The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, May 03, 1866, Image 3

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w* v ■ • ■ .... ’ v •« ■ yw Wjfsvw. - J ■ "I " ' 'l||" matters. Iocj ^ ,-^y MORNING. MAY 3, 1666. ^ ^ gieuuislilpi »u(l SI««Mi r« KOK NRW YORK. , , Ucrm an Uvicgsieu, Saturday, AprU 6. gtetlCfS-F U Virgo, Thursday. May 3d, at 10 o'clock Washington haring been withdrawn,' the Oglethorpe was backed np. She threw a stream but a very short distance, making a poor show in comparison with the Mayob’s Court.—This Court for the past two days ; Per schr Susan, from Baltimore—10,000 bushels has been well attended by offenders. The first case ! COlfer ~ called on Tuesday was that of Thos..F. Lloyd, a store-1 Per sohr Wellington, from Belfast, Ma—800 bbls other playing. It is but justice to state that the Ogle- 1 keeper, for violating Sabbath ordinance-fn sellifig ! lime, 60,000 laths, 101 bundles pickets, 100 boxes her- thorpe engine is greatly out of condition at present j liquor on that day, also for selling liquor without a 11- ; rings, U bbls do, 40 spruce'spars, 2S3 bales pressed and her performance is not to be attributed to any ceu se. The charges in boQi cases having been proven, 1 ba:, and 75 ship km lack of spirit or muscle among her members. t hs offender was fined thirty dollars and ordered to j Per *toop.Fleet, fi The trial being over, the companies, after recliDg ! take out a license forthwith. up their hose, took up their line of march for their engine houses, with the exception of the Metropolitan I Fife Company, which proceeded through Whitaker ri, Saturday, A-ay at 11 o’clock ^ atreat to the coruer of Gaaton and Bull, to try the __ . , i steamer from a hydrant. The playing here was much, Thursday, sy o c oc . j not tor than at monument squre, the engine playing tob ualtimobc. ! through one length of hose and an IX inch nozzle, Hoi th Point, Saturday, May 5th at Its and throwing a full body of w*ater a distance of about 190 teet, while the spray extended about fiteea feet further. Just as the trial was over, the Oglethorpe Fare Company, who had housed their en- fiine, arrived on the opposite of the street, and a pieaeant interchange of o.vrlties between the compa nies followed, cheers being given for the Metropolitan Fire Company, who in turn gave three for the Wash, ington and thre* for the Oglethorpes. On the way back to their engine house, a circuitous route was taken, and several of the prominent friends of the r; i. CUAHLESTOI,'. | Metropolitans received the compliments of a march- vmiiia, every Saturday morning at 9 j mg salute. After the Company was dismissed they assembled again iq a short time at the Fireman’s Hall with their invited guests, and all the members of the whito Fire Companies, where they partook of a boun tiful collation, gotten up by the Metropolitans for the occasion. Toasts were drank and the return of many such days welcomed in a number of brief but brilliant speeches. The new steam fire engine was drawn by four baau- tifal bay horses oslouging to the Southern Express Company, and driven by A. T. Jenhesa, in the employ of that Comp .ny. The heads of the horsss were each mounted with a white ostrich plume dipped with red. One was also placed upon the centre lamp of the eDgwe. The display made by the Metropolitans was one of ths finest of the kind ever gotten up in this city, and was, without doubt, the feature of the day Ihe other engines made no special attempt at die play, but the men looked finely as regards both uui- ■ OK AUGUSTA. , e\ cry Wednesday morning, at 9 • - aura, every Friday evening at 6 o’clock. ,»oB ye-ba.urdat, liny A at— 'clock, i. j Toms, every Saturday morning at r General Ber:y, Saturday, May 8th, at ta ils BaV.KtNBVTLLS. Fuyr, and Charles 8. Hardee, every no, at 9 o’clock. mu i r/iitiDA. every Tuesday morning, at .vac Suer . r ft len Getty, every Saturday morning, a I jfs hater, every Friday morning at U . r, every Wednesday afternoon at One party, for violating city ordinance in keeping t wo horses aad a carriage without a license, stated that he hud taken out a license for a one horse team, but not having the other horse constant!, engaged, had placed him in a double team for exercise. Fined ten dollars, aud ordered to take oat a badge for linn at tier, once. ’ i . . . Spaulding and Sheftall (colored),.keepers of the col ored billitrd saloon where the firing took place on Monday last, were charged with keeping a disorderly house, to the annoyance cf neighbors m the vicinity. Several witnesses living in the vicinity of ihe eaten- lishment.and a patiton signed byagreai many citizens who do business in that loc.dity, atated that the piace was a nuisance, and that there was always a crowd of negroes congregated about the doors swearing and creating disturbance. After hearing the testimony ol the defendants, also that of their witnesses, the Mayor cou.d find nothing to coutradiot the testimony of the parties indicating the place as a nuisance. He there fore fined the parties in coats of court, and ordered the place to be closed by the Guy Marshak A few other cases of a trivial character were also cried on Tuesday. The first case fried yesterday was that of Ossay Wil lard (colored), charged with fighting and creating a general disturbance in the street* during the firemen’s parade, and drawing a platol on a police man while arresting him. The prisoner made as good a defence as he could, and wound up by saying ns never carried concealed weapons; that ho always carried them in his pocket.’ Fined $10, or ten days' labor, and to forfeit his pistol. Moses Whito (colored)—Disorderly conduct and re sisting an officer in the discharge of his duty. The prisoner said that some white boys bad struck him and he wes ouly defending himself; that he had not resisted tne oHies®. He also called a colored witness Per stoop .Fleet, from Riceboro—* bales sea Island cotton, 106 bushels rough rice, 60 hides and mdse. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—19,090 feet lum ber. Export*. Per schr Madona, tor Philadelphia—72.000 feef tun- Passcnger*. Tire first of At ay. - ~:irn of this favorite holiday yesterday, though . id ail Ihe festivity aud merry making ’ Ja> s, was yot celebrated with considerable •» of tl:e community. The . , _ . .. . phyaiqu*, aadgav# proml«® of efficient , to corrooom# Ills testimony, but tie witness having v/a3 jron.kious. me light clouds whloc .. . 