The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, February 27, 1872, Image 4

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f** 1 ® iffnsiitirfiatt. ATLAITTA, GA., FEBRUARY 27,1672. of Fulton Bopnrio* Tax Georgia National Battc Cask. Tk« Gaargl* National Bank petition* , * 2l * e I Er *“** of tfca United State* District Court to —**• “ a. W. Anderson from retaining *toe radofficsof the bank, and that tha book*, etc, be tonad ovor to than. Oapt. O. W. Andsreon, in hi* !*is rating «*«r a mandat CNrt _ Tfc* eaae came np yesterday *«"« «>“*• Pum* ^ M JartetleUM. bat tit ~ "£*?.'***** »n *** dtectite paper. »“ d ’• t Ccloael U Z. BIkJcHj t=l4» Ite ope»W ftrMBeak- n. «M tb*t allow!** tbs attachment to bavattd, the bond afentofiraTodrem. IhnfllKydf tha^achmeg asestiosablc. Tb»* book*—recoeda of a c tarefi institution-stock and depodt ^C*. bod^ had no rfgtt to toe *■« <* **• book* at att. The nosey fonnd there was not sabject to UwjmA sale, ltwaitterishtand ffnty «X1M to*** » arm funJ, »» provI4*<llalteBinkln*Lawc4^> of tftsenpercent. ASUte,a oonld a bank and take Said. Tte 8UU ted WJJW ttehtekieff ktete W1Hmb.lidln I tedb~k»Udtette plaintiff box no right to ataj there. TheStobeliad right to prevent the ofleera of the Bank from txane acting their business one single hoar. »M were not aabjeet to auadoaea^a oaly to reaebad by *an>Uhm*at- H« rontended thata Jadgmaat hod nolien hood* and other dmaea In action, cit'as Mclona S. M aad 1,544 of the Code, Cth Ga. Beporta Chenj T. JUo. Hetetdttet-teBtermteoy mwteak »ot»jto.M he taken." cilia, VoL 4, Comyn’a D!y.t. title “ Exeutions.*' •Jka ing'.lzb antiorttlM were a unit that m<-n<y waa aot enbject to adzur*. bat American aatteriU.a cm dirtied. ThatootyconJdhaantdnyoa jadfwott held a lien. Did anybody ore money teia, adzed I JndyeStephena remarked yea. !a the Central Bank caaee. The officer deah wllb pr.pwty eonrerttble la a Miner, ot money. If. aeatMt property, he peo< aS^et, the^Meaaianoproteetloato th# offleer. If tkf nrocoi la legal than the District Court has no iZSEZTa* referred to the rue In M Wbevor. wkma tte collector anthoriaed the adznr* of a rcwtl and the offleer detained the carjo. Tte owner of ite am Inatitoted a in It of reptertn In the Sute mrtraad It war held that the authority to rdzMte Temetdld not carry the right to hold the earyo. The MaU Barer aentCapL Anderaaa after mmU aot rub- leet. The reaerre fond waa aetapart by United btatee law, andeonld noth# Interfered with by State law. He died the caae of Crocker ra. Ooher, page405, *d Caiti.' Beporta The word property waa wrongly eooatruad. In the caae of Aatramra. Hammond, page Hit, id McLean, it wna held that aa naeonaUtntional law afforded no Juitlfleatlon to aa offleer. Tka charter of the bank authorize* it to roe In any deceit court. BuiU may be broozht by or aealnat “ Itlahdd in »th Wheaton, page 158, that a coort •amity may raetraln an offleer of the Bute, aeUnynn- der avoid hr. He cited a cum on page J5T, Mth Howard, where it waa held that the corporate tram ■n. on cauala to take toll*, waa not enbject to levy •rial*, or the land! and worka neeeeaary to the en. Jiijwat rf thafranehtae. To deatroy the trace 111* of tba baak conflict* with the eiprcas ■ ' ■*’“ Haute aettlng apart the reaerred fond, jadga V. L. Myna tt followed In an arsament for the TltKPodh C*)CSTt Kc-KLter.-*Ye£!(rd»y « Hath! Smua.CoumlMMaarW. 9 talk hoard tha argtffleatln the caeca of dabea Cmc-er, William Crocker, Thomar J are end Oeocge MoMey. charged with betae Ko-Klnx. John L. Conley, opened the argument for the gor- at by netting the ecu of Cocgrees rda log to the charge. Maj i George Hfflfer, In a dear, eaedact end tene effort.defended the aceneed. Heebamcter- tended that the United me joriadktlon ♦Imply a caae rf aopoUtlcalnlt. Abed waa whipped foe i hog dealing, aad had not been denied a fair trial. To conatlute a violation of the Ka*Slnx ac >wn that tha wWppiag waa done to preteat the party from exerclalng. or for exerrtalng. Me political The uca charged l/tha warnut by Aired m wit OM agalnai Liar la a perjory can to be tried next ii..a laatiteted thlr proeecntion to ahleld Imaelf from hlaerimea. n'Mffldarlt wm a tlaroe of falaeboodr. It aaia great outrage, that koowa to he a hoc dealer end a aboald be able to hare Ira am handcuffed and Jelled ladow of erldecce again* no* rewrite tifte henda o John L. Conleycoodadedtaapoiatejlrgtp^b,coo. •adlng that there waa probable cause for Mndlngtha ■penitentiary Coiivicts tt ex tTix Dua Urw tNT.^racc or O^iT.o la, *. Kolire le herehr glreo that tte tlOTcrnor. by an act of the General Assembly, approved December M, 1871, la antborltcd aad directed to farm cot the con- rictiof the Penitentiary fora term of yearn, notlere one nor more then two years, and that in accord* with raid act. propomlswfflbereeelredettlils s for laid conrlete. The proporole abould be lent in by the imt day of March next, and tbonld epedty. In addition to the number of ednrfeu dcrlred, the amor and means of the eon ties offered. The attention of panic* wishing to put to bids, is pertlcnlsrly colled to the provisions of tbs set of the General Assembly referred 'to. V. W. ALEXANDER, fehl-dlawiw Sec’y Er. DspL News, Mseoo Tclegrspb An.n.u Cbroo- srlll Insert as TiLTON’S STEAM WaSNER VTiil CT.uuae your Clothes wiliiout Rubbing. Ko FI nidi ©r extra Soap nsetL Itcoosninea Lees Soap, Ltfa Time and Less Fuel than tbs usual methods. It Saves Labor, Wear and Tear and the An noyance of Wash D.»r. It Requires no Attention while the Process of Cleansing Goes on. Itjwlll do the Washing of the Family while you are Bating Breakfast and Doing np the Dishes. C HE farovring are a few of the certtlcstes re ceived, bearing testimony to its osefnlneas: Atlanta, Ga., February 8th, 1872. We have been using the Steam Washer, bought of A. B. Fears, about one month, and would not be without it if it should cost double the present price. SsSSia* gilts, Ha eon trod cd that the United Btatee Cenrt bad no Jarlidlctloo. The earn to come under the jnrisdlc- Uoa of the court, molt ertie from question* lunch ing the validity of the United Bute* law, or toe toa- •tmctlon of right* under that taw. Tha Bank wan an artMclil perron, and ted no «nter power conferral upon them than any other proton, except the law. Tha BnprroneCowrt of the United State* (pego 3H, «th Wheaton) In the c**e of *W|—. VI. Virginia, Involving the •tatntogy right to read lottery ticket*, decided ton* toe Dlrtrlct Oarn eooldhev* Jcrl.dictlon only where they had JurUdic- tlow Of toe enbject matter or the penlee. To have JuriedlcUon of the robjeet nutter the Supreme Court decide# the care most be touching toe nudity oouatltntlonaHty of n law of toe United malt*. It U the duty lmpoaed on the banka to deport! the boade for the protection of 1U creditor*. The re- oerved fond of fifteen per cent, le not connected with the franchl**. The Banking Lew provide* for the hrlngti aatu In United Staten Comp for violation* of ite provision*. He dtod the caae of Ballen ve. M*un In Charlton’* Report*, and In tit Craneh. The Sepn oie Court ku decided that money may bo token. The bill wna not en application for Injunction, hot I ide ally a writ of ejectment. {Judge Linton Stephen* aald that over toe um ■ala out by the bill the court hut no Jaratidiclion. Tte charter of too hank gave to tola and every other teak the right to roe and be road. In any court ** fatly « naterol prr*on». Ha cited the oaro of tte United BUtee Bank ra Do ve** la fito Craneh. United States Banka c old only aae la United Btatee Court* ae person* and not nnder toe charter. Thelnriadlctlonmultbeglvenbyactof CoogreM and cannot arise coder tha laws of the United State*. The bank In tie capacity to roe aad be *a*d la placed on a footing with natural pemou*. It tea no power to roe la the courts of the Union nnlere nueciAcslly expressed. The »to section.of tte bank act robjeet* too Prort- drot and Directors to action for potting in circulation morn notes, etc. In federal or Slate court*. The law provided for two Jurisdiction*. For certain action* arising “ under tola act" (Bank Act) the Jurisdiction waa confined alone to the Fede ral court*. For actions growing oat of person. Jurisdiction was confined to St*to courts. The csss died from *to Wallace was too action of tbs bankas, toe Mock- hoMara to enforce too payment of stock. Counsel M k to bring toe bill within the Jurisdiction of lourt by claiming that tola “Beaerre Fund" waa set apart by Ualud States law. Thslaw declare* tola rcervo fund mast be In lawful money of the United Bitter, ■feet* and legal tender notea era too only lawful money. The amour, t of circulation and of deposit* to not (Iran in toe hill, and It fall* to make oat a cate Bader the Banking Act. It la toe doty of toe bank to have tola reserved feed aad pay all of Its debts. The obligation to pey It* debts Is higher than that to keep to* reserved find. Ite District Court ha* no Jurisdiction because the Ms conrt baa already Jurisdiction of It. Captain Andaman Man offleer of toe Slat* Coort waa exten- ttaf tta procroe. la Ik* Osborn* caae and too Deroanx caw, the preps*ty seised was money. In toe Osborne case too act waa declared naconstltnttonal, because the pro- osMwMuot leaned by a court. Bo In too case of the casgoaf toe Teasel. Jada* Hopkins has Jurisdiction over the parties. It Is a mlt of toe Staters, n citizen. Thepsoceedlrgl* ante a special attachment law. The questions TOtrad In this hill ariMOBt of to* eanae, and Jm H. bus a right to hear all questions. This proceed aanaot bs arrested by proceedings In toe United MitM or u; other court*. The State hxs arfghtjto ter* IteMquectlons heard in* State const. Suppose Judge Brsktae instrncu blc Mlrsbull to enjoin Capt. Aadsrro«,cannot Jndge Hopkins cnJoln^hcM rshrif Why aot f Counsel smile at the tdroof theStite* bcli« aorcrelgn, but the Supreme Court still tract Item m such. In snyNorthcrn StaU such a proceeding weald bo mutated. Thro, ta no equity In toe bin. The baak declare tkat tteyhav* bean trespassed upon by an Insolvent man. They bare