The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, May 31, 1866, Image 3

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rnmm. j ( OC A L Bt A T*t E R 8< THURSDAY MORNING, MAX 31, 18«8. lH ,p»rture of Steamship* and Steamers FOR NXW YORK. SieaswWp Herman Livingston, Saturday, Jane 3, .. 10 o'clock ft. m. Steamship General Barnes, Thursday, Jnne 7, at — rvlock. meainshlp Perit, Thursday, Msy 31tt, at — o’clock a in. jmsli'p Missouri, Saturday, June 2, at 10>£ o’clock ft. m- Steamship Virgo, Thursday, May 31gt, at 6 o’clock a. m- FOB BAI.TIUOKK. Steamship North Point, Thursday, May 31st, at - o'clock. FtlU %t:OU3TA. Steamer Swan, every Wednesday morning, at o'clock- Steamer'Laura, every Friday evening at 5 o'clock. FOB UAWBINbVII.LE. Steamer Charles 8. Hardee, every Thursday mom- lir, at a o’clock. Stcaiu'-r l. B. Vance, Thursday, May 31st, atj 6 o’clock p. in- Foil CrlARt.KSTON. Steamer Pilot Boy, Monday, June 4, at 8 o’clock a. m '.i.'smi-r fimllie, every Monday morning at S o'clk. MoSUler Dictator, every Friday morning a o'clock. Sieainpr Kate, every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock FOB DARIEN. Steamer H. M. Cool, Friday, June 1, at 8 o'clock « m. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Dictator, every Tue day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Steamer Sylvan Shore, every Tuesday morning, at i o’clock. ' t uamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, lo o'clock. st( amer Kate, every Monctay morning, at 9 o’clock Messrs K3TILL A KROT0BK, Newsdealers, Sta- Uoners an.I BookSellers, Ball Htreel (down stairs;, corner of Bay lane, next to the Post Office, are au thorized agents for the Daily News A IIkbalh. All orders left with them will bo promptly attended From Florida.—The steamer Hellen Getty, Cap tain Ingraham, from Florida, arrived yesterday morn ing. From Mr. T. H. Lake, the accommodating Purser of the Getty, we learn that a painful accident occurred on the North river, above St. Augustine on Saturday last, resulting from the capsizing of a sail bjM, by which live lives were lost. The boat con- taiued tun persons, among them several ladies and ibildreu, who were on their way up the St. Johns river to Dago, when the boat capsized. Among those wbo were drowned was A. A. Bravo, the agent of the fl'.’iieu Gotfcy, at St. Augustine, also his sister-in-law, ta.l three chrildrem, one of them the only child of Mr. Bravo, the other two were childeu of Mr. Jame3 Michler, all.of St. Augustine. The wife of Mr. Bravo was aiso iu the boat and was saved, with four others, by holding on to the bottom of the boat. Previous to the drowning of Mr. B., be succeeded in saving a colored girl who was in the boat. Among the five tvLo were saved was a man, whose name we did not learn. He succeeded in getting ashore and went a distance of two miles in the country for assistance. During his absence those who were clinging on to the Bjat were compelled to stand with merely their heads- abovc water, and some times to stand on tip toe, m order to keep the water from covering them eu- tirelv. .Mayor s Court.—There were but two cases ou the docket for trial yesterday. Frank Williams, (colored,) charged with violating City Ordinance, firing a pistol on the corner of Liberty and Jefferson streets. The prisoner stated that he was attacked by a dog, amt being unable to keep him off i»e fired liis pistol at him. As this was not a sufficient excuse for firing in the streets, oudangeriug the lives <>f passers by, and failing to give a satisfactory reason f° r carrying concealed weapons, he was fined five dol lars and to forfeit his pistol. Lizzie Gibson, (colored,) improper conduct in loiter- rag about the premises of witness. The prisoner ocing unable to give any satisfactory explanation of asr coustaut loiteriug about witness’ premises, other than that of making it her loafing quarters, she was Aq‘ i five dollars, and in default of payment to be sent to labor. Colored Pic-Nic.—The children belonging to the various colored Sunday Schools in this city, had a pic-nic at Woodlands retreat, across the canal, yester day We learn that the day was happily spent by :uem in dancing, paying, Ac. The colored baud of Henry F reeman, from Macon, was in attendance. We beard ot uo disorder or any occurrence to mar the pleasure of the day. The pic-nic was largely atten ded by the parents of the colored children, who seemed to enjoy the occasion as much as the young On their return to the city in tho afternoon they were formed in procession, led by a band of music, and marched through Several streets, after whicli they were dismissed, ail the participants retir ing to their homes quietly and peaceably through the »:r. ets, and seemingly having enjoyed a day of pea-? are. pMCMpttCI OF CWItILi A meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Present—His Honor Mayor Anderson, and Aider- men Wylly, Lachlison, Johnson, McMahon, Schley, Ferrill, Guc,.'Caaey, O'Byrne. Cunningham Sonllard, and Williamson. The minutes were read and approved. A report was made from the Finance Committee on the petition of Waring Russell, Jailor, for an increase of salary. The Committee think that the matter ■honld be referred to the Jail Committee. Aldermen Lachlison and McMahon were of the opinion that the increase having commenced, it was bound to go through the list, and on motion of the latter, the subject was referred to a special committee of five, to report on the increased rates of pay to be given to those officers whose pay has not been in- increased. The Mayor appointed Aldermen McMahon, Wylly, Johnson, Williamson and Lachlison- The Finance Committee reported adversely on the petition of Hon. Walter 8. Chisholm, Judge of the City Court, asking for payment of his salary from January to August, 18G3, on the ground that tho Com mittee of the former Board had reported against it, and they saw no reason to change that decision. Hon. Thus. E. Lloyd, by permission of the