The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 20, 1866, Image 1

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Ll. 2-NO. 214. i orfT i iU.HHLiht ' I! fonoteH !!nijoloH Inru/bH wMyu6em~Euur *fi ojjrt^ itjiu ' ‘1 1.) fKiijjfU.'-jaU" i • MOr SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSD AY!. SELtEMBBSs /3t>, A868.J i a Y£l Id Jilt .if Aj'Aii - l •' > v Jjirfi It. >■• ><: .<! u« ij* e: ««■ .•U'.lf'ibi PRICE; Si;; fiiiy News and Herald priiLlSHED vt w. mason. -iEtt, SiVAMtlXU, 6*<* ieb*»: AW : ^i sag GOVERNOR MORTON 'V| ... >... AN tra RESPONSIBLE. ....Five Ceata. ....'....*1^00. o( , a i>vebtising. FIRST, SHOT SEJEN BY GEN. GRANT i FI INI H lt;to t insertion, $1.50 ; each inser- BADICALS AMONG THE diiturbI'rI. ?. £ % l * | jfj J ^ THXEAXS O* A C1TIL WA*. ” ’ ‘ • 1 Got. Yates, of IlHaoie, In hie speech at the late Rad- ioal Conran ti oh In PhlUdelpbia. said : ^ . He would apply to President JohnaOnf the language ortkn *mUtaleRMnoit Judge to a man ntuvhad been canvimefl before him of murder: “Hr. Smith, it is my dray to pronounce sentence igatdet povu 8iH,J. Itainfp duty, but the law require, me to. fa anine 4* • 4 time When you Aal be hanged. > Ndw.lfr.liSmitft, ii want to know when it will suit you Jofa .haMwd^ [From the Indianapolis Herald, 12th.] We have the following statement from a gentle* who was evidently mistaken fur a Radical-by the i eon making,the fev«a»tt6b‘to| him, which shows very: plainly who was responsible for tSe Hot and blood shed of Monday night—nut only that, but that the . ppt\ff^ whijh rand Army of tbe Republic” lat they were going to give the Presiden- .for the occasion. That though from Philadelphia, and they were going to break 325 U p the procession, take. Gen. (brant, Secretary Seward: and Admiral Farragtit frdm'th^in, aud «RHve the *#> maindur of the Presidential party out of the city." This fellow expressed a determination of going "if it rained pitchfor^e^ au^M# frreqiuyc,lhfrOti*f me, bera being mtri, tqafit)|a3all*!1 pruffamme was not carried out was that they aiscc ereffi them Bel ves too weak lor Huccess. Gen. Grant said that the first shot fired came from a second story window on the opposite aide of the street; that the ball struck one of the Chinese lan tern* suspended from ihe window of the President’s m, ami, euierimj the room passed within three feet of his ow* was a deliberate^ _ . Both General-Grant and Admiral Farragui impletely disgusted as any of lhenparty. TkeAd- iinu wapti ‘ " _ ' 5,0 ... i;.4 *2S‘j| 38a; 4621 .u< 3io| 400 it*o ok 4; SOOj 434 soq .650 465 525 680 476 650 »?• ; 407 5TS 74ft 51& 600 77p 640 620 800 500 640 830 A™ 660 860 \ ri ll'. oOd 6S0 890 ••] G13 1 700 920 u| (3o 720 946 5| 643 740 070! o! 666 760 995 j b\ CS3 780 1,025 i| TOO boo 1,060 900 1,020 1,060 1,080 1,170 1,20*, criitements inserte.1 as special notices will 1 ;hir:y per cent, advance on table rates. .•LU-wincnU of a transient character. not sliiac, will be continued until ordered iiarged accordingly. ■..•arly contracts, except for space at table v made: and, in contracts for space, all; :; y- clurgeil fifty cents per square fot (.From the New York World.) i-• it o .. Hadicali. Illinois, he MS, 1 had niMdtwo thousand troops to battle in the causa df tfc*. mmtrys and waa-how prepared to raise fire hundred Ahuusand - more to finish the sacae good work.i * w/l : t i In his ape«& aa President of State Conytlaa atSysacuae. Lyman Prfmain, **- fiat^xkf the pretektyur a renewal afehii—r. aairt; Attfe first tap of thetfirum anarfhy, composed of troops capable 'of overcoming aH oppusitMl, l wanted to know wliat ’mannef *of people there 4 _ v Army of the Republic” does not fully satisfy the public mjad that the radicals were not only responsible for -ffiTblood that was shed, tbe fact that the following Simons, prominent in that part?, were there hooting, %ohliug and urging on the mob of both white men and negroes, would be sufficient evidence : . [Here follows a long list of names of offico-hohlers anti*others who tobk part in the riot.] . Over the store of Geisendorff was collected. quite a number of persons who sided in the disturbance,* and Kimball, mentioned above, was for a time in t^ero^ui, and was urging his partisans to go down and help their friends in the street. Ji During the reception a Radical gave a boy five dol lars to throw a stone at the President, giving him the itone with the money-. It was thrawu, but did not reach the point at which it was aimed. The first shot fired was by Noah Holme*, milkman. The fighting in the street commenced when Mr. Trucksese, who had charge of a ward delegation, was eudeavoring to get his men between tbe Bates House and a lot of Radicals, to enable them to better protect the Presidential party. While attempting this his hat .was knocked off by a son of Sheriff Robinson, and, as ti^was stooping to pick it up, a Radical fired* at fcftn, lit ball striking him near the right eye and ranging down into his neck. He drew his revolver and fired one shot, when he was