The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, October 08, 1878, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION; ATLANTA,6A.,TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1878. AGRICULTURAL THE FIELD, THE FARM, THE GARDEN< 0*ta, Chicken*, the Gardes -Hew Uawim-Wtaa Lnedi-Raml He we Hem Ictet- Floml Hole* — Cotten Picking, Etc. now tWwi-K. How unwise am) unprofitable ilte j ino'-r exclusively, and that to be *hij abroad uixl wild and tin* iirmretil-i retru to us in mule*, liorx-s, fertilizers, c lutcon, lard. Lav. ox helves h*me», handle-. Tlii • fat n« li l ariio r- an* kept |«*mr and our wraith l* diminished hy it. fanning.' too L made more precarious and difficult. Na ture ha* done her |<«rt in our lwlialf. hy Riving tread vantage* a* to Mill, climate an.I situation. H.e hue Uen louintilul to u«. ami if we fail to pruaper much of the blame fall* on u* for abusing her favor*. Many of the tri.uliloi we lulmr under originate in onro-he-. Mm li of the agricultural |>oHcy of Georgia i* de*trurtivr to our interest, ami if i -ful la* individual judgli for office. let the i— Dry bimehes of grav water and riff Hour upon omeoil when dry. hut wi of plant* in heavy i The number of dieep ill tlie Uriiteil States ot» January I, lh7t», was 85,744)^500. A Wethersfield. tVinn., grower la»t vear planted 1.5« hn-helaof onion* for seed.' Al»oiit 1.2D0 varieties of *rra**e* grow within the limit.- of the United Mate-. The raltie of tin* hop-* *oId for -laughter in the United Mate* i* now $;{50 f «i0u.<d)0 a vesir. Right hundred and tifty-two thousand four hundred and thirty-eight fanner- in Gtcnt Itritain ow n lew than an acre cm h. fine hundred swarm* of i* e- in Blackman. Mich., have yielded t!*l-< season ion- of k*>. t Itritain ha*' .T4,.Vfc! -ep id the value of $]5 tl. of V. Kara. :j*«l mile*. Tl an. New f 2<r» l»v (.1 lM'tl.i- l.e hor-einen rej-.rt at licad- «*il> i . IT: pride In my hwim-**. W hat »h«ll 1 do? Glad t«» *ee that you take i ■allin^. and predict surer** He tilt rbc only t naketh r before, nmk- a* a wetie- U fore all the heroes that he man who honestly etidcav. hi- farm i- apt to !*• rewurde effect*. Itivemitwil farming v with hi ill aid v v. direct you "*omewha. Take i-orue of your field-, manure them, and plant in crop* that require the u-e of the plow and 1i*m*. Then lay down this land in *»nw kind of grain and Hover. The Hover may la* continued two or three year-, and let it Iw succeeded hy wheat, Pursue till* rotation of cr»*|n, and it will u-.ri-t in hcl|t- inp to bring up vour farm. By the al*»ve meth.Hl the laud is made mellow and clean, before it i* laid down in gram, or sowed with pm in. Then, too. the laud is kept pulver ized. i* not hardened hy m-t. n»*r exhau*ted hv rank weed* wliielt greatly uu}«ivcri*lt it. Von make u preater abundance of pram, ami other fond t..r cattle; you ran maintain more stock; more manure i.* made, ami the w liole product* are much preater. Hv fol lowing thi* course you do uot have to hurry your labor, nor i* it so preat. Then. -I 1 ' lr culli’ • le** land. Y. w ill find, after attendiup fair* ami readinp ipricnltunil p3|*ct>. eomhiniiip the knowl- ‘tli practical experience, • >f art and contrivance to of light. pie of air tlx hoti-e plant.* dllrillp •sti *• a Week. Wa-h loth the up|>er .1 the leave*. I'm* water moderately Never wet the flower* of plant*, injure* them. « lilt KI'N*. in hen house* are rather troublesome rid of WeatlviM* that when the di*- • - made that the hen hotw i* invest- p |«ile*.oW Ipe many .*uppe*lii up up your land. There i* an economy the niakinpaml saving of manure on the farm, l>ut little carried l*y our farmer*, every Miilahle material al*»ut your for uiukinp manure, ami after manu- u turinp it apply it judit ioti*ly to your r habit* ami preju* IX HIGH LIFE. STARTLING REVELATIONS PRODUCED The Committee oa the Ackiea Bcaadal Sitting in Jadfment—HifklyBensational Parti calan— The Hysterical Clergyman—The Part Taken by the Mother. Nkw York, OctoU-r I.—A New Orleans npeeial *ay* the Acklcn Mmndal committee met yoienlav afterw*»T» in el«r*e x*s?*i*>n. Then* were present Judpe Yorhee*. cx-fiov. Penn, Major lltrar«ey. Duncan F. Kenner. A. tiathreau; Mr. O'Rourke wa* aWnt. Ackleti made a pre liminary •‘|«eecl* in which he *aidhe i>la« e<l tJie entire «-a.*e in the hami* of the commit tee. and would RETIXC r«o.w THK TICKET if they >aw fit i-o u> advw* him. He claim- e*l that the affair wa* one of unadulterated blackmail, and *uhmitu*d to the committee the affidavit* in hi* iwr**c**ion. He w;t* preatly rxcitei He then witlnlrew. The committee *pent the entire time examiu- inpevhlence for the defeiue. From the te*tiiiionv adduced they are in favor of Acklcn. a- the alledpcd crime* are TO(> ATKOt loO To UK RCUKVEb hv any one. The |Mi*er _ M A R r_>,o^s o , ? THE ATLANTA TURF. from m Loan Inland Kail road Train 1 at Wlntleld, and wan Found Raving In Jl.m.'. Wood.. | the COMING ERA IN GEORGIA SPORTS New York Sun. The |a**enper train on the North Shore . and Central Di\i*iou of tlie l»np Inland | The Arriril cf Hitchcock"■ Stable—Swarmi tf ribbon*! ami who had die had entered tlie I Numerous indications from every inirt of .... , nty-five miles distant, I ,j ie wun tiy pednt to the fact that the racinp uddenlv jumiwd up from her seat orvmp, I , . ... . . . ... Oh, where i, n,v dirtingr- and nui ..ut on feature the falr » llU ' h «P«« tJie platform. ’ I the 21*t instant at Oglethorj>e |«ark, .She threw a noekethuok eotitaininp $40 in I city, will l»e one of the grandest ever SreenhaeU.- and a taut Uk, showing that Iie ^j in ollr „ ate . Everv dav r , KO he had «1<U deidisitetl to her atwiunt in the I . . ... . * *T •avinp* bonk, upon the tIeiMit plat-1 t«nnatk»o i* being received from tlie west 1 then jumiied from the opposite I the effect tlrnt a large number of stables of I the platform. Clam lie ring up a high j running and trotting horses will be here tc the fine purses hung up l>v the Jus» after .lark twu litlle chilren .if John | North »ie«.r(rta shark and fair assn had lieen hunting for Mmie I be contested for. During the past two weeks the wiMsl., CMUe hark home, out of I , tu . re . H .„„ has met a law nuniUwof ‘feath ami screaiiiing^tliat tliey had seen a | at,u.L- iti.atKiv fnim Kimtin.i-1- «»ui jiook or something in the '*• api*aritiou. they •thing hut wliite, and *trt*ehe4l it its arm.* and cried: “Oh, my dear, why don't vou hear me; i*u» hunting for you/* Mrs. Ikixter doe* not believe in I oxe hi m*rki> He pluwt*. She went luiek w ith the children I l**th runners and trotters, at our fair. Kadi found the young woman, who liad I of them say that all of the turfmen fn }ted from the train, with nearly every I their section are coining. This sta article of clothing stripped off. The Hiil- J looks j>»*rfeetly plausible, a* the St. dren were sent rhev .vill lll.hish I Gel I toiling uglily wash the and out. Take every old oal oil into the feather* on f the liodv. or under the Mine the hen home, ftiuii- ul|*lmr Maken ninell<sir I plank, hut of dry el. an.l alw * have in learlv full of a-lte*. half ami half . to xi of sulphur. «* l K iml \ ill find that it . kel ,**nr »n*e grew m . law are river, near League Maud. ... ... Philadelphia. lot whitewash the fruit tree* hut OTM or every ..liter year; *era|tc the live •How it will, a washing of carl**! ml water, applied will, a short l.r.*.n ill dislodge the insects, ojH*n the pin ire.**, and give them ;. healthy a; rap- Vim *— t • large them in a heap I gently sprinkle every other part nil.lew i* visible. \pplvi X let allowed, a “bit" ofalui. e* of m M U in two and a half gallon: f water, boil. -kiln, and pair on hot. To m ;.