Board, addressed tue Council in favor of the petition, urging that Judge Chisholm was legally entitled to his salary, as his was not an office created by Council, and there fore net subject to the ordinance respecting the offi cers during the military occupation of the city. The petition of Judge C. was then read, accompanied with certificates from Judge Flemming, of the Superior Court, and Judge Gould, of the City Court of Augusta, staling that their salaries were paid in full for the year 1665. Alderman Lachlison contended that the city Judge was an officer of the city, elected and paid by it. a member of the last Board, he had voted against the petition, and consistency obliged him to do so again. Alderman Gue advocated the bill at the last Board, and was pleased to see that such good legal authority sustained him. Alderman Lachlison said if this bill was paid, it would be establishing a precedent by which every officer whose office was suspended last year v^ould be applying for his pay. On motion of Alderman Casey the bill was rejected. The salaries of the employees of Water Works were raised as follows: Clerk and two Assistant Engineers, $120 per month, each, and Turn-cock $70 per month. Petitions from various .'citizens for repairs on wooden buildings were granted, on recommendation of Chief Fireman. An animated discussion was had on the subject o 1 procuring steam fire engines. A resolution was adopted referring the matter to a special committee,- who are authorized to advertise and sell the engines belonging to the city not now in use; the proceeds to be appropriated to the purchase of steam fire engines, provided that no further appropriation from the treasury be made in connection with this sale. The ordinance allowing barber shops to keep open until 12 o'clock on Sundays, was laid on the table in' definitely. The Ordinance extending fire limits and relieving parties from penalties was passed, with an amend ment prohibiting hie use of composition roofing. Aldermen Schley and Cunningham obtained leave of absence until 1st October. A petition of sixteen journeymen barbers asking the passage of an ordinance closing the baaber shops on Sundays was laid on the table. A resolution was adopted authorizing the Street and Lane Committee to have the enclosures around the •quares on Bull street painted at a cost not exceeding $120. Various petitions were presented and referred to ap propriate committees. -t The Committee on Publio Sale of City Lots were au thorized to sell certain lots on the comer of Liberty and Arnold streets and Thunderbolt road. After the transaction of much other business of not much interest, the Council adjourned. Quick Trip.—The steamer Eclipse, Capt. P. H. Ward, Mr. J. M. Kinchley, Agt., left Savannah on Friday night last for Augusta, arrived at that port*- discharged cargo and took a return freight, and ar rived at her wharf in this city early yesterday morn ing, making the round trip in four days. The Eclipse is one of the fastest and best managed boats on our river. Her draught being light, she is enabled to make her trips between Savannah and Augusta with-safety and certainly at the lowest stage of the water. We learn that the Express, the consort of the Eolipse, after thorough repairs, will resume her place on the line in a few days. Our friend Kincliley is fortunate after the disasters and losses of the past sea son to have ip reserve two steamers so well adapted for up river transportation. Purser T. H. Lake, of the steamer Helen Getty, concerning which we propose to say something here after, has our thanks for late Florida papers. Proposals.—The attention of mechanics and others interested is directed to the advertisement tu another- column, calling for proposals for the building of a Methodist Church in the. town of Valdosta. Arrivals at the Hotels. TULASKi HOUSE—W. fl. WlLTBERGEK. The Poor of Georgia.—We are again called on t chronicle a farther donation of 400 bbls. flour, & toon : meal,’Ac., from the' Baltimore Southern Re. iid Association to the suffering poor of Georgia. The Reamer North Point, of which LaRoche, West A hanids are agents in this city, had on her present Up the above, which makes about 1200 bbls., this Mettoer has earned for the Georgia poor, free oi Ji ‘ charges. Such generosity on the part of the Bal- i’.iupie and Savannah Steamship Line, should noi be forgotten by our citizens. *■ -must a Fire.—Yesterday morning about 12 o’clock* - colored man passing tjie southeast corner of South iJuad and Montgomery streets, discovered smoke uuing from the basement of the two story wooden udiing situated ou that corner, and owned by Mrs. Isabella Evans. He immediately broke the door open, -3d or. entering discovered a Are burning in the rear 01 petition in the basement. He promptly pro cured a bucket and some water and extinguished the " re before any general alarm was given. We noticed tQe Germania hose cart on the ground, ready for work *3ould its assistance be required. The Are is sup- K'sed to be the work of an incendiary as the building boen unoccupied for some time. n'HED States District Court—In Chambers.— ^ the U. S. District Court yesterday, in Chambers, Ij dge Erskine presiding, the following case was ir *"u6d: Hi- State of Georgia, complainant in Equity, and J «aes Atkins, Assessor of Internal Bsvenu* for tbs r <-!irth District. An application w*s made by the 5i*te for an injunction restraining the Assessor from fotesing-s tax on the earnings of the Western and t-iuitn: State Road. Th# Judge baa the case under rossideratton, eiRioR Court.—The case of Edward Fagan, with the offence of simple larceny, in at- "Upting to steal a horse and buggy the property ’ William Swall, was tried yesterday. The jury '“dered a verdict of guilty, and recommend the rttsoner to the mercy of the court, which will re-, -•'elum from the extreme penalty attached to the * lme . by the law of the last legislature, making the •Hence ot horse stealing punishable with death. A Mammoth Turtli.