The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, July 16, 1872, Image 2

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vKHtchln 1TI<ANTA, TUESDAY, JULY J6. 1972. ICrpcrt ml Ike r«m»ll»ee oiitbr Htmtm nanaceueul Under Mullock. Tlii- nnufnfttcc bM fobbed ite work. Tbc Hun pnUuthcs the teffiitnony umlcr contrna willi Ui*: coniuiilec. It lua Ibc volume for $1 5k The ertd—Pg b mry. It fibow» a record of -*e»td»lmr M Col Onakill dabs it, ao- -Ukri in stealing annals. Tbc aggregated l»'t«ikxiiMri<* of a million years couldn’t M R. Huch infinite variety of graWsnp was never •rxbilrttcri. Tbc ordinary methods of theft were stale to tboingenaity exhibited hy «hemrmg««*«»dranaMrtwboideof monty- suckiag baxhen in ebarge of tbc road. rimoe of U»e leading spedmrnaof rascality we iiurjsDie to give. Aqnilca J. Onne swore that Uirc«|iaaw bills for $7,226 in bis favor, approved !iy R. K Ilhslgett, through Joseph Try. and unlitm! by N. P. Hotchkiss, be knew nothing of. Mr. Fry is wandering from }lattice for thb little Hern. Fry ft*J® lloMikm* got ^iOO, and be tldnks Mullins ..-re some. Tlic State H*hm1 hooka show $2,830 paid U» i H 7 C. Akuwkr more titan goods were »»* rived. J. C. Alexander and Fry pot the t**r»»*fU. In Utb amount were such rail- • mvi-withw as Christmas promts for nod health, “bopin that tbefie few lines j lowers of the Gr&bt adminietrsUoa the 1 Uuou. i Telegraphic Markets, find yon enjoyin the same bScssin.” ! issue is clearly made up; it is Grant or Gree* ! — ....... _ wrote you Chisolm’* laatotfer. I presume i ley. [Immense enthusiasm, and cries of I The receipts t».;s week are J,hOG bales 1~.- j ?Nbv York 1 , July 16—Gotten ftendV; nnd- you have it—5,000 cash. 6jH00 in 6 murnthe, j (rreeley! Greeley!!} VVbile these eventi* j 000 Us? than hist vest an.^*f>,000 less than j dling . uplands 23fa24; Orleans Sl^alca 40 j 3,000 in 12 months, with interest. j were passing the t>emo<ttaiic-Itepublkilns | two years bino . It is Uffelvlthe ifcceiots for M**® 8 - . , , _ ., . . I am telling every V«iy—Dcm*. and Rads.; j whom we represent, held their Convection* m . Kt ^x OOU fnuJ cbnimired with ™5 ,m &T rn fl . our unchanged. Wtiekj «t«yi\. that you are sure to go in. that Cooper’s case j in all the Slates. The Libert,: Republican j * ™ ^ V'SZ™'*' I .. , 1 Wheat: inactive; winter ml (SpM. Cora shuts up the Democracy, and lUdi will put 1 movemeni, the 'example of ii^onri, tbs J 11 ’ ^ !***•year andT.O'.W iL -ycai before. and you in on general pnnerpV-. I Cincinnati Convention, iu pV.forin and >U j Hsci-iptc at i uteri'»r InwimSOfi bul**sjcompared Just send me a word. Do th«* aki'-a lower? <rmdidau*, with iheir l«;t*.rs of acceptance, [ with JjtKO !.*i£f year na' J l I 0X the year be- r is the “goose hanging Mgb I am going * were all before ibeee conventions, which f orc - - . heavy” on Horton. I way that be is tbe wee- j were very largely attended by iheir aubfil ond power in the government, and is for you ! men, and tbc paramount •lurstions before “till you can’t rest. ’ Everybody admits him | these Conventions were, wLail we accept ibis bale, and that with him you are safe. Iiut everybody don't .imagine bow muck M. wants you in. I am just from Cbatt. The W. AA.RR. is in an awful fix. As I rode I prayed. As soon as you are seated I think I shall go back. Mytrip helped me. I am getting hearty as a buck, and quit* lucky! All is well here. No news, only what you have heard, no dorn t, about thro* K a-K faxes here for the penitentiary for seven tears, from Chattanooga, Gov. has the regaled, and one has confessed Home right smart, with more ■ come. A Democrat “kotch Vm.” and has xickcied $7,000 for bis trouble So rewards lave done some good in finding out things. Pass that C & Southern Bill, if pvu£&e Ah a Democrat, I any “I toll you,” my par tly a I oiks, sorb as silver ten seta, knives and forks. rtu«* sled grins and rideft and **aich, Fry ate* iwmIc hiiiMclf a pr«wvnt of a $4oO - •M wmm Ii Uni erst $576. Foster Blodgett *Hii of tliis $72 of oil cloth for his house Vlr Alexaiskr has forked over his share of iti«* grsfdMiijp. Ills evidence is very rich lf«- rbows how the aisliting i^xiifiiiltre was bniidsiggr«l into pnsHing a draft for $.»j*ir>, i•>* •; i vmg tin* virtuous Itidclikiss $W) to ket*|i • m»i >d tlii way. Fry sai l Ed Bbsfgrlt wi lisvr m share of tiiis,lHit Bbslgrtt was in rHurirt, awl wlien lie found rsit Fry’s con •Iwt tie VMitiil to '• Iiisit him, lait didn' Fu'lit s»hI fraud wete farcically miiul up the omiter. Tin- light was *-tiled hy letting Blodgett Into bis share. A pmiliar fi-aUire of time frauds wa* tin w»y d«a»I iim-ii figured iu Usui. One Peter Mays>'ti«aim- to life aud got W. II. Klanvll • d DUuhi. to |Mit through a $l/i<)0 claim for rrwling the Haul in 1*18. Stanwcll put the in ilti-r in the hands of John Neal, member fnun Warren, wIki gave it toTIr uiws, attor- n»*V, who rvdlected it and jsiid it to Hlnnsell Newspapers got some of the ilroppingw. t.*ol«stel Jarnl I Whitaker says that two |ws< hdls for $3for the IntHligimcerbe knew imhloier of The sum of $15,730 was |sai • m |»» •< bitirt witinHit any approval on them • iiiiMi, tlie Km man, aoid tiie Intelligemx-r "t •»■» high rw :*NI |srr rent on usual price*. ’I’lie g«ss| GniM>! t’aptain Hiswion said the • t»«r4**i were tisiliigli I. |*. Harris the Treasurer |«hl $7/.r.tT» ami $7,7!M to Fust Itliili-iit for the Intelligencer. llotebkUw od the lie*ritlily puyiiM-nfs to tlie Intelli k' ih »t were so lug that llhslgett told him . praildk* them over several nvuitliN. llotcli kin* thinks f .ltlO (mid to Blodgett on Inlelli- tremrr senri«*eH |«id for a $ll,0U0 house •Pass bills were paid for wxmmtM for work d me for II. W. Wreim’s de|mrtment whieli Wrenn never saw. SwitrlicM csiiie in for a showing, and tin me to piddle Isibin*, either. A. h Harris rail this iiiacliinc, and got $t,7fi0 for the Ihiiu*. whieli Ihsdey testiflul to Iw worthless, mi trial, hr, the inventor of the switch, ays If trriH told him tlie road would have nothing to do with tlie switch, and lie didn 1 learn of tlie sale l>y Harris until uflcr tlie lea.-s*, when he hail Harris arrcsteil for cheat ing hiiu. tssiking stoves and large window glass •i %d a hand in this medley of scainpishne Tliu irrepn^wilile Fry euchred them through for K K. BhnlgeU's private omiiu and Tmf Exchange. Tltesc tilings were gotten »i Langfonl’a AcohiiiIs of $d&0 an l $8t> Liugford never saw. The LVnm Passenger Ih-pot iilustralt-d • »y tale ion. A. L Harris and L. P. Grant I s*Ui swear that Adams, one of the coil true tors, told tin-in that ho lnckvil $2(1,000 of get ling tlio $ i0,000 he receipted to the road for its Share of the de|*>t, tuid wiih paid in n< Tlie matter of the two Cliattamsign Isiats that sunk the Blate Hoad treasury numerous thousands is known. The richest matter of this wlmlc uuctlous fraud was thu use of the road in furnishing voters for our Atlanta elections. G. \V Evans lirought down a train lOtii IKth uiIkt, 1870, for tills s|wcial purpose. He collected m grocs broadcast and lirouglit them fret! with printed tickets on which was a likeness • d E. F. Blodgett, so that the illiterates *-iHildii’t lie fooled. Evans reported $4 GO tlie receipts of Uie trip, while the evidence tdiows that he took in lots of passenger fare. One ld:u;k fellow named Masw-ngali ..won- tiial he Imanleil a large number of glow in tTiattanooga at State Hoad expense- w ho wen* colh-cted to go to Atlanta to vote. Mine «d tlie iiigriRs on their return told him tiial they liad voted twice. For ten days tot** cacti ehvtiou the voters ww |M>urud into Atlanta. Boston, agent at Marmtla, says w!icn A. L. Harris was casdidate for Alilrr- iiian. he p-isscil fiO voters on free passes MkiMsI by Harris. He also says that under llloilgf It in 187(1, half of the travelers Slate Uoail hail free |»asscs, most of them llidhs'k’s |M»liiH*a1 friemU. Tbc most curi .Mb tr.-tnsacti*Hi of lliis kiml was where the State Hoad paid $1,000 for the fare of 100 of S«oti. Ikxhlunint A Co.’s Air Line Railroad h«nd» fnsn Atlanta to Lynchburg on the Older of It. M. Parks, nirmtirr of the Legis lature, iml.'piil l»y Uhslgett. Wrenn says Parks never pun! this amount, ’’arks was on tin- legislative committee investigating the road. Nx4t ssys lie never paid Parks the amount. G. H. Hinnies tried to vote the ne- gto»-> Isif HriHl wouldn’t let them. the variety of swimliv was womlerful. W alter \V ithers swears that In* settled scrap iron Mxxnmts by Imilding iron fence for Har ris and Mullins, and making bull frog paper wnuhts. lie squared oil with the road such little items at $404 ami $43 in this way. <’ha*tano"g« huanl l*ills were made the in struinent of stealing. Jurqiii Hutson got $*.««, I*ut Milo Pratt receipted the road for W*l Mrs. Wikx«x g«8 $24, tail snuicliody drew on her account $104. W. I*. Grow is enta-rwl on tin? Inaiks as getting $!2»i when he wasn’t taking boarders. (bdihling rent was on dis ket. Tin- nut dm tlie n*o«l from the experts couqiaiiy and o* her puts-s in Chattanooga floated, some into Hotchkiss pocket, some for li({iiors ami cigars for the Georgia Investigation Lrgis- I»tiv«* t’ornmiiuv, ami some fi»r l►randy and . i^ars for Bullock ami friends, on !<ook Out Misintain. The charges against the Scofield Rolling Mill an* fresh in memory. The fnight libckade in 1870 was caused bv Mr. E H. Nixon, of Havannah, Ixing qw |H»mtol local agent at Chattanooga, s|Hvulat ing in pndinvon tiic road’s money, using the depots in which to store his prmluce, and at tending to mtbnd}’* freights but his own, wtiib- Pratt ran the same moni>iH>ly with his invitation to co-o{>erate with the Libera) Republicans? [(iroat applausi-.j Sixall wc adopt their plaifonn. (Loud cried of yes, yes, and some cries of never;) shall we notni* uaittlhc same camhdaU-s* (Yes, yen.)and shall we elect them? (Yes, yea, yea,,and ban! cheering; or shall we refuse to co-oper* ate 1 (No, no \ Nominate other Candida (No, no, Greeley, Grwdey,) and The weather for the past week has been mutt singular, the vriiid east, weather cloudy and showery nu i the thermometer standing at eighty-four at noon fifr seven ds^-S—-and as we wriie with every pn>«|wci of a contin uation of the same kind of weather for the week to come. - ; • On the lhtli of inner we whole 14 we do not , . , strive to <4ert thaw over both tickets already ic the field. Gentlemen, these ore the questions which you are to deride now and here—-that yon will deride them wisely l can nut doubt, nor can any „ one doubt who looks over tins J week*, longer. luty of mnn, repr-scnliog as they do tbrt* | We iblnk Ulta oo<,l. w.