The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, June 29, 1866, Image 4

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Tfe* iHlttM ■T «inu w'xKifeir Only a COM* oa tkst waterjr bed- Only > woman U*th there dead! (keek 'gstoet the blUow wild, wearily pres**d. Hands chill end nerveless clasped orer the breaet. A* • * 4 QioVioua Result ■t> H. iMilr rnud cold the bnbbles flo*l*rouud her, Htlebt tod white the moonbeam# b»y* bound her. - Gently, oh gently, her ptlobrow U sleupidF, p.aoc mi it written—wtke not MMe#*Tweeping I Dark though It be. t Or krth ne'er hath ^. e billow, eo dreamless a pillow ; rand wrong, and wild weariness root again each elumber as this. On))- a form oftbeautlful day Ghastly apd stili—go bear It away f Talk pityingly, kindly'the’ frail body o'er. It matingh not now—she heareth no more. Jillent thoae heart-strings. and pulaeleaa that breaet, “ti Btili every longing—eternal her reat. Oh! aelt of the bubblea that roeo with her breath That aorrow which only warn burled in death. Go eea of her God—He only can aav What darkened the life abe bath taken away I What rig Lb of pain, what lone, bitter tears, What hopes long deferred and blighted were her'*. Calm is that brow m it sad lieth there. Lamp with its masses of cliQging brown hair. How dared that frail spirit to enter alone, And stand all unbidden before the great throne V How 'wildering her woe when fall on her ear— -■Depart, erring one; I called yon not here !" %icrc arc as many road* to ntrne and fortune as mere were gateways to ancient Theliea. Tour am bitious warrior 1* for carrying hie way with the •bre; your aspiring politician for scheming his way by Intrigue and consummate art. But there is one fraud broad path to the goal, along which nothing >a*e can travel. It Is the path a*t apart for the march of talent, energy, and noble purpose au though full of obstacle*, It contain* none that a brave ■nan cannot surmount. This fact has been exemplified n innumerable Instance*, bat in few more forcibly it an in the rise and progrea* of DR. HOOFLAXD’S GERMAN BITTERS. For over fifteen year’s Recourse has been onward and upward, acattering blessings at every step, until it now stands on the topmost rounds of Ute ladder of fame, as ths PUBLISHED TM-WEEKLY. SfiMI- WEEKLY„ANI) WEEKLY. « AT TALLAHASSEE, FLA., By Mhober & Oliver. THE ONLY TRI-WEEKLY IN THE STATE! I THE BEST ADVERTISING! MEDIUM IN THE STATE, AND The ( IIKAPKST PAPER 1st the BTATK TERMS; TRI-WKBKLV, one year ,.tQ NB.MI-WfrsJtk.LY, one year 4 WKKKLY, one year « Jel-tf RUWE, ■ s'uija m Foreign aijJ Domestic Liquors, WINES, ([GARS, GROCERIES, ALE AND LAGSB, /button's Bgui r, opposite the Pulatlci House, Corner St. lulien and Bryan Sts int’s old Paint Stand. GREAT TONIC. THE DAILY NEWS, PUBLISHED AT CHARLESTON S. C., LARGEST CIRCULATION Hoofland’s German Bitters is a positive remedy for Ah' will was the deed, all deadly the sin 7 hat purchased a rest she entered uot in. 'Ju hushed, 'tt* finished, poor erring one; gle Earth' - shores arc- passed; tho struggle is done! Thy Itf.*, 'mid a world of weeping and woe, broken and scattered, lies, pulseless and low. A cold, silent corse—an atom of clay— /.down the still river it floib-th away. IN OE.VKK.Ui. — The New Jersey negroes have employed General b»rij. F. Butler to claim for them the right to vote in that State. ¥ iff —The War Department has ordered that Major-Gen- era! J. G FosUjy, mi.iury commander of Florida, will henceforth dls^arge the duties of Assistant Commie- sionci-of th- FreedmetTs Bureau. Col. O.-bornc' late As , taut Commissioner has been asogned a position on the staff of Major-General Foster. —Mr. Bobt. Kirkpatrick informs the editor of tin Macon ■ lla./ Messenger that one of his common dung hill bens went to setting a short time since on a nest of eggs of her own laying, and to his great astonish ment, instead of chickens, she hatched a brood of oung ducks. Mr, K. says there iias'nt been a duck on iue place In fifteen years. Will some one explain the thing? —The Constitution of the Bute of North Carolina requires a property qualification of $7,600, and a resi dent- of five years to make a person eligible to the of fice of Governor. A propoaitlon was made at the re cent session of tho BUto Convention to modify this vision, but it was lost by s decided majority. It is reported that Mr. John Van Huron, who is at present in England, has succeeded