The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, June 13, 1866, Image 3

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las Barnwell, n W UNDERWRITERS 1 SALE. WFDNE9DA' ring. Miss Bryan,; W Gregory! YORK, Steamship Herman Ilrfegston, Thursday, Jane 14, 0 O’clock a. in. ''"-V steamship Virgo, Thursday, June 14,'*h»K o’clock o'clock Financial imercialr ttcamship Perl*, Saturday, Jane lath, nt Missouri, Saturday, Jana 1C, at *14 Cable Passage..... t«o oe Tha spteadid steamship PERIT, Delaaov, Com ■tarter, will leare tor the shore port on her (scalar day. Isteirtay, Jaaa 18. at — o'clock — aa. Par freight or passage, haring superior acctnfao- apply to jell HUNTER A UAHMStt. ooaued to supply oCTB buyers, except for cwRp tala reported late venHBj OB private terms. T Flo un.—The marhraraf generally advanced, . >; with very light roeei^Hjl Howard street flupeiTHU Howard street ExtraBraM Howard street HighBpi|i Howard street Family.-w"' Ohio Soper and Cut Extra. Ohio Extra Shipping Ohio Retailing gu.amship o'clock, a. m (OB PHILXPELFHIA. Siesmsblp Tonawanda, Saturday, June .1C, at — o'clock — m. FOB BXLTIMOSX- Stcamship North Ppint, Thursday, June 14th, at 9 r ,-clock a- m. steamship Cumberland, Saturday, June 10th. FOB AUGUSTA. , Steamer Swan, every Wedneeday morning, at • o'clock- / PASSAGE RATES: c »k'» rsaawca, |M ...ttesraft, 810 **K1ST OH COTTON $1 FER BALK. The new and fast'steamship MfMOURI, Love land, commander, win mil aa above, on latartay, Janr 1<; at «*" o’eloek a. m. For Height or passage, basing accommodations su per ter to any steamer In this trade, apply to B. H. IIARDRB, No. U Stoddard's Range. GARRISON 9 AT.1.FIN, Agents, jell No. ft JhjwUpgGreen, N. T, R C. Sana, Commander, Will sail for Baltimore on Thanday, 14th last., at a •'•lack, a. Freight for PHILADRPHIA will be received cheeked through at the same rates charged by < lisas For freight or passage, having good accoa d&tiona, apply to I *10 25^10 50 . 11 5G®12 50 . 13 0l>@13 50 . 14 50@15 50 For Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FURNITURE Ohio Family. Northwestern Super 9 75® 10 00 Northwestern Extra 10 75®11 50 City Mills Super '..... # 75010 00 eity Mills Shipping Brands .Extra 13 S0®14 50 Standard Extra 11 25®11 75 Baltimore, Welch's and Greenfield Fam’y 17 50® lUltimnM lTfah Grui. Vvtra v 15 50®— — 0 25® 6 50 4 50® 4 75 For Baltimore.! T8K SLOOP JOSEPHINE Carries 2uo bales Cotton, light draft (t teet loaded), old register 35 ton*, well formed. If not sold at private sale previous to Saturday, Jodis leth, wilNhe sold at auction at 12 o’clock. In Mot ef the store. Terms cash.jeli-tf Steamer Laura, every Friday evening at 5 o'clock. VOS UAWXI HIV ILLS. steamer z. B. Vance, Wednesday, June it, at 6 •clock p. m. airliner Charles 8. Hardee, every Thursday mom- ,g, at 9 o’clock. FOR CHARLESTON. -•earner Pilot Boy, every Monday morning, at 8 'clock- ^ v 5 .... Steamer Dictator, every Friday morning at 9 >v!ock. Steamer Kate, every Thursday morning nt B o'clock FOR FLORIDA. -learner Llazie Biker, Friday, June 22, at 10 n. m.'afternoon at 4 THB FIN* FOR CHARLESTON Baltimore High Grade Extra Bye Flour, new Corn Meal—City Mills and Brandywine. -There was to-day a very active demand for -which all sold, the 90c. Cora la higher in price than it has been since last October. Of oats the recipts were 910 bushels st 74c, 900 bushels at 75c, and 700 bushels at 76c, weight. Of rye 60 bushels were received, but no sale was re ported. Molasses Prices have advanced, and quotations are: Porto Rico, 70a80c; Cuba Muscovado, 55a£5c; Cuba clayed, S0a55c; English Island, 65a80c. Provisions.—There is no change to note. With an active jobbing demand prices are firm. Bulk meats are scarce. We report a sale of 50 bbls. mess pork, at 931 75. (Bice.—There is some demand for Carolina, which is scarce and qnoted at 12al2%c; East Indian 9>jal0c. Sugah.