The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, August 27, 1878, Image 4

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ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. AUGUST 27. 1878. MISERY IN THE MELONS. T**w Fruitful raw* «f Tb«r* it fronbl* in thn Und of th* imbar*p« and nr mother* m» » » ***** Anxious rollntote Th* avtrair* JnveaU* I* fewtin* upon ths Ireli of lb* Und and psylo* IT'S anal penalty of bit rvtiBMs snd rapariiy Notwithstanding tbs warning* of pm* err* •see sod the #lrqo«re.t epltiphe upon ibe abort inm of our eetnrterls* tbe jou’hfnl dtUnttoo will pinttt In tackling *h« nc*KT «*d rscwjc tiacb and i be wished wat-imeioo. Tbs patKton for fruit ti Inborn with tbs young fo b* a d thaely ed monition bMDOtffrt upon tbstr eppatUe In that dlrso- Tbs extmasly hot wsathsr of the past two non tbs has largely Irersnasrt the natural sppe Us for cnoitog fruity Jakes snd the apper farce of the melon crop was balled with an twgerne** that baa never Ufors barn paralelted. Every car-load of the green beutid haastlss baa brer, greet*! with delighted patronage and been de voured with avidity. Of oenrte these melons were not auppoaed to be devoured la so rapacious a way without having a ram mnrmn eavawo*. for arm.e wnfet past the jbywclantof th dty havs had frequent calls to attend upon the hopeful rdons of our rodtty ard have g« uerally found tbosa rafTering adona In tbe emhrita of thol e and mild eboera morbus la nearly every boumholi the malignant melon has ln«tii*4 upon bavin* Us own way awhile and ibe walls of the afflicted have bom pro longed snd vehement. Kacbea are rebellions and me.ona are tieacherooa- The innocent yon'h who gobbles them ap wherever he Coda them clT red cannot txpect to escape aiwaji. They arose in re of bringing allmsii a and re morse as the eon la to bring llsbi and hew. O all the caaesof sickness proceeding from them, while goat hav* axes ratal, yet some bass come Close k» a ghastly consummsUtia. It baa only been by tbs promptest attention and careful using that the city sexton has been saved from an cx Uevsiy busy araaoo. Our cits is generally la a eery healthy coodl- Oca, snd there Is no reason to apprehend any change for the worse daring the seaw.ii. nakss great ne«J«ct of the methods for preserving the public health should sadden: j take the plaOe of that vigilance which la alona the pries of free dom from disease In»prating with one of our leading pbya’ctin* yesterday, be said: the rear tvvavn. ••Why don’tam« of you neasiaprr people warn lbs people against the recXkss fruit r* • And why r* ws asked. "Bccosbo there Is mtd to have their attention called to the danger solved in the indiscriminate eat! of the fruit that is offered for sale In the city.’ ••iro you find much sickness doe to that ••A,very front deal. I have visited i hrec car only this morning and *)« ubi not 1 shall have many more calls before night. ” ••Wast would you rceommsadr* ••In the first place, modsrai ton In the nse fruit l*es«lMs. grspi a and melons are w enough In tlislr way, hot tbeie is a proper way to ute lfirm. Overeating of frail 1* a must b* a- ardooa exploit*’ a aanr or thi dump* ••What nextr* ‘•Well, 1 should say a selection of ripe fruit, I Rally think that two-ibirde fruit offend for sale In oar atroeia 1* unflt for eating pur poet a Where the fruit la wen rlpa Ills often steaming hot a healthy. The people shculd bee* remely cart ful»« select tbs Irish* at an 1 meat matured frail and then not gorge «b« mac. vts npon It." -You do not apprehend any acricus cons quesoisr* "No. The complaints are of Ihs com m. order and give way preroptij to simple Usai- ■mi, but still much irosins sad possibly some deaths might bs avoided by the punple locking well to the con*umption of IruU In thslv fan lieu" We have heard ol several serious esses < ek kuras originating from over-ceting of frui while there u noire in the city with ke*p fiutt cool the caution to buvers and dc- veurvrs la op| oriune. In fact the Vast prevent. Ive of such sickness lies la the me deration wl b which they are saiea. A aauit OAME OK HALL. Ycrierday % fins g»m« of tare hall was played at Hmyrna between the Alerts, of this city, and ibe bmyrnaa, which rsrnlUd In tt defeat of the latter club by aionreof 7 to 1! The game was called at toon, and lasted about two hours. Tbs playing ol each crab was very good, and some of the members made savers sxcsllcat plays. While playing the s« vmlh In ning. Mr. Griffiths,therat<b<rrfibcAiaris.w»a struck In the nx-u'h by a foul h»U and arnravit assn*lea*. Ills frieode picked him upa*id applied restora tives, Which caused him to no ver. The *»ct- deut Mortared a short delay. MrJimLym b took Mr tlnffllhs' place timid'he bat for the rruislmh r of ihs toning After which Mr tirtl • ha resumed his old place, which bs Hik'd b» he cot elusion of the game lie piork ol Mr. GrfBtrs Indevcivirg much praise. Few others would have returned to the responsible pennon of catcher after having suffered sa be did. Mr. Prank Lynch of the Alerts, did some very ff»e paying, aud much praise was heaped up> u him Ills posi tion was that of 1st haw man Ue mrntwniT two new out of a possible twenty-senn, wutch Ut cocalrt. gmi cncpriodsbly good. The Alerts whiu. washed the Hui'rna club seven Innings out of thenlre that were plsytd. Two ol the m«a- hereof our club were unable to goto Smyrna and their positions were Oiled with mUMute* Several of the mcn.Wrsot the Smvroa'S a* quit- Wd themselns admtrab'y and give of hrii g very good player*. The full garre cf nil# tanlnrswire played and the following is the -core cf each nine ; Ah ribrnn, 3 I 1010X3 0-13 Hmyn s....... 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0- ll i* to be hoped that tbs Smyrna* Will. IVSSTO ATLANTA soon and play a return game our people sir fond of hoeing a good game, nd ws bell* ve that should tha Smyrna*come to Ariacia one wi] be played. All that the club nerds la a llttli more practice and they will come oat with 'fly- tu« colon*. Th* gams was play* d on a vt ry good ball ground—mach better than any we have hers. If ihtffmyrca club cannot heat the Ahrta they can boast of having a batter ball grout d than any that ws have in or rear ihs dty. •femrcracr. <•>'»«’> th «J r “T ““P* I d »T. hnt * rrOBt * d »“ d carried to th<*e aeu. do tt relnctantly.” “Why I tha bvraeka. did do*. H.y-a rrr-i»e » Urrer •«« _ R „ gaanel Beoediot, formerly of S“N^Td^'t Siyannah. wae -arrird re^Uy in think Tilden wa* more popolar I Stoningtoo, Good., to Hue Bailie A. than any other leading man the I Grant, danzbter of the late Hugh Fra- demoerate rnlgli*. hare nominated. The Grmn , o( G |, nn . ” A Ltarrne county man eanght a rennbMcan. The denreetion of trade bock b* the home the other day and and labor had a bad effect, too, and tbe I captnred him. The animal weighed remit was that Hayra received a very I one hondred fifteen pounds net. email role r-mprared to Granl’e. Mow- _ Th , tpaee io oor mammoth trade works bsdly in the eontb, eo far an tbe I are backward about coming forward cause ol re:»nb11canf«m ii concerned. I gH] probably be left out in the cool Thera are a few wealthy republicans in 1 September weather, erme eon-hern etate-. and the rnle re- -Xhr.mae.ille doeen’t propoee to nniricar that no federal cfficir snail I , , ,. ... . ?,ke £ prominent part in politics baf h»« »°7 toy hit this year. It will be done much to heeten di«int»*ration of I a fall ftrown txhibitlon—next in ei*». the party. No donht. Hay* meant I pro bably, to that of Atlanta, which will well, but he has mad* s mistake. Ai- I th Mw e»t ever held in the eooth Indintr to the ereenhack and lebortrou-1 „ . _ . . , , . ble* in the *oo>h, Mr. Akerman said I —M.jor Jim Brocks has been e.ected be had no doobt the soul hern people I mrrabal of Forsyth. He is sn old bend vented plenty of greenbacks, bat s I business, and will make a most financial question in a national canvaiw efficieo ,. fficar wot^d be of seconda -y consideration to I ' __n« them. They would labor to keep the I —Tbe Foterth Advertiser says there republican party and th* negro down. I have been sixty-nine men killed since They were willing, however, to have 1 the wgr in j Mper county, and not a limitsd greenback*, and spend them on singIeh|l! , gljp . interne! improvements. I _ Tb# gmllhron seya the-e is now no question as to tbe crops of upper Geor gia. The corn is an average and the cotton ia better than la-t year. —Mrs. Rebecca A. Rogers, wife of Dr. A. C. Roger*, of Forsyth, died on JW OggffSiL. —The handsomest dressing seen at Saratoga for s«aaona baa been among El I Sstorday. Mrs B tfers was the mother year man heretofore. In fact, there are j Q f Mrq. Eogane P. Speer, and waa one noticeably fewer rich toilets seen ioaay I Q j t | l6 mc6fc estimable of ladies, assemblage at any of tha hotels, but I __jjrs. L D. Whitson,a lady of great light materials and br ght colors an. I cuUare and of dec i de d Uterary at- aeen more each season. I . a j nmentB ^ w m 8 horUy begin tbe pnb- sto^botoei^SSSfiltott