their remedy In trover or rject- aasnt They bare no fixnehlsc to keep them from payMttedr debts. Tha mall carrier hat aright to amp ttemalls. •at hi* ftaachlse doc* not prevent toe a^orc of kls carriage ot mottre power, for debt. Tte baak pray toe coort rntalaa"—"rrewaln 1 ’ a tfoaof ktohosier It dasraf a eoart, and asklnc Judge Ersktn* to sutld- pau Ite Judgment of toe: Tte Ouda docc not cay that Bsnon peomteroryaot**; It doe* aot any tort they cant be levied oa. Ordinary oattegmaadof guilt. Tte pi Hill ‘ attachment law. He HUlyurta recovery bllh Tte ■gnlact alt tte property of tte ' naqroltdcaUon before property. Property It directed that* d bill*— tgwfallv detained be Thro, wm not a special dcpoalt now remaining In 8te bank. He waa authorised by His Exeriteoey _l footing, aad tost body would them fix relief. The State Chart ebonld at beet be tte Imt to construe toe eatnte, hiring tte enroll- Maly andro conaldentton. Tte argument will be concluded this nmndegat ten pwt tea o'clock by A T. Akcrmaa for too bean. Look Out fob Them —The State Road fluttering Committee, wo lorn, bar* received fa- MmattawoC a tellable and poclt “ ru m. w. Lee aad — Down* are te ter* teen appointed by Governor Smith a: the la MTOM *f Judge Stephens to ferret MTtenfflonl lnwtiod.croee.tlm.elc. Their ptieted atmahr, however, only, so it b raid, contains a letter team a F. McChlla. The committee at hhee wiled Tteaaprotlm are, therefore, acting without aether tty. and all persons on toe tine of toe State Bold •hiaM be aa tte lookootfor U la flfflm M law to fit their a toe coort did not It to try polities e» retttlm. The point ta to Jnrisdlct’oo was not raised before mteeing toe InvcstigsUon. Having began the esse sad hearA the evidence, be would dispose of the matter. The teeUiqosfj qf toe prosecutor. Aired, hvd been ruecemfutly loipeschejt He f«ttso, f y fog him end bis family. The eoart fait persuaded that Aired had been whipped, sad toe question was Kite whipped tjtra- So evidence bad been introduced that there was any Ku Klux organlxstlon in Polk county. It bad a respectable coort The testimony of nnlm- peached and rusp^SW* ettlxeo* wslttettoe patttm Chargedroem at home toe night %a whipping took p’see. The evidence waa nqt sufficient ip wsrsM toe btadlrg over of the parties, and be wop Id there fore order their dUchirge sod the warrant dismissed. 1 hie wm applauded by tte sfectatorr*. The flic wing letter throws some tight on tharob- ^* Cl ' CAWroaarnxx, Os, February 18. tlfl. EJitmCautilulicM: test Frldsy.duringCcdsrTown Court, tte Upllgd States Deputy Marshal ai d posse sere ted some of to* lest cJUjens cf Polk, among whom wen tte able, good, and patsioise Bepmrote- tive. Colonel M. II. Bunn, and his son, and Dr. K H. Richardson. Thcae moat cruel and Infamous wrest* hare been done at the Instance of one Martin Aired, who I* now Indicted in Polk Superior Court for per- Jury and theft. It In believed that Thoa. O. V. Me- Htcktu ta having much to do with these arrests. If so, bis disappointed ambition la leading ■,<■* bead- long down an awful and wicked road of crime. These citizens am shore reproach or suspicion. None who know them but kmnrttey are Innocent of Ku-Klux Sot one of theii persecutors can ejalm respectability. Sot oo. of them bat what can bo Impeached by every citizen of Polk county, at least every reepretsW# ett- Ixen, both white end black. The good and virtuous of Polk wlU adopt no rash measures against these vile and prejudged scoundrels, but wUL like good, law-abiding citizens, nppesr at toe United Bute* District Court and vindicate their good for peace and God serving citizens, and will then convlrt these low bred parties of perjury. 1 have thought proper this much to My, In order to place these good people right before toe people at Igige- Time alone would convince all of their Innocence. Should not o nr Legislature legislate upon tola I toper- taut matter on lie watibbUge! Ia too punishment of perjury sufficient to answer ibh intention of good government In punishing crime f Ought 4 no) fp bo extended from 4 to 10, from 10 to » yearn im rlaon- raentf But 1 ter* said more than I intended. Ex-Cu.NfED. Cheating aito Swindling.—Dr. S. Rondel man waa arrested yesterday upon a warrant issued by Jostle* Butt, cbartfnzhim "to dtfraodlns the State oat of $13. He bad a preliminary examina tion before J attics Butt, who after bearing tbs evi dence and argument, dUmiaaed the warrant and dis charged the accused. The facta reem to be aa fwllowr. William Thomson waa injured by on accident on the Stafe rood In May. 1870, and Dr. Rendelman attended on him. At tbe some time Reodelman attended on other members of tha family. Young Thompson paid Kendal man some mousy o$d the ojd man paid him $3 and promised when he got his claim thrpngji against the State Rood to pay the bftacce. Rcndcluvj pare Thompson a receipt in fall of all demands on the lUh of November, 1870. Thompson was allowed $1,380 iL H- it. BAD WAT'S BEADY BELIEF CUKES THE W KST PAIN'S. IM FROM OHE TO T ENTY MINUTES. wot own sons. after reading tola adrortian^ent neod any one ' '' “ sVsnjB WIlflfBAiH. It was the first and la Xbe Oakly Fain XSoiuudy that tnatuntiy atop* toe most excruciating pains. allays I TWESTTMIHUTE8. , riduen Neuralgic, or proetratod RADWAY’8 READY RELIEF Will afford isstanp base. Inflammation of tte Kidney*. Inflammation of toe Bow.' of the B.julder, tion of the Lunge Sqro Throat, Difflult ~ Hysterics, Croup, Headache, Tootoache. Cold Chllla, Ague Chill. The application of the RliADY RELIEF to the part or parts wher* the pain or difficulty exist* will afibid ease and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will in afew moments cure Cramp*, Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heart sick Ilcaoache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic In the Bowels, and all Internal Fains. sssmsssm Langs, Stomach, Bow me. by one application. IN FROM ONE TO T r excruciating the pain tee witifSieaw^ SMS?* 18 ’ Fulton Sheriff’s Salt s ibr. March, H1872 . I wctheOour RotiFsdoor. b its city, of Atlanta. Fulton county, t^-orgla. bt- i the Ifcrtf hours of mle, on the firtt Tneaisy in We use it on a brick furnace, under a wash shelter. team. Washer in wishing bed well pleisea with We have used the Steam. Washer in was! blankets end woolen socks, and are wel iL It is all that the circular* say of iL MR. AND MRS. B. B x RANSOM. Mr. George Welch, of Atlanta, says •*My wife witnessed the operation of tho Steam fled the Steam Washer does what ia claimed for iL” Mr. J. J. Marbut says **My wife has been using Mr. Fear’s Steam Washer. It is convenient, economical; aud does all that is claimed for iL We use it on a furnace,” ATLANTA, February 8th. We have bought and are using one of the Steam — * — _ - -- - *- - — glairs aatiafoctloi. t\ MORRIS AND LADY. The Plantation: My family ore using one of those borers with en tire satisfsc ion. It is a great saving of labor and really worth many times its price. .■ Price, according to sixeTTar o Washer to fi t a No. C Stove, $6; NoT? Stove, $7; No 8 Store. *8; No. 9 Stove, 4, etc. If rqur Stove i» the proper s se to do cooking for your family, a Washer to fit it. f .v* 'III l| n »■■!* ■ room -to i *' " CSSDtf, Oo. The part so levied ou is in ward on?, cpnt*iu- togM acre more or less, on Stonewall street, in the <?tY?f Atlanta. Levied on as the property or. J M Austin to satisfy & State and county tax fi fa., for his tax for the year 1871. - 3 A 1 the s*™® toie and place, part of land lot No. 77, In the 14 dlstricL T he part so levied on is in ward 2. block 25. fronting on Peters and Loyd streets, in the city of A Lon to. Go., containing X acre mor<* or less and adjoining the property of “Hoyle' Levl«l on as the property of itra. A. Abrams L, •att-'fy a State and county tax fi fa, for her tax for ♦he year ir* Aluo. at X O Y«9,ia t ward I, < | __ city of Atlanta, Gs. Levied ... . , . - ro—- — John Alexander to satisfy e ***** And county tax fi fo^ for his tax for the >eai Al«o, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 33, <n the 14th district; the part no levied on is In word 3, containing \ sere, more or less, front ing on Fair street, in the <3ty o» Atlanta, Ga. Levied “ ^ Wpwy «Mrs L L'Bolin^to iltBw^Mng^^ojj Qf ^ 1IearL 1 Chills, Ague CUill. FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and an ‘ *' Typhoid, Yellow, • WAY’S FILLS) so < 7ifty cents HEALTH! BEAUTY!! and Pare Rich Blood—increase of Flesh and it—Clear Skin and Beautiful Complexion tie- to olL Dr. SarsapaxilUau Kesolvent Hu nude toe most astonishing Cures; to quick, so rapid are ton chuuroetJwBidjr eutlcreoa-, r~' - the influence ot this Truly Wonderful Ked that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLKbil AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SxSPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and aonnd material. Scrofula, Sj pit Ilia, consumption. Glandular disease. Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tu mors, Nodes in the Glands and othi-r parts of the sys tem, Es'e Ejc^Stnimorous discharges from the Ears, and the wossi terms of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Fevers. Sores, Solid Head, V, orm. Salt Uheua, Acne, Black Spots; Worms in the Flesh, in the Womb, and «11 weakuinug a 1'fihmenL Marietta Street, Let ween Peachtree and Bioad, Atlanta, Go. A31 ordexa must be accompanied by the cotfc, sent Ti P ' °' ** State, Town and County Rights for Sale. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL WASHERS, tarsend for Circular*. A. B. F. febS3-weo«4t GEOBGI A, Fulton County OnoissuT’s Omcx, February SO, ISIS. F. £u3^78«M?S2S?o?St bomtstesd. and I sill pus* upon toe same at 10 o'clock. *. x., on toe sd day of Mar h, 1573, it my office. GEORGIA. Henry County. Osoiv isr'a Orrtcx, Febrasry ISto, 1SJS. W it. O. BETTS spoile*to mo for lettinof sd- mlnististkm do bonis non. oo toe estate of SsmuclLes, of said county, deeeoacd: . , f objections exist, let them be filed within statu tory time, or toe letters will be grab ted. rfttte-mye^rijguura^ Ordinary. fcbSO-wfiOd Printer’s foe $3 from re- UfflFOUfflDID.