immediately arrested, though ^lial became of the man who first fired at him is not jret known. Policemen Universal) and Buscber made the arrest, add when asketMo dllow hi*i ihq ofpprtn^ rnity of seeing his family physician, and have nis arm dressed, reiused it. He was thrust into jail, and al lowed a wet rag to go on his face, aud when hia wife «rt*Sd*ooiM> dent’a #piui . _ diera would proceed to punish them. And I assume further that brae u would b*ef«o$u»^ Re done withhat Ihe AhAwentio* at Tre^fcjpt Con gress, court,-jmjorraiMlray eom»*i«eioii., y . „ In » rodent letter to A* Anti-elevcry boatetjh. tell Phillips, who is the engineer of the Hadtml-.eD- e urged the election' of men to the Forlirft Congreee wlin Ate yuuel Ip the madness of attempting thedepontioh-<g q*e-rtnaali1eA;'». j Ijf 8^ lijlk j Our doty ia to put there (in Congress) men who will, hazard, aura the nation, remembering tiey stand where the Long Parliament etood UI aid though the block and axe in front of the palace may be noi|ttu '* *- ■**“ find and to nae so' . their purpose—the deposition of tbe perjured and usurping traMor. • i _ Senator Wilson at Phliadelphia played upon the pat-, sions of the crpwd after this faabfoa: r, according id the acta of Andrew Johnaon, things were all true, and what ought they to do with him f (A voion—“Hang kin* with Jeff. Davia.”^ What are yon going to do with him? (A voice—“Hang him.” " ' , , ., nut 'Jack Hamilton, of Texas, who ia aMamad from a fund in the hands of the Badfcal leader* at Washing ton, said in his address before the Loyal League It Philadelphia:. i: -■ “«t; nil J**A Prepare your heart aud your arms, too, perbapa, for another conflict. (Cries of “We are ready.”}' ; ( _. Again, on being received aa Trenton on Moudag with Parson Browhlow, fee said: ' 11 The great question upon which he (President John son) claims your support ie that he wants to restore the Union, fl J Ignat mepomKAo the s—' “ often effHeedt KH fniqpfaC was an >• g*bm the London Punch 8epte*bpj)l.Jj \. Arteaaaa Wnr«IM iUtmtff-A/ [ ([ cisui' '* Uaoi A >aiil>ff )lf BIS FIRST ciltoiMnloii fMml i- -.a - :h:j ff < UiiAWtiri Mb. Punch, Mt Dxau 8ik : Vest jiro^'ly tAidn*f tdeet na ypclt Wilylm when h« was db IbiihQshffe^/ I Hi* ao from the fack ftift |br»»yU, pcmmerce, whicbitrliiswte kwyvliiwMty U^uan, or somebody, is gpUajwnich a nation’s greatufss re«#—iglonoo* com- in^rp^was Undo W ilyim% |Ot. - lie snldioRrt /It BiielfpitUxjt&d red ill* commanded two pents a cake. I‘ia ihe onk* litaan man lh OUT ftn^T* It 'is troo, I ■okpej*^ a ^ „.mA±kbi mAfik ontdi “A 3S# ‘ ijttdickmsly introiuced a chorions at the end — VT my cuzxun, and said iatMtlM. :uu abandind poetry a soap, and-return- ■rain ail fin lid «£ edycated community "j In one small public, ilia, whi w UtoliiY. 0 V to ike B*or.” This was the way nsr kMMYH, ao«s * rath Se Sousa use te be gaslie swalfrr- eahhttla Wilms W»» not an cmblefo dl nwnr-fw WuctHsnmiik Fat Sale, rT'HGsnbgcriber offers, hla plantation and appur- ‘I tenancea for eatw M TSaSUhlT tpnas; kHw tfce pntire crop of Corn, Cotton. Cane, Potuoen, ac., MgJn process of cultivation. This Pli an ration ia situated nine mile* from Kadi- 'Ifdoer, Pin, add two raite# Horn Cheriy -oi oraemaan. . ■ . .71 Anil MAS areU watw<A gth tafaa hf-TT 1 ) 0 * tliat have never failed in the uiMk pro- ■' traded dr nehts. *nd' t«e undented laada are en.'i inti trooth. S teucy denVict'ftCha thelbeWMroe ravWey heacceiv- ou a ralht»rakkyaheotter he owped, and wi ' ‘ , ““““' dw-i| WL---, . w*r oirt of the moe# hing’klTitiBnge'be* ever baud of ; and, alter colltciin tbe i^ure^fn money, he bust into* a ’'fijpd of tears and retired to uis fstm in Penusylvafiy. Be was my uncle by iftsrngetaily. * I do. not* ssy be wasn’t a hofienttnati. I simply say that if you have atORHe, and .-hilfea experience .tells you it is more proAfobl* lokVraJkfatcgat St view «d flwt t. ;an|«Mtr J'HML TOPHI. ss? 9 di^W?® engine and saw hill yi'Uii; i- teii measured line* of Nonpa- . and Herald. % ^ilfttneniBiUs inserted three times a week r day) fur a month, or longer period, will !«) Hue-fourths of table rates. _ _ i -munis twice a week, two-thirdS fad daughters oailed to see him yesterday morning, ;i-,muits mice a u . d renj£r [. uu t p. 0 assistance it was natural they old by I tould desire to offer, they were to! ose name we hope to learn, that he was a “dirty, d—d, stinking, sneaking murderer," and that they could not see him. Mr. Trucksess was admitted to bail in $2,500 last evening, and is »9W with his family, and in a dangerous condition. A Sonthcra Sxlle-Lctttr from Horn Ji* cob Thompson, of Misaiasippi* rial, lival i.r imsincss notiefis, for indi fit, will lie subject to a charge of fifty ;*jt :ioi less i ban three dollars for each i-ieiit A.lvtriiseinents must be paid In' li'illy Hews and Herald 5»*‘i"*r y.-ar, or 75 cents per month, and ikly News and Herald i evi-ry Sa: -.rday at *3 per year.- I <» U PUINTING. v i, L-.