The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 28, 1871, Image 4

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I indistinct z »-» Ct institution. T«m« «f •■NcrlptltaS 'TRULY CONSTITUTION per annum $t « All seb-rriptioae are payable etrictlv ta advance and. at tbe expiration of tbe time for which paj ment it made, anles* previously renewed, the name of the f obecrlber will be atrlcfcea from oar books. 0T Clubs of Tea $iS W, and a copy of tbe paper •eat free to the getter-op. Another objection to the omMitutU-r.aliiy f thin hili is drawn from the provisions of ar ticle four, aecil'.n one, paragraph two of the Cowmiwmfc—. Hhii y^inyii ir-Thee ATLANTA, OA., NOVEMBER *8, 1871. CPSLEVm 51EMAOE. His Vsta ef flaw ElecUaa SiU. ExBCCTrrit Dpfaktmekt. # Atlanta. Ga., Now. 21,1871. ( To ths Ifoum of Hspre*ntnt>i*A : I hew* with return to vour honorable body, in wliifli it originated, the bill entitled “an act to pro vide for a special election for Govern* r, lo fill the unexpired term of Rufus B. Bull*** k. late Governor, and for other purposes/* wftli tuy diaaent lo the tame and the reasons there for. I have not Adopted this course without the greatest consideration. Ah the object of this bill to to fill the or.ex- pired term of Governor Bullock, which at the time of hia resignation devolved by the Constitution upon myself, my personal pride would impel nie promptly to affix my signa ture to it, since to refuse eo to do, is to p it it in the power of those disposed to judge harshly to attribute my action to interested motive*. But however much I may feel in dined, by giving the bill my awM iit, to repel such imputations. 1 must in this, as tn ait my official actions, be guided by my judgment rather than my pride. Indeed, it cannot but occur to every think in* man that if the Constitution authorize? unseemly a proceeding as that present*d by the 1411 under consideration, in which the Executive of the £tate is called upon to nit in F'demw judgment upon tbe question of the pr pri y or impropriety of terminating hi* own otiicial existence—tbe Constitution is in tliih respect, at least, anomalous. It is a set- 0*4 rule, both of law and of common sense that »wo man thould be compelled or penult not only tors leads one to lodge in his own favt brcaiMie a proud man would prefer to sac ri fie- bis own rights rather than subject him seif to the suspicious of ungenerous critics] In ho important a law as that now proposed! tie- people are entitled to the free judgment! of both the legislature and tbe Executive. Nothing in more carefully guarded against in the Constitution than the happening r.f a contingency in which a public officer shall be come personally interested in the exercise of the duties of bis office. If the Governor be impeached, even, the President of the Senate is, upon the trial, to vacate his seat, since, if conviction takes place, he hocoiu'8 clothed with the functional tbe Governor. The Judges of the Supreme Court, if ini tereated in a case Wore them, are tempora rily displaced by Circuit Judges selected by the Governor. If a case arise in which d Judge of the ^Superior Court is interested the luw provides that he shall not preside] And, generally, by tbe Constitution and laws, by the rules of legislative bodies, t common consent of all publicits, it l*i* vc said, a settled rule that no one shall be I I>ei milled or compelled to exercise bis public I functions in a matter directly involving his own interests. Were die duty imposed a mere ministerial one, in which I was called upon simply to do an act, in which ll M bound by my oath of office to exerc ise my I pidgment, the case would be different. I have said thus much liecause I cannot but feel that the General Assembly in ti*e pas sage of this bill has not fully considered the pwllH in which it places myself; and be cause I cannot think so strange an anomaly as its presentation to me for my signature was ever contemplated in the Constitution r ' the State. The Constitution, article four, section one paragraph four is as follows: “ In case ol the death, resignation or disability of the Governor, the President of the Senate shall exercise the Executive powers of the Govj eminent until such disability be removed, p a successor is elected and qualified. Ami case of liie death, resignation or disability the President of the Senate, the Speaker I the House of Representatives shall c^ejcifl the Executive powers of the Government tic] til the removal of the disability, or die elec] tion and qualification of a Governor. Tin General Assembly shall have power to pro vide bv law for filling unexpired terms by » special election.” Without doubt it is upon the last sentence of this quotation from the Constitution that this founded.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Tbe bill is entitled “an act to provide for a special election for Governor, to fill the unexpired term of Rufus B. Bullock, late Governor, and for other purposes.” ll pro-1 vides that an election shall be held ou u fixed day, to-wit: The third Tuesday ill December, eighteen hundred and seventy-] one, for that jnirposc. In my judgment, the clause of the Consti] tut ion referred to does not authorize, oi justify, such a law. The language is, “Thu General Assembly shall have power to pr<»-L vide by law for filling unexpired terms by a *j*cciai election.” It was contemplated that the General As sembly should provide, by a general law, not for filling a particular unexpired term, hut for tilling MOM terms iremrally. No man ran read this language of the Constiiul tion without feeling that it is a very strained] construction, to say the least of it, to hold that it authorizes a special law for a spt-ciail case. The language is unsuited to such an idea. The word terms indicates clearly that! a general law is meant, passed in view of the general public jpiod, and looking to future vacancies, and nffit to one that has already occurred. The action now taken can only la* culled a law by courtesy. It is rather an order than a law, as is indicated by the con stant use of that term when speaking of it in common conversation. It dpcs not provide for future events, but for one past event. I'pon ilie resignation of Governor 15:. l lock] I was informed thereof by the Secretary ol] State, and. on the 30th day of October of tins year, in pursuance of section one hundred and twenty-seven of the Code of Georgia, I ap- 1 eared at the capitol and took the oath of of| lire, and the same was entered upon the min utes of the Executive office, as required by] the section of the Code just cited. That oath was in these words, as pit-scribed by the Con stitution. “I do solemnly swear that l will! faithfully execute the office of Governor of tiie Slate of Georgia, and will, to the bestr my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution thereof, and of tl f the United States of America. At the time I took said oath there was no law in this State for filling unexpired guber natoriat terms by a special election. The Constitution was the only law. That con ferred the office upon the President of the Senate, until the regular election for a Gov ernor, in the inode' and at the time therein provided. Is it competent for tho General Assembly, under the clause authorizing it to provide by law for filling unexpired terms, to order an election, by a special act, to fill a tenu al ready filled according to the Constitution? Section twenty-six of article one of the Constitution provides that “Laws shall have a general operation, and no general law, af fecting private rights, shall be varied in any particular case by special legislation, except with the free consent, in writing, of all per sons to be affected thereby.” At the time Governor Bullock resi/Tisd, and the oath to “ execute the office of Gov ernor of the State of Georgia” was admin istered to me, it was the general law that the President of the Senate should exerrU<‘ :be duties of Governor until the regular election, and It is not competent for the General As sembly, by a special law, to vary this general law so as to affect a case occurring before the enactment. Now, is there any significance in this argu ment ? in the use of the word “special elec tion," in the danse referred ta The Consti tution. in article two, section eleven, provides that the election of Governor, mem tiers of Congress and of the General Assembly shall be held at the same time, to-wit: on the Tues day after the first Monday in November. The election of a Governor is also provided in article four, section one, paragraph two of the Constitution, to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, quad rennially, at the places for holding general elections. Anv election to fill an unexpired term, must necessarily, though provided for by a general law for all such cases, lie a “s-pecial election,” since it is held at a differ ent time from the “general election.” tow it: some time regulated by the law for tilling unexpired terms. Had the intent been to authorize the Gen eral Assembly to provide for filling a panic ular unexpired term, after it had occurred, it seems to me the language used would have been very different. The Constitution would have said. “Tbe General Assembly shall have power, by special law, to provide for filling an unexpired term by a special election " A power to provide by law for filling un- expired terms by a special election, net Wa rily involves a general survey of such case*, and especially, does it involve the free cxer cisc of judgment by the Legislature and by the Governor. This free judgment cannot be had in a special law for a special case, when the passage of it involves the official existence of the Executive. He can give no free judgment in the matter, since he is ne cessarily interesttnl in the event No proper provision can be made law for such a cast. after the occasion has arisen, be cause ooe A the elements of every law—the live judgment of the Executive upon it* pro priety—c -.nnot be obtained, and because ib* pflfltftge involves the violation of that clause «*f the Bill of Bights which prohibits the varying of a ge neral law by special enact- m*nt, when private rights are thereby to be iMbiM words “After the first flection, the Governor shall be elected the persons qual ified lo vote for member* of the General As sembly, on the Tot-day after the first Mon day in November, until such time be altered by law, which election ‘■hall be held at the p!aces of holding general elections in the sev eral counties of ibis State, in the same man ia prescribed for the election of mem beraof the Ofsttil Assembly. Tbe returns for every election of Gover nor, after tbe fir*!, shall be sealed up by the manager*, separately from ofber returns, and directed to the President of the senate and Speaker of the House of Repr .