9 * * * * whenever duty may cad. Altogether the pa- refuted his statement, he was fined $10. His Honor : fctil daielsSI Ula inofu XXSt Slid eveuill-f I ..a « . , | - ' ar ,_ . , wii on • r * lSe yestsrdsp-wa* a very creditable one, and gave then desired to know why th£ white boys had not - ’ * a ~ u *' o e sun, wu.oh , y— evidence that Savannah still lives. ! been arrested, as he hud ordered the arrest of every , wouiu have made the firemen . paraue and j Durlng the progr4M of lha proceadon the .treats ‘ ' out-of-door otiiowuuae* very unoomiurta* promenades wore fiLed ad day j i*3 m iioiidiy attire, ;*nd the great ; the ce.ecrxaou was ;iie tr.&l oi the engines in | : - 3-i*-* w hich diow vat d very Dirge croud of ai , ' Amonj tda pleasancest Incidents | ’. A’ere :ue eser'j.eoa at the dlaseie School at j [ ■ wl iu the eve .mg. The rioroi Scene, whlpli j -, admiration frem the audience at the were thronged with spectators, while the balconies and windows on either Bids of them were filled with iadie.-5. Ths windows and balconies around ilonu- ment Square were also crowded with fair looker-on. who manifested much interest in the proceedings of the rel-shlrUd heroes ot the day. During the trial of engines in Monument Square a young whito boy named Finney, while perched upon Trammsr School last F. lday, i ^ limb of 1 tree was sufileuly precipitated to the 1 ground by the breaking of the limb. He was picked up by Mr. Couiu, of the Southern Express Company, when it wag found that his loft arm wae broken. He was taken in to Mr. Lincoln's drug store, when, after being cared for as well as possible, he was carried to his horns. With tli9 exception of several flght3 between whit* : ci the cue It was a beautiful sight, and .i.igmgof tho children and other ac- ; exarc.aes made up ( mast iniareetlug oc- u i«i - by ail wuo had the good fortune to j ■ : irty at 3i. Andrews Hail was also apleae- ■ j.ii's feature of the celebration. The .. ; ■ •a an exje-ieut company of Juveniles . . . .r alirgcrg owtb, who "chased the fly- P 0111 : 0 * everything passed off quietly during the ~ ■ a.. d long pas: Tnidnight. A real May- > P"*' 1 ** ^ oflieient officers of the police present .-.-.a mac.,’-colored ribands, was set up in 1 kt 'P t vroeiisnt order throughout the day. and prevented I .Jill 'of the hall, arouud which the traditional j oonfusiou or disorder along the route of the pro- , .-o .tept up la due form. Ihe music was 1 8eMtoa ’ a.l rLe pa.-.y wua One cf the best conducted - Meeting of Council. .tjoyabls c*' ihe season. The regu’er meeting of Couueii was held last even- utiat-’ real: cooifaJSY aPZJ TUBtiVChEit;. i ic S- Present: The Mivor, Aidcrmea Ferriil, Jodnsoa, ...mT-c Company, numbering fifty-three j bachlison, Wyliy. One? Cunnlu*h*m, Socllstd and . . c. toe moruiug ut nine o’clock. Tim j ^ uiIincB ' v ,.,.j au u trnhiw*: j The Fiaangt Oommittec, to whom was referred the ’J"’ - , a ! petition asking the suspension of the collection of ; ground rents, reported in favor of allowing citizens \ uutii the 1st of September next to pay their arrear- white boy for offences of that kind. The policemen stated they saw no white boys about when they came up Catharlno Myers, A M. Rose and E. M. Houston, two colored women and a freedman, for using such obscene langdage and oreating such a disturbance that several chizene of the neighborhood had to call upon a poiiuemau to arrest them. Fined $10 each. During the progress of this trial such a noise and disturb ance freedwomeu that they had to be placed under arrest until the court was over. Alexander Hardee (colored; disorderly and riotous, and cutting a colored womau with a knife, near the Fireman’s Halh on Tuesday night. The Chief of Po lice, who made the arrest, stated that Hardee had get down from his horse and wae creating a great dis- Pc-r steamship Herman Li rings ton, from New j York—C> uiup itennugloU.’M K Remington,'Joseph i Ro.emu'iuv'jhu tsiliiianu. H Mciobard,' -3 Aieiuharu; ! il aToi ’.atryjurlge Erskiiie,- W’ul NighUngaief J L Jlarcv.-Miis ile-'u. .Nightingale, Mrs nightingale,- , jliss-EiiisU htaiitiiis lie, K C Knowles,'Wl-e and two ; ciiiidriu, Al.ctiaei, il C Richards', Mr Schwab, Mr hirDe nunortd, A nricker, UrTempta- oii, Mr J Xcinpieton. Miss Maior.'J lluniugion, J K fratilurs.'Jas li unoiiau, O o io Gontaue, Chau o Peters/L K >, K Vetter turd child, Mrs Ceu>- wise -H u Barton,' HP jlulmru, Sami J WhitestUe. p oerlacn, (i'-caUvioert und lauy, U U Hicks, Mr Ma-ieiy fC Wriu,' Mms EmtU* R Mayo, Mas Abra- uamV'fO M l.o' uuu wile, W J MJirts, ri Kelb, li ll.oetis, PDevle/jt sear, J ita.uoan, J Smith and tatty, Capt ffu.gglns. Geo S Berger, Mr Howard, j \\ liueUn Miss Howard, Mis* Huston, who Phidseli, F Vuse, James LhDio andsou, Mr Kooertson, Mr Minnc, Mi a Getty, aud 9 in steerage. Per steamship Missouri, from New York—Miss N Hathaway,-Mis* M Hlutey,' b Coueu. J Cohn, O M Gtoeky. boutuern Agt umpire S8 Line, J Gandy, H S Williams, Jr, iius H Joel, Hr Barnett and * children, Win Goruou, J barge, P H Smith, G S Keele, J Vicky. L L Brigham, O M baigeut, C T Smith, G iletchel, T Moerler, Miss o Gordon, add Vt steerage. Per steamship North -ptduf, from Baltimore—S C Amman, G H Jones, J L McAlee, J H Deans, T Sla- cuui, J Pemt., aim 6 steerage. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—Hiss W Nell, Mrs Cochran, Ooi porter and lady. Miss tarns. Air. Juuusou, M Miner, A J MilnU>#li, Mr SSiiorter, J McCall. O W Horsey, K O Leverage, P C ttiley, A Mode, ii D bhiUh, AH' Plati, b Ward. Q Mornsou, M imwcnthai, ,W Atwell, Dr Troup, Mr Root, und W Roberts. Persieamer Eaiiiie, from Ciiaiieston—Jno Levy, B H dec, A Peters, H Jeanemau, J smipaou, J Apple. J atom, W J Ree l, A B Adams, M N tMoOfr, g Aerr, Airs Green and child, KH Butcher, DFHey, J H Baldwin, A Cameron, Miss L Mcclmiock, Miss Mary Coos, it W Oliver, H cuudreth, W J It Tripp, lady and iwoclibdren, H Rppingor, Dr F L Gelaer, as Solomons, J brad well, C N ilardee aud wife, J a power*, L B Animerman, W A Owens, H M Stuart ana lady, H C West, H Webber, J£ b Paiue, M A Buise, Geo U Duran, U J Judd, baud Harris, Jno Haydon, A L Jones, Mr* J J omlLh, Mis* Fannie smith, Miss baruh amiin, Miss Botome, Mias Fannie bangtoru, Miss Lizzie bangiurd. Dr a A anilin, Geo A brown, John c Dutch, U rt Morgan, and ’-*» deck. FOK BiLTIIOtE j'iirtSiSfl Hi-i s fairly active, with the -•i i ur** ixx5T iiiirlier the Fair l > good F”ani:i^ b*dr." 10^ jiids. Lt 1 !1 : v.Vj-cc i-jr Caba: 13a and 8,2*3 b i ut li 1ST Orth dPoint, K. Ol tan, Commander, tc*. and80'bbls.