lication of a weekly paper in Athens have been born since 1869 fifty . ‘ »K- f been a caise of dipihena, croup, cholera infantum iu the community n fifteen years. To an outsider the quet- lion naturally occurs, “what real choice have the girla of this community in their lives? " —Lyons ia rejoicing in plentiful crope I where, of silk and 10 abundant demands fr..m I —Captain J. N. the United Statca and tbe richer conn popni*, condocuira on the Central rail- tries of Europe for tbe manufactured I *. , . . Hanot awnt at article. Manufacturers ait putting up road, has been made depot agent at new looms and re-erg»gingdiacharged I Amencna. How is this 7 we were weavers in order to enter at once npon I under the impresaion,that Americus a period ot active work;^wnd^tbiie^ht | been abolished. —Citizan Smithy Clayton, cf tbe Athena Anti-Washerman, ebonld not Ocmnlgee circuit—preferring this of fice as one more congenial with my tastes and education, and one in which can, in my judgment, render more ~ * T and vain* ble services to the state. In order that your numerous readers may not consider me a candi date for two offices, incompatible in their nature and functions, I Ijez yon insert this in tout next issue. I am, very respectfully, vonr obedient ser vant, Tnos. G Lawson. —Monroe Advertiser: List year there was ship 4 ed from klonx oe county four hnndred thousand pounds cf dried frniL A great deal *s being re ceived cow, but not near so much as belore. Tie business ia not so profita ble to the producer or tbe buyer. About, tbe best price that is paid here ia five cents per pound, and our buyers inform ns that they find slow sale for their ahipmente in the northern mar kets. This is owing to the large ex cess cf last year's crop still unsold in the bands of factors in the northern cities. High prices prod need great ac tivity io the froii drying business and low prices will cause a falling off. On the subject ol fmit we would suggest m farmers aud others haviog sufficient ground to plant orchards, to pay espe cial attention to the raising of eariy fruit. The Amsden perch ripens by tbe tenth of Juoe and sells for fine prices. We believe the first shipment of peaches from Georgia to New York daring the preseat summer solu for more than thirty dollars a bushel, i bis i f course was au isolated case but proves tnat early peaches will bring remunerat ve prices. Peaches brought to market by July 10th will eell readily in Forsyth at one dollar and upwards. Agxid market for this fiuit will be pro- viued in Forsyth forano.her year, and we hope to see great attention paid to orchards of early fruit. —The Covington Star Bays that some I of the Cotton fields in Newton county, which seemed to have been entirely destroyed by tbe May hailstorm, are now as fine cotton sa can t>e found any . oneoftbemoet markets for raw silk in Germany and Italy are feeling the stimuli* of an an nual rise. —Professor John H. Raymond, whe 1 deal too harshly with Colonel Billups died ou Wednesday last, was the organ I because he dressed neatly when he izer of the Polytechnic school in Brook-1 gpo ke at Gainesville. It is a habit the d r ocr.Uccnaidxtofi*.. »d preserve hie tremcry. He died ai 64 should nol overlook theee little loitlee. years of age. His last words were :| — What Tbomaaville lacka in inhabi- How easy—how easy—how easy it i. to glide from oar work in this world u oar work la heaven." — IVol. Stewart ol San Francisco puts f irward tnis theory as to why earth quakes have becuipe rare in that rr gion : “At all seasons ol the year thei. tan's she makes np in the “prolificity ol ihe sand pear. LThe new word entered in the ofiice jf the librarian congress.] —A wLile man named Robert Martin . {ell from the eleamei City ol Bridgeton te vastly more moisture in the air in into the ^ near Savannah, the other the Atlsoiic states than in California I . _ ’ h. _,« „ n <t»r and I firmly believe that oar over- I wae drowned. He was under chargeo owst iff being crnaUntly re I the influence ot liquor. Sieved if its plug electricity by tbi I —A HavAunsh negro attempted iron of the overland railway, and thai I 8ftW a coiorrd brother’s head « ff the California earl fcquakes are n«w appear El.TJKSS.TOST««-» hB — and elec.ricsl storms east of the rockj I inflicted a very severe gash. > mountains” I weapon uh#*U visa large hand Baw. —Tbe Columbus Enquirer is for mountains — From 500 to TJ0 000organic cellu'ei have been collec.«<l by Mr. Miqafl from * xch cubic foot of stmcspber ; < air. These numbers do not include 1L bxeteroid panicles. Notwithstandni* the vast qnantiiv ot organised dm. Splendid Offer For Mm, Won ■d Children - Kend, Brxd, Bi ind Then Work, Work, Work! A FREE LIBRARY. 1 ~*”' !l " CTV * KS - iy for tbe People the Sontb, It Is one of th'e strangest develop- auof Southern chxrairar thit so many of By especial arrangements with thel psopsriusdn ls.!^«w> decrjlng home nan- book*, we are eoxhlsd to make the folio winy unprecedented offer: For t *o fubecriben to Th* Wkxklt Cojrsn- T lit lost at S3 —*K we will send free poet Mid ■ %uj oce of the followinx hooka. Get the nth I xwodacdan* yet thcr* are perp e who, for eoiben; send the money, and Lhocee jour book. U««naa.of tae thtrx. preferto tide la a New The* books sr. hsndsoiaely bouni In com, I Tore crrUc to .n. ot soperlor work .u^blp, and averxee at the book norex SI 50 cents apiece. fcUbll ty ant economy, mode here In A txnU. WtUi we deplore thi* lnridlons mOaence, to The True Church; a poem, by Theo Tilton, 4 to, 1 dbcourtg nx to oor mech nlc , we a:o xUll cer .- t»In of t e ultimate predominance of home “* F,IBlto • bT G 11 D “*■ I ufsets res In tbe nsttsrof Becgic. s.d .Sr. T.o Amancms; Trsrel,. by Sw Ere Piles, 8ro. I rtssre tbe prop's of AtlanU snd Gscrgs bsvs Is Governor Colqmft at Cbaatn Cbeutanaua Assembly Ile/ald. Thursday, August 15th, will be en tered upon the calendar of great days at CiiAUtangua. A light laiu in the moraing put the grounds in the finest order. A great crowd of people was in attendance. The reception given to Governor Colquitt, of Georga, was an ovauon worthy of the prince of a man that he is; and the lecture of Mr. Joseph Cook will take rank with the very b *.dt he has ever deiivejed at this place. AU the people npon the grounds, old and young, middle aged and children, seemed to find that everything*ahont them was inspiring and er joy able. Yes terday was more of those days wLich will be somewhat isolated from its pie^ dececsora tnd from those that are t< follow, by ihu deep and agreeable im press ona it has made npon the minue of tbonaandi of people. Governor Col qniit and his family will remember it a« long as memory remains to them, x'ney will carry to the sunny south tbe impression that the cold north is not ii capable of warmth and enthusiasm; and we. shall not forger, so long . 8 his honest lace and noble, manly torm ore imprinted npon oar recollection Thai in the fiery cuxrent of southern b o >d there is a so the steady,atuidy elen.out of Homan firmneasandeudutat cr. The woida of wisdom he nttered, the humble Chris ian spirit he mani fested, wil long linger among tbe people of Chautauqua, and be carried io many households in nearly all the noi.hern slates. The labors of a con gress mpy fail to do tLe country tbe good tb»t was accomplished by Gov The ^ quin’s reception at Chautauqua yeet rday. The illumination of the re net. ret nlrehf Sn *Lkk liiMlAvn AT*. :tunica *sd that of tbe mechanics In tht Nona and Ka t. Sren aft-r «ha fac-aar^ waU known and tbe ba aace 1 a l la favor ot homi Relief for the Afflicted Dr. M. W. CASE’S Liver Remedy BLOOD PURIFIER Tonic and Cordial. This is not a patent medicine, bat is prepared under the direction of Dr. M. w. Case, Rom bit MARIETTA EMALE COLLEGE, PHILOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, Scientiflcand Commercial, (Ncm-teetarum.) (Chartered 1869.) Starlet ta. Go. he hasfi liver t „ . . 1, l*m3, by Mary Lenox I the factori of Mr. A. T. FI ney t Breda-lay. JhtoUrekf °< Prerec. ad Trt l C lMlniiowlreUit«iorinrt,!