-senia- tives, and transmitted to his ErceHency the ivernor, or the person exercising tlie du ties of Governor, for the time being, who itauul opening me s*Hi return-, cause the same to be laid before the Senate, on it fay af»cr the two hooves slid! have been organized ; and they shall be transmitted by the Senate to the House of Represen:ative*. The members of each branch of the General Asntkhr *hall convene m the lie pr -tenta tive Hall, and the President of tLc Senate and the Speaker of the House of Represen tatives shall open and publish the r*-t.;ns in he presence of il*e General Assembly ;* an the person having the majority of the whole number of votes given shall be clered duly elected Governor of this State; but if no person have j&uch majority, then from the two persons hiving the highest number of votes; tvbt •-ll he in lib*, and not decline an ele*. >» at the time appointed for the Legtohi- tore to elect, the- Genera! Assembly si: Jl ini- ;:i«ilately elect a Governor uu we; ;«ml in all cases of election of a Governor by th General Assembly, a majority of ll**- votes of the members present abdl be necessary f< ch .ice. Contented elections shall be deter mined by both homes of the General Iffy, in such manner as chad be presented by law.” 1 am aware of the claim that tfce9c provi •ion* do not apply to special elections to fill unexpired terms; since it is contended tbe power to provide by law for filling such terms includes the m«xle by which the result f those elections shall be ascertained and ^closed. But nothing Is more clear to my rind than titnt all parts of the Constitution re to lie considered together—that no f art thereof is to be ignored. Jl will hardly be tended thst this power to provide by law for filling unexpired terms is to be construed as (bough it stood alone. May the General Assembly, in the exercise of this pow who sliall vote at the election ? Who should eligible to the office? Who shall ope the returns, declare the result and decide tbe controversy if there lie no majority, or if the election be contested ? It seems to me that the clause conferrin the power to provide by law for filling unex pired terms by special election,is to i-c read and understood with thia qualification—that the General Assembly, in the exercise of the power, is to be rcstrainedand counteracted by an}- other part of the Constitution aj>| licahle to the mailer. As the Constitution fixes tb< 3 unifications of voters, the eligibility of can idateg and the mode of transmitting and opening the returns and declaring the result as it provides that the person elected shall have a majority of the votes cast; and what shall happen if no one receives that maj< ly ; and also provides what body shall decide die controversy, if there be a contested elec tion. As all these things are provided for ‘ detail in the Constitution, and are, by the ex press words used, declared to apply to every election for Governor, it is a very unfair con •traction to say that th< y apply only to th regular quadrennial election, and not to the special elections to lie provided for by law for filling unexpired terms. The true rule of construction would lx*, I think, that every provision in this para graph not positively inconsistent with the clause authorizing the General Assembly provide by law for filling unexpired terms, intended to apply to the case of special elec tions. There is the same necessity for ail provisions in one case as in the other, and I can sec no reason for them in the case of a general election that dors not apply equally to special elections. in this way only can all parts of the Con stitution he made to stand. The pr*ragraph I have quoted requires the returns of every election to be transmitted to the Senate on the next day after the or ganization of the two houses. The two houses are organized twice in every four years—once with the incoming regularly elected Governor, and once two year- There after. A special'election may lie held and the returns transmitted to the Senate as pro vided by the Constitution, on the next day after the two bouses shall have been organ ized, only if the vacancy shall happen during the first two years of the quadrennial tern*. Here is a solemn provision of the Con-dilu tion. Wlmt right liras any one to say that it to to be ignored, especially in a case in which it can lie obeyed to the letter, and the power to provide by law for filling unexpired terms still exist. True, the powerwiTl lie much restricted, as it will !»e confined only to such unexpired terms as happen within the first two years of the quadrennial term. But if the Constitu tion can tie obeyed in no other way, the con clusion is irresistible that such was the in tention of the framers of that instrument. A brief sketch of the history of thl- clause for filling unexpired terms, will indicate that this was the probable meaning of thc-e who introduced it The Gubernatorial term 11:4! long been but two years. Tbe male of making the 1 eturns, declaring the result, etc., was a part of the old Constitution and was in harmony with the term of office prescribed. It harmonized with the election, and meeting, and organiza tion of the General Assembly. Und r pre vious Constitutions there was no power to provide by law' for filling unexpired terms by a special election. The term being but two years, it was not thought necessary to have an election in case of a vacancy. The Comtitntion of 1868 extended the term to four years, and this clause was ad ded, no change being made in the inode of transmitting and opening the returns for the simple reason that it was not intend- -1 there should be & special election unless tht. vacan cy occtured within the first tw'O year* of the quadrennial term, so that the returns could Ik* transmitted to the Senate on the x;.-xt day after the organization of the two Houses, elected at the end of two years from the commencement of the quadrennial tc. in. There was, too, an obvious propriety in having this limitation of the power granted to stand. For, whilst there w’as great reason for having a special election by the people, if the vacancy occurred during the tiist two years, there was but little reason for ii if the vacancy occurred during the last two. Be sides, in one case the vacancy could b ■ filled, the returns opened, the result declar* d, and the Governor elect inaugurated at the meet ing of the General Assembly at the regular time, whilst, in the other case, a special ses sion of the Legislature, with all its attendant expense#*, would be necessary. This brings me to an objection to the bill based upon the great expense necessary for its execution. The regular election for a Governor occurs under the Constitution on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November next, less than a year from the time fixed by ibis bill for this ’election. Should the election contemplated by this bill take place, the returns can hardly be made before tbe first day of January 1872, w hich leaves only abont ten months for ih Gov ernor to be elected to serve. It does not become me to say that the du ties of the office can be as well performed by the present incumbent, but it cannot escape the reflection of any man, that the expense of the election, and more especially, the ex pense of a special session of the Legislature to receive the returns, declare the result, and inaugurate the u-w Governor, will be a large item and outfit only be incurred for some very necessary und pressing exigency. Should the present session be protracted till that time, it cannot be done at a has ex pense than ouc hundred thousand dollars, and should it adiourn to meet again, say by the second Monday in January, the expense of mileage and pay of members and • fficers for the extra session cannot be less ah n one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. .( the extra session continue only for a L days, which is not at all probable* To incur ao great an expense in the pres ent embarrassed condition of the finances of the Mate, for the single purpose of changing, ■for a few months, the incumbent of the Ex ecutive chair, might, it is true, under some circumstances, be a public necessity; hut I may be pardoned for saying that, in my judgment, such a necessity does no: now exist. In looking more closely into the bill under consideration, I perceive that it is b;> d en tirely upon the idea I have to combat. It takes for granted that the de tailed provisions of the Constitution for making, transmitting, opening and < -unting the return?, etc., do not apply to ap« c i^*l elec tions, and the bill therefore*purports to pro vide for said details by enacting that such proceedings shall be had*as is provided in ar ticle four, section one, paragraph three of the Constitution ingase of a regular election for Governor. 1 assume that this provision would not have been in the bill unless the General As sembly was fully satisfied that these provis ions of the Constitution did not apply to the case of a special election; and that without a special adoption or re^-nactment of them for a special election, there would be no law at all to provide tor tbe case. I present for your consideration another objection to the bill presented for my eigi atore. By some stio&ge mistake, only noticed by rovself since tue body of this message was writ en. and therefore too late to call atten tion to it in lime for its remedy, it will be seen that the reference in the bill is to article our, section one, paragraph three of the Con stitution. That paragraph provides, not for making, transmitting and opening the v<* turns and declaring the result, hut fixes who shall be ineligible to office. if-tifft-toM wrreWrbe ilguMlW anomalous case would present itself oi a law elect a Governor with no provi.