The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, February 13, 1872, Image 4

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XNDISTlNCTmNl r T1 iKifi&i onstiialum. A linu too ICiSd.—MentionJj marts In isrticli ebyTtuiruahKnoion “Hotels" of & cheerful ui't of ssTsges which make their home es the lank of the Amoor lircr. IK raf affectionate and kind 1 j These people ere verr ifcllOMii end kind ATLANTA.GA^FEBBDABmiST^ STERLING SILVERWARE: gUtalaff *f - Aeoownt*—■nllnclc Gate _ iviah al I dead haunt the place where the breath passea ,IA If ATI®"* f rom the body. When a stranger of gentle disposition and winning manners cornea among them they treat him with the greatest SHARP &PIOTD, ■ .raiZmmat—Tine Bank In Sht. Wands kindness, and are pleased to bare .1 as MUT- rraraVU or Frt-jmain; they ob|ect to his departure, and if .he rate talil manifests a desire to more on they kill in order to keep his good and kindly spirit Tssunsy or. c. i*. rarawiam mam* *m ~ l among them, in visiting tnese Amoor ioiu aider Iks pnsrUoas ef tk< rat prosed by tk* yteoeal Jt ^ ^j^ble to be as ill-tempered as possible lAtWatara,Dscsak«r lith. l»n, pmuor MlJ« * I M that they will be glad to be rid of yon ML)karararoth«Xecov.rj Bill, tkukikad rraroa both in mind and spirit takra**th*tth*0*<»«U Hattaail Xrtkadtalw ' — (Ottitial adrertisments, ^rs^ker*«. I A proclamation When**, oOcUl lofornraUon h*> been -.rcceiKd at thl< Deportment Ural Joraph Fry. who h»< bee” con- “o^/BABallocklMpttwaaeeo^lalkUbSiV,, QBQRQIA: «M tadlvtdnallr. aid tk# other a apadal aeeoontas j <to*vner—vh*ket bring State food*. H-LKUaUll By James M. Smith, Governor of said *Co.»S<ok<»taaaceni:atlb<e<. After th*$'jjht of Oar. Bollock end H. t Kimball. oatkaStat of Oete- kar.l»TkM.L. Joeoo.Ctahlar of Ikotab** I fined ftheerara. JoOof Fatten roomy, to para- AftTtoii^tothe amount* ’$3S000,W»dthAtbydi- *«*«of a Bench Warrant Uraed hj tr*m ths DI^SThTl-d pied SoperlorCouitof raid cnonty. <k«*t»* M» with th. uomo of tk< SMIWhtepriwt* er.dlt.rad ofawof ehaatiog and ..ladling, main hteroap* raerilTof Kimball ACa- tad had alao from atld JO! on lha 6th day of February 1 natal t, £^dtelh*$t«*$*.500,*ida«bl*IndlvMn»JnoU aodlanoirat !ai»e: Ihave ttoofihtVtP*r. r olIi. a. r r... ah. t^ mfiiMtripg th* three 1 fore, to Inbc thU, my proclamation, hereby offering ta *bart * Uwton.^^_M«Idw^fEU‘ B ^ ltowdo( rl „ Hundred Dollar, for the api-rahan- lock apadal account u Gorrmor, and a. 1- Kimball Jfc Co. ii OBf inil ttt ****** Got amor Bollock raplled to tUa naierdatatf Sheriff of raid county and Stale, in order that ha may be brought to trial for .the offeree with which hr November tl, IF! I. denying that tho throe account. «*»«*mod and Iko Great Seal of the State wan ape aod the aasa, aod oaoertln* that th^JK- lha Capitol la Atlanta, tb!< eereath — —i day of February, in the year o' our Lord eighteen hundred mod seventy-two. and of tfejundeperrieoeec* theUnlied States of -JULIES M. SMITH. N. J. GRIMES, et aL, 1 Motion to establish lost dOEDAN’JoH.S-SON.fe 111 *“““ » Vo. 33 Whitehall Street, I T appearing to the Conn, bv the return of the fihenffthai the defendant St the aboveiutrt <J« la not to be'qnnd In.thla county or State. It U m> derod by the Com that service bo perfected by nnb- llcatlon of thta rtrieNLSLia aaid caae In The At- Imu ConatitnUon, a public write or thia State, for ice of four tnonlha before the final hearing or Hie. Thia Sith August, 1S71. * N. B. KNIGHT, J. 3. C. SPECIALTY STERLING SILVER-WARE, sectors know different. Ha denounced their ration and Mid that what ho had overdrawn on hie private acroaat he waa reepotralbl* for. aod that the ttss.- Ml to were State fnada and depodtod ao aueb. IP norqaaotly. ha Inelorod Acting Ooranor Cooley B y tha Gavamor: a copy of hla latter to K L-Joora. aod denounced In | DAVID O. CQTTINO, aamtuaorud terau the action of tha Director., and bkdCBIPTION. ArS* Ooveraor Conlay drew a drit on Bodily ti^****™ tr Cu foU amount. The Bank refnaed to honor It I peown hatnaod f£al frootteeth. Special attention is’requested to tbemany new and elegant piece* manufactured expressly to onr or der the past year and quite recent ly completed, An unusually attractive sssor 1 - mentof noyelties In Fancy Silver, cased for Wedding and Holiday presents, of a m< dium and expen sive character. The House we represent rcanii- facture on an unparalleled scale, employing on Sterling-SIiver-Ware alone Over One Hundred skill'd hand*, the inpst accomplished tal ent la Designing, and the iyest La bor-Saving Machinery, enabling them to. produce works ol the highest character, at prices UN- APPROACHED by any comport tion- Our stock at present Is the largest and most varied this side of Philadelphia. An examination of our stock and prices will guarantee our Sales. Our House use only Secretary of State. ewlbogrooaA that they had sofaado aakomdnh- ^TI, Bilk claim*that Bollock anfi th* Xlabalt* bad [ draws oat all bnt about $10,000 and that It ta But-1 lock*, private faada. Thu lawn of tha Culled State*, vre believe. In*let o heavy penalty upon bank ofieoi who rauke falae astriao to defraud depoallon or corporation,. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. - GRAND ESCAPADE. Hint Prlaanara Btctpo in BtylllM (ram tha fnllontointr Jsll“**«l- atolt Kay IJoafi—Fry *«■» *W fra as aha Oaah«**ha Slat a* tha Mklti Yesterday morning, while tk* rain waa coming down In Mg alnlcee, a few ralnotra after go'elock. W. A. Boniall, on* of the guard at tha Jell, left the door to go to th* oflee acroaa the street to make np hla aewlhly etotaaaant. Tha enter door la left open In h* day time to girt olr to tha prtsonara; the Inner, n grated door, la locked, hr. BomeU ho* got to the office when tk* nlan* wan sonnded that tk* priaonara were aacnplng. Ha ran to tha door, and found it nnloakad, * rkeleton bay bring la th* lock. H* locked u lmiotdi-1 for Flavoring les Cream, Cakes & Patlry. Maly. Hlnataaa p-Iaonara wan la tha hall In the VANILLA, LEMON Etc, act of %-r'-f Baron Mr. BouaU arrived, the TH01P80X, STEELE A PRICE X'PfiCO two nun convicted for playing tha confidence I Sapots. Chicago and St. Zmula. O*oi(* and WllUamOlat, Joseph Try, th* Bute Hood I waasnoaBmn or operator, John Brldwell, who slabbed Fat Smith DA PDICFf CREAK BAKHQ POWDER British Sterling, 1000. daclS—dkwtf R. Ii- It- RAD WAY’S READY RELIEF CURES THE W RSC PAINS. IH FROM ONE 10 T EKTY MlNUTEk, NOT ODE HOUR after raiding this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain liemedj tbit Instantly atop* the moat excruciating puns, e.Uyt Inflammitlona, and cores Congestion, whether of Langs, Stomach, Bowele, or other glands naBf 3 or {MTQttr^ed with disease may suffer. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AFFOBO INSTANT EASE. Inflammation of the Kidney*. Inflammation of the Bladder, Tiflimmatioa of the Bowtl 4 , Congestion of the Lnng» Sore Throat, DIfflnIt Brea thine. Palpitation of the Heart Hysterics, Croup, Dlphtbearea. Cold Chllla. Ague Chill of the RfiAD Headache, Toothache. Bagnn. of While eonnty aod Wells, of Henry county, flllelt dlatillera opiating their sen trace fey United Bute* District Court, tad Clerk Trimble, Warner Doris and George Cot-man, (colored) mteeeedad In e. raping, uae of the Oleta waa the (rat manta get ont ■a waa utua peering under Butler street culvert Lj Deputy Sheriff Ferkenoa, whs gave chase feat ansae UMStaUy. Tke prlaeoan Mtd before they left the Jail tkay ware going Into tke m one talas towards White AND BLOOD ENR'CHER. Tk# key mu nude by laeertlag ttafoU Into the Ward* to make It fit the lock, and w»i doubtless con veyed to Iko prisoners by ooaw tamale going In wv earthed. Th* male viators are always Marched. Tha prisoaere wen on Us alert, aod raring Bonnet: go off, aaada tha moat of tha opportunity. Borne time ] prevlou Mr. BouaeU f oand a letter kid 1* t > dirty 'r Repairer of Broken Health THE GREAT RECUPERATOR OF EXHAUSTED ENERGIES. The most reliable Blood Purifier. far tight, that he would soon be then for her. aod that th* oSIan would be on hle truck. Thlu uhowu Up to thta writing none of the escaped prtaooae j fciT* bun maptmed. Mr. Boanell has been employed at the Jail far ell yaerv, and bar been ever vlgiiaat sad efficient. III. probable that the officer, will gat on the track of Ihi pen** faratahl eg the fries key to-day. The true Nerve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Henewer. The most Energetic Tonic. In all cases of Debility. Poor Blood, Weak Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it anreljr and durably benefits. Sold by all Druggult, or the Manufacturerr on the receipt of THB GEOBGIi NATIONAL BA Th* Oll*«r Hide—Card *f E. L« Jraa*. Cuhlti-Stey HmAIbCi JUiUrt Constitution : Upon !nform*tlon tad affldx ▼it of Ur.C.L. R*dwine, that thl* teak 1*Indebted to II* But*, by r*a*on of freed, ia th* sea of $121,000, the But* uthorll!