The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, April 27, 1866, Image 4

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m The Daily News and Herald. SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, Among the beet of the le»st knorre, «L»te Poet*' Mr. Stoddard's volume is Min r.osetti, one of whose poems we give beldw: Miscellaneous. THE DAILY NEWS, Does tb* *-o«d wind up-hill all the way ? Te«* to the very end. . W ill the day’s Journey take the whole long day. From morn to night, my friend. But is there for the night a resting-place ? A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin. May not the darkness hide it from my face i You cannot miss that inn. Shall I meet other wayfarers at night? Those who have gone before. Then must I knock, or call when just in sight. They will not keep you standing at the door. Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak. Ot; labor you shall find the sum. Will there be beds for me and all who seek. Yes, beds for all who come. IN GENERAL. Lake Champlain was clear of ico on thp 11th inat. It costs $500,000 to keep St. Peters at Rome in re pair. Fourteen millions of eggs per annum are consumed in Paris. The Suspension Bridge across the Cumberland River at Nashville, is in a fair way of being shortly completed. Returns from the Chicago city election on the 17tli, indicate the election of ten Republicans and six Demo crats. Mme. Lind-Ooldsohmidt goes to Hamburg at theeud of May for two concerts, one secular and one sacred. M. Otto Goldschmidt will conduct. A young lady in Shelbyville, Tenn., shot and killed an eagle, measuring nine feet from tip to tip. In 1860 there were 436,000 negroes in Mississippi, and by Judge Sharkey’s statement before the Recon struction Committee, more than 200,000 of them must have died. The famous statute of Pompey, at the teet of which Julius Caesar died, is now in the possession of the Mar. quis of Hartfort, whose father paid 121,000 francs for it. The Mexican Timca says that the production of cot ton in that Empire is steadily increasing. Immense wagon loads of it are continually passing through the streets of the city of Mexico. —Two of the Augusta fire companies will attend the Charleston Firemen’s Parade on the 27th inst. —A Confederate soldier is teaching a negro school in Mississippi. —The Fenians had quite a meeting in Momphis on Wednesday last. An address was delivered by Capt. Clusky, of the Avalanche. —Henry W T ykoff—mau-of-fashion, diplomatist, poli tician aud adventurer—was lostou the VeraCruz upon ^he coast of North Carolina. They have, in Paris, a society for assisting the freed- meu of America. A concert is on loot for their bene fit, at which Adelina Patti has consented to sing. News from Orizaba is to the effect that the Imperii.* Military Railway between Vera Cruz and Mexico cit\ will bo completed to Puebla about the 1st of August next. —The iueloHuro of tho NewItYork Mail Steamship Company in New Orleans was torn down on the morn ing of the 0th inat, amid great excitement. It was done by the City Surveyor under orders from the City Council, the inulosures being illegal. PUBLISHED AT CHARLESTON S. C., LARGEST CIRCULATION JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN THE STATE, And is universally considered The Best Commercial FAMILY PAPER IN THE STATE. PARTIES. THEREFORE, IN GEORGIA, who de sire to subscribe for a CHARLESTON PAPER, will consult their Interest by sending for THE DAILY NEWS. TERMS $10 PER ANNUM Published iu Folio Form, alee of tho New York Herald. * a2.3-tf NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE. C IIIAlii.IS E. O’SULLIVAN respectfu’dy informs J his fririids and the public that he is now tire pared, with new materials, to execute ,Toil Priming at Ins office, City Hotel liuiidiug.Buy street, third door east of Whitaker, seoond floor. Patronage is earnestly solicited. aid tf Sale of Government Property. Will be sold, at Public Auction, at the Government Store House, on South Commercial Wharf, Charles ton. S C., at 12 o'clock, M, on FRIDA Y, .May 25th, 1 -fid, a large quantity of Government property from the Army Machine Shops on st. Helena Island, consisting of Boiler Iron, Cast Steel, Bar and Sheet Cooper, Zinc, Spelter, Sheet Lend, Yellow Metal. Thurbcr’s Metal, Paints, Chain, Screws, Boiler Tubes. Boiler Rivets I roll Pipe, Copper Nalls, Finishing Nails, Composi lion Nails, Spikes. Nails, Copper Tacks, Pel ting. Bolts, Wire. Hinges, oars, Saws, Rope. Oakum, Sheathing Paper, Coal Tar, Spun Yarn, Pitch, Rosin. Charcoal, Fire Bricks, Hose and Couplings, Clamp: for Boiler Iron, Screw Punches, Pipe Cutters, Itlon ers. Pet Lamps, Oil Cans, Crucibles, Faucets, Sqnirl Cans, Gang Saws, Capstans, Woodward steam Pumps, Expanders, Hydraulic Jacks, Anchors, Sieuni images. Globe Valves, Check Valves, Gongs, Tiler inomclere, Steam Whistles, Crow Bars, Syringes Spirit Level Bullis, Lamps, Sails, Blocks. Boat Hooks Compasses, Life Preservers, Cork Fenders, Jack Screws, Tube Brushes, Iron Tanks, Sloves, Slor Grates, Bellows, Portable Forges, Platform Stale.