—The market 1b a little off again, and the prices of the past few days are not obtainable. With out sales we w ill not give quotations. Refined Scoass—Are quoted: Crushed, powdered and granulated, 17c; A white, 16c; circle A, 15’ic; B, 15%c;C extra, 15.4c; O yellow, 154c; and circle C, 15c. Strut.—Baltimore golden, 90c tp, gallon. Whiseet.—No change to note. Western is held at $2 72, and some small lots of city have been sold at *2 314c. BELL, WILLY fit UHHIITUa Will sell on SATURDAY at 12 m., in front of the Ex change, THB LIGHT DRAFT STEAMER COLUMBIA. Cabin Paaiagr The splendid steamship Tonawanda Grain.—T — , _ com, of which tbs receipts were small—5,041 bushels white and 4,260 bushelB yellow—_1- all acid, ~ bulk of sales of white being at *1, and of yellow at 88a VIA BEAUFORT, Through by Daylight, IS SELLING GOODS CUMBERLAND Of oats the recipts were 940 bushels st Captain REID, Will axil for the above port on Saturday, Jane lath. About 2u horse power; length, 58 faet; depth of hold, 3 feet; capacity about 250 barrel*; engine built by Cameron A Barclay, of Charleston; Is well found tend In good running order, having juatreturned from a trip np the Altumaha and Oconee rivers to Dublin^ and well adapted fortowing or for a trader. Cau be seen at Lamar's Canal. Jell-td RESIDENCE FOR SALE. BY BELL, WILLY 4k CHttiSTIAN. at private sale, LOT No. 19 and improvements, fronting on Pulaski Square The House contains eleven rooms, with Car riage House, Stables, and Servants' Booms, all well finished. Attached Is a beautiful Flower Garden.— Such an opportunity Is seldom offered to any person desiring a comfortable residence. pit f For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER 4k GAMMELL. N. B —By this steamer we are prepared to send cotton to Liverpool, via Philadelphia, by first-class steamers Lorn that port. jell Steamer Dictator, every .'clock. •learner Sylvan 8hore, every Tuesday morning, at in,,'clock. steamer Helen Getiy, every 8 aturduy morning, ;o o'clock. -learner Kite, every Monday morning, at 9 o'clock FOR BEAUFORT. Stecraer Relief, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 10 a m. FOB DARIEN. !• learner H. M. Cool, Friday morning, at 8 o'clock 1 Capt. T. R. Paths, (Taking place of ateamer Fannie temporarily) Willteaveas above from Florida wharf, foot of West Broad Street, nnlil farther notice, every MONDAY HORNING, at M o'clock. Returning, will leave Charleston every SATUR DAY’ MORNING et same hour. While the boat Is on her trip height will be re ceived ani stored in fire proof warehouse, free of expense. This boat la new, very feet, and has good accom modations for passengers. For height or ptassge. apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, i«9 tf Florida wharf. For freight or passage, apply to JelS CRANE k GRAY BILL. IN SAVANNAH For Falatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RY’S, FEKNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA- VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOW N, AND LANDINGS ON THE ALTAMAHA AND OCMULGEE RIVERS, desiring a comfortable residence. BRICK HOUSE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE, BRICK RESIDENCE, fronting on Harris at eet, west of West Broad gtreet. je!2-tf HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS FOR NEW YORK ATL4JTTIC COAST Mail Steamship Line. Messrs. EST1LL A BROTHER, Newsdealers, Sta tioners and B'joksellers, Bull street (down stairs), corner of Bay lane, next to thetBpst Office; are au thorized agents for the Daily TMr# A Uzbald. AH orders ieft with them will be promptly attended JEW YORK MARKET. New York, Friday, June 8—P. M. Cotton.