The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, June 30, 1866, Image 4

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RE Ah WHO SAYS [FROM I II H HON. THOMAS 0. I Timm : year year "" ", one year WM. B. SMITH A (JU. Publishers and Prupttal Gentlemen!—Havi 88 FayetterUlo at., ruLigh f ESTILL At HRn.. BoM street. near Pom Offire. Othera may ba aimllarl nglneg and Maehinw RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO PUNCH. RUSS’ ARRACK PUNjc, I, MASK FMOM BATAVIA RKS. j M. Oil (.nv. mi MU ,J ! .u'lt «<»/] BURS’ MBS 8 IN A PUNCH, BUSS’ GIN COCKTAIL. A RUBS’ BRANDY COCKTAIL. ** WeaUf Muket, iNKTAItfl p superior to * pjy doable I Notice g^OKBERRY BRANDY. RASPBERRY syrup ry timid* buslnoea, at tl G. B, LAM Aft, JUN., Sarearaor toQ.% UNS^fC. f*kup. General Commlssiort Merchants A DVANCRSmade on consignments of Lam A other produce to on r fiend*' nCtibe. SlT-tm- KKS VBTH Krf.KA i 00.00 SAT AfRRItr (ap atslra.) r>9«. WkApftertmh, Johu 0. KcrrO am! G. STANDARD MANUP NgjjlA THOMAS Warranted to beep, Jn*t received by Lled-tr YORK, WILLIAMS. MclNJ A^lerfibW AT TALUHASSffi, YUk, JuH.nandBryvitt*. By SAober Sc Olive*.*’ THB R^HP fRl IB JUUtLY 10 THE STATE 1.1 » THE n«ST AmrjWBSINQ MEDIUM IN TJ« WATB. ,. a, aw •.! J i i The CIIKAPK0T PAPER In the STATIC I TERMS. msmmbx:*L-zz:1i : WKKKLY, Aoe-psar. w.i. f • »«** > * t-a* ’ ■■ - v, t CHOLEft* UTTERS. KBKP CONSTANTLY OS HAND CHOICK OLO flHASBIKS, 'WHIhKKV, IAHNE BN, DAVaNT &WAPLES wise by sad sXpsrienc, v I eaaaed to deal with maids. LMntiHsd youthful fcWee oM And toned ap /ask of Spadee; *■* toll! I flqd, as datt lagarcs, And entailer grew Ihe him pa. That, though the epade'e an bonei »la not elwey* bmjapa. Bat In the world of otttelde show. Where Mammon nlaa tha'tfaron To aaaa the little Jointew Ufa. And smoothly paaaalone; To And an aotfftote for oara. 'a bump*, e above buniness we have a large Davant A Lawton. fraasi; IS OERCRiL. — A latter from St. Petersburg aaya that tbal xar U n sadh fear of bic Ufa alnea the diacovery of Uus con- , gpiracy of which Korofcoroff waa a member, that be naa now abut himself np in Urn fortram of Orenitadi. The patriotic bricklayer, of Lowell, who kicked Doctor Boiler, baa adopted Butler's bottle Cara eraat, and for anna a abiald bearing a boot rampant, with the uiotlo, "Let all the ends thou aim'at at be,” etc. —Tba World’s Washington eorraapondant save tbs Radicals era a till an tba rampage about tba Presi dent'a massage Tba Senatorial members of the Re construction Commutes bald a caucus ysgtdrday to aaa wbet action should ba taken on It. After con siderable discussion ll waa determined to await the meeting of tba full committee. There seems to be little or no donbt bat that an anawer win ba brought forward -- from the etetietic# of emigration to the port ol Saw Tort we learn that during the year DUto, su reaesL landed at dalle Cardan UM.UOo passengers. Of the*, CJermsay contributed