*oi. TimU r Pile it under iml keep.ln : it *b..uld have a frv*e belli inula- holll.l U tree fnim vale gill frame* iilphtir to give ni ami a half of i nr live brui-ed i*l onion*; strain it. when v»*ld, wash gilding whirl. rtNpiir. arming will not pi the soil must lie *1 sound judgmeiii I >ain* taking , Ik* dilig. v thing al' i U* look. .! ufte ell . i d f.. n small fi.i vill prove profitable latrge sheep falter an small ones, ami t r than young ones. Ill kept manure heajts deteriorate more irough lo**«*s l.v dn.inage, than hv expt*- -e to air. heat nu.l light, rs-e that your Itarn yard is **t arranged that vour s|.M*k luav have a stltbeient **up r thi* ra*s lumls should i <|iiality. keep* longest Ite i »*1 bring* the highest prio A stip rior grafting iving one pint of litvsi'ed oil. •sin and one p.iiml of U-e*wav. Farming must In* studied, praetiee . ke.1 ut. hv o.iumunh-ations, att ir>, ami reading agrieultun.l pa j tors The farmer who produce* tno* akes what lie r.iis.** of the lies! rh:i ways lm* a good deal to sell, inv ml* a market, and fair prices. Young animal* are p*rhaps more . t eat than older..iws. - The hitter. It. «* more nutritious, have tlesli of a tueli, fuller flavor and are richer in hilftr, l.av Dirt. miii.I ami stain* fere with the*taple vvl the stalk* waiting to liere.1, Ik* sure. Mo, and gin it ass. oiiv.-nieiil after the picking. Not o •. hut pack it right away, .-hip or .-arr iiarket, and -HI. In prepiring this c market. remeiiilN*r that if tra-hy ; not exp'ct it to bring the lic*t prices. e trust our farmers an* making arrange ment* to plant a g.H*l .iuuntity of land i’ oats. This cn*p should always lie sown carl ugh to secure a good deep root, then the P will stand the cold of winter :i heat of *iimnier. Oat* will gr. ttv ii.ticii am soil, hut if v d’land to devoir to them. m. inu. lt tl r tl.. ,*.» dee l give If l*tl.eU**t .doth* ill th ek of all kind i catvlcs-ness on the farm mil in bringing > p.verty, very nearly as much a- p».r »*roj VV ll*' VT LAX I*. Se to u that the wheat land is thoroughly pre\wvrvsl, and that it l*e made fertile. K- P*.r riv»ys of wheat, for ru*t. and other di* take* thi* I’niw our opinion i* that the fault i* w ill. th»* farmer more than in eliumte. *«• lection ot seed, or an v thing Hm*. GinnImi*.! should I*- selected, and fertiliserso.iitaininc the desired constituents should U* pna-tircvl. Autumn will Ik- here shortly, soon to la* followed bv winter See to it that the con ditioii of the *t.* k i* iiupniviiig. ami their system i* prcpaied to U« *u*taim*l during tl.e bleak, edd weather. The gras* will give out. and the teed of *t.* k should »h- in erea-ed It von would keen u, Forest New*: Sueli a crophay h:> la-en known for year*. Black walnut don county to Xi into furniture. Mr. J. T. Mellrvde. near Geneva, ha* ha vested a crop of H» gallon* of sorghtu *v rup from one acre. Savannah New*; A mugiiifi«x*nt bull wa*shipp*l fnun Bruu-wiek to In* set 1«» the farm ot tieneral J. H. Gordon, W«»rth county. The Lumpkin lndep'tident *av* that U| le** than two acre*. Major Singer ha* ins tiuNn- an.l tetter hay than any man in Gc gia. Upm it lie als«* raised thirty bti*li of dorn; ha* :» fine p*tato piteh, and al«out one-fourth of an acre a nice garden. Unthl«crt App-sil: The n*m crop is alN.tit rvestetl, ami a lull average cron. The mt- v cn»p i* turning out much Letter than tner* *antieipit«*l it would. The earn* is id. A few will kill meat enough to do rut. Pea*. p*tab«e* and turnip can't U» ralU.ftoii Register: Should the weather ntinue :** it lists lH*«m for the pi*t three vks. we will have the crop «>f isTsall har- *tod l.v the middle of Octolwr. We think In* reviewed tomorrow. The girl wa* a daughter of ex-G«»vcrm»r Baker, «*f Louisiana. She i* implicated fearfully. .1. B. A. is tin* jn-IXUI who Isad lieen *ent hv Aekleii t«* interview Smith in th.- v-i.ii wfiirh dintll.v ,-auM.l Jib deatli. Additional fact* liave been HKOI UIIT TO M..IIT. During the girl'* ilines* a letter. iNrariug a < heck f.*r fifty dollar*, arrived from New York. eneloM-d in a letter *igne<l l»v a cler gyman. A relative of the girl wrote the the check. The reply was that he (the cler gyman) had written no letter nor sent any money. Further investigation revealed .strong evidence that Ackleu had sent the money, ami had CHIU THE .’l.KROVM.VX'* X.VME, and that lie had sent the girl regular remit tance* since hi* dej«irture for the north. The seduction took place in the fall of isTti. The child it* now five month* old. It i**aid that Ackleu lived with the girl aeven month* She wa* under sixteen when the al leged crime wa* jierjiet rated. The feeling in he community i* intense, and the finding 4 the committee'is .VNXIor*I.Y lookeufok. Ackleu certainly an* fairly and squarely in the matter, and lisi* given alr-olute |**wer to tlie committee. For the past three days Ackleu list* lieen visiting a colored woman uaiiievl Smith, on Common street, at whose ou*e the girl formerly lived. To-day he rove there with a notary ami remained for a hour sum! a half. At the meeting of the iiiunittee tiwlay Smith's pap-rs will In* ■ad and sin approximation to judge from Cotistahle Ruck, and | Mr*. Baxter found the young woman': Jre*.* and i-ersuaded her t«» put it on Meanwhile she talkt*l or raved alM.ut -m»uu 1 Nelson, now entreating him t« I -oak to her and now reproaching liim foi iscoldncm. t'omrtahle Ruck |N*rsuade her to gi» with him until he luul I all of the race courses there has been a line uromised tluit he would take her to *ee | atteudauce of the very best stock ever pro Nelson. Even then five men had to lie I duets!. Tlie meeting at Kaitssis City wa* summoned on tlie way to aid him in taking I iKirtieularly attractive, and the lai^e num ber to Newtown. She wa* locked iu a cell, | her of horse* that were at this meeting will, and grew furious wlien she learned that she I in all probability, come this way, and reach had lieen listening to false promises. One I Atlanta at an early date. Tuesday last Mr. after another of I Fred. Garter, who is in charge of Col. L. A. HKit articles or cloth I xu I liitchcuck's fine stable of runners, reached •k off and tore to shreds. Constable | Atlanta with five of Kuck says that site is tlie strongest woman he ha* ever seen. Physician Gay lor was sant for, ami after taking some soothing I •* . *».«* I ,,a> . , , gelding, considered to be one of the THE FEVER AND THE MAILS. Lfue« on Wliielt the Mall Service U Siis|i«*imI<nI. Washi.vutox, Octolier 2.—L. M. Terrell, u|M*rintemlent of tlie railway mail service or the division cniniirisiug the state* of North Garolina. .South Carolina, Georgia, Alalmma, Mississippi, I^iuisiaua and Texa*, " ‘ the dejiartment tin the : i the following ■stahl ished •unt of quarantine rcgu!ati< / reason of the existence ot yellow fever; Memphis and Vicksburg steaml*iat, s«*n u*e sii*)H*nded since August 24; Vicksburg and Meridian railroad, service *u*|a*ndinl lie- weeti Jackson and Meridian, Mississippi, ince SeptemU*r 7; Alabama Central n»il- ■ •ad, Selma and Meridian route, servicesus- •emled In*tween Ik inojNilis and Meridiun, lississippi. since Septeiulier 5, except Sep temlKT H t when trains were allowed to ruu through to Meridian and return; Mobile 1 Ohio railroad, service siisqieiidcd l*e- L*en State Line station, Mi.*si.*.*ipj>i, and Mobile, Sejiteinlier 5. Freight trams have mi on this |Nirtion of the line, hut no mail ars lutve heed furnished and the mails ia\e lieen refnse«I sjwice. This, however. vim to lie remedied. There has ln-en **nne letenlion of mail*on that i**rtioii «>f the Mobile and Ohio mud hetween Mobile and State Line station. Miss., ow ing t*» the want mail earson freight train*. That is now medied. and the service i* very regularly {NTforiucd. On the Alalmma and Great Siiithem luilroiiil, between riiuttanoog:iand Meridian, the service had lieen susjieudcd 'nee S pleydn-r 21. On the branch railroad oin Atlanta t«i Gadsden, Ala., the service is ltccn su.