The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 06, 1874, Image 5

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%M Atlanta we believe has superior claims to all other points, as the proper site of the capita], and that it will be so decided by the majority of the people of the State.— CarroU County Timet. t^“The Griffin Star reports the sadden • death of Dr. Fleming G. Caatlen, who had ■recently moved there from Macon. Dr. ■ Castlen was found dead in his bed, having retired in apparently good health. The body appeared congested and had been dead ■some hours. Nothing (was found to excite suspicion. A Coroner’s Jury declared him to have come to a natural death from some ■unknown cause. * The Dead of 1873. Many distinguished persons died in 1873. 'Napoleon in, Bulwer Lytton, the great nov- ■eliat, Bishops McUvaine and Early, Chief -Juatice Chase, Bishop W ilberforce, Macready, the tragedian, Powers, the sculptor, Mrs. R. E. Lee, General W. J. Hardee, Louis Agassiz, •John Stuart Mill, ex-Senators Tates and .Hole, Judge Nelson, Bishop Armitage, the ■President’s father and father-in-law, Oakes . Ames, James Brooks, Liebig, the great chem ist, are among the list 'Bemcmler the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy. ' No injunction of the Divine Will is based upon a more beautiful philosophy, or con tains a more imperious obligation than that which invokes the sanctity of jthe Sabbath to •the human attention. .Blessed, blessed Sabbath! What would i poor overworked humanity be without it? iBlessed day of rest for the toiling energies of mar 1 Wise thought of a beneficent God for His people! The laborer knows how to value this priceless day. But God has connected with its inestima ble -benefactions a duty Himself.' While it is a-day of rc3t from business, it is an imper ative day of worship and Reverence. It must be kept holy, says the Divine Injunc- ■tion. i Do our people recognize the full impera tiveness of this duty to keep the day sacred. .An observance of the Sabbath in the very ■ground-work of popular morality. To rev erence the Sabbath and keep it holy, is one of the cardinal duties of Christianity. Let our people hold in rigid performance this sacred obligation. Reader of Tub Constitution, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Vbe New City Government* ■“The king is dead! long live the king I” The reign of the old administration was •ended yesterday, and this morniDg ihe new ■officials assume their tasks of public respon sibility. Our columns are filled with the re ports of the out going officers, and with the inaugural address of Mayor Spencer. They are documents of deep interest to our city readers, and we are sure our friends without the city’s limits will pardon an undue pro portion of city news for a single morning. A careful perusal of the documents will prove that the retiring Council did not leave unfulfilled their promises of retrench ment. The expenditures of the past year were •cut down—not perhaps, as much as they could have been, but large reduction was effected Mayor Spencer’s address has the right ring. If he will press, by every legitimate means, his recommendations into acts, he will deserve the gratitude of every man, woman and child in the city. He says that the an nual expenditures should not exceed the an nual income. Be says that increased atten tion should be given to the sidewalks and •crossings. He says a great many excellent things: and, therefore, we hope our readers ■will give the address a careful reading. Let Mayor Spencer do his utmost to make his recommendations facts, and all will be well with him and us. And we believe he will, backed as he is by an excellent Council. yg-The latest reliable news from Mor- mondom indicates the beginning of the end. We all said that the days of the saints’ enjoyments were, numbered when the iron rails were pushed into their polygamous re treat, but we did not know exactly how it would occur. It seems that heavy consign ments of fashionable jewelry and other showy frivolty have been steadily going to the territory, until the old passion for adorn ment has broken out among the Mormon women, and is raging terribly, after so long a spell of repression. No saint, not even Brigham himself, can pay the bills that are incurred by a multiplicity of wives, every one of whom is bent oh onioning the other in the latest freaks of fashion. And thus ■“ the twin relic” hastens to its f all. Xlae - PanotiandltUe Ittoaney• BY TELEGRAPH TO THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION nets in the way of advertising articles or wares, will , r ,, .be under tne special command of the Loan Hies Mr. Allman, of Tennessee, recently sold a 0 , ^ GcttDB . ^ w m form on the south for such stock. J sixth ditosxso. The Union and American says: “The Comprising all stragglers, late comer?, outsiders, _ NashviUe and Chattanooga Rmlroad