Newspaper Page Text
Tie chsrze ef greet Irjostlce sad opprtsslon nd Ita
three specifications not sustained.
1 he charge of libel end Its fis* spraifiostloni not
sustained. Of the retire chergee and speelfiesUoos
"not canty,” and tecoamesA that hie character he
Birth Mftt rraccedlap-Uxth
haiaal Seaalan.
Coc.IdcrsUon ef the
ire an the preacher! blamclraa In thatr life and
Ctrl administration 1
AtlantaDlatrlct—W B Potter, T. M; W P Harrison.
CAErana, JXDtckey. DDOoz, OllPa'IUo. B 1
Johaaon. P B Dr Tier, W J Wnrdtaw. A W Boland, A
Crtj, B E L Timmons, W K Branham. gr„ A Mean-.
J WCook. M W Arto'd, W A Porks, lAQHoyfood.
Griffin JJUtrlrt—ferlah Lead* 8r, P. JW
neidt. J Carr, MUIsc H White, W K Foote, JHHsr-
rta, BB Mml BW wmiatnr,DHolan,0 A Bitch-
adL X TKalebg, D Jlfjrick, J J Slnclrum.
ftai rrl~T IS- Who are rnperannsled t
Une-TJ Porira, Robert A Conner. * P
AM W Caned, Jane. X Annatrong. J B C QuIUtan.
j j, BnrreU, Dtsrj Cranford, A J Dear ora, J X
Mght Xorgan B^ieh, C Trossell, Goodman Hughes,
J T Daaraa, J B l'ajxe, X O Bomb J, S J Bellah.
Qarettre TI—who are rapernomenry
Acrwer-AletanderXeanr, DoridWColtoon, John
T Harris, C J Oflra*.
tiratloe Id -Who are lecatedf
—What la the number of
AOTrw-d'llocal preacherr, and dS,MTinemben.
q-.eatlta tfi— Bow many lnfaa u baptlaed daring the
C.oar-Joe n-Ilow many adult! hare bean baptlaed
daring the jrarf
qoeatlee M-What la tha number of Sunday
qaeotton U-What la tha number of Sunday achool
NEW YORK, I citizen, then being borne to the tomb. The
New York, December 4,-The interior of
S£!e“falS& dfata dS&jS a l haU m^t,^a t e he“
Dr. Boring returned hla thanka to the Blabep. to ^ wOT^qufatel? desig^S ° f JJJJT *“*• a 011 dwellings were heavily
the Otttfertncn and the cocnmlttee for theoppottadtj | gU were & fol- »>"tom m^plnc« were the last
lowing: “I know that my Redeemer liveth” ?S2^£^J5ikSl™?iiJ2L “
. —red on white ground and green body. At kn °’"’
'fTJf the war of toe pulpit was a sheaf of wheat ™y° °? »—■ . 4” m the prdfceasion, as
UaacquittalahonMbe the annlrenery or hla birth! oimTf a‘ram]I »*““
day-hl. sixty-fifth rear. Tbe hard rat uak before ^ snspSdedWrhead a pen and an me; °* **}' ^ SK ?L “ d '’S
hi® «* tomKM their band* to be pi. cedaaasaper- U^and tk e pulpit were innumerable offerings _J“5_ Wrap*
"hi* wa*granted.*. In front of -hepulpit “LES?
Ro’jfn A 6min «u made npernaso rary. I w £g a beautiful design of fliwers, with these I thar h»ns. President Grant was eagerly
ftCarte«Ttll.a»<!Xewne.wc» named ae the jdeee word*,“It fadone,’^on white ground and fgf **"mlTtcnam'lfteto
With great purple letters and having a green border. On su P?, r , t ^^ It <l ^l £ P °, p j®
a tablet to the lift of ihc pulpit was a floral
The fottowtng raeolDtion «« adopted bjarirtng wreath bearing tbe letters “H. G.” Then
aote—the conference and l^rbop all rtetng: there were in flower* “ A plough from the I **
Beaotred, That the thanka of thla Conference are Tribune office,” a quin from the German moornew we»^nveyed
tendered io tbe etusamof AUaninfortliegeneroee GredeyClnUabasketof flowenwlthacrown I to where a det^mrat l»hM
horpttautr tn reterutning th. Conference; to the .nd crow from the Lincoln Club, and floral “d ala^e throng of cmaas recorod them
railroad, for Jthelr cnetomcar arenmecodaUon tn offerings from Lotcda arcadian. Herald and » nd accompanied the funeral procession to
granuac na redaead cate o( fare; to the vartona otherduhe. I Greenwood Cemetery.
Charrhn at an dwalnatlDaa la tendering aa their I As early as 9 o’clock the crowd flocked to (
Chnrchesfor pahhe service; to the membanof the I the Church, but only those having tickets I ,ro
prceeforthalrcoartaey totheCooferenea, succeeded in gaining admission. By 10
Bar. A. M. Dicker and Bar. 1. E. Godfrey, la behalf o’clock the galleries which had been reserved
of thedtlseBsof Atlanta, expreaaed their pleaenre at 1 for the ladies, were crowded. About a
here, aalth Bishop Xaraln 1 quarter before 11 o’clock President Grant
tm prmlili I entered and tameduvtelvfollowing him
Bar. B. a Parka rastgaad tha chalrmanahlp ef tbe I Senator Henry Wilson, Minister W
ooanaUieaaaeramlolag raiwlldatea, aadBev. W. A. I and Belknap, Secretary of War. They took
-nSJZuSS^SL'ZZi SS&mfrerec , f.- «»«» on the right of the pnlpit There were
rtrhnp warrln ajPlj ^'jd^tse i txwr«efc^n f e ^ rid I also present Carl Schurz, Lyman Trumbnll I dreda being turned away. The Radicals in
CoM Ablations lm Fever.
In a valuable article contributed to one of
the French medical journals by Dr. L’Am-
tert, he presents the following conclusions
concerning the use of cold ablations in fever,
as practiced in France:
They are especially useful in typhoid and
the eruptive fevers, and strongly Indicated in
malignant cases. They act upon the chief
and mo6t constant phenomena of these dis
eases ; are especially anti-febrile, and reduce
the temperature materially. They favor the
re-establishment of a full, profound, regular
perspiration; render the secretions more ac
tive ; make the skin supple, moist and fresh;
favor the outcoming of the eruption; allay
cerebral and other nervous excitement, sup
pressing headache. coma, delirium, restless
ness, and inducing sleep, cause the pulse to
fall eight to thirty beats. From two to eight
hours is the duration of their action, the ablu
tions to be repeated two to four times in the
twenty-four hours. They have no influence
upon the length of the sickness, bat render it
milder, and are readily applied as cold ba’hs
or by wrapping the patient in a cold wet
our Occasional Corres
Washington, D. C„ Dec. 2,1872.
. Considerable curiosity was manifested to
wS witness the opening of the session,tad the
qsMtloe M—Whit has bea coDsetsd on th* fore-
; and bow hu It bom applied t
I collected, and (S.SM TO paid to
JT—Wbat has boon contributed for KIs-
Bav. Xr. Bottolpb, of tbe Presbyterian CSsrch, was
la-rodtud to the Conference.
Isvltatleei to the Good Tempters’ meeting at Al
yfffiii ffn in] accepted.
Rot. Dr. Lortr Pierce addressed tie Conference In
The Committee on tfce NashrllJe PabUahln* Ilocae
•abAltted tidr repert which was adopted. The re
port corcrstalited the denomination on the prosperity
ef the Ilonae, and earnestly requested the brethren
to see their moat atrenaona exertions to e xtend the
tircolattea of the periodicals published by the House,
and especially the publications edited by the Sunday
Oe motion tbe credentials of S. S. Pennington, Dear
cow, were restored to him.
Dtmpnj Clark, (coL) of Wealey Chapel, DtKalb
onuly, was elected to Deacon's orders.
The Committee on Bishop's Fnnd reported $1,433
0, ae tbe an oant raised. Balance on hand $15 65.
report throof h thelr chairman. Her. Attlcus O. Hay-
guod. It wait* rse, scholarly and foil of broad Chris
tian slews. The committee paid a deterred tribute
to Bishop Merer for his strenuous and unremitting
efforts in behalf of Christian education. Ttu
ml ties had gratifying reports from Emory College,
the Wesleyan Pemalc College, LaGrange Female Col-
'age. Marietta Female College, and the Lacy Cobh
laetltateat Athens. Tke Committee reported
latleos toase eTery effort to increase the patronage of
these institutions, (all Methodist except Lacy Cobb
Insdtatejand recommending the appointment
Bee. Morgan Callaway at Kmory College, Bar. W.
OoUe* at LsQrange Female College, and Rev. W. A.
Robertas President of Marietta Female College.
Adopted enanlmously.
The report an the Orphans* Home showed that in-
sfltatlon to be doing well. Her. W. R. Foote h
mauicsd it well, averaging only $70 per month for
mates tace. The orphans this j car under rery dlscour-
»?isf eircamMancea. produced three bales of cotioa,
ose hundred bushels of potatoes, twenty bushels
pea*, ftfly bushels of corn, sixty of cats, twenty of
wheat, etc.
Sere* children have been discharged.
The committee recommended the adoption of
teeolatlon requesting the truitocs to unite with the
Sooth Georgia Conference In the establishment of one
Orphan's Dome If deemed adrUablo, and requesting
the Biatop to appoint Rev. W. F. Cook as agent.
Both resolutions adopted.
The Committee on the Bible Cause reported that
the agent, W. A. Parcs, had traveled 11,000 miles,
visited IS 000 families, of whom 3,000 were destitute
ef the Bible; eleven new Bible Societies created and
eighty*! x Sanday Schools supplied.
The committee speak In terms of high commends-
ties of the usefulness and bcaeScUl labors of Rev.
W. A. Parks and Rev. W. F. Cook.
Daring the morning a seesiei. was held of the
Rev. G. Jefferson Pearce presided at the sesaloi
the Legsl Conference.
Be?. XL J. Adame, Treasurer, submitted his
port, showing $361 57 receipts. Referred to Rev.
U. Dunlap and Rev. W. R. Foete.
The amount ef $390 waa ordered to be turned over
te the Board of Trasteee of Special Relief Fond.
Be?. W. H. Potter was called to the chair.
Ke?. fl. J. '.dun* presented the following;
Resolved, That LaGi.xnge Female College, with all
Me apart man res, he pUced In the hands of the Pro-
c. W. Key and W. C.. Freeman to transfer the college
te a joint stock company on condition that they pay
eff all liens. Judgments and debts against the college;
reesplete the college building, and conduct it as a
Methodist Female College.
