The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, May 07, 1878, Image 1

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TIIE € INSTITUTION PUB. CO ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FOR THE WEEK ENDING TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1878. No. 45, Volume X terms op the constitution ^ffiPS’jssms ssfiya ZESstsszJZsSvZr-' • CONSTITUTION, ATlQlT., Ita. Tbit liy Great ia knocking the na- live European wine. co l. Bill Cbuoui can now take hie toddy me triumphant manner. OeeeeiL itooaaa eeema to be conatraeted, co fir aa ihe aonth is con cerned. Rotbucai members of congress will be ctiled spin to contribute fifty dollars each for csmpaisn pnrpoees. Drams noids nut CWdler to be gniltlssa of any of the Florida trends Bill ought tr feel highly flittered. Wa print elsewhere a letter from Mr. Bam. W. Small, giving a graphic ac count of bis trip to Paris. Mb. Harm's standard beverage, when he is not under the vigilant eye of the faithful Ihgere, is claret punch. It should not be forgotten that Mr. Hayes is in favor of internal improve ments in the south. Ann so the rads want to oust Hayes and gel Mr. Ferfy in as president. A Ferry nice little [.rrgramme, indeed. Draxt, is in WaabiLguin sick. He’s a bad citiaen when he gets his health sbont him. Drams lets Bill Chandler off light. He says Bill la innocent. But the quas. tionnow arises,is.Bill as innocent as Beecher? flax Butlerleaner, Wayne McVeigh, who was sent to Louisiana to look after the Hayes interest in that state. Mack is in bad hands. Wa hereby nominate Ampt, of Cin cinnati,for vice-president on the Siting Bull ticket We propose to ha.e some fan during the next campaign. Fain Dccaasv, who was mixed up in the Florida frauds, got an office. The same may be said of a good many others engrged in the same business. Ax exchange proudly remarks. “The republican party is up to snuff.” Uu- dcublcdly. It will find that the next presidential campaign is ’nnff for it It is a little singular mat just as the green pea season in Florida went ont the eonfeaaiona of Noyes and Kaseon's conspirators came in. It should not be supjioacd that be cause nothing has been said about il during the just day or two, that At lanta is .not a candidate lor a branch MirxiL or tom b as Knurr la w. The senate bill for the repeal of the bankrupt law came up in the house a few days ago and was amended on motion, of Mr. Knott, chairman of the bouse judiciary committee, so as to repeal title 61 of the revised statutes, and the act approved Jane, 1874, entitled act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy,” and also making penal actions or criminal prosecutions ariring prior to the passage of the bill under the acts proposed to be repealed con tlnue in fall force until disposed of. It passed the house by a majority of 167. Mr. Knott stated that it waaneceeary to make these amendments to the bill mas to prevent litigation over the repeal of the law. The bill aa amended went back to the senate, where the amend ments made in the house will be agreed to, and in one week’s time the bill will become a law by the president's signa ture, and then people will have to settle their contracts as they make them. The law goes into effect from and after its passage, and It will be a law aa soon as signed by the president. An attempt was made when the bill up in the house to amend it so aa to lot the law continue until January 1 This amendment was voted down. The bill to repeal was fought in the bouse by Chit'enden, Ewing, Kelley and Butler. The vote on the repeal of this law in the house was aa follows: Yeas, 206; nays, 38; not voting, 47. The mem bers from Georgia voting yea, were: Bril. Candler, Felton, Harris and Ste phens. Those voting nay: Blount, Cook, Hartridge and Smith—five yeas and fonr naya. The senate will prob ably vote on the house amendment to- d»J. AKBWKHt to CUXREAPOSDEB It or Course It Is. MaaiXTTA, Ga. brill Editors : lathe rolling mill of Atlantaruouliscsow! p. Of eoutaa It Is. II Isn't Is the rtsM sort of hands to scop. If r. Good now never Humbles. That's What II la Faikburn, Ga, April 30. Mmasa Editors: Can you tell me wt at a morsanauc marriage la I u w. P. It la a marriage contracted between aperaon blah rank sad one of lower rank In which the lauer nines not to claim for hsteelf off chil dren the tltlrs or estatea of the formtr. They an usual In Ban pc bet unknown In America. And a hood out s»eI«,Too. Atlanta, May 1. ranis. Editors : W ho te tbe mayor raeatrrtrttit arc the water works of thatetiy subject tolevyt Hca caiBEa. Mr. M. A. Kevin, and he la one of the be»t icier v r bad. Write to him for an an- ffer to jour last question. They Both So Ont. Atlaxta, Mayl. Messes. Editors: Suppose that iht- Plot!** rxpoaurta •booId malt In toe unseal Inn of Haye*. toe acting pnaldcnt. would Wnceler ttuccedhim? James Of ourae not If Hayes wss beaten—aa be certainly wat—Wheeler was beaten .also. Wheeler's till* falls with Hayes’#, ana Tlldeo iVC take tbe seat if ft were vacated by Mr Hayes. GLEAMS OF GOLD. UK rrrBGLADXS FLORIDA. sMIltlw alar a Colonies tiUbllkbed, etc PABIS PENCILUNGS. ink Brecon or a Tttir to the rtoMCB rxrotiTios or H7S. Isn't it shoot time for another Indian wait In the absence ol afraedmen’s bank or bureau, tbe great and good O O. Howard pamelh for tbe armed con flict. Thr c lmmerctai ciub ol Coictgo, not t < be outdone by such a small town as Boston, has invited Senator Gordon and other representative men ol the aonth to a dinner on the 25th ol May Tits line in the aot g: "The vile?t sinner .may return,” ie really pro phetic, and ita prediction has been literally (n'fillrd in Florida and Lou isians. "The vilsst sinners” did "re turn” such indolent voice as wonld give the electoral votes of these state* to Mr. Hayes—throwing ont, in the most outrageously illegal manner any number of democratic ballots. TOM OLD THIRD UKORUIA. Mt j >r A. A. Winn, secretary of the snrvivois' Association of the Third Geoigia Veterans, has issued a circular under ln*truc:ions from Colonel Clai borne Snead, president of the eaaocia- tion. r< qnestiug that one or more dele gatee from each company be chosen to meet him and other* o( the command in Augusta on the 8ih of May. The object nf this meeting of delegatee it to coaeider the propriety of holding an other reunion during the p—eent year The secretary bops* that every compa ny will be represented, and we hoj>e that tbe meeting will decide in favor of Ihe reunion. There eonld be noth ing more appropriate than an no non! or biennia) reunion of those who were comrade* in the confederate service. IBM TIAbj u r Ba. Ua.wKICKS. In an interview at Indiarapolh the other day. Gov. Hendricks said in an informal way said tbe McUn and Den nis confessions in no manner surprised him. He intimated that legal proceed ings based upon them would be institu ted but not immediately, allhough be eonld uotetate what precise form would besdopted. In regard to hi* viewsoo tbe presidential question be quoted from bis speech to the democratic elate coueention ol February 20ih, saying, while it is perfectly true that the title of Hayes to the office of president settled under tbe forms ol the law. It still none tbs leas true that imperative duty demands that fitting punlahmen: be visited upon criminal* through who** crimes that judgment wss ob- t lined. SUM BAPTlSia CIqm of tbo But to Convention. The Btptist convention adjmrncd yesterday after one of its most liatcmtlojr •enlori. A spirit of piety pervaded the wbo;e It tw left an atmosphere of religion oo the town of LaQrmoye which will linger for many day*. Indeed, goud waa done which wll. defy tbe destructive hand of time, and which wtU contribute to the Joy* of eternity. All the Incut lotcmta of the church were looked into by the body, and tbe reporta abow maraglng state of prosperity New boards to manage the affairs in arms of the departiseat* of the church wire elected; In oth ia iheokl board* uaren.-ck.cud and vacancies Ailed. The services un Sunday In tbe etarches of tie Iowa were con • acted by ms nbcrs of the eon- veniton and wen very inter* sting. The (own has, aa matt, dose herself credit by 'ier large hearted hospitality. Tbe northern dclegAUs carried away ffowen from the far- famed Ferrell garden*, and were enthnrUwtlc over Um beauty of the p'ace. NewenergUsard agates* tare been set In motion. What will the hsrvost be of the next year f If the past year's rtsults are made the basis Of uculaUon much may be expected from the re newed s *1 and enlivened fervor of these ser vants oi God. a. d they go away from this ’feast of fat things*' The next session is to he held in Col u mb of. as was anticipated in a previous letter. Hod. I CC Black was sleeted to membership ora board of usstees of Mercer nulversltyin place of Mr Irwin resigned- 1 have already apt ken of the lr terse ting services of tundsy, but it mai be of interest to some to know Sunday’s ppointmsnts. They are as follows: At tbe BapUK church, at 11 a. m.. tur. V. H. Hell, D D; at 7* pm. Rev Dr McIntosh. At thr Mrtw*ew«, at II a aa. Rev A J Battle. D D; *17# pm. Rev ATSpalding, DD. At the Prtebyterian, at 11 a m, Bsv C H 8trlck land; at?