** have seed oet es etiechment eed tehee po*r**loe of It* ssmU. Th* elelm lebsped. MI eed*r*tesd It, epoo the theory that ecrtele fond? to the ladlTldeel credit of R. B. Bollock, fa specie eecoeet, were the property of th* Bute. There esi b« no other ground for the clelm, er GoTereor Ballocl closed hie offlciel account with the book two year* ego. Th* facts ere briefly as follow*: Governor Bollock kept two account* with the beak, personal sad special. HI* persoeal account was kept op chiefly by Kimball A Co., who deposited la the course of on* year over $80,000 to Bollock's credit. HI* special account was et first apparently connected with State fond*, for the reason that he deposited cheeks on Clews ACo. In NewTork, and made check* la favor of Treasurer Angler. Bat latterly Kimball ACo. deposited foods to the amount of $104,000 to th* credit of this special account out of fond* real ised, u I understood, from Brunswick end Albany Railroad bonds, about the Vme Gov. Bollock was ia California. I understood from Got. Bollock that this special account was kept Utterly for Kimball's benefit and aa security for ad vances made to Kimball and .Bollock by the Bank. The Kimballs and Hr. Cook repeatedly and emnhati OiQj assured me that such was the case, sad Bullock •nly drew against the account when It was convesxl- ent for Kimball ACo. t* furnish the bank with money ta pay hla checks. On the strengtk ef tkataeeureacr, rep set i dly given. Gov. Bollock waa allowed to over drew hie personal account ta the amount of $90,oco and drafts and note* were discounted for Kimball A O*. ta tha amount of $35,008. After tha tight of Bol- leek sad Kimball, the Bank consolidated th* three ac counts, charging Bollock'* personal accounts diurtoff $50,000; Kimball's overdue paper $55,000, and a protested note, indorsed by Bullock, end dis counted ay hie special reqaoet, for $S,50O-*H op to Bollock's special account, aa wa had aa undoubted right to do. The Bank Informed Bullock what It had done, sad that tke balance, about $15,000, waa at hla credit and subject to hie order. Th* bank has no evi dence that any of the balance claimed belong* to the tMk ^ irill send, by Express, Bottles, which is sufficient /or Sot 4 months. Prepared only at the Laboratory of Thompson, StMU & Pries let’s Co. DR. PRICE'S CRUM BAKINS POWDER. , Special Flavorings for Ire Cream. Cakes A Pstffy. 147 ui 249 LJLZS 872X27, - CHXCA30, ILL. 827 8XC0B3 S72ZS7, * - - 87. LQ8X3,1£3- »W>M deadOwlT 1I|B nmABB Indigestion prevail to a greato; extent than gobablymty other mu tion, health ifBMI Invariably secured. In-1 or^want of I caosea Goo- LIVER regulator: tha mouth, bUlons at tacks, palpltationM I the hewt, depression of spirita, or tba hlnea. and a hundred other symptoms, SIMMONS’ UVEJR RKGULATOE la tha beet remedy that ed for these ailments. It acta mldly. effects- pound, rad can do no Ou tk* eoutrarp, tha whole htataip of tk* Kconnta I atari. It tahunnlaau In .very vrav; it has brag mad rova that UttarIv Butlock rad Klrafcril mtern lolntlw I h “fi«fia ...^ gvjod.rad gvrat prov* that UUarlT Bullock utd KlrahaU war* Jointly | tn£_ iatanstad, and that M lout S'M.UK of the vpactal I Ura, vtal of tke cottntiT will vouch for ltu vir- HMUt waa Kimball's own moaaj, rataad on nlaov | kfpMkacutli* of hlCbondOnd ttat.ltaSt*t*hua nut uaj Gala whutsvar on that aa agalast tha Bank. If tk* Beak uwaa lha Stata tnataad at BuUock It l* rad; and wUltag to paj whan tha claim ahall ke legally ratahluhad. Bat It eaaMt pay ckacka drawn kyntkana^ckaigatoKafu B. BMlack’a Thu Bank, mntaaa deprived at It* kariastasaata, ta I ,bl* to pay iu UabiUUas, larludicg l, .vary dollar ltowra, awWripercc at of ita capital baaldaa. > nacaarity for Ikta uztnutdIMry pro- Jno. 'Sm Shortvr, rz-Gorenior of Alabama R. L. Mott, ofcSfStma, Oa. araamoug tha hundred* of whom we can refer la . H. ZEUN Ac CO.. FOR SALE BT AT-T. Fsknaiy*. tlx i-L. Jems, Ouhler. MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! It'OR SIGHT 13 PRICELESS! t Bat the DIAMOND SPECTACLES will Frsaerrs It. Dbats or Mtt*. P. Thwbatt.—The com- maMty was palafllly ahockadSuday night to bear tfeattkaramalaa of thta lady war* at hand for In •.*- merit ah* died Soday morning, at Atlanta, leaving tkna lovely cMldna tad • MrictaB kaahand. Tke . f-wnl aarvlcra w«atw^dky ataig. eoMonra. of I “J mourning Mend*. It seldom happens to sue to be so { thsirHsnlceeeandBriUisncy. They will l*»t msny greatly endeared to rermanyaewa* this waim-hearted, 1 ymn without change, and are warranted superior to para Christian tady. B.arif abriinUtm ami grntal aympatkstic matara draw do** akoat tar th* albc-1 wlajSwlth Usm of tkta people, among whom aka lived ao long. ^ ^■° C ^ BWlta °V to^ratao. wu uxw^ our cam- cteragta, duM% parary of tha MlUrdgrvUl* Brootdar ray. of 3frv. I «®«*0**t ®'Kulh C-nnty. Tkvntt She was the eMcrof OoL J. BmlowCarap-1 Ommxxxr a Omen. December 8,187L * TT7HKREAS. John Holcombe, executor of Robert .»Y W. Holoombe. late of m)d county, deceased, having applied for letters or dismission from said ball of this city. Oolkthorpx Pass.—Mr. John Rice u th . meronura 51 * mertgig. on th. H. L KlmhaU Hoara for | causa If any thry have, why raid letter, ahould h LOW K $130,000. Ok naraatic eitr Attori I tagntted. aaaaa $10,000 *r $130,000. Ok awaraattc CUT Attori ■ T Bay, Oq—ilm W. T. Hawmaaos Mondayowd >mii I ®venu.def myhandatoffica et hapaaettari to raatrala Mr. Jaka taca frora mm- I Keririg ar dlapoalag er raid mortgage until the hill | W. B. W KBS TER, Ordinary. Printer’s fes $4 50 UMid ha heard. Judge W. F. Wright (Jadg. Hop-1 SEOHGU, Cwrity snvscmy Attorney. ( »dl th* North half of lot of land number twentr- «*• Third District of Carroll ori^ naU^, BaLBOFTBXH. L KntBALL How*.—The I WHSSSSSS&.fW^Unafi.of raid - *-1- KlmhaU Boom wm raid at atariff’a aula y Or ter-1 Thta February 3, ltd M E. HAMMOND, duj.nd— talldmu* Hast (Haoly, BanyACa. *• d J. | ^^OKrittan tf^HjmmMd-. minor r holders' liana (Hraly. Barry * Ca. a- d J. ^PrakBOoO for the ram of 115,013.1* Dr. Joseph Themymm. who hold.a mongag* fat akoat $80.too, j e..rx,ri, Fult.nC.nty, • dMeBih.pKckM.of th. lot. Onsetaxt's Office, January 26,1972. Caxyd.—The memben of Tullolnh Fire Osmpsny. on Monday, presented W. X. Blggsrs. Chief uf tbs Tire Dspsnmsat, with on ekgunt gold hssdsd SMS. CkpL BL B. Crew presented ^hs cans In on s—sis snd telling speech. Chief Biggvre responded to • happy and felicitous style TTBRXAN C. HEERLKIN 11 cmption^of^personalty, and st 10 o’clock. A- x., on the 9th day of 1871, at my oflee. JanST-diAw2t ... apart and and Iwifl p*fS|U^onth* LuyCdlcdtodij, Ws shall never see her more; 8bs 1*14 two eggs ndsy. On Sundays she laid four. StoATB.—At the meeting of the Doeoturl ** a30 " d * wln Plantation Supplies- _ T AM now furnishing planters on tins until 19th October next, with Bulk Meats, Bacon, Lard, Core, Floor, Oats, Hay, Groceries, Tobacco, etc Cash or ders will also receive attention. Ji«*»m ABtalrtl a.b, OBTk—doy, the foUowtog gvntlr-1 TACOWAY A SON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MS were Qpobttd to prepare essays on tbs subject* I Trenton, greto will practice tndr dwIMbs Mt Dr. Obllhr, Ostnst Ootsad J. O, Vow, I • 9e ItrtBitffik, W. J. Bsustoo, Fata toes; | oogt||sjj>d^& eopr«o- andYcdcre: Courts. The application of the READY RELIEF to the part or parts where tfce palp or difficulty exist* will afford mm and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will In a few moment* cure Cramps, Spasms. Soor Stomach. Heart born, nick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Fains. to the Bowels, and all Internal Travelers should always Ctrry a bottle of Kad< way 9 * Ready IleJiof with theta. A few drops in water will prey cut sickncse or pains from chaujre 6f water. Ills better th*n Fyenph Brandy or BUtere as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cored for HI tv cunts. There is not a remedial agent In this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilious, Scarier, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (sided by KAI>- WAY’SMLLS) so quick** RAHWAY'S READY LIEF. Fifty cent* per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Strong and Fore Rich Blood—increase of Flesh and Weight—Clear Skin and Ikautiful Companion Dr.’3 SungaparUlinn Xtpraolyont Has made tfie most astoulfOuuK Curia; so quick, ro rapid ar* the cnanges the Body . ndtr-rocn, undei the influence of this Truly Wonderful Me ticiue, EVERY DAY AN INC.iKAHE IN FI.BSH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. TRE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER the blood. Sweat, Urine, mu of tun ajratem Ui« vigor of JiX, for it repairs the wastes of the body wfth new Other fluids aod juices o/Uici more. Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the aye tem, SoreEyes,!9trumorousdi*cha$Kea from the Kars and the worst terms of Skin diseases. Eruption-- painful dlschaicesL Night Sweats, . all wastes of the life principle, are within the enrativi range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few of these forms at disease Uem- If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is continually pro^ressm#. —•- tneve wastes, and re:. ’ U made from healthy ’AIULLIAN — diminishing the rapid, and every same with and thia the SARdAPARILLIAN will and does cure—a cure is certain; for when once this remedy 1.- w< >rk of pi rifles tion, and succeeds ’ te loss of wastes, iu repairs will . ry day the p .Uent will feel himself _ _ and s troogcr, the food oigestint; better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight incrcavim:. Not only darn the SABSAPAKILLIAN RESOLV ENT excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, ConstiuUonjtL and Skin dis eases : but It Is the only positive cure for Kidney and tsiadder Complain Bright's Disease. Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brievdust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the whito of an egt or ttosflfl* like white silk, or there is a morbid, Jrt S2S ri S g T nri & raSpSIStoTh.