The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 05, 1872, Image 4

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OCB W1SHINGTOX LETTER. The Lull.Before .he Battle—The Iosue Sow in the People’s ATLANTA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 r t3f“All ticket* for tlie election mast be on | Washing ton Lite Bed Dark Shad* white piper. The Jitralsht-om Uimbnj. ItiCBvmm, Vo, October 29^-The Strwght-1 Oot Democratic Convention, celled by Bon. Jee. Lyons to meet here to-diy, wee ofeilure, I only five dtlegetes. Including Lyons, being present They sd|onrned until to-morrow. own—Beauty Turned Out— Lover* False—An niejDean. The Fallen Pair—Sad 8c ■■ «■*. Wssiusotos, October 28,1872. Jftxt -cok c.lbon snd eorrc9;«>r.dentB will tie able to j-Urtle th* ir reidtri w ith theaomc- whst fsmilUr ;.r. i.’o d-rutdiirg rimark: ‘Now that the smoke of battle has cleared awsy. n Standing, as we do cow, on the per ilous edge of battle there is Tory little to be said. The campaign committees ha»e con cluded their labors; the slump speakers are Ths jnacow Trials. The esse of Theo. W. Ellis wss taken up in Macon. Be was charged with taking part in the election riot. Judge Cole testified that the negroes began the trouble, trying to drive the white men I naI# jjjg rtore throaty and the party organs from the polls. The blacks threw the first 1 expended their thunder, brick. Thus is the blame resting were it 1 stinies < f the Kepnblic ere in the belongs. 1 hands of the people, to com rid as they may ■ • » „ 1 see fit on Tuesday next There seems to he The Straight Cam Colne Down. I y.ttSej disposition to boast on either side at tlib The Bon. James Lyons, of Virginia, time. The tabulated statement of electoral „ ., , . i o„. n I vote* for Grant, for Greeley, and doubtful. President of the Louisville Con vert ion, I ir(; ril | v | H ,,i as ;,i e . The prophets are called a Straight State Convention at Rich I ,tnmt. Tho crisis is certainly oue to cause motui. Five men responded, includirg him- I silent refieetion ar.d a breathless pause | The re-election of General Grant will ite fraud and corruption . , - -personal form of government It The patriotic of them are going with their I a srri.le toward imperm brothers. AH Democrats are Straights, am' I ism. It will bring further oppressions upon the him coble and *^£4**"* w^WUh .WttSt .!n*y b driving Ihcm *11 to the only pn*- Cf>me an m of purity and reform, gnmtnc to defeat Grant and check hia op I fta|Mrrialifem will receive iia dc^tb blow, and lLidic&lihim. viz: the support of I the constitutional form or povernm* nt, for G j I which our forefather* forght, hied Jand died. State Xational Bank of Georgia at Atlahta.—At a meeting of thr stockholder* (at the Chamberof Commerce) the “State National Bank of Georgia" tru organized with a 'api'tl of $100,000 00, with privilege to increase to $'00,000 00, by the elee- m of ths following Board of Directors: General John B Gordon, President Sofl'hem Life Insurance Com ponv; Colonel James M Ball; John B Wallace Beal Estate Agent; Wm A Moore, of Moore, Marsh *A .Co. Wholesale Dry Good8; B E Crane. President of Chamber of Commerce; General ‘A B Colquitt, President B*ate Aericn’tnral Society of Georgia; Fdwin Piatt, of Platt, Son A Co.; James H Porter, of Porter A Bailer; James B Wylie, Whole sale Grccer. And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, tte following officers were elect* d: Jam's M Ball. Pre?i- ; Wm A Moore. Vice Prert *en’; Wm W Clay ton. ‘ashler; C W He'd.reon. TJ.*r. The Director* and officers of ’h»- Na’ionil Bank are 'eh and favorably known as b -:ng in the foremost rack af bar busioe** teen. It is a strong Uatitatioo. self. TL' re, as here, the Strnights are dwindling. I j,™ 1 , of Hl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Aii.asta, Ga., October 20, 1872.—Mr. JoAn V Amufra'i. AUanta Ga —Deaa Sir: I ft*1 tb.t I am entirely cured by the im of your Ponce de Leon water. Yon n**d not, ther tore furnish me any more, unless my disease shonid return, if it doe*. I will give yon notice, and immediately order the wa’er again. If jou wish to do so, yon cat. inform the public tl at I was attacked *.ab mt th s 1st of August last with violent and excruciating paroxysms from disease of the kidneys— p-i*ting gravel I could only obtain temporary relief fr.-m medical treatment and hot hath*, which so weakened me that I con’d scared, wa k Being tdfis d by m) physician (Dr. Pinkney to nee >be Pox ce del eon water, and that if 1 could not go to the print J^n would bring l r tom* m -ruing; now, aft*; ibiry-eg^t days’ use of this water, brought to me every day. I feel that I am en tirely cured. A. W. Mxmt••am. DOIST’T Deceived* bat for coughs, colds, enra L, hoars* nece and bronchial difficulties, nr a onJi WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless imitations are os the market, bat tne only scientific preparation of Carbolic Add for Long diseases la when chemically combined with other w-.ll known remedies, as thesetaslxts. and all parties are cautioned against using any ocher. In o 1« e*ss of irritation of the mucout hr-ne these tablets should be freely us^, th-if* cle*>n«ing and tteallng properties *rv omni-bin?. lie tv.* rued* never neglect a cold, itisei ccred in its lncipi* nt sure, wnen it becomes chi the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells’ Carbolic Table** as a specific. „ _ . JOHN U KELLOGG, ’8 Platt St.. New York bole Agent for United bit tea. Price 2S cents a box Send for Circular. Mfrs. 79 >a«u. N. Y. D nt Id one : -tamp for Dmottaieo Cautogoe •> KUlluBrS i Building A. J ” T “"'' " Wanen street. New York. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS! A IS BI*VS” AJVTLY BOUND CANVASS* I NO BOOK for the brst sad ctear«es‘ Fatnily Pin:, ever published. wiU be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains nearly ;00 fine Scripture il!u»tra none, and «genU are meeting wl.h unprecedented success. Addrrr*. stating experience, etc, and we will show yon *-b»t « or agents are ito*re, >.T- T Its *AL PUBLISHING iOAPA.MC, Vemphis, Tennessee, or Atlanta, Ga. ..ill be mfomi lo us*. Tuese are the iwut The Leavenil >n ot Lavernors. 1 tnvolved in the election ’»» 1m; held on Tuea- u w . I day next. They are clearly defined and Tbe Convention of BOntnern and western I ^ entrM }iy DndersUtod. save among the igno- (Ifiwnuits, called by Governor Smith t*» I rant roters, who blindly oh . th'; beb*S a of mtet in AtUm» «n the 1st of November in 'beir liadicui leaikra VV. now to w»u tiic in tercet of tbe Great Weetcrn crntal. ‘^• r ^ ul,8 ‘ w “ h U ' e hu ^ u “ l “ BJ ' i»to unite by water theWc*t *nd South, TU p. dark fide'op -wasiiisgtos ltfk j.romlae* to be one of the mo«t Import.nt , g fM , c , ; i „ naily K , imcH #t , )V tlje press . b ,„ and interesting grtlherings of tbe d*y. «el T heseglimi 8»;s give a very Inadequate idea ot are Informed that tbe Chief Executives of | H in am! shame which exists here. A twenty four State* have been Invited and are sir ; ,n«cr my ht / Waabingmn dnrin« the J . I « at>on ar.d parttcipste in lis gaieties without expected. I ever HUtt * the iniquities which lurk be- The convocation of inch a body of Gov-1 Ql . at ll t ^ e aD ,i giiucr. Indeed, out- ernors, representing nearly two-tbir Is of the 1 wirdly there is a semblance of unusual inor States of the Union with their millionsof peo- ality. There are many churches and few * m •» MtitMiit in ili<* hi*. I ^ B9 or bouses of prostitution pie and money, will be an eptaode in the his- I parlors of our hotels, however, lory of the conntry. It will be an event I %T<C t | ie n f gambling operations which worthy of historic record. I would put the faro banks to their trumps in Nor will it lie, what has been 80 common I their flush days, and mistresses Aieas plenti- i W i.o.mi.i.Mttinitmn’t ful as wives. You are not supposed to know an ordinary p‘>litical assemblage, bat a meet ^ the s ty)ishly dressed and elegant woman iug for a great business enterprise, that will I fo w hom Hon. John Sniiih has given his revolatloaize rantters in tbe South. The ira-1 name for the nonce is not his wife; hut some- i n # <).!. ^mi enternrise I times you do kn >w it, as do others. An*- portance and effrcl °t y<m k J OWf t00f0f a gr ^ t m , n y other things not be estimated. It will place the gran-1 wtjich no t look well in print, ariis of the great West literally in the grasp H f ler you i lnVC found your way of tins Smith. It will make Georgia tbe an-1 behind the scenes, us young men are pretty . . o.r tl.- nrodiipf of the I apt b» do who have time and money, ami no n,, °* for prcKlUCe or Wc finiily lies to restrain them Xtisaurprisirg. i.ppi Vailcy. I Ut0f j low g rne ally the very private affairs ol ttovernor Smith haa taken hold of the cn-1 others are known to all those who make up timri^c in ilmd earnest. Allant* is makinj? ibis umlereurrenl of Washington life Per . ,i„. .ti.tinirtiidlu-,: bapa >< >* not so wonderful when von reei'l- ,,r,: f ,.r»tim,s to entertain tho .. ^ ^ w()men „ e pr „ nc to m . kin)? cent.- truly of ruIh rnalorial guesta In suit .me atyte. ,t en(a ofjtsihntlurr,i ven astotiimrmisaoinp.. Proper ci.mmitteca of leading citizens ate I anJ that tbe lai.-s unis li>:d soou coure lo the being appointed. Tbe Governor! will be I ears o£ husband, and lovers. •lined and bulled. Tbe details .will soon be TUiiSEB out of boobs. i vcn I A few days ago it was reported that a mer- K «i, u - .»,,, nrotniwHi to la* one I ebant of this city had turned one of his Altogether the occasion promises tot*one d#u(?bterg _.. ilie ' rcui , s! me « „ 1(! g(Msjps of the roost remarkable andmlereatinglnlbc I s^ij—(HU of doors, tbe npegi d cau-e being Accibestal SnofiTiKO—On Wednesday i-vc-jirg trim an K1 — :t, f-fe-en. was sectdeDt, ai’f .h-.t hy Pear-hi-kan, *ged sev--nte.n, n. co.ored Uuivmity. c«v«ral ebot took < fleet In Kli : •ft*.*# left t' izh He bled quite freely bu* was doing quhe well ye- erdey He i* attend* d by Drs Stone wall and Hetry. We learn thit ibe shooting was pnsal' accidental. Willie i* the 8on of Nr Klaasett, of our 'moet enterpri- n^ ard worthy citizens. Wright & Steoali*—We invite attention the c*rd of Me-srs Wright A Stegall. Bank era, i>.alers In Exchange and Comnii.