*|N*nded since Septemlwr 2T». be su|N*riiitendent lias turned the daily ail to go by Jacksonville. Ala. A later dispitcli from Mobile states that the service the Mobile ami Ohio railroad, lietween Mobile and the state line. This completes the service of the entire line f the Mobile afid Ohio railroad. The Vicksburg, Shreveport and Texas railroad route. U-tween Vicksburg, Miss., ai r*N*. L».. ha* su*|H-nded the service s 1st Ik of August. The superintendent *tatc* that i place* in the infected districts the jieople are under the impression that the*plead of. the yellow fever ha* been due to the mails and they look ii|mhi |"*sial clerk* agent* a* enemies of mankind, instance* agent* have lieen take! train* by quarantine officer* and wood*. Rut a few day* since Route Agent Fischer wa* taken fnun his car at Macon, Mi**., and lined $.»! for an alleged violat of the (|iiarantine regulation*, and thi* after lie had been acquitted hv the Imanl health of any violation of the quunini 1 regulation*. THE PEABODY FUND. Annual Meeting of tlieTruMc N»: ar*« ExprndUurcs, etc. ork, Octolier 2.--The anninil t he trustees «*f the PeaUsly eduea- tioiial fund t*N*k pliuv to-day. It tended hv President Have*, Secretary Kvart* ami Robert G. Winth The president of the U»anl made a short ildres*. congratulating the members the preseii Old iml nvai t *en*ihl trouble the will have ot milk, fa lk. In- -ell of fall feeding. In cr will from now on fet well. He will with the first I *t,nk on hand, will keep* tel. after and provide for - farmer who does hi* duty i d fall bv hi* stock ha* r maiuder of the year, and I -that will give a sufficient Attorn, serviceable horse* and h! ho. ithing Ntard it* aitl in relieving the physical ufferitig of their southern brethren while •iague wa* raging, they could lone and were doing, not a little to pn that intellectual and moral improv which must sustain them in evei trial and IwPthe laisisof their future \irt and welfare. The annual rei«irt vv .ml say*: “Tlie year just closed h •ettling ntl'*pnni kept farmer* are going t*acli h hen *moke-ht»n*es ami If no crop i* b. In* nlantcd on the Iwd* in the garth-n. ;t* the old crop th* ay. x «* to it that tlx ground i* put in tstmliihm for the tor the punNi*e. spread i»ver the lied*, ami s.tadc up the gntuml. *•• a* to give the * the WnHii of the etmiing frtv*t* t»f the win ter You will find that the effect will lw to mellow the *oil. desino the egg* of in*** t-. and often kill out acid* that «-xi*t* in old *od* that wt»uhl prove injurious throwing iij- the i*| irtmh- id idge* from ; i half high in the ditvc of the dop* of the ground. *o that tic r twav ruu off. Frequently it wil e henet'u ial in turning up the -oil t a little «*f the subsoil, -avail inch or will bring a little fresh loatu to the *iu which Iving acted n|«oi» by the atm« YOUNG AMERICA. A Party of Children take a Flfl Mile Promenade on the Marou i Western Halt road. Tliey are I! rough I ■lack to the 4'tly. Friday last the two small Runlet t*. who reside* on Walker street, aged alsuit .* and lit year*, together with aitoth* urchin of the sum* age. and a negn* L not much older, ran away from their p rent* and disappeared fnun of the *otith, and has lieen affected, that rr latitig t«’» the employment **f teacher* i •uhlic ((fficer* ha* suffered most. Ghcap lug the lalsirsof men U|n»ii whom the vitali- ' e system depend* is a more dang riment than is generally suppled. The M'lio|ar*hi|** estahlislied last yeai l an excellent effect. in the IVuIhhIv rmal >eminarv, of Louisiana, one-tourth all the female teacher* of New Orleans, luring many years, luive lieen educated. The f«»lh>wing figure* *la*w the distrihu- •f the income of the fund during the Virginia. North Garolina, ?4..'V»iO; South t'nn'liua. $3.H0n; tie>»rgin. »; Florida. $.’1,900; Alabama. $H,00t»; i, Arkansas. $*"».<*"*; Tennessee*, ■ »; West Virginia. the children offend the up the erring one*, whi in th. nn>ii th. to advantage' with the t« t* ping up tin* fertiliiy tin A tv vnt,v. V. v . (VU'Ut 2.—AjtrlcuUund E*tiu«r Constitution: IW t. II me howr u* |4ckle jj*p- Nlwt fully grown, gTeen|N p|«ers;remove ihrsevd bv cutting a section, leaving it at taclud at the *ti tn end. Vut the pcplsn into strong brim- at the end of three day- change it lor in *h and leave them for three changed i dr ' the old der for 12 hour*. Mi r seed, ground cinna , with the chopped ; the |N*pjN-rs. ami ti and drain in . mustard *(*.* .on. clove* an cgetahles helot each one wit cabling hot vii n the jar. ai in two day* j»*i off the Vinegar, heat t |Nrpper> scalding hot. . *tate agricultural wwiet, ing horse* are iu demand i duo »the legal t : of land is one-half u crop for 1^' w The value of th In France about 6u,OOG.OiiMrabbit skins (Mllected annually. England imports upwards of j,400.tMk> bushel* orange* annually. t tf tea plant* there are nearly 500,000acrw ider c i in India. • *careh the A hot pursuit fol ute information w quartette of runaway ■ want gave ran mad* of men c u*i.i!‘(t7n[f Ua- l\wn the Mao'.ii •wi*l. All along * pi. ktd up that tl v\ ere oil ahead. Ka« iragvroent t«> the pv Iu* pursuer* were gain When the purtv *>f children hunte ived at each i-.inL it wa* learnedtha hildren had g-nc straight down the rai track. By thi* time it had Another London llelle. A new beauty. whhh^ik > im w v ■gurde*l a? a l«le**iug, i»a* n dh-e i F.nglamL Slu- i* an lri*3i girl fnun Liti ith the ,, the daughte the British army, harming type of V» tund in evening o.**t pleiely eeltpH Wile* hv win die ido' i retired officer is of the m. I.umy, «nd. v . plucking a m ' eignini tdtd i.L 1 dace l .casuit, to h«dd the tlie storie* of jewelry ell a* beauty, for vwtlv presents lavished by tv * !■' - *— *pngs j* whi>|N;'jre«L l>, . _ mval tv. on the queen* <jf society, aiealin. ineredihle. The tributes Accepted by Miss Guhbins a U*»uty fnun Jersey Island, are estimated at Paris, t K*t.dtet 2.-—The intemathmal jieace congress wa* ended ve*terd»y with a sitting somewhat confused. ««cc*»i(»nally. Braiaimi defended Roumania energetically again* the reflections of one of tlie speakers garding the alleged religious persecute that province, but tlie majority disapj ' In Deerfield, N. H., go>d Baldwin apples attacked t are selling at ten cents a bushel. hi* defeme. Later vaiican in offensive l »pped by the president. rni». •ken avvav Iru; iuteri**t in ithstandifig t President Have*. ii his official duties to * rducational matters. ie serious shrinkage *aid the cause 11 ad XL ran all the school y departinei: railroad, due in Hunter's Point at 5:551 Fleet*rt ea_tke Wty—Earn, Edwin for- d other Eqt a the Way. stock dealer* from Kentucky. Tennessee and Missouri, the three state* that furnish tlie ■ing horses iu the country. These gentlemen predict that there will*lie at the -titnate and Louisville meeting*, which taking place, will close this week, and then the racing will be over in that section for tlie pre*ent year. The racing in the west the present season, which is now draw ing to a close, lut* been •h finer than any year since the war. At FINE KLOOUED ASIM.VLK over a rat# course. The stable at its head S|»eeulator, a three-year-old ist fleet-footed that lias graced the turf the resent season. This gelding has won many hardly contested races | months. He captured purses at Saratoga at tl. drug, tlie girl tN-eaiiie quiet. She said that her name wa* Lizzie Johnson, tliat she wa* twenty-live years of age, and that site came from Sweden five year* ago. Since then she ha* lived a* cook with Mr. Tlieodorc Silleek in t^iieens. Long Island, a wealthy, retired gentleman. Nat. lliek*. the kee|«er, watch ed her all njght Ie*t she should do herself injury. Mr. Silleek went to Newtown next morn ing in obedietu-e to a disjmtch, and said that the young woman’s name wa* Mary Ander son. That was a name she had taken iu America, a* her Norwegian name could not lie easily anglicized. She had always been a faithful ami quiet servant. The Nelson that Mary talked about, be said lives now in “anada, having gome there from New York it v a year or two ago. While in the city Nelson had become acquainted witii Mary, and had called upoit her two or three time*., had given her hi* picture. The.