S3,461; Ireland, 70.H1; shgisnd, 17,1(4, Bertie lid, «,W1, Hwltxerlsnd, 8,813; Sweden, 3JST, and France, 1,080. Other countries ware leas numarana rip assented, Africa sending 87. — rba ooflln which aantalna the remains of tins taut* ID., asaaesinatej al the masked bail by i-'ouut Ankaretrow requiring repairs, u waa raorntly opened ni the praeeuee of the King and gaean of Bwedeu, when tba hov was found to he In aacellenl preserva tion, thong u the body had fallen,mm a slate o4 At om- There are aa many res da to feme and fortune as there were gateways to ancient Tbebes- Toar am- bilious warrior is for carryUig bla way with the sabre; yoat aspBlnf p0M0sn fit achealng hie way ny intrigue and eonnmUearE But there la one mind bread path to tna (pal, alone which nothing base can travel. It Is tba path act apart for the march of talent energy, and noble porpdle an though full of obstacle* it contains none that a brave man cannot ear mount. This fact baa bees exemplified n Innumerable Instances, but In few more forcibly ban in the rise and program of t>B. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN UTTERS. For over fifteen year* itscoarae has been onward and upward, scattering hleselugsat every step, until It now stands on the topmost rounds of the ladder of fame, ai the GREAT TONIC. } j K f » fc » ' o . * 1. • \ Hooflamd’s Berman Bitters is a p,.«itive remedy for r DY8PE P SI A i |sao Dlseaaes Resulting Irwin •ItBRDKR Of TNI 1IVIR •**» RIRCRTIVI BRIARR. |AnJ U the ooly certain and sale THE DAILY NEWS, V PUBLISH KD AT CHARLESTON S. C., u as naa LARGEST CIRCULATION or AMT JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN TUB STATE, And la universally considered i 'I’lie Best Commercial AMD FAMILY PAPER IN THR STATE. PA KITES. THERE POKE, IN (JBOKQIA, who Ue- •ire Ui subscribe for a CHARLESTON PAPER, will consult their intoreet by sending for THE DAILY NEWS. TiCKMtl firti PER A AM 81. RESTORER OF 8TRENMT1I I Herald****** * B 1, °**° * una ’ * 1 *‘' ol tbu New York H‘13 tf IN CASKS OF DEBILITY. 7T ■ h EAST FLORIDA BANNER. Ocala, Marion County, Fla. KVEBY YAJIIKTY OF GROCERIES, ALSO, Hay, Corn, Cats nnd Bran, strictly At wholesale to tbe trade; and we flutter onrsclves that ws can It to the intorei of de ilers to patronise m hi-ad of Bay, ntpoHlteJcffcraouat. f 1 • PIERCE SKEHAI, Wholesale and Betafl Dealer In Fine Grolerles, Boots and Shoes, Olotbing, For eign and Dnmletlr Winns, Uqoni s and Segan. Also, RkehaPe fVlehral nd GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER. in bottle snd wood. London ant Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Bn liah Ales, Ac. Liberal ded ictions made to be trade. 