The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 17, 1866, Image 2

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The Daily News and Herald. BY w. MASON. IAKTOL W. UWI Mttw, W. T. THOMPSON AkocUU Bdltor. Official Paper of the City. LAMEST CIRSSLATHS II TIE SITT All IIUTT =F FRIDAY, M)ac»r;fl7. • POIIBIII** 1 -- Ar« authorized to receive subecriptlona for the NEWS AND HERALD. Duly. Tri-Waekly and Weekly at our advertised rates. TO OHS COUNTRY PK1BIM. A. muoh interest is felt throughout the country in ragsd to th« prospects of the cotton and other orepa we will begretefttlto our plialtag u the Interior (or lnfonneUen do that aehiect. Thooe who hare opportunity, for obtaining raluable infor mation in regard to the growing crepe, the working of the tree-labor aystam. and kindred utter., of gen eral internet, will confer a faror by the aame to us. THE COTTON TBUK OP IAVAISAH. We published n few days since an article from the Macon Telegraph oiling attention to the fact that the merchants and capitalists of New Orleans had agents circulating in Southwestern Georgia offering the planters extraordinary inducements to change the di rection of their shipments of cotton- The Columbus Enquirer of the 12th instant, al luding to this subject speaks as follows : “Certainly we have no fault to flud with the buai- neaa men of New Orleans for their liberality and en terprise in seeking to draw trade from a distance to then: city. So far as freights from Columbus are con cerned, they are greatly aided by natural adssalages- by a water route that has never yet obtained the heavy trade of which it Is susceptible. Tor tight or nine month, in the y*ar, this route to continuously ” ——a. thiwugh freight open, sab sad r.liable. If dMS thxwugh fteigL. charges were established we believe that no other route could at present compete with it for the trade between this city and all the Mississippi region.— When our road from Opelika to Tuscumbia shall have been completed, then, and not until then, will the route by way of our river Mid the Gulf have a rival which it cannot underbid. If parties interested^ in transportation by this route and in the trade of New Orleans are seeking, by enterprise snd liberality, to obtein the cotton and furnish the supplies of the peo ple of this region, it la all btr and srotabta. ♦•The only remedy which Savannah and the rail* roads dependent upon her trade have, is the adoption of like liberality and enterprise. We do not yet see any signs of it on the part of Savannah. We suppose that the through freight arrangement by way of Au gusta and Charleston which we notice, yesterday, (by which cotton is to be sent bom Augusta to Livarpeot at f 6 SO per bale) is an effort oB the part 6f CbsUestoa and Augusta to meet the New Orleans enterprise in s proper spirit; but Savannah has no part in that effort, it behoove* her business men snd the Central Rail* rssd Company to rub their eyes." . Whilst we regard as gratuitous the En quirer's reflection upon the merchants ot this city, conveyed in the imputation that they are lacking in the enterprise and liber ality essential to neutralize the scheme re ferred to, we thank it for the admonitory suggestions presented as to the remedy which Savannah and the railroads dependent upon her must adopt to meet successfully the ap prehended danger. The statement that ar rangements have been made for reduced through freights by way of AuguBta and Charleston in anticipation of the New Or leans movement, with the assurance that no corresponding arrangement has been made in behalf of the interests of this point, we confess, took os by sorpriae. But from in formation we have received from' a reliable source we are inclined to think the En quirer is in error when it states that a per manent or continuous arrangement has been effected for the transportation of cotton from Augusta to Liverpool vfa New York at $G 50 per bale. ■ Such a thing is impracticable, from the fact that freights are fluctuating, and are regulated from dav to day by circumstances as controlling in their operation as the laws of supply and demand. The freight on a bag of cotton from Charleston to New York may be $2 50 at this dull season, when six weeks hence, from an increased influx of produots from the country seeking transport ation abroad, it may ran np to double that amount. Nor do we believe that cotton can be shipped from Columbus to New Orleans as cheaply as it can be sent to Savannah; and our conviction upon this. point is tUrengtbaned by the extraordinary induce ments offered by the merchants of New Or leans to divert the oofoan if that direction. If the cost at transportation is lees, and the planter can realize more upon sales in that market than can be realized here, why the necessity of tendering him unusual advances of money and merchandise to start him with tbt current of his interests? But we have referred to this matter not so much for discussion as to invite the attention of oar merchants to the remarks of the En quirer, for wheat they were doubtless in tended. Thb Legality op the Acts or Coitoazss. —It is stated that the Hon. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, has written a letter designed for publication, in which ha hlw the bold ground that the Congress which has just ad journed, being composed of representatives from only twenty-five States, coaid not con stitutionally pass any act over the'President's veto; and that, therefore, the Freed wen’s Bureau bill, the Civil Rights bill, and tlie Con stitutional amendment, an legal null ties- Mr. Ewing is one of the very lew surviving it,tMiYinn of the Jacksonian era. He was a member of U»e United 9tfoes' gfipa^c >'be* Clay, Webster and their illustrious compeers were then, He waa a member pf resident Harrison's party, anA all tfrrwifefl tlibrbright est days of the old Whig party he wag one of its ablest and most faithful leaders- He is a thorough Conservative, purely hmest V> his political sentiments, and no doubt be fully believas wha* h*U0% i» regaa^tff OjFSfore said acts of Congress. Tea Comoa Caor os East FlobidA.— We regret ta learn from oar sprightly cotem porary, the Gainesville New Era, that the crop prospects in that section an by no means promising. It say a The late drought followed by heavy and almost dtuly rains, have injured to a vast extent the prospects of the cotton crop in this section. In many fields we have noticed the ground ia almost covered with the drop ping fruit, and in aome very dry places, gS eral large planters, to whom we have spoken on the subject, estimate that more than one half of what U known. v the “middle crop” win be At •/This'will prove a ®*ions loss to oar planless liHl will aedaas the already short crop of long staple from two to five hundred bales in this and adjoin ing counties. Radical Logic.—The Tribune is uneasy because of the bad' recced of Congress on the subject of retrenchment; and, to palliate the increase of members’ pey, pleads that that proceeding . in* - sustained by certain friends of the President. The logic of the thing is not according to. WhatisI^. The minor is supposed to be less than the major —the minority less potent than the majority. Bat the Tribane proposes to roversf fU IkiA and ta hold the eonnervatlvo mifloHty **■ sponsible for the acts of the Radical majori ty- The argument will hardly convince the people. South west, art Railboad.—The Director, of this road held their annual meeting la Macon on Thursday last. They declared bo dividend, we are Informed, because their en tire assets are needed to make necessary re pairs and purchase naw roiling stock for the road. iAVASSAH ABD Among the nomarous aappionewadt of cmr q||y now .nfcfngV ffta mar will intercourse with her by mO, not ft s least interesting and attractive is that pntaioto sf the fdphwnlar State lying west of Hie ApalahMeola -river. We were informed a few days since by a gentleman from lf«ri«itit» that a movement was in contemplation there having for its id»«i» — ——ill—I r—KM ideation with Savannah. We learn from the Marianna Courier, of the 10th inst, that the ideeds rapidly taking form. It says:*“The reader will notice that ■ah sppffcagdh General Assembly fern* hot 8f incorpora tion, organising a company for —iy ;■ frdnrTtt we p: nect with the A Bautin and Gulf Railroad from Savannah. TWa is a step in the aighh direction, and wn hope WO meet no oppOtfJ tion in the General AaMmbly, and will fcn- bst capital and enterprise sufficient to carry out the object of the movers. 'This county from its settleaaent has felt the want iff facil ities of transit fen ban produots, and hue prosperity will he dated from the eoHqffd- tion of this desirable outlet." The point of intersection with the Savan nah mad anil he somewhere ia the vieiaity of Baht bridge, bat west, we presume, of Flint river. The country bordering on the Chipola river in West Honda is not surpass ed by any other i« America lor the produc tion of ootton. tu.i Tke Kemeval off Samurai Terry from Virginia. The Richmond papers announce the de tachment of Gen. Teery from the coaamaari in Virginia, and the appointment of Otoe. Schofield to succeed him. Judging from the remarks of the Whig and Timet upon the change of officers, few have contrived to make themaeivea sosapopolar ia. the admimstm tion of an important eamnaad as Gen. Terry. He is not only nnpopnhur with the press, bflt is greatly disliked by the people, and all are. delighted that he has been superseded. -The Whig, noticing his departure, says; “In trou blous times, when a military commander is assigned to the government of a people with whose sentiments bis own are at variance,' fy is a tribute to his official and personal worth of whioh be may well ha pnood when regret and sorrow at his departure are manifested. It would be gratifying to ns if we could say that, in the recent reorganization of military departments under whioh Gen. Terry is to be assigned to a new theatre ai operations, his departure hence will be a source of such re gret to onr citizens. It will not They win all, on the contrary, be pleased at the parting. He came here with prepossessions against oar people, sad permitting to have foil sway, he has never undentoood or appre ciated ns. By his own showing before the Committee of Fifteen, he has never cultivated their kindly feelings, or sought or had any association with them. Ha has from first to last looked on them with jaundiced eyes— has misunderstood, misjudged and misrepre sented them.” Plan or tub Daswamvaa.