The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, August 21, 1866, Image 4

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,$iiqqiri8 loiiO'j- i ■•v'iij? fiOIJiLlA Th» Btity NSMs *nd Herald flAVAXNAH, TUESDAY. AD OUST M. 1866. I NEW! AMD —m 1 [Tor the Ba* by r. i. halo**. Llatl a little song of mine; •TU like a teardrop etortUag forth Id tmulant mystery, to ahrioe Upon the lighted brew of mirth, The herald atu a It leeae eo like an April dag. » , - When little etooAetaMde toe mn For but aa hoar tad pace away, AocaDilating one by one Adown the Weatern horixon. Than team la youth, that aometimaa flow, Tail or a daap and hidden spring. And they, no matter where they go, Accumulated draught* will bring, lodged and congealed oa Thais'* Wing. Bat, for all that, team eteraia ; They taka na home from wordly • trite, And (or that home a joy create More princely than the gilded rtate Or aoenee that tint with plctaraa rife The bird and bloeeom stage of life. Trodden Flewert, BY tUBYD TimmOH. There are some hearta that, like the losing Tine, Cling to unkindly rocka and ruined towera— Spirits that suffer and do not repine— Patient and aweei aa lowly trodden flowers That from the passers' heel arise. And bring back odorous breath instead of sighs. But them are other hearts that will not feel The lonely lore Uut haunts their eyes and earn ; That sand flradftflh with aagar worm thaa itad, And out ot pity* spring draw idle tears. Oh. Natarei shall it a HI things wit ,E k erer be tfcy will i with good to mingle, good witb ill ? Why should the heavy loot of sorrow press The willing heart of NnooanlAinlng love ? Meek charity that shrinks not from distress— Gentleness, loth hsr tyrants to rspiove, Though virtue weep fhmw Mi lament. Will one hard heart torn to her and repent ? Why should the reed be broken that will bend; And they that dry the tears in others’ eyes Feel their own anguish swelling without end— Their summer darkened by the smoke of sighs ? Bure, Love, to some fair region of his own Will flee at last, and leave ua here alone. Love w’oepeth always—weepeth for the past. For woes that are, for woes that may betide; Why should not hard ambition weep at laat, Envy and hatred, avrice and pride ? Fate whispers, so low in your lot, They would be rebels; love rebelleth not. In General- — The Memphis and Ohio Railroad has been completed, and the fifBl trains through to Louisville, passed over it on the 13tb inst. Time between Memphis and Louisville, eighteen hours. —The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore San says it is contemplated to invite some of the prominent delegatee from the South to speak in varions cities after the adjournment of the Philadelphia Convention. — Since the “peace” proclamation of the President, there has not been a single civilian tried in Virginia by the military power for any offences except such as fall within the articles of war. —The New Orleans Times records the fact that United States troops were greeted witb cheers from the white citizens of that city, ahortly after the recent riot, for the first time flince the secession oi Louisiana. — Two young men were lost in Mammoth Cave a tew days ago, and at last accounts had not been heard of. They became separ ated from a party with which they were visiting the cave. They were last seen near a steep bank, down which il is feared they have fallen. — An enraged husband publicly horse whipped a travelling photographer at Ply mouth, Conn., a few days since, for distrib uting photographs of his wife, which had been disfigured by the addition of whiskers and moustaches. The artist went to law, and was comforted to the extent of six cents damn ea. — It is said that Prince Christian, who has just married Helena, Victoria's daughter, has induced the royal family to withdraw the prohibition against smoking in Windsor Cas tle, and that the Queen haa directed the ar chitect of Balmoral to build a smoking-room in the royal residence in the Highlands. —Of Coubse he Wax. Nor.