‘Trinidad at48c; 3»hhda. Cienfuegos at 46c; 250 hhds. Nenvitas at S?c; 00 hhd*. Muscovado in lot* at Soadic, aud T10 hhd*. Porto Rico at 70a78c. Paovisions —There still prevails an active demand tor Pork; price* have advanced, and close vary firm. For future delivery we note sale* of 750 biffs. Mess, mller M»y, at $-JI 2iaff,7 37X; the «a!ej. cash and regu lar, »r.- 10,OKI bbls. at 32T 23a’27 r . for’New MeSs. Beef is in fur demand and firm: Old Beef 1* selling with the most ease; sales oi Sou bbls. at $1U14 fdr Old Plain Me**; $l£al9 oti trr New do.; $l3al6 for Old rExtra and $20*24 for New do. Tinrce Beef 1* mods ralelv active; sales ofclOO tc*. India Mess at $32 50t- Bflef Haute are scarce, and very t’rinly held, at f40tor 'The new and elegant etemnshlp Western. Cut Moats Lire more active' particularly tor Shoulders, which are better; sale* of did pkgs. Shoup den, In dry call, ut lolfallr, novHBlH^t ilXc. Btc*.—Prices rciimin ti tuX ' dFe demand good; sales of 1,409 bags Bango n at^L coftency; 100 do. do. in bond at 4Xc, gold, end K) do. do. do. at 4c, do. to an ive. Kl'gvp. -Far t ad'. ..inia m li ci:>si:ig ,;u lt hi ,s •WlleiWl-s of i- l ; -' c tar 10,-1., 2 IlHic. d ai-a opch* Conroe. —Has b^n iu very Ma— roau- st, afdcci- d»uly I : . crau I irregular prices, which the principal holders are ir t dispp«ed to accept; hence, tho curren. movements arc ou a very restricted scale. Middlings are quoted all the way from 2daalc par lb. Bales since oar last 1,200 bales, against rece.pts of 749 bales Tla* fall in prices in this market, within tho past three days, has been ebout 7 cents a pound, or equal to a loss uiaboui $26 a bale, widen, on a stock of 180,000 bci-cs. would m ike the aggregate depreciation some thing over live million dollars. Ilovmteivs of Cotton a: this Ppri. Bales. Receipts thn3 tar this weak 10,907 Receipts biuee AprU 1, 1866 42.010 Receipts since January 1, i860 207,329 Receipts since (September 1, 1866 729 091 Exports since April 1, 1869 03,371 Exports since (September 1, 1866 416*392 G iL'O ivTi .l; nt It o’clock I Will safl for Baltimore on Batarday, 5th last Freight will ba received~wnd ritacksd thloagto to Plitiadelphia at same rite* ch ,re»d by ether lfm-4 For freight or p**asgo. having” er’iellent aefomruo- aatlons. apply to UROCHE .WEST £ DANIEL*, ' ■ „ ' . Jones' Block ir© L ill © FOB HEW YORK. Atlantic Mail Htearnnhi)) Company. mjS FOR AUGUSTA. Adgaita Market. Auoukta, May 1, 1986. C 'Ti.i >.—There are a cumber of orders for purcha ser iu the market Holders are unwilling to accede to propositions of purchasers. Uuder £ke*e circum stances the market is iu such conditiou a9 to preclude a reliable report STOCK IN AUGUSTA. The stock ou Laud in Augusta ou the first day of Muy, was 14,87J bales, agafnst 2*2,700 an tho first day oi Apni, showing a i decrease in the mouth of 7,827 ba<C£. The aaily receipts at present are nominal. THE MONEY M.xiULET, Gold doll. No transactions. and colored boys, which were at once stopped by the j turbaucc. A colored woman approached him to quiet him, when he cut her in the shoulder with a knife. The Chief of Police then demanded his knife, which he at lira*, refused to give up, but finding discretion the better part of valor, finally concluded to do sc. The Chief of Police theu arrested him and had lain conveyed to the guard house. The -Mayor stated that he had been a witness to his conduct the evening before, and hud demanded the knife, as the Mayor of the city, which he even then refused to give up. As Hardee has been in several scrapes of late and had nothing to say in his defence he was fined $1CU. ages, providing they giva their nows, with adequate iv.attain—A .Adiroop. .... li .-* .ant—C. Hl*’t. .... ry—F. Si b. _ H Me-rer security, for amounts due. bkudeman. ! Amon 3 foe petitions introduced and referred or wiuah always looks neat and makes 1 ottorwise disposed of, was on* from parUe. requeat- ... ' u npara-to, marebed down Eav street, j iu * to estabUsk a stand la tbe Park for tug ...;.i’by a band of music, to tbe front of tile ! ^ »oda water, tc. Tbe petition was .boro they lialn d and were inspected by I promp.iy laid on the table. ■ . - ;a g Mayor, who seemed well pleased with j A PoBUon from a number of citizens was intro- ;■ ulv m a us well as with their machine. , praying that the limit* of the Fire District be " ’ , ;i ecdon ihe Company marched through ] cxtondeli »° M to embrace that quarter of the city . .av principal street* and then returned to ! ^Jdngsouth and east of Price and Liberty stress, which I 1 .-e, where they wero dismissed. j 19 rapidly filling up with wooden shanties, ■ occupied r, eleven o’clock „ procession was formed | by the depraved redundant’negro population, mri' H-li by the Gorman Fire Company i afl<i ' vhic h Is consequent^ becoming a disorderly and - jt.-inu.: Turno.--’ Society. Headed by ttbaud ! dangerous neighborhood, to the prejudice of the ln- j ;wc organizations marched through the. -crests of residents and property owaers in the viem- ;- Bio-doackcr’s place, on Lovers’ Lane, ; iV- .. in ms coilutlon cwalted their arrival. Fending the consideration of this petition, a resolu- : ,i . : c e F re Company contended for two j '* JU was adopted that a committee of five freeholders h .-.t a target. The first prize, a fine 1 bs appointed to report concerning the expanse of ex- S..Var plated barrel and gnt cylinder. t'ontlguecs. - Per steamship Herman Livingston, from New kept up in the court room by a coupie of I y( J ri£ r _ AgL c ^ a fi G H it, C ?V Anderson i boa. G il Aneuge* T ii Ausiiu, AUums Hz (Jo, Uiigiiaai, b i£ Co, bu'.fiwcii is VV, lirudy, a & Co, Biuu & Meyer, T H bulaimw A Co, VV bcuuac, S K Baiiui, Cooper, O F, Cuumugiium, F dc to, Ciagliorn & C, C ii K Our COlby *S Co, Crane A O, O CoUeu, M A Co ne.i, Doyie A b, iicWiit M, iiuucau it J, T J Cuu- ojki a co, Mk»o>lo At Co, f vzittjynoni, E P Deyo, W j& HavMson, Aioert Uoyie, iiiwm « ii, iiiiuatem «fc E, Kciipae Ex. blue, J Lyateiu it Hro, K EiiiJicii, M U kin u’.ii Jno C Ferric, A Feriiauaez, T iiorriguu, H i>li.