*hchad I awaiting them. Yestenlay a rep kept near her day and night ever since 1 ' r,,r « *••**» Mr r,.rt»r ent away. Nelson wa* a Swede, a stalwart, handsome young fellow. lie had not oj»enly ’ pro fessed admiration of Marv. However, he had corresiNinded with he frequently until a few week* ago. In one letter lie said that hi* father had died, ami he had no y to pay for the Imrial expense*. Would Mary send some money? She did i. Afterward Nelson wanted more money • help j«ay hi* brother's ex j tense* in M'hotti- ig. \\ hen his letters ceased coming Marv ew de.-|*mdeut. end .*iL*)<ecte<l that a fel- -w female servant who came to this coun- y^with her wa* receiving letters from Nel- tm At times her jealousy broke out in . tassionate recrimination, and she accused 1 D«»v. Neptune, w hi er friend of the cttrres|toiidence. Its ex- * ' " itence wa* denied, however; yet Mary ould not believe that. K'ist week Mary complaim-d of Iwing sick, and said that she wa* going to see a physician in Market ect. New Y'ork, ami on Saturday she went the Hinsdale depot, saying that she wa* going to visit the physician. On Monday Mr. Silleek returned to New- •wn with Mary’* fellow-servant. A* soon a* Mary caught SRJHT of the gikl. die hurst into a )uiroxy*m of reproaches, and tried to get at her through the d«Nirof the prison. When left alone she was j»aci- tieil again by Keetter Hicks, the oulv one to whom she would listen. Some Hollies were given to her and she tierfortned her toilet carefully after liciug fold that she could see Nelson w hen she came out. Her eyes spar kled, and she wa* smiling when she step|>ed ut of her cell. Then, a* she ran her eye *und the circle of officials and curiosity kers, the joyoiisnes* died from her face, il she M*reami*l: •You’ve lied to me; Nelson isn’t here. . I want to see him so!" and she wrung her hand*. iq»er Hicks said that he meant that Xel- the la*t three e of the largest mei‘ting held a the number. This mare ha* juite a reputation during the sea*on anil ha* lieen successful ujsm frei|Uent oeea*iou* in larrvingoff the purse from a whole field of pNni ones. Matelistone, a two year old chestnut colt; Kllatee. a two year old filly, and BlixKlstoue, year old bay horse, complete the list. These horses uiniii their arrival here were taken to Uglethor]»e j»ark, where they ni* comfortable qr.vuTEBs them. Yestenlay a The Gonstiti tios met Mr. Carter and ha« versation with him about the protq*ccts •f racing at our fair. Mr. Garter says that js far a* lie is concerned his stable is here ready for the *|**rt, tlmt tlie horses are feel- very well and are in tine condition. lie comes dim*t from Kansas City, when* his stable ha* been attetidingat a raw? meeting. Mr. Garter lia* attended quite a iiiiiiiIht of meetings during the sea*on and ha* l*ecn ery successful in many instance* in carry- good purse*, lie say.* that a* City he heard all the turf men express their intention of coming to ir fair. The stable* of Mr. Isaac Staples, consist ing of five or six runners, among which is MinncaiMd'!.* Iieating Mollie McCarthy, the Califor nia wonder, and a number of other last ones ill he here. In this stable are also Fior- aine, Deotogniti, the WINNER OF THE TRAVERS STAKI-* at Saratoga recently, and two two-year-old*. These horses will probably reach here in the course of a few days. Mr. Green Morris, of Kan*a* City, is also said to Ik* on the way with four rutuiers, among them Bill Dillon, and a mare whose name we did not learn. Messrs. Barnes and West, of 8t. IkuiI*, have ignilied tlieir intention to Ik* here with their fine stable of runners. Leroy, a speedy three-year-old, and Gable, one of the finest two-vear-old* in the country, are with thi* table. Other stables of runners are also said to Ik* en route from Kansas City f« Atlanta. Next week we predict that horses will citv fnn uints i * bin All VICES FROM NASHVILLE, Tenn, Lexington and Paris, Ky.. anil otlie cities, state that there will lie any numbe trotters and runners from those sectii ho will Ik iiiatteiulanee u(miii our fair. Mr. , r ,- Carter tells us that Mr. John .Splatin infi wJmiVi I ed him, Friday last, tliat he would be in I-ia 'tIm-ii AIhVv ,aU ‘* al th * fair to trot Karus 1,1 tlw tV niiiiRlv ’ieiS f «««««.«*. ItUwtJKnfl.tivNy4.itd 1-xau.itmlu- toliersanitv. I Kan.s wmej. H. , |a-ful. J-aKvi KOIXBABOI’T IX (iEOBltlA. GOV. RICE’S REPLY I sho . Wood ; examiiiatio est. Forester and Adelaide will also Ik* here i , .^nV.un^d"i;« I »*"> forthe #I.UWt SI. luKline, in Jatuaie:i. A Pen-and-ink Tour Through the State. How does she look this morning? Have you a buckeye »»r the buck-ague. Miss Sal lie Cooper, of Atuericus is dead. Judge James P. Guerrv, a prominent citi zen of Americus, is dead. ^ Our George is making it hot in the sev enth. Albany wants a steamship named after her. Tlie Murphy* are gaining ground in Al bany. Milledgcville is to have a line new hotel. Work will Itegiu at once. Eugene Speer improves the MillcdfceviUc Old Capital with every issue. Col. Wallace P. Reed will in a few days start a temperance pajter at Conyers. Ga. Every well organized city and town in the state ha* a comj*aiiy of amateur minstrels. A great many j«eople know more about iNiIities than they do aluiut hard work. Dr. Felton i* of the opinion that it is un healing to visit Dade county at this crisis. The Katoiitou llroaduxe and Jtemizer is gradually filling up with advertisements. A Stewart county negro killed a black snake with a squirrel in it* coils the other day. The gni-house of Mr. John A. Williams, of Stewart county, was accidentally burned recently. This j* the season of the year when gin- lioiise hands tackle a gin saw and get baillv u~,l l«l- Judge John I. Hall will have no )Mq<o.*i- tion a* a candidate for the legislature in (qulding county. Fiddling Jim Sims .wit* in town the other day. Jim's piety is gradually wearing his young life away. Count Johannes B. G. says lie never saw the Hois ile Boulogue looking a* preter-nat- urally gay a* it does this season. A colored man was fatally shot by a Mill- edgeville |«jiicoman the other night. The p. of c. had attacked the officer with a pistol. were shot at Savannah on the 27th inst. while stealing ice from Heyward's ice house*. The shooting wa* a cool ‘piece of business. Waterman's neat endorsement of our so ciety column ha* caused quite a flutter in some of our |K»lite circles. Let the good work goon. Mr. E. K. Brown ha* moved his family into the Brown house. The camvunsery will Ik* ready for tlie reception of guests* long iK'forc tlie fair. A hale of cotton wa* rutiled at tlie ex change in Savannah a few days since, and $2Uti realized for the iK'iietit of the yellow fever sutlers of Memphis. Suppose Mr. Reuben Arnold were to Ik- elected to congress twenty times over—how would that effect congressional legislation in the direction of financial reform? Dick Grubb, of the Darien Gazette, has quit chewing gum and taken the bridle off Ijis w liiskcrs. Grubb is one of the severest jMiIiticinus in the first district. Aaron Ali>cora Bradley, the ex-Waulion of the Ogeeehee iikhis, after, several year* alisence, ha* shaken the dust of Charleston' from his hpiguns and has returned tempo rarily to Savannah. If colored affidavits and flattering remarks u|k»ii the virtue of Georgia women an* any evidence of strength, Mrs. Felton’s huslund is very strong. The affections of the people protrude in his direction. “Poor men a;aiu.*t the bondlmlilers!” cry tip.