In purchasing for the Manhattan Club, of New York city, the very eie* gant and artistic allyer dinner service of the late Sir Matthew Morley, Member of Parliament. The price paid is EJ.Oa0 sterling. In point of workmanship this service of plate will bo superior to any in this country —An important ease Is in preparation against Gen Kilpatrick, at Washington, founded upon charges pre ferred by Captain Williams, of the United States navy, Nothing at present is known of the merits of the mat. ter, except that there Isa woman connected with it. A brute named \ au Aiken, residing in Leuawle county, Michigan, while drunk the other day, com mitte 1 a most diabolical double murder, chopping his. wile and little daughter to pieces with an axe, while they w re en route to a relative's house to appeal for protection. DYSPEPSIA, | AMD .Resulting fram 01 SOROKA OF THE LIVER ^ JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN THE STATE, And la universally considered The Best Commercial family paper IN THE STATE. Diseases BIIEITIVE OMARS, [And is the only certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH PARTIES. THEREFORE, IN GEORGIA, who de aire to subscribe for a CHARLESTON PAPER, will consult their Interest by sending for THE DAILY’ NEWS. TERMS (io PKtt ANNUM. Published in P„!lo Form, size ot Herald. IN CASES OP DEBILITY. THE ■ New York al.t-tf lif the use of this Bitter, .Vewkriicit unil Debilitated Frames He roine Renewed with nil the Vigor of Health. EAST FLORIDA BANNER. Ocala, Marion County, Fla. A Weekly Ncwspauer, containing eight pages and forty columns. Subscription |:i per Year. Wall Agent for, Ua ORIENTAL CHOLERA BITTERS _,P*T Agent fo. Steam Brewery, ] London Dock (lit 11. Clausen's celebrated Plusnlx w York: A. M. Blnnlnger A Co’* and flub Sauer. marl# Scranton, Smith & Co. KEEP CMOICJfi Uhl INSTANTLY on hand Hit AN OIKS, UIsKEY, GIN. WINKS, Ac AND EVERY VARIETY OP GROCERIES, ALSO, Hay, Corn, Gal and Bran, strictly at wholesale to the trade; and J flutter ourselves that we can m ' it to the iuteresuof dealers to patronise ua, at the head of Bay, opj,ite Jefferson at. mlO-tf PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Began. AleQ^kchani Celebrated E3N GOLPI ALE AND MPAGNE CIDER. wood. blto Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng CH in bottle and London and lleh Aloe, Ac. Liberal deddtlona made to be trade. V« B HOUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. liken: ' W. A. fcsiajS Bouse & Bryant, (Formerlyof Jacksonville, Fla.,) Fanrarhic Hi ConniuMUMiiti 104 Buj IAVAMAII, - - 'ILL give Htreet, . - OKOKOIA, attention to veceiviog and far- j sales on consignment, and all era I and will niao keep toaston'l? °° band a good stock of Groceries, Liquors, Agricultural Imple ments, Building Material., Fairbanks A Co’e Scab a, *c„ beaidea other good* and manufactured .article* lor sale on consignment, and for which they arc agents. Orders and consignment* I especially so- ‘ “ n . - alk-tf THOMAS H. AUSTIN, Geaeral Commission and FomrtiM MSDOECASTT, M Bay Street, Savannah, Go. BZVEBS TO Wm. M. Tanno A Oo„ Savannah; Nonrse A Brooks, New York; Bpping, Hanst-rd A Co., Columbus. m8o-tf DAVANT & WAPLES FACTORS* Forwarding and Genera) COMMISSION MEItliMMS. Having associated onrserves in thb above business we respectfully solicit consignments. In connection with the above, we have a large brick fire-proof building, known as the Southern Warehouse, at the corner of Bay and Lincoln streets, and are prepared to take cotton or merchandise on storage. R. J. DAVANT, J*., W. D. WAPLKS. Of the late firm of Davant k Lawton. ais-tf LO^ PRICES! Quick Sales! W E have Just reedved and opened the LARGEST STOCK of . impaired constitution* are rebuilt, and tbo patient in a short lime regains Vivor, Health and Strength. As an advertising medium, it lias superior ndvun- tng.-s, bn circulation extending through the counties nf Alachua, Marion, Hernando, and nil the Eastern and Southern counties. Business cards net exceeding ore square, per year, $15. Address, T. F. SMITH, Proprietor. m8-tf Orai-». pin. DRY GOODS THE LAND WE LOVE. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE. devoted to Literature, /^-. Agriculture and General Intelligence, and com- prlslng Reports of Buttles, Incidents un.l Anecdotes of the War, never before pnblishcd. —The Charleston and Knoxville Railroad delaga tion- who were in Cincinnati in the early part of the veek, were entertained in Louisville, on Friday, by the City I 'Uncil, the Board of Trade, and Directory ot the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Gen. Towwr- »di.