-*ion M< rchant*. Thom*eville, Georg s. M.-esra. Wright A Stegall gentlemen of fine bndneea integrity, tact and •rp l-e 1 Hey are strong financially, and fall of er<y. Thoma* C. Mitchell. E-q. 1* the special pari ner. We commend the firm to tbe public as worthy Of their c ju&deuce. annals of our growing city. I F.TTEU r*M UiaM rAItll-IW Ho Has Komeibins to Say About tbe Soldiers* uatra»ee, SAVANttAtt, Oa., October 29,1^72. Blllora Conttitut on: I have seen several editorial articles in your paper, changing most shameful conduct on certain Deputy Mar shal* itnd other* acting as * posso for the | that she was, alihugh unwed, alK»ut lo be- come » n<6ther. ThuaC who know her de acride the fallen one as exceedingly hand some, and stately as a queen. She was noted, as were her staler*, for being of a gay di.«|H»- | hi lion, but no one suspected them of wrong. The seducer in »»iid to be a married man, the posi-eesor of a beautiful wife; and indeedit in ju-seried that he oj>euly lx»:n*ied of his bav- ii.g taken the girl to a neighboring citv and there consummated her nnn. Now, driven irom home and abandoned by her family, recently I * lmt *** left for tl,ia P 001, ,?irl l,al a iife oI 3 I atM .ml tl.-ivrw*V Tlw* apilnppr triu-Q linniln- Msrehsl, in making aome arreat* eli!imet Th( r SH luce r g.«i unptin under the Ku-Klux lawa. lour issue or the I ttnt j w m i^* thought none the less of In 85th Instant was banded me in the court rohm I society, and soon tbe nlfair will pass out of in this city, wherein you lepresent that the I of the recollection of all of us. ami his posse, with other rity, when Deputy Marshal misconduct, required ladies to get up out of A FALSE LOVER. pilot them about in tbeir night I To «ne of tbe numerous boarding houses in While I, a* United States District I Washington come anew lodger—awonian— Attorney, am in no way responsible for tin- nul lon .- since She bad numerous male vis, c.n.lurtof the United States Mareltal or no» «nd seemed exceedingly foul of deputies, and those wlio aid them aa * posse, Hl, "d* society. A f. w d.»> a -i„o she an vet ilia aa much my dnty to bring them to m.u iced that she had changed her name.and punishment for violations of tho law as to brought a husband home. . »‘s>n thereafter a punish others. Tbe law expressly forbids v ' 1!D S >-‘ ,! y c-ime to the house in search of niy ^interference with the Marshal or his >be newly wedded pair, and by mvitattonen- •li’puties in the manner of discharging their <• *■ *> u " ; r " <,la '„ f “she flijTl'he had* been for duties; and where I have no control over I related her story. She aid In- liad j-e 11 , them I certainly have no responsibility. I •'■.omeltmeeiigaged to Mr ,and believed him Upon reading yonr paper I determined to tru c, but had been told he was married that a " .-a 1 h-,1 and everv day. Sue seemed very much distressed, and know the <M4*£ a M2j^*'d | £5l<' | R g , ie / w „ t u.e report.,.,nd prisoner brought^to life court room and exsm- . ined upon Ibewmatters. I was I ried; ami she had ivvlletl to ask him tbe qu l|.»n. She was direeled to the room uml it iiijlms Mr. — told her pomdtofinilupon examination that your sen I with his own lips be was ready mi sational declaration—'“Tn* soldiers dkao UMlItasSKD WOMEN FROM TUXIR BEDS TO r-itiiV TUkV-wa. loully *0d .«»J»tate|y wt;nt ^L'mimre of°th^i dereievTahd AN MB DEAN. The tlaily papers have recorded, with s^n fall* name. A r*^ never become unmindful that all true men lmvc some regard for the mothers, wives, sta ler* and daughters of others. If then* would be no other I sational dl-t'ails, tbe sad fate of against a Deputy Marshal who should *o far woro who b,, r ,. , ht . hWc aam „ „ .... forgrt hinuwlf a* to offer auch Inaignitw to I , n ,. r thas describe* bis visit to the scene of tali**, he could, at all events, be removed I ' . .. . from offiesM D P?d »u who «««• «veltl nr . th 'M’Uig brought to his notice. And ail who I y -r d, wo ,- ri . he wj* raaiioii«ly inform'd iln know Judge Krskine, well know that be 1 *.*» thr mu«t vicio.» d«>£ t —re < ver miowu—tt>r»> gh w..u!d .l.-sl wUI. »uch » crea.«re to t.,c full “ SRSSSJA extent of the law. I invite your attention to i on ,: wo „u t*\u tuiuic prcrcr*b.o to Mleiping iu the the iuadosed proceedings of the court or I r < ui»ide. these matters and ask that yon publish the same with this communication. It is my pur I i, this I*to execute tbe law, and 1 will not be I i.ftcr nun; mlautc*' tbe door w«a uptu^il, swerved front my duly bv unjust publications I unit in. u whether they he corrected or persisted in. I cannot supistse you guilty of an attempt drive me from my duty by making false putt lications concerning me, which must (roni their very nature be most mortifying to a gentleman and I, therefore, feei confident yon will publish as conspicuonsi) this communication and the enclosed pro- «oms. asm-d sanie D ceilings as you did the articles allude il teg 1 shall endeavor on all occasions to exer cise more energy and vigor in bringing to punishment those who violate the law, while pretending to execute it, than any other class of criminals. The concurrent testimony of every pris oner was that no indignity was oflered am indy. One of the prisoners testified that om of the posse tin* five dollars from him, sad this matter is undergoing thorough inveatiga tion. The room w.ia ah ml t n l-y fifr> » o fee*; the w»T devoid of (ilifinr, which wiv< »npi»l<ed. h<*wev>r. by from piriorlaln. i’he fnnrture * on.-i-Tcfl * * table and » bc«L the be<dia^ lo>:kii g iuo e th snvthiiig •• i*e like the rtraliir • Iivo m f*ni«<l p hoepual. From this ’red had nrl-v-n the co!«ir d yro- (uiu ** aancy.” vho open-d ths* d*»or. a. d at tl >f it tay the hruioeo. di-co!<i fOT|fie of a ‘ —* ** — ** rappeo •« 8he pi — .... . . . - tier halrwae of laxnrlanr tdack «m her f oa’ed »hai e e wan thiriy yearn of a^eor under. Such a 5- coo of rquaiit-funn aLd poverty we Iu*ve rarely *eez». Inqa'rint? of th*» colored Maebc’h witch, we learned the fol siwiny: Ttr* n’'f -rtuT.*te Annie D«*an w*e ’lie'laughter of a New Y -rk m’llioi.sir**, who. b*-inc I aedacwi by her ‘ the lit er t«»th *c I her ehortlr after. Superior Court.—The jury iu the suit U.e admit.btntera of W. Herrini' r». Aaron Alexan der r. ndtred a verdict for the plaintiffs for the ram $1 OxOai.d cost*. Ther ait of W. C. Sand*Te ve. the W«te-n and A Untie Railroad, for a horse, m Je and wagon lret daring the war, w%a tak ; n up yeeterdny evening, bat not concluded at tbe h 'nr of adjournment. omiUAKY. WOOD Died, on Sunday 27th in^t., Wm. n. Wood, Uidactor on the Macon and Western Railroad, with jnce-ttve chill. THIS KENTUCKY LIBRARY GIFT^ CONCERT. $500,0110 IN BAM TO PAY ALL GIFTS A Full Drawing in Sight! $100,000 FOR ONLY $10 4 T th' Second Grand GKt Coticert authorized A special aet of he Legisiatare, in aid o! Library of Keutacky, uunr. ie.ably puatp ■btpu-mber Z3 to December 7, and whicn and unevuivocai y ocrora tn Lo iisviiie, 1 ilay, i»to mher 7,1»72, without foriher d< ac onnt'wha cvet, the f«»ll wing Cash «-ift* are d atribution by lot among tne ticket holders: •ue Grand Gift, caah $100.00o >ne tiran-* Gift, ca*n 50,'0u une cayh Gift,. .. :5f«0 4 ea«h Gift*.$2,000 each 20.0U): 15ta8hGifL*.. l.unoesch *ifte.. 900 each 10 o00| 21 ca.- h Gifta.. &>0. ach !*,• DO; 25 caa-> Gifts . lOoeacb Htxi'i :*> cwh Gifia.. MW each i,UO; M) cash Gift*.. BOG each One ca>>hGift,. csmU Gift.... caubGifr,.... ca-li Gift, c *h*nft,.... one curb Gift,.... one cob Gift,— t»ne ca-n Gift,... Total 1,0U0 (Sifts, all rash The mouey to pay all there gifts is now npon posit, andsetapa't for tiiat parpo-e. iu th*; Farmers’ and • rovers’ Rank, ns wiU be seen by the following ccitllicsteof tne Cashier: Farmers’ and Drovers’ Park, LoniaVille, Ky., S -ptember *6,1872. This 1s to certify that there is now on deposit Micky lo pay off s'l gifts to be awarded at the draw* g. U 8. V EBCn, Cashter. Frlee of Ticket*. Whole tl'ke s, $iu; half tckei*, $5; quarter ticket*. $2 M; I i whole ticnets for $1H0; 2* for $'£3 5< for $.XK»; *13 for $ WM; 2^1 or $2. OH;575' $5,001. No discount on less than $100 worth tickets at a time. The drawing w.ll pntdtive’y an't nn^qa!vocally i d' i cD-* tuber 7. Ag.*! -nand tr iku.-eturuaj •etime for the that i »r tpjjllcaliau for c: UuV.TIMIS. E. BRAZIL' TTE* Arent Fuhlii Libturv of Keutuck^ octH-wrdAsatAweowtd Louievibe I Tickets for wile by Redw'ne A Fox, Atlanta, Ga wanted. The Master Spirits of the World AND Inc IR€AS!f*E OSS 0? AMCK’Ca THE GBD.VT BOOK OF THE YifAR. A GENTS report -ale? of 25 to 100 copies in a tl hour* or days. Uso-recTOs i-keb Ad tress J, W. Got>DSI*EK.>, New York, Chic-co. CtncinziAi' St. ly^nl*. N«n* orlenn* sep^l-;a >8-d«wfl$ Continued brilliant success ot Ditson &Co 1 GEMS GF S> MUSS 'pins t L ran PAS’ «S) German flearts, Aqa- rrdlen, 1T1 ight-,M*nhatt‘jn. and many other popular Watlzes. FIZZIPATO. NEW ANNBN. TRIT-CH TB AT8C Mrdo:h r Polk s, wi'h a goodly nnmbrr of qaT'lr.iies, Galop-, Vaaurkas, Ac Price, in B-»ai $z 50 ; Ciolh, $3 CO. beut, post-paid, for zetail days a^o Svvoral of the prisoners testified they were 'ivc- .l tor .helte-, >ml -he n.i iveaved. im Ttmr»- «1 privnl of their wesoons, which is usnallj | ^, v J*" £ "mhiy hia'^ ih'- m 'S (lonr by arr\**iing officers, ana if not returne* whh'h th ■ b d' pull b*-*r-. No'hitn; was th- i*f :n.t ih.-mh. but yes' «way ab<at n- on p he h d .org ingin her thr -- ■Muaeliilog to ctin Mnir whl-l y' hi n asked if she p-efilT d 7. fhr fPl'lieil. **« 'h! ncr, but in a few mo- will also lie invesligated at the proper time. 1 shall sirive to execute the law, bu; u til not tolerate impn>p*.*r treatin' nt of prta onm. Henry P. Farrow. Wc give 31 r. Farrow the benefit of hi> .