The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 30, 1872, Image 4

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institution. ATLANTA, GA., JANUARY 30, 1872. EaoBT Gollsgx.—We leun U»t the prot- pecu of Emory Colle** were nerer brighter 'Che College, Including the Prepsratory De partment, open* with one hundred »nd Mlj this added another blot to the bad f w*rd of ala short rale. We glee the following Executive docu ment a* bearing on the matter. We found it recorded hi the Stale House: Exec CTree Detaetmkst, Statz or Geoboia, Atlanta, Ga., January 6,1*71 Ordered, That Joseph F. Burke, Eaq, of the county of Fulton, be and he it hereby ippointed Agent on the pat of this State to carry out the agreement entered into ■— ol Borax** Cocbt.-A typographical error appeared In the report thi* morning of lh« Sopreme Court. Arguments will not bt resumed until Ihuthsf next, instead Thursday, a* the type* has it, Ajfotbxb AiTonmPurr.—We leant that hit Excellency Governor Smith ha Dr. A. L. Hamilton to take charge of the record* of former administration* belonging to the Executive Department Dr. Hamil ton I* well qualified for the position. Clattox Cocbtt.—On hut Saturday, John E. Fuller waa elected President of Mt Zkm Agricultural Society. Anderson B. Beeves took the premium on five ears of Indian corn, weighing seven pounds. Much interest manifested in fanning circlet. Tho general tendency is to plant largely of cotton, Imt Mt Zion voles against it ia> IS scon and Brunswick Kailraatf The Macon Telegraph and Messenger say* the business of the Macon and Brunswick Kail road is in a very satisfactory condition. The depot has large freight from Northern point*. Conley’s Sale of the Land Scrip. Why was not this land scrip advertised for sale to the public in a proper way, so a* to place its value before the public and in vite oompetilion of bidding? Wby was it secretly sold in this precipitate manner ? The matter is chock full of suspicion. Eugenie's Jewels, The ex-Empresi Eugenie baa, It is said, the finest lot of jewels in Ibe world. Tney are a tasty collection of incomparable shiners. Hbe has aold recently a portion ol them for $100,0C0 to use for Ibe restoration of the em pire. Many of them were of her own de sign. ■ Grant Repent* as a Defaulter. Grant has sent a check for $5,000 to re place tbe tnm for which be baa been defaulter for an many years to tbe United StatcsTreas- ury. He paid no interest The fact is suggestive. It owns that Grant was a defaulter. It show* that rcsti*u- tion waa done only after discovery, when public opinion bad impaled him on its shaft HBTColoncl Acton, agent for The Atlanta Cobstitctios, stepped into our office a few days ago. Colonel Acton is representing one of tbe first dalles in Georgia. Published at tbe political headquarters of the State, it has facilities not possessed by other papers. Col. Acton is a small size '‘shaverweighing, we suppose, about two hundred and fifty pounds. Tub Cokstitction is Southwest Georgia the : sine day it is.printed.—Fort Valley Business Mirror. The Democratic Press of Georgia In no country, and at no period in histoiy, baa the public press stood more firmly :nd boldly by their principles through good and throug h evil report than has the Democratic press of Georgia since the last war. Even in the face of the military power sent to awe them Into silence, they have continued to “err aloud and spare noL”,g,In defiance of tbs rascals sent to rale over us, they have not failed to call those who were plundering ns thieves and robbers. Nor did they in the midst of their power hesitate to predict the end which awaited these thieves sndrobbers. Federal Union. Appointments.) AVe learn that Gov. Smith has appointed at Commissioners for the medical and flnaa c si inspection of the State Lunatic Asylum, o idtr the resolution of tbe present LcgUlo ft ire, Dr*. James F. Bozeman and William Heary Camming. For this important work the Governor has made excellent selections, and tbe public may feel assured from the well known qualifications of these gentle men, that their duty will be intelligently and faithfully performed. If mismanagement or abu*es exist or have been practiced in any branch of the govern ment of that Institution, they will be ex posed, and a remedy sought for them. We presume that tbe commission may regard it as part of their duty to submit, for tbe in formation of the Genet al Assembly, such suggestions for reform and improvement os may spring from their investigations. Another unllrouil nave. The Augusts Chronicle says that a New York railroad syndicate, headed by Moses Taylor, the banker and ship owner, has bought, for one million dollars, a controlling interest in tbe South Carolina Railroad run ning from Augusta to Charleston. Mr. Tay lor owns largely In tbe Central Railroad of Georgia and tbe steamship lines from New York to Savannah. Tbe Chronicle thinks the motive of the movement lies in the an tagonism between New York and the cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia for the South ern trade and tbe command of the Southern Pacific road. The Pennsylvania Central syndicate have combined with Mahonc, through Norfolk, to control the Southern trade in the Interest of Baltimore and Philadelphia, while New York now seeks a combination with Savannah and Charleston for the same trade. The Chronicle augers good to the South from this struggle for her trade. The Northern Crr ml Southern Repu diation. The most significant feature of Southern finance now la that thr carpet-bag adventur ed foisted Into office South having put the Southern States miles in debt, their Northern colleagues, who are our creditors, are howl ing repudiation because we seek to look into these mitten to find out what is lnndulent and what is honest Tbe LooisTille Courier-Journal makes this point: Tbe lecture read by tbe Radicals to the peo ple of the South upon tbe beauties of pecu niary honesty and the crying sin of repudia tion is. Indeed, adding insult to injuiy. First they foist upon the Southern States a set of thieving aliens whose government they sup port by bayonets and the whole power of Congress, and, when their proteges have uanfcrupted the people, they reproach the latter fonooib. for breach of faith In not pay ing their State debt*, in whose formation they had no voice, and from which they have never received benefit It is as if a cap tain of thieve* should tend a burglar to plun der a house and call himself on the house holder next morning for payment of wages far labor incurred in the act of hoosebreak- of Cleveland, Ohio, in relation tothesalea transfer by said State of Georgia to the said Lewis of tbe land scrip authorized to be issued to and received by the State of Geor- ria, in pur-usnee of an act of Congress ap proved July 2.1882 snd amounting in the Aggregate to S70/ti0 scree. JjENffUfEf CONI ET. Conley’s Eitnvanst Bee of the Con tingent Fond. Tho Sato of Our land Scrip. The ole of our Agricultural Land Scrip by Conley is one of the most suspicious sets of his gubernatorial career. The disposition of this was a matter of considerable discus sion in the Legislature. Unable for along time to agree, it waa finally determined to first get possession of the scrip, and its dis position to be left for future action, the State Agricultural Executive Committee being designated as the body to whom tbe (abject w>s referred. No one contemplated a sale of the scrip. The astonishment was intense and aniveraal therefore wienit was found that Mr. Conley had sold the scrip for 90 cents an acre. Other States that have located their land have real ized as high as six dollars an acre. The State, by this bungling and suspicions act of tbe late acting Executive, has lost the full benefits of this great gift The man who hat bought will make a fortune, which the State might have enjoyed. A quarter of a million of dollars only has been realized from what would have yielded with such good manage ment as private individuals use. a million of collars. It la a strings urd mast disagreeable tap as It now stands, and Mr. Conley hap ’ Conley nearly exhausted the year’s con tingent fund in onMixth of the year, leaving Governor Smith with than rations of that accessary supply, for the balance of the year. Conley used this money In paying Ch! claims, meay of them of a doubtful charac ter, and for which the Legislature should have made a special appropriation after In quiry. This was a notable misuse of the money devoted to the present and fntnre con tingencies of executive necessity unprovided for. The CTeaiaess at Bayonet Recon struction, The New York World has some reflections on Georgia’s redemption from bayonet rale so pointed and appropriate that we give them to our reader* with especial pleasure: It say*: Georgia, more than any of the Southern _ sics, has suffered from the process of re construction, and her present deliverance is sn ample proof of bow futile that process has been. All tho power* ot the Federal Govern ment—the army, the treasury, the peart*— have been exhausted to keep her in a certain position, and at the first election we find her escaping oat of that condition and assuming a position of her own. Hod It been some powerful Northern State, like New York or M**MC.iuseits, or Illinois, that had been time and again bound hand and foot, and ye; burst it- bond* almost in the instant they hail been completed, the wond-r would not be great, but that a beaten and impoverished Commonwealth like Georgia has risen supe rior to the whole strength of the Administra tion is something amazing, ft ehftjfs how little real root there Is In oentrelizatioc,, snd bow fully able a State is to cope with tbe whole Federal Government when that Gov ernment U prostituted to party ends. Noth ing that Congt es* fctmJd do—nothing that the President could do-hM fobffla #Mo to keep this State in that vassalage to which Copgfess and the President hent eU their energies to reduce her. It lias been lmpos4uie to keep the cork under wa cr whatever tbe superim posed force. - No less than seven acts of Congress were levC?