—The Chi cago Tribane, a very bold and able journal, well posted ha ta Aha obj+ets mod purposeir df tbe radicals, ssys: It seems probable that tbe South Stt&iaURCUEL it will be the clear duty of the present gress to lay the axe at the not of Andrew Johnson’s Provisional Governments, and re organize tbaaa oalbo bmsfe- of impartial suf frage. There will be no war of races then- Instead of it, there wW be respect tor law, and submission to it. General Grant knows how to establish and execute anything which the law-making powar may enact, without leaving any war of races in his track. Upon this tbe New York Times makes tbe following comment : “ There is no reticence or ambiguity in this. If the Southern States fail to ratify the constitutional amendment which has been submitted to them, their right to self-government ia to be trampled under foot, their conatitatioBsl rights to reg ulate the suffrage aonutied, and their entire machinery of government ia to be recon structed according to tbe Radical model. This is what tbe Chicago Tribune threatens. And we know no journal that ia better in formed as to the Radical plana, or more likely to be entrusted with thair promulgation “The revolutionary meaaure thus indica ted as a probable contingency, might be dis credited if it were at variance with tbe tone displayed by Radical leaders since the close of the session. Unfortunately, tbe reverse is the fact." ante tub GeqPBL in Missouri—The th-— Whktfyii<B|»m *r*'iy «> « Preach Test Oath.- best seen where, by the aid of tbe military, it has compfele paswasion of power, and all one side—aa in Missouri. A Test Oath ex ists In this ^take^'and tovtftfaw it is op erating may be gathered from jbn partial rt turns of the ducfcM; of the CfrioR 06 bit < a single county (Marias). The Palmyra Spectator, of Friday last, says: last. Th. criminal dock at ta quite Urge, and differs widely from the docket of tenter yetua. Fomdsaa ministers were iedirted tor preaching the Gospel Their caeca, we learn, ware laid over to the. Beat Feb ruary term. The docket nut. somewhat after this feahten : Bev. Jamas S. Grew, preaching the Gospel; John Smith, selling wUahuy without a license ; Bar. W. M. Newland, preaching the Gospel cense; Jems. Blown, ceiling whisks- Bar. J. H. Imther, preaching the Gospel; Judy Dun- ley, keeping a bawdy hoase; Bev. Henry Louth an, preaching the Gospel, wal to on.” it , Many hundreds of clergymen throughout the State of Missouri burs been arrested on the same charges aa those that are preferred against the fourteen tbst have been brought up for trial before the Circuit dourt for Ma- rOT,®Lt,«: the duties of theit-naCMff ffiflee as to preach charity to the neighbor when, in the opinion ot their persecutor., they should have ex- atlql pratiesabo»*^fl|ion, » d<?ah otit damnation to all who would not bow to Geslefs asps or who believed iu the humanizing influences of tm, famine apd Neqro Scttraob.—There are but five States which make a» legal dietinetbm among their cilizaus aa to the fight of suffrage jod the grouad of color Mataa. Vermont, New Hampshire, MMaaehomttsaadRhode Island. In New York negeeaa to note must be own ers of a freehold worth at least f2y0. AI1 the other States deny the right of suffrage to the negro. A Bate to extend it rotbeooi- ored race was taken in 1865, in Colorado (Sept. 8), Connecticut (Oct 2), Wisconsin (Nov. 7), Minnesota (Nov. 7). All these declared qgainrt U by large majorizes, and yet arc now for forcing it upon tbe Southern Stalest Verily, aRsStUdy IsWjifegt Gave it DV.—Henry Ctay ben. who vtaLdt ani time Chaplain ta Oongrma.Bed very strong otfretiuhs to the the members cf Ha coogfegsboh of ^Tsssrsan?srasiv “”“2,» u. ‘^iow listen to me. tad rn ten you who the people are as — — •* ' He ortr toe w*y," apd •■Deacon A., Who top a then went on “* Presently gave hi. db_ oontlirned toe ecaae At length come one eateed the door wtm . SM ua- JEFFERSON DAVIS. FT i DETAILS. Tke Jwdlclery Cwneneittce C«».piracy- CenetpeUemn of tke Sabenud Wlt- Biaan li.ttir ef Jedgt Advocate Oeaersl Holt, fee., fee. We find in a Northern paper the following account of the cdffifiM^r by Uii Ju^ciary | Committee to convict Mr. Davis of compile!