-atlv uud promptly done. By i elegrapli. I0RN1NG DISPATCHES. Cleveland, Ohio. ia suiatfeup VMWhg.iu. our social i oudly for refonn. ’ ' 1 r I 'rr-rtt on tketaUbrat stUrcrpaei,«nd proceqtfod at Ubge to Lowloa. A etppt at the Waabuq(to'u Hotel In LivtwuooJ. Iteyause it was named lit hdtaor ef * eputnryuisu of iuhj'fi who Uldn’t gel hit Hvtagfbp-1 ’ feiAiu-'Bif^h*e4, fa* Whew aeura’ig l»daer Ip. civij- ized peple ell over the world, because he was geuL-e ’em. alars! should we want to take home to supper HiiE ns f r Anara*-other*, 1 w««m oahyparatteuiiou to Alexander the Great, who couk^rfea the Vorld, ina prodacB i .will prd .wee n,«na raraalaitorn. The h*iw1<A>h,Uie eatiie place are comp 2,»h acres—1,000 here, cleared anil bn l ii*U also fall head i lio**, fourteen good Bliss, wgdt bioke, two horses, threw plantation wag- .jiiyfaJming utensils to run twenty ploughs,-WaotK stmuT*ad cerpcntcr’etools, one McCarthyCottMIGih, i kltuhcn luruiture, and everything else .rhetfiTiiD unf-ii ing well of water on die place, good dtreliing lumse aud cabins saOlcienf to accura- mo'lste ah the laborers necessary to work .the plan tation sraces.nuly. - . it aphhfrtdhr early, the purchaser will get a bar- goin- * *• ^ 1 AddremnentMa-iisonO. H., Fla. J-.HN L. TOOKt. FOR SALE. ff?BCHtSN OTBAM BHGUiG had haw Mill, manufactured to order at the Ful- Works, Ne York. CousUts of an engine or 40 tMfeeiWwn.retara flue boiler, with all the cocvc- ' .^ranp etc) iron frame, 4* feet carriage; 5* uiein (nth The following ia|au extract from the prayer made by the (so-caUedi clergyman who opened the Plrilidel phia Bad fen] COtrv^*iith*|:- >-i > Ob, grant that we may do rigl the henvena taHI (Stentsof "Amen I amen!”) Hear ‘ — *, for our nation at Urgh: Ddi tfita tliLef \hCl^B^ us, wekesaach Thee, for our nation atlmgQ. Deliver ub from tbe rale of bad men, especially from him Who through sstanic agency jency has been raised'fib auttiority over us, and who, abusing that authority, is not only 5 * our pttrtwial i ii^l)ar^': se he ebuldn’t do it sum more, J® logftidSftd-seMM geitfta' 'tight erfrj dear ffars inner with fhaaiiMSt dSjpMW ifig,’lanty. nusiu; oM paa/raaffoLS' ot a f>eaCefS?-Kn« vpitat- ekaramar.: Laag. there- sat men now Uvin’ (you could put em all into Hyde Park, by th* way: aud atih leave room lor a largwithii rsSimdtaW* oencourse of rioters)—be good, it, , — - n-T" ' t"‘ bald-headed Prooahun, bismari*,he good and gentle if* your hour Of tri umph. 1 always am. 1 admit that our Imeuihi diffe rent. Bfimhrok'4 faff uflno; but the aeara glh'roua printeteteraceiuefl i i rr- . ; I aiwaexhibitarW-etaUliu' ounoaitys, wax worts, ■flaSXeCtecmj' (“cither of whdm,”'u*u ‘American Jtflkwinan whose na'iuc 1 ain't at liberty to aeen ttenAur-fe perimcffl resinfl, aarkef eipecka to he a ernfliflata Jar a and ruinous policy aad from the bad'couhsels’of bsH >* exhibitor ol startliu' curieaitys, aa4M« leave my that eurroUBd him. And, we people tbft e istain bun. Oh, sand a spirit frdfci Th£ throne ouse the Am*ric*n people to settop in this tremen dous hour. (Renewed cries of **Amen f amen 1**) Senator Odmiler, of Michigan, who declared spring ot 1861 that the Cnipn wouldn’t be wprth a 1 ruahwifoout,|#if|6jifpting,8{|WflQ^^i at the late Philadelphia Convention : say.-Ah^-bui hours of triumph,: forth..”.- ^tePY9r t jfta trw.apdyoupr.*h;'y refer to ^Jt* le „ the circumstaus oi my fiirin ayotmg m«u or mmj* timenials oi patedllaftite to fht htssetf upas areal CanatiMt frym t ,lnlng fun ht to. a policy thin . Seward is fb-diljUP We find the following very interesting letter from Jlon. Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, in the -Oxford falcon, of this week : Dublin, Ibeland, August 11,1866. Jo Captain Witiiam Delay; .. . My Deab Sib : Your interesting letter*of thi "^fiBth _it., was received by me on yesterday, and the onj way ia Which I can manifest the unqualified p\$WfF*f gives me, is by making you an immediate reply, never kuew uutil I wa§ ci«t out an exile,| without home or country, aud apparently without friends, how necessary to human happiness is liumjn sympa thy. A atrauger in a strange [and, caring for nobody, nobody'caring for me, 1 determined, fan my pleMtfbf aud improvement, to visit the principal sceues of his toric iAtere-t, and thu* familiarize myself with the stony of those who bad gone before me. I wept to Paris (which, take it all ill alibis the pleasantest cttjr-itt the world) and there remained until I could re-read htr hi>tory aud learn aomCtblngof 1bey¥BPnch iapgnage. Then I went to Switzerland and visited the retreats of the different distinguished exiles who, in the vio lence of party, had been driven fronf their country to this place o^quiet and safety. I went to Rome, ihe home of lb* greatest ijrnn.and pdre<$: patriot whose history adorns the annals of the past, and* there 7 ! re mained two months, industriously employed all the speech, Mr. , offered the and i aoioi When Chandler had coopli Thomas J. Seeger, o^ following resolution : Beoolved, That in view of the probable ijnpeach- ment of a high officer of the Umteff States Goverh- I would he exceedingte^iuprojier, nncoBstitu- tiotial ww/j dangerous to havertweqty members of the Senate in effect, by the President 'of the United SUttf*. Brdwnlew ie no^ gravelling through ^he country as i* UflreM'ife^W' the for* leaving home for the Philsffelpnia Radian Ccrm le; Ventiou he said, speaking of the prospects of another •ivil war The loyal masses, who constitute an uxo.uxj —— *— , . „ .. UWVIUDK Iff m noillfl Kucucu ijume. auu tra *v> “*> , l mained two months, industriously employed all the ponujatten, let them be exterminated. Audi i Lmie ; iq.examining tbe ruing of P^c^oms onw ‘When the snw ia wound up, which should be done * grandeur, never feeling theofightmt intarwfc,!