«.ri|[« En.lsu '•# Anti, hoa. (t rerirrof EngUih Poetly) I <“ Ure .irerch of lb« KU.Ult M ttUMuld. _ | skill of balldiag to to* Nor hem prodnee oi< al wava he had. Mr. Finney has fought hi* wa} lhno * I aeminst heavy odd*, b t cow bolds a poeltlm Koine, toliliral, religion* and sodal, C | the Carriage m nafactuiig trad a tb-.t M Haller, ] Mopkiutcum Ugeudr, sketchtsand stories, 12mo. * ~ *,by.Aa..i LMaea«g-i xt Chrutlans of Prance bjr i Guizot, I2mo. He knaws, a* all do wbo have examinee the facts, that Georgia carnage w <nd» are th beet in ia r ca. Be u-ea oul. tbe beat mau- ariltelU^VoXBttUi, D D,^.. I .mptor. til. molt .XiUt-d workmin iixoT 1 ’ ’ ^ ^ | HI* prices cannot ba competed with, and the constant favor with which b a work 10 ma tiog 1 Wife’s Metseng r; a novel ltmo Tiber and Tname*. h ir s—oclition pact and pre-eLt, 8vo. II a-uaicd. Her Majesty, the Quxn a novel, from tb» Gtiman. UJUcnma. Comm eaiunerln ^arope, 1874-78. Funny PoU^Oa. 1 ^*; a novel, by Geo Yatlott. Th lr of Hairewkrda; 1 ov-1,8vo. Helen Erskine; a novel, b„- Mra M H Botlnron, I , ISmo I pjema, by Fbbaltus.JSmo 0 Wild ; anov.l, by Mia j Ma. ary as araace that hts trtam: h over N >rthc; compel tt on is close at ha A The oat hen novsl. J E*;en Cooke. I people and the press particularly should au pon I such men as Mr, Finney la tie work of ja’^Ioti- 1 Madcod, Dp. . | jj r njjing 3authem mtnofscturea to the front In every essential respect. Henry 1 oort and, 4 novel, by A J Cline, 1 Honey nod Gau; p.emi, by Fbfcaltua.11 irollna: 1 JL BOMA.HX1C STOBX. Kelarn of as Hmband After 15 Tear* to Fluff HU Wife Unrrlt ff. Oswego, August 13. —This place has a very romantic but entirely true story, hich is t ie general topic of converea- tion. In 1863 a man named Arthur Freeth a rboeperlty, lj Mra JS Oioaaland. :ancviL1imo 0’Coni. or ktfp. a hotel known as the p.pir* fmm oVcriJo*- Hrew kev p A ijLuie; I otto Hill hooee, three mitee north of Pumdk ; ; a more., bj kg Licton '| Oswego. He was arrested in that year, tried snd convicted (or passing counter- dotted, ujx, - - 1 feit money and waa sentenced to two bun-bi.e ia murndj Place,;. non), bj Edith Mil* I years in the Anburn state prison. He UmK r’’ Luck and Key; s novel, by T M Speight wto married, and hsd two children, rim 1 firm r ^ 3 never returned home aud hts wife, be lara Vaughan;a tovet, by & D B.sckm«rc, l2mo I lieving him dead, was married in Tha i*mr t3r ‘ l ‘ rununce * bJ Heurjr Kin * fc * 3r ' to a shoemaker named Hermann IheLamlof Narla*; a novel, by Mra Ollphant. I Berry. A day or *iWO 8gj O’Cjn faaudbooa of Feriunua, u.dr use prep-rauun, | ner made his sppeaiance practice most effective in all impure blood. It la ANTI-BlIilOTIS. It acts directly npon the liver, restoring It when dheaMd to iu normal condition; and in dating the activity of th * r organ of the system ia ascs it has no equal as » punuci.. , ea digestion, and assists nature to eliminate all impurities from the system; and while it ia the cheapest medicine in the market, it ia also superior to all known remedies. While it ii more effectual than Blue Mass, it Is mild and perfectly safe, containingmothing that can in the lightest degree injure the system. It does not iicken or give pain; neither does it weaken the patient, nor leave the system constipated, as do most other medicines. Liver Complaint, Dya- pepsin, Billons Fever, IraAuchr, Sick Headache, Water-Braah, ■" rartbnra, Sick Stomach, Jaundice, lie,Vertigo. Neuralgia, Palpitation ol' e Heart, Kemale lrrc — J Weakness, all Skin and 1 Worms, Fever und Ague, tion of the Bowels. In small dose* it is also a sure Chronic Diarrhoea. Taken two or three times a day, tt pro mts Yellow Fever, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Cholera, and Small-Pox. HOW TO BE g£23£ssri£3 YOUR OWN I * url ««?* a pleasant * wnnrrnS Tonic and CurdlaL DOCTOR ANTI-BILIOUS. And save your doctor bills. Only 25 cts. a bottle. It is the most effective and valuable medicine ever offered to the American people. As tr* as its merits become known. Its use becom - • No family w e tested its gre value. It has proved an inestimable blessing thousands who have used it, bringing back health and strength to those who And Professor yodern Languages *nd Belles Lennr, aid- d t y lemretent Assistants. f HE FIR81 TERM OF THE TENTH I 1 Scho’ss le year will beg*n San Sir nun. I 187». OBjior: To qaal'fy »«t pro*esioos]| * ndles.or to t repare forthe prartlcal purtulUo* | ife; thus brlr elm- pnrh* *n»o close relations with be splr tof lloJLm Utilization. 1 Latin and Greek are optional, I French. Spanish, I ^ tpo'*a. the b*«. ednevtd Oi Ea:o e • TF tarU.ta la rcpreaectea. Tie Music ’Department Embracing Voice Culture, Piano, Orgalc, Vto’fn, 1 Oorptti Guitar ard L'arp, rffers the Invs.luabl- advantages cl trutmXe practice, sn lndaermrot which retulir Lo- ».■rvatories of mn»lc regard as‘ a mat auxiliary in the ponult of mnsteal 1 anow'tdge. Thu department 1« In charge of that des^vediy popular Inst roc or PfioF. WM CL> BK, late ef Atlanta. For Circular, vcntammg lull informatiouan to I e *aaa* an; inner life of th* College, address I TTreiceot, 1 181 augll^dtt aagll W V> sepl Awky4w at death’s door. Prepared at the Laboratory of Homo Medicine Co., Philadelphia, Pa* Price per Bottle, 25c. Extra Large Size, 75c. . . . made his — Hui(ibj<Ao?Tolictia Ancient*nd ModereTlmre Oowego. Berry, his wile’s second has- liino I band, was absent from home. O Con- A c- mpanion to the 0!d Testament, a Com | uor obtained an interview wuh the .1S3«t a ^c«.Ke'a?Sno. wife. Site »ccomp»nied him lo Hor- Uo tbe Lord’a Supper; a preparation foe com 1 nellsvilie, where one of his children, 1 muniou, by i Lomas a iisoa, D d I daughter, who had grown np and mar- SS.'iffid Si Mto Thle 217““ ned during his alMence, lives. Berry, Aiide; A ttonoince ot utkiAe-. LUe. gmm. La. I coming home and finding out the sitaa- utiu,i2aio .... I tion, went to HoraeUsville. He lonad N h7lKv??'iw (. t.vreti.11 his wile, and ssked her whether she VtJb.’<« ^ ’ 1 11 would go hack with him or intended to Erilug, tht Bjid, by Baker 8 w, (a juvenile) globe I go with O’Connor. She decided to ie» Fin^ B.fcr s w, (.JnrenU.) *tob. ed. “ O.wego with Berry. OConno. BiancbeSeymooi; a novel, tro. I left on the next tram, taking with him Breaking a Botietffy; a novel, by Geo Lawrence, I htS son, a young man aged seventeen UcriSTEok; oa «.« »ad reddiee. bit. utd bit- “ W> iB S «? 8 ’ Qt . h America. ing. FD^-yer, i2i..o. I He says that aiter being releai^d from Edith’s U atakc; a covtl, by Jennie Woodviile, I Auburn prison he went to St. Lonis. Aund^oi QiadUbet, by Dai J B Eetmedr- ^ ere *^g 0, b a “ k >V ork, play and ProfU, Gardening lor Young I They robjed an IUUIOIS bank of $240,- Folk* AMHjic liow. I 000. O’Oonnoi’s share of the epoi a wae ^ 000 With this he fled to Cabs. He Fair PuriUii; a lovel, by Frsnk kocreffer, lima I WSS followed, arrested, brought back '* * " “ 1 aud santenced to ten years in Joliet ha secreted in Cuba. Oa bis teleaee in 1876 be went A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ■nsmncvcngfq A Guide te Wed?5ck a g j| ^ FA W a IomS 0 ***”}** 1 °J j t* of Beprouuctlon and Disease* or Women Aoek for p-tr*t». consid-1 [ertsdieg. Ml pages, prim 1. BggkftHSBgKyM. Abuse. Xxoessos. or Secret Disease*, with tbs but organ : zdd democrat in ibe fourth dis irict, bat advocates Felton icjthe 9 The Lsster men will learn with pain that such are the facts of the case The thus fount 10exist in tbe atmosphere I e 4 ao i rer «too good a paper o fire al Mr. M qnul believes that be can find 1 . - r t . n.uch moth in . given amoant ol .it) '* .t.fl.tentiallty [.he MWWritl en- the use of improved apparatus. The I tered, etc.] into a strsige district nunqber of these organisms is email in winter, augments in spring, is stations' ry m tnmnur and <Ucreased in au tumn. — Ia 1876 there were 5,588 women sent to tue Westminster 1 risen 1o» (Irnnkenness, an tncieare of 7f8 1875. Homo of the prisoners Dad beer. —A on -armed negro in Augusta named Theodore Johnson, saved a boy from drownit g iheiOlher ffay, makirg the fourth he nos saved. He is an ex pert swimmer, altogether leaflets, and deserves a medal. Henry Richardson, of Th* Coneti eunvicteti 100 times. Snort sentence* I TDT ion stsff, will report the fourth d.s- w.oi conveiiiion. Whii. in Oiianibn. opened a* B*d:ont,where tin e aud pro-1 ha will fralern’ZJ largely with Goetchius per treatment may itsnre a cuie ci. I and tbe other chobby-yobbiea. They the principle sufficient time should I should deal tenderly with Henry. He is a mere youth. A negro woman is on trial in Macon for murdering her b tby. Tnis goes to snow that tbe colored people have no rights in Georgia. They are not al lowed to murder their own cbi:dren. When will this oppression cease? — It is carious that the weather has be given to enable itie nerves to recov er a healthy tone, and to supply reli gions aud moral ii flaei ce acd con stant nit-dical supervision. Laundry men fjrm the xiittjoriiy of habilm i | itr ksids and Ihuitfore the pn p «eet- home will have a Urge aud efficient laundry. An opiniou of interest to Method isls has been rendered bv Gbancelloi 8au!»bury, ol Ddlasare. J B QuigtrA I no effect on the bowling-alleys. Tbe slockbu dor i.« tt-e Rehoboth Bead I ___ „ K .k th« licnip .Vceliioi m icimiion, »pfii. d Io. mBn wh ' “* ,nK th ®. '* r a writ oi u janciion to restrain the pro I »P lre i * a ‘' llj8 operation gets np lo the prietor of Uie Bright hous at tha' I fretzii g point when the losirg man place firm psrmitiir g dancing, cure I walks out wiih his coat on his aim and playing end riher amu.eo.enie 'o take cMk CD hi „ D0M> re[u3WI t0 settle. p.