The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 02, 1866, Image 3

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\l MATTERS, ioBKW»- AUGUST 3. 1868. ilSlt . m ...u» — st «* mer ' ^“«^‘ r<AU * U8t2 ’* t ' TDiiraJay* Augusl 2, ftt «°' c, °* . j: , ull4 , jwunlv. August 4til, at 2 - tsKaiI ,„.; Wednesday. August S, at {i x A ° g,wt **• at - mu.iua'-euu. ^ Saturday. August 11. at 9 s von * raUSTA ' -sa. Thursday, August 2. ' V '" .dbcuabibsw- Siturdav, at 3 o'clock, r-' W-* w-ducsday, at 3 o’clock, inula ^, hursda y morning at» o’clock very ’’““day afternoon, nt 4 t ., rJl rSlon, J FW3IDA. every Saturday morning, at : saute, jay morning, at 9 o'clock every Tuesday morning, at The Health of Savannah. The mortuary list for the week ending 80th ultimo aa well as those which preceded it, is an official an nouncement of the gratifying fact that the health of our city has never been better than it is at present. -— —y- The Lost Cause..-®. W. Lloyd, Esq., the General . ■ Agent for the State* of Alabama and Georgia foe the ■ale of Edward A. Pollard’s hie tot y of the war, entitled .■The Lost Cause," has appointed Mr. George if Johnstone, the proprietor of the Index, the ®gent for . . , the sale of the work In Chatham county. "The book If any confirmation of this statement » wh]ch ^ ^ ^ ^ deUv ery about*the middle of K JR PARI**'- Friday morning, at 8 o’clock. departure of Trnlna. HAiCV PASSESGFB Ur TRAIN 8 A. M. 1 31 , ... .6:15 P. M, sU * l " " 8 p. si. a-sESOEK TRAIN sengeb TRAIN a at 7 A. M. .8:45 a. ai. .7:05 p. M. .7:05 P. M. .4:0i) a. M. . .7:00 a. M. _ . \I5HI PASSENGER TRAIN 5:40 P. M. k k' , 8:25 P.M. at 6:30 A.M. . and tiordon trains connect with vfu m?ht passenger trains at Gordon. * llf railroad—daily (Sundays ex- * ' cepted) f , h at 7:30 a.m. ^Suviile'at 9*7*.*. nmnwsville at t : S2 A ' iMvannah at 6:06 p.m. , TIJ.L .v MOTHER, Newsdealers, 8ta- i I;,’iksellers, Hull street (down etairaj . nest t<> tite Post Office, are au- ,.! •, [„r tbe Daii f News & Herald. . v jU thfin will be promptly attended quiet the nervous apprehensions of parsons been unnecessarily disturbed by the threatening proximity of the cholera, it may be found in the oft repeated assurance of our physicians that “it is most distressingly healthy.*' It should be stated, however, that whilst our white population is enjoying such cheering immunity from fatal diseases, the negroes have not been so fortunate. The prevalence of disease among the latter has been owing, doubtless, to excessive indulgence in Ttoet peculiar to the race, and the ravenous consumption of the unripe and over ripe fruit with which the markets have been glutted for the last six weeks. It has been among the whites that the bills of mor tality exhibit no change from the most healthy period of the year. Several old citizens have assured us that they have never known a summer so free from all In dications of those diseases which prevail almost everywhere in this country during this season. The weather has at times been warur, but not in tensely so, and'the effects of the heat of the day are compensated by the cool and pleasant breeze of the afternoon andnighta, which admit of’comfortable and refreshing slumbers. It should certainly be a source of much gratification to our people to know that whilst alarming intelligence reaches them from various parts of the country of the prevalence of sick ness and of great mortality, here the general health and comfort of all the classes of the population should be so remarkably good. And especially should we feel devoutly thankful that we have been spared thus far from the visitation of cholera, which has been at the threshold of the city for many days, but has been repelled by the great energy and activity of our ex. cellent Mayor and Board of Health in the vigorous en forcement of sanitary regulations which are almost certain barriers against the encroachments of the dreaded epidemic. We hope our authorities will con tinue to be active and zealous in the discharge of this important duty. If we should pass through this sum mer without any interruption of the present excellent sanitary condition, as in times past it will be worth a great deal to Savannah. It would therefore be a wise economy to spare no expense to secure such a result. A few of our citizens are leaving for more Northern latitudes. It is much to be doubted whether they will be cooler or better off there than here, unless they fly to the mountains. We have as cool and pleasant watering places aa those at the North, and our breezes are more reliable and continuous. But why talk to our people on this subject ? Financial and Commercial. August, will be sold entirely by subscriptions, and all applications for copies must be madefto Mr. Johnstone. Magistrate', Court. Before Justice Staley, the following case was ills- poeed of yesterday: State vs. Martha Ryals. Larceny from tbe bouse. I com. we regret to say, will be totally inadequate to the The prisoner was committed to jailfdr examination. 1.1 of Underwriters Meeting of tlie Passengers of tite San Salvador. At Quarantine, on Board Steamship San Salvador, Tybee Roads, July 31, 1866. At & meeting of the passengers ou board the Steam- ship San Salvador, quarantined at Tybeo Roada for cholera, Mr. H. G. Judd, of Beaufort, S. C., was called to the Chair, and Mr. Charles M. Graham, of No. 6, was appointed Secretary, thereupon the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted by the meeting, with instructions that they be printed in the papers of Savaunah: Whereas, Through a series of untoward eventfljwa Savanna® Market. Savannah, Thursday, August 2,1866. Cotton.