The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, February 20, 1872, Image 4

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itocEKin ronstitutlon. ATLANTA, GA. t FEBRUARY SO, 1873. Board —'Those wishing board can be ac- cM*nodat*4 at that fine boarding boose on Houston street third door from Pfyocstrwt. Personal —Iloo. George T. Barnec, of Asgaa’S, wsa la the city yeaUtdsy. *J. X. Burns, of the Greensboro Herald, snd If. J. Mflft**, of the Knoxville Advertiser, honored Tor Hond Committee.—Hon. T. J. Sim moo* sad Hon. John L UslI, two of the bond com mitter. arrived In the dtj jeterJay. It Is pro’* bletbuthry win devlee some means by which f* atgn b-*n -bold-va may report their bonds for rsglatra tiv* without the risk sad sxpsnse of eeadUg them sit the way to Atlanta. , Church Piwtk imr.—A Han ta, In addition to beg Other till**. may he called the “City of Church c Btsadfo! *ud mvr&lfl wat church adlflss* are la p.o- co*s of cowplctlon Thechsrcbesaraaoc ©ay » tlplyiaf a • nab .v hat era otherwise prosper!• The sm n 1 stetemeniof the tozdUton ot the Cruli preehjte<lso C-u eh shows so increase of nemb eh p daring 871 of some seventy odd, a&d nesrly two these on i! doDwnl*ed by weekly eon’riba.Iona on the ewwlope •ystem. Tbe membership of the church has almost doubled danng the two years pastors'* of the Bee. J. r.Leftwkb. SixUen persons united with tho church 1st aabtetb. hCNDAT HtBOOL TkaCUKKA* IsitiTTUTE < 80s 'ay School Teach era’ Inst lute will be held at too He o>.d osptlst Church on to-morrow. The preliminary service will be held on th'« fag at eight o'clock, at w- 1c time an add/** •rill he delivered by Her. Dr. Warren Bsndo’pfc, of F«wae leant*. Tbe aervlee wilt clove with sinking o» Mr L D Hoh.Gr Keutceky-the ewrt: sing' * who-e fat's h e been In all the churches f .r thirty 1 > li.cay school w rkers A Tribute.—Tbe Kirkwood R Hinth Mcbooj • a tbe llib paid tbe following tee' Ipk trf*»n e to* Tile Akers: We lament with tbe deepest grief the deaili of Wil lie Akers, a beloved member of our San day S bool. So sodden and so nnexpeeted is bit death that we can scarcely persuade oonelvce It la a reality. flow frrab In oar mind* are Me genial manr tn, Lis eh erfal spirit, his bright, be .min? c^antenane. fl ortba was Ma say on earth, he has been permit ted to exemplify the duties sad perfections c-f eon end brother, rompanion and friend. Let ae eberitb bis memory by Imitating Us< ample; let the Image of bis virtues be Jmprrased oar hearts. Bright as bit life was on earth, bow dim. bow ob- erare. compared with the Incflhble glory of the light which aow Invest- him. To oar dear companion, Willie, It baa been granted first to roach “the home over there,” and while our trembdng 'alth trie* to follow him through the dark ealb-7 oar hearts mourn over our great loss. We would offer our tendereat sympathy to h sowing friends, brothers and si'ters, and our prayers to ear 11-svcnly Father th»t He may poor into their braised heart* tbe trne balm of Gilead. Another A miE-T.—Yesterday II Hoyt, of tbe firm of Hoyt A Jones, bankm. tras air* sied upon two warrants. On# of 1 bo warrants eras sued oat by Hoc. John Nichols before Judge Hopkins, of tbe Super** Court, and changed H. O. Hoyt with false -wcar.r g la testifying on tb twelfth Instant that ho nev. stated to Cot II. P. Farrow, Attorney General of the Bute, that It would he worth $30,000 to him i:hc raid Attorney General) to lorn out Col. E. Halbert, Su perintendent or the State Road, and have Foster D.odgett appointed In hie place. The other warrant was sned out by non. John Nichole before Judge It J. Co wart, of the City < our t. and charged H.O. Hoyt with embezzling, while iu tl. service of the State Road, on tbe 35th of D-. « mber, 1670. $1*4,689.91, or other large sum, of 8fst* rosd funds. Mr. ojt was arraigned la the Senate Cham I before Jndge Cowart. After consnltatlon Gen. Gar troll, of connacl for defendant, staled that he w. waive a preliminary examination aad tender bet. His clle*t felt confident of fully estebUshiR;: »nri< the court on the trial, h!s entire Innocence of th crimes charged. Judge Cowart stated that tbe object of a b >r to 1 rlagtbe accused into omit; and he woi quire gnod and valid bondamen. Not men wni in tbeir pocket-, hot real estate The atnon*>t of the bond in the first cate wa-af fixed at $10,0') ’. and In tbe second at $I5,0j0. Ci-i ior General Glenn for the State; Gartrcll A Sti-pln for defendant. The Bo* d Question.—The Rond t-e have egretd to permit European bondhold* t* t- rabm t pro f for registration of b. ndsbyan-wcivl< prated fnteeroga ones, without requiring tho b’W- to be pressnt d h* re to the Committee. Tn«* Intci rogatori a will b« fa ufehed through 2Ica«>. Jlut'g** ttci.lff A C«». nod Henry Clews A Co., of Nrw Yoil^ The CammliUre will *1-0 bold n session *Xor Y *rtc. elih* r durlrg th- latter pert of March « r«r-I of A ml, f-r rhe accommodation of bondholders th-'e. ... Drr.—The latest on dll ia, tliat Tom Boat has !«• *ctl Harris, of tbe 8avannab News, 1 run a co on tral.. Another •* that the Harris Switch is used from its Jo-:tea’* Conns on the track to Falcon county jail. Alabama heirs Items, TL? itrcfU of Talladega arc jmUally ■hied With fpa. Min Julia Darman.of Greensboro, died on tbe Cth instant. Tbe country around Toscumbia Is flooded Willi peddler?. Uardi 6tu trill be celebrated in Greens- b >ro by a eoirt-t in fancy costume*. The receipts nf cotton this season at Mo bile foot np 20,407 bale*. One thousand dollars a year and no per- q li- iter, is the salary of the Mayor of Hnnts- rille. Trice, the conductor on the sleeping car of ttie Memphis and Charleston Railroad, wbo mide the bnilsl assault on General i h is been dismissed front tbe road. Ex-Governor Patton, Col, Sam. Reid, Pol. Sou'berlin, Col. George Harrison, and CoL J. ■ ,ba*(. lift Hualgumttr tprepreaent _ te of Alabama in tbe National A pi. cultural Convention, which meets ia Wash ington on tbe 16ib instant Scientific Sotea. Among 14s beneficial cflecta that have been •ttribnted to tbe Mue aifd yipjet rays, their nflucnce on the sight Is of considerable 1m- rv -nance. If tbe ground glass globes over lamps are tinted blue, tbe light is peculiarly -ratefnl to luciye. TIic Uaai; pyvst which forms upon lamp- airks should ' e re«;oyej before relighting, ior purposes of economy as wtti a -■» neat- t-ss. If It U allowed to remain a larger por- ion of the oil Is evaporated without com- ■ustinn, and conK^'icntly wasted, than If the lamp is properly trimmed, Tbe occasion,! p'o'.osions of cm] oil ■unol from atuinpls to eam.gnis!; them by Mowing down tbe citiioney giyc yai-i,e to tbe following f.« Give a sbirp, but rather prolonged pqff, at right angles with tbe kip of the chimney. The draft thus pro duced draws llr- flame stray from the wick and tbe lamp goes out. During 1871 the British Natbaisl Life Brat . nstitution rescued OSS lives, besides siring thirty-one ve-sels from di-lruction They also g-nuiled rewards for saving 2£0 lives by fishing and other lust*. Since iu formation tbe institution lias uaitribuled to the g iving of 20,752 shipwrecked |>ersons, baring lost only twenty-two persons from its owo boats. RAD WAYS BEADY BELIEF CUKES Till; V/ Its TRAINS. II FROM r.NE TO T ESTV MINUTES. HO* OWE HOUR. after reading this sdvertis^ect need any one SUFFES WITH PAIH. It mis tbe first and is The Only Pain Remedy that laatantlrWona tbe miwtevmifiann, pm../.n.-. S5S°a2L3B^srrsL®: s ” I *IS FEOMtjSsTtr^rWESTT HISUTES. no matter how vMest or eicrsdating tba rata toe jss’2- as »«42; —^xJglc. or proctniod with dlseaie may Mfler. RADWAY’8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. Indsmmsiion.of theKldneye, aauutioaof the madder. Sore Throat, Htfflal. ^ * ** L “ P □yiteric*. Creep, Dtph^ 1 ^ =« Hctr* C’ondenoefia Detroit U tiie largest fur depot on the American comment. Boston sells Iia!f a million dollais worth of o irpet slipper, yearly. There a** rijree hundred and sixty-eight colleges in the L'nit^ Maryland has pas^ a law taxing com mercial travelers $300 eacnfor a license. Tba Southern Methodists are making ef forts to cttah!;*}) a University of their own. During the post eighty years, lifty-four IfOHls have blown up on the western rivers, killing XJiJ?3 fieople. The aggregate number of copy wrights en tcTed in the CnStcd Biateg during the year 1871 was 12,830. This inciudexall ihe books, pamphlets, periodicals, musical com]K»sitions, maps, ebromos, engravings and prints for which copyright was secured. Bonita Carolina New* Items Mr. Jesse II. Bowles, a well known artist of Charleston, is dead. Tim HmLey is arrangements for40 more bouses in CoiumlHa. Seven shares of Bank of Charley on stock •old at auction, on the I3tb, at 20f. R»!V. Charles Smalls, colored, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, Charleston, is dead. A young colored boy, who carried tbe mails from Brirnwell to Allendale, hag been detected breaking open letters, probably with the hope of finding money. Fifteen companies, with an aggregate cap ital exceeding $2,000,000, are engaged manu factoring fertilizers from phosphide beds around Charleroi), and the daily shipments, most of which arc to ^ngjand. ijmuuut to thousand ton*. Another Bio Arrest.—A. L. Harris wo- •r vr«fi late Ta» ad <y evening, by Captain O. W. Ander.-on, on a warrant charging him in coujanciioa with Wiliam Petrie, ft defrai ding the Stale out of $A> UarrU* bond waa fixed at $1,000. Tim Hoyt II areas Courtis Case.