*co in the house, on ihe ground that | , * , .he same was contrary to morality a*. I Tbe whole game is cool, taught by the discipline of the I —Mr. J. U. Wsde, of flannony Meilu dist E pifeopai church, ano I Grove, who was engaged in cleaning a viola:ioo ol the charter oj weI1 finding , hat be wag .boat to be the place. Ihe chancellor declared I emphatically that dancing was in viola I npon thote at tion of the due pline of the Metro list the top to draw him np. This they Ep.scopal church, and that argutnew | proceeded to d*\ but when half way up, the contrary would be useless. O.. that ground alone be was prepared t< usue ibe desired it j iuction,b it ua iht quostiou of juriedii .ton was raised, h« leterved hit. decision. A litile.srene recently to. k place the rrpe hr. ke and Mr. Wade was precipitated to the bottom. He was finally rescued by Mr. Vaughn, hi brother in-law. —A riot between two colored Cf ra in the bouse of lords diuirg a dircus pan es occurred iu Savannah last Mon- £5 ;'f r - ^““ h 1—Y-n*! th. . h. p t uii.r u “K.rl Brecon.ficH," th. bln ® ,,bt,on ,bls «>aoon. More .firay., En. of Redesdue (wuo occupied tbe I bemcidrs,robberies, cutting scrapes, woolsack) thereupon called tue nubl« I ssesalte, attempts at rape, and knock- - «n<i not to-the E*rl tt B " I cnrred ln th,t clt I dtt ‘ ID * P“‘ Bin lir.uvi l 10 can him by hu litle, u 1 have done, when he is not in the hooee. The B.r. o( 0 - It is anial to allude ,0 e peer as “the n. ble lord,” or “the noble earl." Eirllimnvilla Itraynotbav. three months than in ail the other cities of th. state combined. Give the Forest City room. —Rev. D.-. J. L Lyons hss shown the editor o( the Athers Watchman jausjji’i mr.<a Nsw York, Ang. IS — Amos T. Ak eruiHo, ol Georgia, snorrey general ol thr United tiiau* during (wrt oi Grant’, firs, teim, is at the F Lb avenne hotel Air. ASeunaniean original npcb'.i. can, und, with th. exception ol Mr Kt y, poa-maa er genera), ia thi only southern man wbo haa held a t lace in the caoicet eirce Buchajan He ia at present reVdirg iu Oarleruvi le, Ga, jrre cx, law. A rei<orter had a leugthy inieivicw wiih lorn to day on matten ol grtirrai Irtrrtai. “How about ihit iid. perdrm mrvimint in ihe tenth ?' “In U.oigia it tmouuis to {rrc-.ica.lj nolhirg. Ii may he diflarem in tom. other sonihern ttatea. Tbe repahiirai. party in Gecrgia haa mode not Sort, to do anything lor acme ; there iea gieai deal olrouieuiionex .ting rmen, the d. mi crate, and tern, oilleiu pro le.a inilepecdecce, bat irdeyendence ir clit'fly rot fined to the democratic par v O.erardida'e stritra 10 pron that he ie a belter democrat than hu opponent. That ia abou alt" "But ian’ttherea movement il North Carolina and Tenneeeee, if no' in other atatea, by which a roaiilicn ol h eienendenls acd rffnbiicans may work to tbe advantage el the republi can part; f ‘The demrera-s are rl wayv wiliutg to accept all the rernbli can votes they ran get, bnt they warn a.I .1 e rffices. I don't ihit k'he inde pendent movement in the routb wi 1 emorntto much until tier 1SS0any way, and then it depends on elrcttot e yerr" "Then the south s sun solid T” “Yes, for ti . time being ; si any tate, tbe only way the n pub- .leant ran gain a foothc.d there ia to thorcnghly organise and not form s coalition with tha d< tnccrw cy. The republicans can baid y make a s-rot g > ffort to do so nntil s ter the pter-drciial fltclton. h.ree ]M» the ret nb‘cans lost and won rg».n el re lit nj in two southern states Ail are row nno«r democratic control. Had Hayes received anything liks the vote that General Grant did, 1 hrve no deobt hot what a revoimtot. in politics wood have ‘ceurred in the a. nth. Tht democracy bays virtually inducted the laat tore. amendments to the constitution, and in the 8. Lou a platform they express gra’ 6 ca .on that r* evasion waa defeated. O. cocrte this waa dot e lor <fleet. .x,k any d. mecrat to-day why he is, at a t e wid say, nine cates cut ol -en, that the irssou lor tying one is batad on the It ct that he did net believe in the re al! the experience of ute noble earl, two vmVurcient coins-one a Grecian the chairman of committees, bat I have piece®da daring the administration c( Alexander the Grext, and the other tbs ucble earl by bis title, as I b*ive. * Reman co n mads dunrgthe ro:gn of when be is not in ins hou--e. Ttie Eaxj I Antoninas Caspar. I: may be well to of Redeedaio- Bat not to be repraaog observe here that neither Alex. theG., iu cmtI Granville nltimately otierec . . « . . .. . * to new being made, and this iittlt • oor Antoninus C. was in favor of mde- collcquy come to sn end. • ifj rn* ot otto 1 a . pendent candidates, and both wore clean tunica. —Thoms*vil’e Times: Complaints, leud ana deep,are being heard on every band cb >at the coiton crop. Two weeks ■ nee the proopec: was never beuer; aow, it is 8&>d, the crop is failing sn J — Angara is disinfcciiug with cop peras. —According to the Srar Covington I failing feat. The exce stve and continu needs a publrc steam laundrv. ous rairs are doing the miaebief. There .. . . . . . I is no doubt about the crop being aeri- —Macon haa burglars wbo rob etorea I ously u jured, and it the rains continue and tl en aitempi to burn them. I i*. will L*e mill farther injured, though — A Serial Circle man baa several I we *f® inclined to think that the d«m- young alnword trees iu bearing. I ia fft'mewbat magnified. For in- " . I eunce, an intelligent farmer to.d ua the — tmcxatj is a new Georgia werd I other day that the crep w-»s cut off A Felton man owns tbe copyright. I nearly half. We do not think ilia near —Tbe revenue officers are very »c I l!*®* ^4; iff* however, badly hurt • Iliirrare, Bul » w,,h Notable weatb*r, the crop t ve in Gilmer county. wih Tet oul we|K ^ -Turn up your Und .r.d d, posit —Bom* C.nritr: Oa (he Sundny thereto the materia'for your turmro. after P..rsou Friu n ^peke at Crdai^ — Mr. E l ward McCabe, an old citis*n I town ne tcok a bn^gy in B maat 4 of 8r vanaah, is I o’clock p m. for his nome near Carters- _\|- T i/>maa * —«re. I * h * D »U the neighbor- -Mr. Toomos rhrtrntcn.a venereble hood of j. c Eve » t h? ,. 0|>p , d * | ront c t sen < i Stewart C’uatv, is dt«d. ol the res det.eeof Rev Perry Jackson, —Rev. W. B. B-ncett haa removed * colored preacher, n : ralle.1 h m on from Thoms-vilie te Q ,it»». — Later spoke at Rock mart recentiv. bef. re, and I expect you to do your The boys have all closed up. | hr me :n ibis rece,” e»c. Perry *r.A ,u M re Krareriwwwi I *5* ihe ds'ctor hung ms bead ai d did two and three hundred uot look hlm in lhe , bu . r«ipt* in Gilmer have profess I aetm.d to be aabrmedcf what h, wat ed religion during ibe post month. I doing. It will be remembered ’ha’ Dr —John West, s colored “h.-w- dec" * “ rmc “ ^ . . ... , ,| atornicg at U-ive bpriDZ, ai.d tmmrdt doctor ol Macod, hxs besn commtued Mr r „ lur h „ t ,„ mcD ’ took , w0 of bl , Io jiil lor murdering sn iuhut. pnminent ruppottera. one white sor — Anegroboy pirked s ’sdy’s pocke’ I he other s colored preacher, r ff to out ia Griffio Itutt Mondsv, but was arrested brd a P <v.te conaulurtio. - These sre tc s, SuU comment ia none and is now in j db —Bil?ap« maka« votes every lime he makes a s. etch, and to does S.>eer- for B Hap% ■ Colonel Thomas G. Lawson, .. Edontou, wr.’es •« follow^ to the Wai ton C ounty YidtUr: Some one hot N-ton cunty rre building . new I H^d:o church. die for congress in thi. diatr e-. I cir - Sundsy afternoon, Heny FcG nty, hul experte: ce the livelieet grai fio- o( Athena, aged fourteen, was sudden- t *°° vt l T comp .mentsry tally drowned near Athena *?. *“ P '° y U --a . . . I snootuM irg my n-mi in this cod nee- •The Irct that Doit J. \ 1 te, ot th. I tion, and I,ri’pfo nntgc'xe and rp Co’umbna Enquirer, i. in favor of Fit- preciate your g od < pintiu ■: ton rugh to be a warning to ail tilde. I Piraeed. Bn- 1 Mg to ^.-ure yru that . p. ndent po iticiana. am udt a cat didate ior congnaewn., r I T 11.1. , I honor*. As te generally kncwo.I shall , — A T.llabaasee .man holdly Mrawe j be asmrdidat* b- fore the next general c JUtinrticn acts. Vo* the toothem h s huggp info Fartjih Back tbe <ft>gtr are'Jubqy isr the cSm ol tidfe M tiw U eit La iy; a uovei, from lhe German, 8ro. , _ MV . Ijarr .,, w L fc of Geo B MiClellau, ojGeo aUitilaxd, 12tna I nr : mn xfi« trexanra • otm Toompeuo; a uor*.. prison. Hts treasure Jo.lia. Dindioo, Oocmamlat, ltmo. ‘ ‘ - AALaaot Qmoticet,bj 11. n J F Ketnedy. Lao> Bet ; a ik vel, 12m .oat Day* of a iUuk; a novel 12mo* Tbe • aavi find inter. b> JL0114 A Burl. 12m 1 Marie Berviile; a novel. Jrom tuu Freucu 12mo. Mart 1. Be; a uovei. by Carl Uc te». 8vo. N w Gjdiva; anovel. n> s II-pc, 12ma. Oiu Lieccau Daj*; Hiuddu F*ary Sxjriet, byM Fere. Dun*. directly oack to Cuba and recovered his spoils. With it he went to Brtzii, where, he says, he has acquired wealth aud position. He came to this country after hts family. He had in his poises' riou $26,000 in cash, $10 000 of which, it is feaiu, no gave bis who. 0 nds at night in the governor 1 nonur, fitly followed the fleet and tbe fire-woi ks the previous night. The ci»mp put on a beautiful and splendid appearance. It was meet that tbe world without should correspond with the gladness and the noble pi poses winch pervaded the hearts of tbe eople. 111B VBA. VTAVQUA. ASH y MULT. Dlftrennc p-pi nu Brand* tiprcini di vpetch to Tbe Constitution. Faibpoint, N. Y., August 20.