Com- “ a “y« Unotetowliereliereln P rOTMed,or ' win THE SPANISH SHIP ARAPTLES pany paid something over $146,000 into the ke commanded by the loan or thr Unattached, STUCK IN THE MUD—THE State Treasury last Friday on account of and wiu form on the north side of Mitchell street, | NEW YORK SHERIFF, balance due the State.” the right resting on Loyd street. ... , ...... _ All the above will be required to be in line by lie I A bnkeman on the Chattanooga road, 0 * clo6kt P . ■ C 'lBOBSl&t CAMPBELL COUNTY— 3T To all wnom It may concern. Riles Jennings having in prtpar form, applied to me lor permanet letters of administration on ‘he estate of Wiliiem Jen nings. late or said county, this is to cite all and • Ingu- lar ihe e-editors and next of k n ot William Jennings, to he and appear at my office, wi'bin the time allowed by law, and show cause. If any they can, why per manent ad ministration should not be granted to Ellen Jennings on William Jennings' estate Witness my hand and official signature. January Sd, 187*. • B. O. BEAVERS. jan4—4w pr fee $1 Ordinary. New 'Yobk, January 2.—One thousand j Georgia, Campbell County. having been asked what position he occu-1 “ division to be provided with banners, its I W6re discliarge(i from fhe navy y ewispowell having applied to be appointed ried on the train said that ho vs a “nir/'nlar amElon 10 De Provided with Danners, its yard. | _1_J Gnardianof the person and property ot Penben F” ” ”” j gMn » Circular Jfcrshilflinked on either side by a sword-bearer and! At * " **' ~ " ' * The^ conductor | % ghIeia . «- HOW THE PAGEANT WILL JBT*. I dock. or assistant conductor.” started the train and he stopped it. Tnrnpike roads are coming up iu the mar Witness my official signature. January 3d. 187*. B. O. BEAVERS. Jan 4—4 w pr fee $* Ordinary. ■and | At high water this morning the Spanish! ana Jan? Oliver, co.ored><mtnors under fourteen years Arap “ es ™ flo “ ed •*«“ *r „ At precisely 2K o’clock a royal salute of twelve! Efforts were made to float her round to I &eWTUirynex^andshow 1 c»nse?if 1 anyUieyain, why ket, and prices are mnch more satisfactory Sno* will be fired by the Brigadier General, the Duke r; n bh dock so that she could take on her 8al 4 Lewis PoweU should not be entrusted with the turnpikes, with fell complement of mile- the King, Court and military escort will take up the in _ ship Y ermon t, 8 he got stuck in the mud — “ *— — posts, and bridges in good repair, are in de-1 of march,'down Hunter street to Prior. When ar f^ t0 drop anchor at next high water, mand. We quote: Col. Gibbs, Secretory of ‘be left or the King’s escort shell have passed, the g he w ju ^ t0 thedock and recaive her State, reports the sale of the Rome and Oar- First Division shafl move into line followeljby the armament. thage pike, to John A. Fite, at $1,000. Also other divisions in thalr regular order. All the gas fixtures of the sheriffs office the Columbia Central pike, to Gen. Polk ohdee op Phooession. 0 f ^ cpy wa3 removed to-day, and in fu- and others, at $5,000. | Police, "under command of Col. c. c. P. H. G. C. o. I tore he will have to pay his own gas bills out The Cleveland Banner of the £Gth Want 8 R ’ the Honaello!d char s ed of his enormous fees, says:‘Allftle daughteT of APMaples.of ** preeerva.ion of the peace to New Jobk, January 2.-Arrived-steam- this place, on Monday of last week, fell into I theBoy ‘ 1C3plto1 * : | erCelbnafrom Hamburg. a well while attempting to draw a bucket of ATLANTA CONSTITUTION FOR 1874. water by the covering being rotten and away. The t well was about fifty or sixty feet deep, an'd had been walled up to within twenty feet of the top. In her descent she fortunately got a footing on the top of this wall, which position she held until assistance came and rescued her from her perilous posi tion.” The Knoxville Press and Herald says: At I the First Baptist Church, on Christmas morn- ing f a marriage ceremony was performed in which two ministers, one a Baptist and the other a Methodist, officiated, uniting in the silken bonds of matrimony, Rev. Mr. Over- HERALDS, 1HB EARL HAUSHAL OT THE 2HPIBS, Tunis IVAKTS, CROWN AND ROYAL REGALIA, His Host PnriUn Mijesty, the KING OP THE CAEN IV AL. THE COUBT OP ST. BEX. DUKES OT OT THE REALM - , Escorted by a guard of honor detailed from the ! “King’s Own.” Egyptian Regiment, H. M.V. - THE LORD HIGH CONSTABLE OT THE YEOMANRY. First Division—The Master of the horse. Second Division—The Lord of the Carriages. Third Division—The Lord of the Vans. Owing to the great trouble occasioned by the transfer of goods in bonds to numerous I parties, resulting in great injnry to all con cerned, Collector Arthur issued an order prohibiting any transfer of goods in bond for the future except iu the manner prescribed [ by regulations. A DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, DAILY AND WEEKLY. LOUISIANA BANKRUPT. fiscal agent says he