$\vley, Ujicouibo &. CO, x>ira M ^Heiteriea, e. E xieuzA- Co, a F Hamilion. F P iiaiaey A Co, Q Joue», c J1 eXoiiusou, Geo r reemau, C L Gilbou, AGo- ouaKi, H F Craiit, bGoodali, HouaiUAUd A Co, riudl & LutiiOW. N A uardec A Co, Kciu £ Co, J Aoliler, Liu Via £ G, Long A HucLy, J W LaUuop «k Co, b M leuesou, VV VV Liucolu, Jiiilcl', T «k Co, H MeiiiUara & bro, a Meyer $ co. G Merkina, M 6 Meyer, F M oiyreli, ti, L Mcanuaa, K Mac Lea A Co, J C Maker <t Co, a. J Miller, d b uiiLer, Aeuiuii, but* tier & Co, Haaoual la A l Co, Geo T Nicfioia, K L -Neieungur, aL r«ewmurk, Mra JNigaimgaie, Urtf A VV, J Uiiver, J c’by rae, Punupa A M, Piaiuei* & b. Pal mer a i>, Tiioa Pepper, ii Faiafiik, iticuaruaou « b, KduUeb «£ Co, C L) Kogei», ii iioaeuaieixi, J A boo- eria, li booeris, auu Go, bciaalou, o A Co, A A boioijious di> Co, E li billy me <1 Co, bjuliieiu EX co, aiiveiimg, bio *£ Co, J o ^cfireiuer & Oou, biuurt it Co, b cjiuio, r‘ \V biaia tt Co, x* buoiian, VV ii blark, Turner & McL, iiaou A G, T M iunxerXCo, H A lopiiuui, C VV Tii -iiipaua, J L V illalouga, P Veiiuer, Wnuer A F, Weed AC, Wiliiama, b A Co, Wrigfit, G tt C, iNtii 06 oi, E C Wade A co, A M A C W Weal, a \\ Wrigiu, VV ii VV'iiioeiger, J li VV liliagliam, ana otiieru. NEW DRESS GOODS And a handsome lot of Grenadine Shawls JOST REOKIVllD BY- ORFF (kWATKINS tending Ejst Bmad street to Gwinnett street. A resolution to comply with tho petition by extending the r ire District, so set forth, was :lien adopted. Tne ord.n&nce fixing the sskry of ihe keeper of the pjrz at $'1,000; if the keeper of the squares ut $720; and o; clerk uf tns market at $1,600, the inorease of pay to date from the 1st of April, w..a adopted. Aidermau Sjuliard introduced a resolution to ihe _cic-aes. No prize was contended j effect that the sum of §500 ba appropriated as a dona- rid r members of the Turnve.oin, but tion to the Metropolitan Firs Company, that amount 3re , oa8u U p l0 r the pupils of the be- being necessary to relieve tue Company from tho debt 1 w-ra iselowed- cs follows; T. Qutnt, first I Incurred in procuring tho new steam fire engine. The 1 Jutpuelter, second, and John Straus, the ; resolution was adopted. .Ti prize* have net yet been selected. The | A resolution was offered by Alderman Johnson that prov.-d them selves very dexterous in i the market buildiDg be extended by an addition on ■... c :aja Hiun, was won by F. Hegier. The . i u , h.::d«om* meerschaum pipe, given by ,.t 5-hromp. v.a3 won by IV. Ottaus. The .... .hep: -zes took place Immediately afur .. i over. society,'during lte contest In muks- he Fire Company, were engaged at their I gvmuaste, arc quite youthful. .. ir cere nuirihered about forty men and iv!a» folio**: ... Solb . iea’.—A. Cammert. tc:..- ry—A. Kr.eger. ■.. u_ secretary—A. Bock. h .tiiei— IX. Fuuk. At*.- .; nxerCiSes—A. lYe’.sgerber. i the south side similar to tho fish shed on the north ire side. The resolution was adopted, the improvements . to be dado under th • approval of the Meyer. Tne oonslderaJoa of the report of the Committee : on Gas, which was to have been taken up this evening, | was again postponed. By permission Dr. J. J. Waring, of the Board of | Health then addressed the Council upon the import- j anceof adopting at onoe a compleie sy stem of sewer- i-;ci skooiiag and the gymnastic oontests’l age and drainage for the city, aud asking that an ap- - jtli comp.-mies joined together aud spent | prupristionof'$250 be made to meet th.; expenses of tue duy in the less labor.ous exercises 1 tbe preliminary scientific surveys in aud around the ted d. icing, wmdmg up with a geueru 1 j city aeoeesery to the inauguration of the work. The ... Nothing occurred to mar the pleasure j appropriation was voted. After the traususuou of th* usual routine business Council adjourned. • i ' = - • t ... • .ah is represented to have' be*u one ot ‘•-.i.u.Firsta oi May passed b7 either company 136 miXMES'S FAAAD3. - ■ fie two o'clock, Wa*hington I - ;v =u t, So. 0, arrived at the Ezcbauge, being the Amadous ArrxAii’r to Stkai, a House ai;d Bug- ot.—On Tuesday moruiug last Mr. Wm. Swoll left hi* horse and buggy hltolied in the roar of the Central Railroad Bank while he went in doors to at tend to some business. On his return he missed his team, and on enquiry was told that a man had just got into it ana driven off. Being told the direction iu which be went, Mr. Swoll borrowed a buggy and went iu pursuit of him, overtaking him near the parade ground, where some portion of the harness had broken and the thief had got ourto make repairs; Mr. Swell asked him whose team ha had, and was very cooby told that it was hie own, whereupon he knocked the would-be owner down aud then took him lu cuurge and conveyed him to the guard house. Tho mau, who says his name is A. Fagan, was brought be' fore the Mayor yesterday morning, who, at the request of Mr. Swell, turned him over to a Magistrate Tor prosecution. He was carried boforo Justice Hart, and iu default pi $2,000 bail was committed to jaii to answer to the charge of stealing * horse and buggy of' the value of $500, before tbe next term of the Superior Court. LaBCEffY CF' Mostr.—Samuel Osmond, a frecd- mau, we3 yesterdry arrested and taken before Justice Hart, charged- with s-e-iliag $17 in greenbacks from the store of Jame3 MoOrath. Ic appears that Otmcud went into the store of McGrath, and while h.a back waa turned Osmond slipped nia hand acro.s the coun ts-and into the till aue abstracted ths money. He wo* detected in the act and the money recovsd. Jus tice Hart ccmm.tted him to JoiL In default of bah, to await hie trial before the next term of the Ouperior Court. Per ateamship Missouri, from New York—Adams Ex Co, J W Auuerson fi Son, W Barnett, i H Bold siiaw, Bell, tv fi c, nryau, H fi Co, Biigee fi Marcy, J ehjme, llrady, S fi Co, € H It Agt, M A Cohen, Clag'.ioru fi t, Colby fi Co, Crane at O, F Champion, cu .uipiou i F, Cooper, O fi r'. Darlington fi B, J H Ui mono, P ^ziaijUskl, Duncan fi J, Mfrs Duff, Er- u iu fi ii, i-clij ee 1’ieiglil Line, L Enrliuli, Einstein fi L, -V .1 i. r', u C Freeman, A1 l ersi fi Co, Guckeir- liclui ii s, F Grode id, B U Hardee, Holcombe & Co, H-ii-udeu L.\, Heidi fi Ludlow, A L Uartridge, Untou fi ii : t' Hubefeham Sons, A B Ives, r A JoruaD, Hem fi co. L ii iierlln, A Lohlc, O b fi G W Lamar, Lo- vi-ii a. L. L U Leieti, J Lippman, Laroche, W fi V, J 1 -r, o. Co, Bnchy, W VV Lincoln, J \V Lath- n p, . Meyer, T McDonald, D Malict, M Mehihard fi o, Mchei . Lurnelt fi co, K Molina, J ficConagliy, fucoiSen fi AicA, M fiewuiarK, W L Peabody, G W P ile.-, i-uimar a D. Plainer fi B, Ata;iduli fi Co, F itucn, L Konii'lelt, itichardson fi B, turnons fi Co, J li ciuiiii, >V H s.ark, A A oolumons, L C Tebe iu, . L-oii fi G, T Tarner, n G Tilder, Van NewtuU fi W, VV L Vrootu, Van Nest fi Co, Weed fi O, G Welbrouk, VV it V; litbeiger, B C Wade u Co, hi Weejart fi Co, VV fi lleiunam. Per steamship Noith Point, from Kaltimor£-»C K O H Arrange, P il Brim, T H Loi Im«v, Lrlguam, B fi t:o, J r fi J A Brown, Botutreii i W, Z O Byrne, Cia.’iioi t fi f~, M A Coll ;u, !