or Central Georg 'IVauljc# Eug'i-h, including Mathematic* and Mo- I'utl'isophy, French and Marie. Good references c'veiiitiri r.'pitfe ». Address, stating terms, A Clay and 2 t. streets, Rtchtnond, Ya. 15—d .i S50 OTOLEV county It E W A K D o:n A. Parker. South Riv r, Henri Georgia, A S »RIt l.L IIOi(>l', uv.-lva b nit ti:' e n hau l* bigli. in good order— k it t'l- fuee. Molfii nt saui-tifPe. a St i'lb.*. Plain 1- at'.i-r s -ddle without horn f i- WILLIAM KILr.Y. of Lflingtw ■'*rdi'• >g t • h'« sta'ement lie i* a d* k in. wi h a l .tiTtiorC. weighing a Is about 25 or U) > ear# end. \v»-ara Me •I ir:y Doll t mtt Drib ci 15- w It i*dr*-e.ll« l>'.vk uiothri a ill •lltoi* M i order of tli** * for thief and A. PARKER. 4« lav. t of Or-tnary of sod Is*'die the f :oi number • tghty-c ty. Ge-irgi v. Creek and Mncoti s first Tttesdav in It.. the heir* and « red: or of Leonard K>ii». dei Lo: of 1 ml* No. s . hr, and ah •ml f*.M. in :id di#tib-t of Hear vh uahle, 1 in.* li-ar Western Rafroa . Term* cash. Oct*»t S. oct!7—w40d (.I OKi.i t, licKulb County. Orpinakt’s Okkice, Oc;o M rs. necy j. bkogden applies etnption of hoaiestead and ?. *iin, vuiuarion of personalty, and I will | my office, in Decatur, Ga.. a: i2 o’clock, r n, 1871. octll—dlti w2t airs' sua osuruiwa Standard Scales, More than 250 Different Modification?. Agent* also for the best Alarm Money Drawer FAIRBANKS & CO. 252 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. FAIRBANKS. BROWN & CO.. 11S MILK STREET, BOSTON. For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. »cp27-d2aw4m—wednesisat. RICH A It D S 0 X ’ S Ziisb linens, SnmasUs, LIKEN C&MBRI3 HANDKERCHIEFS, &C. to CAUTION renerat appearance, aad to wars y eafeguard is to sec that the mu J. N. RICHARDSON, SOXS X OWDEN, is stamped upon each article. Determined to confir.e our#elvca. a* heretofore, to the u#<* of yarn* spun from the etudeest and strongest Flax, by the t«»t ma Linerv obtainable: uniform in weight and elasticity—manufar der our owa ■uperiutcndeacc— 6bAba.Mr.ED BY OLI1 MU J. N. RICHARDSON. >ONS A OWDEN. Belfast. Ireland. 5 Mo. 15. ML an g25—(iAwom r..-\ - TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS will be paid for fJaCiJ * tiugle Case i»t incurable Catarrh. Dr M*rwiu’* Vegetable Catarrh C’.irc ia the cheapest, os a paeiia*{e maae# one p.-.t of m d.cine, and i# sen by mtil on receipt of thirty cent*. And is the best, oecause it never rtatl- to cure any case <>f Catarru We wish to*etid«ur pant pit. ei. emit -d “Mat. and WornW as Invalids," to every reader of this pape . and will mail, fre**, a do/eu or more copies to an.' per- Ntu wb .will Hand them to their friend-. Aodre-s>t. Loui* Medical x**ocuitiou. No. 117 s^ixth btreet, bt, Louis, Misaouri. sep!5-dAwly j* $* 7 Admiuistrator , iH ^ale. i WII.L i*BLf.. before the Court House door In LawrenceviLe hi at Tuesday i. hours of s:i.e, all the lann# in said couuty belongf'g to the estate of the lute Fr.ncisM. aril law, wh' are as follows : Four hundred and five (4d5) acre*, the same lyi n»*ar the Atlanta an 1 liictunou Air Line liuilroad‘« Duluth depot—!)4 acr. * of which are title < li itlauuo- ch«*M river Irottom. Which tract is known **U!d Home Place” of deceased. Also—Two lots on the west side of said railroad, fronting the same on the ea-t, near said depot— of which contains thirty 130) acre#, the o:hirfortv lx (40) acres. Also—One hundred and twen'y-seven (127, acres— it being where deceased resided at liis death. Also—One hundred and fifteen 015) acres, border ing on the fcoutnwcst side of said 127 Also—One hundred and five (105) acres, h r Icriii" on the southwest side of srid 115 acre tract—which three last Jots front said railroad on the west, w hich the southwest corner of And, also—Seven hundered (703) acres, more or le** —same composed of *• lot- and far * of lot*, lying on either sole of s.vd railwiv, embm ring t lu pine : where John Pit:man f trmer.y resided at th ; paint where tne Peachtree road cro-ses said rail*oad Said land- b= ii; ;-bu u ; equi di-'nnt from Duluta •aid Norcro?s. YI jeh of th_* sar.t.