-i w.-jitUer wi!! dam- ;ige the coinin plant, causing it to run too expect much raia until July.”, On the 22d of- June, we wyote, ‘*laul Wcib'ati have plenty *A rain in Jaiy. * There has been rain ev< ry day for ten days, and oil the indication* are that Uie wet weatiier will c-.utinuc for two millions of citizens, and who feel, aa every i here must feel, the high and patriotic ty won’t make anything »»ut "of that State i purpose* which inspire you. Gen r glits issue. If the Democracy want to split. I what means thw great and’rising movement let them mo on the old fogy scheilule. I j which wc* everywhere see ? Wbal menus shan’t, and I am not alone. With iny prayers, and best wishes for you personally, I am yours, V. A. Gaiktll Atlanta, Ga., March 10,1871. GA. I&mhjtU, W'uhi'jbm City, D. C. : Mv Dkak Fhiuno—I rejoice in the l»roH|icct Iiefore y<»u. They will noon lie re- nlizcl, and (rartially rewar.t years of toil and untiring «*tfort on your part to restore u« o harm my with the General Govcrrnueul, and •ace among ourselves. Wlieu you are neater!, the one hundrol and nid linn, liberal and tried friends who voted you lb** honor, will have at least one indom itable, vigilant, judicious ?worker” for them, and tin* o|>l “Union” « trut; and tried friemt. I In-nr this sentiment on the streets and < ar- fropnmtly from |»artita who do not agree with you in |’oIiu«-s. i heard it not an hour ago, from a proiniueul Democrat at the o»p- iloL Bui I fiegau this ictb-i -• ndl you that I. P. II., Tr., Hays he ha* n money to \my our I'ay-roll, ami tlii* morning refused, unless 1 g«»i the Govcrn«<r*s endorsement. Yotir kind lady would like h» have some, and so would h»»me of the re*i of us. But i fear our Tr., i* a little ind ued to ilium* him-elf on snp|**M-<! favor with the pu-sent autliorilh-fc of tite Ih-url, and like die landlord, give tlie back t-» IImhc departing, that he may j^nxrt those coming. ll>* Hays In* h)ur no l*. O. claims but what •ran liavee.ished here; *ays be received no money *uhv 3011 left. But he must have some, t hi sigh he has never had Lu book* Lilann-1 up to sec how much Jackson claim* to have paid the old Hoad too umcli, and withdraw some $4,000 to lie turned over to the new Co. think you tidler instruct the Tr., to pay my warrant* ns heretofore. Wrenn, I under stand, M*i*ur« d the V. H. check, and sent it tc you for i-iul-irM-nn-Bt. Of course you know if this w *o. The other amount for Gov*! Trans|Hutnlion has not l*ceu sent iu, that I know of Ho our llnanees are not iiicra*Uig [applaiLie] «*ol. While young Hhnlgrtt was in tbc rood’s s*vticc he had his office fixed up gorgeously with Bnns-Is carpet* and gilt tricks worth $”*'.. Fry removed them, and they are still «d. Uullnvt testifies that Bullock, during his rule, wanted to hay the New Era and ad- >uie Hoad money to do iL Xlulhcrt ikvlifmL Harris says Blodgett told him Bullock furnished Kuuball $20.0UO to boy iL The amount of lawyers’ fan paid which IL P. Farrow «rot $b,4$7r »*H space to detail moroof Them are frauds for interest on mom/ frauds for refreshments, frauds fiv (Ima I-im excunmaw. frarnU for double pa>tue«iu. for medicated paper, frauds for »Tuan i»* and wood. «c„ etc. Wc ckam* with quoting the following found among Blodgcp'? - - — ‘ ft behind him T» W^Uc W Atlanta. Ga., March My tr*ml: - Which is what m^iubun.” 1 scat myself to stale But I hiii ho much intcroped in your cute Is-forc lliv Hi*nale that I uni hardly fit for nuy- tliing. I would walk from here to Washing ton, to have. 3*oii victor. I think by the time yiNi gel this, you will be, and tiiuuK God 1 ahull not lie the only one, by many thousand*. in.Gu., who will Uien huIimtiIk; themselves hh 1 do now. Your friend, N. P. IIcm'iiKm*. Nprerla of ea-Veoato* J. IX. Jlsollltlc, PeriMNiKiNl Cliairnisn or the italtl* more ('ouvunliou. Henator Ba3'unl and Gov. Uollmun con ducted him to the chair. He was received with grrnt applaud*. He said (irntlcmcn of t/ie Gourcttum : 1 thunk you for this groat honor; word* cun baldly tell how much, but you will allow me to pass at once from what is personal wrqx-ak of the great occasion, the duty anti the purjH>fe which brings ns loTc. Two year* ago, nearly live years, after the bloody jierkal of the civil war had closed tlie Liberal Ih'iMibbcr.iis of Missouri feeling keenly sdl the *r proscriptive test oath, tin* hates ami the strifes and the paMiions »>f the war had left upon them long after the war itself hail ceased, and feiliiig keenly the Executive Fnlerul power In their local elections, de- tennini-d to organize a movement to n.-store equal rights to til our citizeus, [upplsusr,] white as w-'-ll ns black, [applause,] to restore local self government, and to ar- p*Ht the farther ci nlndizatiou of Federal power; lapplause] they then snul, lids tiling b«*.s gone far euoagli, if not already too far. Tlie time has come when all honest and patriotic Republicans must say half, ami ro-aasert the vital doctrine of Ib-puhliear: government; that under the Constitution the {siwc-rs of the Federal gov ernment are defined aud limited, [applause and cries of good]; am! that the people of the •Stales have the right to govern themselves in their own domestic atfairs upon the basis of tlie equality of all the State* Iiefore the higher law, before the Constitution and the equality of all men U fore the law-. [Applause.] Of universal Iny alt)*, amnesty, hu triage, and |***utx*, taking no steps ImcKward ; taking no riglita and no franchise which had been semired to the Mocks; pledging tluinselvt* siip|s>rt them all. in their full vigor; they, at the saint* time, demanded, in the name of peace, in the name of litxrly, in the unmc* of Hepuhlican Government itself, that fretslom and equal rights should lie restored to the white people. [Great ap plause.] They organized nearly forty tlinusand strong and trailed njam l>. Grutz Brown [aj>- plause] tt» leml the lUtivenomxiL They placed him in nomination for Governor Then wlmt followed r Eighty thousand Democrats aud Ht*|HiMicaus [cbtxrrs] looking upon the suc- tress t»f that moviuu-iit a* uN»ve au3' imrty triumphs [prolonged cheers] resolved b* sustain it witli their whole strength. Love of country, love tif republican lifir*ily, love of tiie equal rights «>f all men, inspired that union, ami taught men to a**! together who had Iht-ii |M»litieally opposed to each other all their lives tifH.n other questious, and in other tiintrs, and without vioUtiug honor, higic, consriercn or ctinsistency on either sale. This imtriotic union was based upou higher ground* than ordiimrily control po litical action. (Gnat applause] Even tiiose who fwiight against each other in bailie clasped hands ovci the Moody ebnsiu—Ire- newtsl applause)-and side by side, like broti>ers, with lienris In unison iicalingstrong with the same high purpose, they Iic1|m*i1 to bear its ling to a glorious victor}'. ’Flint, gentlemen, is Lii»*rni Republicanism [enthusi- osiii,) aiul that is 1H m«a:raiic Jtepubficaiiism. [Great eiitiuisinaiii.J The victory which came from that union was the cud of pro- scrinlion, test oaths, of paiu.-md strife, and of all disloyalty, in $t w«»rd tiie real end of the civil wai"caiuc with that victory, and did not come until then iu Misstniri. [Intense np. plause.) It redeemed the State—it gave the right of freemen to ?0,(M) nieu who had lieen liouml and fettered. Missouri is now a free Stale in this Uuiou with all her rights ami dignity ami equality under the Consti tution, aud not ouc murmur of disloyalty i* anywhere ln-ard. By that union Federal dictation in MiaHouri, in their local elections waa overtlitown, and by that union strife and hate have given place to peace and good will. By that union, liberty with equal rights f.»r all, have given to tlie Ststu un- lioimdial prosia-rity, and to her jnav ple » joy almost uus|M-akablc. Ho great w:u» their jov, and so complete their smavas, the 1/literal HvioxMicans of that State were not content witimut making an effort to extend tire same union of Li eral ami Democratic Hcpubiicans, and with it the this promised union of three million of Democratic-Republicans with a mil* lion, it may be. of Liberal Republican.-? What means tide union upon a noaunon platform, and this proposed union, upon the saute candidates, a union so sudden, so couu- • pact, so earnest as to surprise its friends and , | to confound it* enemies [applause*] which 1 cotiH-s as me winds «x»mo—to borrow a figure uvtii whelms the ordinary curronts of public «-pinion oh the grr&t storrus always run counter tt- the surface currents. What meins all this* There are some things, gentlemen, it dots not mean. It means lo -vb-uidoiiiueiit of what is true, of wb*t a i* i xst, of what is go;hi iu human government \ Appiviaod It iucsiis n*» union of the dead n|M4i ilisj imqi«, but >i uuiou of the liviug tiiHin the living issue of the present. [Ap- plaa-a* ] It iu<-ai;> no uniou for un s|*iiL of olIbr<. [Hounds of sppluuhc.] but it means a union of mi*u with the same feelings u|s>u tlie great ami (laramouiit issue* of the iirwuut hour; a frauk, tuauly, h',:n»»xa- ble and iipial ui* on of men who have the sagacity to st-e, tin- moral courage to ace-t-pt tin* situation. [Good, giasl. Loud clier*rs.] It means a union of ui»*u who have tue sngm ity tos»a what L- {Astsud to deal with the issue of the pn scut, aud for the future to do their duty to tlu ir country, their God and their fue low men. [ Applause j The issue of to-day is not the rei*cal of the Mia-mri compromise nor the qiicstiou of slavery in the territories upon which alone the Republican party was or- gauizeil iu 18M. It is not ujsin that which foliowul wlu-n tlie Lcc-unplon Constitution for Kansas the Democratic party iu twaiu and elected Limudu to tbc Presidency in ltkiti. It is not tbc qucHtiou of soci-ssiou, nor of* war to put down theroliellion.ner the abolition of slavery in tiie HtaU* by uiih'.iuy order or by constitutional amendment, upou which Mr. Lincoln was reelected iu lh'4 Norye* is it the question of reconstruction, «*r of the 14th or of the lfith amendmuit, nor the question of ue^ro suffrage, nor of the establishment by Fuleral jsiwer of universal negro suffrage as a condition piece dent to the ntalcs of the South having any rigiita or any existeuix*, e^ -- same bh-Hsing of lila.