® tuu rapidly wnd with swift destruction—let the land be re-’ ‘1 hying, but absorbed with thoughts, principles aud actions oi the almighty dead. Then I went to the de- i'TIIXMEXT 01* THE SOLDIERS’ | AND SAILORS' CONVENTION. DECLARATION OF PRIWCIPlflKS* AT, 'H FROM GF.N. FORREST AND OTHERS- •• i \sb. Nipt, lit—The Convention adjourned *t—Gca. (I irJon Granger was President. The " Lrc adopted by acclamation endorsing tbe I'liia Convention oi August 14th, declaring ' ‘ t of the soldiers in taking up arms to ? the iate rebellion was to defend and wain- *apreinacy of the Constitution, and to pre- 111 11 "itii all its dignity aud equality, and ral States unimpaired, and not ■r.t ot oppression, or for any purpose of Qon- 1 sobjugation; and that whenever theth*ffall J :a*-.l nsis ance to the law fully ’ cons [Timed “t our National Union either in the South pr "b. or iu the East, or in tho West, they will iriaa t0 Diaiutaiu the Union. - r-iicli from Memphis, signed by Gen. Forrest tr ex-confederate officers, was read, express. ‘Apathy wilh the purposes of the Convep- • declaring that the Confederate -soldievs are • filing to leave the determination of their - * l ^u 8 of States and of the Unitefl States to hit- Union, and on our part we pledge * person, property and freedom of * hd I'im-ju t<» all. A suitable answer was re- / Xcw York Market. ‘ 1 i*k, Sept 19—Noon.—Gold 145^, Cotton •hd unchanged —sales 1,000 bales; sales for 1 tt.iJOO bales. Sterling quiet, sixty days. Mug. Wheat drooping. Pork heavy at 3A 50. “ Coupons of ’68, 130; do. of’81 lll^t-do. 1 do. of ’64, 108>a* Treasuries 106. Tens ^ liiia new bends 64>£. lightful city of Naplw^delightful for its climate and situation, hot for itt people pStere was. thd' ypt, the Royalty now in bauishmeut. Then to Egypt, cradle of letters aud learning; then to Palestine, tread the ground our Saviour trod, to see the places . ~ . .1 . i_'i_ to AlteJx tkn where he performed his glofions wdths, to sides of Mount Olivet, to stand on Mount Calvary, drink the waters from the pool* of Siloarn and gjlse upon the tnnib where they laid his body, Which could only retain it but for its appointed time. From here I think I cprne away a better main • I returue* through the Greek Isles, of vast >interest; to tbs ftdi dent, up the Adriatic to Venice, a moat marvelous .• -tt-zt - ^ Thehce though Vienna, Mnajfch auk fort, history. Cologne, Brjisaela, to Paris again. Here Mrs. Tnompson left—yearning to see we both had loved, and love atitt; *>u*I.could not go with her, and why ? Was it because I feared to meet there the penalties of offeifded law 1 1 Was it because trials might be instituted aud proofs be adduced whig* would affix a stigma upon my name? No! It. was because I felt that there was no Constitution-or Jaw in the South for the protection of my rights. It was be cause the arbitrary will of an officer, guided by pntfn- dice and passion, which have been exciteffibjf the grossest slanders and foulest falsehoods, might arrest, incarcerate, ouiLffi a thousand ways annoy me. and 1 could have no remedy*: fjgnWaljMhtored; when tuenattltfry fojiJ law, aud for any violation of ihe rights of tire citizen tnc courts will have the power to inflict upon him con- diiiu punishment, theu will I be happy to Winn*- - - - ■ * *— ai — * 1 eo-ure you tMi There is ao shallA>e no child’s play. They will, as they ought to* do, make the entire Southern (kmfedyNUur as God found the earth ^NnJl1 fevpefidJte wfrk of crea tion, "without fate -aa&«f<aa.^,'t4umr not and ought not to leave a rebel fence-rail, outhouse or dwelling in the eleven seceded btftes. And aa. For the ibel population, let them be extermfoafed. kL ‘' 1 drew Johnson has no horse has. “ w ' traitor States, j- m m crime, ron Aifffranws-mtoute 1^|. 6ou made odious. If Andrew Johnson does not stop _ about now, he will ascertain thatt trqfoonis aenwe, kf~£i Whanocidid ou the occasion Jest mentioned, d that traitors shall be punished, and treason quu|e] jPhi^tKywas employed in sum tubhrin'-dted minea. r.t . .