* untamed grcenlKickers and they they straighfwav go to work and etideavortn tear down tlie democratic party. Uncle Reuben and his friends have let tlieir feet slip. laying on the imn'h of Gonstiti tios is loaded and is liable to go off at any moment. Xewspa)K*r thieves had lH*ttcr keep at a distance or they will Ik* roughly used up. Smithy Clay ton is in the city. He at tended the minstrels last night and pro fessed himself well plea*ed with the enter tain ii lent. Willie Emerson has refused all pro|Misitioiis to stump the ninth district for S|K*cr. Rome Courier: l>. C. Dutton, wlioesca|K*l from jail in Marietta some two weeks since, wa* arrested hy Mr. Glasou in' Cherokee oiunty, Ala., last Thursday. lie wa* ItNlged iu Rome jail yesterday by Cap!. Kellett. and will probably Ik* sent off to day. Senoia Farm and Home: A monster p:tie blown down by the wind wa* found on Line creek, three miles from Senoia. Our dis coverer says it measures 90 feet to the first limb, and that the whole 00 feet will square 4 feet; that it makes a square piece of tetn- Ikt 90 feet long. 4 feet wide ami 4 feet thick. There is nothing as delightfully certain as the fact that rumor is an arrant liur. For tanee, she spread the intelligence the it her day that the fever wa* in Macon, if polemic confined to people who give currency to such reimrts. could come along. .. ..juiitrv would lie great I v refreshed. Tin* gin-house of Rev. B. C. Green, laiureiis eouiity near the line, huriied on la*t Thursday. TO THE LETTER OF GOV. HAMPTON. The “Culcbxwed" Statecman Grows Offended witlx Hampton’s Stinjin^ Rebuke, and Re fuses to Place it on File-An Asylum for Refugees. a suliM*rilH*r i insane. Mr. Siiieck wauted'her to be treated | ^ our Lorses start in this race our (K*ople here he could si*e her often. | **!*«< witnessjlie finest trotting J lieen with him so long tliat lie felt I, as solioitiuu* about her a* if she thcsl-1 l^rth’uhirs exeiqit that it wa*humi*l during ....... I the davtime.aiiil as the gin wa* not running. Georgia. The turfmen say that they v agreeably surprised to sec that At- r ^siit-*wu."takc'n t.Tlht-'a^yiuiu for I UnlK l^s i" ll.e race for tlie l i«> ili. i..^m- mJJam.l-.t«ia, I cap fur all ,«gts. In tlie «wt tli«- . •reiser of the l-.e.r Wrifcbr w.« direeted ^ . >“*"? , ■nst.mrs liave not In-en hr I ..untv Jtnle Anusttons to take chare I =>■*'»• »'«• Atlanta has doubted the presumed About four hales of cotton were stroyed. Athens Cliromele: At a meeting of rudential committee of the univers lield last Friday, Mr. David W. Barrow ehvted adjunct professor of mathematic the place of Mr. Samuel Barnett, re.*i*:m*d of the girl'* pmiierty. The p*N*ketb<Mik and I util ium^ tnrfms^ a le^ ua\s ajjN re-1 j f ^ w | t | k , m little pleasure that we make liauk-hook had In nui taken iu eliarge hy the I t»»rke«l that he wouldttot beat till sur| rmud I t|,i s announcement, feeling assured, as we telegraph operator and tlie ticket agent in ] *° a ! * ea? * t a (Uizen starters in this- race, I ^ that Mr. Barrow’s seholarlv acquire-: Winfield. The girl i* said to4u»ve relatives I a -' 1 *he sue would iniuse a lat^e mimlK*r to I , e „ ts j Klst high standing in csillege, and in thi. ,-itv. Yctcnhty aftrmnon bcrliat "M‘«l l«*w «•» for „ nex ,,.| l l ,,i ,,„,ii c ii.„ cv in the deiarttnen- a.Hl shuwl were found in Momte'tt wcwK V.t"!'!!L'.TT... !i“. ni.tlieiuati«. renders him in every res. COLORADO'S COLOR. The Sound Seem** to Favor the Other Side. Denver, Col., October 1—Return* a* far a* received indicate the election of the has been offered at any course during the I present season Col. L. A. Hitchcock is now iti_ llosto hut is exjiected to reach this city in a ft days and remain here until after the fair. There are now at the track eight trotting equal to the jsisilion.' We congratulate the board on so g»*«l a selection. Dahloncga Signal: In the early jKirt «»f la*t week two l*uiti*l State.* deputy in; hals, Henry Uohiiison and Tom Smith, Boston, October 2.—Governor Rice de clines to put Governor Hampton's letter rel ative to the Kiinptoti matter upou file. The executive dej«arttuent ha- forwarded the following communicatioii to Governor Hampton: Execitive Dei*.\i:tment. Boston, Septem ber 30.—Hi* Excellency. Wade Hampton, Governor, Columbia, S. C.. Sir: I received on Saturday ht*t tin extraordinary- oflicial coni in u n iea tion addressed t«* me, over your signature, the contents of which I had read in the newspapers three days liefore. I U-g to remind y.iur excellency that any attempt ed rebuke of Massachusetts by South Gane lina for a non-observance «»f constitutional r statutory obligations is the refinement ok s.tia \*m liich renders any defense of the former ate unnecessary. The treatment of tfi,- use of lliram 11. Kiiuptou hy tin* authori ties of this commonwealth was tminflueiiccd by any jH’rsouai or isditical considerations. Massachusetts had no (juarrcl with South Carolina aud no friendship for Kimp ■ach then Kvj but wa* bound t«» exte sjiective rights under the law . , official and iH*rsonal, wa* extended to the representatives of South Carolina. Usual eare was bestowed upm their investi gation and consideration of the ca-c. ami its decision was reached u)H>n grounds of per fect ini)>artiality iu accordance with law- ami facts, and'with conviction* of public IUECT OF THE UEql'lStTION. lid not ap)K*ar to Ik* for the of try ing Kimptou for the crime charged against him, but fora different purj»oM\ was sim- *ly a recital of I'acjL* contained iu the rcjMit t >f the attorney general, a copy of which was furnished with tuy letter to*you, ami in •pinion and mine clearly established hy tlu* evidence. Your excellency's letter Te nures no argument iu reply. It is suffici- L*nt to say that it contains the statement to mislead the imlilic when the facts arc un known Its language and untimely publicat ions arc ofletisivc and unjustifiable. I de line to accept it or )K*miit it to Ik* pla<*ed I **' *f tlie executive departtuen COTTON GINS, Ac. PLANTATION MAOHINERT We are Agents in Georgia. Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina for Gullett’s Latest Improved Magnolia Cotton Gin, cri.I.KTrs OIN FEEDER AND CONDENSER. Bi-clovv-K Sleani I'-neiiicn, Kciinnmizvr Kn-iues, Eveiy rtjlr, HoriwalaL V prigkt, Momitt-J ami stall.mnrj. rireiH-Uas wort at .-sn-rav low price. Lever and Screw Cotton Presses, Coleman’s Mills, Saw Mills,&c. TERMS LIBERAL. PRICES LOW. Circulars and prices promptly fun-.i*lu*l. Address O. M. STONE A CO., 160 aug9 dJhr2mo Cotton Fnctoi*., Augutia, Uh. GEARING & CENEB^^" cmo jvmmmjut & pme l/st. SEETHATITBEARSTHETSADEMARKoftheBULLAND takenoother Tilth. It is b( ilK*dicnt servant. I.KXANUEU II. Kick ivith r ('onMuiu)ition Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having placed iu his hands by an I*!ast India missionary the formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the s)K*cdy and jt-rmaucm I ire for eonsumiition. bronchitis, catarrh. I thmu. aud all throat aud lung affections. | also a |K»sitivc and radical cure for nerv lehility and all nervous complaints, after | having tested its wonderful curative iHitver* thousands of rases, has felt it his duty to make it known t<> hi* suffering fclimvs. *Act- iited hy this motive, and a desire to relieve human sti fieri tig, 1 will send, free of charge, to all who desire it. this n*ci|K*. with full di ms for preparing and using, in German. I eh, or English. Sent hy mail by ad dressing. with stamp, iiaming this paper. \V. * *, 149 Powers’ Block. Uocheste*, tWt>jul2,7fl wcowlvr HINTS GROCERS. it IS POOR POLICY ■»»®y • . ti»« trrlng t« find tlie cheapest tluit can lie bought,he sliouhl always select Till: KKST In the market. iuav of no Unsinvss anywhere, in the -nuutry, that would not sooner become rally e.«tab:i.*hed. and In the long run ter. I.y luuidliug only fair and ho; GBAND DISTHJBUTION! Commonwealth Distribution Co. lA*pilizcd I.y tlie Coinin' nucaltli of Kentucky, and supervised by lion. K. c. Wintersmith, Ex. Trca.*.. tJen’l T. A. Harris and other prominent citizens that may Ik* designated I.y tieket-liolders, ill hold tlu-ir SIXTH I»01»1T.A1C itUAWIXCi In Pul.lie Library Hall. Louisville, Kv.,nn Saturday, Nov. 30,1878 NO SCALING! NO POSTPONEMENT! 1SBZ $115,401) in Cast! AND TICKETS ONLY 82. •nwqnenecof its po)«ularitv, and in cuinydi- with request of inmu-n*u< ticket buyers, the itgcmcnt again present th<- following att met- etlenf i tdlit •d I.y low prici r and adulter e up'with sho 'eight i while purchase •: manr id other DR. RiCJE mm Place, LOUISVILLE, KV., c&fi 1 Spermatorrhea and Impotency, lowi»< Nettmud«s*,’ Scciinil (uik-ta rail*, •lini by tmai). IHmmi of bit'll, lltftctiic Xi motj, !