The resolution was adopted.
Bishop 1*1 free made a report relative to $700 bo
k'.ueathed to the Geotyia Conference. On motion,
ltiebop Pierce waa requested to collect the amount
sad divide It equally between the two Georgia Con-
Arronranrs von 1878;
Augusts District —Caleb W. K«t, P. E.
Augusta—St. Johns—W. Watkins Hicks,
D. W. Calhoun, Sup.
44 fit James—J. B. Evans.
44 Asbury—T. A. Beals
Richmond Circuit—B. F. Farias.
Appling—D Kelsey.
Be lair Mission— 1 To be supplied by B P Bonner.
•Wiley T Hamilton.
-W F Smith.
Factory Miesloo—To be supplied by J E Borie.
Sparta—JM Lowry.
touching ranarkaTfull of Chrirtlan f eUng and fervid also present Uari bchurz, L.yman irumoou areas DCing tamea away, ine ivaaicais m
Piety. After singing, and prayer bv Rev. J.E. Evans, I and Vice-President Colfax. Mr. Colfax took , be Senate seemed delighted with themselves,
the Conferrnee adjourned. J a ^eat next the Freside&L Promptly at 111 , , . , .. ° . . , . .
Th.fdtowto,w-.«Klo«Mth. I tfdock tta toeiHprocttaon start* from tadshookeachetherby tkehtadtadoffered
Mr. bioclsir’h House on Forty-fifth street their congratulations in a manner in which
Many affecting scenes took plata there daring t plainly indicated joy over their recent vie-
the morning. I torv. The Democratic Senators, used to de-
men. Next came clergymen and mourners, j the victors. The genial Judge Thurman had
and then the Tribane Association, next the a pleasant word, a grasp of the hand and a
Herald Club; then followed, in racOTsion, o{ £nuff {or b i 3 brother Senatore. The
eSS SSe adonis, Conkling, was as studied in
officers of the Government of the State of his poses as ever; his folded arms, and
New York and of other States, now in this bowed head while the prayer was being
city, the mayor tad membOT of the common maaej was striMng iy statuesque.
Hancock—Felix P Brown, A Porvto-on. to he aup-1 Jf “e'tSmmon COtadl of Brooklyn, Jersey Edmunds waa tacitnm and Caipenter chat-
" dty, tang Island, dty of Newark, Hizabeta ty. Bnmner was received cordially by his
representatives from PhilsdelptorBaltimore, Ogratoi puty ^emiA
and other cities • then came the Jndees from I about very quietly, but was not hailed as the
Si the courts, ataa line of citizensof im- Presidents Warwtcksahe ftailwouldbeom-
ense lemrthT I ai^^red. The grim Morton looked as dark,
At 1120 the procession entered the church, g’ 00 ™!' * nd devilish aa ever; he, however.
The solemnity of the scene was of the most stopped to epesk with Carl tchurz who sat
moat tanressive character—such that it at his desk absorbed in his correspondence
reerned teTthougb the people in the church Uod paymg;bnt little heed to the greeting
• c.ircelv breathed. Amone those present I and hand shakings going on. benator Rice,
were Postmaster Genend S Cresswef, Gen. of Idbcral 5??S b H ca “’ 811 apart
Dix, Gov. Morgan, Gen. Sheridan. ex-Gor. from the r«t and seemed til at ease,
ernor Randolph, of New Jersey, and a com- Sraator Fenton was as bland and tmpene-
mittee of twenty from the Union League tn*'** as ever; from his manner no one would
o! U j, J I have guessed of his recent political ship-
Rev. Dr. Chapin opened the funeral cere- wreck. Wilson, the Vice President elect,
monies by readtog selections from the Scrip- was as smillmg as a basket of taips, and in
tores, many of the allusions'being peculiarly I Ibis respect he was 10 accord with his Radical
appropriam to the db aracter of the^partei WendA Senator TrumbuU was not prraeta
Miss ni.r. tanise KeUoeg next sang touch- nor was the funny JimNye. Sumner offered
; n ,.i„ ^ ' I a resolution that all mention of the battles
” J I of our civil war be stricken from the army
“I know that my Redeemer liveth,” register tad from our flags. Senator Ed
after which Henry Ward Beecher delivered I munds contemptuously moved that it be laid
Crawf -.rdvllle—A C1
XilledKevUle—A A AerrelL
Baldwin—W B Branham, Ar.
Avsnn Dinner-Eceraci W. Braze, P. E.
tbeni-A Lewie, Jr., PA Beard, Sup.
Oconee Btaflon-X W Arnold.
Factory Xlaetoa-Bapplied by E D Stona
Watklcsrille—X W Knight-one to be eappUcii-
Xadlaon—W. P. Pledyer.
-A Gray.
Wlntrerllle—C. A Coonoway.
Waahln*too-AT. Xann.
Broad Hirer—A. O. Worley.
Littte River—T H. Gibson.
Enumton—W. P. Lovtjoy.
SSiia-W; W. O.Hn. 8 A. MlteheD.
Elbert on—F. Q. Onghe*
Bethlehem—J. M. Parke.**
Jeff.TBon—John R. Parker.
^StSlSSS'S-prin*, mlaaleo—Marion | toe tocraloration.^ Hejaya:
Ilomcr—B W. William*.
HartwiB-W T Norman.
Be Deceived., bat for coughs, cold*, sore,
throat, hoarseness and bronchial dime allies, a*e only
WEIaLS’ OARBOIaIO tablets.
worthlcki imitations are on the market,
but t eo&ly Scientific preparation or Carbolic Add
for Lung diseases la when chemically combined with
other well known remedies, as these tablets, and all
parties are cautioned against using any other.
In alt cases csf irritation or the mucot
brue there Tablet, fhonldpte freely need, their
deansing and healing properties are astonishing.
AT they were happily nntoached by the re
GREAT FIRE, and are busy, as usual, ii
ng to their extensive order-.
They now call attention also to their
Standard Collections
OF ’
Vocal and Instrumental Music
The whole set is one of the most valuable Musical
Libraries ‘ks; could be devised, as each contains from
300 to 3501»res of the most popular music of the day.
Price of ta;h book in Boards. $3 80; Cloth, $9 00.
Full Gilt, for Presents, $4 00 The price would
be at retail, fo* the pieces separately, about $4 00. In
this form, all the books, inducting the new and favorite
Gems of Strauss (now having a splendid sale,) ~
be had for $32 50. ■
musical Treasure, Vocal sad Instrumental.
Silver Cord. Wreath of Gems.
Home Circle, VoL L Pianist’s Album
Home Circle, No. IL Piano Porte Gems.
^Anjoftheabove boots mailed, postpaid, for the
OLIVER Dll SON St CO , Boston
CHAS. H. D1THON St CO., New York.
SOMETHIN?* NEW, < salable ar-
, St., N. Y.
Campbell County.
Campbell County Sheriff's Sales.
the legal hoars of sale, the following property to-
Part of lots and fractions. Nos 51,53 and 153, in the
14th district of originally Fayette, but now Campbell
county, Ga. Levied on to satisfy a & fa issued from
Campbell Superior Court, In favor of Alford Austell.
Al*o. at same time and plao*. the Interest of John
W Phillips, In lota of land, Noe 131 and 137, In the 7th
district, 4th eaetioo, of original Coweta, bat now
Sote Agents for United State*.
Price 35 cents a box. Send for Circular.
joettothe charge of one-seventh of $355, a legacy to
. one Mary Ann Denton, under the will of Lenard Phil-1
lips, deceased. Levied oa to satisfy a fi fa issued from
Justice Court of the U65th uistrlct, G M., (with other
executions) in r ” ‘
*aid John W
John \V Phillips.
Co~ Mfr* TO Nasaan. N. Y.
?*»•#- 1711 AGENTS profits p
S)Dn • / U will prove it or forfeit
articles pauted July 18. Samples free t
*wl U. C1HDESTKR 367 Bros
Y oung men. teachers, ladies or minis
ters 1 Agenta wanted te every'county, for
•* me Peoplete Standard. Bible,” 550
illustrations, hxtra terms. P * *—
dress Ziegler & McCurdy, 518
wanted to sell Protean Button Hole Buttes 35
eta; Button Worker, 50 cts; N-edleTnreadtagThim
ble. 35 cts; Morocco Needle Book, 50 eta; <8 large
and 5 papers small Needle. $15 P"JSJSSSaSSK
pie free to any one at above price. THORNTON A
CO.. 598 Broadway, N. Y.
rpO TUE WOBLI^GCLASS.-Male orfe-
1 male—$60a wtek guaranteed. Respectable em
ployment at home, day or evening; no capital re-
landt street. New i
i CO., 16 Court-
P sxcuonavxi o
IN«.w How either sex may fascinate and
r aln the love and affections of any person they choose
instamlvly. This simple mental acquirements aU
poetess, free, by mail, for *5 cents, together with
- * ’ * ”—.tisn Oracle, Dreams, Hintt to
* Ac. A queer ’— v
Pubs., Pblla-
Fulton '' County-
Administrator’s Sale.
Latham. Dec 3
county, daring the legal heurs of .
real estate belonging to the estate of Richard John
son. deceased, to-wit:
That tract or parcel of land l%ing te the Third
Ward of the city of Atlanta, in Fulton county, Geor
gia, being part uf land lor# Nos. W and 54 of the 14th
district in said county, commencing at southwest cor
ner or the Nursery of Pete s. Harden & Co, on *ast
side of llill rreet, ttence along east si- 4 e of Hill
ptr .vtad st-ncecf nine hundred feet, more or less,
to Glynn street, thence «.*-t along north side of Gljan
street four hundred ai.d eighteen feet more
or less, herce north parallel to Hill street nine hur -
tlred feet, mere or less, to the s nf cm I ne of add
nursery, thence west .dong said line to tfce begin
ning comer, in all nine seres more or
less. Said property will bo sold in parcels
to suit purchasers. Plats of which I
io fxrorof MI;» MiiTWord.aimlutth« ran t» b»d »t tke office ot WxlUce * Fowler, trot «-
wruuip^ u tke pronertvot tke raid I tttexientz TiUe-rood.
tlUps. liejnade bj W U Morgiz, LO, 1 TOis proprety tt very arolrable for knliaie* Jott.