* is very finely um bered. All the above land* Itliy section Mach of th,* g-xtd and flne'y timbered being iu a h< althy section and desirable ... .» hoot. All perrons wishing good birgriii* in 1““' J ’*- 1 - •• * - same before the day Duluth, isnds wilt do v ... • f sale. Dr. Wil-oc, Railroad Ap point them out. Th* lot* w in he sold separately, ( ctfil—<Ut&w*2t twelve montUs* time. Sep ctubc SAMUEL W. KNOX. Adnilui-trator. W anted, A GENTS for (nr new. intensely intere-ting, ele gantly illustrated aud fait selling book : STATE-PEISON LIFE, By One who ha* been There. WRITTEN BY A CONVICT IN A CONVICT’S CELL. r piIIS truly unique work presents an inside view of A State Prison Life, and from a stand-point never before occupied Unmistakable indica ion# point to it as the great fari-#eiling subscription book of the year. I'ircular#. copious extracts and 1* rumple en gravings sent free; or a hound pro*pec * ' "cents. C. F. VEST, let. Cincinnati, Ohio. 7 —deod-'UJt wit A^r. zacI lor .Sal u . I WILL SELL, m the first Tacsdey in November next. 2tA) acre- of Land, six mile# southeast of Deeatnr. DcKalb county, n-ar the C -vington r« ad. pretty well improved ; an apple orchard ; nice place ; A <lniiui«*trator*i4 .Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Covveta county, Georgia, will be Bold ou the first Tuesday in November next, before the Court Hou-e door, in Jonesboro. Clayton county. Georgia, >hat large and vaiuaale tract of land, consisting of twelve r»r fourteen hundred acre-, known as the Jack John on plantation, situated ahon» three r Fuller's land, extends to the right and left of it. and is within one half mi e of Morrow'- Station, t hese lands are of excel.ent quality, a large porti< ii be dividr — in wood 4 , wed timbered. Will be divided anu >-oidin *eve»al pare. is. Sold a- the property t*f tt.e estate of John 11. J*.hn-on. late of Coweta c«»un y. uereased. Term*—one-haif ca-h : balance ou twelve monllia’ time, with interest. W.l; give bond for ti Is §ep21-d3taw Jfcw UU G. L. JOHNSON, A< mild trator. Printer's tea BVri; llou-e do it ty. (h.. on following prupetty, Ot c hou-e and lot in Join s um. day's office, being part No. 4. r of the Court of Ordinary of , wil. In* sold 1h foie the Court i of .Ton. - mto. • layton cottn- Taea<lay in Novcinlnr, 1871, the north half of lot No 2 *. tion of said owa. «• Sol d a* pro,* rty. m -.f J t;d alt of lot No. 3, in the 5th • of railroad, i-posed by w ill, of John Dor . d ■cowii, lau; of Henry county, for the benefit of tne hi ir* and creditors. Terms Cnslt. -. G IKiltSET, Executor. »cp27 w40d Printer’s fee $10. UUbBdl %, Fayette County. Obdixauy’a OrricE. Septemt»er 26,1871. T E.II. WARE havirg applie t for letter* of ad . ministration on the estate of Richard Wure late of said county, deceased ; Ail pi-rsoti* t hereby notified to file t. within the time pre scribed by law. otherwise letter* of admniistnition will begranted o ad ^ictition r, on the first Monday in Hateabr mtt. scp*29—wlm GEORGIA« Fulton County. Oudinauy’s Offh i:, Oct«»b*rfl, 1871. rpHOMAS B. ARCHER has apph.-d fur exemption I of personalty a::d setti.ig .