*;• • Arcnioa tuMekty WF ’ CiAttot— of Uni, l«. mt Soxual Pw«er. Ac., m nil these l!itug»,and nothing i* move Certain than tliat HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY MEN' ISO KUHiNESS v I to mu umiv, a’he srrsst way ta ac:amplish this is to build up a psrmansut trade. Whole Tick et*. 8'i. XlnirTieketa. Ml. «7 Ticket**. WO. VS Tlrketw, JilOO. inter. n-jri*n*n*t rk Hei • tickets and infon Mt»NWEALTH IdSTKIItl * OMMKUFOKD, Sec’y, Com if inferior pfls are sold. ly by keeping the b*,* ■UTtist* —bovyr, are Uton-rclUy ami (Miu* '“Gonorrhea; iH*>Uitf|rinirl , Il U !cni that a |4ir -icUu a Im> t+}» M«eial attest any. acquire *reat>&UL KEyrkUt* Wu.>»_iujtbU tort Cures Guaranteed iu all < n Ccu*StatM«J *?2?aatJv hr clear pr..t! not Mij'ply t by th, do not pay the luigm-t mt a |K*niuuctit business • till* best MMlp, Ji.C •s. toe tn*st Imking j»o\vder, tin* whole list. We have j los ( . a customer hundred a:.d fifty dollars to him, ju -t hveutux* he i Itakiug [K'Wder that was HaiHlMtowu, Tlds Institution has Ik* I »cof*»4bW ami wrm|»«»an atrktly amMoiiial. PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of 100 porta, to any addro .», arcimty^anted,r,cdnTq » A. M. U H r. U. SuLjaji, 31* an- il,.n the repnl.lhtnw carried every erard I OeoiRia Stuck and Eairnssueiathm, infunncl I ‘l^hinTT "liT’Triw* !u',hi“ S^Tt^tUnnanof .h^.u.e ,,U " lion state central eunmiittee claims that _ twcsty alssiau iiom-Ea the ottjy alter,,attve, when, they |,r ... . .... late by 2,590 majorit ami two-thinl* of the legisluture. Fortvhme towns and precincts officially, including three democratic counties, lluar- fan*. Bent and Pueblo, give a net republi can majority of l.tiM ' ket. Tlie remaining towns and | greatly .vletl on their way without further niolestutii Savannah News: Our readers will remem ber tlmt in the account of the iuvestign of southern clai in.*, whicii wa* comlu lead I here some time since by Gen. R. B. Av October, as previously an-1 published in the Morning News, mention uiiced in the various s|M»rfing journals. | wa* made of certain developments o entered for the various in This numlier will creased, as the directi meeting, decided in»t to ek»se the entries tH the evening preceding each •r the democratic | of^the 1st of UG * ~ “ legis 1 two-thirds republican in both hoi G. Wilson, acting chairman of the republi can state central committee, estimates the f majority in tlie state at 3,500. 2.100 MAJORITY. SjKs-ial di*|iMt«-h to the < onstUution. Denvkk. (a*toiler3.—Nearly complete re- * from 21 counties give the republican the benefit of theownenrof many Ik This change wa* made owing t*» tlie p lence of fever iu many of the western ( fnun which the larger jHirtion U*ajK*rs will come. Of course as \ are im» tndtiug Imitscs entered, entries never close until the BKFORK THK «ACI ijuentlv there is state and congressional ticket 2,100 map The remaining counties will proliablv •rea*e the majority to 2,500. Judge Belf*»nl, . *•' - carrieii I The prospects for some puhliran candidate for con; comes off, \ age to he gained in entering a ho weeks before tlie race is trotted. |K*ople. wa* alleged, showed that Simms had received money on some of these claim*, which had never been turned to the owners, and, further, liad forged there I the name of a colored man named Smith. These I living in Liberty county, had collected his money, about seventy-nine dollars, and pocketed it. After the return of Gen, A I.IVEK It EM Elk IES, Or. M. W. CASE’S Liver Remedy BLOOD PURIFIER! Tonic and Cordial. This is not a patent medicine, but is prepa onder the direction of Dr. M. \V. Case, from ravorite prescription, wliich In an ex ten-* practice or over twenty-seven vean he has foe most effective In all cases of disordered livet impure blood. It is ANTI-BILIOUS. It acts directly upon the liver, restoring it when diseased to its normal condition; and in 1 regulating the activity of this great gland every I other organ of the system is benefited. In Blood ] Diseases it has no equal as a purifier. It im- I proves digestion, and assists nature to eliminate I nil impurities from the system; and while it is I tlie cheapest medicine in the market, it is alar. I superior to all known remedies. While it U I more effectual than Blue Mass, it is mild and I perfectly safe, containing nothing that can in the I lightest degree injur- the system. It docs not I sicken or give pain; neither does it weaken the I patient, nor leave the system constipated, as do [ most other medicines. I Heartburn, Sick Stomach, Jaundice, I Colic, Vertigo, Neuralgia, Palpitation of the Heart, Female Irmuliritlu und IVrakaeu, all Skin and Blood Disease*, I Worms, Fever and Ague, and Const!pa- I tion of tlie Bowels. • i In small doses It Is also a sure cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. Taken two or three times a day, It pre- vents Yellow Fever, Diphtheria, Scarlet f Fever, Cholera, and SmaLl-Pox. HOWTO BE YOUR OWN a pS£S? 1 1 inX/VTAD 11 Tonic and Cordial., DOCTOR, ANTI-BILIOUS. And save your doctor bills. Only 25 cts. a bottle. It is the most effective and valuable medicine I ever offered to the American people. As fast a* Its merits become known. Its use becomes universal in every community. No family will be without it after having once tested it* great •alue. It lias proved an inestimable blessing t SEA FOAM ¥ill flraw more trade to your Store te any otter ie tliiiia tlie Grocery Line. It Is u first—clus-'s article, ul.l do all xvo With t to \r< It b a credit to any mere f the lew* g.NHl tiling' recommend to every vu*t< itself after one trial fi*r it [•{•rccMUed. And »" lady using it will tell uliei properties of S*:.\ Fotv. ai pun-hased, and m> tJie t gradually but mi rely .*« i «<>' ing grocer wlm keep* it i tlie ladies of Ucorgiii »i»< been intrviduced, are. noted bread, biscuit, com c*a!.■*■*, than can •>« found at:yul Other baking preparation. k WKI.L. ido Will •nterpris- Act nall.v. 8VIEVER FAILS BANKRUPT VIRGINIA. _ Money In ihvTrraxnry for tl»r Pub lic Ncbools-Tlir Governor A>gotlat<- ing for a $230,000 Loan. Nkw York. October 1.—A «li*|«atch fnun Kichniond. Va.. mix * that Gov. Holliday ami the state treasurer and the auditor of ]»uhlu have had a ouiferencc with sonw *of liank-, tlu* object tieiug to ob a loan of ^25(M«*» for the. |Hir|«om* of tying tlu* extu-tiH-s of tlu* public whooK *e schools* have just been |k*ihhI, but there i* not a dollar in te treasury with which to carry them or to i«av the arrearage* and salaries * them tor the last 'C**ion. The teacher* laniorou* for their j»ay. and in »»me j»lace* hey have actually refused t«* begin th Ul•or* of the jirc*ent *cw*iott until they lia\ receiveti the amount due them for tin* la*' t i* claimed that the taxe* levied and e»» ected f<*r tin* *up|K*rt of the public *choo! reported. SCOTLAND IN THE WHIRL. One of Its Heaviest Banka Fni! Shrinkage or Securities. Losikix. UctolK-r 2—A circular *igned l all the Ssitcli l*ank.* ha* been i.**ued i«»uncing tliat theGity (*f Gla*gow bank will lot ojK*ii doors ti^day and will the ua- of note* in • *rder to lessen the im* cnietKv to the public. Other Seuteh lnnk: will accept it* note* a* u*uai. TheGitv (*f la*gow I wink Iva- a i*aid up capital jfcl.UOMMi; liahilitn**. $5u.ikO,WUO. Liabili ties* of diareholdcr* unlimited. Oue hun dred }K»uiul share* of the hunk were dealt •nUly at *»\er 2U>, and w ithin a w eek at iE>7. The lank wa* e*taV*li*bed in Ij® lia*l from fifty to *ixty branchc*. Tlii* i* the Hl'.AVie*T BANK FAlLt'KK in Scotland *iuce JS51, w hen thi ol*** *u*|•ended. The other Sc*»ich bank: were asked for o**k*taxice. hut after examin ing the Uiok* at a meeting yesterday.refused to do *•*. The failure caused great excite meiit tlimtighout Scotland am! in the D*nd< *t«K-k exchange, where there wa* a heavy fall in Scotch railroad securities in conj*e*pience of the i*re!e*ure of the Scotch holder* Ui The failure i* generally attributed to it source* being V**eked up in t*ill*. securities advaut-1 r >* to Washington, and hi* report several I ifi^ffiction.