The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, September 27, 1866, Image 1

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wr- *rl;J 8 ~!l «•{•.«.! a' .jlw.l - — _. ,^_ . _. ,. >1f tfii’M/. J .:.>01^,fl XSO^re££*Ci^O !■:!.: :;.. - LJf »1« ; -X... x. , , ‘r.'i.i* *:» * , j fite tmiiiiO vaM s;it dil,,8 ■ ,; '* " - -T■ . , IIT * ", it* eqid. to moitoolai Jri) ,3- wljl nHJIfk 8n«oQ £ ' i - - . a^gfeHiLy— -* 113 VOL. 2 NO. A ••j'xrTlf rrw-o? 4*u:uv. < t ; rr.»i»«»fcfA 17 Jr ^ . Loh .h flc*' nr ,v>*» »?>■ »-”?? ••. * unp x> .iitv{ ago '■SAVANNAH, GEOBBESt, !|®0BPIis’@S^PMBBR-*O8*K i urfilt**e*-»0!* ! j<k ‘i*i m zKLufc j shnom • PUBLISHED BY _ ^ ; VV. M A soft*.' a A t SrilET, SiTAOTAB. 8*> tibuc XT. "" *3 58. BJiired ;;; . *io no. r iOP A I>vERTISING. [.-Ire. ah: Insertion, $l.Sttv each tore* ' • •“ *■ mzmmmm :|i. KOH’i iiuoa-ffKooae From flew Yorjc. Of*; Net I«ifc femafftBlnM* [Prom our Regular Correspondent ] NEWS FROM CAWADAS J V I rp ExpectH -V^ ^jlhe THE MARKET. iwct»W nrrwrwiys 1 '"-^ “ ;J u Wo df Tho din apd confused bum of citjr ltteearlff «■ Yim. >w 09 . n L 3,ni ^seduoapmwCmibwgtftii^Wrt^wJ^qifc “■* kn(1 .n^.HrA.VM ^salKtd ou| J fllle, knd 4QKWf>fy** ‘ W see tlx iff bmutif redly of Ae *4* f** w *’£“• 8 y sloop waff eeizedAt Ton tiou with Fenian members. The colonist, are return ing from Q aebec to Ottawa. The Europia and Tariff hgTa a^f if ad at Qnabacjrith ^3fp»- ijniT ’ ■If is said the priests offers to purchase of parlia* meut the buildings at Ottawa, and is said to. have ref- enca to the eventuality of the Pope cross ng the At lantic. Gold 4f% ; sterling's. Cotton quief. Floftr fir Aer* Wheat 3@5c. better. Pork quiet at- $32 87. Lard •dsil. Rosin steady. Spirits turpentine quiet at 3is@ 3Cs«d. From Pittsburg. THE RADICAL CONVENTION. Ofoir. Oox dPreailtieil t. Pittsburg, Sept. ^26 .—Gov. Cox. of Ohio, permanent President of the Convention, made a long address de~ can calcpfMe aql. against fbem ln November, great capitalists and merchants are arrayed Lon the side of Mr- - Hoffman, aod the gteat ’ tJVlk of the working classes are with .hkn. The Tnetwaa wee also largely for. Hoffman, being as a class opposed to IhV Sunday law by. cAhlk. r l {I European Slarketg. A sijl’AKE is tt'ii measured lines of Nonpa- j: jjgirs ASO Ukkald. UreitisenKriits inserted three times a week oilit-r day) for :i, or longer period, will r;d llirce-fourtlis of table rates. • vlreriisemeuts twice a week, two-thirds of rtwments inserts I as special notices will •jirtj- per cent, advance on table rates. Mi‘vni-e:nents of a transient cliaracter. not tu time, will be continued until ordered argod accordingly. arij contracts, except for space at table ■ made: and, in contracts for space, all i he charged fifty cents per square fot •rial, lora] ur business notices, for Indl •lit, trill be subject to a charge of fifty e, bat not less tiian three dollars for each ransom Advertisements must be paid In pi-tely News and Herald *1 it >i; per year, or 75 cents per month, and tie Weekly News and Herald lsisi’iti‘:very SaV.rday at $3 per year. •ioi5 i» hinting; ~ c ’ •' T-al'v and promptly done London, Se^temWfc 25.—^Wheat advancini 3a. higher ou CD* ifeeA. Uiigdr flriti " Coflfee tending upward. Tea steady. Bice active anU flAVincing. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 38s. Halifax, September 25.—The steamship Cuba 'ar rived here atB o’clock this morning,and is due at Bos ton on Thursday afternoon. Liverpool. September 25.—Much Tain has fallen daring the peat week, and but little progress with har vesting has been made. The grain made will be ma terially improved in Consequence, but business is Checked by the advance. Flour firm, at an advance of Is. since Tuesday. Wheat advanced 2d. since Tues day; Winter Red lls.