—On entering the Pulaski une * list evening onr curiosity' was somewhat ax- c ’tti by observing a number of persons in the yard, ** '* lr,s Pecting or holding an inquest over something, J0 going into the yard we discovered that lha party ’’re congregated aroftnd a monster turtle, alive and 1 ' 1D2 ’ an d weighing two hundred and seventy-live uai ' 9 , w bich had ju«t been brought in to be served '•P >n due season at that institution. i’iioiYNED.—A colored man named Joe, Pigeon, waa mien tally knocked overboard from th* staging* of ' Ls 'trnmship Herman Livingston yesterday morning It bar of iron which was being brought ashore, •* :1 was drowned before any assistance could be "ttasred him. ' ton New XoBr..—The steamship Missouri, Capt. vtiand, from New York, arrived at her wharf at an hour yesterday morning. The Missouri was ’ ‘ined by heavy head winds. Puracr Barns 111 Please accept our thanks for Hies of New York utl1 - v FirfSts.—We notice that the work on the j,** ^foldings, South-west corner of Whitaker and ^-■nghton streets, which waa dlscontinaed during - *ar for the want of material, la now being rapidly Pished forward to completion, and will be ready fo r ‘-'npatiou by the llrat of August. *s«iv AL OJ. lmigrjlnth. —Fifty-thrse emigrant*, ** tl f nil Germans, men. women and children, ar- from New York yesterday on thaatoamahlp Mis* , “‘ *• They are all young and robust, and are bound ^Augusta, where the women will be employed as JU >c servants, and the men aa farm bands. 4 r B * ° iti 01 Batb at Boston. B »m»] Messrs. Richardson ***“ u ln thu »i‘r. received a dispatch d * UU,> * IS? 1 th< ■‘•amefcp City of Bath, 41 no Me 0I,mu * amivad at Boston ny hour on Tuesday morning. J Mosley. Burke co Ueu J M lJrannau, USA W A Willingham, Albany J hoseuiield, N YurK U Haig, do il Schaben, do Mis Ruiord, do P Kbtnuell, do P a Lsergest, do J T Phillips. CRB i L N Freeman and wife, Boston F ts Brown, Tliomasviile Capt Loveland, steamship Mlesouri W Burns, jr, str Missouri U Alvarez, I'la G W Chapin, City P O Pendleton, Valdosta Q J McIntyre, do J Q tfboie, do C J Wisoubaker, do Dr Neesou. Oglethorpe C B Lightsey, da 8 E Roberts, do m MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. LyCB. J K Branch, Vrf J W Brunt ley, Oa A V Brumley, do M J Cohen, str Swan C S Newoil. Boston J 8 Newell, Skidaway W McLean, Balt vr Hardy, do T R Hines, Effingham co G H Emery A wife, Fla T fc Lawrence, 8 C lit Parker 4t lady, N Y E H Bacon, City G E Teague, Bangor J dross do |F H Lyon, Rlceboro SCREVEN HOUSE—G. McUINLY. JGClarko A friend. City ill Canfield, N Y CenllgUM. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Florida—F M My- rell, D H hhaffer. M, Thomas k Co, C, Purse A Co, R Lachlison, Brtdv, S A Co, T Holcombe. Per steamship Missouri, from New York—Adams Ex, Brady AS, T Bateson, Brigham. BA Co. CRM Agt, M A Cohen, Cooper, O A T, Dr A F Clark, Caffer ty A H, F Cerveau, P Callanan. Cunningham. P <t Co, Clagbom A C, Crane A G, F W Cornwell, H H Car rier, Ohlpman A C, M Doyle A Co, O A Lyons, Dun- ean A J, K P Deyo, WM Davidson, P Dzialynskl, E A Hardee, A A L Frledanberg, G A Selig, Gulimartin A Co, C Green A Son, HVter A G, Harrison A P, H A Randall, Holcombe A Co, Heidt & L. Houseman,'A A Co, R Habersham A Son, C M Hillsman, Hamden Ex Kelly A B, LaRoche, W A D, J Lippman, Lovell A L, Lyon, B A Co, J Leavy A Co, J W Lathrop, Miller, T A Co, McKee. B A Co, M Newmark. N, Butler A Co, P A Bosworth, Rev C C Pendergast, V A, Ryan A Co, Randell A Co, P Reilly, TW Shea, Capt Smith, South ern Ex, B Strauss, J Smith. F W Bints. J Schreiner A Son, B stems, B G Ttlden. Feiber A P, D S Unckles, Brig Winfield, Dr W M Walsh, Weed A C, J L Villa- longs, Weil A M, T H Willingham. Per steamship Nwrth Point, from Baltimore—Bryan, H A Co, T II Bolshaw A Co, T H Bolshaw, Bouse A B, M A Cohen, F W Cromwell, Crane AG, Champion A F, A DutenhofiTer A Co, M Doyle A Co. Erwin A H, G M H«ldt, N A Hardee, J K Hernandez, C V Hutch ins. S G Haynes, J R Johnson. LaRoche, WAD, M Levin. Merchant A Co, H C Mehrteos, M Newmark, P Reilly, F W Sims, W H Stark. B G Tilden, R 11 Tatem, Van Newton A W. O It R. Constance, per Central itainoacl. May 30, 138(1. 277 bales cotton, 24 cars timber, and mdse to U Cohen, J M Kinchley, W R Fleming, Mucky, B A Co, J C Maker A Co, MA Wadley, J U Parsons, Hilton A R. Weil A M, J ilellrim. Crane A G. Brigham, B it Co, N A nardee, Brady, S & Co, J W Anderson A Sou, E F Metcalf. G B A G W Lamar. Receipts per Atlantic A Gulf R. K. May 30, 1868. 70 bales cotton, 100 bbls rosin, 5 cars cattle, 3 cars slieep, 1 car hogs, 10 bbls ayrup, 30 sacks corn, 1 car lumber atul mdso to L J Gulliuartin A Co, N A Har dee, d Patten, K O Wade A Co, J W Anderson A Sou. J L Villalonga, G W Germany. Wilder It F, J Wilder, J W Lathrop A Co, Miller, T A Co, E M Conner, 1) \V Stacy, C B King, J Brown, I) J Dillon, Levi A B, IV * K Mclntire, W F Parker, W Wn . ibridge, M G Ehr lich, Cooper A McA, C 1) Rogers, a Dntenhofer A Co, Tebcan. P A Co, W, Root A Co, L A Gleason, F W Sims, J McMahon Financial and Commercial. Savannah Market. Wednesday, May 30, 18CG. Cotson.—The market for the past two days ba s been quiet, and very little done. We hear of a few lots of New York middlings at 37c: lXTEWSBCUlT FOR 0B The Great Invention of the Age IN Hoop Skirts, J.IW. Bradley’s New Patent Dujiex Ellip tic (or Rouble) Spring Skirt. T HIS Invention consists of Dnplex (drtwoj Ellptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more thau twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderlnl flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can he folded when in nse to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all eth ers. The Hoops are cowered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which Uused on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double. Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering from wearing off the rods when dragging jlown stairs, stone steps, Ac., which they are constantly subject to when hi use. All are made of the new and elegant Co. ded Tapes, and arc the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS’, BRADLEY A CARY, flate J. I. A J. O. West,; Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Keadc streets. New York. For sale in all first class stores In this city, and throughout the United States and Canadas, Havana de Cuba, Moxlco, South America, and the West In dies . X3T~ Inquire for the Dnplex Elliptic (or donble) Spring Skirt. . jy8 Stf \)F !-i A 1. Id A N Wilson, City J d Clark, do T Johnson, N Y W McKee, do . J Ney, do J h Sprague A lady, N Y P Jackson, do 8 C Denlae, do B Deulic, do C B Fox, St Simons J M Ltgliiau, do J E Hooper A wife, Balt E H Hooper, do J W Ward, N Y J McDonough, A A G R R T D Canfield, N Y IT F Williams, Ga ij Gould. do Mrs SR Clark, Florida Miss A M Clark, do iM K Clark, do IrM Smith, do |G 8 Green A lady, Fla W A Collier, Vu W Markham, Atlanta Col J Shy Iter, City J W Riper, ThomasviUe T Franklin and lady. Tnomaavillo Miniature Almanac—Tills Day. Sun rises - * 53 Sun acts 7 01 HIGH WATKii. At Tybee 8 3S!AtPort .-...10 09 Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, May so, 136 k Arrived. Steamship North Point, Smith, Baltimore—La roche, We9t St Danlells. Steamship Missouri, Loveland, New York—B H Hardee. Steamer Eclipse, Ward, Augusta—J M Kinchley. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka—LS Ben nett. 8chr Christopher Pendleton, Church, 6 days from New York, wlih assorted cargo—W H Stark. Brig Opeu Sea, Coombs, Hilton Head, ln ballast— Master. Scbr M M Lindsey, , Baltimore—N A Hardee A Co. Cleared. Steamer Swan, Cohen, Augusta—11 A Cohen. Brig Bessie, Jackson, St Johns, N B—CL Colby A Co. Below. Bark Amazon, from Baltimore. Schooner name unknown. Imports. Per steamer Eclipse, from Augusta—2 bales do mestics and sundries. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Florida—24 bales cotton. 233 hides, and mdse. Per schr M M Lindsey, from Baltimore—7,OoO'bash- els corn, 2 bhds baron. Exports. Per brig Bessie, for St Johns, N B—90,000 feet tim ber. PaiMugrra. Per steamship North Polut, from Baltimore—Jas E Hooper and lady, L Hooper, W T Loane, II C West, and 2 steerage. Per steamship Missouri, Trom New York—Capt G Lorlng, A Pearl, S N Froemau and wife. Miss EStears Miss J Stears, Min M Kitapatrick, J D Butler, T D Canfield, C Ronde, J B Ward, U Woodford, W A Col lier, Mrs Hefferman and daughter, Mrs Pharisee, Capt H Smith and wife, H Canfield, J C Mather, Mias A Reford, B Schultz, Mrs M Mangin, M Schoefer, G Roberson, E Luae, D Cereveau and son, J Cain and wife, C H Barnes and efervt, F A Robinson, and U steerage. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Flerida—R Alvarez, L Fowler, RM Smith, J L Sprague, wife and child, 8 C Denise, P Jackson. C Leddle, R Denlae, G 8 Greene and wife, C H Campbell, Mrs Parker, Miss m Sullivan, Mias A Sullivan, G H Emery and wife, Mra 8 Clark, Miss A Clark, N T Elliott, B F Lyons, GC Deadwyler, H J Long, D D Holland, R Hendry, W Markham, T W Land, J Gould, M Clark, 8 W Mason and wife, J 0 Habersham, Capt Kerim. J Devsrsaux, S B Ogden, G Tagne.C T Dunham, J Hilton, T F Wil liams, and 1# deck. COTTON MACHINERY. T HE Graniteville Manufacturing Company having determined to change their style of Goods and make Fine Cloths, offer, and will sell at auction, at Graniteville, ou Friday, 1st of June, their entire Machinery or nine thousand one hundred and twenty Spindles and lie preparation, all in good order, and now running on Sheetings. Shirtings and Drills, of number fourteen yarn—consists 01- One Mason’s Willow 'Two Whiting’s Pickers Two English Breaker Pickers, Walker & Hacking, Manchester, England Three English Finisher Pickers. Walter A Hack lng. Manchester. England Fifty-four Mason’s Breaker Cards Sixty-six do Finisher do Six Mason’s Railway Heads ' • Four do Drawing Frames Fourteen Hill’s Geared Speeders, l'oriy spindles each. One Card Grinder Forty-three Mason’s Warp King Traveler Spinning Frames, 120 spindles each Thirty-three Mason’s Filling Ring Traveler • Spin ning Frames, 120 Bpindies each Six Mason’s Spoolers. 43 spindles each Eight do Warpers, drop wire Ten do Dressers Two hundred and thirty-six Mason’s yard-wide Looms Speeder Bobbins, Spinning Bobbins and Warping Spools, Reeds, Harness, ac., Ac. Parties wishing to purchase hail better come and cximluod while the Machinery is running. Tho Machinery will bn boxed and delivered at the Sonth Carolina Railroad Depot by the Company. Terms cash. WILLIAM GREGG. President Graniteville Manufacturing Company.' ap2S-2awtjel Auction Sales. Bjr Bkut & Meyer. r TUtS :I>aY. list insu, at ■» 4»*el«k ■ i i,, trill be- . sold in front of store: QC BBLS Liberty Mills St LoniiFlcnr OO 10 bbls Capitollne St Louis Flour 7 bbls Miami Mill. Flour 28 bbls kiln dried Corn Meal bags El Rife , ; > , ’• -y Sbtlerees Carolina ffre 'j ’ } ' ALSO. 2000 Shoulders, in good order 6 bbls bagacd Hams IS bbls Smoked Hama 10 bbls sugar cured Hams 28 half bbls Fulton Market Beef 8 bbls extra mess Beef 10 bbls rump Pork .... 23 boxes Goeheu Cheese, Inst Ian led ALSO. 100 new Linen Sheets, 100 new l.inen B- diijOs 10j new Cotton Bedtlcks, 100 pairs Canion Funnel Drawers 100 pairs Canton Flannel Undershirt*, 20 single Mattresses AI.S”, 2 cases Felt Hat., 3 cas.'S Hoots and Shoes An assortment of Dry Huods, Notions, An , :■ FOR NEW YORK ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship hi ^ Bosh! iuy31 It, The u.uaI assortment of Furniture. By T. J. Wnlsli. Will be sold THIS DAY, May 31st. at U o'clock, 7 BBLS Shoulders IS bbls choice Flour 5 bbls Brown Sugar 13 tubs Lard . • 2:i Goshen Cheese 1» boxes Adamantine Candle. 