-.part atid valuation of homestead, and 1 will nas- to on the same at T“ o’c'txk a. m., on the 17tii day <>' o<*t«.her. 18 1, at nt office. DANIEL PITTM AN. Ordinary. oct4-dl£w2t Printer'- fo.* $2 il OHGIY* lf«mgla«w County To all whom it my concern: 7TLLIAM F. MEADoli having in proper front d-i AV uppli< d tc me for p -rmatieiit lett-rs of adm 1st ration cn the e-t to of Wiliam B. Barnett, cea*ed, late of Union county. M tc of Arkansas gular the cn ultun all and next of k : n of William H. at my olfic*-. wi hin the time allowed by laxi,‘*nd show cause, if any they in . xvhv perm-incut admin granted William F. Mt ad«»r or sitotild t Will am B. Barnet W iUiets my hand and seal, ttd* October , 1871. GEORGIA* Dt-Kulli County. Ohdinahy s Office, September 29, 1871 Al/JIFREAS, Mrs. Ava Arminda Wright hi* np v \ plied for letters of udmiiiistrutii) plied for letters estate of Win. D. Wright, lute deceased. All persons concerned are notified of said county * applied Sheriff** Sale. WILL b** sold, before the Cour llou-e door, in » V i ongla sville. Dotiglt.-* entity. G rgi.i. o.-t the fir-t Tui-day in Noveuibi-r next, within tbe legal hour- of sab*, the foO »w tug prop rty, viz: Laud 1 No Uk>. in the r>«cond Di-tricr und Fifth S*« :ioii orlgiually Carroll. n*»w Doug a-# county. Levied t der one Ii. fa. 1*» fav-ir of Jatm*> Robert-, ' -**ed fmm Cainpb-11 Su,H*rior Court, April Term. 1871. property of G M Stanley. Pr.»;.erty painted plalniiffa attorney. “* of Pheroay Thornton, pplii d for leave to s* 11 the r.ul estate o .-ased f.*r <listributi«-;i: Th .- i*, therefor.-, to notify all person* *« plicatit as applied fol . M IN»iI! <trdlnarj*. <:*•»• GEORGIA, l>iK :1b €on nty. OnniMARY’d Office, October 4, 187 \\T HERE AS, John W. Whi.e. Executor of the r » estate of John White, 1 ite of said • onnly dr- d, having applied to me for leave to aril the ptr- ishablo p:«»periy belonging to said Ttiia is, therefore, to notify ail person* to file their objections, if any, within the scribed by law. e'se .cave will be granted said p.leant a# applied for octfiwlw GEORGIA^ Milton t «unty. Ouuinai-.y's Office, Cctob. TO ALL WHOM IT JIAY CONCEUX HOOK, having in pr q*er for ", applied f« , lute of said « in> t Is- grant-.*d 'to David R. llo .k ny hand aud official signature, this Oc- :i. O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary, hv Printer’a fee ffi Reurj Comity SlierilPs Sales U ' ll.L be sold before the Court-lion*.* door, in tin :*day in November i: One ttrick store house iu Bear Creek, H.-nry comity, Georgia, as the prop-rty of IL A. ilend.- east of Maco:t and Western Kaiiro.d. and bring the first building sooth of the store house oc. upied hv S. II Griffin. Levied on by virtue of a me rhatnes’ iii n or fi. fa from tlenrv Superior Court, iu fax or of Phiilip Schmidt.'fot* *140. ttctob rJ 1h:i octlO-wtds GEORGIA, ITcKatb Couuty. OnotSABT's Office, October 71b, 1871 \\i IIEREAS, 4. C. Ilorri**, a lminls mtor «f the W estate of William 15. Johnson, dec.-a-ed, late of said county, to tne fur k-ttcis of di.-tni* sion from sain tru-t These are, therefore, to cite r.ll jH-tsons interested to be and appear at my office within th-- setibed by law. then ant there t<» -!iuw caa*e. if any W. Ii. WEBSTER. Ordinary. Printer's fee f.‘> CtlO—w4w Admiaistattor’s Sale GEORGIA Dr.Ksi.n C..t vrr Wdlln-s. 1 b.-fore us before purchasing, '»r Bent for ANDERSON St WELLS, Opposite pHssentrer Depot. IV Auitm.ivt raioi’s Y VIRTUE of ; Court t»f Orditt >i add Iipfore the lVan ll.. . git. Georgia, on the first Tcestl 18. i. iIn- fuliiiw tug ; |. .itu.ittoii- of Jolin Brx .a'-. d«i raid c*»un;y. ore uo-irab’e place# a Itagl'i- pxratriy. ;• fit of tin- heir# an 1 credit* known as "B I ot UW acre#, ntorc or less, tn IL art the *Mo*«n Weems place," j. 12th and Shake lace.” 