178 RRUUOHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf | and 94 Libert v street, N. Y. - The pens*, „t# observer sey« that Osneral Nsal Oaw Is on » vb.ll to Utglsad, and advise* the people tbar« to ssy la him, "(in home-^restore the pisno* Ilte targets, the silverware, the usrriages, the *ih! diaeaaa, itu, ehitdrsn's clothing and toys, ths glass end ehlo*. »u4 »il llie furnltura you have acquired by yuMss y and opprossiou " 'm- Fresideni Johnson, n is said, ha* rmisnUy gut „» a pretty f»b Joke A Uunueelieut ohtva-.eeker Mloseil • feoeat applioattoh h*r orth-e with an luquiry wtieihei thssreaab between the gras idem end (mngra.s could >M i»^j, 4 „„4 i ii# greet,Isut wrote In r#tdy, that ** *** 'bush m the line of "lepslilbg hres, bsa" ae lWJuro„t N WM , . .'I*;""''' 4 Wale bond, to ihe amouiii jwhisk were eaisvd lb lha hamli A ’♦ Weueral Sheridan, litre hern, ssrarneA 0.,, paiiis# ihs,||,g them Vmiiwi* l,,W Aborts, Oil linlisir of (he h, tZtttf and fr|.uX W " M '** gMdlhN tM Mat #|e*-Mon " ’*•»*»**•" «h» A4rr>.,| airM |,,,„ „ 1AU i#a ag» on Tin fly tbe use of Ibis Billers Wewkenrd and Usbllitetrd g'riauiee Uv remr Kane wad w»U all the Vigor of Ifraltlt, Impulired roustitallon* are rebuilt, and the pitnem in » short iliue regains , Viwor, Htalth and atr#n~thj_ F Newspaper, coutajuing eight' page, mid forty columns. A Weekly MubsurlptloM %'J ptr Irar. As on mlvertlalng medium, it lots superior ndvaa- loirus, Its circulation extending through the counties of Alachua, Morton, Hernando, oud oil the Ensteru sml Southern counties. Bnalneas airds not exceeding one sguore, per yeor, fils. Address, T. V. SMITH, IToprlelor, Deo I it, " ro8-tf . Flo. LAND WE LOVE. A MONTHLY MAUAZINR, devoted to l.lteroiiitc, Agriculture oml Uuiiuiul Inteliig.-nec, mid com prislhgjlepnrte of Bottlee, lucldeiite uml Auecdnii-s of the War, never before published. -A drunken ni.n Hi ewalhusad areente eneiW. —, went te 0*1. bed »go«d fdg p, right In lb* morning, Wirt, ne-aamt - boor* .. Tb* 'nmste u«,m»M4aa nn Fn, ■aid to be avarae to cnfirwalh/n of *"'**”**** ■d ea-FrovisMist governors Jnhnaon, qouoiiiatlvn. Notdsn, -d horlli t srollut. Pi for sly a m rtC r M*0* —Tirrusv calls on tba mlllterr herns# nf ••vote tb« w*y »eu shut." this will di.wap In butler. Banks. Hebnrs, Ihdisnek, and prkttrttea •vary oSWsv tooiMinsm Itaillnal "eensrsl Knelt siding I# lia« their sltoidlng, nobody will ba bukstr „TU« Rvtiorsbls Arthur Oordoti, Lientenaal <V artiof nf **w Brunewink, II I* asld, ba* beea l uointed Pi tbs govermntlit nf Trinldail, III place of i nnnofshte J H ?, Manner* hulPm. who it about proceed as y«»etrpir t-ivl-'hirla, un t ->r*1ilef doetlus f'haaFwrlte* to governor Bialik. Of N«w Hampshire, that tm Is very aorry W see the fa, • ant propo.iiten mi a tldrty yaar flva par r,«i loan free from *11 ta«e* —Lieutenant J»» j. Waddell, III* rnmmsudff nf the vetiandoali, is rtporled to b# In a iteobiad. Ma la esidlng near l,lvarp<H>l IDBSBIIVK TUB EDI,LOWIND HYMPi'OMM,, Heeuliiug turn Diem iitr* of tbe UlKeatlre Urgttns I iJwiWllpAlbm, Inward Plleg, Fnllnaaa of Blood to ihe ! Froprlfliirv lleud, Acidity of ihe Stomach, Nouaeu, Heart* Inifb, piggugt fur Food, Fiilluaes nr Weight lu the