—Yes- t«f 'ay morning tbe habeas corpov cave of H. U. Hoyt came n,» for a hearing before Jndge Daniel Pittman Oral* ary. Tba petitioner claimed that he had tendered, aul was willing to give, good reenrity, and aaktd to be allow* I to fctv* bond. Ihe following gentlemen were tende*ed asbondr- men; a Ik Wellborn, W. Jmmlnga, D.G. Jonev. Dr. *. M. Johnson, A. T. Finney, G W. Evanv, D. D Sny der and J.*. Mathivoo. , Wellborn, Jennings, Finn* y, Evanv, s sworn and rigidly exam ined teaching tbe worth of their property and their . tST A liuly once visited the Ronnu Catho lic Bishop Milner, seeking spiritual counsel, and related as part of her e.\ some remarkable visions with which she lmd !>cen favored. **01t! father,** exclaimed she. “aren’t tiicv lovely * Aren’t they heaveply 1 Isn’t it a blessed thing to J to so prit iieged ?” “Very lovely, very heavenly/' r.^lieti the good Bishop, “and, as you say, my dear child, j it is a bhvsed privilege; hut don't j ou think 1 — yo i had better lake n little blue pill >” NOTICE, N. J-CHIMES, ct ah, 1 Motion to establish lost JOBDAS JOHNSON. fSS. “ MUt0n S0p * rt0r 9°®^ hr tbe return of tbe *pnblicgaxette of this State, for “ bariagat N. B. KNIGHT, J. S. C. rl x Cost! CoUCbilla, AgoeCl The application or the KnAln RELIEF to tbe part or porta wber-- the pain or dlfllculty exists will Traveler* ahoaid always cirry a bottle «-f Had* way’s Ready Belief with them. A few drops in water will prevent tiouuxc or psaue uiku cmu. . of water. Ills better than French Bracuy or BJiten- y?TFf*TO4PFS- Fever and Ague cared lor If t y cent* * arcmcdi-J agent in this worhf that will and Ague, and ail oiher Malarioca. liilioa-. bc*n HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Bfcwt-iMWMof rich cnr^to^L^'•%gj.l4tloa 13 x*. Ilaciway ’S Sfimapqr]lltiiu Reuuiveut Baa nisSe ijo oust wMai-sl.i;- Cok. ; ... quic*. - nplAsr. Um eu<nx«> Him lid j a JtnwL uudci ta. laflneucc or ti-u Ttviy tTvud-ittil Kuilciu. TUB GREAT BLOOD PRRIFIER. B*«VJ 4»op ol lio FARILUAN ULSOLVENT nmuiratMibriMstiki. fkJ, Swesi. ■Hfcer (old. ud Joltta ol Uie tlie vuar of life for It repair* tho mate, of the bud* auiT new *ud i dree JS>e., Struuioruo* dlk'hsrqei fro-u the £111. romori. Caitcer* iu the Womb. *na ii wt .ici-iau* p^ofal dbUeUKre, Night Swat.-, Lore of busm aud *11 waate. of Uwlif. principle.mewithiu ihe coraUve reuse of thi.- wonder of Bodeni Cheial.Trj-, uid . few daft’ nao wUl prove to any perron neioo it for either of tbcae ferns of diaeaae tta potent power* to cure t|W||, If the patioot, JnS»l^sriturMcnatd b; the wastes and deoompomifon tl>tt !i fconuistydly prooresaing, •scceeda in airestaug tneoe wastes, and reitoira tta. same with new material made from healthy blooel and this the SAR8APAIULLLAN will auu doe* se cure—a cure is certain; for when once this reracd> rapiu. aim eve^f u-y yic p sUect Will I -ti bunself growing better k Udllrdftaer, food alri- ring better, fppetite improyfatg, »f.d ffesirind weight increasing. Not only does the SAEriAFAItlLLlAN UEauLV- ENT excel all known remedial agents in the core of Chronia, 8cr.»fujoa*. Constitutional, and Mbiw dis eases t but it fc. Ukj asly positive cpre for KUIuey Miiti tsiaader c<j;rplaints Urinary, aud Womb dwoaaoiL Gravel. DiaUitea. Drop nr, titbjtua^c of Mater, Incontinence of Urine Bright s Disease. AJbmniuurla, &ud in all rases where there are brie du«t deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with subeunces iike the white of an egg. or ihnradt. like while silk, or tber* is a morbid, dark, billons nppe*nnce.aud white boce-dast depos its, and when there is a pricking, horning sensation “ w big water, and pain in the Small or the Back rite Loins. Fip«s *f Bpf OS.. XASWAVS5 Perfect Parj-atlTo 1'llltj, Perfectly tietelcM,elerantly coated with eweetgmn, PUMA reptlau, purify, *nd ttrenefeen. Kti- way*a Pills for the cure of «11 di orders of the Stom ach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys. B adder. Nervous Dis- mam,Headadjc,Con.-ripari.*n,CwriTnee^,indiresrion, Dyspepsia, Bibousnces.Bilious Fever, Didammarim of the Bowels, Pile*, and all derange mem.- of the lu- ternal Viscera. Warranted to eff. ct a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing n. mercun-, mineral, ox deleterious drugs. 0T Observe the following syrapton-.d resalting from Disorder* of the Digestive Organs: ConflUpajiou luvarJ Pilw, of the —* aar se Stomach. Sour Kraetattons sinking or fibrtering m A few doses of HAD WAY’S PILLS will Dee tta- system from a J the sijove r-amed disorder*, price 35 cents per box. SOLD BY DKUGGIbl'S. K£AD“F.\f> SI) TlltK." »er..l «rtje letter stamp to RADWAY & CO.. No jT7. M-lden Lane, New Y*»rk. Jnf.»rm«r.«f:i worm tbou-undt- uili ta r< bilv* <!nw«If DE. FEIC^’S Fulton SheHfl ’s Sales lor Marclt, i sj ®®biRtoe*tlrtvrestaii>*ji*tctintytil Sf* for _ 1872 i \J\T IUL be sold before the Court HoGae door, in th . T " W «f. Atlanta, Fulton county. Georgia, be- A frne extract from the minute, of Hilton 8op«- W. H. NESBIT, C. 8. tT or tee *nd ,d. AtkctX Fulton county, Georgia, be- HHH SBiiBi rammSnS 14W w the * He ? f y»°w Fulton county, PWaoWvied on is in w.^rd one, contsiii- l». on Stonewallteirset, in the Levied onus the property of J M **tiafy a Sute end county -ax n fa,, for hta tax for the jaae 1871. No "7*P^c«.*PWt 'of land lot GEORGIA, Campbell County. VVU> STEWART having applied to bo an- -/jxtfnted guardian of he person and property of * ?£ noT nnder fourteen years of ‘ .resident of said county: This is to cite all persona concerned, to be and an- of £5 CounZZ^Zj?. “ UlS *apirutioo of thirty days from the first and show cause. It any they cu, why said David Stewart should not be en- truvted with the guardianship of the person and 35th. 1873. Ordinary, a fee $-1 trnrted withthe guardianship P'25!?* of Thotn " J DunlopT VI itness my ofidal ng natm£ Ja JtnSV-wfw * CBKA - r :.f_ . y.rr. VI mra. r.. Aorac® lO the rare GEORGIA, Heavy County. OsDtWAST-a Omcs, January Sih, 1871. V47ILLIAH R. fl -.NRY, administrator of France* »» Hiller, represents tint be ba* felly tllsclu'reed within wwrey time, prerorlhed bylaw or tbe letter* sriU be time, preecrlbed by law or tbe letters sritThe Witness mj offldal ilenntnre. • UEoT h. NOUN. Ordinary. Jaf**-* 1 !™ Printer'* fee $4 SO " QEl THE BEST. ta 5 .s™ O C P ivc panphets and Price Ltat sent ^ F c ; a< dievsCUAS- M EVANS, Mann- tA A e » 151 M «t Fourtli st., Uscinnati, GEO Git), Fulton County. pFTJOt _ __ their objections, if any exist, onor'bef re tbe flr*>t .Munda> iu Fe nv*nr next, else letters will be gten- yvirmm w.»d.Vo. January, URL ’ DANIEL FITtHAN. Ordinary. jan6*w4w (Printer'* fee $3) SKfthl 5tI*n-i,GA Ler.ed 5S%£ satilf?a°8tatelfe pr0p f ty Branham, to year l&n. 8l * te andcoant J fl fa for her tax for the ^ftgjg8a»ttan»yjg Ksanas •jrij^aStateand county tax l fa for hla u^forthn S!l« flPSIkK&ai^S S«& , S^°S.5S3“e..77?A 5 !^!;&3^ SiSSt "i?* adjoining the pS lift J®® ,lap<4 on M tne jyopurly of U Hdirc- 1*^.1° wtltfy a State and couidy tux a fa for !■ |a n 4pj«ce, part of land l>t GEORGIA, Fayette County. . denarii __ _ iL-tatc, and no person hu applied for admlostration -n the esmteof said Larkin Landrum, and in terms * »b« law, administration wIU be vested in Uie l lerk February 3d, 1813. feb7—w4w GEOIibKA, Fulton County. O Edik act’s Omcx, Ft hoary 5.1R7S. J OSEPH WILL’S, administrator de bonis non, of the e»Ute of Moore tMter, *!ee«di*ed, appilc * - leave tos.ll the real estsG-of laid dechakei: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the ~ * Monday in March next, else leave will be grant prayed for. Witness my official signature, this February 5th, 1873. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. feb7-\r35d papier's fee $5 GEORGIA, Fulton County. OfiDiKar.T’s Omcx, February 5,1872. J B. MORGAN applies for letters of administra- • tton on the estate of Miles H. Ilril, late of eald county, do^vseed: AH persona concerned, are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday In March next, else letters will be granted tbe applicant. Witness my offldal signature, this February 5th, GEOBp 14, Dekalb OnmKABT’s OITICX, l>p«mber -|th, 1871. W HEREAS, 8 T. McElroy, administrator of William McElroy, deceased. late of said county, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ill per- oshow allowed by s interested, to be and appear at my office, ca’tse, if any they can. within the time alk law. why eald leucis should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, thin December 4th, 1871. W R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. dee7—woamtm Printer’s fee $4 SO Clayton Depa y Sheriff Sale. town- of 'doneeboro, Clftytou county, Oa., the find Tuerda^ In March fiext,' wttbin the legal hours of aalerfbe fol'owing property,* to-wit: Laud lot Np. 40. * pntainkig Ait'A acres. 1 *i J *!»« 10th (jittrict of flih-Tnally Henry now Clayton c- uafy. tj-»ti.