■'iloubtaiir, C oper fi Aie.v. Oifine fi G, Ai Doyle fi Co. ii Ehi.ich, Erwin fi i Hr G c 1 reman, .6 Oarzau & Co, c: L Gilbert, ff G ; iliu. i:u.yar. J lintfi Co, Hess fi G, L E Ilert* j fi C . C V Ui.tchl.18, W U Mcliflyrn T Co J K JGtiU- Fou. Aeii fi Co, J ivuox, Laroche .c W, M Lavln, LA 1., -ll-..,.i fi Co. c M LaiffteLtu. G VV fi {j g Lijnar, ’ (*' At .Vj. r.'il. j McMaiiun. A J Miller fi Co, L McSor- ey ; Nevvnr.trk. f L Nciblinger, Perry <£ L. Rglips i v’jl, 1.0 • rai C-J.D. P lleil v. CA KOgeis, !i Plicheli, t VV H o ..rf - SOiTeil Bros. St: ■ley Bros, Scranton, s fi Cj r S LbvtC, F W 4 Co. Tyson <4 0, 'PM Tur- rr, R H latem, Jfat; Newton fi VV, J L Viliaionga, DISSOLUTION. 'I'HE firm ol Goden 4 Unckies, having boen dlt- A solved by mutual Consent ou the lit Inst., by the withdrawal of Mr. B. O.Gaden, David s. Uacklea who is a’.o’ie auUmrlsed to settle the business of the firm, may hereafter be found at tho old etan.L coruar oi Pay and Bernard streets. B. O. GADKN. a’24 lui DAVID 3. DNCKLEL THE THOROUGHBRED RACE HORSE DALLAS, S UtED l y Wagner out of Far.ny King, by Glencoe will make me season at Cherry Hill Plantation, one uilie from Station, Atlantic 4 Qnlf Railroad. Term :, $70 for the season, payable at ttana of ser vice. Pai'ies sending mares can have them properly ri d for el $12 pri' tnorth. *6 lm vBREWTBS CF FIHEEAU*ALt5&PORTER ?WE&BE|^ 7 &8^YE?NtW YORK III UK ru dersigiieti h iving been appointed sole agents * tortile city for the above we ;1 known ana su perior Aie. (warranted to stand In any climate), are now prepared in supply the same In packages to suit puivljasi'rs. al--'-Sun. CUNNINGHAM, i’CRffE Sr CO. S EW GOODS G-eneral 33erry trill leave for Augusta on lotuJay, May 5th, at — o’clock. For freight, apply to M . CHARLES L COLBY A CO., “I* Corner-Bay aud Abercoru St*. FOR AUGUSTA AND ALL WAT LANDINGS. PASSAGE RATES: | r «hli» 0*0 0®5 Steerage $5 DO. with 8ul» siston.w viO no. •n-.e new und tost sfeamahlp BIsiorKI. Love- land, cfiEffhifruirr, will sail as above. i.t isiunlsy, Sty a, at U o’clork a. m. Fur freight or passage. Laving accommodations gn- perior to any staaaer In this trade, apply to R H. OABDSS, So. 13 Stoddard’s Utwga. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agents, mvj No. 5 Bowling Qma. N. Y. JVlurray^s Line FOR NEW YORK. The (leaner - TWO BOYS, Capt. Taosus Dabmlo, will leave ae above on Saturday, May 5th, at — o’clock. Her puesnger accommodations ore superb Freight at eame fate a. Gibbons, and will be re ceived at all hoars on Dillon's Wharf. myS-8 ERWIN 4 HARDER. FOR AUGUSTA. .The steamer LATJRA will leave regularly for Augusta Kvery Friday Evening, at 5 o’clock. 8hlpper* will please take notice, that their freight will be received every day and stored in flre-prouf warehouse, free of storage- Way and through freight same tate, or as cheap as any other boat on the liver. For freight or passage, apply on board to Capt, B. Wallace, or on wharr to my 3 6 J. MoPHERSON FARR, Agent. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES: Cabin Passage, 9*5 Steerage, BIO The new and splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulkiey, commander, will leave tor tbe above port on her regular day, Tkursday, May 3, at 10 •’dock, a. in. For freight or passage, having superior accommo. dations, apply to nl ‘ OCTAVUS COHEN. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. The splendid steamship PERIT, Delsnoy, Com mander, will leave for tbe above port on her regular day. Thu: Nay 3d, at — o’clock. For freight or passage, baring superior accommo dations, apply to SHU HUNTER 4 QAMMELL FOR NEW YORK rif SIDE-WHEEL SHIP, ATLANTIC COAST Sfail MtCamahip Company. FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA FERNANDINA- E, The fine steamer E M I L I Capt. BzacroiT, will leave as above, from Telfair’s wharf, Every Wednesday at — o’clock. For freight or passage, apply cn board or to • L. J. GC1LMARTIN ft CO., ato Agent*. Now l.ti.-u! cpr aed at the VV H Williams, VVutU, ilcltae fi Go, O White. Tfia Du>'ca:: TsiiX.—Vje publish this mcruirg the closing argument for the 9tate prisoner, J. ” Dun can, wl’.os’ trial has been occupying public att-ctloa here so long. The Commission cor.oiuded tiu-ir de liberations yesterday evening and adjourned stne di“. ; _ , - , , _ . , . ,, , ,, . . „ I’ery'bamer L’gZioB.iker.fruinPalatka—Claghorii ine flutungs and sentence will prooably not be pro- j A C( y n .qv r r. H Tisou fi G, Einstein fi K, Cuunlng- mulgated for some time to come. I ham, Purse fi Co, Pcrricgmer Emlile, Loo; Cbarlesien—Savanna!; Republican. B“h, W fi C. T J Dunoar fi Go, J Rich ards, it Habersham 4 Hons, Southern Ex Co, Na tional H.t 4 Trans Co Per hr!g Hcsirn. from Baltimore—Sorrell Bros, F W Sun> fi Co, Crane fi G. Per schooner Americas, from Baltimore—A fi G R R, J A fi J F Brown, G R R Agent, Chlpinuu fi C, M A G-men, Cnampiou fi F, E P Deyo, j Gilliland, Lovell fi L, W fi K Mclutire, J McMahon fi Co, D Os- t rmiiuu, Scuiutou, S fi Co, F W 9im* ft Co, B G Til- den, Wright, G ft Co. Annks: or a Eobsx Thief.—A freedman nemed Gree.i Jr.easou, charged with stealing several horses and mules in Enljgham'*ceuuty, was committed to jaii ou Tuesday last by Justice Staley to await hfo trial. Tlic Election. ■ PemobiCals— New numbers of Harper’s Weekly, Frank Leake's Illustrated Newspaper, the Chimney Comer, Round Table, and other popular psriodioals have been received by Eslili Bros., corner of Bull st. and Bay Lane- We are indebted to Pursers Sttusey cf the steamship Herman Livingston, Barns of the steamship Missouri, and 8 -laua of the North Point, for files cf late New At the election held at th* C. urt Hons# yeaterday i y ° rl1 ttUil Baltimore papers. Also to the National and d. lu* Washington turned out 6b | for Judge of thu County court aud Solicitor, 1 536 Southern Express Companies for late Augusta pa- “ ““ ‘“ 5 e*'-' — it: iLexo.*owiug officATi: • ‘ rjreiuaa—Henry Markins. •^"--xarcniAii—Jaiuee RfcaruGV. **“ • f ieumii—William ftoiiiy. : ‘‘***“—l>icfiuiaa Wo iff, • - - it carnage was manned by 15 young men. ■ -—.1 of r.ret Foremun J. Fitzgerald, and '■■••-..Uiiv. J. Redly. ' — :.eie me Oaleihor.’S No. i, under tbe fol- '= arrived upon the ground and too., po- ■ ■ of tee line: a • Wmiuk, Jr. ;i <a .u-dhis. L. sohrlck. V "x~ta%n—?»ter B. Mogaa- -Jeme* GeiTJ. . IdaisulL -'•—-f. -ii. ileueario. votes ware cist, as follows; FOB JUSQE. L9vl S. Bussell I Henry Williams ! Ch .rloe Ftrreiiy ; John Bilbo Jobn A. Stal9y i Mux Dervergers FOB BOLlCIaOB. J. O. Terrill ■ Rober: ralligeut... i pers i Martin I.UTutit once tliongbt he e*w the devil In ■'■■‘V "'^glhis ciiamber. und threw an lnSsrand at ills head. ... ..’