gtommdi, Hour Mructatlong, Nink ihgnr Fluttering at the Fit ut Hie stomach, swimming nf the Head, Hurried ami DimcuU Breath lug, Fluttering at the Maart, ilbnklag nr Halbeailug Neiitsihm when in a Lying I'o# i are, IRmiwgaat Vlalon, IhiUnr We ha hefnr* lbs W«lil, Fever slid Hull Fain la Uie MnaLRafi- cleney nf Itrsphaiion, Yellow naa. nf llis skin ami NyM, Fain In lliaBida, Hark, heel, film Ire, Aa,, Sudden Flushes „( Burn lug in ihe Fleeh, Itwiwtanl IgtaRlulage pi Mvil, unfbpirlU. BY GENERAL D. H. HILL; Late of Hie Nimihurn Acmy. I. P, IMUIY 4KII w H. HIM, LOVV PRICES! Quick Spies! j ,—.— •_ ,, W E have|t-l received and opened tbe LARQEST STOUR of DBY GOODS J 1 ' 1 " . c,ly ' #l,d Which we offer at LOWER PHliJtrt iIihii lbuy can he iiought lor at any other house, iinalei mg In part nf tjpf I , The Msgaalnc will he published aUHierlnlte, N. a II will cold.tin from elkty to eighty |m, on of llin Mia, ,,l Iho.n id llliickwnml'e Mugiikiii', nnd sill bn flir- lllslmd In Sllliaciillers III All « y SI', III lldvimcn, nr ffl off ami great impression i Nsmamlwr Thai theaei Mlttera^i ►oiiiabi no Ham or Whiskey A ' lA %Fh«fiba fRtftttards. • {' "in a Bar No**' i . elm, w5*«v' l .'flL i u,,, •s from Abokolir “*•* arTj™^ wf Fre* frogl Abokolir BF It cannot mehMiMuf'T"*"' un..srtlni«affbj2;SLi“* ynnr children ’* trad, urlMis Drugs -o I*nil wTih, Hbensndosii. is reported to hs In s deotli ml, frtiog luwrsr calls hi* msrrlsgsoertlllaate - A ym Slit oh,m tied her.' —A I'srls oentsp»■*,,,I ,t tsodsocle* of lit - Ancrlean mis* ks oi tbs "fast 111 tlist capital, Kr.rriso ths listsnca,—Ths Ttgsrs, s humorous t,*p„r published st Vienna, has an article «* tha at- mode of tb* leading Oertnan Fowsra, from Whisk we translate an extract Austria and Prooets stand too* to Ikes. They cannot attack, becauss they abhor affffrssslon n.wT cannot tlnfrpd thsmsslfes, hsrvies they are not stiai-k«d. They canned oomm*n«s the war, for tlwra Is no oam/e brtU. ■atry cannot nske peso*, bsosuen thsrs k««s They cannot concludejgmm.eia, bsoaasa hostlll its* have not eotntnmu'*". ... _ . They can ember attack nor ilefctid, neither msk nt vr ie«* wx sonclude an armlsth*, nor com ihcatiUlieg. hus c«um. nor negotiate. Tank o* tm* Want*.—A nommuDisattoii from Oleiwlta. Prussia, r' Wtes tb*following Inctdse*: ■•The men of tbn lgutdw. br were on the point of starting, 1M train was tewly, but the wives of the Midlers op- iK,.ed Its departure, throwing fheintelvsi In their de ^MMsU iHaUark Wbba#»rM«W hanobips nr dtesaae, Will »»* bal bill raeteiM them to *H UmIi V A Impaired by a imtit! If Not paid fill flic Plld of Hiu year ua»ll »Sbsciilm>e mu reunited In pity mull after I he refript III I III) ft, .1 uumh*, , r Itudrtoiii* and acridMNte, end Hiicciiote. of the war areri'itui'klcd, lhal the Muguilimmay bn» moiiiimniii tl, the In n,ism of our anldteie „n,| i„ ihn it„vi,llnli ul oor belipla, uiyVll If THE KEY-STONE"; ~ A NIIVI'llliY MAMIN ID MAH A’/IN Ft, E I ’B!