—During the past week there has been a steady market for cotton, at prices ranging principally from 28 to 33;,c. ft ft. To-day the market ia firm, middling being held at 33 to 33 >fc.; infect some sell ers ask 34c. Reports of the growing crop seem to in dicate that the receipts of the next aeason will at least reach one and one-half millions of bales. The crop of W&tamoros, 14@14J»c.; San ' I - - EMPIRE LINE F0RNEWMFC® NEWyorE Arrivals at the Hotels. PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. WILTBERGEK. W D Reunolds, Balt . J Stewart, City A McMillan. Blackshear W H Smoot, str Fannie C U Hill, do G "V Blizzard, do J D Tucker, Angusta E B Brigg, N O W T Hollingsworth, Macn J Ray, Washington FASCassidy, Florida RW Campbell, do J o Malby, do J W Fairbanks, do S J Whiteside, do W Petry, do J C schroaz, do J W Shackehord, Atlanta Miss E U Freeman, Griffin D P Hancock, USA F W Welch A wife, Fla A C Kinnle, wife A child, Fla J B Jones, Valdosta Mias E B Isbam, Fla Miss C E Osgood, Fla' Mr. Armstrong A 2 elul- dren, Fia T S Ella. Jacksonville T J Heyward, jr, S C Capt R Cowba. Fla S Crohick, wife A child. Jacksonville J Rosaell, N Y W H Robbins, Augusta E W Denning, Fla A RlchSMsm SS Alabama Capt Uniebunier, do J ii Heyward, S C J T Hungerfotd. Augu9ta Mrs Ripley A 3 cliildru.Ga G O Marcy, Bryan co Dr W T Shine, FU W F Lloyd, do J H Sloan, Thomas wile Mrs A M Sloan, do JU Beall, A AG HR M J Cohen, atr Swan demand for home consumption. The money market ia very tight, but it ia hoped that, when the nfew crop be gin. to come to market freely, there will bo an im provement in this respect. In Sea Islands we hear of few or no transactlona. MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. LUOB. G Dean, C R R |C H Demerest, N X C smith, str Leo W H Clark, St Marya U Roseubush, N V P Williamson, Cuy T H Johnston, Albany |W O Wylly, Ga EG Willingham, ForsytliiJ Averett, Fla Q Simon, Augusta 'Miss Averett, Fla F R Cotton, Fla |J Livingston, N O A Welder, N V .‘J H Burst, Femanduia L C Hanes, N C J W Morgan, Warreulou E F Morgan, Augusta |Ool Capers, Covington SCREVEN HOUSE—Q. MCGINLY. D H Hopkinson, Jackson vide Col Titus A servt, Fla 3 Cooper, City Margaret Thompson, N V H H Richards, A * G R R W P Rice, City J W Kder, Ogeeehee W A’. Smith, City J L Crawford, Ga J G Clark, City Cotton Statement. 1S65- 66. Sea Island. Upland. Stock ou hand September let Received since July 25 Received Previously Total Receipt? Exported since July 25 Exported Previously Totftl Exports 281 1 9,634 3,724 1,859 294,172 9,916 229,755 88 9,458 2,298 213,284 9,546 215,589 stock on hand... 370 14,173 EXPORTS OF COTTON From July 25, 1866, to Avgust l. 1866. Ports. sea Island. Upland. Liverpool . ’ 82 *6 Boston New York 1.646 324 328 Baltimore Philadelphia. Total Exports 88 2,298 Mrs Warner A child, Bos ton N F Morgan, str Eclipse U Dodinger, do J N Cohen, Boston J O Devall, Fla M W Drew, Jacksonville S llalliday, do C R Braytou, Providence H Esler, Brooklyn FH Gilbert, Jacksonville Miniature Almanac—This Day. mail water. At Tybeo U 27IAt Port 12 51 representatives of all Companies = _ h-.miiess in this city, was held have been compelled, in connection with tlia'Officers , , , a! and crew of the Steamship Sau Salvador, to Undergo at 4 o clock, in the offloe of Messrs. # ted l 0 us quarantine of fifteen days in Tybee Roads; and Whereas, By the merciful interposition of Divine Providence, no one of ns has fallen a victim to the fearful pestilence which has visited and slain so many of the U. 8. soldiery who were fellow passengers with ns on the ship; aud Whereas, We are largely indebted to the officers and employees of the vessel tor the measure of comfort enjoyed by ns through so long a period of detention. Resolved, That we render public and unfeigned thanks to Almighty God for our wonderful preserva tion in the midst of the frightful dangers which has environed us. Resolved, That we tend to Capt. Joshua Atkins, com mander of the ship, the tribute of our most profound respect for his patient forbearance, his untiring and kindly attention to every want, his persistent efforts to relieve the monotony and depressing effects of our imprisonment, combined with the perfect manage ment, order and discipline of his vessel. Resolved, That our thanks are eminently due, and we hereby'tender them to the Purser, Mr. Cambridge; to the 1st and 2d officers, Messrs. Nickersou and Ri der; to the Steward,‘Mr. Burgest; and in fine to all those having in charge the interests of the steamer, for their cheerful alacrity in ministering to the com fort of the passengers, and for that gentlemanly ur banity which has characterized their intercourse with i which occasion were present the Clemen- Messrs. W. N. Habersham, H. v Wilbur, T. H. Harden, J. M. Prentiss, J C. McNulty, K- H. Footman, H. H. . an<l J T. Thuuw : Mr. W. N. Habersham, J. T. Thomas ,1... Chair, and Mr. R. H. Footman appoint- t, taking the Chair, said that he had acting io he called for the purpose of warn ration of a Board of Marine and L A riters, and solicited the cordial co-opera- 1-.crested. tv..