has not received the ....... ■„»•,, „-. TI Fourth Division—The Lord High sheriff of the I usual schedule from the Auditor, nor is streetj <ff"Sandford J "Ky?,'and Mias Texaana I anUd8 - ' there any money in hia hands to the credi Crank, of Knoxville, the bride being a sister Fifth (advertising) DlvUion-Tne Lord of the Un-1 of the interest fund, of Mrs. Lancaster, of this city. Rev. Dr. attached. Mays officiated until it was time for the Sixth Division—Of Police. i A FINANCIAL CRISIS, bridegroom to place the ring on the finger of route ot march. the bride, and this part of the ceremony be- Ronta of march, from City Halt down Hunter; to ing unusual in the Baptist formula, it was I Pryor, up Pryor to Houston, thence down Peachtree I Havana, January 2.—The price of bread, performed by Rev. Dr. Cunningham, the to Walton, down Walton to Spring, through Spring to meat and other articles of prime necessity pastor of Church Street Methodist Episcopal ] Marietta, down Marietta to tea:htroe, down Peach- advanced immensely since yesterday. New Orleans, January 2.—Interest due oTtri FAVORITE OF ALT. CLASSES to-day on State bonds was not paid. The! A"** iAVUR-ilL UJ! ALL LLHoOLO Lawyers, Merchants, Farmers, Etc. Church, South. tree and np WhitehaU to Garnett, through Garnett to I The Aurora, a newspaper of Matanzas, has j Forsyth, up Forsyth to Mitchell, throngh Mitchell to ceased publication, the proprietors being un-1 in full. together with constant and accurate mforina- WhitehaU, and throngh Whitehall and Marietta to the able to comply with the demand of their em- tion of the actings of all the Departments of the State Cimirtl Palace, where his Majesty will graciously [ ployees to be paid in gold. ^ | BO i e «nd exclusive right of publishing The Junta, having deot under considers-1 the Dkcisionb of the Supreme court from the Annual Election At their regular mrettagtast night, Atlanta Typo-1 njiew “*mbjecta,anddiwalsa them to their own BAHBOAP 8CHEDPLB. ARRIVAL AND DKPARTURS Of Air-Lime KmtlremA. . ' DAILY FASSEXeEB TBAHf, * Leave Atlanta « OOvhr Arrive at Charlotte...... 8 M A E, Leave Chorlotte...... 8 48 t m* Arrive at Atlanta 8 SB T K« AOCOMXODATION TRAIN. , Leave Atlanta.8 24 A M - Arrive at Charlotte - 7 27 A 1C' Leave Charlotte 8a|-A *•> Arrive at Atlanta U. 48 A M Utergia Railroad, t DAT TABSSK«EE TRAIN. Leaves Augusta 8.40 o’clock, A. H Leaves Atlanta. 6.90 “ A. * Arrivoe at Atlanta 5.45 - p.x Arrives at Augusta S.4S “ r.m KI8HT TASSENSER TRAIN. Leaves Augusta 8.15 **- r.m Leaves Atlanta 6.00 •* r.m Arrives at Atlanta 6J5 “ A.m Arrives at Augusta 4 00 “ A. X Accommodation Traim* Leaves Atlanta 5 OOr.m Lmwes Stone Mountain 6 30 a.* Arrives Atlanta 8 00a.* Arrives Stone Mountain 6 15 P.X ■Western mmd Atlantic Ballnad* HAT FASSNKOBR TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta. 8:90 a. X Airlvie at Chattanooga 4dSr.X NIGHT TASSENGNR TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta 9:90 a.* Arrives at Chattanooga 4:30 A. X Leaves Chattanooga 3:45 r. x Arrives at Atlanta 11:15 r. x SAT TASSXmEB TRAIN—INWARD. Arrives at Atlanta 1:10 r. KINGSTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; Arrives at Kingston Atlanta and West faint BalUrand. Dvr rvssixaRR trvjn Lmlvdft Atlanta Arrives at West-Point llacomand Western Railroad. DAILY ACCOMMODATION RXOEFX SUNDAYS- Leaves Atlanta 7.-00 A. M 3:40 rn Arrives at Macon..... Leaves Macon ...... —••• MAIL AND rASSKNeXR—DAILY. IKK) A X 6 50 PX Arrives at Atlanta.... Vice President—Sam. H. Shaw; Financial Secreta-, , , .. - limv.ocp, ry-A. H. Cunningham; Corresponding and Record- P r88ented for that honor by the Lords Chamber- [HTOTeases. ing Secretary—W. C. Henderson; Treasurer-Geo. general orders. Dunlop; Sergeant-it-Arms—Joseph B. Lively; Dele- ^ m placfi9 of baainea8> boUl pabUo „ d prlvat gate to International Unlon-D. T. Wilson. The herebyordered t0 b9 cWi 8nd , u tim c Bng . Union seem, to be in a fionrisbing condition, and ded ^ ^ | Matamobas, January 2.-Gen. Cortina I rhS^wh^^P^^^aSd MEXICAN AFFAIRS. tion are subscribers. . - , 3. the Constitution Is the Official Journal of the State, of the city of Atlanta and a large number of connues. 