*rt v, peace and fraternity « k ’• . e8t Virginia, Jnn. Blair Hoge, to a'l tin-other Htates. [Rounds of applause ] “^‘nsburg ; Wisconsin. G. H. Paul, Stales, in tiie Uuion. It is not of these ( t u:*.4lious that ;*• now iu Issue. All tin at* have I men isnucb iu the past, great issues, aelllcieM iu tiieraselvui to create and dissolve political purties, be- cause ideas an stronger than men or partii-b. But tiicy are all jtivst lwties. They have been fought out and fought to the cud in the forum, or in tiie field, and they are uo more iu issue to-day than the Mt war or tiie war of the rebellion. [Applause] We could not re-open them if we would, and they falsely misrepresent our purprises who say that we would re-open them if we could. [Loud cheering.] This great union,therefore, means no steps t nick ward [cheers,] forward is the word [loud cheers, 1 and first of all it mean* to-day for ail the other State* •*! the South what it has alrtau!}* done in Mi-ioouri. (Uhoers ) Instead of proscrip tion, test oaths, sus|M;nsion of.the haoeas cor pus and military despotism, it means jiermiiial freedom for the individual und Republican Government for ali. (L«>ud applause.) In stead of negro suffrage iqiheld by pro scription and the bayonet, it " means equal right* to all men, wnile as well iu> Mack. (Loud applause.) Instead of n thieving Government organizod plunder subjugaU*! States, it logons the dominion once more of intciiigouce and iu- tegrity; it means Justice, liberty, j*eace, loy alty and good will. And. gentlemen, for our whole country. East, Wt*st, North and Houtb, it means, instead of a war Fresident. trained only in a military aeluad, and whose whole character has tieea formed in the ideas, arts, habit*. and despotism of military life, instead of tuis it means the election of a peace Ihoaidcnt, [cheers,] trained in the ideas, arts, blessings and Hepuhlican simplicity of peace and uni freedom [loud ciieers,] of peace no. enchained, of liberty, not under arrest awaiting trial, sentence aud exocution l»y a drumhead court martial, bui the liberty and pcucc which tlie Cotisti tution secures by placing the civil law uU>ve the sword. [L >ua applause.] By pron^rviug in full vigor the sacred writ of hats*** corpus and by the light of trial by Jurv. [Applause.] It lnuuii* another thing, and perhaps the most iuqxtrtaut uf them ail, the means to ar rest tiie ceiitruivzatioii of powi r ii! tiie Federal GoverumenL [Loud cheers] it means To asseri tlie vbu] priiiciploH of our Hcimhlican s}steui, and iu which it moves ami has it* very being—that consti tutions urt- made I13' the iieople in their »«.v ereign capacity for the express purpose of defiuing and limiting the power* of govern ment— [applause]—(Niwerfi of all govera- iiieiiia, blate or National It means that we are determined that Presidents aud Governors, Cougrcsocs and State Legislatures, and every department of the government shall obey tht* Constitution. [Prolonged applause.] Mr Doolittle concluded: Geutlemen: I have thus brietly stated tin- situation, dutie* and the puri*o*e which tiring us hero. A groat reaonaibility resto upon thi* convention. If ita action sliall be such, I doubt not it will be as to put an end to this misrule which ft»r the jmst few yearn ha* alllicteil our ocioved country. Tiiis generation aud gener ations to come after us, will retueuil* r. with nrule and gratification the Convention at ibutiiTiore of tiie filb of July, *872. [Loud and long coutiuued applause.] Mr. Doolittk* took his seaL National Kxivutive Committee—Alabama. Tin®. A. Walker, Jacksonville; Arkansas. 8. K. Cock well, Itiue Bluff; California, Frank McCoppiu, Hau Francisco; Connecticut,Win 11. Baruum, Lime Hock; Delaware, Charhv Beusler, iMesoa; Florida, Cha*. E. l»ye, Tal Ubussi e; Georgia A. H. Wright, Augusta, C. II. McCormick, Chicagi>; Iu- iliana, Tminimi Dowling, Terre llauU-; Iowa, M. M. liall. Dubuque; Kansas, Isaac Eaton, Leavenworth; Kentucky, IJen- ry D. McHenry. Hartford; Louisiana, Hen* rV D Ogden, New Orleans; Maine, L D Hwett, Portland; Maryland, A. Lee Knott, Baltimore; Massachusetts, Fred O. Prince, Bt®ton; Michigan, Wm. A. Moore, Detroit; Minnesota, Wm. Luchrane, Minneapolis; Mbsisaippi, J. U. Sharp, Columbus; Mis souri, John G. Prkwt, St. Louis; Nebraska, G. L. Miller, Omaha; Nevada, Thomas 0. Williams, Virginia City; New Hamrohire, M. V. B. Edgerly, Manchesua*; New Jeraey, Theodore F. Randolph, Morris tows; New York, Augustus Schell, New York City; North Carolina, M. W. Ransom, Weldon; Ohio, J. G. Thompson, Columbus; Oregon, Hubert J. Ladd, Portland; Pennsylvania, Jas. {?• ?* rr - Pii^borg. Rliode Islsad, Gideon Bradford, Provident:.; South Carolina Thus. Y. Simons, Charleston; Temu»s*t«, W. B. Bates, Nashville; Texas, S. F Stock- dale, JudiauoU; Vermont. H. B. Smith Milton; Virginia. John G Goode, Nor folk ; \V«t Virginia, Jnn. much to weed, throw rut suckers, shed i squares aud last, hut not least, to increase in large quantities the faw caterpillars that are now reported uli over the cotton growing region. Old p’laoters say, "July mokes the cotton crop. ’ and as some (.-ontirmation of this, we will reproduce the following statement: The year lt#2 there was plenty of rain until July 15th, some storms in August, fine and late Tall; frost November 15th; crop, three and a quarter tiuilioa bales; 185J, late spring, drought uutii July 13th, frost Octi/ber 20th, crop two million, nine hundred auu thirty thousand bslor; 1834, late spring, tine May au ! Juuv; wet July, fine August, frost No- veuiber 10th, tine weather for picking, crop two million, eight hundred and forty-seven thousand bales; 2853, late spriug, fine sum mer, wet July, frost October 23th, very fine picking ri*>*sou, crop twt* and a half million bale*. iluie you ho: with all the surroundings about the sumo—frost at the same time—the cnqi wjic miuccl «»n aidinut of n wet July four hundred aud thirty thousand bales. The price has hue lusted some for spot* the past week, haviug gone down from 25c. to 2-1, and then up to 24t for uiid-iitugs in New York; but futures have been greatly excited, having gone down two cents jicr pound early in the week, aud risen the same amount the lost three days. The first was due to tuc general belief that our crop would be four millions aud over, and the u!m«®l entire withdrawal of spinners from the market, both here und iu Liverjiooi. But os Manchester spinners have reduced their sticks eighty thousand bales in the last month, und now only hold ten days’ supply, and our ow*u spinners have only taken 75,000 Indus from the port, and but very few bales overland in the past six weeks, while they have spun up 125/000 bales in the same time, together with reported injury to the crop from ruin and caterpillars, it is likely we uiuy see higher prices within a few weeks. Another thing thru may help cotton just at this time. Spinners in Europe are carrying l »ico stocks of manufactured good-, which it is iheir interest to sell at as high u price as possible. When cottou is going up, with a prospect of damage to tiie crop, there is always a strong demand far jjoods at better H^sed quiet; holders disposed to realize. Fork lower but nominal at $3 65a3 TF.j I Lard heavy. N avals quit; Tallow stead/ at 8}fi{. Freights very firm. ■Money verv easy at Sa4oncal1. Sterling I dull at 7|; ’Gold 14|al4f. Govcmmenta very firm a fraction higher. States dull. Tennessee* weak; new South Carolinas^ off. Latsb.—New{3s 13;; 81s 17$; 32s 15J* 04s 15|: fife 25|;ncw 14;62f 151;6Salfi;10 40e l2f- Tcnnessccs 74; new 74: Virginias 444; new 30; Louihiauas 57; nqw 46; Lcvet® Gs 01, Si 74; Alahamas 8s 84^ 5s fV>. Tieorgias 0a 70, 17s 87; North Carotions 82$; new 20; Smith Carolinas 54; new 27J Ne\v Otileaks, July 1G.—Com—mixed 58 aOO; white 71 Sagar’firra; fair to fully fair »tal0|. Coffee duff at lGjaiki. Sterling 254 1 a25f. Sight $ premium; all others uuchangeu. ■Cotton—little doing; middlings 2-3|a23i; net receipts 06 bales; gross 85; exjHirta to Liverpool 2,822; sales 72; stock 13^84. Sr. I40VU, July 18^-Flour steady. Corn dull and unchanged; No. 2 mixed 40*41. | Whisky steady at 88. Pork nominal at 8IS. Bacon firm; only on {order trade; shoulders OR clear rib 8is8|; clear sides 8«a81. Lord [ quiet; refiued 9. Louisville, July 18 —Tobacco firm and unchanged: sales 18b hogbetds. Flout dull and unclisnged. Corn quiet at 82. Pork advanced; held at $13. Bacon firmer, shoul ders fi; clear rib 8; clear sides 84; packed. Lord firm, loaf tiercosVi: kegs 10J. Whisky steady at 87. Cikcinnati, July 18.—Flour in good de mand and higher at $7 25a? 50. Corn in fair POK THE BEST OF SUMMER BEADING not. ((1 TSk of MtidelMohn. (31 iSi; <»f K.^ir.l, f J 75); of Chopin, (£1-50); or of Schamaur, (fl -,5). Than are no henry Bxymjihie*, ba» are rhanslngly written ami virj cotrrtaibiug hooka, ss are . ' “ Hoz^rt'a Letters (tvolarach. $1 7b); Beethoven’* L-ttcrr, $i OP); Xmdclwohn'* Letter*. (3 rule carh. $1 tag and Ucmiolacnces of Meotleiiwotm. ($1 75). ^ A Copper Still «pM«*^ all tn cood order as goof a* n ?w—ran be biairbr st a bargain by calling soon at J- Ben WU- mmi** ArricaUuml Warehoo*c, Broad afreet, Atlanta, Ciion^a. 4alytS-4lltA*lt To mak? Sabbath School children’* eyc«i eiwkV, get that O.-m of tha Season, Um New SiUbaUi School Song D-»ok, entitled; SPABELth-a HUI1IBS! By A* Hull and Burr Ban- den, Bmj., *5 cent* oach. T • above book* and Pieces, aent, oust paid, on ro- coi^ -if retail price. OLIVSU HITSON A OO.. Huston. (HA*. H. DITSOX A CO., Now Turk. Jalji.