—The market was without quotable change. Sales 1.200 bales at 374a38c for middliugs. The following is from the circular of Chspman k Harmony, (late Sepeyers, Chapman & Co.); , The receipts of ^cotton at the ports of the United" 1 ” The new, elegant and fast Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been put in thorough order, will resume her regular trips on Friday Meraiag, 2(il, at 10 o'clock. All freight payable By shippers. For freight or passage, having superior state-room accommodation, apply at the office on Florida Steam Packet wharf; or to CLAGHORN A CUNNING RAM, je!3-3t"Agent. The new light-draught steamer ADMINISTRATORS SALE. BY THOMAS J. WALSH. On MONDAY, June 18th, will be sold, In front of Capt. John B. Guthrie, Will le,ve for the above places on Wednesday Evening at 6 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on Florida Steam Packet wharf, to J. M. KINCHLEY. or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, jell-3t Agents. ;n as follows A Bombshell ih Oce Midst.—About eleven o'clock list night our citixens were startled by what seemed to be the report of a heavy cannou discharged in a ci utral portion of the city, but which proved to be the explosion of a shell In Court House square. Several thousand shells and cannon balls that were deposited there during the war. by the Confederates, still remain there in pdeB, or lying loosely on the ground. It seems that some one, while passing last night, threw a cigar stump among the shells, by which one of them was exploded, producing a startling report, and by its concussion and fragments breaking many of the win dows of the houses in the vicinity. At tbe time of the explosion there were a considerable number of per sons passing in the square and streets, and it is re markable that no one was injured. We hear of no strious damage to tbe surrounding houses. As many of tbe shells are loaded, and as Children are ;n the habit of playing among them, we think it highly proper that,they should be removed from their pre sent exposed positiou. Bates. 14,700 1,785,000 THE ONLY SIDEWHEEL SHIP ON THURSDAY store, at 104 o’clock, 4 Horses 2 Carriages 1 Buggy 2 setts Double Harness 1 sett Single Harness 2 Riding Saddles 3 Riding Bridles 7 Shovels ’ lbs, and Week endiug June 5 Previously since September Ip 1865 Total since September 1 From close of wst to September 1,1865. Tootal supply Tbe receipts, exports and stocks, at the principal porta of tbe United States, at latest dates, were as fol lows: Receipts since sept l New York, June 5... .771,800 New Orleans, Juue 2.713,409 Mobile, June 1 397,900 Galveston, May 25.. 161,700 Savaunah, May 31 . .228,400 Charleston, May 31... 99,700 Total stocks (The receipts and exports include coastwise ship ments, except New York exports, which embrace foreign only. The .receipts at the ports last week PARLOR SETS, extra well upholstered. FINE BED ROOM SETS, Walnut and Ma hogany. COTTAGE BED ROOM SETS, of every variety. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS of all kinds. American and Mexican MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The new ana very fast sidcwbeel steamship •- 4 CurrYCOmbe, and A lot of oM Harness. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Charles Ripley, (colored,) deceased. Terms cash. jefi-tda Exports ■ Since Sept 1. 423,100 656,000 379,300 166,200 213, GOO 93,600 Stocks. 155,000 140,000 42,000 9,300 14,700 7,800 2,000 tons burthen, J. B. Baker, commander, will positively sail on her regular day. Thnnday, Jans 14, et • o'clock m. m. VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bcll t WyHy It Christian. Lot No. (, on the corner of Liberty and Mont- gomery streets, eligibly situated for a private resi dence. ®22 Will leave for Darien Mi Friday morning, at 8 o'clock. ■ Jel3-St First-class side-wheel Steamships Manhatian and Andrew Johnson Passage from Sar urnah to Vera Cinn (per steam ships o the Empire Line to New York), same i ate aa from New York. The Andrew Johnson will atop at Sisal on the way on>. The Manhattan will atop at Sisal on the way horns. RATES OF PASSAGE—PAYABLE IN GOLD: From New York to Havana, Firet Cabin, $50; Steer *£€$ $80. From New York to Vera Crus, First Cabin, $100 Steerage, $50. CHARLES A. WHITNEY, Agent, 26 Broadway, N. Y., U. 8. For peerage, apply to B H. HARDEE, my22-tf 12 Stoddard's Range. ■ For freight or passage. modal u as, apply to WILDER A FULLABTON. No freight received alter 7 o*cioek a. m. on Thure day.2 