-,y •*ter if >> Jp favor or the county vs. ttllilam Dodson. LavtaU on snd urued 10 me by 11. C. Belsber. L 0„ this January 00lb. It;*7. febl-wtds it. 8. OZBIIKN. Deputy sheriff. Printer's fee $3 f0 per Ictj Warren County. Court of Ordinary D. G Jonee estimated be waa worth $10,000 in estate over aad above Habllltics. *0. B. WaObora waa worth $100,(00 la property of the State. Had real estate la dty worth aheut $4,800 and a farm In Murray county worth about #.V>00. He was now debating the subject of removing ftotn the State. W. Jennings was worth In real estate about $IS. He was on Sheriff n arris' bond for $10,000. J. L. Mathlson, or Back Head, was worth $7,000 reel estate, ard $$.000 in personalty. Ha gave in n $$,000 of land and had bought a tract for $:,ooo. A. T. Finney owned real estate worth about $10,- 00 He was on K L. Htrrle* bond, John i ved. B L Jones bond, (treasurer of Ice company) Cspta’a Holmes’ bemd. and waa aader bond himself. D. D. Snyder owns property outside of city limits ▼ daed -t $$ 000-tax paid on It for $$.000; and in e‘iy property valued at $5,000-tax glreu in for $$.500. He was on A L Harris* bond for $1,000. G. W. Brans owned a lot ou Crew street worth $$,000, aud one near tbe cemetery valued at $L800* Oen. Garm-ILM. J Hammond and il B. Cuibrnon, epp-ared for tta petitioner, snd Solicitor (Lateral filumudOal J H. NIc s «4s, for tbe State. Colonel Ra-mond contended that there was no law repairing tbe clerk to Judge bonds, but Dst it was the duty tbe ceurt to do so. Excessive ball should not be qnlrod. T tare n.» law requiring that a nur. who went on a bond should own real estate, or nsldc tbe county even. If he hau property enywbe-e. i-lcnta said that all be require*?, •rof the State, was that Mr. Hoyt shoo’d |> good bo d He did not wan* to put Mr. Hoyi I J*l» He only wanted sock bondaewascollcctab'. Colonel HU lads said that he had no feeUng In the mat er against Mr. Hoyt, but the Stare had been roibed. Mr. H«\i*wma charged with being t *e pa-ties. Be wasted good bond, and not straw DU’, given. After hearing argument T udge Flttcxn rejected tbe bondsmen and ordered Mr. Hoyt remanded to jail. B unaaant. Mr. Hoyt was placed In the custody X Jor John B. Cum ml g. SergeamaLarms, for tie night Another AbnxaT.—John Kimbrough wa$ orrsetsd y aterday charged with furnishing Fry with files to file the key that Siler gave to Fry. that turned the U k that opened the do w of the jail and let Fry aad eight wore oa< on tbefilh inst. Solicitor General O ran Vtng .ngsged In th • Ilojt case, a preliminary examlavloa woe continued until ten o'doc! morning before J a-rice Butt. Gartrell A Stephens, F F Howtll and T W. J. Hill appear for tbe defecd- (»CR Paper.—We ore of the opinion tha? n Tri-ly Reporter will not be sustained. But w» wil! pabllaba Weekly, and it will be published penoaaca ly, whether its gus any patronage or not Tnu enermr win bo pubUsked watkly.-Jtomgk preacher oece announced that he would preucb. Providence permitting, on the next Sunday, and whether or no on the Sunday foCowlcg. • that Rough t a weekly, “whether or no.' Scene cc a Street Car.—An old gvntlc- man. with sevtral suspiciously red spots oo his face rcUrad n West End street car. a few days aloee. and quietly took the oo-’y eeat which was vacant. quislUve chap asked Urn U be had had the small pox, and ho said ** yea.’’ There was a general « amoeg the passengers, all of whom wanted to get out right them, aad in about a minute the old gentleman hid the car to hl"*sdf. The conductor cautiously pwpisg in demanded bow long it was since the af- fl eted individual had recovered. “Well, sir,*' re- piled the victim of the disease, “I cannot eey exactly, bu** u near oa I can recollect, it w.a about ririrtj-fivr yean ago.—Xo*q\ JHet'a Exporter. ( STERLING SILVER-WARE. SHARP & PIOYD,| 2*0. 33 ■Whitehall Street, AtUURA, SPECIALTY STERLING SILVER-WARE, j Special attention is‘requested to I the niaiiF ™v aud elcgaut pieces [ manufactured eipr'essly to our or der (he pa-tytur and quite recent ly completed, A-, unusually attractive usson- mentol novelties In Fancy silver, cased for Wedding and Holiday _ presents, of a m< diuni aud expen-1DB. PRICE’S CREAK BAKISff POWDER stve cliaracter. 1 Tlie House we represent manu facture on an unparalleled suale, cinplojing on Sterling Silver-Ware alone Over One Hundred skilled bands, tlie most aoeomplb|i< d tal ent In Jieslgnlug, and tbe In st La bor-Saving Machinery, enabling them to produce works ot the bigbest character, at prices UN- APPEOACHEB by any competi tion. Our stock at present is the largest and most varied this side Of Philadelphia. I I >Y virtue of an order from the* „ ! I) of Warren county, will be cold on tne firat Tnea- day ;.i IIjreh, JK73, at Hip Court Houee do<»r at War mu ton.’Veiw^Julue Ip^al I) ; »ura, § tract of land J lie oaring to the «Pt4ia»tev5rj7-Gihco3, '.nntiirung j i we re ocfM, oo thmorlh -hib^rf Goldla^cryek, and I on tne eayt of the Wfe^innl n road, ad mining lands J of R. ij- W.ldtr, A. B Phelps gup ottafA Sold for i *i— t *• •*— • * —‘-J estate. Tprmv cash. WM. OtBSON, CICERO GIBSON, -rwTne imnsn, I. at ihe tame Una (In the 1t£h dis'rf.; ilrpaildMa in w» Srfii as.MlI SSSSSKSfitfl! the c{ty of AiUntn. », „ -r* and adjoining tta proi«ny of aafgsjaiSKwaT^sSShs „ W fc-a. *»s ‘(Jjolr.iuc the Babt-al Chvreh and Mtller. Lerhd on a. the (ro|*rurof John Brett- fottheSa^fsTt^"“ dMu “'7>**“f*tur his u A’an, at tit. s-tne Utno anil Mere, pat!—f'Utiid lot No. Tl, In ttiWffiMt -f FSa»tS?!^S,hi — “t I. iu Hard T. block at, on . in the city of Atlanta, co —.(cornerlot.) Leviedc No. 77, In the 14:h district of rial on pour.ty, Gs; the jwt vo levied on la In ward 2, fronting on Alabama street, in the city of Atlauta, contaiulm *4x116 feet, more or leri^ and adjoining the property oi Pt tew. Sf, n , n “d UunaleuU. Levied on as ita pr purty ol Wll Is P Chisolm te satisfy a State «ud roupfir tax fi fa for bis ta* for tta ycarlfci. * *- A, 52*s at .u th ^n , !“S t,n#e «** part of land lot No. 83, in thei MUr dlstnct of Fulton countv, Ga; the part so levied on Is in wa d I, cgatal-ing X( acre, moreor Ir^s, frou in<;cn Magaxtoe s reet in thc^ity of Atlanta. Levied on as the propertv of W K Ode to satisfy a S;ate and county tax fl fa for liia tax for theyenr ?87f. vt A, £?* l5 ‘, ne and P lnre t P*riof land lot No. 81. iu the 11-h district of Fulton county, Ga; the part s»lev :e*l ou Is in waul l, conulblnxacre, more or less, trpotJ|v ou M’a>krr si,w, {u q^-ci;y of At- Ia, ' u ; Ivj W| vr oj.-ffy or*J p (T upmpn to y«J f irA s J 3u ™ QA ' y - t>,a htorbhia * ror !he Alim, at thdvatuatlme aud p’acc. part of land lot No. 7t». In the 14th di>t.!c% or county, O?or- gla. Thcpirf to leied on Is inward 2, bock 47. c-ntrirt^g x Sc:r m-n- nr levs, f. outing oa Fulton and Vt iosor rueef. in the ri»y *»f Atlanta Levied on as the property oflil. D. Chashlrr, to satisfy a State and county tax <1 fa ror his tax for tho year 1871. Also, rt the svnie litno an plsce. part of land lot No. 79, in the Mihtletrict of Fulton county, Georgia The pa t so levied on I* Jn ward 5, frootiugou Marl- etta street Iu tha city of - tjauta, ff.mtalu|rg H acre I«*i CMt-Al>' bfataifurtUi-icnrjSiJ * - y. of John :fl fa for Also, mi the s«ii)q ttnto md place, part or land lot SaCUitbe 14th district, of Fatton county. Geor- ra. 1 no pvrt so i .-vied on is in ward 4, fronting on A heat street in the city of Atlauta. contetning ^ or less and adjoining the prop* rty of Grata Jt W Ijson. Levied on as the property of C. A. Jiavi , to -ati-fy n bu:o and county lax n ft for hi* tax fer the year 1871- ^Atro, at the santa time and p’ace,jttr' o( laud lot' ffo.7Mn the 14th distifer, of Fulton routitv. (Jcor« gia. The part so levied on i« in waid 5, cun timing ># or lev, fronting on Spring sU:«*t, hi the • u aa the prunerly of Mr* Cathenuc Lei hi. 16 nttsf a State andconuty tax fi ra for tar Hue for tba year 1871 £?* l !* c Unto sod place, pat t of ! iml lot No. 83, in the 14th.dlstrict of Fultou couu: v, Georgia The part ao levied on is in word 1, fronting on Green No 78, in The part i more or I#?**, fronting _ time and place, part of laud 1 14th district of Fu.toncon ity, Georgia vied oq is in ward 6, containing ,V JsnfMiVd Printers* fs $5. AdxnlnUtmtors. | lEtUCGIIt Campbell Conmy. TO ALL WXXOX IT HAT COXCZK.V. B Y th • request of the Board of Commiisioners «_ Ice ted t<» soperintend tbe building of the Court j for 1871. Also, at the wme time and place, piri of land lot « o. «- ’**rtof Felton epurtv. Georgia. aiso ctnto oar e time and ptaeo, part «f land lot No 47 in the 14th district of Ftilton county. Georgia, the part so levied on is fn wsfd 4, containing 8 acres more or less, fronting on Rice street in the cit.war At lanta. Levied on as thep O|>erty of K. II. Mawordv, rotate admml trstor, to satisfy a Side and county d lOiln i part 4 and place, FArt of land lot of Fulton county, Goorgli. Award 1, fronting on Hum- tax fl f, fSrto coanty tax fi fa for tax as gnSdian for the year 1371. mo uiuc — — « Mam, coanty, Gs.; the talnlnjrs^ acre., more or lrer. "corner lot" Lrvlul W* property of BJ Srey, trnateTfor AfeS R?SL*,l? , °“ dco,ul *7 tax It f> I or hla taxf.-r ——tint •* thratuna time and place, put of land lot 2?BarerouUro 1 dl *, tri ? t °*Et'tonentity. Georgia; '* 1,1 »54»i fronunxon Itry Isa State* tESSSal', 0 *°, *° r * li?f J r * 1871. . com,7 ^ tax A f* tor his tax for the year aLhi, at the same time and place, next of land lot No. 109. in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga; the S?WA-°T a ng tta property ?