— ± having a delightful grove of rare and beautiful shade
trees, at-.d also a good orchard of wry select and choice
fruits of many varieties. It i< near Fair street, and
within about one-half of a mile of the main depot.
CampbeU^Snperier Couraip'fx- I fiMStt
proj«erty. If the new railroad depot shad he located
I thc oIll ’j hem peon vineyard, which is ex-
y will then bring twice
vorof Thomas W Latham, against Jordan Beavers,
as the property of the raid Jordon Beavers
The said property being — *’ * *
peon Property
, Sheriff!
DAVID W. WHITE, Deputy Sheriff.
Printer** 'ee $3*0 per levy.
W I peeled to be done, this property wil
I its present market price.
I Terms of sale Oue-thlrd rash; <
Fayette County.
I sale, last two payment* to be secured by note and
I good personal security. Possession given on making
I first payment and giving proper note of the other
). Ttik-s retained until all the payments am
_ west from date of cate. B. N 11 HOYLE
Administrator on the estate of Richard Johnson,
GEORGIA* Fayette County.
OkdinjlKt's Omcx, November 86th, 1873,
Y HICKS has applied for exemption of per-
JT sonalty and setting apart and valuation of homo-
stead, and! will pas- upon same at 10 o’slock, a.
on the 7th day of December next 1873. atmy office.
D. C. MINOR, Ordinary.
Printer's fee $3
Printer's fee $30. nov33-40d
ilton county, Georgia, deceased.
| GEORGIA* Campbell County*
OBDDfABT'a Omcx, December 3d. 1873.
^VEORUE W. ADERHOLD has applied for exem
J tttm of pertcmalty. and l will pass upon the san.,
11 o'clock A. M., on the 16th day of December,
Fulton Qounty.
Fulton County Postponed Macriff’a
Sales for January^ 1872*
W ILL bo sold before the court house door In tho
city of Atlanta, Fait on county, Ga. within the
lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January,
next, the following property, to-wit:
The property, geode, chattels, franchises, and right
of way of the Atlanta, Decatur and stone Mountain
Turn Pipe Company, ljing and situate or b icg te
said coni, ty; levied on as the property of tbe Atlanta,
Decatur »nn Stono Mountain Turnpike Oompa<>> to
satisfy a lien fl fa issued from Fulton Superior Court
in favor of John Boyce vs Atlanta. Dccatnrc and Stone
Mour.’aln Turn lhk * Company. Property pointed out
in lien fi fa. October 4,1P73
Also, at the same time and place, loSof land No 61,
In the Seventeenth District or orignalTy Henry, now
Fulton county, Ga, rontai lag 20M acre*, more or less.
Levied on aa the property of James L Mathlsan.
Also, a lot containing * acre, on Decatur street, in
the 4*h ward of the city of Atlanta, adjoteing Long-
ley, Robertson & Shehan. It being part of land lot 53.
In the 14th district of originally lien*y. now Fulton
county, Georgia; levied on as the property of M J
Hte'on. Also, a lot o- parcel of ten* containing six
teen acre*, more or ie- a. situated on the east side < t
Peachtree road, adjoining Wallace. Solomon and
others, it being tbe residence of U O Hoyr, and situ
ated te the southern portion of land lot 1< 6, In the
17th district of originally Henry, n«w Fulton county,
Georgia. Also, a loi containing K of an acre, situ
ated on Daniels street and an alley. In the Fourth
Ward In the city of Atlanta, adjoining Hilt English
and Wallace, it being part of land lot No 45, in the
14th district of origin illy Henry, now Folton c-unty.
Georgia; levied on as the property of 110 Hoyt; all
levied on by vlrtne of andtn satisfy a fi fa issued Vy
“ **— ” •*“"—*—**'“ **— in favor of the
Printers fee $t
A Full Drawing in SightII
$100,000 FOR ONLY $10
* T the Second Grand Girt Concert authorized by
jCX special act of the Legislature, m aid of the Public
Library of Kentucky, unavoidably postponed from
September 3S to December A and which positively
and unemlvocally occurs te Louisville, Ky., Satur
day, December 7,1873, without further delay on any
account.wh!uever, the foil wing Cash Gifts are for
distribution by lot among the ticket holders:
Thea-Nectar. A Pure ChineseTea
Warranted to nut aU tastes.
£ UT up in our trade mark Half-Pound and Pound
Packtges onlv 30 and 60 Pound Boxes.
For sale at Wholesale only by
TUB Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co..
K’ O. Box 5506. New York City.
I on the first Tuesday In January next, 3873. be-1
.ween tbe legal hour* of sale, before the court house I
door, te the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, I
Georgia, the following property, to-wit; The south- I
east half of lot of land, number twenty-four m.) the I
creek which runs through said lot, being the dividing GEORGIA* Fulton Countv.
line, to the eventh uUtiict of said county, contain- * mixwn voumsx*
ingone hundred one and a fourth (IOIAO acre*, more Ordinary's Office, Nov. 26,1873.
or less. Levied on by^J
fi. fa. issued from ^Fayette Superior Court, te favor of I valuation of Homestead, (her'husband' failing
Wm. Bennett vs. D. D Denham, the same being the I fusing to apply,) 1 will pass uoan the same at 10
purchase money. Property pointed out by Heme St I o'clock A. M., on the 10th day of December. 1873, at
Donfej, plaintiff’s attorney. This November 35th, I myoffle*. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary.
1873. „.J55E®'® 1 * ITII V I n«t37-wtw Printer’s lea $3 00
Deputy 8heriff of Fayctto Couuth. 1
A GREAT OFFER!' Bro»dwmy.N ! . , Y.’,
wUldimu ot 100 PIANOS, MNLODBONS, and
ORGANS, of tix tntrdon maten, indudav Wa-
tm- at very low price, for Caah.arM*
easA, and balance in mall monthly installwaiU. Nno
UKtavt ttnt aum PIANOS, modern Improvement;,
for % 75 cash. AToi0 ready a OOXCERTO PAfi-
LOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and pa£«*
tone ever nuvle Illustrated Catalogues mailed. Sheet
Music and Music Merchandise.
over. This resolution will raise considerable
Dies whose death is not momentous of all j shreiking in Congress among the “truly loil”
who have passed away not one has gone for I who make denunciation of the South a part
—1 a lone time who will carry with him so I of their political stock in trade. Sumner
curtralu««ion^*Ea Smitk." I mnch reverence, so much honor, so moch <le-1 »5ao resorrectcd his civil rights bill,^and
Tooralo MdCurrtK* XiMlon—1H X»‘ hbnre, Jr. 1 yotion. I promised never to let it resttmtil disposed of.
P—fcrt"-.*-* UtSfan Mimfmr-BJuAn. Who is this man who gets all these civic Here are two nuts to crack already.
Alr-Llk. XI*iok-To b. roppttadbj * I. Bwprea | honore? Wh0 ^ mM T r Wm he one of the senate couttlTTEES.
those great minces rf wealth ? Was he one To . morrow the Badical Senator’s in cau-
-m]ntrVt^, cus wil1 arrange the standing committees for
are men from every walk m life. Here ^ a gecond meeting of the caucus
isourChief Magietrato-hero are moat premi-1 wiu app ; o ’ T0 them. when toey will oe re-
«««. — yw '"" *" * Senators
Due cash Gift,....
One cash Gift...,
Or* cash Gift,....
One cash Gift,....
- W M CrumW.
Circuit—J 8 Embry.
Forestvilk—W P Rivera.
f*are Soring and Cedar Town-W Flak Glenn.
Van ert—8 P Joo«s.
Carrollton and Bowdon-W C Dunlap.
Villa Rica—Har ford Leek.
Haralson Mission—J P Howell.
Marietta— O G Smith.
Acworth—W A Blmmona.
Roswell—G M Robinson.
Dallas—ueydon C Christian.
Bandtown—To be supplied by W D Payne.
Cartersvilte and Brandon—L ’ r * “ , _
Dawsonvxllc—J Rl'ate.
Alpharetta—W D Heath.
I Gainesville Slat!
Blainsville Mission—B M Hughes.
,» Pierce was also requested to appropriate as
mn'&M accessary of the amount received by the
Norte Georgia Conference to the board of Lewis Bca-
kr. a rv’atirts of the ladies who made the bequest
K*v. W. II Pot te-elected l*resldent. and Rev H.
■.Treasurer. Rev. J. W. Heidt confirmed as
i 9 months, wrote a touching letter to
ne is new paralysed. Ths remarks
o^Ubop Marvin were peculiarly appropriate. For
over tew a crotary tbs character of Brother Parks has
town passed. It was no difficult matter for either
17saliteg Elder or preacher to testify to his Christian
'haracter. Hu character, perhaps, has been passed
t>iut time oa earth. Rev. Robert A. Conner also
his brethren in aletiex replete with Chris-
ttaa feel!' g. Their reading met with a reap
echo m the breast of every ^Christian present
On Saturday, Gov. Smith pre*erted Rev. Dr. Lovic
Fierce with a handsome gold-headed cane. It was a
trihate of rcepcct to a venerable Christian patriot.
The Ccmfereace was opened yesterday with relig
ious scTvicfS conducted by Rev. W. R- Branham, Sr.
Re?. E P. Birch and Rev. J. P. Howell were an
nounced as superannuated bymistake In the proceed
ings published yesterday.
Her. J. IL Grcgan located at his own request.
Tho Committee on Church Buildings made s report
which was adopted; Church oa 587; with stoves 191;
ceiled or plastered IS9; without celling.or
Tho special committee on the memorial from Jones-
boro*, relative to church property, reported that tho
Anneal Conference had no jurisdiction of the matter.
Re?. J. E. Godfrey tendered his resignation aa Vice
President of the Mission Board, which was received,
and Re?. G. IL PatiHo elected In his place.
Resolution setting apart Friday before tho first
Sunday te April, 1873, as a day of thanksgiving, fast
ing and prayer for the preservation of tho llvea of the
members of ths Conference during 1373, read and
Rev. W. F. Cook presented the followitg;
Rcsolvsd, That the annual Conference Sanday
School Board be dissolved.
Resolved, That tho Sundty School interest bo to
ferred to the Conference Sunday School Secretary.
Resolved, That we greatly need a Sunday School
Mission fund far the sustenance of schools In desti
tute portions of the conference.
Resolved, That the Sunday School Secretary eaU on
each Conference for sny amount required for mission
Sunday schools In the bounds of that Oonfrre&ce,
and apply the amounta raised to that purpose.