'r* ek Dis- lai de of Wm. Alexander H'i.f lrt»acre«,r B**r#he’n. known a j Uni t*n» Nhe ri tr.s >ai. n it»r Novell.* ;>er, 1871. , before Hie I lit#, t* it ton (low I tig pr.CKTt x. i iis-a-nUrU earner*, f'u. ..f iK.i-.irtso r- ...t a». *, | it Wio< the Place wln-te <u ;llr»tdayof tMnln-r, In.; and ot wk . ii he hail llrewt-ty. Al-o. a irwi «.•i.iainii.g 2li am*#, it 1 ing lot No HI Al-*i; , a. it t portion o' Iti ii I. ; No. 87 Al . *<r le#-, L *e plai a*, art for us l#o. w ill Ih* , 3d M-etion of originally Cherokee, Sth Diririct, in »:h 1>i.lrict, | ".Wh./'wV >...I II .1 » , 1,1 | joil.illg -»;d II . or land let**. I and ran m ng i rr#, ad- . t: Ife-iug | art 1 *-lAW feet wide i, 'VBalance of I- £mZou**#ill fold, a- PjaUh improrcmmu, i. x , y vil : IUC of allll |ti from Kul . m v ** Michael Kr'i--#. Prop, ttv ih., '' •‘“"K ISII 1 • time anil place. ^unp of land l nlhnni#* l*lork No. 17. all ginaly Henry, tow Fulton Mi. hoel Knew, ti fa. i##u.-*t of Julr I'oplin t fi. fa. sepl9—«40d - town of Decatur, on the fir-t Tn. -duyB 1 . .;■>if - ■'f i-. . un l. r c Dead D/comberBrXw thin an order of th • lloi.or.ittb . th : Cottr; of ' r.linary «.f #a d c >.Im't. the f .i >> > ii.g prop.-r i v i» ringing to the •-tat-of Thom •- AkH. «i.* •■ i-«*d : Oue Houre a..d Lot in town *.r D -c-Jlnr. 1> Kolb cwuiitv G-«»rgia. it being t<"* place where.>:i tiie d»- isot live 1 np to the tiaieof li # de .tit s.Jd for the pu'po.-c oi distri button. Tcrmsxa-b. NATHAN RUSSK cL, Adm r. octlO—wtda Printer's fie $20 UMOI * l>< K »lb ( o uttj . Oriunaky'# orairE, October fi. 1871. M RS AVA ABM IND A WRIGHT having aj.pli.-d for the tin rdi nsnip of the persons and prop erty r.f Thoma# Me ton and Davis Preston Wright, minor# of VS ilium D. Wright, late of said county, i ms ri ; Ail perron* concerned are notified to file their ob jection#, if any ex -:-, within tho 'i lie allowed by law. else letters w ill be grant, d -aid ap:»l cant as applied for. W. It. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer's fee FI octiO—x» :j0d GEOKGI.t , I u I ton County. OEDtrtART'# Office, Octol>er 5th, 1871. ‘W’HERE AS. E A. Robertson applies for !’?ter# of »> gum dian-hip of the propertv of Ioivvson It. Hope and Clifford B»rtoa Hope, minors and or phan- of L. II. Hope, deceased* All persons concerned are thetr objections, if any t scribed by taw, else letter# will be g anted the ap- Dli r ant. ^nature, this 5th day of A«liiiiuiKtrator*8 !^a!r. virtue of an order of thf Court ».f Ordinary of II-nry c >unt>, Georgia, will lie #ol<l b* fore tl.e CuU't House do»*r, in MtD Bough. Georgia, cm ihc first.Tuesday in D • *mlM.*r next .the f.»t owing r alty a* the prop rty of Sauiu* 1 L ••*. deceased, fur the lx? • fit of ti.e heir# and »r« dt*« . u : About one hundred and eighty c' re*, known a« ■•IIotu*.* Place” of dec sicd. of iot a, iu originally 12ih District. Henry county. <K-orgiit. Abont I5u auce iu said district and countv. of lot numb«r 8. About 99 acr--# of south half of lot number 26, in said district and county. Vi.imnist-ati r a N le. Court House door, in tbe town of Decatur. I>. Kalb county, Georgia, umterau i nter from the Honorab e Court of Ordinary of raid county, ot e half of lot land No. 1**6, In he I5ta district of originally H**nr . row DeKaib coin y, b longing to the estate of Robert Ozmore, deceased. Sold for the purpose of division. G. b. OZMORE. Administrator. sep22-w40d Printer's feu $5 hi.tiltt.lAi Ibcnry County* Oni iNAtiT'# Orru-E, September 15th, 1871, r P J- EDWARDS, administrator of the estate of A • 8. C. Hightower, dcieased, applies to me for ett*T# of dismission from said estate: If ol j rfou 4 exist let them Ik* filed within statuto ry time, or the letter# will t*e granted. W line## my official signature. GEO M. NOLAN, Ordinary. sepl9-w3m lTiuter'a fee $4 50 NOTICE. \\l ILL I»« wdd before tiie Court IIou*c door, in the »» town of Decatur, DeKalb county, tieorgia, on he first ’l ue#.