-ioii for a tribunal to open the returns, declare tae re sult and announce the same, bkouid article four, section one, paragraph two, of the Con- ution, apply lo the case, the law would that the returns are lo lie transmitted to the S nate on the day after the two Gomes shall have been organized. This it is impo ssible to do, as the two Houses cannot b** or- guniz«xi umii after the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1872* ut which time the regular quadrennial election for Governor takes place. For these reasons I refu^ to sanction the hill and respectfully re-turn it. Benjamin Con let, Governor. South Carotins Bankrupt Our unfortunate *.i?ter State is undoubtedly bankrupt, if she undertakes to pay the debt which the scamp Scott and his confederates in crime are endeavoring to fix upon her. The debt, according to tlie admR-ion of these rascals, t Item selves, amounts to the enormous sum of $JG,fc&7,000, and nothing to how for it Besides this, we see, by the late news, that a claim for one dollar has been refused pay ment at the Treasnry at Columbia, for want of funds. In this alarming state of things the tax payers of this State are beginning to inquire what is the remedy ? We are glad to see a communication in the Charleston Courier, from Hon. A. P. Aldrich, of Barnwell, colling upon the chairman of the late Tax-Payers Convention to recon vene that body. We hope this convention will meet again and take decisive measures. There is but one course left, and that is for the tax-payers to make common cause, and refuse payment of taxes, and then let the law take its course. In the communication above referred to Judge Aldrich gives some very good ideas as to tbe practical working out of a refusal to pay taxes. But we b< g to add a suggestion or two. Suppose ail tax payers refuse to pay. Then, as a matter of course their property would be levied on and advertised for sale. Then let a committee be ap]>ointed in each county, to select a dozen or more insolvent men to at tend the sale, and when the first piece of property is put up for sale, by the sheriff, let these insolvent men commence to bid on it, and continue to run it, even to Bullions if necessary, until the lawful hours of sale ex pires, when the sheriff would have to suspend until next sale day. Thb would prevent even the fint piece of property from being sold, and, of course, the sheriff could not go any further on his list. If the tax lists were re-advertised for next sale day, repeat the process, and so on ad in finitum. I; is no new idea of onrs. A similar thing was done long ago in this county, where an administrator undertook to sell out n large part of this city under an old claim, and was defeated by our citizens by tlie process de scribed above. There is in this no resistance to 1 iw, but simply the tax payers availing themselves of their legal rights We make the suggestion, IN FROM OltFTO TWIETY MINUTES ZfOS oxra BOOK after reading this advertirca&entaead any ona bUtfFXR WITH «U>\ 11 w*» the first and Is The Only Pain Rented; that' ntlj i*9;>9 the most cioracisiisg pain*,» loibmaiations, an-i cures Congestion, whether of th- Luugs, Jjojtnsch, Bowel-, ur other jjiaiuI* or orgaua. by one a^piica ioa. IN FBOUoNE To TWENTY MINUTES, no matter h ,w violent or excruciating tbe pain tae Rheumatic. Beu-riuilea Iniinu, Criptieil Nervous, Neuralgic, or proetmtec with disease maj suffer. RADWAY’8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT KaAE, cl the K:ciaeva, lniuiaUon of the Bladder, Infi&mma Jon of the Bowels, Congestion of ute Langs Sore Throat, Difiiult breathing. Palpitation of lh« Heart. Hygienes, Croup. Dlphtbetr***. Csiarrh. Influenza. Headache, Toothache. N c uraliriu KneuuuUiga. Cold Chill*, Ague Chill. The eppiicatiou o? the RuaDI RELIEF to the part or tsuta wher. the piin or difficulty exists will afford and com!or.. Twenty drops in hint a tumbler of wa*«r wfiii.iaLw moments cure Cram jst, b pas uni. Sour Stomach. Heart burn, -ick Htodai-he. Dntrrhos, Dysentery, Colic, A iud in tbe Low-is. and ail internal Pains. Tra.etern rhoo!d always carry a bottle of Rad* way's Iteudy II* lief with theta. A few drops in water wUl prevent rickuos or pm us from ci.amre of water, it is better tn*u French Brandy or Litter# is a bliiuchict. tEVEB AND AGEE. Fever and Ago* cured for fifty Ccrua. 1 here nor a remedial agei.t in Un» world that will cure Fever snd Ague, ami all other iUiui ion*. Bilious. t>carirt. Typhoid, 1 ellow, and other Fevers voided ty RAI>- RICHARDSON’Si WANTED, lmnrcuiiummttCHiEFs, ac i again to CAUTION iminate nee of goods ta fold. (raehCabCM»Mdh Wp to imitate o-. trade mark, and general appaaraaoe, and w w« them, that theft- only safeguard is to see that the a then tic seal of oar firm J. N. RICSAftDSON. SONS A OWDEN Is Stamped upon each article. Determffled toconflpe onrsdrea, as heretofore, to - v f .—__ , Iren, i _ the ng« of yam* •pan from the choicest and stroni.'eat A elastic; ty— ■ onr own su^erintciideuco BT OUR h&Ali : same durability and a-refaction ‘n the wear e ccuaine i-ood* l;ave aiw>y» afford;nl. 9. N. RUAiaU»SI>N. hOS3 Jfc OWDEN. Ireland, 5 Mo. 15, 1871. Be! aug^-dAw CHEROKEE FILLS NO. 2. For the Kemoval ot Obstructions and the Insurance of Regu larity In the Recur rence of Monthly Periods a nfailing Female Regulator, rpOBSE PILLS A intended for special ca-ea; ;T.o*e obstinate onea where ihiider aad cheaper medicines fail. 5 H&AJjY flfcr HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and Pure Ki* li Lloou— Increase ot e leab i -;gut—Clear skin and Beautiful tknapleauoD 3>r. Hatlway’a *>ar«r.pui lli.uu ii evolvent liaa made tue rnofit aatoiii'-hiag Cures; so qaicz, iie lk.dy EVKKT LAY AN INC..E V.SE IN FLESH AND WKIOxiT IS *’KLN ANL FELT. TUf! GKEAT BLMOL PI BIFIEB. Every drup of tue SasPAKILLIAN MLauLVLNT *te« of the body with new and eoutid materiaL Scrofu a, Sypiiiiia, Congumption, jUmimar uisuists, Ulcurs iu the tiuoat, MouiU, Tu- i the Gland.-* i !. Strumurour’ = onus of Skin diaeam.-*, Eruption. i» Luil-pm from tbe Ears. TumorCane-r- i;i the Womb, and ll Weakvinoe alui painful diechargea. Night oweate. Lots of Sperm ail wastes of the life p* uiciple, are within the cura range of tui« woiidev of Modern Cberoistry, ami a few days’ us*e sffi prove to any person using it for oithPT i intent pow to the Carolina Convention. Melancholy Poets.—A gentleman lec turing on “cheerfulness” says that most American poe’ry is of a melancholy charac ter. ‘Our poets arc sad and dusky winged birds of song. In his experience with the manuscripts of yon ns? poets, lie bad been sur prised to find how many under twenty years of age had wrote on melancholy themes, of which he gave examples. 4 The Closing Tombs,’ ‘Th** Bleeding Heart,’ ‘The Wretch edness of Life,’ ‘To Hetodius on Receiving the Head,’ ‘The Worm and the Bud,’ ‘Crush ed Affect ions.’ This mode of amusing the people is at least peculiar.”—Aye. If the patient, daily becomiLtr reduced by the waste* twid decuuipoauiou that iv continually programing, auccectJs m arrcatine these wastes, and repairs the wiqi- with new mater ai irmUu from healUiy blood— and tbift the SAK-SAPAKiLLIAN Will aim doe* <m- cure—a cure ia certain; lor when once this remedy c mmeiicca It* work ot p-. tincation, ana succeeds iu diminishing the loss of wastes, iis repair* will be rapid, and every day the p-.tient will feel ldmeelf growing belter .»d stronger, the food cigenting better, appeti'e Improving, and flesh and weight iuertwaing Not only does the bAKAAPAKILLlAN ItEroLV KNT excel all known remedial agents in the cure o Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin dis eases ; but it i» the only positive cure for Kidney arid Bladder Complaints Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Drop- tv, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Unite, Bright’a in-ease. Albuminuria, aud in all ca*es w here j or the wa ter is thick, •*:» like the white of an breads Lke white adk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust depos it’s and when there is & plicking. burning Amsatiou v. hen passing water, and pain in the Small of tho Back and along the Loins. Price s$l Per Ilottlo. I) 3k. SLAB WAVS Perfect Purgnttre Pill*, Pcrfcctiy tSFU-ks*. elegantly coated with sweet cum, purge, regnlata, pnrify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad- way’s Fills for the cure of all di orders o1 the Slom- ach. Liver, lk.we*s, Kidneya, Badd-r, Nervous l)is- eaae.^. Headache,CJonotipiir ion.Cot;tivnes<,indigestion. Dyspe psia, Lilionsuess, Billons Fever, Infliimmaf' of thoBoweJs, Piles, and a'.l derangements of the initial Viscera. Warranlcd to oft', ct a positive cu Purely Vegetable, conuinti-.g n- meremy, mineral, deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms resulting 65 Fii>t Prize fffritals Awarded HIE LREAT Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO., Manufacinrera of Grand, Sq&ure and Upright PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE. WO. i been before the Public T HESE Imtimmerti* h»M I for nearly Thirty Y« r I attained and unpiirchiteeri pre-emir* which TOUCH. WORKM ANSHIP BTAI1 «v»r SQUARE PI \NOS having nd DC LABILITY. r*d OvIRhiblnu Scale and the AGliAFFE •d Improvements in GRAND PIANOS aiid St^I ARE GRANDS, found in to other llano, wll bring the Piano nearer Perfection tban has yet bj attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for Five Tears. ty We are, by eperial arranqemen^, enabled • furnish PARLOR ORGAN'S am MELODhONS . the most_celebrated imtkcrs, Wholesale am* Ii. Or to PHILLIPS, CREW & FREYER, Sole A/ents, octSl-dAweodGm Atlanta. Ga. Dr. Hurley’s Ague Tonic! Purely VegetabteJ Mu Areenic! Mercury in ItaCempesiiion ! Dr. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters! all (llecose: I S the remedy, nar _ irg from nobility, disordived’atomachi lMVMP petite, torpid liver, hupgeiition, and all kindred ail menu*, where a eon tie and permanent stimul •’>» «■“' *.ouic is required. Pleasant '— bottle. * lake. Oue dollar per OR.HURUY’S SYRUP Of SARSAPARIIU With Ioriole ot JPoiash. f |\niS Preporation has long been rerogniz d bv the 1. most eminent minds iu the Medical l*rofeisi« n reliable, seiirctiiug and hanrJe.** altera- Dr. Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy J8 real j all it claim* to be—a SPECIFIC—re in giving an overdose. 05 c I»r. Seabrook’s INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. rr>HE iodi-peoMble rrmclj In the Net-eery. No _ — for laudanum, paregoric. Bit. e Drop*, or other strong opiates. No twd effects from the use of Seabrook'-. Health to the child, rest to tbe mother, and a clear conscience to the vendor. 