The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, July 07, 1874, Image 3

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KEMPER’S PROTEST. The Governor of Virginia’s Manly Letter to President Grant in Regard to Williams’ Re cent Oatrageons Order. Commonwealth of Virginia, ) Governor’s Office, Richmond, June 17, 1874.) GEORGIA; Campbell county. M il. WOODDALL, guardian of Den- I • nls T. Milam, James N. Milam, Mary A. Milam, formerly, now the wife of J. K. Dillon, and Q. V. Milam, formerly, now the wife of Benj. T. Bomar, having ap plied to the Court of Ordinary of eald county, for a discharge from his guardian ship of Dennis T. Milam, James S. Milam, Q. V. Milam, Mary A. Milam, as aforesaid, person and property: $25 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DAY GUARANTEED using onr WELL AUGUR Sc DRILL in good territo- i y. Endorsed by Govern ors of IOWA, ARKAN SAS Sc DAKOTA. Cata logue free. W. GILES, St. Louis, Mo. FOR ATLANTA MEDICINE. A Great Medicine j ^NE BOTTLE of DB. PEMBERTON’S EXTRACT OF STILLIXGIA (or ECLECTIC INSTITUTE. Gainesville Eclectic Institute. To HU BreeOeney U. S. Grant, Present I I COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS. DR. A. DB. DUNAGAW Oupen’a T»pH<rht\ win T> ESPECTFULLT Informs the pubUc that he has opened an ECLECTIC INSTITUTE CHRONIC DISEASES. of tine United State*. Sir—With my office, why the said M. H. Wooddall should not be discharged from his guardian- .APOioaL.1 At t I Duuuiu uut uc uiscuarxcu nuui uiaauaiuiau* . . respectful deference, I 6 hip aforesaid, and receive the usual letters invoke your attention to the in-1 of dismission on the first Monday of Sep- st ructions very recently delivered by I tembernext. the Attorney General of the United I Given under my hand and official signa-1 States to the Mnrslml of the East- tore, this July 1st, 1874. ern District of Virginia in relation to al-1 , „ R. C. BEAVERS, leged disorders in Petersburg. I cannot I wlam3m Ordinary. suppose that those instructions were is-1 NOTICE, sued either with your approval or cogni- AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE WELLS* CARBOLIC TABLETS, PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. ion smooth and transparent, and removes all 6cres, pimples, blotches, boils, carbuncles, tetters, &c., from the system. I The DYING BODY Is supplied with the It is located on the Air-Line Railroad, and Vigor of Life by the use of a few bottles of | the Gainesville Depot, and provided with " this Wonder of Modern Science. „ i a distance will be met at 1 the comforts of home. The Treatment ana car* of Female Diseases will ia made a Specialty „ For further Information send for “Eclectic and Surgical Journal,” published monthly that Dr. Pemberton’s Extract of Queen’s at Twenty-five cents per annum, by Dr. A. B. DUNAOAN, Surgeon in Charge. Gainesville « iv Eclectic Institute. - A lady who lingered in 111 health for many years, and who was perfectly restored by the | use of three bottles of Stillingia, ' Delight is worth ■maj33-d&wtf LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. Five Dollars a Drop. For 30 yean Millions have intently watched his Perilous yet Heroic Struggles, It cures, with certainty, all Chronic Dis eases that have lingered in the system Five, Ten or Twenty Years. | GEORGIA, DeKalb County. Ordinary’s Office, May 6,1874. YY7HEREAS, Nathan Russell, admlnistra- V V tor of Thomas Akins, deceased, rep- POND’S EXTRACT District Court in Virginia, but without I about fifteen months old.’ Appraised by J. I wildf "and Wonderful "country. It Is just communication with any of the authorities IG. Johnson andF. Lackey, freeholders of 1 rea ^ y- a 000 agents wanted quickly. One of this State, and in directing that officer 1 “*4 county, to be worth three dollars, and | ag en t gold 184another 196 one week. For to resist the alleged disorders) they assure ! * te worth twenty cents a day to keep | grtlculars address HUBBARD BROS, either SiJS* “Theo^er is hereby notified to come be- ry force of the United Sutra would be J fore me> prove property, pay cost and ex- forwarded to Ills assistance. They assume I penses, and tmkp. said hog away, else he will that disorders existed in Petersburg, al-1 be sold on the premises of Daniel Johnson, though no breach of the peace or disturb-1 the taker up, onSaturday, July 10th, 1874. It is the only positive core for Kidney and I resents to the Court that he has fully ad- Bladder Complaints, Chronic Diseases of | ministered Thomas Akins’estate: the 8tomach and Liver. This is, therefore, to cite all persons con- whatever had in met occurred or This June the 30th, Julj2—wit JOHN B. STEWARD, Ordinary. lieen attempted or threatened, or was I likely to arise in that city. They com-1 pictcly ignore the existence of this Com monwealth and iU constituted authori ties; or at the least, they assume that the government of Virginia is unable or un willing to maintain the peace within the just jurisdiction of the State. They im-1 upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 3d , |dy that a Federal department may exer-1 day of August, 1874, at myofflee in Trenton, icdiate and discretionary control. . . _ _ J. A. BENNETT, GEORGIA, Dade county, Ordinary’s Office, June 30,1874. jyj” TIDWELL has applied^ for exemp- Phlladelphla, Boston or Cincinnati, Ohio, 200 PIANOS and ORGANS New and Second-Hand, of First- Class Makers, will be sold at Lower Prices for cash, or on Installments, or for rent, in City or Country, during thii month, by HORACE WATERS & SON, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before offered in New York. SPECI ALTY : Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the Instrument. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. A large discount to Minis- It is an impossibility to take this great I earned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, Blood Purifier and In vigors tor of the sys-1 if any they can, why said administrator tern and remain unwell. Its health-restoring I should not be discharged from his admlnis- effects are as certain as the operation of Na-1 tration and receive letters of dismission on turn’s laws. If you desire pure blood, health, beauty, bouyant spirits and longlife, use this perfec. renovator and lnvigorator of the Constitu tion. A trial of one bottle will prove it' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND SUBSTITUTES. Be sure yon get the gen- aine Extract of Queen’s Delight, preparedby DR. J. 8. PEMBERTON, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all Druggists. 81 per bottle. may31— mays—ddaw&wtf the same. Witness my hand and official signature. JOHN B. STEWARD, may8-wlam8m Ordinary. tion of personalty, and I will pass J ters, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Firs aotna of ill A'AiAolr a xr An Aria V/l I 7 r — cise immediate and discretionary control, within this State, over vital interests which are distinctively local and domes tic. They empower a subordinate minis terial agent of the General Government at its discretion to subject a peaceful com munity, together with all its authorities, to the domination of an armed Federal force. Such instructions, if carried into execu tion, wrest from the people the right of self-government and convert the State it self into a province or a military division of a central and virtually imperial power. july2—w2w Ordinary. FOR SALE, O N Crop Lien Note, due October 15th, — 1874, TWO GOOD Forewarned, Forearmed. To be fore armed row when you are threatened with all the ailments caused by debilitating Spring and Sommer weather Is to make free iJURUBEBA I which will make the Liver active, assist MULES, I Digestion, Purify the blood, strengthen Apply to julyl-d3t&wlt agon cTh. STRONG & CO., No. 61 Broad street. the Uterine and Urinary organs, invigor- I ate the System, and make you enjoy life as you ought. Price $1 a