j«8-tdg VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE KITTLE S FOLDING SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES, the best Bed in use, and WARRANTED SUPERIOR to all others. SALE- By Bell, Wylly & Christian. The Sash and Blind Factory and Planing MIH, lo cated in Macon, Ga., fronting on Second street, 110 by 226 feet in depth; Woodruff A Dan el'e Plank, Machines, Tongue «nd Grooving Machine, Mortician Machine. Sash and Blind Machine; Blacksmith Shop, with seven forges. All ran by steam. The engine is 35 horse power. All in good order. For farther information, apply at our counting- room. my!4-tf YORK Ax the meeting of the Savannah Mutual Loan Asso dilution, held on Monday evening, five loans of $1000 esch were made, at rates ranging from 44 to 4 6 per cent., and thirty shares of stock were sold, at from {32 50 to $34 per share for $35 paid In. This exhibits a return of old prosperity to the oompany. VIA QEABROOK, ST. REDUCTION Ot- i ATES! rviblB Pm ssage, $20., 8'eera) FREIGHT AS LOW AS ANY LINE. LACE AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, and CANOPY FRAMES. 247; to Marseilles, 80; to Rotterdam, 71. From Mobile—To Liverpool, 1,266 bales. From Charleston—To Liverpool, 3,775 bales. From New Orleans—To Liverpool, 6,135 boles; to Havre, 3,145; to Bordeaux, 60. Total exports for tbe weak, 14,806 baleB. There was a general disposition on the part of specu lators, during tne early part of this week, to endeavor to depress the fleecy staple, in the hope that they might be able to take hold in the neighborhood of 30a 37c for middlings; but the continued gloomy accounts from tbe South caused holders, as the week advanced, to exhibit on their part less desire to unwrap tbeir choice samples, consequently the market presented only very mixed lots from which operators could select, which, iu a measure, contributed to diminish the volume of business. Bheadstuffs. — The market was; generally de pressed. The common and medium grades of State and West ern flonrs were 6al0c lower, aud more active, includ ing a liberal demand for export to the West Ludies. Sales 12,000 bbls. at $7a7 85 for supers; $8a8 60 for extra State; $8 6aa9 75 for choice State; $9 25a9 80 for shipping round-hoop Ohio ; $8 85al2 85 for extra Western; $19al7 for double extra Western and St. Louis. . Southern flour is scarce, and firm, at $10 75all 75 for Supers; $11 al? for fancy and extra. Canada flour ins nominal. Corn meal was in demand and Arm. Sales 400 bbls. at $4 40 for Jersey, and $4 75 for Brandywine. Corn was lc lower, but quite active for home con sumption. Sales 102,000 bushels, including Western mixed, at 80a82>jc; aud old Western mixed 84c, in store. OatB were 2c lower at tbe close, and were dull. Sales 45,000 Bushels, including Western new at 54a58c, and State 79c, closing at 50c for Prime Chicago. Provisions.—Pork opened dull and closed lower and unsettled. Sales 9,000 bbls. at $29 26 for old mess; $30 38a30 68 for new mess, closing at the lower figure; $24 25 ror old prime; speculative optious in new mess were 26c lower. Lard waa lower and very dull. Sales 3,500 bbls. aud tierces at 19>«a20c for No. 1; 2iu213£c lor fair to prime steam, and 22a22>fc for ketUe-renctered, closing with free sellers at the higher flute. CUtmeals were lower and drooping at llJfalSc for dry-salted and pickled shoulders; 16J£al8c for dry- salted and pickled hams. Bacon was dull end nominal. Beef was quiet and unchanged. Sales 350 bbls. at at $17a21 for repacked Western mess, aud $21a25 for extra do. Tierce beef quiet and nominal. Beef hams quiet. Butter was irregular and unsettled at 23a32c for Western and Ohio; 30a36c for State; 37a40c for Orange County pails. Cheese was dull at 9al5c for Ohio; 10al7c for State; 15al8c for factory-made. Coffee.—There has been more doing, but at irregu lar and lower prices, especially for lower grades. Sales embrace 3,361 bags Maracaiba, and 100 bags Java, on private terms. Fisb.