25 cents per bottle. Dr. HcaLrook’s ELIXIR OF BARK AND IRON, T HE Great Touic and Appetizer. One dollar pi bott(e. AU for sale hi' Druggists everywhere. J. W. SEATuV A i*l I* *epl&-deod&wtf J ARED IRWIN WHITAKER, ATTORNEY AT Law, Atlanta. Georgia, will practice in the •everal Courts, State and Federal. Business en trusted will receive prompt attention. Office iu front VJf 11 • rhoe .lore, In th. Bl.iirh- ard Building, W hitehall Street. oct2a atf LIVER DISEASE and Indl » stiuu pr-VAii V»a greater extent than probably any other ma lady, and relief i- always anxiously sought after. If the i.ivt?is RegoJated in its ac tion. heri h is almc-st invariably secured. In digestion, or want of action in th-» Liver, causes Headache, Con stipation, Jaundice. Pain a tbe Shoo tiers. A\>ovb, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste m the mouth, biitou* at tacks, palpitation of tbe heart, dej rrsslon of spirits, or tins blue®, other . discover ed for these Aliments. It acts midly, effectu ally, and beta? a sim- yl« vegetable com pound, and can do no injury in ny quanti ties that it may be aken. Iti? harmless in every **7'. it has boeu used for forty year*, and hnndreds *>f the good and great from all parts of tbe country will vouch for tuea, via: _ lion. Ale- aider H. Stephen*, of Georgia Bishop Pierce; of Georgia. from Disorders of the Digestive Organ#: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fuduess of the Blood iu the Head, Acidity of tlie Stomach, Nausea, Ilcar: burn, Dffgust of Food, rulliicas cr weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations Sinking or Floiteriug the Pit i f the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, ill t.d and Ditiicult Breathing. B inl < uwniiue lmhi , t yiwiiirw;# ilia/ ' mood remale College, with experience u teach er of French find Muelc Tn a Female College, a sitna- expei lAle College, a tiou to teach in Northern or Central Georgia. Teaches English, including Mathematic* and Mo*a Philosophy, French and Music. Good reference# [abed. Address, statin street*, Richmond, V*. octis—d3t&w3t $50 BE W AUD TOLEN from A. Parker, South River, Henry S ivbGi.i iiuiu a. r«r«T, pouio juirr, nrnry county, Georgia, A SORRtLL HORSE, twelve years old. about fifteen bands high, in good order- white atre*k in tht face. Stolen at aame time, a Sad dle aud Bridle. PUin leather s.dtUe without born. The thief i-« WILLIAM RILET, of Effingham county, acc.irdiig to his statement, lie is a da: k skinned m-»n, wirh a longnoee. weighing about l.yfi pounds. Is abont 25 or SO yeah* old, wears a mo ustache. Ue was dr> seed in black closhing. Thirty Dollars will be given for th • tbief and Twent. Dollars for the horse. cctl5—w4t A. PAREEB. Executor’^ Mult*. They are composed of the raoet active and power ful pi incipies of ylante, ro«)t:* and betri-?s. so nighty conccutr^ted that eaca pill coouin^ m»r« medical strength that a whole box or bottle of ordinary dol- modhfine iu the market Although powerful, yet mild and pie* ant in their operation, that the most ike them with i effect safety. feeble t IF They may be safely ns*ed at any age. and at any period, except during the First Three Months, during which tbe unfailing nature of their effects would in- * - _ be pioinptiy, freely and discreetly answered. IF" Each box contains about 100 pills, and wrnp- * *- white paper printed in deep red letters, with fall and explicit duccqpus enclosed. ta-Tkt (terokvt Pills N by all cnterrrisiug Drflggli in the civilized to aril which they . , for these $5 pill . he Druggist will not buy them for u. We d*e thermoney In a letter and we will send «o you by mail, free ol postage, securely a>Al.*d from observation. rssfuUy correspondence. Patients addressing tbe symptoms, av.d write port office, county, State _ of writer, and euclose postage t-ump for ii all portion* of the civilized gloue, by ^ will please state plainly reply. We desire to ?«5»d . _ phlet, entitled “MAN AND W<»MAN AH INVA LIDS,” to every reader of this paper. Address ■ thirty-two page pam- Uour Uouae door, at McDousugh. Georgia, first Tuesday in December, 1871, for the benefit ef the heire and creditors, the following, as the property of Leonard Roan, deceased: Lo. of land No. &•, containing 903 acres s. and about fort) acreeof lot number elghty-on« G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. "gUAHDIAJI-S SALK lhe^ Hiram Phillips Place.fl„ W.. Auctioneer. AT AUCTION, B Y virtue of an order of the Court ©f'Ordinary Henry county, Georgia, will be sold before tbe court-house door, in tne rity of Atlanta. Fulton countv. Georgia, on the FIRaT TUESDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, at U a. m . the following, as th* NOVEMBER, 20. * ve D * med excellent Farm, near Cedar J * the highest bidder, No- property of my ward, Henry Dorsey: TEN ACRES, more or less, lying east of Calloway street. It will be sold, in sub-divided plats of desirable size, by Colonel George W Adair. A Hue opportu nity for investment is presented. JL Town, will be sold vember 90. The place contains 8EVFN HUNDRED ACRES of tbe best land in Cedar Valiev, within a mile of *■ ” story For full partic ulars and description apply to Col 1 Adair, at his office. Terms: Cash. ocl»-w40d MARY E DORSEY, Guardian. GEORGIA, Henry ( our.ty Ordinary * Office, September 15th, 1871, T ff. EDWARDS, a mini st rat or of the estate of • 8. C. Hlgt.tower, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismtesiou from said estate: lr objections exist let them be filed within statuto ry time, or the letters will t-e granted. list T olled before , v ».. day of November, 1871, by A C Fowler, of th' 1st district, G. M , DcKaib county, Ga. a sorrel arks or brands, supposed to be sold, appraised by J. t*. Crockett end seplS-wSm Frimer’a fee f4 50 December. Mul<\ Lrp tweuiy-IIve and Joeiah Pritchett to b« worth twelve doll The owner is hereby notified to appuar before me, . rove property, pay cost and - . . v- - > away, else he will he sold . _ . of December, lfc71, iu Decatur, Ga. W. R. WEBSTER, •rdiuary. Printer's fee f-l’ Western Railr Terms cosh. October 10, 1871. SARAH A. ROAN, Executrix. octl7—w40d Printer'* fee f 10 City of Atlanta. Fulton county. 1st Tuesday iu December n*xt. within the legal hours of sale, the following proi>c~‘ ' oflot No. S7, in the 17th Di Fulton county containing land, more or less, twenty acres of land off lot No. 70 adjoioiog su'd half lot of land, running alo g the side •v tensor said half lot, the la->1 whereon ' “ ' ’ ’ ’ the property of DeKuib Con at? Sheriff’s Sales. W r ILL be sold before the Court-house door In the town of Decatur. DeKalb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal honra ot sale, the fol.owing prop.-rvy, to-wit : Fifty acres of laud in *he Sixteenth District of originally Henry, now Dr Kalb county, number one hundred aud thirty eight (188.) Levied o» .as the property of William N. New vs. T. L. Robertson, ad ministrator of the estate of R. N. Morris, deceased. This 2diU d-iy of October. 1871. J. M. W RIGHT, Deputy Sheriff. oct27-w4yr Pri liter’s fee f'4 50 the entii _ „ . .... . ... . David Wade row lives. Levied B. njsmiu D. Davis and David Crura, to ratiafy a ii fa issued front the Fulton Su H ^Fulton Superior Court in favor of Lewis Wright va Beitjrmiu t). Davis and David Crne*. maker, and JohaTkoma? as endorser, for the benefit of the endorser, the some bc-iug for Ue pure ha- c ly ef said land. Property pointed out by \\ ii- liam Ezzard. plaintiff s attorney. Also, at the same time and | lacc. the East half of AdmiuiHtuitors’ tfeale G eorgia, fulton county —On the first Tuesday in December nsxt, wiii be sold at the ~ ' door. In Atlauta, iu said county, with,n uffee, deceased for the benefit of ths heirs and creditor* of said deceased. Terra* of sale—one-half ern-h ; the other half six mouth*' credit; purchasers will bu required u* give note* with security. DANIEL A. McDUFFEF. Atiiniuistrator. cct2I- w4i)d Primer’s fee $5 Exfciuor’s Stile. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of r -• . - unity, Georgia, will be sold ou the first iu December m-xt. before the Court Uou^e 'ayeiteviile, Fayette county, Georgia, lot of hiindr<-d and eighty four, ) two hundred two and a half acres, thirteenth diairict, originally Henry, n« . ---- " ,J tbe property of the estate of Sold a (13.h) 1j. ii. Clark, Tate of Fayette co'unty, deceased, for benefit of the heirs ot taid estate. Terms cash. October 31, 1871. J. K. BAILEY, Executor novl—wtda Of L B. Clark, deceased. GEGg&GlA, DeKalb Count?-. Ouuinart’** Office, October ?5, 1871. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB., FlouriDg Y ill & Water Power, NEAR JACKSONVILLE, ALABAMA. > veil cheap for cash, c w -<p . tation near Rome, the following propertv to-wit: A g-nxt Bricw Fi«lritig Mill, 40 by 50 feet. Rock Dam, two acta French huhr Mills Stones and a Corn MtJl, plenty of fali and an ab undance of water. This projierty i-locatml mar JaC'vMjTiViile, Ala. Any wiahlns to buy this property for cash, or ta exchange for it a good Plantation of 300or 4u0 acres near Rome, can add re A BURNS A DWINKLL, Real Estate Agents, nov!4—wlru Rome, Ga. Administrator’s Srtle. • of RAD tv AY’S T1LT.S will free the pm from a 1 the niio'e namt'd disorders. Price 25 a per l>ox. HOLD BY DRUGOI»T8. NVwSfork 14 DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVOEINGS. . VAETL&A, LEiTOiT Etc^ For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes & Pastry. IlIOMPSOY,HTEELE A PRICE M’F’GCO Depots, Chicago and St. Louis, Mt.vcr VCTCREfS Of DB. PBICE’S CREAM BAKING POWDER AND BLOOD ENRICHES. THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTEO ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. The sure Repairer of Broken Health. The true 5erre Supporter. The Permanent strength Renevrer. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility. Foor Blood, "Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it suicly d durably Conefits. Sold by all Druggists, or the lfanvfactvfen on the receipt of v:\il send, by £xjrress, 6 Bottles, which is rufiicierU for 3 or 4 months. Prepared only at tho Laboratory of Thoapaan, Stscle 8s Fries K’f’s> Co, \\f ILL be sold on the Aral Wednesday in Jannary tf next, on the premises Ot Je*se City, Sr., ceased, by *irlure or an ordrj from ths Court of dinury of DeKalb county, Georgia, the land belonging to the estate of said dccca*cri, c<>nri»ting of two hun dred and tw*ntv-nine and half acres, being parts of lots number 206 and 207 in the fifteenth District of originally Usury, now DeKalb, county. Bald land will bs divided twenty lots of ten to twelve acres each, and wlU form beautiful sites for building subur ban residences—being convenient to the city of At lanta and in a good ne ghborhood, good schools, and chnrches. Sold for the purpose of division. Tern made known on the day of t*»le. SAMUKL C. CLAY, GREEN B. CLAY, novfp-wtd* (pr’a fee fllO)Administrators: GEORGIA, Fayette Csuatf. Orphtabt’s OrricM, November C, 1871, '^^HEREAS, Mary C. Griggs applies to me for let- prescribed by law. letters will be eippHr— * daj in December granted the applicant, as applied for, o UfiOflGI !, Fayette €»ant.. OnniSART'a Officb, November 6,1871 y OHN M. PORTBR.s goardian of Martha A Jack son, minor c* " “ ’ * ’ ’ *“ appi ed or luavj eat of mid ward. This is, therefore, to c?t* and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections if auy exist, within the time prescribed bv law, e leave will be granted said applicant as applied for sn the first Monday i December next. D. C. MINOR, Ordinary. Printer's fee $5 novlO— wSOd GEORGIA. Fayette Ceanty. OitDRtart’s Offick, November 6tb, 1871 H ERRGD THORNTON, administrator of Phero- uy Thornton, deceased, having applied for leave to »••!! the real estate of atid deceased for the pur- , if any they have, within tbe time pre fer; b. d by law, else leave will be granted said ap plicant as applied fur, on the first Mondaj' in Decem ber next. D. C. MINOR. Ordinary. Fulton ShorifPs Sale far December 'Fera, 1871 W ILL be so’d,^the Stare House formerly pied by Perry Chisolm, e city of Atlanta, Wh tchiil and Alabama streets, iu , Fulton county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, the fallowing property, to-wit: Three marble slabs, it ret chandeliers, four count er* Mid one lot i helving; oue lot copper kettles and iad’es. and le..d water tank. New can J y machines aud rollers, and force pump and w .ter pipe, and lot of gaes fixtures, aud various « ther articles ’ Levied on as the pro pert- of F. M. Jack, hy virtue of, and t patii*fy a Ufa, issued from Fuiton Superior Court, In favor of Hallos Allen, vs. Fati ia M. Jack, prop erty pointed out by plaiatitTs attorney, November IU, 187.. novll-wtds GF.OKG Ai Henry Ceanty. Obdihart’s UencE, NoveirbcrB. 1871. W ILLIAM ALEXANDER, gnardian of Doctor I. and Arrau* Htone, represents that he has uily djscharged bis said trusts, aud petitions for Jetiers of Statutory time, or ihe letters will be granted. Witness my official eig'.ature. UEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. Printer's fee |1 50 DR. PRICE S CFEAR BMM POWDER. Special Flavorings for Ice I rena, Cake* A I’aetry. 217 szi 213 LAZE ST3ZZT, - CZICA33, ILL. 327 SKCSn STSEST, - - - CT. L07I5, E3. The only kind made by a prartical cliecdst, sswtU as physic^n. wjth special refer-nce to Its he.libfkl- aess. Compet'd of articles that aid diyeslirm. JWPct tnquaUist. I wpest* because t!*imrr*i. Uis V'* 4 * curt bread, ckr*, pastry, not only white (sweet) and light, but wtu>te*.ine and itiooa. UteHf proreit. If notes reconuctoded, 'Many wortk- w» forfeit right to truthfulnr ss. lew ch#wp imitations. Be sure ^ _ Cream Bairnc linger. Sold Ire Grt*. *: J 2aoi.Iy by TnOMPMOJI, BTLtLE HFQ tO. Depot*, Chicago and gu Louis, sepa&deod Jt w ly you get Price's ‘Tnunfae. PRICK But a Few Days To Purchase ^harew In 7HE AIKEN PREMIUM Land Sale Distribution W r ILL take place November 30, at GIRARDY*s OPf RA HOLijE. Aasm-t*, Ga. 't he highest real estate prize is worth $25.t>no the lowest $3u0. Shares f5. including a premium engraving worth the money. Six t-bares tor $25. Shares without eugrav- * \ $4. Three sharea without engravings, $10. L n shares $20. Shares sent on receipt of money, or bv Express, C. J C. DERBY. Manager O. D. Address Auguste, riz. Or apply to Messrs. Phillips A Crew, Atlanta. nnv5-ri2awuid—eunAwednes GEOBOM, layette Court'y. Okpimart’s Office, November i, 1871. M ARTHA A. DI FFER, Guardian of the Mi'or children of T. L. Duff- e. deceased, having ap- Jno. Oiii Sborrr.. Prtf*. Jl.UO. Br mail, postage prepaid, $1.25. Manufactured only by J. H. ZELI5 & CO., Mscon, Georgia. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. apriit>—ddtwly NOTICE. i estraya, on the ICth day of r pOLLKD before . I. November. 1^71, by Robert Matthew SMSth distrie . G. M.. of Fayetre Go., three dry cow* tme about fourteen yoan old. pale red a crop off the left ear. a split and under-bit tn tbe * t. Another, a dark pided heifer abont five year? with no ear marks ; the third, a red pided heifer about four years old. with no ear marks. Ap raised by Tho*. C Matthews and R R. Ibigere, freeholders in sa d district to be worth forty dollars Tbe owner is hereby notified to appear before roe, prove propertv pey cost and expec-e* and take them away, else they will be sold by the bberi » of said county, on the 4th day of December, in terms of the kv. D. C. MIN' *R. Ordinary. morU—dltAwlt Printer's fas $• This is to notify all per-ons concerned to show cause, if soy they hsv,-, witnin tbe ti ne proscribed by law, else l*-ave will be granted sai l appiicant aa applied for, i uovft-w4w . the first Monday in December l D. MIN«»R, < Ordinary- Printer's fee $5 00. Plantation for Sale. t f ll per acre, one- „ I will exchange for property in Atlanta vic'nit*. For lorther infurmauon, apply to Wallace A Fowler. At an:a, or addres* tne, care Mi M Sandidge A Co., New Orleans. nov2Ld2.w2w JAM’S H. HILL. ■ single case of incurable Catarrh, m, Merwin's Vrgatanle Catarrh Cure is the cheapesL as a package mokes one Pint of m -thane, and is sent by mail on receipt -f thirty cents. And Is the beer, because it never fails -o cure any case of Catiwre. We wish to send our pampb’ew enutied ** Mac and Womm a* Invalids,' to every reader of this pape'. . fre . a duzeu u s copies to any j/er- eou who wiii hand them to their frieDds. Address St. Louis Medical Association, No. 117 Sixth Street, Sc Louis, Missouri. seplff-OAwly GEORGIA, Fttlton County. Ohdimart’s Office, November 10, 1871. XOSEPH T. SMITH, executor of John M. Smith, J deceased, as applied for letter* of oismissiou applicant novlS—w4m GEORGIA, Fatten toa.ty. Ordisart’s Office, November 10.1871. W ILHELM1NA RDKLMAN having applied for letters of adraiuistratian on the estate ot Frank Cdeiman, late pt said county, deceased. This i*, tberefon*. to notify all persons concerned to file objections. If any ti.eybaw*, within the time prescribes by law *^e letters will be granted the applicant as prayed for. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer's fee $3 novlt—w4w GEORGIA, Fulton County. Obdikabt's Office, November II, 1871. jyjART McCOLGAN. wife of John McColgan. has m applied forexenptlou of personalty, and setting apart and yalostion ot hotueeu ad, and I will pass '* “ ““ Monday, the upon the same at at my office, day of Noveember. 1871.10 o'clock, a. _ DANIEL PiTTM \N, Ordinary. novl2-dl±w2t Fulton Sheriff’s Sale for January, 1872. Wf ILL be sold before the Court House deor, in f» the city of Atlanta, Fultou county, Ga., on the first Tneeday iu January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, u -w t: Two Phcetaae, five Buggies, and one large fonr- borae Spring Wagon. Levied cm aa the property of A. J. Jackson A Co., by virtue of and -o eati.fy a mortgage fifa, issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Wihiam Hob mou v*. A 3. Jackson a Co. Property pointed oux in fite. November 6. 1871. A. M. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff! novl5-tds Printer's fee $■* 90 per levy. Gwiaueu Gsantr Legal AdveFiise- TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. S- tlcvl proposals tor rebulding the Court Hiut LawrencevilJe, Gwinnett County, w;ii l e received until 12 o’clock, M., on Tu» -1 y, the 5th day of December, 1871. T..c tiuilding will be of brick, aixty feet lonii. forty feet wide, and the walls to be twta'y seven feet high, the lower story to be two fact, and the upper story twenty inches thick. There is to be two partition walls running Across tbe bouse, leaving a ball twelve letl wide, and one brick wall dividing the north half of the building into two rooms, these walls to be one story high. There will be four rooms down stairs for offices, and the stair-way running up between the two rooms in the south of the building. The Court room will be- up stairs, with two jury rooms in the rear of the Judge’s seat. There will be four chimneys and six fire places. The court-room aud offices to be sealed overhead. The contractor will be required to finish •aid building by the first day of deptember, 1872, and supply all the material for com. pleting the aame, except the brick now on band, wf * hicb are cleaned and backed up ready for use, and estimated at about ninety thous and, besides the bats, of which there is as many as wiii be &ecewuy for the whole house, and abont two-thrids enough rock for the foundation. For full fepecifleations of the plan and the terms of payment, apply to the undersigned. i JAMES > T. LAMKl.y Ordinary. o'clock, i v2—alt&wlt Sheriff'* Sale* county, Georgia, i ougla-avtlle, l>< iT . _ ., the first Tuesday in November next, within of eale, the following property, vix: Laud Lot i* legal No ISO, in the Second District and i'ifth Section of originally Carroll, now Douglass county. Levied a der one fl. fa. Iu favor of James Roberts. Issued fro Campbell Superior Court, April Term, 1871, property of G. W. Stanley ” ’ piaiutltTfl attorney, T. W. This September 30, 1871. T. U. S ELMAN, Sheriff. oct5-30d Printer's fee $2 50 Property pointed out by Administrator 1 . Sale. _ Lawrcnccville, Gwi nett county, Georgii first TurmUy iu November uext, within the legal hours of sa'e, all the lauds in aaid county belongii to the estate of the late Francis M. Wardlaw, whi< the s »lying Richnion Air Line Rnilroad and tuluth depot—JG acres of which are fine Chattahoo- bee river bottom. W'hica tract is know ‘Old Home Place’’ of deceased. Also—Two lots on the west side of said railroad, fronting tho same on the east, near said dejiot—one of which contains thirty (30) acres, the other forty- c m a Also—One hundred and twenty-seven (127) it being where deceased resided at his death. Also—Oue hundred and fifteen (115) acres, border- the southwest Bide of said T27 acre tract. Also—One hundred and five (106) acres, bordering on the southwest side'of eaid 115 acre tract—which three last lots from said railroad on the west, which e also near said depot. Also—Thirty-four (34) acres, cornering c the southwest And, , —*ame composed of a- veral lots and naris of lo lying on either side of eaid railway, embt&clng ' r of tne same, i hindered (700) acres, t place where John Pittman formerly resided, point whore tne Peachtree road crosses said railroad, haid landi being about equi distant from Duluth and Norcroes. Much of the same is.very finely bered. All the above lands w being in a healthy section and desirable neighbor- lauds will do „ of i-ale. Dr. Wil ; on, Railroad Agent at Duluth, will point them out. The lots will be sold and tho other ou twelve nionthi 18th, 1871. •ctSl—dltAwSt SAMUEL W. KNOX, Administrator. Agents Wanted. atury l Chicago, t.d Fictvire Hsuse, GEORGIA) Henry County. OnniVART'a Office, September 15th, 1871. rfl ,T. EDWARDS, exteutor of the last will and A • testament of George Crawford, deceased, repre- he has discharged the duties imposed by said trust, and ppp.'i -»for lei Sepl9-w3m wiii be granted, nignatnre. *. M. l._ [Printer's fee $4 5uj' (IBi. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. Atlanta Water Cure. rpHIS place is open at all seasons. Chronic diseases JL of all kinds treated wit’ Jl refer to the following pei are being treated at my establishment: Mr. J W Rucker, of Chapman, Kuckcr A Co., Maj W. B Cox. of Cox L Hill, Capt. J. M. Hill, John and James Lynch, T. J. Hightower A Co., J. Fleishel, Beerman L»ud for Sale. I WILL SELL, en the first Tuesdcy in November next, 200 acres of Land, six miles southeast or Decatur, DeKalb county, near the C< vington pretty well improved; au apple orchard; nice place J. B. GROVE*. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. Ordihart’s Office, October 7th, 1871. W HEREAS, J. C. Harris, administrator of the estate of William B: Johnson, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letter* of dismis from said These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why said letters should Mven under my liana, at office. th”s October 7th, 1871. W. It. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer's fee $5 GEORGIA, f'nltsn Conner. Orjd nr art's Office, Norcmlier 2d, 1871. A J. HARALSON lias applied for exemption of • personalty, and I will pass upon the same at my office on the 13ih day of November, 187L at 10 o'clock, a. x. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer’* foe $2 nov*—dlt&wDt A dmiaiatattor’s Sale. QEOROIA, Cocxtt.—WU1 be fold before the Court-house door in the town of Decatur DeKalb county, Georgia, on the flrat Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, under an order of the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of said county, the following property belonging to the estate of Thomas A a in, ‘’deceased: Une House and Lot iu town of Decatur, DeKalb county, Georgia, it bution. Terms cosh. octlO—wtda GEORGIA, DeKalb County. Ordinary's Ofsicx, October 6* 1871. M RS AVA ARMI.VDA WRIGHT having applied for the Usbrdi .nstiip of the persons and prop erty of Thomas Melton and Davis Preston Wright, minors of William D. Wrigh», late of said county, deceased: Ail persons concerned are notified to file their ob jections. if any exist*, witlin the time allowed by lot No. 127 in the 14th District of originally Heu. Fulton county Georgia, containing one nnndred » of land, tuo-e <*r 1. as, being ou the Mi tern Railroad adjoining Tuoums Ilarria A Therow- . with a sinivJ house on it; ten or fifteen a* cleared land i*ix miles from Ariaate. Levied property of James M. Job.Doou, to satisfy a fifa ,d from Fu t >n Superior Comt. Fallon superior Court vs James M Johnson. Property jK>inte<l ou» by E. P. Howeti, Solicitor General, November 8th, 1871. W. K JOHNSON, Deputy Sheriff. Nov 7 w-t-d-s. Printers fee $i,50 per levy. LEVI H. TURNER, Administrator. McDonough, Ga., November 10, 1871. novl6—w4w Printer's fee nouck. f | POLLED before me as an estray, on this fitli day of ” •tnbwr, 1871, by dostph I. Rattled#?, of th Milt District, G. M., of l)< Kalb county, Georgia, on COW, with a white face and red back, marked with smooth crop in the right ear aiul a In:If crop left, about Ax years old. Appraised by L. Hudgins f said county and dis and J. Wraith, freehd trier, to be wortu f.\< uiy dsilar-*. The owner is hereby notified to appear before prove property, away, vise she 1.1 Joseph I Rutledge, in said County and District, ro*9—dlt£w2t . K. WEBSTER, Ordinary Printer's fee $3 GCORG1A, Fulton Countv* l l^HEREAS. William Tittiebaum applies for let s' t ters of guardianship of the property of tbe minor children of Caroline Levy, late ol said county deceased: All persons concerned are hereby notified t their objections, if any exist, on or before th Mouday in Decemb r next, else letters of gua ship will be grant ed the applicant. Witness my official signature, this November 3d, 1871. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. nov4—w30d Printer's fee $3 GEORGIA) Fulton County. -r, late of said county, dvcea#-*i, app'i s whole of the real •eby notified t< All pcrsoDSjconcerned are hereby notified to flic th. objections,'if any exist, on or before tho first Mou day in December uext, else leave wiii be granted as pray d far. Witness my official signature, this November DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, 3d, 187: uovl—w30d s fee $3 GEORGIA) Fulton County. E . E RAWSON, applies for lettors of guar. • ‘dianship of the property of Martha M. liar ris. minor and orphun ef William F. Hums, etas- d 1 •reby notified to Monday m December next, els* letters will bag the applicant as p»nyed for. Witnea-i my official eigeatnre, this November 3d, 1871. nov4—W304 DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary Printer's foe $3 GEORGIA, Fultou County. county, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the whole of the real estate of said decease, for distri bution : Ail persoos concerned are hereby notified their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in Decembtr next, else leave will be granted 3d, fiS“ DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. nov4-w4w Printer * fee $5 my official signature, this November r Town, with e ;ceilcnt t 1 Dwelling- House, {Jin U;> se K»e liter’s Sale. aider from the Ordrnay of Fai th e 5th day> In December o'clock a. aud eoutinuing until all is sold,The fol lowing property belonging to the estate of Patrick Aw~ >Ji deceased, to wit; A plantation on South Kivcr, five, mile* from Atlanta, u’n live Griffin r-ad, and ad joining Judge Taliaferro aiul othi-rr, contains abont 381 acres, has a new orchard of iu acres, 1U» acres of bottom laud and about 15.; sixes L.mnrred. with a fin* rock dwelling of four rooms and new out hoase*. »M is considered one of the bwt farms iu the ncigbbor- boodof Atlanta, or iu this part --f t.corgia. Any per jnoticl:. a eptray M ule. nov23—dlt G. W. AD.-VIIt, Auctioneer. GUARDIAN’S SALE. order from the Ordinary of Newton . . o sold at the Court llousj door in Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January uext, for the guaidiau of l part of the city. GLOltOlA, DeKalb County. Okduiart's Office, November 31, 1871. J. FURGUSON haying applied to me for let- Leverett, deceased "** is is to notify all pers ns concerned to file objections, if any they have, within the time i d oy law, else letters will be granted 6aid ap plicant a? applied for. GEORGIA, DeKalb County. Ordinary's Office, November 3\ 1871 TVREWRY MALDWIN having applied for letters of 1J admintstratiou upon the esute of Benjamin Maid win, deceased This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned i file their objections, if any, within the time pre scribed by law. els* leave will be granted said ap- plic. nt, at* applied for. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. vC3 -w4w Printer's fcg$5 To Contractors and Builders. S ^EALED PROPOSALS for rebuilding the Court House at Lawrenceville. Gwinnett county, wiii Tuesday, the 5tii day tehiug t . who will show it. in the City of Atlau a. One Improved lot on Collins street, with a t-tory Rock lioase. contaiumg four kitchen, fronting l(ti feet eu Collins i tdng liaek 355 feet, John Lynch's line Two lots on ^outh Broad street, near the biidge, fronting 38 feet tacit, a a running Lai k U) feet to aa i street, and mn- aojoiningDr.. ■e or len on >id mine iu the ■>ck dwe ling which ^s that fatnon 1 hape of granite) tor* liter . d other houre* suitable for quarry haiain, *tHi a rock ^t^bte, partly constructed, and « liumber one steam pump, which will keep tint q :arry perfectly dry. * l o ti*.e quarrying tools, ct;-. j he petsanal property, consisting of the toole of a blacksmithshop,et>mp’e;e, a carr a..-, bn-^ies, horses. ig tools, crops, sfv- r the other proper y. AU tbe fort-going property arid be _ -* bidders for the purpose of distribution among riv-kLyr-*- J — -* day the high- helra of eatd Patrick Lynch, deceased. Fulton blioritrs S:«l.» for Decem ber, 1871 V\7 ILL be sold before the Corn-. Hoase door, in tba f v city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in l‘ocmiber next, Within the legal hours of cate, the following propeitv, to-wh: undivided om-fourth j art of a city -fourth the south tide of Walton iu the 5ih ward of tlie city of Atlanfa. tided east by Company's . as the prop erty of Jos. L. <iueru, by virtue « f and to satisfy a 11 fa. issued from Fultou S'npcrio- f'otrt, in favor of L. q November Gth, ltfT . Twenty-three acre i* of land, r the city of Atlanta, l nit n i . bounded as fo.lowK: on the the West by Hill street, ou th. and on the North by llard t 's beiugparr of ’ana lots Nos. 4: at : trie of originally Ucnrv bow I n thep!ace wner. on Mre M.-ri »*i J Le vied on a» the property ot Hi.).. H satisfy l ' or leva, lying is y G o gia, and tJl vnn street, on bv Grant street .■SlJTffKI m county, being Superior Court, rne iu fax ( oue in favor of Retti-ia i:. Property pointed out infi r.