«",*»*!“■ “■ >>. •alHterlpilim ,gii a Year A New Voliimn nimmnncnii Jimnnry |, lac.ii, pip. :/i! l ,! ,, a. , "s "I 4 !".' v " r F htinv, *li fc paper, and "Ui'ljcd aifrt Irimiiied In liwmitlrii I'ovnre. H™} sry.NM is uml tecnmiuuiidsd Ffatefldly al tape by ihn flnmd I ” a hiiiel welromu risiiui and i iinipaiiPin with nil good •wlllim Mnamise-llti'lr Wlyna, elefcr. imghcrs and ’if I 4 ' 1 * 1 " w,l,,l, i 'lu* Mini' innv Aninc prcidlng |«v~ Npcclnien iiiilnhtire sent in uny ,, Hr i n.,, midi v iiiogi .iijilliiiillon WM. II SMITH A ni. t'lU.ll.hera, »i FaycIb'vlUc »t„ K.ilcigli, N 0, F,STILL A nilll., Hull of fill'I, nmir |p > I'm. i mill n, Aguila Kvcry varlotj bf Drew (foods '“-laekeeniag (Jiu.iie Jtmratn giind t'rlnte Dolha ifml Uasalmcrcii Flgurel Linens ami Drills Eralroidurlcg and Lams Huslery and Ulovca Hibbnnu mid Braids Hair Rolls and Uurls U. n Poluta and Vvlla Urudluy's Empreea Trail* Hnmliiiiri lifefs Ac, Ac., Ac. KIMTBIN A KCKMiN, Iftl Uongrasa struct, myJIdf SAVANNAH, OA. iLMmnxE— SLATE MINING OOHPT, VA!*| WRRT, POLK 00., (M. C*P’X Rltook, §000,000 MU A URN, gin BAUIt, tligasK'uits If, Ml A eifwunn i.i,>ej,, r wo" .isrling old Home .Inuriiali, tmlili.liMii FIF !A«i«FSior il lloiiic .Inuriiali, linldl.fu'd I.yeiy Mnturday, by Wm U. smith A Uo,. M Fayutteviiii, etrcei, liitidgli, N. I). Elegantly printed on lumiitlful while papnr, mammoth aluml, with eight large pngar. Its enrpg of onntrlhlll mad f Mis au ll bM rkiuli its I Ight large linger, hwa Include" linerlv all thn Tlisse HUUMbevt perlorwad mors ears* I (liven Better Inltofbctlon 1 V , sve mots Trstlmoni. Have mors reagmubte people to vouch for them I •Tima any »tb*r afr tie in the Market. We defy an; one to contradict tlh| aeeerllot, i and Will pay *1,000 <TO«ay one that will prodma • Certificate puhll by aa bat ■pa . mod disilngulahwl authors of Him count! v. uml wlih Uie aombltied Wervlaca or so many celchraletl wrltme, 0 Itrliloved s perfeet .ucrues III prveentleg mi lie led urnty of talem. Iloomiicmi, Hlotlss, Tains, Novelties, Sketches, Urltiolems, Review., Poems, Biographic, Wlttlclmne. Travels, Advi,mores, do., Si;,, AN pare, snlsrUInlUK and Instructive in s degree raruly muiiied In perhnllcal llturaitne, In aeoordanoe wUh Hie name of Hu owner, a npe- ctel departmsut Is ilavoted to tbn FMil, when In are given articles, hint" and nnuiisiiuiie*ti Hie pri.di, „i Nanaaeuteiitof the Farm, tb,' (lar u*. the Orulu.rU 'd tbe kitchen. acsonaim ansa 1 ' JL; * r, eo of five, one year » >m '•ton “ au no extra cony to thn parly getting nTi a rluh .f club rnlta to six iiiontbw snliecrlhiiia. t ESTILL ft HHO„ Bull at., nosr tho P<«t Ufflnc, Agenisfor tf Hsvann teaser,up, II. Brluluia, .1, F, new, I. 0.1 lar. A. Wilbur and \ K. M.naliall, I'Hmiianr A Wilbur. Haramian, Ua. V1011’awioaer—R, I), lirsmilaa, Macon, Ua. Hkoasranv A, F. Maieliali, AMailfh, Ua lunv will anon be prepared Hi fill any irtthtte, however