The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, April 02, 1866, Image 4

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legal Notices. CHATHAM COUHTY. HBOBGIa-CSATBAM COUNTY.—To an whom It « mav concern! Whereas, John O. Ferrlll win apply at the Conrt of Ordinarv for Letters Dismissory as administrator on the estate of Dr. Francis H. Demcre, late of said county, deceased; - ..... t These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom 11 may concern to he and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any til y have; mi or before the first Monday iu Juno next, otberv.ioe said letters will k^itnesfiny official signature this 9 th day of Decem ber, ISM. D A. O’BYRNE, dlS Ordinary. Legal Notices. S TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To ail whom it mev concern: Whereas, findora S. Abrahams will apply at the Court ol Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Adminis tratrix on the Estate of Jacob M. Abrahams, deceased. There are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It mav contK-i n, to be and apiaiar before said Court to tt-aseu. make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be <r ranted " 4CKEYBH . COUNTY. YJEORGIA—SCRIVEN OOONTY.*-To all whom it AM may concern. Whereas, Ephraim Blackburn will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Emannel Hunt, late of said county, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they hare) on or before the first Monday lu April neat, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 29th day of Jan- uarv, 1866. D. E. ROBERTS, f!9 Ordinary. HeUTOIH COUNTY. Notice. Wf ILL be sold on the first Tuesday In April next » y between the legal hours of sale. at the late res idence of P. L. Chartin's, on the Ridge, all the real and personal property belonging to said estate. d T. F. PEASE, Executor. Danen. Feb. 20th, 1966. f22-law40d TATT.VAI.L COUNTY. N OTICE.—Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in May next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Reidsville, Tattnall countv. four hundred acres of Land, lving on the Cypress Plate, In said county. Sold by order of court. Of* WM. SMITH, Guardian. New York Advertisements. DORYEAS' IAIZEHA k’TATE OF GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—To n all whom it may concern: Whereas, Thomas Bazemore will apply at the Court ot Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of David Bragg, late of said county, de These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be-and appear before 6aid i Conrt to make objection (if any they have; on or be- t.LYNN COUNTY. S TATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY.—To ail whom it may concern: Whereas, Horace J. Royal will apply at the Court my offida. signature, this Dtth day of Oc- AptU “*• lbe; '-'• u o o’o Witness my hand and official signature, this 29th p ° v * __2t£l!L r day of Januaty, 1866. B QJSOUOTA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it j D. E. ROBERT?, (19 Ordinary. of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Guardian on the estate oT Wm. G. Davenport, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this Sth day of Feb ruary, 1866. flT STEPHEN J. GORTON, O. G. C. WAS THE ONLY “'REPARATION * FBI FORD FROM IRDIAH CORO" That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all pro minentmanufacturers of “Coni8tarch" and “Pre pared Corn Flour ” of this and other countries not withstanding. r.Tr; 7- : ~ ~ i VjOTICE.—Sixty days after date application will be 1 maizsha, ^ TI K Uo » 1 J tb ^ a K? r o al ?t ap P li ? a < ; >r nn'Tr!- 1 ! ^ made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch ooun- The food and luxury of the age, without a single be made to the liouorable the Court of Ordinary | w f lir ip & ve to sell all the lands heiomrincr tn tiu> fo«i* Q ne trial will convince the moet skeptical* • ■ H 0 3B z •< 3 O O & ; Z m Id Z Tl O .O C >■ Z K O H • mav concern: , . n . . Whereas James E Cope will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Administrator on . iwjujivl—mv mumun auci ubw ttiijm'A*nuu »»*** • .* the estate of James C. Thompson, late of said county, j 11 be made to the Honorable the Court of t Ordinary { for leave to sell all the lands belonging"to the es- deceased, : of Scriven county for leave to sell the Real Estate of ! tate 0 f James E. Rowe, deceased, late of Bulloch These are. therefore, to cHe and admonish all whom John Bragg, deceased, of said county, for the benefit ; county f 0r the benefit or the heirs and creditors of it mav concern to be aud appear before said Court to ; of the heirs and creditors of said estate. said estate. WILLIAM MORSk make objection fif any they have) on or before the first j THOS. BRAGG, Adnrr. mlfi-lawe Adm’r debonis non. Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be i Syivanla, Ga.. Feb. 17.18j6. **9 ~ granted. Witness rnv hand and official signature this 26fb day of October, ISO*.. D A. O'BYRNE. nov2-lar.)6rD Ordinary C. C. G EORGIA — CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it mav concern: GUARDIAN’S SALE. rare o! Lewis M. Strickland, deceased. JOHN B. MOULTRIE. Administrator de bonis non, f23-law2m with will annexed Whereas, George L. Cope will apply at the Court of Oidinary forLff'ers of Administratina on the es- ~ r , .I ~ rate of Edward Padelford, Jan. late of said county, i TYTOIICE-A1I jiersons Having claims against the j Lv estate of .James Doyle, deceased, will present dec? fi .sed - These are. therefore, to rite and admonish all whom It may'concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection fit nny they have; on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters wil! be gramed. Witness my official signature this 27th day of Feb ruary, l.oG DOMINICK A. O'BTRNE, m 2 Ordinary. 