&rilu, Ul .B«k Price Per Bottle. 9&$ EADWArs Perfect Poreatlvo Fills, Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet unuy coated with sweet rum, cleanse and strengthen. Rad- I of all dl-orders of the Stom-i Nervous Din-1 ffissstc., ternal Viscera. ^ dde&oMdrugs conUInlng Uc mauuj, mineral, - IWVKX** reeulting lo*rad Pitta. FuSJSl'of tba Blood lu th. Ad«tj of > the^liUtt«h,N.Mra. Urart- Food, Fullness or weight in the ‘ ‘ion*. Sinking or Fluttering ^Swimming of the nesd, Hi A few doses of RAD WAY'S PILLS win free the jrstem from ail the above named disorders. Price 25 entsperbox. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ “FALSt- ND TRUE" Send one letter- RAD^L^^3^N^?JuSenL*S* c. Information worth thousands will ‘ ’ 65 First Prize ikledals Awarded 1 THE GREAT fW Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO. Manufacturers of Grand, Sqaure and Upright PIANO FORTES BALTIfftOREv .VID. T BK ^ lnvlrumeE-.v 1 forufKlyThiv.y \ UK 8QUABB PIANOS ha^^^^^B OmntcsB Scats rad UkIOiUFFB SI. jo other Plano, which ^Jt*eFtatto nearer Pofactlun thrahra rat'bem Xvaiy Piaoo FbUj Warraatud tor Fira Yeti. ttauiah prewsssmmm ■“"“ta^CaatogBaa aril Prico Ltaa proraptljl WM XNABB a CO, Baltimore, ltd., or to Phillips, cufflramS. GEORGIA. Frilt.n C.rimtr. tor letters of admlntv- TT*. A SIMMONS applle* f W the ratata of J lota of said cottctr. decxaaad. i hereby uottfi d to file r before the firvt i win he granted •****&&£ GEORGIA, Campbell Csuuty. OuncrxuT's Omcx, January 24,1872. ' If ES. MARYANN LUCK^ wife ef J. P. has . U- applied for exemption of persouhy. and set- . .vJL applied for exemption < ung apart rad vmhStfen of homeriead, rad I win Sr^^Sr^^i*^ to “ ■VSES, Ordinary, printer** fee A GEORGIA) Henry County, Oastran'u Omcr, Janoary 36th. 1*3. r THOMAS KIMBELT. sdalstatratur ef BauJ et . Lewla, duceaaed. repreaesu that be haa dlu- charged his trut, aad petitioo* for lettara dlemtaau- If ohJacrioMezIat let them ha filed wtthl. ataoto- ry date or the let leva wUt be granted. Witaera mv official airnaicre. W .SllMTNOLAN. Ordinary. [Printer*, fee $4 sal GEGBGIA, Fayette Canty. —— Onnnr'i Omcx, Febrtury Sth, 1*3. ■ That*, tkarafore. to notify aU petaons concerned. Ito fit* their objection*. Ifanythra have, on or before tha fim Monday In Match next, atau leuara wilt be ane ROTXCE, Faltoa Sheriff’* Sales for March, 1872 \\/ ILL be sold before the Court House doer. In the V V city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, be tween tke legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property, to-wit: All that part aad parcel of land lot No. 84, in the 14 district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Gjl The part eoleried on is in ward one, contain ing X acre morn or ices, on £ to new ill street, ii city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of Anstin to aatisfy u State and county tax fi fa, Ms tax for the year 1871. rior Court W. EL NESBIT, C. S. C The part ao levied * Georgia* Campbell Cmnmty ' \AVID STEWART having applied to be ai>- ; -/ P°toted guardian of he person and property 5 under fourteen years of Tbomaa J. Dual*n, of age resident of This is to cite all; petrat the P*rmof nex* after the thJy^Siuwl ted with_the cnaniisnship of the person and ial ngnatuS January 25th. 1872. RTc. BEAVERS, Ordinary. Printer's fee $8 NoiTT, ia th*p4 ward 2, Mock 23, fronting on Peters and Loyd streets, in the city of Atttnta. Go., containing X acre more or lees and adj-Aning the property of “Hoyle" Levied on as the property of Mrs. A. Abrams to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa, for her tax for **le Tear 1S7>. Also, at tb* No '(S, in the 14 distilct; the J*art so levied operty of Witness n J*n2Vw4w GEORGIA, lie "ry County. OxDutauT's Omcx, January 25th, 1872. TT7ILLIAM R. H L NRY, administrator of Frances his trust, and prsj • for letters If objections exist, let tl statu:ory time, prescribed by law or the letters will be Witness my official Jan50-w3n signature. GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 SO GEOBGIA) Henry Cauuiy* OxnxaauY's Omcx, January 13, 1872.' J NO 8. MORRIS, administrator of the estate of applies for leave to b* filed within the time by Uw^or theirere will be granted. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. Prlntta , $ fnta tell *he real estate of __ It objections exist let prescribed by h Jdn30—w30d Printer's fee $5 GKO GlAt Fulton County. Tt»HN M. SMITH has applied for letters of Admln- upon the esute «| Istiaiinn, with the of Cati arineKclton, late of said AU Persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or bef re the first Monday in Fe .ruary next, else letter* will be gran ted the applicant. Wit ess my official signature, this 5th day of January, 1872. janfi—w4w DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. (Printer's fee $3) GEORGIA) Fayette County 'V^0 , ^ c S , • hereby given to all persona concerned, Vi that on th* day pf » • , Larkin Landrum, late of said county, departed this life In testate, and no person has applied for adtninsifation on the estate of said Larkin Landrum,' and in terms ■intheClerk of ihe law, administration wil point GiVL February 3d, ] GEUBtfllf Fnlton County. OimpraBT’a Omcx, Ft bpary 5,1R72. their objections, if any Monday in March ne*t*elae leaye wi)l be granted as 5th, 1872. feb7-w30d GEORGIA) Fulton County. OnnnuBY’s Omcx, February 3,1872. J - tion on the estate of MUes H. Ilill, late of said county, deceased i All persons concerned, are hereby notified jo file their objections, if any esist, on or before the first Monday in March next, else lcttere will be granted the applicant Witness my official signature, this February 5th, 1872. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. fcb7—w30d Printer's fee $3 GEORGIA* PoGulb C£Ut»ty r Obdixabt’s Orrjcx, December 4th, 1871, TETHEREAS, S T. McElroy, administrator of TV William McElroy. deceased, late of said eonnty, appiisi to ms for letter* of dismission from retd >rust: 1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per ms interested, to be and appear at my office, to show ca-ire. If *n^ law, why said lettets should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this December 4th, 1871. W R. WEBSTER. Ordinary. dec7—woamlm Printer’s fee $4 50 Clayton ©epa y Sheriff Sale. ILL be sold, be) e sold, before the Court-house door. In i onr* of sale, tbe following property, to-wit: ’ Laud lot No. 40, • outainlug 202K acres.' moi s.-, in the 13tii district or originally Henry legal more or tbe first Tuosdaj hours of Laud „ s.-, in the 13t4i district of orlgi Clayton p yuty. tositi-fj a tsx 11 fa issned In* favor of th* county vs. A ll.iva Dpdspn. Levied on cud re un.ed 10 me by H. C. pi-Nlisr. L. this Janqary 30th. 187:. R. S;02BU UN. Deputy siheritf. fcbl—wtds PrinteFs fee $2 ^0 per levy' ’ GEoRGIt) Warren pounty, L>Y vi»t e of «n cyder ^rpfn the Co^rt of Ordinary A_> of W aiTt-u county, will lie sold pn tne first Tni ciay i.. March. 1872, at tb« Court Ilopao door at Wl. reuton. bvtw* » u tde lvgal tele hours, a tract of land beongiug »o the erteio r*ti*rling O'hson, containing twe »»a.crcs. on tbt* north fide of Golding* creek, and «»n tne east of the Wsa^ingt n road, adjoining lands of R. M. Wilder, A. B rhelps and oth.-r?. Sold for the b«n« fit of the heirs of said estate. Terms cash. WM. GIBSON, CICERO GIBSON, jan.V -ttd Printers' fee A3. Administrators. GEORGIA, Campbell County. 20 AJA WHO* IT MAT CONCERN. B Y th: request of the Board of Commissionc* se lected iv* soperiutend the building qf the Court House in said county, and bthcr fcurposcs, will be sold ou the fourteenth day of February next, at the Court Hou^c door in the town of Fair burn, 4 ’S-, between the legal hours of *ale, the old Court House in (lie to v.g of Campbell ton. Ga. Sold as the property of the county aforireid. the proceeds to be inves t'd in the pqbhc buildings iu the town of Fair- N. tvimbaU to aatisfy a State and ccttatyUx & fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 108 in the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia. pbries street. In the city of Atlanta, containing 14 feet more or less and adjoining Bluster A Martin. Levied on as the property of Mm. Catherine Lambert, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for her tax for in the f J M fa,, for Also, at the seme time and pl'ce. -part of land lot No. 81 In the 14th district of Futon eonnty, Georgia. The part so levied on ia in ward 1, fronting on Thompson and Railroad, in the city of AtlantaTcon- taining V acre more or less and adjoining Rodgers avtH -Tnvta.' urnn.i.v ■ T —4^1 am *w_ * —. State and county tax 11 for his tax for the sear ingon Fair street. In tbedty o on a* the i LeTled on a* the property < satisfy a^State and county ta: ward 1, containing % acre, more or less, fronting on Thurman and Mat gum streets in the city of Atlanta, -Of wc" ‘- Ga. Levied on as the property of W C Beavers, to satisfy a State aad county tax fi fa for his tax for the yearlSTL AIso, at the same No. 53, in the 14th _ part so levied on is in 4. fronting on McDonou in the city nf Atlanta, cobtalnlng one acre, more i and adjoining the property of “Crew.” Levied as tbe property of Margemns A Bell to satisfy a te and county tax fi fa for I* 1871. Also, at the same time and place, pirt of land lot No 78, In the 