large, lor reodng, f,,r MnliufK, Hired onl nf slate, fhr lliilela, for , ,imd for any eihui iisoa in which alalonan Iniainilfod. Theipiarry l« Miiv,dilcni W» iheUtleaof dllnoiu, Aiigusla, Maeini, Allmny anil lioliimima, Ha, 1 in Hie elite# of Seims. Montgomery and Mobile, Ala. 1 to New Orleans, ami will shortly lie to Mem phis, Pioiii rads Louie. Mo. Thn giiberidrlty* "lale for rooting pnr|„"<ei, nnd lie openbil dlaptamitt l„ varlmianrUide* ol furniture uml for pavsuiant well known. OMars may he addreveud In . A. R MARSHALL. Hte'f, I* Atteiid. auiucuuau i uni YlNjinf HARNESS, Sdnni.RRT AMI TRUNK STORE, W1I0LBSALB AND RKTAII* Unrtor HI. AnUrew’a Hall, RrouirlilOH (IL, NAVANNAH, OA, x#mrtxr ancmviptffpni J. SHAFFER, Oonunlddlon. Coaler •in all kind* of KMUnOX AMD DOMESTIC FRUITS ui PRODUCK, Wan WsaaiauTOH ILun, Wad at, BnUchnad between Barclay and , Vesey tts, 1 m Y o a k •totettsoonstenUy on bond, and sttenked to. A. Haywood, T. J. j.H.CARTBB KENNETH McLEA & SO., Merchants MANUFACTURED by VENABLE & c Petersburg, Va. AhoIbnUKenniM SnpcHo, “ICm™^.- “RsppM," ,od „, ta , Smoking Tobacco of every grade Josiah Macy’s Sons, Sole Agenti 122 * l»l F90MT ST»EFT ... J MOW MAY BTHKBFr, IAYAWIAI, ft A. Advances mad* on Oonsignmenu of Uotlon Ptbef produce to onr friends In Liverpool and 'Yerk. uu.'im Ja8.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber § Commission MBUOHANT, a Ni>, IAS Mar UtmI, Ravanaaii, U not <JENUMfS.lg A THE RURALTODITNAL aper in tbe United Htstca. only ’ it a^ year. For tlio farm, gur. 1 The «*eaflaveatl«Bef tke Ags tf&SSm’i.M’S**"'' p “" : oonudnsafan Calendar of Work for lag to oram iy, ont figs, uie meAu Hoop Skirts, I. Vi. Bradley** New Patent Dnpex Ellin, tlo (t Double) Spring stfrt, • r (or twnyEllpAk ulousiy braftid Oai’inn, G-eorgiu,. 0F* Orfiers for Lnmber soltelted ntau john s. mm & i'ii„ ForwurtliiiE ktift UontmUHlon Bf,SOHOII AN TM, WNOt.SNALS AND HNTAIL PBAI.BRS IN Dry UoodM, GihhwHon, Ac., MOB. t AMD R HAMMIH' RUMfK, Br; Mtrnnt, Janknonrlllo, I'lnrlils, im.ji. aamim. an, •. ssawia nus 1.. mtun BLAIR k BICICFORD, LUMUBR MANUKAOTUHKIW, AND DBALKHH IN TIMnKIt AND LUM- UUU or EVKUY DKrtdtll’ .TION. pools, N A N II, ANt* Ills I BUN. Mill and Lumber Yard On Camel, hear Bryan siren CMBco 180 Hey slrenl, New Y°r^ Advertisemenis* DUBYEAS' MAIZENA iUIW lUJlSM' i4U»»nui>i RUSS’ RUSS’ RUSS’ nuss’ ST. DOMINGO IT, DOMINGO ST. DOMINGO BITTERS Bl'ITKItS BITTKItS Una of the most valuable combinations of a ueofn nadleioa and an agreoable bovsrags Hint hn« cvrr bean ,.fitted to tbn public. Million* of bottle* were ■old tbrjuglioat tb* North during ihn ia*| four year* and, wherever Introdnced, It has proven n wtlcoaee addition lo the invalid*" tabln, the lumlly circle, and tb*'* n Id ,< board. LAD1B8 who have lost strength and ippctlle, and •ulfrr from nuusoo, vomlttlng and vertigo - OBNTLBMBN who "don*! feel very war' Juat Iwforp breakfast or dlnntr, wbosastontscb is out of order and system Is gsnerally derange,P MOTHBKH weaning children, and eafioriug from general debility- - OHILDRBN of a sickly nature, ami »„nr, dyipeptln constitution-- TRAVBLRR8 who ha vs oocstlou io change their water, and— ALL who live in malarious district* and ai e subject- ed to mlaamaUc Infiuoncea, wfil find one of the moat valuable Tonic* and Invlgoratoi a that can be taken, in . A il*-.Oa !