@He.9tL, Red Spring 10s.6d. 11a-3*1. Corn was easier; Mixeu 27s. 9d., MnchTellow at 28s.@28s.6d. Beet firmer and 2s. Cd. higher. Sugar quiet and steady. Coffee active and firm. Bice buoyant t& 9d.@ls. higher. mm *So Merchfmts. 'f 1 "”* Alofl lo sahrT 9dt nx sailoaCL Kentucky. Mammoth stores and warehonsff* rouTicM. . The greatot political mesSngieTer teidiai N*«r York city came off .•* MoodayhoigU; ^^ Qe3 ^h^ u ||MUMH-1iu8r; p»Sf eiMf eM« last, to ratify the nomination of Mayor Moff^** ^ "Ilh b^eld its man for UM gubernatorial chair. All ac counts agree that nearly if not quite one hun dred thousand persons were present; Got- Fenton is especially unpopular in this , city is quite generally knowp as “clemency’’ froth-4iii i tetmfuMSonetesdtichf id various cifyWWliLiuaM of incarceration in the State > prison. His pardon to Zeno Burnhsm,,'thy-mock auc tioneer,and to several ether even woraepriut- mala, is brought up af « atrong argwMBt againt hls t^elecfion. Beahfee liie opponent, the popular ea-Re«order, has pvet beett % terror to erfl-doera, a fjfct wbich bringr WiA flrih make each hour yield its “reward in dtutry.” The characteristic Amy of Northern •“* )Totf y*t the genial, joyous laugh, now and then resounding iike the jingling Of sleigh bells amid the storms of winter, conveys tiiO pleas ing impression that <ill the warna empnlsea of le heart are not cramped in ibia'eaiWht def votion to business.' ' - " ^ ®OV- S We eBjoyed -a charming Alive thrdngh and level streets, on eithai'-sHh of which'were handsome residenfeei;-' Wth'fbelr Jdffely gardens, All rkdiant in tim^ beatify of tenify autumn flowet^ and V&iM .’iajify*, where ^watir and cbildhuttd wiled hundreds of supporters BnnsAC ^ 8Uuny h0ura WesaVWrfflde parry. Badicairsm, to6,iirm4t ttie pOptll$ ' 5 ./ ”■>•>•■• side in New York «ty, pud '-be extremists Oumches, with their lofty spires aiid ertetidr' :oratious, as well as other (fromln^ht'i>utJ-' buildiogs. Various lines 01 street raili passed Ifythe last LegtsHnaro- They ‘ their lager on Sundays, and will cast their mercial relation»iW(th «irStBte,psrtieu- kotes against the party Which has madtHJWlijgy with -Savaa«dij< the- high price of Groceries and Liquors. piilon, Smith & C:. ESEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ME OLD II HANDIES, UHIsKEY, CIS, WINKS, die. AMD |ERY VARIETY OF GROCERIEJSy ALSO, Corn.Oatst nn* 1 . Br:in, strictly at wholesale to 1-: aii l we tVviler ourselves that we can make st oi «ie Aera to patrouise us» at the vvMts.ieffi.Tson st. ? Wlw&m , - The Puis Exliibitioo. Ai correspondent of the London Doily News In the moiu the classification of 1851 was copied in the Pans Universal Exhibition of 1855. In the Univer sal Exhibition of 1867, however, the visitor must bo pre pared for great changes. The industrial world has been parted in an arbitrary manner, so- that one manufacturer may find lnmsell in many groups. It is a classification according to the* wants of mah. We are. iold that there ace wants common to all nations-of the world. Every man, whether be be prince in Europe or Slave under the King of Dahomey, has three wants, each more or less complicated, according to the de gree of his civilization. He wants food, clothing and lodging. The arts that provide these wants, the raw material ou which these arts are expended, and, lastly, the fine arts, which provide for the wants which spring from the civilization or education of a people; ihese, according to the commissioners, comprehend in a logical arrangement the art and industry of tha world. Taking these bases, the industry of the world has been divided for 1867 into ten groups, viz : 1, Works of art; 2, The means and application of the liberal arts ; 3, Furniture and other objects intended for the household ; 4, Clothes and other objects worn on the person ; 5, Raw materials and extracts from, or modi fications of them in their various degrees of elab oration ; 6, Tools And processes used in title com mon arts; 7, Food in a natural state or preserved, iu various degrees of preparation; 8, Living objects and models of agricultural establishments; 9, Living spe cimens and model establishments of horticulture;. 