-i-, of Knoxville, Mr. Trenholm, of Charleston, and Mr. McGee, of the Knoxville and Kentucky Railroad, ma#it Dpt**ches. Mcbkeb is Missocbi—The Mcboeseb Hc.vo by a Mob —We learn from Dr. Hill, of Carondelet, tho fol low uu particulars of a tragic affair which occured In the Columbian Bottom on Sunday last: Ua Sunday morning last John Augustine, an es teemed citizen of Carondelet. left that city in companv i with a friend, to visit some friends at Columbia, Mon- I roe county, Illinois. He took a gun with him for the Purpose of hunting on the road. After stopping a ! while at Columbia, the two friends started back in the j afternoon. On the roadside two miles this side of Co- I lutnbia they came to a saloon called "Fort Monroe," )snd went in to get some soda. Two drunken man > were in the saloon, engaged in breaking the furniture I and tumblers; not liking the appearance of things, 1 Augustine and ids friend left the saloon without say. j iug a word. They were pursued by on* of the ruffian- {named Joline Lane, who overtook Augustine, wrenched Mbis gun from bis hands, struck him on the head vitli it. and knocked him down. As he fell Lane struck him a second blow with the gun, which broke his J he friend of Augustine made his escape A short time after tins brutal murder Dr. Payne passed along the road, and found Augustine lying dead.— Several others came up, and Lane was pursued, shot in the arm, and after a desperate struggle captured and taken to Columbia. He was taken before a Ju-- | tiee of the peace, who made out a warrant committing LOBSEKVK THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, I Resulting from Disorder* oftho Digestive Organ* 1 Constipation Iiiwunl Plies, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullnass or Weight in the stomach. Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Harried and Difficult Breath ing, Flattering at the Heart, ChoklnApr Suffocating Sensation wTen in a Lying Poa- tnre, Dimness of Vision, . Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Paiy la the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Bock, Chesty Limbi, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Fiesb, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. BV GENERAL D. H. HILL, Late of the Southern Army. Proprietors—J. P. 1RWIY AID D. H. HILL. The Magazine will he published at Phaiintte, N. C. It will contain from sixty to eighty pages ..fthe size ot those of Blackwood's Magazine, and will lie fur nished to subscribers at *3 a y- ar, in advance, or $-6 if not piilfl till tht* end of the year, (’ash Fui>8rrii»er»* not required to pay until after the receipt of the first number. Incidents and accidents, und anecdotes of the war are requested, that the Mngarine may lie u monument bt the heroism of our soldiers and to the devotion oi onr people, . mj26-tf if he found !n W s city, and whieh we offer at LOWER PRICES thi i they can bo bought for at any other bouse, consist gin p.rlof Every variety of Drt moods Honsekecplng Uo Is Domestics und 1 inta Clothe and Cm nacres Figured Lint >s and Drills Embrotdei ■■* and Laces Hosiery ud Glove* J. SHAFFER, Oowrnil—Ion Sealer In-all kinds of )FBU1 FOREIGN AND DIJMBSTIC FftUITS awn PRODUCE, Wxar Wabuihotob Market, Opposite 14$ West it. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey ete„ NSW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on band, ana pat op for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. $W Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. tylt ondiv R. MoLKA. J. B. CARTER KENNETH McLEA & 00., Commission Merchants M A w UFACTURED BY J. M. VENABLE & Petersburg, Va. 0., Also Manufacturers of Superior “Maccoboy,” “Rappee,” and other Snuff, cb Smoking Tobacco of every grade. ' aaj Josiah Macy’s Sons, Sole Agents, 189 A 191 FRONT STREET, new ,.l may29 3m. New York Advertisements. RibixJs und Braids •Hale Rolls and Curls Lsrc Points and Veils Bradley’s Empress Trail* Haudkerc.iiefs Ac., Ac., Ac. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, my21-tf 1H Congress street, SAVANNAH, QA. Memembor That these I.Bltter*7^. •contain no Hnm or Whiskey. And can’t make Drunkards. * Is not a Bar Room Drinkf^ . Tiltrlil,, r .