-’ conspiracy to convict of bogus witnesses, and witnesses. had confessed that they had befu of the Govaruiaant ia> Bureau of M2R tweU to admit ia witnesses, on being littee, retracted eori voptU^G^rifami daclared teati- nvonri a# originally given, waa false in every pArtimlef . Ttoa tyitnaesaa declared to tbe oonunittee that they were promised and received, large sums of money for spiking false affidavits for the 'Bureau of Muitpqy Justice, and yet t^e commitfee cahoot see ,in auch inducemeiife snd eouaiderations a raatoeable explanation, for the course |k|y (Ike witnesses) bad pur sued. Campbell further declared that,‘in- sfoadefffeeing fe-lhe rebel serrica, aaiie bad ■gtain'lj- v tit) kofrad lived emolasivefy in New York during the war, working - fit- his tiade, (gas-fitting,) and he gave the names and addresses of tee persons for whom he had worked, and of others who knew him well, and saw him daily during that period. Tbe committee promptly dispatched an agent with him to-New York, who look bint into tbe presence of the persons he had carped, whea be waa at once identified as the party lie claimed to be before the committee, and yet-the majority of that sapient body “are opt able to any whether his original staler menu are true pr (Mao.” Tbst Campbell and Snevel were suborned, aa they confessed before the Committee, and wer* employed to soboru others, and paid hondstynely for their rascality, the following cocrespoadance, whioh X have procured with *”jff***’T*V w T,i t r will establish beyond a doubt The first latter ia directed to “Sanford Cono ver, Esq, Washington, D. C.,” , Wxldoh House, St. Albanx, i Noveub jt 19, 1865. j Ma. Comovxx: Dear Sir—I have just parted with the party I thought would do to represent Lamar. He will go into the game and swear all that ia wanted, bat he places his price at a pretty high figure. He wants $3,000, and says he won’t sell hia soul for less. Yon told me not to go shore (1,500, bat the Judge told me afterwards that if necessary I could go $500 more. But even this is far below the mark- What am I to do ? I have written the Judge how the matter stands, and I hope you wfrl urge him to come to the terms. Dick is a good fellow, and we can depend an him with out fear, and he has the faculty liars need most—a mighty good memory- X hope to receive a message from you to-morrp w, telling me to strike the bargain. At any rate, let me know how to act as soon as possible. "vT ' ’ Truly yours, William Camtbfi.i- New Yoke, March 5, 18G6. M» Conover; Dear Sir:—I have been trying to see yon for several days, but hear that you. are out of town. I shall leave this at station A. that you may get it as soon as you return. I am in great need of more money— my last investments did not pay. and I am dead broke and so is SneveL The Judge told me when I last saw him to communicate with him only through yon, and I don’t like to write him; but I must have money in a few days. Get him to send me $500, for nothing leas will be of any use to me. I wish I cOuld get in bulk all I am to receive, and then I could get into safer business; but I suppose you are all afraid that if you should give me all in my hands at once I could not be found when most wanted. I don’t like' to be suspected, but anything is better than being poor, so I will take what I can get; bnt of course not less than $500. Don’t keep me waiting again, for God’s sake, for I shall hardly be able to raise cock-tails and segars till I near from you. Truly yours, William Campbell. War Department, j Bureau of Military Justice, v Washington, D. C.. March 17, 1866.) Mr. S. Conover: Dear Sir—Since writing you and enclosing draft as requested, I have received a letter from Campbell, to which I replied this morn- ibg, mentioning the funds remitted to you for himself ana Hr. Snevel, and asked him to see you. He does not, however, know precisely where to find you, and I presume you have now bis address, which is the Whit ney House, corner of Twelfth street and Broadway. I hope yon will place the funds in Us hands with the least possible delay, a9 he Seems to be greatly in need. Very respectfully, your obedieut servant, " u J-Holt, \ " Judge Advocate General. The followingletler is directed to “Sand- ford Conover, Esq., Postofflce, station F, New tork city:.” Asior House, April 17, 1866. Dear Conover—I came in laid evening and have been aD day endeavoring (o find you, That villain Campbell h^ divulged the whole arrangement to Davi§’ friends, and will, if ^possible, be pushed before the com mittee.,' 1 have been seat on to assist you in getting him sweet again, so that be will stand by bis story, or else keep out of the way. Ii must be done at any cost. I am prepared vtuh the needful. UId 279 and No. 8 were at headquarters the day before yesterday, and are furious. We shall be well rewarded if we Save their bacon. It must be done Call the moment you receive this. I shall wait till yon come, tor I can do nothing with out you. I have also written to your old address. As ever, yours, M. On this evidence let tbe public determine whether Campbell and company had any in ducements or considerations for the course they pursued, and whether the affidavits made by them for the Barean of Military Jurtice were uue or false. What a pity the Judiciary Committee could not Shield their friends completely. I km obliged, in order to reach the next mail, to bring my letter to an abrupt conclu sion^ In my next I shall have something to * the mysterious and furious 279 and RABHIED. JQ«iifiO»I-OOURVOl*i£.-In UUs city,OR *ifik lasukn ta* lav. c,r. lMtoa, b. p. miinnate* lawttark. tatttta ffifea auguhta, e«i, aeagefor oftkekiteJ.A. On—Ha, r*q, of tab clfo,. „. I KqeXntiBaa ot Mr. WUIAM B. KTURAXDGF WlfoipecttpUy invited to an—htaffinferi tern U* tow- retedrere, tomw at Dwtfsrearii ateto «trata this afternoon ate !