# pm, Hev HDD Sumttoo. ij’• sssiloo was consumed in bearing of further reports aud in the eonaldermUcn of res olution* The treasurer of the oonvtntaoo reported SI .304 Rev F M Daniel was added to the state mis on bea d. Dalsga os to the southern Biptist convention Resolutions or thanks to the people of La* Gmcge was enthusiastically adopted. FiucItpKmh tT‘ Ar 'f Jr *t the tone of the Index and Baptist were introduced and recelvei the hearty votaol the convention Mr. Burney, the efficient elected by n u&anlxnoui vote. Tbs convention then adjourned to m*et agan be Friday bcloro the fourth Sunday in April. 1ST*. Atlanta, Ga., April 20. S m« two years ago I wrote fer Thr Coxtr.Ttmox a aeries of letters on Florida—its resources nod possibilities. A recent trip to the state has confirmed tbe lmprevious under wbteh those letters were written, nod justified their figures and fanciest Fior ds is truly a wooderlaad, and there is a frtahsess and crisj» t*m about everything in it. A reference to some details gathered dude* my harried trip to the state last week, *»»7 be ol interest to the r-rsders of Tnx Cosstnraos. The foLowitg ' therefore submitted: a talk with CArraw cbakux bxxx. Upon emerging from the sleeping car at Brunswick and taking my place upon the for* ward decs of the steamer Florence, with the br>«aes breaking through tbs ruted «■«»- rise, and the strong poise of the Atlantic throb bing la tbe restless waves beneath ns, I reals <1 that I was out of Georgia, and really en rout* forFiorida Cap*!n Charlie Brock waa in front of me-an appetixiag breakfast wss rending its surgesuons up the hatchway, and I fell into Inquiry as to Forida. Said Captain Brock, who. by the way, has run the Florence in Florida for the post ten years. The travel to Florida has hardly been as large tbh year as it was last year. This U doe In degree to the exceeding mildness of the winter in the north. Nothing was ever seen like IL Maoy Invalids therefore ritaed staying at home this year who have heretofore come south with the first cold weather. 1 here have hardly been so many light seen aa formerly for tbe simple reason that much of the novelty lux worn off. The crowd of reliable visitors was notably Urgcr thia year than ever before By “ reliable I mean the persons who vuit Florida regularly year after year. Tbty come cipher through tl ? fact that they have friends or rela tives here -that they hats bought property here, or that they have latabUahed winter bouses here. They are for the main quiet peo ple, who Co not scatter five dollar bliia stout, but who pay for what they want, abd generally want the best that can be had. YOU WILL as TOLD AT J ACKfiON VILLX that the number of visit ns has greatly de- Tbe error apra this point arises from tbe (set that the great body of visitors, instead of huddling about Jacksonville aa formerly, now •ostler *11 throughout the state. Many of them have homes here, to which they go direct. Oth ers have found quiet little nooks up tbe St. John’s or Indian river or OcUwaha, where they spesd their winter Tbo hotels in tbe intenor of the state have been very much Improved, and many new ooes hav) been built. Tbe tourists therefore desert Jacksonville to a great extent, and seek s quieter and less expensive home. Tbe cariosity dealers will tell you, too, that tts crowd la falling off greatly. This is simply because the tourists do not invest n heavily in alligators’ teeth, etc., as they former ly did. The moat of them have be en supplied I am satisfied, however, that the crowd o steady visitors was much larger this year then ever before. What is the segregate number of annual visitors in your opinion f 'll think it otil run to nearly, if not quite, 20,000.” A STATE FILUKO UP RAPIDLY In his abort conversa:ion. Captain Brock hinted at Florida’s growth* Tbs state Is Ailing up with g'iod, reliable immlg’aaia at a rate not dreamed of by those who have not looked at the mat er carefu ly. A very large proportion of each year’s visitors become property owners in the stats, many of them becoming actual cet era. The elements of this current of immigration are, of course, various It is made U( of every catlonality. ButoFnotiaodan uutuualnusab r os among the new-comers. I am not certain but that they are th- bast settlers in the world. They are steady, strong. lnteill/ent t thrifty and accumulative. On tbe boat that carried ms over there were *1 Uermata who had purchased iriciaof land along the Funaudlna railroad, rauol? g across to Cedar K.*ys The were stalwart, fix*-'coking immigrants, loaded down with tool-chests and comfortable locking While sitting in tbe cffico of tbe rail road the next day, a German representing four famines applied for more freight reduction over the road. Upon my expressing surprise at the evident run of Immigration over the road, I was informed that over 800 families had settled the lino rf the lose within tbe pa t 15 months and that the tide of new comers was increasing He said that they were all satisfied with their iw nomse sod were doing well. a snip with a hovel freight. A a an evidence of woat these immigrants were doing, I waa carried to see tbe foodieg of a large slip for New York. Tbe loadirg consisted of thousands of crates of gathered fully ith ahead of the Jeney vegetables and put into tbe northern market away ahead of any ipetition. They will, therefore, command the best ot fancy pricer. Ihe statistics of truck farming along the road show some marrslouf table* of profit which I shall allude to later. the rr jinn's cclohy. There are several colonics settled in FInrMi There are most of them based on the co-opera* tion plan, and are doing verv well Indeed. The first of them, and perhaps Ihe most important is the 8 . John’s colony. It is formed prlud pal'y ot N* w York meobaate*. Tae plan waaa- fallows: A ctuuter wss obtained for a company of ISO men, who screed to pot in tBo For this sum they were guaranteed past age to Florida, a strip of good orange land, a boure in tbe general tulldtrg, and prorbixis for four aoathp. The shares were all spa* dlly taken and the land purchased. It la a superb and la good orange land. X«ch man of se ha* his separate grove and farm; but inert is a general grove that is ownsd in nartner- ahlp by all ahareho'defs. There Is a general core. In which articles are sold at dost or very near it. The results have given perfect tioa, except to a very few persona, who nets succeed anywhere. Tier of course b.-cai satisfied and went to N:w York and published an abusive article concerning the colony. It is growing richer and more oomfortible every TSe Ocean Voyate-Lasd In Slght- Ib* First Newspaper—A Liverpool fiber iff Con trnated wlfb bis Atlmotn Prototype—London Biff-Wigs — In tbe Tales of Normandy—A Close Fit at La rate-fin to tbe Hotels—Bar ing tbe Francs and Reducing tbe Otabes—A Howl from tbe Assembled Haabeaters— Tbe Progress or tbe Exposition — Popular Pride In Its baccess — Tbo American Section — Creditable Energy of Commissioner SI actor mil It- Tbe First •’Special” ■Long-Eared Gentleman. have seen Abroad share this sentiment. “ THR CONSTITUTION. Singularly enough in my efforts to S t a paper, I took the first one that e bothered newsman shoved at me, and imagine my surprise on open ing it tn see the beading, ‘ The Consti tution. " S >me mistake here, I thought, and I looked ggxin. It \ •The Cork Constitution,” and a p per of some pretensions and merit. The coincidence of my getting hold of a paper similarly named to the one with which I am attached at home, was re marked by my fellow-passengers. I have kept it as a cariosity—both on ac count of its name and it being the first newspaper that I bought in foreign parts. I send it to yon with the charge to preserve it for my return. LIVERPOOL was reached at 5 p. m. on Wednesdsy, the 3d. The custom officers were easily passed and the night was spent at U»*. Adelphi hotel. This hotel cherishes the recollection that Ex-President Grant was its guest last year. When we arrived it was being honored by tij*- dr presence of the high sheriff. He drov id four, with footing LETTER L i Editorial Oorrespoalenoe of Tbe Constitution.] Paxm. April 14. 