—Tbe market for cod is still bare of grand bank, George's have advanced to $7 60. Mackerel are steady; No. 1 bay $19 5Oa20. There are some new number tbrees (3's) in market, selling at $15al5 50. Herring are scarce at 60a70c lor No. 1 and scaled. Hides.—There has been more, business, but at easier gold prices. Sales 6,000 Montevideo, 21 lbs., 17c, gold; 1,500 Bueuos Ayres, 23 lbs., 18c, gold; 600 city steers, 11c, currency; 0,500 Matsmbros, on private terms. Hops.—The market was quiet and unchanged. Sales 55 bales st 25a70c, as in quality. Hat.—Shipping hay is in good demand at 60a65c ¥ 100 lbs. Retail Icqs are steady at 80e86c. Loom.—There la no No. 1 American available for present delivery, and there has been a considerable movement in Scotch pig. Sales 2,000 tons Coltness k Gartaherxfe, ex ship, on private terms; 1,000 tons Gartshsrrie, part resales, at $45 50a46 50. i nn—Quiet and firm at $1 10 for lump, and $1 60 for common. T.«»n—Has been in good demand and firm. Sales 600 tons softSpauish, to go West, at 64c, gold. Naval Stokes.—The market closes quite dull, and prices unsettled. Oils.—Linseed drooping at $1 56al 57. Other oils heavy. Prices unsettled. Petboleuu.—The market waa quiet and droop. The new and splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulkley, commander, will leave- for the above port on he r regular day, "f Thursday, Jane 14th, at Sij o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to OCTAVUS COHEN, jel« 8$ Day street. Arrivals at the Hotels. Captain JAMES BENT. Will leave for above points at 10 a. m. each Morday, Wednesday and Friday. Returning, leave Beau fort each succeeding daut 10 a. m. Freight and passage lower than by any other boat. YORK, WILLIAMS. MoINiTRE k CO., je7-tf Agents. WAREROOMS FOR PALATKA, FLA Vi» Ferasmdlua. Jacksonville, and all Landings on tke St. Johns River. F Constant, lady A 2 chil dren, city A Jones, Phila .1 M Farmer, Phila Capt Baymore, do TOG UNITED STATES i BRAZIL HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. W Jenuings, do Capt Leveland, str Mis souri W Burns, jr, str Missouri C C Williams, Phila GOLD MEDAL SHERRY, PURT AND MADEIRA, —* HARVEST BOURBON, WHEAT NUTRIENT, OLD HOMESTEAD RYE. In addition to our business of selling Wines, etc 1 . In original packages, and in order to insure to con sumers Pure Liquors In a compact and convenient; form, we commenced the enterprise of bottling and pecking in cases our well known Wine*, Brandies. Whiskies, etc., and have sent them out inn style that would preclude the possibility or their being tem pered with before reaching the purchaser. The gen eral appreciation and gratifying success that baa re warded our efforts baa encouraged us to maintain the standard as regards quality, also, to make in creased efforts to retain the confidence and patron age which baa bean so liberally bestowed upon us. BIN1NGBR k CO., [Established 1778.] Importers or Wines, Ac., No. 15 Beaver street, New York. The shove popular goods are put up in cases con taining one dozen bottles each, and are sold by H. G. RU WE, Savannah, and all prominent Druggists, Grocers, etc. The fine, fast-sailing steamer jel2-6m ST. THOMAS, PABA, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, AND BIO DE JANEIRO. W Smith, City .J H Rogers, Ga T Wentworth, Ga GW Hasten,Ga ■ LTijior. l*a | A Dixon, do 11J Cm‘a, str Swan J S Harris A son, ( U Ye*; man, Md |W O Dwyers, i JllWiggln.SO '.AD’Antlgnac, i J 0 Baud, Mass iP D'Antignac, i W 0 Jenna. NY W U D’Antignac, - C M .dren. 8 C (A Leflls, i Ha; T A Hinson, SC |0 F Reed, USA MARSHALL BOUSE—A. B. LUCS. I R Marshall, C 8 R S ,G A Cooptr, D C I) K Hell, do |Mis £ P IWgl v Darley, USA So Ca -.aaHfevi II R Lawfou. SC |J U WlgdMVtr i Johnson. Ga ra-wMI A lady, 8 C I - Price, M L. USA "qiMiMlIi C implied, N R.rnavd B00KSI BOOKS! L. M. Coxettxx, master, will leave as above, from Telfair’s wharf, Every Tuesday Afternoon nt 4 o’clock. We are prepared to receive freight at our ware house on the wharf; at all times, free of storage. L. J. GUILMABTXN A