4. The Constitution publishes a weekly Cotton Editorial, embracing remarks on the Gold Premium and all matters affecting the cotton trade, withatarisf ics daring the past year three of its members have laid down the “stick” aid “rule” and entered the ranks of the ministry. Rian Sb«t in Fayette County* 2. Alt houses and galleries along the ronte of the was installed Mayor to-day without any dis-1 dealers in cotton, not alone in Georgia, but all over the procession are ordered to be decorated, or otherwise turbance, the opposition giving QP to him oounn^prwureTBm Consmt^on tar ^e artidra. display, soma allegiance to the King; and for the I City government quietly* .Last Bight a I patches and news from all quartura of the globe, includ- better gnldancs of each householders Urey ara In fight Occurred in the market square, growing I mg markets, domestic and foreign. Hence the paper | formed that the royal colors are black and yellow; out of the political excitement, in which one Dispatches the royal flower, the big sunflower; the royal tree, person was killed and others wounded. TnE constitution has specials from Washington, the Several prominent persons who were op- 1 -- - - - ? osed to Cortina crossed to Brownsville, ■exasto-day.fearing ^difficulty. The city . New Voifc Skdtn various par» of the country, to-night is perfectly quiet, ana the matter is I g # thb constitution pupiianes a monthly Fashion Letter from New York, w.itten by the most celebrated Notice in Bankruptcy. ' “N the District Oonrt of tbe United States—Sorth- . . era District of Georgia.—In thw matter of Jess* M. Cartledge. a Bankrupt—In Btuikruotcy. This is to give notice, once a week for three weeks that I have been appointed Assignee of Jesse X. Cartledge, In the oonnty of Lincoln, who ha* been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district HJBNRT J. LANG, nov29-l*w3w Assignee. Editors Swrfi^ I pi^e G tas?t 1 ta^o 3 nr 1 Sper I the pine; the royal birdTthe rooster,’ and the royal | ^y“al^ prominent persons whoweje^op- j NatiomlCapitai. as a matter or news, tnd for Information of friends beast, the bear. and relations, that a man, representing himself to be 3- Owners and drivers of pnblio and private vehl John A. Bradley, of Chester, South Carolina, was shot I cles are required to keep out of the highways ln |_ PI . a ^ e j amicablv'settled' and dangerously, wounded with a donble-barrel shot I which the divisions of the royal pageant will form and I ° * gun while loitering aronnd the premises of the Misses I throngh which it will pass Banisters, last night, in a deranged state or mind. | 4. The proprietors of pnbllc building*, the Consals He remains at the house of these young ladies on- of aU foreign nations at peace with His Majesty, are der the medical attendance of Dr. J. E. H. Ware. directed to display their colors daring the entire Tours truly, Wyatt Chandle®. | day. 5. The city authorities are hereby ordered, tinder penalty of royal displeasure, to remove all obstruc tions from the highways on which the pageant Is to pass or form The P. S. Post Office, Palmetto. Notice. Financial and Commercial Telegraphic Markets. All white mechanics who are in favor o f organ izing a General Mechanical Association, tar the pur- female Fashion writer in the United States, ladies, therefore, all want The Constitution. 9. A new feature for this year will be Weekly Eu ropean Correspondence, by which the readers of The Constitution will be taken on a tour through Europe. 10. The ablest writers and statesmen of Georgia select The Constitution to give their views to public, and so do the teople, and hence it is the mitted leading Democratic Journal of the Sta e. 11. The two great specialties, our Supreme Court .Decisions tar the lawyers, and our Cotton articles for New Orleans, Jan. 3.—Com firmer, I the merchants and fanners, make The Conustution .mixed and white, 72 and 73; yellow, 72 1-2 1 unrivaled in this part or tho South. 6- All malicious mischief upon the part of subjects, and4 Oats quiet; pork firmer, held 1850:1. £. pose of mntnal enjoyment and social and intellectual 8ucil “ u **®*‘®* flour, is interdicted land ioibidden Molasses, good demand, fair 58 and 61; I ers^mecEmtoand others, circulates in every county of Improvement, are requested to meet at the Hall of I mider 1118 Everest penalty. prime 63; Coffee prime, ordinary to firm 213-4 Georgia, has the largest State circulation and is, there- the Chamber of Commerce In the Bepublic Block, f J’ Ml ‘ nd ^ ic f e or improper displays will be rig- and 27, others unchanged. Gold 10 7-8 and j £teftXg“hte own local on Wednesday night, January 7th, 1874, at 7J£ laiy e*ln ded from the Pageant, and all (Improper U 3-8; sight, bank, 1-4 discount; sterling I paver, subscribe tar The Constitution, published at -,-VirV Mast Mxohakicj conduct strictly Interdicted, under penalty or per- bank. 538 and 535. Private, future Sterling ex-1 the Capital of his State; and we would here return petual exile. ohongn will he quoted as above, giving the 1 thanks to the people tar a patronage, that has culmiua- Nkw Lodofs ov the L O. ot G. T-— Thirteen I 9 No estray maskers will be allowed in any of the value of pounds in dollars, cents and mills. | so^t^m iStotes^ i Tm ^^OTTiTurirar, no^yet five new lodges of this order have been instituted in the streets inside theline of procession auringthe psrlod AUGUSTA, January 3.