'VTOTICETs hereby "given that 1 have made applica nt tion to the Court 11 Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell all the real and personal prop illy m the estate of Frederick Jachcns, dereased. C. JACHENS, id ci,w'2m Admin istrator S TATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY.—To fill who*n it may concern: Whereat, William Hauler will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letters Dismissory as Administrator on the estate ol John Boston, late of said county, de- These are, therefore, to cite andailmonlsh all whom tt mav concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or betore the hist Monday in August next, otherwise said, letters will be gran led. Witness my official signature Ibis 27tli duv of Jan- : USri, 1S66. D. A. O'BYRNE. )•. 9 o. o. «i. : G " KGltGlA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it ! may concern: Whereas, Henry S. Bell will apply at the Court ol Ordinal-) for Letters of Administration on the estate ot Frances A. Hell, late of said county, deceased : These are, tiler, fore, to c te and admonish all whom it ma v concern, to lie and appear before said conrt to make objection (if any they have} on or before the first Monthly iu April next, otherwise said letters will be granted (Witness uiy hand and official signature this 17th ; February, lsr;6. DOMINICK A. O’BYRNE, 119 Ordinaiy. VTATK OF GEORGIA^ CHATHAM COUNTY.—To ^ idt whom it may concern : Whereas, Richard T. Gibson will apply at the Court of Oidiimiyfor Letters Dismissory as Administrator on Hie estate of Louisa C. <’arruthers, late of said count y. i leeefised: These Hie. therefore, to cite and admonish ait whom it may concern, to be end appear before said Court, to make objection fif any they liavi-J, on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. W’itness mv official signature this f-t day of Jali- llan. 1S66. D. A. O’BYRNE, ;3 Ordinary Chatham county. •\JOTICE.—Two months after date application will j IN be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordtna- j -*ayi L L t, e sold on the first TUESDAY in May next o! Striven county, for te** a r ie iea i ’ * between the legal hours ol pale, seven hundred (7e0) acre?, more or less, of Pine-Lend, unimproved, belonging to the estate of Daniel Hendricks, a minor, deceased, bounded north-east by Moses Hendricks, northwest by B. F. Lane, southeast by Tlleophilus Nichols. Sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county for » diviston among the heirs. Terms on d-iy of sale. Bulloch countv, March 12, 1863. JAMES HENDRICKS. mlT-luwfl Guardian. I them duly attested, within the time prescribed by law; arid ail persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the undersigned. MARGARET DOYLE, m9-lawflw Admin istatrrix. S TATE OF GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—To all whom it may concent: Witereas, J. II. Mercer will apply to tiie Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Guardian on the person anti property of Anthony Conner : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear at said Court, to make objection, If any they have, on or before th*- lirat Monday iu May next, otherwise said letters will tie granted. Witness my official signature tilts 2»tl. day ol Jan- naty, 1866. D. E. ROBERTS, flO Ordinarv. Makes Paddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or noeggj at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A alight addition to ordinarv Wheat Flour greatly improve* Bread and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet aances. gravies for fish and meats soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. _ For eale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fnlton Street. AV IT.T.IArVt DTTRYEA, j26-ly General AgeBt S IXTY d-tys after date, application will be made to the Court ot Ordinary of Bulloch county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Wm. lies, under the Will of said deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ADAM J. ILES, m!7 Executor. LIBERTY COUNTY. OTATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY.—Ail O persons having claims against the estate of John E. Girardeau, lute of county and State aforesaid, tire all whom it may concern: Whereas, Oormacfc Hopkins will'app’y at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters DUinfssory as Administrator on the estate of Edward Hopkins, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to tie and appear before said Court io make objection (if any they havejou or before the tlret Monday in October next, otherwise sa'd letters will lie granted. Witness mv official signature, this 20th day of i-ithin March, ISS«: ' D. A. O’UY'RNE, In24* o. o. o. requested to present the same, duly certified the time prescribed by law, otherwise they will be buried; and all persons indebted to said estate are requosied to make payment to DTVTE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY W. E. WARNELL, O Whereas, S. B- Rustin, guardian for the minor 12* Administrator. lien s of W. E. .Stafford applies for Letters of Dis- I tnissory on said estate, 11s in terms of the law. March BRIEN & CARRERE, Commission Merchants, No. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, Now York.. C ONSIGNMENTS of any description of produce, or orders for purchase of same, or any business appertaining to a General Commission House, as also consignments or orders to our friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. Particulars of all markets will be given upon In quiry, and advances made npon business entrusted to us or our friends. CARERE A CO„ mi3-3m Commission Merchants, N. Orleans. SPRING MATTRESSES, S' 1 a" BULLOCH COUNTY. TATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY—To nil whom it may concern: Whereas, L. A. H. Jeppen will apply at the Court of Ordinary o Bulloch county for Letters of Administra tion on tile estate of Simon J. Brewster, deceased: These at e therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections with said court (if any they have), on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, my hand officially this 20th day of Ft-b ruary, 1S6C. DAVID BEASLEY, 123 Ordinary W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. n. a. 1TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To S ' all whom it may concern: Whereas, Harvey W. Lathrop will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Humphrey P. Horton, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature, this 26tli day of G EORGIA—BULLOCH COUNTY—To ail whom it i March. 1S0C. D. A O’UY’RNE, may concern: m27 o. o o. Whereas the estates of William Burnsidesaml John li. Burn side i, minors, is unrepresented and unless some fit and suitable person applies for the Adminis tration I sbali appoint the Clerk of the Superior Court administrator on said estates. These are, therefore, to cite apd admonish all and LEGAL NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the estate of UL Henry Hess, deceased, will present them proper- and all nersons indebted to said estate MOSES L1LIENTHAL, Exccator. ■ payment to m22-law6w JN otice. 1HV5G mtncwrc, iu wtu ouihohibu mi auu . »it . singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t ■ 7™ ,. t<> file their objection (if any they have) on or before ; the first Monday in April next, otherwise said Clerk wit tie appointed Administrator on said estates. - ■ ” . ... —. - ■ j - ~ Witness mv hand and official signature this 2ntli g% m mi m awbi ■% dav of Feb, 1‘66. DAVID BEASLEY. W V/ U fK *W | f* R, In 1 he matter of the petition 1 • ot Harriet Hunter for proof j In the Court of Or- in solemn form of the will 1 diuary Chatham C’oun- ..f Sarah C. Davidson, de- | ty. ceased. • I To lidwaid 'i'. Pawic and Margaret B. Payne, heirs at law of the said Sarah C. Davidson, residlug with out the Stale of Georgia. It having beer, ordered liy the said Court npon the foregoing petition, in which it is alleged that you are heir at law of the sa’d Sarah C. Davidson, that tile said will be proved iu solemn form at the term of the said Court to tie held on the first Monday, being tile ffecond day of April next, you arc hereby notified to In: and appear ui tliu said Court, as. unless for good cause shown to the contrary, the a lid will will then be admitted to record. WM. J. CLEMENTS, 122-1 :iw5w Deputy Clerk, c. 0.0. o. G eorgia, CHATHAM CuUNTY —To all Whom it may concern: Whereas, Abraham Minis will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory 11s Administrator cunt testamento mniexo on tin* estate ot Hester Minis, late 1 f said county, deceased; These are therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the- first. Monday in September next, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness my official signature this 2oth day of Feb ruary, 1S60 D. A. O'BY’RNK, 2*2 7-1 ant fim Ordinary. SCKKVES COUNTY. S TATE OF GEORGIA—SCRIVEN COUNTY—To n!i whom It may concern : Witereas. James G Thompson will apply at the Conn of Ordinary for letters dismissory on the es tate of Robert F. Thompson, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom b may concern, to lie and appear before said cou,: ot mase objection (if any they have) on or be fore tiie first Monday ill August next, otherwise said jitters wit! be granted. Witness, D. E. Roberts, Esq., Ordinary for Striven Countv, mis 2d dav of January 7866 122-lamfim it. E. RuBDRTS. O. s. C. Ordinary. To all wham 1t G eorgia—bullojh county. may concern: Whereas. Jjmbne Atkins will apply to the Court , of Ordinary of Bulloch county, for La’ttersor Admin- I istratiou on the estate of David Atkins, deceased. ' These a re, therefore, to cite and admonish all and j singular the kintlred and creditors or said deceased, ! to file their objection (if any they have) with said j Court oil or before the first Monday iu April next, i otherwise said let ters will be granted. 1 '.Witness my hand and official signature, this 20th dav of February, 1866. 123 DAVID BEASLEY, Ordinary. $25 REWARD Which fold np complete for transporting. The most comfortable bed for a warm climate; good uphol stered and best ltair tope. S. P. KITTLE, 160 chat ham street. New York. Every hing to complete snd furnish a bed. The place to buy ig where the thing is made. fS-2m HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, NO. 47 PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. B. HAWKINS, J. ROCKWELL FAT. Steam Engines and Machinery. GOULD MACHINE IJDMPM, NEWARK, M. J. MACHINISTS’ TOOLS WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Circular Saw Mllla, Stationary and Port able Steam Engines, Boilers, Steam pumps. Steaii Fire Engines, Hose, Ac. WSend for a catalogue. ml3-3m MACHINERY. B RICK-MAKING-MACHINES, Brick Presses. Tem pering Wheels, Tile Machines, and every de scription of Machinery used in the manufacture of Brick. FRANKLIN L. CARXELL, No. 1844 Germantown Avenue, £28-3m Philadelphia, Pa. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., WiIming(ton, Delaware. M ANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats, Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in basinets and being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, oct!2 flm LINVILLE & GLEASON. 3t. Julian Street, West of Market, SJLTTJLNNAJEI. Insurance. The Oldest Accident Insurance Comp’y IN AMERICA' IS THE Traveler’s Insurance Co. OF HARTFORD, CONN. OFFICE MASTER 1 CENTRAL _ Shippers are respectful bifomte,! k„’ 13!