- Grindstone, Moulding Flasks, Shovels,-.Spades. Blaek smith's Tools. Plumber's Tools, Carpenter’s Tools. Catalogues containing a full list of the articles to be sold can be obtained in a lew days upon appliea- lioti to the Quartermasters at Charleston and I biffin Head, S. C., and Savannah and Augusta, Ua. Terms cash m Government funds. C. W. THOMAS, Brevet Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster, aSn-td Department ot South Carolina. J. Maxweli- John C. Rctni a.nh. —The Countess of Derby was very sick Lite other day with congestion of the lungs, and between sun rise and sunset four hundred of the leading members of English society called to inquire after her health. The queen sent to know if sho was better. MAXWELL & REYNOLDS, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, —Tho New York Evening l’oat says: ‘‘Congress tho other day expelled the liquor vender* from tho Capi tol, but, to judge from a part of the debate on Mon day, borne honorable member* now bring their whis key with them.” —The ton* of many Paris letters indicates tho grow ing unpopularity of Loui* Napoleon. The majority of the Parisian* have long been against him, **. shown in the elections to the Legislative body, but now they lose no opportunity'of proclaiming their dislike. —Dr. Amber, of Jacksonville, Fla., has recently planted out upwards of 50,000 grapevines, all of which are growing finely. \Te are pleased to notice such evidences of determination to take advantage ol the climate and soil of the Mouth for other products than COttnll. — A Portland company operating at Ellsworth, Me., put up 5,000 lobsters a day. Those delivered at the factory are woi tli three cents a piece. Lobster fisher men, remote from the factory, deliver their fish to the .'•smack” in the employ of the company, and receive therefor about two and a half cents apieco. —The ship carpenters, painters, plasterers and builders of St. Louis, Alo., are on a strike, and all the Trade*-’ Unions are preparing for further strikes. The difficulty seems to be that the bosses want to employ apprentices aud men not belonging U the society. WILL FURNISH THE BEST TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS to Land Sellers, and, if employed by Bayers, will ex amine and report upon lands in the market. Office-Ball street, opposite Post Office; se cond floor. Post Office Box, 480. Refer to John Screven, President S. A. & G. R. R and A. *t G. R. R.; N. A. Hardee A Co. al8-lro* GEO. H. ARLEDGE, SPLIT* CHANDHKR, GROCER Commission anil Forward lug Merchant. 72 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. ■23-1y THK EYE, EAR, AND THROAT. New York Advertisements. DURYEAS’MAIZENA D O CL H 38 < III m 3 o FOOD >■ £ ' WAS THE ONLY “ PREPARATION; FOB FROM INDIAN CORN” That received a medal and honorable mention from tiie Royal Commissioners, the competition of all pro minent manufacturers of “Corn Starch " and “Pre pared Corn Flour " of this and other countries not withstanding. MAIZSHA, The food and luxury or the Age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Slakes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c„ without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flonr greatly improves Bread and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for lish and meats, soups, Ac. Forlcc Cream nolhing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with directions for use. A moat delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale! Depot, 166 Fulton Street. "WILLIAM DURYEA, j2o-ly General Agent BUIEN & CA11REKE, Commission Merchants, No. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, New Yorlt. C ONSIGNMENTS ol any description of produce, or orders for purchase of same, or any business appertaining to a General Commission House, as also consignments or orders to our friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. Particulars of all markets will la; given npon in quiry, and advances made upon business entrusted to us or onr frir iids. CARKRK A CO., ml3-3iii Commission Merchants, N. Orleans. HAWKINS & FAY, Ooiiimit-iisioii Morcliiints, NO. 47 PEARL. STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. U. HAWKINS, Groceries and Liquors. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. tjQ WHOLE and half ljarrels Standard Crashed 60 bbls 10 boxes Cnba . 40 bbls Yellow Sugar 30 bbls Florida Syrup and C Sugar White So For sale by a 20-cod 10 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. Direct Importation. 