‘.iy in November next, within the legal hour. 4 of Kile, by virtue of the last will and testament of Robert W. 11 o'cumb, 180 acres, more or lem, of ot of land N-». 228, in the 15th district of originally Henry, now Dekalb county. Improvement# pretty good. Sold for the purpose ef dievirion and to per- Icct till;#. September 20. 1871. JOHN HOLCOMB, Executor, sep22-vvriOd Printer's fee #5 Adni-uistr.itor’s Sale AYTILL he sold before the Court House door, in the “ town of Decatur, DeKalb county. Gio-gia. ou I the first Tuesday tu November next, w'lthin the legal hour.- sale, under mu ord-*r from rite llonor- Court of Ordinary of said county, the following land- belonging to the estate of Z. R. Jon. s, decraseu late of said county: One lot of land of lb! am s, im proved. with good orchard, one third wood-land, one fourth bottom land, creek and brunch bottom, and one lot of 175 acre-, adjoin ini. g the altovc, without any building, some woodland, aud about one-third bottom land. Both lots well watered. Terms—One- thrill ca-h; balance due 2Ulh day December there- fter. September 5 la71. J. W. JONES. Administrator. *ci>8—wtds Printer'# fee $<U GEORGIA^ Henry County. Oiuunauy's Office, September 15th, 1871. rtN J. EDWARDS, executor of the last wil< and X • t>* lament of G.-or e Crawford, deceased, repre sents lh«t t.e bus di-i i argi d the duties imposed l>y said tiu-t, andappl: - f. r letters of (ii-uii.-sioti: If ohjrctioti- exist let them he filed withiu statuto ry time or the letters will be granted. Witue»s my official signature. GE ». M. NOLAN. Ordinary. sep19-vv3m [Printer's fee $4 5u.] (iEOIK. 1 A* Ilcnry County* Obimnvhy's Office, August 7, 1871. JOHN W. MAXWELL, administrator, cum tc#ia fl ineit'o uiiuexu, «*f tiie es ate of Emily Bcm ett, deceased, fatvitt, compleltd said adiniuistraiiou, jk* tion* for b iteis of oismisslon: It olij- ci ton* exi*t, let them l>e filed within statu tory time, or the letter- of dismission will be granted. \» ilHcsa my signature. GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. aug22—'wlm Printer’s fee fl 5U GFOUGIA, DeKalb County. Ouiiinary's Office, August 1st, 1871. Vl. r IIKREAS, Mrs.Siliua Ellington, g o* I) iV It ElUtiglou. au imbecile, applie* to me for let'or# of dismission from said irmi: These are, th-rafore, to cite and admonish all per son* inter* sled, to be and appear at my office vvithi the t;m • prescribed by law, then and there to show ca ise, if any they can wny taid let lei# should not be granted raid uj piicaut. Given ui.dir my han-1. nt office, this Au.u t 1, 187t. W. It. WEBt»TE . Ordinary. augl—woonilm Printer's fee fl 5u, DeKalb Couuty. I1EREAS, J. W. Scruggs and N, R. Julian, aa- VV min if trator* of Uuiuira llolt, deceased, repre sent to tin* Court of Ordinary of said county, that they have full) administered said estate : Tt»ia i* to cite ail aud singular, the kindred and cr*-dilar*of said * ecea-ed. to Ih- and appear at niv office, m or tut..r.- tbe tir-i Monday in January, 1872. .mil show cause, if an) they have, why said adniini.— trot or* should not Ik* disch’.rged from heir adtuinis- tralton and r<ceive. Utters • f dismission. This 22Uday of June, 18.1. W. K. WEBSTER Ordinary. jani-SS- w4m Printer's fee fl DU GEOUUIt, ilrkalb County. Onu Nary's Office, August 1st, 1871. 