«d at Georgia; no Iw than three times waa her civil eatablish- n ent superseded by martial law; M( the end of it all is that the Mato is id- day just where it was in 166ft— in abso lute and entire control of her own people. The reconstructed legislature is gone, the re- ennutrntted judiciary is gone, the reconstruc ted Governor <* a fugitive thief, the bayonets are gone, the laws are inoperative, and, in the language of tbe ring, the But* after an in- finitu ieof punishment comes up to the scratch smiling and knocks its antagonist out of time. There is a world of oondensedlrnth in this statement of the com, just os there is a world of valuable philosophy in the Jacta related. Th- tendency of centralism is to usurpation and to corruption. Tho only correct rule of government is that involving the consent of the govorned: The whole reconstruction theory ba3 violated the fundamental princi ples of true republicanism. The reign of tyranny baa been the forced subordination of inteiiigcn'O and virtue to ignorance and crime. To be permanent, such a rule means the total degeneracy of a people, the decease of the spirit of liberty. The removal of tbe shackles he* had but one possible result, that will be the some everywhere. Tho good people have arisen In tbelr majesty, thrown off the dynasty of evil, and placed worth at the head of af fairs. Let ns hope the pernicious experiment of Radicalism is practically done, and that the great campaign of 1879 will see its perma nent downfall at the hands of the people of the whole country. Georgia seems to have occupied a peculiar position Id the matter. She bos in herself conspicuously illustrated Imth the iniquity of bayonet rule, and Ihestnrdy stamina of Dem ocratic integrity. Let cs trust that tier suf ferings, pat cnce, heroism and ultimate re demption may stimulate the general fidelity to constitutional law and typify the final sue- *3ss of the great cause of constitutional gov ernment. Georg,a t inuncial natters. The New York World has an editorial on the bilMo exchange seven per cent currency bonds for the six hundred thousand of old six per cent. Georgia bonds fslling dao in July. It attacks Treasurer Angier and charges that the bill is a sort of repudiation, as tbe new bonds will only bring 85 cents, thus losing 15 per cent to tho b ind-holders. Tbe World does injustice both to the State and to the Treasurer. The editorial bears strong ear-marks of having been written in the interest ot the Clews crowd. Treasurer Angier has replied to the World os follows: Wbat little was left to the people after the destruction and drsolations of a four veara’ war. has. for the past four years, been sorely taxed, and the people have been plundered by a legislative ring, aided by outside rings and lobbyists, and an unscropnlous Governor —representing but little of the substantial interest of Georgia. Tbe entire e->rnings of the State Railroad were absorbed, and a heavy debt on account of that road incurred. Many millions of State bonds have been issued, and so used as to injure the credit of the State. Under these circumstances, I feel that I; would be oppressive and nnjnst to the people and the State to attempt to raise means to meet the bonds falling due In Jane and Jnly, cither by taxation or a forced sale of bonds; hence the recommendation In the report A bill was drawn in harmony with the re port, and passed by tbe House of Representa tives. Tbe Treasurer duly considered the matter, being anxious to devise some equita ble plan of meeting those bonds when thev should become due, snd at tbe same time not to expose the State in our present unfavora ble condition to tbe merey of selfish capital, finally came to the conclusion that it would be fair, equitable and right to allow an in- n in the amount of new bonds tobeia- with which to redeem the old sufficient to allow a discount of 10 per cent on the new bonds to he given In exchange for the old. He made Uui suggestion. It was adopt ed. Tbe bill was so amended in the Senate, concurred in by tho House, andjipproved by the Governor. The insinuation that I am at the bead of a Ring to run down the credit of the Stale for the purpose of buying its securities at a very low pri-e. is unjust. It comes from one who either knows nothing of the truth, or whose intention is to slander me for a wicked pur pose. 1 have surdiad and labored to protect the interests of the huts, and to keep her credit ata high s andard. For ibis purpose I have constantly advocated wisdom, honesty and economy in the administration of the State Government. If I understand the matter correctly, the holders of South Carolina bonds propose to allow the State to fond her present bonded debt at fifty cents in the dollar, paying them in new bonds. Georgia propose* to pay in new bonds more than the foil amount for the bonds fall ing dae.this year, and to pay cosh for all those past doe, which she is now doing. The amount of State bonds falling due yearly, after this year, will be very 'mall; and the State will find no difficulty rn meet ing them promptly in cash, by taxation alone. I trust you wilt do me the jnstico lish this, that your readers and the of Georgia bonds may know exactly what has been done, and what I recommend, and the reason* for tbe soma. The dosing sentence* of tbe article show tbe writer to be in tha Interest of tbe Bond Ring of tbe fugitive Bollock, a willful slanderer, destitute of tbe first principles of a gentleman. In this community his libel is harmless. It is a charge raised by our run away Governor Lehind which to screen him self when he was in an extremity. My son has been chosen dark of the Com mittee of the Legislature tol Investigate the bonds issued by Bollock. He-is now on hi* way to yoor city, commissioned by said Com mittee and our new Governor, to transact im portant business. He will probably call on yon and give yon further information. Your*, respectfully, N. L. Arazx, Treasurer Sara of Georgia. SSttg Had suburban, Campbell Cockty.—The legal advertise aents of tbe Ordinary of Campbell county wHl her* if ter be published in The Atlanta CosstitctIox. Rats Leavtxo their Holes.—Since tl- caoguzation of Governor Smith t'-e rata bare ben leaving their holes, and coma out with at vzecatlve warrant or two. The Governor ia inveat gating these warrant* very closely. Shootisg Affair.—Last night about sup- per time, a Mr. Tant ehot a' Ur. Vance, with a Sm'tb X.Woman pistol, in tbe breaat. Tbe wound 0 noi sd dangeroue. Tant gave himself up, efidn jxz that ha ahot in adf-defenee. Our Public Schools.—Tho number t* plkanta in the third district (Ivy street ach'd) ached flOO, yea ter day. Fire h"fldred and sixty wen re tittered, leaving three hundred and forty In that district U> be provided for. This ia tho las: day foi registration. Hebrew Wedding. — Jacob Rich, Washington dxy, waa married at the Hebrev 8yt’agogue yesterday craning, to Mias Julia Zccker- vn«n by Be*. B. A Bonnbelm. The ceremony war performed in the German language, as the bdde ba* but recently arrived in our midst She 1% we lean- «-Uter of Hr*. FJrfahel and Kit. Sdoahln. of thi’ dty. ( Our Public Schools.—The Board of Ed ucation, at their meeting last night, resolved to rent school houses for the accommodation of the children now unprovided for. The-e schools win probably b* located on Marietta and Decatur streets. They likewise resolved to elect two more teachers for the Girls’ High School. Over 2,0QO phildfen have applied for admtea'on to tha Public Schools. Lawrenceville Mail.—Our subscriber? at LawresceTUe complain that they da not get their dally Coaemcrioaa bat twice per week by the Air- Line Bailroad. Oar mailing clerk sends the packages for Lawrenceville regularly every morning to the post office. There is somebody at fault between this city and Lawrenceville. We trast Mr. Woodward will In vestigate tbe matter and stir ap the delinquents. Our Public Schools.