“As yonhan'f got no Gonuybal* te>«hpw us, old map.y. soidmeter teiki, who-awnulto be* kind of leader JL was.simply teUm’ the an a the most feroshus Cannibal of bis -ib^ N aml that, aloue aud uiitteshd, he hod at nt'iil f oLV^fello^emuerflneu, and ihet lie hod .at urns eVoh iMhiaphuad -htein hi* Unde Thomas on his nuAher'a^ide, as wett os other near ahd dear rela tivet—when 7 was miklii these simple MMements, Um nlls^rtl! yoerafe man ated 1 w a lyea^ *»1, haqnki if Th^rfifftoti Itofiffi^ite satisfiecl with this, he aud-touakhyvDy on mt, » and as he was * very inre^ oular nerson and wore remarkable thick boots, I kwV instuns, and I've Leen very careful ever'Since to deal ' niratifr |*utaic. UI vfes the public I should kfenkiain m. tho* I ahouid’nt do aa a portlou ffUIB JEXffRC'lhES of this well known institution, JL founded bjr Ibe late Colonel C. 0. Tff W, will bt resumed on the flistdn? or October-next, trader tbe ‘flirtation of Q nerai K E. OOLsTON, a gradnate, forflReen years (np to the comuiencemnnt of the )a Professor of the Virginia Military Institute, : coarse of Instruction vill be such us to auk, the flerny a great Polytechnic School—a school of oretical and appl ea scicrtcc—fn' VUciR Mflgusgc and liter jure will also receive a full share ot. uOen The Aiitipliue sad orgabiuaUon npon a .eie military basis. General Colsioh relies con- stly upon ihe patitmsge of hie 'eW fftanra aad brothers in arms throughout tbe whole 8outb. Ap- pilcstions for admtusion slionld be made as ear) to lbe Superintendent, accompanied by > of good character Otrcatars own tabling fun information will he leaned id a few days, ffor these and all further particulars, apply to tiaire tfltl dicit od M hicifjS}y At yoa Be oidbaera itni ig *iun t* |“ 1 dta’greahle** seetu w be out of CannybalS, we’ll' Sorter look' herein tf(lPttihi'gsJ Tnem was Agues of Stan ■as' you Again, at the Philadelpfita CodvenTTolir flfleiter- ated this aentiraent in retamiug to tteeabiVb. M foV flowa: ‘ * I want to have something to say about the division' nf your forces tho'next time. Iwoald divide your with small arms and artillery. Let them be the largest [division, and let them do the killing. Let the aecoud division be armed with pine torches ate spent, uk turpentine, and Jet them do tbe burping- let tiff- third and last division be armed with surveyors' com passes aad chains, and we wW survey opt the laqg at4, settle 4. We will first sell it out, to pay the expenses here'(laid liFttihigsi ’ Them was figures ufytaica waul washiii*. The*eta hapuham Hon.parte and Julius Cx- A-. . haLh.’ ’ wuu which coarse and flrdhU remark Ke imuil western savage, and. a bearin' cumpaiflyins, he threw ad my wax-work into ihJ river, and let. my wi(d hears loose to prey ou a peaceful ami inoffensive agricultural community. ITL»aviii :w lJtfmpoul (I’m goin’ back there, ih*\ l waut io Ht*e the Docks, which I -heard Apoke* of at leflst once while 4 wflfetttrfl. tW >“ » 1st class car, pas«iW»*>ffi*-*ek,faMd>le in dia- cuEsin, with a couutrymau of mme, the celebrated to-Holatei* ^ueauou. W* look tUatiuf ^•rtjng. aiieoaoh-Aip attd carefully traced it lrom tfte nm’e 11 BuiMiueuced being so to the preattit dfcy, wtaetf my ceuiitrymau, at the dose or tunr hours’ annymaled dolistc, Wild he didn't know auythiiig about if himaelt udd he wanted to kpow If 1 did. 1 told bun that 1 did not. u-\V a£ Ramsgate now, aud I am h> write te him wh& Ifeef like giving him two days in whieRlo discuss the question of uegreslavery hi America. Ha new 1 do not feel hkOLr-h j ■f- 1 jfi ‘ London at last, amWlWlllKW<r<W Greenhon tavern. 1 like the lau’lord very much indeed. He hadflalleiijutoajcw triflm errers iu regard to America -Ihe wan under the'iiriiiresaioh.for ihsuuoe, -that ww e| hav over there, and had tenia grown! out of the uadb-pais of:Jour teada—but his cuops and. oeer is ekelto-aiixL ever pertook. You must come and see me. aiuUjnngtlib noysi l*m told that uarrick used "' dve/but I’m growui/ skeptical about Gar. rjck'a fav’-Ht taveme.. I've had ever SuO public bouses ufuted out to me where Garrick weht. 1 was indoCced o«ie lo'-ht In 1 a sclek comp’uy of Bntons to V4SM sums ■2b pubnkTwsiifels, and they .confidently told me that GarncfcMte t*ff® P* each ope ot 'em. Also Dr. John- jou. Abtbmus Wabd. tif4 ( ..k ..w ;r.-M - jd. , , take iny old frieuda by the baud;|for I aaaure you with all her faults I love wy country. “ other such couutry in the world. .. . 1 have visited eVery kingdom aud people wuroatiave any position among the nat.ons of the earth, bim) wuh the intention—if I could phftbe—ab settle <o*n and gutter ljy fiRUA ffiitur around me, and there fn quiet spend tho remnaHi of my days, but l find no place in which I am waling to leave my family. No,’ lor good or evil, the newt (ZMtts - — - ■ ' - a :r at .,1.1 Xcw Orleans Market. K middlings, 33{§)34. Gold, lift; bank ster- ' *’ V‘» York exchange, premium. I ft, a . ‘ ' “ Mobile Market. ■t. Sept. l-j.—Cotton sales to-day twelve hun- 1 -Middliugs at 32c. Market firm; demand | ■’* half cent, advance . stouts of tub “Tombs.”