-.iiuntrali,! Viski-U- Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drugs It cannot Insidiously introdnee the vice of Drunk- ennessinto the bosom of yoar families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. But. i THE KEY-STONE; A MONTHLY MASONIC MAOAZINK. indited pv wm. b. smith, 8s Fayrttcviiie st, -IK Raleigh, N. C. Subscription »year A New Volume commenced January l, lSfifi, ele gantly prillti*d upon very heavy wh te paper, and neatly mirehcd and trimim-il in beautiful covers. TIIB KKY-STONK is endorsed ami recommended U> the Fraternity at la ge by the Grand Lodge of North Carolin • «»<• a-——•• ■ ■ - - . anil keenly feeliu - the weight of this high compliment, the proprietors will i-pnre neither mom y nor exertion to make the publication a most welcome visitor and companion with ail good ami true Masons—their wives, sisters, mothers anti daughters, to whom the same may come greeting. Specimen numbers sent to any part ol the country upgt^aplication. B SMITH A CO , Publishers, J Llm to tlje county jail at Waterloo to await examine [ tion on a charge of murder. He was placed in charge ^instable and a strong guard to be conveyed to ct‘a Vaterloo. bj this time the populace began to assemble in Co lumbia. It was bintod that Lane ha/1 murdered a wo man find her child in the Bottoms about two years ago, and he was known to be a desperate character Th<- ejcitmcnt increased as the details of these mur ere were related. The mob finally became furious L charge was made upon the wagon in which the prisoner had been placed, the constable and the guard Were scattered, and the trembling ruffian aDd murderer Ur others, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or disease, wlii find in this Bitters a tonic hat will restore them to all their foil vigor. net, near Ihe Pn-t Office, Agents for S.iVuhnnli. THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE. (Established, 1S55.J A SUPERB Literary Companion and sterling old Home Journal; published evfiiy Saturday, hy These Bitters have performed more cores I Given Better Satisfaction | a vs more Testimony Have more respectable people to vouch for them! Than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this aaaertior. . * the trembling ruffian and murderer fro,n tiie ' rs « on -dragged through the streets Vj*/-' Columbia to a spot half a mile west of the town ■** "ere a rope was tied around his neck, and he was suspended to the limb of a tree until he expired. After ■Lane wa-, pronounced dead, his body was cut down a note wa- dug in the ground about two feet deep, and huto this he was thrown, hastily covered over with earth, and a p.le Of stones heaped upon him to mark Itbe spot of his bunaL These summary proceedings • were participated in by between five and six hundred I J-e. .p,e. Mr. Augustine leaves a wife in Carondok-t, but uo jcniidrcn.—Ml. u>’mii Democrat, June 19. A ErM \r.KAB!.K < 16E.—One of the most remarka ble case, that has overcome under the observation of our traternity has just transpired at the rest deuce ot a young man named Abriel, who resides on" First street. Arbor Htil. Mr. A. is a Returned soldier : has been at borne something less than a yoar — tejkhon he came borne he was Mffering from a Mlaie Y/aff wound through the fleahy part of his right arm It b-came so bad that tho attendiug physician miked seriously of amputation. This worked seriously on :he mind ot bis young wife (be had but a short time previously gotrinarried.) She cared for and dressed he arm regularly, and paid every attention to it, not ahiug te see her husband with only one arm. This t some eight or nine mouths ago. Under the kin/I -t of the wifie, whose whole attention was absorbed - tliyught oi a one-armed lmaband. the wound Now for tlio sequel IbiJd w-ell and the aim was saved. vut , ut Other day the wale of Mr. Abriel gave hlrth to. who had one well developed arm, but the other - stump, similar to one which the poor wife’s impressed with at the time the surgeons “kin* her huaband-r Aufp^ could not have produced a more beautiful stump what is more, the scar of the bullet hole, to vUD on Che father'* am, waa as vlalbto on the child's l i ,e ba * e of stomp, as if ready inflicted bv te* Tij18 i* toe most remarkable case of "child- nnf'\ r H hae attracted the attention of our leading physicians and surgeons. The is a healthy and beautifu’ “ - ■ 1110 „ autiful one, perfect in everv »Hi® ibMDce of the nrtn referred tn ^ r.) Knickerbocker referred to.