10 boxes Family Soap 10 boxes No 1 do. Furniture and Dry Goods. Terms cash. m}31 BY BLUN & MEYER- THIS DAY, 31st Ui>., at 11 o’clock, to ciose con- • ; , sigament: * 10 cases Scheidatn Schnapps 13 cases old Canada >lait Whiskey 3o boxes IQs and poand* Today.) juy31-lt THE ONLY STDEWHEEL SHIP THIS WEEK. FARE REDUCED. Cabin PKakngr 980 ..Steerage 93 The very fast tailing aldewbeel steamship HERMAN LIVINGSTON, 2.0.10 tons burthen, J. It Laker, commander. Will poalthely soil imlnr ro?h!-»d:-.y. . Saturday, .tune 2, at 13 o vlnffe a. >u. F’or freight or p i.-ruge, huvi ■ - ,n omm dal ions Ml- pci ior to any -hip t hi.- week, apply t-v n y»* WILLED A (• IH.EARTON. Direct ami Replar GoMpicatwii WIT3 HILTON HEAD. AT PRIVATE SALE, t By Laurant & Sweat. A FINE SORRELL PONY, genuine Mexican Mus tang, a years old; formerly owned Fry Prof. E. Ufchter; sound and healthy, and sold for no tault. iny-9l f. .. . GUARDIANS SALE. By Ben, Wylly & Christian. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in J une. in trout of , the Court House, at ll o'clock: ; ■'I’HREE GARDEN LOTS: one of 19 acYes and two A of 28}j acres each, situaled ou the Skiditway Shell Road, between the 4 and 6 mile goals.. Sold fur the benefit of the heirs. Trims cash, purchasers to pay for papers, m j 29. PLAlfTATION AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Will be told ou the first Tuesday in June, in front of the Court ITon-c. at 11 o’clock: k A A ACRES of first quality of Land. 90 acres *vUl/ cleared and in a high stale of cultivation, situated on the Savannah River, 13 miles Irom the city, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. The improvements consist of a dwe’ling and 'ont-hoiuev, Hleum .’■hingle and lath machine, ten horse power, new and iu perfect running order?.3 mules, l cart, l large lour horse wagon, 1 buggy and harness, house hold and kitchen furniture, tools, Ac. Terms cash. Sale positive. mj29 ADMINISTRATORS SALE.. BY BELL. WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. Will he sold n the first TUEfi*>AY in June next, .In trout of the Court liou-e, ut II o’clock : Fifty acres of Land, opposite Laurel Grove Cemetry, one taile irom the city, ou the Ogeerhee Road, di vided Into garden lota. Se lithograph drivings of the property at our counting room. Sold ss tile pioperly of the late Willi im G Bulloch, deceased, for the hem fit of the heira and creditors oi the said estate, by decree of cohrt and ord r oi the administrator. Terms cash, purchasers lo pay for titles. m>23 VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE SALE. By Be-I, Wylly & Christian. Lot No. 6, ou the corner ol Liberty and Mont gomery streets, eligibly situaled lin’a private resi dence. ’ m22' STEAM SAW MILL AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christ Inn. Will be sold in front of the Court House, on the first TUESDAY in June, at 11 o’clock: Gue,"team Saw Mill, at No. 3 hi Central Railroad, consisting ot one of the WASHINGTON IKON WORKS MANUFACTURING CIRCULAR SAW MILL, U) horse power, new and in perfect ortlqr in. every particular; together with all ont-bullding?, etab’es. Ac. Situated on a good tim'ier privilege, about 2,7tO acres. $800 paid in Sidd for account of all concerned, to dose a com pany. AI.SO, 0 Timber Carriages 15 Mules 2 Horses 15 seta Harness Terms cash. mjin REAL ESTAIE AT AUCTION. By Bell. Wylly & Christian. Will be sold on the fir-t TUESDAY in June, at 11 o’clock, i.: front of the Court House : Two Lo's fit Wallliourville, Liberty county, near Sufi m No. 4. Atlautic A Gulf Railroad, consisting — , -lb acred of Lasd, with line due lling containing six rooms, with allneeesaaiy oui-huildings; 10-acxe Lot is well improved, with u good duelling and all c-ssary out houses. my!4 Sloop Fanny & jVXary, Will eom t *.’nre. early nixt w . k. .1 iunby; Ircgulat 1 ■trips between Savannah a-ol Hi! Plus,if curving freight si regular rates, and. when d .sited, taking a few pss cower.- Shell perfectly dry. in good mder. and nn; made remarkably qnicl; U ip-. :J!iu carri-.-s the I nilcd States mail. The National Uxp csa and Transportation Company and conthcin Jaxprcss are authorized ro receive packages for her. A»v information can be obtained of Capt. S-ckcl or by inquiring nt the News' A nFi' office, mylf FOR CHARLESTON; lit Jt\§ di.UJ. S Wall’steamer ' T JE, J. Lock io n*. Th> n^;\* aini K .V Cap! will leave Savapnah foot of West Broad ptrofet, for the nhovo port, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, at 9 o’donek. via Hilton Head an i Beaufort, arriving iu time for (he Northeastern train Returning, leaves Charleston every SUNDAY MORNING at C o’clock, touching at Hll'ott H n arl. fa-i’-vs Savaidiali nvery MONDAY MORNING at s o’clock for Palatka,’Fla., touching at all landings on tlio St. Johns giver. For freight orpasmge, apply to •*-. - , . BRADLEY, HILL A CO., Agents, my In 217 A 2» Bay street. Miscellaneous. V IN EXISTENCE. - ALSO, J U D S 0 N’S DEAL SHOT WORM CANDY ! ” nuTusns, take heed.” Thousands of children' pcri-li annually from one cause, and that is verms. Wily will you neglect the flrgt. symptoms of llune pests of humanity, and wait nntil it ls too late before yon admluisterthe rtmedy f JUDSON’S WORM CANDY is tlio only puuxlv vees- taiii.k remedy iq existence. If there are no worms, it only nets as a gentle purgative, and cannot liarin an infant. If woaua kxist, it. kills them. Every family should huv : a package of JUDSON’S WORM GANDY. : . ; ., i 1ST Sole Agent for Savannah, C. M. HlLSMAN. B- L. JUPSON & CO., Prop’rs, New York. Call on Mr niltmnn, and get oar Almanac, gratis. inylSniid a EORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To the Supe rior-Court of Chatham County The petition of John K. Wilder, Charles F. Mills, Sheldon W. Wright, and William Battershy, all of the Connty of Chatham and State of Georgia aforesaid, and Robert Dillon, of the city and State of New York, reaped ful ly showetli: That your petitioners desire to form themselves Into a corporation, or body politic, nnder the name of “The Central Cotton Press Company ot 8avannah, Georgia,” for the purpose of carrying on at Savannah, Georgia, the business of storing and compressing cotton and wharfage basinets; that the amount of capital to he employed by them in said business, actually paid in, is Sixty Thousand Dollars, and thut. they desire to be Incorporated aa aforesaid for the term of twenty years. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they may be incorporated under the name aforesaid, and for the purpose aforesaid, with a capital stock of eixly thou sand dollars, with the right to Increase the same i„ one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the right to commence badness at once, so soon as thir Court shall grant ihe order to incorporate them; the -hart:.- of stock to be one hundred dollars each, and at all meetings of the stockholders each stockholder to be entitled to one vote for each share of the c ipital slock owned or held by him; and that they may have conferred on them all oritur franc liis* arand privHeg* s incident to corporations created by court., according to the provisions oi the statutes of tile State of Geor gia. And vpnr petitioners will ever pray, Ac. IIARTKJDGE A CHISHOLM, Attorneys for Petitioners. A true copy of the original Bled in tny office this May 26,1S66. WM. H. BULLOCH, may28-lnw-lm Clerk s. C. C. C. W M. WALSH, W HOLESALE Druggists, corner Barnard and Broughton streets, Savannah, Ga., General Agent for the South. „ J CLOCK'S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. _ . „ ' CLOCKS Hair Restorer makes Hair grow oa Bald Heads. _ , _ cuxjkTs - ”'~ Hair Restorer Stops Hair from Falling Out. CLOCK’S i Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK’S llalr Restorer is elegantly Perfumed. GIAJCK’S nair Restorer (s ail thatcanbo elnimed a« a dressing, CLOCK’S ” Hair R.'storer possesses all the merit clatme*l for It A single trial convinces the most sceptical of its value. If, after a thorough trial or two bottles it does not give perfect satisfaction, the money wliihe refunded. Sold everywhere nt $1 per bottle, six bottles for $6. dlS-eod tf rx EORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY.-To *u wfomTit V* may concern: Whereas, Mrs, Sarah Feaster will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate* of John K. and B. D. Feaster, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before —M 'Court, to make objection (if any thieve) on or befonthe first Monday ln Jnly next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and oflcial aignatnre this 22d day of May, 1866. „ W. P. GIRARDEAU, my36* Ordinary. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. The Sash and Rlind Factory and Placing Mill, lo cated in Macon, Ga-, flouring on second street, 110 by 226 foet in depih; W*>odruif A Dan el's Planing Machines, Tongue vnd Grooving M .chine. Morticing Machine. Sash and Blind Aiachine; Blacksmith Shop, wiili seven forges. All inn by steam. The engine W 35 horse power. All in pood order. F..r further information, apply at our conr.ting- room.•mylk-tf State of Georgia, Chatham Co. To this Hon. tue Judge of the Superior Court of Chatham County : T HE Petition of.Janie; Stewart, William R. Gue, Thomas F. Butler, William N. Valleau, John A. Fenger. J. McPherson Berrien and Stephen R. Norrts, on behalf of themselves and others, respectfully sheweth : That your petitioners, in connection with other parties, all of them citizens of the county and State aforesaid, have entered int, an association called “ The Metropolitan Steam Fire Rugtne Com pany oi Savannah;’ - that the otiject of their associa tion is to keep ou hand a Suitable steam fire engine in the city of Savannah, and with t aid engine, and their personal exertions to assist In the extinguish ment of fires m the city of Savaunah, and in the pro teuton of the property of their fellow-citizens; that the capital stock of said association Is six thousand dollars, paid in and invested in a steam fire engine. And your petitioners pray that they, with the other members of their asaociation, may, for the purpose aforesaid, be incorporated by the name and style of ‘ The Metropolitan Steam Fire Engine Company of Savannah,'' for the space of twenty years, with the privileges incident to corporations created by courts as provided by the statutes of the State. And your petitioners will ever pray, Ac. THOMAS E. LIAJYD.-i—^ Att’y for Petitioners. A true copy of the petition of file iu my office. WM. H. BTJLLOffcl- my’J6-l«w4w Clerk C. C. C. ~~JAWIESB. DAWKINS, Atiorfiey-at-Law and Solicitor in Equity, 1 GAINESVILLE, EAST FLORIDA. : IS.lawly Important to Planters. rthRE undersigned have been appointed Agents for A manufacturers for the following celebrated Fer tilizers: A. Lister At Bro»* Raw Bone Snprr-Phoa- phate of Llnte and Pure Ground Bone Dust; j . Berger Jb -Bu'tx'a Excelilor and A ill wo— uluted Super-Ptoosphule of Lime. Being the most reliable, durable and economical fertilizers in use—fifty pounds equaling ail ordinary ox-cart load of good stable mount c. Orders promptly executed. For further Information, apply to or address LaKOCHK, WEST A DANIELS. myl7-2awlm Savannah, Ga. DRAMATIC. A Complete Assorinent of French's Flav Books, at ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, m?3 Bnl! 8t„ next to the Poet Office cholera:^ Disarmed!!! The Chief Causes of Pestilence De stroyed. D R. E. COURT A RETS DISlNFECTtNO FLUIDS. Spcarodb^v Loiters Parent in tiie United Stau t? Shipping. Murray’s Line REDUCTION OF RATES! Cabin Passa M 35 Steerage, Sill : THE UNITED STATES I BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ST. THOMAS. PARA, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, AND RIO BE JANEIRO. FREIGHT A3 LOW AS ANY LINE. r. ! FVir fridght or paraaye, having anperfor acctimnio datU.cs, apply to . , , libi'AYlJd COll Ei'.', “3^5 S2 Bay street. Empire Jliine FOR NEW YORK. Tile new aad splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulklcy Commander, will leave fi.c the above port on her ! regular day, j Under contract with the United State* and Brazil — ! Govenimcnta for the carriage of the mails, will d;a- Thursilay, Muy Jlat, nt 8 o’cloclr s< ui. , patch one of thalr NF.W FIRST CLASS 91DEWIIEEL « c 3? :o _?h.. 3m: ek x* x is, each over 2,600 follB bnrth. u. On the 29th of Every Month, From the ]Port of New York. For (he following nat.ied porii an ! at ihe foll. w lng riHee or passage, payable In gold or ita eqniva lent • FIBST CABIN. -* From Now York t' St. Thomas.....; $30 From New \ork to Vara ilflb From New York to 1‘ernambnco lib From New York to Bahia 183 From New Yolk to Itlo de Janeiro 200 Steerage at half these taua. meals and bedding In cluded. An experienced Surgeon i-attached to each vessel All Letters inuaUpaas through ihe Post Office. Post age in cents. For further information or passage apply to B. 11 HARDEE, Agent. No 12 Moddard’n Block. GARRISON A ALLEN, mj31 Now York Agent*. l J ioiieei’ Line FOR NEW YORK. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin $15 OU .Steerage §5 (pq xvilh Sub- .,1.1 siscence SIO. fRYSIDT QV tOl’TOS lf TLi: L ' The new and fast steamship MISSOURI, Lcvc- im, cbW.lliandcE wllf *»«' as on land Saturday, JTnne ssl, nt 10 ! < o'rlork a. tij. .: For freight or passage, haying accommodation* su perior to any steamer in this trade, apply to - ’ - i ’ B. H. HARDEE. ■? p n , f»; e >' No. 12 Stoddard’* Range. * "GARRISON * ALLEN, Agents, my29 No. 5 Bowling Green. N. Y. FOR BALTIMORE. Cabbln Fassagr..,. 9‘60 OO The new and elegant steam ,inp North Point, *'*’ * R. C. Smitb, Commander, Will sail for Baltimore on '1'hurstlay, 31st inst., at — o’cloek. Freight for PQ1LADEPUIA will be received and checked through at the came rates charged by other .Uoc?. . . ' For freight or passage, having good accommo dations, apply to LaROCHE, WEST & DANIELS, myiS ' - Jones' Block. American and Mexican MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Fint-class side-wheel Steamship? Manhattan and Andrew Johnson Pasaage from Savannah toV.ra t’niz (per rtuain- shipa o the Empire Line to New York), tame rate as from New Yol k. The An-’rew Johnson will stop at Steal ou t lie way om. The Manhattan wil tt :p at Sisai on the way home. _ RATES OF PASSAGE-PAYABLE IN GOLD: From New York to'Havilna, First Cabin, $60 ; Steer- - age, $30. From New York to Vera Craz, First Cabin, $100 Steerage, $50. CHARLES A. WHITNEY, Ag. nt. 26 Broadway, N. Y„ U. 8. For passage, apply to my22-tf B n. IIAP.DEE. 12 Stoddard’s Ka 1, and France. Prepared solely by the .New York Dis infecting Company, at their Laboratory, Noa. 298, 300, and 202 Henry street, N. Y. Office. 42 Cedar street - This Company o ganlzeil ou a permanent basis, with Dr. Conrtaret, the celebrated French Chemist, in cliaige of its laboratory, is prepared ta furnish its IhgiNFEOTii.G Putins for sick rooms, nnrseriee, urin als, water closet*, pi ivies, u sspo: ils, sewers, gutters, ships, railroad*. liospibiN, iiriaona, and public insti tutions of all kind?, slaughter-houses, offal and fat- boiling establishments; all kinds of manures (im mensely Increasing the mine of the latter to every farmer), and wherever poisonous and offensive gases exist. These api-nre are deodorizers, antiseptics, an tlputrescenis, and disinfectants, iu- tho scientific meaning of tho words. They remove noxious gases and odors by chemical principles—leaving in their places in allhful air; they are destboxvxs, and not merely absorbents of poisonous gases—not injurious to utei sd^ in which they are used. The attention of maffick! and scientific men is directed to these disin fectant*. Attachtd are i.-atimonial* iiilavorof this ermtta'jicoi’i'ry, which, with hphfirCilf Of others, can be seth at the Company's offico. 31 Dv.LiVAN Botrsr. Albany. Mulch 30. 1SC6. To thePtenident of the N. Y, Disityecting Co.:. Dear Sir—It is all it is repreeestod to be. ' We have rhademany trials of rlisinfectarils, hut now consider that we have found an article, which Snip asses alt others as a remed/ against all bad odors. T. Horsaxi. A Co.,. New Yoax, April 9, 1886. 7b the President of Che IT. Y. Dislnjkcting Co. Dear Sir—We pioauunce it without • xception to be the best we have e\er known. Its. effect upon every matter is complete and instantaneous. C A, tucTao.N, After House. N. U.t—These Disinfeciant* a*e used bf tho scaven gers, under the direction of the Snnilayy Police of the Metropolitan Health i-epartment, New York. POWELL Sc THOMPSON, 42 Cedar street, N. Y , General and Sole Agents for the United States and the Canadas, to wnorn all oiderstshonld he ad dr,’£S*d. For sale by air Druggests and General Dealers in the United States and Canad is.' my22-3m LOW PRICES! ';:;i; f *( • i. ■ • *1 ' ; Quick Sales! FOB PALATKA, FLA., Via Feraaadina, Jacksonville, nml all haaillagi on Use St. John* River. . The fine.^ast-saiHng steamer I) I cr+ ATO H, i Vf i iS* ¥- tY^TTXC. tmcier, will leave as above, from Telfair’s whsi f. Every Tuesday Afternoon at 4 o’clock. We are prepared to receive freight at onr ware house on the wharf, at alt ume.s, free of .‘■torape. L. J. GUILMARTIN & CO . mylO Agents, The splendid steamship PERIT, Delanoy, Com mander, will leave for the above port ou her regular day, ' T huixilay, Play 34, at — o’clock. For freight or pas-aigc, having dations, apply to ni .'" 8 < HUNTER ft GAMMELL. superior accommo FOP. PSW YORK ATLANTIC COAST Mil il Stcamsli i|> Company. CHANGE OF DAY. The Fastest Ship in the Trade. ONLY SIDEWHEEL .SHIP ON THURSDAY. Cabin Passage, $AO Steerage, 93 The new and very fa9t side-wheel steamship GENERAL BARNES, 2,000 tonB burthen, Tiios. U. Morton. Commander, will positively sail on Thursday, Jan*?' 