1 AA CASES,. dozen each, Bass’ celebrated Pale 1UV Ale. in Pints 60 cases Guinness’ LondoiltPorter, in pints. Cross & Blackwell, London and Sauses, pot up by | q Q^gg faf SoUthem 30 dozen Worcestershire Sance, landing and for sale by CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAK a20-eod-10 BACON JOWLS. TjlOUR hhds Smoked Jowls—large, fat, aud fine for -lc plantation use, for sale by a21-G WM. H. STARK. Dnield Hains, &e. 5 CASKS Dnfflld's celebrated Hams 5 boxes choice Breakfast Bacon 50 Smoked Tongues Jnst received and for sale by a23-eod!0 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS SEGARS. &C 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) jostrranoe, Am LIFE INSURANCE! THE KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO. OFN.Y. " UJ "“I SAVANNAH, GA. Wilbup, Manager. Residence, ONE KATE OF PREMIUM ATT, OVER THE UNITED STATES. 1ST Policies written at this office in an» form de sired. ' a9 THE OGLETHORPE INSURANCE CO. OF SAVANNAH Are prepared to to take Fire Risis on Reasonable Terms, At their Office, 111 Bay Street. J. T. Thomas, Sec. H. W. MERCER, President. all W E invite the att ention of I he Trade and the Pub lic generally to our largo and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se ga rs, etc,, etc.. ROCKWELL KAY. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on older, and to con signments. BRFCRENOKH: CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tileston A 4., New York. Puncher & McGhesncy, 5 Water-st, New York. Richard Ellis, 114 Water street, New York. Win. B. Miles. 59 Christie street, New York W. E. Mbell. 5 Wall street. New York. Lewis I,. Jones. 17 Bniiutwav- S. W. Mason * Co., .Savannah Miscellaneous, txxx: Singer Sewing Machines. which is not. excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S CICLE BI'.ATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign conn tries; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranted superior to any article of the kmd, de signed expressly for hotel anil family use: DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war- ranled of the utmost purity, and put up expressly for our house, of which w<- are sole proprietors and inpnrters. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's celc- brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American" ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch ami Bourbon \\ HISKlSY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout (lie United Stales, put up by ns incases for export and home consumption. T. J. .D. A Co. are sole Agents for A. A II- W Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES, XX and XXX brands,, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON aud WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we oiler at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES. GINS, WISES, CHAMPAGNES, anil every description aud grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale in bond nr duty paid, at. lowest market rates. d20-tf Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BROUGHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. Sundries. lOUBARRELS POTATOES 50 BARRELS ONIONS. 50 TIERCES SHOULDERS AND SIDES A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at shorl notice. Stitching neatly done. nl’-fim TREASURY DEPARTMENT. D U. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, Pliysi uian and Surgeon, Oculist and Aimsl, can t usulLcd on Deafness, Diseharges from tiie Ear, >.se* in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases «>t the: Throat and Lungs. All diseases of the EYB, requiring eitheir Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Thos. Buckler’s old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and 3to 5 P. M. i9 tf —A Wonderful cashmere shawl, now in Calcutta, will be among the sights of the great exhibition at Paris next year. It is worked in arabesques of un heard of fiueuess on a red ground, and was ten, year iu the workman’s frame. It was originally ordered for the Queen of Audh, not long before the liepoj re volt. —The Nashville Banner tells a story of a man who lost his whole family, consisting of six persons, during the late war, all having been went northward by the Federal military authorities, and never traced further than Nashville. The gentleman is certain that they are within tho circuit of ten miles of that city ; ac cording to the editor everybody else believes so ; yet a search prolonged over two years lias failed to dis cover them. R US3 RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS' RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO ST, DOMINGO ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. BITTERS. BITTERS. .. One of the most valuable combinations of a useful medicine aud au agreeable beverage that has ever been offered to the public. Millions of