- AND WILL FAY $1,000 To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us .ht is not QENUJNR. !j| N READ WHO SAYS SO. ‘FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. „ Washington, January 1, 1864. Gentle-nen:—Having stated It verbally to you, I have uo hesitation in writing the fact, that I experi enced marked benefit from yoar Hoofland’s German Bitters. During a long and tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerotfB duties nearly prostrated me. A kind friend suggested the use of the prepara tion I have named. I took Ills advice, and the result was improvement of health, reuewed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtaiue i. Others may be similarly advantaged. If they desire to b*. Truly your friend, * THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Wsr B. Smith A Co., 59 Fayetteville street, Raleigh N. O. klegantly printed on bcautifnl white paper, mammoth sheet, with eight large pages. Its corps of contributors includes nearly nil the most distinguished authors of the country, und with the combined services of so many ceicbraUxl writers. It has achieved a perfect success in presenting an un- rlvalliffi array of talent. Its Romances, Stories, Tales, Novelties, Sketches, Criticisms, Reviews, Poems, Biographies, Witticisms, Travels, Adventures, Ac., SC., Are pare, entertaining mid instructive in a degree rarely attained in periodical literature. In accordance w(jh the name of the paper, a spe cial department Is devoted to the Field, wherein are given articles, hints and suggestions on the practii ul management of the Farm, the Gar.len, the Orchard and the kitchen. ILLE 6 C01PT, 'LK CO., GA- #000,000 EACH. F. Dover, K. 0. Gran- arshall. vaiiuah, Ga. Iranntss, Macon, Ga. all, Atlanta, Ga ithcr uses to which elate can convenient to the cities of in, Albany and Golumboa. h, Montgomery and Mobile. <1 will shortly be to Meat , Mo. The snperiorltTc and its special adapUhiUt fare and for pavement & WILKINSON, SADDLERY STORE, LE AND RETAIL, f’s Hall, Broughton SL, SAVAKNAH, O-A, MTBW SJSXHT FOR. ’80 ■moan ons: One year Hix month* Club of five, one year Clubs of ten $ 6 Ot) 2 an 20 00 411 00 And an extra copy to the party getting up a club of tan • No club rates to six months subscribers. ESTILL A BUG., Bnll st., near the Post Office, Agents for a24-tf Savannah. THE RURAL JOURNAL niHR cheapeat paper Inf A One Dollar. Tiytta-yt den, orchard, workanop, hot Fropi Rev. W. D. Seigfrlsd, Pastor of Twelth Baptist Chorch. „ _ Philadelphia, December 26,1863. Fiaasss. Jonas Jb Evans, Gentlemen :-I have reeenUy been laboring under the distressing effects of Indigestion, accompanied by o^roMration ofthenervouse^Mem. Numerous ram ies were recommended by Intends and some of them tested, bnt without relief. Your Hooflland's German Bitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of tbs Bitters in duced me also to try them. I mast confess that I had an aversion to patent medicines, from the “thousand ‘ " " ~ “ a Feoji Tom Monnon—vlacuna Neokoes G/.mo bBTm—Fort Monroe, Juno 23^-llie steamer N°P. kneedf, of tho Boston line of steamers, touched henl L afternoon, and took on board thirty cS men J women for Boston, Maeaachusetu, wlienshomre various families in that city have been procSSdT a previous trip the Kenned took a likennmbX. d whi!?h r b?f mid ® br toe Freedmm'li n, which hae the matter in charge, many oth^r t p'omred to them^ “ ” Pl<UT " tmi>lovm be Officers of the Freedmen’s Bureau in this th. 1 “ r ” entering with zeal into the StemrtoL^ hfii Mlrtv thmnoflnil fL...^, and and «ne” quack “Bitter*,” whose only aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon th t community, In a aly way; and the tendency of w hicli, I fear, Is to make many a confirmed drunkard Upon learning that yours wae really a medicinal t/reparation. 