—The National Republican says: “ fltndions inquiries in official circles fail to confirm the report that General Howard intends to resign the Com- missionership ot the Freedmen’s Bureau, nor is there any probable cause for believing that he will be relieved from the duties at said office. —Gen. Thos. C. Pitcher, J. C. Robinson, and Daniel E. Sickles, will, it is understood, be appointed as colonels of three of the regi ments of veteran reserves authorized in the new army bill. General Custer and Merritt are, also, understood to have been selected as colonels of the two regiments of colored cavalry, authorized in the same act. Cottok w this Rioios.—The prevailing drouth has greatly iojurcd the crop, prevent ing the formation and maturity of the bolls. Many planters have not yet been able to pick ont any cotton, whereas the fields are usually white for the picking before the middle of August. It is now feared that when rain does come there will be too much for it. An excess of rain now will be almost as disas trous ns continued drouth. It will make the immature cotton (*U off aa&fenw b«t« very •bolt season tm the growtkef ft new «op of tang; »s ” s * * We do not hear of either worms or rust on the cotton of this section. The army worm is reported as committing ravages In West Alabama and below Montgomery, but we have not seen accounts of iu appearance in any other than the prune and canebrake lands. The rust is reportedly the last Marianna paper as having made is appearance on cot ton in that part of Florida.—Columbia (Ga.) Enquirer, Aug. 18. “As U»« AS Two Pkab."—The British Tories are done imitations of oar American Hedies*. They are afraid to trust the people; and like them, also, are eternally doing some a hat to excite the popular pee- stum. rad to provoke rioto which- but too often end in dangerous oonrmntioo* and-the sheading of human The Tories would not let the friends of the Electo ral Mm-that Is, the English Democrats and Libe rals- -meet hi Myfle Park the other day, end a sen owe tnmnis, u "Sslling the osistecioe even eg the Govern ment itself, was the result The Itsllrdnthe reeent Bamp Congress were afraid to treat the geeple of the eleven States ot the with eettg^Ament. but SM and abrtted such clots against thetr peace as a revival at the New Orleans Convention of ’M; and a bloody riot there 1a the result. Tue fact 1* the British Tories and Amortejn Medi cals »re sprout* from the ssme bad stem. Xbeit ge- nlm and their tottSet alike tie host* ‘"Bee govern- xnent ; end the libertte»«f no people can be considered diet, is likely to work its own on re. We should pot he surprised to learn any day—through the cable— that they have been compelled to leave their pieces by tbe ebeerforce of hoetUepubtioopinion. In like man- ner, let na hope tbe day i a not far distant When the *—A W¥* c -gP‘tfe«lhw»..wm dantlMutta Amssl- Detn- later will be cast o3 —.Vets Notice. W. aivm. Of the flrm of J. . On. In the Dry Goods JMf at the old stradof * HBMUT LATHMOT * OO CORN. 6QQQ BUSHELS PRIME YELLOW, In store. kooo bushels Prime Yellow, afloat. Itby • * BRADLEY, BILL A 00 :,i 1toagazin&i1l!*«Wri,! 4c. hij.