CO., mylO •' 1 Agents. Capt. Siokei., Is running regular trips between Savannah and Hilton Head, carrying freight at regular rates, and, when desired, taking a few passengers. She Is per fectly dry, In good order, and has made remarkably quick trips. She carries tbe United States mail. The Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly, Nation*) Express and Transportation Company and Southern Express are authorized to receive package* for her. Any Information can be obteined of Capt. Slckel, or by inquiring nt the News A Hebxld office, myll Under contract with the United States am Governments for the carriage of the mails, i pitch one of tbeir NEW F1K9T CLASS SIDEWHEEL The Mute Singes, by Anna Cora Ritchie. 695 Pulpit Pungencies. Tax Orphans, by Mrs. Oliphant Thobnton ; ob, Tbe Yocnoeb Bbotheb. Leighton Com, by Henry Kingsley. The Ladt e Mm, by Mias Braddon. Motheb’s Kt quest, by Shulah. The Coquetts, a novel, founded on fact. Mb. Stewart’* Intuitions, by F. W. Robinson. New edition PxzStonI Interest Tables. je7 For Charleston each over 2,000 tons burthen, On the 29th of Every Month, From the Fort of New York. For the following named ports and at the follow ing rates of passage, payable In gold or Its equiva lent : nan cabin. From New York t6 St. Thornes $80 From New York to Para $150 From New York to Pernambuco 1T0 From New York to Bahia. ISO From New York to Rio de Janeiro.. 200 Steerage at half these rates, meal* and bedrthig In cluded. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each vessel. All Letters most pass through the Fast Office. Post age 16 cent*. For farther Information or peerage apply to rin rises. Sun sets.. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The mime of Binlnger k Co., No. 15 Beaver street, is a guarantee of the exact and literal truth of what ever they represent.—N. Y. Com. Advertiser. The importing house of Binlnger k Co.. No. 15 Beaver street, la eonducted upon principles of Integ rity, fairness, and the highest honor,—B. Y. Evening .Expeeaa. Je6-DeodAWly The splendid steamer The new and splendid U. S. Mail steamer 1,000 tons, Capt L. M. Coxetteb, will leave as above from Telfair’s wharf Ivfey Friday Morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to L. J. GUILMABTIN A CO., gfritf Agents. Capt. T. J. Lockwood. will leave 8avan nab, foot of West Broad street, for the above port, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, at 9 o’donck, via Hilton Head and Beaufort, arriving in time for the Northeastern train. Returning, leaves Charleston every SUNDAY ICE CREAM! MORNING at 6 o'clock; touching at Hilton Head. Leaves Savannah every MONDAY MORNINCLat i la—Hunter TonawSfec AGunmell. it- um-hlp North MR rurue. West & DtnienKM Steamship Missouri, n Hardet. f Steamer H XI Cool, Tayj Steamer Dictator, Coxet tnartln. j _S'eamshlp Palmira, Wlj and coaL J Owing to the failure and sudden closing of the works and business of the London Watch Company, s large number of fine Watches, manufactured espe cially for the United States, being heavy, first class time-keepers, lutended to stand bsrd usage and sud den changes of temperature, are left In our hands for Immediate sale. As, agents of the Company, we are obliged to dispose or this stock for cash in the shortest possible time. We have, therefore, decided on the plan annexed as the one that will be produc tive of the desired reshit. This plan, gives every one an opportunity or obtaining firs Lot see time-keepers st a pries that all can command. As every Certifi cate represents a Watch, there are no Monks, aud every one who invests lattiinle must get a Watch st hair the retail price at mm; and, if at all fortu nate, one to wear with pride through life. Remittances may be made at our risk In registered letters or by express, or poet-oflloe orders and drafts payable to our order, and we guarantee a safe return. Utvra mteuiuu every avni/ai munnuiu tii S o'clock for Palstka, Fla., touching at all landings on the St. Johns river. For freight