—On Friday a ' -ri'liout filieen years of age, vriio had 'infincd with several others in a single 4;'M of the prison; came* into court ia “’fK bearing on his face evidences of !als wliicb had attacked him while in ^ > According to the boy’s statement, l "> r e frightful in numbers andpredi- ‘«e. some of them rivalling a well f.;..4 ” ,l,e n in proportions and a sa vage dog try ia in the United Slates, and if there could only security of person, property aud reputation,-it ww be tbe moat desirable country ou earth. At ell event* those dependent on me, I went there to remalnrad abiffertb* rate utid destiny of thoir. count Shin become of‘me, isut Uiitiutle oteseq daVkbf usrfulddBS are past. -Mj» i*idMs t fa»i - to its setting, but my will eball be Giat wheB lite s fitful fever is over, my body Shall be buried be- neatb the soU which has been fattened with the blood aucestore in. the smuggle foe J^jin- dependence. With theso'feeling* yon cU Ufflly imagine bow highly I appreciate any evidence of kind ness and good will from those who are to keep vigils ovei my grave. Ybur petition is wieU in#pded| -lam thankful to each aud every one who signed it. I re- gard it aa friendship's offering; but I leor it will .be niffiaof kdeep, detnguing*mtelgmmey her*,' lie baa mfficted upod me * groap ifijusttee; nos done me a grievous wrong' ia, qpllofiPfliPg aa an scaped I believe he knows and * .it, but I lear lie is like all other men: the groondlett the rettons. for bis iiUMf! the ohettoatoTh^ . will be ini rAitt|rH moke _ ation. Moreover, the President ^*unot art for fear of ■ the denuuciattoua of the Bart toil* if he were ever so well dteposefi. I woqld be unwitting to embarasa him with anything on my account, for I honestly believe if he succeeds there is some hofte tor the country. If he fails, the Constitution ia Jburted, | civil rights will become bj*-words, liberty is gone, and a deep gloom of inevitable darkness hangs ovok the hope to livwwb ll III'shall have p< is” r^ificllr4wfewto prosecute the ptijury and inflict punishment upon those Who have wronged me! And although { 2k« knelt at the tomb of our Saviour, yet I fear tha/The punishment that awaits (he evil-doortn the next wsirtd will be too lone in its coming. » * * a Your friend, J. Thompson. pUuse.) These ere my aeutiptenta. „ Again, on Moaday, haTing left Philadelphia, SroWnJ low was received by the ffidlnala <f Taratcm, lioJ.l and xaafea a apeeefe, saying: ' ’•* I can tell you that you are to have another war. Tfee devil is Hi the people of the South, and in the huu afc a finger in^that pie. fwlmfy^MMfojrto come in three divisions. The first to kill, the second to burn, the third to uarrey the lasd Out tnte anah perewta and give it to tboae who are loyal in the North. / ^ Gen. Batter, In his sprechat Gioncente*. Mssm r )w*t before going on to ihe Philadelphia Badical Conven- tiOB, said: He ooutended that by their rebeHiiks Met had tot‘ ssrqaa they were not Rnisfitate of tfiteqfi olnVetWaltered, the General continued, we will march once more, and woe to him who oppocta ua 1 , , Again Gen. Butler said: - ff. If late Mkad haw long I would "keep" these Mte qnt of theHatoe^lMv. keeithemoat until the heavens meU with come iu this genera*dr&fll itearMr flW ee P them out The Mowing oarae upon thakiwitentni tee United •factious place lb the Pbiloife*- ■ ik e To Uhewbbs of Tobacco,—Mr. Joseph Pyrotechmst, of Jersey City, was about “w bis wagon iu New York, on Thursday, . raft started, and the sudden shock sent n ^ r ' ^Se’s mouth into his throat and j uii;.windpipe. In the convulsions which i>ioo«l vessel was ruptured and ha now lies ' ariou * condition. r S r a shoppers, which have devoured 1D g abont Fort Kearney, Mo., are »,”• “l’proaciiing the river, and may yet l1 / ov ®r Missouri, a few days ago they i'ifc. n ^ in c,0u d8 at Seneca, Kansas, fire ie/r o eSt ° f 8l * Jo8e P b - U they continue I. e P r edations a few d*ys more. there ft-, e a g r een thing left upon fllo lace ar Ui, in that region. jt ia stated that Alabama and Florida are overrun with sharpers, who; taking ad vantage of recmit negro emigration schemes, are endeavoring to persuade tbe blacks to take free transportation to Liberia, inuad ingiosell them*‘Cuba. No auihenticatad cases are heard .of theic^ succeeding W any extent, altbougi Wise IfijsiAow is undoubted ly done in Ibis manner unknown fo the au thorities. * j * —The Radical papers gloried much over ta.nrattftt.tera. I. -IU- 1.ttUWraarara„ Fair. how much re as ob we will show. The Vote Ipr Governor in 1865 gave the Radicals 18,- 729 majority on Governor. At the recent election the majority was reduced, to Sncb losses would soon use majority. rnMMe RMmw at Mr. Uavii Ue.Wega- Ikffi}ItoA.