>» ■ i, CHOICE rAMILY FLOUR I _,r- i FROM NEW WHEAT. OWI SaaSnaah Steam VtourlRc unis (not end of X Broughton street) Are new supplying Grocers and FanMer vrttft ah excellent qmfttr of jfKW VUNHL pad* frem MBW WHEAT. Fateliea sap- piie* p Ibetr resident**, b* tbe barrel, ball barrel, OBITS and BEAU WANTED, A WiLJWiWO HOUB^ or three m XjL and kitchen in* fa riifehed hciiae, for ooe or □tcrotta. Terkw cMu and iecurttj fftven Tor good Cfi rn Aftmtora." Mc4€rmso T. B., atattn^ terns, Ac., '—* o*. a aalS-tf KISSENGBN WATER On Draught, iV I "jS.Jl's ‘ ,, 1 > *■ W. MARsn A 00.-S. aBTl-lw Comer WhkAlier and CoagrepRsU. To Epicures. 2000 BautaM ■taxuntua In fine ordej, to sal* bj ‘ a SUl-tf BILADLET, WIT.I. * CO, By Telegiyph^j NMlHt jDBPATCHBS. FROjI NfiW YORK. ■- *BM H Jiff ft BttBMtk - JIBS IS B '■«reC« mi isnretre—ffirdp £ l I BROADWAY HAVANA. CHOLERA IN NORTHERN CITIES. ‘ New Torm. ArePstlS.—Five-Twanllre, ISigi Forties. 102Ji; 8even-Tlurtiea, 4#*X; GoW. S3M Cottar active at fall,prices; sales Q00 b*^* i * > | * 4 ^ 6c, flffiur firmer for Southern; vs SSfeSJS.,23. Wbert 3£5C. better. Com tfc Btore Fork base/; safes A230 bbls. Mes* »t Jjai inrhvt^V Whiik&j Grooartea ouIL a*s.47tofe«8e. Bosia, 81ki®$8- jUarnnadates of Augsst IS, raoeived P*r Colnmbfe. ssj aU vessels arriving fsom Ajueci r,a finrt* are unar- sntiDed twenty daj?. owing toebotofa. TbeOsptato- Q nail ban ordered all criminate or notetoRsfr bed characters, wbo have been brire or aereia prison, to be toanapoatad to Mead Fernando Po. Itlarafastod beto so dtogustod with Cuban affbirs aa to toadur.bto. tew ia very dull hi IWvrea. aedao fieights offering for the United States excepting dfi per eeat. dAcoanL • ; I Afire eederted this morn tag ta Hresman’a dmg store, Broedwev: loss gau.OOO. - Rogers * Brefear, silver pUten, mid P. Corbett k Co., to and wool deafen, also mAred to the sniouat c# AM- Eleven cases And six deaths frtmi cbolare reported. Eleven cXses and seven deaths in Breokiym. A CinctaneG dispatch says there were unity ifot deaths from dlolera yesterday ta that cAtjr, There were twenty new cases of cAoiera ta Phils- flelphla and six 'deaths to-day. * ftiOM BALTIMORE. iettlcmevt thb two BAY USBS. Important from Mezioo. NKW» FROM CANADA- Baltocoms. ▲QgMrit 16.—Tbe great tteffimboffit oppo sition on Chesapeake Bay, which has been carried on tag the fifteen months between the old Bay Mae and new O'Leary line, waa to-day terminated by a seUletnent which involved the payment to Arthar L«Hy ffiid C. A. Garrison, of Mew York, of a qaerter mUon of dollars, and the purchase by old Una of steamers of the George Lear}'. The old Una ia now In possession of the vaiaaMe Baltimore and Hocfalk route/ /uV ! * The We* York Herald's City of Mexico denee says eighteen citizens hsve best charged with conspiring to abduct Maximilian hold him until he consented to abdicate. Tlie A ▲nna-Ortega conspiracy is said to be formidable, bracing the Archbishop of Mexico and other prominent persona. The new Ministry is said to be very unpopu lar with the nation. A. Mexican insurrection recently took place in the State of Yen Cruz, and 500 Austrians sent to quell it with Imperial officers, wers captured. A Toronto special says one thousand volunteers wers sent to Fort Erie to watch the Fenians. A part became insubordinate and refused to obey orders. Inadequate pay and bad treatment was the ostensible cause. Three gunboats had arrived at Toronto and others are expected. FROM PflILADEliPHIAe Tke Ceavcntisa AS|ff«raed. • Pn.Ann.pini, Aug. 16.—2 p. IB-—The Convention adopted a declaration of principles and adjoarnad •ine die. Thera will be an address issued to the people of the United States, d J • FROM RICHMOND. Special Notices. ' : i-- cell behad At ESmLL-S NEWS ooraer of Bey lane, next to theSfot Office (down Bate.) Writing Paper* and SkVOOpe, of aU ktad^ ta any quantity, boa a (Ingle (beet np. Pena, feta ta ■ mini■■■■■■ — dffffiffi oMfe) u Orrtcm or Asnoivxis or m ) Bams or rma Sr&n or Gbomia, > —. Aaeem ia ^rea 1 Billboldare are hereby nqtlffed that tag priority of taW m 1 too tbafroa tbe tlaeof agfoBMof ta. aaaetaof taeBank.^ 4.,PQM^ ? , aalt-dtwAthenwtf ^Macau TefegrePk red altot wW phree gubfife refiyte Comtitntion- ffT re-A Bata: I nffiMXffiOBMOffiMW «UXI* Og.CAUtta.KA B • rentataattan «f taft three font tonka, , PHOSPHORUS, CALUATA.. Tbe Iren give* tbe blood a rich vermllHon eofor wbert ft become, ttffn and wxtary; fee Pfroapbotu, reppare nrnnre power in eeata at mtatei dipree. ■ton. While the Ogiuapngtvre bore end vlgw toall the regena of ftp body. ;, t . , ajl Bote qaaufectoioia, OA8WBLL, MACK A QO.^ un der Fifth Avenue Hotel, New Tort, abd Newport, L For aal. at UrtlllF* ijB* - - -■ » Assiarnees’ Notice. tfl£1 The undersigned having been appointed aeefgWM of the Fermerr and MecbanfrirBank of Sdrenlreb, Georgia, hereby notify MM-holdere and otter etotat- ■eta agntart tke reld Bank topneent the antte Jo*. jA qataatloa, and afipereoaa Indebte d .to thu BauW-vc required to nuk* Immediate payment.. Blll-holdera will loee their priority If the biito art not preeented wltkla sfx moatterradl tale date. •I JOttmfelQHABMMB, i .,11 ^ A. M, GACDkl, dJi-r. J,8I4f J cJ ,; u Aaalgneea. •If Assignee’s ii Cases of Cholera Aanooaesd. BicnsoNT), August 1*.