—Registration fer the Third district (J*y Street tyffipdj dosed yester day—€fifl ticket* were issued and 560 fdsUtered. Tbia win make the number of ‘children yet to be provided for about 656. There are perhaps between 200 and 490 wbff'hara got flPRlJej}, "W«h will bring up) namber Fufflefant fof'Uyo schools. The £oard of Education will inert to-night and tale measure* to Mpp)/ tftpfe mnr unprovided for. «s. -tH Rev. D. Willi, H. D-, President of Oglethorte Coiaxox.—This finished orator and scholarly divine well sustained his reputation by an eloquent discourse in the Central Presbyterian Church last Sunday. 571* peat tact he poured the balm of consolation into /be amlften i-.^t of Its Pas.or, por traying the glories of the redeemed, the '“cxeeeeioir greeted precious promiaea’ r tothose Who nave put their trust in the LftrJ, *od fvsljing’ himaeli' of th* occasion, portrayed in awf u i color* topfioos*of those who “trample on the precious blood of Christ." The Georgia Railroad.—The editor of the =>* Point Mews takes the Dalton Cltisen to task for ita unjust re^ej^Iota on the Georgia Railroad. Tbe M.ews a» yf: •»0^reyp«fjecce Is the very reverse. Tbe writer has received more 4wra frpm this road than froig any other in Georgia, and baa more th*n ogee heard it said that it was one of the most liberal road* In th* Slate. The liberality of Col. 8. K. Johnson, it* Su perintendent l» only equalled by bia energy end effl qlegcj ** * railroad mawger,” Bully I Sea Fowl Guano.—Practical for the put five year* prove the Sea Fowl Guano to bo In no respect Inferior to the best Peruvian Guano. Mark W. Johnson announces the receipt of five hundred tons, vbfch he offers to sell for m^ney or cotton on the most favorable Maig*. 4 remunerative price is guaranteed cotton delivered in psy«u<M,t cf Jhja This fertilizer la highly recommended by all who haye tried it. Mr. Johnson Is a rive businessman, and planters do well to consult him at once. ftf Illicit Distillation.—Tlio persons, raiding in the counties of Spalding, Henry and Butts bare been ar.ea»ed and brought hero und r the charge of viola^ng the Internal HffTCnue Laws: Thomas McKIbbon, J. L. Phillips, Sanford Apple, Isaac Btsmjnpnt (col ), Jesse Forster, J. M. atom- mout, WUy Patrick, $ud Joljo Wallace. Messrs. Phillips, Forster, J. N. Stommout. Patrick and Wal lace gave bond before U. S. Commission Smith yes terday. The others will have a hearing to-day. The parties are defended by N unnally and Thurmond. Fortun.k Filics.—We tender our warm congratulations to C. W. Ifobner, local editor of tho New Era, on hi* goo4 fortune In a new and origin*] subject Poetry la eclipsed by it wd !js contempla tion will give him renewed delight. "Hose of beauty 1 wondrous being2 Kay tbe h^cd oi the All-Seeing Ever keep thee pa thftn art; In thy spirit-glory rarer. And in glowing graces fairer Tfr*n a dream of Poet’s heart 1” Georgia National Bank.—The stock holders of this bank, at their anf ual meeting, el- cted the following named gentlemen Directors to serve the ensuing year, viz: John Harris, L A. La plum, E. L. Jones, L. Scofield, Dan’l Pittman, H. T. Phil lips, W. V/. Clayton. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Hon. John Harris was ro-elected President, L A. Laphara ?as fleeted Mice President, and B. L Jones appoint ed Cashier. The bank made a dividend of tbfee per cent out of the earnings fur th* last six months. STERLING SILVER-WARE. SHARP & PL0YD, No. 33 Whitehall Street, S rr?J ATT.A3TTA, SPECIALTY STERLING SILVER-WARE, Special attention is'requested to die man? new and elegant pieces ■nanufactured expressly to onr or- ter tlie pa.t year and quite recent ly completed, An unusually attractive assort ment ol novelties in Fancy 8Uvey, cosed lur Wedding: and Holiday presents, of a m. diurn and expeu slve character. The House we represent manu facture on qn unparalleled scale, emplo)ltij- on Sterling Silver-Ware alone Over One Hundred skilled It and*, the most accomplished tal ent In, ami the best La bor-Saving Machinery, enabling them to produce works ot the hignesc character, at pripes UN- % PPKOACHED l»y any competi tion. Our stock at present is the largest and most varied this side of Philadelphia: An examination of our stock and prices will guarantee onr Sales. use mmm atCMISi C.afMI Caaniy. OsaouaT', Orno, January St, lifts. M rs. vary asn luck, wtr, of j. p. Lika, applied for exemption of pe penalty, and **'- ring apart and valuation or hoausiead, and I will ®P2 n riie aameatll o'clock, a- Mt- on the 6th f of February, ltflt, at my office m Fairt-n-n. x—«* R-C. BEAVERS. Ordinary.- printer’, ree.tXI. GEORGIA, Campbell Calmly. to m who*'it hat ooxcaa*. Our House use only British Sterling, J2; daclfi—d&wtf Ringgold Masonic literary Institute J 'T'HE exfTCtaeB will be festimed Hth Jsnu’tv. 182*. 1 Primaries fi per'month; Intermediate ffi; ad vanced *4; Instrumental Mwc $5; Voc*l Mafic free. Contingent fee SO cent* per session. ‘ R. T. McMullen. A. B., Principal; A. J. Robert, A. M., Matbemat cs; B. F. Clark, Principal Mafic Do pertinent. A Scfrolyfhlp[Off* 1 • leeted to superintend the building ui the Court iso in said county, and other zmrpoees, w’ll be l on the fourteenth day of February rext at Court House door in the town of Fairburn. between the legal boars nf as!-, the old Court House in the town of tXmpbelltoc, Ga. So’d as th* property of the county aforesaid, the proceed* to be invested In the public building* in the town of Fail* jaulS dSt&wtillfeMf REUBEN C. BEA’ Sffi, GEORGIA) Campbell Conn y, TT'OUE weeks after cam application will bezna^e tt A tli n Court of Ordinary of said county, at thefire regular Term after expiration of four weeks from this notice, for leave to sell all the land* belom-inn to th s of Samuel Cole, deceased, to-wit: Fifty (50) of lot of land No. 102 in the southeast com ro said lot, and one hnndrfttand fifty ( 50) acre* off of lot of land No. 1*3, all in the 13th District of Hear' irimnally, then Fayette, no w clay tou county. Also, one hoqee and lot in the town of Fairborn, In Campbell county. Thin January 9ih, >872. B. B. COIR, Administratrix. Janl5-w4w [Printer’s fee $5 ] Fulton mortgage Sheriff’* Sole. \\l ILL be sold before the Court House door, in tbe TT City of Atlanta^Falton county, Ga., on first Tuesday in March next, within tre legal hou._ _ sale, the following property, to-wit: A cortara hou-*- and appurtenance*, situated on Und lot No. G5, in tl e 17th district of originally Henry, now Fnliou count) Ga, known as Barrett’s Mills. Levied on as th* property of W. J. R**T*tt, by.v!rtoe of and to **atisf> a mortgage-A fa. issued from Fulton Superior Couit, in f Avor of Jas. L. Logan vs. W. J Barrett. Property pointed out in IL fa. January 8th, >871. Deputy Sheriff! nd to satisfy a fl. l«>r Court, iu isrorof V. A. Gaakiil va. D. Bain, prop- lffi P mh:d ° Ut by * >a * Btt * t * *Roraey, January 1st, at the same time an I place, a house and lot o the comer of Alabama and Broad streets » y of Atl nta, Fulton county, Georgia, froa’- > or leas, on Alabama street •t.era Lev»ed on a* the property of dr fondants by H. ta.itwr va. M. L Roberts, and M. L. Roberta, guardian and Mr*. Emily Roberta Property pointed out by p.aintiff* *s attorney January 3, 2873. Alto, at the ratae time and place, a certain lot or ptreel of land, lying and being in the town of West hud, m mid county, brin* part of land lot No. 15* n the Lanxatun. Crane A Hammock survey, fronting 567 feet on Garden street, and running backsam? width 809 feet to Ban.h street, sufficient to contain s-Tcnacro^a being the piacoon which Henry Hurt resided, and now occupied by Benjamin Wilson. Lev- t«l on as th<3 propeaty or Benjamin Glover, by virtue of and to SAtufjr an attachment ft. fa., issued from Fulton buperior Court, in favor of Gertrude Jones, for tue u*j or William H. Winston, vs. Bcnjsmlu • over. Property pointed ent in fl. ft. January j. jPoatpoued sfeeriK’s stale* \7C7 JLL he sold before the Court House door, in VV th* city of Atlanta, niton county. Gee -** on the first Tuesday in February next, withli legal hour* of sale, the following, property, u A hone and lot in the city of Atm nta, Fulton county, Georgia, bounded *ouU by Wa l street, east by Pryor street, north by Decatur street and we*t b Mrs. Cooper’s snd others property, and known as rh^ n. I. Kimball Hooeevfevled ou as tbe property of H L Kimba 1, by virtue of and to satbfj * fl fa is neo from Fulton ruperlor Court, in favor of Healy, Ber ry X Co., va. H I Kfoxball. Pronefty pain ed out in fi fa, November 1st tCL /. WP. •'K T P- .N, W to mty Sheriff, jggjstax Priater’htM jft per U'YT. DkKalb County Fxib Association.—The organization cf the DeKalb County Fair Association has been perfected. Ita offiesra consist of Hon. John Bryce, of Decitnr, President; W. G. Whidbv, of Secretary; and David Anderson, of Tbe following compose tbe Executive Commltttee: Col B. A. Alston. Col. John C. New, John B. Steward, P. B. McCurdy, Col. John N. Swift, and J. H. Bom. The officers are ex-offid of ttp Committee, the President being The Executive Committee will meet in on the firat Tuesday in February to prepare a Premium list, and arrange the time fur holding the County Fair in Lithonia. Music.