—Cotton—demand | years old, has attained * circulation never reached by last ten days In tne state. Threaof these are on the occupied In its movement, and theHonsehold Brigade good; middlings 14 3-4&14 7-8; receipts 837 2 1 ^’owm'as^^Dfeteas^^ta Uneof tho A & B A L B R, with an sverags of thirty* I is hereby Invested with full authority to arrest all so I bales; sales 817. I be united States, giving employment to seventy or one charter members to the lodge. A great revival I found and commit them to their respective Divisions. MOBILE, January 3.—Cotton qmet and lit-1 eighty persons daily, and running a half dozen presses seemstobegolneon in the temperance cause. Rev. 9. Each and every line of city railroads is ordered I tie doing, a shade lower, middlings 15 1_4 ; I ita Dr. Marshtll addressed a very selsot audience at to run their cars at intervals of 15 minutes during low middlings 14 3-8; Strict good ordinary I po^erfol presses, printing four or five thoueank papers Floweiy Branch on Friday night last, after which a the entire night, in order to afford his Majesty’s sub- 113 3^4; net receipts 1576 bales; exports coast-J per hour, lodge was organized with thirty-three charter mem-1 jecta every facility and convenience in seeking their | Wi861214; sales 800; Stock 64,132. bsrs, I own enjoyment and honoring their King. And in I MEMPms, January 3. Cotton quiet; low consideration ot this faver, they are hereby em-1 middlings I4_l-2al4 3-4;_receipts 1,036bales; William Atwater, Coarles Bridge and others, v* Samuel A. Durand and others. Bill, eta, in the Oitcnlt court of the United States tar the Northern District of Georgia. T appearing to tbe conrt that the bUl. in.the above stated case, is Sled to lnforoe the judgment lelna. which the complainants have in and to oerrain real estate b!tnated in the Northern District of Georgia, described in said bill; it further appearing that Henry -. Durand has a mortgage letn tar a large sum on part of said real estate, and that William Cowles hae a judgment lien on all raid res' estate, or claims to have; it farther appearing that both said Henry 3. Durand and said William Cowles, live ont ot tbe State of Georgia, the aaidflenryS. Durand, living in Milwaukee in the State of Wisconsin, and the said William Cowles, living at ——, in the State of Hli- nois ; that neither said Henry 3. Durand, neither said William Cowles has bt m loved in the Northern District of Georgia, aad tha. neither of arid persons has volunteerily appeared to said salt in equity; herefore, on motion of complainant’s solicitors, it U ordered that said Henry S. Durand and William Cowles, do appear, plead, answer or demur to com plainant’s bill at rnleR, on the first Monday in Jan- nary next: it Is further ordered that each of said persons, Henry 3. Durand and William Cowles be served personally with a copy of tbit order on or before the first dav of December next, wherever found, and if such personal service be not practicable toil order Bhall be published once a week tar four weeks, next immediately proceeding tbe first Monday in January next, in The Constitution, a newspaper published in Atlanta, in the Northern District of Georgia. October 15,1873. \ dec2-dlaw*w JOHN ERSKINE, Judge. EDITORIAL CORPS: L W. Avert, Editor Political Department. W. G. Whidby, Editor Local Department. N^pfr! fk&T 80 *’ \ AM0dat0 ^t 018 * E.‘ y! f?r.Airg^M M1A PP T> g Editor. W. a. Hekfhcll, Business Manager. A sood story comes from Virginia. The -rreat peculiarity is that parties, traveling through Virginia generally hear it a dozen different times, and always from the nephew of the lad/ who owned the animals. This makes trouble in locating the incident, other wise it is unobjectionable. It appears, however, that an old lady m Virginia—in twenty diflerent parts thereof if we may believe all we hear—had a parrot and a monkey who were so well behaved that she never confined them at all, but ac corded the utmost liberty to all their incli nations. They were very friendly, too, so much so, that in recognition of a preference aa marked as it was beautiful, she always left them in the same room together when she had occasion to go out. It was after an absence of this sort that 6he returned one day and found the floor of the parlor strewn with hair and feathers. There were blood stains on the ■nbulra, and, in one comer, perched on an etagere, she saw a very dilapidated-looking monkey. His left eye was missing, and his hftir in a dozen different places had been snatched out—violently. He lookeddejected his countennace showed discon tent too deep for words. While the old lady was gazing in utter consternation at the monkey, a curious looking bird walked moodily out from under the Bofa. There wasn’t a feather on him. He was picked f-|pan as a Christmas turkey, and his expres sion was at once pathetic and ridiculous. He limped into the middle of the room, glanced sadly at the hair and feathers strewn around, and then, cocking his head on one side, and assuming a particularly apologetic air, said: .... “We’ve had ahell of a time! General Eaton, United States Commissioner of Ed ucation, bas received throngh the Japanese Minister, at Washlugton, Irom Fnjlmxro Tanaka, Vice Presi dent of the Connell of Education, and in charge of the administration of tbe Department of Education in Japan, two Urge photographs of the Kalsei Gakko, or the Imperial University of Tokei, which were taken on tho occasion of the opening of itsnew bond ings, One represents the students drawn np in front of the University, and the other Is a representation of the State carriage, built after the style of an Ameri can hack, to which are attached four horses attended by servants In lively. Another feature bf the pictures is the number of tall silk hats Been in the crowd ot . spectators. Fulton Superior Court.