«ifit liiiif — //1111 < > T H. There are as stany roads to flame end fortune aa there were gatewiya to ancient Thfchto. Ybhf AA- biUona warrior U tor carrying hi* way with the sabre; yonr aspiring politician for achrtaigg M* «w' by intrloe and eodramamto hit. Bat there la sue grand broad path to Ue goal, along which nothing base eon travel. It to the putt «fl apart tor toe march of talent, energy, and noble purpose an though foil of ohatoelea, It contains none that a breve A NOBLE PURPOSE the daily mews; i . AND A GiorifMt Result CHARLESTON S. C., . • •- U * • • ,* Jif*o'>'* • iMnR ' .i.. elk U It .«■ . f 4k ‘ LARGEST CIRCULATION ban la the rise and pragma of DR. HOOFLAND’S IERMAN BITTERS. For over After* yeers Its course as been onward and upward, Mattering blessings at roBQ(te f-. GREAT TONIC. Hoofl&nd’a Gherman Bitters lsapo*g*ar«M«t>r . ; j; , n ii, . ov.-gfl^etA 1 : m I** ;i‘ yiilfj Diaaaaea. Hesatfim •ISIIBII If TM lim •Wlirivt HUM, • •• V. . i * 71 (And la the anly certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH in oases or debility. A I t.\ \U By the use of this BiUere Weakened sat Debilitated Frames Be- stone Hsnewtol wUto aU ttoe Vigor Impaired consUtatlnra are rehaUf; end the pauess iue abort time regains Viwor, Health and ktrAn-th. ■' J ■' 'i fi O 1 to OBSKKV8 T!TB POLLOWBPBBYMFTOMA Resulting from Disorders ofthe Dtgetoive Orgnnel coDsUpatloa, Inward Pttoe, Ftillaeaeof m Head, Acidity ef tbe Stomach, Naneea, Heart itoger pieitotong as the PH ef.U* , . I{ “sarstatsi JAV lag, Flattering at the whstolaa LyingPoe- MR tore, DtouamefVtokm, Dote or Webs before the Sight. Paver aad Dull Pato la toe Head. Dto- clency of Ibopl ettoa. YeRowneas of tha Skin and Byes, Pain in the Bide, Beck. Chest, Limbs, he., Snddan Flushes ef Beet, Ba ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, ef Spirits. 1 Bom or Whiskey. And can't make Droakarfc. Is noth Bar Boom Drink. Bet a Highly Ooaceatreted Vegetable Extract, Free from Akoholle Sttamlant er Injorloa* Drugs it cannot Insidiously introfl ace toe vice of Drunk ansae into the boaom of your fssilllm- to yonr wlfet your children, or you Mends. others, whoea systome haha become tapetmd by hardships or disease, wtd and la tola Bitter* a tonic hatlwiU restore them to all their full vigor. These Bitten have performed store cares I (OHM Better BetMtotiatol 't ,;i ve more Testimony Have more respectable people to vouch for them 1 Than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict thto a—*tos, AND WILL PAY tL«* To any one that will prodnee aOerttfloate pnbMied by na hat la not OENUIME. (. N READ WHO BATS SO. THE HON. TWOtfAS B. PLCHI see*stfES&ft enced marked benedt Worn your Hoofland's German totters. During a long and tedious session of Con gress, p re smug and onerous duties nearly prostrated as, ri vriib.' 1 was improvement of health, renewed energy, end that particular relief I eo mech needed and obtoinei otheramay be Mmllarhr advantaged, IftoeyastlA to be. Truly yonr friend, THOMA8B. PLOBEHCS. Prom Rev. W. aBsigfrtsd, Pastor of Twalto Baptist Charch. ■ it- / -it >t;i i-i ■ // Philadelphia, December (*, isfls. Mmeas. Joans* Evans, GentlemenI hare tecepUy been laboring uetow- the dlatreeslng etocte of feAgmtkn, aaeempanied by a proctratlon of toe aervons system. Numerous ran- i-dlae were ysoommended by mends and some of them tested, bat wilhoat relief. You Hooflland'e German llktere were recommended by pessans who had tried ihem.snd whose fa vara hln mm fina of tbeMMarela- iiuceil uaealeo to U7 there I emtot conlaea toat I had an avsrtooti In patent toaAclifrh. fr^nUM'thoosaDd uud saw* goadi *Bitt De to palm og sweetened and dragged liquor np<m the community, la a sly wag; nod the tendency ol which, I fear, is to make many a conflrmed drunkard fsss: was not only upon the stomach, but upon the ner- roua iyetMi^wae p»omp»toign*l)(hgi I(B#>atI have derived great and nermremd tomato IMm the ose of a few “VTSS&a: Wo. «M Bhm-ka mesas amt beware or oooimsram. Wrepperef PRINI ideas* ncipal omacK e mssutactorv JOKES A E V ApS, am. 11 MtoriTi m r N jacebon a oo. ‘ r Corner Bernard 4! TWO MONTES < made to the O forleavs to sell mill o fA. W.andRB. 