*,*>! G, ..’ll ( »r RUSS’ ST. DOMINGO BITTERS. ' J * TRY THKM. BUT ONCR. 3 < O Z l»l t o h p WAR TNK ONLY “ MIMRATIIR r#R RBOR MRM INDIAN IRRR” TUil rncnlvod n modal nnd leuiorebU< mention bam iheRoral t.'omm.esi.mors, lh» oumiietHlon ,u all pro, al matiulactarors ,|( •• starch " and "rep I (him Flour" nf lids and other iutnntrio>nai itaudiug. • MAISSNA, Tbs Prod and liwiiry of thn ago. witlmni * alnfflr fault, im* trial will «.,nvince llm moat "irptiaat, Makes Fuddlng*. OaJtea, I'nsurda, lltaiia Maigo, wiiluiut islngbts*. with tew nr no cgu„, at Mnisiaa- . ‘ alight ai^dlioiO,, snurtfi, soiipa. Ac. Forlcc tn am mulling null cumpate with II A tutte Inc cd in milk will producr rich cream fm willin’, ch.nniiate, ten, Af. I’ul Up In imo iniNtid pnek ages, 011,hr ikoirade' mark Malefna, Wllh d trim Urns ter ua, A must dflh'Umt artb h’ of ft,ml for d hi vsilds of all ages. For sals by llrocere and Druggistt r,erywher» WImSbmIo l»o|*o». IIMI i'liltuu Nlrorl. Wtl,t,IAM D1RYBA, Ita ly Aensrni Agcni HAWKINS & FAY, 0»mmii*ial»ii Mrrolinnltt, NO. 4T FHAIII, IT It MKT, NKAIt I’UODUUIC KXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. a. HAWKina, j nockwkli. rsr. '’"ring ITc-luce, ProvI ■lotiR, n hlRktoWg Gild ClgRm, ou ordnr, and to con NlgttBtoDM. HUNTRHe Arm of 'Hilton A Ul., Btw Ywk Kanchnr A Mcdi^u«>. is Wtlor^i., York. Richard Kills. IM Water slrest, New York. Wm. 1C Mile*. i'briMio BfiYflv New York, w. K. Nlbcll, R Wall street, New York. Lewis L. donem it Broad ora,. » w. M» on A do.. Hsvsnaah Railroads, (IKFK'B URNTRAi. RAIL. .Havannah, June ; HD 0\^.„ A ,T rK ,? TO-MORROW . TnoBS of this Roe,I will hr lr BAT PASttRUVR TB*!N Lesvv Rsvaousb d«t*y »t... Arrl # at Macou at Arrtra at Augusta *t now a net ,, 1Ul Uav* Macou daily at leave Angnna dally at Arrive at havannali al oe eisny PAiatsen mm. Leave savannah at ♦Arrive at Macon si Arilve at Augusta at . "owe uiust e»Mtaam T«*ia. Lea 1 e Macou ul Leave Augusta nt at Navatiliah si. nil.l.*iHi«vius *ei. (ev.ienm m OonndH daily wlih ihe up Hay „„,i .)„ WI1 ■enter Trains of Hi t Ho«,l „t Uor.i,.„ i,<r ten at... Lrariig Mllleitgevllle at Hrfaimug, aiilve Hi MillwIgi'Vllle al Arrive at Ram Mai at ,W**» WM. M. WAWteV.Fil Idten opd in Notice Ba JOHN GRAY, DFALKR IN Wooden Ware, Brooms, teAlLlf^BRURBKS, MATH, Twittes, Cordugs, Vtths, «:l«tirn*, t'lsgli*. Wagons. Ohalrs, Baskets. Ac Noo. lOiPultoitatuliithd FcmlS 1 new York OFFIHIt ATLANTIC t dl l r R. Hsvnunah, Mar* On and alter M„m1ay, Mav vaih Tral»« will ran d illy, fnmlav« 1 darted,« ,‘<'nner|l,i|f wlih nlglil Lathe„n C'eivslri U'avc havauiiah at I Si, a. in l«ave Tlinmatrille al 4 *. m Arrive al Savannah at C na p m Arrive at Thomasvtlle si y.itp. m JOHN M Rg\ mvM Miscellaneous. ®to, Hlnts, Suggestion* and eaeays upon MJs.