bottle. John Q.Kelloqo, Agent, New York. |AGENTS WANTED gin 13th July, 1874: end 12th September. I „ iypmm‘npn OF THE roved of signal use; 1st, to students j UflaL A A J^^UNITED STATES CO TO TEXAS VIA THE Lone Star Route ! (INTERNATIONAL AND GREAT NORTH ERN RAILROAD.) JJASSENGERS going to Texas via Mem- GEORGIA, Campbell county. VTTHEREAS, John T. Beckman, adminis- V V trator of Daniel Moline, represents to the court, in his petition duly filed and en tered on record, that he has fully adminis tered Daniel Moline’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, I it any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In July, 1S74 March 2d, 11874. R‘. C. BEAVERS, mar24—wla3m Ordinary. Rheumatism, Scalds, Lameness, Neuralgia, Barns, Soreness, Sore Throat, Boils, Wounds, Hoarseness, Ulcers, Braises, Headache, Files, Sprains, Toothache, Colic, Old Sores, GEORGIA, DeKalb county. Ordinary’s Office, May 7,1874. W HEREAS, Nancy Akers, guardian of her minor children, applies to me for 1 letters of dismission from said trust: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at UNIVERSITY of VIRGINIA ^uumeb Law Lectures (nine weekly) be- GENTENNIAL They erect the dominion of the Federal I Have pr< authority of ThcStare.^’ ^ ^ I SSKfe-MSF S I No book has everbeen pub5shed~of saM It was but a few days before the date .1 O.C* l^lructioM tjht ^ were inflicted by Federal authority upon citizens of Petersburg. Certain judges of a load election were charged with reject ing legal votes, an offense at all times cognizable and punishable by the State tribunals, by virtue of State laws, due evidence of the offense being shown on For circular apply (P. O. University of Virginia), to JOHN B. MINOR, Prof. Com. and Statu. Law. june23—dStwlm Administrator’s Sale* port, strike this line at Longview, the best route Palestine, Hearne, Waco, Austin, *3 I myofflee, within the time allowedly law, then and there to show cause, why Mid let- Southem Texps. Passengers via New Or-1 leans will find it the best route to Tyler, I Mineola, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Long-1 ture view and all points In Eastern and North-1 ' eastern Texas. This line is well built, thor* I oughly equipped with every modern im- GEORGIA, Fayette County, provement, including new and elegant day 3 coaches, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, | YXTHEREAS, E. W. Leach Westinghouse Air Brakes, Miller’s Patent | v V for letters of administranuu uu mu Safety Platforms and Couplers; and nowhere I estate of Wiet Chandler, late of said county, | ters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signa are. JOHN B. STEWARD, mny6—wlam3m Ordinary. JJY virtue of an order from the Court of | a book of constant reference, and to preserve sions, creeds, occcnpations and Pol opinions—to Farmers, Lawyers, Business else can the passenger socompletely depend Men, Mechanics, Physicians, Politicians, on a speedy, safe and comfortable journey. Teachers, Students, Manufacturers, Sales- The LONE STAR ROUTE has admirably men, men of learning, and men who can only read, to old and young. All want It as CUKES All Hemorrhages, Diarrhoea, etc* POND’S EXTRACT mar9-deodtf-w6m. deceased. All persons concerned are hereby notified The LOSE STAR ROUTE has admirably I to file their objections, If any exist, on or to Texas’” before the first Monday in August next, THE NATIONAL Board of Fire Underwriters HEREBY OFFERS A REWARD OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the detection, conviction and punish ment of parties charged with the crime of arson, in firing the premises situate atHope- well, Elbert county,Georgia, being Brick Cotton Mills of Jno. Thompson, and known as the HOPEW ELL MILL, on 20th April, 1874; said Reward will be paid only on due proof being furnished the Executive Com mittee of tee conviction and actual punish ment of said criminals. By order of the Executive Committee. HENRY A’OAKLEY, Pres- NattBcLF. U. New