1 took It with happy eflfect. Its action was uot only npon the stomach, bat upon the ner vous system,was prompt and gratkVlng. I feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit from tbe use of a few bottles. Very respectfully yours, W. G. BBIGFREID, No. 264 Shackamaxon street. the United States. Only 'year. For the farm, gar- _ ... household and kitchen. A good, cheap, and valuable paper for every mac, woman, andboy. in city, village and country. Pub lished the first of eveiy month. Each number contains a toll Calendar of Work for the Month, Hints, Suggestions and essays upon everything to be performed in and aretimi the Farm, Garden, Orchard and Dwelling, etc. One copy, one year.. .Tf*** 8 . * $ 1 oo Six copies, one year 5 oo Thirteen copies, one year ." jo oo Address . WM. B. SMITH A U'O., Publishers and Proprietors, 63 Fayetteville sL, Baleiglt, N. C. ESTILL A BRO.. Bnll street, near Post Office. BS4-IT Agent.i for Savannah. The Gr tion of the Age Skirts, Patent Dupex Ellip- ) Spring Skirt. TtHlSIni 1 ; Pore tightly am toughest, ever used. gleSpriii and beat Single of Dnplex (or two) Rllptie ingeniously braided Steam Engines and Machinery. LINVILLE & GLEASON. 8t. Julian Street, West of Market, SAVANNAH. 1 monthly tn dwlithto. halplm, U d .n.nmTi.K! P&jlh under their change, within -a Sbl* of lZ™. ty mU « 8 ; show* the Importance qf^enrour- efforts to help these people to beconSS » e ttSljs- soclab Case Mr. wounded a lie . coughed from Uls thri <5*«Wto,atthe tStte^Tk^T few'dajs Ig£. p ^ 1 ”^*j2fhere to more than . „ He »h°t at “Seven Pine*." Junel mu^pamtndamp wMft^nVutty' -> L*°Mi. When " - evening u«t, it sMaad to have r , under the Jaw I (Fo.) Mirror. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 8ee that the signature of “C. M. JACKSON’’ is on the Wrapper of each bottle. AG-B9TT8 FOXY MERRITT^ WALCOTT A CO., 64 Conrtlanit Street New York. PRINCIPAL OFFICE & MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES A EVANS, SUCCESSORS TOC. M. JACKBO^ACO. W. M. WAMttf, sole Agent. . Savannah, Ga. cor. Broughton 4 Barnard Sta., «Cll W<f8 ’ MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF .Dolts, Note, Washer*, BettScrews, Taps and Dies, *«., me., and dealers to all kinds of Railroad, 8team- ingle S| The wi pleasure will be biles, ~ Arm Skirt out lace as placet Dreaa. A lad; great Steell wards misses, er*. The thi COVI The 8teel erii« slalra/ Springs, ingctriooMy :r, edge to edge, melting me clastic and durable Spring bend or break, like the ain- tly preserve their perfect than twice aa long aa any ever has or can be made. :ity and great comfort and Ing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt iCularly in all cro Railroad Cars, Church Pews, ade and House Dress, i n in use to occupy a intently aa a Silk or Msslla 203 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, QA. IV* Advances made on Consignments of Cotton aud other produce to our friends in Liverpool and New York. a3-3m Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, DDRTEAS’ SA1ZENA o z 3 O A H a •< Railroads. OFFICE CENTRAL RAILROAD , Savannah, June li, * * o z pi Mo, 153 Bay Street, Savannah, Darien, Georgia. ■ Orders for Lumber *ollclt“d. dl6-tl JOHN S. SIMM & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOB. 1 AND 2 8AMMI8’ BLOCK, Buy Street, J«cksonriUe, Florida. V O e z o ► z H WAS THE SILT “ PREPARATION FOR FRRI FROM INDIAN CORN That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners the competition of all pro minent manufacturers of “Corn Starch” and “Pre pared Corn Flour” of this and other countries not withstanding. - HAIZBN A, The food and luxury of the age. without a single One trial will convince the most skeptical. fault. xn. s. tuona BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS,. AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. - - 1 ' DOORS, SASH, AND BLI1IDS Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office 180 Bay street, d28-tf Savannah, ffz | USS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ fiUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO ST, DOMINGO ST. DOMINGO BITTERS BITTERS BITTERS One of the most valuable combinations of a use fa medicine and an agreeable beverage that has ever been offered to the public. Millions of bottles were Sold throughout tbe North during the last four years and, wherever introduced, it has proven a welcome addition to the invalid’s table, the family circle, and the batcheloi*i sideboard. LADIES who-have lost strength and appetite, and suffer from nausea, vomitting and vertigo-^ GENTLEMEN who “don’t feci very well’’ just before breakfast or dinner, whose stomach is out of order and system is generally deranged— MOTHERS weaning children, and suffering from general debility— CHILDREN of a sickly nature, and sour, dyspeptic constitution— TRAVELERS who have occasion to change their water, and— ALL who live In malarious districts, and are subject- ed to miasmatic influences, will'find one of the most valuable Tonics and Invigorators that can be taken, to RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. TRY THEM BUT ONCE. RUMS’ ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. RUSS’ ARRACK PUNCH, the pleasure, comfort and wearing the Dnplex Elliptic a single day will never after- with their use. For children, they are superior to all ) " MADE FROM BATAVIA RICE. RUFIS’ MESSINA PUNCH, with 2 ply doable twisted ice as long aa the single yarn in all Stogie Steel HoopSUrta. on every Skirt are also Double blc covered to preveat the eov- .the rod* when dragging down .which they are constantly RUSS’ GIN COCKTAIL. RUV3S’ BRANDY COCKTAIL. Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream Tor coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with directions lor use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depots -166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, J26-ly General Agent ’223^ 3j O NAND AFTER TO-MORROW the Passes I Traiu9 of this Road wiil l>e run as follows, v* < rp dat rzs-isGrB tkain. Leave Savannah dally at _ Arrive at Macon at :;:; 5»nS' Arrive at Augasta at tUp * DOWN DAT PASSrsOra T1AIN. Leave Macon dally at 7 00 a. n Leave Augusta dailv at i i Arrive at Savannah at ; « 5 p J DP NIliST PASSES ulB TEAIS. Leave Savannah at. 1 Arrive at Macon at... Arrive at Augusta at »?•» -ton Down NieBT PISSENDES TEA IN. Leave Macon at s.4op a Leave Augasta at 5.2sp , Arrive at Savannah at 5.3011 KILLEDSETILLE AND EATONTON TEAINt Connect daily with the Cp Pay and Down Night Pa- senger Trains of th s Hoadnt Gordon, leaving Esta- toa at..x uop.s. Leaving Milledgeville at 3.55 p.i. Returning, arrive at Milledgeville at 8.13 ArriveatEatonton at l#.suftn je!3-2w WM. M. TCADLEY, Preodtrt. Notice SocKSrl : Dt* V s w w yu HAWKINS & FAY, klUlMiHHiojK Mcrohantw, NO. 47 PRAKL STREET, NEAR PRODUGE EXCHANGE, N. Y. OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF T- K , \ Savannah, May?4.l*6.( On and after Monday, May 2Stb 18C6. tho Pissengti Trains will run daily^gurwlay? excepted, a? follows, connecting with night trains on the Ceetral RotJ Leave Savannah at 7 3i) a. m. Leave ThomasvHle at 4 a. in. Artive at Savannah at 6.06 p. m. Arrive at Thomasville at 9.17 p.m. JOHN SCREVEN. MEL. WM. B. HAWKINS, J- ROCKW ELL FAT. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and to con signments. CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tileston A “ “ ' _ ' cChei Co., New York. Fancher & McChesney, 5 Water-st., New York. Richard Ellis, 114 Water street, New York. Wm. B. Miles. 59 Christie street. New York. W. B. Sibell, 5 Wall street. New York. Lewis L. Jones, ir Br*>—*'vav. S. W. Ma-on & Co., Savaunab Ga. JOHN GRAY. DEALER IN Wooden Ware, Brooms, PA1L8, BRUSHES, MATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, Cltarns, Cradles, Wagons, Chartrs. Baskets, Ac. Nos. 15 Ifulton. and —012 Front S 1 NEW YORK m3- Southern EXPRESS COMFY. Increased Facilities I Miscellaneous. A. Ddtennuopzb, Of Savannah, Ga. John M. W. Hill, Of Jefferson Ca, F!» A. DUTENHOFER & CO.. Shipping, Forwardinw, AND COMMISSION MERfHAm Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Prompt attention Qiren to the purchase, sale ana shipment of cotton, lumber and countn pro duce QeneraUj. Consignments roticnea, on which literal advance? tciU he made. RFFERFNCFS: ghuin, Baldwin & Cu., Savannah: Hiram erts, Savannali; J. H. Zeilin k Co.. Macon. Ga :: t- N. L. Angler, Int. Rev. Col., Augusta: JamosM. Bn Esq., Atlanta. Ga.: Willis Chisholm, Atlrnta, Gt. C. L. Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla.; F. Dioble. J«x sonvilie, Fla ; Col. W. L. Bailey. Jefferson conntf, Fla.; D. H.Baldwin A Co., New York; Bearden « Co., New York, barren Mitchell, Esq., Looteviflt. Kentucky. ill 6. I. NIKI, IEITUT D. HMIU' Greneral Partners. K. JE8UP A CO.. York, Special Partners. HUGER & HASELLi NO. 46 EAST BAY STREET. FREIGHTS FORWARDED WITH GREAT DISPATCH At Reduced Ratos, BT THE ItNLAND ROUTE. AU omn From New Tork, Philadelphia and Baltimore, to At lanta, Georgia, with CHARLESTON, 8. C., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS’ AGENTS, AND DEALERS EN Railway Equipment and Supplies, P°U»N< 111 Sttriouary Engines, Saw Mills, and ail kin* of Machinery required by Railroad - Companies, contractor?, Mannfhcturers, Machinists and Agricuirora^. Advances made on consignment of Raliros also cm Cotton and other Produce. and