-.or moved that a committee be appointed ...naan to prepare a code of rules for the .. a:, i regulation of such board as might be u - a future meeting ; which motion pre j ; chairman appointed the following gen- Ld ■;.’3m i ttee ■ Messrs. A. Wilbur, W. N. H Vv. M- : cr. J. M Prentiss, and O. C. Shipping Intelligence. , ■ Mvers, Esq , the Chairman was .winittee, when ou motion, the meet- . i until the 30th of July. •s-mbling at the second meeting on the •.ving w mbors were present : J. T. -iirmuji; H H. Footnjan, Secretary; N Haberslium, F. W. Reid, H. C. Cunning*^ ilurs, A. Wdbur. J. M. Prentiss, Win. R. i ii H. VVo .Abridge. ai Chairman of the Committee appointed ..Ac 'A :ule«, presented a report embody- A regulations for a permanent organiza- ;. U *J -The B'jard of Underwriters for the inuah," aud providing for the election of President, Secretary, and an Advisory : : ur members, to be elected at each it-uiig vot which the President shall be f.r the classification of risks and the adop- ; r the eutumg month, aud to attend to Resolved, That Col. S. St. Geo. Rogers, of Florida, deserves particular mention for his earnest and able efforts among the soldiers at the first appearance of the epidemic, and subsequently until they were taken from the ship. . , x „ Resolved, That especial gratitude is due to Dr. H. Bacon, of Lake'City, Fla., whose unremitting and un purchased attentions have been the means, under God, of preventing the disease and suffering which, without his aid, must have prevailed in the close con finement to which so many women and children have been subjected. Resolved, That while we are indebted to many of the citizens of Savannah for various kind offices, we are pre-emiDently under obligation to Messrs. Estill A Bro. for valuable and free supplies of newspapers, periodicals, Ac. _ ... Resolved. That although the result of our fifteen davs’ quarantine, has justified the belief entertained by us, that the vessel has not been infected, we are not disposed to quarrel with tbe authority which has so unnecessarily prolonged our detention: but in con nection, we take pleasure in commending the boarding officer, Dr. Rosse, not only for bia firmness in the « as may from time to time be pre- execution of orders, but for his cordial good nature and suavity. Horatio Pitcher, Edw. Richardson, J Myer, S L Waitfelder, John Daly, W. S. Dillon, M. P. Mussey, E. B. Cbipman, Mrs. E. B. Chipman, - '■ uotR H Footman, Esq-, the report was A at.i adopted, when the meeting adjourned ;. ru. on Tuesday evening, July 31st, to reas- the vthee -a the H»>me Insurance Company. , . July Slat, the meeting was called to or" J T Thomas. Esq., Chairman. '-Messrs F \V. Reid, O. C. Myers, J. W. a. Wilbur, J. M- v Prentiss,^T. H. H W Mercer, T H. Palme), J. G. Mills, J. B. ' S Hardee*; H. C Conuingham, H. H. j John U. Raudell, i.-'ise, tv. Ii. Symons. W. R. Boyd, and B. H. ; J;. Gro T 83 ’ . Miss Jennie Glazier, . A. Zaneli, ” *• c - a . pied at the meeting oi the day before 1 Z. Delmas, i the station of the Chairman, on motion I -v Wilbur, read for the information of those j jj. Xye, l-ju who were not present at that time, after ! E. R. R- Hoyt, ibey nere, on motion of J. M. Prentias, E*l,. i adopted. I j c Cooper, -bhjrman sb* that the next business in ! N. C- Warren, “ as tlie of permanent officers, Vii Kt ol with, resulting as fol- H. G. Judd, Chairman. Chas. M. Graham, Secretary. R. Stafford, C. It. Breightoa, F. A. Beard, Chas. S. Schlatter, A. P- Tripod, Miss Schlatter, Miss Lizzie iieiliy, J. H. Avery, Miss Melina Robider, Miss Feloixe Fulshaw, Mrs. G. £. Pace, Miss Kelly, Peter Doyle, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Glazier, P. McComber, E. H. Kirlin, Henrv Esler, J. Halliday, James Doyle, M. W. Drew. H. J. McDonald, Arch- McAllister, and others. umeunjut ••■.*.4 ••• - 1 j itiponies of this k ’.a* v - • ‘ - ols? L»t fostered ul J ; --inpauies repres ijq.U’-si-ed in payin. • ■ -fcLa ot the .State and city , * Lis Roaid represents fifty v ,iu. Ue, and foreign, aud ha ' r 8 e -. •- tie income of the city by the p ;. . . . o * h : i city license, together with .utr: ‘ »’?i ’• jtL' gross receipts, amounting in the agaj At iasands of dollars annually, lie would respectfully suggest to the Citv '• -7Savannah, that, in behalf of some of the ^ n-. i.ii q»rtsf nted bv us, and as individuals in oonjunu-c. ; :tL other citizens, we have contributed toward* ui- .nug one steam fire engine for the use and benefit ot •t '-•luzeus generally, which has proved a success, we j itrtfore cannot too strongly recommend in behalf of ^ Insurance Companies that we represent, aa well aa Mayor’s Court* Before Hla Honor, the Mayor, E. C. Anderson, the following violators of the laws were disposed of yea- ter day: _ John Kelly, a deaf aud dumb white may was found lying drunk on the Exchange steps. Hie Honor or dered the prisoner to be turned over «> the police, who were to turn him over to hia friends, if he ha any; if not to be released. | Henry Nelson (colored) charged with inproper con- ^ duct, cursing and abusing a gentleman aud hia famllj , 1 was turned over to the Police Barracks to be employed '7;: .i ter ia colored boy) about ten yeara of age, . a with stealing, was turned over to hla parents . punishment. . r. '--upe • colored) charged with improper conduct, . i--,ug a nuisance in the streets, and whose de- • •.'•latent ir art was very indecent, was fined ten ; „ >r to b-.- i laced at hard labor on the streets for p,-,,. , Vtw York i *' -nialoj Alabama, Captain Limebnmer, from New • ^ved nlowat in -srly hour yesterday Inin* u reventad ft m htng her wharf i' i act oum ’X a. v .jje. TbtAiaba ,c kt. wn to th.- ti a. effing public ea 8‘Bunch z*. . ^.^otng steamer. a v ing plied between New Yc. ru rhiA purl prior to the war, nn- — -uu.k-ir- - \AiiupMHC9 wo ic M j New To* L ^ citizens whose property jg protected by their | dar couiuuaud of 1 . a-ii ochen«2k, running on file - u*a, the purchaHk- of u sufficient number of addi- ; the K t .v \n-’usta nud Florida [ S SttW ! The Alabama has apt- 7 ■ ^nger accommoda-^ it tc b*i distinctly understood that, aa a Board, ! tioni, and is commanded — l^manly and skilful ^ not enter iuto any controversy re»pecting th« | For full fllea of > - * papers, wo are 'ire Department, yet reserving to ourselves as indi- omcere ‘ * . „ . , . . al .