York, May 21, 1874. june2—dfitawlm answered the query: “How to by the publication of an in truthful document, containing and correct map, whleh can be obtained free tO gO tO Texa8?” I ueiure me moi* muuuaj iu auguou ucai interesting and I else letters will be granted the applicant. Ing a valuable | L. B. GRIGGS, Ordinary. june27-w4w Court, nor yet by the appointed Federal I mn street, In tfiird ward of tee city of At-1 a lnxury but a necessity to every well-in- authority located for such investigations I lauta, Georgia, bounded on tee south by I formed American citizen. Agents make at Petersburg, the residence of all the I said Johnson street, on the west by the land ““ * — ** ’" J parties and their witnesses, hut the I of Sarah F. Johnson, on tee north by the accused were forced under arrest to J old Peters, Harden & Co., nursery, and mi Richmond and there tried by a United east by the Si e °50^150 States Commissioner, who, although as I f ront j n g on M id Johnson street fifty feet, is confidently believed no cause Wl19 1 Terms cash. June 27,1874. shown, held the parties for indictment I e. N. BROYLES, Administrator and trial in a Federal court, and in doing | of Richard Johnson, deceased, so he announced the monstrous doctrine I jnne23—ntaw4w KENTUCKY LOTTERY. that it devolved upon the accused to prove their own innocence. If it be claimed that the exercise of 8100 to 8300 per month. Sendfor circular. ZEIGLER & McCURDY, Philadelphia, Pa. MEDICAL DISPENSARY. DR. W. M. MARVIN. Would respectfully Inform the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity that he has opened a Dispensary in Austell Block, where patients can get reliable treatment for all diseases. Particular attention paid to all diseases of tee Throat, Lungs and Catarrh. The above NOTICE. Estray Notice. T )LDED before me on tee 6th day of April, 1874, by T. E. Anderson, of tee 1960th District, G. M., of Dade county, Geor- I gia, one MARE and MULE marked as fol- T Mve°be^ln^ffitef JobS aS “3 f^wWte Ip^oTshWon ’sldra appointed Jobbing Agents ch ains and tugs, fourteen and one-half for tee sale of I handB jjgi 1) between seven and eight years j old, worth sixty-five dollars. One mouse Jackson’s Magic Balsam, GE0BGIA, DeKalb Count,. Ordinary’s Office, May 7,1874. ^ _ such arbitrary and despotic powers in IXYTHEREAS, Nancy Akers, administra-1 diseases treated'hy Inhalation, time of peace is permitted by the letter Tv trix on the estate of William Akers, I The Doctor treats all diseases of long of the Federal statute commonly known deceased, late of said county, applies to me I standing, such as Eruptions, Gravel, Paraly- tee cnSrZt Mt astatute which *<> r letters of dismission from safd trust. sis, Loss of Voice, Wakefulness, Fever Sores, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish I Rheumatism, Goitre, Neuralgia, Tumors; sprun p from the exigencies and passions I ^ pergons interested to be and appeear at I Chronic Dlarrhcea, Dropsy, BOionsness, DIs- resulting from war, and the provisions of I my ^^thln the time prescribed by law, I eases of tee Kidneys, Erysipelas, Nervous which are abhorrent to all the traditions 1 then and there to show cause, if any, why I Depression, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, all of free government and to the principles I said letters should not be granted. ' j Diseases peculiar to Women, all Private Dis- of all its founders, let it suffice to answer I Given under m^hand^aiffiofficlal^^slgnar-1 eases, Heart Disease,Swollen Joint9,Cough8, that the violent remedies sought to be I ture. provided by that act were never intended} may9-wlam3m. JOHN B. STEWARD, Gout, White Swelling, 8t» Vitus’ Dance, etc. and will supply bote the Wholesale and Retail Trade i by tee gross or dozen, at proprietor’s prices Redwine & Fox, Atlanta, Ga. G. M. Heidt & Co., Savannah, Ga. Barrett, Land & Co., Augusta, Ga. . Hunt/jRansier & Lamar, Macon, Ga. apr20--dlam&wtf