elegantOu-fiefi Tim wtha RUSS’ B OURBON WHISKEY COCKTAIL in every part, the lightest, mort desirable, itt eve* made. A CARY, Gate J. I. * J. O. le Invention, and Sols Mann- and 79 and 81 Reals street*, The no* t delightful concoctions that ever man's taste—cheaper than any STEADY DRINKS to thnwoaid. claaa store* in thi* city, and States and Canada*, Jumna Bth America, and the Was* In- l the Dnplex Elliptic (ordonbla n^outhern Georgia BLACKBERRY BRANDY. RASPBERRY SYRUP, GINGER CORDIAL LEMON SYRUP, Also on hand and manufactured to order. Gang Saws, Pumps, Steam Whistles. Steam and Wa ter Onagers, steam Engines and Saw Mills of description, Ac., Ac. Also Aj i.'Seelebrai |E “CHART AND C0MPAS8” “ Balnbrldge Argn*,”) offers ate to the merchant* of Ha ng medium. It Moan Urge -circulation in that section, and Address WILLIS M. RUSSELL, _ , .... Editor and Proprietor. Batobridfe, June 1L 1866. jelktf AGO.’ Ml j Ac. rated Portable of every inte for A. P. WOOD Engines. NEWSPAPER DEPOT. Rockland Lime 700 BW ® ^nUeto*’ BOW, “ ,,h ^ Je2-tf are receiv- «latest •very mall NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS, MAGA ZINES, AND CHEAP LITERATURE. Foreign Publications supplied to order. ^WAmetricsn work proenred tp order at publish- ESTILL & BROTHER, (Down stau*) boll street, next to Roet OMc*. W: M. WALSH, LE Druggists, corner Barnard at tonjtrecta, Savaanah, Ga., Genet South. „ CLOCK’S Htir Restorer Restores Gray. Hair. CLOCK'S Hair Refforer makes Hair grow oh Raid Head*. GAOCKTs Bfiir^ettorer Stops Hair from Falling Out. „ CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Prevent* Headache. _ . „ CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Is CLOCK’S Ran Beetorer is an that can be claimed as a dreroing. merit clalmadtou. t sceptical of “ ihf Jew Jotlc t r ; Sold Wholesale by W. M. WAIBH, Wholesale Druggist HALSEY, WATSON & CO., Grocers, d27eod-ly Savannah, Brown’s Standard Scales. TTSRd by the United States .apd Foreign Govern- aJ. meats for more than THIRTY Y E tBS. Adapted to any braneh of btudnees for foreign or inme markets. Warranted accurate and datable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay^L.nsar Broadway. N. Y. •opl9 ly ' R. BROWN, atanntsctmror. BUT ONE CHANGE OF CARS. The SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, In connec tion with the nABNDEN and ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANIES, have arranged with Roads forming tha Great Through Linos from the North, by which merchandise can be forwarded as above. Order freight from the North to be delivered to the Hamden or Adams’ Express Companies, and is New York City at the Southern Express Office, 69 Broadway, marked Express by Sea continued os heretofore.- Goods consigned to Southern Express Company (Charles- tap or Savannah; will be promptly forwarded. rMt 1- * " BENTLEY D.HASELL CIVIL, MINING AND CONSULTING ENGINEER ESTIMATES MADE AND CONTRACTS TAKEN. OFFICE *6 BAST BAY. CHAHUESTO- 8. C. J26 imAtwtf rnyt-tm TBE EIE, EAR, AND TH80JI- D R. WRIGHT, of Toronto, Canada West, FWJ . I clan and Surgeon, Oculist and Aurut. ^ Notice. t W. MEVITP, of the firm oT Merit, Lathrcp Jk (Is Eogert, has aaaociated himaelfwHhLathrop* Oo. to the Dry Goods baatoesa, at the old stand of consulted on Deafness, Discharges noise, to the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of tne a *AiHtotaae8 of the EYE, requiring eltheir R* dlc * 1 or Surgical aid attended to. M O jjceo» Office Na 41, in Dr. Thos. Buckler’s o.d om Oo. to the Dry Goods baaiaea^ t A-tf HENRY LATHROP * OO Lexington street, BMtlmore. Md^ and <tto 5 F- *• Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M-, 19-tf G. B. LAMAR, JUN., Successor toG. B. A G. W. Lamas. Lumber to West Indies. ~ _ .. .. . A DVANCEB made on consignment*..— General Commission Merchants A al ° T !, h " produ “ 10 Farwardlng and No. 9» BAT CO. Refer to Geo. S .— B. Lamar, Savannah; W. R. 3tu A Bona, J. B. and J. W. Walker, memtteolicited. m, Josiah Sibley Augusta. Oonaign- mflO XTBA Hair Restorer A " value. Tf, alter a in ‘ 1*«. eer poaaesaes all tool convince* To Mechanics. tire undersigned tssssi ocke of theoitr- •meats ef th* ee-l r ea> rh Dock. Chairman Com. UocJtsin*’ RHODES’ Soper Phosphate of liF THI STANDARD HAWH* p,jusAeceived*y WILLIAMS, MclKTlBE A CD AT $99 50 PER TON, CASH. yrr.i.aR. THOKAlL^' Ht-tr MILLBB, THOjt^^ ram YELLOW Owl 1 20061™** 1 ***™ as jAt.aaw«-h - 1 f: £ * ...