—The Board cf Health re nouuce seven case, of cholera There have also been ten eases among the troi;pe at Csmp Jartaoe. From Boston. Boston, Aug. 16.—Arrived bark J. R. Ward, from Savannah. Mobile Cotton Market. Mobile, AUg 16.—Cotton stlffer. Sale, to-day ot 300 bales. Quotations unchanged. From New Or lee ms. New Orleans, Aug. J6.—Cotton a little stiff. 1,330 bales. Low Middling, 33 to 33. Gold 4*. Bank sterling, 62. Notice. mg£ FOLLOWING X0T3 OF LAND and iaprort- 1 ments upon Lots are in arrears for city takes, to-wit: Lot No. 5, Berrien Ward, triangle on Gaston st. Lot and improvements No. 6 Carpenter's Row. Lot and improvements west half of Mo. 13, Carpen ter’s Bow. Lot and improvements MO. 14, Carpenter’s Bow. Lot and improvements No. 15, Carpenter’s Bow. Improvement No. 18, Crawford Ward. east. ImproTfeffikfent Na 24, Carry town Ward. Lots No. X 3, and 45, Davis Ward. One-fourth ot 1>W 51, Garden Lot, east. Three-fourths of lot 52, Garden Lot, east On-vfourth of lot c»3. G^rdpn Lot, east Three-fourths of lot 64. Garden Lot, east. Lot and improvemerifs Mo. 19, Garden I/M, wash Fractions 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, C, Tan Yard Tract. West half lot-No. 10; Gaston Ward. Lot and improvement* No. 20, Gas tom Ward. Lots No. 3. 4a Uv 12.13.14, Gaston Ward. Improvement corner of Hall ana Tatnall atseeta. Improvamest batween Hull amd Gwtmmett wtMli . Lot mod unproveme nts Nb. 5, GiimwrviUa» Lota 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 11, IT, 18, 10, 24, 25, 26, 3S,Rant- mollensville. Lota 8,9, and lots and Improvements 9, 4, IS, Worth Ogtethnrpe Ward. Lot IP, Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Lot 23, South Oglclhurpe Ward. Letters A, B, C. D, E, F. G. H. I, X. Stephen* Ward. Improvement No. 12. Troop Ward. Earn port No. 14, Troateea’ Carden. Improvement No. la, Walton Ward. lota 28,37 and letter A. Wesley Ward. As the owner, of the above mentioned property unknown, notice to hereby gives that, it reli am are not paid by tte feet day of Septeaabar next. I cuttona for the respective amounto doe will be pet into the bands or th; City blirehal. with Instructions to sdverttoe abd seffeald lorn and Improve-suets tor psffreset ot all torn dae andooata at arerettataff ami -fee " ■ T^&'SSb'. NOTICE. -assed ecember, t>F bifey desert pttoti _ upon frafoht and presage momey pepablp ta tala city, and opoo hones and mufee, are required la be paid monthly.' The undersigned la prepared to re- ertve twsfevetai for fhe paatmoeth of Apr#. ii K.T.GIBBQN. i BG-tf . ... ta|yTreasurer, BOLTON’S WHARF STEAM SAW MUX, WEST 0? HABERSHAM’S KICK MILL. nnHE UWDEBSIGNED. In connection with ttrtr A Daw-Mil, are now ruitoltig a PLANING MA- Ctolftfe and. will keep cenatanUy on bead aa reacei- meat gf l-onte, and Shtagfes suitable for the city 1 u v : JEFrXRSOS ROBBJtTB M OO. Jtahstfii Roberta. John Laoa. Mm U Brenelltit — New GEORGIA FLOUR. CAffi SACKS AND UALF SACKS, from Stovall’a v^vrw JliU f or g a ] e by aan-tt OONNXHAT A JOHNSON. BOOKS! BOOKS 4 '>j- • . . . bob sal* by Cooper, Oicotts & FarreHy. J* i * f ■ 1 1 •* ” * * • t The Hotite by the Churctiyiri!. bj ^ Ttaoe. The Mon tan»«, by SalUe J. Hancock. Onr neighbors *n the Corner^Hodfo, by T. 8. AT- tanr. - ‘■ •» . Ten Tears of a Litotime. by Hommt. A Day’s Bide, by Charles Lever? Jeany Anbrase, a domestic attuy- ; AM jkdfijAseyky. Amelia B-Edwa^s.-, ■ , . AUhiaf the Gauntlet, by Gate*. Wlft -in') The noderefoneff fiavtag- Men ajgfefeted assignee of the Bast of Oeetttarea to Dav inaeb, fleosgtaflS [ re, ssi 3 to ante epos Us d at lea, AH qtiMf leaving qIaIxub. the said Bailk, ere requested to present the aame tor Hqnida- tlon, and all parties Indented to tbS Want are re- qoaated to make Immediate payneot. 1 BIHboMere wfflfoebdMto prtartty Iftto hMto are net presented witatartx MottUm ffumt ibis data. JOHN C. FBRRILL, anS-Sm Arelgnge. CHATHAM INFERIOR OOUBT. I TUisoat, August Tth, 18tt. I Wtrtsxsa, Oe seeonnl of tbs ehormoo, tapisutc wbtoi the comaty ta pat bypriaemere being tatted over faff trial to Courts net to oonveaa is aeverpl rengtba, when a Court having Jurisdiction Is In ees- rion, thereby burdening tbe county with heavy snd unnecessary costs. It ia herdby directed that all Msg- latttttn shall tarn over their cases to the -nearest Ceert baring larimUetJoR. stareetos their Mis wU not be peastd by tala Ooest GEO. F. HARRISON, J. L C. C. C. JOHN WILLIAMSON, J. L C. C. C. True extract from tbe minutes. WM. H. BULLOCH, : Clerk L C. a CL 8. T.