( formerly known as No. s«,s Attention to this in tr.arknggocw Si ' *■ Net Cash Assets, Feb. 1, ’66, $600,849 72! tDd “iwoipment insures against Accidents of all Kinds, CAUSING BODILY INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. IT IS CHEAP. A poliey for $5,000 in case of total accident, or $25 —,., per week in case of disabling Injury, costs but $25 l On and after Monday, tie 126 b. v ' ; to $30 per year. Any sum from $500 ; Train will leave Savant b fg ate rates^ *££5 | andti^^ I a liberal discount. : tQrnln B> Thomasvilie •▼ty v 0 r,A 11 fc* I I dAv anrt VrUaw | IT IS UNIVERSAL. day and Friday at 12.15 a. m. “ Jm} ' Freight trains leave Savannah oan,.— ivandTuMita. ‘Jttsjjrj dents, .t the sho tiding, all persons, in all parts of the United states ana | ueeaay at 5 p. m.; arriving in '! Canadas, and grants permits to visit anypart of the Tuesday and Thursday at 106 b b world. This insurance is sought after and valued Freight bv na*™*.. , . by all classes of men, rich or poor. i /. P ,, 5 trtin ®"s bt p^, ; delivered at the derot thirty J**« IT IS RELIABLE. starting time of the train. Vl0r? £ The TRAVELERS of Hartford is the oldest Aecl- deut Insurance company In the United States, and ; established on a firm basis. It has issued many | ! thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and its business is steadily increasing- 1 Its capital is ample, its directory at the highest char- acter, and it lias paid over One Thousaud Losses, ; without contesting one. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION RE QUIRED. Three cents a day will Insure a man for $2000 or $10 weekly compensation, for oue year. , r~* nt-irwcav P AGENTS FOR. MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlandt Street New Yuri. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF NOTICE. J. G. BA'iTERSON, President- Rodney Dennis, Sec. A. WILBUR, Agent, m ?o Savannah. --Vii. I The Penaacola and Georgto Baij^. I pay the coupons from their forluKtS;*'! the Tallahasse Railroad Cnmiaoj tKj,, J0 ‘"' c: | ; and that are maturing np t* m I ; falling due 1st January, lseT,bjii Claf , ti ^®| i fen-ed Capital Stock of tlkfr Cvemtv i guaranteed Seven Per Can. i^' ; on the first January, 1667, anl nrjp, **<1 i’ Holtlers of said Coupom at r*^ "“f I ; posit the same with Messrs 3irja, lUrtrj-tgeA c \ Bolts, Nuts Washers, Sett Screws, Tain aud Dies, na |,’ <j ;l <fcc, &c„ and dealers in all kinds of Railroad,-Steam- ship and Engineer’s Supplies, Oils, Varnish, Paint, Hemp and Rubbor Packing: Oak Tanned and Rubber Belting. Brass Fittings. ChippiDg and Riveting Ham mers, Files, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails. Circular snd Gang Saws, Pumps. Steam whistles. Steam and Wa ter Guagers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, &C-, Ac. Also Agents for A. P. WOOD A CO.’S celelirated.Portahls Steam-Engines. f21 Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and to con- i signments. ■ REFERENCES: CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tileston & I Co., New York. Fancher A McChesney, 5 Water-et., i New York. Richard Ellis, 114 Water street, New j York. Wm. B. Miles, 69 Christie street, New York, t W. E. Sibell, 6 Wail street. New York. Lewi, L Jones. 17 Brontwav- S. W. Ma-ou A Co., Savannah . STEAM ENGINES AND SAW MILLS, ' FOR proof to convict anv person or tiafficking in i the following described Bottles ; [l iving recently, at a great expense, gotten up an j entire new sett of moulds in which my ! SODA WATER, PHILADELPHIA POR TER, AND ALE BOTTLES EORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY' To ail whom i “fe made. Each of those Bottles have my name and ! the year 1806 iiiowti In the glass. The mould being t tlte Court i tn.v private property uo other person can purchase bullies made in them. I neither sell nor give away anv of those Bottles. G it niay concern: Whereas. Matilda Hodges will apply of Ordinaiy of Bulloch county, for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of John Hodges, deceased. ' These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objection with said Court fif any they have) on or before the first Monday iu April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 20ik day of February, 1SC6. 123 DAVID BEASLEY, Ordinary. T WO months after date application will fit* made to the Court of Bulloch county, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to tlte estate of Anseit Par rish. deceased, for a division among the heirs of said estate. CHARLEY BEASLEY, Adm’r f23 with tlte will annexed. S TATE of GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNT*—To all whom it may concern : 'Wii ieas, Anmnda Sowell will apply at tiie Court of Ordinary ol Scriven comity for Let ters of Adminis tration ou the estate of Wm. B. Sowell: These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular lae kiodrod and friends of sai.l minor .to file their objections with said court (it any they have;, on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granmu. Witness my hand and official signature this 29th dav of January, 1S66. D. E. ROBERTS. fl9 Ordinary. ivniGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom it mav concern: Whereas, Theopbilas Williams will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration ou the estate of Penelope Kent: T’hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom tt in ty concern, to be and appear la-fore said Court to make objection (if any.they have; on or before the Urst Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 29th day of January, 1660. D. E. ROBERTS, ft Ordinary. 2*T 1-.URGtA—MJKXVJCN COUNTY.