14»h district of Foltmi county, Ga; the part so levied on Is in ward 5, fronting on Luckie and Cane streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing v acre, more or less, and adjoining the property of Hid and others. Levied on as the property of C Bohne- feld to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 78, in the 14th district of Fnlton countv, G*.,the me ci it oi auum. couiaimug •, is. and adjoining the property of »as the property of Foster Blodgett md county tar fi fa for his tax for he year 187L A'so, at the same time and place, part of land lot So. 73. in the 14ih district of Fulton ccuuty, Ga.; tbe No. 78, ... part so levied on is in ward 5, fronting on Grubb In’th* dt# of Atlanta containing 60x65 feet, *— and adjoining tbfl Bspt’rt Church a as the property of J * "on to satisfy a Vtato and county^ixlf fa for hla ux tof the year 107). Also, at the svme time and place, part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th district ''f Fnlton county, Ga.; the mrt ao levied on U in ward t, block »L fronting on Prjor and Loyd streets. In the city of Atlanta, con as tbe property -- and eonnty tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot adjoining ihe vropcity or Peters. Flynn and Ilunnicqtt. Lcvlod ojj as the property of W1I U P Chisolm to satisfy a State and countf tax fl fa for hi* tax for the year i$Th . * . Also, at the sawb tinlc -td place, part of land lot ifih district of Fulton connty.Ga; the . „J*’Is in wa»^ r< more or l«as, fron fug on 51s to satisfy a State ir,4 Also, at the saue time and pi :ee, part of land lot No. 81, In thu 14th di.-tilct of Fulton county, Ga; the psgt so levied on i» iu ward 1, contaiuiog H acre, more or less, fronting on Walker street, fn.thecity of At- Levirtl on as the property of J R Chapman to rati.-fy a 8 ate «.»•* couaty t x fl fs for hit tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time-and place, part of land lot No. 76, in the Hth district, ot FulUm county, Geor- tutor.treet, Iu thecitjof Atlanta. Ltvledon property of K- D. Ciitthirr, to utlefy a State anty tax U fa or hu Ux for the yrar 1811. . Alto, at the ram* lint* *n.l place. p*rt of land lot No. 18, In th* 14th OUtrict of Fulton coaoty, GeatEta The part h> levUrl on la in ward*, frontinnon Mari etta *trc*t. In the city of Atlrata, conutniv* Ji'rare more or 1cm latvied on aa the property of John Coutthlto, to utirfy a State and oonnljt tax Ufa for ^*AlS *f tSTrame Wme and place, part of land lot No. Ot. In the I4tH dleUict, of Fulton coqnty. Oeor- eta. The part *6 levied on i> in ward 4, fromim; on Wheat etfeet tn th* city of Atlanta, containing X tern more or lean and adjoining the property of brat; At Wllran. Levied on a! tbe property of C. A. l>avi-, to aatisfy a State and county tax fi fa for hta tax for the year 1871. Also, st tho same time and place, part of land lot No. 78, in the 14th district, of Fulron county, Geor gia. Tbe part so levied on is in ward 5, containing X acre more or loss, fronting on Spring street, in th* city of Atlanta. Levied « n as the property of Mrs Catherine Delhi, to satlsf« a State and county tax fi fa for h* r tax for the year t871 Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 65, in tha 14th district of Fulton CuRiity, Georgia. The part so levied on Id in ward 1, fronting ott Green Ferry a T, ffHollahd»treCta. Ihfhe city of Atlantd> *»- tyining % acre more or less and adjoining Ilami Levied on as the property of Mrs.. 51. J Dorsey, to satisfy a Stato and coun'yiaxfi fa tax for the year Also, at the same time and olace, part of land lot No 78, in the 14th district of Fuiton county, Georgia. The part sdlevrcd oh Is In ward 5, coqiftlniug K aero more or less, —**“ of Atlanta. son, to satisfy a state and couaty tax fi fa for her tax ie 14th district of Fu-ton county, Georg levied oh Is In ward 5, poqi^lntug K « >, fronting Qh Starictta street, lu the cl Levied on as the pwi>erty of Hareh Kl fy a State and county tax fi fa for her t The part so levied on is inwanl 1, block 3t, contain- l Davis street. In lanta. Levied on as th«poj>erty of E. M. Kiwardy, estate adm:n! tretor, to satisfy a State and county “ fa for his tax for the year 1871. No. •— inthe f 1th dl^Uic: of Fulton county, Georgia; the part solcyled ou is n ward 5 fronting' ot Mari etta streef iu t j»e pity of Atlanta; Containing 60x104 seph Fry to satisfy a State and county tax fl Terms cash. Titles perfect. REUBEN C. BEAVERS. Ordnary.!8 d6f&wtilifcbl4 IfKOitG a% llonry County* OnniXABT's ovricx, November 6.1871. W ILLIAM ALEXANDER, guardian of Doctor L and Arreua .•'tone, reprsaents that he has tally discharged bis said trusts, and petitions for letters of J * ~Vslr- GEO. M. NOLAN, Orditi GEORGIA) Campbell County Oedinart's Omcr, January 31?t, 1872. , . for his tax for the year 1871. Also at the same time and pla e, part of land lot No. 54 in the 14th district of Kujton poqnty, pcorgia* th* J4rt fin letiefl on u in w»td L dir |o;. 1 srul 2 fronting on Iyy aod Men its sire t* in the olty of At lsnta, contniuing )i acre more or Ism, adjoining Alex ander. Levied on aa the property of Mrs. Mary A, Fry tn satisfy a state and coumy tax fi fa for her tax for 1871. Also at the same time and place, part of land lot .No. 84, in the 14 district of Fnlton conty, Georgia; the | art so levied on is in ward L containing X acre more or less, f routing on Elliott street and Alley, in the city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of W. H. Freeman to satl-fv a State and county tax fi fn for ^lto At ilie rametime'ar.d place, pxrt of lend lot No. 8\ In'the fjsiribtrict of Fulton county, Georgia; the part so lentu on Is In ward 1, containing X acre more or less, fronting on Mackltu alley and- Macon and Western Railroad, In the city of Atlanta Levied on as the property of A. Flemming to satisfy* State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the s.jme time and place, pan of land lot No79, in the 14 districtof Fulton cou-ty, Ga; the part to levied cn is in ward 5, fronting on Corput street |n the efty of Atlanta, containing X acre more or less. Levied on as t^o propcitv or J D {Jr filch to satisfy a State and coqnty tax fl fa for his tax for I87L Ajso, at the ratne time aud place part of land lot John Cooper, represents to the Court, in his petfon, duly filrfl and entired on record, that he has fnliy administered John Cooper's estate. This Is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned. from his administration, and receive rSfi! mission, on the first Monday in May next, 1ST*. This January 81st, 187$. R- C. BEAVERS. Ordinary. febl-wGOd Printer’s fee $5. GEORGIA « BeKalb County Ordinary's Orrxcn, January 12th, 1872. ^^■TIEREAS. E. A. Tomer, executor of Nathan f Tu ncr, deceased, late of said county, haa ap- These are, therefore, to cite persons interested, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, then and there to show cause. If apy, why aaid letters should not be granted said applicant. Giveu under my band at office. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. janli-w4m Printer’s fee $4 50 In tbe D-strict Court of the United States—lor the Northern District of Georgia. I N the matter of Samuel Bard.—In Bankruptcy. Thia 1a to give notice, once a week for three weeks, that 1 have been appointed Assignee of the estate c Samuel Bard, o: Atlanta, who has been adjudged bankrupt, npon the petition of his creditors by ' * aid district January 10. 1872. NOAH R. FOWLRK, Assignee. janlS-lawfiw GEORGIA* Campbell County* V £-Y° BL EY. guardian of James R. Bradbury. JDs having applied to the Court of Ordinary 6f said county, for a discharge from his guardianship of R- Bradbury's person and property: Tula is, therefore, to cite ati persons concerned, to •^V?” “frie* “J Ofitetel fitgnxtnre, this lannorj $3th, 1374. jan26w4w B. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. Rinter’a fee $4 50 GEottGi s Campbell County* Onnaian'a Omcx, February 5,1872. V\/ B * SWAN** has applied fqr,exemption of ral^raut-g opart rad ralnstlon of do k, a ■ . • n the 2 ij office, in Fairbum In raid county C. BEavEBS, Ordinary. feM—d:tAwft Printer’s fee $2 Auiu 1 iiistrator’s Sale. n* ILL be rold before the Coari House door, ia v% the town of Decatur. DeKalb county, Georgia, on th* first Tuesday in April next, within the legal boon or rale, and* r an order ot the Honorable Court -* rdinsry cf aaid county, the following land :h half «f lnt number 136, In the aixteeatl dictrlct if DeKalb co >nty. t^eorgis, containing one htmdrid a rea. more or leas, belong ng to the estate ‘ ■" >ed. 3oi7' uh. Febreary 2, 1872. ffUWfll MALDWRL AAml GEORGIA* Fulton County* Ordinary's Omcx. February 1. 1872. A NDREW j U EST has applied for letters of a< ministration on the estate of S. P Bailey, lai alnfstratioc onjAeestare of S. P ° Thia iaTSerefore. to notify all persons concerned to file objections. If any toey have, within the time prescribed bv law, tin letters will be granted the said applicant aa applied for. GEORGIA* Henry County. OxnarAST's Omcx, January 96,1872. ‘ l CABGARET ADKINS, gnrdlan of P. C. AiIHm. ijl rrpwecu by petition that she haa fully dia- chargwl tn«L and prays for letters disnuseory. If objections exist, let them be filed within stal tore time, or tbrittatfwfllbcpntttd. # Jan’O—w3m 23£2 GEORGIA, Cara.halt Coaa'v.U TJVJUBwrak. after irate ippUcattoa wfl] he ui* to ^w^j^tOnUMijof raid, mttbelm, t-qp:ra::on of lourwrak, from thl* o*tl: fill ;ht trad, brirmrfna to th UToale, deccucd, to-wit: Fifty (an ■■VarlatofUadNa lotto th* tontheut corarr or I raid lot, mud aa* hundred and fifty 080) tan off of lot of toad >*<fi 1J3.0U to the 13th Dtotrict of Henry drictoilly. thia Ftyott*. sowcleytoa *toa^^ £ fi.. «■*'*■"'“■'■ fi osa honrafictl lot to the' Juri»-w4w [Priater'i tn $s.j No 82 in the 14 district of I i county, Ga; the and Gray streets, in i ,* the property of and county l*x fi fa. more or lees, fronting the city of Atlanta. Levied John Griffiths to satisfy a State for his tax for tbe year 18T1. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No SO in tbe 14 district or Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on is tn ward 4, containing 10 ac* es more or le- sand fronting on Currier and Fort streets in thedty of Atlauta. Levied on as the property of Gabbett to satisfy a Stan — Wn»C i and county tax fi fa At to satisfy for his tax for the year \ Also, at tbe same time an4 place, part of land Jot No *5 in the 14 district of Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on l' in ward 1, containing 5 acres more or less, fronting on Peters and ltacetrack stre-ts in the city qf _Atlaota. Levied led on is in s fronting on Powers and Simpson streets ot Atlanta. Levied on as the property of forhia tax for they 1 Also, at the tame time and place, pvrt of land lot No. 78, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on is In ward 5, coi-mlning >; acre, more or less, fronting on Luckie and Bpring streets. Levied on as the pvoperty o' Mrs M A Heath to satis fy a tax 11 fa for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 77. in tho 14thdistrict of Fnlton conn' ~ ‘ ao levied part so levied on in ward 2, containing 65x125 f-et. Levied on as the property of Charles Hu^b* to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for hla tax for the year Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 77, In the 14th district of ongninally H my now Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on ia In ward 1, block 30, frontingon the w st side of Forsyth street, on the north sideof Branch Alley, and 1* In tbe cor ner of the two said streets in thedty er Atlanta, con taining X acre, more or lees. On said lot is a steam flouring grist mill. Levied on (as .the property of C E Grenville to satisfy a ctate and county tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot o 53. in the i4ih district of Fnlton . — tb* 14th district of Fulton county. Ga; the so levied on in ward ^fronting on Fair street, ■the city of Atlanta, containing^ acre, more or lea, and adjoining the property of Itaweon and Evans. J m of William Gray to satisfy I fa for his tax for the year I97EB part eo levied on la in ward 4, fronting on Decatnr street, in the city of Atlanta containing X acre, more | or less, and adjoining the property of Longley, Rob- lerson and Shearer. levied on as the property of M J Hhtton to satisfy a State and county tax fl ia for hla ; year 1871. BMP Jtfce same time and Diace. part of land lot No83. ia the 14th districtof Fulton count, Ga; the part so levied on ia in ward 1. frontir g Foundry of Atlanta, X acre, more oGhJ property of Craig. Levied m Harrison to satisfy a bta ■to tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. I Also, ».t the same time and place, part of land lot M52. ia the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the the property of John I % State and itisfy MJWRTlB JAIm, at the same time and place, . _ _ No. 78, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the 1 ' ‘“ ‘ in ward 1. fronting on Hunter , part ot land lot ■■V in the city of Atlanta, ■■■■■■■H or lees, known aa the Mineral Springs property. Levied on as the property of “George Johnson, trus tee tor wife;” to satisfy aState and county tax fi fa the year 1871 time and place, part of land lot Fnlton* ~ — No. 79, in the 14th district of Fulton county, GaTII I part ao levied on la in ward 5, fronting on Plum street, I In the city of Atlanta, containing 2 acres, more or lesa, and adjoining the property of Smith. Levied on aa ‘^ property of R A Johnson, trustee, to satisfy a * and county tax Ufa for his tax for the j * tho part ao levied on ia In ward 4. fronting on Wheat street and Bnlce alley, in the dty of Ai lanta. con taining M acre more or less andjoi ting Fowler. Levied on aa the property of CH Mayan (colored), to satisfy a^stateand county .tax fl fa forhia tax for the year Also, at the same time and place, part of la- d lot No. 46in the 14ih district of Fulton county, Georgia; the part ao levied on is in ward 4, fronting on alley, in the city of Atlanta,-cont*ining» ( acre mire o?l££ adjalns\\allaceand outer*. LetVdonas the prop erty of BenJ. Oliver (colored), to satisfy a State and county .tax fl fa for his tax for his tax for the rear i, to satisfy a 1871. No, 53In the 14 th dbtrid of’rGitoa^nl | tho part so levied o» is ia ward 4, coni ' part so levied on is in ward 2, fronting on Windsor and Richardson streets, lathe city of Atlanta, con- *-$_$— .. of “comer lot.** Levied ‘ * Mtsrey. trustee for wife, to feet more or leas, on Clarke street. In thecity ol At lanta and adjoining the property of “Turner’' Levied ra as the p$operty of Horton Rebcrts (colored) totatia^r a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for iu iwinaroion swells, lu icing acres, more orl< tasthe property of R J1 tlsfy a rotate and county satisfy a rotate and county tax fi fa for hie tax for “■ s*r 1871. - - o, at tha same time and place, part of land lot a f v tcv ii*u uu !■ iu it mu o, iruu street in city or Atlanta, containing V ai leas, and adjoining the property of Glet cm$ »s the property of $M O Markham, State and county ,tax fi fa for hia tax for the year Also, at the ahaft time and place, part of land lot io. l(W, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the art solevicn on is In ward 1, adjoining the property Levied on a* the property of J B Jett ate and county tax fi fa for his tax for to satisfy a State and coaoty ‘V 1871. at the same time and place, part of l«nd lot MMMnPHHPtoAtlmta, coatairing 10 acres, more or less, and adjoining the property of James Jett. Levied on as the property or Wm Jett to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his mx for the year 1871. ■Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No 44, in toe 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the i | part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting GnUatt ttree% I tn toe cl ty of Atlanta, oontalning X acre, more or less, I and adjoining the property of Grant Levied on as the property of w L Jonea to satisfy a State aud | county tax fi fa for hla tax for toe year 1871. hAIso, at the same time and place, part of land lot o 77 in t No 77 in the 14 district of oripjia’ly Heavy uovr Ful- of Atlanta, containing 179x225 feet more or l the city lesa and mmm known as toe “U I Kimball House." Levied on as the property of HI Kimball to satisfy a State find county tax fi fa for his tax for toe year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 51, iu the 14 cistrict of Fulton county, Ga; the part ao levied eo ia In ward 4, fronting on Collir* propetty. Lev Dgntcap to sat her tax for the Also, at the year S, county tax fi fa for part of land lot eonnty, Ga; toe part ao levied on ta in ward 4, fronting on i ecatur and Fort streets, iu the dty of Atlanta, containing 1 e or leas ‘ i Morris. streets in toe city of < tianta, oontalning X acre, more or less. Levied on a- the property of Mrs. Sarah McDuffie's estate to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for tax for the year 1871. Al*o, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 52, in the 14th district of Fnlton county, Ga; thepartCso levied on lain ward 4, fronting on Calhoun street In the dty of Atlanta, containing X acre, more or less, and I adjoining the property of Berry and others Levied on as the property of A M Manning to satisfy* State and county tax fi fa for hla tax fo? the yetfr 1871. Also, at the same tlmh andplace, part of land lot No 7T, In too 14th district ol Fulton county, Ga; toe part hb levied on tain ward 2, fronting on Loyd street in the dty of Atlanta, containing 3-8 acre, more or lees and aajoihing the property of A6riaa*|gM Levied on as the property of Mrs M Me Lfy a Slate and'coquty ta^ ftfafpf fl A’so. at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 45 in the 14th district of Fulton county. Gvoegia; the part ao levied oa on is In ward 4. containing S acre more or less, on Foster and Lai* werta. In the " r of Atlanta. Levied oa as the proiKrty of Eman- Roblnson, colored, to sati?fy a Mate aud county — fl tn for hla tax for toe year iR7t. Alro, at tho same timo and place, part of land lot .MWa- Atlanta, adjoining Golds ulth. Levied on a- the prop erty of Alfred Richardson, colored, *o tarisfy a State anaceunty tax fi fa for hia ux foe 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot SEA FOWL GUANO! 