—188©-—X. Drake’s PlntttiM BHten. vi ir. They purify, strengttem sad tavigorata. Thej create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dlastpation and late hours. Thay strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They gnat mhmmatfe sad intennMtoDttovers. Thag parity tbe breath and aridity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Morbu*. They core Liver CompMat and Herrons Heafeehe. They ere the best BtStore in tts world. They make tbe weak ttraag, ann are exhmaated aa tare’s great re storer. They are made to pure St. Croix Bom, tbe celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herns, and; are taken with the plea sore of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended te delicate persons reqalrtag a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Dragglata, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork Is covered by onr private C. 8. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottler. P. H. DRAKE « CO., octal cod!y SI Btofc Row. Hew Tertr. Hagai's Magaalia Ratals This is tbe most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the rah-bamt fkce an hteds to a pearly eatin terutnre of ravMdnc beamty, impsettag the marble parity at yneth, and tbedtotfo- gSW sppearemrr so tavltlqg ta the city beUa ot fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the ei") leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains erf materia! tajurioai te tbe ttta. Patronized by Ait nme’hnd Open Otagers. It to mhat every lady Should have. SsM tueijmhmc. Retail price, so senta. Prepared by W. K. HAGAN, Troy, N. T. Address all orders to « OHAI BARNBB A Ott, uettLeofey:.■./* i I New York. Election Notice. CITY 0¥ SAVANNAH, » Orreem Oaaax se Oeemsib, 1 jtafrai ]ith, | At the at-xHtogular Meet! s* -f Oouucil. tv behetil en WedRsedRy Been tag. Aaggst 224, 1MD, to five ehtoek P. M., analeotloD mill beheld tetteofeseef CITY TRqMRER, (Te tilths vacueey eeprefiby tbe reslgaatiosi efB. T. Oltiana. gaq_) . . SALARY. $«,W»-BONta fiiAOOd. . - Alee, lor the ottos of > ASSISTANT TBKASUBER. HAIAffT, BOND, $lu,000. ta thrir xpplkmflWfo tbe (tme rmwlsed) and bmM ta tottefoi oebtfiiMMtohtBClLfi.M. oe that day. .. c ... JAMhX HTKWART, :« amll-M . I . .1 i-Ui /- ONrk 4fOomficii. Aaai*wi?ff.«[oOee- * Bite c» Bavtobte. \ -t.u . II. gRsmuma.taemtai.iJtoiy4.aMA/ The andattigaed bavtag keen appointed AsmgaaU to tatoBknktetbS ptapeH-effg(—fog M J -Bqul- dtoNg i lfeegtove.thtoelbrsiaH|smeeei | hRHrtafi tor agalam Ods suntotaMum w!U |l tanl ttim s— il bin AsMdre to Uteffiank am veqkUMtopreesmrae sune vrtfeM rixmoette from tMv dare, «r ttey win lose the priority granted by ktafofei-biif tateCim- dffbtedvMfl mltarhtusefiklte Jfeyibeeif to 1 ’ - ”1 " •:* ^ nitftamHigi-ii 1 - tt/i ! ' h> am. W. Dta-n. ■ i 1 i UTu m ... ajLi .j. JffiESu tULGIRTRY LJBT, lltofl. ’ omcE ^ . Notice to hereby given that the HAgWry titter citlzeoaeiititied tqtlxwto vote at fhe 'ensetagtaBo- Horn for Mayor '.and AkWrtnro of the Ctty of »*v«h- aafe. Will dose' on Monday, the ’3d day of Septette next. Tlfo Registry Ust j» open (feoyrtom Ufitp. nv Persona not qaagfied to vote will retni tutor names to the City Treasurer. 1 ^ JAMAff^OrART. :***Lj* . Clerk txqpifeca Mtwm MAUt BIB, M eamtSiw fftork Or Brown, instantaneous. beat, cheapest, deretli, tt- tlatae. Depot, Ne. MAebm teem, Itow York. -Sold hr a* ttmg and patsmt ataffi I and BeeeMfriag the Hair. Htafftata.,fog tart CHAffifegAATaaBUHLS-Ys-g, it/., flun.’j-j Htiffi- New Advertisements. Insurance. } .SOUTHER* ttorixed Attorneys lot the 'Juns«;ti on 0 , ’ mx for me during my absence from t anITSt juumi orncE .xfq£Tgt>io‘] vii or THE ,21H3TA^?1C JUMOCfiRDOCKfiftrl j -nlOf“.'*I I'khioH vi/JImiiio LIFE INSURANCE CO., stUblqqA J:. «'■ ^ ' emK “ ew Tort TATB OP GEORGIA, MclNTOSII > all whom it may rono-rn ; Whereas, WlUiam J. Wallace will«... of Ordinary far letters of adtniuiS lIf^b*. non, oe the estate of John Harris Lu ' h * kw connty, deceased: ,3 " Uo r->4t e Thpe are therefore to cite and aiimonuv , it xtow etmoetn to be and appear to make objection ,lf any tiuy hivei,» ! first Monday in October next, otberwu, will be granted. * *W icJ Wit-ess my official signature this u.v,, gust, 1866. RAtoM*. aoK A ' OTkTEOPGkOBfllA. MoINTOSH'cor^r^'. O days: Her date application will"^I Court of Ordinary of McIntosh count, •rU 0 hi sell the real anil personal estate beluDinJ; *** ll Bacon, tote of said connty. dec ased. ’ I W W. CHURCHILL Ailm-. Darien, Mdntoeh county, August u enlT-few2m ' * RESlBEHf fiDARD OF DIREGT8RS. Nicies Written in every Form Desired. PARTICTTT.AR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE Ten fear, Non-Forfeiture, i t . t. AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES, vkkk piau there run be no for felt uct *Aer two annual Premiums have been paid. | T a .. 'I | ti'T ■ ffilffo* . I Mciesfrii ten & Losses Promptly Paid A «P tub officii, !N"o. 89 Bay Street. Call and receive % Circular, with free ot planatton. ▲.WILBUR, General Manager. WM. R. BOYD, Agent. aulfi-tf New AdvertisettientT Notice, all whom it may arnet^f 1 ' 088c °CSTt^ ■ Ute^ef James H. Calder, late therefore to cite and k r+mrny tiimvmmto beasxi rntmL* ,ixar Xi& * ki. .... ^ grant Witaeas my official aignatnre thu ipt,^ SUIT ~ " ‘ ~ q ‘ S TATE OP GEORGIA, MclNTOSII all whom It may concern : C0Cx TUjj i er. Oodey’s, forSeptemL LAND WB LOVE, for August. APPLETOS’S RAILROAD GUIDE, for DxBOWh REVIEW, for August, BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE, lor July, BALLOU’S MAGAZINE, for September, PETERSON’S MAGAZINE, for Septemier THE GALAXY, No. S. *Pt»r sale by eelAtf E8TILL k PROTltn SHADES, OIL CLOTHS,g YTTE would inform onr friends itut « e I TV opening one of the flnrot and mo« nJ I Stocks By September lath, in 1 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, LACE CURTAINS. CORNICES, WINDOW SHALES, t I aulG-l-t LATH HOP A to FAMILY BO.IKDIiYG Sl*|| A THEWS, CZ20&0IA. T HIS Schorii Is preparatory to the rol!eft.say| opens August lstb. For Cir -tii.