—A scnsutional te’e-rzm trace IUe *tty to u txlerior peper states: Th*l to also uaotoex rumor of come tk* efflset ttet(terete “soifferenceof opinion"be ta*. Tte tetter, being »f raid of "csrrytog toe joke • ft**, too far” waat^to take Hoyt's bond. Imt toe Imrom *M«IS Thit te only t report, and I do not teow iterate* word of truth ia it.' Wo tent* from official sources tost there 1s not* root Of Math U to* report. W. are assured that • that he has i I to do with the taking Having too Illicit Braes.—Jane* Clcg- hocn. colored, wss wmmltted to Jill yesterday. In de fault of tell by Jnstiee Butt „n g charge of rtejllux fourteen ear brasses from toe Wtsterp 13d Atlantic Railroad Coeipnny. DR. PRICE’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS. jyOTIQB. rpHE HEIRS AND LgQA'FEES OF Z. IL JONES, * are hereby notified to meet In Decatur, •, fourth day Of March, for the purpoae of a scttlar*ent with the Administrator. J. W. JONES, Administrator. January 27.1872—wtd Printer?* fue$3 ■INWijUUnj State ami county tax fif* for her tax ft Alio, at the same time and * .eyeur&l* time *U'l place, part of ized Ii>t ■ Atlanta, Georgia, conttining V acre. Levied on aa the property of Mrs A, “tlof va State and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. I Also, at the game time and place, part of land !ot No. 83. in the 14«h district; the part eo levied on lain ward 1, containing )f acre, more or less, fromiug on Thurman and Manguin strMts in the city of Atlanta, Ga. Levied cn as the property of W C Beavers, to satisfy a state and county tax fi fa tor his tax for the year 1871. * “l.Also, nt tho game time and place, part of land lot o. §3, ia the Mth district of Fulton county,.Go.: irt so IeTied en is in ward 3, block 1, d»y lots and , fronting on McDonough, Frazier and J one < streets, p the city of Atlanta, coutainimj ■§« and adjoining the property olHHI on as the property of Margenius A Bell to f-atiafy a Ibtateand county tax fi fa for his tux for the year STL I Also, at the some time and place, pi'rt of land lot! iNo 78, in the 14th district of Fulton conuty, Ga; the P«rt so levied on is in wfird 5, fronting on Lttckie and Cane streets, in the city of Atlanta, copuiidog V acre, more or I«s, and adjoining th^ property of Hill and others. Levied ot\ ai property of C Bohne- | feld tp wil<fy aviate and county tsx fi fa for his tex for the year ibTl. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 78, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga., the | port so levied tin ia in ward 5. fronting on W niton and Luckle streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing ■■HMiMaN adjoining the property of the property of Foster Blodgett to satisfy a Slate and county tax fi fa for his tax for Lju year 1871. ■L’sg, uv tawseme time and place, part of land lot No. 78. In the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga.; the part eo levied oh is in ward 5, fronting on Grnbb street, in the dtf of Atlanta containing 60xfi5 feeL more or less, and adjoining the Rantfst Church I and Miller. Levied on M the property of John Dran- »»on td satisfy a t*ute and county tax fi fa for hla tax [for the year 7871. I Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th district of Fulton county, Gi.; the port so levied on is in ward 2. block 24, fronting oc Pryor and Loyd streets. 'In the city of Atlanta, con taining 1 acre, more or less, (corner lot) Levied on I as the property or Mrs R E Culsolm to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. i Also, at the same time and place, part of lind loti No. 77, In the 14th district or Fol'on oounty, (ia; the part so levied on ia in ward 2, fronting ou Alabama street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 24x116 feeL more or less, acd adjoining Flynn and llannicntL Levied Wilds P Chisolm to satisfy a Elate and county tax fi fa for his tax fur the year 1871. Also, at the same time and N. Kimball to iVjjfyA Slat* ahi fcountt'lki fl fe for hi? Mx for the veer J?T I. Al-n, at the ssme -iitfifi 8hd place, part of land lot tlttfidlsU'ctof Fulton county,Geotf it. evit a on la in ward 1. fronting ou Hum . in the «ify cf Atlanta, contalniug 14x41 .M^ro-res.* to. less and adjoining Brusttr & Martin. Levied on as the property of Mra. Catherine L^mbsrt, to cwtlsfy a State and county tax 11 fa for her tax for the year 1871. ~ Al-o, at the game time and pl-ce, rpart of land lot So. 84 in the 14th district of Fulton comity, Georgia. The part bo levied on is In word 1, fronting on Thompson and Railroad, in the city of Atlanta, con taining X acre more or lees and adjoining Rodgers and Jones’ property. Levied on as the property of Mrs. M. McMahon, guardian for children, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for tax as guardian for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot No. 85iin the 14th district of .Fulton county, Ga.; the part so levied on is in ward 2, fronting on Windsor and Richardson streets, iu the city of Atlanta, con taining 2# acres, more or 1pm, “corner lot.” Levied on as the property of R J Masspy, trustee for wife, to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for hia tax for ear 1871. o, at the same time and place, part of land lot il, in the 14th district of Fu'ton county, Georgia; the part so levied on is in ward 5, f routine on Ivy street in city of Atlanta, containing V acre, more or less, and adjoining tho .property of Glenn. Levied onj as tha property of jM O Markhotn, to satisfy a Stnte and county |tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871, . - ' Also, at. the same time and place, part of land lot No. KW. in the Uth district of Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on is in ward L adjoining*the property of W A Jett. Levied on a« the property of J B Jett to satisfy a State and county tax fi /a for his tax for the rear 18TL Also, at the same timo and i N« 109, In the 14tb district of 3 the part so levied on is in orsrd 4. fronllnjt on Whcst street and Buice alley, in tho city of Atlanta, con- reorleaaf- I part so levied on is in ward 1, in the city of Atlanta, I containing 10 acres, more or less, and adjoining the ■MMWMjUsmes Jett. Levied on os the Momi ■tisfy a State and couuty tax ar 1871. tame ti No 41, iu the 14th district of 1 property of Wm Jett to tax for the ytt .Also, at the _____ No 44, in the Mth district of Fulton county, G_, part so levied on is in word 3, fronting Gal Att stree*, ln t^e city of Atlanta; oontalnisg j* acre, more or lest, and adjoining the property of Giant Levied on as the property of 111 Kimball to satisfy a State and county lax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No Si, iu the 14 clftrict of Fulton county. Ga; the part so levied on is in ward 4, fronting on Collins and Coin stm‘~ *“ **- — X acre more < property. Levied on as th Ligntt&P to a riigry a Stale a her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the oame time acd place, part of land lot No 45, in the 14 district of Fulton county, Ga; the part colevkd on ia iu ward 4, fronting on . ccatur and Fort streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing 1 acre more or less and adjoining the property of Forth ana Morriv. Levied on as the property of Mra A M Lin**, estate by C B Linp. *o satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. - Al o. at the same time and place, part of land lot No -iu the Mthdisuictof Fatten c *" ivied on ii« in ward 1, fronting _ erects in the aty of . tlanto, „ more or less. Levied on a? the property of Mrs. Sarah McDuffie’s estate to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for tax for the year 1871. Al»o, at the same time and place, port of landlotNo. 52, in the Mth district of Fulton county, Ga; the psxt'so levied on is in ward 4, frontlngon Calhoun street in the * ‘ taining M acre, more or less, and „ _ . »rty of Derry and others Levied e property of A M Manning to satisfy a ntr tax fi fa for hi* tax for the year 1871. at tho same limp amipUce, port of lan part so levied on *** u «, wuur'tu^ ;.j uviv, more or less, fronlag on Magazine street, in thc<*ity of Atlanta. Levied on as the pror * * T to satisfy a gta(o and coqn(v lax 0 saigo timo and phee, part of land lot No. 84 in llio Uth district of Fulum county, Ga; the part so levied on is Iu ward 1, containing ii acre, more or less, fronting on Wa>ktr afreet, in tho city of At lanta. Levied ou as the property of J It Chapman to satiefy a 8 ate sn* county t*x fi fa for hia tux for the year 1871. Also, at the same timo acd place, pert of land lot No. 76. In the 14th district, of Fulton county, Geor gia. The part mj levied ou is la ward 2, b.ork 47 contilnitg y, acre, w< re or les?, frouting on FuUon and place, port of land lot - f Fulton count*, Ga; tbc d 1, containing X acre. GEOBGI Ay Fulton County. OBMXAitT’s Omcx, January 2.1872. L.TARTIIAK. GRANT has applied for letters of VX administration on the estate of A L Grant, ite of said county, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concern^, to file their objections, if.any they have, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be granted the said applicant as appliedfor. Attest r DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Jno. 7. Cooner, Clerk. ^ „ Jah3-iwpftto|t£printer a fee $4 50 IKS’ OM wmprove to any pereon using It for either of these forms of disease Its potent powers to cure ^Ifthe patlenL daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these waste*, and repairs the i new material made from healthy bjoot the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does care—a cure ia certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of pt-rificatlon, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes. Its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, tho food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight im rearing. ^Jot only does thd SABSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT excel all known remedial agents in tf.o care of Chronic, 5Sct«!alpha. Cbnbtitatiui*ai. and bkia dis eases ; but It is the only positive cure for Kidney iipil JUliulder Complaints Urinary, and Womb diaaakcc, G.