The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, January 06, 1874, Image 7

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Blark Twain on Woman- Tie Cosmopolitan, London.] On the 209th anniversary of St. Andrew’s Day, on Monday eveninglast, at the banquet given in Freemasons’ Hall, Mark Twain, who responded for “the ladies,” made the speech of the evening. We can give his words, but not the infinite drollery of bis ut terances. He said: 1 am *proud, indeed, of the distinction of being chosen to respond to this special toast to “the ladies,” or to women, if yon please, for that is the prefera ble term, perhaps; it is certainly the older, and therefore the more entitled to rev erence. [Laughter.] I hatra noticed that the Bible, with that plain, blunt honesty which is such a conspicuous characteristic of the Scriptures, is always particular to never refer to even the illustri ous mother of all mankind herself as a “lady,” but speaks of her as a woman. [Laughter.) It is odd, but you will find it is so. lam peculiarly proud of this honor, be cause I think that the toast to womewls one which, by right, and by every rule of gallan try, should take precedence of rll trthrw/ nf the army, of the navy, of even royalty itself, perhaps, though the latter is not necessary -in this day and in this land, for the reason that, tacitly, yon do drink a broad, general health to all good women when yon orink the health of the Queen of .England and the Princess of Wales. [Loud cheers.] 1 have in mind a poem just now, which is familiar to all, familiar to everybody. And what an inspiration that was (and how in stantly the present toast recalls the verses to onr minds,) when the moat noble, the most gracious, the purest and sweetest of all poets says: “Woman! O woman!—er— Worn—” [laughter]—however, you remember the tinea and you remember how feelingly, how daintily, how almost impreceptibly the verses rise up before you, feature by feature, the ideal of a true and perfect woman; and bow, as you contemplate the finished marvel, your •homage grows into worship of the intellect that could create so fair a thing out of mere breath, mere words. And you call to mind now, aa I speak, how the poet, with Btem fidelity to the history of all humanity, de livers this beautiful child of his heart and his brain over to the trials and the sorrows that must come to all, sooner or later, that abide in the earth; and how the pathetic story •culminates in that apostrophe—so wild, so regretful, so full of mournful retrospection. The lines ran thus: “Ala* i— Stas!—«—ab* l Ala*! alas! and soon. [Laughter.] I do not recollect thereat; but, taken altogether, it seems to me that that poem is the noblest trib ate to woman that human genius has ever brought -forth, [laughter] and I feel that if I were to talk hours I could not do my theme com pleter or more graceful justice than I have now done in simply quoting that poet’s matchless words. [Renewed laughter] The phases of the womanly nature are infinite in their variety. Take any type of woman and you shall find In it something to respect, something to admire, something to love. And you shall find the whole world •joining your heart and hand. Who was more patriotic than Joan of Arc ? Who was braver? Who has given us a grander in stance of self-sacrificing devotion ? Ah, you remember, you remember well, what a throb •of pain, what a great tidal wave of grief swept over ns all when Joan of Arc fell at Waterloo I [Much laughter] Who does not sorrow for tue loss of Sapnho, the sweet singer of Israel. [Laughter.] Who among us does not miss the gentle ministra tions, the softening influences, the hum ble piety of Lucretia Borgia? [Laughter.] Who can join in the heartless libel that says woman is extravagant in dress when he can took back and calf to mind our simple and lowly mother Eve arrayed in her modifica tion of the Highland costume? [Roars of laughter.] Sir, women have been soldiers; women nave been painters; women have been poets. Aa long as language lives the name of Cleopatra will live. And, not be cause she conquered George HI—[Laughter.] —but because she wrote tuese divine lines: “Let dor* delight to bark and bilo. For God hath made them no.*' .[More laughter ] The story of the wcrld is adorned with tne names of illustrious ones of our own sex—some of them sons of St. Andrew, too—Scott, Bruce, Bums, the war- rion Wallace, Ben Nevis—[laughter]—the gifted Ben Lomond, and the great new Scotchman, Ben Disraeli. [Great laughter.] •Out of thegreatplainsof history lower whole mountain ranges of sublime women— the •Queen of Sheba, Josephine, Semarimis, Sai- rey Gamp: the list i3 endless—[laughter] hut I will not call the mighty xoll, the names rise np in your own memories at the mere suggestion, luminous with the glory of deeds that can nut die, hal lowed by the loving worship of the good and the true of all epochs and of all -climes. [Cheers] Suffice it for onr pride And onr honor that tve in onr day have added to it such uainr-H aa iho<o of Grace Dolling and Florence Nightingale. [Cheers.] Wo man is all that she should be—gentle, pa tient, long-suffering, trustful, unselfish, fall -of generous impulses. It is her blessed •mission to comfort the suffering, plead for the erring, encourage the faint of purpose, snccor the distressed, uplift the fall en, befriend the frienoless—in a word, afford the healing of her sympathies and a home in her heart for all the bruised and perse- •cuted children of misfortune that knock at •Its hospitable door. [Cheers.] And when 1 .say, God bless her, there is none among ns -who has known the ennobling affection of a wife, or the steadfast devotion of * mother, <butin his heart will say, amen! [Load and ^prolonged cheering.] Fayette County Sheriff’s Sales. \\l ILL be fold before the court-house door In the VV town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, G*., on tbe first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hour* of