-i-, nppirto I WOOD! wood; 'PHB BEST OAK WOOD at $S pvr eunt AVt 1 t<> any part of the city. SAWED ami delivered at t9 per cord O'her qnuliiles . -ne --oll'-T per ord lers Apply Dr. J- A. MAI ER, B-i'l street, or ll'ii box *64, Post Office. IMBfi AlilINXT nn IN THE TRAVELERS M8DBAXCE COMPANY. A TICKET FOR ONE DAY, Insuring $5,00# in emu of Fatal Accident, and $25 per week in event of disability caused by Accident, For One Mh, $5; For OueYeaf, $25. Do not Travel Without One. No Person Should Neglect It r Call mid get x Circular. WM. R. BOYD, Agent, Ho. 99 BAY STREET. SEALS AND SEAL PRESSES, FOR THE USE OF 1 . f , COUNTY AND STATE OFFICERS, NOTA BLES PUBEXC, SOCIETIES, LODGES, BUSINESS MEN AND OTHEBS. I'T^ssasyaffiSMs.’iii’*' derio. (wKberwItboet Preaxee), to the moat « dniMffwtf id xpeelmene. E9TTLL A BROTMBR. Bell Xtreet, next to ta. Port Gttce, . m aevxBBa»,QB. FA1 HAND STAMPS, CANCELLING REVENUE STAMPS AND GENERAL BUSINESS PURPOSES, I At Mannlaoturerie’ price*. datetAta- bom (10 to gld. Wta dtoea, •> M extern aeta-ctawti iln^ west to (ta* Port CMtak Beffnnnah Qx Notice. J VSThE*^toStefttaLeU^tta* SBNRT UlUONi ffi; WRIGHT’S Patent Improve;| IRON SCREW! FOR [Packing Cotton,I mHE ATTENTION OF COTTON PLANTf^'l I invite. I to the claims of this inveutiou, SIMPLICITY, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and if,11 ER, .urpasaea any machine for Baling Cuitocerl before presented to the country. Its grttt u*| lence In there respects-makea it ■ the best machine FOR PACKING COTTOli IN THE WORLD! 1. ITS SIMPLICITY It 1. a new au-1 impronl application or tlie Screw Power; just as simple!:.^ conxtraction as the old faslimneil woo len tcttv.i easily managed and uo more liable t > get out o; 11 der. No ropes or pallies ns used iu the -si | presses. , l 2. ITS BOONOMV.—It has been demontWri aOtaal experiment to ire cheaper than th. v»-? screw. Tbe timbers used in Its consirodu.' of much smaller snd fewer than those emplurei ::J ' old screw; the levers being only 16 feet loi.g. feu heightof the whole frame above the bed belt,.- -:!l 10 feet. Ail tliese timbers can be procnr-d u:a. plantation, no matter bow exhausted tbe f.-resl I ordinary wood workman cun build the freer, cl h.M a dozen bands will put it np in a few hours s A ITS DURABILITY.—The her. w and Nut art:l Ivon, and will last for years without any appre-akl wear. The whole machine occupies so Intie «ys| ...»|t ran I* completely covere-l at very nmaa cx| 4, its PDWKit—With a lever onlfrixtecuwl long, one mule is sufficient lor packing the hei-ri I bales. Planters who have used il say that, ^ | males, cation may be compressed on this fonfelpnGiii . ■ ltd* Screw was invented jnst before the optfcj^ i tfie War, and tias subsequently never been very p l erally Introduced. Those who have nseil It I It uaed, unanimously concur in the opinion UNRIVALLED AS A JC0TT0S S®>-' The following testimonials from some oi tke to | aari emto reputable planters In tbe country estimate In which this Screw stands witli an*** 1 have trlea it: . „ , We Bavensed and seen iB operation for * I five years, Wright’s Improved Cotton Ironxril xad feel ne bestuu. n in prononneiug it tbe rKt "! Oouoe Screw wo have ever kn urn. So pif“!*l •m it, that. If practicable to obtain off * I mem, are would have no other. It is 'toil* * • I simple ta Its construction, not liable to ft.» I ■ wuU, with great power aud *idi P*l J Y. Shepherd. G. Y. Banks. Bltri-rill Pace. W- H. MitcheU. Columbus, Ga., July 1.1666. AU orders for the Screw will he filled I UNV1LLE A GLSIS05. . L 8 iv. uini: -. fla.* I L. D. PALMER. . ^ I General Agent for Southern Georgia and 9. wn** I Jyawikwthn _ - 25 FOR SALE. BARBELS MUSCOVADO MOLASSES Mcaddtoa Hyson Tea 1» sacks Rio Coffee |fek> Havana Segars UB oexlbaldl Cheroots — - Manniactered Tobacco, i °.ySv‘ ,U> ^ ^ ^ OUERAHD A FKKB^ • GFunny Cloth* Wi MALES GUNNY CLOTH received by*** ONyto Bath, and te sale by W | f (I ’ BfflOHAM HOLS l 1 A 0* SODA WATER Die for ail left ltn .— to hnuibrbottlrewrin.of y°° ""^.reo.rto ttak NMbCf yoQ trt wort. feitiacr blur otL a .aeBontk My bottteaar«»U « lt! ‘Svaagc. S* 4 aad rrft 1 -. when folk .upetfo* be'v™ Bottle M> mx name On It. JflFS rYAN. Soda Cur-*- *** Wert 1 — ill-tf Comer fob salb 800 Head Beef Cattle two years old and up, inclusive, »t * l ’$ Ere delivered at Palatka, or any point soatu at John** River, Florida. p G pgAE*Jj Brttoto. Vie- July T. 1866. W. M. WALSH, ■felMXMJSALE Druggists, corner Mf oa [> w d. TV Broughton streets, Savaanali, Ga, Agent tor the South. CIJVTK’H Hair le CLOCK’S ~rr Restores Gray Date- CWWK«. Raid S' 4 * es Hair gros imSS&rnmm^ tt^events Hetolacbe. temorertoetepmUy PerfomeA CLOCK’S ( , u . d ^n<'