^vcf, ^Drop- ay, Stoppage of Water, lacontlnence of urine, Dright’a Disease, Albuminuria, aud in all casus where there arc brie* dust deposits, or the water :» thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like tho white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance.and whits bouc-duttdepos- * when there ia a ylicking. burning fensatiou Price JPor XJottJo. on-. sAswArs Pcrtiepf pufgsUTC Fills. GEORGE PAGE & GO-, Ko. 6 N. ScJjroed»r sireet, Baltimore, Manufactmers of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Steam Engines and Boilers, UTXUT t*r*0in>, rOBTiBIJ! CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, GANG, MULAY ANB SASH SAW HILLS, GRIST HILLS. TIMBER WHEELS, SHINGLE MA CHINES, Etc. Dealers lu Circular Szwe, I’c'tln-and Hill supplies eenersllv, *nd m*uuf*ctnreret*roents for iirfcf’s caebteted Tnrb ne Wrier Wheel, —■ •Terr description of Wood Workln- MroMnerl. Agricultural Engines a Speci*lty. LW Seud for dcicriptire C*t*Iosues *nd Price VAOTLLA, izaiorr Etc, For Flavoring Ico Cream, Calces & Paslry. rHoarsor, sTEEiiTrpicB m’F’c co Depots, Chiczjfo *nd St. jhpnlf, MixcrzcTCiusi or SB. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER AND BLOOD ENE'CHER. THE GKATHECUFEEHTM Of EXHAUSTED EHERGIES. Tbc most reliable Blood pariRrr- Tbc sure Repairer of Broken Heuttii, The true Serve Supporter. The Permanent Strength Eenewcr. The most Enersetle Tonic. Blood. V,'ezk surely Jarably benefits. Sold by all Drv&gUU, or the Manufacturer* on the receipt of fid, mil und, by £xpras, 6 Bottla, which u sufficient for Syr 4 Prepared only at the Laboratory of Thompson. Steele & Price Iff?? Co. MAxaPACTcaxoa or DR. PRICFS CREAM BAKING POWDER. Special Flavorings for Ice Creau, Cakes & Pastry. :;7 iti 243 ULZX ST3ZST, - CSCAJO, ILL. Stf 8XC0K2 gg.L0TO,ia 1UC JUVAI isUVl^UUU BUMS' In *11 cases of Debility, Poor Bloc Nerves, Disordered Digestion, it s and durably benefits. Tbs only Und mads by & (raetictl chemist, tu«ell as phyvldao. with apodal refereaea to Its be*!:LM- ■sbb. Qmjtmrd*/ articUs that aid diga&m. JVrfrci Zf r-i.-frit rtsht to .roiriutero* * ’ tstiOD* iurorer Era co. BMyott m# P? Price's D^OU, SDOfOUS’ LIVER REGULATOR UYSB DISRAFR and Indigtstiao prevail to a greater extent than probably any otbe lady, aad relie. _ always anxiously sought after. IfthHiveri. RagsLtied in its sc- Stetotoe Stealden, ssss tirfa palniiation of the heart, duprcaatan of spirit* or Um btua, WM a hundred other rmpcomr, SIMMONS’ mElRfeGULATOE ia tha boat remedy that has ever haan discover ed for these aiinentn. It aets miffly. m ally, and bting pic vegetabfc pound, sad eanL__ injury in - ny quanti ties that It may be ekun. Ill, tenulera. to error TC te. bo?u*ed. for forty years, and hundreds ot thegoodandgrret fktnn all parts of tha country wul vouch for l.a vlr- t HiZ 1 iie-*ndroH_8t<*te*m.ofGeoe»*. Bishop Pierce, of Gaorgia. . - j oo. Ottl Shorter, ex-Governor of Alabama. Gan. John B. Gotta. R. L. Mott, of OofanabsB, Go. are amomr tha hundreds of whoas w« cun rarer to. Price, $1.00. By muO. poetege proprid, $L» MzuatecterodaaiTbj^ ^ ^ „„ POR AAT.X by AT.T* DBUdfflSfira. JiSm atinaiion,Costivncss,indjkc9tlcn, Dyspepala, BUiousnoos, BUu>us Fever, Inflammatiim or u»e Dowds, Pile*, and all dcran^k AUcnU or the lu- ternal VisccnL Warranted to eiT. ct a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing ns mercury, miners!, or deleterious drugs. fW~ observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organe; Constipation, Inward Piles. Fullness of tbc Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Naueca, Heart burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the 8tomoch, Swimming of the Head, Har ried and Difficult Breathing. 4 few 4ose? of KADWAY 1 8 PILLS will free the ‘ '* “—*■ ’ disorders. Price 23 tUWP to RADWAY * CO.. Np 87, Maififtn Lane, Hew York. Information worth thousands will be sent jaljfi-daweodly Pg^T^BWHEE^, ’COLE f^-SEKD FDR A CmOUIARr^T febgp-w>t. Trenton, Georgia, will SON, ATTuUNCYS AT LAW, ' 'RVrCllco toar & jt-^j iwbvltt—dXmjbwOm Supreme and Federal Courts. feb!7—dlt&wSt DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordi -1872. n?- G5 First Friz© Medals Awarded THE GUX1AT ff9R Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO M Mttuf seturers of Grand, Sqonre and Upright PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MG. rpHESE Instruments have been before the Public _L for nearly Thirty Year*, and npon their excel lence oiohectiaiped and unpurcluued pre-eminence, which pronoanoM th«n unequalcd In TONE, TOUCH. WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. 0jrAIl our SQUARE PIANO^ having our New Improved Otzsstbgxo Scaxs and the AGRAFFE fy We would coll special attention to «mr late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and &OjLlAR£ GRANDS, found in no other Plana being the Piano nearer Perfection than has y Every Piano FaUy Warranted for Five Yean 0TWe are, by special arrangement, enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS an.i MELODEONS of the most celebrated miken, Wrolkssue xsd Rx- Tau. AT LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Illustrated Catalogue* and Price Lists pj Britimore, Md_ Or-to PHILLIPS, CBKW A FUEYEK,, - MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! F SOB SIGHT 13 PRICELESS!! Bat toe DIAMOND SPECTACLES winPrreerre IL er, end derlre ttelr **me -DtemoBd^ cn account I their Hardness and Brilliancy. They'trill IirimiW ye*» trltooct charge, end are warranted superior to in othen ta B»rM*Si*croraci brj E. Spcneor A Co., Opticians, New Trek. Csstioo—None zenrine nnlese stamped with our trade xeariz. For arie br Brapon- can o^yteo^icedl WA»T£D. yyS WISH TO EMPLOY A GOOD BLACK.- SMITH. Apply to or address J. S. McELVANY & SON. Bay Creek, febflO—deodlw&wSt Gwinnett County, Go. TN THE 1 FOR 7 GLA-In THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT STRICT OF GEOR- l Decker, in Bank is to give notice.once a week for three week*. NOAH B. FOWLER, Assignee. KOTIC& ^BORGIA, FULTON COUNTY.—I hsreby con sent that my wife, Margaret J. Boll, may become a public or free trader, as allowed by section 1750 of Irwin's Revised Code of Georgia. January 23.1872. MARION BALL. jtu26—dlt&wlm GEORGIA, Ho wry County. Or.DRfAHY’s OrriCE, February 17, 1872. 1 BO. P. KLLIOTT, administrator, «ppii s to me KU'for I triers of. dlsrul« , ffl}v.n from the ‘state of Qatiumae Elliott,' deceased; ” obiec * “ * ‘ ‘ X “ - - * time, . _ _ Uness my qflipial rigttatare. tebSO—w4m M. 1 1 Pji^teiM frp {,] SO know to the countnry, the Sell set Spring Ming and sparkling when Adam walked with oradtse. Be that os it roar, ita sanitary proper- have never been surpassed by any medicine of human invention. They have, however, been em bodied in all their native efficacy In cal duplicate of the Spa Itself, and Usenocttng cured o* dfspeusia, bf ** pation, colic, nervous deb lift; *" etc., quite as rapid and as tributrd to the fr »—«— of Europe bare] cal miracles of U SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. febTO - w3t NOTICE. make immediate payment. Pertons having agianst him will present them to me properly tbcnticatcd. N. J. HAMMOND. feb20—dltAwlm Administrator. Mitchell, l«te neand claims Executor’s Sale. /■'I EORGIA, HENRY COUNTY.—By virtue of the VJ laat will and testament of Elijah ttrilwelL, de- caa«*ed^Iate of aald county, will be sold before the Court House door, in MmDongash, Georgia, on the first Tuesday ifi April neA the 1 south half o f lot No. 216, in the 7th district M said county; Purchaser gets rentals for the year, but possess'on postponed until 25th December next. Terms ca*h. Febrasry 15th, ura. JOHN STiLWELL.. Executor. -*40d Printer'a fee S5 GEORGIA) Henry County. Onuarjorr's Office, February 15th, 1872. G EO. W. McWilliams having app'led forlet- ters of administration upon the estate of Wm C Lee, deceased, late of said county: Parties concerned ore notified to file their objec tions, if any they hare, within statutory time, or the letters will be granted- Witnera my official s'gnature. GrO. M: NOLAN, Ordlnarj fcb20—w80d Printer's fee $3 Administratrix’s Sale. S TAT •' OF GEORGIA, CAMPBELL COUNTY. On the first Tneedsy in April next, will be sold at the Court House door, in Jonesboro, in the of Clayton, within the lawful hours of sale, l lots of land, to-wit: Fifty acres (SO) in the corner of lot of land No. (108) one hundrec nd one hundred and fifty acres (150) off of umber one hundred and twenty-three^,,. .Snsftto of said deceased. Terms’cash. This February 10th. 1872. B. B. COLE, Administratrix,^ . of S. Cole, dec uH. feb20—wtds Printer’* fee $10 GEOBGI A, Campbell County. f'VAVID STEWART hayipg applied to be ap- XJ pointed guardian ot he person and property of Thomoa J. Dunlop, a minor under fourteen year* of of age. resident of said county: m Tfis is to dteall persons concerned, tobcai pear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to* be held next after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any they can. why said David Stewart should hot be en trusted with the guardianship of the person and property of Thomas J. Dunlop. i W itnessmy official signature, January 25th. 1872. B. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. Printer's fee $3 _ _ _ JDst; vttl is treat, and praja for letters Di*missory. If objections exist. let them be flied within statutory time, prescribed bylaw or the letters will be granted. Witness my official slgnatare. GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary. jan30-w3m , Erin^Fs fpe 50 “ GET THif. BEST. H DR. BLT'S PATENT LIMBS GUAR- m ANTEED rati* factory, or NO PAY. Do- S o script!ve pamph'ets and Price List sent aj, ^ Free; address CHAS. M. EVANS, Mann- YH 03 facturer, 152 West Fourth sh, Cisdnnati, j und place, part of land lot ct, of Fulton county. Geor and ccuuty tax II fa /or his tax for the year 1871. Also, at tha oume time an * pU'ce. part of Und lot No. 79, In the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia The part so levied on is in wind 6, fronting on Mari etta street. In the city of f tlanta, containing x acre less Levied ou as the property of John __/to ratWy a . for theyear jgfi Aleo, at the sa&iO ti _ ^ o. 81, in the 14th district, or Fulton county, glo. The ptrt »o levied on U in ward 4, fronting on Wheat street in the city of Atlanta, containing X acre more or less and adjoining the property of Gratz & Wilson. Levied on as tho property of C. A* Davl*, to ratis.fy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. Alsb.atthc same time and place, port of land lot No. T' — — ^— city of Atlanta. Levied on os the property of Mrs Catherine Delhi, to satisfv a State and county tax * fa for h*r tax for the year 1871 * . Also, at the same time aad place, part of land lot ngo v a-d Holland streets, in tho city of Atlnuta. con- d adjoining — w^sgsgmm&si&aiisim mss* Georeia; ou alley.- Na 4 _ro--..,te the part so levied on U in ward 4, fronting on in the city of Atlanta, containing X acre more c adjoins Wallace and other*. Levied on a* the ertyof Benj. Oliver (colored), to satisfy a StaU and county tax fi fa for his tax for his tax for tho year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot No, 53 in the 14th district of Fulton count; “ the part so levied Oi Is in ward 4, contain! feet more or less, on Cforke street, In the<_^ _ _ lanta and adjoining the property of “ furaer.” Levied on as the p»oparty of Horton Reberts (colored) usatif fy a Sate, and conuty tax fl fa for his tax for irt of land lot vied oa oa is to ward 4. SnuinSg jg jess, oo Foster and Lane streets, in the city of Atlanta. Levied on as thoproperty of Eman uel Robinson, colored, to satisfy a Male and conuty tax fl fa for hla Ux for the year 1871. Also, at tho same time and place, part of land lot No. Na 51 in the 14th district ofFolton couuty, Geor gia; the part *o levied on is in lot 4, containing Jg acre mote or less, on Randolph street in the city of tianta, adjoining Goldsmith. Levied on a«ti ty of Alfred Richardson, colored, ’o satisfy idcjunty tax fl fa for his tax for 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot Na f8 In the 14th districtof Fulton county, Georgia: eo levied on is in word 4, containing 75x100 “ street, to the city of At* yof AUen and Whitaker, of Joseph Story, colored, _re__rw_ ^ T ii* i tax for WANDO FERTILIZER. F YOU intend planting a crop this year, and to DOUBLE, TREBLE and QUADRUPLE th* product, be . certain to invest your Money, Labor and Time, . r • In the best and most reliable Southern-mad* Fortilizer. CASH—FJfty Dollars per ton of 2000 lbs., adding tn Igbt and drayage. TIME—Fiftv-FIre Dollars per of 2000 lb<„ adding freight and drayage. mnde payable on the First dsy of November next, by note of Umpmcbarer. with interest after maturity, at the rate of on* per cent, per month, secured by first-lien on his crop, or with undoubted personal security or on ac ceptance of a rcspodsibio mercantile house. Or for Cotton on tho Following Terms, vlr: One ton * f Wando for 400 lbs. of lint. In bales, at 15 cents—the cotton to grade low middling. Tho plan ter to have the option of delivering the cotton by the first day of November next- or to n* v tha value of the cotton in money, at the fixed price of 15 cents per lb, say K0 P<t ton, if. sold planter most nay the expenses of freight and drayage oo the Wando To all consumers of concentrated f^rtUiacrs, who have not ben in a hurry I present year, w* confidently recommend the practical and profitable tog crops, during the first and second workings in ra: -’S-TBWHwin be rttiprafi promptly. Addrea*. by letter or call at the office la Glenn, Wright & Carr's « arehouse, Atlanta. <*a. fcblft—dlw&wlm JAMES V JONFS. Post Office feet sndre or less on Pettis str tax fl fa for AUa'at the same timo and place, port of land lot No 84, in the 14 district or Fulton couuty, Oa; the so levied on is in ward 1, fronting ou Mitchell _TOjt, in the city of Atlanta, containing Si'xlSt) feet more or less and adjoining the property of Booker and Wallace. Levied cm as the property, of BH Townsby (col) to aatisfy a Sutc and conn y fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. , Also, at the same time and place, part c-f land lot No 53, in tho 14 district of Fulton county Ga:the part eo levied on is In ward fronting on Fulton street, lu the city of Atlanta, containing X acre more or les and adjoining the property of Lynch and Sal man. Levied on as the property of ueotge Wash ington (col) to satisfy a State and coauly ux 11 fa for hi* tax for the year 1871. _ Also, at the same time and place, tart of land lot No53, in tho 14 district of Fuliy couuty, Ga; the so levied on is in ward 3, fronting oa Riwson , to satisfy a Sutc and county t*x 11 fa for his tax or the ve*r 1871- ' , All the foregoing property pointed out by S R Hoyle, TC. W*. D. BROWN, Pcpi'y Sheriff. febO-wtds (Printer’s fee $2 DO per levy.) __ the city of Atlanta, containing _ . lew and adjoining the property of Angler and Jones. Levied on as the property of Mrs M McMahon to sat isfy a Slate and county tax fl fa for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 77 in the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia; ihe port eo levied on is in ward 1, block 9. frontlngon Forsyth street. In the city of Atlanta, 100 feet more or less and adjolnlngGai - Levied on as the property dj J R D Osbnrn, agent for wife, to satisfy his State and County tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. * Also, at tho same lime and place, port of land lot No. 78,14th district of Fulton couuty, Georgia; tin part so levied on is in ward 1, framing on Magazim street, in the city of Atlant*, containing X acre more or lees and adjoining Woodruff A Hill. Levied on a» the propertv of Freddy O’Keefe, to satisfy a SUte and comity tax fi fa for his tax for tho year 1671. Also, at the same time and place, part of Und lot o. 51 in the 14th district of FuUon county, Georgia: the part so levied on is in ward 7, fronting of Ivy and Harris streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing 1-5 acre more or' --• ** • * ’ — . . . city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, first Tuesday in March next. Within the legal of sale, the following property, to-wit: A tract of la«d containing ouu hundred acres, more or lew; tt being the sonth naif of land lot 121, in the t4th district ot orieinally Henry, now Felton county, Georgia, adjoining the property or Pcrkcraou, McCool and others Levied on as ti— * — - Edward White, by virtue of and to i _ issued from Fulton Superior Court, to favor of B W -- - 1 -* *Yhite, maker, and - iy pointed out by pril 6, iftt. time and place, a two story framed building and the lot on which the same is situated; it being city lot No. 31, in tho city of “ lauto,' fronting 100 feet on Marie*ta street, and i nine back same width 130 feet, containing one-foi of an acre, more or leas: said lot is bounded so east by Spring street, and ad joins the property recei Also at the same hurry In buying a foil supply foi - of the WANDO to theg upon the grass SEA FOWL GUANO! 500 TONS NOW ARRIVING. S3 S st tmi a »T ez I23tth dlHtrkt. G. M , in favor II H Witt vs. _ Goode. Levy made by J F Carter, L C, and returned to mo. Ja* uary 17th, 187*. A]*\lt the same time and place, a lotto the city of Atlanta, known as lot >o. 1 in Holland's survey, fromiug 3» tort on Facetr ck etreet, and running back same width wvstwardly feet, adjoining the nroiH-ity of K W Holland rnd li.kcr. Levied on as the proi»er;v «f K A DloKey, by virtue of aud to U fl. fa issued from a Notary PubUc’s Court of Jr.,v* E A Dli key. and returned to: Also, ’* isfya Slate irlgTl iSl’ln tbcHtlidil trtet tW lor the at the Fame time and place, part of land 'ot •* 7 of Fulton —*“ ~ The part so levied Ferry a-d Holland tyinfng }£ acre more or less and adjoin satisfy aaSe'^huf^OHU’y tflMa^frff the year 8 S>o, st tho samd timo and place, part of land lot No 78, luthe 14th districtof Fallon couuty, Georgia. The part so levied on is in ward 5, containing X sere more or less, fronting on Marietta street, in the cit’’ of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of Sarah Elll son, to satisfy a SUte and county tax fl fa for her tax Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 84, in the Mth districtof Fulton county. Georgia. The part so levied on is inward 1; block 31, contain ing X acre more or less, fronting on Davis street, in the city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of A S Evans, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for ids tax for the year foil. lanta. Levied on ** the property of E. M. Edwardy, estate admmi trator, to retirfy a St*(e apd county fi fa for hiau* for the year lmjl. Also at the same time and place, part of land lot ~ in the Mth district of Fulton county. Goor- 1 - - _ county, Georgia; part so levied on to to ward 4, fronting on Harris _ Butler streets, to the city of Atlanta, containing X acre more or le s and adjoining Perry’s property, kuovrn as Ilondeau & Co’s Furniture Factory, levied on as the property of Rondeau 4k Co, to satisfy a State aud county tax fi fa for their tax for the year Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 82, in the 14 dlatrict of Fulton couptr **' the part so levied ou \t und Atlantic Railroad, to the city of Atlanta, con taining thirty-one and a bnlf (31#) acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of Scofield Rolling Mill Company to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa tor their tax, for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land 1 No. 79, to the 14 district of Fulton county, r — the part so levied on to toward 5, front! ta and C'orput streets *- “•* 4 Lewis Scofield to B^tigl for his tax for the yeay to ricw Ut XU1UIU WUUIJ, to in ward 5, fronting Peachtree street to the city of Atlanta, containing 11 acres, more or less, and adjoining the property of Peters. Levied on as the property of Roswell Manufacturing Company and Cragmfres to satisfy a 8'ate aud county lx fi fa for their Ux for the Year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, nart o? Vrad ,ut No. 77, to the Mth district oi iUdion tbuhiy; Oeblgto; the part so levied on to to ward 1, block 5, fr—* Whitehall and Broad streets, In the city ol streets, aud ad. same being to * ofttndtyttto* . . _ ^ _ _ , r Henry, nnw Fnfton county, Georgia. Levied on ns the property of Samuel C UitcUcodr, by virtue of and to satisfy afl. fa. issned from Grccno Court«f t>rdin- ry. to Uvor of Alexander J S Jackson, guardian of Irby Hudson minor, vs. Samuel C liitcliccck. former guardian of Irby Hudson, minor. January 25th, 18 3so. at the same time and place, a lot in the city of Atlanta, containing onc-baR K) acre, more of less, fronting on Decatur street 00 feet, and on Butler ^reet,west, 133 feet, bounded so.