1878 “Here we are!” as the clown eaysl apin a coach an_ a when he enters t:f arena by means of J and out-riders in livery, preceded bj a double handspring over the elephant, j trumpeters, and was received in th I feel as though I hxd come upon the vestibule bjr twenty knock-kneed bai scene in pretty mnch the rams style, I lift in silk stockings, carrying battle- bat tbe details of thetnp I fear, wonld I axes! The scene, as we witnessed it, exhaust your patience and weary your was supremely ridiculous in our eyes, readers. I but not mcreamuaiig to ue than waa tl:e 'good btr to homxland” I description I shortly afterwards gave was said in the harbor of New York, *° »««“ Englishmen of Sheriff Parker- from the deck of ths elegant ste.mer son opening court in Atlanta, rapping “England,” belonging to the Nations the spectators to order with his pocke. line, between New York and Liverpool, knife, and Clem Green admonishing the At 9 a. m., on Satuiday, March 23d we l“ rora <? “walk light!” They left tbe dock and tnrned eea ward, thought that such republican simplicity With what emotions, what misgiving, | was horribly barbarous, home of the and aspirations, we watched thi ASSEMBLED METHODISM. TBB MJOB1B OMFABAL COFFER* MFCR. First Day’s Proceeding*—JLddreaa of Welcome by Judge Jackson Blsbop Be rylere's Response. A large crowd of our best people ab bled at tbe First Methodist church on jea terday to witness the meeting ol the genera conference The spacious basement of the church waa pretty veil filled all the morales, hat It wss no- steady. A fljod in and out of the church durlag the exer* claes, th. most of them spending soma time In exuoinisr the upper story of the church, which won universal praise for the eleganoe and rich- ores ol its appointments. Toe calling of the roll was a very tedious per* te fa- I reasons they advanced for their use miliar * obi seta ’ of our native land » f style, pomp and circumstance “d. and vinfch over the horixon it U were undoubted impossible here to reproduce. It is I t^i®d to imagine aiidthatmen in Se imminent pres, tain Whit Andemon in knee breeches ence of death see, ‘ ‘ ‘ — dnetion, the whole past lives. 'Such a vivid pic —. not nnroll itself before the voyageur I „ Of the city of Liverpool we stw for the first time departing from home Hfcie, aa our deparure was taken ihe to traverse the unknown ocean and vieit morning. The run through countries strange; but, if my emotions England down to London was one of aud remembrance* were not the most the most pleasing trips we have ever unusual, not to nay extraordinary, the enjoyed. My little family were all to difference betwe n the two expert, tkemselves in a compartment and we encee ia hardlv of meaanrable intenai- nothing but look from the car tv. Certainlv 1 shall never again, in I windows upon those busy cities and the adventures of life, feel thTsaine wonderfully cultivated fields which emotion ci utter divorcement from ail I changed paces so rapidly in the whirl- the things that I have known, and I i Q g panorama, loved, and learned to believe necessary I in London inddenti to my existence. I we bad only four hour<, but our route the sea voyage I from Eoslon square to the Groevenor j... ffi hotel was through an interesting part of Z?»h f; *11 nntnf the ovSi I tbe glimpses of eeventl withoaUnddenuMaHoutoMhemdi.| Dromi j ent ^ inti * nter H e(1 Su JwntB . °* r ^' The *“ park, passed-down the Pill Mall and St r ™mln < H had “ excellent view oi the time, and only ont» did it remind Buckingham Palace, where the me of its enperb wreetling power. That e 7 m then lodwd. LateVin the waa one mgnt when I confidently re- ’veTngTgoing to Chlrhig Cross, IhVd r d v W ^ h r an opportunity of seeing the prmce of tOmy berth. About2 oclock a. m. I vValesleave the palace in his priccaly crawled out from under the berth on going reward Marlborough “‘ de ,“ f rr, 1 hmise 8 Fmm the glance I caught of ont^nl fh»uh I **“ flc8 A imagine hia royal mama bad ■red keeping my heels ont of the waah- | wine , t her dinner table that day. He s^k of “.“rd P x»ru!..£ j-w»^ ^ brf '^ e «• - Sl d S m k e n ^°.hJ Leaving London at 8 p », we reached °* kuouing tbe I jj tw jj aVBD at jq p H ihe tide waa exact meaning of not favorable until 3 a. a, and then we a wet sheet I had 7 hoars of smooth going over to and a flowing sea,” so to speak, fori Dieppe. Here we touched tbe soil of had incautiously left tbe port-hole I France and felt near our journey's over my berth insecurely fastened. I end. How we welcomed ihe thought I Tbe fiist sea that struck the ship senta Five hours through the delight ul bilia shower of water over me and made a and valleys of Normandy with Rouen patent clothes wringer the most desi- I and ita ancient cathedra], the Seine rable of articles. Aa a result, unless I and ita picturesque sinuosities, quaint the steamship company has applied a [ little villages, old chateaux, pretty steam-wrench to " port-hole, nerculeaiily . oua companions After doing some animated frog talk „„„„ 1 well-scolloped,with the French custom house officers we get our trunks atop of spany of people, and the tedium oi | tlje g aCfe> ou B9 | v es ir*'de and • Hotel Lsfitte!” 8. W. 8. LETTER IL lECltorial Oornapondencs at The CouUtaUos.) Par’s. April 16,187B Tbe first business of the newly are company ol people, the trip was relieved by many inter. IJJ*” esting or amusing episodes. sing out. Among the cabin passengers was an | English gentleman who, for twelve years past, has lived in Japan and occupied his time there in the exalied'pursuit of journalism. He IBB GBMAT WALK. >U»r Amn<pii>a« •Me XllffMnllul] r<« of Walklil SOO lllia Yea terday the snbjfet of general wuml aauax all casks of oatdtUta, was tko*r«st fwof PrWmor CocEfstj walkinx Mallolsuaaj haois.oi oo. wll.wtrhlo thvArw half of na hour. Doting ths tins that hs has htsn walking th# aacofaiea has hffoo rather slim, hot lost Right at losarlj hour tfc. crowd began to ssotEbls In ths larx- ASOTBKK RADICAL 3CAMDAL It is given out from Washington upon good authority that Representative Springer’s committee, which i, investi gating expenditures in tbe state dt parlment, ia preparing for a sensation after the manner oi tbs Be.knap scan' dal. The investigation against Georgs Seward, minister to Chine, is said to have disclueed such facts that member, of th* committee are of the opinion that they will recommend the Impeach men; both oi Minister Seward and of Consular Agent Bradford. Thismtve- ment will be bund upon a’legrd extor tionate charges at d otter irregularities. A member of tbe committee saja that tbe proof of those extortionate charges ia overwhelming, and is completely substantiated by the official recotdr. The counsel for Seward ha* requested th* committee to ask the Mate depart ment to order Stwkrd to return to thia country in order that he may testily in his own behalf. Toe counsel claims that Reward will be able to vindicate hi-nselt. The committee has prepared a communication, which will be sub mitted to Secretary Erarti as soon aa hisdorneetic affliction will permit him to attend to hia official duties. If the re- qurst ia granted, sixty days will be eeaary to see or* the presence of Seward. Meanwhile th* committee ia scarcely disposed to wait to lout • swl ptajtaf. AI10 O'clock. UwS0*.arw7 lata* »Al wilhmlaffltc and met, Icc udlng ntacj laf lw, were upon lb. lntld. o •hetffml Hr RUtrrdcSAta bd>kia:<aad i talasd U uicugtMMiL waking lbs um mlla la It aUoutffff. Jorl hctorefiaitMar he wasjoiacf by Dr Charlw Ptc ckorytaM arttadlac phyriclaa. naif apoltatff. At th. ocodcnoaor ib.wsla.Dr Mackey tpobff -ota. ...b j, Kalinff that be a tic croftmor lot th law two wwke ar4 taat b. oooM aakwnattog!y my that It waa tkc free wet exbibiaaa ol a •ad pkyrleal mdaracca he a d ever wltn Maty naa badlh. yrnnka tacocha that h« fr't like advbticklw mdt There are wvent other colooica bleated In Fiorida, th* seat largen beleg the Chicago colony. They an all organised on the co-opeia. ure plan,end are govt rued by etna tmeinew eta erclalntlM. Tbe (eucral verdict U that eettkn whooometa ookales always do better than others. There la a strength In the comradeship I and a watml raetralat In the It flaeace Q the other. It It the ben method for ta to enter a new canatry. There la little doabt that tbe ex periraem already tried tn Florida will recall In the eriabliaaieiit of vari cotomies thr bsal arrava aecrre e*j thit the boo* fide oenusd lor Unde ucTcr to gxmi •* *t preerrt There *ie i •ctttol purchoaen la toe mortet ih*n at *07 time, aad price* a* * rale on lower. Thi* tadue eo!ely to tbe depredotfooof general ▼oloee, *od tbeeouclty oi mooey. Tbe treat srowto of Florida ts not however the somber of uii* carried Into bet limit*, but In tbe ailltoos ot yoaa« oa&p tree* that ora gradually cotnlnc into aeariac- Eve y tree matoree and pete forth trait add* from 815 to 840 per annum to ihe wealth of the atau Col Hart my* that he paid a lady fSt for the h u!t of eoe tree >t 92 per hundred. IhMfavr 4 800 orange* to the tree. He raolixed over fl» for tho ■ mo fruit, aeUlag It at 8 cents per H. W. G. a* fell! F# woo ad up by iraponng that three ahem be dr van for Frofieeor CosMgney, wM waa rrepcnOed to with a hearty good will, which bad been nude up w*« pmem afowlvdfc- A Bother** Terrthlo Peed. Detroit, May 1— Last night Mrs. Dost, of this city, whit* Uboricg under a fit of gratativ* fnnav, during the ab- acnc* of her husband, administered laudanum re herself and her six year old daughter. Th. Dhjg'ciaaa wore summoned immediately upon the <Ls- covery of th* situation, but the daugh ter died. The mother’s life was sared, and thia morniog she gave birth to a child, afrer which reason returned. Her grief upon discovering what she had done wa* heanreedieg. The ver dict of the coroner’s jury waa death from {miaou administered by the mother with intent to kill bemeif and child. a day) in the splendid