Resolved. That the Presiding Kdera bring this
r before each Quarterly Conference at its first
PMar A Heard, G.H. PatiBoaad G. O. Smith were
added to the Board.
_ *• DewU. Jr-, having resigned as Treasurer,
~ 1 waa elected te hla place.
rd authorised to fill vacancies.
it In Atlanta in May,
a requesting tho Southern Christian Ad
vocate to publish I he report of Dr. O. L. 8aith, Prcs-
idsat of Emory Oo leg*, was adopted
e took a recess Cs til o'clock, t.m
I nent citizens from all parts of tbe country— L«»,« Senate snd adoDted.
gathered around the bier of this man, who is Edmund Chandler; Conkling ilk are
now no more ; here we see that criticism is ^ dent ,_ opposed to any recognition of those
® 1 i I L t r t ini!ri le .n ( ?w„ a rtffrS < S a mnM! I Senators as Republicans, who opposed Grant
Blons were aU arousM. tad we differ as much d W ilson, and they witt not be invited to
on politics as cver but here lies before us this u d the ^ ucu3 _ jkom wh at I can lea-n,
man. who but a brief time ago. was a great the Llb cral Repnbiicans in both Houses do
fcM.woi.xMsL srssrssafesrrrs
23m^hr^t 1 ?“Se’^ctata — t4 w their lu ~"” a
fluence of the character of Horace Greely. | senator sroiNRtt
Horace Greeley gave the strength of his I has. improved considerably in health,
life to education, to humanity and especially I but his physician, Dr. Brown Sequaid,
to persons who could little help themselves. I prescribes rest from active exertion.
He had a great heart, that longed for sym-1 The negroes ot the District wished to
patby. Though he may oe remembered welcome him with a serenade, but
-----— , by those memorials which carry other men’s I he declined it. He talks freely about his
Sour SVHSP XoaaSn^ MUiton -Pnpp'lcd br names down, he will be remembered through European trip, but plays the part of a clam
— this land for their great qualities of mind and I on political topics. He says that, as in times
I heart which made his character commensn- past, he will give his opinions from bis seat
I rale as it were, with the genius of this great I in the Senate. He, however, will press his
Republic. His influence hasgone out to teach civil rights bill on every occasion, so as to get
I a nobler manhood to the mechanic, the labor- a vote upon it, and will also uigethoone-
I cr and the farmer. What more can we say I term constitutional amendment.
I in eulogy of the character of the illustrious I speaker brains.
'^.L H b U .. I 22*S 1 * This gentleman who, by the by, Is a very
aSTSXed^S toe ^ tort *dte S? 0 rt ra '’j3££Sx“«'"SnS&XS*
in sotanntarf'^rhlch^B Btaka from the chairmanship of
* ‘he Foreign Affairs Committee, tad Governor
I Austin Blair from toe head of toe Claims
gates and receive us’into toe glory of the ^j^ii o^sTwta
Ss'JAS r 8at , SS& ,, S?
SSta sSd^frda^ta’ to^frSfnraa^f whBe he was speaker, removing toe chairman
of toe Committee on Foreign Affairs, on toe
bis power, Horace Greeley is laid by toe ride „ OHnd that he wa3 not in sympathy with the
IiJLhS ^ I Stamistration, and that toe President was
K“ct f re d WoiSi tad n0 gL^ S 7?h P e 3S
Stah^ri^totoe taSST the matter wUl^e toat speaker
I an; now all party tad religious differences; 11 JSora.^ ^rRtaica^ desig^e the
J X Hollivau.
Lawrancwrille—W A Florence, 11 F Martin.
Marennton HI,.ion—John w Barker.
EUlJaj Xlaaton—F. F. Kejnoldc.
ruLToa wrTxicT—a w manarr, r z.
Dalton—F A Kimbetl.
Dalton Clrenli-P O RejneUts.
Rtangotd—D JWecma.
Rock Snclnx—J L Lnpo.
Soring fiace—N H Palmer.
X array Mla.lon—To b. aappUad bj B Brice.
Calhonn—J It Itobcnrin.
Tilton and Heaaca T J Boblnaon.
Kingston—J A Itcynoldl.
Canton—B B Red >cttcr.
Jaapar-J M Uardln.
BommerrUle—J N Meyen.
Ra Fajctca—A Odom
XcLcmora’a Core—J B McFarland
unurci district—nr ajpans,rk.
LaGrange—W J Scott.
Wert Point—D D Co*.
Newnan—A X Thigpen.
Troop—R J Harwell.
Rone Oano-U J Ellla.
Wnt-eeTtlle—J T Rowe.
Greenville and Trinity—J 8 Bryant
chalybeate 8piln*i-R Rnsh.
Grantvllle-T 8 L OarweU.
BoganniOe-J X Bowden.
Senola—B F Jones; one to be enppUcd by WR
■ ask yon to' consider here what it is that I
brought forth so mnch love for this man f Uber81 Bepooltctas.
It was not the official position he held, nor I ra® Missouri seNatorsrip.
was it even his unquestionable genins. It was I Senator Blair has arrived here and is rap-
the attraction of a pure and simple goodness. I idly recovering from the paralytic stroke
ATturra mmucr—w n roTTxa, r *. | The hundreds of toil-worn men who yener-1 which he recently received. He is the strong-
Atlanta i at Chnreb—W P Harrlaon, C JOUyerand I d »y waited forhoursto lookupon the face I est candidate for United States Senator. The
“ ' ■— 1 of the dead, were not drawn there by any I other candidates are Gov. Gratz Brown, Gov-
to cast a look at I emor- elect Woodson, ex-Congressman Rol-
Palmetto sad Jones’ Chapel—T H Timmons.
LaGrange FemeieOoBega-W J Cotter.
mere curiosity. They went
toe features of one who had been their con-1 lins, J. C. Brodhead, CoL Hatch, Geo. C.
Atlanta, Trinlty-C A Evans.
McDonough Street Miroion-To be nppUed.
Atlanta—Kvan’e Cbapal and Taylor's Bill
JXD ckay.
Atlanta—Payne’a Chapel and Peachtree Street Xia-
lon—P ll , B »“S'’p Muno
KdgevrcMttfimd St JohtPa Mlerion- W n Ls Pradc. I dead upon the ' field. " tat me remind I one.
Atlanta circalt-John W Yarboroogh. I you that Horace Greeley’s life was remarks-1 v. if. c. A.
ConyS? awl Bayna’Tcreck Mission—W J Wardlaw; *° ?? 'The Young Men’s Christian Association of
more given to practical purposes than he. I ^ c ;ij w ij 0 we re drawing toe congrega
How many lives has he stimulated to whole- Ujons from toe churches by their Sunday
some energy; how many great interests of I evening meetings, have consented, at toe re
education and science tad progress mourn qaeat of toe re|ular Reverends, whose busi-
liim now. All they tributes to-day testify I ness wa9 being injured, to shut up shop and
to toerreognition of toeratues of this great I in future permit the saving of souls to be done
and good man. The President of toe nation I through the regular channels These clerical
joins in this tribute to toe patriot. Let me gents evidently do not believe in preaching
take occasion oi urgingMr. Greeley’s views fh e gospel in the highways and byways The
of Christianity. He hved on the essential feeling in the community generally is that
truths of Chnstianity; he hud on them his I mammon, and not Christianity, was the mo-
W Sf?u h “. d “ d W'^yheart.and diedweajy Uve for £ c ir action and the Y. JL C. A. have
with toe turmoil of hf& Does the truth eanie d n0 erodit for their subserviency.
come to ns, “I know toat my redeemer liv-|
eth!" In Horace Greeley I reco.gnized a thr erectorar college.
proof of immortality. He looked from the The death ,of Mr. Greeley makes plain a
troubles of this surging woild to the peace of I great defect in toe electoral system, which,
the grave, “ where toe wicked cease from I no doubt, will receive toe attention of Con-
troubling and the weaiy are at rest.” I gross this winter. It ha3 been suggested to
thank God from mv heart and soul, that I mske the election of Grant unanimous, which
when all toe world was failing, from his I thought, of course, cannot be entertained, for,
eyes, he remembered, w I know that my I although we are defeated, we are not dishon-
Redeemer liveth.” It was the triumph of I ored; tad if there is sufficient time for con-
his life and of his death, and now as we take I certed action the votes of toe Greeley elec-
our brother from this church which has I tors will be cast ont of compliment for some
known him so often, but will know him no I distinguished Conservative. Mr. Hendricks,
more, let this be our lesson, “we know that I o£_Iu4iana, is the favorite; numerous tele-
our Redeemer liveth.” Farewell, dear friend! I grams having been received in Baltimore
farewell, noble associate I farewell, great urging that toe electors cast their votes for
champion I we know toat our Redeemer I Mr. Hendricks,
liveth, and God grant that like thee we may I civil service reform.
*P° W *1 when toe light of this world is . The Republican, the Grant organ here, is
fading from our eyes. I asking light of toe anticipated feud between
Services closed at one and a quarter o’clock, toe President and toe politicians, growing
bat toe procession did not move till nearly I out of the desire of toe latter to retain toe
two o’clock. I patronage which they have gradually usurp-
Shortlyafterfl o’clock toe procesrion is- £
sued from toe church and moved m the fol- plete harmony between Gen. Grant and the
lowing order down Fifth avenue to Four- politicians is, “ toat there is truth tad honor
f—.h XT—O th0 Radicals, and toat this, the civil
service plank of toe Republican platform
will be maintained in good faith by Congress
If curses, sneers and pooh-poohings mean
anything, then Grant will not find things
easy in his dealings with Congress this win
ter, for I know that civil service reform will
be fought against by his Radical friends.
The cold weather, the meeting of Congress
and toe gay season, all come together this
year. The skating parks are ready for
skaters and any number of sociables and
soirees are being arranged. This will, in all
probability, be toe gayest season in years.
bodtwerl’s successor.
From good authority I learn that toe
President bas determined to appoint Senator
Morton to toe Secretaryship of toe Treasury.
The selection of either of the Philadelphia
bankers—Drexel or Jay Cooke—would be
apt to create a jealousy among Grant’s
“social status” friends in that city, hence
Morton’s good lock.
A X*
Nor cross—O E Gardner.
CoTlngwaand Xt Pleasant—W W Wadawortb.
HtTrtni JII Harris.
Sard’s and Ml. Tabor-B E L Timmons.
Oxford and Social Circle—W R Branham, Sr.
Mouticeilo- -E G Mumta.