—Tho breatft of tsmsic proves more eloquent sometimes thai vord4; Id# the jaedjcine of the breaking heart; it* tendency is to elevate and refine. Music resembles poetry, for in each are name less graces which no method can teach and which a master's hand can alone roach. The cultivation of our musical powers cannot be too highly commend ed. The last msetlng of the Beethoven Society was onoof exceeding interest. Twofine choruses from “Lucretla Borgia" were rendered in good style. Hayden’s magnificent choru?, "Tha Heavens are Telling," from tho Oratorio of Crpatfon, wa* execu ted with rare grace, power aj^d faithfulness, both in instrumentation and vocalization. Several duett* and orchestral pieces were given with very commendable spirit and good execution. Mias C#rrie Cowles, the graceful organist at the Central PrmbjUri*n(Jlwch, fayoxedthe society with a brilliant piano forte piece, which elicited the ap plause of all present. The gem or the evening was the plane forte playing of Prof. Steele, of Chicago, late organist of Dr. Coil yer’a church in that city The splendid grand piano of the Society has never before fdt such a masterly touch upon ita &J» as it did under the manipulation of Professor Steele. He is truly an eminent pianist. His touch and fingering are fanltleea. His soul ia in his play, and hence he is the instrument into a llrlrg voice, and strikes chords that chime like the “music of the sphere*.’’ Professor Stede was deservedly encored, and the conclusion retired amid rapturous applause. We are happy to learn that this fint-daas musidan will setUa in ot? midst as a teacher cf the “divine art," of which he fa such an accomplished master. We must not fall to notice the excellent Director of tha Society, Professor Edward H tchtnaon. whoa* efforts in directing tbe xanali of the members pa*- been crowned with signal suo- ucd fine sccifl qualities and acknowl edged ratfi’i* a« a taadcal artist baa secured to bbn the affertioa aid esteem of every member of the Society. Dii. Sherman’s Reliability.—-The follow ing taken from Pomeroy’s Democrat would seemio establish Dr. Sherman’s success in the treatment of Rapture: “We are continually receiving letters of Inquiry about Dr. Shensan, and his reliable I ry in the special ty of treating and curing ruptgre. About two years > a gentleman showed ns a photograph of hla, taken before he placed himself under the care of Dr. Sherman for nxptore. This was a few months after treatment. The difference between the man when the picture waa taken and the time when we saw him was wonderfiL He then considered himM’f cured, and have credit to Dr. Sherman. In view Qf this cir cumstance, and wbat we had prerlomJj heard, as a matter of interest to those of be afflicted in a similar way, we man. Recently, In order to remova every doubt, and to make sure that no wrong should be done to a y one, one of toe associate editors of this paper devoted an entire day to the invesdgatjon ot Dr. Sherman’s system ot treatment ot hla patient*. The result cf this investigation confirms the truthfulness of our la ment. Many prominefft gentlemen In this city tell ns they triad other parties without bring benefited, then placed themselves under Dr. Sherman’s treat ment and were cured. Perhaps we may exprese the strongest oogviction of our assurance of hla by stating that, if w should ever be afflicted as others who have been treated by hjm, we should go to hist for treatment with every reason to bdiere that he would effect a cure. Further than this no man can NOTICK. QEORGJA. FBLTOS COCNTT.-I htreSj cob- •»nt thumj wit., Kiifiret 1. Bril, mjj become . public or fre trader, M riknred by Motion ITS) of Zrwtn'.BeriMdOod.of Georgia JSSGJStwS - MARION BALL. \\ it. H- U BADWAVS BEADY BELIEF CUKES THE W RST PAINS. IK FRO a ONE TO T ENTY MINUTES ires 03TD noun after reading Gil* adrertis^^tuefd any one suffer; tftfii'ite4".* It was flip lirst anft is Tho Only Faiu Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains.'allaya inlUmmationa, and cures Congestion, whether of the Lnngs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. m FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. no msuar a'vr victeu or ' “— * w Itiicamk'Ud,' Bc'd-ridden’ NemmJgic, orpro^trated' RAQWAY’S RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT BASS. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, IsfiASUOAtion of the Bowels, Congestion of the Lungs Sore Throat, Diffiult Breathing. _ Palpitation of the Heart Hysterics, Croup, Dipjati^r Headache, Toothache. Coid Ch Tho application or the part or parts wlierr the r~‘ afford epee and comfort. Twisty drop# iu wW* few moments cere Cramps, Si{g9m8/Sdar StyiidJ^h: Ijeart burn, -lek Ueadacho. DlAirtuwi, Dysentary, Colic Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Fains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of if ad* way’s Ready Relief with them. A few drop* FEVEB ARD A|ujuE. d Ague cured lor fifty cents. ' agent in this world that will and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scar Typhoid.' i riiow, and Fevers (aided by lti WAY’S PILLS) so quick Aa HAD WAV’S HEADY I LIEF. Fifty Coma per bottle. HEALTH r~gE^yTY' l Strong and Pqre Rich Biped—Increase pf Fleah « Weight—Clear SVin and Bcastttol Uotuplextion cureti to all. X3xr. Et.cfc€3.N7u-a.-y , J3 Sai-saparill-aa Besolvent Uaa made the most astouDlilng Cores; so quick, so rapid are the changes the Body u ndergoes, under the influence of this Truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAYAN INO.cBASS HJ FLESH AND „ WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. TH£ GREAT BLOOD rriXIFIEIX. Every drop of the SaSPAKlLLIAN RESOLVENT landuiar oiseese, Ulcers in the tiupaf, __ mora. Nude* in the Gl»jula and other parts of the sys tem, Sure Eyas, ^tromorous discharges from the Ears, and the w«>rst orms of 8kin diseases. Eruptions, Fevtrs, Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne. Black Spots, Worms in the Fl-* 1 ’ rumor*. Cancers in the Womb, and -.11 weakelnng GEORGIA^ Henry County* Obdccaky’s Urncx, November 5.1S7L TT7ILLI.VK ALEMAMDBR, guardian of Doctor L >T anti AVrena Stoue, reprstfenti* that he has oily discharged his Bahl trusts, and petitions for let» di-ml«si6n. • - • . • If objection* exist, let them be filed within Statutory time, or the letter; will bp granted. ^l f NOLAb-.Or,Ma nq7lJ-wim ' Printer’* fee $4 GEORGIA) Fniion County* OsDCfABT’s Officb, November 10,1871. J OSEPH T. SMITH, executor of John II. Smith. deceased, as applied for letters of o)smi«sIot. from said estate: _ Thi* is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, with n the time prescribed. law,<’se hrters will ba granted the novll—•wlm DAftlEL m-TMAN. Ordinary, rrintor’a foe $4 60 t powers to care If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that ia continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wanes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood— and this the SAKaAPARILLf AN' will ana does se cure—* care is certain; for when oqce this remedy c mmcncvs Its work of purification, and snpceeds In dlmfai^hlug the loss of wastes, it* repairs will be rapid- ami every Osr ti)« wiO feej hlfflaplf growing better nd stronger, the food Uigcaiing better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only docs the &ARSAPARILLTAN RESOLV ENT excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous. Constitutional, and Skin dis eases : but it is the on’v positive core for Kuluey nnd Rladder Complaints Urinary, and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Drop sy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Bitfoaee, Albuminuria, cod in all cases where there are brie dost dfejSorita, or the water ia thick, cloudy, mixed with imbalances like the white of an egg, or threads like White silk, or there'is a morbid, dark, billons appearance, and white bone-dust depos its, and when there is a pllcking. burning sensation whenpesaing water, and pain In the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Pripe #4 rpr Pojtip. »n. BAB WAV’S Perfect PurgattTe Pills, Perfectly tasteless, eieg&ntly coated with sweet gw purge, regulats, purify, cleanse and strex^then. Hs way's Pills for the cure of all di orders of the 8toi_ ach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Headache, Const! p*tion,Costivness,indlgestion, " *a, Biliousness, Bilic-- ” ’ “ * r iwels. Piles, and all —. —__ icrnal \lscera. Warranted to efftct a positive core. Porol7 Vegetable, containing av mercury, mineral, or <2£012GI 1 f DeKalb County* Oedj.vaut * Omen, January l*th, 187L W HEREAS. E. A. Turner, exacator of Nathan Tu ner, deceased, late of sail county, has ap- per&tfs irtTtivsted; to* he’and *appear ac-my office —Ithltl’the titpb pruscribdd by lawyiken and there to leffers should not be abpW fcmse. If *hj, w!,y granted vqld spnlleaut. • Ql '>' ttnJW ar Ordinary, janl*—wim Printer’s fee fit 50 wu oiibfiiTs sal t» ior Fei- ruary, 1872. 1x1 * oldbefor ® the Court House door, in thi * * cur of Atlanta. Fulton county, Georgia, on ne first Tuesday in February next, within the local lours of sal**, the following propert v, to-wit: AlMbat t*actor pveel of laud lying and being in he city ofAUaetri Priloo ouutty, Gjc. known m lot “ f . th «'nM l riflo ? made by L. B. Daria and C ' ?