bottles were sold thr jagliont the North (luring the last four years and, wherever introduced, it has proven a welcome addition to the invalid’s table, the family circle, and the batctielor’s sideboard. LADIES who have lost strength and appetite, and suffer from nausea, vomittiug aud vertigo— GENTLEMEN who “don't feel very well'' just before breakfast or dinner, whose stomach is out ot order and system is generally deranged— 51 OTHERS weaning children, and suffering from general debility— CHILDREN of a Hickly nature, and sour, dyspeptic constitution— TRAVELERS who have occasion to change tlieii water, and— Al.L who live in malarious districts, and are subject ed in miasmatic influences, will find one of the most valuable Tonics and Invigorators that can be taken. In BRUSSELS CARPETS. r | , W(> PARLOR CARPETS, 18 by 19>£ feet'each. X For sale bv DatVITT A MORGAN, 137 Congress street. u24-4* THE RURAL JOURNAL. cheapest paper In the Untied Stall T il One Dollar. Try ti a year. For the farm, Oulv len, orchard, workshop, household and kitchen. -l good, cheap, and valuable paper for every man, woman, aud liny, in oily, village and country. 1’nffi liidicd the first oi every month. •— Each ntimli.-r contains a full Calendar of Work Tor ll'e Month, (links, Muggeeiions and essays upon everything to he pcilonued in and around the Farm, Darden, Orchard ami Dwelling, etc. W‘!o! OEKII’li l»F COMPTROLLER Ok TIIK Cl'RRENCY, ) i'ASUINUTtiN. March 7, 1566. | hRKAS. by Muli-facb.ry evidence preSellled i lie undersigned, n lia.c been made to appear that “The Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah," in the cily of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, ami Slate ol Georgia, lion been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act oi Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States h uids, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof,” approved June 3, ISnl, ami ha- minplu d with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing Ike business of banking under said act. Now, therefore, I. Freeman Clarke, Comptroller ol the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Merchants National Bank of Savannah,” iu the city of Savan nah, in the county of Cbntlmm and state of Georgia, is authorized to commence the business of hanking under tiie act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal nice this seventh day iff Mart’ll, 1860. [L. s-] No. Kill). FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller. Landing per Cumbria and for sale by in!3 MAI KY, RKATTIK A < O. Scranton, Smith & Co. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CHOICE ULi) BHAND1K.S, WIIIsKRY, W1XKS, <fcc. KVERf VARIETY OP GROCERIES, A 1.80, Hay, Corn, Oats an.I Br*n, strictly at wholesale to the trade; and we flatter mn^ lves that, we can in ike »t to tjie interest of doalfrs lo patronize us, nr the h* ad of Hay, opposite Jefferson st. inlA-tf The Oglethorpe Insurance Co. of Savannah. APRIL 9th, 1S66. By resolution of the Board of Directors of this Company, an instalment of One Dollar per share is, called for, payable on or before 1st May. prox., at the office of the Company, No, 117 Bay street, all J. T. THOMAS, Sec. ME, MARINE, ?JiL LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE Insurance. The Oldest Accident Insurance Comn’y . I N" AjjtEIttCA • * ’ IS TUZ Traveler’s Insnranee Co! OF HARTFORD, CONN. Net Cdfih Assets, Feb. 1, ’66, $600,84!) 72 Insures against Accidents of all Kinds, « CAUSING BODILY INJURY OR LOS3 OF LIFE. , IT IS CHEAP. A policy for $5,000 in case of fatal accident, or $25 per week in case of disabling injury, costs but.$25 to $30 per year. Any sum from $500 to $10,000. with $3 to $50 weekly compensation, at proportion ate rates. Policies written lor three or five years, a a liberal discount, IT IS tnVIl’EitSAL. Tills Company Insures against all sorts of acci dents, whether they occur in traveling, working in the shop or factory,walking in the s(reet, swimming, riding, hunting, fishing, etc. It issues policies for all persons, in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and grants permits to visit any part of the world. This insurance is sought after aud valued by all classes of men, rich or poor. IT IS RELIABLE. Tiie TRAVELER’S of Hartford is the oldest Acci dent Insurance Company in the United States, and established on a firm basis. It has issued many thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and its business is steadily increasing. Its capital {sample, its direclc.ry ol tiie highest char acter, and it has paid over One Thousand Losses, without contesting one. KK- NO MEDICAL K-V AM I NATION HTIKED. Tiiree cents a day will Insure a man for $2000 or $10 weekly compensation, for one year. J. G. BATTERSON, President- Rodney Dennis, Sec. A. WILBUR, J. T. THOMAS, GREEN A FOOTMAN, j, c. McNulty, m20 Agents, Savannah. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO NO. 98 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CIIUTISS, President. f Clayton Newbold, V. P.; W. A. Brewer, Sec.; Roh- ert B. Minturn, George Griswold, Roland G. Mitchell, Thomas Hope, William U. Aspinwail, A. A. Low and others. Directors. Cush assets, over $500,ooo. Capital stock, $125,000. Policy holders receive all tiie profits without incur ring any liability for losses. It lias therefore all the advantages and security of a Stock and Mutual Com pany combined, without their separate disadvan tages. ANDREW M. ItOSS, Ageut. OSCAR CRAIG, General Agent State or Georgia, Savannah, Ga. . R. Waking, M. D., Medical Examiner, Savan nah, Ga. fcb!9-3m. Savannah, i On and alter Monday, the 12th • * i Train will leave Savannah for To" the Monday, Wednesday and Friday a,® 1 "'"'C •turning, leave Thomasville ever' -- ‘ " n *• m day and Friday at'12.15 a. m . Freight trains leave Savannah on ti day and Tuesday, at 7.40 a. m ■ nr 3 unr =dav, s„ ville, Frida>, Sunday an ,l WednesS* ial Hw Leaving Thomasvilie on Friday M J“ ®- c M , nesday-at 5 p. m. ; arriving 1„ Sivan, 7 Tuesday and Thursday at 5 05 „ “ k on SahuA Freight by passenger train m ' delivered nt the depot thirty * starting time of the train. '•ofor, t . ( m29 °’ ,T ; FCLToS’. s nperintende, lt NOTICE. , /TTY | v x he Pensacoia and Georgia K;.]i r ,v,„ „ pay Hie coupons from their bonds the Railroad Company ’, h lll01klc ii and that are maturing up to and' in ,^ :■ railing due 1st January, ise7, % tss Sls * : . ferred Capital Slock of their! K, “ eref ' ) ' f fc guaranteed Seven Per Cent inte^?’ on the first January, lstg, ai! ,| , ■ *" ni K<-n-tp» ly. Holders of said Coupons are r! * Sf ®'"annna : posit tiie same with Messrs. Bryan 1I " !PS '' 11 la * of Savannah, to whom the serin «- i n? n,lw * r «. min-tr % r . t ' OFFICE OF Till] Central Rai •road SAVANNUH. JannuryNi, , O N and after Monday, Hie sih , r daily trains will rim between T" 1,0 -1 gnsta, coniiecling in both iiiriTii..'i,« . •”, 11 ail ' 1 J»- tlie Georgia Railroad, as folhnis w,1 b Iran,, „„ Leave savannah. 7"nain Arrive al Savannah j i.'.i i, ’’ ‘|i m Leave Angnsta .8.3« a' ^*• Arrive at Angusla..... . ; ..oo P- n. Pas-age $s.oo. ami i ts J Freight to go by passenger tr„in , eliverc* «i 11... o.,...,,.?... 1 h-1 and delivered ul the Pusseuge fore departure of train. j30-tf Mart- Reliable SoutherM Ixksurauco. RISKS TAKEN IN TIIE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS COMPA. NIES : Columbia Fire Insurance Compauy, of New York $506,000 Fulton Fire Insurance Company of New York.... 200.000 Excelsior Fire Insnranee Company of New York 250,000 Springfield Fire Insurance Company of Ne w York Pulliam Fire Insurance Company of Hart- lord ' .. 300,000 500,000 PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale aiul Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines. Liquors and Sugars. Also, SkehanM Celebrated GOLDEN ALE TKKJIS ; copy, one year *. $ 1 n Six copies, one year ” 5 ,, Thirteen copies, one year 10 0 Address WM. B. SMITH A CO., Publishers aud Proprietors, 6s Fayetteville st, Raleigh, N. C. ESTILL & URl Bull street, near Post office, o24-tf Agents for Savannah. Thk Meuciiants' National Binx, i Savannah, March 19, IsiiO. ( in pnimi'iiice of Hieanlliorlly "1 the United State ('iiiiiiffrolli' ns aj.ove, tliis Bunk, with a rapilal ol lit.- hundred thousand dol#ns u.ooi)| paid ill. will i i.tnineiev in receive deposits and leiy checks and do .1 general hanking business on Wednesday next, th 21~ insl.., at its banking house on the Bay, between Bull and Drayton streets. H. BRIGHAM. President. GEO. W. DAVIS,.Cashier. inarl9-2m Steam Engines and Machinery. fiDULD Mini mm, NEWARK, N. J. MA.UUINISTS’ TOOLS WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Circular Saw Mills, Stationary an.l Port able Steam Engines. Boilers, Steam pumps. Steam Fire Engines, KW Send for a catalogue. Hose, &c. ra!3-3m MACHINERY. RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. TRY THKM BUT ONCE. RUSS' ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. RUSS’ ARRACK PUNCH, MADE FROM BATAVIA RICE. RUSS’ MESSINA PUNCH, RUSS’ GIN COCKTAIL. RUSS’ BRANDY COCKTAIL. RUSS’ BOURBON WHISKEY COCKTAIL The most delightful concoctions that ever tempted man’s taste—cheaper than any STEADY DRESKS in the woMd, blackberry brandy RASPBERRY SYRUP, GANGER CORDIAL RUSS & CO,, No. 34 Dey street, _ ,, _ New York. Sold Wholesale bv ■^a iQnv A n?