posed to be eleven or twelve years, bind feet a little crooked, a scar on right hind foot, supposed to be made by a rope; worth seventy-five dollars. Appraised by Wm. F, Nethery and J. T. Woolbright, freeholders of said District, and who say It Is worth sixty cents per day each to feed and take care of said Hare and Mule. The owners is hereby notified to appear before me, prove property, and pay cost and expenses and take teem away, else they will be sold by tbe Sheriff at tee Court House door in said county, on the first Tuesday in July, 1874. J. A. BENNETT, aprll-w60d- v Ordinary. Ordinary. to be employed within a State, except to | GEQRGIA> DeKalb Connty . RUNAWAY. Davidson College. Next Session will begin Sep. 24,1874. TTEALTHY location. Moral atmosphere. XT Strict discipline. Thorough teaching. Moderate charges. Seven professors. For OHANOS FOR AN EASY FORTUNE! Fifth and Last Gift Concert EX AID OF THE PUBLICL1BRARY0F KENTUCKY. July 31st, 1874. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift.. 8250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift.... 75,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift... 25,000 5 Cash Gifts, 820,000 each 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 each 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 100,000 25 Cash Gifts,. 4,000 each 100,000 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each 90,000 , 50 Gash Gifts, 2,000 each 100,000 ; 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 100,000 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each 120,000 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each 50,000 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 950,000 CHARLIE TANNER AND CLARE Hightower, deceased, late of said county, chutes a^mnderateandraimultaUon free “ d ninety acres of land, more or less, part j catalogue or information, apply to O^HARDEMAN (colored boys), ran away 8p pu e s to me for letters of dismission from j ni^lnsar? and cons’nSatton^re^ No »I of lot lot ?°- % in the 6th district of said j J-^r^LAKE; ” StB/Mauldin’s plara, near Iceville, Sun- j gJSl trust. I n&Jt from 9^ u. I “^7; “n. ^ «»tl8fy a tax fl. fa. I ^ChMrman of the Faculty day, Jane 14, Mauldin’s place, ne: ne 14, 1874. I will them. julyJ-dl PITER TANNER, (Colored).’ lt&wlt Boltonville, Ga. Why Not Stop the Fire w pay a liberal re-1 These are therefore to cite and admonish all ward to any one returning them to me, or to I persons Interested to be and appear at my any one paring them in jail so that I caq get | Q ffl ce within the time prescribed by law, " m "’ J —■*' then and there to show cause, if any they I can- why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signa-1 ture. JNO. B. STEWARD, june9-w90d Ordinary. SAVE YOUR PROPERTY ? I Georgia, DeKalb county. ... I Ordinary’s Office, May 23, 1874. A PARTNER of good standing, withl 3 83,000 capital, wanted to take an inter est with me In haying patented a new and novel So simple and cheap. Decatur street. tO 4 P. M. Office hours from 9a.k. ieMSJHl&wl^ '^^HEREA3,JVffliamC. White, executor j ^ issued by G. M. Davis, T. C., against Q! 8. Price. Levied on as tee property of Q. S. Price. James Posey, tenant in possession, being legally notified of tbis levy. This | June 3, 1874. THOS. J. EDMONDSON Sheriff. june5—wtds i GEORGIA—Fayette connty. Ordinary’s Office, Jane 1,1874. W HERAS, M. W. Swanson, administra-.1 tor of Marcus Varner, of said county. ifa i .'.(..IS me in navins iiaicuwcu » .. of Thos.’white, deceased, late of srid dy3| ,.