-’.itcMM'nt. It is uoneccsaary to publtah tb« praicreiling*. The prisoners on hand exone rue the soldiers. The explanation ta not ex I -.lyle at Willard's Hotel with btr bu^b.ind, hs mwDta she was dead. There ta reason to di credit the statement •hat this wonvin was tl»o daughter *>f a New York millionaire, but il is known that when Nhe first came to Washington she lived in ►Mi. however* aa the following para shows: Lof’on, of 31 aeon, stated that he tit witnesses c*»u!d be pro*luced by t*» » show that the complaints against th* d Marsh ala, ns sot forth in th* first piragmpli of this article, could be sub I ^ negro hovel: r l**ver; that she was abandoned by him, nd entered a bouse of pr<>sliitition. fishing lovier and lower unti* she consorted with ne- gr es, and was h^hru.illy intox caied. finally iceting death ns described. What a fate! To mike this sad s;*»ry ni*>re impressive i I*,trier’-* account of a recent visit st.tnti *ted; that the House of Mr. Bower, lawyer in Irwinioa. was enier»*d withouu warrant or c*^*r of law, and that these out rag*** had been committed. He tendered the Commissioner tlie nam. s of the following parlies who could testify to this, and whe w.ll 1* subtHCoaed: 3Ir. J. C. Bower and E J. Gilbert, Irwinton. We do not propose to do injustice even to our Radical oppressors. There is enough that ta true that violates every instinct of manhood, and rule of law and right, and re- volts humanity to expose them to the con demnation of mankind. OIK OBIkTVILhE LETTEK Illarion Bethaaty aafiba’ CaMIdafe for Conirreaa In Blfbf’t Place tattle Foui tl* Diatrict. Grantville, Ua., October 30, 1ST2. Editort Constitution: I received this morn ing a political pamphlet from one Radical. 3Ir. Marion Bethune, who claims himself as a candidate in this (4tb) Congressional District, in the place of Hon. J. S. Big*y. I inclose to you the title of the pamphlet. Notice bv what duplicity he seeks to gain the people’s vote*. He claims himself as a Union man during the war, and bitterly op posed to secession before tbe war. He states that Mr Uiirris, the Democratic candida’c in this Distrct for Congress, was in 1S6U a fiery secesai*>ntat. In a little speech he ma*!e a few days since in Talbott*»n be took special f ains to say that he was a Democrat—a life- Democrat; that be had supported the Democratic party for thirty year*. Mr Bethune will confer a very great favor if he will keep his political trash to himself in tire future. I shall <*r«»inlv cast my vote for (V’oncl H. R Hams, 5th of No- Te M«av.*ci»«fori * Tatum, of Auburn, AUftaira. have furnished nine graves at thia place witu beautiful monnda. ” Tours respectfully, Dos* Fats. Dimrlly oppw’te the door a -to 11 hr * ull> *ry artlc i-5. tin • r*:*, U.t ft a HO reltri (Tiili'QCMOf p*<Vrr eonty fnniiuira i« iho n*>m «r*9 i Ilia'll t» i»: «»*»' d heVl a d ny. yo':<>>«•. ai imd twd-tick, « L-.ds. covorleij*, or any a c- io,.t of the bed and n n.ider «he wind*»w. it* ji i«, Uy the i h.*»t y tho left of !h* door d . *x s'^a-reeuoq.-hloco'i- ody of Ann e l‘w»n, »*-et .yc~. tur he»tU in - our the wind****-, tfre f 1C.*. Uuuernr*:h fiuedvy turn pirt of :hc • it for bunal sb" tua been iwaied i •ahiin' • rd fd' < s im- bicied »u Uwt lit-lo !"»ns*. an o d, gray-h <tdei, bl. Dean for a co.upxuion. And so 1 end my b*i *f chronicles of the dark side of Washington l'fe Tommy Hacck Alabri . a XcW». Thirty-eight prisoners are in the Dallas jaiL Selma is honored with the pr scnce of a colored authoress from Baltimore. A railr»>ad is r'i>>k.'a of from Tu ? ke-ee. senth ai d soulhweii, havieg iu terminus at Cotton Valiev. Four thousand one ha cured and seventy. *ix through :»a seagers passed over£the Ala bama Central Railroad last month. Counnbi allttea* Dim^-stic mails—Married men. A titled proposal—The eng’grrjent kiss. The Grecian ludit^ counted their age from their manif ge, not their birth. A f* -nd husoand boasted to a friend: ** Tom, the t»ld woman came near cdl ng me honey last night-” “Did she Bill? what did she say ? ” *‘ She said, * Well, old beeswax, come to supper.’” The Great New Church Musio Book. THE STANDARD still “wavrs” and I* on tde point of b«*inx introduced 10 a roa'ntrideiif -ixoixo schools now to coinmc* t *J he aiitb'>r* nr,- L. O. EMERSON, of Fo-ion. a D. R. P.aLMER. <r Chicago, neither of whom will eaUsficd with less thou TWICE THE ORDINARY CIRCULATION O'.IVBV DITSOV A CO., Boston $64,260 Kentucky State Lottery. I^*calix:dby an act of the Legislature. Meat liberal Lottery ever crawn. Only 7,140 Tickets and 3.080 Prizes. To be drawn Nov. 30th, 1872, in Covi* gt**n, j One Capital Prize of S25 f OOO. 1 Pr’z* of $\omi 13 Pr!***s of.. 1 * rize of 2 50 I 30 Pri/«a» o'.. 2 Fnxej of 1.9001 42> Mize* of . 2 Prlz s of 5-\ 12,610 Prizes of . 3,«*» Prlz?«*, amounting to $64,260 Ticket*, $12. Halves, $6. Quarters, $3. pvour • O'fertes are rhart-red by the 8ta*e, acd a.rtwn«*t ti e time named, under the eupervi-ion t -worn ■ omin’s-Ionen*. t*f*Tbo era•* ins* will be published in the 3 York. • hicng' «nd Loni.-vj le pape * BBTWe will draw a simil-.r recot-me th** last f-'ntur- day «>f every mon’h d> riug the y^-i 1S72 a-.d 1373 jjfF“We''it at onr ri-k y Post*>fflce Money Oi ‘ Regi-iercd l^iur. Drift or EXpree*. nd for a circular. Address fclilTH, FIMMONS A CO. Bjx 827, Covington, Ky. 31 - dtne ?-!*1 y ULOUUIA. Henry County Ortuxart’s Orncx. tvreber £9th, 1871 r O W. ROWAN h%+ applied for exemp G r . it, ou the llih day of November, 1872,) at airht. Catalogues ap’e free. N. Y. MTg | Co., 21 Coortlondt, St.. U. Y. I Milton County. Iflilton County Sheriff’s Sale. ths Cowthouse cco^in the town of Alpharetta, Mil- Lon«e and lot in the town • f Alpharetta. Levied on by R M. An'ry, former Sheriff. a« the property of G. W Arnold to satisfy a A fa. issued fn m the County •epiO-wU Printer’s fee $7 CO per levy. W. M. BUICS, Sheriff, Milt-’n County Postponed Sheriff’s town »f Al; han-t'a Milton cr-unty, <;eoiei«, «m »he flr*t Tuesaay in N or* mber next, whhin the ligai i.f sale, tte fol!«w*ng pr rerty. to-wit; '•f 523. 10 acre**. I acre, more or less. _ _ . , _ lees of lotljing we-tof lot 5‘ i. all in the first d ; trier and -ucond s* c ion of o L iaally Cherokee, now 1 ou county, Gwirgio. Levtd on as the property \Y 8 Gr-K-BP, to sstls^y a fi fa IssnA from thi pu- rior Court of Milton omniy, Geo-gia, in favor of T)° IV r CEOBtlA* 71* lton County- Oeoixart's OrcicB, Anmst 30,1872. OBERT N. ROGERS. aduiinistrat»r de bonis non. f f l’-e eeta'e of Rob rt Rogers, late of add county, dec«-a**d. having fi ed Uis r-eiition, stating tt»rt be h «* diecliar. od hi-1» urt: This is '.h-r fore, to cite and admonish all persons . teres ed to be and appear at ray office within the »'m- rre*crlbed by law ther and there to show can*e. ■* any they have, why said letters^honid not be book heretofore published in this conntry, throw* math light n >on oar Consuiational and Political History. It is a work of -xtraordinary Interest and of pennment va’ne to the Historian, the Lawyer, the statesman, tbe Politician, and every class of intelli- , . - *’ibaaip * “ gent readers, ’nsive Terri” For Terra 1 “Soid by Sabacriptiun only—Ex- r*T aura-, iw Life of TANSY—L*fe of GEN LEE, Ac, address at once, MURPHY A CO., Pub lishers. Baltimore. — $75 to $250 per month, iwhsoe. male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SKN B FAMILY S»EW- S ING MACHINE. This m«chiuewill stitch, h**m. — full, tuck, quilt, com, bind, braid and etnbro'.der ^ in a mort superior nunmr. Price oniy $i5 - S Fully llccn ed and warranted for five years. W» ■ will pav $1 000 for any macnlne that will sew a I stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic «t«n • than ours. It makes the “Klast’c L*Kk Stitch.' 1 -/5 t very stitch can be car. and .till the cloth cannot be palled apart without tearing Iu We pay agents 2* from $'<5 to $250 per month and expenses, or a 7 commission fr»m whicb twice that amonntc wbe made Address 8KCOMB w CO., Bot*t< , TrJfass; Pittsburg, Pa.; Chicago, I1L, or St. Lean, ^ Missouri. GEORGIA* Milton C’ounty. Ordinary’sOnrics, August3\ 1872. \S. Ann B. Biuion, exuentrix of Jot. a, late o* said county, deceased, h -viup applied for •ett«v* r-f dismis.*)ou from said trust; This is. th t* f«r*\ to ci’e and odmori-h all persons mtere-ted to be and appear at my my office within the le prescribed by law, then and ’he>eto show cause, any they have, why eaid letters should not b« granted SHALUH’fS PATENT PARADE TORCH for the CAMPAIGN of 1872, is a striking novelty in the torch Une. The horning fluid being contained In ih«- packing, prevents all danger of drippirgand soiling the clothing, and is perfectly safe in hondlirg. tty blowing throngh a tube in the Is thrown three feet Into the air, producing a beautiful and startling effect, and illuminating a wide area. This torch is cheaper and handier than any other, and costa to bum only two or three cents per night Manufactured and sold by S. M. AIRMAN A CO. 261 Pearl street, New York, Manufacturers of Snip, K. R and Hand Lanterns. Cheap Farms! Free Homes Ontbelmoof the UNION PACIrTO RAILKOaD. 12,000 000 acres of the best Farming and Mi- cral La- ds in America. 3 >000,000 Acre* in Nebraska, in the Platte Volley, now for saie. Mild Climate, Fertile Soil fur Grain gr any in the l . CH S * PuR IN PRICE, more favorable terras riven and more convenient to market than can ue found Isewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. The bast location for Colonies—Soldiers entitled Home-stead of 160 Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet wl hrew maps, pnblbheu in English. German, Swedish and Danish, mailed free every where. Address, O F DAVTH, Land Com’r U P. R R. Co., Omaha.