®’ 'Wholesale Druggist Savannah, PIG IRON. Scotch, Cartaherrle IWo. I. FOR SALE BT •13-nodtaO CHARLU OKIES A BUM. B RICK-MAKING MACHINES, Brick Presses, Tem pering Wheels, Tile Machines, and every de- FRANKLIN L. CARNELL, No. 1844 Germantown Avenne, Pidtadelphia, Pa. LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, We8t of Market, j. W. STEELE, (Late Steele & Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ Row, Hilton Head,So. Ca. Anil comer Kiny and George Sts., Charleston, C t ALLS the attention of Wholesale aud Retail Pnr- 1 cliHSere to his superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Plated Ware, Bwords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets, Gloves, Ac., Ac. i4 E. 1). SMYTH & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLAS S WARE, 100 Rroughtoii Street, Near Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia. Fine invoices of WHITE GRANITE, COMMON and GLASSWARE, in stdre and to arrive. For sale by original invoice. IW Goods re-packed for country trade. ftO-endtf V* a\ T L] n t MIGA CANVAS ROOFING. -A- cventts for MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Courtlandl Street New York. T HE CANVAS ROOFING ia adapted to buildings of every description. In all climates, and can lie applied to steep or flat roofs. We recommend its use on Factories, Foundries, Store-houses, Cotton Sheds, Railroad Depots, and upon all buildings where steam is used and a Fire-proof Roof required. . The foundation of the Canvas Roofing is a hcavy fff-mp canvas, which is completely saturated and coat ed on both sldos with onr Improved Water-proof Composition, which excludes moisture and prevents FoA. The Upper surface of the Ri ofing is protected from the action of the weather 'ey covering it with the dlgi'iinnd niiiibral Isinglues or Mien, which is pressed Into iho Water-proof Compositon, making a bald sin lace, beautiful in appearance and u sure protection against fire. The Mica being a reflector and non-con ductor of heat. 4to Roof is so cool in summer. The Canvas Roofing is made into sheets seventy-five MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINPS OK Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Sett Screws, Tapi and Dies, SI' * C I and dealers iu all kinds of Railroad, Steam ship aud Engineer's Supplies, nils, Varnish I’amL Bemn“ n ui « Ul ’wf. , i ^ Tanned and Rubber Belting, Biass bittings. Chipping and Riveting Hnm- mers. Hies, Chisels, Gas Ripe, Nails, Circnlar and Gong Saws. Pumps, Steam Whistles. Fleam ami Wa , Onagers, Steam Engines and Haw Mills or everv 'l U o7i?i l0D ,’ i* C ’’ * c • 4Iho Agents for A. P. WOOD s eelol,rated Portable steam Engines. feet long by forty inches wide, making a surface of 250 square feet in each sheet- Tliis Roofing has only to in- nailed to the roof to make a Durable Fire aqd Water-proof Roof. CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in hot lie and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Htont, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to he trade. 175 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dl 1-tf and 52 IJlierty street, N. Y. GROCERIES. 30 Boxes St. Jago Sugar, very handsome 50 bids Baltimore Refilled Sugar, A. P. and C 15 do Crushed Sugar and Powdered 20 do choice Florida Syrup 200 do Flour, Superfine and Extra Family . 40 do Cider Vinegar loo boxes Green Teas in balf etiests Blaek Teas 150 kits No. 1 Mackerel 20 doz Collins’ Axes 20o kegs Nail-, asaortod sizee^ 25 do 5 and 5 ini'll Spikes'" 100 doz Painted Buckets 50 do Brooms 100 hags Shot rw-,- Together with a general assortment r.f all other arti cles in the Grocery line, for sale by W. II. STARK, opl-lm Corner Lincoln and Bay streetB Washington Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore Gulf Statu Fire Insurance Company of Tal lahassee 500,000 SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Established in 1849.) ASSETS SEPTEMBER 1st, over. .284 OOO. Hon. W. F. DeSAUSSURI-; Pres. F. W. MoMasteb, Actnury. This Company has paid for losses to the Widows and Orphans of the South near $400,000. Tiie rates are low and profits regularly returned to the insurers. J. B. READ, M. D. Medical Exatnini-7. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS Commission jirn Forwarding mid Commission merchants. WHOLESALE AND LET AIL DEALERS IS ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. I AND 2 SAM MTS' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida, •IKO. 6. 6 A MM IS. ED. 0. BAUMli*. GHA8. L. MATHIS G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General CommissionMercba Forwarding and Shipping .tank NO. 92 BAY HTIiEEr. (npstaits.l EcfcrtoGeo. tV. Ainlcrsnn, Jno. 0. Ferret and G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W r . K Jackson. Jasiat Sibley4 Sons, *L B. & J. W. Walker, Aiigu-'ia. Ceiaipzixti -a tnHWrt solicited. CA PITA C $560LWMi The undersigned begs leave to inform tile insuring public tlmt he Ims beeu legally appointed Agent foi the above named Companies, and is ready to take Ma rine, River, Life aud Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office willt Phillips & Myers, S5 Bay street. j29-3m J Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MER CHAN T, No. 153 Hay Slrcrt, Savannah, FIRE AND MARINE ACCIDBaXTT. Travelers’ of Haitford $500,000 Marino and I*iro. Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company of Virginia $500,000 Eufaula Home Insuranoe Company of Ala bama 200,000 Georgia Homo Insurance Company, Colum- hns ; 350,000 INSURANCE AGENCY' ...$1,600,000 II. Gr. RUWE, WOOLV8AX.S DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGARS, GROCERIES, ALE AND LAGER, Johnson’s Square, opposite the Pulaski House, Corner St. Julien and Bryan Sts. fFalligant’s old PaintStand. A large invoice of Potatoes and Apples XjIFM. rci.i. ASSETS. New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Boston .$3,000,000 Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insnranee Com pany of New Y'ork 1,000,060 Ou Open Folioiei In Oreat Western, of New York. In Commercial Mutual, of New York. AARON WILBUR, Agent. No. 89 Bay Street. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. Just received. (37“ Agent for n. Clausen's celebrated Pliamix Steam Brewery, New York : A. M.BinuInger & Co’s Iymdoit Dock Gin, aud Club Sauce. KIRLIN & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN U, WINK AND LIQUORS, WHITAKER STREET AND BAY GAME. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au21 ( f T I NDER a resolution of Council, passed at a regu- kJ lar meeting, held on the 2lst inst. and under the direction of a Special Committee of five Alder men, I Will sell at tiie Court House, in the city .of Sa vannah, tut ’the first Tuesday in May, at 11 o'clock a, m„ tire following Lots, in arrears to the.City for ground rent; BROWN WAKD. SECURITY INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus PIKEN1X INSURANCE CO., Capital and Snrplu.a -..$1,500,000 INTERNATIONA!. INS. CO., Capital and Surplus *1.200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus...., $1,078,000 IIARMOMY INSURANCE CO., capital and Surplus $ Darien, Georgia. CSV Ciders for Lumber solicited. dli J. SHAFFEE, Commisssion 3'Jealox 7 n all kinds of FOREIGN A NDDi >Y1 ESTIC FRUITS AiroPBODUCi Wkst Waehington Market, Opposite 343 West st., Unlkhead between Bvclijl* Vcsey ,-tfi,, NEW YORE. Potatoes, Apple- aDd Onions constantly onliamltH ] pnt up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenkrd to. gSEr Relers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T •!. Total cash Capital .and Assets $6,000,000 i Walsh, anil J. 11 Pfusnua Fire, Marine, aud Inland Navigation Risks taken in the above highly responsible companies ou Build ings and Merchandise to any amount, at the lowest, rates corresponding with the risk. Losses equitably adjusted and paid promptly at tliis Office. A. A. LANE, AGENT. No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Bay Street, Sa vannah. Ga. . fl<t-3m iv12 STODDARD’S CHOLERA SPECIFIC; A sure Preventive and CURE FOR CHOLERA, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, hammer Complaints, Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, Sir. Its action is immediate and efficacious, and has been used by thousands since the Cholera Season of 1849. Physicians use and recommend it. Al! admit it to be the best romponlid iu use (or the complaints for- which U. is designed. , STODDARD * BURTON". . . / *Troy, N. Y. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medic ne id2-lm oro, d. rowLF.. FOWLE k CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, YA., Commission Merchants Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers is Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW Y'ORK, oct2» J. S. RAWLINGS & C0„ ProduceCommission Merchants JOHN GRAY, DEALER IN A'o. 0/ Lots, Oioners. Lot 56.—John F. Tncker, trustee ot Geo. W. Banks. OBATIIAlf WA Lot 19.—Wm. Hone orT. M. Norwood. Lot 22.—John C. Taylor. Lot 26.—Estate Edward G. Wilson. Lot 20.—Hiratn Roberts. West third Lot 1G.—Mary Ann Martin. OALBOUH WAS,,. g Lot 11.—George H. Ashe. East half Lot 12.—George H. Ashe. Kuat two-thirds Lot 14.—George H. Ashe. East half Lot 25.—John N. Lewis. West half Lot 25.—Edward J. Parse, trustee. STANDABD LIQUORS, 207 BAY STREET. PATENT INDIA RUBBER ROOFING-PAINT, THIRTEEN YEARS IN USE. Proposals ^S?S ra rP'’ s " 8 ' ;s ''> B, s£ the 2Sth S - b L h “ de< ! by Or. before at^ny*offlce! SSSM mayhem JOHN B. HOQ0, City Surveyor, dramatic. A Complete Bull St., next to the Poet Office Tills PaiDt has been in extensive use for over twelve years, and it Is the best coating that can be used tor Tin Roofing. Leaky Tlu KOofs call be readily re- pared to last many years at a trifling expense, that will, in many cases, save the expense of a new Trn R.»ff. Roofing Paint mixed ready for nse, so that It can lie put on With tile ordinary paint brush. Price $40 per barrel of 40 gallons. Work done, or material sold to persons that wish to do their own work, with full instructions to apply the same. Maniples and circulars to be seen st WRIGHT, GIBBS A CO., „ No. 7 Jones’ Block, Bay st. For County Rights, address SCOFIELD, WILLIAMS* CO., - - Augusta. T. S. CUM MING, Agent, Savannah, Geo. (UNIT GROVE WHISKEY. 