¥ork Iraki’s WasUingtoh cotrespofident, I stilted thefe'ww good Jeff. Devi* anMM _ lived my uUoiaa Uou'fr.mi a tagh eafomLwlm puarasaea exeeUeut £*- t to have cl hiiester Jrarning the Pxeaident’s views and intrn- tious op such' subjcCta. The auDouncemeDi created quite e-flWer among the iioliticians, and ,wven»l erj infiueutial fines, iavorebie toraliojl ” tne PresidenTto” defer ~au’ States, occupies a conspicuous place phia Press: .a May my tongue cleave to tho roof ufi ray mouth, should I ever cease, day or nigbt, to caM fan God to curie aU auch tyrants, and sweep tbera ewayaewUh epesHteuee. that llwlr tofora nufk oecamt, vndow*. and their children orphans,.UM that tbetr nemes * * ' * * • • L. 0. Smith. Charlotte. Mich.. Sett'S. U6fl. f,,',/, f' C ’ 'K ffew.Vaih.fffarkiti,'':, t _‘J {J," T! Wotherspoon k Co., of New York, in their Circular oltb* lltkinoi., oay: ‘ w * ’ ‘iT "Tbe negotiation of foreign bills jt^xchange is si interfered wifcR sorbing all tbe L on imports. Tb* beat koi ing gebMo their other e tbe jnontb, i "The legal that oa-tfcn would be ment^ M ridy^irbeaneffteaMtotftnte teatferlwli and I itm w . in ab- lent of duties the"city are borrow- million* off i i*ra.' The'lOdO United Btatcs Bonds, tatereal koto payable fade* tf p ing In this market at a diaoount l, perdenk. to goU, and by the sale of I and other securities, tn Europe, tho rawing raw a, encettotS geaorat.i •t obligation to pay a bonus of « teraff Uragraepeom ahead are A silk fhetory haa Iraaff - i __ Fiincitco, wMeh will flnish two piece* i —A gigantic melon was gold the other dai at Haile* Ceaualra. in Pam Ue tatgest^nt baa baea heard of to H* mwy ofraara-It Mai, an* wnagaaam iced to H^SKVrii mmm. m —,nrr — up the tofgeatlwdKMnotomtkaaWtt ■ to ffgMPiaMakla Danato , j itita to'tsii.'i do, you know. ramBIbd a bitifi this compaunyflOllitt> d Preaideni’a rea- Tbim nded. fin tbe on a, reminding him that be was al- eymOathlzing with rebate apff abak- _j>ff ‘puertt, and arauriug him..that ihe reteraM toe head rebel at thl,. tiuw would be ksmuw»ira.i. i»to thft in the present campaign gfeauy-tulprtf tfachanoe. ot tSe peiftywra leherin* to elect faoBce raen wlfiMflamd support hU (the President’*) policy.—t Tuts, I have aa undoubted authority. rr ’’" eiden eenraent, ber, term rbuTtbat in giving tbe friemie ofDa^ this »*qr- rai nraAtoiikirainmiMl lhaOCtiaOLOf he event ofHls not betotT w .... into grain toe first deetted toluMB ‘ mmsmM keep the prisoner longer in coatody. He ^o ot^ lbat he was unable to perceive that the would furnishm wun W.-w3B(3 ■ifcV.rtfTirlteW^ H^nkaato; Raw,* «**<■ teite Ca jneff romw-fftograefl George &>*., fOtH'ratoa. flALLB, flUWWiaMfi Be toil Military and Maval,^*^ FOR. RENT ,w: patent self-seitiug head blocks; l«n feet logelisiH. with pulleys an.l first class belting for the tain complete- The whole is perfectly new aad can *yS5T“'‘ l *'i»iiS‘"Si* * »snu.' HILLSBOROUGH J MILITARY AGABEMY!! General It. X. COJ Superintends ,t HiUaborougfa’MilAary Academy, aejiU-ltawtra ?; . HiHpbOrongB, S. 0- Of. M. WALSH, llTHOi/AALE Druggists, comer IT Brouehton screws, SXvaanab, Bair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. Halt Rea tutor makes Hair grow M BaM Heada. CLOCK’S *■ Hair Restorer 8tops ILrir^rom Failing Out. Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK’S ' »sir Restorer is elegantly PMHML Hair fsesmrer bail that can tie tffilmeffgaa dtvealng. CLOCK’S . ' Hair Restorer possesses all the merit clairaedfor M. A single trial convinces the most sceptiml of Its vnlue. JL 'alter a thorough trial oi two bottles It docs not give perfect satisfaction, the money wllibe refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle. BIS bottles for it. dlS-eodtf EstablisLied in IT80 ! KNICKEfUtotKEtt iiri LIFE ”1 sA ti<i tiMliil) f nr ot fnfliim »i : O ->“>J ,fuvi)mt,| ivruiau of. <‘l oiU-jl) ii-nH it: nut lute titlin'j id-1 I'l ... ” nuih»fir iti-VI Milt (d I*-,i,|. ■nil illiw btnyse hut kaUi 1 -•JWJiVnj Mutautcl-n k, tnemie ’lie il‘f -illI h) a ’jife lasaraate Cmpeny. Assets, - - Over $5,000,000 (toWcyratftnfJIfori lra*raw <, otxUm fiOUTHCRN Jf :.7 • rrn »uif iHr> [/id vtif rnoii J j ;. firpitM 4»wl mJS in w«- Ui r - rm - . w .. BhVAMHAH BKANCH (BfjHCf i «S*aam. ■■Limi.asr—r*jf grid NgUatreeU ' LOCAL BUAJU) or UrnSNCf:, Jbz&sr* mflEZii' WiHrfno*, WHmw A On - MCIMCAL KZAMWMBSi ft.«. Baliock, M. D. J. G. Thenuw, If. n. Title Compeuvieetrietiv matoaL Ute policy hoM— receiving the entli * p ogta HENRY HARNKY, • sepia eodtf fljneraivtgefit^ ftentrgia. MAICR OFFICE : . . •Ablaut *: -• /ii«i f 04y a 89 BAY SHMET. BESIDEIt BOMB . .' ■ f, - ,i*irc uneU-tli In*. ••!! • ,irv*i k ' . 1 '111 '(UetotLs ail ■ 1 ■. ■ . Ilk Ml lMU»-f • a - j Hb Policies Writes # Ihe Branch inn. 0 oiil l Office and Lewes Ptempt- T iy ►fn fut: :4«vnj f M£s ti .ltd*., ,i-m * < I . , .' irilol* jvtiti u. vt . J .-J; rib ,-finatl ffuRuu 50 Per Cenk rOredit » -ii i-iiw acti]fr>j art ■ ' WHFN OriWRBD. I 'ill- fl-iii-gt uHJ to,KiiJjp>>. ''').* t* ‘hi VnAhte end (ui rt ,i ■ i - -—►-—amn-irn ri ft cr-rrx r,. n iiIMui od ■ . U., .hiu k. diviijups ri-. ,h iaiHI‘1 feifl i.4Hdiei.2j PAID IN CASH, ADOBD. TO. POLICY. L! Iffl IW PAYMENT > f . vdl OI ta-Tj.MI n . i -i; • ./linq !i«il* / l-MHo'I -,.lr L, - a ► •!* Mn iH h .. . i ■. "^fr^sr77f5n«ir'.ii ! jii,.i rit . -WHll l*«f» .g-.