■ * v . .. fidualt! the right to tho free expreMion of our own j indebted to our old friend, A formerly PORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, Aog. 1, ISCfl. Arrived* Steamship Alabama, Limeburner, New York—B H Hardee. Steamer Fannie. McNelty, Charleston—F M Myrell. Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatka-Claghoru A Cunningham. „ ■ . . „ . Bark Mary Elizabeth, Croker, Matanzas, in ballast —Crane A Grayblll. Brig Crocus. Reed, Bath, Me, with 298 tons Ice to Cheeseman A Co. Cleared. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston—F M Myrell. Steamship City or Bath, Hewartb, Boston—Rich- ardson A Barnard. _ U S Light House Supply schooner Chase, Perry, Wilmington, NO. „ Schr Bertha, Cook, Hilton Head—T J Daubar A Co. Imports. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, Ac—4 balea cotton, 286 hbls ro3in, and mdse. Exporta, Per steamship City of Bath, for Boston—310 bales upland cotton, 19 do hides, 65 tons iron, 40 bills do, 504 dry hides, 12 crates watermelons. 10 bbls spirits I of turpentine, 5 boxes mdse, 13,000 it lumber. Passengers, Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—Mrs Drum- moud, J N cohen, W M Newbold, J Irwin. P White, T Hoserbuah, A Morgan, Master Rosse. W J Allen, M Nixon, and 6 deck. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka, Ac—Mr Webster and lady, Mrs Mahouey-and 2 children, Mrs Freeman, A E Kinuy, lady, 3 children and 5 aervis. Miss Cosgrove, Miss Jolmsen, Miss A E Everett. J C Randall, C Harris, E W Daney, J W Manulng, Al Mil- ler H Kinsly, C Porter, W Whiteside, W Petty, M Swart*. M Ellers, *J W Shackleford, J Fairbank. R D Fox. J O Malloy, R Campoell, Cassidy, \V W Fuller, W Watkins, W Miller, M Felder, J A Kent, Wetmore, and 15 dc£k. Per steamship Alabama, from New York—Mrs M Spier, F Schenck, W U Robbins, S Krolik and wife. Win Russell, son and daughter, J W Davis, Col H T Titus W P Rice, T U Gilbert, L Lowenttml, I Wash ington. S Scott, Jane Gordon, L Adams, Miss B Gar vey, John B Mast, U Osgood, W H Clark, R Comba, Mrs K Watson, C H Demerest, D H Hopkinson, Mrs Lowenthal, J Martin, T Jones, Mrs CalTrey. Per steamship City of Bath, for Boston—Mrs Wai- icner and child, Mr and Mrs Hurlbert, J Roberts, W Klne, Mrs Harding, Mrs Jackson, aud others. uomlgaaw- Per steamship Alabama, from New 1 °> k—Adam- l y t * Barron, Blun A M, J II Anderson & Sou, B A Wbiteli ad, F liroadbacker, Bell. W Brady. 8 & Co, C Bohnefeld, Agt c R Rs Clark A ii, cSmpion & F, M A Cohen, Cooper, O <fc F, CjflJey & H K R <fc Co, Claghorn &C.FW Cornwell, H H cur rier Cunuinghain, P & Co, P Callanan & Co, A Comm SSbmmlA jTm j Doyle & Co, Davant A W, Erwin a H g C Freeman, M Feist Co, A A L i reideuberg, n’t selier J W Gregory, W B Griffin A Co, 1 Hoi- riimbe A Co, G A Hudson, Hilton A K, J M-.Mal.ou A Co Levi A B, S M Lederer, J Llppmau. LaRoche A J, H Murkin, B Mallon, Wf B Alclrityre 0°. ST A Me A lair, U S Nichols, E L Neidlinger. Wat tx, O.ff d- W J Oliver Plainer A D, W, Root A Co, H G Huwe, V A Ryan A w, C D Rogers. Richardson & Boyntom So Ex* E D Smytbe A Co, A A Solomons A Co, F W Sims A Co P 3kchan, J T Thomas A Co, lison A G, J L Vlllalonga, W T J O Woodward, W H Wiltiierger, W M Walab, U Wellbrook, Weed A C. Col Carling, B & S, Crane A G, Lovell A L, K MacLea & Co, F M Myrell W H stark, Lathrop & Co, M S Meyer, A Meyer. T Gilhooly, T Pepper, C W Bruner. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Pulatka, etc—E A Hardee, J Felix, J L Vtllalonga, A Wilbur. Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—F M Myrell* So EX. Consignees per Central rtalIroatl, Aug. 1, 1866. SG3 bales cotton, 21 do yam, 15 do domestics, 2 do wool, 12 boxes tea, U do wine, 595 pigs iron, 66 wagon tires, S cars iron, 94 empty barrels, 12 cara lumber, aud mdse to A Low A Co, Sorrell Bros. * A Way. C D Rogers, F W Sims, A Myera A Co, U How dy, R Balfore. E Koeteke. Champion A F, Brace A c, N A Camp, Brigham, U A Co, Whiting A* Co. Receipts per Atlantic A Gulf R- Aug. 1,1866. 61 bales cotton, 10 do wool, 1 car load sheep hides. 1 horse, and mdse to A 8 Hartrldgc, lison A G F w Sims A Co h J Gnilmartln A Co, Bryan, U *’co'“^hoffer A Co, Hunter <f OK BB^wn. G W Garmauy, M, Tnomas A co, J L Vtlialongu, M G Ehrllcu, J Ryan, P H Behn, J ^ Auder^n A Sou, J A Robeite, M 8 Cohen, L LevL A B buc e , W A K Mcintire. Duucan A J. P & Tnomas, VN A Hu , J Fleming, W C Wjlly, find others. jTXwest, SUCCESSOR TO F. P. HALSEY * CO., 159 BAY STREET, City Hotel Buildings- Exchange.—There is very little offering. Jhe banks and out-door bidders are buying Pt off, and selling at ^e. premium. In Gold there ia also very little doing; brokers are buying $1 43®1 4f» and sell ing at $1 48: Bacon.—There is a fair supply of all qualities on tbe market, at a slight advance on our last quotations, is held at 18*j@19c. for shoulders; sides, ribbed, 22 @23c; sides, clear, 23^@24c.; bams, 25@28c. Bagging and Rope.—Bagging fcas advanced about 3c. withiu tho past week. Holders are now firm at 35c. for Gunny and Sea Uiand Dundee. Rope is held at 18@20c. A prime article will command the latter figure. Butter.—There is a small stock on the market,with a fair demand. The butter now arriving is generally in bad order. It is held at 88@42* a c. for prime West ern, and 45c. for choice Goshen. Coffee—Is in good supply, with a fair demand at the following prices: St. Domingo, 26*5 27Sic.; Rio, 28 (a-30c.; and Java, 40c. Corn.