1\7TIKRKAS. J. C. llarri-*, a l*Tiui#trator of the estate of Wil dam Bruit*, lat ■ of said county, deceased, applies to mo for letter# of di-mi.-siou from These are, therefore, to cite and adtuo- i-h ail per sons interested to be and appear at my office within tle: usual time prescribed bjr law, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, thi# Angnst 1, 18.1 W K. WEBSTER, Ordinary ang4—wom4m Pr uteri# fee $4 50 GFORGIA, Fayette County. Ordinary's Office, July 3, 1871.’ 1UHCRBAS, Jno. W. Kelly, Secretary f« r Rocmo- » t lis t olliiis. guardian of P. R. Col in#, has filed his final return, showing a full distribution aud #<*t- tleiuent with said ward, and applies for letter# of dis- tiiir-sioii. w hich letter# w ill Ik- g>anted oil the 1st Mon day in October next, uuleH# some valid objections are filed u< cording to law. DAVID C. MINOR, jui)*7-w4m Ordinary. Priateris fee $4 50. (lEOKul 1* Fulton t'buiity. Ordinary'# Office, August Cd, 1871. T W. Rl’ChEK, administrator of the estate of •j . J. F. Wadda:!, late of said caunty, dccrawil. ha# applied for letter# of dismission front said Thi* is. therefore, to notify ell persons concerned, to lib* their objection#, if any they have, within tlu- time prescrilK-d by law, else letter# will be granted the sa d applicaut as applied for. Attest : DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T. Cooper, Clerk. aug4—woaurim Printer's fee $1 50 GhOHGl Fullou ( ouniy* Ordinary'# OrncE, August-Id, 1871. TAMES C. DAVIS, administrator of the estate of Joint T Dav.s, late of said com.ty, dec. ased. lias applied for letter# of dismission from said estate: Thi# is, therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file their objection#, if any they have, w ithin the time prescribed by law, else letter# w ill be granted the- said applicant *# applied for. Attest. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T. Cooper, Clerk. augl—woam4m Printer'# fee ft 50 Administrator*}* Pale V\7 ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the YY town o* Jonesboro. Clayton coun’y, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Nov mber next, within tne legal hour* ot rale, tinder an order of the Honorable Court of Oidinary of said county, all the real estate belonging to William Cates, late' of said county, de ceased, 40 acre# of lot No. 110. and 70 acres of lot No. 115. all in the 12th district of origi.tally Henry, now Clayton couuty. Sold f«»r the benefit of the heirs and creditor#. ’1 inns cash, tv ptember 18th, 1871. W. W. CAMP, Administrator. s-p20— wtds Printer’# fee $10 Kxccutor’8 Sale. TIT ILL be #• id before the Court Ho #c door, in the \ Y city of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday iu Novem ber. 1871, within tiie legal hour* of #aie. by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, the oUowing projs-rty, to-wit: Lot* of land Nos. .'{. 4 and one-half of iot No 5, in the 14tlt district of originally Favettc. now Fulton county, Georgia, containing five hundred acres. Sold as the property of J. M. Stnitn. tats of said county, deceasi d, for the purpose of carryiug out the wishes of the t.-stator. TERMS CASH. JOSEPH T. SMITH. Executor. scp’.S— wiod Printer's fee $.0 GEORGIA* Fayette County. Ordinary's Office. October 2, 1871. \\T 1IRKEAR. L. B Grig. # has applied for letter# %Y of .jiioidianship of the pers .n and prop«-rty of Wiley Bosworth, minor of W. W. Bosworth. dc- Thi- i«. th-ref ore, to notify all person* concerned to if Mqr they can. W ithin the un pro scribed by law, why letter# should not be granted said applicant, on the first Monday in November next, a# applied for. I). C. MINOR, oct!