Bale, tbe following property, to-wlt: Seventy acres of land on the southeast half of lot of land No. 156, in tbe seventh dietilct of Fayette county. Levied on by virtue of • ft fa leaned from Fayette Superior Court, in favor of Jeptha Landrum, Administrator, etc., v* Walter J Cambell, as tbe prop erty of Walter J Cambell. Levy made by Isaac B Avery, former Deputy Sheriff, January 8,18C9. Legal notice given to Walter J Campbell, tenantln posses sion. Also- ftt the Mine time end nUce. fifty-three seres of land In the southwest comer of lot of land No. 153. in the seventh district of Fayette county. Levied on a* the property of IT Slaton, by virtue of a Ufa ob tained in Fayette Superior court, in favor of John W Smith v« F Landrum. U Slaton and J Cambell. Levy made by W Kllaon, former Sheriff, January 26,1669. Legal notice given to F Landrum, tenant in pot ses sion. also, at the same time ana place, one hundred acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 153. in the seventh district of Fsvette county. Levied on aa the prop erty of F Landrum, by virtue or a fi. fa. obtain-d in Fayette Superior Court in favor of John W Smith vs F Landrum and J G Tates. Legal noilca given to F Landrum, tens*’ in possession Also, at the same time and place, fifty acres of land, part of lot No. 158, and twenty-six acres, pm of lot of land No. 121. ail in the seventh district of Fayette county Levied on by virtue or a fi fa issued from Fsyetta Superior Court, in favor of John Both vs Quincy U Landrum and Willis F Lancrum, executors ji Jeptha Landrum, deceased. Levied on as the o.operty of Jeptha Landrum. Legal notice given to Quincy K Landrum, tenant in possession. Also, at tbe same time and piaoe. one hundred and aaventy-iour acres of land, part of lot No. 121, in the seventh district of Fayette county. Levied on by vir tue of a fi fa issued from Fayette Superior Court in favor of George D Johnson va Jeptha Landrum and Willis F Landrum, executor, etc. Levied on as the property of Jeptha Landrum. Legal notice given to D Landrum, tenant in poaee'slon. Also, at the same time and place, two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, of lotof land No. 83, in the seventh district of Fsyette county. Levied O" by virtue of a ti fa issued from Fayette Superior O our in favor of John Favor vs Wright Martin and JL Hob- good. Levied on aa the property of JL Hobgood by 1B Avery, March 24,1869. Legal notice given to JL Bobgooo, tenant In possession. Also, at tbe same time and place, lot of land No. 10, in the eeventh district of Fsyetta county, contain ing two hundred two and a half acres, more or lees, and one hundred one and one-quarter acres of lot No IN contain one hundred one and a quarter more or less, in tbe seventh district of Fayette county. Lev ied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from Fayette Supe rior Court in favor of James M TrumWe va Wright Martin and Joseph G Tates, aa administrators of Jackson Martin and James L Hobgood. Levied on aa the property of Jsmee l Hobgood. Legal notice given to J L Hobgood. tenant In possession. Also, at the same time and place, lot of land o. 9, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, south half of lot No. 24. containing one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or less, all oi which is lying and being In the eeventh district of Fsyette county. Levied on by virtue of a certain deed of mortgage 11 fa issued from Fsyette Superior Court, in lsvor of Martha C Smarr, gua-dian, vs D D Denham. Levied on as the property of D D Denham. Froperty pointed out in said fl fa. Legal notice given to D D Dtnham. ten&nt io possession* Also, st the same time and place, lot of land No. 9, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. In the fourth distr.ct of Fayette county. Levied on by virtue of a fl fa issued from Fayette Su perlor Court in favor of Aa on 8ebannanvsWB Scott, Levied on as the propeity of W B Scott. Legal notice given to W B Scott, tenant in possession also, at the same rime and piaoe, north half of lot of land No. 108, containing one hundred one asd one fourth acres, more or less, in tne f aurth district or Fayette county. Levied on by virtue of a fl fa la- sued from Fayette Superior <'ouri in favor of AE Seago vs James Akin. Levied on aa the property of James Akin. Legal notice given to James Akin, ten ant in possession. December 1st, 1873. THOMAS J. EDMONDSON, Sheriff Fayett County, deeertds printer’s fee $2 CO p-o.lc5 U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Collector's Office 4th Distbict. Ga. I Atlanta. Dec. 10,1873 f N OTICE is hereoy given that the following seix- nre has been made by me for violation of sec tion 48, act June 30th, 1861, and section 11, act July 13th, 1666, to wit: One wagon and two packages, containing about 20 gallons of whisky, seized aa the propeity of James Cook of Union county, Georgia. Any person or persons claiming any of said prop erty are required to appear and make each claim within thirty days from date hereof, and give bond aa required by law; otherwise the same will be sold and tne net proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of the Treasury. . J. fl. HOLTZCLAW, decl3 w3w Collector. Estray Notice. rriOLLED before me on the 10th day of November. 