—This body adjourned powered by authority of His Majesty, to raise their shipments 1,897; Stock 55,652, yesterday until the third Monday in tbe present TOlnntary jate or to twenty-five cents per pas. . LOUISVTLLE, Januaiy 3,—FlOUr f amy ac- month. senger after 12 o’clock p. m. ^ f Gus Hayne, convicted of stealing a cow. and who and now, enjoining strict obedience on the part of demand at 53. Poik held at $15 50al6 00. “fled the realm,” having returned, was arrested and I big beloved subjects, His Majesty announces his un- ‘ r « Te j hams I W. A. hekphill, Business manager, sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. swerving determination to enforce all and every, pro- y T . Capt. Henry Jaci^on, Supreme Court Reporter, la Tne jury failing to agree in the csbc of the State vs I ^ la order that hi, brief relgnmay 12 forkel » 5 8 lor SteaS “SoS. 8 * 864 ** *“ ^ f nmisb bomas F. Lackey, a mistrial was ordered and tbe nothing bnt pleasant memories behind. And I Whisky 93 l-2a94. I Froprietors--W.iuHDtPHiia.andB. Y*Clabk«. jury discharged. I so, In the fullnesB of trust and confidences, he gives LmtEPooL, January 3 —The actual stock thehonor and glory of his hopse to their loyal keep- Q f wheat in this city is 167,000 quarters, | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: NTHE NAME OF THE KING r* 8, which is much below the estimate. The W A “ Ur AXlt * JA1WIT1 8t0C kof com is 12,000 quarters, and of flour DiU i y)Peraimwn «io oo Bex. 89 ooo barrels and 37,000 sacks. six months 5 oo Done at the Carnival Palace, and with the royal seal I Nobbolk, January 8.—Cotton moderately I Three months a hereunto attached, this, the 3d day of January, in {active; low middlings 14 5-8; net receipts I * 2 00 the year of our Lord 1874, and the 5556th of onr 2,746 bales; exports coastwise 3,645; Bales | six months. 100 reign. 1620; Btqgk24,244. Wilmington, January 3^—Cotton dull middlings 15; net reeeipts 301 bales; exports coastwise 300; sales 51; stock 3,570. .... ■pawin. January 3.—Bullion has increased Is prepared to do any work in the printing line, from 6,500fl00 francs. I a canfto a finely-bound book. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States—Northern District or Georgia—In the mat ter of Melvin J. Smith, bankrupt—In Bankruptcy. This Is to give notice, once a week tar three ween, that I have been appointed Assignee of tbe estate of Melvin J. Smith, of Whitfield county, in said dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Conrt of said District. E A. B1VINGS, Assignee, jtnl-dtax3«v Dalton, Ga. EDICT XIV. To All to Whom these Presents Shall | Greet! mg: M Rentes 58f 25c. London, January 3.—Consols 917-8a92; I new five per cents 109al08|; Eric 43ia43i. HIS MOST BLESSED MAJESTY THE KING OF THE OABNIVAL, congratulating all loyal, trusty | Atlanta. Ga.. December 84th, 1873. and loving subjects of the Realm upon his safe re- General W.3. Walker,President Atlanta Board Eire turn to the Royal Capital, decrees, in the honor of Underwriters: the notable occasion, Dear Sib—In reply to yonr letter of the 22d Inst, I Later Erie 44. Tallow42s3c. a grand state paoeant, asking information in relation to the proposed con-1 The Exampler, from Wilmington, N C, is which will be constituted ot SIS GRAND DIVTS-1 structiou of a system of water supply in Atlanta, the ashore at Liverpool, and is In a dangerous IONS of maskers, each under the direction of choBen I cause of delay in carrylag forward said enterpri-e position. and faithfal subject* of the crown, the KING com- &a, I have to say that the Board of Water Com mis- Arrived at Greenock—Bark Panama, from mandiog In person, assisted by the Right Honorabl® I eioners hare used every effort in their power during I Darien. the Earl Marshal or the Empire.' , c. ' I the pMMBt year to Inaugurate an effective system or I Sailed from Bremer Haven—Bark Texas, his arrival. I water works in the city, and some four months ago | Galveston. The arrival of the King and Conrt, together wita | j Qoceeded £ a g e tting authority from tha City Council J The I mand Karl Marshal of the Empire. Come OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Water Works. On editorial matters, address “Editors Const!tu tion;” on business, address : r- W. A. HEMPHILL A CO., Atlanta, Ga FORT ROYAL RAILROAD. JUNE 28TB, 1873. ttivcsiuu. HU and after MONDAY, JUNE 38, trains on this — , - . . Cincinnati, January 3.