Ocmnlgee Mla^ou— 1 Supplied bj W D Cook.
Newbcrn—M F Malsby.
Monroe—A W Rowland.
Forort—Supplied by A O Dempay.
Ar cut Orphans’ Home—W F Cook.
Agent American Bible Society—W A Porks.
Sunday School 8ecrrtary—A O Uayguod.
Emory OOUcgo -M Calloway. Prof.
Griffin—J W lleidt.
Vpson-WU Graham.
Zcsulon—W G Hanson.
Pike—Isaac G Park*.
Tbomaaton—W F Lewis.
BanfSTtile. S\l«an- W T Cs'dwelL
County Ltee-W Vf Lrmpkiu.
McDoaongb—J R Mayson.
JontsbtTO—J W Stipe.
Fayetteville—D Noun.
Cuuodea—C A MitchcIL
Clinton—J Carr.
Forsyth—D J Myilc*.
Forsyte Circuit—J J Singleton.
West Ocmulgee Misslon-J B Smith.
Transferred to Sooth Georgia Conference—G JHTer-
Miller H White.
'i ransfetred to St. Louis Conference—B K Thrower.
Transferred to Alabama Conference—K P Birch.
Transferred to Little Rock, Arkansas, Conference—
Transferred to Wt
Transferred to I onlslana Conferen
The foUowimr visiting committees
by Bishop Marvin;
Emory Coile*c-A G Haygood, W F Cook, J W
We’eyan Female Odlege—Q HPattiHo, A J Jarrell,
D J My rick.
- J G Worley
LaGran-ze Feu
MRWtttftfS -
Adams, J £ Mayson.
Female College—R F Jones, A M Thlg-
.key, H R Harris, J B Haonicut.
Female College-Thomas F Fierce, H J
Fatten Superior Court—Haskell Ac
quitted.—Of her Cases.
The jsry te tbe case of the State vs. W. WaLace
Haskdl rendered a verdict of “not gnilty.” He was
defended by General Gartrell and Ookmel HowdL
Monroe Barrett, a lad, plead guilty to involuntary
lansteaghter. Sentence not pronounced.
Zack Rice (colored) was convicted of the effmee of
allowing a minor to play at billiards te his saloon,
and fined $73 and costa. He was defended by Major
George Hiilyer.
feThe Elliott cnee will be called to-day.
BherJT Harris was fined $35 for not having prison
ers In the court room at the opening of court.
The City Court Is angagtd on the dvB docket In
the eednctioo case, the jury returned a verdict 1&
favor of the plaintiff for $3,160. Both parties to the
salt are colored. The defendant fled ths re tim, leav
ing property behind, which will be made subject to
this judgment.
ranmo status comcssioxxrs corner.
United Stales Commissioner Jobs L. Conley yea.
terday required J. W. Smith to gives bond cf $1,503
for bis real ting aa officer, aad one for $100 for te*
timidating voters.
The Election.—The result gives universal
satisfaction. Perhaps there never was te this dty a
■■milax fMcffirt one a diy election. Ia-
l*.I.H and dlrortulxn have mired . blow
tram wkich tbtx win not roon recover. TkeltaDoc
ISC7, nje, tbe propfe. bave don. nob!/.
We are informed that during toe past ten
Mtk. then to. tiroa an aeUvltr ia Um pirtcl tnde.
Tk. iwwt H ttot vnej f«mb bar. ud mint enlnrod
aevoj, eurirt a weapon of this kind os tto
rtroeto. wbich ebon an anrtdtot detamlwulo. oo tto
put of this ponton of the
tcenth street, thence to Broadway ana Hamil
ton Ferry:
Mounted police and Broadway squad in
advance; Superintendent Kelso and Mayor
Hall; Dilk and Walling commanding ponce
escort; detachment of toe fire department.
Rev. Dr. Pullman, officiating clergyman at
tbe grave. The pall bearera were in coaches.
Chief Justice Chase, ex-Attomey General
Evarts, Senator Fenton, John E. Williams,
Robert Bonner, Thurlow Weed, Ivory Cham
berlain, Erastcs Brooks, Rev. Dr. Bright,
and Sinclair Too«rf rode in five coaches. D.S.
Gregory, John G. Lightbody, J. R. Stuart,
R. JL Hoe, Peter C. Baker,Charles 8. Stones,
David W. Bonce, Wm. Orton, Lyman Trum
bull, A J. Johnson; hearse; Misses Ida ud
Gabrielis Greeley, John F. Cleveland, and
other members of toe family of toe deceased
in carriages. President Grant, Vice-President
Colfax, toe Vice-President elect, and Gen.
Babcock, surrounded by fifty policemen as
a guard of honor. Gov. Hoffman and Gov
ernors of adjoining States, Whitelaw Reid,
John G. H-zzard, Dr. Ripely, W.G. Shant..
ud other editors of toe Tribune, also toe
reportorial corps, compositors and employees
generally, Union League Club, a delegation
with whom was Minister Washbome, mem
beisof the common council, heads of depart
ments, officials of adjoining cities, all in car
riages two deep, to toe number of 85, mem
bers of toe Liberal Republican, Union Repub
lican. and Tammany Hall general commit
tee, Simon Cameron Association, delega
tions from farmers and rural dobs, and
toe Temperance Societies. The hearse was
drawn by a span of white horses, wearing
toe usual sombre trappings. The vehicles
being dosed was toe occasion of disappoint
ment of those who desired to see toe coffin
and floral tributes so much described in toe
dty journals. The streets throughout which
toe procession passed were kept dear from
curb to curb by special details of toe police.
The sidewalks along toe entire route were
filled, ud in many places densdy packed
by the city population, and visitors from toe
neighboring dries gathered to pay the last
tribute of respect to the iate distinguished
On. cub urn,....
One cuhGlft,....
One cub Gift,....
4 cub Gifts.$3,000 each
15 cub Gifts.. 1,000 each
SO cub Gilts.. 900 each
31 cub Gifts.. 800 each
SO cuh Gifts.. SOO each
Agents wanted tocanesss for tbe great combination
LY, the best and cheapest paper published. DIO
juE \V is* and a corpse of host romra authors
write exclusively for it. We give a copy of the un
paralleled chromo, .
to every subscriber. Agents take from tweuty-five
to thirty names a day. No business, pays l;ke this.
8enx for terms; and secure territory for this great ea-
turnrisc at once.
Philadelphia. Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohl<
The money to pay all these gifts is now upon <le-
r oslt, andeetapait for that purpose, te the Fanners
and l trovers* Bank, aa will be seen by the following
certificate of the Cashier:
Farxxrs’ ahd Drovxbs’ Bank,
Louisville, Ky., September *8,1872. .
This Is to certify that there Is now on deposit in
this bank over hair a million of dollars to the credit
of the Gift Concert fund $500,000 of which is held by
this bank as Treasurer of the Public Library of Ken
tucky to pay off aU gifts to be awarded at the draw-
n H VRRtin I La ah tor
tickets, t* ou; ii wuuie ucacis ior siw; *o iur .
5H for $500; 113 for $1,000 ; 385 for $3,500;575 for
$5,000. No discount on less than $100 worth of
tickets at a time.
The drawing will positively and unequivocally take
r application for circulars should bead-
Agent Public Library of Kentucky,
octlf-wed&sat&weowtd Louisville. Ky.
Tickets for sale by Redwlne St Fox. Atlanta. G*
New method of treatment. New and remarkable
remedies. Books and circulars sent free, In sealed
Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 2. South
Ninth SL, Philadelphia, fa.—an Institution having
hign reputation for honorable conduct and profe
a!anal skill. uovS-d&w2tfm
. Atlanta, Ooorgia.
I st Monday in October
{and doee on t •
i st Wednesda^in July, 1873,
. Tuition $75 per annum—half in advance.
Board from xl6 to 325 t>er month.
Tuition free to candidates for the Ministry teaL
The Faculty is full and complete.
For further particulars address
President Board of TrurtM».
The Master Spirits of the World
A GENTS report sales of 35 to 100 copies te a few
hours or days. Pbospsctub Fbsn. Address J,
W GOODSPEED, New York, Chicago. Cincinnati.
St. Loala. N«nr Ortrnna sep36—InlyMAwi?
Kentucky State Lottery
Legalized b j zu act of tbe Legislature.
Most liberal Lottery ever drawn. Only
7,140 Tickets and 3,080 Frizes
To be drawn Dec. SStb, 18T3, in Covington, Ky.
One Capital Prize of 825,000,
2 Prize of $5,000 I 13 Prizes Of $250
1 Prize of 2,150 1 30 Prizes or
2 Prizes of 1,900 1 420 Frizes of
3 Prizts of ffj. 12,610 Prizes of
1,060 Prizes, amounting to $64,260
Tickets, $12. Halves, $6. Quarters, $3.
|3F“Our Lottertes are chartered by the State, and
drawn at the tune named, under tho supervision of
sworn Commissioners.
PFThe drawings will be published In the New
York, Chicago and Louisville papers.
I3ff“We will draw a similar scheme the last Satur
day of every month during the years 1873 and 1873.
gS^Remlt at our risk dj Postoffice Money Order,
Registered Letter, Draft or Express.
f3ff"Send for a circular.
Address &MITH, SIMMONS St Cva,
Box 837, Covington, Ky.
octSJ dtues-thur-satdfcwly
rpOLLED before me as astray#, on the *d dnv
X December, 1872, by John H. Wyly. of the lCffl—
District, G. M., of Fulton county, Georgia One
bnndle Cow, about 1^ years old, with some white on
her belly, legs and flanks; marked with a swallow-
fork in the left and a crop and nnderbit in the right
ear. Appraised by W. D. Churchill and Archibald
Brown, freeholders of said district, to be worth fifteen
dollars, and who say it is worth 35 cents per day ‘
feed her.
The owner is hereby notified to appear before me,
prove prope*ty. pay costs and expen-e and take her
away, else she will be sold on the premises ot said
Wyly. the taker up, on the Georgia Rallroid. just out
side the limits of the dty of Atlanta, on Thursday,
the 13th day of December, 1873.
JNO. T. COOPER, Clark, C. C.
dec6-wlt Printers fee $3.
The JLftberal senators.
There seems to be more hard feelings to
ward Senator Schurz, on the part of the Re
publican Senators, than any of his Liberal
colleagues. The argument that is now prin
cipally used is he should be displaced from
the Foreign Relations Committee altogether,
S )t so much because of bis hostility to the
dministration, as fre m tbe fact that he is a
foreigner, and from the affected belief that
his entire sympathies are un-American. This
style of argument seems to prevail very
largely among the Administration Senators.