-w4w (Printer's fee f.3» Ordinary. GEORGIA* DcKalh Caunty* Ordinary’s OrricE, October 2, 187!. \\7'0ERE\‘», Samuel C. and Green B Clay, admin- > V istrator# on the estate of Jesse Clay, deceoatd. laving applied for leave to sell the real estate of oaid deceased: This is. therefore, to notify all per-ons concerned to file their objections, if any. within the time pre- scribtd by law, el*« leave writ be grouted exid ap- piic-Dt, a# applied for W. R. WEBSTER, Or'lnvry. oct-3 -w4w Printer's fee (A to satisfy i in favor of Au-t m ,v ti<-! i,U\ •inteJ out by pta’ft* i irtu-* It-fv j r Jo i N*"«» Waddail. > id., t.y fi fa i--a< d fro.ii the foi ia fav.-r of William I.. rty point'd MlUHtVtC v#. Job.1 1». Gray ,Y by J II. Anderson, ptaintitT’s attorney.' her 2d, 1871 Also, at the Mime ticc ami place, part of land I »t No 1< 8, in the 14th district of ori-itmilv llmry now v "’ county. Th.* part #.» I. vt. .1 ln Hard 1, liumphric-sir rt, in the city of Atlanta, f.-Tt, more or less, aud amt County l ax fi. fa for Ins tax for tlie y.-ar ISfil ■Property poiuted out b. John M. liurweP, T. C. A. M. PKRKl'hso.N, D« p >ty Sheriff, octfl—wtds Printer’s fee $2 50 |s-r levy GKDKGIA, He Kalb Couuty. Osmit ‘itT'aOFFli lt, bepteuibi-r 9th, 1871. W/lIEREAS* Moses R. St pli.-usoii. administrator > T of John Sieph-n-on, late «:f said county ««. ceused, having nppli.d to me for leave to #«-ll tlm real estate of raid dccoMwl for the purpose of di vision : These are. therefore, lo notify all per?..;ih interes ted t«> fi‘c their odjection#, if any. within In time proserilicd b> law. else leave will he giantcd said ap A DAI I V IS t HATOIDM s t | |;. YIT’ILL be sold b.-fr re the Co»*rt Ilonm* door in the * * city of Atlanta, Fulton county, G«*«>rgia, ou the flr*t Tuesday in November, the l.-gM h.Hir* .d #ule, under an orde# of the 11 notable t .win of Onunary ol DeKalh county, tin* following land#; One lot of land No. 35, in the 17th di-tric! «*f ori-- nally Henry now Fulton county, containing wt l t a; res more or le##, with o’dinary <ui|hvivi iim-m# ; one lialf of the lot cleared an I tit for cultivation, tie other half prettv well tituife-r.-d. pi ntv of good wai.-r. Ho on tin* public road to Pow. r-' ’ 1'etry, jo mte; 11. Wil-oi: and otln-rs. some twelve or ITliltoit County Sheriff N ovrui b«- r^j b. fori the town of Alpli.-ir.-tta, Milton < pi*. l*ctwecn the Ir-aMj Tuesday in Novemlfe-r ull liing on t!j« Chartatiouciii-e ■ bales ff r Mir iouuiy, #;x half an <»f Kii.l nty-tbr.e; (t»\) acr. #, dlt-uict a* No. .57.1t five als.». ail tint trart or|uirrel of l.ndL ^ in the (tith) district of formerly Gw.uii.-tt, uow Miin-n c unty, Georgia, L.nwnin th pi .i ot *.uldi#ir»< t a# No. iHi ■) three liiiudi.*.! aud nxty fi- • . it being the south half of raid fractional b. . cuitlainin i«i hun dred acre*, more or loi; also, r.i tbiee acre# . f fractional lot No (1fil'» litre.- hmdn-t and-i\ty iu same (fitbi lii-trlct, b.»in .■ .1 h* the ( iaiialio«fe Ii.-c river on itn-Nor-In-.#f, and '.\ tne niv. iid Inn «>j sai I fraction on th N'ortbw. t L-x i>- on to satisfv a Mortgage fi. fa t—it. d fro;.t t?n-Superior Coitrtu said c •uniy, iu favor «*f J. R Ow« an : Jos. f. bmimous vs. Jnck-on (-regory. The tsu.e Iw-ing point.d out within and a# tun property of * .id Jacg ou Ciregory Thi# September 1#:, 1871. 11. It M(KKI S Deputy Sheriff, sepf*—'* tds Printer's fee f.» per levy Aflmiui.fetrator*!! Sale. \V legal hou first Tuesday in Nov. tuner i itl.ii. J* , Her an or Vr from the Honor ab)»- Court o Ordinary of #aul county, all of the real c*tat** of I’h.iip llou-«".vortli. de. ra.