-Nr.s Thompson’s W0RLD-8ENGW3E0 PftTE‘‘-T G-love-Fitting Corset, No Corset has ever e* Jr»y* *1 such a wo; Id-wide ir ’ ty. 7 he d* mind for c»nstant1r inensrai cause THEY GIVE Universal Satisfaction, Are Haitfsoir.e, Porahlfj Eronomjcal and Perfect Fi pk for THOMPSONS «Vf FITTING *«ani ned with the TilOMPaON, and the trade- ■ old br nil Flr*t-Cla»s Dcnlcu. arnmOSr the first few *1 rsic which may give tem| October, 1872. octS—wtda Henry County. Administrator’s Sale. * v Dcnongh, Henry connty, Ga .on thefirat Tues day In Novtiuber next, the following dc-er b d land beioncing to the estate of Winston R. South, de- One hundred one and a fourth seres, more or less, known as nurth half of lot No. 157 in 12:h district said county. Sold for the benefit of tbe h< Ira and creditor Terms cash. NEWTON M SOUTH. angi6-w3m Adninf-tritor. GEORGIA, lie r? Couuty. Ordixxbt’s Orwcx. OctoVr S»h. 187 - r ’KO. W \\ ILKINe, Guard an ot Geo. W. Gray V U .ring petition* d for have to sell »he real e*j*n of Ward. *li peraon-ere notifi»*d lo file olij -c iotiA. »f any exist, within statutory time, «>rt e leave will h-i uran it d. Gt.O. M. NOL-*N. Or.iiiiHry occil-w4w Primer's fev i! Fulton Connty. Fulton County. G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. 2 Etowah River Farms. I No 1 contains 3 3 acres, el-.-hty of which 1s cleared | and under hish ?tate of cultivation, about one-half this the finest quail-yot Etowah ltive- Bo I tom Band. G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer- Executor^’ Sale. The Pat Lynch Estate! ^ lands GEORGIA, Henry County, Ordinary's OrncK, September 25. 'ET2. J OHN 4 LAN Y appli,-* to me for e:t<-r# of ».d- miuirration cum tettamento anexo ou the estate or JohnLaney dect-tM • late «>f c*»*-n*n If objections exist, let them be filed within Statutory time, or the letters will be grouted. W itnesa my official sigratn re. GEO. 5L NOLAN. Ordin.-ry. eept29—w2m Printer's fee £4 tut i-er levy Guurdii 1 ii’n Y virtneof an or’or of the Court of Ordinary of the ward of uuderatgutii. Two hundred two and one-half acre 3 , troreorless, lot No. 116 in originally oiuih district of Henry now Newton comity, G*. One buud:ed ,iue and one fourth arras. m«*rt'or less *4 l--t No. oue hundred mid seventeen (117) in s kid district and counrr, f< ‘ ‘ “ ' * it UK „ . . nrth (1883^) acres, more or les-, of lot N-*. one huu- drad and seven *10.), two hundred and three-fourths acres, more or less, o' lot No one but drid and eignt hundred two and one-ha?f nrr. , of lot No. one hnndnd and nine '.ID*), and c __ idred on** and one-f*»urth (1P1M) at res. more le-s, of lot No. on-- honored and teu (110). all * ‘ Tern' '* hundred le-s, of above lyiug in aaiddi -tretaud ang!6-w3m Given under my hand sep4-woatn3ra official signature. O P. SKELTON. Ordinary. Printer's fee $4 GEORGI4* .Til J ton County. t M)IJRw«-eks after d-te application will b* 1 for leave t- sell the lands belonging to thi or Jacob Strickland, late of stid county, dect-tsi-d, for the benefit of the be* s and creditors of said de ceased. ROBFRT THOMPSON. Adra’ October 7.1872—octl2-w»l Prin er’s fee $5 Campbell County. Admi’ i^trator'si Hnlp. I E°ROTA, CAMPBELL COl!NTY —On thcL . _r Tuesday in November next, will be sold at the Court House do**r in Dallas, in Paul-'ing ct.unty. within the legal hours o* sale, fraction o f lot of <and rnmher seven hnndred and forty, in the nineteenth district and second -ecri* n of Pauld ng county, ^ld 'gf'the property of John R. H. Shell, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash This 8 - dumber 19,1872. JAME3 II. CaUKOLL, Administrator. rep2t-w4M Friuter’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Campbell County. Ordinary’s urnur, October 17th, 1872, fAKGARRT JANE BISHOP has spplk» L for exemption of pe<sonalty an" setting apart Given under my official ri^natant^ oct18-wCw Cum pbe 11 County Postponed Abet Iff’* Mule for November* 1873. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town nf Fairt-aru. Ga., in said county, on the flr.-t Tuesday in November text, wl bin the legal hours of sa’e, the following property, to-wit: Lot of laud tutnrer fifty-three ('3) in the7thdls let and 4th section, origiunally Coweta btn Cuuipbolr comity, Georgia, containing two hm two and o,.e-lialf acres, more or Jes-. Levied the property of Murcas A. Be'l, by virtneof and to -aii-dy a ll fa. isrued from Fulton County Court in fa^orof W. T. Newman, trustee, etc., vs. Marcus A Bel', and property point d out by W. T. Newman, trustee, etc. Thia Octol*cr 2«, 1872. IaAAC W. CARTER, Sheriff oats dlt.tvSw Primer’s* $2 50 i»er b-vy GEORGIA* Campbell County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN C O. G tKUETF having, in proper form applied • to me for permanent let tuts of adrn)uistrat : on •te of .Sarah Cash, deceased, late of said count*”; iny o'llec wituiu tho ti-.o allowed by law, abow . if any they can, why p rtnancut administra should no- 1>e grant- it to U. C. Garrett Rarah Cas.i’s esate. Wipjcss my hand »nd official signal ure, this 28th d»y of tep.ember, 1872. R. C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. ort2 wiHVl Printer’s fee $4 Afluiiiitatriktcr^ ksalu. GEORGIA. Cancbrix Colntv 1 \N the Unit Tties ay in Dec- m er next, will be sold 2 s at the «-ourl house «»*>or iu ^airbnrn, *n ss within the l.g*t! hours of w*! e . h»t of lai. nun-ber** w ebu dr-iUnd four (101) iu tbe 14th district ot Fwtsyili orh-innliy, hot now Catnpbeil co'bi; 8 *!d a? the prop* rty of John Dun'op, dece etd, fi. theboi^fit ot the Ueijs and credit -rs of t-a^ddecv.sed! Tv.w- cash P. At. DU Lf»P, oc‘V--.-idJ Ad'nli.lretraD Primer's fee $5 DfKalb County. Administrator’s Sale. I >Y v!r ; -*5 of authority granted b .• the <\ ) o. . u rvuf 1 ttG be tuny, wi lhe sold -•■y Dali I:, t ccit Of, within tae legal hour- «>f se.l -. o - the tir-t ‘1‘ucsdav in in cember nv at pabl c • net!on, to tae highest ‘iJder, the r«itU irg d*»* ribe proper , b longing to the estate Alston t Greene re *s-d, t.*-wit: Lot of la d No. 21 In tne !4 h uisinct of original ly Fajratte now. Fulto-t county. Also, th ' following lots, fr-c lon» ng to rail esia*e; lo of 1 dkirct - f «»: gi ain Lobb • ounty; lot No continued use brings Piics and kindn^l diseases to aid in weakening the lnvr*** ~ J whicb, nnder tue popi icn.dr* )y palmed off on the public os sovereign rwnr with woiMierfol remedial rrsuits. UR. WELLS’ EXTBAOT OF JCHIBEBA rat-ins all tbe medical viitnes peculiar to th- plat, ana mutt be taken as s permanent curative agent Is iheie want of action In yo*»r A.lver aud Spleen ! Unless relieved at once ihc blood t.ecome* impure by deleterions secretions, producing scrofulon* or tkin disensea, Biotcue*. Fel ons, Pustules. Canker,Pimplea, etc Take JU KUBEBA to dense, purify and restore the vitiated blood to health* action. ^ _ Have yon a uvapeptlc Stomach ! Un less digestion is promptly aided the system is debili tated with lose of vital force, poverty of the blood, dropsical tendency, general weakness or lassitude. Take it to aesl-i Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary sufferer. have yon a weakness of the Intestines ? Yon are n danger of Chronic Diarrhoea w the dreadful Inflam mation of the Bowel a. Take it to aluj irritation and ward off tendency to t No. 455 17th urLically rhurokeu i » 4 h di-uiet of ap»,lin* r*iM*.n *>io 84, 17td district v Fa touomuit*. contsinina 0 t. 6 in ta d district cotitainirg nd No. i, iu suid distnc* cot.- 1 isian-i No. 2, iu said district, isiana No. 6. in **aid disiricL , in the Uth coiiiAi! ill, %-ras. A Is >, irloBii No *, in tbe Gt ui trictnf *.r gi-al.y ('.winuett county, containing acres. ».nd i-iar*l ^**. 2. in the7th cistrict of ori»r1i Have j^ou w Sable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or iife be come- a bnrd-n. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the system In perfect health or yon are otherwise in great danger of ipataeiat, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN U.KELLOGG, 18PlattiLNew York, Sole Agent for the United 8tatea. Prici% One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. oct!5— feblMAwtf OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Oeorgia. r lS cxercifca of tMf « orttt • on wtl be ;resumed on the • 1st Monday in October and ^7 dose on t e 1st Wednesday in July, 1873. Tuition $75 per annum —half in advance.' Board from $16 to $25 per month. Tuition free to .candidates for the Ministry in sL D. D., President. JOHN S. WILSON, President Board of Trastevs. MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! SPECTACLES will Preserve it. ISO ( ICE, GEORGIA, Campbell County. >* jis: above his haffst-n ail bts ]«*£«, whi e face ro:a h -rns to his eyes, witn white on oi- j two. an.J so ur whresout* under bis belly, m&rstd with am •othcro;*» ff of left tar. Appraised by Wm. A. Philips and t'larles J>un*on. frechuldAhi of said If yon value yoor Eyesight use the Perfect Lenses Ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles, melted ro-etti er, and derive their name “Diamond” on account of their Hardness and Brilliancy. They will laet tnanj veers without change, and are warren tea superior ti all others in use. Manufactured by J. E. Spencer <k Co., opticians. New York. Caution—None genuine anlesa -tamped with opr trade mark. For sale hr Respon sible Agents throughout the Union. Sharp A Floyd, Jewelers and Opdcana, are Sole Agent*- for Atlanta, Georgia, from whom they can only be obtained. Nc ntrran-tl cntl Jt*rl r distil; t. to bew'rth six*e*n dol.ars ani that it is worth twru:y-fiv* cents p«*r d-.y to ke» p amid Ox. Thi- n*n- r is h «r ny notified to anptwr bef-'ra tne, prootriy. p*-T costs and expenses, a*, d take him K. C. BEAVsRS, Ordinary. Prinu-r# fee $3 Miltou CoU'ity >li^titt’s Sale. TY^ILL be solden th» first Tuesday in December > V nt*xt, between the l«*gtl h -nrr of sa’e b. fore the Coart Uou-e door, in the town of Alpharetta Milton conn'y, Georgia, the following property, to-wit: Two l**’* of a~d r.u*nb rs7 and 71. In th- firs: nis- ’rici and first section «»f Minon cor* ty. Levtea on da tbe oropcr.y of *'i Mun Taonason. 4e>eaeed. to ■*atisf-- a fi fa issued ^ree th- Superior Court in fa vor or May Mannugvs E J. ard It. A. Comp, ad min i-trmtors of W i dom Tbomaeon ca bonis non of sold c* ate. Property p. In tec out oy E J Carat*, One of the admir.istrahjn de bonis non. Thia 81st day of OCTObsr, 1872. 9500 B j’J W AHJP. QAK BOWERY LODGE, No. 82,7. A. hereby offer a Reward of FITE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension, with proof sufficient to convict the party or parth s, who assassins! d oar beloveo Brother, William P. Milton, in Ellijsy, Georgia, on tbe night of the ?6th day of April, 1872. Done bv order of the Lodge, and given nnder tht Seal thereof. This 7tii day of Jane, A. D, 1872. TR‘*MA?7 GRELR, Worshipful Masier pro tern. W. R. Welch Secretary pro tem. aepl5-w90d GEOHGI.