-rib byDcD^e ropity and cast by an alley, ^djaWug srinall *!ol. Nl *- s * iu children, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fl. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court, to favor of the Mechanics’Loon and Building Assorfatiou vs JasE riullott. trustee and next friend for « He end ctiil containing teventy*tiire« »qCs; We or less, V ■y property, east by Grant street, ilrSiWwe.t br HU) »lr«ct. i Johnson now resides. Levied < if land , to the ,ton couiMjgCto. , poath by oa which Mra Leyled on as the prop erty of Richard Johnson, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issue l from Fu ton Superior Court, in favor of the church wardens and vestry of 8t Phillips church ra. Richard Johnson. Property pointed out In fi fa Janaary the 2Mb. 1873. Also at the same time and place, tv;o pointing etta street to the city of Atlanta, contalv , „ 80x104 feet more or less. Levied on as the properly of Jo seph Fry to satisfy * State and county tax fl fa for his tax for the year 1871. Also at the same 1i No. 54 In the 14th district of «. _ . the part so levied on is in ward 4,.city tos 1 and 2, fronting on Ivy and Men its stre. ts in the city of f ‘ lanta, ccntninfng X acre more or less, adjoining Alt under. Levied the property'of Sir.*. Mary A Fry to satisfy a •'tato and county tax fi fa for her tax for 1871. , __ _ Also at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 84, to the 14 district of Fulton conty, Georgia; tho part so levied on is in ward 1, containing •* acre more or less, fronting on ERIott street end Alley, ia the city U' Aftautiu LcviM uu as the property of W. U. Frcoman to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for hto tax for the year 1871, . . „ Also at the same time and place, part of land lotXo. 8\ to the 14district of Fulton county, Georgia; the part so levied on to in ward 1, containing X acre more or less, fronting on Macklto alley and Macon and Western Railroad, to the city of Atlanta Levied on a* the property of A. Flemming to satisfya State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the vear 1871. , Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 79, to the 14 districtof Fallon cou-ty, Ga; the part so levied on to to ward 5, fronting on Corput street to the city of Atlanta, containing X acre more or le^. Levied on as the propertv or J D Griffith to satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for bis tax for WR- Also, at the fame time acd place part of tond lot No 83 in the 14 district of Fulton cnnn?y, Ga; the port so levied on is in ward J, containing X acre more or less, fronting on Emma and Gray street*, in the city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of John Griffiths to eatisfy a State and countr taxfl fa for hto tax for the year 1871. . , ,, , Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No50 to the 14 district of Fulton county, Ga; tho port so levied on 1* iu word4, containing 10 ac ea more or le»s and fronting on Currier and Fort streets In **-—of Atlanta. Levied on as tbe property of for hto tax for the year 1871. Also, at the Fame time and place, part of land lo* No *5 to the 14 district or Faiton county, Ga; the part so levied on to in ward 1, containing 5 acres more or less, fronting on Peters and Racetrack stre ts in the city of Atlanta. Levied ori as the property of Henry B Hill to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hto tax for 18U. Al-o, at the s*me time and place, part of land lot No79 in the 14 district of Fulton conn!y,Ga; the part so levied onto in ward 6, containing y, acres more or less fronting on Powers and Simpson streets to the city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of W P Hammond to satisfy a Sta e and county tax 11 fa for hto tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 78, to the Mth district of Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on I* in ward 5, coi.talning X acre, more or less, fronting on Luckio rad Spring "*—*" Levied on as the property of Mra M A rfeath I frontingo fy a' tax'd fa for hert Also, at the ‘ part of land lot part so levied on to in ward 1, M|t side of Forsyth street, _ Alley, aud Is in the cor-1 a the city of Atlanta, con- m as the property of < . _ „. . _ a SUte ta nd county ta^ fi fa for hto Ux for the year 1871. * Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot No 77, to the 14th dlatrict of orlgntoally H nry now Fultonxounty, ~ " — block 80. front on the north i nerof theuvo taining X sere, more or less. On said lot is a steam flouring grist mill. Levied on |as .toe property ot C E Grenville to satisfy a rtite and county tax 11 fa for hto tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and phme, port of 1 ** SiWci^ MSfeW in the city of Atlanta, containing X acre, more rad adjoining the property of liawson and Evans. Levied on as the property of William Gray to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871. NosCiiTthe”Mthdistrictof rfiltoncounty, Ga7the part so levied on to In ward 4, fronting on Decatur street, in the city of Atlanta, containing X acre, more land lot Ga; the _ r street, acre, more or less, or less, and adjoining the property of Langley, Rob erson and Shearer. Levied on oa the property of M J Hinton to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hto tax for the year 1871. -I • Also, at the some time and place, port of land lot No83. to the Mth districtof Fulton count, Ga; the part so levied on is in word 1, fronting Foundry street, to the city of Atlanta, X acre, momnmiamd and adjoining the property of Craig. Lev the property of John Ilarrison to satisfy a county ux fi fa for hto tax for the year Also, at the some time and place, part of land lot No. 32, iu the 14th district of Faiton county. Ga; the par- so levied on is in word 4, fronting on Decatur street. In toe city of Atlanta, containing X —■— or l«-e, and adjoinirg tLe property of B Lynch. Levied on as the property of Mra ard te> »4iM*fy a State and county ux fi fa 1 tt Afi?a£thesame time and pUcA, part ofSH No. TA in the Mth district of Faiton county, Ga; the part bo levied on to to ward 1. fronting on Hunter street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 1 acre, morel or lets, known aa the Mineral Sprtora propotyJ . Levied oc os toe property of “Georoe Jotason. Ural ” to satisfy a SUte and copnty Ux fi fa e t *uune a timeand place, part of land lot 14th district of Faiton county. Ga; the . __ on is in ward 5. fronting oa Flam street, of Athnta, containing 3 acres, more or less, HPHIIting the property or Smith. Levied on os the property of R A Johnson, trustee, lo satisfy a SUte and county tax fi_f a for his Ux f or the ^-ear ^STl. «u k, rruuiic; or coniaining & xr^fe^ GEORGIA} rayeite Cepntft -VTOTICE to hereby given to oil persons concerned, li that on toe - day of ■■■■—■ ■■ ■ * ” Landrum, late of said county, departed 1 testate, and no person ha* applied for ad on the estate of said TjfMa Landrum, and to terms of the law, administration will be vested to the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some o’her fit aad proper person, thirty days after the publication of this pi ra tion, unlos* some valid objection to made to hto ap pointment. is • Given under my hand and official signature, this February 3d, 1872. - - on at the propertv of T C Jackson to satisfy a State and county taxfl fa for his tax for the year 1S71- . Also at toe same time rad c’ace, payt of land lot No. 8Lxn the 14th district of niton county, Georgia; the part so levied on to in ward 1. fronting on Peters ■treetrad railroad, in the dty of Atlanta, couUintog 15 acre, more or less- ’Levi^^n a* the property of Catherine Kelton to satisfy a Mate and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. < 'Also at the same tune and place, nanof land lo* ' 79, to the 14th district of, originally Hjwry, _ re or Ires, .and a Kimball and Jones. frontlngon of Atlanta, containing 31xi7S feet, more or less, and adjoinl. g the property of Hcaly and others. Levied on as the property of C. B. Wellborn to satisfy a State rad couuty ux fi fa for hto tax for 18?1 * Als \ at the svpo timo and No. 78, in the 1 ith district erf I the part so levife4 on to In ifkrd 6. i etu ind Farlis sUpete, in the guy o| irg X acre, more or Is*#, of Itoyden and An D. W. F. Wcstmar Ux fi fa for hia tax for the year l Also, at the same time rad place, , No. 78, in the Mth districtof Fulton county, Gco-gto; the port fo levied on to to ward 5. fronting on Broad and Foray th streets, to the city of Atlanta, contain ing 25x 60 feet, wore or less, and adjoin’- * “*** erty of Phillips, T^yd«*d Jcjdxrp-Jhri .., ‘Alsoatthesamo time rad place, part of laud lot No. 62, ia the Mth district or Fuliou county, Geor gia; the part so levied onto to ward 1, fronting on Emma street, in the city of Atlanta, containing 1 aae, part eolevied on to to wait* 5, fronting on Spring Iferiitu streets, in the city «f Atlanta, containing; aae, more or less, and adjoining Gran and Kali Lcvird on as the property of Mr*. G A Goode to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for her tax (or tUo year Aja at the aame time and place, port of I 51. to tho Mth district or Fi^ton county. < part so levied c>n Is iu ward 5, fronting on to the city of Atlanta, containing x acre, more or less, and adjoining the propo ty of Mrs K A Gordon, to satisfy a Sutc and county fi fa for her Ux for the year 1871. Also at tho same time and place, put Of land let No. 65, In the Mth districtof Puitcncp#fltjr,kib*— the p-itt toO levied an to (it wd?d 1.fronting ou _ track stfeot. In the city of Atlanta, containing 30x03 feet, more or less, and adjoining the property of Fletcher and others. Le\ led on a* the property of A. Landsbnrg to satisfy a State and county Ux fi fa for Fletcher and others. Landsbnrg to satisfy his tax for the year 1871. Also at the fame timo and price, part of land lot No. 81. in the 14-h districtof Fulton county, Georgia the p urt so K-\ led oa is in ward 1, f outing on Walker and Stonewall stiect.