100 CASES of this celebrated Whiskey. For sale MACKY, BEATTIE A Co., 203 anil -205 Bay street. Catawba Brandy. JN VOICE of Harper A Co., for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE A CO., . 203 and 205 Bay street Direct Importation. 5 CASKS Superior Burton (English) Ale, just re ceived and for sale by •CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. &14-lmn LAROCHE & JOHNSON, *A. % iintjer & ao ° way httreet, d4u 84 VANNAH.OA. - Catawba Wine. gQ CASES (still) vintage of 1862, liar ule by MACKY. BEATTIE A CO., 203 and 206 Bay street. Marett Brandy. OH A ELTON WABB. North hall Lot 14.—John R. Hamlet North half Lot 23—John R. Hamlet ELIIEBT WAKD. Sooth half Lot 20.—Robert Mclntirc. rORSYtll IVABB. Lot 15.—Thomas Hole -mbe. Lot 16—Thomas Holcombe. rZANKLlN wabd. Lot 21.—Estate Domlulck'O'Byrner Lot 22.—Estate Dominick O’Byrno. NEW FBANKLIN WAKD. East half Lot if- -John McMahon. Lot : 7.—James L. O'Byrne." . Lot 8.—Estate Dominick O’Byrne. Lot 9.—Estate Dominick O’Byrno. Lot 10.—Estate Dominick O’Byrne. or.ZENB WABB. West half Lot 6.—C. N. Box. JAflKSON WARD. Lot 3.—M. Powell. PUr.ASKI WABD. Pzrofind* ch^drenT U * * ft “ rChiW ’ tTa ‘ t ‘* Lot 22.—George Calley. I»t 23.—John R. Johnson, trustee Julia k. Tncker. tboct wiibi. Ixit 15.—Joseph Bryan. Lot 23.—Carroll A. Cloud Lot 24.—Carroll A. Ciond. » W AEHINGTON WABD. 8 '.P' Dibble and cbilflr^. Wooden Ware, Brooms, PAILS, BRUSHES, MATS, Twines, Coi’rtfiffe, Tulis, Churns. Cradles, Wagono, Chairs, Bashets, &v. Nos- IS Fulton and 202 Front Sts NEW YORK m-S HATS AT WHOLESALE. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE HAT STORE IN SAVANNAH. 96 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE. JIB* Strict attention paid to selling ab ' <1 m auil to the. purchase an.l shipping of Gram, A all parte of the South. , „ , We also keep constantly on han'I a'.n«i ^ Pure-Seeds, such us Clover, Tbuntn), «■ filled at. lowest rales. . Coueignmenta and orders solinj , j,; Refers to Messrs Woodward, BaS'l ' > im ore andNew York; Mr. .8, H. Bnyni-"^^ BLAIR & BiCKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURER*.-^ DEALERS IN TIMBER L BER OF EVERY DE&tMt AND TION. A V D B L >D> D (» O K S, SASH, n|w|j) • Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal near - Office ISO Bay II. W. Mekcer. y 0. A*”*® 90 ' ’ • Jn*ttuu$. ” MEECER & ANDEKSON. - Commission Merchants) Mo. 10 STODUAIiD’S i The attention o ed to my alerg in town and count ly is call- e and well assorted stock of HATS, STRAW GUODS. MILLINERY, 0PPKB BASSE- BAY STREET, SAVANNA”’ ^ a!9-lm . up,(«• XTmbrellas, &c., Now on sale tn my WHoIosalo Room, m . _ , v *O, A • l/IUUIC 1 West half Lot 30.—Daniel Keane. , WBBLBT WABD. Lot 16.—A. Boaand. Lot 16.—J. c. Taylor. _ THOMAS a WAYNB, mil city MarahaL H AYING leased the store no# occupied by me In my own name, 1 do herabjrffive notice that, with the eoneent of my hnebend, I have become a free trader, and will carry an *"—*"«■* on my own aeeonnt. . MARTHA trailWTT. at figures very little in advance of their coat. . goods are bought from These MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS, by the package, for cash, and can be sold by the dozen as low as In New York or elsewhere. ad-tr S. M. GOLDING, 153 Congress st. Notice. J W. NKVTtT, of the firm of Nevit, Lathrcp A " Rogers, has associated himself with Lathrop A Co. In the Dry Goods business, at tile old stand of Jl-tf HENRY LATHROP * CO. Alfceii H. Bknnbtt, ) Npw y or k J*s. C. Van r«.T, f Bennett, Van Pelt & COMMISSION MEKCH- FOR THE PA.I.E OF COTTON TOOACCG, OAVM STfl»‘ s fit-, jpj-yTS A- FOR THE PURCHASE ANDSAI-E 0 OTHER ST00SS, S3 Whitehall St., N rp "' 0.I* 1 ' We have associated with us Mr. B Pnblic Treasurer for North Carolina W.rY'fi GREAT SOUTH PAPER U IKIililli ERH Depot for Printers'S* haul 210 Bay Street, Saram "Plat^aLwoU TUa M to cam*rtiwtmwn h— bwinma « frea are «ar. with iSmS? THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. BSCES ■nlad By them, and win Mlww fre% , ptokaco to all point* of the city free of i Papers, or au sizes and weights;” ^i Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, B“ Te ^ P ^vringJiad'lapg experience the l.arin* onTgoods Tn lirge loh directnw ^ yon toctnrers enables Wade’s celebrated Printing I®* 91 i» Odscitr tor the Bath Paper Mills-, s; Mr t Mim CUT iur wc dbiu mpor mom. ol V r The hlffliMt cash price# paid for all pi stock. OOWTfcffn-llD. UOITKAY 8iYANBAB, Q*- M MM