hotel and taken & house in Passy. My advice to all perrons intending a visit to Paris durirg the summer is, if pomible, to have a friend secure apart- mints for them in advance, or, in the event of a prolonged stay, to go at the earliest time possible, into the country near by. It they remain in the city the crvfrmcna expense will certainly cause tfc«m to greatly curtail the extent of their visit. This mnch I have written upon thia subject because I believe I would be derelict in my profeeaional duty ehculd.I fail to warn your readers of the true status ol these important feat- ujes of a sojourn in Paris. THE GREAT EXPOSITION. Naturally ail Paris aud all France are I u^btetaat tbe audtenm excited over the near approach of the in- 1 aagurxtion of the exposition.. They are justly proud of | tbe enersy, public spirit aud pregra a which they have evinced in the preparation of the affair. Already, ^magnificence and grandeur of pro- I fornunoe, despite tbe fact that Mr. Summer* portions, as well as comprehensiveness I threw a flivor of picture* queue** into it, an* of exhibits, it gives the wsurance of varied It by numerou* interjoculatorie*. Theii.3 VjeUg the most splendid of the Whole tottat of the day’s proceedings reacted a climax of international fairs. Americans, with toe addren ot welcome from Judge Jack- \e remembrance ot the centen- I *oa. a* mty have been expected, this addrw* . jsh upon them, may prefer to | was admirable in temper ana taste, and elicited .that }t will be unrivalled, but I irequent applause. The body of venerable the judgment Ol numbers who I minuter* showed that they were human and were present and participated, officially I loll of human impulse by the heartiness with and otherwise, in that affair, and they Which they applauded Judge Jackson’s allusion ail agree that the French have, in the to the “matrjns and the bonuie lasses." Ihe arrangement of this exposition, sur- I reply Of BuhopMcTylere was fitting and tkgaau passed the efiorts of ail other nations I and was warmly reoeiv^d. Be it so! Why should not progress ihe rxasoxxzxi or thx ooxnxxscx I?® 1T"aU~yfine. *mv. and Why should not the French, marvel* eimdmen. end an untau»l number ol them ol lOGB-y recuperated from the effects of I dlotiiigutohed ■frpniioa. It wa* the frequent her late war, have credit for this splen-1 maul that it waa the finest looking body of old effort in the interest of human de- I men ever gathered in Atlanta. It would oer- velopment, human progress and the I talnly ba impossible to find a finer looking set triumphs of peace ? I of men anywhere than the bench of blshope. THE prevailing passion I They sat with the dignity of senators, among the peop e here is a desire to do I We raaU take occasion during the progress of something to advance the glory of the I the aemlon to draw expoeitijr. Every possible manifests- oome of the more distinguished tion of regard for that enterprise is I members of the bedr- In the meantime we can liberally made and the opening of the I only coograiniato it oo th* nuo»ua) degreeof great fair is looked forward to with I harmony that la promised in teelr deiibera- most feverish anxiety. The cost of this don*. There seems to be a oplrit of brotherly g : gantic luxury is counted unworthy of I love pervading the whole anemb'y, and there cavil and national pride in the euccess I klittto reason to fear that this will be disturbed, of the affair absorbs the attention of I thx election of bishops. the Parisians from everything else than The iaterest of the public is already centering their profits on account of its presence. I about the election ot the bishops While there Notwiths anding that selfish leaven it will, of course, be no electioneering or canvas ■‘exalting to witness ihe devotion of sing, there are especial favorites who w ll have this people to the interests of the I frienda looking for their elevation. It is not exhibition. S^ate, municipal and pn- I powibfo to locate the date of this election, for Y*te enterprise have combined to make even to del nltely state the number of bishop* to it perfect in all its details and there is I be elected, lhare are a great many minutera no reason to doubt that the result, in a I who deserve the honor of an electiou, and it ia national sense, will be the most pro- | quite probable that a number will be balloted nonneed success. the opening DAY. I The delegate* to the eighth Reneral conference The 1st of May is to be red letter day, I of the M. e church sjuth continued to arrive when the formal Inauguration of the I yesUrday morning, many coming in on the great show is to take place, amid cere-* I early trains, and were met by the committee o! monies at once interesting and inipo- I arrangement*, who raw that they were all sing. A glance at the chaotic state of I cared for and conveyed to the homes provided the exhibition as it appears to-day I for them, a Urge number of visitors also ar- would lead any one to exclaim agamst I rived yesterday and the night previous The the possibility of the exposition being I general conference always attracts a very large readiness on the day named. To I number df visitors from all parts of tbe south, __ ke it bo Bee ms now a task for the I who come to see and erjoythe proceedings ol hands of a million men, working with- this ureat church couooil. out rest until high noon of May day, I The cession was appointed to meet at IQ bat M. Kraut Z. the directeur-general, I o’clock, but long before that time the basement reports to the government and insists I of the First Methodiu church was quite tali o: to the public that that there will I the delegates and spectators, be “no postponement*' He is a man 8ome very pleuant minutes were pined in of his word, possessed of great I haad-shsking and conversation, energy and executive ability. If it is I Th» front seats ol tho room were completely Within the reach of human power to taken up by the delegates who. in the total, ,ve all things ready on the day named I number three hundred. All the seats in the I will redeem his pledge. Work is bcusenot thus occupied were takeo up by spec- fog on vigorously by night and day, tators, all of whom pou:d not be seated, th alternate bodies of workmen. A large stage is prepared where th# altar of Within tbe week vast strides have been church stands, and on it ware seated all the *jq «de toward the completion of the bL,h °P« ot the church and the secretary. Dr preparations. The Champa de Mare is* Summer*. Bishop Fierce presided. *^d with a glittering that | noted by all that the bishops were. »ch to the fastenings of that firms, peculiar people and -P* 1 ? 1ZL "iTudm fable in “Arabian I without exception, very remarkable looking rotated to m« many interesting matters rived visitor in Paris is to hunt for per- connected with the profession in that I manent apartments. Upon otw* 1 * of country,seme of which I may hereafter c°urae, the stranger must go to a hoiel, repeat to you and your readers. He bathe is foolish to think of staying rIso exhibited to us a targe and valua there longer than ie actually mcersapy. ble collection ol Japanese coins,curios-i- | The Panstan hotel ia a peculiar ineti. ties and photographs. He had in tution, wholly unlike any thing tiiat the charge a court troupe of performing avenge Amencan ia acquainted with. Japanese.who are to appear in England, It w generally » djem»l and dreery af- au5 in Prris during the exposition. where ecciability is unknown and fine nl tneee was I "comfort” avoided. Oae takes a room, . r pays for sokp, pays for towels, pays for A japanesr prirst ^rvices" t&t he does not gw, pays who had beun eea-eick ever since ho I three prices for every candle burned, left Yokohama. On ship and cars he an( i qoite’aa liberally for all he eats, had continuously felt that over. I Unless he ie very careful, too, on leav- whdming desire to "get I , D g he is required to pay for many wrong-siue outwards and stand in ihe I things be ne>er before heard of or ex- rain*' which Is the most notable feature I perienced. Hence it is that the Paris of sea-sickness. The special forte of I hotel is to be avoided as one wonld this religious acrobat ia walking bare- I fle© j rom a pest-house. - footed on the edges of swords,but every . nv . Kmfi their rath. time I laid eyes upon hia rueful visage ^ advancing their bates. he looked anxious to remark in some I Since the Franco-Prussian war the intelligible language that if he could hotel charges of Paru. have been far find a straight ma?k on dry tand he beyond tiie traditional tariff and a wonld give np gladly all his hopes ol I gra^nri increase has marked the being Mikado, or chftf-peddler of little ?* th ,® >»» ?«."