—Notwithstanding continued receipts from Baltimore there is but a small stock on the market, in consequence of shipments to the interior. Holders 14c.; Tampico, 13(513^c.; Matanioroa, 14^14. Juan and Central America, @13c.; Bogota, 13^14*; salted, 12 13c. TSavanilla and Cartbageaa* Curacoa, 10 l *(a)llc.; Barcelono. 12J<@13c.; St Domingo and Port au Platt W*4#llc.: Terns. lO^llc. Dry salted huhjp have been only l^Uii^ted demand, but prices aru without change. Mwn aalAadhidn» there is no change to note for domestic slaughters, and the demand lias been fair for home use.. Forrign ia dull but steady We quote in currency as follows: Western Ifial lc?rcouutfy, slaughtered, trimmed and tured. U4 Tie.; city do. do., 11 *i<sY2)i<g9&10c. Up per leather stock has been in fair demand for 8 A cows and kips, but the small supply on h*nA shocks busi ness. Iron.—Pig is firm but dulL We Quote at $46@48 for No. 1 American, and $46@49 for do. Scotch. Laths—Are in fair demand at steady prices Sales s 1,800,000 Eastern at $3 25, and $3 50, three months. Lime.—Rockland is firm and in fair demandat $1 50 for common, and $2 10 for lump. • Molasses.—We have had a good degree of activity, ut prices are hardly so firm. Sales of 200 Cuba [nscovado, to arive from Boston, on private terms; JO do. in lots, at 55@2>G * 4 c.; 125 hhds. do. Centrifu- al, at 43@45c.; 400 hhds Trinidad, private terms, at r about 51e.; 246 hhds and 37 tes Cuba clayed at 47c. Oils.—Linseed is scarce, in demand, and firmer. We uote at $1 80(51 81 for city. Fish oils are quiet and Inchanged at $1 25@1 30 for crude whales, and $2 75 i 2 80 for crude sperm. Lard oil is firm but quiet. We quote at $1 40@2. Bice—Is in fair demand and steady at 9j^@lic. for Rangoon. Skins—Goat has been moderately active, but at lower- prices. We quote Tampico at 55c; Matamoras at 52% @55c; YeraCruz at 52>£c; Buenos Ayres at 35(oi40c; Payta at 40Ta 42c; Cape at 55@57>ic; Madras at 60@65c. all gold. Deer remains quiet at fall prices. We quote Honduras at 60(2:62 tfc; 8an Juan at 52^®55c; Boliver at 42*^®45c; Sisal at 57* a @62&c; Vera Cruz at 60(3 Chagres at 55@57y t c; PuertoCabello at 50@51c; Para at 60c, all gold. Soap—Castile is a little firmer. Sales of 150 boxes at 18tf@19c. Sugar—Raw sugars are in good demand and firm. Sales of Cuba at 10 @13c. Clarified do. at 14#c., and Porto Rico at 13. L 4(2/14c.; also, sales of 1,000 boxes Ha vana at 10@12c. Refined are firm at 16%$17c. for hards. Tallow —The market is fairly active at unchanged prices. Sales of 100,000 lbs at 12^@12^c. for Western and City, and 3,000 lbs grease at 12c. Whiskey—The market is dull and prices are nomi nal. The trade is chiefly contraband. Shioping. ONLY SIMS WHEEL STEAMSHIP THIS WEEK. Cabin Punge, The fine sidewheel steamship ALABAM k, LIMEBURNER. Commander, Will aaU as above on , Sat.rd.y, Aagut 4t at 8 oViork p. ia. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dation,, apply to # B. H. HARDEE. No 19 Stoddard’, Range. , „„ GARRISON * ALLEN. Jj» No. 5 Bowling Green, Ne* York. Empire Line FOR NEW YORK. are asking $127>a for yellow and mixed, in quantities. Domestic Goods— Sav’h Wholesale Prices Current. Articles. P*r\ from to Bagging, Gunny yd 35 @ Sea Island Dundee yd 33 % Tucker, Cooper & Co yd Q Tucker, Cooper A Co., Retail... yd @ Bale Rope fo| 18 @ 20 Beeswax 30 © Beef, Mess -...bbl 17 00 (£18 00 Extra Mess (new) bbl 22 00 @ Family half bbls 16 @ 18 Bacon, Hams lb 25 A 28 Shoulders ft 18>r@ 19 . Sides ft 23>*<& 24 Bread, Navy » ® Pilot ft 7K9. » Butter, Goshen, Prime ft 45 <g Prime Western. Firkins ft 38 (# 42,^ Candles, Adamantine ft 0 25 Hull's ft 20® Cheese, Goshen ft 16 0 8B0 Extra Cream ft 21 ® 23 English Dairy ft 25 ® 30 Pine Apple ft 25 @ 30 Coffee, St. Domingo ft 26® 27>4 Rio ft 28 ® 30 Java ft 40® Cordage ft 25 ® 30 Manilla ft 25® SO personal opinion thereto. Resolved, That a copy of this paper be furnished to j foe City Council of Savaunah. On motion of Mr. O. C. Myers, the following resolu- I lion was also adopted : | Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to notify •he board of Underwriters of New York, ud of other I cities, by printed circular, of the organization of tbte I Board. On motion, the Board adjourned \ papers, _ &WWRion, 1 the obliging and accommodating the. steam ship Nevada, and now in tho ■*- me on the Alabama. GROCERIES IT WHOLESALE. and $1 35(0-1 40 for white. It is retailing at $1 35® 1 40 for mixed and yellow, and $1 40®1 50 for white. Oats—Is in good supply at 87>sC.@$l, according to quantity. Dry Goods.—There has been a fair jobbing trade done within the past week at unchanged prices. Our merchants generally are overhauling their old stocks, which are small, and making extensive repairs and improvements in their stores preparatory to receiving their stock of fall and winter goods, which will be much heavier than has been received for several years. The fblkflring are the prices now ruling in the mar ket : 3-4 osnabnrgs, 16017c. ; 4-4 22c. ; white cotton osnaburgs, 28c.; striped do., 33(3)36; Sea Island brown, 22@25c; fancy prints, 15@23c.; aud yarns $2 25 bunch. Flour.—New flour is now arriving freely, aud is held at $17 for superfine, and $18 for extra. Old flour continues in good supply, with a fair demand. We quote fine at $8®8 50; superfine. $9® 10; extra, $10® 12, and choice at $14@16. a* Hay.—In consequence of heavy shipments of North ern having been made to the interior, the market is not so well supplied as at our last report. There is sufficient, however, for the demand. It is held at $1 25@1 30 from wharf, and $1 40®1 50 from store. There is no Eastern arriving, and very little on the market, which is held at $2 by retail. Lard—Is in fair supply, with a good demand. We quote prime leaf at 21c., and pressed at 20c. Liquors.