%* Berrien County. W HEREAS. Hardima Sirm^ns. guardian for the mi a* r ne^s of — Kirkland, (Kceasec, having app ied for letters of dismission from said Is. therefore, to cite and edmoi.-l«h an per sons interacted, to be and a-pear at my office, to mow cause, if any they have, witfij i the Hire allowed by law. why sold letters should not be granted. September 18 II 1872 -ud Gland aud frac- poec of winding up a id i Printer’s fee $20 NOTICE. AUmiiiiNtrator’s Sale in December next, lvf *re the Court H *use door Decatur, be ween the legvl h rars of sale, <ns w dred acres of mire or le-s. belonging to the fresh !a d epeu; balance in the wo*h1s and w. U tim bered. Spring of good ‘ *' place, pretty g«»o - dwel of division. Term* ea-h. J. W. BROWN, Administrator. OCt25-w4Pd Primer’s fee $!*• 00 GEORGIA* OeKuIb County ORDiNART’tf Orricr, October 23.1872. ^^HEUEAS, Hu*an t A. White having wpplicd tor euf John ad»iini»tratt- W. White, late - t DeNaib • ounty. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned, to file :heir o. jectious, if any they have, within the time al'ovved b) luw. else letters will be granted said as applied f< “ W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Printer’s fee $5. GEORGIA, UeKalb County. Orrinart’s Orncs, October 23.1872. HERE \S, Mi'ns v. Whit** havi?*"sp-.liedfrrlet- timc pre-cribed by law, cise letter* will be granted said applicant as appl ei f r. W. K. WEBSTER, Ordinary. ocm-w40d Printer’s fra r XHE ;ghkat ’^7<J~53LJ5u. Xj.E5 fi la. lies to sec. Th* pnee of 'admission is put very low. so tbit oi see it a Ir-z-u tun*** and not miss the cost. Adra 1 s-ion 20 rents; children halt price. Drop th-.- money i r » de box y -urtelf and walk in ND. WOT SHALL STREiT, Next to Mr. Wm. Robinson’s Shoe Store, ceil 1-1 t<cwlm Ksecutur’s sal*-. E tYvtrrne '-f orrsr of the Ronorable Court ) ur<- n.iry of Lee c* unty, will 1*e so.d be*ore t Conr» Ro .se d -or, ju the ettv of Atlanta, on the firat Tuts a> in Drccruber next, fifty acres of hu;d, it 1 jug j ax i of jot IS9 one hundre i aud eighty nine, the *14) fonr e-nt * di-tnet, originally Henry, i t uiton rt uitiy, Ivir.g n« rE*-t Point. Sold as pr* per y of i-a ic P. Cock, late of Lee county. cease. So d for th • tors. Terms corn. octTT—wOd •refit »• btr 24 . BEaJ. f A P. W RIGHT. C W. STEGALL. V/R1GHT & STEGALL, Bankers, Lealeis in Exchange AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TfioinaaviHe... Geo<*l« G BOPGXA. THOMAS f^INTY.—We, tbennder- B gied, -ave this day eu’end into a limited partner sh: *■'* *“ * Wright A nro*, (*• mission. ixitrthe laws <»f G-torala, todo b^einers if, oe*^rgia, uud-r the firm name cf xyaH. The iren->r*l nature of tbe baei- iLit of Banking. .Exchange and Com- Ordinary of Fulton onntv. wiU be sold a* the . Tory pradactlre In cotton, com I ««* H* 1 -*■» dty Of tho latte , rente Tory floccr pa hours ot r»'e, on the first Tuesday, nave oeeu gathered The boron laud is alluvia ‘ ^ ea->-liV cu'tlvoted. The uplands be-t quality ol and chocolate clay lauds The lU»me Kailr-wd .... . nlcg thron-'h Uu^telanis affords fine s^ippiug fariii. the following p'Oi>er y b-longing to the est-teof ties for ail farm products, and contract« for woudand J l*atrlck Lynch, drcea* * nneratlve price*, i-and* not a >bj ct I Seventeen acres 3d day of December next, tper y b- iongli e^aed, to-wit: t-f lan-l, kn-'wi i QU r •UMCRY Fnlton County. 9 sixteen i hs ot leury, now Pulton coun- r vt thereon. point of pronnetiveoeae, health etc^ coutaius 125 | Also ore acre on the corner of 1 hurmond an ! Hay- acref', of which 70acres are cleared, and in high out.? 1 den streets, with Three Tenement tlonsether son—a *>r cultivation, a* d on -h*lf of this best Ktovrah J port of said lo* clehty-three—aLd Two Lots, 50 by 60 River Bottom Land, balance in vool and well tim- I feet, on broad street. h.T.-d, Eau-n o> these farms fromt« cn the Home j A Plat of all w hich will be posted and exhibited at Hailro id and Atowah River. No improvemcma on | the sale. j No. 2. And Th rteen Mnl*s, On* Horse, 8 ; xW*roo«. *hi" srriage, several Set* o' Harnrae. Two Dump Csria. per cut intervSL Tile* unquestionable. Fosses.-ion I ar.d the * ools of a Blocksmitn Shop corap.cse, and all iven any tim-* a'tcr thecr*p ts csthered. Corn, fod- j the Quarrying Tool*. be bought on th-i place at I All will b * void for -itton seed cau 1 bv.;.'' >urt Ho .■mb'rmrrwi'uimeTelil hoemlf'iToinSI nunb r..... h»..dreJ »■..! tiftv-toor, of th? tour- P .< Fntioo onoity roll he «t> the UrnTn-r- nth district of origtmdly Henry, now rulion rta '' in hovriid>rr ’m-t ,t .he (Tmrt Uonre door in 0 , un , y I said connty, during the leg-ti hours of sole,’he fol- Sold a-the rtonortr of John Hnt'eme, late of I lo«lne tea. e.t».. j brlo n ,inr lo tue eriate ot Rich.rd South Caro lua, decoBled, for divlrl »r. *bchur apart ofia. Tennr—Ore-thinl en.h; bala: ca an ttd twetm »« COLUNB1. M. UIclt'EUSOS, Go irdUn. etc mou’Ur, with 7 p*r Admiuistrato ►*ale. Y virtue of an order of the fVrart of O'dina . Henry * ounty, Georgia, will bn sold before the irt Hou-edeor, in the town of McDonnnrb, Hen- . :ounty, betw-en the legal »crars o’ ra’e. on the first Tuesday In November next, the following prop- «.* of ’-md off of west side r. to-wit: Fiftv(50) i lot number thlrty-rigl le*«, off of lot nuran- r uudlvidi d interest in » Grist ami Saw V ill and * ater and Yard privileges, which wiil b -dcseiiuvd day of sale, Ijrrgon Cotton Indir “— ** ■*“ *a-t i t Jonesmuo, Georgia. All c known as Johnson’s District, said <und Tided half lobve-t in •*«!•.) off of northeast c**rner of lot number fortv-one ^41,) feet, thence a uth 37 ’deg east 1,061 feet, th* net* . , . . north 87 deg. Wert 1.0*7 feet Ounce north 58 deg K. E. F0WLER. Auctioneer. w ** t 381 ,R ‘ t . ***™« nort ' > 48 *e« «m feet ’ thence north 9 deR. we»t 391 feet to the heKinnin* T Ttrtn e of an older of the Booonhl. Conn '"aUo, at the Mine time «nd pliee. w i! be reld, on th- ■>* ,V r ^5 4ry P'e'onronnty O.ortr.a, | n c..nt|iltanee «n« th* statute tn Mfb will sell b fore the Court Houre door in At care m-deand tm.v.d d the lellooine real enate "J"" 1 * 'ts* 1 hour. of ede, on the nuumdan-biliijt In the thiol naidot .he cby o'At tiwt -nesdae m Ueccmh r neat, the follo.lnir teal Oi:c atnall fraetional lot lytne heincec - A twrtof'•nd lo. No.JtUof thclttb | ,„d Giant rt.eeta.nnd between the lot «' David U D ty and the lands nf KG Rawson, extend- B Y estnt**, t the heir* and cred.tors._ Te; s«pl5-w40d ca-h. Sept 10. ’872. SAM’L J. LER. Ad'iiinletratar. Printer’s f« e $10 Notice to liebton and Creditors. LL persons having claim* agdn*t Levi Tnrnin- ... . ^ by Kj-te, OCt9-w4w . C. A J. W. TURNIPSEED. Administrator’s Sale. f virtue of an order from t>-e Honorable Court c Ordinary of flcnry county, Ga., will be s Id b. fore the Court House door of the town of \1« D raongh, in the county of Henry, on the fl'-st Tuesday in De cember next, during the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing real estate, to-wit: 'j bo plantation two ratief west of the village of Hear Creek, (4a., Macon and Western Railroad, disti' gubhed as part of lots of land No*. 47, 48, 49, 50, auu 79. containing five bun dred and twenty-seven acres (527) more or less, and adjoining lends of Dnoree, Cainpucll, Manley, Dur on. Mrs brown and others. The plantation propos d for sale is a des-rable ilace, near market,g«HHl w**l|s of water, rnd a healthy goon frame gin honre awl pm*. c well ibont > rood laud hnndred and fifty or seventy-five acres ba-jucechared; aboutdtrhty-fiveor l g**od creek bottom land, cleared, well d'tched and in a hlirh state of cultivation. There isagoodap; le and ptarh orchard 4, n the premises. . „ cU finished ar.d comfortable, and convenient to the i ness part of the village Also. •“Vend n- impn lots, suitable fo- bu-i css and dw.-IIPg i urposcs—all being In a thriving village on th-* rallro-d bold ss the property of Levi Turuipscvd, deceased, to the benefit of h' lra and cr- diL»rs. further information, call on d c TtirnfpsectL at B ar Creek, or J. ’V. Turr.1its*s*r1 on the plantar Terms cash, or half rnd ‘-slf ere.ilt. 12 icon J. C. & J. W. TUltNII’SLED, Aum.niairator. $201 oct9-40d [Prin’t GEORGH) II«*ury County. Ordinary's Ornce, October 7th, 1872. M ARY' HEaRN, Ex-cutiix of Osbom Hearn, • e’itionaior leave to sell fifty acres, mor- - less of the red estate of Ushurn IIear-i, deems d If objection* exist, let th. m be filed wiihin sti tory time, or ihu leave **. ii» b<* granted. GE'J. M. NOLAN. Ordinnry. till—w4\v Printer's fee $5 Admia’Ntr afo Sjtlo. B y VIRTUE of an order of the HonomVe Court ofO d na-yof U«nry c->nt.ty, •-«•<*rg’a, sold he ore the Court House door, in G ill-i, ing ro’.iii y t-. or-ia, on *be fir.-t •UtMiavmi her next, within tne legal h oirs of sal *, one huud.-el urrea mure or has, of land, he-ngem-n htf of iot N< 12 in 2d district. or1gin-.lly Henry, nowMmldin cuanty. Sold a* red e*f f- »>f Ff. Spruce, de- Ktl9-w4^d Printer’^* Fayette County. Administrator’s Sale. r lots of loud, to-v. u: nd thi Henry i ! btrt.rired rict of origiua ly lieu y; lot of land nutnli rwenty five (125> In the »• ti district of ••rigiiu ry now Fayette < ounty; lot o r land number rtre< and twenty-four (-24) n the 5*.h dis riet -*f t»rig inatiy H»nry cow l>aycfteco..nt : lot of /and tiuru m-r one hundred and sixty-tno (162) in the 13th dis trict o Fayette c unty ; t ach l<*t cont iin ng two hun dred two ai.d a iia f (2U2j^) sere-, n.or or k-s. Also thewist half of lo» of 1-nd nutub* rone hnndred. •riginally lie! e county. G The a»rave describ'd property Is sold n* the prop ert> of Johu Graves, de easeii of said F.sye’tc ty. and sold for the purpose of uiscribuuon j the heirs. Th fsrm is in om mile of Fa etteville *h^ connty rite, and one of the most valuable farm ‘ iu the Slate, being in a high state of cultivation, with g jod im- r i cd. t'xecutor’s Sa!e. » of Fayettecomtv will sided at the time of her death, containing dred ann fifty acres, more or • as, and kno wn as lot of land number eeventy-threc (73; in ’be ?th district of Fayette conn’y. Soldo* the proper’y of C-thcrine Ucvsnghn, de eased, for thepnrpo>uof disflbution. This and is well unproved at d in a healthy locality. Terms Cash JonN n. fwr Executor, ete., of CNtb- riue Dtvau-^b seplS—w40d Piij« i er s f -e $ 10 GEORGIA* Fayette County. Ordlvabt's Orr.cK, October 22, 1872. S 'LAH JENIN'-S ha* applied for exemption personalty, and soiti g apart and valuation same, which I will pass u|k»ii same, at 2 o’clock M., on the 31st day of Oc-ob r, 1872, at my office. D. C. M 'NOR, Ordinary. oct29-w2w Printer's fee $2* GEUBGIA* Fwyett* Csuuty Ox: i) in art's OrncE, October 17, 1872. J onN SMITH has applied for cx‘*ra*dion of per- ►••Laity aud setting -part s• d vabia’ic which I will pa* upon at 2 o'clock, r. 28th day of October. 