-, ti in»1j;acre. of Pawster. L-iVted u t for 4rff •. tux a fu for hi* U* for the cl*y «-f Atlanta, contain- and adjoining the property i hetwopertyofJ-T^^T- me ■Sr, the part r U-viid O ilion county, Georgia to in wards, fronting ou Grout and Ar.dvraon street-, iu the city of Atlanta, contain ing 2 acres more or le-s and adjoii ing the property of the (col.) < Jhurch. Li vied of as the property of G W Sto^krey to satis.'v n state sud county taxfl fa for hto tax’ for tee year 1871. Als.». at the «vm No 77, in the 14th IvUt'hzli'zJid Br.ail 'tticvi.,cttjrof Attute, containing 1 acre, more or less, rad adjoining the property of Holbrook and Scofield. Levied on as the uboeity property of Mra C Valentino to satisfy a State and county tax fi fa for her tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot No 53, to the Mth district * * 3, in ine i«n oxsirici oi r uuuu county, Ga; the part so levied «.n to In words, block 3, city lot 18, frontiog on Clarke street, in tte cltjr of Atlanta, con taining X oere. more or less, rad adjoining * u “ premises of Mosley rad Gaunt. Levied on as property of A M White to satitfya State and cot iXX fire for'' * for his tax for the year 1871. iMy W tog jir acre, more or less, and adjoining Goldsmith's premises. Levied on as the property of Mrs M A Wilson to satisfy a State and county tax fl la for her Ux for satisfy the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, port of land lot No 84, iu the Mth dirtrict or Fulton county, Ga; the part so levied on Is in ward 1, containing r~ more or less, on W lttdns street, tothe city v - . K'ilJl J on7 I i 1 tte 1 mopSJ'of • SUte aad county tzxffM for lite t«i for the year 1871. thm mm« time fflntl nlaes, t i county, Gs; the tir.iean-i place! * tot containing 93 •*3 ac Practical tests for the past five years prove thiato be in no respect inferior to the test Peruvian Guano ns a Fertilizer. Sold for Money or Cotton AT OPTION OF PURCHASER, AND ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Remunerative Price guaranteed for Cotton delivered in payment of this Guana CSTFor terms and further particulars, apply at the Wholesale and Retail Agricultural Warehouse aud Seed Store of MALiEWK. JOHlffSOST, jtm25_A&w3m BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. in tho city of Atlanta. Levied on as r of J C Mays* t by Rlrintifi'* i t rs^ife 1 title and ^aklc — Ardh*^, (hklj Ihei . , 4 whiyh rile said ^ iBl;fngtftt\ E An li^qngst which to iue rvri opiate * r ~Z *be city lots with « . WAshiogtonB the city of Atiau- ti'ecmprtttng the cltrlow vlth tha. nMtags mid »p Dortenonoos Known os Archer a Stables, froatiu* partly on Alabama, partly on Broad rad partly on Forsyth streets, (ss well ts the remainder of the estate of sold deceased, to hie widow for Ufo.) W]to remainder to the said Thom*? B Arpbe; *Ud the other two heirs at law of said deceased, in fee simple. Levied on os tofl property of Tbomas B Archer, by virtue of tfpdtd, sa»tofya tnortarao ft. to iwued from Iklteu superior Court, iu favor of William Bauzham vs. Tnomsa D Archer. Property pointed out in fi. fa January sotb, 1672. Also, at the same time and place, all of that tract or parcel of l'hd lying and being jn the f outheast corner of block No. 8. to the 4th ward of th? &ty of Atlanta: said fraction being nbo^t ^10 feet on the southlineof raldWorit, rauainJ rest aud west, and about 1J3 fret afl the cast line of wild block, ru north *i.'d south, less 90 feet for Irwin street c sonth side of reldlffaction ra*i 80 feet on the cast side of originally Henry* now Faiton coanty. Go. levied on as toe property of DH Brydyc, byylrtao oland to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Supwlor Court in favor of Wm II IIall vs. D H Br ftoperty pointed out toll fa. January 31st, iffi1 Also, at toe same- time and place, a tract of land containing twenty-five mere*; it being a part of rad sitnatedin the southeast corner of land tot 152, In the 14th district of orlgiDually Henry, now Fulton coun ty, Georols, adjoining the propery of Dob***—■ Irwin and others. Levied on as the TC&pe; Thos 8 Pow* IU by virtne of to satisfy a te&nrd from Fjltoa Sit Ufior Court In furor of J A HtviliJiv* TfiteS. foweti. Troportr polntrf out by \V R Phillips, tran»fcree. January 31st, 1872. Also, at tho same time and place, a two story brick building and the lot on which it ia situated, on the coroer of Pryor and Mitchdl streets, to the city of Atlanta, Fulton coanty, Georgia; said lot contain ng one quarter of an acre, more orjess, and adjoining the property oLFishcrand Dodd. Levied ouos the property of JtffinNeel, by virtue of rad to satisfy a £ la, Isbucd from Fulton Superior Court to favprof Turner*McDuffievaJohnNcalL pointed out to fi. fa. February 2d, ;87^. t 3 - x -- a two story brick jit is situated, ou Peachtree streets, to the _ into, Faiton county, Ga., fronting on Peachtree street 42 feet, and running barit some width along Marietta street 59 feet, more or lets, adjoining tho property of Ikrnr and Medlock. Levied on at the property of Thoujas Kile, by virtu* of and to satisfv a fi. fa. tomed from FuUon 8nperior Court, to fjtvuf MJCamdon Thouuzipfr 8heria «eb6—wtds Printer's fee $2 50 per levy Clayton County SlicrifPa Sales W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Jonesboro, Clayton count.), Georgia, on the First Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours of sole, the following property, to-wit: North half of lot of land No. 240, excepttajf four ^■■Mislf oMotof^bSd *»«»• •**«* of an acre, more or Ires No. 1 in the fourth section of the town of Jonreboro, on the tot Wc o( the coanty, in favor of Wm. G. Lane * Co vs. saidJesre Coogler. Property pointed out by Jno. L. Doyal, Isofat thefsraf^time and place, will be sold one non.* colored mole, cboot ;r or Atteotz, located nor the Georgia Bailroad (1 cemeterr. Lerled oo aa the property ot Jefferson Floyd, colored, to satisfy a Bute and eoonty tax fl te for hia tax for the year 1871. , . Ala. at the fame time aod place, pert of land lot No 55, In the 14th district of rolton county. Ga; the part so lerled on 1c Inward A fronting oo itlchmopd Ho, colored, to catisfyc State and comity tax fl ft hla tax for the year tsn. Also, ct the acme time and place, put of land No51. in the 14 dlatrict of Faiton coanty. On; the part im levied on lain ward 4, fronting on Valentine street. In tte ciiy of Atlanta, containing 1-16 acre more or lea* and adjoining the property of Flipper and Ponder. Levied on a, the property of Hender son Craig to satisfy a State and coanty taxfffnfor hla tax for the year 1871. Also, at Ihe aame timo and place, part of land lot *No «. In tte 14 district of Fulton county, Oa; the pert so levied off 1a in ward 4. fronting on r Murdock. Levied on os the property of Bo Thomas to satisfy a State rad county tax fi fa for hla tax for the year 1871. Also, at toe sanfe time rad place, part of land lot No 51, to the 14 district oC Jflp pert so levied on is in ward rad Valentine str— •- * v “' size, levied on as the property of Robert 8. Oxbnm to! satisfy a fl.*.fa from toe Bnpajor Court ot Clay ton county. to favor of Georg* \V. Beavers v*. said Ozbarn. Property pointed ont by plaintiff, Q. W. B SS‘it toe Jraael^M and ptace, will be »o|d one storeboase,and tot. Ifl the towffof Jpnreboro,Oay ton ConutjT, linown as the store house whereHay* Phipps 4k "Betts formerly done baslnere, and now «•*•"- pled by Harris A High tower as a drugstore. 1 onos toe property of William O. Bette to sa fl fa., in my hands from toe Sapcrior Cqrnt ol coanty in favor orD-^-F^^ Jl'fSR Phipps 4k-Betts. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s ‘iSSt the aame time and place, will ba sold one hundred and aevcnty-ffvc acres more or lew, of tend tot No. 212, in the fifth district of original./ Henry now Clayton county. Levied on as toe property of 9-^ee. ton county, Ga'; toe — fronting ou Houston streets. In th? tit yof Atlanta, pontaiu- trp or less rad’adjoiningFain l s prop erty. Levied on aa the property of Dougherty Hatch- ins (colored) to satisfy a State rad county tax fi fa for hd* tar for the year 1871. * or less. Levied * Ltlanta, containing ^be'Tepi) to«at^a State tra fl fa iorhis tax for 1b7L Also, at the same time rad place, part of land lot No. 45, In the 14to district of Faiton county, G*; the port so'levied on la in ward 4. fronting pn Brice's alley in the city of Atlanta, era taining, K acre, more or lees, rad adjoining Jackaon. Levied oa as the property of Andrew Jadkson (col) to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for hfs tax Tor the year 187L Also, at toe same time and place, part of land lot No*—, to the 14th district of Fulton county. Go; toe part to levied ofi ts to warfl 2, fronting on Prow street in toe erty of Atlanta, containing % acre, mofeor less: adjoining the property of Almra and Jobirapn. Levied on aa toe property of Wm Love (col) te satis- f- aStateondcoanty taxfl fa for hia tax f of toe year toe aame time and place, pert of land lot No. 46 m the 14th dioxetof fulurn oounty,Georgia; feb4-td NATHANIEL G. HUDSON, Sheriff (Printer’a fee $2 50 per levy.) Faiton County SlierlfPs Sale tor Jlarclij 1873 • ■UTTILL bo sold before the Coort House door to toe W city of Atlanta, Fnlton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In March next, within the legal hours dtvor Atlanta containing one-htaf acre, more or less, ad- i2 5SS»lSS. , S?IE!5'3S3ai , '4Mt QtCtr ‘ A. H. PERKERSON. Deputy Sheriff feb7—wtda Primer’* fret S2 roper levy Milton Mortgage Sheriff to Solo* Tlf ILL be sold before the Court House door, to the YV Town of Alpharetta, Milton connty, Qx, within toe legal hours or sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, toe following property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 523,50L&&. Ml, In thcFirrt Dislrict of. toe Second 8ection or said county. Levied on os te property of W. 8. Grogan by virtue of* mortgage . fa., issued from the Superior Court «J said county, ugu&ttcrm, 1870, in f*vc\r of W. T- Winn ve. W. 8. rogan. Property in fl. fa. being same Included in % £ FVbnmy eth, Il 8 B.