or passage, apply to BRADLEY, HILL k CO., AgeuU. myio 21T k 21$ Bay street. Pacific Mall Steamship Company’s Thxongit Line to CallSkrfila, nPOUCHlNG at Mexican Porte, and carrying the X United States Mail. Through in Twenty-two days. Steamships on the Connecting on the Pacific Atlantic: with the ARIZONA COLORADO. HENRY CHAUNOEY. .. CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK ..GOLDEN CITY. OCEAN QUEEN ...SACRAMENTO. NORTHERN LIGHT GOLDEN AGE. COSTA RICA MONTANA. Ac., Ac. One of the above large and splendid steamships will leave Pier Now 42 North River, loot of Canal street, at 12 o'clock noon, on the 1st, llth and 21st of every month, (except when those dates fall on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) tor Asplnwall, con necting via Panama Railway, with one or the Com pany’s steamships from Ftnatna for San Francisco, touching at Acapulco. Departures of lst and 21st connect at Panama with steamers tor SouthPac^lc and. Central American ports; ThoeSoflstfopeh at Manzanillo. A discount ofAfae jQuhrter from steamers rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passengers s&sss. Itimore—La- ? SAVANNAH HOTEL, C ONGRESS street; FREE CONCERT EVERY NIGHT. The citioene and the public are respect fully informed that this garden hat been opened to day. All sorts ot refreshments and the choicest Cream always on hand. Private boxes have bee c fitted ud for ladies. my?44m WKIGAND A SCHWARTZ. >M A Cohen, iton—L J Gull Notice sans, put in for VIA BRUNSWICK, FEKNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE, PICOLATA, AND ALL LAMMNOh ON THE BTi JOHNS BIVEH. i Y order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary > of Liberty ecunty, Ga,, there will be offered for earner Dictator, Co: Guliinartm. . Steamer Sylvan Short ton, s Canmugham. B*rK Amezon, PerciJ onville, etc—L J itka, Ac.—Clag- aale before the Court House, in said county, on the first Tuesday fa July nrkt, between the usual hours of sale: All of the real estate of B. Denlel, late of sold county, deceased, consisting of about eight thousand acres of land, including two settlements already Improved, sod about five-hundred acres of opan land and ond good mill seal These lands are situated in the above said county, on the waters of Taylor's Creek and and Oanoocbee ~ *-*-*- be sold iq lots of three hnndred to res. Al*o, two lots—o ein Sumter ther in Early county, Ga. p er steamer H M C de wool, 14 cow hi< -2 bales cotton This INSURER safe delivery and sure return to every patron. We warrant every Watch as represented, and satis faction Is guaranteed in every Instance. Knowing tbe worth of tbe«toek, we can give a warrantee to every purchaser. The price haa been placed at the very low figure in order to Insure immediate sale; and all who desire to Improve the opportunity should make early application. county, Ga.; tlWither in Early county, Ga. Terms will be made known on day or sale. A. B. DANIEL, t my* A. ft DANIEL, t Per feamship Mis •Pet:?!, P Gross,L I U Stafford, wl wrei-t., Mrs A M Bn *1 Cou-iant and 2 < Aiemanl, C Hardy, J Jttter, Miss A Kuril ■irris. c.)l P T Han » r * ll Spencer | £®bon, S Phillips, J foil, and 4 steerage. ‘ Pk eteimshlp Td ‘•’■or, J Jotiaeon, I Pet steamer H ME Jhh„p £ liott. J Hi ?•’’ Up-miiliug, lUjl Capt. T. J. Lockwood, Will leave Savannah from wharf fool ot West Broad street, for ahoy* places. EVERT MONDAY MORN ING, at 9 o’clock. We will recMve freight at our warehouse at all times, free of charge. For freight orpasMge, apply to BRADLEY, BILL A 00., Agents, myS-tf 217 A 219^ Bay street. j. N. WILSON, Photographer AGENTS Cote hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult &SSESR&EBHBS KffftSg tors. Baggage reoeived on the dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers Ane^perieno^TOigeotfonboard. Medicine and attendance free v rnrp—igf iluhrti, or farther Information, apply, st the Oompany's'tieket office, on the Whan; f6ot of Canal street, North River, New York. THB LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF HART. ...PHOTOGRAPHS, Pr., c -y- ■ : rrrr . . . • I Porcelain Sc Ambrotypea, IN THE HIGHB8T STYLE OF THE AST. Copying done in the best mannas. Pictures made a . well In cloudy as in clear weather. W Call sad Exanlae Gpeefaatai. SOUTH-EASf CORNER tROUGHTON AND WHfT- aiktf , AKKB STHBETg. • [Darien—EN Ogden, florae, Capt Walker, : Spaulding. Armaud By Prtf. R. L. Dabott, D. D„ of Va. IE Standard Biography of the Immortal Hero. The only edition authorized by hm widow. The iOT a personal friend tend Chi ef of Staff of the stian Soldier. Carefully revised and corrected leaeral R. E. Lee. We want bn Agent fa every it*., fiend for circnlaienadae* our tents. idress national publishing co at l ant a MARKET. * SaVUbdat, June 9. There was a fair amount of business done yesterday In the leading articles of merchandise at firm prices. We. believe there is no excess at Western produce on the market. White corn from store was sold st $1 40 «ml $1 37 X by the car load from depot. Mixed and yellow at from $1 32 to $1 35, according to tbe quality and condition for shipment. J he advance in bacon in the Western markets bra nenced commercial circles here, and the article TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, 9T. MA RYS, FEKNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA THE FOLLOWING SPLENDID LIST OF Fine Watehes and Chains, Worth 9300,000 ! Charleston—Capt J W [ Gunn, PB. Young, J ipbeli, E Bayard,1J D 3 a Cooper, J Neutoh, i(*n IiaL steamer Die] ■Kits, W H Kef '“.GN Barnaj “’ll. w 0 Jenkal w Caldwell, MM i a uvopar, a a Mrs McCaUfib. ■omNew York—Adams Brigham, H k Co, OJ Irady k 8, Bulger k C. ahan. Cooper, O A F, J ol E B Caning, A Q M, P Deyo, D Mallett * Co; P ;“,57»msnq “A J W And,.; ““'tv, T H Bol Agt, Crai eConeisan, M i F' v Wugckljj •Ostein & a Jffcert. J <;arj *™Uton, H<J •■aiaon, E qj 5J»'*unanl m ? * v ' r ’ k m m ' i’ IVn® J G Hu are, 9 a: CoM ngejpjdinMd gottqfon hoard,will have quick despatch For freight, apply 19 ^ > “V fcKANE k GRAYBTLL. $176 fi $460 163 Gold huuting-uhsed English Patent Levers, 144 Gold hunting-cased Duplex.......... *10) to *fnn 1T6 Gold hunting-cased Patent levers... 76 to 876 *32Gold huuting-casrd Levers... SO to 876 240 Gold hunting-eased Lcpipes 50 to aw 169 Gold magic-cased Level* 90 to 876 335 heavy Gold-efised Patent Levers 76 to 828 208 heavy Gold-cased Lave is. 70 to 176 120 Ladies’ Gold hahtfog-CMed Lovers.. 48 to 22a 218 Ladles' Gold enameled hunting-cased Levers $65 to $850 135 Ltdles’ Gold ehsfiieled magfooraed Levers^ ^ 236 Ladies’ Gold-ctecdengraved Levers. .46 to 175 263LadievGotajeaaedengraved Lepines. 40to 126 600hea^raolldSilver-^ed 25 to 1W 478 ° 10 *° mS::: uS i® 350 solid Gold Leon tine and Chatelalnea.. it to 126 K r ukju, v mxuen ■ uo, Blch, Erwin A H, M Feist Bl A Fuller, A Gomra, c L ■ficllg. Held’. 4 L, J H A M ■rudens Ex, B H Hardee, J B, JJfnox, R M Lafflicau, K, TMcGrath, J C Mather, MG Morris. S Miller, MS IDS Co, Nicholson A McA f tt W, P Reilly, E T Paine, k uo Rlchatdson 6 B,ID er k Son, sfouthern Ex^A A A >l WUcox T Co. tads, from J*biladelphfa—W r, B A Co, Bovh Gas Co, CL <tfUi, THE STANDARD iriisirt FrtTOT, ca BOLTING al2-tf For Sale. CITY OF ATLANTA • PER CENT. COUPON BONDS, ISSUED BY AUTHORITY/w ACT oV LEGISLATURE f FOR NEW YORK. TO, Tke berk mw JJOST.feeeta beU ----n —**» * nntnfr d It, apply to WANTED, and are payable flnterest sesri-aamslly) nt the NatiMsTPark Bnk, N. I. City. For psrticnlnrs ngply to PORTER that can weigh and n»«rk boxes. A German preferred. Apply at office of National rest and Transportation company, corner of Bay ut/Tsaj jelt-2t •very Watch fa r envelopes and' Advertising in Southern Georgia fTHE BAINESIDGB « CHART AND COMPASS » m. (formerly the “ Balnbrldge Argos,**) offers supertor ittdacenx^H to of 8a- vannah as an affirming medium. It ha* a largo and rapidly lnerart|^H|$alatlon fa that section, and Its terms are ra^^^Kfaddress *T Lluebcrger, C HR. H MOool, from Darien—L J Gulknar- HBUi' MlHi