7th, at — o'clock. For freight or passage, having accommodations superior to any ship In the trade, apply to WILDER ft FULLARTON, No. 8 Stoddard’s Upper Range, opposite my30 tho Post Office. For Charleston. FOB CHABLESTON VIA BEAUFORT, Through, by Daylight, The very last- steamer PILOT BOY, Capt. T. IJ. Payne, flaking place of steamer Fannie temporarily) Will leave Florida Steamboat wharf every MONDAY MORNING, at H m. ni. Retaining, will leave Charleston every SATriK- DAY MORNING at same hour . Way freiglit payable on iheqvliarf. For m ight or passage, having superior stateroom accommodation*, apply to F M. MTRRLL. mi SO Florida Steamboat wharf The splendid steamer . ,,, DICTATOR, 1,000 tons, Capt. L. M. Coxettye, will leave as above from Telfair’s wharf Every FstdayHornlag at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to . _ GUILMARTIN ft CO., my7 tr !_/$ Agents. TST otice. a LL persons having claims against th* estate of A Pladile Lee Oharticr are notified to present The same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law; amt all indebted to said e»{»tc are requested t* make iiumeffiatApayiaepM^ undersigned. V->-* : «' a A8K.”Executer. Darien, stay 2t, I80C. mygs-law6w* Scotch, Cartsherrie No. 1 IDS SALE BT at3-eod3mo fH4Hl.FI OHFKX 4 guv. FOR SALE. TLALUAULK COTTON LANDS, situated on the V South end of Oasabaw Island. Apply at this office. m;4-eod6 W E have Just received and opened the LARGBaT fiTOCKof DRY GOODS to be found in this city, and which we offer at LOWER PRICES than they can ba bought for at any other house, consisting in part of Every variety of Dress Goods Housekeeping Goods Domestics and Prints Cloths anti CaseimcrvR Figured Linens and Drills Embroideries and Lace. Hosiery and Gloves Ribbons and Braids Hair RoHs and Curls Lacc Points and Veils Bradley's Empress Trails Handkerchiefs ftc.; ftc., ftc. Faclllr. Mall Ntcantship Company’s Through Line to California, 'T’OUCHING at Mexican Pogla, and carrying the X United State* Mail. Through in Twenty two day*. Steamships ou the Connecting on the Pacific Attantte: , •< with the ARIZONA.;; .... .COLORADO. HBMKY OH AUNCET...' CONST fTUTlON. NEW YORK. GOLDEN CITY. OCEAN QUEEN. SACRAMENTO. NORTHERN LIGHT GOLDEN AGE. COSTA RICA...... MONTANA . ftc., ftc. One or the above targe and splendid steamships will leave Pier No. 42 North River, loot of Canal street, afM-b’oocK nutm.'On Mte 1st, 11th and 2lst of every month, (except 'when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for Aspiuwall, noa nectiug via Panama Railway, with one of the Com- party’s steamships frpui Panama for Sail Fiu’iclsco, toncliing at Acaptfcc( Departures of lfcfffd 21st conuent at Panama with steamers for Soutn Puciflc ami Central American ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. A discount of One Quarter from steamers rate.* Wowed to second cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance of One Quarter on through rates to clergymen and their famines and school teachers"; soldiers having honorable (113- charges, Half Fare. One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult Baggage-masters accompany baggage through, and attend t* ladies and children without male protec tors. Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, ft^Ehtoamboata, railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. For passage ticket*, or further Information, apply at the Company’s ticket office, on the Wharf, foot of Canal street, North Elver, New York. & E. HOLMAN, all-3m Agent. FORILlWKULLiyiM, VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, AND LANDINGS ON THE ALTAMAHA £ND OCMULGEE RIVERS, The new light-draught steamer Z. B, YANGE Capt, John B. Gutubib. Will leave for the above place* on r *'h irsday Evening at C o’eloelc. For freight or passage, apply on Florida Bteam Packet wharf, to J. M. KINCHLEY, or to CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, mv3n-2t , Agents. FOR DARIEN. ■ THE STEAMER II. MV COOL, Will leave for Darien on Friday morn ini o’clock. my 3 EINSTEIN ft ECKttAN, ray21-tf 151 Congrats street, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents, Male and Female, A R1 RE making gtu to gan per nay with the “GREAT LABOR SAVi-R.” Secured by pateub ar d worth *2o a year to any family. They sell readily at St each, and coyl the agent but 810 per hundred. Any person wishing a pleasant business can learn the particulars by sending two stamps for circulars and raiurnpt-mge. Add*** R WA YVELL, myt-Im* . Box 4,781, Ohlcago. STOCKS AND BONDS. jgiji SHARES Csntral Railroad and Btnldag Goa ls shares Savannah ft Augusta Railroad Meek 5 (bares Eatonton Branch Hailroad Stock. 8* shares Atlantic ft Golf Railroad Stock ■ ' 12 share* Savannah Go* Company Stock 3600 City of Savannah Bonds for sale by myll-tf • BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. For Liverpool. The A No.T ship JOHN PAT- TEN, Captain s. P. femme ns, ihavmg the hnlk of her cargo engaged and going on board, will have quick despatch as above, i ‘ ‘ • FOU PALATKA, FLA., VIA BRUNSWICK, FEHNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE, PICOLATA, AND AIL LANDINGS ON THE ST. JOHNS RIVER. The fine, new U. S.Mail Steamer; K .A. T E, Capt. T. J. Lockwood, Will leave Savannah from wharf foot of West Broad street, for aboye places, EVERY MONDAY MORN ING, at 9 o’clock. Wc will receive freight at our warehouse at all times,, free of charge. For freight or passage, apply to BRADLEY, HILL ft CO., Agents, mj S-tf 217 ft 219 Bay street. For freight, apply to a30 CRANE ft GRAYBILL. FOR SALE, P RIVER STEAMBOATS and fOW. BOATS, of VailonS sixfc i and draff. AMO, ily to A. M. I»A COSTA. do-R NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE CABINET ion of the public. . CHAIRS, j *«>b Ac., j To which th* attention of aQ Is Invited. a B. HARRINGTON. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PIOOLATA1 Tl:e elegant an* very fast steam packet SYLVAN SHORE Capt. JAMES TUCKER. having been specially fitted up for this roots, w leave for the above places |Evsry Tweariay Jlersint; at lOa’elaek. All freight payable by shippers. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply at ih« office, Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to jTT-tf CLAGHORN For Liverpool. No. 1 ship MILTON ’wants about 300 iplete her carg . "’'to - -: . _ft 8TEWABT- YORK. hark NEW. LIGHT, Jher cargo sngsged, will 11SK5KW. CBAKMM OiUYBILL.