[ ^A/rtLLevied on a- the property of J B Jett tewttaiy a State and coanty tax fi fa for hU tax for the rear 1871. Also, at tbe same time aad place, part of Lnd lot N« 109, in the 14th district of Fallen coanty, Ga; the ESL’K.'" 1 ro 0n U '* W * M *• ln tte <Jty Of Atlanta, coatalt in* IS acre., more or lev, and adjoining the levied oe aa tbe propen J of S“fi Ute tJa. su<e <** 4 f *'« w ..Alta at the same time and place, part of land lot No 44, in the 14th district of Fulton coanty. Ga; the part so levied on ia in ward 3, fronting GallaU ktres*. ffkSSfSJiy1ir U &? SUl ' ,Dd *}1P; “* 1 ‘ime and place, part of land lot No 77 In the 14 district of originally Henry row Ful ton county, Ga; the part ao levied on is in ward 5, fronting all, Prvor and Decatur streets, iu the city or Atlanta, conululng 179x223 feet more or less and known as the ‘-H I Kimball House.’’ Levied on as th.? property of n I Kimball to satisfy a State aud county tax tya for hi* tag for the year 1871. Alro at th? same and pfree, Itart of U^d lot No<t, in the l«utetr.a of Fulton county. Ga; the part i*o levied ou is In ward 4, front!*.*; on Collins and cain streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing M acre more or lisa, adjoining White anil Frasier*? ororKr y. Levied on as the property cf Mrs L L Lightcap t*» a ttisfy a State and cotmty tax fi fa for tar tax for tha year 1871. Also, a* the same time and place, part of land lot No 4 ’, in the 1! i.istrictof Pulton county, Ga; the part so levitd on is in ward 4, fronting on ccatur an-1 Fort streets, Iu ;he city of Atlauta, containing 1 acre more or lrs» and adjoining the pn>i*ctty of Fartl. sn Moiri- Levied nn as tha property cf Mrs A M Lin*» ( estate by C B Linn, to satisfy a S ate and County tax tl fa for her tax for the year 1S71. Al o. at thcsitncTimeand place, pa t of land lot No — in the 14: It dibit let of »• niton county, Ga; th--* part so levied on is In wnrd 1, fronting on Haynes ana Ri «k streets Iu the city of . thmta, containing X acre, more or le«s Levied on as the property of Mra. 8srnh McDuffie s estate to satisfy a State and county lax fi fa for tax for the year 1871. Al-o, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 52, iu th*- 1-ttb district of Fulton county, Ga; the part'fo levied on is hi ward 4, fronting on Calhoun street in the rity yt Atlanta, containing X acre, more or leas, and adjmutng the property of Berry and others Levied ou as the property of A M Manning to aattf * — and couatv tax fi fa for his tax for the yekr Also, at the same timeaud placecMrt Of land lot No 77, In the 11th district o! Fqltottcoqnty, Ga; the S rt so levied on is in ward ^ frouling oiu Loydctreet tho city of Atlanta, containing 3-8 acre, more or less aud a'.joinlug tbe property of Angler and Jones. Levied on as the property of Mrs M McMahon to sat * p fy a Slate and coanty tax fi ra for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 77 iu the 14tli district of Fulton countr, Georgia; tho part to levied on is in ward 1, block 9. frontlngon Forsyth street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 28x 100 feet ‘ •“ -**-*-*- * *• * - Levied wire. to?at.„ tax for the year 1871. Also^atthe tame time and p’ace, part of land lot No. 73 14th district of Fultou county, Georgia; the p.«rt so levied ou Is in ward 1, frond ng on Magazine street, in tbacity of Atlauta, containing H aero more or 1cm and a iolnlug Woodruff A Hill. Levied on as the propertv of Freddy O’Keife, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 187L Also, a» the same timo and place, part of land lot No. 51 in the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia; the part so levied on la in ward 7, fronting of Ivy aud Uarris streets, ia the city of Atlanta, containing 141 acre more or less and adjolniggthe property of Akers & Wee. Levied on a.: tfec front;ty of A Mpe; to sat- lrfy r. State and countf* tsri fi fa iot bU tax for the yror187>. •* ” - * 1 Also, at the same time an-1 place, part of land oi No oi In the 14th district of Fultou county, Georgia the port to levied on la iu ward 4. fronting on Uarrii ar.d Butler streets, in tne ci»y of Atlanta, containing V acre more or le a and sdioining Perry’s property, known as Rondeau & Go’s Furniture Factory. Levied on as the property ot Rondeau & Co, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for their tax for the veai 1871* Also, at the same time aud, pi ice, part of land lo* No. 82, In tlie 14 district of Fnlton county, Georgia: the part so levied ou is iu woad 1, frontin ' on Western •bud Atlantic Railroad, in the city J[ Aitaufa, cor tainin- thirty ana a-d • hnlf $}y d ) acre.-, mere < «»n "the property of Scofield Rollin Mill Company io satisfy a State and county tax fi 1 for their tax, for the year 1RI.‘ A;**, at the same time and place, part cf land lot No..79, ia the 14 district cf Fnltim county, Georgia; the part so levied on l* in ward 5, front ip" on Marict- ta and Cornut streets, in tha ei»v of Atlantu 'contain ing'* acte.’mopB delWi*, 4dl6inUig^he pfo^ * * Biltaril aud CJrTBUb. Lc?i?a on a$ the too L-->wta Sotiili jd ;o aatiafy a Sta.e and county •for his tax for the year 1871. . -AI*o, at tne same time and plac-, part of ’and lot No. 79, in the 14 district of Fulton coanty. Georgia; tlie part so levied on is In ward 5, fronting Peachtree a reci In the ci y of Atlanta, containing 11 acres, more or less, and a"Joining the property of Peters. Levied on as the property of Roswell Manufacturing Company aad CiWgmfres to satisfy a 8 ate aud county »»ana tirosa ElJXi is, iu tao city of Atlanta, containing 2ixl’iti feat, nw or less, and adjoinl g toe property of Heft y and others. Levied on a- the property of C. B. Wellborn to aatisfy a 8Uto and the part so levied on la in ward 3, fronting ... etui aud Fariiestrccta, In the city of Atlanta, contain- 8$Js . acr, ‘* ° r 1 fir. and adjoining the property ®* Hayden *'h1 Angler. Levied or. aa Li j, property of Um Hwpxrt so levied on ia in ward 4. fronting on Wheat street and Baice alley, in the dty of Atlanta, con- <>t at the same .time and place, part of ‘ 1371. Also, at the t• No, 5$ in the 14th district of Fulton itbepwtsoleviedoi is in ward4,■ tax for hla tax for the year ,“5» p“*. of>»4 V* 100x110 “=» aa* *<yolnlD* tbe property of "T^re" EebCT “ (colored) toaatUiy a State and county tax a to for hla tax for A**®, at the same time ard place, part of land lot o. 45 in the 14th dli-talct of Felton cocmtv. Geonrta: Atlanta, adjoimi dWof Atlanta. Levied oa as the propertyof Kman- v*. 00 * 01 ^ to M Hsfy a Stale and county tax fi fa for hla tax for the year 1871. A 1 !?* rtthe same tlme and place, part of land lot ct of Fultou county, Geor- is in lot 4, containlrgM olph street ia the city of th. Levied ou as the prop- colored. *o satisfy a State — j - •• .« u» tax for 1871. and place, part of land lot No. t8 In the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia; the part so levied on is in ward 4, containing 75x100 Net rndre or lias on Pettis street, in the city of At Unta, adjoining tbe propertyof Allen and Whitaker. Levied oo as the property of Joseph Story, colored, to -atisfy a State and county tax fi ft for hia tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of l*cd lot No 84. iu the 14 **i#trinof Fnlton cout.ty, Ga; the part so levied on is in ward 1, fronting on Mitchell street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 50x151 feet moro or less and adjoining the property of booker and \\ al ace. Lcvic- on as tho prop. r:y of B il Townsby (col) to satisfy a State aud coun y fi fa lor his tax for the > ear 1871. Also, a’ the same time aud p’acc, part of land lot No 53, in the 14 district of Fnlton couu y Ga; the part so levied on U ln ward a, frontn-ir on Fnlton ■‘*re«.t, in toe “Itv of Atlauta, containing X sere more or lef snd adjoining the property of Lynch and ral- tnsn. Levied ou a-i the property of « corge W» sh- ington (col) to sat sf j a State and county tax fi fa for iii* tax for the vear 1871. Also, at thu same time and j l ice, t art of land lot Nof3. iu the 14 district of Ful y county, Qt; the part so levied on Is iu ward 5, fronting on Kvwson and Frasier streets, iu me city of nttauti,con:*in- ing \ acr** more or le«s and adjoining tl.e proi*erty of law. L- viid'mt* tb-j propertyof iieurv Watt* (co!) to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for his tax for the jyear 1871. febti-wtds (Printer’s fee $2 50 per levy.) Fulton County Sheriff's Sales for March, 1872. 1T7ILL be sold before the Court House door In the V v city of Atamta,Fattou county, Georgia, on the firat Tuesday In March next, withii the legal hour* of sale, the following property, to-wit; A tract of la^dcoutaaiiiigoiiit hundred acres, w»on- or les*; ttbeiiu; the totitli ba!f of land lot lit, in the •4th district ororiginally Henry, now Fulton •- Georgia, adjoining the property of “ McCooi and others Levied i n as the r . _ Kd ward w htte, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. ta issued from Fultou Superior Court. In favor of B W & J P Fo de & Co., vs. tdward White, maker, aud J aW John.-on. endorser. Property pointed 6nt piaintiff ’J attorney. April fi, ’871. Also at the same time and place, a iwo story framed building and the lot qn vthich the same is situated; it beingcit? lot No. &1, in the city of At lauta, fronting ICO feet ou Maric’ta street, and run ning back saute width 13dfeet, containing one-fourth of sn acre, more or less: said lot is bounded south east by Spring street, and adjoins the property recent ly occupied by J B Non* au: the same bring part of land lot No. 78, ln the 11th al trict of originally Hen ry, now Fnlton county, Georgia. Lev lea on as tne prop- rtv of A E Goode, by virtue of and to aatitfv two ft. fas. issued from the Justices’ Court of 1234th district. G. M , In favor of H U Witt vs. „ Goode. Levy made by J KCVicr, L‘0, wtd retttraed to me. Ja»*uanr X Also, at the same timeand plsce, a lot in the citv of Atlanta, known aa lot so. I iu Holland’s survey, frontiug S) feet on Macetr ck stivel, and ranclng hack same width westwardly 50 ffett, adjoining the property of K W Holland and B kcr Levied on the propertv of K A Dicker, by virtue of a d iwncd f *“°» * Notary PubHc’s Court of the 1231th district, G. AL, Infvorof W R Phillips Jr., vs K A Dickey. I.