• Complaints of brass goods m the grauiftemple of Kio- “hard times” ue quite as general here to, for a chance to walk thit line the “ ^ 03 A’ner l c.,ana pncesmal balance of his days. departments ranee high. In view of 1 'the approaching exuibition, how- J41TV _ .. .. ever, the Agu es have been put up and Dare Devil Chirlie, brothers and I most outrageously. The published reso* noted scouts of the plains, were also I lotions of uie Parisian hotel keepers to among the passengers. They are fa- I maintain current rates and to avoid mous rifle-shots and have the misstep which despoiled the Vienna come over tbe waters to do the Willie I public of their anticipated profits in Tell burinew of shooting apples off I jg73 t has proven-a msst fl igrant fraud, each otuei a head, snuffing cigars end I WJIS * neatly contrived bait thrown other like tom-foolery. Tho English- I oa t to the world and there is every rea men on board confidently assured them I SO n to believe that it h*» been success** that they would both be arrested ,ft*r I imfy employed. Instead, however, of their first performance on a chRnre of I the Pariotaua living up to such s reaolu- “aasault with attempt to mnrderi” I ^on, they have, with one consent, have not heard that they were. I marked np every article of merchan- ALL fool’s DAT I dise and every necessary of life. More was spent on board ship, and many I than that, the hotels have just notified capital tricks were played upon the an* I ail their guests of another advance in ■ncneMimr t.«tspruyprs Th« ni*vM that I nri/»p« Slav 1st. Even the “bouil- Whits Rnm-Clericel: John M Steel, Jao H Dye. Lay: O T Hunt, W W Garland. Little Rocx-Clerlcel: A Hunter. A R Win field, E N Watson. Lay: W H Wheeler, 8 M McGehee, A A Key. North Tmi-Cterical: J H McLain, R Lane, w f Euteriins. M H Neely. Ley: J B Cole, W J Swajne. EastTexi*—Clerical: Robert 8 Finley, RW Thompson. Lxy: D H Comully, Jea F Taylor. TfxxwCIerical: R Alexander. H V Philpo’t, IG John. L»y: JDGlddlrga. JCC Winch. ixthwsst Texk*—Clerical: W G Veal, J D Sbaw, W G Conner. T Stanford. J 8 5!cCarrer, Lay: J R Henry.OF Divcnport, T H Shugart. West Texas—Cleric d: H 8 Thrall, J 6 Gilieti. Lay; M M S Ira. P C Wood* Gebnax Mmios—Clerical: JB A Ahrenv. Lea abgeles-Clerical: Millard J Law, Wm B K*r uiaugh. Lay: L D Palmer. Pacnric-Cleric U: JC Simmona, O P Fltxger- ld Uy: CP Berry. Columbia—Clerical: JWCt Christ knew when He roc t out Hia followers that A T? A ffl A T T3T fXTKT TTTfc KtsaraWi A FATAL blow-up. able to pay their wav In the usual hotel f'ahlon.. andHe made piOTiaton for them when He aald: I _ "G\ and whoever recclveth a prophet in the M TBAMBOAT boiler EXPLOSIOF ns me of a Prophet, he »hill have a pronhet'a | reward." Thia olc promise haa opened ten I thou-and aoora to the minister* ot Cnri t And He raid a'so "If they Bve you a cup cf cold water in the name of a ditc-pv th y shall not looe their AT M BMP HI a. 4 ditCipfe tSboauid I This has paid the board bill ol ten . itinerant preachers and they hare left three I richer with whom they s opped, for they go on their Master's errand and He declared shat when they went about among men and entered a house they thou Id sav. “Peace b- within ’’ Probable 23 Persons Killed—A Ter* Bible ‘ eene-The Veanel on Fire. Memphi*, May * 1.—The tow boat Warner, from New Orleans to St Loui^ with five model baigea and the in oar hearts. In this state of Christianity, to I trading boat Keol’gon in tow, «-«>•>■=■>» » Toyecaoi when opposite the elevator The pilot Bcv Wm M Kmn. D D, ol Stiwouri, ratgnted house was blown to a great height and that the conierence meet tn the afternoon to I f®lI back upon a wreck, while tho air arrange for eeata. I wss filled with splinters and fragments. Bishop Pierce suggested that tbe conference I wreck took fire. lostantly the Ilukoh Clerical: Colin Murchison, Ben j R first arrange lor the huura ot meeuugaudad- 8moke »team hid the boat from Hester. Lay: J B McBrydc. I j 0Um i DK . I the view of the crowd, which soon The total numb.r present was 284- At the | ^ WFOook, D D .of Atttnta, moved that hned the bluffs. It is thought that tha hour of meeUog be 9 a-m., and that the | perished. The tug Devaato aud three skiffs were The bar of the conference was then fixed, it I coon at the wreck and succeeded in extended from the stage to a line at ihe farther 1 8 : edge of the aicmd wiudow*. The spacabackl J °hn W. Poe, clerk, slightly bruised, of these window* waa allowed for spectators. Jacob Cox, pilot, badly braised. Bith of a committee on pub’.ic I were blown into the air and fell back worship was than consider^ U was moved by I on 'he wreck. Captain Geoige Daweou, slightly conclusion of the citi ng of the roll, it evident that a large majority oyer a quorum I hourfocadj&urnment be l pm. were present I The motion of Dr. Cook was carried. Bl«hoo Pierce then announced that the choice of a secretary was next In orler. Dr T O Simmers was nominated and unani mously elected, and he requested Dr A G Hay good to act as assistant eecretary. This was ap proved by tbe confer*.noe, and Dr Summer* an- nonce-d that be would not at preaent appoint | Dr. Jeaae Borinc ihat the piraldlng"elder of any ofoer assistant* * JUDGE JACKSON'S Judge James Jackson, of tbe supreme court, I made tbe following felidtioui address of wel* | oome. which was received with spplanie: the Atlanta district and the Melhadlst I scalded preachers of the plaoe be cooaUtnted a commit-1. Napoleon Devinney, pantryman, cut tee on public worship Carried. I in the head and arm—not dang erously. Rev P A Peterson, of Virginia, moved that I J '*hn Sullivan, second cook; badly cut the regular or standing oommliteea ba composed in the arm and scalded. u t . Birfi tnc I ORoctiricRlRndoM Irj delcgRtc from «<* I ^ Cl are Blank, chambermaid, badly ■ — * 1 'inference I bruised. _ Tfre resolution was read. An amendment I Bkrney Ctssidy, mate, blown through trtte . ot fc5ff.5 ate ’.i52 contmtuee of arrange- I that the committee* b3 composed of one dele-1 the roof and bad'y hurt. ” n ““rte«’SrSaiK , SSS’w^£o!SSui« RR» from Ktocouferanre Iratred ot two, as Chrie AnrehaU, 7 first engineer,alight- .. — * — 1 that would make the committees too Urge. I ly injured. my heart thaUb.*ora«or ia not hU^proi I ^ JSuf” G6Cble * 8t6Ward * enl ThoaKh the exhcaUve head of »he Hate, “ <mId l »° detagats* from each conference I scaldei. ha ts a child of God -a follower of the meek and I °o Bjme o* the committee*. | w m. Jenks, carpenter. ;aisssss£a;2i!S^s&5SB p ->'« ^Thom™, he hate given Georgia’s and Atlama’a welcome I „ am *^ dment ’ . . , I fireman, unhurt, to the men ot Gtd before afd around me, there- I ^ ere there was an abundance of auggestlors I Dixon Kennett, pilot, and Wm. Rid- wShtameAirtmiyrefiSt, JSSSSSKS fliffe, enmne e r. who were asleep at the nrmtrl.te tURi joar..icomo mould oe>pokeu I . r ‘ kt t' oioolnmbui, mored tourikeoot time of the explosion, were lost, and by a member of tbe JuotcUl depanoieototoor | the cure in th. mo'ntlon comuioun, tbe I one fireman waa literally wrament relhor thu by trt .xreo Ire he*!, | committee ot two memba, ot reobeontereoee. .nil purenally tbe trek law plcasaot to I carried. BLOWN INTO FRAGMENTS. n vtara ia a lodlcial rather than aa executive I It waa that r-eolTtd that the eonunlttrea be I The boat had a total crew of 25. bnt bouy. Thia ia the hub coart of to compotcd ot one deiecata from each cooler- owinir to the confusion and ;he tiorry. Ity.ln no a'nse'lati an exreoUve b<3y P< I'. I 011 wV A E Winfield then moved th«t a oom i n K r lf tothehospitAld °[ wound el, it ia wall Aheretore that a lawyer would I “v A E. Wiifleul then moved tbu a com I , B impossible to tell exactly how many Ahcrefore that a lawyer ahoofd I I ta impossible to tell exactly 1 addrerethowredaolwelcOTOtobrotheriaw. ““traol-vwtooowdaadalaba appolutodby wero to , t . In five minutes after tho yer-; that a jud^e boald njeak Jfo tn« felfow-1 the chair. Carr ed. 1 - ‘ ** —it waa moved that tbe chslr appoint a c explosion, all tho wreck except the SJarent ^t/Tlt T b^tome 1 ^oaay wcKnMio <t=‘e«»tM rrom tha Northtrn Meihodtit chuich and the tow barges were on fire, lint brethren bcloTad la tho Lord would not arrlre u aooo aa waa expected at | the tog Desoto extinguished the fire, entreally the body otinwil addref ala a le«. I fltit. They wm probably arrive by the 14th ol and landed the barites on the Arkan- JSbS: “** . _ s« shore All the officers and crew makers fettered by the bonds of consiUnttonal I Dr ’ ^ H Kedforl then requested that the were residents of St. I/mis. The ex- icmicttoaa and cooflaed to the chsri wnlch qnadrinolal exhibit of the church boos »gent p l r8 i on shook every building in the sk™ o 5 r ou Jo' mp '^o« T, i^ u t;. r~ **■ s«* Twodthe iha boundaries which the Bible meecribra Un-1 re * d ’ cople * beinR K 1 ™ to m€Xnber *’ noticed Captain Dawson after the ex- like the consUtution ol tha United States. | Dr. J. B McFerrla presented the qnadrennla plosion, but it turns out that they were which cover* the empire and regulate* the do« [ report of the boa’d of mls^ota which was re I mistaken and it in now certain that minion of acommo" government over this Ms- _«, hnn t fa«i miaiaaen, ana u IB now certain mat tethood of states. Uuuke that of the state of I ctlToa wltnout °* lng . , | he 18 among the lost. Georgia—which ia na supreme iswcf her In- I Announcement* of religion* service* for tbe 1 teroal poi cy—yonr ooasmation l« the work of I evening were then annonnoed by Rev H H Parka, 2^m?t?n“ n ihe^ifj;^^o^ , S^^ pmtoroftheFustMethodUtcnaroh. \*UB WOULD*** TiKS A. DA.RR. of stone—all ol it waa Inspired by the spirit Dr Young, of Naahville, moved that the ©on- the Almighty wfieo holy men^poka and I ferencemett at three o'clock in the afternoon I The Fool lab Frenis or as F. S Sena- wrote aatbey weremorad oytbe HjiyGhoat | and that the first business be the drawing lor tor’a rtnugtiirr. Washington, May 1.