Although nothing definite as yet has been
agreed on,it may be safely stated that Schurz
will be removed from this Committee, and
that Trumbull will be kept from the Judicia
ry Committee, and that Fenton will be re
tired from the Chairmanship of the Commit
tee on Contingent Expenses. It seems to be
the general feeling in the Senate that the
Liberals should all be humiliated as much as
twelve ye&zs old. a scat on the left shoulder, leu mo
foot white; white on the nose and between the eyes
white spots on the side#. .
Appraised by K. M. Williams and W. A. Wilson,
raiddiitrict. to be worth one hundred dollars, and that
it Is worfa fifty cents a day to keep said horee
The owner is hereby notified to come before me.
prove property, pay cost and expenses, and take hixr
away, or the said horse will be told in Decatur, on
tha first Tuesday teFebruarj. 1873.
W. R. WEBSTER. Ordinary
deed—w3t Printer's fee $3
Land Buyers Notice.
A NY one who wishes to buy laud, wil* do
call on the undersigned,who will *eli 4r7a»«r v -
one tract, or te email tracts to suit purchaser#,) lying
on the A. A W. Pt. R. R., one mile below Red Oak
station, Campbell county, Georgia, thirteen miles be
low Atlanta. House with seven rooms, five fire
“~*‘ * ~ "* varieties in abundance.
If not sold before, will
» Jsnasry. _
dec5-dlawAwtd A. B. FEARS.
rpOLLED before me on this 4th day of December,
L 1872. by R M. Brown, of the 53 et District, C
M., of DeKa.’b count/. Georgia, an estray Heift
marked as follows: r rop ana swallow-fork
right ear, and swal ow fark in tbe left ear; of . _
red color; some white on the belly and white on the
face, about two or three yean old.
Appraised by G. W. Webb and J. M. Hawkins, free
holders of said district, te be worth nine dollars, am.
that it lie worth fifty tea'.s a dry to keep said heifer.
Tbe owner is hereb- notified to ccme before me,
an, the taker up of said heifer, about three milei
t or Dccator, on Friday, Lite day of December
Printer, fee $3 50 per levy. | eEOBQIA, Fulton County.
I Ordinary's Office, Nov. 36,1873.
Guardian’s Sale. 1 \XTILUAM McDOWELL has applied for exemption
Vi of personalty and setting ap-.rt and valuation
of a Homestead and 1 will pass upon the same at 10
o’clock A. on the 13 th day of December. 1873, at
B \ virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary I DANIEL PITTMAN^ Ordinary.
of Fayette county, will he sold on the first Tttes- P°t27-wxw Printer a fr
day in January, 1873. at the Court House door te said
county, between the legal hours of sale. T. E. and C.
W. Duffell’s Int- rest te my dower, which consists *f
for benefit ot wards. Terms Gash.
novl9-wtda Guardian.
«$75 to $250 per month,SES
f inale and female, to introduce the GENUINE
ING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem,
es fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider
in a most superior manner. Price only $15.
S Fully llcen.«ed and warranted for five years. We
i will pay $1,000 for any machine that will sew a
■ stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seal
I than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lockstitch,
m Every stitch can be cut, and still the cloth canm
M be pulled apart without touring it. We pay agents
fi from $75 to $250 per month and expenses, or a
S3 commission fr >m which twice that amount can made. Address SKCOMB st CO M Boston,
*~Masa.; Pittsburg, Pa.; Chicago, 111., or St. Loute,
^5 Missouri.
Two Valuable Farms
and the Quinn place. The flut contain!
of which 440 is good bottom land, with
improvements. This farm lies te the band — —
River and is fully enclosed with ona-balf mile of
to sell the best low pneed Corn-Sheller ever
C teutend. Let farmers and everybody who has com
shell send for circular to “FAMILY CORN-SHEL-
LUR CO.,” Harrlsbuwr Pa.
Cheap Farms! Free Homes I
Os ths line at ths UNION FACllTIC BAIRROAD.
12*000.000 acres of the best Farming and Mineral
La’tdsin America. „
3*OOOtOOO Acres in Nebraska, In the Platte
Valley, now for sale.
Mild Climate, Fertile Soil.
for Grain growing and Stock Raising unsurpassed by
any In the United State*.
CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given,
anA more convenient to market than canbefdund
Tree Homesteads for
actual Settlers.
Tbe best location for'Colonies—Soldiers entitled to
a Homestead of 1GO Acres.
Send for the now Descriptive Pamphlet, with new
maps, published te English, German, Swedish and
Danish, maUed free everywhere.
Address, O F. DAVI8,
Land Com’r U. P.-R. R. Co.,
Omaha, N«b.
have business connections with all the principal poi
of China and Japan, and Import their Teas dire..
from place of growth, thus saving the consumer from
5 to 8 profits It is now about 13 years since the Com
pany was organized—and it has been a splendid suc
cess from the venr first. This was due to the fact
that we imported and sold only '
The Best and Purest Goods.
Prices, on the Club plan. And since we adopted
S in we have saved the people of this country MIL
ONd OP DOLLARS anuoaUj, In tho cost of this
article of everyday necessity.
Send for Club Circular, which contains full direc
tions, premiums, StC.
The threat American Tea Co,
31 and 33 VESETT STREET,
P. O. Box 5643 New York City,
Deodorizer and Disinfectant^
Has been used with great success in Canada, Detroit,
Bn Halo, Rochester, and other places in the prevailing
Sprtnkling tbe Floors and staples*
wasning the Managers, and decomposing the poison
ous exhalations from ths manure and urine when
sprinkled with it.
For decomposing and destroying al
bud Odors and Gases, as vdl as germs l
disease and i-eptic particles te the a '—thrown off by
th* sick animal.
For purifying; tbe Air tbe animal
breathe* by hanging clothes wet with it near his
head, so that he will not breathe over and over again
foal air.
To spongeand syringe tbe nostril*
and mouth* check the acrid poisonous dis
charges, heal ail ulcers and sores.
Xt prevent* tbe «pread of the dis
ease by completely deansi g the mouth and pun
fying the breath.
Horse* Illtc It while they turn away fiomthe
smell of Carbo'lc Add which is poisonous and irrita
ting to inflamed mucous surfaces. , .
X»ut np in Pint Bottle*. Prepared only by
TIl.DfcN & CO..
176 William Street, New York.
It is not a physic which may give temporary relief
to the sufferer for the first few desee, but which, from
continued use brings Flies and kindred diseases to aid
In weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor,
which, under the popular name of “Bitters’* 1*
tensively palmed off on the public as soveretai
dies, but It is a most powerful Tonic
alterative* pronounced so by the leading medi
cal authorities of London and Paha, and has been
long used by the regular physicians of other countries
with wonderful remedial results.
retains an the medical virtues peculiar to the plan
and must be taken as a permanent curative agent
I* there want of action in your
river and Spleen ! Unless relieved st once
vitteted blood to healthy action.
Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach! Un
less digestion is promptiyaided the system is debili
tated with loss of vital force, poverty of the bloc ’
dropsical tendency, general weakness or lassitude.
Take it to assist Digestion without reactioa, it will
impart youthful vigor to the weary sufferer.
gans f You must procure instant relief or you are
liable to suffering worse than death.
Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life be
comes a burd-n.
Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the
rstem m perfect health or you are otherwise In great
itagious diseases.
JAMES EASON, colored, 1
Libel for Divorce.
MARY EASON, colored.)
r - sppezriBg to the Court, bj the retira of the
Sheriff; that the d« fendant doe-* not reside in this
county, and it farther appearing that sea does not re
sklate this Mate, it is, on motion of counselor
dered that said defendant appear ard answer at tha
next terra of tzieCv or. elM hr-ttecZMbeconfidtred
in default and pontiff allowed to proceed. And it is
further ordered that this rule be published tix the
State press once s month turtgu months.
N. B. KNIGHT, J. 8. C.
A true extract from the SjutMgigUM£apo1or
Court. W. EL NBSBIT. C. h* C%
noi3—wlaa4 Printer’s fee $10.
GEORGIA* Fulton County,
Ozdxmaky’s Omcx, December 2,1873,
1 ? B GRIFFIN, next friends cf Louisa Griffin.wife
• of Mark J. Griffin, (the said Marx J. refustegto
I apply, applies foi * xcmpuon of personalty, and act
tmg apart and valuation of a homestead, snd I will
pass upon the same at 10 o'clock A. M., on tho 14th
day of December, 1873. at my offle.
decS-dl tAw3t [Printer's fee $3
Georgia, Fulton County*
Ordixakt’s Omcx. October 5, 1873.
HERB AS, L. C. Wells, admlnistntiw of th.
. . estate of D. H. Walls, lata of said county, de
ceased, represents that he has fully discharged his
All persons concerned, are hereby notified to file
their objections, if any exist, on or before thc first
Monday te January next, else lettas of dismission
will be granted the applicant.
Printer's fea $5
DeKalb Comity.
The health of this locality is unsurpassed, I GEORGIA* DeKalb County*
nee being on a high sandy plateau overlook- Obdixart's Omcx, November 18, 1872.
WHHKRKAS. John W. Toon* hzvtng zppUrt
STf^^'75«S?ra‘rt7S t FS 1 idIS?C. on ““ “ u '° of
W B Rhodes, Ephraim Tweedy. William Gibeon,'Her
bert Stallings, Will am Doyte and J P Potle, ofRich-
m^nd county, in raid State, and Henry O Hoyt. Geo
P Burnett, M* Hinton and JamraLMaiki*on, or said
Fulton county. a«entities. Property pointed out by
N J Hammond, Astoroey General, Junes. 1871
Also, at the same time and place a dty lot te the
first ward of tbe dty of Atlanta 50 by 300 feet, situ
ated oa Forsyth street, vdl lining O-bttrn and Chrpi
man; also, a lot, 83 by 100 feet on Whitehall and
Peter* streets, adjoining Holland and Brooks; also,
a lot Q2 by 900 feet on Forsyth street. In tbe first ward
of said citr, adjoining Adair and Irwin all being te
l«nd lot 77 in the fourteenth district of cngtaally
Henry now Fulton county. Georgia Also, part of
land lot 85 in said district, being a dty lot te the first
waid of said dty of Atlanta, ountal* iug ^ of sn acre,
sltust d oo an alley and Mscon and Western Railroad,
adjoining Jack snd Wdlboute ; also, part of land lot
77 in eaiu district, being a lot 40 by 62 feet iu the
sixth ward of the dty of Atlanta, situated on Broad
ftreat, adjoining Bea'y and the Emmet estate: aho,
a lot containing one acre te tue sixth ward of said
city, situated on Gray and Kinny streets, adjoining
Basse, It being part of land lot 81 te arid district;
alsoTpart of laud lot S4 te said 14th dish let, it bring
a dty lot 3*0 by 70 feet, situated un Race Track street
and an alley, te the First« ard of sa ddty, adjoining
Holland. Also, a lot containing 34 of an acre, ou
Stonewall street, te tho First Ward of said dty. ad
joining Hill and Cook; also, a lot contain!- g X of
an acre, ou Lnckle sheer, iu the Fifth Warn «f .aid
dty, adjoining Clark—the last lota mentioned being
part ofland lot 84 te the 14th district of arid county;
also, part of land lot 77 In said district, lot 25 by 75
feet on Ml.chell *troc\ te the 3d Ward of said city.