-. the lower atory to Y»e two feet, a d tbe upper story e brick wall dividing the north half auing i ana of the building into two rooms—these wails I istory high. There will be four rooms dowo stairs for I offices, aud the at ir-way runuing up between tlie two rooms in the south of the building. The court room I will be uj> stairs, with two jary rooms in the rear of iug by the 1st day of September, 1873, and supply nil the material for completing the same, except the brick nowon hand, which are cleaned and hacked up ready for use, aad estimated at about ninety thousand, besides the t-ata, of which there is hs many as wiii be necessary for the whole house, and aboui two-thirds enough rock for 'he foundatiotied. For fud specifications of plan, aad the terms of it, apply to the under*i£ncil. JAMES T. LAMKIN, nov3-wtH15Doc.Ordinary. • Sale of Lands. "PURSUANT to a decree of Bartow Superior Conr*. 1871, the undersigned will se; jo. ami w»-j. Know ii wt me jwcvju .v.^...... Lots Nos 883, 8C7, and 934, kuo< i the McMekin Place. Lot 940, and parts of Lots id 94i with all the buildings on said fractions. 7*9, 794. 795, 800, 935, 9»3 932, 9 Bartow county. Also, Lot 680, known as the Gray Ore Lot, in the 4th District, and 3d bectiou, of originally Cherokee, ow Bartow esunty. 5 for wheat, and * I. O. Me DANIEL. GEORGIA* Henry (Jaunty. Ordinary’s Office, August 7, 1871. J OHN W. MAXWELL, administrator, cum testa mento annex©, of the es ate of Emily Bennett, deceased, having completed said administration, pe lf objections exist, let them be filed within statu tory time, or the letter* of dismission will be granted. Witness my official signature. GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. aug34—w4m Printer'* fee $4 50 GEORGIA* DeKalb County* Ordinary * Office, August 1st, 1871. W HEREAS, Mrs.SaUn* Ellington, guardian of D. Tt K'lt • *' I rt 11 •. .n imtuu. 1 !.. ... f u B. Klliugtou. letters of dismission from said trust: 'J hes# are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all per sons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, then and lucre to show cause, if any they can. way said ietteis ah raid not be . . ny they granted mid applicant Given nnder my han<i. at office, this Ansu«t 1, 187L W ll. WEBsTE.t, Ordinary. ang4—wonmlm Printer's fee $4 5u Miitoa County Sheriff's Ssles November. WJI r L be sold before tbe Court House door. In f ? the town of Alpharetta, Milton county, Geor gia. hetwten the legal hours of sale, on the Aral Tuesday in November next, the following property. *1' !_\ i :ig on the Chattahoochee river, in Uiis county. Ail that part or fraction of Und l>fngand being in the flrrt district and second section of formerly Coob. now Miron county, containing six and one-hair (6J4) Acres, ino.e or less, known in tbe plan of said district »n No. (673.) five honored and seventy-throe; also, ail that tract or parcel ef Und lying ana being in the («th) d rtr;ct of formerly Gwinnett, "" county, G -or K known iu the plan of t as No. v«*» ) nree hundred and sixty-five, south halt of .-aid rraction&l lot, contain! „ dred acre-, more or less; also, (3) three acres r.f No. (360) three hundred and sixty in r Milton f radio (6:h) strict, bounded by the Chattahoochee -•rtbeast, and by the surveyed lineoj n tbe Northwest. Levied on to satisfy river saidfr Mortg: _ of J. R. Owen Jackson Gregory. The tL fa issued from the Superior Court ot said ~ a Jas. P. Simmons being pointed out property of said Jaca on Gregory Admiuistrator’s Sale. i the first Tuesday in November i GEORGIA, OeKaib County. Ord kart's Office, August 1st, 1871, \T7nEREAS. J. C. Ilarr i a, six inis tea tor of t ft estate uf William Brunt, latiof said coun: rf , deceased, applies to mo for letters of dieinission from These are, therefo: cite and admoi iab all per- interesied to do and appear at my office within the usual time prescribed by law, theu and there to .how cause, if any, why said letters should not be ll*l, HI JUiU, IUIN August 1, to, W. K. WEBSTER, Ordinary. 'g fee $4 *"* GEOB4IA, Fnltftn Csnnty. Ordinary’s Office, August 3d, 1871. J. F. Waddail, late of said county, deceased. has applied for letters of dismission from said This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned, a «io »h«i r objections, if any they have, within the — rattcra will be grakted the augi—wonniim )ANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. PriDter'i fee $4 50 GEORG 11, Fultou County. Ordinary's Office, August 3d, 1871 J AMES C. DAVIS, administrator of the estate of John T Davi-, late of said county, deciaeed, has time prescribed by law,’else letters will’be granted the said applicant as applied for. Attest: DANIEL I’ITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T. Cooper, Clerk. aug4—woam4m Printer'* tee $4 50 Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door, in the town o' Jonesboro, Clayton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Nov.mber next, within the legal hoars of tale, under an order of the Honorable Court of Oidinary of said county, all the real estate belonging to William Catos, late of said county, de ceased, 40 acres of lot No. 110, and 70 acres of lot No. 115. all in the 12th district of origi-ially Henry, now Clayton county. Sold for the benefit of tbe heira and creditors. Terms cash. 8epteral>er 18th, 1871. W. W. CAMF, Administrator. scp30—wtds Printer’s fee $10 GEORGIA, Milton ( r unty. Ordinary's Office, October 5,1871. TO ALL WHOM IT If AT CONCEBM. D R. HOOK, having in proper form applied for letter of administration — ■*- * Book, late of said count’ . This is to cit ili and singular, the creditors and next uf km of Jacob Hook to be and appear at ro> office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, i* any they can, wny permanent ad minis tra tion should not be granted to David It. Hook Jacob Hook's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Qc- * 7 ' : J *■ miuc aiiovteu uv law. else lettera will be granted said appliram as applied for._ W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $3 octlO—w30d plicant. Witn October, 1971.' octlS—w4w my official signature, this 5th day of Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of F —•- « «- —«• *- •-* ’ - • 13 H>-nry couutv, Georoia, will be sold before the Comt House door, tn McD-jnocgh. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next^the following realty as the property of Samuel Lee, deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors : 4 9, in originally 12th Home Place” of deceased. District, Henry county, Georgia. About ISO acres in said diatrictand county, of lot said district and county. About 44 acres In north part of lot number 8, is originally 6th district, said county. Ihe lacds are desirable. Terms cosh. This Octo ber 13th, 1871. WM. C. LEE, octl7—w40d GEORGIA, Fallon Cemty. Ordinary's Office, November 10th, lfTL M of personalty and rsUing apart and valuation of homestead, ana I will pass upon tbe same, at my office on Monday the 37th day of November, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a. m. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. MTl*dlt*wtt Printer's fee $J GEORGIA, Ileary County. Ordinary's Office, November lfi.h, 1871. W M. L. PEEK applies to me for the guardianship of Themae A. Elliott: If objections exist, let them be filed within statutory time, r.r the letters a ill be granted. Witness my official signature. GEO. M NOLAN. Ordinary. novlf-w4w Printer's fee $3 AD5I1N 1ST RAT' 011*8 SALE. s ;T virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, Ga , wii be 'uesday in January next, befure the Couit House door in tbe city of Atlanta, a tract of land, fronting n'nety feet on Hunter street and two hundred feet Pryor street, in block ten. city of Atlanta. Sold as the property of the estate of John H. Johnson, late of Cowi T arms—One-half legal interest. Administrator's Sale. R Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Forsyth county, Ga .will be sola before the Court House door, iu the town of Camming, on Tuesday first section of sa.d county, containingSOacres, i fine young orchard on tbe plac«% and in a good neigh borhood. Term* on day of sale. B. C. McAFBB. Ad'r. Printer • fee $10. nov 15-wide GEORGIA, Henry Ceanty, Ordinary' b Offick. November 16,1871. J OHN 8. MORRIS applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Alfred Thompson, '-te of mid Bounty, deceas d • If objections exist let them br filed within statuto ry time or the letters will be granted. Wiineoe my ofleial signature. GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $6 250; eight acres of let No. 251; tO acres of lot No. 130; 190 acres of lot No. :i31, aud 27 acres of lot No. 219—all in the 11th district of originally Henry, now DeKalb county. Tbe above land or premises have good improve ments, a welling nouse and out houses, a good spring of water couiaguoua to the dwelling house, and good orchard. I wi.l sell in two divisions—190 r * portion and 297W acres in another portion Terras—One-ha,f cash, and balance on twelve *•—« — c dit, with approved security, Adininist.ator’ii Sale vv ILL be sold before the Court House d< in tbe rgio, oi thin the legal •r«, a tract of land « v, more rr J..- >, formerly nsed by c a brick yarn, it \>-, lvg par* of land lot 147 iu the !4th District of oti-lua ii ^leurr. now Fn»- county. Levied on a.- ;i.r property i-f P. Tl.ur- ud to S&tD I issued from >unty. BHey Fnhou (superior Court, in favor of J. 11. Gavan i Thurman. Ltvy made by J. It. Cate**, L. C. aud baur-ed to me, November 6tn, 1S7I. Also, at tbe mnif tv-no and {dace, the Wt>st half of city lot No. 158, in the 4tn Warn or Ihe City of AllantA Vultou county, i.a., ii b. ing part of Inna lot No. 54, m the 14th District of originally IK-nry now l>'ulton comity. Miid lot cyitalniu: , or an acre, more or UW levied on as tbepro^rty ,.f Jams - K. (. a Amanda. »V Virtue Of ami to iwtnfy twev* tic Justice's t outl of 1334th Di*. of officer* of coni i vs. said Jam^a Barucs raid otUei-a. Levy niado . aud baitditi io un Nov. ft 5th Ward of the rtte'VS AtUnm,* !l!\!u r tl^flowing es, to ws : on the south bi the Weetcrn R i,a Katlroai. ruht of way, ou the east by »»*—.- street, on_the n, by Dec.itur rtreet, aud « Barnes and oluei Hffiliesued fro: trict G. M., in fav b ?t ^ “ nd o;h< r Un ‘N •“»! known as the jl. I. Kimbad House. Levied ou as the t roci- wt f tf H. I. Kimball b>- virtu re .