10, Objects exhibited specially with the view of bettering the physical and mors, condition of peoples. The places of honor iii.the exhibition have been re-- served for France and England. 1 he principal en trance to the exhibition will be exactly opposite the Pontd’Iena. It wiR open upon a no le vestibule. The visitor will find himself in a nave near.y eighty feet in height, fifty in breadth, and more than three hundred in length. Its proportions will be those of a grand cathedral nave, and it will he used to display all the monumental' specimens of stained-glasy work. This gorgeous nave will be flanked on the light by the choio- e8i£uglish examples of art and industry; and on the leit by the industrial chefs d’esuvre of France. This vast uaye, which will cut through all the circles of the building, direct to the central or inner garden, will he,* I apprehend, the most striking feature of the en tire exhibition. It is, indeed, a very happy concep tion. It will cut through the various galleries—that is, through the food gallery, the clothing gallery, kc, and so while at the angle of each gallery it will present to the visitor the efiefs cl’oeuvre of the two leading countries in each* department of human industry, will induct t£ie observant spectator into the secrets of the plan ot tin * * contents. as yet vain effort to deprive item of their dear-loved privilege. The Trlshj Xoo, Will generally votjifar- fhpffiSaD. ■ 'ected bere’by the effofluof the ^rfraw them away tram their first love-aod the representation that the same Radicals will, second them in their efforts for the freedom jority. Whether I he rest of the State will overcome this majority remains to be seen j but I, lor one,do not believe.k can be accom plished. ' • ’ • • MADAMS BX3T0IU Made her entree upon the American stage 6n Thursday evening at the Theatre Farccais. The night was dark and rajoy, yet the theatre Was filled—a proper welcome was accoided to the ^& tf IKf£|'gVUl9 Ter y~ bd(ty knows th^ eWteKtA Iff Meet■ Few theatre goers but have .seen the . play as represented by Matilda Heron. Of the aux iliaries, suffice it lo say they were excellent,, and the pjeceiiaalA-wasrpnt upmAe, stage with aiSirtfhlifesrof ttoUfiF whlcW'w^n vtw I flUv • uli.NBAH. UENKV A. i |. J. Dunbar & Co., mpokthb Axn DEALSas vf - ?f.;' futulics, Whiskies, Gin?,, 'Vises, Cigars, Etc. ~ A?ent for Robert Smiths celebrated PhUmlel* ■A.c an.l Demt'rcitr chanip iguc. [U7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH. OA. GT ROWE, WHOLESALE dealer & Commission MercMt, 1-0 aaj St. J ilim streets and Montiment , •‘•t.ssu.l VEGETABLES in season always itu-2T-tf -‘-u»»x. James Keukioan. 1 oiiuubia Square r°CEiiY STORE, • '■ -■I'lmliia Square, corner of Habersham iihl President streets, CALLAHAN & CO. 