1873. by L. P. Tomlinson, of the i24Stn District. G. M., of Fsyette county, Ga., t»o Mules, marked and branded as fellows: One bay horse Mule, between twelve and fifteen years old, a good eize, black etilpe down the shoulders and slung the back, some marks of harness on each shoulder, and branded with the letter “O” on the left shoulder; one sorrel mare Mule, four years old, medium size, some marks of harness on tbe sides and white nose, no brand, and appraised by C H. Esaiin and Iaaao Hartley, free holders cf said district: the horse mule is worth ninety <-ollara, and the mare mule Is worth one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and who say it is worth one dollar and twenty cents per day for feed ing and taking care of said mules. The owner is hereby notified to appear before me, prove property and pay costs and expense, and take ;uem away, else they will be sold by the Sheriff at the Const-house door in said county on the first Tuesday In February, 1871. L. B. GHI3GS, Ordinary. novl&-w3m Printer’s fee 38 anuary Sheriff’s Sale for Henry County, Ga. \\J ILL be sold before the court-house door in Hc- IV Oonough, in the county of Henry, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following property to- land, more or less. No. 213, to satisfy U. Henry, Administrator. and Hannah Miller. Administratrix, of Francis Mil ler, deceased, vs. William Wyatt Tenant In posses, sion notified. November 28.1873. B.H .OMLINSON. Sheriff. nov30—wtds printer’s fee 32 60 per levy GEOMGIAi Fulton County. 0S2PH WILLIS has applied for letters of guar dianship of tbe person and property of Permae- cos Megee, minor a-d orphtn of B. F. Hegse, do- ceued. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or oefore toe first Monday m January next, else letters will be granted the applicant. December 4.1873. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. dsc5—wiw printer’s fee $4 Douglas County Postponed lieriff’s ales. rpHEBE will be sold, before the Courthouse door in JL Douvlasville, Dongas county, Ga. on tbe Aral Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, the folio-tag property, to-wlt: Cei tain lots. Nos. 937,983.981.883; containing forty acres each, all In tbe 18th district ana 2d section of originally Cberokee, now Douglas oounty. The undivided seven-twelfth interest of lot of land No. IC5,3d district and 6th section ol originally Car- roll, now Douglas connty: and one half of the south half of lot of land No. 210: ft the 2d district of the 5tb rrcilon of originally Carroll, nowTouglas county.con taining fifty acres, more or less. Levied on by virtue of all fA, Issued f'-om Cobb Superior Court, in favor or Harrison W. Riley va Thomas M. Kirkpatrick, Alex. 8. Atkinson, and D.N. Dun woody, executors on the estate of Charles J. McDonald, deceased, and Wm. P. Ande- son, security. Property pointed out by Wm. P. Anderson. E. B, WHITTET, pec5-wtds-pr fee $3 60 per levy. Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. B T virtue of an order of tne honorable Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, I will sell before the court-house door in Decatur, DeKalb county, on ths first Tuesday la January next, two acres of land, being a part of lot No. 209 of the 18th district of originally Henry now DeKslb county, being in the sonthwest corner of said lot, except one acre, bound ed south by a road. Sold as the property of G. Larendon. deceased, for benefit of heirs. Terms Cifili. December 1.1873* M. W. LaRENDON. Administrator. dsc4-tds printer’s fee 25 O EDI*AST’s Office, November 17,1873. J T. BEGEM kN, administrator oi Daniel Moline, • deceased, appl *s for leave to sell one house and lot, in the towi- of Palmetto, in said county, on the west slue of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, tbe real estate of said deceased If any person has any objections let tbem be filed ..on or before tbe first Moaasy. in January next, else leave will be granted as appl-ed for. R.C. BEAVERS, Ordinary. nnvl8-wiw printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA., Fade icunly -Solon Guinn vs. Mary E. Guinn. Sucerlor Court, September ’ r erm, 1873. Libel lor Divorce. Rule to perfect Service. r eappearing to the court by the return of the Sher iff that the defendant does not reside in rM» county, and it farther appearing that she does not reside in this State, it is, on motion of counsel, or dered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, el*e that the case b* consid ered in default, and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, an. it is further ordered, that thl, rule be published in the Atlanta Weekly Constitution once a month for four months. C. D. McCUTOU&N, J.S. CDO. A true extract from the minutes of Dade Superior Court. November 23,167a. J, G. PACE, Clerk. dec3-wiam4m printer's fee $3 fX7 ILL be sold before the Court House door in the TV town of Alpharetta. Milton connty. Georgia, between the legal hoars of sale, on the first Tneeaay in January next, the following property, to-wlt: Lotof land number 760, in the 3d district of the 3d section, of Milton connty, Georgia, containing 40 acres, more or less. Levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Justioe Court of the 833d district, G M, of said county, in favor o* C H Mattox vs 8 L Tucker and R M Tucker, as the property of arid 8 L Tucker. Propert • pointed out bv plaintifl’s attorney. Levy made and returned to me by Hampton Smith, L O. This Daoember 3,1873. H. W. PARIS. Deputy Sheriff, decs—wtds printer’s fee $3 60 per levy GEORGIA, Fulton County. Ordixabx’s Office, December 8.1878. J M. MoAFRB having applied for letters cf ad- • ministration on the estate of EdwardL. MoGrlff; late of said oounty, deceased. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first in January next, else letters will be granted Monday the applicant. dec9 w4w DANIEL FITCH AN. printer’s fee $4 Ordinary. GEORGIA, Fulton Connty. O ad in axt's Ofxxck. December 8,1873. -\X7TLLIAM McHENBY, colored, has applied for V V 1-Uera of administration on the estate of An derson Lee, colored, late of said county, deceased. All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in January ntxt, else li' Mur * * the applicant. dsc9-w4w letters will be granted DANIEL PITTMAN, printer’s fee g4 Ordinary. DeKalb County Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-Houee door in the town of Decatur. In DeKalb county, Georgia, on the first Taesday in January next, within tbe legal hours of sals, the following property, to-wlt: Ten bales or cotton. Levied on by virtue of a distress warrant, for rent, issued by J. N. Wilson, N. P. ex