* were received hy the >|leil I fleer here' to take out a warrant ,r o.n,r^, ,*11 "-.-l-.s R.r ,« linc tmt.^ .I,e o of tn***e thus far I “ceretary inform.* us, n* very bright, ajid « n#m * i made. *|K*r of- l*I t«» * *t her i|K»lly to defraying the exi*en*«snf the sta iunent. G**v. lioUidav has set forth the extnionliuarx- of x lie earnest appeal t . pledging him*elf. a* the executi judging fnuu tlie many letters of in*|uiry received each day by him. the owners of animals are awake to the fact tliat We are going t«» have a big fair, and that there ley” in every purse for the wiune Noble Women.. Baltimore Every Saturday. The scenes in the fever stricken south t Ik* terrible in the extreme, more espe cially in Memphis where, out of a ijopula- •tted by 1 nited States Commissioner Beckett, but Simms in some way got wind of it. and levanted ho- 'iire the doctiinent was placed iu the hands (the marshal for execution. The matter wa* kept quiet, in the Ih»|k* that Simms wa- still in the state; lie having. »t is'cn heard of in Atlanta, and that his capture •uld l*e effected. It is now understood that he is Canada, ami it is presutnetl will remain time. Tletlma of the Fever. Among the large numlier who have fa I let nve.xe nunureu. wua «* rec . , will of the yellow fever epidemu . ,11..{ <1h- }tbcw, W - J u . h; ,.,, | , r ,. va iM f,.r ,l, e ,«st twoiiiotitli: of the < tJmusar.ds who have used il. Imaging back licalth »!id strength to those who were seemingly ! •it • Uatfi's door. Prepared at the Laboratory of the 'Tome Medicine Co., Philadelphia* Pa. a. .os per Bottle, 25c. Extra Large Size,75c. ^-’•^.A'WSksD 20-** U«g17 d&wly i c rend ii TO MAKE GOOD BKKAD according to direct inns. ore than lutii tlie e»»mplcint* ••> t«»d fiour e from tlie u^e of common bukiug which not infrequently make the Is- turn out dark bread. Ska. F<**m x better cookery with second quality of flour than the best of flour will produce with any of these other com|founds. NEARLY EVERY BAKING POWDER IS ADULTERATED. SEA FOAM !S PERFECTLY PURE And contains no element or ingredient that is in any way injurious. SEA FOAM COOKING RECIPES Are presented with every can. also Full Jn- gtructiom f»r ITtt. You can buy Ska Foam from any leading wholesale house, or send to Gants, Jones & Co. • MANUFACTURERS and PROPRIETORS, 176 Duane St, New York. 2f maygs dAw cow <1 *ut wed _ STEAM EXtaXLS, Ac. metropolitan Works St ALBi. Ae. 1I1»1N «I Seliemn: address COM- ▼ AZABimi AGA DEMY, Kentucky. a Ixiarding sclirtol f.— “lies mihv me year tsll, during whi«h is received an extensive i«atnainge fmiu liem and several <•«' the western states, r has adiksl to the emu fort and conven- the Institution, while exjH'rience has in- •reased the qualificatlnna and al.ilities of the wu- ' * iresses. No solicitation is icildea or erred ot* •tion of pu|dls at i> run daily : by Nazareth. Higher course sed to change the religious pr le pupils. Nazareth isop«>n f«»r the tv<s , pass;: r tin lUisville to < |K-r I music. 4218 studio ...CB3B; Withe With music $2U»; Wiiiumt music .$176 rayalde half yearly In advance. Extra branrbcft For f urther information. K*|tarate charges. apply for catalogue to MOTHER GOLIMBIA GA It ROLL, Superioress, dies w ill Ik* resumed (Hi Monday, ScptemlKT AS, A. M. Roger giicd for |K*rmaueut lettei ie estate of Mary A. G. Mcl.u r said county: Therefore, all {ktsoiis r aug w~2nio. oU-rnext, should under my Imii.l and seal of office, this *T*. is7s. JOHN V. EDGE. •l-.uU. Ordinary. . Iav, late of said liwifilti This is. therefore, to notify all iktsoiis concerned to tile tlieir (•bjeetions, if hoy they have, within the time prescribed by law. . be letters will Ik* granted said applicant as apt lied for. W. II. NESniT, g2... wlnutni. Ordinary. ► GOLD PLATED WAT4TIKS t Cheapest in the kn nvii world. Samtdc I free to Agents. Address A. CoL'LTKK. Ghi- P rilLIG NOTICE.—IN COMPLIANCE WITII the law, notice is hereby given that I have this day sold and transferred all inv stock in the Atlanta Savings Bank. \.VM, KIDD. Atlanta. oa.. April 2, 1m7s. N otice Novell and transfei ing in her name iu t that I have sold ai hy me iu said lam hundred dolbirs. • IVE.V THAT OX Ellen Jt. Buck aok cd by her and stand link of Atlanta; also, isfcrrcd all stock owned cpt to the amount of four A. E. BUCK. For himself and wife. J J EARN MALE SCHOOL, GAVE SPRING, GEORGIA. The fortieth session of this school will open August 2fith, and the Full T- nu closes Deccmtier t:;th, 1x7*. Tlie Spring Term o|K*ns January 6th, and clow* with a Prize Dcehuiiation June 27th, IH7». Tuition for the year wt, <,r «0. Inci dental cxjKjnses for the year fel w». Board with the Pritiei|«al at 810 per month, exclusive of wadi- lug and towels. Students will Ik* THOROUGHLY prepared for the higher classes iu college and prizes will be awarded in Latin, Greek and Math ematics. For circulars, o Principal. julyit sun<t\vky::n pkor. A X DA RDI ertiblc. s kind* that t, at the o»u fere nee. advance th« •iicv, and it »» said they are m»t make tlie k<an without the j*n»; ritv. , the THE GROWING CROPS. The Yield Probably Equal to that o Last year. Wjmusutom. Octolier 1.—The rr|*»rt* t the de|«rtment of agriculture show tliat the _ . \ual tliat of to over four hundred highest state average J the lowest in Texas, tobacco states, reprr- l«er cent. «•{ the ield of oat* will \ ls77. which aiuountes million hu*hel*. Tin was in Gouueeticut at Twelve of the large*: seining about ift total jm*duct, rejsirt for ?K*ptei«- ber. tiie ennditum of the. note a* follows: Kentucky. CW; Virginia. 9»* Missouri, s"; Tennessee, Id; Maryland, Pennsylvania.»»; North Carolina. 97; Ohio 82; Indiana, 90; C«*nneeticnt, 115; Illinois. 7*.»; Massachusetts. It**. The general average of xhoe state? is SL against 90 in Augtnst. Criminal Practice. >uk. October 2.—Drs. Orlando K. | and David \V. Kaken liave lieen I *n the charge of i«erforining Vi. ... * the >f fifteen tlmOKUid. there lias lieen a tality «»f twelve hundred, with three thousand feverqarehed .... *’ Help, or we perish," a wail which, thank God! annuel a ^I ra,iaii.ed to tha^^ last at ihei. in i-vc-rv nortliern loan unt '“ L 'l vast* of duty. Major Win. Willi*, of Mem ro.niinlcd apirn and ai»m^ and m telo-1 -ntmidciil of <be wwleru diriaioo irrajdin- tDn.lo n-*.-l.or.l u|.» ie m.a, v - thc Expra. ivas lutitic s Other shore. The Memphis Appeal, 1 whose staff lm* been depleted from ten to * mon 5 t,ie nu, " , * er - two, *ays: “Fear sits on every face, and I 50 xoblek <*k tbi dread (*n every heart. We work not in the I man than Major Willis ever resided in. that <lia*i»w. hut in the very face of death, fa-1 distressed city. The deceased, after the rents have deserted children, and children 1 death rtf the mayor, wa* placed iti charge ot jiciretits. husband* tlieir wives, but not wife I the city, and in this eajuu ity he a;-e«»i . . ... . _ —*— r.. —*- 1 |4ts)ied'a great deal of psul. Wishing show the pro|K*r respect to the tuetiiory ivith Scott: | the fallen employees the S»uthern Express cotii|any of tlii* city have dra)ie<l their of *'-*e in "mourning.' The entrances an* fe- •otied with wliite ami black eraju*. and t*ar one of the front d*u*rs hangs a tribute • the memory of Major Willi*. Over each entrance, and atuoiig tlu* ilrajiery can be seen the name of five of tli ’ *'* Memphis," SCI I EM’S HISTORY OF | f'Mianl Street from Sixth RICHMOND, VA I ENGINE*, portable aml*t*ti. t.RlST MIU-S. 1MHLKRS FAIRBANKS S*C ALE S. s.UV MILLS ASTlS'GS of BRASf I IRON. FORGIN<;s. S:c. MACHINERY in 1*1 ami Goal Mine*. Blast Furnaces. Ac. We call sjKsiiil atteiithrti V> our IMPROVED ORTA RLE ENGINES, for agri<-nitural ami olh* Mil! A l*o. t baulimi SMALLU ado i iiistituti# Retwir work solicited and p Shafting. Pulleys. Ac., for <i utielei sinnin'g EN *end for Illus things iK'ing <*iuul sfasjr- Willian Winds*; 'l-* i!! v.7v«’T > timU-r artt-7 I IwJ, tlSr**, ire the only