-vy made by J- F Carter, La! and returned to me. January I7«h, 1872. Also, at the same timo aha place, a lot eo * * four and a hair ) acreCln tfie 1th wa«l oi of Atlanta, ritnatwl qn Upastim and Roll streets, and adjoining the vro::e!tf 6t “* fame being in btock*No. 9 of Mil of land Idt N6. Uenry, now. the prop-rfy or oamqet C U He!-or ok, by vlrtn. to satisfy aft. fa. l<«iu* d from Groeue Court of«irdin- ry. in favor of Aloxaudcr J s Jackson, guardian of Irby Hudson minor: vs. Samuel C Hitchcock, form, r guardian of Irby Hud-on, minor. January 35th, s n **?i at Ui . e tirac and place, a lot in the dty or * * *■ '* ** tore of less, WAN DO FERTILIZER. I^reSiB {S UreatySSr* * ^ *“* **“' * nd ' TREBLE aad QUADRUPLE the product, U Money, Labor and Time, In the beat aad moat r.-ll-.ble Southern-made Fertilizer CASH—Fifty Dollars per ton of tOO) lbs., atullof freight and draysge. Pit id 1 . * ,*?2 0 lb ' •>l« , ts»rta , t»»2dny*ga made payable on the Pint day SL? p ' r *;- r wllh | M>«at after matnrltr. at the rate of one per - «°p. ” nndonbtcd personal tccumj or an a?. Or for Cotton on t:i3 Following Terms, viz: f f Wando for 40j lbs of lint, in bal 9 *1$ rents—the cotton to grade low mMditr* >rv. ygtWcptteEoffiatlvertnffthaeatteB u.edratd^of xSSLEfwS^™i? J2, Iff cotton In money, at the fixed price of 15 cents rr r io, say $GQ per ton. If sold for cotton, in <-:th*r »*• ik. the expenses of freight and o ryatera the YTando* in cithra case the ss5s*WM5WAfss w All o " febls-dlwAwlm order* In Georeta. and Alatuma, trill be .hipped promptly, la&wlm ° nC * to ' Vtt dhl A ttofa WarSonreVIt^ia AUKS V. JOKrs, Agent SEA FOWL GUANO! 500 TONS NOW ARRIVING. S3 s S3 i £ 5» B B- B J5 53 S’ ft being city lot No *6«, tnd Lari’uflaodTo: No. 55. the 14th oi O^ijHnatly- Henry, now Fi t, Gooriita. Levied on as tlio pioj eity of Jas K CourtL trustee and mxt friend f<.r wire and children, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fl * issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Mechanics* Loan and Building Araoftatiuu vs J&. „ ^nllatt. trurice and next friend for v.ifu »,ndchildren Prop, rty printed tm in fi fi. January 55.4,' igjt Also at the samo tiflip*aud place, a tract of land “WWW ikoutMUrec acre?, n ote «>.• less, in the third Vrart) or the city of Atlanta, Fultou county,Ga. bounded aa follows,' on the north by tho Harden Nursery property, east by Grant street, south by Glenn street and west by HM street, on w hich Mra Mariah Johnson now res dee. Levied on us the prop erty of Richard Johnson, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issue • from Fn ion Superior Court, in favor , f toe chutah wardens and v«*:ry of St Phillip* church vs. Itichard • ohuson. Prop rly i-ointcd out in ft fa January tb.. 2 th. 1873. ‘ ** ¥ Also at t! v saine tiyno an,*. pUca, two Hoc prin Ing mtHsa-uuduUjj ri ;- or^» puvv^ engfOcriiow m - knt.tvu *&■ th-.'Nv'Vb Gia office, on a lab: street 1 pear l!ic ct<i*iiur of liroad aud Ala* In tbu city oi Atlanta. 1*h„i un as lb Jo.m Rice by vlrtuo of and to ratify a from Vu.ton Superior Ci un' * ‘■•rolm liice. Propiiiyiiti terney. Ja uary, 2 i«h, 1873. .ga^ 1 * 0 ’f 1 the w,,ne im,i *nd place, all of the right title aud estate conveyed by the will of Washington K Archer, in all he property, both real and ticrsotiAl of which the said Wuahiiuttou K Archer died posscs/ed amongst which is the real estate th? r!.. ofAtian- ta. comprising the city cto wrih tae. nil dings and ap pertenim^s kuavo?* aa v Ar«he^4 SiaUu?, fronUm paUly &i-AUhsma’ partly on Broad aud partly on Forayth streets, (as will as the remainder of the estatu of aid deceased, to his widow for life,) with remainder to the aid Thomas B Archer and the other two heirs at law of said deceased, in fee simple Lericd on as the property of Thomas B A«cbii, by e-»ss nut ssar Also, at the same timo and place, all of that tract or parcel of'l*nd lying and being in the sontheast corner of block No. 8? in the 4th ward of the dty of Atlanta; said fraction being about 210 feet on the southllneof said b’oek, running east m^l wiiL* and abont 160 feet on tbeenetV^e oa Mid block. rnnoinr no * 1 ^ cPmUl MJ feet for Irwin street on the sooth sifle Of said.fracUon an-* 30 feet on I he cast s’de of said fraction for street purnotoa; said fraction being of tend lot No. 45 In the ltth dtetrict oi -*ly Henry, now Fnlton county, Ga. Lev ied on i a»Iev, :.nd jjri oFfcmdlot ' II«>u4a in the town of CampfceMton, Oa. Sold as the j s«ph Fry t»satisfy a State and i r.r.„_rty ©f the eonnty aforesaid^ the proceed^ to be | tax for the year 1871. VA1TILLA, 12'-i01T Etc., For Flavoring Ice Cream. Cakes & PasJry IH0MPS05, STEELE<1FRICE ITK'G CO Depot*. CWowo and Be. Losja. 'JVrm? cash. Titles perfect , REUBEN C. BEAVERS. ja«.1S iwT^vUilfebl^C'rdnnry. I GBOltGlA, Campbell Countjr. Ounce art's Omcx, January Slrt, 1873. i time and pla < part of tend lot the part eo levied oa is in ward 4, city to^s 1 and S, fronting on Ivy *nd Mer> its sire U in the city of as I to?187l' y * coaul y tex fl f* for her tax c AI u? V l ?i n, J e timo * n< l place, part of lend l-.i ■WtACTP$Of pr AND BLOOD ENR’CHER. W ilE-E^JohnT Beackman, administratorof No. 84, in the 14 district ofFidton nrafy, Gcmrfa John cooper, represents to the Court, In his the part so levied on ta in ward l. contain ng ?; aert- .-ction, duly filed and entered on record, that he has I more or less, fronting on E.liott street and Aliev In fni y auminiricred John Cooper** estate. Jfecity of A»UnU.‘teYicd on as tlie propertyo/w. lp » is, therefore, to notify all perepns poacemed, H. Freeman tosvU*»v a stateauoconntv tax Ufa for kindred and creditors, to show curate. If any they ffis tar (or thAya£l871. 7 * * thniiil-fratbr thonld not fie ^discharged I About the nunc tune and pi *hy sutd a*l rromhis-ann iniaaion, on i he first Monday in May next. 1873. I part so levied on b IiTwsrd i c sSSSfSi 1 J? 1111 ? UfiM! * nd P Iace * put of land lot No. containing K alley and Mucon and AjlftuU Ltrfed on - ■ -- v -—»g to satisfy % totatc and (ti the District Court of the United aim. afuKa'meutnelmv p!m L'^ur land lot Stat.-.-i»ptho Northern ga&M5!LW*|gggwfc8i». District of Georgia. ' ,r f e > a tbe City of AtUnta, tontalnln* « acre more IN tho matter of Samad Bari—In Bankraptoy. S JSufr^ StMe°*n?e^tf f.° y 1 bt.^Tw b 1 llilr I. to give notice, once a week for three wreka. I2J ,| e , r • state attaeotmtr tax fl fa forhtstaxfor 9 give notice, once a week for three | Samul*ilard!o> , erupt, upon | Dbtrict Court of sairfdlj jant2.1aw^w e k or| TOE GEEAT fi£«JP£RATSR tf EXHAUSTED EKEEEIES examination of oar stock and I rcl . la,,,c Pt,rl ‘‘ cr- 9 will cunrantee onr s.u^i I Tto ‘“f® **?» ,per of Broken licaltii The true Serve Supporter. The Permanent Strength fieuetier. The most Energetic Tonic. prices will guarantee onr Sales. Our House use only British Sterling, 033 decl5—dAwtf In all cases of Debility. Poor Blood. Weak Serves, Disordered Digestion, it sun and durably benefits. MONEY CAMMBT ri iv it » I ^0? ^Druggists, or the Hanufadurcrs IVIOIMfeY CANNOT BUY iT ! on the receipt ef $6. xciU send, by £prc*s, 6 F V)R 81GHT IS PRICELESS!! But the DIAMOND I vhlch u Jor ^ or 4 months. SPECTACLES will Preserve it. I Prepared only at the Laboratory of aomssaa ’ co. OIL PRICFS CRUM BAKING POWDER. Bteetal Flarorlnga ror Ire Cream, Cakn A Rarer. Sd »sl SU LASt STSSST,. - CSIMS. ILL. 327 BMP 223HT, - - - re. jams, S3. I — UJI nitSUWBUU URIV MTCCt', in I Atlanta. Levied on aa the property of — I John Griffiths to satisfy a State and count? tax 1! fa | ULOKU1 * , HeKalb County*. for hia tax for the year 1871. OsswaxT'e Omcx, January JJth, 1873. I k »Sh_*Ik? b 1 ?5£m5* Mrt of J?”' 1 !?' IREAS. a A. W. .xre„toy of -brim. 5kK«fel!itSKSASSS^'h^ I piled to m'A for Jetrer:'pf dUmj«*Toa STit77™l S.d?y“S'Sffi 0 Uffi , L*^ £%SS o, J ^* rc {P r ^ Xo die and admonish all I Wm Gabbrtt td satisfy a'State and county tax ft fa I iutCT-ated, to be and appear at my office I for hia tax for the year 1871 wuuty axiria I within the time nrrecrihad hf la-^thcb anlthore to • a| 0 et tbb Om?.ne pUce, pert of land lot *“Otud not be | No^5 in the 14 distiict of Fnlton conntr, Ga; Die pait bo levied on 1a fh ward 1, containing 5 acres Give j»nl3—w4m under my hand at oftaa. W. B. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer** feo $4 50 _ - - — — .ng 5 acres mQ»e or k'.j. frimU^k on'Cetera and * Racetrack ,tre JfJ" ST AtUnta. Levied oTtSthe property of Henry B.Hiil to aatlefy a State and , county tax fl fa for hi* tax for 1871. ! GEORGIA, Campbell Coanty* I vr A i^ > .’ • t . tho . “??