-f and 'o satLfy'a mechanic s lieu n fa b>u d from Fu.lon Sun. ri'or - Conn in favor of llealy. Burry A Co. v,. u i P Kim ball, property pointed out In fi fa Nov. i |871 ' Also, at the same time and, k oart’of land lot No. (118)one hundrerl and • .... district of originally Henry t the 14lh aiaincior onginany Henry now Fnhou c uutx th« aame being lot No (38) twenty-cigiit, in the Lampion. Crane & Hammock survey. oonuiitin x (5 tl ltotki« five hundredth of an acre, more or On said Lt Is Grthy & Richter’ and F. Richter, to A Lc>de.i,. attorney Augn & Ki. h'er. lc-.._ rthy A btc.tier, l*y virtue of •'nlion Naperior ne vs. G. Orthy red by s*:U plaltitifla i tty >b-*riy )N>inted out by putiutiff ■ .. li: and place, a city lot i Also, at tlie re.: city of Atlanta, Mluatiri on the en«t side of Pryor street, in the second ward of said city, < - C lot one tiience nor:h thirty-O dred and twcniy'flv fifty uce out u bundled ‘(K)f« l«*ng t I nun Ihtu- liaeof Tboo. uij five feel. fet Pr}or street, thouce r-one to the be nd lot No. 77, in the ow Fultc 14th rilstrict of orig.-nally Henry. off. Hnphis, deceased, and L.U. Hughes, by virtue of and to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court lu favor of John Neel vs. Thos. C Jack-on Principal, and Georg : W Adar, C. lluf-hes , n «d ri. (' U ^ Gamishvwa. Pri*pcrty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Cc- t'-bo, 31st, 187L Also, at the same time and place, a bouse and lot ftw the city of Atlanta, situated ou I bumpmm siren, south of Garnett street, said lot fronting 50 fe-t ttru 1 hompson urect, aud roiiniug back same width fita feet, more or less, ai d adjoins the property of johw Rogcrsand others. Levied on as the property of John McMahon and Mrs. M. McMahon, by virtue of -nd to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from a Notary Public * Mrs. M. Mc Mahon. Levy made by K. F. Brigga, L. C., and handed to me November 3, 1871. Also, at the aame time aud place, a stock or roods consisting of confectioneries chiidn n's tors, willmv ware, and notion* generally. Levied mi as the property of \V. P Chisolm by virtue of aud tn satisfy two fl. fa*, issued from Fnlton bup. rior Coart—oneia favor of tlie Georgia Railroad anrt flankir-g Coorpaav vs. W. P. Chisolm, and one in favor of liftnuteutt m Bellingrath vs. W. P. Chisolm Propeny pointed out e hundred n half of : time and place. 1871. city lot iu- of Pryor. tweLty-eight feet from the corner of Uutsr <lS ecte, running east parellel uith lluntes bundrtd « twaity-flve feet, theca _ # five f«tt, to Pryor street, thence south along Fiya Hi litj-five fret Jo Un corner. being part of land lot No. 77, iu the l-lth district of originally Henry now Fuiton county. Levied ua as the pioperty of V Jacks >n, by virt»e to und to satisfy a ft. fa. from Fult< Sup-rior t'us C. Jack sou. Pr»- , vc:ob* A M. PKRKKBSO.V. Tlojnt- swtr . rri..Atzr deceased: O i; lot, 335 acre*. 15th dietrici. improved, comfortable horn buildings, 60 aerea in cultivation, !0 or 60 acres hot- uj^irid good. Also, lot No. 193 in ihe 15th District, 835 acres, —“■‘•i uiuio wi less, about 60 seres Seared, 50 o. 0 acres bottom. Both lots w ell water ed, good spr ngs aud a creek ruuniug through both and well timbered. Term* made known on day of sale. Septembers. 1871. A. M. HAIRSTON, Administrator De bonis non with will annexed. Printer's foe $i<j ■cp&—wtds GEORGIA^ Henry County* ELIZABETH H. CLINTON,. f Libel for Divorce. WM. B. CLINTON, RULE TO PERFECT SERVICE TT appearing to the Court hy the return of the JL Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this county; and, it further appearing, that he does not re side in this State, it is, on motion of Conncil: Or dered. That eaid defendant appear and a next Term of this Court, else that the sidrred in default and the plaintiff flowed io pro- i L.“ fu , rthcr ordered. That this rule be published In The Atlanta Constitution, once a month DeKalb County &jtier' a g-* M sales, W U-LbeMhlhrtw»It*C j.ito. .win lb* town of IK i.tur, 1>- (numv, on Uhj llrtt arte •- »'»«■ <* salt-, me following prof ^riy, to-wit- one hundred and fl* nCTvA> n» ore «, r j<^*, the same 10|> Noh od ® * nt1 thiny-two (Ml) in the 15th distr c t C f originally .U«-nry. now l>< Kalo comity, bouKyd on the north by tend of B. Race- <, * 1p ! ob wW ch- ( hy laud if John M. t’lairk, ou the mrain by ^oath River, and on the west Ly lands mt Owens *nd South River levied upon as the moo-t- ty Of Lewis WinlBM. hy virtue or a -d tosati./v a ft. fa. i:*tned from DcKiilu S i|>erior t'ourt, iu favor of Thomas Little vs. Lewi* Wiggins. Property pointeft by plaintiff > attorney. , Also, at the same time and place, one bonne *t*d lot in the town of Lithon:c, l)K;if> couuty, coutatu* mg eight acres, more or !«•«*, joining tiie right of way of the <*eorgU Riilroad and the lot of J. w. Granade on the north: on the south by lands of II.* ertr having i-n alley be’ongin- to J. N. Swift r_ niug through it. Levied on us tor property of W. U. Pendly to satisfy four Justices' Court ft. faa, i<wu«ft from ihe ««Jd District, »*. M., DeKalb county,for the purchase money of said house aud lot. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Levy made hy M. »* Tnwnwnit l. c a nd returned to tue. This f**- nov7—wtds for four months. extract from th* minutes of said Court. G. G. WEBMS, Clerk. july27—wlaw4m GEORGIA* Fatten Ceanty. Ordinary's Officx, November 7,187L A PPLICATION having beea made by divers citi zens of Oak Grove District, G. M., of said county, for the discontinnance or the Jeom Ferry KMd, lading Irom Iron.-, fail to the Power Ptrri Road, and it appearing to the Court thvt said road is of no pablic uulity, this is therefore to no ify all persons concerned to show cause why the discontla- uance prayed for should not be finally granted. DANlftL PITTMAN, nov8-w4w Ordinary. GEORGIA, Falcon Ceanty. Orpin art's Orricz, November 7,1871 TOIINT MEADOR ha» applied for letters of ad- O in ini 8 trat ion. oft the estate of Newton J. Mead- ~r, late of said county, deceased. All perrons concerned are nereby notified to file their objections, if auy extet, on or before tbe first Monday n December next, else letters will be granted the applicant. nov8-w4w Libel for Divorce. SARAH E. J. RODGERS. JOHN W. V RODGERS. In Fulton Superior Court, April Term, 1871. I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in'" further appearing that he does county, and U nuuici • reside in this State, it ia,'on motion : Ordered, That aaid defendant appear and answer at the next term of the Court, or that the case be considered in default. and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. HULSEY A TIGNER, Plaintiff's Attorney ft A true extract from the minutes of said Court. "riiTorm W. R. VENABLE, Clerk. GEORGIA, DeKalb Ceaatr. Ordinary's Orric*, September 7th, 1871. from said trust Thes^are, therefore, to cite all and admonish all pernionuterested, to be and appear at my office itbin tbe time prescribed by law, then and there to .A a show cause, if any, why aaid lettera thould not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this Septembcr 7th, urn. scp9—w4m Henry County Sheriff's Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town of McDonough, Henry county, Georgia, on the flrat Tuesday in November next, the Georgia, on the first Tuesday following property, to-wit; One brick store house in Bear Creek. Henry county, Georgia, aa the prop-rty of R. A. Henderson, lying east of Macon and western Bailrotd, and being the first building south of the store house occupied by i by virtue of s mechanics' 8. H. Griffin. Levied lien or fl. fa from Henry Superior Court, in favor of Phillip hchmidt. for $140. October 3, 1871. WILLIS GOODWIN, Sheriff H. C. IPrinbar’e fee $3 50 per Wiry ] oeUO-wtda GEORGIA* fflilton County. Ordinary'.* Offic*, Oct >ber 3ist 187L VV HERKAS, Billiam II. Nes dt, ednrini traU* ofi* v% Gardner Crosby, decea ed. with the w«H an- ** xed, has applied for leave to sell the real estate of t fy eli person* concerned, i appli- Fnlten restpenrfi Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold, befrwe the Coort-hotwe door. In the city of Atiintn. f u'tnu county. Ga.. on the firs# Tuesday in Decouib r next, whMm the teral hours <a sale, the following property, to-wit: Two hundred shares of stock In t e Scofir'd Rotiiru Mill Comjtany, situated in the city of AtKnta, Fq ton county, Georgia levied on as the projK^riy of John D. Gray by virtue of and ti» satisfy a fl. fa *- ned frotr th<* County Court of Catooni county in favor of W * L. Shumak r rs. John I>. (Jrav, property p 0 ‘ n » bv J. F. Auderson. plaintiff's attorney. t>cU »w~ * 1^1- A M PEBXKttr^N ^ wtds printer's fee $3 SO iwm.t- ... U, V Nht:r*ff. ADTIOIM it u oi:n y ^yTILL bc sold bef. re the Coni K. cltj of Atlanta, Fulton conn t v-‘, G^rt-gL^on iff* flr-t Tuesday iu November, with'.* \ u . icJuSoUe5f sale, under an order of the ii- o,.-t onrt Oruinary ol DeKaib county, t tM fo io\ One Jot of land No. 35. iu tue 1711, ote-i iriug lapdi of origi- naiiy ttenry now fuiton ooumy, containing 2U*V •cr.. mure or lew witu o.-d' nar , impr,.,, ma\i.; oue h.11 of toe lot cleared rm.i It for cullinltok tbu other h»lf pretty well f mhcreti, pi. uty „t co,d w.ter. k-plO-wtda iHiblie rtiad M- WUftoc and others,Ri ‘Se city of Atkui._ . S. T. McELHOY, Adi r.' retry, j.. hlhtf rive or Terms .HOY. Ai (Print. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL he sold before the Court Il'tuse door, in the town of Decatur, IK-Ka'b county,, on the first Tuesday tn^November next, wiihtu tu legal hours of sale, under laud* belonging to the*eatate of Z. r/Joih*, dccroM^ late of said county: One lot of land <»f !M acres, im- fourth botti 1 one lot of 175 a . | | H any bujldiog, ^sorne woodiand. arid about «i Terms—One- fter, eepft— wtda September 5 1&71. J. W. JONES. Administrator. Printer's fee $10 Administrators W ILL be fold on the first Tncsdav in Nuvetnber » exL within the legal hours of sale, before tho Court House door, in XU town of Decat ur, DeKalb county, Georgia, under an rrdi-r fru;.: Uic Donorsh » Caurt of Ordinary of said county, one half of lot huvd No. 136, in the 15th district of originally Henr- now DeKalb coun'j, belonging to the estate of Robert f * Sold for the panMtee of dtrioion. G. S. OZMOltK. Administrator. *ept»-w40u Printer’# fas |W BdUlb County Szccntor’s lair. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb count j, Ga., will he sold before tii« :, lot of land No. 90, containing 3*0 acres, more or lea-, lot No. 91. forty-seven aert-a: lota No. 71 and 72 containing twenty-two aud a half acre*, all In tho 15th dietrict of oruioally henry now DeKalb rounty. Sold aa the property of b st ban Turner dect-ssed. for novlt-tda