—To all whom it V X may concern: Whereas, Edmond Gross will apply at the Conrt ol Ordinary for Letters of Guardianship on the person property of Curtis S. and Sarah Gross : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to i>e and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwiae said letters wili he granted. Witness my official signature this 29th day of January, 1867. jl9 D. K, ROBERTS, Ordinary, ft EORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY. ** m -v concern : —To all whom it Whereas, Wm. Walker will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters oi Dismission as Guardian of Ali- ,so'em Best: •ef These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom may concern, to be and appear before said court to ■, '^nake objection (if any they have; on or before the -WRt'st Monday in August next, otherwise said letters iL.-rtvdl li” granted. "sy; Witue-s my hand and official signature this 2d daj dOTUnJanuary, 1666. syrjid! D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary. -To all whom it may concern : Whereas, James J. Hump!) rise will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Let'ers Di-mlssory as Exectnor on the estate of Kmcline S. Roberts, late of said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in September next, otherwise 6aid‘ let ters will lie granted. Witness my hand ami official signature this 10th day ot February, 1866 D. A. O’BYRNE, ft-lamCm Ordinary. S TATU OF GUOltGlA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To alt whom it mav concern. ^^f, iea8 ' A - Usher will apply at the Court of Ordinal v tor Letters of Administration on the estat. of rhoinas Usher: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness mv hand and official signature this -:9th day or Janury, 1866. D. B. ROBERTS, f!9 Ordinary. JRQ1A, SCRIVEN COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: fhereas Henry Parker will apply at the Court of Jinary for Lettera of Dismission aa Guardian ou Ole person and property of J. D. Lee: -These are, therefore, to cite ana admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or betore thu first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will Witness my hand and official signature this 29th day of January, 1666. ■ D. E. ROBERTS, <19 Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE—Will be told at the "-.Court UoiiR door In the county of Bryan, on the 2**YaeadajQn April next, between the legfll bears alt the real estate belonging to the, estate Of .-i-*". i, deceased. Mated (9OU0) NO OTHER PERSON nAS A RIGHT TO DO SO. I simply lend them to those who purchase the eou- teuts. with the understanding that they are to be re turned to me when empty. This is well understood by all, yet many, regard less of their ju-t obligations, frequently lend or sell those trollies with the Soda Water or other liquids, thereby depriving tne or my property and subjecting me to losses which are unjust and unlawful. Those Iiotties are how very expensive, rendered mop- so bv tiie Patent Cork Fastener attached to and iost with every bottle which 1 iose. together with tiie many taxes imposed upon this species of business, the most oppressive of which is h direct tax of six per cent', to the Government on gross sales of Soda or .Mineral Water, which reduces the profits so much that it is impossible, at present prices, to submit to the loss ot Bottles, and 1 do hereby camion stl per sons against buying, selling, filling, with liquids, or in anv manner depriving me of the nse o£ said Bot tles. " JOHN HYAN, Soda Water Bottling Establishment, ntl7 Southwest corner of Bay ami West Broad sts. J. N. WILSON? Photographer, 9. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pictures copied with the greatest care. dl4 FREIGHT BROKERAGE TO AND FROM ALL PORTS OF THE SOUTHERN STATUS, EUROPE, Ao. McKEE & TONGE, 71 Broadway fHasemont}, NEW YORK. E NGAGEMENTS for Freight, of-apial! or large quantities, by the different steam or'sail lines, ■two monins aner date, application wilt j made at the lowest rate. Merchandise received, for- G EORGIA— BULLOCH COUNTY— 1 To all whom it mav concern: Whereas, Surah Waters will apply at *he Court of Ordinary of Bfiltochcornty, for Letters of Adminis tration ou the estate of Amos Waters, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tlte kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objection (if any they have; with the said Court on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters will be granted. \Vi!uee8 my hand aud official signature this 26th dav ot February 1866. ia DAVID BEASLEY, Ordinary, S TATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY—To i ail whom it may concern: Whereas, Mary Rowe will apply as the Court oi I Ordinary of Bulloch county, for Letters of Adminis- j tlatiou ou the estate of Randolph Rowe, deceased. \ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish al! and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to tile their objection (if any they have; on or be fore the first Monday in April next, otherwise said letters wiil be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this Cork day of February, 1866. f23 DAVID BEASLEY', Ordinary, ; TWO months alter data, application will bo made to \ * the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county lor leave resell a!) the lands belonging to the estate of .William deceased. Bulloch county, this lSlh day of December, 1SG5. ROBERT M. WILLIAMS. ! j4 Administrator. N OTICE. be made, to the Ordinary or Glynn county for ' warded, and insured when desired, todve ,o sell one Town Lot, No. 216, situated m the i Owmrs and abippers of goods will find It to their Old Town of Brunswick, Ga„ 90 by ISO feet, property advantage to avail themselves of the facilities we belonging to the estate of FelidteDn Btgnou, late of; ii UV *.for forwarding at lowest rates, said county. . , j Refer in New York to Southern merchants in gen- eral. Refer in Savannah to Meses. John F. A M. A. DU BIGNON, Adm x. Hamilton, Mr. Thomas H. Austin. m8-2awlm Gljnn county, March Sth, 1866. m9 i 1 ; iTOTICE,—GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY—All persons interested are hereby notified that, four months alter date; application will be made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said countv for leave to sell the whole of the real estate of Charles J Cole, deceased, late of said county, for benefit of the heirs and creditors. N. J. PATTERSON, ml 2* Administrator. N 1 to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, for leave to sell ail the lands belonging to the estate of Nicy Smith, deceased, fora division among the heirs of said estate, this -JOtb of February, 1866. f23 JAMES SMITH, Adn’r. N otick.