500 TONS NOW ARRIVING. a ii toe part so levied on Is in ward 4, containing f«et md re or less on Pettis street, in the city of At lanta, adjoining the property of Allen and Whitaker. Levied on a-» the property of Joseph Story, colored, to ratisfy a State and county tax fi fa for hts tax for **—jsar 1871. Iso, at tho same time and place, part of l«nd lot No 84, in the 14 district of Ftmon county, Ga; the part ao levied on ia in ward 1, fronting on Mitchell 55 and Wallace. Lcne tcu uu is iu n.iuiruuitt v uu cuiiuii he tltv of Atlanta, containing X acre more adjoining toe property or Lynch and eal- rled on as the property of t-eurge Wash- eurge 1 or les and man. Levk m r w .. ngton (col) to satisfy a State and ccuuty tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time . No U, in the 14 district „ part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting and Frazier streets. In toe city of Atlanta, contain ing K acre more or leas and adjoiniagthe property of Law. Levied on as the property of Henry Watts (col) to satisfye State and county tax 11 fa for hia tax for the year 1871. e year 1871. too^foregoin* property pointed out^by 8 R Fnlton County Sfeptlff** Solon for . . qf Atlanta, Fulton county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: tax for the year 1871. . Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 78 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia; toe part so levied on is In ward 1, fronting on HagaJile r/a and county tax 11 fa for hla tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 51 in the 14th diatrict of Fulton county. Georgia: the part ao levied on ia in ward 7, fronting of Ivy and Harris streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing 1-5 acre more or less and adjoining the property of Akers & Rice. Levied on as the property of A Pope, tq eat- isfy a State and couaty tax 4 (a fo? h|| tax for the •t so levied op is in ward 4, fronting on Hartf* tier street*. In the qity At^tta^jqqtfifllng X acre more or ■ and adioini known M Rondeau *Po’aV0tolL^- ^ on aa toe property of Rondeau * Co, to sal . State and county tax 11 fa for their tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and pi tee, part of land lot No. 82, in the 14 diatrict of Fnlton county, Georgia; the part so levied on ia in waad 1, fronting on Western and Atlantic Railroad. In too city or Atian a, con taining thirty-one and a half (31X) acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Scofield Rolling Mill Company to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for their tax, for the year 1871. e s;» the part so levied on ta InwifrdS. fronting on Marlet i property . ... __.aCFnltonoounty, Georgia the part so levied on Is In ward 1, block 5, fronting oi Whitalu" —* * * * ’ itehall and Broad streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing 21x176 r«et, more or lees, and ad joinlt g the property of Healy aud others. Levied oa as the property of C. B. Welloom to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hla tax for 1871. AI*". at tbe same time and place, part of land No. 78, in the 14to district of Fulton county, C the part ao levied on is in ward 5, fronting o etta and Farlie streets, in the city of Atiapia, d D. W. F. w «stlnM<Ufld to Satisfy a State andl tax fi fa for Ids tax for the year lull. ■ Also, at the same time and place; part qf Ian No. 78, In the 14th district Of county! Geo the part sq levied on is In W frqntlng’on \ find Foreyth streeiq, {q ti;e pity of AjjsagL^n ,U1 prop*-ny of is. W. York to satisfy a State and county tax fi ia for his tax for the year lbTl No. 82, in toe 14th district of Fulton county, Geor gia ; the part ao levied on is In ward 1, fronting on Emma street, in the city of Atlanta, containirgl acie, more or lees, aud adjoining the property of Crumbly. Levied «n as the property of Wm. Wood to a - tlsfy a Stale and county tax fi fa for his tax for tr S;! sq%f£d nuValn ward 5, fronting on Spring and streets, acre, more or less, and adjoining Gran and Levied on as the property of Mrs. G A Goode to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for her tax for the year 1871, 1 county tax for the year Ai* at tbe same time aud place, part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th district ot Fulton county. Georgia; t^e part so levied rn is in ward 5, frontingog EUis street, in the city of Atlanta, cental slug >» acre, more «*• and adjoining the PTOPO. tv qf Mrs K A Gqrt satisfy^* State agd poqnty $ fa fuf he; tax for tl^e Also at tho satqe tlme*and place, part of land lot the part ao levied on Is in ward 1. fronting on track street, ip to« city of Atlanta, containing feet, more or less, and adj unlag toe property ao levied on is in ward 1. fronttp Fletcher and others. Levied on as the property of A. Landsbnrgto satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for U’fc tax for toe year 1871. Also at the f and palce, part of land lot (of Fulton county, G the part so levied on is^n ward 1, fronting on ud Stonewall streets, in the do r of Atlanta, contain! I in? IX acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property of Fawster. Levied on as the oroperty of J. L. Rich mond. agent for wife, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also at the same time and nUco, part of land ta No. 43. in the 14th district of yultqn cdunty, Georglal I the part to leyied oq is iq vyard 3, fronting on Grani and Andcrsqn streets, in the city of Atlanta, containj log 2 acres mors or lets and adjoit ing the property ofl ' ' " Church. Levied of aa toe property or G Wl to satisfv a state aud county tax fi fa for his Also, at No77, in the 14thdistrict part so levied on is in ward 1, block 5, fronting on Whitehall and Bread streets, in the city or Atlanta, containing 1 acre, mare or Ires, and adjoining toe property of Holbrook and Scot property of Mrs C Valentino county taxfl fa for her tax for 1 to satisfy*S pjggi NoJsa,'intiml4th district of' Ftjjum county Gaj^toe taming X aere. more or less, and adjoining the premises of Mosley and Gaunt. Levied oa aa toe property of A M White to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 78 in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the part *o levied on is in ward fi, fronting on Mail etta and adjoining Goldi premlsesflevied on as the properly of Sr* M A Wilson to satisfy a No 84, in the 14th dlrtrict of . part ao levied on is In ward 1, more or less, on Wilkins street, ^ , and adjoining the proper.y of Defoor and Wh'te. Fnlton county. Gat the . containing 60x200 feet, et. In thecity of Atlanta, Levied on ai the property of Benj Cobb, colored, to Rati* fy^ S tate and county tax fi fa for his tax for the No 55. inthe 14th district of Felton county, Ga; the part soleTied on is in ward 3, containing X acre, more or teas, fronting on Blggers and Gullatt streets. In the city of Atlanta, located near the Georgia Railroad ana cemetery. Levied on as the property of Jefferson Floyd, colored, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for his tax for toe year 1871. AI*'* at the same time andplace, part of land lot MHi«—— ** ~ No 55, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting on Richmond Jennings Levied on as the property ef Albert Frank- lin, colored, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hia tax for the year 1871. / XVIai, in the 14 district or Fulton county. Ga; the part so levied on is in ward 4, fronting on Valentine street, in the city of Atlanta, cantafnin*: 1-16 acre more or Ices and adjoining the property or Flipper and Ponder. Levied on as toe property-of Hender son Craig to satisfy a State aad county tax Ufa for hia tax for the year 187L „ . Alao, at the same time and place, part of land lot ..o 46. in the 14district of Fnlton eonnty, Ga; the part so levied on ia in ward 4, fronting on Brace's orTeVs and adjoining the property of Wyler and Murdock. LeTied on aa the property of Beniamin Thomas to satisfy a State aad eonnty tax fi fa for hia rtheyearl87L s ti"»e and place, p itrict of Fulton co i in ward 4. f rontii — — m rear 1871. i place, part of land lot Fulton county, Georgia;; b tate a AI oat the same time and No. 77. in toe 14th district of I _ _ I the part ao levied on is toward 2, fronting on Preor street in the city of Atlanta, containing 2:X129 feet, more or less, and adjoining Hughes property. Levied on ar toe propert* of TC Jackson to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also at toe same time and p’ace, p-rt of land lot I No. 84, tn the 14th districtof Fulton county, Georgia; the part so levied on is to ward 1. fronting on Peters street acd railroad, in toe dty qf Atlanta, containing 15 acre, mare or lees. LeTied on as the property of Catherine Kelton to satisfy a s>tate and county tax fi fa for her tax for toe year 187L Also at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 79, in the 14th district of, originally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia; the part so levied on Is In I ward 7, fronting oa Oak street running back to Peach- ‘ eet, inthe city of Atlanta, containing M acre. property of H L rc#E. erty. Levied on as toe property of Dougherty Hutch ins (oolored) to satisfy a Stats and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the tame time and place, part of land lot part street in the dty of Atlanta, containing 3>lf acre. the proper y of Peter Levied gp Holcombe (col) to satisfy a State and county tax fi ts for his tax fur 187L Xiao, nt the same time and place, part of land lot No. 45, In the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the part ao levied on ia in ward 4. fronting on Bniee's kY*£ and adjoining Jackson. Levied oa as tbe property of Andrew Jackson (col) to satisfy * Stats and county tax fl. fa for hta tax for toe year ’STL Alao, at the war, time and-* No. —, to tbe 14th diatrict of _ the city of Atlanta, containing % lees, adjoining toe property of Alman and Johnson. Levied on as toe property of Wm Love (col) to satis fy* State and county tax fl fa for hia tax for the year Sstf&i'ZiSS*StSSStimSg originally Henry, now Fulton conuty, .Hijvining the property of Perkersou, McCoot and others Levied on as toe property or Edward White, by virtue of and to satUfy a fl. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court, In favor of BW & J P Force A Co., vs. Edward White, ma$fg, and J A W Johnson endorser. Property pointed oat by plaintiff's attorney. AcrQi, Wl. Also gt tha fame Ume and place, n two story framed building and the lot on which the Mine is situated; it being city lot No. 81, In the city of At lanta. fronting 100 feet on Marietta st ningback same width 130 feet, contain! of an acre, more or leas: said lot (s b srsagSiSYiisiafW' KOKfty of A K (Jooilc, hr viirt*# ot BBS- ?»»• .1rmt-fien *?• .Ktlce.* Marietta street, end rq.1 [IS bo5',niitc. south Levied cn’as^toe ot and to aatisfy to me. January 17th, 1872. Also, at the same time and place, a lot In the city of Atlanta, known aa lot No. 1 in Holland's purvey, fronting 32 feet on Racetrack stp»qt t »i;q running and returned to me. January 17*bu 3872. Also, at the same timo and place, a lot containing B ac T*1 to to £; to S' Practical testa tor the past five years pmvc this to he in no respect inferior to the^best Peruvian Guano as a Fertilizer. Sold for Money or Cotton AT OPTION' OF PURCHASER. AND ON MOST FAYORABLE TERMS. Remunerative Price guaranteed for Cotton delivered in payment of this Quano. tff-For terms and farther particulars, apply at the Wholesale and Retail Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of janS5—<]&w3m MAKE. W. JOECKTSOKT, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Ruptured Ruptured persons of Atlanta and vicinity, are respectfully notified that vrrtafn ftincr ants have published the principal part of the foliowin- Circular, the one issned by Dr. Sherman, when hr. opened his office in New York, which cir cular now forms the first page in his book on i upturc. They have left out his name and substituted their own. Their object is to mislead the public by this deception. How far such men can be trusted with their peculative abilities and assumed skill, the reader ^ ,, may judge. I on Houston and Rolling Mill — the property a* • Miy. minor. January 25th, Xiao, at the tame time and place, a let In the dty of Atlanta, containing one-half X) acre, more of less, fronting on Decatnr street *00 feet, and on Butler street, west, 138 feet, bounded so.ith by DuBosc'i property and east by an alley, adjoluing r mall's lot. It being dtv lot No $v, and part of landlot No. 62, in the 14th district of oririmuly Henry, now Ftuton county, Georgia. Levied on as the property of Jaa Gullatt, trustee and next friend f«r wife find children, by virtue of and to satisfy a mci Issued from Fulton utisfy a mortage fi. fa. Oonrt, In favor of the «ilUUr U*.Wra4i*irrri^ ft?Suc anuSdtei! Property pointed out in fi ft January 25th, 1871 Also, at the same Ume and place, a tract of land containing twenty-three acres, more or less, in the third ward of the dty of Atlanta, Fqltau county, Ga. —* orth by r- bounded as follows: on tho north by the Harden Nursery property, cast by Grant atTect, south by CHenn strret qpd'qreit by Hill street, on which Mrs Marito Johqson now res df-s. levied on as the prop- Marwa Johnson now res d»-s. levied on ms the prop- «ty # or Richard Johnson, by vinue of and to aatikfy r Court, in favor $dh. 1872. Also at the same time and place, two Hoe priming presses and one six-horse power engine now in the bnildtng known aa the New Era office, on Alabama street near toe corner of Broad and Alabama street in the city or Atlanta. Levied on as the property a. John Rice by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa. iesnec from Fortou Superior Court in favor of J C Ma< irom ru.tou superior Court in favor of J C .Mayson ra John Rice. Property p inti-d or.t by plaintiff's at torney. Jrn nary, 26th, 1872. .s.^ 1 * 0 ' ? l thc wune >ImB and P lace * fi'* & toe dfiht title and estate conveyed by the wRi of Wtshiugton K Archcr. iu air he property, both feal and pcrsouaL of ngtqn B Archer died pos*e»-ed, —.real estate In thc *ity of Atian- dty iota with toe utidings and ap P»7tly oa Alabama, PVtij on Broad and partly Forsyth streets, (aa well as the remainder of t__ estate of t%14 deceased, to his widow for life,) with remainder ta toe said Thomas B Archer and toe Oihcr Wohoirsatlawof said deceased, in fee simple. Lei led on as the property of Thomas B Archer, by vlrtqe of and to satisfy a mortaage fl fa fs.«uedfrom Fulton Superior Coart, in favor of William Baucl va. Thomas B Archer. Property pointed out infi January 30tb, 1872. Also, at the same time and place, all of that tract or parcel of bad lylnf* and being pi the southeast o. 8. lu *' corner of block No. 8. i south line of said b'ack, 4th ward of toe dty of ; about %10 fer* ~ l block, runniuv land lot ... originally Hcurr. now as toe Property of D H Brydye, by virtue of and a county, Ga. Leviedon Property pointed ont lnfi fa. January hist. Also, at tne same time and place, a tract of land containing twenty-five acres; It being a part of and situate*! In the southeast corner of land 1—“ *- “ i lot 152, in the tr, Gconria, adjoining rewln and others. Levied on as the property of Thos 9 powelL by virtue of and to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court In favor of J A Hayden va Tho* 8. PowelL Property pointed out by NY R Phillips, transferee. January 31st, 1872. Also, at the sawe time and plaos, a two story brick building and the lot on which it is situated, on the Atlanta, Fulton county, one quarter of an acre, more or less, and adjoining toe property of Fisher and Dodd. Levied on aa toe proptrty of John Neel, by virtue of and to satisfy a fl. la, issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of Turner A McDuffie vs. John NealL Property pointed I out infi. fa. February 2d, 1872, MJCamdon ra. Clayton comity bherllPs Sales* YKTILL be sold before the Court House door In the Usual hour* of sale. Jtonh trait oMot ot trad NiT^eira’plfflOTr acre* m the nactheut career of utd tat; .lea, lie tut hilt of lot of trad Ho. $39; .1*0, one-elxteenth of ra acre, nor* or 1**-, No. 1 iu thc fourth icctlon of the torn of Jonesboro, on the cut tide of th* rad Wn * - • Muon ud Wratem Kellroed, th* whole I jin. in tha ISth Districtof origtrallj HenrJ now Ctojton countj, Oeorrte. Levied on u the a favor of X Wra. O. I «* bj Jao. L. DoM AlSO, St mouse colored mule, about • yowa size, levied on aa the property of Robert 8. Ozbnra to: satisfy a fl. .fa from the Superior Court or Clay ton county. In favor of George W. Beaver* vs. said ~ Property potato I out by plaintiff, G. W, Thia February 2d, 1872. t the same time and place, i store house, and lot. ta the town of Jocreboro, Clayton county, known as the store house-where Hays Phipps A Betts formerly done business, an* now occu- tated by Harris A Hightower as a drngatore. Levied | [as the property of William O. Bette IomUh from the Superior Comt of ealfl D. tr. Flemming A Co, vs Hays, ‘roperty pointed ont by plaintiff's ! sometime and place, will be sold one seventy-five acres more or lees, of land nthe fifth district of originally Henry now Clayton eonnty. Levied on as the property o’f Henry J. Hnghle to aaHafv a fi fa, from toe bnperlor * mnty fn favor of William C. Lee, Court of Clayton county fi administrator of W. J. Morris, J,BH“ « -« — - - - oat by —xased, vs. Henry J^HughleandJore^hP. ^Hu^ie. Property pointed r plaintiff; William C.£« ***** ** NATHANIEL G i-td (Prtataria f Fulton County Shorlff’a Sale tor fflarelt* 1872 YY ILL be aold before toe Court House door in the city ot Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the within toe legal hours “ tO-Wit r h Ward cf the city of one-hlaf acre, more or Jess, ad- flrat Tueaday In March next, wi of sal-, the following property. t< A certain^itirlot in the Fourta Atlanta containing one-hlaf acrMMNPP lent*; It b-i*e prat c SrtfirawL_. originally Henry, now Fuiton emotr. Gacrgia Levied on as tbe # property of J. T. Greer, by vlrtne of and to satisfy* fl.fa. issued from Fnlton t beiag part of toe o’d 1 :rty of WIlMaa... aland lot 45, in toe 14th d Superior Court, in favor of W. H. Frizzell va. J. T. Greer. A. M. PEBKERSON. Deputy Sheriff. feb7—wtda Printer's fee 82 50 per levy NOTICE. 