1 - of said estates. MBHBY B. SMITH, AdmT. June UK. (eto-lawSm .WJrhiG toiT-nri,. • ,. ; r JOURNAL PUBUHHBD IN THE STATE, - ' AtodtsantrarreUyameUered m* x . The Best Commercial • J) *o f iflLfs'it ».ti i-y FAMILY PAPER •O' c-x -HI - IT ^' Dt THE STATE. J Vi ■ - : ,j- rARTIE?. THEBBPOBB, IN GEORGIA, who de- re to subscribe far n CHARLESTON PAPER, will their Interest by sending for THU DAILY ***y^3J0Rj JIT.McA 2?. 1QS.P. TEHSI „., r ,yu FEB ANNUM. Fotmtoan, Cabbages and Onioneu Jofmfptf* stpitvi,'opposite tue PuUiskt tomne, Oorrier 9t. Julien and Pryan it*. IBEyili old Paint Wen* Agent for the „ T/ , ' - ORIENTAL CHOLERA BITTERS. ■ CeuUon Dock Gin, and Club Suucf, , j, Published ia Eolto Perm, else ot the New York ferelk. . ; , aSt-tf THE LAID WE LOVE. A HONTRIY MAGAZINE, drented to Literature, Agriculture aad General Intelligence, and com- prietogHapofta of Butties, tact dents and laardetaa of the War, never before published. BY GENERAL D. H, HILL, Late ef the aoutoern Army. < P. WM Alto E. H. MILL. The Haw seise will be pobHebed at Charlotte, N. C. jit wilt contain from sixty to eighty paces of the sine 'ot those of Mack wood’s Magamine, end will to fur nished to subscribers at $S a y . er, la advance, or (a if net paid till tbe end of tbe jeer, cash to pay until after tbe reosipt ef the flrst Incidents aul accidents, and anerdoternrtbe war arefomuleic+rihst the Mreaitne m W to a maenureto to taeaeroiNi ot our e^3eraami to the devailmi « our people. THE RURAL. JOURNAL. 1HK cheefMet JHNd'in the (fetoed States, daily UooKhol aable paper “ B^nd. _ fepfcAi V Work for the tothtli. Hints, ItomreBtfoto bDd..eeBRys upon everything to be perfoimMinnnd a fraud the Farm, Garden, Orchard and Dwelling, etc. ’ Oneooij&aA |£iri! aT—2..iJ-H.i... 00 Six copies, one year S 00 Thirteen copies, one year..: loon Address WM. & SMITH A CO.. . FubUsbers end Proprietors, fa Fayetteville st, Raleigh, N. C. d' BSTILL A BRO., - “ Be U street, near Past Oflee. UM-tf - A cents for Savannah. THE KEY-STONE; A MONTHLY MASONIC MAGAZINE. XjMHTRD BY WM. B. SMITH, ss Fayetteville st, IV Rakigb, H. C. NatocripO»a.....; $3 e Year A New Volume commenced Jannsry 1, lSSS, aim gently printed upon very heavy wh te paper, and neatly Stitched and trimmed In beantlfxl covers. THE KKY-STONB Is endorsed and recommended to the Fraternity at la-ge by the Grand Lodge ol North Oasottn-, and keenly feelln.' tbe weightof this high -campilmeni. the proprlutore will spare neither money are exertion to make the pubUcatiaa a most walrnm* visitor and companion with all good and tree Ms sons—their wives, sisters, mothers anu daegbtem, to whom the same may come greeting. PC specimen aamton seal to any part ol the country open application. W*TB. SMITH A CO , PnMIshore, . 