„ novel uietnod bv which Sty, town and farm county, applies to me for letters of dismis- umpi „ .. .emiacne, fever and ague, nmnprtv tnAY be rendered secure asrainst fire. ( mission from his said trust. . , I nervous deouity, or of any disorder affecting 5o*imt>le and cheap no gin owner can or I These are therefore to cite and admonish I t b es lomach, the liver or kidneys, is to tone, Sdlfdi 1 without. All the ends teat could be all persons interested to be and ft ft clean8e and regulate these important organs desired in Fire Extinguisher, are answered I my office wtthin the time prescribedBy law, by the use of — satisfaetorv man-1 7 DB- TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PH^S. Given under my hand and official signa-1 They act very mildly, yet thoroughly restore lre JOHN B. STEWARD, I the functional action of the digestive organs Ordinary. auiienne from i deceased, represents to the court, in his pie- it. colic, con-1 tition duly filfed, urnt, coUc: con-1 “n*y meu, that be has fully admlnls- , I tered Marcus Varner’s estate: This Is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from bis admiolstration, and receive letters IS, 0 ’’”. r*f riicmlccinn nn fbo flref Lfnnriov in flan. I l culty, Post Office, Davidson College, N. C. june24-d&w3m MOSES WHELCHEL’S [PRONOUNCED WILKIE] | “NEVER SA7 DIE.’ WJ HICH has for a long time been out of V V the reach of many that are afflicted is now in tee reach of all. Its work is to core those that are afflicted. It is a certain cure for Cancers and Consumption, Rheu matism, “ 8ore Trend Total 20,000 Gifts, all cash..12,000,000 PRICE OF TICKETS : Whole Tickets. 8 5000 Halves.......’.'..... 2500 Tenth, or eaeh coupon 5 00 11 Whole Tickets for 500 00 221-2 Tickets for 1,00000 For Tickets or information, address THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. jnne!6—dtnes&satjtwttu jnlv25 WHITE GUFF SPRINGS. fn the most desirable and satisfactory man ner in this invention. No one need apply who cannot give good references. For fnr- ther particulars, iSdress J. W. D. ECKLES, Harmony Grove, Jackson connty, Georgia. july2—"It University of Nashville, Tenn. FOUNDED IN 1785. DB. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. tembM^lSTL ^ ^L. B?g13gG8, S<!P " *° c 5 r e^~ S^hilia and iffi secret diseases wam. wot tLAivmvrlilv raet/iw I inno!L.w1amQm AmHnapv I IU &11 BtHITCS.* Ordinary. tore. may26-w90ds. | GEORGIA, Fulton connty. Court of Ordinaiy, June Term, 1874. stages. j|g8 „ The above cases it will cure if you will •|irn W’.RF. A a, N. J. Hammond has ap- druggists, Yf pH “ tee whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping nor weakness, and may be taken at any tune withont change of diet or occupation. Price 25c a box. Sold by all Libel for Divorce. Douglas Superior ^ money> Court, April Term, 1874. ‘ ■ MOSES WHELCHEL, Newbridge, Ga. Mr. J. A. Latham Is my authorized agent plied for letters of guardianship of 1 the property of Annie Mitchell and Eugene 1 Mitchell, minora: Dr. Tutt’s Hair Dye. I T appearing to the court that, by the re turn of the Sheriff, the defendant is not 1, — „ . „ . - , within the county of Douglas, and that it is I iu Gainesville, Ga., to whom all orders must alleged in plaintUTs declaration the defend-1 be sent. „ . . . ,, ant’s residence is unknown to her. I 833^ Price per bottle, for chronic diseases, KKR U 1874. Studies in the College schools elective. Discipline-Military. It Is, therefore, ordered by tee court, teat IS5; for bone felon, 81; sore eyes, 50c. service be perfected on the defendant by he Atlanta Constitution server It la h«rmW and' easily applied, I of this order for four months previous to the I tnem, uamesvu and is’in general use among the fashionable I next term of this court, and that the defend-1 on “PP u ^ < ?