^o Hn ' 1 afouni1 Hi" Farm. Orahard and Dwelling, etc, iK'»«d Its departure, tunwitig iwemseivss in uisie u„ suair on tb* railv, in front of the locomotive. Recourse to violence could not be smployed. Wbat was Pi ho dons’ The station insstvr propossd to the wottsn to secomt suy tbelr husbsnds, but In sepsrsu ssrtages. Tbe p .or (TMtarM codrrdMIi but wbRji «* tbe csrnsgc# with the woman dW n *.V # ' Tbe alsuon master had them detsobed. Hs took car* P. get sway MfoM tha discovery WSS mads. B J L lp» r.viA BP i SO-CALLED.' ly of tbe ah*** ce, *1.89. j, a fart bar su popular book. I J resr an-KlvgD 1 bnmoroDs and p m6u From Rev , D. MAGAZINES FOE JULY. flARPBR* MONTHLY, tor July- ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for JaDf. i w«ti ntra * oeVM siAUAZUtB. far !MSK^terr* MOvnBsF, tor Jute GO DRY'S LADY’S BOOK, forJSBg UK BON TON. tor J»»F PKTRRH ,N’n. lor Ja ^‘ THK KOLKCTIC tub galaxy. VffiiSpi * i tub qu> ' ■ u 1 lUlAf.I.En It / i MStl/ViVl Southern EXFKESS COMPY. : ttlt CfYeNJUli .M tno''; » Jv -J J Uip$&T.o b* -i-^-A .Mmr H> t vtrj Inr.reaned Facilities! A. Ilnvxneunvm. .lose M V. Hid ,uv.„»»,li am. "tJcAinul A. DUTENHOFER & Cl Shipping, Forward AND COMMISSION MRRCHif Bay Street* Savanna Promt* gftoaftoii tniv,, to t/,c jmirAn* •hlpment (tf cotton, tumlier and <x>«„: ifmr Qfwativ. CbnatpnmenM eoJtot on ifiAh'A bhcmf adnffweea iCill tie maile. arrKxrante. Brighnm, Baldwin A ('<■, Uarannsli; erta, Savannah ; J. H. Beilin A CVv. Mscou N L. Angler, Int. Rev Col., Augusta tan, Eaa.i Atlanta. On.: WUH* Chlaliolui. Ad; 0. I. Hoblnenn, Jacksonville, Fla.; F Du winrlllc, Fla ; Co). W. L Bailey. Jefferro Fla.; D. U. Baldwin A Co.. New York: B Co., New York. ISairon Mitchell, £ag. Kentucky. * C. I. HUBER, BENTLEY D (-fen era! Part a* * M. A>w K. JESUP & York, SfM'cial FREIGHT* FORWARDED , , ru u WITH GREAT DISPATCH ' "ALT Rfrduoedl XtAtom, ... f . , airy.i a av ‘THK INLAND ROUTE. HUGER & HAS NO. 46 EAST BAY' STRF CHARLESTON, 8. 0., COMMI99TON MFRCHI MANUFACTURERS’ AGES’! AND DEALERS IN Hallway Eqalpmeni and Suppbee. D>n Statlopan Engine*. Saw Mitla. and al! of Machinery required by Railr, Companies. Ointrsctors, Manttfttettirera. Maeblnlste and Agrtenlb Advances made ou conaiinunoni alaoou Cotton and other Produce. bentleydThase CIVIL, MINING AND CONBt ENGINEER ESTIMATES MADE AND CONT TAKEN. •ITFICK M KAM BAY. CBiMf A C. jto unhtwtr THE m, E1B, AND 1 vl ttrttlUHT, of Toronto^ Canada Ww / Nan and Surgeon, oeuBef aad tod on Deafncw, Htachanras / Mtn the Bead, Catarrh, Diseases of the Art »ra or the EYB requiring etHNlr t*r Surgical aid attended to. Office Not 41, tn l)r. Tho*. Bucklers old MXtngton *tre**, Bal’imore, M<1. i^fflce hour* from 9 to 12 A, M and Bo l