1872, ar. — * ** * oct29 w2w GEORGIA* Fayette County. TO ALL WHO 4 IT M ST CONCERN. W ILLIAM JOHNSON h-vi gin prop r form ap plied to me for per iai.. nt letiers of adminis tration <>n the rata’e of Molinda Johnson, Isteuf said unt> dtecssed. » cite all and s’ngu’ni Tuts ia next of k ! n of Maliuda _ _ sojK-ar at my office with'n the time allowed by law tuber 1st, ’872. oct3 v30J D C. MINOR. Ordlrary. Admiui«trutrix’s Sn! i virtue of an order of the Honorable Court ■ legal B Ordinary of Fiyette county. Gt I w'l seii be- fore th^ Court House <o«»r. iu Fayetteville. . first 'iocsday in Nnremb r next, w thin :h<_ b urs of -ale, sixty acres of lot of land nmnV _ hundred a- d ninety eight in ’he tixih d.strict Fayct e county h’ld ss the pro erty «.f 4. McLcuu, deced.-<*'L tor distribu’on. Terms rash. M. Al. PADGr.Tr. Admin,'tratrix. Sepi7—w4Cd Printers f.. GEORGIA* Fayette « ounty. Ordixart's Orrick, Octob.^r J. 1672. TYTHER^h T. «r dg«s», aduin-s rator on the v f T t*te cf Johu T. Mockey, late of suid c u ty de- c*4<ed, has applied for i-.-ave to sell the wild lands loiitfing to the estate aforesaid deceased. All person:* coLo-mi-d are hereby notified to file .. " *— t before the first xt. D. C MINOR. Ord’nary. the sp. cal par n r t*aid copartnership comm, n-a* ou thi* drt*. Sepumbv 21, ’872. A 1 .i th ee years from date. Thomkv 0 Jlltcfa «U, the Ipfdd i wtoer, has paid Into l i ALVIN W. STEGALL, 3500 E.EWABL23, J HEREBY offer a REWARD OF FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, for the e? prehension, wfth proof sufficient to convict,’he pa' ty and his tccompiicee, who kssaeelna’ed my LW lJlam P. Milton, El.: jay, Georgia, on the nl^ht of the 16th day of April last, by shooting him throngh the window of his dinirg roc in, wtdle at his sapper table. Thia 27th day of J one, 1872, set>15—w«0d NANCY C. MILTON. araght on th > place i t5. W ADAIR, ltcal Estate Agent Postponed Administrator’s Sale. r the polios** of making a divis ion among the heirs of Patrick Lynch, deceased. TERMS CASH. O tob r 18 h 1672 Pr.TKR LYNI'H, I JAMES LYNCH, ( bxer|llor ** oc’18- wrd Printer's fee $25 Adiuiutatrntor'fi !?aie. ;,X'£ N. R. FOWLER, Auctioneer. Fulton CSourty within the legal hours or sale, the following to-wit; Also, at ths s , . of land romalnirg eight an acre (8 9-;6.) slanted 1't «k« - of the dtv of AUanta, and known as the Kries ery l-'t, w ilt the brewenr and all the fixture*, a^tr* tstance* engine, ctc-Jit twing p»rt ot jmsff ’ot $», la the 14th dirtrtet • f originally Hrrarr. now Fult m coun ty, boui ded on the west by K K Rawson s lands, *30 fo-1, on the nonh bv Hitch, n’s a’«d others lands, 1.0*11$ fee», east by Slram-’ Un.b>, 35*' feet and soeth by J* bn Rice'* 1*tkL l.t*4* feet. L vird on ** the propcm Ot George C Spe- cv and George Ni'l lJj virtue of ar.d to satl*fy a nMuHlli from Fnlton Superior t on;t. Ir rav.w of J**hc ? Kimball vn George r npi-ncer and t« orge Set;* Propery pointed om in fi fa. rictober i, 1S72. / Is.*, nt tfec same tl-c and place, th** one-hair n*d»- v’d*^l iniiwvt in tne folio -1 igdt-e |:*ed i rojwy.U v It: A etty l*»t la ’he tity of A Unta, sitaatrd nr*. th* old Krie* Dnwtf), bounded on the t unhwcM by land- of Ne -oiuon the nonh by Clarke, acd © ntaln- ing 189 b\ 27i feet, m*v or Ire*, b. log par* of origin — * g ndly Henry, now Fnl’on coon *« p-«ij>e*-tv t*f Anthony, Light A 1 » • -at sfy two fi fas issued f om Jnstlees C- nr’ of 1026dlstnc:. U M . one ta urot W D MitcbeH vs * nihouy. Light«i*©, and one te . .ror of J N Bel A Oo vs Ann*my,Light * Co Levies made by J R Thompson, L. C., and retained tn« Anga*t 12,1872. Also, at the owe time and place sll that tract or parcel of land b ing and tn ing iu the city of AUanta. known and ql**lnguitlKd tn th«*plan of r-id rtty. ac C’ldtug tocWA n ap, Bb-ck N.,*of saiddjy.and art of land lot No 4*i to the ltth d strict of origt ,1’v Henry now Fnlton oranty, situat-d on tho v *tner of tta* Cain and Jack-ou sUra s. being the p^ mirtw sold deiendaut to J J Ftn-dey, ctraralain* iwo *' re J , more o- less. 1/vi <1 on as ’he property of J •mn< U D UtS n by virtndof and to rattafy ai issued from Fnl’on Supe»i-r * onrt in f-*or of broth* r »s Jan c*Kl) Oxtram IVt>it| - g 1852. Fnlton county, Georgia, bounded on the north by lands of v*m 11 Dabney, on the cast by l«ndso f I Frank Uarden. on the tenth und sontbwe-t by land: Robinson and on we*t by Th«i A dmiuis tr til or’s Sule* . of origimlly Henry, row Fulton cranty.,nin^ -IxU'Cii acres lytn^ .bon* o. . mile WMIot , ng frMn oiw t to Onttatt Mrert,. a to. crporato limit-..r hr cur ot.-ttlanty a>Wn|j f ^t more or Iw and In width the lend, of J. L Milter. John Adair .Thomas Alex- each ot retd «r<aie .0 feel, nor.- or 1 nderand othcra. Al»oj one city lot In Atlanta, cor /.ire, what remain* un-old of the home t la-e -it « o’ Xarek and 1 nlnnl aiKett, 50hy I«i feet, doccliiit. The part, so rrmainln- unsold and whtch upon which th re ts a frame store house, being part of ( , w ,. e M ld ur.dVr this adeerUtement beinc that par ro d tot No. r4 of said district- wot;isatilet»0[HTtyof | a r raid Ilom-.-place w lili h frontron bill rlreei a dla cent interest. October 17ih. 1^.’ JOil.\ T. AKRIDGfC, Administrator. octl8-wtds Printers fee $10 -_ibf Uarden Nursery, aud on the s-ratb by L P Grant't IstHis, on the west by Hill street, and on the cast by I lands of t-P. Grant. I All said proi»erty will be sold in parcels to anil I purrhoshers. GEORGIA—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Omcx, September 7, 1872. To the heirs at law and legatees of James Kyle, lst*| r TERMS oF SALE—One-third cash; one-third In of said countv deceased, who reside out of the I three ^months and one-third In six month* from sale q*ntf> nf rwM* I l ast two payments t«> b * secured by note and good State ol Georgia. I personal s«urity Possession delivered on making Tl appfnnugto’heundereigneafrom jha petition 1 first payment and giving proper not*» for theotber X of John a. Doane, that said James Kyle, on the I two. Tlties retained uutil all the payments arc ;;5<i March, *8*». executed to Rebe caOttoand I-onisa made. Interest from date of sale. Belcher. Ins b*rad for titles, by whlc h« bound him- puts of said property may be seen at Wallace * self. Upon the payment «f the parch se money, to Fowier’s office, by whom nr by the administrator, all make titles to the said Reliecca and Lonl«a, or :heir I neci-ssory Information retatiiig to raid property will assigns to a certain l*»t m the dtv of Atlanta, in said be given on requc-L Titles clear and all rigbL conn'y, sod lot situate near the June ion of Peters I The prop-rty is very dctirahle for building aud Walker stn et*, fronting tweu’y-five fe-*t on Pe- j havir gdelightful andnue shade trees on it, and fine rers street, ard running Its* k to Walker abont sixty I orct,ardn. feet, and frenting on Walker street twent* -five feet. | The34 acres In the conntry lie within IV miles ot the Depot, and wit hin K m ti« f run * f *y limit*. T* —- r-- r- - v -- s - wit’ in the city lies about# mile f om the Depot, transferred said ’rand to said Doane, and directed ti-1 near the new depot to be out on the Tharnu ties 'o be made to him or his assigns, and said James | ty. The lands are all valuable and safe Kyle diet withont exi-eattnit ti'lea to eaid lot, or In metlla. K- N RHOYLES, Admtnletrntor any way nroylolnz thwrfor; and the aatd Donne hay. I o n the enUto of Iter. Richard John-on, i rcV lug this d**y p ditiimni the undersigned for an order I sepl8—w40d Piintet s fee $35 directing the aitniiiistratorof • he said James Kyle to 1 xsente to him titles to said lot in conformity with aid bond. Therefore yon will take notice thr said application will »>e benni at. my office on the first Monday in No- v«*mb*r,’872, when objections may be filed, if yon h »ve, w by said order should not oe grauted. Postponed Admistratrix’s bale. TTNDER an order of th** Honorable Court of Ordi- U nary of Fnlton county. I will sell before the , Court House door. In Atlanta, on ’he first Tuesday ir D ANI FL PUTMAN, Ordinary. I November uext, within the legal hours of sale, tbe fol- ■ | lowing citv property, to-’* it: A certain city lot marked Johnson on Ooopcr’s Map of Atlanta, heirs a subdivision of 1* d lot No. 75, of the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton, bom.dcd north ‘ Glenn street, east by Crew street, south by Wm Naught, and west by Washington street, and contain- R 1> Oxtram _ pot' ted out bv plaintiff's attorn* tr. Octob*v7 1832. Also, at »• e same 'imr a*’d plara, a h* or pareH land situated on th- comer of a beat and Sutler ets. in the city of All nt», frouting ’00 frat an tier street, and rorui"" ba le akm tth.wt si-re* . fret; on saki lot is six small dwelling*. L* vied as tbe property of John II riavln by vitine «*f an l satisfy all fa is u.-d fr<*m Fui'on Sn- trior Conti in favor f Johu H El-worth va John II Gavin Proper • Minted out by plarat ff I” fl f*Oct*»ber7,187« Also, at the-ms tim* and pl»c*-, a tract o* pa*criiof land, conuinlng one hnudrd one aud« ne-qaartet (UP V) acre* more or les*. Ilb*-I’>gthc south naif of land !