“; •iil-^.coaconri«, lyM to Me pggf. SHggISiiJt ’SSTStlSSi IM, le »««, Fol- June6—w4w ^’,V mlnary : i hair dres^rs to everv large3tv in the United j a nt appear at that term of the court and I medicine wHl be expressed to any Fulton county. [ mevery mrgeeny^ to tbis ^e. part of tee United States upon order States. Price 81 a box. Sold everywhere, Tuition, per*ternTof’twenty weeks, *50 to 5TRATJ3 WORKS u. BoaruTwashing, fuel, furnished rooms I HwMMsMIa »tlff«riiidl» ] per-runners, ter ram or Ho?WUl Slone, of nil jd^-wlm Chancellor. GEORGIA, Dade county. Ordinary’s Office, June 30,1874, PnllMiP of Mill Mschineir and Hillers' .TiBPlle.. Send ior Pamphlet. SCROFULA,ERUPT IVE DISEASES OF THE SKInTsT. ANTHONY’S FIRE. ERY- By order of the court. ROBERT J. TUGGLE, Attorney for Libelant. ■*». W. PRICE, Clerk. apr2S-wlam4m | GEORGIA, Milton county. Ordinary’s Office, June 1,1874. ~I 1~ENRY C. ROGERS, guardian of Susan I if R. Rogers, Nebraska Rogers and Jack-1 son Regers, minors, has applied for letters of I county, Ga., as follows: dismission from said trust: I This is to certify teat I was paralyzed and This is, therefore, to notify all persons con- in bed 7 weeks, and could not raise hand or I 2b My Friends Who are Siek: Cure Your Eyes.—When I was almost I sightless’my eyes were enred^n 36 hours by I one application of Whelcbel’s Never 8ay Die. You can onlyget it from J. A. Lathem, Gainesville, Ga. T. F. BATES, Gainesville, Ga. Mr. Person Cody writes from Lumpkin thTsameat il o’clock a. m., on l J. M. Alexander & Co., Atlanta, Agents. may26—wtf ■ I 1x1 Hi OJUaI, Ol. Ari liiun 1 O XllUil XlX^i- I 4U1010, UlClOlUlt. IV WUfciAJ UU JA-KOUUO wu . m . ..wvp., Tj , a Z SIPELAS, BLOTCHES, TUMOES, BOILS, I ceraed, to file their objections, if any they foot—physicians oonld do me no good. I TETTER AND 8ALT RHEUM, SCALD I have, within the time prescribed by law, else I am now taking Whelchel’s Never Say Die, HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, | letters will be granted the said jigglicant as J which, I am^proud to say, has made me a $300 REWARD. or into the hands of the Sheriff of Wi GEORGIA, Dade county. Ordinary’s Office, Jane 30,1S74. W L. STEWART has appl • exemption of pcrsonalt apart and vMaatlon of hoxnra , nuuima is uuuut u»c i«ci wur pass upon thesameatlo rfoc • •» 1 incbeg b ig b thin face and black hair. theSdoay of August, lb£, at^mv^offlee in | = m ^ xr . wetx, T g£-w2w ' * Ordinary. , RINGWORM, PAIN AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE I applied for. BONES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, STERIL- j june4-wlam3m ITY. LEU CORRHffi A OR WHITES, WOMB DISEASES, DROPSY. WHITE SWELL INGS, SYPHILIS. KIDNEY AND LIVER rehension | COMPLAINT, MERCURIAL TAINT, AND W. H. NE8BIT, Ordinaiy. N. new man. I can now use my limbs well, and therefore recommend it as the best medicine known. This is to certify that I was very low with T HE Proprietor of “ Mouse Creek Hotel,” Mouse Creek) East Tennessee, has pur chased tee Hotel property, at this favorite Summer resort, and has erected one of the largest and most convenient Hotels found at any Watering Place In the South, whleh ia now open for the reception of guests, and assures the public, that nothing will be left undone to make this one of the most pleas ant and delightful 8ummer Resorts m the Southern 8tates for the pleasure-seeker and invalid. The Springs are situated on Chil- howee Mountain, Monroe connty, East Ten nessee, sixteen miles from Mouse Creek— tee nearest point from tee Tennessee, Vkr ginia and Georgia Railroad. They are located at an elevation of 1,200 feet above Conasanga Valley, in a dry, pore and very invigorating atmosphere—affording an extensive and beautiful view of the sur rounding country, whose scenery is unsur passed. An eminent physician of over thirty years’ practice will have an office in the Hotel. Excursion Tickets will be out on sale at all prominent Southern points to these Springs, via Mouse Creek, at reduced rates. The proprietor wifi run a daily line of Hacks between Mouse Creek and tee Springs, ma- 1 ring connections with trains. Fare, one way 82 00, round trip 83 00. Persons wishing to stop over at oar “ Mouse Creek Hotel,” wfll find ample accommodations. RATES OF~BOARD: Per day 8 00 Perweek 10 50 Per month for : June 35 00 Per-month for July, August and. Sep- tember. 