officio J. p_, in favor of James Robinson, Trostee, va William J. Fraud*. Levied ou as the property of William J. Francis Property oointed oat by the plaintiff. This November 13,1873. JAMES HUNTER, Depnty Sheriff: dec4-wtds printer’s fee S3 60 per levy. Campbell County Deputy Sher iff’s Sales. ■\stit.t. be sold before the Court House door in the \V town of Fairborn, Campbell county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in - January next, the following property, to-wit: Fifty acres of land No 110, and fiftj-six acres of land No 115,both*tn the 7th district of originally Coweta, but now Camobell oounty, containing 110 . scree in ail; levied on as the property of John B Smith to satisfy all f» issued from Campbell Superior • Court, February Term, 1873, in favor of Jantfia R. Phillips .gainst said John B. Smith. Property .pointed out by W. H. Andrews, plain iff’s attorney at .law; WM THOMPSON. Deputy Sheriff. d*«7-wtds. Printer’s toe *3 60 per fcvy. Administrators’ Sale. \\I ILL be sold before the Court Hou*e door, in the V V town of Decatur, DeKalb county. Georgia, on the first Taesday in Ja usry next, within the legal hoars of sale one town lot in said town, con-aining two acres, more or less; Bald lot ia well improved and well situated for a residence lot Sols under an order from the honorable Oort of Ordinary, aa the property of Martin Thompson, deceased Terms one-half cash; the first of November, 1874. December 3,1873. A. J THOMPSON, R. M. THOMPSON, Administrators. dec5-w4w printer’s fee {10 GEORGIA* DeKalb Osnaty. Obdixart's Omcx, December 4,1873. E P. 8TEWAR t 'having ref used, hta wife Mary V. * 8tewart has applied to me for exemption of personalty and I will pass upon the same on Monday, tbe ja instant, stray office at 13 o’clock x JOHN B. STEWARD, Ordinary, flocb—w3w printer’s fee ft NEW ADViimSJuMJKJN Ti. SA1UP2.ES sent by mail for SOo. that retail quick for *10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Square. N. Y T -SPUONFTJLAliKS’"" 1 BUCHU AND DAN9EU0N promote* healthy action of the Kidneys, Liver and Bowles; Is theretore the greatest Blood Purifier and Health Preeerverof the age, and prevents diseases by removing the cause. It has stood the test, and is the beat medicine in use. W. C. HAMILTON A CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Wentworth’s Key-Ring and Check Combined. German Silver cample 15 cents Cirooiare Dree. Stafford Manufacturing company. 66 Fulton street, New York. Brings yon free by mail the very best' $3 “ELASTIC TRUSS.” Write at once to POMEROY & CO., 744 Broadway, New York. Tie Mane Comb Sffif S2S2?ay?* to a permanent buck or brown and contains no pol- son. Trade supplied at low rates. Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Maes. OSYCHOMANCr. or SONL-CH ARMING.” How _L either sex may fascinate and grin the love and affections of any person tney choose, instantly. This simple meats' acquirement all can possess, free by mid, for 35 cents, together with a Marriage Guide Bgyptrin Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. Wedding Night Shirt, eti*. A queer book AddressT. W1L- t.TaM A CO,, Publishers, Philadelphia. I*or COUBHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THBOAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARB0UC TABLETS, PUT UH ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Bemedy. Sold by Druggglits. Campbell County Sheriff’s Sales TT7TLL be sold before tbe Court House door, in the 1V town of Fairborn. Ga., between toe legal hours of sale, on tbe first Tuesday in January 1874, tbe following property, to-wlt: Three thousand pounds of seed cotton, more or less. Levied on to aatisry an execution issued from Campbell Superior Court, to enforce Merchant’s lien, in favor of a K Seago against Charles Sidson, M a Eidson and J J Beall, as tbe property of M A Bldson and Chstles Eidson. Property pointed out by de fendants. Aiao, at the same time and place, one lot of land In tbe town of Palmetto, Ga., whereon is situated ons house—number of said lot not known—the same ad joining Robert Jack on’s old piaoe, whereon John K Smith now lives, on the south and on the west by Atlanta and West Point Railroad, and on east by public road, leading from Palmetto to Campbellton, Ga., containing one acre, more or less, and fractional lots of land No 67, in the9th district and 4th section of originally Coweta, bnt now Campbell connty, Ga, and also lota of land nnmbers 132 and 186, in the 14th district, Fayette county originally, but now Cam pbel oounty, Georgia, containing in all tiro hundred and eighty acres, more or less, as property or J J Beall Levied uu by virtue of flerie lacias issued from Campbell Superior Court, in favor of a'K Seago against J J Beall, and also in favor of other patties a alnst Watts, Beall and Spencer, and also J J Beall. Property pointed out by J J Beall. Also, st the same time and place, peris of lots of land nnmbers 67 and 68, in 9th district of originally Fayette, bnt now Campbell connty, Georgia, con taining seventy-five seres, more or less, the same being tbe homestead and premises of HughUcKown leceased, and better known as the homesteaded ands of said Me Kown platted and surveyed by Daniel Adeibold, County Surveyor, and bounded as follows: Commencing at a corner on Campbellton street, In town of Fairbnra, Georgia, between prop erty of Wiley James and arid McKown, on right o the arid street leading to Campbellton, Georgia thence along the line of said landas surveyed by Z B Blalock to a corner on east side or the branch thence twelve chaintnorth, thence northwest 8jf chains to a corner near a t ranch on public road between land* of raid McKown and E 8 Strickland, thence along tbe public road toward Fairborn to the starting point, containing within this boundary twenty-five acres, more or less. Then commencing st a corner on west side of Campbellton street in said town of Fairborn, Georgia, between the property of William S. Harvey and tne