requiem, there Th • l,,h Y.he"nrl rei.i U- exhl.lm.l- ' ^ J** Till, evening Caj.i- Oirnhy urrre.etl Ur. uvert l* W w«W fro." ' Frederick H. Lay. of SO \Ve.t Forty-ninth | noble ones who h«e graduate of Bellevue medical ur. ■tnr'iiri i Mw-y ■** *««r ]>utahlc physician «*f thi* city, and is *aid Ik- iu*.re- deejdy implicated tlum any of the other prbouer*. and tliat he was by her | Down at the enterprising town of Hatnp- l' ncertain, coy. hard to please. Aud variable its the shade By tlie light quivering aspen mode : When pain and anguish wnng the brow, A ministering angel thou ! . What a picture of Iremic self-eacnnet . •n do not tliese women of Memphis In many ca*es. where ruails of escajK* j infectedcitie*. Tlieciti irenada. New Qrlwui _ c . •Hire will Ik* kept in mourning thirty altar, “in sickness and in health.” they re- I days, and i* a fitting tribute to the memor main firm at their post until “death do them | of the employees who have died during tb jairt.” and over thc corpse of him they I epidemic, loved, tlieir are tlie only requiem, tlieir I lead hojies the only immortelle*. God I The Soeialiat Bill. —- *->-■ **• BekuX, October 1—In the ]«arliamentary . . committee the srxrialist bill ttassed its second heart's fireside and fanned ffi* smouldering J noting fu all its essential points it is the embers into flame, or sanctified the dying I NUue after its first reading, tlie committee ew of wifely tears. | even regaining two years and a half as the • I term of oi*enitio!! of the bill, uotwithstand- A Georgia Composer- | j II;r the oojection of Count Von Kulenlierg. Lo.m*i5. Octolier 2.—A Berlin dh|>atch ■he died. Tliere mre n»W six I ton. on _ the Centrel read, is a mimical earn- I im il is understt«d that Eiu J; en.r WtUiam Tody charged with thc crime, 1 j«user of extra fine merits, and whose mu-1 will return to this city October 12th. and t arrests are to be made. Discourtesy to the I'nited SMt< Gita or Muico. J^ptcuiber 24.—During the celebration of ludcjamdencc day. Sep- tember 5. in tlie National theatre, at which Minister Footer was present, an orator made di*courteous remarks about the United State*, which were applauded 1>v part of the audience. In consequence of thi* incident, a sensational report was circulated that Fuster would demand his passports. Tlie i k‘t>»u* mutt 1 re\K*rt is ptauMmu. No tm^rtance can ilent quality, be given to the occurrence. The Tlie Ghe*a|K*ake region, a* a whole, falls about S i*ercenx. below the average. [ ton. < *l«S r works aie~ finding wide-spread favor. I issue a proclamation resuming government We refer to Mr. Frederick Karl von Amini. I duties, who is a resident of Hampton, andif we are not mistaken is a successful teacher of I>ib»n A Co., ol Boston. »re pob- FOR SALE AIX PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS, | Coffee Mills, Splee Mills, and Store Fixtures lienerall}'. I'JK jan JV—<lAwl v \YM. K. TANNER A GO. TAKE HPJMfXsJrSMS MUlng liutioucry^rack- SSvt it ihwti of . 18 Earal^ppa. r«sell, ?*nhold«r. OolOen r«n, and a pirca I*t'MI’S 1 •>uhaba imliy. Cowi»to« *»tnpV« porkan. with»'♦ 1 *■ sootKI.U1 ON*Smn* BatCM.a.8e«rt^£^<38ta^,r . Ac., Ac. I’rice, SKW. Terms unoiualed. :.NTS WANTED. II. H. GOODHFEED A <X#., i Y(*rk. «*r CincinnwVl, <»Lio. JOHN 1». U AXIMiHAM, ATTORNEY AND GOGNSKLLOR AT LAW. mice* (A and •< Gcutcnniul BuiMing) No. 1 White- hall street, ATI.a.vt.(, (iKoicoix. l’roctiee* In the •me Gourt, the l*. H. Girruit and District ts, aud in tiie Superior mid City Courts of ito. 0 may2 dAwly ( t EORGIA, FULTON I r>’s Office. Scptemliei ship and Geoiye ship, Mrs. Sarah 3 „ Alice L. Newton, Mrs. KUeu *\ Burr. Mr*. Maria D. <'ole. Mrs. Mary G«ok an.l Mrs. Emetine I'itt*. Application forprnliate of will of Jom*i»Ii Win- ship, deceased, in solemn f..nn, ami qiiMli lies tion <»f Robert Wiuship an<J •»(? <rge Winsliip as exocu- 1k-fore thc Nov SEND FOR GIRCT I.AR.H. FAIUBAXKH A <’0..| 311 nrondnr, Xew Tork. ir Sale hv leailiux Hanlware Umler BRIDE & CO. U Clinton Place. New font OPIUM 5 aad Sforrltlaa hakltcered. ‘ >** <£rlg l na I NERVOUS DEBILITY, mi j \y im ll-rtrdcn bflfiaaltn, I ectrr»ttra •fe.lM't Ul Wf. : Birrs IS. R*ilkrir.irliti - - . :;r MtUa-kata.; hAOUUtL, CUco^e.1. ^TCUE'^sf'SsrSSL * Pope and Prli wau.-.x . Loatnox, (b tuber 2.—A dhpatch from lishing his comi*ositiuns in elegant style, I Rome says that the negotiations U-tween atid we «ee most favorable notices of them I Germany and the Vatican have failed. BL*- the press of the country. Among his I marck's ultimatum of obedience to the May — —-—- —— r-,r the* piano are the 1 laws was refused by the dejwted tHshous, iti The American Belle I a letter addressed to tlie jxjpe. The Bava- -The Telegrapher's Redowa.” “Fair I nan and Austrian nuncios have been en- Bingen on the Rhine Waltzes,” “The Night I trusted with a confidential mission to Bis* Wind’sTaleof the Past..’ etc. The musical I marck. but no hopes are entertained «.f stic- neonle of Georgia will doubtless receive 1 cesa. Germany will concede rmtlung, and ... with *' 1 * — : _»A -11 COTTOX HIYEKS. mmmmsmmsmmmi JOHN FLANNERY. JOHN L. JOIINflON. | Managing Partner of late firm L. J. Guilmartin <k Go. 1865 to 1877. JOHN FLANNERY & CO. COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I sirtSMENfl 1 \ ORfu2ftf'2UBS.«SSM 1 So. s KELLY'S BLOCK. JU A uffR Tll203^5^. Clw Dmj Strrrt HAVASXAll, CA. | WArlTEDu ^ . rv.Ti*»o u c^—• AOKXTH rr»K Jewell’aMills Yarns & Domestic,etc. B agging and ties for salkat lowest market rates. PROMPT and CAREFUL ATTENTION given to all buidnementrusted to us. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on consign ment*. aug.;l (Mtwtiu . Hannah Wiu*hip. Mr*. Sarah . |, a |4h*tl«i of thi* r weeks, in the Atlanta md John Wlnship, bv iNiitution. mid that all js-rain*fwooerned show se. at said Novi-wU-r term, why mid appliea- i *h«uld not Va* grantt-1. This Sej.lein1a-r2»th, v. DANIEL PITTMAN. W »ep28...wlw. Fulton county. ILTON POSTPONED SHERIFF’S BALES. M ilton i*ost Will Is* *.ild the town of Alphnreu la-tween the legal hotn inlitf next, thi S1200 -- House «hs»r in Milton county, Georgia, •r Mile on the first Tuesday .llovvliig|»roiK*rty, to-wit: is*, aud Si-\ all lying and irt and second seetiou of Levied on by virtue of i.«*ued from the Jns- -t, G. M., iu favor of Willihy l>*anlen vs. J. i*. nicker, principal, and R. M. Tucker. Security. Levy made and returned to rue hv IL W. Lewis, L. G A 1*0, at the same tim- and place, will tic wdd. (he foklowioc pnipeftx l" >"l: One .Irek l»j- cullhm Hone. Levied .m »»the pjopeitj; r>n\. s Groeaii to satisfy a li. fa. imued from Mlkon Superior Court in favor of G M. Hook vk W. B Grogan and W. II. Sc*Ml. Propettt jMimtedout bv W S. Grogan. Thi September 2S. 1»7». V. oct2 wtd WILLIAM BL'lSK, Sheriff. thc estate of W. F. \ MAN «jL ..nre tenoi WAHTED ia every Co. in tb« V. K to«eY oar POPULAR BOOKS. Goo- Par o&d %vudy work. Writer u ry’flOfBce, Sept- , ichcal and Natlmni. 1 Millet having applied for lettent of adminifitntii *n Kelly, late of mid e»ai ay All persons comcni' -l a. , — their objections, if any exist, on or Ircfore the first Monday In NoveiulaT next, else letters will lie granted thc applicant •. I- IL GRHMJS, 4 ocC! w4w OtfUnary. EDRGIA.FtLTONO .UNTY, ORDINARY'S BORGIA, Ft T LI \X Office. August admin i>trator of t MTS, Whereas, T. ( . Parker, Powell, admintattator of the estate of W, M. H01, ... tii» mute <il II. B. Barker, lale of odd oouoty, .IcreMed, »how» that he ha, deceased, shows that he has fully discharged his fully discharged hi* lru*t and preys for letters of trust aud preys for letters of dismission: dismission: All person* concerned are notified to file their All persons concerned arc notified to file their ftv ottendin* *>&£’* BcstNzm U srVEUtTY. objection*. H any exist, within the time preKcribed objections, ii[any exi-t. within the tune prescribed . ' Xk - ** ^ wm D b L^ , L u ? I ¥ ! fMfs u " u ‘ t - b> ' etelctte ” ■"tefiBr«S5ar- t 1 « «aug6...wlam3m Ordinary. 98 augtj.„wlam3m Ordinary.