40 00 Children tinder 12 years of age and ser vants, half price. Guests coming in June and remaining throughout the season, to have June Rates. For further particulars address, I WILL give $300 for the appr , and safe delivery in any jailjm Georgia, j PIIJES all proceed temn^mpnr^ bloody ^ jnnc27-d&wlt T. C. MARSHALL. GEORGIA, Miltoa connty. Ordinaiy’s Office, June 29,1S74. . -rj|Tr HEREAS> Moses R. Stephenson, ad- r i-Ktin<r made known to me that Eleanor I YV ministrator of the estate of John o 1 iienarted this life Intestate, I Stephenson, deceased, applies to me forlet- Surratt has aeparo^ ^ m?n , ctr<>tfnn OQ ^ q{ dlan | iMlon ^ trast . GEORGIA, DeKalb connty. Ordinary’s Office, February 25,1874. :*°s f es .£ « e ^ n VA d ;l«treet^ewTSF mai25— •Foster, administrator of FCan. a^Ue^andfe^r^dah^o^mrWo^ 1100,1 one 1501116of Whelchel’s Never Say hears at law of •^.f-SHepherd, deceawd. 1 Die> wMch cured me sound and welL 1 SU *I feel tllat 16111 under obligation torecom- perior Court, March Term, 1874. mend it to all of those afflicted ones. Yon to the court that all the heirs I can only get it from J. A. Lathem, Gaines- “ i S. Shepherd, deceased, -rfiie, Ga. JAMES 8. LATHEM, J. P. renovates uie eveteur; prwneeo . . Kt GAINESVILLE, Ga., April 10,1874. b ° dy *° ^ 55d e Sei wh“e^ n ame and resi- Constitution Office, Atlanta, Ga.: Jrpp TR y tit.non HEALTHY I dences have not been made known; it is or-} Dear Sms—Please Insert tee following and wflijbewelL To do has dered that said administrator do make pub- till forbid: everbeenofferedtocom^reiriththis^alu-jUcation in The Atlanta Constitotion, j ^We,the undersigned, knowing this ble vegetable extract. Price 81 Sold by all druggists. Office 48 Cortlandt febl-deod&wly* 00 a bottle. I once a month for four months, calling for medicine do cheerfully recommend it to tee 3 Cortlandt I said nnknown parties to come forward by | afflicted, and do not hesitate _to say these the September Term, 1874, of this conrt, and I parties are responsible and will do exactly be made parties, at which time a final decree j what they say. As and raamimsirauou uu i ters Ol dismission irorn bam trust: i bSM DAZn - . . t admimstrauon will be Tested in I These are, therefore, to cite and admonish j AIR'Ullb KAIMWAW. ^TrsS-nf the Superior Court, or some *u persons interested, to be andappearatj _ Tn , mpv ~r. A nroner person, on the first 1 m y office within the time prescribed bylaw, J JAMES A. & W* W-_FINDLEY, ?J h L^i^Anirust next/mileM some valid then and there to show cause, if any, why 1 Appointment. Laid letters should not be granted. , «w»ntions are maae MJ Ui» I »—-■— , TX7ILL warrant their Whisky pure copper! W distil'"*! Trademark: PRIDE OF| ^Witness S ^^NESBIT, July3-w4w 0rdiIiary Given under my hand and official slgna- I tore. JOHN B. STEWARD, feb27—w90d Ordinary. will be rendered in said matter. By tee court. A. G. & F. C. FOSTER. Claimants’ Attorney. - _ I hereby certify that tee above and fore-1 PI STMT iT .TIBS. going is a true extract from tee minutes of | GAINESVILLE. GEOBGIA, | Morgan Superior Court, March jrernyl874. Clerk Morgan Superior Court. April—wlamfim distil'***! GEOBGT/_ feb21—wtf Signed by— J. B. M. WINBURN, Ordinary. J. J. MAYNE, C. 8. C. T. N. HANIE, Chief MarshaL A. B. C. DORSEY. Merchant. CLEMENTS & BRO., Merchants. H. COHEN, Merchant. E. M. MERRIETT, Citizen. T. H. SANFORD, Citizen. mar29-w6m J. H. MAGILL, Proprietor, Mouse Creek and White Cliff Hotels. jnne21-d2tawlm TN ... g.'SS.'ffi JL Northern District of Georgia—In the matter of Edward M. Wilkinson, bankrupt —In bankruptcy. This is to give notice once a week for three weeks, that I have been appointed aa- S of the estate of Edward M. Willrin- son, of Tronp county, who has been ad- ~ z&tt bankrupt upon his own petition e District Conrt of said district. Jane i, 1874 H. H. CAREY, Assignee, june^MvSvv^^^^AGrange^Geougia^ TO PRINTERS. E WILL SELL A COMPLETE OUT fit for a country printing office at very low figures. A good outfit for a job office also included. ■ W. A. HRMPillIiT« St CO. Books Bound at the Constitution office &uu2-dtf