property of the said McKown, deceased which was a'terward sold to A A Cantrell, now ocou- >ied Q C Grice, an l running across One south to the ’nmpxmtown rosd lOcnains, thence along said road to a corner, thence east 12 chains, thence sonth 34 chains to a corner be ween lands of Th masChrlsto- )ber and said McKown, thence along the origins 1 ine of arid land lots to a branch, thence to the Camp- bellton road, and along the said Campbellton road to the starting point, containing within this boundary fifty acres, more or less. Levied on to satisfy a ti fa issued from i.ampbel> Superior Court in favor of E B Stoddard & Co. against Hugh McKown and Z B Bla lock. and riao fi fa in lavor of Baker & Caswell against Hi J K McKown and one in favor of Jamea M Cantrell. Administrator, etc., va Hugh McKown and James R McKown and G W Torrance, security. Levied on as tbe property of Hugn McKown, de ceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at the earn, time and place, lots of land In the town of Campbellton, and known in the plan of said town,as lots nnmbers 28,29 and 30, and also part of lot No 43, wbereon is titrate store house, dwelling house and other improvements, in the said town of Camrbellton, Georgia, the same being a part of fractional lot o: land number 49. in the 9th dis trict of original Coweta but now Campbell connty, Georgia Levied on by virtue of fl fa ’ssued from Campbell Snperi-r Court in favor of Cox & Hill against Austin & Swann, as ihe property, of W B Swann, and pointed out by the pirirtifb. david f. white, dec4-tds Sheriff: Printer’s fee <3 60 per levy. 200 PIANOS AND ORGANS ■VTEW and Second-Hand, of First-Class Makers, iN will be sold at Lower Prices, lor ovsh, or on in stallment*. in City or Country, during toll Financial Crisis, snd the Holidays, by Horace Waters ds Son, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before offered in New York Agents wanted for the sale of Waters’ Cele brated Pianos, Concerto and Orchestral Organs. 11- lastrated Catalogues matled. Great Inducements to ths Trade. A large discount to Ministers, Churches, Sunday-Schools, Kte. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES OF EUROPE say the strongest Tonlo, Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world Is JU RUBE BA. It arrests deesyof vital forces, exhaustion of the ner vous system, restores vigor to the debt litated.cleanSes vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Pr ce $1 a bottle, JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt st., N. Y. Administratrix’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of > Coweta oounty, Ga., I will sell before the Court- House door, in Decatur. DeKalb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January next, the oliowlng iroperty, to-wlt: 202# acres, more or less, of lots ol an t nos. 129 snd 133, the same being all of that por tion of said lota of land laying on left of the road leading from Stone Mountain to Gwinnett county, except that portion of No 129 & eded by W. B- Wood to Klmbieil, all of said land Is in tbe 18th district of originally Henry now DeKalb county. Terms cash, MARIA L. WOOD, Administratrix. dec3-wtds printer’s fee $10 GEORGIA} Fayette County Obdinart’s Office, December 4,1873, J AMES AKIN has applied for exemption of person. alty ana setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 17th day of December. 1873, at my office. L. B GRIGGS, Ordinary, detff—w3w printer’- fep>» Estray Aotice. rpOLLED before me on the 10th day of November, X 1873, by W. H. Todd, of the 1248th r >Mtrict,G.M.. of Fayette county, Ga, one black torse Mule, slim, medium elz,, somewhat dish faced and white nose, six years old, and appraised b> O. H. Eaatin and Isaac Hardy, freeholders of said district, worth eighty dol lars, snd who say it is worth aixt certs per day for feeding and taking care of said mule. The owner la hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, and pay cos.- and expenses and take t away, else it will be sold by ihe Sheriff at tbe Court House door in said county on the first Tuesday in February. 1874. L B. GRIGGS. Ordinary. novl3-w2m Printer’e fee *8 GEORG'A, Campbell County. To all Whom it Mat Concebh : S AMUEL P. WOODRUFF having. In proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of adm inistra- tion on the estate of John Terry, late of said county deceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John Terry, to be and appear at my office witiun the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent admin lstr tion shon’d not be granted to Samuel F. Wood ruff, on the first Monday in January next, on John Terry’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, November 26,1873. R 0. BE e VERS. nova7-w4w printer’s fee $8 Ordinary. Dade Sheriff Sales, W ILL be sold be! ore tbe Court House the town of Trenton, Dade county. Georgia on the first Tuesday in January next, wi inn the leg.l hours of sale, the followin property to wit: Lot ofland No. 4, and part of lots N»s 28 and 29; all in the 18th district and 4th e- ction Dade county; to satisfy one fl fa in favor of Rufus Young vs Wm Cartwright and A Brown, the above being all of cart- wright's Mm, in arid land, and sold for the u*e A Brown. Also, town lots Nos. 3.4.17,18 in the town of Trenton, Dade county, as the property ofB.-T Rogers, to satisfy one fife, in farer of John Ones], ns. of officers of the Court vs. R. T. Rogers. " 1th Dis- Also, partof lots Nos. 286 and 287, in the 10th trict and 4>h section in said county, to eatii * fa. in favo- of James F. Corral vs James bright, mechanic’s lien, this December the 5th, 18 73 The above property pointed out by plaintiff. L. B. BURNETT, Sheriff. deeT-wtda. Printer** fee *2.60 pet levy. ATLANTA NURSERIES. j^EESRS. M. COLE & CO. cultivate and offer for sale one of the most EXTENSIFE STOCK in tha south, of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Evergreens, Flower., ing Shrubs, Plants, Roies, Etc,, Etc. Illustrated Decriptlve Catalogue* free. de*7—■w3m IRON X\ ARE HOUSE OX 1 T Scofield Rolling Mill Company Atlanta, Georgia, NO. 28 FEAOHTBEE STREET Bar Iron of all kinds, warranted, equal to any made, wholesale and 4c. rates. Call and examine the stock and get a Price List —d*wtf GEORGIA, Fulton County. Fpi-tom Scfxbiob Coubt, October Term, 1873. 