—Flour infairde- ^^nDar'pauenger Trmin bis military escort, will be announced with a salute of I to iggne $300,000 water boa?* for that purpose. The I mand and higher. Com in good detpand at I will leave Augusta at .6 45 ah three guns. He will then immediately proceed to Lends have been exeenteu and will soon be ready for 50,57a60. Pork quiet; held firmly at $15 50. Arrive at Pbrt Royal and take possession of the City Hall, when the heyB I negotiation, tpecificatious would have been made, I Bard quiet; steam held at 8fo kettle,8ja8^. I ATT ; va »t. Havnunah *‘'.‘‘‘*‘** *****.* a an wm of the c tywUl be surrendered to Hia Majesty by hU knddonbtless the contract let bnt tar tbe’ financial I Bacon firm and in good demand; 71-4 for (jp Day Pattenger Train loyal and honored. Fubjact the Mayor, ahd where he j tte wbole conntry during the past I shoulder; 8 3-8a8t-2 for clear^rib; 8 5-8a j WllH^vejPmxBoyal at.. 9 will subsequently grant a brief audience to the Dukea I few monta . 8 34forclear. Whisky firm at 95. _ I 90 am of the Realm whUe the pageant is forming. j I think it may be said for the Water Commissioners. LlVEBPOOL, January 3.—Common rosin <S j Arrive at Augusta. 5 38 pm Uponarrivalet this point the Lord High Constable Lm ^ wiU proceed, aa eariy as possible next year, ^ Turpentine 30 6d. 2Tew Pork middles u«ni Rtekt nuinnr Tnia tbe Master of the Horse, the Lords of the Carriages, 1 10 mai:3 permanent location for the water works, I _ I.Vill leave Angnata at 210pm Vans aid Unattached, andthe Lord High Sheriff of La T e spedfica. ions made and advertise for bids. The New ORLEANS, January 4.—Cotton more irriveatPortRoyalat J1 35** theCGnUas, together with their snit-e, will immedi- Bnccesa of tha enterprise depends entirely upon onr ae.^e and firm; middlings 16 l-4c ; low |^ve at 4 ga A ” ately proceed to and take position at the points here- » b mty to mike a j udicioua and proper negotiation of I middlings 15c; Strictly good ordinary 13 5-8c. inafter assigned for the right of their respeettve Dl- ^ Wlter bonda Net receipts 6,469 bales; gross receipts 7,487; Up Right Pananger Train visions, in the manner laid down in this onr Royal- j it is believed, after the cotton and grain crops shall | ex P°^RI2 ^ r i ta in7J05; to the Conti- wmleaye p or t Royal at 10 mandate, taking care to place and hold in line their bvre beea moved, and the currency of the country I nent 3,052; to France 1,096; coastwise 2,4 5; ^-5, charleston at 6 — respective bodies, sqbjac; to’ the orders of the Earl. resnme8 It8 U£nal ^ that investments in real 8a l ea 4 . 000 5 la ’i evening 9,000; Stock 270^54 Leave Savannah at » 50 r M Marshal of the Empire, ; I bona fide securiUea, pledging, not only the good faith | ^™f oo L,/an. 3-noon.-Cotton dull I Arrive at AugaaU 800 am how tbs pagxaht will Foust. J q[ qut pooplo. but *11 tb® 16*1 estate w tbe city, to-1 uncnaDg I Passengers leaving «/ •*«*»« «« orSTd1^.rtano^ DiT ™ l8herel,y l geUler ^ ^ “ WOdB comprIsingaUfr^kera.r^ of four, and I I SSfll ***“* *»^eer mid Snperintendenh commanded by the Lord High Constable of Yeoman- fecUve m pp] y can be confidently expected I or( j j narv shipped for February and March, ry, will form on tha sonth side of wasbin = ,on street | dttt ing the year 1874. Very respectfully, t a 1^. tin delivered Match 8 UDlands. I TN the District Conrt of the United States, Northern their right resting on Hunter street. O L Rzdwine. ai o i-o, uu. uou.* , y IX District of Georgia—In the matter of Moses Sterne * * „ rnN -n DIVISION. nothrng below low middlmg.^ , I aBankrupt-In Bankruptcy. ‘ , ajuiiian* jifdnji. Secretary Board Water ConunisBOiners. j Louis. January 4.—Flour—Demand I This is to give notice once a week for three weeks compnring all masked horseman. In sections of four, ■ — I w }«h f nil nrices for low medium grades. I that I have been appointed Assignee or the estate of end ^ ^imter^sttoet^’^1 Aof dassicsl 6<iacitioa ** “ eipenenced I Com active; futures car lota quiet and little “i“ d i 9 teic^ho 0 Ls t bte“S“]udge < d a Bfnkm^t form on the north side of Hunter , t eir n Q ht teacher wishes a school. done; No. 2 mixed 53; on the spot 54 m Jan-1 upon hia own petition, by rheDistrict Court tar said Mating on Washu^tonstteeti^ I uary; 57ia58 for February. Oats higher at I district comprising ail maskers in open carriages, and com-j 40 l-2a41 for No. 2 east side track;_42 l-2a manded by the Loro or the Carriage,. wUltfonn! SPECIAL NOTICES. 150 elevttor. Whiskey steady at 9% Pork OB8TACI.ES TO SIbk,*oe^h.pp, .