—The gossipe the del^gsJoos mess at four J"'*® B.mswhat disturbed over an spi le the matter of teat*. Accept-1 sod 0 in high life. Senator Hipple- Mitchell, of Oregon, has a daughter To expound a constitution wiiui w . • ^ “ petty, liberty, life may min ia a re solemn often awful task; bnt to ex-1 Rev W H Potter oflered an amendment that Donnd a c m*tituifon written by God. on which I ^ chairmen of frsedom lrom •in.inhcr: a »oe with the saints m I m . . light, to an etenut propei y, and life immortal I o elock ■etU® the matter of •mri ey r a*Ung,ali epend. isadnty nqniiing I ecu • ... . legal junmen^u a'yt c U powers,aober Jnogment I Dr Boring thought the drawing for seats waa I fifteen years of age, but for al’ that with whirS todUriii 1 dnSlikfmiL SEME wlthomt precedent and was bid policy. the development of bunt and figure of which jadkriai dntlra^Ute rm^unk^lntodnjg-1 ^ n ^erald thought .he drawing plan waa more mature years. For some time a word. yoomay not rewrite | opposed to the principles oi the itineracy. I beardless youth named Handy, a clerk Dr McFerrln said he wan’ed to ait where be I in the treasury department, haa been rat tFylSreipreiiwiity whotaTOactiluKr I P 1 '*** 1 “ a oPf^•*“ "filtag ln» ptauion.playing spooney to her, and on Situi- vething-! The goat fonnder of onrbranch I RcvJ BMcOthi*.of GeocgU, moved to lay the I day night last he dared her to marry waol.m.ttirooU.etAbto Lost him. The your g miss would not be ...?*H?52^a/i2Ir^iiSSSSo tils IS™ Th« motion wu thro cairiod u amended. I thus daunted. So she went with her tCJtiiw fihri-a mauof cne bcok; and all imrgtn-1 On motion of Dr. Petc*son the rulei of order J dear Alp hens to a Catholic priest i he evolved from that book. b methodically from thi* ooruer-uoue. of the laat general conference be ad opted as the I and the twain were made one. A DATILISB DBalOF. Attempt to Wives a Train lost Mum. Last night as the down passenger On qd tba State road was paafog tha sens- hi mi s post, which is tbrae mifos this side of Marietta, the engine soddosly com* cn'we ve ae tutsan era sties laid scram tbs track with tha Tbeencuwerasocecstw tbadsegar. and tc*- •dwttn coaid be check *d to say ewasty-flra mlks on boor, U hSd “ ! was a COWMIil'-S •■OCX, bat by rare good fortnt.* no sir um Ontcf tbs cromtks caught in the pilot suspecting passengers. The news that I prices after May 1st. Even the “bouil« a female passenger in the steerage .had I ion** establishments have the past week added another subject to the ranks oi I added 20 per cent to their tariff* aud her majesty, set ail the ladies in a flat- I dedacteti about 10 uer cent from ter of excitement, acd inaugurated a I the quantity of their dishes, complimentary subscription among the I the howl or protest ma'es. I which is going np from the victims of A bogus telephone rigged np from I these gross extortions is deafening, the parts of a marine glass also caused I The army of strangers already bivon- a sensation, and yon may imagine that acked in the city, on account of the its operations produced results that I ^position, is greatly exercised over the would have astounded the scientific I situation and the members are not at world and sent Edison to the lunatic I *jj delicate in their denunciations of asylum. * I the “outrage.” The consolation derived sighting land. I froxi the information that “they all do On the 2d of April we sighted land I it” is wholly ineffectual. You may be at 11 a. m. and the news brought every-1 sore that the turmoil will not be with- body on deck. The timid again grew I ont its effect. Either the Parisians bold as lions, and there were cone who I must retreat from their unfort un cared to eee the welcome presence I ate position and be content with again shut out from view. Until 7 p. m. I reasonable prcfiia upon a largely in- we skirted the south coast of Ireland, I creased volume of business, or the on- enjoying ita rough oatlines and 1 ward march to the exposition from all well-kept villages and I parts oi the globe will receive a certain At Queenstown we I and simoltaueous cneck. The corres- took on board the pilot and I pondents from ail countries adjacent to tbe first newspaper. I Francs are writing home most direful I nev*r before knew how wri . *«rnings to their readers, ecme a newspaper—any bod v'a newspa-1 sounding thr alarm. per—eonld be to a nun! Only ten I Tbe best oi the Parts jourua's have days from the land where newspapers caught a glimpse of the Loud writing on bloom perennial and newsboys swarm I tbe wall and are vigorously denouncing like the grasshoppers of Kansas, and I the cupidity and extortionate spirit of yet a ship foil ol people ready to sell j their countrymen. The result of a their trunks for "the morning paper!” I contrivance ol the present programme Such is the power of human invention I is plainly unfolded to them and they that two days’ abeencs now from with- are adjured in the name ol patriotism, in reach ol tbe telegraph and the press 1 hospitality and common decency, to is like onto nothing else in the cats- "do the equare thing." As yet these legne ol human privations. The news I appeals nave been ineffectual, but I dealer who came oat on the tender was trust soon to be able to eay that reason iitterahy devoured, notwithstanding I haa returned to the butchers and bakers be taxed na six-pence each I ol the boulevards, and that the hotels for penny and tu’penny I are no longer the haunts of licensed jonrnaia. Who eared 7 A ten dollar I highwaymen. bill wasn’t a hundredth part aa targt I • One ol tbe noticeable results ol the aa the London Times I above state ol affairs is the unanimity The Englishmen ali wanted the war 1 with which those who are proposing to thousand men are busy arranging mil- I ***o highly complimented Among the clerical lions of dollars worth of the costliest, detente, ris socle of the Terr flnt prrechen most useful, and wonderful productions ot the country, while the lay uelcta'M number of the nations of the earth. It would be ““J ■“» of luperb talent, and wtoe time, ir opportune, even if it were not impus I At a quarter to ten o'clock the ecceion woe sildefto enter now into a descriptive tegrawltt dtytaeservtaa Btihop wWitnmn narrative of the labors yet unfinished. “«*«f thRtltwooMbe opened by the tins- Suffice it that every decrement isre- “>* ** 11,<m reiving the fulleet attention and each *■» “ 1 bOT ^' TBo . h 7” D ™ b » one will wonderfully end admirably “» s^iSr* 1 "*" thia ra&rvei ' ! THE AMERICAN SECTION .eat and eloqaeot petition, concluding with the i, thebuLretp mo C no K fTvaetedifice. “SK^^SSSs' Among the very latest to accept the in- Pierce read as the first lesson the lttth vitation to participate and rendered .... still tardier by the unprepared state of M*h°P Ktrsnouch real as the second lerew the exhibits proper for display here, P*rt of the second chapter ot the epistle to the the Duited States came upon the scene PhtiHpptini. largely at disadvantage. Fortunately, ® 5 hop Doorett reed is the second hymn the however, their interests have been di- Wh In the hymn book, begtanta, • Tsy osohl rectedbya bead well capacitated for hord,” which wu song by the confereoce aod Ihe enormous tabors, and the work I epectators. oone by Cimmissioncr General Me- D ' c K M«taU,of Mtetadppt. then led in Cormick is truly marvellous. He haa I Prejer. thoroughly organized the most compre- oroanbation hensiveand illustrative exhibit ever wts then begun. Dr TO Summers, the secretary sent by the United States to a foreign ol tho list general coalerence then rewl o fuu fair and bse so managed as to make np I tutor the delegate, from mi ths ooutereocre as by energy and executive ability for the published by him bom the best Information In delay that at firet seemed fatal. his reach. As the roU was called the delegatee Our space is very circumscribed and present snewered to their names, not at all adequate to the demands up- The foUowing la n ini' uu of the delegate, onit. Even after building an annex, I from the innooi conference, who were prerenu with 20000 tquare feet of extra space, and after rejecting one-third of the ’ Whole number of exhibits offered, the BALTraoni-CNrlcal: 8 Begester, A W Wllren. roam we have is inadequate to a proper J 8 Martin, 8 Rodgers, DTtonms,BBSHougb, display of the goods sent sent over by I PH Whiraer.s s Borzeii. Ley: Jt Walton, 1 ourfellow-cmzens. H “ Prrtt! ‘ The work of installing the exhibits I m * 11 . 6 w Newton, J B Wilson. L U Wilton, is rapidly progressing, aud there is no ” ‘ ” ” ° room to doubt the entire readiness of „ „ „ „ , 0 „ , _ , our department by the first ol May. BAe well, B N 8iedd,L8 Ba d, Pant White The energy of on/ people is notably <■•*- F u manifested in this regard, and the s “t h.