58 Fayetteville st, Raleigh, N. C. ••l.iiqsit - 1 - nmA EROw 1 Ball street, near the Poet Cdtce, Agents s?5 tf for Savannah. THtflELB-ANDFIRESIDE. (Getabliebed, ISM.) Kiegaatly minted on Iwautifnl white paper, 10th sheet, with eight large pages. Ua corse of cestribotors includes nearly all the meet distinguished authors of tbe country, and with the combined services of eo many celebrated writers. It has aoMeved a perfect success m presenting an on rivalled array of talent. Ita Romances, Storlea, Tale,, Novelties, Sketches, Criticisms, Reviews, Poems, Biographies, Witticiame, Travels, Adventure*, Ac., Ac., Are pare, entertaining sad instructive in a degree rsswlyvsSSs ‘ __ in pcrlotiluil llVciaCuic. In accordance wUh tbe name of the paper, a spe cial department Is devoted to the Field, wherein are given articles, hints and suggestions on the practical management of the Faria, the C and the kitchen. Garden, the Orchard One yew Six months ,CtobqfflYe, ons/ear umf No?li a & 00 . 2 50 20 00 «0 (0 RSTI1.L A BKO., Ball st_ aear the Poet Office. Aetata for the Fieami sentinel PUBLISHBD TRI WEEKLY, SKM1- WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. AT TALLAHASSEEy FLA., T&y Shober Sc- Ollvrer. THE ONLY TRI-WEEKLY IN THE STATE!! . THE BEST ADVERTISING MRDIOM IN THE STATE, AMO The CHACAPH8T PAPER ito the STATE 1 TERMS: THI-WREKLY, ooeyear I* BEMI-WYRKLY, one year A WEEKLY, one year * el-tf BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS :/ AT THE OLD STAND OF MU M'MVAaiT, Street, (Opposite Messrs. Wood, Cornwell A Co.'s) H AVING reosntly ttkea the stare No. 110 Rrahgh- tom street, sod received.* , , SELECT AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OP STAPLE ' ■<*, AND PANCY 1>BY GOO'Mi, ... I seepecMhliy invite the Ladies ot Savannahandnab- hegrneraUy to'reU aad examine my stock, which I am eeiliag oC et greet ly reduced pticeei , ’ CONSISTING OP • » BroWa aad Meaebed Sheetings and Shirtiags, Prints, Cottoned**, Linens, Jeans, Tickings, JacoueWCambrics and Nainsooks, ■ Bishop and Victoria Lawns, Moll and Dotted Swisses, Crepe end Crape Morette, Crape ind Crepe ] Be re go, Lenoea, Percales, Merinocs uiMroffl.xaites.ssi’n* Hosiery and Gloves, ' Buttons and Bre%. Umbrell Umbrellas and rtlasols, . Mali tad g hi tort. *m Soaps. 1’trfnmery »nj hatloas of all kinds. At, Av Call soon and secure bargains, as I am selling off all qnsittieesad styles of Sommer Drees Goods very : ‘' / ‘i 1 qgJBE4»tY., FRANCO HMMONS, ' ' ’ - IRON' 1 AND , BRASS FOUNDER, lonary jungmes, BQlIWa.Wt mmi r >l - Swaar Mill. Saoar Boilers, Columns, and Gifdera, Pipes, PuUeya, WhaeW’liil road Wheels and Machinery, c An8 ’M¥km SPECIAL ATTENTION PAD TO j GENERAL JOBBING MACHINE WORK, . , No. 170 Faawlck Btrvvt, Opposite the Wettr Tower, aagt-imo AUGUST a, Georgia. Groceries and LiWors. ■ : ' a - • t’sir ifi r ” Cs-juhsn. Coliimbltk GROCERY STORE, East side of Colombia Square, corner of Habeishltn and, PstsUrtd! eiforis* i / 1 by fhmwimiavaii 1« HL Gh. KUWk Foreign and Domestic Liquors* WINGS, CIOARS, GROCKRUS," ALE AMD LAGER, guild Scranton, Smith & C; KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CHWCK OLD B HAN DIES, WHIsKKY, GIN, WINKS, Ac. Ann EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES, ALSO, Hay, Corn, OaU aad Bn a, strictly at Wboleeale to the trade; and we flatter ourselves that we can make it totbeMterest of defiers to pwftwntoe ov at the head of Bay, opposite Jeflernpn sL mlO-tf CemmissionMerchants. FATTEN W W HM18 asarei is l.i^M 11,. -,^: • WriPif*'. Lsumtor, e—pilvIMsei^ ,'jj M - - |TQ • 1 v ■* ""lANiqilll. j or IWIIINUIN 1 Sir El NNHMI lylLtm S^YANNAgQA. • BIAEft A BFCOOfW, Lumber; Manufacturers TiMtgR^A^^LXMBER Doors, Hash sand Blinds. %M~ Mill and Lumber Tflffl on Canal, near Bryan 180 Bpi street, Savannah, Oa. jjST-tf : - >W C8XPLGT8 Btt#EMES # OF PURSE k SOX, Most Complete in the Southern 0^ anceeesor toG. B. A G. W. Lxsss, _ General