—Gov. Co?qaltr, f t Georgia, wbo ia to leave for bone thi* morning, wa* CALLED UPON LAST SIGHT (or a farewell ad«trrm and apoku with great feel ing, e’oqurnoe and purer, urging that Chrf* ian of tbe norh and *ou»h ebould. MX XT K«CH 671IE K FACE TO FACE and Join hand* iu their efforts to bring pi rm»- police snd good will to tbe country. In dwiug he invited all present IT OEOBGIA. in which *'ate ibej would receive a glad and hearty we'come. Toe governor* run irk* were receive*! «ltn repealed and hearty dxmountre- lionsvf applaaao. t'omr|G ilenee New York lUnhL FAixiois T , N. Y., Aueuat 15, ’sW. Another miLuenbe audience ti ling ia benche-t in the auditorium aud t *e surronudiug space, greeted J sepb Cook at 11 o’clock this morning His subject was ’Saved S.u's Under Namral Law,” an entirely new Let are. Upon th^ platform were Governor Cj quitt, of Georgia, who was applau ded ueariily as he mrdc his appearance, and who was accompanied bv his wife child en ; ex Governor George W. Palters j, of VVestdrid, N. Y ; Rev. J >hn Laid, of New York, R. v. C. E. F lion, D I), of Pi tt-burg; Rsv. Ur. Warren, ol Philadelphia, Bishop Fos ter and other distinguished gentle men. MR. COCK'S ADD HEPS. Mr. C x»k was introduced bv Rev. J. H. Vu-ceut, D. D., ol X«jw Yoik, and was greeted wit., great Jemi-nstration? of applause. In the course cf his re marks ho said : Physicians begin to tell us that we must act reverently in the preosrcsof the visions of dying men. Dr. Clark of B ston,in his new book says -*ie dying e- metimea see into the of her world, aud Dr O.iver Wen fell Ho’mes confirms this turn his personal obser vations. In one case, three urinates after u certain woman’s breath ceased a lookef surprised jyy came upon her countenance. Th a woman s brain was sound. It was 1 nly her hear* that was Whai did that woman see ? What does the scientific meihod say that she saw? Dr. Clark and Dr. Holmes say that this can not to be explained as coming from any ptivs’cai source. After five years « f hiolcg col srody the speaker was con vinced by the scientific method that *s we have begun to a cl aud to weave we shall continue to act and to w^ave for ever. The soul clothes itseli htre, and it will be c othed, and Gjd will clotbe it in that future world. God mikes no mistakes. He disappoints no longii gy. He will satisfy oar longings for tbe g od and the jast and fc>r the beautiful toi- ever. \ 4 riliam Callcn Bryant, who h-e just gone into :he nnaeen holy, argued from the migrating instinct cf the birds that there was s south to match it. BXCIFnOM TO GOVKRKOB COI QUlTT. A. two o’clock tins atternoci. a grand public reception was given to Gdneral A. H C lquitt, governor ol Georgia and president of the late in* ternaiiona; Sunday renool convention ha d at Atlanta lost apring. Tue exer ctava were conducted by Dr. Viccenl, of New York, supetinteLuem of iu su action ia the assembly, wbo said that he welcomed the distinguished guest as a man, a fellow citizen, a Cbrisoan worker aud a friend to the Sabbath school ci*nse—a man who, from the ex cellence of his charac er, was popular with both poii.ical parties intis own state. George W Patterson, present mem her of congress from ttie Cti*uUuqia an J CattarAugUs district, welcomed ttie governor in beha?f of the country, all portions of wh en were here represented, ard tbe R=v. Randolph 8. F.ster,oneo the bishop, of tbe Methodist Ep scrpal cburch, men made an address of w el- come in beha f of the Cariatian people cf the country. Governor Co quit then responded at length, expressing bis t harks to the gen tl* man who bod spoken and to tbe «adiei ce for the gen eroas reception given to him, not as a politician, not even os the governor of a great state, but as a Cariatian man and fehow-worker in the cause 11 Chris’. The gov ernor sa u that it nrd been stated that be was a minister. He had revet been so honored. He hsd never b -en authors>d ss an exhorter, but wts a .ftvira.-, pressing hts way toward the better land,mi epreadirg h:s sails to cs’ch all wiuds which would haren aim thither. Tne governor's rents'ks were received with great enthusiasm. KE CM X OF AIUM-VI At ks! pat. eeven f in. me annual re-union 01 the Cbautacqoa alumni was tieid. Addresses were m«de by Dr Vui- cent. Dr. Ge rge A Pud’*, ttie joew president, and others, after which there wax a X'enerai i.iumination of the tnmmdt.s'iitefM. nwanm Aj. Col. Tiiornton and Wnlt*l»w Reid. To tbe Elitorof tbe Tribune- Sir: lnaamuch xs you wue ao very kind aatopui.Uto my private , note, wriuen to you individual.'y. wnerein I re- uii;omery,12mo I queated tbe name o! the author of a letter from a uovcL ltmo. I iota cliy lo the Tribune abcut independents In The Ca tie Piagu-, by H Ujurgingaon, M D. it* I Georgia, and published on the 3d. I respectfully hi*t ry, o uln and treatment, ltmo. I request tbat Ton publish this in your p-per. Tne author of that letter i« a ilar and a vl:Din. Com per * . oedcai Worb/Bmi. Han .Duok of A*e .Icine; Tha l'reecriber and Dio* The 4 t’oruer Cupboard—A Book for tbe House- b 4d, ltmo. lieu-cwife's Domestic Science—A Book for tbe Uou euolu, 12mo. Respectfully, M. E. Thoxnton Atlanta. Go., Aug IX1878 P 8—The above lltile Tr*ertUm appeared ii The AtlamtaCoottitutios several days ago If roar author, who suie* that I have no tend tng in tbe community, la re^ponii e, let tim 1 otse , 10 the front Or, will yon hold you self re . _ Geo I spontiblfe? Respectfully, M. fi T. B«ue. U u l [Certainly, Tuornton. On thi ^iJr'^a rmo. K "“V?, of yofir correapondepce we «»ul h, T'lxare-Bad, F.lry Story,lOmo I cheerfully inume the “responsibility, old coudwbb; . dj k Unfa. I You are not “lhe butt of the town,” aa K umo° MUl1110 “I Wom«B, I .pat reckless correspondent called yon. Tie. a, Puuiti and FIuwcib; now rtey *row, etc, I You ere merely the blue ribbon donkey i>y Wo Buly, ltmo I ..f the empire state of the runny south, Ei - N «- York Tribune.] ton, 12mo Wiltreu C’l.mbermede; a novel, by Geo Macdon- 1 Pat Up or Mbai Up A Text'Uook^of Freemasonry, lGmo. J ^ ew York GiapbliL Key to Ghorcu Bietory, by J ffeury Blount, D D, I The attention of James Gordon Ben- .r 169 ^ , . . „ ... . I nett is respectfully invited to the fact ibS^ol BraSl b *■ U 1 * 1 » tool of • very malign ant type has Baker Let er* truasuith amcB,8ru. I iiiyxded the columns of ihe Herald. In ueBince; b pjcu, uy boa R »eu ,,oel. I* leading editorial Ibis morning he »1- c -"C“ of Urici “ am - lades twice to the silver dollar ol did] qiiet kites Godolpbts; aa.rel, by rath Oarrett, I grains as being “worth only 68 cents." . '“S'- - I -<ow, we believe this Bilver do .ar to be lUa’li. 1 MtbiSlubY" Rtdlcai, * or, h 100 cent*. To teat th* question, ay r . BKucmn ' • which is right, wo will pay 99 cents for all the silver dollars Mr. Bjnnett will deliver at the office of the Graphic. Il they are worth only 88 cents, Mr. Ben nett will make 11 ceuis on every d nlai or, $11 on every $1C0; or, SllOOOOoii novel, P-'per.*Rtp “ IVuiiiv*’* Farce u>d Nature; t of tbe XoUowlDg I ev ^ r j million. Mr. B mnett could el- feet the transfer of this last emouut To tbe person aendiug us four subscribers and |8 in mo^ey we will KEd bocks: DUrv of a Rebel War Clrrk. J W Jones, 2 vols, Li§ut of tbe World; potmi and bymns. Ulna J itable week’s work. Let him either haul off his financial fool, or else ac cept our offer; cither put up or shut up! Ou» Im a of Practice of Medicine, by Wm All Iron, MD, 8vj. Ai uu a Pointed by t brnse vea,from the French, profusely ite* rated. 8vo Volcano.*an i R.rthqu> k a, ' Real Independence. Gainesville North Georgian. In referring to Speer’s being an inde pendent, CoL Billups wanted to know of what waa he independent ? If he Rouen Ains'cigh, a luTvel, by M fi Brsddos, f I wa8 independent of tne time-honored Sktredlua’a Complete Work*, 8vo, with portrait, principles snd custom of the'democrecy, ou *.eeL I ’hen he thanked his Maker he wa* not Amazon and Madeira Rivers, Keltir, 8ro, 11 u* I ao t for it only argued that he was ab- OirSfi’llM* hliioiyaml (teBCTlptioriBot thol'en- I jrClly lie pen den l OU the ladlcils. SUli ? ° - 1 ilisorgznizjre; but if he meant that he waa independent of rings, cliques, pledges aud promises, theu no min, not even Mr. Speer, waa more t.ide- lendentthan he,because he had neve^ iy implication or intimation asked any MlddleuLircb; a m vet by Geo fiillott. 