° "*■ ° r ctty lot Jjo. 3, DooUngSO feet and 4 eches oq s e ward alley, and fanning back eame width BU .AN H.tlK SOLID HaIR—NOT Dk'D. Twenty-four Inchta l.«r. weigh onlyts. luthealuT.j Wright vl. only *«; * Inch. Ij« wet* tf’.-cl, only tt 50 — long, weight a oa Importer wb. r. rSCKUAM, esti retail*. CHAS V. PECKliAM, eetab i-hed-1845,68*, Broadway, near Amity street, and vfii G and at.e-1. cor. Chryetie, New York. By mall on rrcript of coloi and price, or by express, c. o. d. Oort- spondonct answered. dectt-wlm. GEORGIA, Ile«ry Gsunty- - Oiwmr’s Omct, December 15 b, JS71. W5f* T ftF R .°P applies to mo for letters ofshar dlan-hlp ot the petaou* ana pror>- rtyof Acif. L rnd Thomas J. Bowden, orphans of John V. Buwdci. 1 it« of said coanty. deceaxd. If objections exist, let them he filed with! * t *hg«ey time, prescribed by law«r tbe letters will b Witness my official signature. . . «LO. M. N dec31*w4w GEORi.l a, Fulton Canntr* OZDcrart’s omct, January « l-Tt. A C. GARLI.NO ro.v having ppiled for tire guar- • diaxifrhiuof William M. q-intun. a mi&tar: jM hc " ror ®* to pt-reon* coucerm-d objections. If any wiihiu tt»« time pro pdcatn M^appU'ed fo,' e * T '’ b ' *•" John T. Cooper, ££ 1BL mTSIAN - ° rdln ^- jan3-wa0d Printer’s fee fi4 SO 1875. l at the umc w g and hell Fuiton county,*G*., being t of that city tot known on Vi .»f Atlanta, as fractional lot No. 50, fronting „ Wstiley street 150 feet, and running back along the r ght of way of the Western and Atlihiic Kabroad rlgnt of way 831 feet to lot No. 29, thence across the •ou h^est comer of lot No. 28, thence at right angles . s —c—--— UiO'e two mat mentioned, as its Northern boundary. Said lot. .o. 20, being in land lot No. 78, in the 14th district of oilgiually llenry now Fulton coanty, Ga. Levied ou .a th • property of R. P Glenn and Jas. A. Wright by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. issued rom Button Superior Court in favor of the Atlanta ’\auuiuu Bank va. R. P. Gle. n snd Ja« A. u ri^ht rty oat in fl. fa t ’ licdly- coant^ Usnrgu, ^ the l4tn dtcuict ol originally Henry now Ftutoa county, commencing at ^he north-west corner of a -qasre of 10 acres, known as the nnreejy ftf Peters X Jaram& Co., thence south oP,th« iatt side of i»U ttn-ct, 15 ensure to s ^^,0 corner, thence east 10 chains to q a^ka corner ihenco we*»t 15 chains to the *4h; Ji^aat cornw of said nursery, thence west on tue south line of said nursery 10 chains to the beginning ajrturr, coi.ul ,lug 15 acres, more or leas. Levied on is the property or Richard Jonnvon, by virtun ot and U asti-iy » mortgage flfa.ivqed iroi t'ulton Supe- Tor Court, m favor of Wiliam Gabhett, trustee, v*. nor Court, ro favorftf W^lUatR <3a1 . . atichayu Johnson. Property pointed oat by liam- tuoud X Sou, plaintiff s attorney. J * t. July I860. Aie°, at the same time and place, a Certain tract or parcet of laud lying and being ro the coanty of Fulton -iid state of Ueorgia, being a part of laud lot 81, In toe 14J* d;n. 'c; of of^inaHynieory, now Fulton county, coundnmg eleven acres, more or leas, bounded ou toe Kortu by tue Western and Atlantic Railroad. We»t by Echoi« and Po sell’s land. South by Loyds •aud, ami ou tue East by Rosaen’a land, with all the nehis members, etc. Levied on as the property of A. M. Wiugfldd, admlnlstiator, and Madison Hiratten, by vinuuof. and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton superior Court, in favor of Collier and Hart vs Alfred tf. Wingfield administrator and Madison Scratten. br*cjt on a yard situated on Eliott street in the City of Atl tuts, aud known as Tharmond’a brick yard, said onck to be delivered at the yard. Levied on as the property of David F Thurmond by virtue of and to sat isfy a fl. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court in fa vor of B. A. lsman vs. David Tnurmond, property pointed out uy defendant. Decen btr 59, ig71. toe.Ciiy-w Atlanta; t ulton'Coflnty 1 Gal ’ Levied on as of O. Slmmw miriw. by rlrine "i&li 5-JfaSSrt i r UEORG1A, Fulton Con-ty OascrasT’s Omct, January 2.1878. S W. GRUBB, admin strator with tu C will an- • nexed of Eamnci Grubb, Ltu of s id co-ntv sridSato** appUud for lelteri of from * T SJ* fore. tonotifvall persons t oncernw toflto objections. If any tej ha within ih«- t^m- prescribes bv Uw -lee letter* will be granted the applicant as prayed for. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer** fee $3 GEORGIA. Falcon con cy. O&DixxnT’s Orrxcx, January 8.1872. M ARTHA E GRANT has applied for letters of administration on the estate of A L. tira*.t, late or said county, deceased . ™*hL therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, within tht time prescribed by law, else letters will bo granted the said applicant as app.icd for. - DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. T. Cooper, Cleric. jans—woawUn Printer's fee $4 SO GEORGIA} Fulton Cotmijr, Ordikaiiy’s Omct, January 8d, 187*. J OSEPH WIi LIS, guardian of Alo a>, Thaddm?*, and Mary Morgan, minora, having np.nitd foi leave to sell tbe wild oncolti atci lands brioiming u tbe estate of the said minors: This 1*. tnsiefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they Imve. within to else leave aril, bo granted the DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $4 50 SEA FOWL GUANO! 500 TONS NOW ARRIVING. rU X su * S’ « ” a © tri C- -2 B 0 oe tr^ K K5 SL. to A to —j to €3 ro to- Practical tests fer the past fi-e years prove this to be In do respect inferior In the bwt Peruvian Guano as a FertiUtrr. Sold for Money or Coton AT OPTI )N OP PCRCHASEa, AND ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. Remunerative Prloe guaranteed for Cotton delivered In paj-mcct of tliU Guano. CST'For terms and farther particulars, npplj at tho Wholesale and Retail Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of janS.j—d&w3m Mans: -w. arosisrsoir, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. said applicant. John T. Cooper, clerk. Jan3—wSufl GEORGIA* luiton CouuiT* Ohdinact’s OmcH, Jauuory 2d, 1872. J OSEPH WILLI hu applied f«r tetter-of admin istration. de bonl* non, on the e*ia o of Moon- Carter, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify a I per- sons concerned to file their o**J ctiuna, if any tirey hay^ wtthln the time prescribed by Uw vl-e letters will be granted the a. pllcant as applied for. DANIEL PITaMAN, Ordinary. Printer's feo $S GEOUCrlA, DeKalb Co*>a»ty. OnDiaart’s Offiok. Janaary 2,187L YYTnEREAS Drewty Maldvrin, Administrator of vv Benj. Maldwin, deceased, lmviig an,lied f • r leave to tell the real estate of said decease^ TM*, to AdUfy uR pew na concerned to file tfcejr ohjecriens, if any they have wuhiu iho time w “ * r “ lwi , , " - W , WKBST5R. Ortlmtr/. jsn4-w4vr ftimer'8 Jes *» Id the I> strict Court of the VulHil States—fur tlin *f-; thorn District of Georgia. “W late of adjufigrdir bTstricrCoart of saIS district January 10. " NOAH K FOWLER, Asstgneo. janl8-n^8if ddFim ftlediits Awardeti TUB GREAT aimms, le , .. . lurueu to me January 8,1872. .hoo« SUdlot euuaiLU u ^ Blde of gtreet ^ in jjj. «.»« ward or the city of Atlanta, niton county. Georgia, containing one quarter Of) of an acre, more or lews and adjoining toe property of Wilson and MlWy » ft 1. Usded from Fulton Superior Court in !«»,* of BcnJ.K Owen.Ti.ff i. Jtackle. Fropertj IKiiiitcd out tn fl fa. Jannarrff 18?3. 1 /ri o.«imcMtno Utqo ,nft oUco, .alt;lot In the cltj of AUits, faltou coanty, Ua., eututed on tho of ItitUetou .nil Butler etreeu, frontin'' forty llktt (ill 11 f if ISift ill llnwl rail L.“i. * _ Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO ’ Manufixtorer# of Grand, Sqauro and Upright PIANO FORTES, QAIiTIMORB. HO. T HESE Instruments have been before tho Publi for nearly Thirty Year*, and upon tireir excH Ucccalocaattato^J and ■ unpurcAtutd prc-nnlntne*. which pronouncea them uncquaiod in TOUCH, WOUdMANSHIP and DURABILITY. tSTAll our SQUARE PIaNOS having our New Haprov^ OrxssT&tnta Scale and the AGttAFFL ^“We would call special attention to «ur late Patented Improramenta in GRAND PIANOS aud SQUARE GRANDS, found in no other Piano, which bring toe Plano nearer Perfection than ha* yet. been Every Piano Fully Warranted for Five Yean special arrangemfint, enabled to ORGANS an i MELODflONS ol tarWo are, foruiah PARL the nroet celel TAIL AT LOWJ Dluatrated farnlahed on _ WM. i an i Prico Lists promptly WM. KNABE & CO.. Baltimore, Md.. Or to PHILLIPS, CREW k FKEYER,, -w-fOl -rl Antand fiw J ACOWAY & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Trenton, Georgia, will practice tneir profeui' and give prompt attention*to busincre In to« Coi or Law and Equity in Dade, Walker ana ad’Oli counties, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. MONEY CANtJOT ^UY IT! or, and derive their name “Diamond" ou account of their Hardness and isrililancy. They will last many years without change, and are warranted superior all others in use. Manufactured b* J E. Spencer X Co., Opticians, New York. Caution—None genuine “ stamped with our trade mark. For sale by R Georgia, from whom '.hey ean onl/lbe obtained No Prdlerg employd: ' nnvV5-d^t^.w1v Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood In the Head, Aridity of toe Stomach, Nausea, Heart- barn. Dismast of Food,* FcRncss or height in the Stomach. Sour Erncutions, Sinking or Fluttering at ssiBseBSsr"'-*** system from a l the above *- cents per box. SOLD BY READ “ FALt* **D TRUE.