^‘r^d nlminSly S^er « 7 STa°. w .. . _ . . Street ’ luimov Belief for Yonng Men from the effects of Errors and for shoulders; 8.1-2 for clear rib; 8 S-4 for J NotlCG IH Bankruptcy. —.j the rouRTH -■ -nvlAbuies in early life. Manhood restored. Impedi- clear. Lard firm and higher at 8a81-8 for I TN the District Courtof the United States, Northern amuriringaUmaskerslnvAns, floa^,w*oms mflk ^tTluSge removed. New method of Sat- cash; 8 1-2 delivered in February. 1 I^ct of ^ogta-in the matter of William Lom>*ot the Vans wiUformon the south eideof ment - New and remarkable remedies. Books and CHARLESTON, J^uary 3.—Cotton ^®^^.| S ^hiBisto give notice.once a wedtfOr three weeks, Lord ot ran v^s, wui nrr-nn-,Circnlar sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, ] middlings 15al5 1-4; low middlings 14 7-8; | I have been appointed Assignee of the estate of Mitchell street, their right resting on McDonough ^OOTAHOS. No. 2 South Ninth St, strict good ordinary 14 3-8; net recSpts 2,166; WiUiam JgueUteol Ototcn wunty, to -- 5treeU the mm division I Philadelphia, Pa. an Institution having a high repn- gross receipts 2,266; exports to GreatBritain BJj^SS^uSDtaSSsftonrt. f^StaW Comnrisine aU the vehicles and parties, whether! tation for honorable conda* and professional skill. 1.6b7; exports coastwise 504; sales 1,000; Stock ow “ ^ GEOEGE MANSFIELD, Assignee, mSSnfoorreprotanSng anTte.deorhuri- l oo ; 2W&w3m t72,694. 1 de c23.aiaw3w Jon«boro,Georgia. December 19, 1873. dec27—Iaw3w J. M. BOROUGHS, Assignee. said . on hia . District. JLibei ior Divorce. State of Georgia—8. F. HadoWay vs. R. G. Hadoway.. Clayton bnpeitor Court. September term,.1873. Role to perfect servioe. TT appearing to the Oonrt by the sworn alligations in I complainant’s bill that the defendant B. Q. Hado way does not reside to this State, it is on motion at aoTinsel, ordered that the said defendant appear and enswer at the next term or this conrt, else that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff be al lowed to proceed; and it is farther order that tide rule be published in the Atlanta Constitution onee * month tar foar months. J hi* October 24,1873. BXINGTON A WATKBSON, Attorneys for Libelant. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Clayton oonnty. R. W. MUNDY. Cleric F the District Oonrt of the United S ates, for tha Northern District of Georgia, in the matter of Richard L. Haynes, Bankrupt—In Bankruptcy. This is to give notice, once a week, for tbree weeks, that I have been appointed Assignee of- the estate of RichardL. Haynes, of Milton cennty, in said district, who has been adjedged a Bankrupt on his own peti tion by the District Court for said District. OUTER S. SEILlilN, Assignee, jtnl-dlaw8w Alpharetta, Ga. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Collector’s Omoz, 4th District, Georgia, I Atlanta, December 9, 1873. f N OTICE is hereby giv,n that the following sei zures have been made by me tar violation at sections 156 and 167, Act June 30,1914, aa amended* to—wit I Seventy-four gross Matches, manufactured by Wee- don & Bell, Baltimore, Md., aa the property of W. L. Hubbard & Co., Atlanta. Twenty-two gross Marches, manufactured by Wee- don & Bel], Baltimore, as the properly of McMillan A Snow, Atlanta. , Twenty gross Matches, mannfsctnrea by Lord A Robinson, Baltimure, as the property of Harris A Bro., Atlanta. Forty groks Matches, manufactured by Weedon A Bell, Baltimore, as the property of West A Edwards. Atlanta, Twenty-six gross Matches, manufactured by Wee don & Beil, Baltimore, as the property of Howell A Co., Atlanta. Twenty-five gross Matches, manufactured by Lord & Robinson, Baltimore, as the Dropertv.of Fuller A Smith, Atlanta. • > Nine across Matches, manufactured byXord A Bob. taBon, Baltimore, as the property of Akers A Brother Atlanta,. Forty-two gross Matches, manufactured by Weedon A Bell, Baltimore, ae the property of A. K. tieago, At lanta, B164-144 gross Matches, manufactured by Lord A Bobinson, Baltimore, as tne property of Garrett A ro, Atlanta. 39-1** gross Matches, manufactured by Weedon A Bell, Baltimore, as the property otD.L. Townsend A Co.. Atlanta. - Seven gross Matches, manufactured by Lord A Rob. toson, Baltimore, as the property of W. P. Anderson &Ca, Marietta, Ga. Two Gross Matches manufactured by Weedon A Bell, Baltimore, as the property of Boston A Otiose V Marietta, Ga. Six Gross Matches manufactured by Weeder A Bell, Baltimore, as the property of Simmons A Hunt, Atlanta. \ Fourteen Gross Matches manufactured by Lord & Robinson, Baltimore, as the property^ of W. W Compton A Co., Atlanta. Three Gross Matches manufactured by Weedon A Bell, Baltimore, as tne property of P. A G. T. Dodd. Atlanta. Any person or persona claiming any of said prop erty are required to appear and make such claim within thirty days from date thereof and give bond ca required by law; otherwise the same will be sold, andthe net proceeds deposited to the credit of tbe ■Secretary of the Treasury. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Collector. dec!3-w3t.