—Jouelb—junel-mayl—m*yU—aurlS— {Wnhsifalkwl) UBOBUlAi Sulicu C«nnty. Ojcwtov Ohdixakt July Term, 187*. \A7nS(tBAS. JohnG Jonea applies Tor letters of v Y gnardlantiUp for the property of minor chil dren of Jami* II l*urteil, late of raid coouty deceased. All pereons concerned arc hereby notified to file their objection*, if any cxisi. on or before the firat Monday iu Angnst. e *c letters will be granted said ap plicant as prayed for. •DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. j«iyS-w«w [Printor'a fco$S iOUVUt Fultou County* Coi rt or Ounijuar. Jnly.Tcrm, 187*. L1ZABETH M SMITH applies Tor lctti« of ad ministration upon th- estate of Diuford D Smith, late of said county dcccewxL All persons concernint, arc hereby notified to flip their objections, if any exist, on or before the Unit Monday: in An ust next, elae letter* will be granted UEOituiA* raltas Conuiy. UunisasT’a Omen, Jaly Utb, 187*. M IW D. A Z1UKNBTT, wife of A P. Burnett, has applied for exemption of pew malty, ana will pa*e upon the same at 10 o’clock a. x, o 10 SM day of July, 187*. at my olScc. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. juljl*-dlt&w3t Printer* fee fi* demand st 514. Pork steady; regular $12 50; city held st $14 75*15. Lard firm; summer 7(a?4: atoam 8f; offerings light; keltic held at 9. Bsc >u "firm; shoulders 3|; dear rib 71 58. Boston, July 16 —Cotton dull; middlings 24; net reci-ipts 18 bales; gross receipts 177; sales 100; 6t»»ck 9,500. Bavannaji, July |j).—Colton quiet aud in light demand; middlings224; ue J receipts C9 bales; s.iU-3 25; Stock ?fi!. CnAMLKBToN, July IG—Cottnn dull; mid dlings nominally at 28: uct receipts 82; gross 119: sales 5*>; stock 7.012 hales. Norfolk, July 16 —Cotton dull; low mid dliugs 22|; net rtK-emts 10C bales; exports coastwise 209; s*<K-k 4)1. . Galveston, July 15—Cotton nominal; good ordinary 204; net receipts 8 bolua; stock Philadelphia, July; >0.—Cotton quiet; middlings 24. Wilhikuton, July 16.—Cotton quiet autl nominal; middlings 24; net n-ceipts 21 bales; exports coastwise 32; sales 8; stock 729. oALTtifoiiB, .July 10.—Cotlon dull; mid dlings 231; gtoss receipts 79 liales; aaita 50; stock 1,009. Mouii.k, July 16 —Cotton nominal; mid dlings 22; stock 1,586 bales. Acordingly, in the convention «m the 25th of March las! they resolved to invite the Liberal Republican-* in ali the Stales to meet them in National Convention in Cincinnati «»n tiie 1st of Mav. 1 hat invitation was ac- ivptol. There was indeed a great response ; Ihey ouue by thousand*, in such vast nuni- l«eri that adriegaUvi convention of rrpreaett- taliv*'* of all the States was ft>nnt.i, lw»th iroin principle aud from r.rcosaity. to give font* to ita procxa-ditigs. Many of the- ablest men of the country, inu-'y leaders ic the Re publican party, were there ai d u <>k part in ita delilierations. Tiny wit- assured that iargr uumlwrs of LiU-ral Republicans tr; every Stab* and from all porti«^us«»f thecoun- , try «t«>od read3* la auaLrin them aud ti:ey j wen* morally certain Unit if toe three million* whom we tab. day represent ^cheers) would only come to their aopjau:, then tii«* number of Literal Republicans vri*ultl roach half million or more. (Great caeciH) That oo. vention prost-med n platform, and presented candi«latea to the country, for Pruudon^ Horace Grothj. at * r »:;tiuu *u cheer ing,) and for Vwe i*rt>: :.*..: ri. Gruiz Brtjwn, (more cheers*.; and the c*.r viati..a, i**r the promotion and a.jcct*!** of^thc priuciplu, de clared in that piatfonn, tiieiv iflpmcAitrd and the support of the csndida:ue uomiuauri bv thaTConvention have inviroii and cordial!j wtrl«*«ncd the co-oj.-er.:iou of all patriotic citizens w-tiiout regard to previous politico; affiliation. Tiieac principles were so clear* v and concise.v stausi in it* * ‘ 1 restated’ in the letter Milwaukee. After three hours aeosion the Resolution Committee adopted the Cincinnati pfotfasn with the following introdunion: We the Democratic electors of the United t*tau* in Natu*nai Convention assembled, present tin- following principles, already proclaimed at Uiitcinnst*, v» easential to govern- m.oL Ail the S’ates voted for the platform astu< prefereil with the exception of Delt*- ware, Georgia. Mississippi and Oregon. Et.hctton os Yesterday.—The foliow- !• ibc remit on y,-:ord«y of ih* e*«:ion for noalmte - candidate P«->sr*te* to tfce convention r W m Crjstrd . J. M. i Vhi'an . M Mohimej ... W. T. »va«u W I*. Johnson J.U Mccaslm C. ilowrll sTp.'llSi A d Spencer University of Nashville, FOtJnD:iD n 17So* rj^UB COUXGIATE DB1 , aUTMKN V AND AUADBMY open on Ihe Sd September next Dire pliuo. Military, Board, Tuition, Fuc\ Ac., from $1»> to $175 per Term or twenty weeks. Fox further informctluu »|«plr to B. KIUUY SMITH, j«lyra-dit&w4t CTiaticcIlor. NEW ADVEBTISJtiMENTS. BOOK AGENTS Now at work, or looking for eomarew book, will mla* it if they do not at once write for rlmilars of the boat Also for Campaign Goods Addreaa, prices. So it is just now to the interest of fcpinners to foster and increase any excite *nent there may te in tbe market, so as to run *-ff their larger stocks of gtiods, and make new contracts at g«Hxl prices for fL«: futnre. before the time comes that every one is exjiocting latter on, when cotton and goods bxf, will be much lower. Manchester spinners have bought in tin lust throe weeks *»aly 17,000 bales of Atncri can per week, and tbey* uov; sum; the folly of reducing their stock of this M»rt so low—by going into the market nil together and thus forcing the. price up on themselves. How ever, thL, may In- a part of "their little game' to sell their goods at high prices, and, if so, it is likely tiny will succeed. We would call the special attention of those of (»ui readers who preserve those articles for reference, tc the latter piut of our last week’s article. Spt-rLi to t:tion. Albany, Ga. July 13. Dougliertj' sends up six rintith delegates. II. CtTTUDKHT, Oa , July 13 A l »rge county c«»uveiitioa woe held hw< ;.»-iuy to npfKjiu: delegatua from Randolph to tin* State Convention. Resolutions re mendin:: the re-nointuation of Governor Smith w ic un.tiaui'Msly adopted. Xresolu *»oij «»ff..-red i»y a Jatiteo man fai’.ed to get * neCoild. ' * G^nbva, Ga., June 13. runted 8mith dc-IrgaU-s TallKit « to-di»3’. ► mi . 15. ibtoA < I ri*j tVittnl Ic Uist 1 in I twee Aooc.i) w^-d-rohf,Btxjuou-:caily purcLa*«i i- mdi.prawhle to ctbit l.nJt An ocoaom- dpi« were to cJearir retcT^iiSmraRe"* 1 U«; j)!.tforui x«lf. A peculiar facility tn psrenaa/at --—— — — of M.ccpuiice of w ai»o!uteiy n«;«saiy lo the paler famOjS they-are I of U-cc family and raodcrale so well known to 3*ou ali that I wul n»it re-1 and it is at least desirable a i, aute them. For weeks that pimtfann iobbere and three candidates have tevu be- merchandise, te enabled^! »rtuu^SSt“ a fore the country. Meanwhile the Con J smai! or large quant::iee r »v. wenuon rallcu to nominate tTcn. Grant, I from time to time. AI* U i*, ran > Icdt^ pracUc* oSSut! a^nc 4"' hvlfgatok •-* statu Couv-o-ntiou.' Savaxaau. July 15,1872. /SuUt/rn GtfJiUtutwu: A large and enthusi astic moctiug was held here last night, which appointed delegates lo the convention and recommended the ro-nouituation of Governor Smith, with three cheers. Bryan and Camden counties have appointed Smith delegate. Atlanta ftol6stie_Price Ccrrcnt. foo;ujfc/ncj> namr.i Oomwaiutiun Atlanta, July ifi. 1 o’clock, v. a Hkmakkh—This morning rntiicr pleasant; still cloudy, and an app«-aniuce of more roifl. Trade generally quiet in the city. Corro3L—We quote dull at 28. Financial.—We quote money at 14 per mouth. Gold buying at 112; selling nt D4 Silver buying at 1U0; selling at 109. ExcHAMOB.—Buying at par; selling 4 ja-r tnium. Bonds and Stocks.—Georgia 0s 75u77 7s 88a89; new Georgia bonds at the 8lnte Treasur3' $1. Atlanta city bond*. 7s, a76. 8s 84o88. Angusta 83a‘35. Gi*orgia Railroad stock 96a93; Georgia Itailrond bonds 9?al00. Atlanta and V*’eat Point Rail road stock 93u95; Atlanta and West Point Railroad bonds 98alb0. Macon aud Wwjtern Railroad stock lObal04. Atlanta National Bank stdek 110. Flour.—Fancy $1050: «rxtra family $9 50a 9 75 family $3 50a8 75. superfine $5 7fe$7 f.0. Grain.—We quote white corn95a974; yel low and mixed 88a90. Wheat best qualify $1 85; common Georgia Rod $1 .TD$1 75. 68170. Ryt* 90a$l. Hay.—Timothy, Teunwsce, $1 85al 9^; Tenn-«stic ciover $1 75a$1 80; Western tim othy $1 95*2 00. ORiXTRRIES. —We find a qiloiabie change, Crushed, GranalatiMi and Powdered 144“i H .OiJtfee A184; lot Extra C !8£, Yellow C18. Brown 1I4\13 Tallow 7. Livorpool suit $2 IS; salt $2. The various brand? ««f soap from Excelsior Steam Soap Works of AtLota, from fia74c p<.-r box. Owdltt—f ill weights ‘3)a214> Ginger, 1^ Pepper 25. Corn meal $1 OO.v S’Arch 8*10 Rice 94alGc. for Iutcik Java Ooffoe 8$a35. Rio 2S<CM. New Orleans syrup ?0a75 Mo- lasses—bhds. 29, bbls 32. GLvSne, factory. 19a20. Bcls Mr a rs—Wo qu.iic shoulders fi{; clear sidc-N SJ. rib ride» 83; jolre 4j. • Bao«»*.—We quote shoulders ; cif-aj sides 9}: ciw»r rib -idre 94; country liant« t2ja 13; S. C. hams 15al5f. Lard.— We quote bu.-t caof tit-rces 1 Of all. Toiiaooo.—Lr.w <?m ?e-. ^.un 1 I rk, 46-*48 low grades, s .und nik-agy, >ua.K; awdiaai 52a5S: mwfiain hiigiit$S»7U; brightCS» 90; favorite bras of tin. 10. jira.pcr poituO net Smina—MaccaW. tutMl W1RTIl>— for the ]iY<* of Grant! Greeley WILSOff! BEOWJf! And the loading men of afi parties. OVBR 40 6TE 1 POKTRAITB. Jurt th*» book wanted bj the maei cvcrywhore. Aeunta meat with woudcrfnl aticceaa. Sena for drru'ar and *emre tcrrltorv at oace dreae. ZB1MLSR * MeTURDY. SC* North Street, St. Louie. Mo. nAS CURED , . - DBAFNH DOES CTIRR I |\| X A and W'llL CURE » I CATAflH Vor Cure fit. (or Teat Sample 25 cunts.) hr ma 3. Y. IIYATT. 34* <*r*nd Atrcet, New York FOlt SALE LOW. ^ STEAM SAW AND lilUST MU.L on 8 AM. IL, Alabama, with or without LOU) acres Pine land. For particulars, apply to CLARK M GOSS, jul>6-d3tAwlm Attorney*. Atlanta. Ga. Notice for Leave to Sell Laud REDUCTION IN PASSAGE RATES ANCHOR UNIT STEAMERS BAIL KVK11Y WKUNiSSDAY AND HArURDAY F ,88UNO BKS bouktxl toanil-fn»m any Railway Station oa Saai-onT In Urutt llritafii, lridand. Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Germany, Fruuce, Hol land, Eelulum. and tbe United Stvtue, Co\>in fare from New York to LONDON. LIVER POOL, GLABUOW aud DRiiUY by Wed Heart ay*. Stramure *UO. Hy baturday’e Steamure *03 and •75 _ _rtk» tending for their friends in the Old Conu- try can i-nrclnuc tickets at lowest rate*. For farther Ailiculnrs apply to the Agents, HENDElSoN BHOT11EH3. 