2 vols. new. BAILIE EBJTOKi If In Fnuerat Tetbrdxy Nashville, August 20. - A special to w ^ the An. trie n^ays that the funeral ol I man to vote for his nc mi nation, or the Hon. Bri*ie Peyton recurred at his I made any promise about it one way or late leaidei''* 3} miles south of Gallo- another. tin, on the Na iville pike. His fatal sickness be »n on Tuesday lost in Gal I * se^mor Goxdoi latin, when e waa eeized with some- Augusta Chronicle, thieg like vertigo end fell. He wm . General Gordon will get instead oi con. eyed h. me and had another attack ono hundred and seventeen, I wo hun- oi like nature on Wednesday. On 8at d re j an d nineteen votes, the whole urdsiy bi* condition growing gradnally Dnm ber in the general assembly. In worse, Dr. Wm. Nichol, cf Nashville, ot h er words,he will not have any oppo- was dispatched for, but human skill guion. Even if he should have,he will could prove of no avail, I nndontaedly be re-eitcud. Hia con. the old etatmmah dtixo I atitnents are pleased with ms coarse in at a few minutes past 3 o’c ock Sunday lbe *>»*«• »“d ieel that hU presence in the seventy-fif:h year of hU r ge. A? to the exact nature of his disease, hit and secUon. They will commend his physicians disagree. .His many virtues | brought to his funev •rought to his funeral a large concourse of friends acd relatives, whose grave ^ ™ ccnntenarces and weenire eves be democracy Cor vice president. ccnntenarces and weepirg eyes be tokened their love for the u« ceased and sorrow 1 at his taking off Tne m rily rhort notice of bis burial prevented any rivic or military display, which was desired by many, on the occasion of his f .mend The rimple ceremonies Thornton*m Weak Point. Sparta Time* and P.octcr. Col. Marce’.loa E. Thoraton, tbe great original independent, is rgrin a candi r date for congress in the fi .ti. Thecolo- were^tionducted by R?va. Birdett and I nel haa a master mind; also a powerful Ferretl, of the Method st, and Arbuth- I stomach. He ate thirty quails in thirty not, of tbe Presbyterian church. After I days, and if he was elec ed to congress all, it eeemed very appropriate to per- I we believe he could doit ?gun, and in form there sad rites I elude the feathera. Buti: won’t do for is the h.~mb if his ASCE3TOE9 I tbe colonel togoto Washington. First with hts neigubora and friends cf his I thing you know, be will be trying to youth ga bered in groups under the I down the American eagle, pleasant shades of tne front lawn, the I — Dnmber being much too large to be con- Tfce mtienDlnm or loll vised I* tained in the residence. His life had I been long and eventful. California, I Findlay JdfferoantiD. L inisiAna.and Sou h America had each I Suppose the national millennium of claimed him for awhile, and at last we “unlimited issue” sets in, bow is it find him gathered to the home of bis I goirg to “mike times better?” How fa here. Alter the fnarral dircoorse I are you to get the “unlimited issue” his remains were conveyed about one unless you work for it or buy it with honored yards from the dwelling to the I aome equivalent ? If it is to be worth family baryii g ground, aud deposited J anything, the gt-vernment will not give and.r the ehxde of a large weeping it to yen. And if it is to be worth I nothing, it wouldn’t do you good ; f you ix THU lxttlk cemetkry, I had miiiioDS of it. Ttke 0 from 0 and 0 locateu in tne garden, ne buried CM. remains. If you warn money you will Pevto. *a v ife, father and mother, an j I “ aTe work fir it. grard parents. Here are also buried bis noole eon, Bdiie Pey’ou, Jr, who i traua >now rohto?C*k : l32,,t,a Z if“V i .S, e fov'^rSZ| l0 0. a tto g ter, Ue pride of her lather 1 * hrart,I whose accidental demth from a bon* Rant him in mmc .n pt'1. . ^ Yeartfowtert •Wadotkeepitincana.bothaTe itlooee or hoik.” We deslraco coll tht ettte tion of pozetiver - of Doo’ey’a Yeaet Powder to the fact that this 1* a dir honorable trick, wh ch resort'd to for ths prrpoee of palrBlcgcff, DcoJey'*, a ch- ap, a-u untied eaaetltaU, which ca-e* is hUhl? detr,mental to health. The gamin* “ooLej** Yeaxt Powder i» nev^r sold tn bn!k or loo* . balls ears 'jd sr ?hela>l ana sent him, in sorrow, an ex'le frqm heme ior nearly ten years. The old pa riot will sleep quietly now, in this little grave-yard, over which, in wild cor fusion rune * ue honeys* ckle and ivy. THE fCEVIYING MEM SEES of the faxui y Jotin Bid Peyton and Miss Euims Peyton, who, i* will be re memo-red, WMfPgroeeirgclerk of <he| t»femxrk<jt , b«prop(iitin-Doo!./&7roUi stare senate of 187d a lady of much I KtwYoek. Any i**ier. ther. for % who offer* sniiit snd sense The place where CoL Peyton died was settled at an early day ... by his grandfather, who was k lied by I —Ail Babies are diminutive C;e3trf, the Indiana near Bledsoe’s Lick. His I since they com*, they see, the* con- father served in several of tae Indian I quer, sometimes by their gentle still- ware witn distinction, and was a war- I aees but oftener by continued and np- thy sire of so noble a sod. I roarious erving induced by Coir — 1 Teethirg, Flatulence, etc. Dr. Bui.' _ — Every effect must have a cans': 00 I Baby Syrup by its gentle yet spec fic !aCLn?f&A^l3^fuSo?S^iSwre «m at the Threat and Lmqa. Cti«rrh,RMynti» ^il^twWM«po5pI»W*ni«*tp» Of prteej oratl tt 434 ang2S...dAwly DR. RICE, V. Court Place, LOUISVILLE] KY.j r^alxrlT c<lacatrf ud W»Uy qmlt*»d pbjtidAa aod ttfl ipermatorrhoa and Impotcncy, lithtiwH «f *dr-kb««« In WHO, •rxml cxccmc* U ex ■t »n« by diraui. Mum «f DcfccUrc Urmep. Thy- •I -xlD^cxr. Pimplex on Fnce, Averxkin V, Sodm cf FfEiW Ccafu-loa of Mm, Lo« of Scxuxl *“ — —londotherprimte , . It Uocifevident Uutt n |*y xleUn wto port x^eeUIntteatloa , o orrtxin dna* of Jinuea. and UaUi| tWxmli xnnu- iij, xcqalm gmX xkiiL PhriicUnx knowing this het often Educational. Cotton Clns, Steam Erg!nes, Ao. PLANTATION MACHINERY We are Agents in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina for GULLEIT’S LATEST IMPROVED MAGN’U'A COTTON GN Gnllett'sG&n Feeder aud Condenser, BIGELOW’S STEAM ENGINES, EuONOMlZER ENGINES Every otyle, Ror*Eont»l, Tpright, Moor ted and Stationary- Flr*-cl*M wo k at extrema low prices rniTON Praciifont levbr and SGrew Cotton Presses, Gi-leman’s Mills, SawMids.&c. tULIUH L IttO, rltOlUoill, I TEEMS LIBERAL. PRICES LOW. Ctrcvl.1.and wl*™ tim,!»lwl. AAdr.w ’00 -nrq A-2mo & co. H asS iMltitiS-SUAFTINC -C^|*-L CEARINCS k CENEB m? mmA/i & pme list. The University of North Carolina! IS IN FOIL OPERATION. N IXT session will be btgin Angnst 2ith 1 or ca a-oene apply to KRMP P. BATTLE, President. 2*8 anfl4. .d»w1t Nor lb Carol na. Nazareth & cao emv xui BARDS'! OWN, KY. r¥>HIe IxstitDticn baa been a board ng achoo) .hict’ fw , a. ,s sysa^r , * ,4 ^ r ^ ?eetera State*. Each jc princip cs N*xaretbi*Oi any time of the year The 1 of tie lEhtltu lon, Loaievllle to Barcetowu, pat ring by Niz. eih. Terms per onnom for tbe Higher Comae cf S’udtts: With nuL..... f 2’8, Without music... .$218 Mlltou County NbertfT* Mir. W U-L be sold before the Court Hone* door In Alpharetta, Mil on count., Gecryi«, on the T | first Tuesday In Pen’emoe- next, be tween the ‘ legal boor* ot sale, tbe toliow r v property, to-wit: lota of land Noe. 86 acd 205, lo 1 bo second district and; second section of MUton roan’-. Georela. Levied on a* the prepe tv of J. P. wuedf Tucker, to satlr+v sun^nr fl fas Issued from t With music *2.6; Without music fl7ii I Juatice* Court. 823d District Q M.,of Milton Payable hoK yearly l.n advance. Extra! rat ch * I ,n . *2"* of TFUlobv Baordeu va. J. P. form separate chx ees. For farther Infoimaiion, I Tucker, principal, and R M Tncker. security PropertT pointed ont by plaintiff Tenant In possession notified. -Levy made s >d rr’nrned to me by U W. Lewis, L. a July tfi.b, 18G3. W*. frUItiE. Sheriff. »inderbilt University. p UETH 8ES8I0W^0pen* Sept. 1,1878, and 1 . a roaTxaaca.o^a.; loses Jane 1, 1879. Tn tion and other Feet: Literal Department, 165; Law, $100; Medicine, 265; Theology. $15 Board and odging per month, $16 to $20. Coaf of Grounds. Building, and Apparatus, I f5(0,000. Permanent Rndcwment, $600,000. I Profat tors. »7; Aestitant Instructors, & Students | last year 406, representing nineteen etate*. For Catalogue*, address L. C. GARLAND, Ch&nceUir. Nashville, Term. 147jlu1v9—dlsw4w Aw4w UEOKU1A, Fayette comity. Ore iuaxv’s Office, July 1, lf78. W nERRAS, M T. Yates, n-*»n1*>is rotor da ban's non erm tcw.'im -ntn snntxo of the estate of J W. Hcaa, dcccs e.l, applk-tur le’ters of ' , lsims4i>n: All porsons copcorned ere hi reby notified to file their objections. If any exist, on or b*fo-« tl e Oral Mo?vd*y In October rext t*!so letters of dis mission will b? granted the applicant L. H GRIGGS, 00 Julyfi_.w1a*»3m Oroi. sry. PROF KCMEjriM HtSTO.HT OF THEWflR IN THE EAST or the conflict between R ttsma and Tuaur. the LIVE book for LIVE Agents Has 70* octavo p*see, IrtO Kncpravlngs of Rattles, f ort resses, Generals, Ac , Ac. Price, $3 40 Terms unequ».ed. AGENTS WANTED. B 8. GOODSPE^D k CO., New York, or Olndrmatl, Ohio. rin«enH..iMn«1v the dty for tmtaeM. w-dieimee c.« U ml pdrUel/ 'll ultij by mail ar nprem aarvhere. Cures Guaranteed in all Case* ^Cp^SuUon^FrMMllT ®r by letter free sad Isrited. in imimil* aad cccreapoadesca atrtetty cnsfld«»lia1. PRIVATE COUNSELOR 0 pagea, aeat to any addnraa, keeurely aealed, for thirty Hw«re fwm »*1. M. WrSL*"- Ssadaj^ * to 4*rt Jt PRESlRIPTION FREE GTOR the speedy Cure of Hemlnaj Weakness, X? Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by Indiscretion or Excess. Any Druggist has the Ingredients. Address DB. JAgUEN At CO., 130 W. HIxrti Ntreet, Uf t‘'bK wW tilNiT EAST TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY ‘ I A Pan’a, Ga. Also, root price paid for oil kinds FARMERS,TAKE NOTICE UK HIGHR8” CARR P ICE Paid for RYE STRAW, a» D. UORG .N’S HARNESS AND -LAW FACTORY, No V6 Whitehall Meet, Atian’o, Ga Also, root price paid for all kinds esses railroads, lhe expense lights, washing, room-rut, etc., $12$ % year, Fall session opens r-eptember 12th For cata logues. address THOi. W. HU’4B<, Pres., 234 <aU25...w4t Knoxvll’e, Tenn. Of 1 gather. Inl-tt.. w«t WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. I STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. This time honored Institution opens Septem* I ber 19th, 1871. Among the first schools (• ‘roans | ladles in the United States. European and Americor Teachers. Surroundings beautiful. Climate unsurpassed. Paironlxad by Seventeen States. AMONG THB BEST TERMS IN THR UNION;, WoshaXO, Lxshts, Knqusu, | Latin, Fbenohc, roa xach bout or Scholastic tkab, 18115. Music, 4c., Vxxt low. For Catalogue*, address Rev. WM. A. HARUI1. D D., President, 194 July 11 ^.d^wAwSw Stsunton, Ya, A SPLF’DIO OPPORTUbirr TO HN A FORTUNE Nr a'HIBUTION, 1378, ATNI DAY, SEPTEMBER 10th. Louisiana State Lottery Com’y, This Iostitation was regularly incorporated by the Legislature of State for Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868, *ith a Capital of iLjoLiiOO, to which tt nos ithc* added a wm rune of $350,000. It* Grand Aingls Num ber JDtstnbutioiiH will take place on ihe second Tuesday. It never tea!* PMu. Look at the fotlowing Distribution: CAPITAL PR T ZB, *30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. usTor rKins. 20 Prises of 500.... 100 P. ixc* of 200 Prxes of 500 Prizes 1000 Prixes of A rPBOXIKATION 9 Approximation Prises of 5SX. approximation Prizes of , 2,700 bin 9 Approximation Prizes of HO 900 1857 Priles, amounting to^«. 110,400 Resp>n»ible corresponding “ prominent points, to a bom gents wanted at all t agents wi ia liberal compc Application for rates to club* should only be a will be paid. more to the HoreCffire ln New Orieans. Write, dearly stating fail r-ddrees, for farther . . md order* to M A. DAUPHIN, information or send 1 lanta. Ga. Allot der th* •nperv'ilo and manoerment AL8 G. T. BEAUREGARD and JU*<AL A. EARLY. 307 sup18 .d<&u4w 5th GRAND DISTRIBUTION Comoi wealth Distribution Company By authority of tbe Com? ro«e*lth o* Ke- tacky, euperrieodby Hon. B.C Wm'ersmith, Ex Trees. Gen. T. A. Harris ‘tea E. H Gray, andolh-r promin nt dozens,will give their FIFTH POfULAK DKAWIlVG In Pub : lc Library Hall, Louisville, Ky., on Monday, September 30,1878 LOiSCxiLlNai NO UoT. ONuAENTI Unparalleled Nelieme ! $115,400 ia Cash Prizes And Tickets only $2. READ IHE LltaT OF Pi lZES. .$ 30.000 . 10 000 5.000 10,000 I’.OOO 9 Prizes rtn each, Approxi’t’n Prizes fk.Tff’ 9 Prizes 2.0 each, ** “ 1^00 9 Prizs* 1 jo each, “ “ 1,969 Prizes. *$115,400 lYlioie Tlekel* S3. Half Ticket* $1 OO. 47 Ticket*, tro. f 5 Tickets, $’00. Remit by r'ost Ofiice Money Order, Registered Letter, Back Draft orfixpresa Full list* of draw ing will be published in Louisville Couxixo- JocxvAL and Nxw Yoxx Hdaux and moiled to ail ticket-folder*. For ticket* and iofi. malior rddreaa COMMON WEALTH DISTHIBUT'ON OO., or T. J COMMKBFORD, Sec’y, Courier Journal Building, oaisville, Ky. 1 0 act 6 -d aids A fri A wkyaagJS 20 sept rt «xe* 'hnr* -»* *—ky 3 If 7 24 internal Revenue aeizire. Uxrrzs Ftatx* IhtkkxaL Rzytsur, Ccll c orn s Ornce io Dm. Ox. Atlanta, Augu-t Jl, 1 78. N OTIf E ’• herebv given of tbe fjilowi-y se zu « made by me for virla ion of the united Int»rn»l Revcnce tews; One half ba.-rcl of brandy, the property cf Jackson Pollen. T ro crpper etli’s, two c p • and two worms, txrr is on- three half b-rrels of b*oody, the property of James Jashes Oneooppe-* s’ll', cap *td worm fcurmnlej,two wagons and two barrels of brardy, the i rjp- rty of Andrew J Pew. Any per-cn rr persons hav n* any inwrest In ea!:i proper., ma*t mazeclaitr. *ni give bond as .. qj red b, low, within thirty dnj s, ei*e hey w.]I n sold and the net ? r ceeds deposited o th* credit of theT:e surer o’ the United states ANDREW CL-iRK, Collector Qrp aagti-dltA tt Kirkwood High School, E0HRD1NG SCHOOL FOR BJS. 'I'HE Fall S*«e1on? will besin August 19Ul I i ita curricnlam urcipiine and rt ntnl < fl dency tt!- renool will be kept brrou of tfi rtm-s. Luring the cootirg dchoioetic year MILITARY eYffTESI will be tdarten Ai ranaenjents are being wade to have aroarse < Urtur-.r dei Wi re a by a prominent Chemist lati State. Ourgrs hav been reduced. board and >u tion. icc udinr washing end # uel, EDUCATIONAL. The Archer Inst tute M bs. AFC-EE. I ale Principal of “Patapsco Female 'wtiinte,- near fiel tiw'X**, has HP- MUVKti HER 6.HOOL TO waBBINGTON CITY. 8ctool fiat‘e* rammed Rep ember 26U. hor ctrcalar* and*©-- Mr*. V. R. ARCHER, 1401 LMflMftaeacte Arena*. VsthiciSoo, D. V. Virginia Military Institute, LhXIHaTOH, VIRGINIA. TIE BEST IN THE WORLD! NEARLY ALL BAKING POWDERS ARE ADULTERATED. The wily manufacturer* of these spuriout compounds claim that adulteration is necessary to the preservation of the product. Don’t you believe a word . of this. On the contrary, the good qualities of any Baking Powder ore lessened and the injurious elements increased just in pro- . portion to the adulteration. macs* desirous of obtaining sdmiwion s* A Odets into this well known state institu tion will apply without delay to the uuderebroed, Provision is mad* for full discipline and Inctruc- tion daring the months of July and August, ■ _ __ _ _ _ .. SfSSRd “s4SSbff“ °' "* utar n °‘ SEA FOAM F!S£L FRANCIS n. SMITH. »*>F I' yuu-t or takinR i«ra;.lcr. It l«»- 2) *u(4 d3t&w k ill aept I oupcrlnt-nlant . •«« of Uie tad qualilka uf uiy of ifiu ■ preparations, ana contains i produce ry, it has v life and atrrnglLen the human tyitriu. Shorter Colleg-e, aesscs _ •antiio .. > ingredient or element which injurious effect. On the trarj-. it has in itself a tendency Five Female Toucherm All thoroughly c impetenta*id of large t-xDerlence I 11 HEbaUdlnra ore new atd the best in the I A booth. The apparatus ana furniture are of f reant purchase. The location is healthy and is i ITT nindid by grand srenery. batisractory accoaunods'l«ns cannot bo given codng fuel, washing and light*, f 106, for a I Monroe FemaleCollege, | FORSYTH, GEORGIA. T HE text S jsticn will open August 28!b, 1878 I A full lOLrdof Instruction, a healthful aaO [ pleasant ’ocatlc n, the surroundings. f < most tnte II rest comm an'tie* in the State, excel- | k.' t fsrillties for atta nmeu* in the fino i lead to commend it to favorabl i consid ci Board snd Tuition Ju re been ref uc* d ill U e ] charrr for both or ihe’erm of focr months only $70 00 For Uatmlogu*. contain'ne full particular*, pply atoice to It T. AbBURY, w, 8. Q. » Il I Y. ft, I 88 »ug6 d4w lues sun Aw4# Hearn Male School, CAVE SPRING, GEORGIA. T HE FORTIETH PRSSION of this Pcbool _ . open August 25Ul and the Fa'l Ten* doses J'ccembtr 13th. 1878. The Ppring Term opens Januorv 6th. and doses with a Prise Dedunstlon June Ttiu, 1879. Tuition for Ihe year $20, S3-* or I *40. Incidental Expenses forth* year *100. Bard with tbe Principal at $0 per month, ex elusive of washing and towel*, biudent* will be THOROUGHLY prepared /or the Higher < lass in College a-d Prize* will be twarded iu Loti Greek end Mathematics. For Circuiois, or o'her Information, address the Principal* PALhJION J. KING. A. M. 221 JaJyI4~.f 8m sun & wky3m TTniyeisityof Georgia. 78th Annual Session. | -FACULTY:- Rev. P. H MFLL,D.D LL D.. ChonceTorand Prof of Metaphv«le* a^d S>hica WILLIAM RUTHERFORD. A. M-. Prof, of Matkema’'cs WM. HENRY WADDELL, A. IL, Prof. Anr-i-nt * aniasges. L.H CHARBtiNNIER, A. M, Prof of Natural Phi’oaopby, Astronomy md ■nrloeerin ». a P W1LO0X, A. M.. Prof, o’ Modern La-g ages I H. C WHrTa, C. A m. E., Pro*, of Uismlttry and Gee logy. E W hPi- ERro D., Prof, cf Belle* Lettres and I Ergtlsh litrea’u e. W X. aRtiWNE, a. M , Prof, of Agriculture. H.story an*- P-liilcel Science SAMUEL BAR.'ETT, Jr.. A. M., Adluact Pro?. of Mathematic* an . Na nral Philr-op^y. WM. L. Mir^HELL, LL.D., Prof, of Law. The rext ^e* ion wi 1 commence on the 2d of Odober. 1878 Law behoof opens Auguet 19»h' Three bui dred free *cholar»hip* are efftred. IIUK.Vl) lit one of tile most iinport- grstlon and tly»i»rj>»in thmi ln-nvy, aodrien bread. A prominent denier in patent medicine* assures a* that tbe ulc of “ _ dyspepsia cure K.Vt KEDS $7, B ycar; and every physician in the fy to the general prevalence of this distress ing Light, weil-raised bread, biscuit, ami cakes digest readily, and conduce to good health. Good healtlt makes labor of all kinds easier, and PROLONGS LIFE. SEA FOAM BBBWSgVffS ranted Ia make Utter, tighter, sweeter, lieallliler, more nntrllloiiM, and more readily dl- pealed brea<l, liiM iiit, takes, puddings, etc^ Ilian can be inmle tn auy other way. Again, .ftoar retries in qaalitg a fart which adds greatly to the perple.