^“ French authorities are full oi lauda I ^are^ng to^ION^erloi' Fr-nX^wdren. W O a A *° 0dS be ' Dg Cunnyn*h.m, Geo Btawsrt, E E WUey K -ra- ravwrere. .wre,nr«. PrJra, J 8 Barnett, J H Bronner. Lay: Pe i THE FIB8T EXHIBITS j q,| h, j p Mr ^niAn,T P Summeii,P pronounced complete and ready were Jr . . w those of Mr. Adame, of Ergland, and NcBTH cabolina-Clerical: NHD Wiiron. a. Mallory, Wheeler A Oo » of New Haven, g Baikhwt w 8 BUckt B craran, J w Ncrth, Conn. While E igland got one day I EAIreaiW H BubUu. Lay: w f Korne*»y, ahead of us, yet both our Engliah- H c a Momgomerj, F C Robbia*, O speaking countries were ahead of even I ^ T M Jonei- the French, the promoters of the expo* I CAaouNA-CSerlcal: a M Shipp. W si tion. Strangely enough, it was not I Duncan, F M Kennedy. H a C Walker. A until Saturday that the firet French ex-1 chrieix'xrg, 8 b Joues, o a Darby. Lay: J hibited waa completely installed. I cariiaie, w c McMillan. The cargoes of the ehipe “8upply, north GEoxoiA-Cericmi: a G Haysood, “flnnatitntion” anG “Portsmouth ar“ - MIH TSul rules of thi*. The rulaa were read for inform*-1 they went to Baltimore, saw the eights ana remained all night. Yeeterday the ftit why afcoald I talk ^frara dotito ^L^^^^^, •— rial domirile. Then she acqnainted rr-. ■-— .hleJhw f.k i ”*,— i her pa with Ihe facta of the ad vent ure, BuhopPl ’ rea ‘ofiowta*whereupon he issued bis ukase, which lisbtof the revelation of the love ci God in the “I”®** 5 , _ _ . _ I waa to either give up her home lorih- f*ce of Hi**ou ha* illumined thi* spirluul con-I On Introduction—K Wiley, J E Erana, J E1 or h er hnsbana Iq a twinkling stituiiou, which to the fundamenui law of the Edward*, C K XanhaU, A H Colquiit, T L . ”5 r” 1 ",* ‘,”7 soul. I w- an You read thi* law in that great I Melon ® he made up her mind, and concluded light, vou expound it *a th*t ipirit revcai* it* she would remain with her pa and ma, breu,K " b0W “ , *“ ^ 1 > e ‘ h r 8°- ^ nator ~ ^ Mitchell is exceedingly enraged over gtad um yre « hao^_Thcretore._ta thf remo | ™ «, hie daughter’s indiscretion, and threat- truth, and all yonr brethren bow to your legto- Tber fore, brethren beforad of the Lord. I am I Brtnchand akHoU. •lad that you ar. here- Therefore, ia the name I . _« .. ■ uw uaujuici a iuuiodiouuh, «*»*»» wn®-»- ol the abatet chief magtoirate of cur state, of all AJt«r the announcement ol rartou* meeting* t bring suit against the priest who department* of our state government, legists- of delegation*, the conference adjourned with I p rive, exicutlve and Judicial: oi the mayor and I the doxology and benediction by nuw performed the ceremony, council 01 the city of Atlanta and all the an | p*i ae _ | —, m — thoriUea thereof; » the name of *rarv gray headed man of age, of all the fall»be*rded man* ihoridea thereof; tn the name of *verv gray headed min Of age, of all the falKbrarded man* hood of ihe state and mty, and every ruddy and k cheek ' beloved end . - - name of all the people ol the city and the 1 fliW from a breast in I . Sommers announced that the fraternal I SUNK OUT OF FIGHT, A coxnci legislator. THE MURDERED HABBT LOVE. 1 Hon. John O’Connor’s Startling Con* fe*aton In the Ohio House ol Uep- Remnrknble ;KeveIallon In Hfel meulstlvm. career. I Hon. John O’Connor,* lato chairman Nashville, May 1.—The American I of the military commitiee of the Ohio aU a cordial welcome to our homta and to our I ^ m0 ming prim* the following dispatch from house, appeared in hia seat Saturday, Uto true that the place to which I welcome Iawbborg, Tenn., In regard to the Harry Love for the first time in ten days, and rose von—this lower fl>or of this boose of God—is I who waa eaid to have bern killed near Col am-1 to a question of privilege. Jr or some not so imposing and capaefoas as ihegrand hjul bni: i a a recent Issue of your paper I notice an time proof has been accumulating fcur C yc.ii ^:°but U ptice!lu account ol . murder lo Georgta ol Harry Lore, that he was a deeerter, a bounty- acoustics psrfect, its capacity ample, it* wsseto- I representing the bonae of Hewitt A Co., Pnila- Hamper, and an ex-convict of the Uonirecred. Frcm there heoch . many an I dtiphta. Beverri moathOBtanotaoa About hta Michigan state prison. Several timrs SunSJSbSSfkm **'• * Wr * «*>• •“« * nd tr * Te ‘ lD « *” the h« lias endeavored to resign, but tl e teen boro to'the Aimishty. inteiret ot the nine firm, wu amitafiog (re he I speaker refused to lay hie resignation Aitoae’h-r it umuch iopenor to tbs pUce rtii) D.ridren. WiUitouoo, Honey aod Hat- fo-fore the house until Thursday, when a>anUes * r*tobU*hing agendev to mU a h t was voted to investigate hie record. They met liTthe houi of Thomas Grantla toe I powder that would deetroy the gases in coal oil 1 speech Saturday was in the nature of Wilmee, or Columbia per hep*, in all I and render It harmHaa. He was In a dose oar-1 0 f a confeeeiun of all that had been ■ i l 2' r . ho Ka.Stii Um eSS«i P 7:1 rI * r! vltfitta, powder, and gRtetaiy roc-1 alleged. He said he had struggled f r Si °ta’ ueorgl* Tho tree wu writ I credoS to goutag hta lod*liig-«tabiUhirg o I [gn years to elevate himself to a poei- ptantad, ihe roll proplUoo,. blened teQod, and rele «cncy for iheoounty, *nd by oxperlmreu, I t j 0 u, and make himself worthy aod now ihe brooch*. RxiMidiRxood wiae over I mcoredrd in rellin, powder to the amount oi |... »h B esteem of honest ttras I— » - » Toeagmx and W^jramd J, n; bat hta efforts had gone for Hu* door*—the Tittton to iront Water, pure I were lo te “sdrertiied the next wee, to the I w .n.hl and an attempt was now befog and cold, which aeo may drick with coorete.- Amerlcau, to unu«ti firming red leuen " He JT jl j nvB hIm inI „ nutter. Ho ol toe portal arrangtmeist I* prepared for your j ried • and w*a i°nd of showing a I jjjg history previous to hie be- ,ocommod.Uon. Oommoouu, comnfiuee tirg. roll ot moo.y, "mtd, outof hLlxutoere." . acitj * eU uite d States If r 1^ n ‘a!.rrrttyoi AtoKhw SZLT ~doi^a?v, foVss^tiouX C uXrovethatb,s' tareite.ted preota.ta itetaore ta Orereta. t» | ” ^ I eottdurt. in the .prat has not been aad'Tt would crusb him forever. He threw himself on the generosity of the house, trusting that in their magnan- gorenimenl ud eilixm*. 1 welcuae you here. In return I uk bur • riLg e taror for Georgta red AUreta You bare power with God to . mm. Prar lor oor stale end city. lor all our | “I■— “ talxrei with him. roeu red w< men and tittle oee#, tor aU our gov 1 nmenr, state red municip-I; and when you many he .wtodled- He wa, erldenuy getting | money under tatre pretromi. i sow the i Qmu. the STxrrysoN tradedf. imity they woufd not fattier pursue a man who waa crippled in body and poor in purse. At the close of hta speech he sank pale and trembling in hta chair, and tears rolled down bis face. Th#train euoota eilreie and reund.csiya lew minalMbehind time. A thorough •'arch lot tho Tfileta who mod. this dastardly attempt to wreck o train and emcee The eecope o! the into —Bad habits an easily contracted; so are colds; and both are very bard to get rid, oi. Tha coins are quickly aud surely cured by Dr. Bull’, fVogh Syrup. Price 25 cent* news, and remain durirg the entire season are its and b Tillages as a I taking tarnished apartments and bouses afire I in the suburban i to her grandeur, progress and ^reten. I -Hejor Cl*. thousand monkeys in a forest never rivalled. I Paris. These are ~ mnch The Americans wanted to hear from I cheaper than even unfurnished “home,” acd every item from "Ameri-1 .oorna in Pans and the savings in this ca” wu eagerly devoured. As usual, I way morn, than pay the railway tare however, those items could have been I necessitated by the distance. Many of counted on one’s fingera, and wou'dn’t I the American, English, German and have made a quarter of a column in 1 Canadian representauvee are thus dom- Tbs CoxrriTCTi ia. This govs the 1 ictied am, all are well Ueased. Even Americans s very decided disgust for I Commissioner General McCormicx, of English newspapers, and .it is worthy | the United States commission, has of note that til my countrymen whom I sbsndqued hitfapsrtnwtnts (si 50 franre mre tore iu;oc Wsate, Constitution” and “Portsmouth are I g Potter. J Boring, 1E Evan,. H1 Adrern. w received and receiving in onr section. I Cook, Y J Allen, w p Hreroon. Lay: AH Co’ The “Wyoming” end “Constellation” qa ttt, UN LMter. J H Bull, J F Lregrtoo, B H are yet to come. Four hundred tone I pottle, T H Meriwether, JCJobmoo, J Horo- were brought yesterday by the French 1 mail steamer “Canada, ’ and three hon-1 f0Bra Q^reti-merlc.!; j w Htotoo, Lmlck dred more, the_tast lot, will come by I Heme, JBKey. J B McOihee, jo ACiork. tbe “Pereira, of the same line, on tbe I ^ j E w Lovett, J H Muthcwi, 11th. I HACrittecdeu. general exposition NOTES. Flobzda—Clerical: E L Stake, A A Robinson, The marines, tnirty m number, have I E w Ley: o w Taylor, J J arrived, and Have been aa-igned excel- ALAR.xa-Clertc.1: TOttommen,0 B Bin*, lent quarters in the Ecole Multaire, near w A Uo c AUy< A s Andrews. H D Moocr. lay; tbe exf oeitfon. They are doing guard I g H j )enB w K watita, B A HsnUwiy. duty in the American section. I noxth AuxANA-Cltrlcoi: Huale Brown, The first ' Honorary commissioner 1 c uOJver, J ia Gnrioy, J Bsrevonreo, J M Bo* who put in an appearance here waa M Lsy: Joseph H Johuon, WiLon L Hef- Mr. J. A. Tonner, of Anions. But flln Jand E Ql0cei j^ner. F F But- be is only tbe avant courier. There I dlll are nearly a thousand of .these gentle- Lccnraxa- aertral: C W Carter. 