'vkrkly, lirat-class l amiiy Gro- / *'■Wines, Liquors, Cigars, FlTiits, tc For aale on most reasonable terms. he building and the classification of its IVB i?Aalt men murder conlessipnx of j^eir own guilt, .anS mure Es pecially of thfc comidi^ty., of Yiele_in' the transaction for wliill |hffy *re bbout^o suf fer. Gonzales Said ▲t the inner, or southern extremity of the nsv®, the L ' . J 0 Pa second great coup d’ceU of the exhibition will be un- l»® as DCHUUIUl wiwpuaei a fold' d. The visitor will find himself in a beautiful gaMen, mirthful with the plashing of fountains and encompassed with colonnades, under which he will see set forth, in due - instructive order, a history-of man’s labor ^ The book traffic and spegslattaS to wWcfc the exhi bition has already giv^n ride? kro prodigious. The literary event, however, is the award of the offi- clal catalogue to M. Dentu, the great pamphlet pub lisher of the Palais Royal. The official catalogue privilege was ptshup to competition, and it has feUen to II. Dentu fat the sum of £20,130. Sl.NGCLAB Fasciu OF a Lokatic.—Adolpk Bailout^ a German, says the Wheeling (Va) Intelligencer, was a soldier in Capt- Ewald OVi r'a, company of the Ciixtb West Virginia infantry,: and was discharged after three years' taitbful service on the 29th of Septem ber, 18t>5. Ail went well, until some time ago his relatives and friends were much af- Ucted to discovei him manifesting qn takable signs of insanity. . r Adolph's is melancholy enoojh, sofne'^f Ms’-fancies are es rkricnleifw at welt be imagined, for instance, he takes the nothin sometimes that he »the man in 'the moon, and talks in the most extravagant manner about the inhabitants and produc tions of that famous globe; then, again, be believes his home is in the very centre ot the sun, which he considt^ ttepluCMvheSegjpod men go when they' '“kick’ uie hucKCv’ Here below. Quite recently he fancied' that his slner was in* the habit of changing - to a rat or mouse, and in this shape eating up alf the bread and cheese about the hoo#e. . To pre vent the loss of food, be ffndertucfcUl exler- " ■ -«u«c< sis- . PIERCE SKEHAS, f H^v.iie and Retail Dealer series, Boots atid Shoes, Clothing, For- P'DojQcetic Wines, Liquors and Begars. I J> ^'8 Celebrated Dl D£N ALE AND champagne cider. ia wood. ^“dDablia Brown Stout, 8cotck and^BuR P'^-dactions made to be trade. 'Broughtonstreet, savaioiah. ■ and 02 Liberty street, N. Y.. A. RYAN & CO. ao7 inmate the “rat,’‘'ano* might have -s’tteceeded had not timely assistance to the frightened girl arrived. Again, he claims to be a rela tive of lire King of Bavaria, who," he states, has dispatched a ship to this eountry f laden with money lor him, with which, when it arrives, he intends building a number of palaces, etc. His last fancy, however, beats anything we ever bear'd of. He imagines that he has brtu paying his addresses to a young lady who reciprocates bis passion, and that a day or two age the young lady offered to kies him, be refusing the salute because previous kissing on his and her part iuu} raised lumps on the end of his nose. Tb.A»e«rtl M tepI3E5k*kJ j4T* It affordsjs pleasure, in these dayl'wltei almost every paper seems to practice the Ishmaelhim rule of having its hand against every other, to mention a notable exception. The N eW3 aod Herald of this city, in its is sue of yesterday mornmg,contains the follow- DEAL*** in *» LIQUORS, /-aiatasrs.^" GEHSTTS* HAT! \ da: Umf e^Swdst AND . ^ “| ere Dress flats, at Srrus, Liu elt/. 3o much for its exterior. As a people we fibredthentksarty and cor- tual i in their greeting, especially to Geor- gfans, and seemingly-fhrrioas to ‘establish nofjr:;:;-,aa sm .Jj ';o 'rtoiahi tit : sqoi.a ii :1: lSI jiS UJiuu-i out SAodJ lLt ; i.o sell lit ktumungia as jildaq jnsiirtoK Iissfi SSAHIS JSI am:T‘ Miscellaneous! -U3b» SO HOI TAHUm rtati . «tunir L. ftevinl—."i ,i£ O 4/CIU0U .ilstfifiireE •* -’a'* * *• » ■: »(« sill ol >ulw x- Mswoq ni sU-jifo H odi tat''{™' nil Us ymtsom co. \sn.l octOoJ Jtttm fcy^le .. Would Invite the atto&Uoa of Merdunts mkI oUm totit/’lo rtf yiiiJvdai 1J 9,-j QteW-11« v • Cum Stephen SbeertaffSj .. l./J OaHsVaaloateMMttff ' *“ CuMPtittitU&dieya,' ‘ . Bates Red VUnncte, - mri aaiA« Bale. SUirtioff Slripe*, Bate. t>cfilms. Biles Bro#8 HftdiMptltb'Xrfl^felibetlmt,' — '-JMgtetripad OiuabiiiffS, - m •mtewtdw«dn»w«s, ■- * - • — ^ ’ BaIc* Cotton liras 11 ' Cases Satinets, . Casas ffeataSc* Aatan Cases Cassimerea with a fall ltne of f!