.".'.!!!r.’’3l2 t Had they had In those days ATER’a PiLfA to exor- •’ LiS j cise all the devils that come from a disordered stom- J jq ; ach, hislatighable fright would not have become a J matter of history. ’ myl-lw Memoranda. Liverpool, April 13—Arrived—Ships Douglas Cas tle, ucd Thoi waidsen, from Savannah. Kith— Cleared—Favorite, Worden, for do. Plymouth, AprU 10—Put lu, Amazon, from Savan nah, leaky. Baltimore, April 26—Sailed—Brig Leonard, Myers, for savannah Consignee* per Central Kallroatl. May 1, 1866. 627 bales cotton, 389 rods copper, 34 biys metal, 79 lioxes; 1 bbl, 1 tierce sulphate copper, l cart wheel, 12 can iumber. ami mdse, to Uavs fi Dickerson, Bell, W & C, York. W 4 Mol, Brady. S 4 Co. Brig ham, H fi Co, OUR Agt. Crane 4 G, Mijlen fi W, Dr* ,1 G Howard. A Myers 4 Co. W F Chaplin, J Gilliland, - .. . . ; s« advertisement, on *»$ pho. on^Ttc^i^ySS^Tj'Lxt ■ J. it. Taoma* 175 ; Purij imported perfumery, soaps, 4c. a29tml3, ' ' — ' * . G. W. Moor# 63 ! Tbe election, though somewhat excited and warmly contacted between the itfpprrters of seme of U;e can- j undergone thorough repairs and renovation, will 1 [ didates, as will be inferred from the Urge vote brought ! resume her regulartrip* betwean tins port and Florida j I oat, was conducted in an orderly and proper manner, j nelt Saturday, her regular day. 1 no disturbance worthy of mention having occurred ‘ ( during the day. It will be seen that Levi 8. Euseell Is evey, . , lalongm J W Latnrop fi Co, Wilder 4 F. J W Rabun i s Co, N a Hardee 4 Co, Duncan fi J, G C Freeman, Tee Hzlbs Gettt.—The steamer Helen Getty hav- | Bothwell i W Max £, 1566. | C23 hales cotton, 87 hales yarn, 7S0 old saddles sfel I lirldiee., 7 boxes clothing, 65 sacks ground peas, 72 ■ cura lumber and mdse, to J W Anderson ft hon, Hun- -h.-x ?.;-e Citnpsuy soon arrived and ; elected Judge by a majority cf 114 votes over his '■ r-ujju m ;ke roa.-. Tne Metropolitans highest competitor, and that Major Jno. O. Ferriil is - -t ut CJ men, under >ha tofiowing I elected Solicitor by a majority of 234 vote* over his I highest opponent- T. Stewart ■ | •’ E. Gue. ! “ ’••»*’«*ilent-l. o. Butter. A. xeugar. -i eoimoere of tbe M fropoUtan Fire --‘s ta .rahols of th* day: J. M. Kinch- ' ' xa i Rip Sweat. The ilae, headed by j - t -c-tameuced moving a out twenty — Ae o'clock, and proceeded up Bay - - ... up West, to South Broad, down Tee person at whose house was left by mistake a lithograph picture of St. John's Church in this city will confer a grfeut by leaving it at this office. Shipping Intelligence. ter fi Gammell, J M Kinchley, M Morphy, Jno Krewln. Hays fi D, J R Beal, IK Hertz fi Co, LtOol E 0 Carling, I) Waltliunr, Wm King, W B Hodgson, Hilton ft K. W Heinsiiart, J W LsthropftCo, Sams t (’, Wilder fi K, Brlghim. B 4 Co E Padeltord, A Lown 4Co. MS Cohen, JW Rabun 4Co, n A Har dee & Co W H stark, L J Guilmartln t Co, Bothwell & W. ' ' v “ - -i t. E; , 3,-oad, down East Broad to •’-j Broughton to Houston. A btisf hal 1 e.--i oy invitation of the Washington “■ '~:v hreiaeu in the procession proceeded : where the hospitabies of tbe ... l ie:: -:aiej iu a style charuoterisllc of the " neats aud a short, rest the line of --riiaued through Houston to Bay street, V '’^-taker, up Whitaker to St. Julian, down Me iloaument square, where the new -ii-: Metropolitan was to be tested. The . - t M taken inside the square and sr- " «*r plsjing immediately commenced. • )-L.a wae backed up to the cistarn. which CJ- :u . aus of ; , VJ lengths of hose attached " ,1 * ... “)wants un the aquuro. ’ ---.ay wuj caused in getting ready, from rxtaxns, fic., of the steamer removed, throng gathered in the square became -ueu.. In about fifteen minutes, how- ‘-■a.Wvjs ready; fire woe applied to the : ee to three aud a quarter minutes •• a-e .v, the i.gnil that steam had been ' *- £v*ania half minutes from the time “ 1-- tuatch, ihe wa* ready for ptaying. j "d'v-l through two length* of hose one vxrh m length, aud threw two stream* L : _ hfrllea a diatanca of 171 feet 6 inche*, r ' ‘hundred ieet length of hose, with e, tui c w a stream 181 feet. COURT Houss Sales.—Notwithstanding Tueeday laet being a holiday, the sales at the Court House were well attended acd the bidding was very *pifite£ jriiea J eetr.te brought fair prioes, while stocks and bond* ao-l rather low. The following were the sales made: Messrs Bell, Wylly fi Christrian sold tho valuable property known 'as Stetbins’ Stable, with Improve ments thereon, for 310,009. East half lot 37 Crawford Ward, subject to a ground rent of $11 SO, sold for $2,973. Miniature Almanac—This Day. sun rises.....' 5 18 5uu sets. . 6 42 moil WATCH. At Tybee 10 03iAt il 33 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wedmesday, May 2, Alice. Arrived, „ .... „ , Steam ship Herman Liviugstou. Baker, Nsw York-) Tv’en-y lot9 fronting on Gwinnett and Aberscm I WJterfi Fullarton. '■atro '-‘t vj 0 ; toa pipes used having been entirely ,.- at"'-# burst several times. While the H ~ 7 ' T -. going on the Washington was •lit..,,... 10 tac tustern and an extra length of ...“ '.' J . d hjdrant to supply the cistern, 1 “ Pta.iy *1 tua ‘ lQ9Ilc ed playing, and threw her ■i, tuuda<lr ^Mtotauce for a short time, '■ Cu “diUou wuieh streets, brought from $400 to S465 each. Ten half acre lota, • between Gwinnett street and Lovers' lane, sold for $207 SO per lot. Sixteen half acre lots, between Gwinnett street and Lov' ra‘ Itne, sold for $130 per lot. One hundred and thirty-five shares A. & G. B. B. stock, sold at 360 per share. Thirty share* Central Railroad stock sold at $99- per share. Five shares Southweatern Railrond stock sold at $9? 50 per eharc. Two share* Atlantic fi Gulf Eailroad bond* sold at $500 each, at 83 per cent. Tee Siesescopticos.