—Georgia, camden county—ah persons interested are hereby notified that, four months after date, application will be made to tlte Hon. Court of Ordinary of said connty for leave to •foil two tract* of Land in Charlton county, property of the estate of Wm. D. Cole, deceased, late of said ' county, for the benefit of sil concerned. N. J. PATTERSON, mis* ' Executor. DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR IVo. IS Whitaker Ht., Between Bi*y::n and Bay streets, £ S now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock, comprising fine French Cloths and Cassimercs: also, flue- Fancy French Uassimeres and Coatings, Drop D’Ete. Hanuela, White aud Brown Linen Duck, Marseilles, &c„ which he will make up at tho short est notice aud in the most fashionable style. Remember No. 12 Whitaker street. mt7 1 WiSeodlm w TATE GF GEORGIA—GLYNN COUNTY-To all O whom ii may concern : Whereas, Lewis W. Harris will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tiie estate or John A. Harris, late or said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom t may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tiie first. Monday in May next, otherwise said letters wil be granted. _ i itness, Stephen J. Gorton, Ordinary for Glynn county, this Sth day of Marcb, 1866. STEPHEN J. GOBTON, m9 Ordinary. J. S. RAWLINGS & CO., ! Produce Commission Merchants 90 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, - BALTIMORE, MD. Strict at tention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, and to the purchase and shipping of Qrain, Ac., to »li parts of the South Wc also keep constantly on band a choice stock of Pure Seeds, auch aa Clover, Timothy, Ac. Orders filled at, lowest rates. Consignments and orders lolicitcd. Refers Jto Messrs Woodward, Baldwin A Co., Bal in ore andNew York; Mr. S. Q. Haynes. Savannah, : ta. m6-?m S TATE OF GEORGIA—GLYNN COUNTY— To all whom it may concern ; Whereas, Asa A. Burney will apply al tiie Court ot Ordinary for letters dismissory aa guardian on tlm persons and property of Harriet B. Benjamin, F. and John P. Stafford, children of the late Robert Stafford, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all may concern, to be aud appear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in September next, otherwise said letters wlil be granted. Witness, Stephen J. Gorton, Ordinaiy for Glynn county, this 5th day of March, 1866. _ 0 STEPHEN J. GORTON, Ordinary. BULLOCH ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. W U.L be sold, on the 1st TUESDAY In May next, at Statesboro in Bulloch county (27s) two hun dred and seventy-eight acres of Pine Land, improv ed and being the late residence of William Wooten deceased, bounded by W. W. Williams, A. Clark ami C. Lanier, sold under an order from tiie "Ortfowy ot Bulloch county, and sold for the f lhe Uelrs and creditors of said deceased. ^ on tbe d *y 01 “te- fhl 8 l*th day of March. mi7 laws a , ROBERT M. WILLIAMS, mi7-iaw6 Adm’r estate of Wm. Wooten, dec’cL EXECUTOR’S SALE YTTILL be gold, on the 1st TUESDAY in Mav next Jl. 5*2 J, and belonging to order drum the deuce ot John Dii E. D. SMYTH & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealer3 In CROCKERY, CHIIST-A- AND GLASSWARE, 109^ Broughton Street, Near Ball Street, Savannah, Georgia. Fine Invoice* of WHITE GRANITE, COMMON and GLASSWARE, in store and to arrive. For sale by original invoice. U**T3 ooda^ra-packed for country trade. iT SHAFFER, Oommiawlon Z^aler In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Ain> PRODUCE, Waa-r.WASiUHo-roH ILanr, Opposite 143 West st., Bulkhead between Barclay and _ Veeey Bb., ■ . W j i* B K. aa band, and LAND GIFT ENTERPRISE!! TO BE RAFFLED FOR, O N the nintli day of May, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-six, at tlte SCREVEN HOUSE, in the city of Savannah, Chatham County, State of Georgia, by a committee of gentlemen selected by the subscribers, 490 ACRES OF LAND, situated In Lowndes conuty, near Milltown, State of Georgia. The projected Brunswick and Florida Railroad run ning through the southeast part, offers great facility for removing to the seaboard the fine cypress, pine and other timber to be found on this lot, and a hand some sum may be had from the Railroad Company for the privilege of running their cars through it. Arrangements may also be satisfactorily entered into with rliem (the Railroad Company) for making it a wood station to supply their iocoinotives with fuel. A stream or water runs through this land, and lov ers of the piscatorial art can indulge their fancy at all seasons of the year. Tiie qualityof the soil in Lowndes county is ton highly appreciated for any comments to be made on til" above. TITLES CLEAR—'The winner paying for the trans fer of the same to Ids name, and lie (the winner) Is to l>ay also one hundred dollars to the Savannah Fe male Orphan Asylum. Tiie present owner of the laud pledges himselfTo give one hundred dollars to tin: Savannah Metropolitan Fire Compauv, if all the subscriptions are taken up. Subscription—Tickets, five hundred in