8. G. DORSEY, Executor, eta, I Bill to construe I will or John Dorsey, vs. f dec'd, of Henry co., J aud to settle ad- S. D. DORSEY, et aL J vancements, etc. ? appearing to the Court that Isham Dorsey la a j^party to said Bill and reside* ta the State of Ala- Onlcred by the Court that service be perfected on dd nonresident defendant by publication In Tbe Atlanta Constitution, a public Gazette, ones a month for four months preceding the next term of this AMU ' Coed plain* ru'« Solicitor. JAMES W. GREEN, Judge S. C., F. C. ‘ G. G. WEEMS, Clerk. RADICAL CURD ASMBINAL lit.''All OR IIII’flRl, Without Inconvenleneo to tho Patient or Restriction In Eiorc!soor;Dlet "TVB. J. A, 8nERKAN Artl^tleSKaooo, tuvin- derated hla liras sscla«iv*lr t. tho ataSjand iratwat JL/ Ot Abdwlral Hernia, la luvuiia* fonn. rad -tege*. Ia tha Boathem Sratot and In the Wrat India Sutio., and 1. tbe Wot ladle aroidwaj. corner *th Stmt, who in nnrortaiuivl j afflicted afford thaa) Uuiedlete and |>maea«t parln^anatpKieacaofovw TwenT-lvejnr^ the &«»'<* jortlov of which period wmi orrapted oa principal at tht Bnptnrc Carat re ItuUtuu.New OrleaM. Dr. 8. hutrated ravcnl thcarand rapternl raJormtiS oMlra biratlf ot ."iooed bod™' Mmbcf ° whom wore ratond to health aad vigor aad tha Thl* atranll- led racccuapraedlu, thronj-hoat thc co. trj prompted ma.jraptared pottean to make < one rad teumtlou Journcj* from rural parte or trie baited Stater, Mexico aad Cab*, ta lb: New O tara* lu.lmtCjjJftarav.Kr of raptn* the bjieflt end expeneace of Dr. 3., lathe eeteett-m aad application of The trappy ranlt of thl. ecqnlred art by Dr. 8. her bom effeted by moot avsldaoas etadr, aod aa .dera tion or one or the other of hi* ewer 1 patented laveatloaa—tbe ranlt of Out .tody—to each cue premted. tb conjunction with hi. popular Rupture Curative Compound. tae^sufferingaana tnjurida resulting fit So reliable and be> cflcUl la t ia treatment that the patient, 1a most instance* from the first application, will cease to bu anmiycd by a return of the rupture, ud will be enabled to take th mo$. active excreta* on foot or on h^rtt-back. with pernet security against the dangers of strangulated U rnia. Dr.S.. in orr'tv to arrive at the absolute oertalnlty of the cometnese of the peculiar coarse of treatment tav>-nteu and adopted by him devo ed great attention to the mechanism of the structure icvolred ta the coarse of Hvrnia, so that he s now assured, by a targe exper cnce, that ii U in coordance with the prtaCptas of adonctr, ann with the m« *t universally ackn • wledgeit prae.lcc or ARTISTIC SUKUKItY and be aaserta, with the confidence thus Inspired, ha it will permanently relieve all c«se* of reducible Hernia, without re- ractrrlzed the tr. atment of the malady from the earliest a n earned attention of the afflicted and the closest scrutiny of too prof a OFFICE 697 BB0ADWAY, CORNER 4TH STREET, N. Y. DR. SHERMAN having received many Atlanta tetters, from persons afflicted with Itumure, who ar* nn- MR. EDITOR-I deem It due to those afflicted with this terrible snd painful disease, to make the follow ing statement: A negro boy shoot nineteen years of age, had been afflicted with Hernia for the space of three years. The boy belonged to John Otait-v, Esq., of Issaquena county. Two physicians examined him and pronounced his case hopeless. As there was a difference or optatow about the mode of treatment. hopeless. Asti knife, to whlc an's Rupture Cu ... Us health aad Is on the plantation, doing all the wc thl* statement voluntarily, Vicksburg, May 8.1B62. opinion i tocr and mysrif objected,) I took him' to New Orlca^ and after having urod them about three months, the h and ia now perfectly well For the last three yssrs he has been busy %*• . ■ - for the benefit of those who k DR. VALENTINE MOTTS OPINION OP DR SHERMAN’S INVENTION. NEW YORK, Septempbcr 22, 1KA. DEAR SIR—I have Just witnessed tbe application of Mr. Sherman'* Hernial device, aad aa much t with it; indeed I know of nothing ao well calculated f ^r -the puv<«e ter which It te tutccdcd, end I advise yon to call on him and procure one. It will doubtless afford yon the r " * ‘ * ing to obtain. Mr. Sherman has fc - ^ ’ him at toe St Nicholas Hotel To James T. Smith, Esq. relief yon have bees so lag e experience and is very sktllfal ta treating Ucraia. Yoa will fiat! Yoore, etc., VALENTINE MOTT. VICKSBURG. MISS^ Mty 7, 1 short time. Wc can •oKS.-S' eve y Drug Store t little© PleaM apply your cars- THUS. J. HARPER. Office,C97 Broadway, N. Y, Send 10c. for book* with photographic likenesses ot cases before ana after care, wita t»te Henry Ward Beech er case, let ors aud portrait* Bewai o »*f traveling impnitem, vvho pre tend liavo been assistants of Or* hHIilMl AN. lie has no a gouts. janlO—dftwlm NOTICE* ^ EORGIA, PULTON COUNTY.-I 1 sent that my wife, Margaret J. Ball, may I public or free trader, as allowed by section 1750 o Irwin's Revised Code of Georgia. Januarju^iara. MARION BALL. ADftllftlS I BATOR’S SALE. NOJICE. rj^HE HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF Z. R. JONES, deceased, are hcrcoy notified to meet in Decatnr. on Monday, fourth day of March, fur the purpose of making a srttier-ent with the Administrator. MILTON COCNTT.-By riitaeolra I GEOIlc,A ’ rn, ‘« n Can-tr- th* Court of Ordinary of u!d couaty, II Oubwaut-* Omra Januar 1 Uehcat bidder, oa the fint Tacvdav : A TdRTHA E OltANT has applied for la March Beat, before the Court Hour* A or. In the J-VX admlnielmtlou on tk* cerate of A to-n of Alpharetta, the foUowlas laada, via: Lou rateof raid county, deeeaaed. number (6M) elx hundred ud thlrty-three; thlny-1 ThU Ir, therefore, to notify all perrons four acre, of (531) »tx hundred and thtrtj-tw.;: to file their obteetteo*. If.»»» they have, thirty-six acre* ef (BSD five huodt-d and ninety-two, 1 time prescribed by law, elra letter.wIB be - — - — * ’ 1 * 1 - d applicant aa applied for for letters of nty Sold as the property of for the benefit of the beira. paying for titles. This _ MDfion Jacob Hook, deceased, fo ferns c*sh Purchaser January 24th, 187*. DAVID R. HOOK. Administrator. jan2t—wtda Printer's tea f 10. «l OHGI4, Fulton County. Jno. T. Cooper, C Jan3—wo*»4a PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50 UEOBGI4, Fayette County. Onwx*KT's Omcx. January 2,1872. \\7 HE REAS, S. T. W. Minor applies.! V V Gnardlaorhip of the pawn* and to b«r said ward. fortbe children of W O.'Koi ton, S£3r xo ‘ .All penon concerned are hereby notified toll* prayed for Witness: Printer 1 * fe* $5 J.n31-w4w OE*>E I., run.., c.uniy, T 8. OILBKKT. admlnl.trator of the rout* of tl . Wm. Gilbert. l.ta of raid plies for letters of dismission. ‘"jettons concerned are hereby notified to file Thia is, therefore, to cite and admenirh all persons oncemed to file toeir objections (If any exist*, within toe time prescribed by law, rise letters wl l be mated the applicant, as applied for, on the first Mon day in Febreary next. D. a MINOR. Ordinary. jan5—w30d Printer’s fee $3 OEOBGiA* Fnlton ronntf. applied foe letters of Goardian- property of Was. H. ilnors and Tl ENRY. AKIN has appl .11 ship of the person Young and OrviUsT. Yoong. n Theodore T Young dcoased. Sections. If any exists, on or before the first inlay ta Mar next else letters will be granted the applicant as prayed for. Printer's fee $5. Wtllt a certain three story brick building frontinr on Broad street, in the city of Atlanta. Fnlton C'*nty, twenty five feet, and running back dne we»t forty- cast by Broad street, a bonus B. Archer, by virtue of “ fl. fa. Issued from Fulton of E C ttnrphy vs. T B pointed out in fl fa. A. M. PERKBRSON. Deputy Sheri! Printer’s feo f5 per levy GEORGIA* Fnlton County* Ordwaby’s Omcr, January 30th, 1872. 1 TORN R WALLACE applies for letters of admln- irtration on the eatste of John J. Ford, late of aaid county, deceased. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Mon day in March next, else letters will be granted toe ">plicant. Witness my official eignatnre. this January 80th, 1871 DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary, jan31—w30d Printer's fee $5 GEoAilAy Fnltsn County* , concerned are notified to flle tbe r ob jections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in * *• , else letters sr*** ‘ ■ will be granted as preyed eebruary next, < Witness my < JanS—wlw UEtfMtiU Fatten C«*ussty. OnorxAKY'* Omcx, January 22. 1832. I ll’rilllbl lis ha. ■nv.ll.ra4 * ffaiiaa c.nraty. _ mntxuv-a Omcx, J.nuary U 01MPSt>N u-nuihLU-Hhu omM rracxetai O of purotulty and I wlU pra. upon the ra ' in o’clock, x an lha El day of l throaty. Iff DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. J ,n»— Print r'. fra $5 OKOKUt . ii.Km1. County. s of said county, deceased, having >r letters of dlsmlss’on from said trust: therefore, to notify all persona concerned, 9 and appear at my office within the prescribed by law, then and there to ahow * if any they have, why tetters shook! not be granted. ; Given under my hand at offic- W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50 URD SaI P This is, therefor »o be and apt Oxdotaby's Omcx, November 10,1871. from said This is, therefore, to notify all persona concerned ■ file their objections. If any they have, within the bed law, else letters will be granted too DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. VAUU«IT, Printer's fee #4 00 JanTf—w4m UEUUUIA. Campbell Lountv. T T. DAVENPORT, gutrdian of F. E. Wilson .£ «Iaso&, having £ t. davenport, H. W’lson.and8. — , Court of Ordinary of aaM couaty, for a dl. from Lis guardian sup of F, B. Wilson. A. H. and 8. A. Wilson a persons and pre-party: A. for a dlschargo Thl* la. therefore, to die all persons concerned, to ehowcause, by filing ohjections Inmy office, why toe raid J. T. Davenport should not be GUa:ls»ed from hu KUiidlawsliip of F. K. Wilson, A. H. Wilson and 8. A. Wilson, snd n-re-ived the usual letters of dls misfion on toe first Monday In March mxL Given under my ofliciri signal ore, this Jan:sy 9th. lo7». B. C. BEAVERS. Ordinary. janl3—w4w Printer's tec $4 50 GFOVIG1A* Warren C'ouuty ^1X weeks after date, application will be made to O toe • rdtaarny of Warren countr. Ga, ter leave to sell the boost- and lot in W amnion, Ga, belong ing to the estate of Sterling Gibson. WM. GIBSON. WAxRnrejr, Ga., January i, Aomimsaasora,