** 12i in ’he 14'h dt-trict of originally Hen>y. now Fn’tnn connty, Georelo. bounded «<oib bv A L Mct'ool, cost hy T J Pe k rson, nvwtiiby Haslett A *trara, and west by Mrs tiilv-y and oth-rs. Levied as th- property of Kdwird White, bv virtue «»f and satisfy a fi fa is»n*d frem Fu ton >rperior Court. _ favor of W U Phillips vs. Edward White, maker and V A G .rk 11, indorser. Oc ober 7, ItT.X Also at th- same time and place n tr*~ or to reel nt land conulnl’ g three and one-branh a\) arras, more or lee*, having th.*f.'llowin-b.raudari.> t*. wit: Cam mmcing at the northwest corn r of land lot 08 In Hk 14.h dis'rivtof oric'natiy llcnry n »w Kn-ton roun y and running tbenco soutbwestwardly on su'd la< d lo; line 124 f*vt, tbenc- eastward'srto r gh -of w.y of lbs Macon and Wewcrn Railroad 731 fett. thence south watoly s’ong Ad right of way of said Ma o* an* W si. m lUilro d 188 teet. Ihet-ce wratwarily akmg tho gordtra fence of said premises to th- rear or north w«*st corn.v of mid gjrden fence 6 0 »e*t. ibtbar trauthwestwardly 13S fraf to the b. ginniniL tngrtbei with a two-story brick dwrillnp *n which the defend ant now rvalue- and all other improvement* ou sukl .anise*. Levied on as tbe prepvi’y *.f Edwart hit*-hy vlrtne of an** to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. sued from Pulton bniK.rlor c«*urt In fav-vof W. IL Phillip* Vl * Edward White. Property irainted out le - fa. October7,1872. Also, at the same time and place, a bens* and lot in the city of Atlanta, fronting 10D fret, more or less, on Crew street, nad g b.ckasuie width 125fort, more or les*. It being part of land lot 77 of orl inally Ht-rry now Fnlton county. Georgia. levied on as tbs toopertyof Knbt-rt Polknerbv vir ne of a-d to satisfy a Justice's Conn fi fa from the 1096th district G M. in fa Tor o' Gvorge Edward- A Co vs Robert Fal’.n*r La-vy mad • by J R Thomp»ra, L C, and returned to me Octobef 7,1872. A so at th- same time and place, a city lot situate- on Rcade streel in the city *4 A Hants, fronting 5| feet on said street nnd extending b*ck mmetortdth llto feet, bofilidrd on two side* by lots of Mrs. Watts, it being part of Uu«l lot 53 in the 14th District of *»rigi' ally Henry, now Fulton co- my, Georgia. Levied on as the pro-rarty of C. Abl- * hv virtue of on I to sati-fy three fi. fa*, issued from tim Justice** C nrtol the l,«4Gih Di«trict. G. M.. one iufhv«irof Riixabeth Smith, one in favor of M. Baler, and « favor of J. <4. Km*tie’on, all vs the said i Levies made hy J. It Thompson, L. C , I ime October", 1872. _ . AN*, at the same time and place, a boose and lot It. he town of West End, fronting on Gordon street 41 fret, and running back s *me width 183f-et loan alley I ion uded West by Culbowm's p.o;«riy and Earthy Fre* ma- & lxmman, oo said lot is a foir nnn framed dwellirg Levied on ma tbe property of W L Morris by vinne of mud to satisfy a fi fa issued fronr Fait- n superior Oran la favor of Benjamin Wat kins vs T J Wood priorip-il end W L Monls surety. Pnv erty p»intcd on' by defendant. Oct«*ber4,1872 at the Miras time and plat e, a tract or poreo imnj'onc humirt-d ud eix*y <M*t a PeKalb County. ADMIN ISrRATRIX-»S SALE. (Printer's fee $10) house door In Decatur, D Kalb county, under an order of 'he Court «*f O-di- nary of said comity, ouc-hxlf lot of land 101X seres, more «>r less, being a pari of lot No. 72, in tbe ’8th District of originally Henry, now DcKnlb county. Thi? p'aC 1 ! h is g«*ud iiunrovt-mmits dwelling and oat- ■ "* »pl<-and peach or< liarda, some 25or 30 _ g* M*d water—one mile from Stone I be tore the Court House door. ArtminiHtrafor’h >*uie. GEORGIA* Fnlton County, Mouutuiu. Terms cash ty,G orgio, on Tutsdsy, the 3d d*y of D**-i mber next, GEOUGIt* lleKulb County. Groin aky’s Okpicb, October 24. 1872. JAMES \. UB P RDhanngapplled for th-gnar- the a] plic<u.L 26-W4W Tinsly. and by Patrick Horry, 1 Barry on the southwert on the east by a street •ring par** d with the river and tb • nearest stree' ie river, on th- north by James Bridge*, and .r... . son h .by a cross nn-et rui ning between tbe ira of John Mathews and Patrick B»try. and containing If IniexK vl5SRh?S!2llKwirt °oe-b*'t*t*n acre, more nr les* fold asthep operty letters or mianliauthin will fi'SwIS ol Uharlsa H blight s. late or said county, deceased, for letters or gttaruiauthtp will be grauted j Uie benefit of the he-re and creditor*. Terms'ash. W. R. WEBSTER. Ordinary. CORNELIUS hUK'clI •’ N, Administrator. (Printer’s fee $4 00.] GEURGIA* IleKnlb County. Ordinary's Office, October 19,1872. y HER AS, J. a. Ertaon, Administrator oMtbe j ' - estate of VV. M. Kid-on, deceased, having ap- p’i«d for letters of uism:ssion from said aduiiuistra- within the tim- pn-ecrilxid by 11w to show cause f any they can, why tatd let.era should not be gr ii:t..-n an applied for. ider my hand at office. •j^xecutorK’ ihotico. GEORGIA- Fclton County. LL persons indebted to the estate of tbe late i Henry Hurt, d’-o-ased. of said c«ranty, are h< by raq e -u-d to make immediate paymen . And _ . per** nshiTing demands against said decease will W R. V KB*TER, OnlinRry Printer’s fee $10 00 GLOKGIA* DcKu’b County, Ordinary's Office, October 1st, 1872. GEORGIA* tnliou County. Ordinary's Office, Octob»v 5tb, 1870. i concerned are hereby notified to M RS. NAJ.CY A. N&SH hiving .ppll.d for ga« J of tho porrou. oud ptoporly of g-Rf?’.■*?.£”!***" ol* letter. wiUbepxnt- l.ueh P. M , H.rxwvt B . hoio.,» P, and .Icome K. - DANIEL PITTMAN. OrJIo.rv s of Larkin Nosh, late cf taid county, I octG-w30d deceased. Alt persons concerned are hereby notified to file 1 GKUUG - A > the r objections, if any exist, within the time allow- I ed by taw, else let ”* * ‘ * oct9—wJJOd GEORGIA* Dekalb County* Ordinary’s Office, October 29th, 1872. M ARY A. McALPIN, wife of Floyd T. McMpln. having spp.led tor ex mpilon of personalty and rattingai-art and va’narion «a home-toad, and I w d oas* nrou the tame ou Wednesday. 13t.h day of Noramber, 1812, at 12o’c ock, M, at n>y office, in -ecatUi-. W. R. WEBSTER. Ordl- ary. All persons concerned are h-reby notified to tbeir objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday iu November next, e se le «ve will begrant- . • - —• - ^1 «-st te_JS prayed for. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. (Primer’s fee$5 ed tor the sale of *aid mil oct8-w4w os»31—w2*r Printer's fee ff Georgia* Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, October fi, 1871 Wl HKRBA8, L. O. W«11-, armitristrator of VV estate of D. H. Wei’s latcofoaid county, c ased, represents th*t he has fully discharged All GEOBGI.t* DeKalb Connty. Ordinary's Office, September 25, 1872. Vf fHEREAS, lirewry Mauldin, Administrator of I will be grasted the vV »h« es'ate of Bvnj imin M ioblln, late of said I county, deceased, applied for letters of dismission | oct *—w3m concerned, are hereby notified to This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per-1 CEORGIA* f nlton Couniv* sons intere-ted to be and ppcar at my office, within Court or Ordinary, October term, 1872. the time prescribed by law. then and there to show I rnratc u pittii .. IP.-J, have, why Mid to»» -K,oldDot | Given under my bund at office. W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary. Prlnu-ris too *in -'plies for leave to sell the land belonging I d-'-pe’sed, ] to said estate*for division All persons conccmcu are hereby notified to AilminI»trfttor’N aifiie. W ILL * eso d on the flr-t Tuesday in December I next, before the Court House dixir iu Decatur, L 1‘eKalb omety, Ga, order an order of ibe Court cf | for the sale of aaid real estate os t>ray< d tor. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. Printer T s fee $5 oct8—w4w Ord nary of said county, the following lands of the I GEORGIA* Fulton County, e-tateof Larkin Nosh, deceased: Lot of land No ’68 I * Ordinary’s Office, Or to and half of lot No. 169. containing in the whole _ 80*M I tn n m AU^K»mi** Sll “ires more or less, in the 18th district of said county. I? • taivlogapplliHd for letters bout 8 mile* f om Decatur, a'raut 100 acres cleared, I **A nl d'l n "^ ut ChMm : in the woods and well t mbered. On mfucr oI th.* premiras arc g.Kid dwelling house, well, barn and 11 . cbaml>crtoln< ae^f*ed- _ bniluings, pekehand apple orchards. | J co, *£p r,ie ti« hereby notified to MILES U NA Terms * ash. NASH, » i9-.'i0d[Printer’s $8]Adminl-irator. Aflfiiiiiistrator’ri Sale. W ILL BE hOf.D on the First Tnc-day In Decern- b< rn* xt, bcfvire the Court House door in De- DeKalb c unty. G orgis, under an order «.f I their objections, if any exist, « Moudi *“ *- grant* oct6—w20d ■ before tbe first Printer’s fee $4* GEORGIA* FultouCounty. Ordinary's Office, Angus’Cth, 1872. frss&S'x “‘“"ir I of l ot No. 190. ci-nuumt g in -he aggregate 3V7M I their - *—‘*— ’* *— • * - »ni oue nnnared and thirty Monday in November next, elf in woodsaad wdl tebered, I w £ji tx> granted theapplidtat on t-booses, peach and apple [ DANIEL P acre-* cleared, the baltucs g'-od d well! np-hon-e and orchard, a well of "O-'d water, with "sprin.-s on’ the pLce and several s reams of water running through the farm r*old for division. Te t L -“ aug—w?m cct9-w49ri one-half oum, GEORGIA* Fulton County, the oalauce on twelve month's credit. I Ordinary’s Officb, Septembers, 1872. “• B - HU JS??; T BMUEL DBAS, rtmlni.