Commission Merchants ; Farvardn and Mrtppfwr * * w* . Hm to*RAY BTRERr (up stairs.] - Refer toOWt W. AnAnaow, Jwhn O. Bento and to. a Lamar, Savannah; W. E. Jackson, Joeiah Sibley A Sons, J B. and J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consign- meats solicited. mylO PIERCE SKEHAH, Hk9lemle and Ketail Dwaaler In Pine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing. For eign end Domestic Wines, Liquors and Begad Also, SkehanTOrlebiated GOLDEN, w ) AND . .,CHAMPAGNE CYDER. In bottle and in wood. Leadnw and Dabna-Brosm stout, Scotch aad Bag Bsh Ales, Ac. liberal deductions made to he trade. 17* BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dJl-tT and «•> Lilmrtv street, N. Y. AT. As KYAiN & OO* 207 Street, mtan Ag^ nfri ’Mfa&w&'vrmr New York Advertisements. TD&yeaI 1aMSA = gi < H ii (/ I It |TTC0 8HIJ8M Hjjt > : QJKC At 3H1 an I 5 e ? WAS TNE OILY M PREFARATI0I Yti MM FRRM INRIAI CIRI ’ That rchXavod a medal and honorable tuentios tnm Lite Bopal Cowimif*siuuers» tho coiopetltlon of aJY pro* rnmtBtm»nulM( tarers of ‘*Coru Starch** And “Pre pared Corn Floor " of tide uud other coantrien not- wUhu tending. MAIZBNA, Urn food and I tfriy or the age. without a slnglo fault. On. tri •- writ convince the most skeptical. Makae Poddin - : iilt-s. Custards, Blanc Usage, Ac., withont iaingU a, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing th. m>.i economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat t- our greatly improves Bread and Cake. It ia also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, greviee for fleh ami meats, snupe, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare witli it. A little boiled in milk will prodnee rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade- nark S.luaa. n IIU 0.1 CtTlOnsTlr QSe. A most delicious article of food lbs children and In valids of all ages. For sale by Groeere and Druggist ■ everywhere. Wholesale Depot, ISO Fnltoa Street. WII.LIAM DURYKA, IM-iy o * Gensmi Agnat HAWKINS & FAT, Commission Morchaatg, NO. « PKAIIL 8THBKT, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. VK B. HAWKINS, J- BOCKWBIX FAT, particular attention paid to buying Produce, Plwvl Hlona, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, aad to eon aignmentSL RFFrr.rirre • CLINTON HUNTER, flrm of Spofford, Tilsston A CO., New York. Fanclicr A McChesney, 5 Water-sL, New York. Iiidiard Em?, 114 Water street. New York. Wm. B. Miles. 59 Christie street. Hew York W. E. Slbell, 8 Wall street. New York. Lewis L. Tones, iv Broidwiv- S. W. Ma«on A Co., 8avannab Oa. JOHN GRAY, .6 Wooden Ware, Brooms, RAILS, UKI'SIIF.S, MATH, Tar Uses, Cordage, Tubs, (hirsi, Crmdloo, Wagons, C hairs, Gaskets, At Nos. IS Pulton, and UOJ3 Front 8 NEW YORK m3- i • ' Emigrants Can be Supplied WITHIN TEN DAYS. r HE tmilerelgned are-prepared to supply Planters and other parties wlio may be ia want of WHITE LABORERS aad have made necessary arrange ments in the North to fl'l soy orders for agriculture Laborers, Wooden'', re, Mechanics, etc., within Ten or Twelve days fro mt he day the order to given here. Tip: laborers are to .<e received by tho BiaFloyers n arrival of the stcaoser here, and traaapoited to the points where they are wanted at Bmpfofera’ expense, and the Employer* have further to pay a cared will average about $150 per year, too Employ- era Hading them. Bo, farmer pamcolarj^'yfo ^ fenra’ Block, Wag street. One door East of Barnard tore* so vs nosh, KargRurccs: eon A Lawton, .