** Send one letter- stamp to RADWAY «fc CO.. No. 87, Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousand* will be sent yoo- • Juljfi-daweodly UYEB DEBASE and Iijjjlg et^op prevail U»a greater extent than probably any other ma lady, and relief is always anxiously sought {after. If toe Liveris Regulated in Its ac tion, he*-Vh is almost invariably secured. In a ction, or want of on in tho Liver, causes Headache, Con- Jaundice. Shoulders, lje “ Sour te In tiohth," bilious at tacks, palpitation of the heart, depression of spirits, or too blues, and a hundred other F/mfctozna, SIMMONS* LIVES REGULATOR is the best remedy that has ever been discover- K ed for these ailments. REGULATOR!! ^ ■ ■ pie vegetable com- pound, and can do no injury in my quanti ties that it may be ikeiL Tt la harmless in every way; it has been used for forty rears, and hundreds of toe good and great from all parts of the country will vouch for ita vir- n |m A^and^r H^Stcphens,of Geoagia. Jno.^IUShoct' r, So^VCTnor of Alabama Gen. John B. G- * a u Mott, of < 'jSSnSFL, _ „ „ .. Manufactured only by ^ J. H. ZELTX * CO„ tOR SALE BY ALL LKL^GISTS. anriW—lAWIr GEORGIA* Campbell Coanty. C. v OBLEY, gurdlxn of James R having applied to the Court of Ordinary of • IsfMrtofroao-* * a person and Tula la, therefore, to cits ad said county, for a a in my office, why the show cause, bv flHnir oblflCUori j said E C. Mobley s?onl«T not be dimlssed from his guardlansMo of James R. Br-dbory a«d receive the usual letters of dismission. ^GlTcn jgndar xay offiria} signature, this January jaaStwtw GEORGIA, Campbell Coanty. TVATID STB WART having applied to be ap- 1 J pointed guardian of .be person and property of Thomas J. Dunlop, a minor undar fourUea yean of of age. resident of said county: Tkia is to at*all persona concerned, to be and ap- . aar at the term of toe Court of Urdinaxy, to beheld nex< after the expiration of thirty day* from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any they can, why said David Stewart should not be en- txusted with tbe guardianship of the person and property of Xfcomaa J Dunlop. ^“wnqBsap DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. VANILLA, LEK017 Etc., For Flavoring lot Cakea A Fa«try. THOMPSON, 8T5ELE jTpEICE M’F’GCO Depot., Cbloico and St. Loulj, msmcmnu or DB. BRICE'S CREAK BARnra POWDER AND BLOOD ESR'CUEE. • THE CHEAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Partner. The sure Repairer of Broken Health. The trne Kem Supporter. The Permanent Strength Benewer. the moat Energetic fpnlc. In all cases of Defcility, Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it sorely and durably benefits. Bold by all Drujyirft, or thi Mamjarlurm on lit receipt of #5, tend, by Erprtu, 6 Bottles, schuh u ruficient for 3 or 4 months. Prepared oaljaat the Laboratory of Thompson,. Steals te Tries art’s do, ' XASCTACTVKKU Of DR. PRICES CREAM BAIUNS POWDER. Special Flarorlsas tor In Cross. Cakes A Pastry, 217 acl 243 LAO MIB, • C2Z3A7-7, ILL. 937 SKW® ETtier. , , , 87. ^wa, VJ. *W*y-ri* "pariaJ iwfarrncsto tuImltMbL ooptftdeodawlj Iwt on Houstonjstmjt, tad running back sanio origiiS ^by virtue of oifUmaietrict, G. Al. in favorof^Low?*\ValUce Wil lam Alexander. Levy made by J. It Thomp- , L. U., aud returned to me January 6th, I87i. .... or ah.. *io«- — of land UBS ui ton countr. at' ' r;oo t qt ordlqarjr. In'favor of clariTijSaliii'taudUn o‘ .OibefC.coareeffva. Joseph Coursey. Kopenj rticlih _ _ part of laud lot No. 51, in the 14th district ally H nry now Fultou county, Ga. LeviedonaaThe property of William Alexander, by virtue of and to saiufy four li. fa-, issued from the Justices Court of «S*' n o Amo. at the saute time and coutaiuiuu flay (5o) acre?, mor ui Urn north haif bf land lot 71 14 of original y uenry, nbw Fulton coqnty, adjoiuirg •he pioperiy of Goodwin, RegUter, and others! envied ou aw the property of Joaroh Coureey, by vir • ‘“' A “»tt»iy a r e **'•- corner of Wheat and Collins streets, in the city of Iginall? Henry now Fulton county. On said lot is.. tau-rtory dwelling nouse known as the Calico House Levied ou as the pr-perty of Marcus A. Belt by viriue and to sa lafy « fl. fa. issued from Fmton 8a. crier v'odrt La favor of Joins Poplin vs. Alarms A. Bell. ^ny pouted out by plaintiff’s atiorney, January I.O., twnmlcd oohth by - sol otrect, cast by Pryor Otrnsq north by Iitcatqr otreet, and Scot by Aim. "Optr a .nd others property, »nd known to the a. I. Kimball House. L* vied qn as the nronerty cif H. I Ki ..ball by vjrtup of and to satis/f irto Mechanics’ •ud I aben ra’ ih u fl. faa. issued from Fulton bups- rior * ‘onrt-»one in ravorof J. C. Peck & Co., and one •n favor of G iver A. Hall, each vs. H. L Kimball. Pr peny po uted out in fl. faa. January 8,1872. Aiao, at the rame time and place, a lot situated on the corner of Forsy to street and Branch alley. In the citv o'A'l ut.a, Fulton connty, Georgia, containing ••ne-hal f acre, tno-eorless. bounded eouth by Branch alley, west by Forsyth street, north by Reid’s lot, and east by a 10 feet alley, ou said lot is the old Mill onitoing formerly occupied by C. K. Grenexlla. Also, a lot containing a half acre, mors or Isas, bounded »ourh by Branch Alley, east by-Forsyth at.', north bv is sitoateJto^ievf byC. K. Grenville, an.i themfiqhKSy ffierotpattached, consisting qf one Steam Engine and Boiler, lot Shaft ing, Belting. Pumps. Mill btones, Conveyor*, E&va- u»rs, GrainFan. Rfllfi Tool^ atf Levied on as the prqpeny of C. K. vtrenvifle by virtue of and to tatis- Ty tmee fl. fas. issued from * niton Superior Court- one In fa or of John Kiley, one In favor of U. W. Satterfield A.Bro., and one ia favor of Uonnlcutt & Belliugr*ph, each. va. C. K. Grenville. Property pointeuoatby plaintii’s attorney. January .‘1 1872 A M. PKRKERSON Deputy Sheriff. Jnn9—wtds Printer’s fee fi2 levy GfcOHtilA, FtiUoxa ^ ouuty : m **. ^rdluary, January Term, 1878. *^7M. L. HUBBMIO has applied for letters of if Administration, de bonis non, with ihc will an nexed, upon the estate of Joseph H. Dcun s, of sain county, deceased. Ail persons concerned are hereby notified tofle tbeir onjeetion*-, if any exist, on or bef* ro thn Ft-b- ruary tenp, 1872, of said Con t, else letiws will bs granted tbe apple ant. ntvi jan4w4w GEUBGI.t f Fayette ftauwty Ordinabv’8 Omcfi, January 2,1872. W HEREAS, S. T. W. Minor app’.ies.tu me for ibe Guardianship of the pers.t- » and property of the m ; nor children of W G. Notion, decease . This is, therefor, to rile ami admonish all person* concerned tc tile their objection* (if any exiet, wi-hi . toe time prescribed by law. ilc*e letter* wi I be granted the applicant, a* applied Cor, on tun drat Mon day iu February r jan5—wflOd Gr, W, ADAIR, Auctionee-. AOJIINISTKATOB’S SALE. B Y virtnc of an order of t*e Conrt of Ordinary of Fui on coanty, I will sell, before the Court Uoare door iu Atlanta, on too First Tucs uy In February vial, n of the Garoper property, bounded north by city lot two 2), east by Burnham *tr. et, rouih bv alley i»n*i west by Jackson street, be { ng a pa> t of ti lor number forty (4*«), of the 14»h district of originally Uenry now Fnltnn comity, and c«»ntj.i. s • ne 32 100 acres, more or less Bold as • he utopetty of tbeest-le or W. W. Bartow, Uteo* *ald county, dicased. for distribntiou. Terms CASH. LITTLEBEHP.Y JACKSON, dec23-w40d Adm.uisirator. GEORGIA, fipKtpb County. OsniKABT’s Orrtcz, December Sflth, 1871, A LBERT M. THRASHER h Ting to me for letters or administrator de > ouls non r.. m te* tamento snnexo upon tho estate of William Bcaifn, deceased: This I*, therefore, to notify ell persons concerned to filo their objection*, if a-.y, uith.n the time pre scribed by law, else letters will be granted said ap pticant as applied for. W. R. WEBSTER. Ordinary. dcc28—wlw Printer’* fet- $3 GEORGIA. Fnlvon County. TJ ENRY AKIN ha* applied for letter* of G IA ship of too person uud pr. pertf of Yoa^aud Orville Y Young, minors and or of Qnardlan- of Win. U. orphans of VY itness my official signature, this Ja* nary 5 If DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary janS—w-iw Printer’s fee $5 De^ftlb County SiterlfPs Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door in _ town of Decatur, i-eKalb coanty, on the first Tuesday ro February next, within the legal hour* of sale the following property, to-wit: All of lot of land No. oue hundred and In toe 15th district of originally Henry n coanty, except eight qcres, in the ntkto e •round the steam s tw min. ’Said ldt Of r - lng Jam’ca oth^. 