• * Im9 * nd pUce, part of land lot . . I No79inthe 14 district of Fulton conn v Ga* the T^OUR weeksafter date application will be made to I piut so levied oo ia in ward 6, containing k acres i £i 9* of said county for leave tff more or lest fronting on Power* and Simpfou streets adl the North half of lot of Und number twenty- I In the dty of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of seven, in the Third District of Carroll orlgnally, I W P Hammond to satisfy a Sta e and county tax fl fa now Doug’ass coanty. belonging to the heirs of G. I for hia tax for the year 1871. * W Hammond, deceased, for the benefit of s*ld heira. 1 ‘* " ~ * ' I This February 5,1873. M K HAMMOND, febS-wd* 0 ^ 44 S>* end piece, pirt of land lot No. 78, la the 14th dlatriet of Foltoo coanty, Ge: the -re „ i„i_ — ■ . mpjrinhvtaopto, iMA lieeth to eatla- If yon .a’ae Growl from “ SSuivey - >riii feTt' . yyre wlthont change, and are wananted anperlor to the Perfect 1 , meltttl to/eth- a-enuntof r York. Caution—N stamped with onr trade mark. For wSe*bv Rc sthte Agenta thiougbout the Unto SteroVn^d, I Jewelers and OpMdana, are Sole Agents fot Atlanta! I SS&SZZZr* "** — "•UyWobUtnrd. Nil Pt clera «rai ployed. novfifi-dcodAwly | Georgia, fnlton County* Okdinaet's Omcx, January 26,1872. t llBI TTERMAN C BEERLKIN hu applied for ex-I ESrioLffi^e^rep^fofeSl^“ua^£ .o^bre | rttaaoo^Th^mSnT'id*! 1 -^.'^^ ^ “ d «»“<J “* « f* hi. Ux for the yeJ BatlO o'clock, a. on the 9th day of February, I i thb property _ fy a tax fl fa for her tax for the ^.Also, at the same time and place, part of land *t«i No. 77, In the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga.; tbe — i—«-« — * *-•— 65x125 f - , —rehs to sat.., hia tax for the year tho 14th diit ict of Fulton county, Geo-gia. the i«rt SO levied on ia in ward 5, frontiug on BroaJ and For-yth streeta, in the city of Atlanta, contain ing 2 .x 80 feet, more or less, and adjoining the prop erty or Ptulitps, Lord aad Jordan. Levied on as the r p n" n e^: gla; the pa t so levied on la ln ward 1, fronting on State ar.d couniy tax'll fa'for hia tax for The rear Jll. ~ P*urtOf land lot No. JS’.y 1 ali 11 ? a *? r, . ct ° r Fulton coanty. Georgia; the pvrt so levied on 1s in ward 5, fronting on Sprin" and Marietta streets, iu the city of Atlanta, contali-fnc*? acie, more or less, and adjoining Grau and Kilb. Levied ou as the property or Mra. G A Goode to satisfy J^tc andaaUDty tat fi fa for her t^x for ^e year part so levied rn Is in ward 3. fron’iugon Kills street, in the e!!rof Atlanta, containing\ acre, more * H aud adjoining the propo ty of Mrs B A Gore! year 1871 SUtC * Ud COnDty tt fa for hcr 1®* Also at tho same time and place, pirt of land lot No. &5, in the 14th district of Fmtou county, Georgia • the pirt soli vied on is in ward 1. frosttng on lr?CB Street, to iLc city ot Atlanta,' containing 30: tefit, more- oil *$#, -ard'adj -iuing the proiierty Fletcncr and others. Levied ou as the property of Land»bnrg to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa ' his tax for the year 1871. * he tune ,in:e » nd price, part of land No. 84, in the 14ih district of Fulton county, Geearfi toe part ro leried ou is in war$ », T-^nHugon Walk or less. Ion, to her tax for the | 1872, at my office. janW-diAifJt DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. [Printer’! fee $2 , Also, at the u . _ No 77, in the 14th district o. Fnlton coanty, Ga; the part s | „ daalit.iiar»n | sale*' ■ laming pt acr T1[ IN THE rXiTKO STATES DISTRICT COURT I —Z***"*^* a£d~ \ X\7 ILL be sold before the ConrtHoore door in the -^ >pe ^ y -°^ C .lx «>*tbb No rrarax DisTitiS or’SSa gJ^SSKST letted on le In ward . it *fiex ti •'toe’. niltoxa Canty Postponed Sheriff«. I nreojtBe two'«2jittreOTtn theSt.of Atmnuf££ Seale.’ | talnlM vent.moreor lets. Oe said lot ian steam tte matter of Bernard Decker, tn Bank. GEOR-I irX';' I W townof AtphreetfeMiltii-ciinre. t^r^ “ 1 I P n _tketrxtTueadarinItarcknext, ZfiZCSfigi and nUce. nart of ,.ret GlA I raotcy. *’ *“ I only Tnta is to give no:!ce.once a week for three weeks. I Cm «;'prorei?Tlnotaa I Ljts of nnmbcra 8S4, 695, ’896. 924, thatl have been appointed assignee of theSuteof I T** 0 *? 11 r; « ht 10 tnxhlaioewm I containing forty aprea, more orl| Brrntrxi Owker. of Atlanta. wSohaT bSn Sj ndcS ^.cW imirnkma. B. ^youVfS iw-nty aert^f o'lot 8Eft, all lying in “ 1 — v eujaogea | Cream Bmlam* ra— * ■■ o-c x Ti cruet I and aec m-* section of said County. SSft Ji55 i !id e TrSr^ £ “'Sii“^"« ; .SSt- ^ ^AltoattheimeRme andplxee, part of land ,o, feblMUwSw I B. FOWLER, Assignee. ftrttwj ^mSor 1*^ Er■ Juice’s lenTS-dtodAwlv ^SS'.l’S- ii?’ Property pointed ont iji LTVXRDISEASE and x—. ■" a 1 _ - | | xi. B. M1KEL. Deputy Sheriff. «« FirM l r.zc- Medals Atrardwt feM °-» td< ^«"*»■ v* »">• CdTSJf . _ Regulated THE GHEAT Also, at the same time and No S3, in the 14th district of Fulton conntr, Ga; the -re _ — .. . ■ - Deitnr acre. WM. KNABE & CO.. Manufacturer* of Grand, Sqaure and Upright PIANO FORTES, B1LT1JIOBE. .tilt, TP® I 5 M 5L“““ 1 Va*e been before the Public l|M««’A, Henry Coanty nrmptocnLSIXMONS’ I lenceSn^m^dnJ’SpiJrtlaSd’SrxSdSS I OXDntxxx’* omcx, Nor ember 6.1J7L llvSatouiA-pw! I -hlch^prononncM X m i Xq?^5d P ^x” 0 'Jg; —TI I tbt beert depieeeioe I the year part of land lot . . | conn’ part ao texted on la In ward 4, fronUnr street, ln the city of Atlanta, eontainlnz V £ J Hinton to satisfy a State and coanty Ux fifa for his •— 0 — * v - —— lfiT71, ame time and place, part of land lot — . .14th district of Fnlton count, Ga; the hoora of sale, ncd< r an order of the Honorable Court I levied on ia in ward L front! rg Foundry -■* —*■* — *»-- —*— * 1 *" ,K * *"•* ** more or less, , _ - . m- Levied on as district ot DeKalb coanty, Georgia, containing one I property of John liarrison to aatiafy a state and hundred a rc*, more or less, belong ng to the estate | county tax fi fa for hla tax for the year 1871. of Ccnjamin M Id win. deceased. Sold for the bene-1 „ A, ”» , kt * he . “»?. ti “ e " nd P^ce, part of land lot fit of ihe heir* and creditors of said deceased. ~ - ’drEWBYjLlLdw^ N, Adsrinlttrator. fcb7—wtda Printers fee $10 Ad|piiiistr|&toj; , S Bale. a ..1 n . I W"ILI. be sold before the Coart House door, in I tax for the year uOUtnern I ,he urn of Decatur. DeKalb coanty. Geo-gia I j oa the first Tuesday In April next, within the legal | No BS. in the _14 MANUFACTORY •d for throe'ailmnm I TmwnrlS ’‘ cr I dia« harged hia said trsata, and petitions for ietteraof I or las. known as the Mineral Spr?t U ISm nSBiHBBS tbRertk 0r ** STmrx ® “»d the AGRAFFE I di mision. I Levied on a* the property of “GeareeJi ly^ld befc onxh wonld roll enrotet ^ D objeciow etdat. let them be filed within f tee f-r wife.” to satisfy ajtate andcou Die wS I to .*** I statutory time, or the letters will be granted. * SmmZSfrol I S^t^Sw J®. ORA \ D WANOS and I Witness my official signature. pt«a,nfi can do no I p^b ARE GRANDS, found in co other Piano, which I uKO M. ! yjyyt ^^5° Pium nan *tton than tuTT.i bjro | nam-wSm J NOLAN. Ordinary. Printer’s fee $4 50 forexx-re-STh^rS “Se^S 1 ^ ZT " 17 “I W«T»tod Tear. C OUGIA, Henry Cenwy. m all pan* of the country xtUl Touch ferluxb-1 ^^Wo «re,bj rpedalKrengement, en.bted to| OxntsaKI’s Omcx, Janaaty 15, 1871 Gen. John a Gordon. B. L Mon, of Colnabna, Ga. whom « SBLVN * CO., FOR SALE BY ALL fcrnUh PAKLOK S the most celebrated makers, vt'npmu.t axdRx- . - . „ _ Tan. AT LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. j J Alfred Thompson, deceased, applies for leave to I the part so levied - Illustrated Catalogues end Price Lists promptly Sl«herrol estatVof P | atrrotinthe rt- B^tlmore, itd. 1 “ «*■ >* Or to PHILLIPS, CREW 1 FREYeE. Sole Agents, No. 53, in the 14th district of FuJton ccmmyT Garths ESL»*? ^J. oi J , a!5 ward *' on Deratur atreei. in ’necuy or Atu«n pnntiin|p» *criL more oc 2»d Mjoini.g Die propertyof Birgers and Lynch. Levied on aa tha property of Mrs T u How- S2 yUrtHl.* 8 ^* te tax fl fa fo? tax for Ateo, at tho same time and place, part of tend lot No. “■*, iu the 14th district of Fnlton coanty, Gm; th- on Banter acre, more » property, neon, trn*- | for hi, tax for ttow ltrp — ux « fa KaSl In t E&ttS&£EiliS3SgR2£JSSfl mid adjoining the property of Smith. Levied on aa the property ot R A -*SStofthe Sri?* of Und jjecriocs exist let them be filed within the time bed by taw, cram leave wja be granted. I — my official aignatnrs. 1 GEO. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $5 WANTJbJD. _ I EMPLOYMENT by two practical carpeafe I Hi some experience In the use of a*chl> r . I take charga of planing mills or rorpestert* she ACOWAY 4k SON. ATTORNEYS AT t-^W I f *Tmtrr , tdiff.r or to Trentoo, Qcoqcla. will preoic their I ,n^SS5 aStaa^Tof hSS JSS ta the OoorU I coca, fnznlahed aa to character acd capacity. Feat Olka Box M3, AtlanuTCa. and gfxa prompt attentleai to bnrlnare lathe Coart. of law and bo tin to Dmfe W^ker and adlSlSS cwttarejnJfatoaSnpreneMdyrfml^^r"^ Urn ward A franttoc on Pryor 5 Also at the same time and p’ace, p .rt of tend lot No. 84, m the 14th district Of Hilton county, Georgia; the part ao levied on ia In ward I, fronting on Peters street and railroad, in the city of Atlanta, containing 15 acre, more or less. Levied on aa the property of Catherine K el ton to satisfy a state *"*t coanty tax fl fa for her tax for the year 187L Also at the same time and place, cart of land So* :ober next, with Bulk Meata, B»cocl Lard. Cora. I N^79. In the 14th district of. originally Henry, now Plocr, Orta, Hay, Groeerle*. Totaceo. eta C^hor- . I treeaoeec totEedtyof Allanta, otBtatatoy Vaae. 1871. j*n30-dAwia I *&^ fftshsis Plantation Supplies. I T AM now faralikinx plxnteri on time nntu 11th | Ocxol Flom dera wUl also receive attention. mond. agent for wife, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hfa tax for the year 1871. 