1 E Coho men who hold “commissions that are lsj : W H K Hsgrudtr. B o L B»jn.\ wholly useless, (tbe commiseions I c G Andrews, H F mean,) and naturally enough they are Johnwn, w H WaUlcs, B Abbey. J A Elba all coming to “partieipate.” uy:CE Manboll.s B Watts, W L Negent,B Ex-President Grant is expected Babinatre, T L Mefieu. here tbe tatter Jtart of next week. Hod. I ncxtb YuEuairn—Clerical: John Barcroft, ham Tilden, Speaker Bandall, little 1 sv P Barton, J J Wheel, Jamea D Cameron. Wm Abe Hewitt, the Miseee Evarta and Murreh. Ley: JnoY Murray.Jan BFont,H other American notables are looked to w Foote, J B 6neater. arrive in oay andjune. mxxphis—Clerical: W T Harris, T L BoxwclL M. Aime Millet a brown statue, rep- | A E TaoraaA B H Mahon, 8 W Moore, lay: A resenting “America” in the guise of an I p woterfleld, J BGodwto, AT Fuidcr, DG GoJ- Iudian woman, with feathered head- 1 wjn ^ dress, has Placed upon its pedestral Traxanz-CIeriaa: JBMcFerrlu,WmBurr, in the park ot the Trocadero. 8ur* Dc Kelley R A Youna, J B Allison, RE Hai- rounding the feet of the statue are pore. Jo* BWtsL WeUborn Mooney. Ley: ED grouped the Attributes of agriculture, 1 Pattirwi, D T Keynolda. c R Herwl. commerce, navigation and the arte. It KixTcckr-cierirai: c w Milter. H p wota is a very admirable work and will at- cr.BX Hall, JWFtteh. Lay: AG Butt,W Mil- tract the attention oi all American via- 1 ar, j ,v Bodman, J 8 (ioanb itors. | Locum j x—Clerical: A H Bedford, N H Lee The Paris press is unauimous in the I b m m.uc<, h c Setae, G H H*ye*. Lay: w opinion ttuU the American exhibits I 8 Jofmroo. WBH*rri*oa will be the most notable, because the I BT.Lcuis-cleneal: J W Lewis, T M Finney, most eminently practical, of the en- I Lay: John Hogan, LDDameron. tire exhibition. Thus far the prospects | Southwest mm-.ccki-clerical are that the figure made by our coun try will be in no wire disproportionate le*Ye enr home* and retnrn to yonr own, tend os bick prayeis for our place and prosperity, ■ .. . i ~m rishUiOusacM may reign ni ana I Capture of Weltlnmn near lb* Scene i ie Lord be our God forerer. I of b(l criint At toe conoianon of Jadse Jackson** remark* I trottaed. BUhop Pierre retu, -Tho ordinary forutaUdre or Nashville, May L—W H Weidman, I ?Sf!, r ’it?t a .l^hrm«” on cocrelon 1 ke thtr would nqolra thaiLu I charged having shot and killed I He then leIt 1118 hoQ *~ cttatnnv., ebould rrenond to in. Rddrowof Hen ^, Bann> a merchant of 8tevenson, welcome. Bet I am nor. reridret ot Attaota M i prU 12 , was captured within two bntkmanarire ol Georitaradlt will bo 1^. of th,,’place last Monday, taken TZ°el ‘O.scottaboro. Ala,Tuesday, aud there Boopltable Beyond Ber Mean.. Cboriouavtue, Va, Chroclcto. welcome epokon by Judge Jackren. Heehlifli ,^-0,-,.^; Weidman claims that A clergyman traveling in the tnonn- repreeente the people of Aitanta, I nmr tprak h8 *^3 ^ ot k00w whether he shot foin 8 oI West Virginia, put up for the “ targe to Georgia. I here been 3® noti aid that if be did it waa ni S ht * ho bouse of a pious old Udy, ud known their fee togs, and 11 pe lf-defeMe and he is sorrv for it-I who never refused to entertain stran- — .1 I tS' t e Buun Wmighthavetiiot bZ Uw baply an angel -fob, he own lather while shooting at him. I ‘J 8111 . “ 8r . J*™ for the people •morg them know that the common TO’.ce of Methodism throughout toe «*t* will wilt welcome you bishop arose and replied Bit HOF X’S TIDE - * ADDl I er u’d with t at Bitoop Pierce wen as fortn here. I WtU requret Bhhop McTytare to re- U rlmetrel that Weidman had Shortly alter hu arrival supper was an- .Ptedto theaddrere ot Judge Jukren. To. | tSSdtiSto th^^ee^ol nnuu^ .nd the oM tady atler a Stevenson ever since the homic:d.', b 1 and it waa evident that he had not tain r,ltl . e the cups and saucers, preparatory J. I out in the woods, which were hunted “^SifhiSdfon thUrot coffee ^t wra . to htasnbeUtoteesdov. Oolqatuwistohta over and overby men armed with I owtandhanding tha “J* have heard with piearure ihe warm worde | 6 hot-guns. Weidman waa engaged to I customary to make the inquiry, and, ^minted, and hta betrothed hIS kep- tbegood dame wvtha gr.ciuue .mifo, hta whereabouts a profound secret. She *!?’ r > waa in the habit of gofog out into the | the hungry remereoi ueorgu I suppoeea, ior VTemman. 13UO ... 1LM- I Sf’ltaJS.'SgeSiUlgS.I* ” I lowed"several times, bnt threw thehbligedif yon will make it to.erably and Alabama mlg OHaasure ol^te ner8 off ,he trail in every instance, , d i^t-b^ran to twist in her jura ago too, 1 cur my ant rate ae a deirg»te eimDtv to Dre- atarching'y around the table. She dip- SRTfii^b caunh to'toe rer^re^ln^^e ventTheir ^verfog Xt^foid^ f*? spoon desterately in the blue Cobb, M Adkioaon, 8 8 Bryant lay: G M rete^-S | was I oudv against thi aides of the empty eooid hive oc-n cone wuhoat my vota. He gave htmyll opto tne sner ■ At laat she summoned courage iff through two fnenda, who now claim .. . f. Tcere could not be a better p, of $1,000 offered for hta ap ,.... no-mi Ul, u. , to tell the truth. With admirable pluck ' ^ iSr the and candor she opened her mouth aud It la stated that me|— ,i .l. W orde that reached the were these: “Stracget, nd In tear* (athered to-day by throe I Stevenson Monday night to prevent I tore. bo^S^^repSt^'w 0 ^: “®b violence, should it be attempted. Methodin the capital which lieslar back in I There was no appearance of aucb, now-1 toe forest* t en occupied by the Indians which I ever, public feeling having very mate-1 He rially calmed down aince the tragedy. day -nd we seo that nothin? I* iapouiSewito I It had also been stated in Weld man's I * THROUGH THE HEART. MroocxJ—Clerical: Wm M Ruth, John D Yiociie Berry H Spencer. Wm W Jones, Wm A Taiwater, Cornell ca 1 Vandcveater. Lay: P P sions. ChaToue, F. Cre Via ths Air" l£e “ jold 1 ]!" I ^ ° °“3T’ *** 7 Rnck#r ’ evesbut- Major WaLaca if oca cf a board of 1 Wzstxxs—Clerical: T C Downs, Jacob Mc- *jren tnxrtee* e ected by toe gm* nl •ftcmblr | £wen. 8 L Ckrpestar. im toe Preabyforian char h, south, to whom I* intrusted th: ca-e ana management «f ihrir. „ „ trust fand* and raai ortit*. He *i*ft* duriotta J Salto. ,ry Barnell Miot and Killed In lakeConnty. ^ . Nashville, May 1.—Information God This great difference ought to le&ch us to I favor that bunn struck him twice with I reached htre yesterday afternoon to dk? wSU not RUttM! -him ha M I * etick, fellitig him to his knees before I the effect that Henry Darnell, sou of --. r . Because he w*» th^nTrtSSf taifoa I he snot at Bunn. It is also claimed I General Darnell, got into an altercation formalist and felt not the rtl gion ol conadcus I that, as Bunn's sou was behind his I with a new-comer in Lake couutv, fln?u^to^2f*^ pcrim< “ U 004 ^ ““ *° 1 father and shot at the same moment I Monday, when the latter pulled out'a I heard one of* oor Tnfwionartr* tell of I that Weidman did, he might have ac-1 revolver and shot him through the the death of an Indian. Hi* last word* were in I cidentally shot his father. The wea- I heart, killiog him instantly. The new- Sd > n!5 t 5S f *^5!pons used by both Weidman and the I comer left, saving that he had been right rwoharo bSareUciulSy wSccmod I younger Bunn were of tbe same make j told the Darnells were desperate char- hue to Gtoraia roll and Georg* hospitality I ana carried balls of the same size. I act ere, and that if he ever got into a Hue are i -*’ c - —■ 1 1 * * - * Dcsvzx—Clerical; David Morton, W M from weat ot tne Mi-»iwl(.pi: I hue to Gtoraia roll and Georg a boap.u liy Hue are men ft ‘ aome whom I aai y MoantilM *11* Walu: there * Padfle era. — __ When I roe *U these I thank God to Georgia that Wet or ever came to Keneral conference Na* met .. may rarer. J££ £^3^. I from*'chamber ■ - <—~r •> half a mile down the roxd, and Ity aboutm yearxgo,. I with tbe content,, cone toting I lrom going to trial, and afterward, and railroad stocks, represent-1 raped to Miesouri. H« ta charged with we Mrept your uoipiuuiy wtta'oxttm*.'. ng over #30,000. ) murder, quarrel with any one of theta he would , either have to kill him or be killed him- A wo.coo Kobb. ry. I w u. Fearing they would lynch him, Bocton, May L—Birglara entered I he concluded to decamp for part* nn- the residence of Ephraim Butler, of I known. It will be remembered that •tilph will tend to ■« GrergtaHU.ud I this rfity, this evening, and took a safe t General Darnell, father of tbe de- “ ' * ron the first flxtr. car- I ceased, defied the court in Lake coun- r». CF Harnv, H C alien ifi I