—In liquors there is nothing doing. For quotations we refer to our wholesale prices. Lime and» b —Lime ia in good supply, afld is held at $3 V bbl. Parties desiring a larger quantity could buy at reduced figures. Laths arc scarce and in good demand at $6 50 M. Molasses and Sugars—Continue in fair supply, with a good dsmand. On account of the recent ad vance in the New York market holders are firm at the following figures ; Muscovado molasses, GO®65c. ; Florida syrup, 85c. Sugars, crushed and powdered, 1819c.; A, 17®17>*c.; B. 16> a '®17; extra C, 16c.; yellow C, 15 ‘£c. Salt.—There is a good stock ou the market, and it is held at $2 25 in lots of two hundred and fifty sacks and upwards. By retail it is selling at $2 50®3. Soap.—The market Is atnmdantly supplied, and the demand for the home trade continues moderate. Prices are lower. We quote Colgate k Hull’s family brands at 14c.; common brands, 11 >4® 12 ^0. Country Produce—There has been no quotable change inany of these articles (luring the past week. There is an active demand, at the following prices: Wool 30c., hides 10c.; tallow 12»4c., and beeswax 30c. Freights.—There is nothing up for Liverpool. To New York, by steamers, we quote $2 IA bale for cot ton; to Boston, for cotton, and $12 50 1,000 for flooring boards; to Baltimore, $2 bale for cotton, and to Philadelphia, $2 bale. Timber.—There is but a small quantity on the mar ket, and it ia consequently more in demand. Prices have advanced considerable since our last report. Chfiice lots for milling purposes are now held at $11® 14, and good shipping timber is held at $14@20. ac cording to size and quality. Lumber.—In lumber, owing to tbe want of trans portation, there is nothing doing, except small sales for local trade. New Yorls Market. New York, Saturday, July 28. Flour, &a—The Market for Western and State flour ia moderately active; the low grades are firm and 5c. better; tbe medium and better grades opened irregu lar but closed firm. Holders of family brands are withdrawing their samples from the market, owing to the heavy rains at the west. The sales are 8,000 bbls. at $6®7 55 for suparflne State and Western; $7 15®8 90 for ordinary and com mon extra State; $9 10®9 85 for fancy State; $715@8 85 for the low grades of spring wheat Western extra; $9 05 Jag 70 for shipping Ohio; $1001130for trade and family brands of Ohio, Michigan and Indiana, and $10 25® 14 15 for St. Louis extras. Canadian flour is quiet for want of assortment. Sales of 150 bbls. at *8 60&9 TO for the low grades of extra and *9 fWal'i for trade and family brands. snnthera flour ia in moderate demand at about pre vious prices. Sales of 250 bbls at $9 TOfolll 'or com mon to fair Baltimore and country extras, and $10 10 ral5 25 for trade and family brands. r’nrn meal is quiet, but prices are without special change. We quote at *4 85 for Jersey, and $5 25 tor B rtwciiT^The wheat market opened firm, and closed fie better on choice qualities, and firm for medium. Sc dS^nd is good, to part .pecntattve.bat at priore ^b^^T"o^o. h 2 < ^^ e d’S , S „oshels Jersey and South, 4S@49e.; inferior The lnquiryiag bushels unsound, at 82@84c.; #££ miredS B4X@85C.; do. white at $1 Ofl; d0 ^ eU ^7r««^?rhe pork market baa been rather more PBOraloss. Tn lwr closing dull and heavy. .dive and eomewnat . a Shirtings, Brown yd 15 ® 22 Sheetings, Brown yd. 17 ® 25 Brown Drills yd 25 0 35 Cotton Osnaburgs yd 29 0 30 Fish. Mackerel, No. 1, new... - bbla|10 50 ® do No. 2 K bbls. 10 00 0 do Yito 2 75 ® 3 00 Flour, Fine bbl 8 00 ® 8 60 Superfine bblj 9 00 ®10 00 Extra bblj 10 00 012 00 Choice bbl 14 00 ®16 00 Grain, Corn, Maryland White... bush j 1 35 0 1 40 Prime Western ’.bush 1 27>£® 1 30 Oats bushl 85 @ 1 00 Bran per sack| 1 80 0 1 90 Glass, American Window Gunpowder, Hazard's Electric, .kega Hazard’s Fair Lawn cases, ft Hay, Prime Northern'. cwt do Eastern cwt Hides, Dry ft Deerskins ft Iron, Swedes .Y.. ft Pig J Hoop ft Sheet ft Nailrods ft Lard, Prime Leaf ft Pressed ft The new and fast sidewheel steamship San Salvador, ATKINS, Master, Will sail for New York on Wcdmcsdajr, Auga.t 8, at - o’clock PASSAGE RATES: ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steantehip Xine. Caklm rowsc, $40. Dock, BIO The very fast tailing atnamaUp FLAMBEAU, Captain ALEXANDER. Will positively Mil on b.r regular day, Tkanday. Aogust si, ot 1 o’clock p. oa. For freight or passage, having very anpwlor accom modations, app’y to , WILDER A FULLAHTON. tr No freight received after 11 o’clock a. m. on the day ot tailing. (V* No engaged bertha secured alter Tuesday, naleaa paid for. jyk> Murray’s liine FOR NEW Lrfe YORK. Coblm Puu|e, 980 Steerage, (lO The new and fast steamship LEO, Dearborn, com mander, will sail on Thnrulay, August te, at 18 o’clock m. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dation,, apply to OCTAVOS COHEN A CO„ jy80 Agenta. For freight or passage, having accommodations an- perlor to any steamer In this trade, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 1$ Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, JyJ3 No. 9 Bowling Green. N. T. FDR AUGUSTA ant) way landings on the riVer. The fine light-draught steamer EXPRESS;* Captain JAMES MOODY, Is now receiving freight at Florida St cam Packet wharf for the above places, and will leave on THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9,1866. For freight arrangements apply to J. M. KINCH LEY, on wharf; or to . atfl-2t F. W. SIMS A CO., Agenta. 9 50 ® 65 0 1 25 0 1 50 2 00 0 10 0 15 0 20 9 ® 2 0 Luce Rocklaud Liquors— Brandy, Cognac.... Jules, Robins k Co. Holland Gin Columbian Old Tom A Derby, in cases. ...doz Whiskey, Rectified gal do Imperial Nectar gal N. E. Rum Lumber, White Pine, rough m ft do Pine, dressed mft Spruce Pine Scantling mft Yellow Pine Boards.. 