-rator on the out, (riiin’er - te,- $10) I Lemuel U. Dean, • eo «sed, represents ’bat he L_ GEORGIA* DeKalb County. ffSuSSon- 4 tUB *“ Id iru8t ’ *° d *W lc *- tuT *cttore ordinary’s Office, October 1st, 1872. I All iiersoos concerned are hereby notified to ILRri ti. N \8H having applied to me fer letters I ’heir objections. If any exist, on or b* fo e the first of admtr.istraiiau on the estate of John W. I Monday in Dtcemb -r uex\ else letters of dismhwion M’ . deceasel. Th:s Is, therefore, to nctify all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, within the time nil wed by law, else leave will be granted said applicant os applied for. W. B. WEBSTER, Ordinary. oct9—w4w Printer’s fee $4 OU will be granted the applh DANU sep7—w3m Printer’s fee $5 A(ImiuiMtrator*je* Biale. I’ L he sold nnder an order ef the Court of .. of Dc-Kaib « rir>t Tuesday GEORGIA* Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, Septi mberfitb, If. W ILLIS P.CHIS' LM. administrator on ceUte.thc ol William A. Chisolm, latc.of said county, de ceased. represents that he has fully discharged » hereby notified to . mber next, the I Mondajr’in December next, else letUrs of diaiaif^n ourt Qoui-e door tn Decatur, within the hoars I will be granted the applicant tbe following lands b< lonvicg to the estate of Benjamin Rurdcit, d> ceased, tow it: Lot of land number for y-eight. containing two bnndren two end one-naif acres; seven' y-six acres or lot nn mber forty-nine, and lot lmmier slxtv-three— two hundre d two and one-half acre*. The above lands being the place whereon said Bcnj. Burdett lived, one f ile from Decatur; good improvement, well o* g«rad water, orchard, etc. bold fur the pur pose of uivis ou. Tcrm^casn. J. C. BUkdKTT. Adminirtratrix, E. H. CLARK, Administrator. „ .. Fulton I Gvor.ia. LevKston as the property ef JeseeGood win md George l^thna, by virtae of and to sati*r> six J us'lcen’ ft fa*’r.*m tne 4iOtb Di«tricL U M., In Iso, at the Miretlnr and place, a house, and ritnatot on th- southeast w ^® °f VS'hlcclail stn-rt. In the Second Ward of tire dty of Atiaati. orauining owe q artvr nf an acre, more or lee*, adjoining the prop erty of Edward Baugh, and bch.g pait of land totff in the :4tddolr;ct t*f o JglR U'y Henry how Kultu. countv, G.o:^u; on sar.i lot Is a two story brch and to satisfy a l fa issued fioui Fui'on S»p*vtar *iy A-M.-niam vsItCKs ‘ J plarat iirs atti iucy, 1 .tifiX. Also, at the s ity of Atlanta. _ nd running bark one but-dre t an ' fifteen frat to am alley, thence along saW alley sixty f©. t, Iu*. Ing i here on a two and a half story framed dw.-llinv boner, bounce-; North by the residence t.f U I> Smah. de re sed, tkrath by Edward Pare n’s I-1. It heln* parto* land lot 78 in the Uth district of <»rtg*'aliy llcery now b el ton county. Levied <m *.* the property mt Wi liam Y Newiran, tee-toe to* Tahitha J Powera and Tabitha J Powers by vinae of ai.d to satisfy a fi T J Powers. Pr-*p*r y pointed owt by t^rtrwl* A Stephens, plaintiffs a.U>n.e s, August x, 1S72. ^ptore, feepreperty. gDM*. Also, at the s, ■pany. lyuig ettnrand Stone Mountain Tu-up: |aadsi uateorhe)BglnPuitoi o»ant.v. Levie t onosihr p-operty of the AtLraia. Decatur and Mane Mom- tain TurnpikeC*Hn|*any by virtue of and to ratis’ya lirra fl fa- Iwtutad from F«l*« n Superior © -art la favor of John Bryce vs. raid company. Property potatad out in fl. fa October 4, 1872 Also at tbe ton crime and n’-ce a City lot situated on the coru. rof Co.lin- and Bok- r sinets la tbe city «*f *t:*, froaring fiO f<—to”4'ollt'sstr-rat and run ning bark same width along rUk r street woe bun- <lr- d ar.d etgh’y f-et to a ti-n-foot ali-v I«rh4<« a* i ho property of l>r Wilriam lies.ton, by virtue of and to s .ti-fy a fi. fa. imu««I fn m h<» Jastir-’* four, of ihe vSith District *4. M, In fa or ot Phillis Green L vs Dr WBHa .. H«raton l«vy nude by JamceGoaiD- be-1. L.C. andrrtuni*- to meoctiibtr 4tn. 1M72. Also at the same riraear*d pare, «.ae tdllcc stove and pipe, ore c rpe* rad rug.« n- lot st-tionarf, UN lot tit n n!c check*, blank notos, era, two picture*, two stamping*iqitt'* U% o- c tin rafe, m.etainp. »nd tw > spittoons IjO'ici on as litepr-p- rty of lloyt 4k - T «f* by vinuo of and -o t-otisfy a dtstnso wa- ant issued fr.m Ful'on St peri or Conn in fav«*rof Sidney Root v* lloyt A Jones. Prep, rty pointed out by pbuDli?*- ottorr.t-y. Octota-r 4 1872 »ra-8td* AM PK- K EPSON. D-iratv G. W- aDaIIC* Attcliuuccr. Executor’s Su e* _ _ Ordinary of Pal*oi< cou' tr. I wt" s*-h b-fore the rDait lions, door In Atlanta, on th * first Tat-sday In ect mix-r next, a certain city 'ut in A;ianta, fronting a bo:, t scr.-nty five feet **o P« l-Vf «ta«t and running hack to the ri.-ht of way of the Msco-i and Westoru Railroad being in the shape of a trianrle. and I* a part or lau t lot N<n 84. of he 14t'i di-t r.ct nf orivia- ally Henry now Fu ton connty, cautoinlug ooe-six- toent ti of an acre, more or !• **. S» das the property of fatha-ine Ke.toa, late of su'd county, di-c •• rti, for distribution. Te*ms—n*!f cosh; baauco Cmra'ba with ten per «ent »rtor«*>*L J. M. bMlTfl, Fulton County MaerifPw Salcn fur December* 1S72. W ILL be sold on the pr-mlseA krown a* tho Old Knve Brewery, eiinoted In the Sau’hwcatera porti’-n of the city of Atlaata, Fult«ei county. tic, on t:«tiret 7 Ueudry -fit Dooerober next, wffhtil tho legal boure of sale ’h*f«il-owlng p-op*rty, to-wit: 38* half barrels, 85 quarter t» r.els. t» a ' iiquo*- birrets, 18 3-ibc» plonk, to fe -I eisofeoa, one set cooper's tooio. «*nt on* t-hrae woyon, on ; work h-rach nnd vice, one mm pump oiid fifty feet of rt' ‘ * kettle, c rtvfta, t measure; levied oa as the property of George C. -pencer and George Lei'*, l*y vutne *4 aud lo sap Dfy a mortgage fl fa, Iseaed from r^ultoo Superior * » mitxt, before the Goar i Uousedoor, In Atlanta, within the legal hours of sale, the follow lug property, to-wit: A Ira mod dwelling-house, twelve by stxtee" feet, situated on a l *h fr ratii.g oo Terry street, between Fair ai.d lluntfT sfre- ts in th«; 31 Ward of tiw dty ef At'anta levied oo aa the property of John B»timi by virtneof and to rati rty a mt-rtrage fi f* taened in fl. fa October 4,1872. Also, at the/ame rime and place, one Iron safe of the ll* rring patmt, one Diebold 4k Kiuxle's Iron sefc, two fifty-foot ride show cant, two small side show coree six ten foot counter show «os*w. mi un foot imrble trimmed tables, three eight foot counter show cos #, five eight foot table*-, two upright show caste, frame* covered with German silver, one Howard 4k Co.’a Regulator, four solid eilrer pitchers, <)evew s:lv« r cups, two silver dtpp«-rs. three «<mi pitcher-, fifty five ( 5)ca*i-s of silver war to three and a half d< x-n pi-< , contouring AclixAiuireavitor’s ^alo. FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER NEXT, 196 scree of lot No. 226. sixt-renth district of original ly Henry, now itoKtib connty. All sold se tbe property of Li’tieton Rains, d -cearad, for the pur- pos# of d'-’rthatfrn among the hefrx of mid de ceas'd. 1ERKH 0/ SH. This • tetober ll. 1872. DAVID STILL, Adm’rde non. $5to$20 prtaagg!” -xkiiuriwft G. Stlaao* k Co., FartAsa, ] OTIC K AII.T1I> 1STKATOR’S SALE. W 1LI. be su’d on the first Taeeday in November text bifor-i the Gonrt Hou-e door in Decatur, DeK&lb coaf-ty. nnder sn order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, tbe following described lands containing twenty-'h r ee acres of lot No 268, in *’— 15th district of said county; the sold land hau bran heretofore laid off in Iota, four in number. K3 GEORGIA* Fulton County, Ordinary’s Office, OcL 5,1872. L W. PET TIBONE haviog appl’ed for letter* of • administration on tbe e* a’e of Robert A. Pet tiboue, late of said * oanty. dec* aaed. All persons concerned are he. ©by no tiled to file tbeir objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in November ucxi, else letters will be granted toe applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary, oct 6—w301 Printer's fee $4 00 GEORGIA* Fultant ounty. Ordinary's Office, October 6, 1872. J AMES M. CALHOUN having applied f ir letter* of administration on the estate of Benjamin Lit- their objections, D any exist, on or befor-: the first Monday in November next, cite letter* will be ann ted the applicant. Administrator’s Sale. I of Omit ary of Fulton county. I will sell before and righty-five feet. Also a slip ’-r fration adjoin ing tbe above on the Booth, fronting oo Pryor surest six feet and running beck one hundred end twenty- five feet; the whole having a front on Pryor street * - ** 1 of land * and twenty- . — Pryor street forty feet, and is a nert of land lot No 77, of the 24th di-trict of originally Henry now Fallon connty. Sold as the property of Charles Hughce, deceaced, for the benefit of the neira and creditors. Term*, cash. •eptl9-wt4* C. SHEEHAN, Administrator. Printer’s fee $10 I - . - o.'« g as es. *m pair of eilvt. framed eve gia two seta of gold jewelry, one vet of p*arl and gold jewelry levied on os tbe piop~rty of George Nharp, Jr„ r d E B. I* l«»jd. by virtue «if »nd to satisfy a morTgaire fl. fa. itsned from Fui’on Knp*:rior Court in favor of Caroline A. Floyd vw. Hbaip Jb Hoyd. Property pointed out lu fi. fa. Ortobtr 4 A. M. PERKE^SON. Depe’y Sheriff. _ot_ Prinur’q fee $r Ut per levy. \K7ILL be sold before the c*mrt house door la the A p-rt . originally Henry, now Poitou coo n.y, Gaft be lev cd on is iu w ard 4, fronting on Collin* »-nd I'errler atre*.t«, Iu tbe city of Atlanta, containing % « f acre, more or le-*. ai d adjoining the poprty oflloibrook. L ri-rt on ue the preperty • f O A Lochrai e to ouurtv a8 atcondo uniy tax/f« for hi. tax of tlTye r 1871. Proptrty pointed out by S H Hoyle, *f C. Also atth • nmeii’ie and place, part of land lot No51. in the 14lh ol-trirt. of originally Henry now Fulton cooi.ty, ya Tbe part so levied <m Is Iw ward 4. fronting on Collins w d Cuirier vreeta. in tbe cl j of AHa. ta. coniaining M ot an am-, more tx leai a- d adjoining tire properly of ook. Levl.-d oa a* the property of O A Lochrane, trustee for wife, to satisfy - bttte and county tax fi fa frem Bibb count r fur his tax a* trustee for .he year 1871. 9 W. D BROWN. «ct8-wtd* Depe y bbcfiff GEORGIA* Fulton County. A LL persons ind-bted to tbo saute of _ Tureiv, late ofjw»d * ounty deceerad, mr« ro ^wiin quested tomsk • mtnedUte pa taunt, end those how ing claims against sail 4* — *“ * ~ properly ontben’l nttrated ELIZABETH B. TITRNffR. Exutria. Pikuor’s fee *5. propalj octl2-w30d GEORGIA* Fulton Connty. Office, October 17,1873. It TRS. EMEUNE I. SWEENRV ho*app'le-1 forrr. IYjL emptioc Ot pmonarty and setting atari ard aavwttion ot a bomtwtead. and I will pass rpoa tire earn * at It o'doct A. M. on the 2d dty of Noftmber. 1872. at my office. • DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary. rtisttt-* it* (j 7 llNOlSTlWCT PSINt