‘ MIREL, feold-wtds Deputy Sheriff GEORGIA) Campbell Connty. TT'OUR weeks after date application will be made to I; the Court of C “ * * to sell oil the lands _ _ Hutcheson, deceased. febl^-w^w of taid connty for ■ HUTCHESON, Administrator. GEORGIA) Campbell County. Ordinary's Omcx, February 13,1872. rUEREAS, F. A. 8. and J. IL Gorman, execu tors of the hut will and testament of Clatrborn Gorman, represent to the Court to their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully ad ministered daibora Gorman's estate. This is, therefore, to cite nil ncaons concerned, kindred and creditors, to t&fcwrause. if ray they can, why said executes anuridnot be discharged from “ <m ’ a C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. febl4—wlam4m. Printer’s fee 14 * To all .Whom Concern. ■DO hereby moment that, from this date, my wife, kRAU ». JONB8, of Walton connty, may become a public orfiec trader and liable for all her contracts. February ter, 1872. NEWTON J. JONES. feblU—\\4t GEORGIA. Fulton County W M. A SIMMONS t^ctlou t.u the late of said county. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections. If any exist, on or before the find Monday in March next, else letters will be granted the applicant. Witness my official eignatsre, this January 30th, 1872. DANIEL ViTTMAN, ordiuary. tenJl—w4<» Printer', fee |5 GEUHGIA) llcnry County. Ojrourabt's Omcx, January 26th, 1872. administrator of Benj seats that be has dis itions for letters dismlsao- jan30-w3m GEORGIA) Fayette County. —' r Odd in art’s Op^cx, February 6th, 1872. TAMES L. EOiWOTH having applied for letters cl Qf administration do tsmls non, upon the estate of W. W. Bosworth, deceased: Th-s is, therefore, to notify all persons cm to file their objections, If any they have, on t the first Monday in March n«|t, else letters will tx nor before for. Given under my hand flnd official slgnatnr*. D. C. MINOR, Ordinary, febfl—w4t Printer’s fee $3 GEOltuiAi Henry County* OnpiNABY's Omcx, January 26, 1871 TV/TARGARET ADKINS, gurdian of P. Q. Adkins, ill represents by petition that she has fully dis charged her trust, rad prays for letters dlsmtasory. If objections exist, let them be filed within stat tore time, or the letters will be granted. Witness my ufflctel signature. JznSO-wJm Printer's tec WCO*’ AXkiffll..JST|CATOR*S S.LE. to March next, to—n of Alpharetta, number (633) six ha four acres of (63“ thirty-fix acres cf and twenty-four ninety-three—all _ section of Milton county. Jacob Hook, * ' “ Ihe Court of Ordinary of sold connty, I • ■ ^ TneMat \ to the following lands, vijj Lot i rad tolrty-torec; toiny- jan%l-wtd* I) six hundred and thlrty-‘,hrec; thirty- of (632) six huuisid rad~thlrty-two; xesef (5C2) five Bun&»d and ninety-two, -foar acres of <5»9 fire hundred rad -all to the second district flnd second Ulton county. Sold 05 the property of -■ ’ ‘david i Assignee’s Sale. >T virtne of u> order terard: bv Ite UomnUv ) United State. Dirtrict Coort for tte Northern - -Jtjict ol Gcorxte. will te rold before tte Coort House door, lo Marietta, Georate, co Ite iected Wednesday, 13th day of March, 1872, totomendns at It o'clock. A. Jt, the foUowtee •ropertj, to-ott: Loti of Land nscoters 4A 437. end 10 sere, of Lot amber 414. roMivMeJ bj line* rannlog reel sml res' ord nmobeml irom north to souih. bald lo*. dne tn tho lint dl.trlc: end second K-ctlon of Oohls nd&ilum coon tit.. tttl,S3’l- with fractional lot cost of o not known, all U tte dm dlatrict amt -.b coanty, with — Flour and Saw Milt undivided cne-ninib interest in 186 i remainders of tots numbers 423.424,425 and 453, cf the first di»- . tgimolly Cherokee, now* second section of « Sold *r to* property of C. A. Kirg. backrspt. Terms Utah. frbjl- w3t Noah r. Fowler, UEORGIAf Fnlton County. Okdinakt’s Omen, Ftbaary 5,1872: J OSEPH WILL'S. the effltate of Mo ie*Te to at 11 the real All persona prayed for. Witncks my official signature, 5th, HR*. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. feVT-wSOd Printer’s fee $5 8. edmlniftratorde bonis non, nsnad are Ebjectiou^if rayexbt, ijr m March o tor GEORGIA} Fulton County. Oroixavt’s Omcx, Febiuary 5,1872. J a MORGAN spjdira for letters of administra- • lion on the estate of Mile* a Hill, hue of Mid county, deceased: All persons concerned, are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, oo or before the first Monday in March next, else letters will be granien the applicant. • Witness my official signature, this February 5th. 1872. fcb7—w30d GEOUGIAt PcKnlb County. . OmuxAnv’s Omcx, December 4th, 18X1. TYTIIKREAS, 8 T. McElroy, administrator of VY William McElruy. deceased, late of snfct wnnty, npplicj to me for letters of dismission free* These are. therefore, to cite and admonish aU per sons interts ted, to be and appear at my office, to show cause, if any they con. witnto the tune allowed by taw. why said lettass should not ba granted. Given under my hand, ai office, this Dec ,£ "’ W tt. WEU8TER.C Printer’s fet dcc7—woomlm fee $4 80 GEORGIA, lleKaib County. OxoncAnT’s Omcx, February ifl, zsrs. O A. PANDLBY has applied to f»r rxam»tk« , m«k mm* ClByt.n Ecpu r Sheriff Sale. hours of boIa the f< 'Muuij, ua^uii w-. »*»Wn toe legal r-SSSKir-- k- Ik 8. OZBUllN.Depat/bhsriff ^ fcbl-wUta Printer'a foe fifi fMpcr l Land lot Na . less. In the 13th Clayton county. Printer's foe *< to per levy GEORGIA, Campbell County. Obpwaxt'b Omcx, January 31x1,1872: Wf^^^acoccc^. Sa?SSS3“'SS»5 January Atat, 1 fcU-wfipd Tl/ftta. CAROLINA WILLIAMS, guardian of tral .tobl-wfiOd ffl-carlM a^portton ! GEOltGf, , JD.ktailh Uonall. “ ' Or rice, Janaary ltth, fgffl. to her said ward. AU tori/ Man_ p «r GEORGIA, Fnlton County. T 8. GILBERT, administrator of the estate «| • Wm. Gilbert, late of said connty, decedttd, ■ piles for letters of dismission. lay to Mur next else letters will be granted 1 18*2. ■ Jzall-wCOd Vk/IiKHKAS. K. A-Troaer. exccttnc of Nathan V V Ta ncr, dcccuid, iau: cf Mid comity, tea ai>- tJlra to me for letter, of dlaoifHioa from mia irmir. There ere, therefore, to < ite ud cdaualrh alt pcrrooi iutcrceted, to te and appear at my offle* within the rime prescribed by tew, then and then*. 7 ^ BtKmU1 0X11 ^ Given under my hind at effire. . om . W. K WEBSTER, Ordinary, jxnlfl—w4m Printer's tee $4 DO Fffilton Mortgage ^MerUfto Snlcn for TI7ILL be sold before tb» CosrtHouse d'ror,4n the Y v cttyof Ationta. Vritoncounty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday to April next, within the leplhooraof sole toe following property, to wit: A certain three story brick building fronting on Brood street to tha city or Atlanta. Fuliou county, twenty fire feet, and running back dueweet forty- five feet, bounded west by toe Mtate of M B Kenny, east by Brood atreut, o**to by NnnnaUy’a lot. Leried onaa toe Property of bonus B. Archer, by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fl. fa issued from Fulton Superior Court to favor of BC Moroby vs. T B Artoer-^Propeny pointed to fi fa. January A. SI. PERKERSON, Deputy Sheriff ft b6—wtda Printer’s fee $5 per levy GEORGIA) Fnlton County. Onoxxact’s Oyncx, January 30th, 1872. letters of admln- J. Ford, hte of day to March raxt» else letters will be granted the applicant. Witness my official signature, this January 30th, 1872. DANIEL PITTMAN, Orflirary, Jan31—w30d PrtoWf'a notice, II to c o^John Dorsey, Henry co , settle ad vancements, etc. ESEY, KzecutQr, etj-,1 MIIW - Wi? i. DORSEY, et aL J vracemei OiSerod br the Court that wrrico te perfcctcdoo mid noD-rerideot defeadant br pabliraUou in The Atlanta Confutation, a public Gazette, once a month for four month, preceding the ncjt Icon ot ttlia Court. October Term Hcnra Sqpivl^oonri, 1871.^^ Complainant’s Solicitor. By toe Court: JAMES W. GREEN, Judge 8. C., F. C. -S&STh and forgoing isq trae^extract from the GEORGIA} Fulton QqtVPiABTHt Qmss, November 10,1871. 'Ttt&BPH T. SMITH, executor of John M. Smith, deceased,^ as applied for letters of dlsmirelon uovli—w4m fiw- GEOBGIA, BeRalk Conuty. OraW4BT*a Oyxtcx, December 8,187L TTTHEREAS, John Holcombe, executor of Robert . 11 W. Holcombe, late of said county, deceased, having applied for lotten of UixmUsion from said trust; _. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sona Interested to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, then and there to ehrnv canoe. If any they have, why said letters shQUl«tnot ^oKSundefiny hondotoffice, declO-w4m W. R. WEBSTER^rdtoory. GEORGIA) Campbell ttauniy. ES&gmz&zsm This~ ' feb8-w4w MIUom Coanty Postponed Sheriff^ Salo. ontheflntTnwdarte^techncxt, iSSSZ SUStl each lot containing forty a twenty acres of lot Sill, all 1 and second section of said county. Levied on mtoe property ofJ.N. JTVibble towtls'y a fl. fs. Ireard febttt-wtdz PrintiT'a i f^|i I 50 ) t ^ , ^^" ,t Adminlstratofil Sale. 6EPKCU) Henry County. OKDnun'a Omcx, January 15 ' TNO.». MURRI8, admlnittrator of the * atgigsHwisst ,w Witness my official ►iaiat^ro. GEO. M. NOLAN, Ord Printer’# ft Plantation Hupplien. T AH now fmrnlshlng planters on lime entfl 15th October next, with Bulk Mreta, Bacon, Lard, Corn, Flour, Oats, Day, Groceries, Tobacco, etc. C*rbor ders will also receive attention. . „ ... A. E. SEA GO. Jan30-d&wtot Merchant, Aik (INDISTINCT PRINT