-U-l- f..'l i~ d)fi«i 1.; YlJilU.i U .. Non-Forfeiture, fpJt£l-*i>£ ii '■ t; ril ’l.i SQAPSI CANDLfSF SFARCfi 1 Eu d G ^.,ment "•••tat ’I F*lri: '.1 . J. C. Hull’s Sou, \'a. 3* PARK BOW, IBW TURK, Invites the*’ attenHon at buyers to Mn hhmM stock oi pvfity grade ot w* Staple and Fancy Soaps. Honey Soap, Ilc«el«ept fieeD. Palm Soap, Wind .or So tp, Qlycatfitf f J Poncine Soap, White Soup, shaving Soap, Almond Soap. Upwards of Ua* lluadred Styles. Sperm. Adamantine ate TaM Cannes. Ctiuttpiljf opkaud and for sole by RAN DELL A CO., and ubtuy other dealers. aaid-eoad** “NEW DRUG STORE.” B.XlluT. STRESTD. 1 DR. JOHN A. MAYER, Aowrr,. Jliepect.nly Informs the PhysMan* that ha la pto Dared to put np proscription* al all tinea A Dghl wMt hokept buratag dnriag the night at thedoor, where a bel) will be (bond. afafi-tf FOB SALE, A HANDSOME RESIDENCE in Stoektoi 1. stocklon i. a beautiful villa; , know i Station 13, A. Jk U. ft. B. Slid resident ,.Yk purchnaefl cheap. V JJa*. e>y farm« , 300 acre* cleared, 1* mile* from No. 1 IA. u acres and m uilles tram No. 14. Ttoms lo salt Far particulars address A anJi-lm* CORN. H000 B P SHBW PRIME YEU.OW, la atqie. 3,(ioo be tools Prime Yellow, afloat. War ui* hr lul BHADLEYe BILL A CQ CLASSICAL TEACHER WAHTtU -fiV) SUPERINTEND THE EDPCATIUN of sevrial T bote, far advanced Tue teacher wW retotr wHh ilia fambv, la a pleasant country home, aad coMcnwiio* will be lib *.ral The beat refereuiea required. Address Box 214, Savannah P. O’. cepO-im Oitizen’s Best. A good LaqcU every morning. tJieflh find pleasant Booms, Off mUoaaMe terms. Board by the week, end tbe very beet table set. On Diemkpad the public generally are respect- " Invited to give, ne a call. Ily invited to given* a can. Tfiaarery beat Llqnora, Wtae* ai ^efawtlWy, KM. aep*-lm njUNTAtN. Notice. J W. NJEYlTT, of the firm of Nevtt. Lathicp ff * Roger*, fas asnsciated hlataelf wRh lathrop A Ofota toe Dry Good* bnsineae, at the old eland el Jl-tf HBNRT I.ATWROP ff OO FOR SALE, A SERVICEABLE DRAFT HORSE. Apply at Pulaski House Stables. G. MoGlNLY, Screven Hoorn TtHBI 1' be Bondrof theCItV of Bavennnh, * leaned by U>* Orfleinri of MM, lor tbe perpa. of I “ ' era oToverdne coupons ere invited te yveeent them for three htrada* **AB Bondi for which Oonpone are mod to May J at, 19*4, wlU draw interest from ttorylote. -- K*. GIMON, < Ud ' Ctty 1st, of Jan- 0. J. TRACY & GO. -fits term*. FOUR COUNTING TWOLiR8» H EDWARD PADKLFORD. ■ 14ft* poU^i,«p« Wrltteih. » *if*W i .11 —V r 'f r ^~. CaQ end get nf».Llar dMMWtbvto > ,8 -si ft ill, ntc> lu'. < ' < * -ti : i rll lii '. ■ ./flevrvoii j )■ . - We have one rite dLprtmftmi Tor every part of tbe United Siam*. WdEMMs ef taaflel witotn toe- dvdiesd aeuMuntn lWfcatnra M mneateliy M- *>'■*» Oqmpanl*. are In.the habit ol .cbprgHtgextra rate, te the privi lege of reatotag Sot^to dqriagjmmmer ttWOK Lijir rf rid*/; nrzrm&'&n- ■ A. WIIiBUE. fleaeral Kanager. r. i. isMW,:ntaBto mstia EASTORiTGIf^ Xfttolrtm FftyMetbo Mpll-tf nut MJDBST ittlKNTS I id etu je ji hr. , I -i; . UK . V "Kl'lV.rt. .v- llKI’ulklfll AbO pi LlklU:! COMPANY - . . miH.n odl m tik; In i.i invif-sf ui f- 'le' jfiilj el rill , A TiCKEK-?0ff-XHtE DAY i-jte . . . _. yrtii . . „ l—r-^g <1, ora la uvcntef.fatot AacMant, q la evafaef JtiaaMlB# oaaaed by Ac il i-jU'i sitlii 'bi ereiiiliij nr. r Ftr Oie laatkvfeA; F#(l« tor, ItlnTHlili : ejnitfiX f T' i Utei *1#! J- 1.1 J .11 IfonotTijIissrFithinrtte*. >/ ■ vrfiaonluiff no tilt i: v-iti’l in.7 Ji ,-/i . la»73 mif oJ > ib’iu-ie-r ■j-iddlu, ,. ciiit,b‘iJr. No Reitoh *«Ulit •. \ttluis'. eil) j«,li .,’-uun,,i i'At ' ^nSrZv i It 7rui -L 1 jil.H It. »*v Yfekpflc-J fot.. WX: W WTO, Agwrty iw- in 11 1(1.0- i ik;. • . •xi Oi ■n s <(»»**Mr Or, j. c. > Insurance. ‘TB! HEW YORK" Die THE OttLCTHOfiPE Insurance Comp’y OF OAYAJNIAH . Are.ptepsrH »<j U' e Fire Mi n IsanteUe Tmu, At tfe* GMaa. Ill Bay Street. W. MMOFMaPrmHaat. CHAR 8. HA RDU,Ylce Pr Ml drat H. W. IBtreer C. 8. Hardee A. 8. nartridg* A. Porter tiSSSU AT. Thostaa W.Remak t. L. One A. A. I K Hamilton W. W. Gordon 6r ayf-tf Direotor*: f &2? t.W. Net » a. pi A. Fail! J. Mi L.A F.W. Q. Retire H. LathUaea - : Ifeaias*' B. F. Roaa, Maere W. H. Young, Cotamhnr EVERY VAKIETY OF FURNITURE IS ffiLUNG GOODS. Lower Ttum Any Other House Ilf SAVANNAH. HOTELS ANd|teAMB0ATS FUBNUtHED. PARLOR SETS* axUa well upkoJateveflL FI1TB BED IMMMK SETS, Watoat aad 1 hogaay. l " 1 “■• ' '« OOTTAGK BID BOOM SETS, of evafy variety. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTHUSE8, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS " «TaHktods. y- ■ KITTLE'S FOLDING SPRING BKE* aari MATTRESSES, the heM Bed to Mk, end WARRANTO) SUPERIOR to all ether*. f ' LACK AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, and CANOPY FRAMES. bin: WARERhOMS, 178 Brt*glilw Stn*l, IHtllSm St Htewt BE BACON! BACON! Steffis ail Silts, | • h . , » : immm <***' ^ «or m** W. H. WWtnf y * Cot, ”aMfaje*ityian. FOR SALE, rss 'iFmartttt&re* r WSS TiUteUM%fX4f DYKE A SPARHAWK,! tnirHwhi nofJituuioo i •iwfiAWt iTS,utter,u.r .latlutoV'i/. ui ujfffjsfci’jb.r i jbiiii yoi’Jd se diol-j. Led ) bananiurj ‘• i JUbiaovaoo laom id) ,s»DiL;lajnu-j to?' - SoxiqiuoO ~axiSi i -Auica u "i j i7 Jon iistl Jn^ynsaoi: f.’nft ontoiiaaui'^dt -‘jvijj oil 3DCf ,tu3( Jaoo tc C-f h . n. joa