7 Rowling Urceu, N. Y^ Or to F. F. (XIULTiflt. sprl7—tl&w-ia Soatht-ru Express Company. Admliitstrator's Kale. J ILL lie sold before tbs Court House door, city of Allauta, ou tbe first Tuesday tn August, by virtue of an order of 'he Court or Ordinary of Fulton o-nnty. Otvirgia the fMl (faring property, to- wit: City lota Noa. n and tS, froutlug on lAunpkln etrcct in dty of Atlauta, being a snbdlviaioii of tbe Truman propotiy 8<*ld aa tha property of Horace P. Hitcbouck deceased Term* cash. CUAKLB8 COWART, Administrator. juuuS3-w4t)d Printer’s fee $5 GEOBOU) DeKalb Cauuty. Mary Stover r* M. 0. Stover. Libel for divorce In the Superior Court of said county. I T appearing to tho Court by the return of tb< Sh-rlff, that the defendant does not reside iu said county; and it further appearing, that be does not reside in this State; It is, on motion, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next form of this Court or that the case be consider ed In default, and the plaiutlff allowed to proceed. aud that this order be published in the Atlauta < 'on- sututloa, a public gaxotto of this State, once a month fur four months. H. J. WILLIANS, Clerk. GEORGIA) Fulton County Ordinary’s Office, Junol, 1877. A NDREW P. THOMITON, guardian of the proper ty of Joseph C. Thompson, baring flli-d hie petition stating that he has fully discharged f' treat: All persons concerned arc hereby notfled to file their objections, if any exist, on or K efur« the first Monday In August nex-, else letters wilt be granted tha applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. junta— 1 »004 Printer's fee £5 00 Rockbridge Alum Springs, Va OPEN JUNK 15th, 187*. Tbe proprietor offers additional attractions »hi* »*• sen. New. • h and spscions Drawing and Ball Rooms, huauufal lswu«, «qui*ite a»r and scenery, while, the waters of theae special springs Invariably relieve Consumption. Scrofula, Bronchitis, Dr.«pep hi*, and Di^rrhtra, and are for sals by iaadlnv Drue- Irtrn* .-verywhore Readily acuiwlblo via Cheeaprekc s * bio R R. Stop at Gallon Depot where coaches will be in watting. Pamphlets on application. Janes A FKaztan, Proprietor. fin un CASI wMlcon your Hummer Excur- W tiU r AIL. »ioii North to aecurooue of the osxsBaAvns ?scr&ovan Stewart Cook Stoves 1 With itn in» Roaster. Baker and Broiler Tn^ Stove aud Awtitiure carefully pocked for aafe chipmuiit. Hooka sent on application FGLLEB, IVABUEK &. CO., *»G Water 8tro-t, New York. ^ HUHNHAM’S New Turbins isin geuer- al use thronghaut theU‘ o A •7^ siz mcu. is used by tho Qov* Immi. orrment in the Palest Office, Wanbli-gton. I». V. Us slmpli- ■<" dty of cou*!melius* aud tha power it traiuunit* tenders it ><*" the bent water wheel ever In- veuted. Pamphlet free N Y. BURNHAM. York. t*a In a powerful Tonic, ea]>ccial1y adapted for use iu tt.i! spring, when the xamooid and dbiim- tated rtjrtU-m newts atregnth and vttality; »t wtil give Vigor to the ft-'blii, i-trength to the weak.au1- to the drjerti-d, activity *oth- slngglsh, ro»t to tbe wiv-ry, qmet to the nervous, *and hralto lo the infirm. It is a Hfiutli American plant, wlilrb. acourding to the medical ami scientific periodicals of undon and Uarirt, iksnw* the most wwsam »onlc properties known to MaUrla M^fea aad is well known In ita rutcerfnl curative qualities a erncirir iu aH cases of DERANGBNBNT TUMOnt DRtip. -W. BLOOD, debility, WEAKNESS OF THE INTESTINES, UTFK1NU OR URINARY ORGANS. ’ !)Pi. WELLS’ EXTRACT IlfJOIilBIBA it h-frr-u^ijK-ulng and nourishing. Likonutriclona f»>*K!. tak.u into tbe stomach, it aaaimHates and dif- bfTlth " /Vjf lhriM, * b ,h * rircuiatiuo. Kiriug vigor and It regulate* the imwela, quiets tho niwm*. acts di- rt*t!y on the serreuve organ?, and, by ita powerful T«»utc and restoring rff^ct* produce* heuthy and Tigor*ius action to tin* who!* notru. JOHN t*. KELLOGG, lSf^att st.. New York. h.da Aprnt for tho (lulled States Ptlre. Onu Dollar per Bottio Scad fur iCircular. ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VIBGINU. oriiif JUNE 1< 1873. This favorite aid oelehrafsd Watering Place will offer aadltional attraction* this sraaon. Among other im provements there has been added an elegant and spa- dons Bail Roo» ad jot f, tag the parlor; tho Parior has been enlarged and mo* h improved, and tha proximity of the two renders earh easily screes Ibis. It wiU be kept in aatylenot sarpaesed anywhere in Vtrgi»1a. The waters of these special t*pri- gv either cure < r greatly relievamost cam* of Scrofula. Incipient Ooa- samptior. Chreuic Bronabtti*. Chronic Iarriifltif Chronic Pi-omonia, fTtrenlc Ztirpepsia Chronic Di- Arrboja. Chr.-nlc Dysi-ntery. They are also a grra* value in tl o*a afflirtioa* which are femidar to the ff- nule constitution, and aa an *p*n!z-r, a tonic aud a general n-euirutire. they are, ]«sri:%|»s, unrivalled amongst znl^w-ra! waterr The proprietor w'll have provided for the la waa and ball room A FIret-Claes Band of Music I and in general a 1 the sources of amusement and r©- usually fannd at our beat summer reeorts will b-: st tbs command of thegaestsat Rockbridge Alum. The piace iamitLin eleven to thtneea boars of Rich mond. Washington, Baltimore, etc. bv rail, all in daylight. Pisaenrvrs leave the cars of the Chesapeake aud t bio Railroad at Goshen Depot, and new and ele gant stage roaches, pasriog rapidly over a smooth aud leva; ri-ftd it only eight muca. sat down the visitors at the Springs to • a JaMEB A. PPAZIffR, Proprietor. Persore* making use of tha grounds, etc. of the 4p irg*. and not atoppiug at my hotel, will be charged half ray rcflp’ar rate* Tbe water fer sale by R*DW)NE A F* X. A’lanta. Daecripti^ Pamphlets *eu: free on Madame Keltell, Female Phyilcian, A jfD lMo«r of Hidalf-TT. lea* «P**| .rre'ezuasiTeaa'l -occee-ful i#r»ct!ee to th TLelalnu. ;;.r« JBA «UU». S7to^£.-<deB» of ber m. Her <.:V-br»ted Ia- WUWcrrcSi. jVjraie Ptn, We- * mn be mmO mdi " a?c35i jg-iaJ? ■dUrawnurHe :s*-t ■ **«■ Xcw Yo-i'/n, any part r !.», t Aran i UtoSgS—1T MW7m MONEY CANNOT .** UV *T.Lm r > PRICELMSH!! BatU: 8ih Scotch ounce c*G3, per ip-ubd, $18 00; Scotch in bottles, per ounce, $| 00. CotTt thy Phodu< k.—Buying prices from wagorn. E&* 15. cbfckarss 30-23; coua- trv bottfcf 22<2fi; hpring chickens i8«2a | VeGSTabijsiv—Selling Driers -Fte.r.s 25< per peck; iviets 10c. t.--r bund $1 50 per Ki.\h . Iritis t-XlR WStiT IS F I 4 ^FECjACUEb wtil J*reaenra tn GEOBGIA* l uiton County • OiuiuiAHY's Onrxcai Juno 1st, 1877. la'R LAWBHB. sdmtnis'rator of the estate of Lew* JCj is Lawshe, late af Mid conuty, doceased, having filed his petition, stating that ho has fully discharged hi* said trust. A11 i>ersons concerned aro hereby untiiled to file their olijisctiouH, if any cxlM^ ‘ * " “ Monday in September next, i June3-4m hefor»‘ thejlrst letters uf dismission <d for. AN. Ordinary. Printer** tee $4 50 AdiiilnfKtnaktor’A Hole. GEORGIA^ FULTON COUNTY. B Y virtue of an order of tho Honorable Court Ordinary uf Fuitou cunnty, Georg: a, will sell before the Court U<>u*e door, Athens. Clarke county, GetYgi*, <m Tm day, the 6th day of August next, within the usual hours of sale, a certain city lot iu the town - * Athens, Clarke county. Georgia * corner of lot formerly owned by £ the mirth by James Bridges, and on the couth crow* street, running between the lot of Mathews and l*atrick Barry, and combining ouc-half acre. m<»rv or less Sold as the froiierty of Charlt* 11 aches, late of said county, deemaed, for the 1«neSt of tha heirs and creditors. Terms—naif cash; bui ance 6 mouths with interest at 10 t»er cent CORNR1 IffS y H RKUAN, -Administrator. Atlanta, Ga , Janeto, 1872 jumST—w40d Printer** fee *10 State of tiwtrgls, Fa* too Con my ELIZABETH L MINTS?!. 1 Libel for Divorce. —. V KuMou Hajosrtoe Court, [INTER, * - ~ I T appearing yheriff, that above stated case dove not reside iu said county Falton, nor the State of Georgia* It Is ordered, the Conrt. that said John L. Hlntor ap}»cr.r and pli by the OctobiT Term «»f said Cenrt or that ssld c will proceed aa Iu caaca of default, and that th'a preerlous *»* the next Term of said t'eurt Iu Tua Ax LANTA t onsTirUTlAV. By the Court.- ARNOLD * FRARH. julyG-wJJOd I AM SELLING GEORGIA MADE STOVES They are made of Scotch Pig and Shelby Iron. I hav all my Iron aoisrtert bt * '*»»•* . > • >4 man. I MaNUFATUIIE THE KU-KLUX, SENTINEL. STONEWALL m ; V:i R*,A. They have all been tested and have given wtiafar- tion wherever urejd. I also Lave a* heavy stock of other Stovce tuat I wilieeU Low for Casii, make room form y own make of Stoves, I will atiU sell tho celobrated CHAHTKR OAK STOVES ir mnoction with my own make.. I also have a large stock of MANUFACTURED TIN, would do well to give me a call jbefure purchasing elsewhere. Guarantee* all my Stoves to stand the Fire and not to Break in Heat in: Plates for Stored duplicated on abort notice. Gas Pilling aud Plumbing done to order. Xi. 23. LAHTGPORD, marchl7—d&wtf 81 Whitehall Street. weeks ftom this iiotUe. forleavc to sell tbe lards be longing to th* <-«tftte of Catlurlne Dt-vaugbuu. lata of mM county, •U-nawd, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of raid deceased. JOHN II FAUU, Executor of Gatherin'* Dcvaughcn. 17. 1877 jalyS-wtw l*rtuter’s fee $9 Admiuistrator’s Sale. • order freiu tite U* urt of Ordl- Unu city lot in the city of Atlanta, on Marietta, ro« * fronting forty-five feel on said street A* _n»» city lot In tlie city «*f Atlanta, fronting fifty I oul rsburacy street Each lot has a house uu IL H*-1d as tha pruperty of James U. Purtell, deceased, jr the lutmost* of a division. Terms cash. june»—wids J V. i*AV»H, Adtu* NOTICE. Jesse Thompson va. Martha McCutcbin and Thus. Compton. Motion to establish lost deed In Murray Superior Court. I T apptwring to the Court br tho return of the flier Iff that the defendants 00 not reside la said county, aud It further appearing that they do not re side in said State, it IsonhTsd that mid defendants ther ordered that publication of this rule be made iu The Atlanta Constitution, a newspaper published in Atlanta, Ga., Iu terms of thu law. J. R. PARROTT, J. S. C. C. 0. Johnson & McCamy. Agents for movcout. Chamber*. April 9. ltfTI—aprlS—wlani4m Georgia, Fulton County* Oaimunr’* Oftiou, July, 8, 1877. TUMAC WITTER, has applied for exemption of •I personalty, and I will toss upon thu same at 10 o’clock, a. at my office, on tbe 18th day of July, WI*. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. JulyG-dltAwSt Printiv’s fee $* 00 tMiwonalty. and 1 will pas* upon tho same at Id o'clock, a. on the 18th day of July, 187*, at my office. GKOUGIA, Fulton County. Okuikaut's Omen, July 9,187*. HH, K. A rOKKA, wife of Francis Com, (1 hnsdaod urglcctinr or refus'ng to apply) I— applied fo- exemption of pctaonalty and suttirg spart and valuation of u h _, mrstead, aud I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. ■., on the 18th day of July, 1873, at my office. DANI8L PITTMAN, jnrefl-dlMwSt Ordinary. l*rlnter's fee 1] GEOUGIAt Fultou County. OrdiMabt’s Orrica, July*, 187*. G A. JOHNSON has applied for oxemption of • jHTsonalty and and 1 will pass niton the name 10 o'clock, a. x., on tho 18th day of Jaly, 187*, my office. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary, jaljrfl—dltAwlt Printer's fee |1 GBOU ( <lA, Fulton County- Cot’KT or OuniKAHY, July Term, 187*. J EROME BR&K8B, admlniatra'or of the estate < B F Piaster, late of said county deceased, repre sents that hu has fully discharged nfs su'd trust.. All persons concerned are notified to file the*r ob jections, if any exist, within the time proscribed by law. elsu totters of dlsu-iMion will bo grmutud the applicant. julyfi—w*Ud DANIRI. PITTMAN, Onlfhary, l'rlnter’a fee $5 Richard Johnson, late of said county deceased, applies for Icaro to sell the land beloagtiig to i said land as proved for. NOTICE. f PULLED iteforci me aa an ostraj on the 1st J. July, 1KW. l»y W. L. Kedwiuc, of the U trictG. M. of Fulton rounty. Georgia, one 1 sized Roan Mare Mute about five rears old, on the left hip wtrh the letter **W.” Appro sot by J. W. Roiscr and Powell Owen, freeholders of aald district, to be worth one hundred and twenty-five dol lars and who say I* ie worth CO centa per day to take care of aud feed her. The owuer la hereby notiflod to appear bcf« prove protsvty, pay c«*ste ar.d exis;us«* and teke h*w away else she will W sold witb*n th** lime proscribed by law. JOHN T. COOPER, julyS-dliwdw Cl- rk Court of Ordinary. Southern Female College EuGrua&rfS (jJt.'ortfla, 'I'lIB FALL TERM of this Institution, under JL corps of uigtit first-class teat hers, will open Last >7«d&€Hdfiy, tu A ugust Modern Lstigtuigob taught b? a profawor wL. sruACs Fretich a»d German rur«tm.r. Tho Priori pal «»f the music depaitmert Isagradiiaicof Ltdpslc— was for years the pupil of Mondeiasclm, David and other great masters. Painting iu aU ita forms taught by an acooati-llnbcd artiar. T he Annual Onkgas uumbers 151 inu-its—00 music and 08 Iu pointing. Bxperse of a young lady per annum. SM7—with music, $314. m Uerrlen 8herlfPs Batina \\JV L 1m sold before tbe Court lions* door v | Na>hviUe. on tee 1st 7 ueeda/in Angaat um . the foli-iwing properly, to wit: L«>ts of land No. nlne«y.thm? 1OT) and two hnndr* (3*9) In the ninth district «>f raid as the property of William W. Cheer rr A Co. to ST tsfy one fia fa Issued from tha Superior Court of Dougherty, in favor of Marion Bank of rirorgi* mgainat Cteever A CO. Properly notated out by plain tiff's attorney, this Jane *7tb. 187*. july*w4w "* ■” ” t*end for catatogne. julyfi deod9tAwlt I F. COX, President THUS. 1>. i'UTCUK, BlwriffU C. Ailmtntotmtor’s l>ul« 7)T rirtneof an order of the II-norable Coart of Ordtasrj«»f Fultou cdunty. I will sell befarath* ir ** — _*t city, _ _ ..... .. street, and conta*ring srven-ehfl . or Ices. Soldasthenrnpertvoi theestetsofU Lareo- don, deceased, for the benefit ef aa^a estate. Terra*— Onc-t bird cash; Ini asm eno and two years, with 10 OBOKGU, Howry County- Okur>» art’s Orrtos. May Sib. 187*. J AMEN W. ALEXANDER, administrator or the cstato of BHzabrth Alexander, aud aa guardian of Johu L. Alexander, having fuilv discharged his trust, pravs for lettera of Dismlealun If objoctione exist, let them be filed within statutory time, or the lettera will be grunted. Witness tn j official signature. GDO. Ml mayll-vrSm Printor’a fee *4 (lEOMUUf Usury County. Ord nr art's Orrici, July 8th, 187*. 187*. at my office. jniylt-cilAwSt GfiD. M. NOLAN, Ordinary. UEOUVUi Fnltora County. OsmKARv'a Orrica, July 11th, 187*. M RS. CARRIE MAFFETT has applied for ex emption ef THjrreiusIty, and I will tiaert upon the “ the SSd day of July, BPOKUIAt Fultou County. SupeTi«»r Court of aald County, April Term, IK.*. Present. His Honor. John L. Ilopktas, Judge of said Court. Frauds M. War* v*. John T. Ware. Ltbri for divorce in said Court Rule to perfect service. J T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sher iff tW tbe defendant in toe above stated care does not reside In this county, and it further appearing that he does not reside In tbia State; it fa on motion of counsel ordered, that tbe aald defendant appear and answer, at tha next term of this court, else that tbe case be considered in default, ana the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And It la further ordered, that this rate be pahlished in any public mate of this State, once a month for four months prior to tbe next term of this Court. By tbe Court tb!« May 14^1879. jnneC-wlsu>4m OEOEtilA. Henry County. O ants art's Omci, Jane S«th, 187*. A A MOKRI8 applie.* for letters of admiuUtra- . tioa. dc bonis no.., on the esute of W. J. Mor ris, deressud. iate of saia county. Wm C. Lee, former admi ietrstor. having departed this'life •f objections exist, let them be filed within statu tory time, or the letter, will be granted. Witness my official stoma: urc. jutMfiO »4w GiO. M NOIAW. Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 50 on tons , AV- prr ; »uns^c ]•» ’<> - iccats; uora 25 to .‘J) „ , <! >wa; « 4 a»ibw lS^o p.f * New S«*i “™ ,lm !-r doa*; unnutoc 15^20 JalyiG-wlt I cents per <,mn <>kra j JHJ . (f;urt value your Syestgi.i use the Perfect Leases rocRd fres Jlinrte Crystal Pebble*, muted uiffeth- Am- “Diamond'* oa account of «rf79BBaAnd BriUteoey. They will tare without change, aad are warrmutea •uprrtcrto attse. Mauutectr^ed bj J. E. hpecccr A Co-, Near York. trade mark. For sate ** Brtpo«- ‘ it the Union tihaipA Hoyd, l are Sole Agents for At-anta, tiiy^>o^J^«trtataed. Ho aovH-CeOd^WlJ Fulton County M&ertffta Salss for August, 1872. euffiJ. te sold before the Court House door, in W (WriwU Atiaat*, Pcltou county. BeurjcU. l q rt , Ta^aday in Aucuat next, witiiiu the legal on tht- ■-fc :h.ri^lo«Io)t prap«tr. to-wlt: Ku“.t. ^•2L?“iJ , 2a2g I SS’ Sii Farow ; said lot coatalmug •SSKf. <wb ih. 14th dirtric*. of on. - W- fojpenj or J. ». cooo-.y, O*-; ** Uoitoc. »gent for «•; • ’y.T .'.i a fm, itM-l tn« Fn’ Swm. Kico* JIltchei'Tf i. *• . at to A f. 4ai» e ■EUKKIISONjl.-.- . Pnnter*8 foe *i SO per tea . _ property of -*hc of roc to satisfy a ■Court is favor of for uife Pruutrtf pointed out m ft t* July 8, rrojrerey P™ ^ PERKBlWOJLDnHity julyl3—wtd# '“ Notice for Leave to Sell Land. aftov expiration o! four weeks frem this notice, for leave to aril the lands belonging tn tho estate uf John Graves, late of said county, deceased, for :br bcorfit of the heirs * - - * JAUR8M. AUSTIN, WANTED AGENTS d*~| i W\ to (850 per muutii, every whore, joale and tt)IlM f female, Ut Intrudnc** the Latcvt Imi»rov-»l, meet simple «*d perfect SHUTTLE HEWING MACHINE ever invented. We challenge the werid to compete with It. Price only (IB U0. and fully warranted for fire* years, making the Elastic Lock Btich. alike on both sides. Tbe same aa all the high priced Shuttle machines. Also, the celebrated and latent Improved COMMON SEN KB FAMILY (JEW- ING MACHINE. Price only f*5 00. am* fully war ranted for five Tears. Three muhlrnv will Stlcb, Uciu, Pell, Tack, tiullt, Cord. B nd, Brohl and JT hredder in the most superior manner. Aud terms, address ». WYN&OOP A OO. »f>4 Rldgd Fulton SliorllT’K Solid for August, w«e»itp» *«ic. in i»7a. W ILL be fold before tbe OMirt Uooeeduor, tn Itie city uf Atlanta. Faltnn coonlj. CbxHXla. be fore n tbe lnKol bnuri* uf ealu, uu the Aral Tneeady iu AMM next, the tuUuwim! pn>p«w. to-wtl: , All that parrel and port of laud lot Ho 81, In thu 14th dlatrlct of Ortjtlualljr Urnrr. now Fulton county, tieurala ; the pvt hi 'erlod oc la tn want 6, froulln*; on Boutli and Wallacu atiueUu tn thu city of Atlan ta, owta'ntnjt S' acre, more of luoo, ndjulala*Jhy. aat'a property. Larlud ou aa the protwriy of M U Uradtey. tu -«tWy a Btatuaud county tax Atafor hie tax for I8T1. , .. . Alio, xt the oonw time and place, port of land lot No M, In the 14th dlMrict of urlulndw Uimry. »o«r Fultou county, ttonia; the part aoleyled onto te wards fronUti* on Fir atreet. In theclly of Atlanta, conuty tax A fa for her tax fur 1871. Aleo. at the ■am. tune and placo. part uf lard let — - of orielnaily 1 No St, tn tho 14<h dlttrtct of originally Henry, now Fultoe county. Go*ryia; the i*art so levied on la In ward 7, frouting on Houston nod BUla atreeu. In thu ‘ty of Atlanta, oontclulug M acre, more or less, and IJolntng the property of Httcheock and Gavta. eviedon as the property of F. VV. Dmion, to satisfy Htato and oounty tax A fa for hi* tax furtteyosr Also, at the same time and plaor, part of laud lot No M. In the 14th d'atrlct of «*rlgibally Hcury, now Fultou county, Gcoayla; tho part so levied on la In ward 9, frouting on Martin atreet. in the dty of At lanta, containing \ acre, more or toes, and adjoining the property of Ripley and Redwlou. Levied on aa the property of larih Carter, V' aatiafy a titato and county tax fi fa for his tax for 187», Also, at the same time and p ace, imri ot land lot No Hi. tu tbe 14th district of or gtnatiy Henry, iuw Falton couaty, Georgia; ountalnl-gMMre, me* lea*. Levied on aa toe property Thin. Dye, tj * ix A fa f •, in Faitou oounty, Goorgia; tbe part ward 1, fronting *' “ • • iSj No 89. In the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, GoorrU; the part ao leriodoalaln ward 1, fronting i>u Davis atreet, in the dty «*f At lanta. containing 50 by lafi feel, more or lro*. and ad joining tho property of Cheater. Levied on a* tin property of John J. Garvey, to aatiafy a titate and oounty tax fl fa for his tax f»<r the year 1871. Al*<>, at the same time and place, a part of Und 1 * * * “ -* 1M He la .. Walker street, iu the city of At lanta, coutalultting 1- 6 aero, more «t lew. and ad joining the property of Ksrdage and Flu. Levied ou as the property of M s. N A. Wheeler, to satisfy a Bute and county tax fl fa for her lax for 1871. Ala*, at