3 Also at the same time and place, part of land No. 43, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia' the part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting on Grant and Anderson streets, in the ritr of Atla jt-., contain- ^Tfisa.-teaSrtfSsSfe85r Stockney to satisfy a state and county Ux fl fa for his ix for too year 1871. w, A ii 0 *x at ? hc sarae t,mc and P’ace, No77, in the 14th district of Fnlton , ou ii in ward 1, block 5, fronting uu A hiteball aud Bread streets, in the city or Atlanta, containing 1 acre, more or lcsa, and adjoining the property of Holbrook and Scofield. Levied on as the property of Mra C Valentino to aatisfy a State and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 53, in the 14tfi district pT Fiuton county, Ga j the past fto levied 1 <-n tain wild fl, block 3, city lot 18, front lag on Clarke street. In t* e dty of Atlanta, con taining « acre, more or leas, and adjoining the premises of Mosley and Gaunt. Levied on aa ihe property of A M White to satisfy a State and coanty tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot NoTO in the 14th district of Fnlton county, Ga; tbe narf ,n An I. Iw ......7 r r .. JfJ part -o levied c * limpson si ( acre, more o Marietta >ta, contain Goldsmith' in*M*cr.. premises, levied on as the proper the 8 yror > l^L' ,lte 034 count ^ r *■*' Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 84, in the 14th dirtrict of Ftutoncoonty, Ga; the part so levied on ia in ward 1, containing GUxflOOfeet, more or less, on Wilkins street. In the dty of Atlanta! and adjoining the property of Defoor and Wh'te. Levied on as the property of Benj Cobb, colored, to aatter.v a State and coanty tax fi fa for hta tax for tbe year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 55. in the 14th district of Fulton coanty. Ga; the part so levied on tele ward 3, containing K acre, more or less, fronting on Bigger# and Gullatt streets. In the city of Atlanta, located near the Georgia Railroad and cemetery. Levied on ae tbe property or Jefferson Floyd, colored, to aa’isfv a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year lfrn. .. - ** id place, part ol Ga; the ■treet, in the dty of Atlanta, or leas, and adjoining the property Jennings. Levied on as the property af Albert Frank lin, colored, to satisfy# State and county tax fl fa for and Joinings. lln, colored, to satisfy a 1 hla tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of ?«nd lot No51, in the 14 district of Fnlton coanty, Ga; the part so levied on ia in ward 4, fronting on Valentine street, in the dty of Atlanta, containing 1-16 acre more or leas and adjoining the property or Fill and Ponder. Levied on aa the property of Ben too Craig to satisfy a State and cocnty tax fifa for his tax for the y<— *"** Also, at the aa No 44. In Die 14 district of Fulton county, Oa; tha No 5L*!n*the 14 district of Fafir-tountT. Ga; tha part so lasted on ia ip ward 4. fronting on Houston and Valentine streets, in the dty of Atlanta, contain ing acre more or leas and adjoining Fain’s prop erty. Levied on as the propertyof** Ins (colored) to satisfy a State and < his tax for the year 1871. N 0 A ^-i*n t ^i4 , S“d't.S a c!S a FaJSI£ t 4. part IO levied on ia in ward 4, fronting on Scofldd afreet in tbe city ot Atlanta, containing 3-10 um “ore or.leu. Levied oa u tbe proper yof Peter Holcombe fcoD ra eMIefy a state and ctratity tax Afe for hla tax fur li;L Also at tbe same time and place, part of land lot No. 45v to the 11th dLtzlot of Faiton ciantj, (>“ !«rt ao levied on i* In ward 4. fronting on Bnlce’i jaaHJsaMSPw w." _ No. —. fn the 14th district of part ao kvied an ta in ward 2. m the city of Atlanta, coot situated in tl»« southeast corner of land lot 152, in the utbdtetnctof origtnually llcnry, now Fulton conn- ty, Gt-orcia, adjoining the | roi»cr*y of Dobbins. oihcra. Levied on aa the property of “ iw« 11. bv vlHUTof and tosatsfyan. f a Falton Suj^rio- Qoxri in ffiVor of J Hayden va Thoa S, Pound!. Property pointed out by R F-hiUips, transferee. January 3'sL 1872. | Alto, at the eanv C time and place, a two story brick bniidlngand tlie lot on wMch it ia situated, on the co*ner of Ptyor and Mitchell street#, in the city af Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia; told lotcrmtalnlng one qnarter of an acre, n.ore or less, uri Vdlotoinv theproperty of Fiauerand Dp^i- LctTmI on aa the property of Jp^Ncfli, by \lVtue of and to aatisfy a fl. fa, Ufi fn& Falton Superior Coort in favor of Turner * McDuffie vs. Johu NealL Property pointed out In fl. fa. February 2d, 1872. .£}*?• at the Mme time *nd place a two story brick building and th- premises on which it la situated, on the comer of Marietta and Peachtree streeta. In the 6th ward of the city of Atlanta, Falton county/Ga.. — — “ * t, and running •. -—15» feet, more the Property of Bt-nv and - M the property of Tlioma vittu-Gf and to tariff*-a 11. f.. tesued from in,favor MJCamdon v*. I ci" --.Vyv— Fnlton Snperi'T ^Court, Printer*# fee $2 60 per levy Claycon « ouniy MherilPa Sales. usual boars of sale, the foPowin^ p.opLlv. to-nit* North ha?f oMo; of UM acrej in thb nbrtheut corner of said lot; alro, tl last half of lot of land No. 239; also, one-sixtecmn of an acre, more or lea-. No. 1 in the fourth section of tbe town of Jonesboro, on the east side of the Macon and Western Railroad, the whole lying in the 13th District of originally Uenry now Clayton county. Georgia. Levied on as the property of Jea-e L oozlcr, 1 ** Superior Court of said ^jaror of Win. G. Lane * Co vs. said Jesse Cpogkrt Property pointed out by Jno, L. Dojal. piamtifTs Attorney. • ' * Jteo, at the eama time and place, will be sold one Kfctae colored mule, about four year# old, medium ae, levied on as the property of Robert 8. Oxburn »: satisfy a fi .fa from the Superior Coort of Clay- »n coanty. In favor of George W. Beavers vs. mrd 4;-. ms & bt w - Also, at the ame time and place, win be sold one store hou-e,and lot In tbe towp pt ionesiboro,Ciayton county, known a* *,!;« atofChouse where Hay a Phipps A Betts formerly done busiui-M, and now occu pied by Harris A Higt>tow«*r as a drugstore. Levied on as the property of William O. Bctt* to satisfy a "* In my hands from tbe Superior Coart of said jr in favor of D. F. Flemming A Co, vs Hays, a A Betts. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s », at the same time and wIU M sold one hundred and seventy-fi,v acre, more or less, or land lot No. S’,*, In taa* fifth district of originally Henry now Clayton coanty. Levied on as the property of Henry J. Hoghie to satisfy a fl fa, from the buperlor Court of Clayton county in favor of William C. Lee. administratorof W. J. Morris, deceased, ra. Ilecrv J. Uughie and Joseph P. Ilngh'e. Property Dolnter oat by plaintiff, William C. Lee. February 2,1872. _ NATHANIEL G. HUDSON, Sheriff febi-td (Frin\er’a fee $2 50 per levy.) Falton Coanty Sheriff’s Sale tor march 9 1872. TE7ILL be sold before the Court House door in the tv city of Atlanta, Fnlton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in March next, vithln the legal hours , the following property, to-wlt: ■tainlcitv lot in the Fourth Ward cf the dty of ——. 4 containing one-hla? acre, more or lass, ad joining the property known as tha Empire Planing Mill lot, tne property or Cal owm?A FtZazee, P H lealm, McKinly, Floods and others. Also, alo. - t-ining half an sere, more less, !n said city of lanta; it bdng part of the o’d Scbofleld's survey,ad- originally Henry, now Fnlton county. < Herein Levied cm as tbe property of * J. T. Greer, by vlrtne of and to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Fnlton Supolor Court, in favor of W. H. Frizsell va. J. T. * A. IL PEREERSON. Deputy Sheriff febT—wtds Printer** re* >2 50 per levy Practical test$ for the past five years ph>ve tliis to be irt no respect inferior to the*besl PerurUn Guano AS^ft Peniltecr. * Sold for Money or Cotcon - AT QPTJOJ? OF PURCHASER, AND ON MOST FAYORAB L.E TERMS. Remunerative Price guaranteed for Cotton delivered in payment of thi* Guana. \WhoSI* t Ss^d 1 SW , re' rf p * rticu! "*'. fP^T «the Wholesale tad Retail A-rimUtmal jan25—dtS;\v3ia MAB.K. W. JOHKTSOHr, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MO a iCto. vpHK 1IEIHB AND LEGATEES OP Z. R. JONES, deceased, are hereby notified to meet In Decamr. on Monday, fourth day of March, for the purpose of making a settler-ent with the Administrator, . J. V January 27,1873—wtd GEOH^tA, JFaltou Cou ly. M art ? a J-VjL atlmlnistration on the estate of A L. < ute or mid county, deceased *.?£!* *? *olity all peraons concerte d to file their objections. If^any they have, uithlu U time prescribed by Uw,el«e letter# V UJ ha granted tl ntd applicant aa applied for. AUrst; JUANIKL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jr,o- T- Camper, Cleric. jaha—woam4m Printer’s fee $4 50 UEORUlAy Fafetto County. OiunxARY’a, January 2. Ka. WS^A?*Jf!SH*afW£j , s the m'nor children ot W G. Noilon, decaiac- Thia la, Ihcrefon, to eito and admoniah ad iieraone amremedto Clctheir ohJectlonaUfMUr rx“ , .Uni-, the time prr^criUvd lor (m», cbe iettva. wi t he cranlcd 1 hr anwJfervt, u applied rw, on the lira! Non- daj in VvM«OT urxt. .. . ’ D. 0. MINOR, Ordinary. jar.r-wiSd Printer’* foe *5 eitniiniA, Fulton t’oautr.' TThNHV AKIN ha* applied for Iettera of Gnarcljan JJL chip of the peraon and property of »’>. 