Arthur and Wood; also, part of land
_a lot containing X of au acre, on Mc
Donough street, in the 2d Ward of said city, adjoining
Moore; also, part of la* d lot 45, it oeing a lot con
taining 12 acres, on Fair street, te tbe fid Ward of
said city; also, part of lend lot 83 te said district, it
being a lot containing XoC sn acre on Gilmore and Fort
streets, te th* 4th Ward of raid dty, adjoining Mio-
han** and Laird Also, a lot containing % of an acre,
on Fo srth and Brotherton street, te lrt Ward o' raid
aty. adjoining Adair and Bowen, it bring part of land
lot 78 in the 14th District of origteady Henry, now
Fulton county, Ga. Levied on as the property of V
A GasklU.
Also, a lot 80 by 65 feet on Broad and Walton
■tree's, te t he 5th \Y ard of the city or At lama, ad
joining Seltser and Frank, it being part of land iot
78 in said district. Also, a lot containing X of an
acre on Marietta and Corput star cts, in th* 5ih Ward
of raid city, adjoining Mallard and Griffith. It being
part of land lot TO In said district. Abo, a lot 26 by
80 feet on Whitehall street, te the 6th Ward of the
city of Atlanta adjoining Yalte’lna and
Collier, it bring part or land lot 77
to th* 14th district rF originally Henry, now Ful
ton county, Georgia Ai«>, one vault aad safe,
one counter ard desk, three desks, two tables, twelve
chairs. *-ne office lounge, three stool#, three carpet*
and mattings and othrr small articles of furniture te
the Georgia National B-nk; -Iso. one vault and safe,
one cuout-fT and desk attached, ten chairs, one derk.
two tables, one map frame and maps, four chairs and
lambrequins, two office stools, one washstand, three
carpet* and mattings te the office of the Georgia*
Banking and Trest Company, and gas fixture in raid
two hanks'rooms.
Also, one lot of iron, seventy-five thousand three
hundred and forty-right pounds, at the Scofidd Roll
ing Company shops; levied op aa the property of U
1 Kimball. All levied on aa tbe property of raid de
fendants by virtue or aad to ratify a fl fa issued by
■ Ball, Comptroller General, in favor of tho
^ f!" A , T ''- 1 flletho’r objections, if any tht-z have, within the
1 ’ b «to.pnrch»5ecwUl t time prescribed by UWirtee fetten wlll be granted
The Quinn place llee one-half mile below aad coo-1 applicants applied Ordinary
ilnefuiarree. of which2C0are cleared—mostlyirood I W. K. WiiBBTEK, Ordinary.
_ itmjvements Ulorable—water good-
health good. This is a good settlement and can be
had at a birgaln. The Memphis Branch Railrosd te
rapid construction, runs within 406 yards of this farm,
the river bring between, and a good ferry established
Printer’s fee $4
GEORGIA) DeKalb County.
OkdxMabt’s Omcx, September 35, 1873.
the estate of Benjamin Mauldin, la to of said
jr, deceased ‘—’ “ * “*
from said trust:
Rome, Georgia. ><iii m [ ^ ^
Refer toHosuBea. Yancey and Gen. M. L- Bonham, I the time prrecribedbylawl'then and J thoreU) "#how
■•**"•* 1 lose, if any they have, why said letters should not
e granted.
Given under my hand at office,
a Interested to be and appear at my office, v
Atlanta, Georgia,
W. R. WEBSTER, Ordinary.
Printer’s fee $10
Wrt L cy b'SSi n .n h 'tt?^. D SS^‘^ I WEOaeiA. DoKalb C.untr
mile* west of Norcroes, and 17 miles from Atlanta, a I Obdinaet’s Ottiok, October 19,1873.
good piece of land, containing 49 acre*, 12 acres
cleared, and the remainder in the woods and
timbered, a good hoaae with three rooms and
chimneys, also a good kitchen and a good '“**
wzter. rorFurtb.prtttratara.rt.gyto - . - .. . - - -
noy33-w8t | ^W^S^SCb^Ti^ranra
if any they can, why said letters should not be
9SOO XlSIWAXtD. | gracua u >j
QAK BOWERY LODGE,.No. 81, F. A. IL, hereby
offer a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for I
as applied for.
Given under my hand at office.
W R. WEBSTER, Ordinary
oct22—w&Od Printer’* fea $10 00
the apprehension, with proof sufficient to convict the I GEORGIA* DeKalb County
party or parties, who assassinated our beloved I - ™ 1873,
Brother, William P. Milton, in Ellijay, Georgia,
the nlghtof the 16th day of April, 1871 I Wm. j. Turner, late of Newton county, deceased.
Don. by order of th. Lodge, raid glyranndrt th. Jg
9t%mr0nr - allowed by law, else letters will be granted said appll<
Seal thereof.
Thla 7th day of June, A D., 1873.
Worshipful Master prt* tern.
W. R. WiLOH, Secretary pro tem. sepl5-w90d
late of said county, aud Henry O. Hoyt and Lewis
Scofield, of said county, securities. December 2d,
(3) three whole beer barrel#, (393) three hundred and
ninety-three half barrels, (226) two hundred and six-
even quarter barrel*, (TO) twenty-nine h<>g#he-ds,
, Jlwcn y liquor barrel*. (18) eighUyn three-inch
plank, twenty fe -t long. (50) fifty barbels of coal, one
set of coopers tools, (lM) one and a half barrels of
pitch, 1 one-horse wagon, 1 two-horse wagon, ono
work bench snd vice, one iron pump, (50) fltty feet or
rubber hose, one Iron kettle, one bundle of imnd iron,
(3) iron stoves, one box iron rivets, supposed to weigh ,
■even or right hundred pounds, one grind ttone. (8)
three shovels, one one-half buehcl measure, (5) five
whole bales and (2) half bales hops. (•) six barrels of
liquorice root, one borrcl Irish moss, (3) three barrels
of bungs and tape, (4) four hogstesds of cla*sand
stone rabbles, lev led on a«tbe property of George C.
Spencer and George v eitx, by virtue of and to satisfy
I a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court
te favor of John Rice and J. C. Kimball, a*signee, vs.
George C. 8pencer aad George heitx. l*rojH:rty i>oint-
cd out te fi. fa^ August Itth, 1873.
i*lso,at the same time and place the interest of
William Titiebsum and William Rich in tho lot
known as the Narcross corner. In the city of Atiaus,
fronting on Marietta street 0$ feet »nd on Peachtree
street feet, having thereon a four-story brick
building; the interest of the raid William l tuebaum
being the one fourth, undivider, of a 1- ase on said
lot atd the balding thereon until thc first of J^a-
ary, 1876; the interest or the raid William Rich bring
the one-fourth, undivided, or a lease on aa d lot and
the building thereon nntii tbe first day of January.
1876. Also, William Rich's interest te four acres of
land inland lot Ho. 47 of the 14th district of Fulton
county. In the Seventh Ward in the dty of Atlanta,
on Jackson street, adjoining lands or Im-lutt and
Corpet; said interest beii g on*-half of raid four
acres, undivided. All levied on to rattary a fl f- m
Fulton Superior Court in favor of Gt-orge W. Collier
vs William Rich, priuc pal, and William Tit'chaum,
aecaritj^r Proparty pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney
GEORGIA* Berrien County.
< ^y r HIRE58, TT«rri(mx Sinn*
YY minor heir* of Kirkland, deemed. 535*/
having applied for letters of dismission from said | W Tifia 1 a”
GEORGIA* DeKalb County.
OsDQrA&r’s Omcx, November 13, 1872.
\\THBREAS, J. W. Swir«y having applied to me
V Y for the guardianship of the person and prop
erty of Julia and Emma Wright, minors of F. N.
This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned
Thista, tortrfora to cl to zid zJmoctah .fl pra-
appear at my offlec. to “HfSSmLrZf"* 1 *
tons interested, to be t
show cause, if anythey fi^rithln ttTtoSI be ZrozteU «Id 5? pUco^a.^pll4 f.r.
allowed fcy taw. ihy said letfera akoddaottel * urwirn'roD
anted. September 18th, 1872 I novl5—w4w
E. J. LAMB, Ordinary,
Berrien county.
eepM-wlamSm Printer’s $5
Henry County.
I GEORGIA* Henry County*
Okdixart's Omcx, September 95.1873.
I TOHN J. LANKY applies to me for letters of ad-
I O ministration cum Ustamento anexo on ths estate
I of John Laney deceased late of said county.
Fulton County Sheriff’* Nate* for
January» 1873*
'll 7 ILL be sold before the Court Doom door. in.
\ Y the city of Atlanta Fnltoa county, Georgia,
on the first Tuesday in Jaunxry next, within the
legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
A certain tract or parcel of laud in the 14.h District
of Fulton county, bounded as tallow*; Coa>mencing
at thc ronthweet corner of the lot of laud known as
lotNp 16 te the plan of said 14th Disrict; nnbw
'thence northwardly along the origin hi north line of
evld lot 994 feet, more or Ire*, to a stake; Uimce east
ward^ 1.W4 feet, more or le##, to a stake; thence
southwardly 996 feet,more or less, to a stake. In the
original south line of raid lot No 16; thence west
ward^ along said south line 1P71 feet, more or le*#,
to the beg’nniug point, bcinr far more accurate de
scription a portion of the tract of land conveyed by
Charles Wiltfams to James L Lehan by de» d«f record
In clerk’s office. Book G. page • 03. Levied on a* tho
property of 8 Kco\ by virtue of and to rati fy an at
tachment fl fa ftsaud from Fulton Superior Cuuit in
favor of J W Goldsmith, cashier, vs. b Root, Decem
ber 2, 1872.