*i Jj'tl.rf f-i JTfylt’1 Wh.ite Goods. .ti fti UfE flights having proven-aa: iatpoitoqk barrier to such relations WtfeeriQx ;: G.toag to a ,Iack of advertising they Die ignorant tint. any change had yet been made in {this respeto It was with mingled entplfons, qS.infer, CSV-, and pleasure: d»tix4: STBileft Kentucky, and crojdng the broad Ohio, the peculiar and nniMual gttttt of Ha vrffters even then creating some UoeUfttaB,: ,wa J en tered tlmiState.of Indiana- VAIW t il ' ,0U * through tiiity, and fvr.yhe first time caught glimpses of the Draifiu'S.^^We passed forests of beech and other indigenous growths, and farms, ‘trtere pfeiity.'seefcei lobe the general Hies.' sing. We sped otrward to IodhtespOlil, where-wo arrived- at midnight. Here“the' cold was so sevhfe^Wat shawl«*4ad Wsfekete were indtepkaNMe. Being tba terauaaa of sejrerat‘rilWaods, there was’ seare#fy ofife hour or the' day cr night nninterrapted by the noise apd necessary confusion of arriv- ura or deputing freight nd pasaeoger traias,. aml the ceaseless bdstK; of comers and goers applause of all. But the centre of atfradtjoiy tbe tihtejs yelhdefed' sleep almost ah f* was Ristori, upon whom, from the moment .. .,. •■•••«ft .. rite appeared in the background In tlih lbdrth scene of the first act with her children, -the po£siii%,.;. Indianapolis is especially a railroad town. ' The style of residences is very like' that of eyes of tfie r nttd!kR4 Were jthg Eastern cities, the favorite light-brown close of the tragedy. ' Her Scfing W*s' sb-. heinV HnrWei perb—the name and character of Ristori were completely, in the exempltcaiiod of Medea All shades of feeling lost from the abandon with which she greets her again-found hus band creshe is chilled by the coldness of her reception to the very quintessence of undy ing bate and revepger*wera ported, as if by inspiration itself. The URUttferkhle ex pression of a mother’s love looked frpm ter magjc eyes, and the words which acCrvnij>ii- nled H need hardly have been said. The fa cial power of Ristori is comeUjiaste wonder- ifij. She would dUafyl Ji4aiift4te«rithout speaking a word ; yet her reading is marvel lous, and her slightest enunciation eloquence. In elocution and in gesture and expression of countenance she could teach the best actors who have hitherto adorned ttej American stages ff«ier'bi.^4ji»aipi8 ii|UfoA her in America. Cesare Ristori, whose close resemblance to the Queen of Tragedy showed him at a glance to be her brother, is a tnosf excellent actor. Signorina Glech is pretty and a very good actress, and Signora Cas- anti, who played fyf nurse, representatives ot Jason and Creon hardly exceeded mediocrity. ■ , TEX OTBKO MDBDKR. - Last aight, at the Brooklyn jail, the two h f ;ele' np" the W.K to kill OlerotAnd was the driofiriXtl tSJJJ-' Vive* ■ country dotted with forms. In shigh auteot Irnp-ntre tat Vtata Uud heefo to th% IKS*' >y Tnuf PAuaylvania, with her knew him, bat Yiele bad beta ia the tome regiment Car two years with him in Havanan that Vieie owned the .daggers' and r^gofs K ' jafid in the murder, and gave* razor to hhur I «M and PeiliCier oil the night of the murder; that the one tbs latter had belonged to him ; that Yiele brough^Jiun fifjd FellipteTover to Brooklyn, repreSNSbwg ttffSh^whagbt them over to show them a glass factorythat pe wanted bis own lift! spared untilbe could seat ^fetuurces, and trdu and ^etev, the result of VlelCs trial; that in his triad' ^iviul some of the witnesseaagaiffte' him swore fo^ely ;'ttiat Mrs. Ffifl^MtePrine of these, be bad never visited her house or