\iiig ditliciiliiefi w ith which the hoUH-keejH r has to contend in Ihe atteni]it to priNluire good bread by tiie use of yeast, soda, saleratna, or the common leaking ftowders and bread pn-i«rntioiis. If Pm> much of any of these articles is used, lhe bread haa a sour or rank, bitter taste, or is heavy and aoggy, unpalatable, and indigestible. With Hie use of Sea Koum these diiHcvltkt an obviated, for even with second quality Hour better cook- cry can be made than the best of flour will make with any of the other *tufl*. ECONOMY is another point worthy of con sideration in Uk*>c hard times, when almost every one has a struggle to make both meet. The economy of hea Koai really wonderful. One can of It Is worth three of any other baking compound. «A CflAM SAVES TIME and MONEY OEM rUrtifl It save* time because very Uttle kneading is rtspiin d, and no delay ti ne cessary for the dough to raise; but it can ho bakcl iu a hot. quick oven as toon as mixed. «« IT SAVES MON BY, because in Uire* months’ use of it the saving In mllk,egg«i aud other Ingredienta will more than pay Ita co*t| and then it will make 40 POUNDS MORE BREAD from a barrel of flour than ran otherwise be mode. SEA FOAM IS UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED. In proof of this statement read the following: Hit HA II ALWAYS GOOD. Rea Foam gire,great mtiefactirm. It tnakm elegant bread, biscuit, cake, etc,, and the bread ia always good.—J. Wilson Btjutto*. JVewkmrgk, AT. r. UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. We have tried the Rea Foam in our familire and among a number of friend*, and are pleased toaay that it gives universal satisfaction. — Maraxoar, GlLLJUriX, A Exscom*, Binghamton, a. r. ALL LIKE IT. We have tried Sea Foam onrwdve* and among friends,all like it.—JoHHSOX A KIEL. Toltdn.O. WILL USE NO OTHER. Re* Foam ti a eujx rior article, and greatly pro. ferred to yeast pow'U-rm. Those who have tried tt once Witt KM no other. — N. BaMBM. JVow Orleans. CHAMPION OF AMERICA. The writer [IS.] haring tried it, pronounces It the champion yeast powder of America.—Baowa. no k llU>I>UCXOS. Washington, IK C. MOST EXCELLENT SATISFACTION. Mesne send ua fifty coses Rea Foam. It 1* giving most excellent satisfaction. — Daw Anna k Co., Artwwiid, Ohio. TIIE OTHER KINDS DON’T SELL. We are now selling none but your Rea Foam. We hav* other kinds, but find that the Rea Foam takes welL — A. Dormt, Sasannah, Go. $ SALARY.. aMepnMI liaitrifOMliMM- INac. EagemeayaU. A. GRANT A (XL. A GEORGIA, Fayette county. Ordinary’* Office, Auraat 5,1878. fTTHERRAS, Mrs R E W Ilian* ai plies or let- v* •«* cf admlnlstra k>:. on the tatateof WilliamL Williams, rate of said count;, de- wiil be granted the applicant J89 aur8. w4w PUBLIC AOTIUE. I N compliance with the lsw, notice 1* hereby riven that I have this dty *old and tran* ferred all my stock in the Atlanta Savings Bank Pub tc Notice. I N compliance with the law we hereby give i * — *■ r * and _ Bauking and Trust Com*, any. wiamftm wkv otilv NERVOUS DEBILITY, «f ritq'lt%prem»tntewains anerwwttflaatmt»1 an!bo4y. 41 enter* ef bfaia aai uerteui ivlem, amt ml.erbe re* $1 a cm. tae far t-V Said hr drwirirteu FerC-*eatar artUi full iartieuArs, aduraaa Ua. Bata, nil tut,L.U. UImk, IU. GEORGIA, t’nlton comity. Ordinary’s Office, Arp-ust 2,1878. TYTHfiRRAR, * O Potker, ad minis’re tor of V V the eat an of II B. Parker. •teo'dsM, show* ihsth-tha- futiv dt*cb»-rged hi* fold trust aid pra\ • 'or letbre of dirmleM'm: All persons oopperned. are n'-rtflrd t® fllo their oMection-, ff any cals’, within the time prescribe • d by law, else letU ri* *»U1 bs grant-d the ap plicant 96 aur6.„wlam2m DANIEL PITTMAN, <trdtnarv. GEOKUIA, Fulton t'oiimy Ord nary’s Office, Aupnct 2, 1878. W H 4RBA8. « G Lit’lehaa opplie ( for let ters of admit titration on the estate of Wm ALsv wht late of w*H rout«y, d< ceased: All p reran* concerne<l are be eh? null fled to |eth«ir objections, if anj * ' rat Monde* In Reptemh r b* gran!el the ippiicort 99 aupti wlw C FOR II A, miton cuautr, Ordm* ry> Offlc*. J*ly Si, 1878. L UCY j. LKK, a1rrl4!stretrlxoft eestitc of 8 d. La , titcof m d ouut , dece me.1. ha* app’ c.i for letters o.’ dtimlsatm from said estate: This! , theref te, tv notify all pern ms con cerned, to lo their oMectloos, »f auy they ha*e, within tbe time prembed hr ln», »l*e letter* will ho grant H, raid ap.<llca it a- a pHe for. W H. NE BIT. S argt.. wlmdm Ordhorr. ■aid entile, for the benefit of the heir* and creditor : Ail nerroas cou-eroed rre berebv r.otlflrd to file loir r.b|cctb n%i f snv ex's’, on or boioreth t flrsi Monday In Septcmliec next, e!n<- leave to eell will be irrentc-d the ap hca t*. L B. i RIGG8 6 aag2..w4w ordlnsr . GEORGIA, Milton conniy. Or ‘ inxry* Office, July 81,1878. W a MFW tRl 'Y hi* applied for letti r- o • adnrnl tr*tlonon ’he estate of Peter J. Wils't. tit* of f*td county, d ebased: This!-, thrref rj, to -otifv all persons con cerned t«» flii thi ir oaV*t vm*. If any thsy hare, wl’hm th*? tme prescrin d by law, flea • tier* . 1 be grai ted *»ld upplic nt as applic * lo.-. W. H NlWHIT. 3 anp2 w4w Ordinary. Wm DEN Y W DDELL, 25* 00,14 rt2* wed f teOUTHEHN Masonic Femcle College, COVINGTON, Ga. TERM OPENS »». Thi* tithe a ♦he present administration. Th* instruction to IT Corps of Teacher* a None other*employed. Terms a* low as tbe lowret of equal grade e. and twenty-i , . .. mt value to everj „ housekeeper, besides mmek other useful inform alien. AU that we auk fire hca Foam ti that you give it a fair trial. No one-having once used Ft will ever use any other preparation tn the line of baking powders. Ask yonr grocer for Rand if he will not supply it tend for circular and price-list to GAUTZ, JOHSS & C0.,8ole Mfrs. 176 Duane St, New York. 2i may24_d*w cow 6m wed est METROPOLITAN WORKS Atlanta Med cal College. 1 \HE Tweuty-Firat Annual Course of Lecture* wid commence October 15th, 1878, and clo»* March 4ih, 1870 FACULTY. Ohnal Street from Sixth to Seveat RICHMOND, VA RNGINRS. portable and atationary, BAW mg GRJBT-MILL8. BQILKKS, CAST.' <5 BRASS and IRON, FORGINGS, __ MACHINERY for Gold and Cool Mines, Blast art cn tion to oor IMPROVED PORTABLE £NUINES, tor agricaltnral and ^rtytieBMAlA J a WnrvoaxLAVD, M D, Professor of Mate* rial Medic* awl Thersreotioi. w.’aBrasfSritssEssfa^ rv. . | other articles upon V H TALUArxsRo. M D. Pro f e*rar of Obctet« railways. c*ann Diseare* of W* man and Children. I The beet Planters regard oor GINNING Jffo T*ad Johns m. M D. Pro'eworof Ac*to- | |jNQrag enperior to^any NOTICE 1 8 he'shy give, th-ton tfovvm w er 13th. 1877, Mr* RUea B Buck so d acda re'er ca all nock owned oy her and s andtnv 4 n her namemth* City Bark rf Mlu-Uu also, that I have «©td i • * * * * 1 e In »*ld bs ' rtollan K BUCK. GEORGIA. Fniton tounty. Ordinary** Office, augoetk, 1378. YXTHKREAa, Wre A rtove'l. adaiial-trotor W rf th* eeta-cof W. M UtU law of raid coun'y. dreeasod. scows’hat he ho* folly rtti- char|Ml aisuust acd pay.: for leuer* of d«a- 11 pereo sconrereedare rot’fi d toflletheir oVt 98jaqg...wlam»m GEORGIA, Mltiwu county. Ordinart’o Offl «, Inly SI, 1873. & B. GROGAN and M. D n-moteh ve an- • pit u for letter* f attjuiuo trauon do boil* non, on tho estate of William Dinsjiarc, tat* of cerr.ed U> ate ihe<r o: Fctt 'll , 11 may they hav*, within tfce timo preecr b d by jaw, else ett ra willtognauriaH•*»««■£•> m. \ MAN Jl Ivinil HOG* Pat Mri steady work. V (■Beonce Cur term*.***. J. C. UcUcui * * 'roper. 1* Envelope*, roaril, ronhol<ler, «k.l.lon r ot valaabls Jevsiry. CcmipW* .ample wm earn gnM »tooo filoere Butten.. bet a<M p: gram On!4 pUied *tns, and a LarpMM' Fathlonaiilo Panry Set. Pin »nU bropa, Bottpaia 2* root.. » raCXAGEd altn aworted Jcretry «. A Splendid Watch and FoWuVr^ BRIDE A CO. 11 Clinton Place, Mew uoLn pt.< rm wirrfFi ■heaiwrtt In the known world. SamjtU Watch fret to Agent*. Adlrt-m A. Uouc- $3; my and Ltcroier «*> Venereal Disease* x W Cslhoch, M D, Prof«*«r of Dfteaera of the Eye ai.d Ear. J H Lrcai*. A M, M D. Profeaeor of Cbemiatry Iso T B.sxs, M D, tiofeeaor mt FreeUce ud Medicine. ^sssz&ssrgzxssL .. ..nargso. ***** Catoloene free. Other thing* oetng work aoUdted end ^ PfiBeyg. Ac., for Gin Me-tn J r AS F Mltop. ♦krrrrvfle^Ge. ean’iorixred to renelv* oroere ft* oer r Arnln- G OBGIA, ft'nitwu roomy Oul ntryV < ffl e. Jf ly 6, 1873. J W GOLDHMr !I. acmlni*trt»9' of ’h • e- • tate of B F Wyman, d^ce eel has epplied for iett«r* » f ctiosl-ri • * f/ora re-deattte. This a, ’berofore to notify a l p«7'ni con cerned to fi c 'h* r ob ectlo r If *ny fce/ h*v within tbe im' pre.-c ibed by law, e a* letter* will be granted U>« 121 Iily7„w4w tiEO'tiiiii fuin a t*'itit> Ord'na-yV Olfiee. A»rostt, 1878. ^v- d ^ r :rj eronty d c»a*ed •'*^^|*?T* t% are hHm gl*>« 9aid u ’ c ' * ®* 1 ’ r®<‘ n rrT '-* n.ra-1 in ibe dtj of At'eH*. ■rtiov g ’ .epcap- en of Me**re- *o»da «i Berry, for th. beuelt of ihe fceire ard rediiorr: 7I|( B i« 1 * -refom. tr» cive not e to all prreor* enneerned. to file 'heir <*b' ftton*. Iff ai-yexel, oecr before 'hed -ii Monday la Hep ember d*x\ etw Iratre will bwgranied •• eJlaaid rral e*u:e suri, f’^SS’^StrArora*ret, ' n-niil. <****. js£$"**m*+*3 "• ffSt if yAW’ifmr ’<>•>• isdistinct print