Also, at the same tim** and place, thc following
personal property »o wit:
One and a half barrels of whisky, one half barrel of
gin, one counter and shew csmj. two cases of claret,
live dozen bottles of porter, 4X dozen ebampngne, 8
bottles of claret, one quarter barrel ala, «ne quarter
barrel porter, one rilver pitcher, two siiv
Witness my official signature.
Guardian’s Sale.
the Courthouse door, te said county, on tbe first
Tuesday te January next, fifty acres of land in south
east corner of iot No 203, te old Sixth district, of
said county, and also ten acre* joining the same of
The onlv Reliable Gift Distribution in the I _ _ _
y * - I Sold as the property of George W. Gray, ward of
undersigned, and for his benefit Terms—credit
L. D. Sine’s Nineteenth
I til 35th of December, 1873, with ten per cent interest
nov33-d30d Guardian.
I GEORGIA* Henry County*
OnniVABT’a Omcx, November 35,1873.
| rnHOMAS U. BRYAN has applied to mo for the
uship or the property of Robert L. and
, Bryan, non-resident orpians of M. IL
Brent deceased.
To be Drawn Wednesday * Jan* lot* *13
$200,000 00
In Valnnble Gifts! -
$ 10,000 IN AMERICAN GOLD! I objections trim, let them bafllol enor btforo
10)000 IN AMERICAN SILVER! I ^tl on<la7ln?an ^ Berthe tattarawlll
One Span of Matched Horses, with Family
Carriage tad Silver-Mounted
Harness, worth $1,500!
five Worses A Buggies, with Silver,
mounted Harness, worth S600 each.
Five Fine-Toned Rosewood Pianos,
worth $500 each!
25 Family Sewing machines, worth
5100 each !
2300 Bold and filter Lever Hunting
Wate’ies (in all) worth from $20 to $300 each !
Gold Chains. Silver-ware, Jeweliy, etc., etc.
Number of Gifts 25,000! Tickets Limited
to 100,000 r
Scents "Wanted to Sell Tickets, to
{.Horn I-lberal Premiums will be
Paid !
Bari. Tickets *3; Six Tickets (10; Twelve Tickets
$jt ; Twenty* Five $40.
Clrcntars containing a fnU list of Prizes, z descrip-
ti«n of tbe wmoct or drawing, and other informs
lion in reference to tbe Distribution, will be sent to
any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed
unm emeu. It- Z>. sms,
101 w. Fifth SL Box 86. Cinclimati, O.
Printers fee $5.
9500 HEWARX).
DRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension, with proof
sufficient to convict, tbe party and his accomplices,
who anrasnlnatrd my husband, William P. Milton, in
Bankers, Dealers in Exchange,
r> BORGIA- THOMAS COU.NTY.—We, the trader-
IT rignedThATe this day entered into a limited
partnership, under the laws of Georgia, to do bo stores
*TThomas rille, Georgia, under the firm name of
Wright A fitegalL The general nature of thebasl-
: Banking. Exchange and Com-
commences on uu* ocpicmoei *u, iot*. mu
terminates three yean from date. Thomas C. Mitch
ell, the special partner, bas paid into the common
stock Ten Thousand Dollars. Dated this Beptem-
btr2, 1873. AKTHTR P. WKlGHT,
WItnras J. M. Sun, Hotsrj Fablu.
GEORGIA* JXesary County*
Onnram’s Omcx, November IBlh, 18ft.
Q AR AH KING and Robert Dorian has applied to me
O for letters of administration do bom* non, com
testamenta asnsxo, on tbe estate of John Wade, de
ceased. late of raid county;
If objections exist, let them be Hied wilhto
statutory time, or the letters will be granted.
Witness my official signature.
G&O. M. NOLAN. Ordinary,
nov33—wlamSm Printer’s fee $4 60
GEORGIA 9 Henry County. .
Obdixaut’s Omcx, Nevember 15,1873.
T7PHRAIM 8. FARGASON has appUed to me tar
JC2 exemption of personalty and setting apart and
valuation cf homestead,and I will rare upon ihe same
on the aoch day .of November, 1873, at 10 o’clock A.
Xm atmy office.
GEO. M. NOLAN. Ordinary.
aov!7-dlt&w3t Printer’s fee $3
GEORGIA* Fulton Cmnty.
A LL persons having demands against the estate of
XJL Thomas O'Reilly, late of said county, deceased,
will present th*m properly proven, and all persons in
debted to said estate will please make Immediate
payment. Atlanta, November 1'tb, 1“72.
GEORGIA* Henry Ceuuty.
Onstxanx'a Omcx, November 35th, 1873.
TOHN FIHLD3 has applied to me for exemption of
«| personalty and setting apart and valuation of Home-
M., on tbe 14th day of
e at lOo’cWk A.
GEO. M. Sol
. SOLA.V. Ortlnsry.
Printer’s tee t* 00
Guardian’s hale.
TJY VIRTUE of an Order of the Court of Ordinary
Jj of Fulton county, I will sell before the Court
House door in Atlanta, te raid rounty, on the First
Tueedsy la January next, the one-half undivided ln-
. being a portion or land lot No.
.... as the property of Ann Isabels
mino:, for the benefit of said minor. Terms
GEORGIA* Campbell County,
G C. GARRETT having, in proper form, applied
• to me for permanent letters of administration
on the estate of Sarah Cash, deceased, late of said
This in, therefore, to Mte all and singular the credi
tors and next of kin of Sarah Cash, to be and appear
at my office within the time allowed by law. show
cause. If any they can, why permanent admtototra-
should not be granted to C. C. Garrett
SL C. BEAVERS, Ordinary.
HUm tta*. tbra *$Mkffthlns
■ A Oa, remand, M ilra,^
of ga# mmssmmmmsmmmmmm
k»pt in a first-class bar room. Levied on as t.«
property of M. Corigan. by virtue of and 10 ratify
a di#trssS warrant for rent, in favor of G. W Anal-,
agent for Joe Thompson Ss f'o. vs. M. Corigau
ftoperty pointed out by BenJ. Hill, Jr., Attorney for
Flaintiff December 2. 18Tx.
Also, at the same time and place, a city Jot, contain
ing a half acre, more or less, ;of land, s!tna*« d on
Gate City and McDonough reels in the Sorond
Ward of the city of Atlanta, adjoining the property
or Doane & Calaway, it being ; art of land lot ^5 te
the 14th District of originally ilesre, now Fulton
county. Levied on aa the pro;«rty vt J O Yates, by
virtue of and to satisfy a fiafa issued srom Fayette
Superior Court to favor of J L Blalock vs J G fata.
Property pointed out by defendant September 3,1873.
Also, at the same time* and place, a bouse and lot
situated os tho west side of Ivy street te tbe dty of
Atlanta, beginning where the alley starts out from Ivy
street toward the old tannery, and running south
along Ivy street 70 feet thenteweet *4 fiet* 1 ochre
alubg Ivy etn_ — —
to sdd alley, thence in a northeast dinctfr-n along the
southeast side of raid alley 87 feet to tbe beginning
K where raid alley enters Ivy street; leviee en aa
-open/of W Kirkland by vlrtn -of «r d te rat-
i#fya fifa from the Jn#Uce#’s Conn of the 1234th Dis-
trict, G M, in lavor of C M James vs W Kirkland
Levy made by James Campbell, L G, and returned to
me, December td, 1873.
Al#a at the same time and plare. a city lot fronting
on Walker street 65 feet. In the First War j of the city
of Atlanta, anpextending bnck ratue width 112 feet;
lcaled on a# tne proLcrty of J ii Betti# by virtue of
and to satisfy tvofi fas from the Justice's Court of
the lOStitb dMrict, G M, in favor of Inman St Crook-
shanfc vs J 8 Bettis Levies made by F L Little, L C,
and returned to me Dcccmbfir 2,1872.
A. M. PKRKEHdoN. Deputy Fberiff.
deqv’ds Printer’s foe $2 50 per levy.
GEORGIA* Fayette County*
Ohdixabt’s Omcx, Nov. 37,1873.
W a J. McDONNALD has applied forexemp-
• don of personalty and retting apart and
valuation of same, which I will pass tp>n at nay
office, Monday, December 9,1872. at 10 o'cl A. M*.
D. G. MINOR. Ordinary.
nov*>'-w2t PrinWr’s
Executor’s Sale.
Ferguson, deceased, wc wi l ec I l*cfore the Court
House door te Atlanta, on th** First Tuesday in Jan
uary next, within the legal hours of sale, thc routh
half of land lot No. 254, ard tha north hrif of land
lot No. 255, of the 14th District of or hrii "-Hv Henry.
dow Folton county. Sold aa the property of said
Daniel Ferguson, deceased, fordi«tnbatiox 7 .
half cash; balance twelve month-, with 7 per
interest. ANGUS FERGUrON.
aov30-w4t (printer’s fee $10) Externa
AdmluUtrntor’H Sale.
ff. B. FOWLER, Auctioneer
P^tbecity of Atlanta, within the legal hours of
sa'A on the first Tuesday in January next, au undi
vided hal» intetrat in Um following de* ribedi.rop-
erty, to-wit; Commenting at the janction of IV*cn-
property of Willis Ji. Johns % deceased, for
the benefit of the b-ir# and creditor#. Terms cash.
W R. Vt N. 4 BIJS, Admintatrator.
Atlanta, November 13th, 1872.
novi4—w40d Printer’s fee $15
GEORGIA—Campbell County.
O&DiXAkT’s Crricc, November 2S, 1S72.
T OLLED before me thl*dsvby Benjamin Brown,
of th« 757th District G SL ot arid county, ono
cairay COW aad CALF. Color—red and White Mded;
buthof her tail off; uemarked; eupjosed to be four
years oM; calf three weeks old. AimiM by J. C
Barren and Ore wry Freeman, fre. bolder# of raid
District, to be worth t-elve dollar# and a half; taker
up allowed five cent# per d^y for takir g enr- of htr.
The owner Is hereby notified to epjicar bi-f«re me,
prove property, pay costa and swpsnexs ana >ake her
away, else »he will be sold on the 9tn day of L»e-
cemoer next, on the premims# of tfce taker no.
R. C. BEAN KRS, Ordlorry.
norW-wU rilun'i