drank livjmul Aontaiiam—Our city otaponn, the Advertiser, made ita appearauoe yeatarday more- inf In a new drjrea, and conaiderahly enlarged. We congratulate the proprietors upon the eueoeee ot tteir mttfpMee. end hope their expectation me to the fa- ton m»y be folly realized. We are obliged to onr eotemporary for its good wkhes, and heartily xreiprocate the kindly feelings expressed. This city is large enougffibSb of us to succeed ^ latter re- I tee]cuyo«nterpri8e8,.aad we. trast WW M mod feeding hitherto exiaUng betwaaa tfia, wo offices may contisus withoot iaUcrap- Ho^-Sacayvk Adver^ffr. —The Ofito delegation to tte. Conrealiua on Thursday pawed a wsolatisR ■j upon the Johnson and DeBjpdaiUff Central Cpmmitteetto'bold OOLDIHG’#. henfy —^nominate a fusion ticket anything there, and therefore sl»e could ,pol identify them; that all he understood he had to do was to take the.^money teore Otero, which be wanted to wUitelW-killing the man; that they bad no business to kill ’the man, for be himself coukl have gal the money •from him at any time--without killing bb&t that be wanted the public to know that h» was not innocent . himaelf! bnt gfiDty,’ l fal 1 J thongh npt so bad as the pobfie -supposed tfim to be. Pellicier, top, toade a StatUaf ^tteement The two murderers are trying bard far a res- , ptie. They are to be bnag oa the IStl. o£ soldiers stole a pair of pants < and- match near Dalton, tried, coavieted and publicly whipped, asfbe law of Georgia directs. About tha time a -dtirea SUriek sheep, was tried, cote . and asserta that - the ^anhres^ 'LAij p, tan who atole the sheep!' • ! HnS II Radical tactics!—Aalmte Aye. :'QAJ - ■ DMviite7y8553flfyir5SntiJo* 8n dtfcount of an addresa recently delivered to being ttreTjfyvphjpg"coTdf. ** TBefe'arequSfy r handsome p uhltoind paMatd bhildlagX be re, ujiich adorn and' beautify the city. It is pleasantly laid out and has it roomy appear- Having explored it fo onr satisfaction, through much discomfort, on accouut of the penetrating chilliness of ttM ataosphCre,' wfe left, at noon for Chicago, fUwoie.. An other afternoon to be spent among scenes ot unanticipated beauty. For many miles our way was amid, the prairies stretching alar off, almost beyond the power Cf vision, one, seemingly boundleus plain, t)4r whj eh jtfie fell prairie grass waved. Here an d^^ne-^j^^^Jh^ ihness. When we came to spots which had !en converted .tfy Shtfy Bafefc.'- frflrt prairies to .fertile fields, where acres upon acres were covered with the abundant crops—in reality “ • ., nj - deneu by the forlorn prospects in Gi they weresmadw glad by - this promise' of abundance which thy whole West furnishes, sufficient, to, feed two nations, or, as. they ^rondly’say there, “ the whole world,” .:JJ Rwttef Proeperlty. >rto. wri* ... ... over whicU he bxs recently trav- ffenj • > %/.) w lTbe wealth ofthia country cannot be Justly measured by its popnisffon. The improvopwnla in ■nmssrjr^ espuciaily as applied to agriculture, almost dispense with human hands and the sweat of ths fcsM. Thsy : plough, sow and reap, with machines, and man’s only occUpatiQD i*t£SMpwintend them. Hence, yo»tifl» <vet s country dotted with forms, in a high state ot be seat of potter. At ‘oil , and find jfrAAi.M ol population, enjoys productions eqfijd to the labor of fiffWHiM The same processes Would Mift .s.mtka, ynten pf ^uittfiluess,, the abode or a g(eiitP^|%DiOBt hhd lakq lessons from our nt jrion’for the2illOTM0 tern. We liave Iff tnRTfeniiayl' hewnIfitlflHyfcVSnrtneni energteufe kHur tiou. Let u» follow it, enconregq inSu 6f labor and Mlita!