the same time and place, a port of land lot No 111, lu tho J4to district of originally llanrj now Fulton oounty, Georgia, containing Vfl acrea. mure or leas. Levied on aa tha property of Edward White to satisfy hi* Bute and oounty tax fl fa for his taxes for ioyear 1871 Also, at th* same time and placo, 9 acres, more or less, of pan of laud lot No! 11 in the 14th district of originally Henry now Falton esuitaOa Leviod on as toe property of I*. H. Webster to satisfy hi* Stats and oounty tax fl fa for his taxes for the year 1671. Also, at tte same time and place, k arm, more or lesa. of part of land lot No 11* In tteUtb district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. Levied an as the property of Mrs B. D. Thomas to satisfy a Hsatc and eounfy tax fl fa fttr her tax for the year 1871 Also, at the same time and place, part ef land lot No 49, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fu’ton county, Georgia; the part eo levied on is in Ward 9, fronting ou Grant and Anderson street*, tn the dty of Atlanta, containing 9 acroa, more or lc**, and adjoining the property ef the coloml church. Levied oo aa the property of O. W. 8t>vklng’osatisfy a State and county tax fl fa for his tax for 1871. at the same time and plaoe, a part of land lot in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Pulton oounty, Georgia, containing 15 sere*, more or toss. Levied on aa toe property of B. P. Baundtra to satisfy* State and oounty tax fi fa fur hi* tax for the time aud place, pari of laud lot Uriel * t originally Henry, now rgia; toe part so levied «>n is in Ward 5, fronting on Uayduu and Baker street* in tho dtv of Atlanta, containing k acre*, more or lee*, and adjolaiug the property or Itedn* end Cianrimw. Levied on aa the property of J D. Robinson to aatisiy Auguat, 1872 W IU. te sold before the Court Ut _ tbe city of Atlanta. Fulton orau'y. Georgia. A lot In the dty of Atlanta, frnulltqr four irandoi et, mere «t lea*, on the 8o*'h aide of (Tvtr« «ar^- oach of said atretfa. It bring part uf l»ml lot Min tbc 14th District of orUlnallv Henry row Falton cnaaty. Ga. Levied oa a* the pn*j*erty of V ftp* Id lag by vir tue of aud to satisfy a fi fa Issued from Pultun Ha|to ri or Con rt In favor of Mun'hyJSMerriaa va Vftroalra lug. Property pointed oat in fl f*, Jalv tab, 1871 Also, at the eamo time odd ptocw, a tot iu Um rtiv of Atlanta, c- n'ulnir.g ouo-h%tr arm. more or lean. situated on Orub\ Forsyth and Palrl j afire* ta, aad *6 jAilelnr the property of fltitmg. On aatd lot H» a two- *t<*rv, liilck dwelllng-houm. I.evVdonaa tbepnmrvtv of Mr* Jsno E Bimmoaa by vfrtaeof aud to amtafy a A fa. lewd from Fultei (ttpartw ti«rt In favwr «4 William Lowe vs Mr*. Jure If tUmmoa* property. Pointed out by plaintiff'* attorney July fi. 187* Also, at the same time aud ptecn. a two story brick house located In the town of Went Und. situated ou part of land lot 107. lu tbe 14th dWtrttt of originally llenry now Fulton crusty. Ga. Levied oa aa the property o* A L Boyd, by vlrtco of a»d u> satisfy a fl fa iaennd from the Justice's Court af tbe lUSOth district G M. In favor of James C Dowcn vs A I. Boyd- Levy made hy Frank L. Ltttic, L C, aad re turned to mo July S, 187*. Al«k at the name time and place, lota Noe 4 aad 6 of steroid survey of the Lynch property, la tbe illy oT Atlanta, lot No 6 frouting I«W fret oa Cbnltabuo- chco and rannlag back to lot No 19 of sold sonny, said lot No 4 tel tig in the aamo block, froattag fifty feot on an ally aad situated la rear of lot No IT of mtd survey, all being In laud lot No M la tbe 14 U distrletof orginillyllrerynow Paltioc county.Gs Levied by vlrture of and to aatlafyas allachmrn* A fa issued from tbe JosUre'e Coart ef the 1394th dU- trict, « M. In favor of John R WaHare vs J.ewpli Fry. Levy made hy James Gampbett. L C, fiad re turned to me July 5th, 187*. Fulton connty, Uo.. boarded Wrot bv R j. north by land of Loyd Courser, nieth by Isml 18, and east hynart of land rot lit. Levied on the property of J TAkridge, hr virtue «f aad to satisfy nlno fl fa* lasoed from tte Justice's t'eurt of tht' KBCth dlatriet, G M, in favor . f Sam nd Haprvu JT Abridge. Lrvica trade by J R Thompson, L U. and returned to me July 6,1879. Also at th* mum time and pioca. a dty lot la the dty of Atlanta, situated in on the correr of ftprocc aud U»w streets, being a part of the old Pounds lot. containing fifty by one hundred and three fret. It be ing nart of landJMfSIu the H»h dlatriet of origin ally Uonry now Fultroi county. Geo-eta. Jxvlrd on aa the proprety of Joseph »ry by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa Word from tho Justice*' Oeurt «*f th- 10961b district O favor of JUIoOwc vaJnstph Pry- I-rty tewto by J R Thompson U C, and re- tnrncd to mo July 5,187* Alao, at tbs tome Urn'' aid place, UM lot 1*1 tn tbe 14th district of orifinally Henry now Pultun oounty. Ga, containing W)( acres. m<>re or kaa. Ale*, a land tot lOfi In same district, and a pert of tot Urt in tbe same district, both pared* con taining 90 acres, mo*e .*r lesa. commencing at the northwest rorn-r of land lot K* and ranntag west 990 f*et. to a stake on* land Tot 107. thence east KW feet to a stake on the Newnan nwd, CHaoce tmrtbwret to Gregg's corner, tbsoco c**t to Macroi and Western Railroad, thence southward]v u> «l4n*y town's enr- neron the right of way of said railroad, tbsnra east 1158 feet to the wrot boundary nf lot «to 10t to a stake, thence south 850 feet to Lockhart and Do*nr** corner, thence wast 1485 fact u»v he wew •boundary of l*nd tot 106 to a stake, thence 1S70 fret to the begin ning. AU levied on aa projwtv Edward Whit# by Tlrfoc of and to satisfy tarofl fa* ironed from *-»«— Superior a»urt in favor of Wm BFhtnins; one vwfi * ?3st. A’so, at the *am •fyaf 1871. time a>-U ptare, pert of land lot —’*■ -* —■-*—**- "enry now tain ward „ _n Marietta struct, in the city of Atlanta, ami adjoining the prop erty of Weaver and Murphyt iuvied on as (no proper ty of J. F. Reynard to satisf - * * *“ *— fl fa for his tax for the year IL. _ Alao, at the same time and place, part of land let No 89 lo the 14Ui dls'rict of originally Ueii'-y now Fullon county, Ga. Tl»e part ao levied c»n la to wan* 1 fronting on JsUlott and Thurmond streets la the eit; of Atlanta, containing R acre, more nr leas, and ad joins th«: property of Motri*on, levied on aa th* prop- —* * F. lUynoid*. to satisfy a htato and county the city or Atlanta, ccmta'tdng U acre, more or l a*, and adjoining tbe property of Thrasher. Lcviud aa the property of J K. Morris to satirfy a State a oounty tax fl f* for hi* tax for the year 1871. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No 69. in the 14th district cf originally H*nrv Fulton county, Georgia; the part ao levied on ward S, fronting on John straut. In tboclty of Ati oontaiulug Macro, more or leas,and adjoins th* prop erty of Crerkott and Bparka. I-evlcd ou as the prop erty of Alex. McWilliams to aatiafy a State and oo u- ty tax fi fa ftw his tax for the year 1871. . . Also, at the same time aad ptares, part of Und hit No 18. in tbs 14th dlatriet of urfglnallv Hoary now Fulton county, Georgia, containing 25 seres, more or tee*, landed on aa tho property of A. N. Hunt, trustee, to satisfy a State and county tax fl fa for his tax for th* year 187L tS^lTtbe ittSafi 1 ? origi^lly*Hrurv now Ful- u»ti oounty. Georgia. 7 he part so levied on is tn ward 1 fronting ou Davla street In the dty of Atlanta, containing M arm, mors or loan, aud adjoining the vruperty of tilegdou and Ragan. Le projHjrty of Wistlam Painter to aatisf, county tax fl fa for hla tax for the year _ Also at the same Um* aud place part of land tot No. 46 in tho 14th district of origfnallj * county, Georgia. The pan eo iovl in the dty of Atlanta, containing H acre, mure or Ires, aud adjoining tbe property of Zanmennaa and Verdery and ffdwardv relate. erty of Edward PurlaM to ai tax fi fa for his tax for the year 1871 Also at tbe same time and place pari of l»nd tot No. 45 In the 14th district of originally Henry now Pkiiteu oounty, Georgia. The part *■• levied on is la wkrd 4, fronting on alley in the dty of Atlanta, containing M acre, more or ires, and adjolnlug Kills. Levied on k* tlw property uf A. H. Plwn»a to aatiafy a State aad county tax fl fa fro Uia tax fro the rear 1871. Also, at tho seme rime and place, vert «»f land lot No79. in the I4»h dlatriet of orfg'naily Henry now Fulton i entity. Ga. The part so levied on lain Ward S. fronting oo Hum stn et. In the dty nf Atlanta,con- I mining M sent, more or tore, and adjoining the j>n>p< r- ly of iKragborty aud Dobbins. Lsvlrd on at tho iwopertyor Jana II. Gaidrmto satisfy a Slate and oounty tax fi fa fro ter tax for the year 1871. All tbc fun going property pointed oat by K. R. Hoyle, T. C., July 8,187*. W. D BROWN. julyfi wtd* Printer'* fee toper levy.* •nlnit Edwui Wlillo. maker, m,<! K >4w ra-.lEdoracr Projwjr poUMd oat br vtalatUT. attorney November 4,1869 Also, at the some time aad ptoco, a dty lot fa the dty of Atlanta, fronting on ^Victory atreet. fifty feet and running bsek same width eighty fee*, more «w Jtea. it being part offer* lot 81. tn the I4th di-tilct of originally Usury, row Futo.n county. Oa. Levied or oa the prop Tty of Pat. Weekly by virtue of and to ■ fif* tteued fnaa the Jastioto Coart uf tbe rcaeth disttir*, O M , la rarer of OftMeld* and Garden v*. Pat. «wWy. Lwry made by J K. Thump- ewn. L. C., and retor-ed ta me July ft. 187*. ra A1,l ?. ^.9 M, . ,,<unu H" 1 * •***' ttm 11 fo estate ef Mrs. r.Vallntinoaad the nndlvidei cno eighth Htiet- “* of Gate Veil nt! no in the following desrrlted petty, to wit: A lot and tbe lRpcnvoamti there ward of the dty «>f Atlanta and extendir g l*ack to Breed atrer t haring a front of forty two fod or ll o»<] street adhitnlng tte tmw rty of Scofield and Holbrooks, It bring pvt ef land lot 77 In tho t4th district of rofxrlnally Henry. Pfy afi fa tl.o 1.03fith district. «. M . to favor of Paul A rate ve Mrs C V* tititino and Gate VaTlntiao. Davy teedo by J. R, Thompson. L.C.. aud rctorned to me July Also, at the same time and placo, VPs No'*. S*. fit and 58 of the Lynch rarvey, trek fronting fifty froi on tTbatathenchec *nd extending berk w-st to fenda of J H Wallace. 