-avannah. i W. Aailerson A Son, Savannah. Belomon Ooben, Savannah. Jno.C, ■SToa. Geo. A. lujiti, ve., W. R. nemiag. davauuAh. , . John Serevoa, Savannah. ,, . > ! Brigham, Batowin J Oa, Savannah SiTnoAli MaUomI Savauuaiu BLAXCLY1LLE MUK UWRfi COiPT, VAN WERT,. POLK CO., GA. CLmgsTX stooix, *ooo,opo SHARKS, *60 EACH. Brigham, J. P- Dever, B. C. u.l A. K. M ' - LA.WBtmr^K JsrehalL Savannah, Ga. Irthwan-I. C. Grannies, Macon, Oa * MarehaU. AU-it^,. mmEOiamanv wlH soon he prepared to A Orders foe aiiito, however large, for fnrahaaa disimfsi turrrl ont of slate. for Uatetolbr ■“y^^r^MARHHALUffoc-,. JOHN WILLIAMSON. mil« Chairman Com. Docks aadWharvaa I. P. Borax. 12 HXfiilUH WtU Bstaht. Botfse«feBryant; - iRootoril o/JseJtsaavlilc, 10s..) Fort MU ^ maim icrcM? 104 Bajr #eP0«t. iitvAsiftn, oWmffiA. give prompt attention. U> receiving and i, oeiidhMf ■■nn.iTjWf uMhaiato eeides other goods aad manufactured articles '’•<e,ria -aril il JOHN i SifflS & CO., ForWartlnp and' MERCHANT)*, i.iw WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goads, Groceries, Ac., NOB. 1 AND 2 SAIDDB’ 5L0CK, Hay Ntnmt, JarkaonviUe, Flhrida. CITY HOTEL BUILDINGS. OHS MOTTO: WE DEEY COMPETITION! The undersigned, having purchased the announce thnt th^ ate now ready to fll all orders, our senior, having Mien Employed for TWENTY YEARS in Philadejj.i., I in the leading establishments in that city, and for the last NINE YEARS haviag | of Purse’s extensive Bindery in Savannah, feels warranted in malting the assertion, ^ can at any time be sustained by evidences of workmanship, that he is a Master of HIs Profession, and that the Sonth can at last compete with oar Northern fiends, and prevent the I sitjr of sanding to New York or Philadelphia for orders, that can be equally well eiecutoij. home, saving tbus expenses of importation. Povtionlar attention paid to ' BINDING MUSIC BOOKS, AND REPAIRING PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. . 1 W -- . Zi u The patronage of the pnblic is respectfully so lid tod, and satisfaction guaranteed n, work that may be entrusted to our care. jy6-3m JOS. H. PECK & CO. Jas.T. Paterson, fURBfeR, Lumber & Commiseion MEnCIIANT, V Na, 199 Bap Blivet, SsvsMxh, Darien, Georgia. ■ Osflem for Lumber aoUtltod. y . dltAi THOMAS H. AUSTIN, 9«i«rsl CtmaiMioi Hi Fwwardiig wwMwawmikWB;' M Bmy Street, * » .r ^ .. .W ■UlVU .vhT rj Hotels. Market StpwtiT House, 139 an YAM STREET, VALENTINE BASLER. Cigars, Wines, Ales and Lager, and all kinds 1 of Liquora. Leach at ctovaa sfelock. Wen Pin Alleys - . WH® UNCH flOUSI Bull Street, near Bay Lane. ..8ESSB2&' ! WM i lyUf FRANK PERRY Proprietor. PAVILION HOTEL, , SOUTHEAST COBIER QF BULL a1(D SOUTH BROAD STREETS. 1 T HE PROPRIETORS would respectfully announce to tbe pablic that the above Hotel ia now open tor the reception ef Permanent and Transient Boarders. Having had large experience in tbe Hotel badness, ther Intend to make this House one of the most com fortable Boarding Houses for families and others in the city. * There la a Bar connected with the Hotel, at which nu, be round the beat of Wine., Liquors and 8egare. Attached to the Home is also an ICE CREAM GARDEN, where may be procured at all boars, both Parties can be famished with Cream at aU times. Jylfl-tr ST. CHARLES SALOON, r> The best always oa hand, lhdai ER’S WATER, directly imported Nassau, aad the beat ttf Rhine ~~ LUNCH ever, da, at 11 o’cl. , Bay Lane, rear of Poet 0®ee— IMM Bay Laos. est Liquors, Ales, Wines. Segura, toad, lnojading a ~ choiee article ol BELT, led from Heraagthum, mft-iy THE VERANDA HOUSE, : BUUFF. will ba open on and : MANUFACTURED BY J. M. VENABLE & C ^Petersburg, V a. Also Manufacturers of Superior “Maccoboy,” “Rappee,” and other Snuffs, Chert:t SmoklDg Tobacco of every grade. Josiah Macy’s Sons, Sole Agents, 'niay2!1 3m. 189 A 191 FRONT STREET. NEW VOW] SANDERSON l V1IXINS0N, HARNESS, SADDLERY AND TRUNK STORE, .