52,14 -- erry ot Ja»*per B. Groves, 01 A. ra., ip favor of Jnhu superior Court, agrim-1 said Jasper B. Grorc*. Prop" erty pointed out by said fl. fa , . . JAMES HUNTER, Sheriff, juti-tfia Printer’* fee $2 50 per levy. on 59 * Tft tL -- from DeKalb ULUltblA, DeKalb County. Ordinakv’s Omcx, December 80,1871. J OHNF. BROWN ehip of the p«*i . V} 1 * riierefore, to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any exist,within the time prescribed by Uw, else letters of guardianship will oe granted said applicant, as applied for. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Jan4 -w4w OCO.KC.X4, I'olten County. Oneixart’s CJrrav Jiuiqary. J8.1872. J OSIAH A. FLOURNOY, next Wend of George W. Fl-nrooy, has applied for t Motion o# person- aity, aqo actung a^urt and valnation of a Homestcad, and I will pars upon the pome, at mv office, on the 31st day of Janoarv 1872, at 10 o'clock, a. x. . i DAHIEL PrmiAN, Ordinary, J nl9—tlliAw2t Printer’s fee $* GEORGIA, Ful|en ^qlp ( OgEiwa»t ? s G»»xca, January 18,1871 /^USTaVDS a. HU WALD has applied for exemp- YJ .tiun of personalty, and setting apart and valua tion of a homestead, and I will pas, upon tbe same, on the Mb osj of J inaary 1872, at 10 o'clock a. n at my office. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. jaulO—dltAwSt Printer’s fee f“i (xUakOIACS^ SA1» k, said ctiUuty ^Bold lor the benefit of Martha A. Jack- . PORTER, qaitdian. Wurreu County, UI wire, eot an order from the Court of Ordinary U of Warren county, will be sold on tue first Tues day 1. March. 1872. at the Court House door at War ren ton. betw-t-n tde 1-gal sale boors, a tract of land be onxiog to the estate sterling Gibson, containing iwe ve acre?, on toe n*-rth .Jde of Golding* creek, and ontneeascor the Wasidngt u road, adjoining lands Of K. M. Wilder, A. B 1'help? and others, bold for the benefit of the heir* of said estate. Term* cash. WM. GIBSON, , ’ ■ ^ . CiCEBoGIBSON, janMfld Printers’fee 85. Administrator*. DeKalb County 8heri(Ps Sales. being parts of land lots Nos. one and thirty-two (32) in the 15th district of originally Uenry, now DeKalb county, bounded on toe north by isad of B. Ragsdale, <m the last by land of JohnX. dark, on tbe south by South River, and on the west bj laftda cf Owen* and South rrver- Levied upon as toe property of Lrwl* Wiggln*. by virtue of and to satiefya fl. fa is sued froaTDcKalb Superior Court, in favor of Thom- a-Litwe vs. Lewis Wiggins. Property pointed out by plaintiff s attorney. JAMES HUNTER, Sheriff jani-tds Printer’s fee $2 50 per levy. Fulton County Sheriff’s Sale fer February, W .Id before too Court House W . manta, Fulton county, Geo.__, firs Tuesday in February next, within the tad bona of sale, the following property, to-wit: A corral* city lot In the Fourth War4 tf tha city of Atlanta, Felton coan? C^eir.r«na D» eoqta*e»t — * Greer, anu the bmplra to tbe corntiT of the eame, thence Mill lut weatwaroly eighty feet, more or less, to the ooraer of a lot belonging to Caloway A Pninax^e, tbeceo along salo line* northwardly, fifty feet, more •r lose,- to P. Haicalm’i lot, • thence eastwardly along tho Lnes ot McKinley. Flood’s, nod others 120 feet, mere or lew, to toe corner of R. Fleming’s lot. and theeoe southwardly 135 feet, more or less, to the beginning point, containing one-half acre, more or lew. Levied on as ti-e property of J. T. Greer, by vmneofandto satiefya ft. fa lasned from Fulton superior cour-, in favor of W. H. Friandl vs. J T. Greet. Propw^-pointed out by plaiuup’j.attoniey. Juuurf 10. isra^ plBKEHa0Xi janlS—wtda Printer’s fee $S 80 par levy GEUltGIA- Fnlion County. Orris art* a Office, J ■ unary 22, 1871. S IMPSON O’SUIKLDS ha* applied for «emptiot or personalty and 1 will pae« upon the eq 3 «> W o’clock, a. u., on toe Si day of hvbraaiy, *872, a* my office. j«uM—dlt&wSt UEOBGI4, UcKulb County. Ord-Kart’s Office, January tOth, 1878. \\T HERKAS, J. ». Jones, ad*» inlatrutor of Z. K V V Jones, late of *ai<\ county, Iiavin applied for letter of lUsmtos d.n from said irU't: Tty 8 i*y therefore, ta uctlfy all pcreonB coucerned, to pe a^d appear at ruy office wlthli. th time prescribed by law, theu and there to ahoi enure. If any they have, why letters should not b granted', _ Given under my hand at office W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary Jan23—w4m Printer’s fee $1 &o Ruptured Raptured persona of Atlanta and vicinity, are inspect fully notided tlial certain Ulocr- nnt» have pub ahed the principal part of the following Circular, the one lasned by Dr. Sherman, when he opened his office in New York, which cir cular now forms the first page in his book on uplurc. They have left out bis name and suhslituted their own. Their object is to mislead the public by this deception How far such men can be trusted with their peculativo abilities rind assumed skill, the reader may judge. RADICAL CURE ABDOMINAL HERNIA OS SlIPTUBE, Without Inconvenience to tho Patlentnr restriction in J3qorc!seor Diet fisratad h»* tins exdatirely to tbs study and treatment of Abd>mlnJ u«vrtriui*8 forai-t mid tig»-s la »h® Southern SU 1 *** * " ' “ *" ‘ ‘ lflanu'.re - -»c« | •«-« * - •«— —<• ■- -• -v . « - — . J aQ *J 0000* t. to« pu’» If. tu«t V has fipetird an fuller, w? tradw<v, corner 4th Htre-C ! n »: h ,r ha *L r* h “ u » ««ch day to »•.«;. ,< who arc unfortniirt* ly affixed * # aifility to afforttbs Ri nomedratc aud penaaoent with ihiadibircaamg Infirmity, iu*foll canfldeiic I'urin? cn experience of over Twcn v-fivsyctrs. thsgroa'sr por Ion of which period waa nccnplsd a* la,U,nt Nrw Orbliw Dr. S ha* .r.-ai.d a^S.1 t™*audTop5rS &jSS&AESLtSi%SA£ide* t '■" mUr “ >*—»••«»«* »b-wi«i*to*a-tac one 'r" ” d v '. r ^.;,r', o .“, t ri; brap't reta«^1«» ,ew ° f roapln * tb0 b Uc4la,ld ®*P*’«onea of Dr. S., In tbs aaleoi *0 and a^pUcatioa of 1h, r ? c< l a,rrd * n h 7 U*. a - hs» ties# cff^t-'l hr moat awldtma- stu l-, and an adapts- fs.'. Tl * tantsdluvenUuttf tu. ru.Jior (hat .tadj-u. each a. mMUI. Rupture Curative Compound. at er tonal appMoation. promoting, a operedy and parmanootcure, wl’bnut subjecting ttaputisot to aav of to^ruflieringtjaUij ro juries reruUDi from au mtunuptvd cure uy toe tight mam. tm-uppocuu* pretsara of a 1,1 ** tr **nient tfHsttbe t^UnoU !a most Instance* frozr tb« Arakcpp Icatico will reaso to hr a-u y. d toy a r rnru ot t a ru,Aurr, i d will be enabled to take th m««. aaiveixSicDa 01 f 0«o cr tm h. re. back aMb per . ct recurI«> a^....t tte dsngtirs ,4 «»ra* u'auo 11 mis. c ^t*«*m*e ou ivsw ^, 8 ^ A**? VPJuH 8 ^ n, ' : ° cr,ajni . , J , f the torn etne** of tha peculiar course of treatment luv-nis d sue •.d'tpi.dhjhm d«vo vd gieatatteut'on to die tucchaiarm of the nrnanre iuvo vvd lu ih« Sf *■ no f ■ ,ll 1 r «e«*Per cure, that It I* ro coordaacevftit the prise-pt* Him It ^ I t I h l?**?**• nuiverrolly ackn wiwige pr-c.ic-or AIMIVTIi: bUROKoV and bearre ts. with tou • oufltknco thus ausptivo, ba It will perm-uenTy red- ve all o»*«- of redncib c Urrela. without guru to the sgc of toe patient or toe <mr..ti<m . f Urn Ii jo-y, wd a it ia aboly tree from aU tbe'cm. kr that uoa • haroct* nzed thr tr. atmetit of th** m*I?uiy from to- ccrlh*- age to tbs pn smt day. t.c. ttinvfora. to - vita* the eatuc* t attention ol the affLOed ana tou closest scrutiny of tbe profession. 1 U ti^rwura. in OFFICE 697 BROADWAY, C0aJf£H 4TH STREET, N. Y. »R. rnmil-HhaTlniMvcrireil o»n,At’tma )rtim.frem pmowafflictedwhkB-r-tn-..wlm«. n . ahlotf, \ W Turkf. r ir.lm.u1, desig-ia to ho to Atlanta, onto nrrr.tvd toatUpthU saosltoO of ntra to those who may derlr* it. Uaa uotio. of which will bo uivon In tha jT.w.papCTw 1 1 MIt EDITOR—I (Team It iluoto tho« .mtchtj with thfe to Hbla snd pulnfnl dlsrc.w. to make the follow. lo-.Utomont: A ab'iul n u-taooy afa o two, had booniS/ottd with Utral. or ‘«r™ Cbo boy biSotivotl to John .Join r. .rf l«,a-a.^“t^ ^o ShTn<£,„. hnu and pmnounonl hla ra«« ht^c oaa as t-ero wtuTl diffi-n-aoo of tmlnloa about tho mods of tSSSfn.’o 1 totia aovsootcd tbo n« of the k»ir. to w..leh tnoothw and tssySviSESltfi i?5okTiTIS A- uid obtained Dr. J. A. bbi'rmau * Rapture Cur tires and after hovlng ured tbeta about threo JU'tDih*. th»- boy was ea ire J restored to his healro ml is now p vf-cti* well Fo? STlastttraSrare on the u] >UUtfon. doing «ti the wura of a field baud, roll ng |.»i etc, w 1 thoal thalex-Y iuconvl ffrietols k'liaau voiuntartlj, for ibe Itmen of tbram wbo bavT — - 1 roconrtn ence. Dr bherman Vicksburg, May 8, 1862. Mc. irUtoinfcD Jea-t inconrtmcace. j lavoUIa disease and «nr ray « atiudati W. T. Mills, m. d. GEORGIA) Campbell County. J T. DAVENPORT,guardian of F, B. Wilson. A. • H. WtisoD. and S. a. Leon, baviqir applied t«- toc Court of Ordinary of i^ti i bounty, fqr a di<harg from hi* uuardi&psbrp, qf F, B. Wilson. A. U. Wilso “Sift 4- VTIlaon a persons and pr perty: This la. therefore, to cite all persona concerned, to ehow cans*, hy filling objections iu my office, whv tbe saidJ. T. Da'»enport should not be cis.ul-scd from his gumdia&slip of F. K. Wilson, A. II. Witeon an i S. A. \Ulaon, and received the usual lottir.s of di* miseion on tue first Monday in March mxt. . aJ“T2L uoder m 7 oflcW aij^iurc, this Jan iay 2th, lb“2. . B. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. Jania-wiw Printer's f»e gi 50 Georgia, FultonCotittly* OBpTCgKT’a Office, January 9,187*. TOXIN H. TRIMBLE, a person i*f color, has applied w for exemption of personalty, anil I wi 1 p«s# ujio* the same at 10 o’clock. A- at, at my •■ffiM.on too 19th dav of January, 1872. DANIEL PITTMAN, janl0-<l’&wzt Ordinary. [t^pter’s fee $2 GEORG|.