number, at ten dollars each. Can be purchased at the office of DR. W. F. SERGEANT, Bull street, near Bay street, ml3-tf. Savannah, Ga. Saddlery. E. L. NEIDLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully announce to his friends and the public generally that be haa resumed the SADDLERY BUSINESS. next door to his ormer stand, and by strict attention anti moderate prices, hopes to receive a liberal shore of the trade. He is prepared to make np promptly all orders for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. His brother, Mr. J. S. NEIDLINGER, will be found with him, and w«uld be glad to see bis friends, jl E. L. NEIDLINGER. die., &<•., &«•. -A^Tionista* 'Ga. REMEMBER, SAW MILL MEN, The undersigned is the Sole Manufacturer of BUR ROW'S IMPROVED HEAD BLOCK, for Saw Mills. Patent applied for. F. E. TIMMONS desires to call tiie attention of those wanting the above articles to those of HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. They are the Mills that will cat the Lumber ; are powerful and durable, and will give satisfaction in every particular: Call and examine them, at the Foundry and Machine Works, No. 170 Fenwick st., opposita*tke Tower. F. E. TIMMONS. COPPERSMITH WORK. A supply of material and execute al! work ordered. competent wokman to F. E. TIMMONS. Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, US BROVSHTOK STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York price*. Sewing Machines of all kfiids repaired at abort notice. Stitching neatly done. ‘ nil H. G. RUWE, WBOLSSALI IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS, GROCERIES, ALE AND LAGER, Johnson’s Square, opposite Vie Puliuki House, Corner St. Julien and Bryan Sts. [ffalligant'e old Paint Stand A large invoice of Potatoes and Apples Just received. , Agent for H. Clausen’s celebrated Phoenix Sfoum Brewerv, Ni-w Y'ork : A. M. Binnlnger * Co’. London Dock Gin, and Club Sauce. n«rl4 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP TTHg Copartnership heretofore existing between 8. A ft J. Gardner, is this day dissolved by mntufti, consent The business will hereafter be carried on by J. Gardner, at the old stand on Broughton street second door from Barnard. S. GARDNER, J. GARDNER. Savannah, March 19th, 1868. m23 FERTILIZERS. A. LESTER ^BROTHERS. RAWBONE AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND PURE GROUND BONE. g exactly _ country, being not only lasting but a quick manure. Manufacturer’s Agents, C. G. CRANE ft CO., _ To Broad-st., Nswarfc, New Jersey. General agento toy. mannfacturers, and who are T HE above have the reputation of 1 adapted to the wants of thfosrotion Rt-tn-th-a-lm * “ rrHH to ralt cnstqmera. LaBOCHK ft WEST, Jones* Hack. ■ Wi STEAM BOILERS, Steam Pumps. Steam Fittings furnished at short notice by F. E. TIMMONS. ANTI FRICTION METAL. The very best kind of METAL for heavy °r tost bearings. Warranted to give entire satisfaction. Made only by F. E. TIMMONS, Foundry and Machine Works, opposite Water Tower. Paper Mill Machinery-" Drying Cylinders, Calendar Rolls, Bag Cutter 8 " ftc., ftc., for Paper Mills, built to order. F. E. TIMMONR. With Facilities Unsurpassed, North or South, he feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction to all who will give him a call. F. E. TIMMONS, No. 170 Fenwick street, Opposite the Water Tower. Avgusta, Gw., MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, - SAWS, BELTING, &c., &c. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO NO. 98 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Clayton Newbold, V. P.; W. A. Brewer, Sec.; Rol>- i of Savannah, to whom theLsduwuibl'itol*-°-"l ert B. Minturn, George Griswold, Roland G. Mitchell, | . rwa *uet| Thomas Hope, William H. Aspiuwall, A. A. Low aud | *'■ ! i~tGG, others. Director. aecrertm Treasnrpr Cash assets, over $500,000. ~ Capital stock, $126,000. Policy holders receive all the profits without incur- j ring any liability for losses. It lias therefore all the i advantages and security of a Stock and Mutual Com- j !>auy combined, without their separate disadvan- ; cages. OSCAR CRAIG, General Agent State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga. W. R. Waring, M. D., Medical Examiner, Savan- febl9-3m. Notice. SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Established in 1S49.) ASSETS SEPTEMBER 1st,over. .384 000. Hon. W. F. DeSAUSSURE, Pres. F. W. MoMa6ttb, Actuary. This Company has paid for losses to the Widows and Orphans of the South near $400,000. Tlte rates are low and profits regularly returnee to | the insurers. i J. B. READ, M. D. Medical Examine? THE SAVANNHE, JanaaiySSth. tfl O N a ns after Monday, the Stl 1 or F:bmn. daily te*ius wirl rim between Snnnnii | gusto, connecting in both direcriom *i the Georgia Rainqad, as follow. Leave savannah 7.30 a c, uni ;Hs I Arrive at Savannah 7.0) y. n.,«nt ii8 I Leave Augusta 9.3,’ ». s., CK-.Sp.| , Arrive at Augusta 5.06 p. in., arUStl j Passage $S.OO. ! Freight to go by passenger tel rant bpJ ! and delivered at tlte Passeuaw shed SO mrVl r fore departure of train. "* ’41. M. SELfilEL I CAPITAL, 5500,000 j30-tf Maaiot Transpmuf National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS The undersigned begs leave to inform tho Insuring public that he has been legally appointed Agent lor tho above named Companies, and is ready to take Ma rine, River, Life and Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office with Phillips ft Myers, S5 Bay street. j29-3m FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. SECURITY INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus PHQ2NIX INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,500,000! INTERNATIONAL. INS. CO . Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus ...$1,078,000 : HARMONY INSCRANCE CO., ( Capital and Surplus $ 500.000 j Total cash Capital and Assets $6,000,000 j Fire, Marine, aud Inland Navigation Risks taken j In the above highly responsible Companies on Build-, ings and Merchandise to any amount, at the lowest ! rates corresponding with the risk. Losses equitably ! adjusted and paki promptly at this Office. A. A. LANE, AGENT. No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Bay Street, Sa< ! Emigrants Can k Su; WITHIN TEN DATS, j : mHL undersigned are prepartfi to VflyH : A and other parties who mayleiii*atti!l3 ; LABORERS, and have WadeWaaj mi meats in the North to li'i any ora:rs fortrd ' Laborers, Woodcutters, Mechanlk,etc.*t!bl or Twelve days from’the day tlietecispral Tlte Laborers are to be re.eiYeY"': n i-S ou arrival of the steamer here, A trsDifflf the points wliere they are wauainttol^ expense, and the Emi.ioycrs havelvinlj certain sum per head in advance, knarisfl . i and partly for covering the exp-i.-*i ' Emigrants from tiie North to this F-T- Tlte rate at which Farming Laiftct 1 cured will average about $150 per j* $1,600,050 j ers finding them. i j For further particulars apple to \ Wli. jfOKVJLLE ft'S Jones' Block. One door East of Banrak iMM REFERENCES: Jacksnn ft Lawton, .-avannah, John W. Anders"'iv ft Son, Savannst. Solomon Xlohen, Savannali. Jno. C, Ferrill. Savannah. Nicholls, Camp <£- Co., Savannsi: Geo. A. Cuyler, Savannah. W. R. Fleming, Savannah. John ScreveD, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin it Co , Savannah Savannah National Bank, Ssranaab. m2 Tsnaah. Ga. fl9-Sm Commission Merchants. Jas.T. Patersl TIMBER, JOHN S. SAMS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. Lumber & Coi MERCHANl’ No. 9 STODDARD S LOWES^j Bay Street, Savann^ AND j I Darien, Georgia*! die-ti ED. G. BAMJfia. WOOD & MANN’S, CELEBRATED Portable Steam Engines FROM FOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE HORSE POWER. l 5i T fv the •° 1 ^ egtt lar gfst, and most complete in manufacturing Por- tablt Engines, Our engines are, “by experts” now conceded to tfo the best apparatus of the .description ever presented to the public. Adapted to every pur pose where power is reqnired. Medium ilaes constant ly oh hand, or fnrnhdied on short notice. ^Dtocriptlvo clrctjlaA, with prioejlist, sent on applca- dl5-eod6m COMSTOCK ft KINSEY, 164 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General ConrmissionMercliants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 98 BAY STREET, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. C. Ferrel ar.d G. B. Lamar, Savonr.ah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley ft Sons, J. B. ft J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. * 6m-nov4 LADIES’ GAITERS. JUST arrived from Philadelphia, Ladies’ Calf and Goat Congress heel GAITERS. Ladies’ English lasting GAITERS and BUSKINS. Ladies’ Kid heel SLIPPERS. Misses’ Kid heel SLIPPERS. Children’s SHOES and SLIPPERS. For sale at tiie _ WHITAKER STREET SHOE STORE, ml4-tf.Northeast corner of Broughton lane. HAVANA PIPES. Chewing and^ 310 ^ TOBACCO. rpHE subscriber has Jest >** Havana Seg^ to which he would invite rf / He has also an extensive as®™' I JMeershauEa ^j?t , SEGAR TUBES and BRIAE^ Ini The various brands of UW* 1 ,j , 0 f itett* tiacco at his Establishinent a _ ocrs eirea, »tI Please call and examine to f ^qjjI'ASR • BalUt:>"* i ’ eFtf TREASURY Porcelain! T HE subscriber respectfntly gives notice to tiie citl- ! „ _ cvm , -*ens of Savannah and vicinity that his mock cf ! -tytheREAS by saffi^f/foioeen VV to the undefSig'l'i.foBal Ban! the i ,1,0, •• Tho VHi-cluDts rout _ nF rn* OEHCK OF COMfTROlif? aarc n 7, J „ Wasiil>£»’ evtaeud J vicinity 1 material and instruments has arrived from York, awl -that he is now prepared to furnish the j tJ , at .. x he Merchants’icountjKi Porcelain Picture to all who may favor him wiih their j„ the city of Savannah. “ ()u!y oxfZA patronage. The demand for these pictures m north- ! an( j st a ,e of Georgia. 1138 Ldi-aments i- <A Clti68 n empaonHiaflto*! ft lift Prirtf .ilftlw Lit* 1. . ... la fh beauty of finish, as .surpassed by anv other Photographic production.— Call and examine specimens at my room*. I also have a new Camera for making Imperial Photographs and Cartes de Visite in the highest stvle of the art Ambrotypes and copying of all kinds finished to order with neatness and despatch. My light is one of the finest in this section of tha country, and my Chemical Operator stands at the bead of the profession. Pictures made in cloudy aa well as iu clearw eather. Satisfaction given in all cases. Respectfully yours, J. N. WIUON, Photographer, Corner Broughton and Whitaker streets, m*2-Iwfteod2w Savannah, Qa. smatid for «ie*e pictures112 north- and .si al e of Georgia.'^ irem eut3 (- ^ unprecedented and certainly for imd according to provfA £!*.. t . ha >. cr . e np - Congress entitled “ f „ le dge of St Currency, pecarea pv « i the cird'JLj bonds, and to PJ®7 , ‘ , ® oro ved J uneJ 'Jri ! demptton thereof. 8 WSJu 0 ns of complied with all the 1 coalI neBC^ to be complied with before cua rej, or banking under under the act aforesaid. li In testimony wfiereof, ^ ^arch. of office tub seventh day ^£*4^ n^Tmo- Corn and Oats. Ann BAQS <S»»ee White Maryland Com TVW SCO bags heavy Pennsylvania Seed Oflts Landing from steamer North Point and for sale by m!3-eod2w CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. 'st in pursuance of the aathMljy 0 K Jomptrolier as above, this five hundred thousand «l°Uara (*» commence to receive deposiw * UBSERAL COMMISSION AMD FOB* WA&OING BUERCHAST, bay SssiKS Les. A5BmJT5"nrJo^d^l5te?* Godey’s Lady's Book Tgeueral bwiicmg busineffl on Wet^j 215 Inst., at It* banking house j. Bud and Drayton streets- BKlGp^kC* 1 GEO. W-P 1 *’ jnarl9-2 m * V6.