3. A. Haydtn and T. G. Healey VB. M. T. Richards. Petition to establleh lost note. TT appearing to the Court that 3. A. Hayden and X T. G. Hevey were the owners of a promissory note or due bill, ma-’o by M. T. Richards of said county, dated March 1, 1871, and bearing interest from data for the sum of nineteen hundred dollars, snd payable to arid J. A. Hayden and T. G. Healey In q-lck at six dollars per thousand, and which ' still due and unpaid, has been lost or mislaid ani cannot be found. Is is theretore ordered by the Court that the said M- T. Richards shew cans* on or btfore the next term of this Court why a copy should not be fully establish d in lieu of the arid lost origri nal, and hat service of this order be perfected as re quired by taw. Wltnea- the Hon. Jno. L. Hopkins, Judge of the Su perior Courts. Atlanta Circuit. Bept. 9,1873. W.H. VENABLE. D. a It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that M. T. Richards tbe defendant in the above stated case does not reside in Fulton oounty; and it also appearing that he does not reside in said State of Geo gia, It is therefore o-dersd by the Court that service or the foregoing rule be made on said M. T. Richards by publication in terms of the statute. Granted by the Court THRASHER & THRASHER. Flaintifi’s Attorneys. A true extract from the minutes or said Court Oct 29,1873. JAMEaD. COLLINS, Clerk. nov7-dlaw4m Printer’s fee *20. MISCELLANEOUS HAVANA LOTTERY. /"ADDERS filled at the shortest notice. Official Lists KJ of Drawings and Circulars containing full par ticulars, forwarded free, upon application. AIL rSIZES SOLD BT US CASHED OX FBSSXXZATUWr. Ths three last drawing* of this year will take plaos on O tober 2id. November 8th, and November 26th. THE GRAND EXTRAOD1NARY with the capital Prize •! *500,000 takes piaoe Drcamber 18th, 1873. Orders for said Grand Extraordinary Drawing should be given with all p <sslbleanticlpatlon. BORN IO Ac BROTHER, Commission Merchants and Importers of Havana CLara and Leaf Tobacco. 77 Gravier Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA. nov4w2m ■ Da. J.P.Fmax.—Brin* sworn,says,Igtsluatad at the Unirortitrof Fean’s in 1833, ani after SO yean* Mperisne,, pnfMtod Dr. Filler’s Vegetable Rhenmatie Syrup. I guarantee it aa infallible sassfleBare Kid- BheumaA^^^^^^8vorn4^thla26ta A^riL18ri- JPg and will Batiafrany one writ- ingu«.ltev.Tho,.MnrphyJ>J>-Frankford 1 PlulA.Rev.C.H. Fidla^Ac. Afflicted should write Dr.FitlerJTiltajforexpla- DR. PIERCE'S A l v. £ v.A/lrnol Douglas County Deputy Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be soldcn the first Tuesday in January next, before the court-bouso door in Douglas- vllle, within the legal hours or sale, the following property, to-wlt: One lot of land nnmber 153, in the 3d dlstriot and 6th seotlon of originally Carroll now Douglas county. Georgia, two hundred two abd one-ball scree, (202j£.) Levied on as the property of J G Camp to satiety a fl fa leaned from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Mary W. Allen vs arid defendant. Property pointed out by plaintiff: this 37. h day of November, 1873. Also, at the same time aud place, 7,000 pounds of seed cotton, as the propert* of r-smuel Hallman, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Douglas Superior Court, October Term, 1873 in favor of John Bagnett vs Samuei Hallman. Froperty point- d out b7 plaintiff . Also, st the same tune ana place, one lot ofland nnmber 461, in tbe 18th district and 3d section of originally Cherokee now Douglas county. Levied on as the property of John T. Adair to satisfy afl fa issued against him in a Justice Court held in and for the 73bth district G M, in fovorof Virginia A Howard. Property pointed out by defendant and returned to me by D G Hillls, L O. Also, at tue same time and place, will he sold lot of land number 631. and also 38 acres, more or less, off of lot number 633, all in tbe 18th district and 3d sec- ti >n of originally Cherokee now Donglaa oounty. Levied on aa the property of MallndaRackerfoidto satisfy a fi fa issued in the 784th district or said coun ty in ravor B H Max -tile. Property pointed out by defendant, this November 29.1873. Levy made by D G Hillls, L 0, and returned to me. Also, at the tame time and place aforesaid, will be sold one lot of land number 44, m the 1st district and 6th section ol originally Carroll nowDouglas county, to satisfy fonr 11 (as issued at a Justice Court, held in the 983d district, lit favor ot William Greene against W M Bartlett and R J Tuggle, Administrator* of L H Cocnren, deceased. Levied on as ths property or W M Bartlett. Property pointed out by the plaintiff Levied onto 1 MR ■ JISCOVEJtf cures all Humors from the worst Scrofula ta a common Blotch or Pimple. From two ts six bottles, are •warranted to cure Salt Rheum or Tetter, Pimples on Face, Boils, Car. buncles, Erysipelas and Liver Com- ~ lalnt. Six to twelve bottles, warranted to cure to worst Scrofulous Swellings and Sores Pains In Bones and Sore Throat caused jy Poison in Blood or mercurial treatment. By its wonderful Pectoral properties it will cure the most severe recent or the worst lingering Cough in half the time required by any other medicine and is perfectly safe, loosening cough, toothing irritation, and relieving soreness. Sold by all Druggists. R. V. PIERCE, M. D, World’s Dispensary, Buffalo, K. Y. GEORGIA, Fayette County. Ordinary’a Office. November 25,1873. A NDREW j. oHBOPSH IBB having applied for the guardianship of Na«ie and Johny Shropshire, minors of John W. Shropshire, late of said oounty, deceased. All perrons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if a y exist, within the time al lowed by law. else letters will bd granted the appli cant. L- B. GRIGGS, Ordinary. nov29-w4w printer’s fee *4 DR. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT fm* lAirtl TIMS PURCE8, PURIFIES AND STRENGTH ENS THE SYSTEM- Br. Tutt’s Pills are composed of many in gredients. Prominent among them are Sarsaparilla and W'ld Cherry, so united as to act together; the on? through Its admixture with other enbBtances, eurifying and purging; while the other Is strength enin' the system. Tnus these Pills are at the same tlmv a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long rougt t for by medical men, but never before dis covered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines and do it much better than any two we know of for they remove nothing from the system but imuurities. so that while they purge they also strengthen, and hence hey cause no debility and are followed by no reaotion. Br. rutl’s Pills have a wonderful Influence on tbe blood. They not only purify without weaktn- lug it, but they remove all noxiousparticles from the chyle ueforeli Is converted into fluid,and thus makes impure blood an alter impossibility. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness at tending the operation ot this most excellent medicine, which never strains or tenure? the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfeejy natural man ner; hence persons taking them do not become pair and emaciated, baton the contrary, while all impuri ties *ie being removed, th i oomMned action oi tm Sarsaparilla and wild tineny purifies aud invigorates the body, and a robust state of health is the result of their united action. -Price Of cents a box. Sold bj ail clre grists D enet 48 Ccurtland street. New York, decll-deodlw&wlt THE HASKINS MACHINE CO FITCHBURG. Msbs.. MannPrs of VffRTIC&L and HORIZONTAL STKAM Em GINKS. Our combined Et.gines and BMi- era are made in quantities and t standard gauges, so that ad p’rt* are interchangeable. Can be run with greater ealecy and less ex pense than any other engine manufactured. Sizes from l to 20 horse-power. WAfEROOMS, No. 46 Cortlaodt st.. New York. Send for circular. decl9-d8w N. Y. Safety Steam Power Co. ted circular. 30 CORTLAKDT ST., NEW YORK. Superior Steam Engines and Boil ers. by special machinery and du plication ot parta. They are Safe. Economical, Easily Managed and not liable to derangement. Their Combined Engine and Boiler is peculiarly adapted to all purposes requiring small power. More than 1400 engines, from 3 to 100 horse power, in use. Send for lllustra- dec!9-d8w Tie Home and Heme StratUe MacMie. s o h deo7—wtds lent. Property pointed out by the piaintii i by D G Hillls, L O, and returned to me. T. W. B1GGEB3, Deputy Sheriff. t^-$37 oo.^a you want the best Maoblue ever made for Uts least money, buy the HOME SHUTTLE. It does kind or Rbrk equally as well as any hlgh-price Machine; is"light running, and warranted for five years. astuMorctrculatsiindsamplasot work. If you want the finest Machine made, buy ths HOME. . It ts almost noiseless, runs light, and is * perfect Machine in every respect. Ladies and Ma ch nis’s particularly invited to call and examine u. Office, corner Broad and Marietta atresia, Atlanta. Geoigla. ■ D. G. MAXWELL, uencral Agent for North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Atlanta, Ga., az d Charlotte, N. C. printer’s fee 83 50 per levy auKNTrt Wanted, lor Professor Wies.s Great Bookl THROUGH THE AIR A Narrative of forty years’ adventures In the clouds! Complete history or ba’looos and ho* to make a^d manage them. Full of thrilling incidents and hairbredth. escapes l Profusely illustrated with ■ml page -ngravings A book that will sell in the hardest times. Address for description and terms, er send at once *125 for outfit, to Vxixxr Pub’s Co. CuiciKHATi, St. Loots, or New Obucaxb. nov8-w8t Martm Kennow, GEOBGIa, Mu ton County. Oedimart s Office, November 28 1873. r - being made known to me that Archibald Brad ford has departed this life interiate, and no ons has applied for administration os raid estate admin- tstra ion wtU he vested in the Cierx of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday in January next, unless some valid ob jections are made to his appointment. ■Witness my official signature. W. H. NSSBIT, Ordinary. nov20-w4w printer’s fee *t Francis Thomas vs wiui»m TnoniM. label tag Divorce. Fall Term, 1b73,Fulton Superior Court. F appearing to the Court by the return of ths Saorlff, that the Defendant in the above stated case, William Thomas, does net reside In Fulton county, and it farther appearing lhit ha resides be yond the limits or this State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defendant aa prescribed by law, by publication in the tionstitattoo, a public gazette ol ths city of Atlanta, ror fonr montls. DANIEL PITTMAN. Plaintiff’s Attomey- A true extract from the minutes of said Court. No vember 24,1873. W. H. VkNaBLE. D. C. dec6—dlamim printer’s fee *8 r « ) >Motion to establish Lost Deed. Edmond Wright j r ; appearing to the Court by the return of the Sher iff of Dade Connty that the defendant in this mo tion is not to be found In said county, and it farther { appearing that said defendant is beyond the State of j Georgia— j It istherefore ordered by ths Court that service of, thiB motion be perfected by publication in terms of the taw, September Term. 1873. O. D. MoCUTOHIN, J. S. C. C. O, A true extract from the Minutes of Court, Novem ber 16.1873. J. 9- PACE, Clerk. novl3- Commtsflioner’fl Male. B Y virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Fayette county, to us directed, will be sold be fore the court house door In the town of Fayetteville Fayette connty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Jan- usiy next, the undivided twenty-five (35) acre? of land off of lot NO. 39, bounded by Mary Speer, Sam uel Loyd and J.F. Speer, in the lower 7th district off