% « $'i4lton rQupiy. Qboixaet’s Office, January ’8,1878. the 8iat day or J uua. y.1871, at li. o’clock, a. at. DANIEL PiTTM aN. O.dinary. janlfl—dlt*w2t Primer’s fee <8 GEORGIA, Fulton County. • Court of Ordinary, Ja-flary Term, 1872. the estate or Sallie N. Guerin, late ot notified to file toelr oh said county, All persona co corned „ m JectloQ., It any exut, oa or before'thehebraiuriUrm' lift!, of this Court. GEQUG14, tigrron c ounty. S IX weeks after date, api Ucatlon will ^ i«m' rdinarnyof Warren count. Ga, .... ..... to sell toe nons- and lot In Warrenton, Ga, beiui.g- ing to tbe estate of Sterling Gibs - WI CICERO _ ^ ■ ' Adatiii5atr.i..ra. Warreictow. Ga.. January 1.1878—j .»•*-* tw GEORGIA, flit 1 ton County. Ordi*art's Office. TVTOTICE is betoby given to »n persona coancmsd tbiu no peraon baviug *ppded for ibe guardian ship of toe tbree minor cuiltocn of Wiis.»u, sirick laud, deceased. I wilt proceed oa tbe first Monday lc Februaiy, 1Q^ to appoint the C! rk of the anp no* Court, or tome other fit pereon. cuardlan of til it per son and property, unless * t om« objection la fl.. d belo-o that d*y, in m> office. Given uuue my band and official a ^nature tbia t->ih da / or •**emher. 187* O. P. bivKuTON, Ordinary. jan4—w4w ' Print* ya fta GEORGIA, fuRau County. Court of Ordinary, Janna y Term, 1878. XT HAMMOND has applied for letter* of Ad- Xv • ministration upon (he estate of Eugese b. Mitchell, late of said county, decea-ed. *** are hereby notified to file their objec- Printi-tVfee $$ jan4—wlw GEORGIA, Do Kalb County. Grdixabt’b Ofwce, D o*mber30,187L W HEREAS George S. Ozmer, Administrator of Robert Ozmer, d?ceiscd. lnta or aaid coun ty, lraving applied for letter* of ci«ctistian from sa;d tr Th}a ia, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to W. B, WEBSTER. Ordinary Printer’s fse ti 10 jaflt—w4w GEORGIA, DeKalb Ceunty. Ordieart’s OyxiCE, December 8,1871. HEREAS. John Holcombe, executor or Robert . . W- Holcombe, late of said county, deceased, baring applied for letters o. dtsmiaalon from said “ffcaata. therefore, te efts and admonish all per sons inter* ted to be and -ppear at my office, within tbe time prescribed by law. toen and there to show toae, ir any they have, why aaid letters should not ofrS undef my hand at office. ^ - w. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. deolO-wim Printer's fee #4 00 DR. VALENTINE MOTT8 OPINION OP DIL SHERMAN’S INVENTION. NEW YORK, Scytempher 82, lfte. JRmfPSSZtrE* lhc *Pb»catian of Mr. ftoeemaa’e n«mlal dsetoe. and am murk Bleared with It, Indeed I know of I'OUifni; ao we’i crOcul tod f r toe purpose f<-r which It 1* InieuduL end I idviu von to cHl on him and (.rociira one. It wlil douhtiose afford you to 1 relief y«*n luvo lw*e.i lour tnieRvor- rog to > brain. Mr Sherman *as iwd much exiH‘rieitc« and l« very skill foi in ireallnz llorr.l, via «.i-i Letter from Thomai J. Parp-r. HI. X,., one of tZao »uu*t dlai.Mirulaheti memaeas o* tbe Med colt.cult, of tbe otbto o* tp",.. J VICKSBUCQ, MISS, M«T 7. 1*2*. 10 Imtnjam io job. rwa».IrZM?rvr.: To Dr. Sherman, New Orleans. ' ^ Oflico, 097 8n nd\?ay, N. T. Semi ,00 for hook, wltlt Tilinti. K rnnIiic ItlifiieNaiaol eaa-s betoioKuu »ft«-r< ire, tvltn tue tlcnrv \V..rd Boecli- er case, lit o'S uud ;> -rtrait ijewan* • r tnirelinj- IinpiiKti-re, ttlioDrc- beeo bssistuuts of ur. .sHElt-UAN. Ho ba» no -Kents. AOiaUsn. S. G. DORSEY, Executor, etc , l Bill to constrne | will of John Dorsey, te. fdcc’d, of near, co., _ _ J *ed »•* eeiWe «d- S. D, DORSET, ot aL f T appearing t«» the Conrt that Isbam I *or-ey la a 1 party to arid Bdl and treble* la the State of A la- be’* a. Ordered by tbe Court that service b* perrerted on eaid noo-reald*r«t defcurlaut by publ cation iu ibt2 Atlanta U natiintion, a uubllc Gas tie. one* a monto tor^^irour mouths preccdltg th* next term of this October Term Henry hope lor Conrt, 1871. G&» ll.NoMiy, __ . . CompWoant’* solicitor. Qj tbe Court: JamES W. «4*«ek.n. Judge a. U, F. C. The above and forgoing true extract fr mt’ e mm-te# of Henry Superior Court Do «ujber 15, i87l. d-ola-wlanrtm O. G. %v »:i»- k. ChO GI », Iulion C* u «y. J - -HN M. SMITH baa applied for Irtfers of Admin- fatiatiua, wlru toe will a .* exe 1, u«on ih-^ • fUte of Cati urineKe tun late or a id county, «l*c*ast‘d Alt ORTroua concerned are here *y uoilfled ro flie tbeir vbjectiona, if any exist, ou<> ba* -e itie flr i Monday in F* rn*ry uexs else letters will be c an ted toe appll-anr. w t -aa ray official aUmature, t is 6th flay of Janftary, 1^72. Jan6-w<w GEOitGlA, DoKalb County* Obdixart’s Orncz, January 2,1878. W HERSAS. Hsrriet E. XeN*D a« p Isa for leiti-re of AdminInration on toecaat^ of ittcml BeUpT.dtcwei. This ia, therefore to notify all persons concerned, to file tbeir objections. If any tb«y bare, within Uw time prescribed bylaw, eUa letters will be granted toe said applicant as applied for. ibgents Wanted. X'HE great horror of threw b century! Chlcaso. 1 the proud *i» of toe ^eet In ruin-1 Hundn J* of people *nd millions of propeny burned up! iAri hundred tbourend persons made home!e*s mud re - doe d to bejrg«r* l Fearful ticenw! tfcart-restdin. Incident* t * iliiot-s of copies or this tragic b ol fits* Chicago, incimraU, St. Louis and N«w Orleans. octs7-w2aoa Guardian’s Suit*. T>Y virtue of an order from the Conrt of Orolna*y J-> «* Cower* county. Geo-ria. will soH on the umTflrsday in February. 2874, althe Courthotuedi-or in eaid county, beiwe n the legal hoar* of sale, th foi 'owing whole lots and i«rt* of lota of tend, *l:oattd In the conn j ®f Farctte and Mate or Georgia. »rit: Ail of lot No. 29 and two-thlrda on toe n r r aide of lot If** 5, an uf lut So. 4. and forty acr>-s it. lortheaat «»rne' of No. S all l«lox in toe slrto JetrECrp ho.8, which Is in toe seventh. Abo. al of lot No 193, trulch. lies west uf White \\ star tr 1 Creek, ia tbe original fonrth • mstIc: held land tuba ‘ *1 aa prop -rty of Thottiaa P. X. Arnold, minor, ti»d 1 >r his t-eneflr Te^rraef sale caah. ThU tho ij of December. 1871. \ WM. A- us*OB9. Foreign Guardian, , of Thoa. P. E. Arnold, a minor. decl4—w40d Primer** fee $10 { l’u Uoniraciors & Builders. |SEesa3ssis»iKs%' Jr* -*<*«■; **■« ta.w>l. to bTtwre. t.■*.» a feet hlRh—m.k w T« orj lobe*f«.t lUu, Md the ep -t .torf tww } tach-. l- kat be *0 in rttnbl«s acrora tbe boawt, Irav- !"?. t-il t elref-ei .(tie aik! utm brick wa l di> - tb- north half of tbe bnl.oli-r dMteeeau, t..M w»V- to be i*oe -torar bigh. be four r o—edown relie fee i.fflc-e, wd th. anirw.. i,-. nlti. oo betw-^o ibe twu r oai.Io tbe touts of ibe boift. * The comt nxou will he tp.l.I.,, with twt. Jnry foo—» ta tbe reer of the Jttdj^. eeet lioranll - *Um* r« bbd tixfre.Ju e. *i he coon nun Mnnaffice* »o be ceiled The contractor -I b.r.q.tejd taal • h, l4 with up, roT-d wearily <1 flnl.fl M.ld WIM&( by lb. flrat uy , f Srp eo.h r sex*, end .apply «11 the m.trrUl for woipjrUbr iho -Mr. -xo pttho brlcx caw on nuud, wuici. we ebau- d bod lucked ap few j f..r are, —ini e-t tiwied at . oat blne'y tu-uM-i. and (boat tw<rth rd. • .oar:, ruexf nhefoon a ion. K.e fall Eetifoa of th. pi»t. aril tern- of per. mm m, til st tit- offloa uf The Consiliuti n ofies toe UlMU sar. .od tu. cmi, ralreod. ^ J LM£d T. ZeUIPIIIS 3Mn-d)tAwtil6lhf.b OrJluty. AOTiCE. S. ff OEIHES, M el., I Motion to etttWI.b lort JOIlDAH JOHSSOX1 I MrerilT tost the defmdsnt in toe above suued case a not to be ottmi In this coanty or but* It is ur- d rat bwtiisCour that - mce b. tXfw ed br po” •hallo • ol Ibis ule M. SI in aaid case la The At- <auU Oot^titutioo. a public g •* *»* of tote State, for r B KNIGHT, J. S. C. Atrn-t, -xtfroia the minute, of Mq-oo Sane- w - ^ u. a. <T GEORGIA* r’eKalh Counts* ORDtXART’a OrncE, Dec&mbe; 4th, 1871, ITTHER AS, S T. McElroy, administrator iv WlHam McElroy. dictated, late tt 1 county, applie* to me tor letter* of dismteaioa fi Ismteaioa fre fore, ta cite aud admonish all r- tohisuda ~ 7 here are, th-refc ta raw, way tell ehnoiti oot be Oteen aoaer my txn-t, at ufltt. tin. Dtcamber 4th, (1EUUGIA, llenry County. OxopfAXT’* Omct, DmmbtrU, 1S71. M aDISO s MADDUX applies for tha runifauublp «f H'HUaoM. eJUot'and MsrtfcaSapott, or- tc. • of Jn«. J kKIott, cf, i !• objeedoas exlet let toera b. flSed wiihln sutolo- ■ tbe •«' lew will be granted. dertl—w30d Primer's fee $5 Dong use County *herirf*s Solo. ! \\ ILL. be sold before the Court Hoase door, In J DougUreviHe, *»o glass county. Georgia, on ( the Snst i'aiidayla Feb*u*ry. within ih« legal hour* dS&ffifiT ‘ tv of Wa^lo While, 20 jl L IZZIE LONG ba» applied for exemption or p-i J Edwar- B. Hlvfland. forth anally, and I wli^paa* Jipon at 1 tha paidgse.mon^. Jt*ropertj pointed » the propt •u o’clock, a. 3C-. on toe 83tn day of Jaitusry, at I W. W. ntcrrell, plAuiilff’s a torrey. Jan. 2, my office. -DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. I _ THUS. H. oELMaN. janl»-dltfiiw8t Prtaur'a fre$l janT—wtfla Printer’s fee $2 K A