11. ThS$ST < T«5 e aUd mph ““" r All pcrapiiM concerned are notified- to file tho rob- j-clion*. If any exist, on or before thofiratliondaj iu February next, cue iettera will be gpufafiapmycO Witn* e.- my official stepyt^re. this Jarnarr 5.1872 . . DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. M&Z*-**. Printers fee $$. GEiiHGl.i. Fulton Conntf, Oanaunr’a Omcx, January 22, 1872. IMP.-f.N o*8UlKLDShas applied forojeun-. i.n. of ra-raonalty and I will pass upon *.U ra e : n tho $d ©I Fcbruaiy, I87-, DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordin n > >na*-dltAw2t A A .laiaav , VJIUJIi ll 1 Printer a fee 82 ULURUI4, OeHnlli CsUUtT. „ , 9 rrick ' January 20th, 1872 WHIRltAS, J. *». Jones, aduinisuaV'j X. K. VV Jones, late of said coanty, frceOck. bavin- apffiied for letters of dlsmimiQa ffom said inrat: . ™* *•» therrfor^, tihclify all persons conccriK- 1 , lo be and >frf»car at my office wlthli: i tiOta pnatnbcd by law, then and there to sin granted “ Vt% why lctters »*» oaW 1 Given tinder my hand at offle-. W. R YnHlft Ordinary Printer’s fee $4 no tl. H. Wtaai. bell ('OUthxv• w .« ^,-vc«of F. K. Wilson. A. W • U. Wilson- and 8. a. + I«son, having appJiid it. tne Court of Ordinary of aall county, for a diScnar;-. from hia guardianship or F, R. Wilson. A. H. Wlteo •MS- A. \' ilson a persons and property: .This ia, therefore, to cite all person* &M*ecrned. to ission on the first Monday in March next Givcn^under my official aignature, ti\i» Jwnaj — NOTIOK. ^ v EORGIA, FULTON COUNTT.-I hertbp eao. •rut that tap v!fe, Marjarct J. Ball, maj become a public or free trader, aa allowed by acctlon 1730 of Irwin’* Reviled Code of Georgia. tSn&SR Marion ball. Billion Blortgaso Sherirn* sale. I. Ml, In the Fii^t DMrfcC I arid coomy. Lark ~ l.ioxan by trinae <>r* ■ the property of W fl fa.,Jraned f ohi the Superior Coort of said tuani August term, 1 870, in favor <•( %V. T Wion W qrogs^ l rupinv t„ n. u bring aauie Inc’nded* te aaltfaurtstve. This Pvbraarvaih. n Printer’s feu $5. fablO-wtdy nDrtCTt.-e. l*iiia Pvbraary «»h, 18JV. It B MItniL, Deputy ShonC GEORGIA, BeKaib Countv. . Otmt.NanT’e Omcx, Febtcary 10, 1871 S tl fANDLEY haa applied to me for rxewpUea US •*“■« ,Dd veoutiSeM? .IL * ’vM i««a upon the mom at te* 2o^to’i)3S?S°* 3r *“ ^ r ’ bn ‘"r. «"7*. ««S feblh^ttAtat yB - WM, 5a^5y- GEOUUU, t’nmpiioil County. to sell an the tends Klongj nary of raid c i -...ooftingtoihee Uatohcaoo, decesecd. 1Vj>.fe, 7 tab, tta. ARTHUR IiOTCUKSOX, Aaiainlstrator. Georgia, Campbell tretuny. ^«»«hry 1$, 187R “j -J—“ to theoeewl. I heir p.a5S?Sl? -foj^dSSJssaSiusf ' ^ i*» therefore, to d»» alt persona rnnqisaf ^ * n ^ eredliofe to Jhoiveeu.e. if a. ythaySS , R. C. LEAVERS, t irdinerw. fcb!4—wlamlei. fttoter’e fee $4 M TOall.Whom It May ConcornJ S ;DO hereby entreat that, from thlr due, my a If. . HAU a JONES, of Walton coanty, may become public or fine trader and liable few eB her contractv. F feh«fewlt’ ***• NEWTON J JONES. C ^9 W (( 1 !; bounty SC‘5 veeka niter date eppllcation will be made to &Lnti"4 tar * )r ?! Warm, coonty. Oa, for leave to sell the house and lot in Warren ton. Ga. belong ing to the estate of Sterling Gibson. S WM. GtBSOX. CICERO GIbbQN. Administrators. Waaazxvox. o*., Jaaeary 1. ua-]*i a-«cw J#01V1» • BATOR’.s s • I.E, rj^OPOM, MILTON COUNTY.—By vlrtoeofan V? Offeror th. fourt of ordinary of eaidcnntv. I will aeU to the hleheat bidder. on tbeCm Toerd.' to March near, before the Coart Hour, d or In tbe th « followlnc laeor, via: Lfe number (Oi) aiz hundred und thirty-three; thlry fnK V ot <KB , 1 ' lx hundred and ihirty-two; More cf ,593) live hundred and ntUHy-twn. and twenty fonr acme of (591) live hundred anri ninety-three—ail to the aecoud dla'rlct anI ar comt eecoon of Mlkon county Sold aa tha property or d< g e «?* »«I heaoatrflbetZire. SSSi,%«h. laSSP**’*'* ,OT uu “ T ‘> | - .. a. DAVID H. HOOK. Adminiatretor. 1—wtda Printer a te j $10. GFORGIA, Fnlten fountr. ITtta:CAROLINA WILLIAMS, guardian of the 1VX estate of Nohje C. William^ minor has ai plilri ror leave to sell a portion of the real estate belco^irg to her said w«rd. * Ail Persona concerned are btreV# naUfled to file their objections, if anyexUt. an or before tbe fir-* prove? fa? M * r ^ k ***** granted as Witness my oOciaJ rigmUnre this Janaary 80th. 1873 Printer*, foe j, D * KKL ftT GEor -ia, Fnlton County, r w.°8S5 r i administratw of tha estate or Jf.roKe”.e» .W ..AB cojacanmd are hereby notlfedto « c a™A?Il“2r <ra ’ “ “V ea'afe on or before tbe Ure u * UI “ ltoeae my offldal atonatore'tbta. January AOtk. ■o-ro. DAhlEL PITTMAN, Qriiaa/e. 1 nai-wBOJ Printer’* far *.*. ’ J Georgia. Fultou County. W^toSl-YffStgis 1 ■***«* | at»;’f aaldcoanty.decreaed. J ” almmo **- tbdr , ShXntTt°’.7r«*s, Jrtr assure next * >c«e» will bs granted Jan’l—w4w Pttomr* foe $» GEORGIA* Campbell County. OuamuT’a Oen re, January St, 1B7U. M BS. MARYANN LVtlK. .If,of 3. P. Leek, hao eppltod lor ezempeieu of p. mnlty. end irt- U|, U apart end faiulte ot boane:cad.mid I will It o’dnek, A the are at my nfflee in Pmrt n u. B. t! BEAVERS, Ordtoary. printer’* fee $fc l«-a npon the reme day of Fauroary, IrTJ, a t my nfflee mjhutt a uT J’t.BdAwtt GEORGIA* Uenry County. OusnaiT'e Ofnca, January tab, Ida. J TnqMA8 NIMBELL, admial.lreler of Bent Lcnla. decaowd, ffpreaenta that be haa dV.l imtsrd hi- treat, had petition* for Ictlc.a Zahe -*<w ry tirnt* or tbe tetters will ba granted Witucaa my official slgnatr lPrinter*a~fen'$4*ttri' MEOUGIAf Fuyette County. UcmxAST’s omcx, February 5th. XfiTi" J AMES L. DOSWOTU In^i'-X Spoiled fair letters* Given ttteier my hand snd offioUl signs;nr • D. C. MI No it. Ordinary. Printers f OT fg GEORGIA, Campbell County* Oxsixact’s Omcx. Ft bra ry ;fl. IKt. \TANORVIK AUSTIN ha* applied for exemption fcblS—dlrAwtt ^ CU ffi R .’L 0 fi'*^’ W Coort Uoere d«or. In the aule the followtot pr petty, to ant: a ccctoln three etory brick bulldisu fronUnz on Superior Court ln favor of EC Mciofcr va. T It Arcb^Property pointed oat in fi Y? SaLuy A. M. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff »;th,l<ff2. bg—arid. Frinter’a fee *5 per levy GEORGIA. Fulton County. OuoutAKY* Omcx, January Kth, U?A bEOSGIAr Fulton County. OasurABT'a Omcx. February 1. Mra. A NDREW J » EST bea eppWd for Inter, of ad ministntloc on the dale of S. p Bailey, lato or reld couniy. rleeeueed. * Tbit la, ther fore, lo notify uR peraone cunearraat to «r. ob!dl0UA If any the, hn.fefeitounh?«tai prescribe* bv tew, ria* letters will be granted tho call Applicant aa applied for. DANIEL PITTMAN, dWllnsry. Printer > fer $3 GEORGIA, Henry County# OsMXsnT*a Omcx, January ffl, 1872. iVTARGARbT ADKINS, gsrdlsn of P C. Adkins, Witncee my offldal alxaotare/ IdM-tam ^^ObA^Ordtoary. GEORGIA, Campbell Coun’y. yonN R. WALLACE .pp’lM for letter* of admin- *® NOTiCJK. S. G. DORSEY, Executor, etc, 1 Bill to construe 'will of John Dorsey, dee d, of Henry co., 8. D. DORSEY, et sL T sttpesring to the Com party to aid BUi and resides in Ordered by the Court that service be perfected on ■'* A — * * ndsnt by publication in Tbe public Gazette, one® s month eding the next term of this Court. October Term Henry Superior Court, 1871. GEO IL NOLAN, CompUinant's Solicitor. JAMES W. GREEN, Jndgs S. C., F. C. The sbovs sad forgoing iss tras extract from the dnutee of Henry Superior Const. December 15,1871. decl5-wla»4m G. G. WEEMS, Clerk. By thsOonrt: Witure. my Rb, Printer' GEORGIA, Fulton County* Onoxxabt’s Omcx, November 10,187L TOSEPH T. SMITH, executor of John X. Smith. J deceased, as applied for letters of dismission from sold softs: This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they hsve, within tbe time prescribed law, else letters will be granted the DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50 MANCteSnsSr I then Vftyrtts. nowclaytoa co™t£ Mnter’efeeS 7 , town ot Pslrbarn, - - ■ o° In Campbril county. Tb!* Janoary »ih. J87*. B. B.COLE, Administratrix Jsnl$-w4w [Printer's fra $5 J GEORGIA) DeKalb Ceunty* . OxDDfabt’s Omcx, December 8,1871. ^ynEREA^tohn having applied forletters or ditmibs Ion ’from said These are. therefore, to die and admonish oil per ms interested to be snd appear st my office, within the time prescribed by law. then ana there to show ease, if any they have, why said letters should not *G?renundef my hand st office. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. declO—w4m Printer's fee $4 50 GLORCUi Campbell Couniy* H 1 c. VO BLEY, guardian of Jaxnc* R. Bradbury. *• baring sppUcd to the Court of Ordinary S ►aid county, for s discharge from bis gnardisnrhlp of «*•">*• R- Bradbury’s peraon and property: v This is, therefore, to rite ail ] xuafdiaiuhln «.f Jtmv. R. Br.<*bury a-d receive the GEORGIA, Campbell County. - . OuoixABx'e Omcx, Fibruaty s, 137J. \\7M- B. SWANN k.a applied for exemption of V V pcreoualty aa 1 aeutos »p*rt .nd vain. Uon or Lomroteod, and I will pare oja>n the a*m. at It ..’eiok, a *-,'■ tte l i iii ef Kebnury, tgfe at my offlee, to Fairborn, Iu arid couniy It C. BEavErs, Ordinary. feVJ-dltiwit Fri utcr'» fee (t TOB PRINTINQ NEATLY EXECUTED AT THi i /-IATALOQUE8 GOTTEN L'l’ IN 7Ut UO-T ci Mann* verier. u approved urt. txx oo*wvhdtoo «*>, ^INDISTINCT PRINT