10fi feet ali In find tot«**f »ho 14th Distrletof Levied oa of and to f originally Henry, now Falton county. Ga. i as th*» property of Joseph Fit. bv rirte** •atisfr two fl. faa. issaed fawn tbe Jostle**, rtftth iMstrlct, G M.. In rarer ef D. II. ph Fry levy mads hyJ R.7homp- rrtarued to mo Jaly 8, ITt saree time and pfern. a In rare and lot Court of the lirtfttb District, G M.. ta fares of D. II. Beatia n. Joaepb Fry “ son. L. C.. aad r * * Alao. at tlm * , on tbe west aide of MrDmwagb atreet la the rttv of Atlanta, vljotutng th* property of Thus Alexamler and property rerrrtiy»«cupled hy W D Bill*. Irarivd on a* the property of Mr* M A Holme* by virtue • f and to satiefr three Justice Court fl faa one lu favor of ttichsrd* A Martin va J N Holme*. f*r wife. onelnfav-Tof FOi * —**— * ” * aad one In favor ^s&’«ar‘?7fiwrs ■ time and pleoa. ahonre trt lot I OF.OBUU, Pulton County. SOPHRONTA A. DI8BRUB, i va. s Libel for Divorce. CHARLES J. DISBRCB, ) In Fultou Superior Court, April Term, 1879. Order to perfect Servioo. r r appearing to tha Court by tbe return of the Sheriff; that the defendant lu the above stated care, Charles J. Dlsbnro, Is not to be found in aald county, and it further appearing (hat he la not to bo found in raid Stan;, mxm motion uf Counsel for plaintiff, it is : Ordered, by the coprt, Tl»at service l>e per fected by the puoiication uf this Rule a mouth for four mouths, in "Tlie Atlanta Constitution,** A public gazette published in the rity of Atlanta. GARTRRI.L A HTEFHKN8, Comutafnant s Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. April Ifitb. 1879. W. R. VENABLE, Clerk. aprl7—wlaxnim UEOKG1A, DeKalb Conuty. ORDOtaBT S OyflCR, April utb, 187*. W HEREAS. Thomas J. Akins, guardian of Zach ary T. Wright, minor heir of Spender P. Wright, deceased, having applied for letters of dis mission from said trust This is. therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons Interested, to be and appear at my office, to show cause, if any they can. within tbe time allowed by law. why aald letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office. W £. WEE Printer's OEOBtilAi Falton Cauuty. W. P. Light va. Mary J. Light. Libel for divorce in Fulton Superior Court, April term, 1879. Rule to perfect service. r appt-ariug to the court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant, Mary J. Light, does net reside ia this county and It further appearing that the (toes not reside lu Inis State, it is on motion nf! ordered that the said defendant, Mary J. Light appear and answer at the next term of tbla court rise that tbe case be considered in default and the plaintiff be allowed te proceed; and ft ia farther ordered that this rale be published In any public ga zette of this State once a month for four months prior to the nax term of this court. By the court this 14th day uf May. 1873. A true extract from the minutes of aald court. This Mav 14Jb 187*. W. R. VENABLE, Jonc&-woam4m. Clerk. Guardian’s Sale. Ordioarv of Fuimo counqr. will be soM on tha StTneadai in Amrt«iit.aa,taw ***? House door ta. MMMt*ba|»eaa thoUgdh maty, betv of sale, the following inscribed land, to-wit: A city ire lying and being in tbe dty of Atlanta, in the 14tb distrcTof originally Henry now Falton county, fronting thinJ-two uO) fret^i t or lean, ou Thar- of the W*st**n aad Atlantic Railroad and running back the same width ona hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or leas, to one hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or teas, to the lot owned by the Aa* Company of the cltr of Atlanta, and sold aa the property of 4. M B. (tar 1 ton benefit of saM t _ juneac-wtod ird ? estate. Term* cash. ADRUNISTUATOK’N HALL. ~l JY VIRTUE of an ordro from tbe Honorable tht X) Court of Urdinary of Fultou county, will iniMfid n£f<*rt: the Court House d«n*r iu tho dty of Atlanta. •m tbe first Tuesday in August next, one House and Lot in said city. Lre fronting on east side uf PTjror at rent fifty by one handrod and fifty feet, between Jos. J. Meador aud DorretL House two stork* with tlx rooms, passage* aud varandahs, and kitchen, with two rooms, improvements all new and good. and oounty of Carroll, tbe undivided one-sixth lnterret ia lot of land No. *95,5th dlatriet of Carroll county, and the Tbs above parcels of land making owaalrth Inter est In the settlement of lead, about four miles met of Carrollton, and known as the Morgan Plaoe. All of the above mentioned property lo te sold for junclk—wide JKO. T. MEADOR, Administrator. GEOBOIAt Henry County. ORDuraxr'a Orncx, June 98th, 187*. f^Olt M. DICKERSON, guardian 6f Ba*. W. Dlck- \ j emra. applies for leave to aril Iota and portions of lota Of land* Nos 11A 117, 101, WI. 108.100, 210, aggregating about IM» acrea la tbe tab District orig inally Usury now Newton county. Ga., far tbe pur pura* of settling claims against said ward** Interest.etc. If objectkmaextat, tet them te filed within statu tory time, or the leave will te granted. Witness my official signature. Gfto M. NOLAK j« NOTICE. JESSE THOMPSON MARTHA MoCUTCHEN, Vrior Court. ITUOS. COMPTON. J F * appearing to the Court, hy tho return of the Sheriff, that the defendants do not reside ia said oounty, and it further appearin' that they do not re side in tha State, It la ordered that aald defendants appear at the next Term of the Court and defend, ro that the ease be considered in default. And it is further ordered. Thai publication of thia Rule te made In The Atlanta Conatitntiou, a newspaper published in Atlanta, Georgia, In term* of tbe law. J. R. PARROTT, J. S. C. V. O. Granted Aprilfith. 187*. GEORGIA. MtnutaV Courtt. T. M. M. Leonard. Clerk of the Superior Court iu and for said oounty, do hereby certify that the above is a tree and correct tnaaaipt from the minute* of the Soper: or Court. April 15, 187*, aprlH—wlanrtm M. If LEONARD. Clerk. GEORGIA} Fulton Coanty. Oocrt or Ord nr art, July Term. 1879. W HERE * S, William A Powell and John J. Pow ell, administrators of the estate of Chapman Powell, late ef said county doceosod. applies for let ters of dismission, representing that they have folly dfe^harged thier said treat. All persona concerned are hereby notified to die their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in October next, else letters of dismission will be granted the applicant* * DANIEL PIT TMAN. Ordinary, julyfi-w3m Printer's fee $5. trict of orlgtasU? llenry. Levied on aa th* propertv u and to satisfy a sawmin lie Superior Court tn farer ef „ « L Doyd Property pot Mad <n fl faTuly 8,187* Also, at 'he same time and plan*, m heure *nd lot In tho dty of Atlanta obtaining % mem, siuiaud <*i Tannery turret, fronting on said atreet 10b fray and extending hack same width to Hlmpaon ate ret levied on a* thu property t*f William P Bsmmfiod by virtue of and to satisfy a fl 'a Isreofi fa.oi Fatten l&psrkw O.urt in favor of Orergi- E Ulbtwra va Wllltsm P Hammond rrutrety pointed out by plaintiff's et- torney July 8th, 1ST* A1s»» at the same time aad ptar* lota No*. 1. *, 8, fi, 7, a. Iff IT. Ifi.*!.«. fit, 98. $Tw. fS and M «• tte Lynch property aa aorvoyed byB. P. Thigpen, county surveyor, and e*4d by Genrge W. Ad»|r. earb of mid lota coutXlclr g 8b by lfO feet, more or Ices, all In la-d ire 8* la the 14th dlatriet of orlaluaily ftenry now Fulton county. «4raw*la. aad also two dty lots ou Mraitt avenne aud Ivy atreet in aald dty and county, euu'ahtiftg \ of *r *c»i-. mare or Iran, bounded list feet by Ivy atrort and extending bark along Marltt'a avroue '4fl foet, bring port ef feao lot SO (a dlstrirt and raraaty. Levied .« ae tbe property of -Vreet* Fry by virtue of aud to rattafy ao attachment • fa Is sued from Fulton ftnpcrlroCuurt la favor of Ifayt dtJrowwyp.fiweph Fry. Property polaied out ia fi A. M. PEKKEKSON. Deputy tiheriff. V*s fee $* 50 per levy. fa, July 8. Itrf9. fulyfi-wtds Uorrten County ShorlfTta (Mile. W ILL he aokl ou the first Taoeday ta Aarn-t nrxc between Ibc- legal hour* ofukMtre the Court House dour. In the town of NaettvOfe. Brr rirar county. Geucgte, ih«s ful le wing property, tew it: Two handred two and ooe-fcalf acre# of Ire of feed ibar MJaud twenty-five a firh di ' * * '■ ISXttX the Jorelon Cuart of the 114St> District, O If ..In favor of W W Boyd wutnat JJ Farrlshaud K N Parrish, rtdjbo«*» issued from tbe J TSk i Tiit. Joij »i, ltm TBOB. D FCTCn. Shell a c. jixi^s-wM. ITlDU.-. fw|5 xijKfWr Falton Conntr Xh.rltfi Halo for Ipptfmbcr, 1879. TETILL te acrid before tbe Court Qoesc door, la the W dty of Atlanta, Fulton oounty, Georgia, an the 'J - «! iy lu Sci»u-nii‘i'r u. xt. wlrnin the l«v*! hour* of sale, the following pro;*crty, te-wit: A MlllbuUdlsg and ita appcrpTianr-w, situur-d f>n land lot No, C5, in the 17th district of originally H<-n- ry. now Fulton county, Georgia, know:. «• liam.:t> Mills. Levied on aa tho proporty of W J barren, t.y ylitoe of and to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. issued from — lamas L Logon vs. it in fl fa, January DeKalb County ShertflPe kale.' ILL beeoM before the Ooart-house dour in .He W town of Decatur, lb Kalb cecroy, on the first Tuesday in August next, within the legal hoUfsaf sale, the following property, to-wit: The north half of lot Dumber seven <7). and forty acres ef lot number forty-nim-, la the 1 **h District •* satisfy an attachment tag-*- * rV.-.' TF Julyfi' Itltlton County Hhsriftis tale for August, 1872. W ILL be sold before thu Court House dore. In the town uf Alpharetta, Geonta, within the total hours ef aale, oo the firat Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-w*t: Lota of land a ambers 500, : all In tha first district and second section cm originally Cherokee, now Mliton county. Letted uu as the property of W S Grogan, to satisfy a fl fa from MUteu Superior Court, la favor of CK Sharp, beartr. va. William 8 Grogan. Property pedaled out by It P Robert*, plaintiff's attorney Levr made by G F May fluid, former Sheriff. This Jay M. U71. H B MIKEL. Deputy ft* Printer’* fee fi 5?> pro] julyfi—wtd* J pro levy GEORGIA, BsKalh feauiy. OuuiXART'i Orrica, July 1.187*. on tbe estate of Rufus Ueadenoo, late of said conn- ThTfl la, therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file their objections. If any they have, within the time allowed by law. rise lettera will be granted aald applicant aa applied for. Ii INDISTINCT PRINT j