said county. Sold as tbe property of Johu W. Spear, deceased, of said county, for distribution among.ths cash. This November 30,1873. heirs. ’Terms < Printer’s fee *10. Guardian’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the usual place of holding pnblic sale* n the county of Fulton, at Atlanta, Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale (4,083) four thousand and eig ty-three shares of stock in the Nashville snd Chattanooga Railroad; a bond for one thousand dollars on the Southwestern Railroad, and one hun dred Shares in the Ootton Sta-es Life insurance Company of Georgia. Sold under an order of Ordi nary of Webster county, as the property of Benja min May, deceased, to nay debt* and for the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. GU8TA”U4 DELAUNAY, Guardian of Bsn. May. dec31—w4w printer's fee *19 B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Douglas county, Ga.. I will seU before the Court House door in DouglasvUle, in Douglas county, Ga., on tue first Tuesday la Januarynext, one-eighth inter est of lotof land No. 191, 2d dlatrictand 5th section of Douglas county, sold as ths property of George W., Hsrgrett and J D Maxwell, orphans of M C Maxwell. Terms cash. This December 2.1873. JOHN G. MAXWELL; Guardian. dec6-w40d ■ • printer’s fee »5 Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-House door in the town of Decatur, in DeKalb county, on the tiitst Tuesday in January'next. within the legal hours of s tie, under an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, the following lands belong ing to the estate of Marthy Crawley late ot said county, deceased, to-wlt; One hundred acres, half of lot nnmber <193) one hundred and ninety-five in the (15) fifteenth ol-trictof said county. To-ms oae-balf casts, the balance in twelve months. This December L1873. JOHN W. TU«iGLB, dro3wtda printer’s fee *10 Administrator. GEORGIA* DeKalb Oounty. O odinart’s Office, December 1873. TERM AN ELLIS has apoled for exemption and J setting apa-t and valuation or homestead, and I will psas upon the same st 10 o’clock a. m_ on ths 30th day of December, 1873 at m* office. JOHN B.8T&WAHD. Ordinary. dec20—w2w Printer's fee *3 Administrator’sjSale. State of Georgia* Campbell County O H thefirst Tuesday in February next, will or sold st th- court-house door in Donglasville, in Doug las county, within the lawful hours of sale, two hua- dred two *nd a half acres of lot of land number two hundred, in the 3d distretand Bthatction oi origi nally Carroll, but now Douglas county, sold as tn. property of Sam’l W. McLtrty, deceased. The abovt land ia the dower of Sarah C. McLarty. widow ol add deceased. The interest of the estate of the saldSaumel W. McLarty, deceased, in said lands, is only to be sold, which is a reversionary inter est: after the termination of a life estate in the said Sarah C. McLa-ty, widow as aforesaid. And the onr chaser will buy the interest In said lands, which be longs to the estate of the said Samuel W. McLarty, deceased, and will not be put in poseoealon of h- same until the death of Sarah C. McLarty,and the ter mination of her life estate as aforesaid. Sold for division among hrira of aaid deceased. Term* cash DflMmbflrla 1873. ~ w. F. SrmOTLAND, Administrator, etc. decSO-wtds printer’* fee $15 GA1NY WESTBROOK, J. W. JOHNSON, C. J. FALL, BENNETT ADAMS, It. T. THOMPSON. Commissioner* no3l wtd GEORGIA, Fayette County. . Ordinart’s Office, December 19,1873. TTTM. ZAKU has applied for exemption iff person* W alty aud setting apart and valuation of home stead, and I will pass npon the same at 10 o’clock ▲» x., on the 20th day of December. 1873, at my offlee. L. B. GRIGGS, Ordinary. dec31-w2w printer’s fee *2, NOTICES rpHE regular annual meeting ot the Stockholders off JL the State National Bank for the election of a Board of Directors for ths ensuing year will b»held st their Banking Office, on Taesday, ths lath of Janu ary next, at 11 o’clock A. x. deo 14-W4W/ WM. W CLAYTON, Cashier. GEORGIA) OeiUlb Connty. Ord nr art’s Office, December 20,187*. R EUBEN HERNDON has applied for exemption and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 11 o'clock a. x.,oa thefirst day of January, 1874, at my office. Ward. Ordinary. dec23—w2w JOHN B STBV printer’s fee *2 Libel lor Divorce. State of- Georgia, Futtou County. Fait >n daperio court. Louisa M. Lang vs.Fredrick Liag. Ral to Perfect Seryioe. TT appearing to the court by the return of the Shar JL iff. that the defendant does not reside in im. con- ty, and it farther appearing that te does not reside in this State, it ia, on motion of oounaei, or dered ibatthesaid defendant appear and an-wer at the next term of this court, else the case be considered ia ddtaulr, and the plaintiff be allowed to proceed; asd it is farther ordered hat this role be published in ms Atlanta Cox titu ios once a month for tone months, dhis November 11,1873. J. T. PESDLEION, . . . Attorney for Lloeltant. A true extract from the minutes of the Siperior Court of Fulton County. W. H. VENABLE. D, uov20-dlam4m Printers fee *8 00 P A HUGHES having applied to be appointed • guardian of the person and property of Lota Nona, a ml or under fourteen years of age. -eeidant of s id county, this ia locite all parsons concerned to be and appear at the term of tbe Court of Ordinary to be h Id nex- after the expiration of tnirty dan from th* flr»t puaiicattou of toia notice and show cause, if any. why said P. A. Hughes should not be entrusted with tne guardianship of the person and property of said Lula Nori*. Witness my hand and official signature. This De cember 1,1873. JOHN B. STEWARD, Ordinary. dec*-w4w printer’s fee *4 GEORGIA, DeKalb *1111**7. Oxoot axt's Office, November 96, 1873. E DMON SHOES TON having applied to m * for ex emption ot personalty, I will pass upon the was in my offlee on Monday, the 8ta day of Tlnrswiiw next. It e’oiack X. JOHN B. STEWARD, Ordinwy. nov29-w8w printer’s fee *3 IIMDISTINCT PRINT