—By the cordon another co’nmn it v. Ill be seen that Professor Cevor will re open his ex hibhion of Scene* from Scripture History with other paintings of the groat masters, views of scenery in all parts of the world, atatuarv, fic., at St, Andrew’s Hall to-morrow evening, at SM o’olock. Thi* exhibition Is very favorably spoken of by the press of other cities. Lima—Th9 attention of builders is called to th* advertisement of Rockptfrt Lime. Hay, £c., of Messr*. L J. Gailmartin fi Co., to be found in another column W* understand that work has been suspended on eev- eral buildings In the city within the pari few days for the want of lime. Now U the time to procure a supply. We are again under obligations to ths agents of the Southern Express Company and of the National Ex press Company for late Western and Northern papers. SteHiueiiip Missouri, Loveland, New York—B 11 H >rdee. Steamship North Point, Smith, Baltimore—La roche, We-t fi Dunieiis. Steamer Lizzie' Baker, King, Palatka, etc—Cl ag- liomfi Cunningham. Ste.rner Tamiuend, Rainnee, St Aagn3Jine — A Hardee. - Steamer Laura, Wallace, Augusta—J McPherson Farr. Steamer Emllie, Beaufort, Charleston—L J Gull- martin t Co. Bceniuur Hard Time*, Grim, Ausmata—M A Cohen. ^ Steamer Gen Berry, Heury, Augusta—C L Corny 4 Brig R jf Heslen. Hammoud, Baltimore—Crane fi Grxybiil Schr Amcricu*, Morse, Baltimore—Crane fi Grsy- bill Schr Susan. Sears, Biillimore—Sorrell Bro* Sclir Wellington, LUibour, Deltas:, Me—L J Guil- manlnftCo. Schr Swan, Mitchell, Baltimore— E F. Heriz 4 Co Sloop Fieet, Thompson, Riceboro—M j Doyle. Cleared. fiteamer Tamtnond. Roney,,—-t H ‘ ie« Steamer Clarion, Millikan, Doric u-Oua3 L Coiby & Co. ' 1 Steamer Eclipse, Ward,''Augusta—F w Sims 4 Co. Steamer Swan. Cohen Augusta—M A Cohen Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, HawkiuevUle—Erwin fi Hardee. Steamer Fannie. McNelty, Charleston—F At Myreli Steamer H M Opol, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Clias s Hardee, Johnson, -Augua’a—Er win ft Hardee. Steamer Sylvan Shore, Tucker, Palatka—Claghom fi Cunningham st umor Rniiilo, Beaufort, Jacksonvlie, Fla—L J Gailmartin ft Co. Receipts per Atlantic At Gnlf it. R. May l, i860. 100 liaiea cotton, 70-bbls tar and rosin, 15 bbls spiriis tnroewii e, and mdse, to L J'GnDmartln fi oo. It Pitcher,>TC 0-good,.W Jimes, Miller, T & Co, T J Dirling. Cory fi E. W Knight, Randell fi Co, J L YU- Isloncik Jones & W, S E Roberto, A B Luce, Claghorir & C, M C Ehrlich .1 W Anderson t Rons, O, G DebenuiWrl 4 Oo, Jno Ryan, W B Adams, VV O Kentiy. D T IMnder, W M Davidson. J J McLaughlin, Tiffon & O. Dr btacy, v £ Ifi Hertz & Co, J C Howland* Dell, W & C. Financial and Commercial. Southern Palace DRYGOODS HOUSE. AT REDUCED PRICES. 820 DeWITTfc MORGAN Will open this day NEW DRESS GOODS, In every variety. 3-4 and 8-4 Black Bareges and Greaadlsea 8-4 White Barege, for Shawl* White and Black Grenadines, Barege and Shetland Shawls New Style Black Lace Mantillas Silk and Wool and Fancy Ossabnerea, fic. Linen Drills, tor Gent’s Suits Marseille* sad Black Silk Vestings Black Silks, in all width* Parasols, Umbrella*, Hosiery, Gloves, ftc. a*8-6* A. 137 CONGRESS STRBEf. Dress Making and French linery. M RS. M. RAWLS is now opening, a hand, a handsome stock of Mi] and will keep on [illlnery, consist ing or Bonnets, Hats, Capa, Derby*, Head Dresses Net*, ftc, at Mr*. Doe’s old stand, N». 16 Barnard it, between C. ngress and Broughton. alT-1: GnTTTTT Iff’ LIXT TIMBER AND FARMING LANDS FOB SALE. Imports. . Per schr Swan, from Balt.more—6,400 busheli com, ACXNOWLEoajfxh'i,—The Metropolitan Fire Com- pf.ny desire to return thanks to Messrs. Hunter fi „ vi „ ■ted that the h* ^ iU; bUt U i Ga£il ' aca r ° r generous donation of $62, that jm bales hay. >n ■qr.imit u,. oelu ^ tu0 tonunt of the freight on their new engine Pur sieamer Lixzie Baser, from Palatka-u balea •wornsr. *hej pgr Btemnetiwfrom Jfaw fork. I Wtall. h H-“ “Tl m ,t lt ■ Yew York Market. , FStDAY. April 27, 1866. Flour and Meal.—The market for Western and State Flour is seine, and with limited arrivals prices have advanced from 10a25c per bbl, closing dull at the improvement; the sales are 16,700 bbla at $717a7 so* for Superfine State, $7 8Sa8 70; for Extra do (branded)* $8 80.9 30 forF.tncy do; $8 26s880 tor the low grides’ of Western Extra; $9a9 40 for Shipping Ohio; $9 ate 12 90 for Trade and Family brands, and $12 80al6 25 for 8ta Louis Extras Fish TJie market for Dry Cod is heavy and rather dull; we quote at $4a5 75 for Grand Bank and St George’s; Mackerel are in fair jobbing demand and firm; we quote at $22a22W for No. 1 Mass.. *17 ic. 17 50 for No. 3 do., and $13 50al4 for No. 3 do. Her rings are dull and unchanged. Gxais —The market for Wheat opened 4 to 5c per bush, better, but closed rather tame, at the improve ment; tbe extreme prioes asked checks the demand for milling, and are only in limited demand- sales of 39.000 bush, at 58a00c for Canada, C8a50o for Old Western; 61a84o tor State and 50a59o for Jersey and Southern. Rye is Arm, but the msrkat is quiet Com is only la moderate demand and prices am heavy; sale* of 34,000 bush, at 82a33c tor unsound. 85 i<s86c for mixed Western In store, 8*MaS8o detlv- sred, and 90o tor Jersey yeilow. Hay.—Tbe demand is moderate and th* market steady; sales of 100 balea at 60a06e for Shipping inft 70a75c for Betaillot*. Lukbbb.—The market la dnll bnt stock not heavy especially good grades of White Pine, which are very scarce; Spruce and Hemlock lumber is also scarce and prices oontinue“flrm. and will be until it begins to arrive by canal; the bulk of the white pine lumbar in this, and also the markets of Albany end Troy l* mostly of a coarse grade; Southern Pine is coming forward in small lots, and is not in much demand- there hsa been considerable of a fall iu System Spruce timber of late, owing to tbe demand being IU ht and receipts heavy; the same is expected in the prices “of lumber of all grades and kinds” between now and the Met of August, when the Impression is general that mrtirnni|mi?' a * Bd “ 1rt “ These lands contain a great quantity of the largest ranging and mill timber in the State, running par allel with the river tor mliee. A steam mill put at the bridge on the Gnlf Railroad could ba (applied lor half a century The river is a good rafting strean for ntllee 'above my lands, from which place parties are rofUrg great quantities to Burnt Fort. There are improvements at different points un the rlvtr. some of which have good peach orchards, and pro duce corn, sea island and upland cotton, sugar cone, and alt other southern product*, as well as any lands in Southern Georgia. I will give a bargain In tbe above, and will take pleasure in showing the lands at nny time. T. W. H. PITMAN, Na 8, Blacks, ear, A. ft G. R. R. Ga. Or, apply to Nlcholls. Camp ft Co., oca door from coruer Barnard, north aide Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. ai3-m« Lumber Yard and Planing Mill. wr, the undersigned, have formed a copartnership IT for the purpqaaflf building cars, planing ami dealing in lum Devolving control of several mills, we are prepared to All orders at short notice. Lum ber plansd to order and delivered in any port of th. city. The business will be carried on in the name oi J. J. Dala * Ca, at corner Price end Charlton streets near the A. fi G. depot, Savannah, Go. ^ James f. hobfon. JOHN MoDGNOCGIL al0-2m* J- J- DALE. Notice. UP FREIGHT OFFICE ATLANTIC ft GULF R. B. Ciahuns ft iiavunus B. H. Wontnousa, Savannah, March324, I860. AtlOlft LAWS AND JOURNALS. IpHE CONTRACT* for dlstt i fowwH nf lln lit ui Agent, will be required to call at this nmewand eigr, will be 1st to taa lowest bidder by Congreortoi a pond relieving the Company from all lose or damage (not indicia]} Dtetrdeta, at ths State House, on Tu Gull alUr goodn are nntoadsd from-the earn. O. H. WILLIAMS, m28 Agent Fret ght Department J, Audlst Maxwslu Joan C. Rxtxold* MAXWELL & REYNOLDS, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, will ruxxisu ** THE BEST TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS to Land Sellers, and. if employed by Bayern, will ex •mire pod • eport non wdi Is Rv nirkcL co5d5 l S ,c ‘p^i^5i. 0 6ir ,u ra *°9 c *'^ 'seArevstigsyt* Cabin Passage, $30 qteara^e, iiO ; The new and fast-sailing side-wheel steamship HERMAN LIVINGSTON, 2,ooo tons burthen, J. B. Bajcko. (t-mmaniier. will j positively sail ou her regular day. Saturday, Hay 5tb, at 10 a’elusb, a. la. j frj .V. '„il. 1 ^ I For freight ot piseago. hiving very superior oc- I iceommodatiuos, apply to myl - , WILfitR fi rVLLAhiOS, FOR AD608TA: The fast, new and staunch stcame; KOLIP8E, Capt sc-. hftYt&gpiat oi lifer far^o wvl tave taii-i ,' i . tu rfi,nar.-h dispel For frelgb s23 ght or psea&aa, apply ou board, or to T. W. SLMi fi CU., Ageso FOR CHARLESTON. . The fl; st-class ttexcv EMIL I Hit Oapt, BaicrozSti •vlii leave os above from Telftlr’s wharf Every Saturday at — o’clock- For freight or passage, apply on board, or to a 30 American and Mexican «JJLi§TEA5ISiap C074PAJVT-i L. J. GUILMABTIN ft CO., Agents. For Augusta AND WAY LANDINGS ON THE RIVER Regular Semi-Weekly Line, Leaving Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY morning* at 9 o’clock. Steamer SWAN. Capt. M. J. Cohen, Wednesday Steamer HARD TIMES, Capt. C. Grim, Saturday. Far freight engagement! (having capacity for six hundred tons per weak) aud passage, wit.i good ac commodations, apply oa board or to M. A. COHEN, Way freight at Augusta rates, payable by ship pers, *23-lm Psnlls merit stsanisnip Coiupsay', lilac to California, TOUOluW at Mexican Porta, and carrying the A Gated Hate Moil. Through In Twenty-two days. Steamship* on the Connecting on the Psdffc Atlantic: with the ARIZONA i COLORADO. HENRY CHAUNCEY CONSTITUTION NEW YORK GOLDEN CITY. OuEAN OUEEN SACRAMENTO. NORTHMEN LIGHT GOLDEN AGE. COSTA HIOA. MONTANA. ftc., ftc. Ons of th* above large and splendid steamships sill leave Pier No. *2 North River, loot of Canal stifbt, at 13 o’clock noon. «B He Ut, nth and 31st of every month, (except wheh those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) tor Asplnwall, con necting via Panama Railway Pwlth one of the Com- pony’s steamships from Panama for San Francisco, touching at Acapulco. Departures of 1st and 21st connect at Panama with steamers for south Paciflo and Centra) American ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. A discount of One Quarter from steamers rate* allowed to second cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance or Una Quarter on 'i rotes to clergymen and their families and teachers ; soldiers having honorable dis charges, Half Far*. One hnadMd pounds baggage allowed each adult aggage-mostera accompany baggage through, and tend to ladies and children without male protec- ton. Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers wboprefer to send down early. An experienced ooipoi attendance free. For passage tickets, or further information, apply al the Company’s ticket office, on the Whorl, foot oi Canal street, North River, New York. F. W. G. BELLOWS, atl-Sm Agent eitat-aissJ side-wheel Steossatlps Manhattan and Vera Cruz. Fassas-e from Savannah to 7 ra Cre* snd Hsrsn.- (per steauiehlps o the Empire Lino to Now York, same ate as from New York. The Ye a Cru* wUl atop at Sisal oa the way out The Manhattan wil, stop at Slsai on tho way home HATES OF PASSAGE-PAYABLE IN GOLD > Pro ^g^m ,Kk 10 Wr * t c * fcta ’ **° * ste * r - Fr0 te^w t0T, ‘ "* O^n, $ ioo; Fr0 “ e "t3o“ a 10 Ver * Crut ’ lnm CaWn, $4*i Bteer- Fro-H.vanatoNmvYork.BmtOabli. $Mt Stoer- FromWru, to Havana, Pint Cabin, ft*), star- Fr °Btota«gefa60*° 70rk> "*« O-bin, «U0; JCHAHLES A. WHITNEY, Agent, M Broadway, N. T., U. 8. For passage, apply to aT-tf H. HARDEE. 13 Stoddard’s Ban*. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATAJI The elegant and very that oteom paoket SYLVAN SHORE Capt JAMES TUCKER, 25$np lor this routo, w Every Tassdsy Ksniaf fit IU o’clock. For frtaght or possogs, haring' superior acoommo- dations, apply at th* office, Florida Steam Packet WLsrf, of to CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, J27tf on on board. Medicine and engaged and as above. For freight, apply to For Liverpool. The A No. i ship JOHN PAT TEN, Captain 8. P. Emmons, having the bnlkofhcr cargo on board,will have quick despatch FOR NEW YORK. The bark NEW LIGHT, having bulk ot her cargo engaged, will have quick des- For freight, apply to CHAN* ft GKATHLL. Apply to af-SswSm rOR SALE, 1 R1YIB STEAMBOATS and TOW. 1 BOAT8, of Various sixe, ai»d draft. * Soiling Tessals, Mlmn Bs-ges, As. A. M. DA COSTA, « Water street, N. T. CRANE ft GRAYBJLL. •TiaiUfe: -'tag (not Judicial} Districts, at th* State RouseT on Tue*. day, tho tweniy-nluth day of May next, attwelv. o’clock M. finv seated bids which may be forwarded tomaby mall befeeethmt time, for distributing tin nooks fn any Congressional District, will be constd- ered as bids al the letting out of the contracts. Bono and seenrtty will be reqalred tor tbefaithful pertorn sace <M the contract wlthtti sixty aays from tho re caption of the booktrOnd the money will be paid at soon os the workls done. These who desire lt cat date of the contract Am tylt wlb b« raldea, matte reliable and able u ’ in.— ra 4&UW .11 .fr ' ' tru&'iAtZ & sift t- For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PIOOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer -LIZZIE BAKER, Capt N. KtagJ *****T >«ala«, Mth, fit 10 e'eieeft. 1 **’* WBr7 m0Itla * Returning tbe will leave Palatka every Sunday worning, PtoolaU every Sudty torsoooff, asdJaeita •onrille every Monday morning, arriving at lovan uh on Tuesday morning. Freight teesivad at ah tbasaattha waiahOMa ot hs wharf. All freight payable by shippma. For freight or pnskwt, luiring -rlriBI cbHb am ’ommoda’lor, sppiym the office enVMda i^te Jacket wharf or to t CLAGHORN ft aWHBasw tefif ^ NEW