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Under St. Andrew’s Hall, Broughton St., SAVANNAH, GA a9-tf RHODES’ Super Phosphate ofLime THE STANDARD MANURE, AT Mt SO PER TON, CASH. MILLER. THOMAS A CO. } MILLER. THOMAS A CO. Swertidng in Southern Georgia I BAINBKHX3R “ CHART AND COMPAS8” (formerly the “ Bainbridge Argfl*,”) offer* trior inducements to the merchants of Ba- superior ran .advert Wag medium. It has* large lg fodename circulation la thatasMIOM, and THE EYE, EAR, AND D R. WRIGHT, of Toronto. Canada t-ian and Surgeon, Oculist nnd consulted on Deafness, Difrltafet-s noises In the Head, Catarrh, Diseases ol >“‘-1 aD Ait L dis»Sies of the ETK, reqnirimt either or Kurgical aid attended to. Ofllce No. 4f, in Dr. Thoe. Bucklers o.J - I Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. . Oltlce hour* from 9 to 12 A. M., and 19 tf LINVILLE & GLEfl St. Julian Street, West of Martt’- SAVANNAS Port Royal House HILTOff meAI), 8. C. SIDDELL to ■!!«*. a. a. udmll u.n. motr lah-tf ‘ ' 'I LATPIERRE HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. ’ having teased thto IhVoriS' 1 •»!<• b House, It has RMtTTED AMD RKFOMMUb clow sf Onst,. JSfflfsrdssf£g»SEMl ten am - • kaehh • Paheet, CHAHLESTOI HOTEL, CHARLESTON, •. C. fry tha preant proprietor, who has x NittYtlrs rataWtfomer ‘ W vriiuMt no|Wnor. LIVE OAK CLffl Mo. 92 OJWRGMMmiEET, j | Charleston, South Carolina, Is now op«W for the sRamnmddrtied tx Wanslenthn ' 4 1;’ 1 < l i r- PETKE JONES, Proprietor. For Sale. runorenraoun patent bhin<£kma- VF CMma, with atom* right for Naesaa county aKiarsA? te&aersg Atoo, six Mnlea. with haawo, «nd*tWo < 71m b * Treehs. Enquire of CHAm L. OOLBT to OO.. jjldtf Ooraer Boy and Abereom rtreeta. YELLOW CORN. BUSHELS PRIME YBLM>W CORN for by Mill*, east end of BRYAN, HAS naapasKs. NOtICC TO jit WANTING nffiNTTURE I am opening for the ltop«*ion of the pnblic. a One stock of Cabinet furniture, chairs, o TRESSES, Ac, Ac., To which the attention of all I* Invite, ' WarPTOotn*. 116 BROUGHTON BTRBET, Sber ock's old Dry Goods Store, flfl-ly 4 S.B. HARRINGTON. ™ NOTICE. W |NROM this date and for the rammer month* my s will be at Florida wharf MASON AND BUILDER. Market. ADAM SHORT. ij2T-lm for sale. 600 Head Beef Cattle! ___ two jean old and up, inclusive, at gli per delivered at Palatka. or any point south on the John* Elver. Florida. p q PBAHSOil. MERRITT, WALC0TT* c 'l 64 Coortlandt Street Kef MANUFACTURERS OP ALL Bolts. Note, Washer*, Sett8crewa Ac., Ac., and dealer* In all kind* of M ship and Engineer's Supplies, oil*. Hemp and Robber Packing; OakTaD"«/‘“ tI jfl Belting. Bras* Fitting*, Chipping * n .'' K % n s** mere. Files, Chisels, Ga* Pipe, Ns*; Gang Saws, Pnmpe, Steam Whutia. 4 ter Gnagera, Steam Engines and p '“I description, Ac., Ac. Also Agrnt* ^ri A CO.% celebrated Portable Steam &P 11 " fSl ' THOS. W- 1*1*°°* | MANUFACTURE 11 0? FURNITURE AND_ C0* E UPHOLSTERY-^ B34 Doe Street, ^‘WSiySiSf] N. R—All ORDERS rent by ** **•> IQ'-mi in. — |^| Brown’s Standard U SED by the United Stole* and For'if 1 ments for inorc than n a. thirty yk Adapted to Any branch of bufiid** L *ri boi*e mATkcta- Warranted * txn *iLeriJA SHe.^ms No. » ^Cay-sL. BOLTON’S WHAR F STEAM SAW m WEST OF HABERSHAM'S W cE ^ f mHE UNDERSIGNED. In co nn ^“ySCjl X Saw MUl. are now rnnn.iig » !1 JEFFBRSOS Jeffrraon Roberts. John Lama. J aald-iw — ± I 2000 la AM order. lime. BARRKU9 of best R 01 - for sole fry fl