21 ® 20 @ ..bblj 2 75 0 3 50 Molasseh, Muscovado gal Nails ft bbl Naval Stores, Tar Spirits Turpentine Varnish Pitch Oils, Linseed Whale Sperm... gal Neatfoot gal Lard g»l Kerosene....... gall Train gal Turpentine gol Lubricating Oils— j Engine Oil gal No. 2 Lubricating gal Osnaburgs, Flax yd Pork, Family Pig Pork ... %bbl Pork, Prime .bbl Pork, Mess. .bbl Porter, London quarts Raisins, Malaga box !*box Salt, Liverpool ..sack Coast sack Soap, American, yellow A Yout kYalJFkief. James Richardson, a colored boy* tween twelve and fourteen year* of **• •*r**t©d about a quarter past nine o'clock on Tueaday night in the yard attached to the segar store of O. P* viuth efst comer oi Bull street and Broughton street kme. Hud not Richardson been eeen croeeingthe knee, by a person in the adjoining building, be Fould evidently have secreted himself in the yerd iintil the store was closed and then endeavor to effect to entrance through the rear door or window. Bich« ardson has just emerged from the jail, where he has been confined for upwards of seven weeks, charged with the robbery of the store of Lomelino, a short time since, some of the goods stolen from whiqb* wee found in his possession. On being taken before tbe Mayor yesterday morning, and being muhla to gfve any correct statement in regard to hu presence In Mr. tj0 P e2 ’» yard, be w*s tamed over to the County Court t . __ *■* cop i.t late Richui • ■■&■&?. .•vpft.i ' ' d to th? N*'•‘."ju £zt>ie£» n •» an’ tj i*if =ott;f-r'. Lip?** Lemons, Wlne *; Raisins, Brandies, ' Nuts. Whiskies, Starch. ^ tD , „ candles. Rom, Hegatta o* irkundvrfcoli. 1 **coffoc. Plckle ^ ir dlnes, By reference to the advertisement in anotijsrc. ^^iters, man It will be observed that there will^be a priioiosa M aokcral. Salmon, fiatu at Thunderbolt, on Wednesday, tbe 16th hurt ., \kuss’LVandy, Gin and Whiskey Oi«ktail, whirh .ill f„, .11 i,nmta under twenty-three ■s Plantation Bitter? which will be free for all boats under twenty- feet to length. The prize will be a magnificent eflv* goblet. The distance will be eight miles and back, and the entrance fee teen dollars. Several of our steam- boats intend making an excursion to Thunderbolt In. the afternoon, to afford the lovers of thia sport an OP" port unity lo view the race, which, ve undefWffiOd' will be an exciting one. , Stomach Bitters qlden Bitters- ‘ *■ very fine. >v KBL AnnrvAL or the San Saxtasos’s I’Aasxnosits.*—- The passengers by tho San Salvador, fo, m Kcw York, ■H arrived to the city yesterday froc, Quarantine. About ten of the passengers, who had -hartered the Mhooner Sdance during their stay at quarantine, for sl^ritre purposes, saUed up to the dt fi arrived morning, between nine an« ten o’clock. T^eremainder arrived by the steamer icaotote, Capt. 2Lon, about half-past eight o’clock. We lrem tort -Sgen Salvador wiU not come up to lie city for .(aw days. ~ ; >. , .Awitmed** T. J. Wekh at jejTSae.'SRiifta cr. p* dock To<?» to « sn'. of good draft *nitne -ue.r ad ■ ..ntas-, to attend. Sale foe Eg? Soper Phog^iaf»4if Lime THE STANDARD MANURE ’ sea 50 FEB TON- AT sIS-tf Powdered Yellow Coffee ...» ...» 19' Tallow » Tobacco ... » 25 @ 1 25 Teas— Imperial ....» 1 40 @ 1 60 Oolong l oo @ no Pouchong ...» 1 25 @ 1 60 I*n«, Seine . ...ft @ Baling ...» ® Wines, Claret . case 6 00 0 Port 1Pd 3 00 @ 4 60 Sherry ...gel 2 75 & 4 00 Brown Sherry 4 60 ® Burgundy Port 4 50 ® Chas. Farre Champaigne.. . . qts 29 00 ® Do. do. ' PtS 30 50 0 Wool .. .» 80 ® Jersey and Southern, at 60@63c.; Chicago at inferior do. in store, at 46c.; Wisconsin at 51 edbve regular, are 7,050 bbls. at $30 tor Sd fOT do - : *' J7 87 « fo 5^?iS r aS^fr'2d moderately active. Sales of 100 bbto1t $i“@20 to plain mess, and $20®24 for extra Tier^ beef and beef hams remain dull and nominal, jiierce nemauu rorticularly for smoked meats, 7™Santsd 1 to’ the Southern and local trade. "b^h sre wtotod ^^rn lhonldera _ on private terms hams at 23>;@2£c. for plain to fancy small lota bagged hams»-J» bQlk and city ice^ured ^ city ice^nred, in bulk, at rt?*for Strttedshire, and l«Xc. to long cut hams, at 17c. for StaJto ^uve, the demand being for city, a is neglected and nominally whtch is firmer, tea. at 18E@»Mc. to'X®'mdMMaMX*- to kfr »o Prime stemn aud ketUerendered^ <to „,^infeir demand. We quote mjecoods before goi^toNew a ,^|^^SiSantliie, 40c. for sperm, and 60®5»c. to , d nii but holders arc firm in their C kindaheve been in felr demand at Adi jffVMOtags Legnyra, rtl7XQ18)4a. niad begs Maracaibo on pn- P We kem from Bio Janeiro to June 7ll ??2^« The market today in very quiet. Sales of about 500 ** * 6 ^flnn. W^gSte at $22 80 Sf To!1 »2?S£ ** • ? No - ado - Herring. MILLER. TnOM^ Qo^ BLAIR & BICKFORlv Lumber Manufacturers’^ .hid X C»L*X 2MX > lot HID HtmORS •» . •*' ’■‘•VO- of ATLR’fl i lL; v, and * • i x? rill 9* l&QU*. uBlqou bj I wifi. I < IjWA-x Tmr csffiwun*a.— There was bm : coolf - . Ft , .? luiaod vi:s,crdsy I reported. n 8 death from Id rrt n*» -» i; * AND DEALERS Vi Oi EVERY DESCRIPTION T>ot>’*»rt, h'iKh JBlii 4 MRS *2 i itBlMtt lard • C-ua',, neat H, . i street, offict - m ' Bajatvoet, esrenueh. Ga. jj- 1 • FB 'for frS^hm'boz.end $4 25 tolaymJ other almonds; 16®15if- g^. -STgn i ' ? '*Tb^ J demM^ ha? : bir and ' r »0l 85@95c- to retail . m ft Florida Syrup g»i 10 00 ®15 00 8 60 0 6 50 0 3 00 gal 4 00 0 11 00 ®12 00 2 00 ® 2 80 3 25 ® 2 60 ® 35 00 ®40 00 50 00 055 00 30 00 035 00 25 00 ®30 00 65 ® 85 ( 7)4 0 5 00 010 00 1 60 0 2 00 4 50 ® 6 50 5 50 0 6 50 1 60 0 1 80. 