-i-d consisting f la*i.i lot .no par. 11# of tan | a- f...lo ■ # ; Two hun t ed two aud a half itirgi, , acr #, lot N *. 250; eight acr.-# of lot No. 25 ; of lot No. 110; ISM* acres of lot No. "41, tad ti acre# of lot No. 249—all in thr 11 b uisuict of i.rig.iuiily Henry, m vr DcKalh county. The *1 ind or i-rnmi*.** of water coiitaguou- to :ii • dwedn g in. i-.-. and "goi orchard, i wi i #.-li tn I wo divi* on—tai itn. portion and v97\ acres in auoili.T jawt on. JOHN M. HoUSuWi RTH. Administrato *|'pH igll—wtda Afilniinibirator* ILL l>e wold before the-1 Sale on-.- door, in ti e town «.? Decatur. |). K .In the first Tuesday in November i.. xt. w hour# of sale, under an order of the lion. Court Ordinary of said county, the f. Bowing I#ml# ta-J. t t cl good. Also lot No HAIRSTON. Administrator De bouts nuu with will annex.-.I. iTin'er # fee; flu UEUIlhIA, llmry f ouiily. Henry Superior Court, April Term, *87 His Honor, Janie# W. Gn-cu. ELIZABETH 11. CLINTON, f WM. K. CLINT03T. It U L E TO PERFECT S K It V I C K IT *j»j»^arif.g to the Co..rt by the re: urn of tin i Sheriff, that the d. fe.iu.ant does not r. side in flu. county: and. it fnrtln rappi inf that IimUm. not re Libel for Divorce. j*ilv27 inoitthn. extract f.o -w taw im d. That thi# rule 8 I i«*rk. UEVHGIV. Fulton County. Okduvart's Omet, Octobers, 18 1. M APOARKT MIT*:llELL. wife of W. A. Mitcbcll, (her hu.hond refusing to apply. > ha# applied for d I will 1871, at of pervomlty, and 1 Will (mis* upon tne 10 o'cb cx a. u., ou the 17th day of October, GEOKblA. Henry County. Ommxary’s Omn, September 12, 1871. I T being represented t«» me thvt Pnriu.-ita Bum ha* de|«rted this life lutrsta c. and I. . i II. Tn; tier having applied for ieltc-rs of administration o Witness my oftical signature. GEO. M. NOLXN. ordinary. wepl2—«riM MM Atiniiiiisti aior’s Sulo. Henry county. Hu . will Ik* # Il“ii*e. iu Mi Donougti. i.i . >.f the fir-t I'uescUy iu November, 1H71, the followii.g prop, rty to-wit: 206 acr.*#, more orles#. :t being 72 acre « of Sou'Il side of lot No 9 in 7th cii-lri<-t. an I 14 acn-#, more le*#. off the North #:ue • f lot No 21. In -aid district and county. Sold a# property of Catharine Elliott. deceased, for the benefit of • heir# lui criclitor-. SARAH E. J. RODGERS, j vs -Libel for Divorce. JOHN W. RODGERS. ) Iu Fu’ton Supc-rior Coart, April Terra, l*c7I. I T appearing to the Court hy the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not rt-ide in thi* county, and it further appearing that L<- doe# not reside in thi# State, it i*. on motion : Ordered. That acd the plaintiff allowed t jiilylfi—wlauilm HDrud. IU1.SKV A TIGNKR, * Attorne)#. G I.OItt. I t, lIcKalb County . Okuisary's Ofkic-e. ScptctnlfeT 7th, 1871. \\J I1EUEAS. Jarre* D Hnrdage. sdndni#trator of v> the estate of Youiig G. Kiojd. de<-i-a-od. late of -aid county, applies to me for letters e»f di#ri.;—...u ' < tn #aid trust: These are, therefore, to cite all and admouish all person# inter- #ted, to ta- a„d appear at my office within the time pn-#cribed by law. then ou-t there to #how cau#e, if any, why said letter# should not be granted. GI .OK G Ai Henry tounty. c kdinart # orricE, July 22. 1871 M V. and K. s SoWKLL, administrate- • John Sowell, deceuwed. repros.-nt dial they havo luliv odmini-t»*red the estate of de cased, ai for letl. r- of di#rui#siou : If objec ioua exist, let them b.* tiled Statutory time, or the prayer will be granted. * itueas my official elgt alure. GEO. M. NOLAN. Onllnary July27-wlm Friuter a fee *4 Mi i*»/ itbiu