1 95 ® 2 00 2 80 0 3 00 2 36 0 2 30 0 S 50 85 @ 1 00 1 75 0 1 40 0 For Philadelphia. The first class steamship Tonawanda, TEAL, Commander, will sail for toe above port on iattfrday, Augaal 11, at # o’clock a. m. Shippers wiebiog to avail themselves of the advan tages of direct shipments, thus avoiding extra hand ; ling of goods through Intermediate ports, are noti fied that store room will be furnished for freight daring toe absence of ’he shine. For freight or passage, having suptrtor accommo dations, apply to ly30 HUNTER A OAMMELL. OLD WEEKLY LINE. Leave every Tuesday and Saturday. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RY’S, FEHNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and elegant steam packets* LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. KING* and SYLVAN SHORE, Capt. JAMES TUCKER, having been specially fitted up for this route with unsurpassed accommodations, wilt leave regularly for the above places, the Sylvan Shore every TUES DAY MORNING, aud the Lizzie Baker every SATUR DAY MORNING, at ten o’clock. __ Returning, will leave Jacksonville every Tuesday and Friday, arriving at Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, in time to connect with toe New York steamers. _ „ For freight or Passage apply at the office on Florida wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agent. N. B.—All freight payable by shippers. 1yl6-tf FOR BALTIMORE. The new and elegant steamship FANNIE, Capt. H. H. Shoot, Will sail for Baltimore on Tknraday, 2d Inst., ot — o’clock, — m. Freight for PHILADKPHIA will be reoslvo* and checked through at the earn* rate* charged by other lines. For freight or passage, having good accommo dations, apply to LaBOCHE, WEST A DANIELS, •al Jones’ Block. Shot, all sizes. Scoah, Brown. B. Coffee... ...bag ...» .» 1 85 @ 85 IS) 30 16 00 @21 00 28 00 @3( 00 30 00 @31 00 8 00 @ 3 50 4 75 @ 00 2 75 @ 2 25 @ 3 00 14 3 00 @ 3 25 12*g - 16*51 17 FOR PALATKA, FLA., VIA BRUNSWICK, FERNANDINA AND JACKSONVILLE. K ^ T E, Every MONDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock. T. J. LOCKWOOD, Captain, anl BRADLEY, HILL A CO., Agents. Just Arrived and For Sale by KENNETH 1AGLEUG0, f 202 Bay Street, N EW SMOKttD SIDES AND STRIPS New Smoked Shoulders Dnffleld Hams, covered a Washington Hams, covered Manning’s Hams, covered. AUOOHHSiflfi Mesa and Prime Pork, In bbla and half bbls Fulton Market Family Beef, In half bbls Goshen Batter, In tabs, and Family and Bakers Flour. jy3-tf w _ be found In this LOWER PRICES than they other house, consisting In SOUTHERN Importing and Manufacturing t^ DRUG HOUSE No. 23 S Pratt & Wilson Brothers, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND « Manuliicturin^ Chemist*, No. 238 KING STREET, Fourth door above Market it$ Charleston* 8. C. chemist to late 8.' C. Nitre and Ml-| nlng Bureau. I LI P.B.WI iGradoate of Phils. I College of Phar macy, A Chemist Ito&O.Ord.Dap’t The proprietor* are Native Oe<M> giana, DI4LIII I" SlVftS; OHNIOAM, OBCGGiSW fll'IDl a»-3m NEW8P- FOR SALE, RIVER STEAMBOATS and TOW BOATS, of various size., and draft. AIM, Sailing Veaaela, Steam Barges, Ac. A. M. DA COSTA, No. 42 Water street, N. Y. LOW PRICES! Quick Sales! E havejnst received and opened the LARGEST STOCK of i DRY GOODS which we offer at be bought for at »DJ of Every variety of Dress Goode Housekeeping Goods Domretlca and Prints Cloths and Cassimeres Figured linens and Drills Embroideries and Laces Hosiery and Gloves Ribbons and Braids Hair Roll* sad Curls Lacs Points and Veita Bradley’s Emprea Trails Handkerchiefs Ac , Ac., Ac.- 1 ewsteih a ECUfAff, ♦ my21-tr 161 Congrsea street, SAVANNAH, OA. FOR CHARLESTON, HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. Every THURSDAY MORNING, at» o’clock. T. J. LOCKWOOD, Captoia. anl BRADLEY, HILL AOO.,Aghfc FOR DARIEN. the 8TEAMER H. M. COOL, WUl leave for Darien on Friday morning, 3rd Inst., at 8 o'clock. anLJt SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FOR CHARLESTON, VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. Carrying the United States Mail. Leav# every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 P. M. The new and fast steamers F A.IST2STIE, Capt. W. T. MoNxlty. and PILOT BOY, Capt. T. R. Paths, Being special!) adapted to this rente, and having an* pAlor accommodations, will leave regularly as above, the Faanle every Wednesday and FDot Boy every Saturday at 3 o’clock. Returning, will leave Chaitaa- ton on Taredaye and Fridays, at I a. m. These boats connect with toe eteemere Sylvan Bhore tad Llasle Baker from Florida, with New York, EUUdalffUa and Baltimore steamehlpe, and the Central atd OnV Railroads. For freight or passage, apply to F. M. MYRELL, Agent, Jy27-tf ftmrleston Wharf. Wax and Pearl Flowers. jC * FfHEJ Co-Partnership. 'fiBE NNDBSIGNED have man, mm., — IhtO a CO- 1 nartnarahlp for tbe transaction of a FACTOR- AGKand001fllI8SION BUSINESS, under the hame «d title ol J. WASHBURN A^Cto WA8HBDHS 'J. WASHBURN. jy2t-iw l Washburn. Paper Hangings AND Window Shades. BB8. TUBNER, No. 58 8t. Julian Street, Notice. MATT. STEAMSHIP C0MPAHT. FOR ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, AND RIO DE JANEIRO. N Under contract with th* United States and Btud Governments for the carriage of the malic, will ffifr- patch oa% Of their * ' _ NEW FIRST CLASS SIDEWHEEL • V94MSSXFSi , each over 2,^80 tone burthen, i On- the 22d of Every Month, , T»ort of jNfcw York. - $*> ■Hast .170 itorthe ft lug rates of lent: From Mew Tork to «. Tbcsnee Pram Nur NN* togsg-;^-. FreU New W “ Prtnemboco fieJaneiio.::.': Bony d ball these rate*,' bedding l >< AB*ezperiesced Snrgeon ■ attached to each vmUL. All Letten most pa** thresh the F0*t Office. ra£ nee 10 cents. Ror further tntormaUekacpMggaj^to^