™®* - intp neighbors have lor i w _ un. Rathiapath, toq, ma 9! the pputh,'we 1 covsrtlcpMirtcfflpowcMo make out rights I _ and sure. Si reneth is needfot to this tad, in a wrpff t In Sfoe*,"** WCIT teong men, r , u grey to the strong. _To work, then, i a^d t wrobf burhilg t Moaai&ewnBa fit :Naw Jitodical electioneering dispatch ‘Orleans: !L w 1 NkwOataARB, Sept 20, 1866. • eltaor fyomJMaJatoyMttobwJtomem bf St Landry: ■• ; * -y: ***t. life Qbfmtof haring reoejred vntormnio* wi over ret ent; parishes tfcktAfahdd of itting, inionists. II tionat MM wtoe ala; rally hissCff And' " uudiende.., them by taking' a (miles. rrr fetyaigh* .ed down by tfee lojml ss»afcaatt2S >vered. The unfortnoat? wonnm wm JS55SItoidihMi* and kept l i viija ffiisfe aSsfefy.'nfl'H.iftiSee.^ ' Cases Linen Cambric Haadketehtefo, Cases Plaid Handkercbieti. WE ASK SPECIAL AttEIlUI -'toHnrNuxer •“•>* GreiAs? Bloots & Sfcho«Nsi» LADIES’, UMem<dl!«iMlf fiOOTS AND iH0fiS,< °Aeady-ma»b ^ffioranro, Tv ■••• - f ... - Of our own mannlaqnrt: Gents’ Furnishing Goods, itc. setft?St HERHMGWJV^ Fairbanks’ BEIL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN H aving been agents for the above a anil Beales for the (eat fifteen rears, are now reed, tag-large consignments of SffifM and Seales. ntRRPtG'8 PXTSNT CHAMPlUtf nRI PROOP SAFES, with pa ent Cr^^ad Jro^ %MMiar Proof A large sni complete assortment of FAIRBANKS’ INTENT FL tTFoRX SCALES, from 8,600 pounds brnunt down to cw powads. Ca rPORR AND UNION, GROCERS’, COUNTER, AND EVEN BAUUICri. The store Sates and Beales are too well know* to require an; comments BtnsU constantly BN head ' sold at Mannfactnrer’g Card Pr.ces. ’ | eplO PLANTATION ii fdr'Safe 1 : A"? epaE subscriber offers his plantation and appnr- 1 tsnanses for sale on reatoBabte tsrmr;: Also, the • erop of Com, Cotton, Cans, Wilio, re, roeses of auttiration. ijatoat toils fliStstioute situated sloe mites from Madi son Court HoOee, FIs , and two miles from Chewy Lake Church, where there are good sehoota bow ia •Wtoentfsl <*eta lon. The fortifey «te » toanA beatihfulnese of the place, and tha nigh moral tone oi the neighborhood, make it one of rite moat desirable pl iers m fee State ' The lane it wed watered with laaes and running branches, that have never failed In the ■ most pro- tracteii <ii ughLs. znd lut nocicirsd hi pus a nrc coy -red With dmiaest npK Mfyort *! The pbataio 4»o acres prai . wI . produce at leaat 200 bales; 2J<: acres In corn, which frill pro-uce l,i w bwabete son. -tiffhe load, on the entire nine 2 o' o acres—1,000 seres clean tehees. '■ I will also sell eighty head of. hags-teortsen good males, wqli broke, two uorses. Hire, piantation wjg- ona, farming nteneils to run tWenly plonghA black smith and carpenter's tools, one McCarthy Cottons* liooaehold as i kitchen tana tare, and MfrgAhiag ate* rVherete an unfal ing well of water on the ptaeJ, good dWetlMffhonse and cabins aadteteatto accoaa modate all the laborers necessary to woik, fee. piaa- U |'°aprited*to* «J-rly, the purchaser wtil let a bar- , Fla.- irt, ■ JoflN L. TOOKE. , > ulaite are composed ol cleared .nd under good iJEAM ElifflE’MBSiW'NH.L FOR SAleE. . .VV FIRST CLASS SPECIMEN STEAM ENGINE and daw Mill, rninirlactored to order at the »*•- I, ami Works, Me York- Consist* .of an easing of to 1 1 Jugrae power, return fine boiler, with all the coure- ’ nienceacomplete; Iron frame, 4» teet carriaget Jfi Inch saw; patent self-eeitlsg head •btoeks; Her. log Cham, with pulleys and drat alma hakim ter the mm complete- The whole la perfectly new. and ess be purchased low on apulication to '* _ aa.10 tf LiHoCHS. WEST A WANfELB Notice, 'f w. iwvnr. -or tbe arm of Nertt, utarop a ri. Rimers, has associated himself with Lathrop t On. In tbe Drjr Gomts business, st the old stand m ti-tf . MNRT LATHROP A SERVICEABLE DEAF! vJl. Pulaskifioose Stables. auMKf n^ay AffPif at <f. MWJCfLT, FOR SALE. Jute Rope, m and Bay atouatr •»/)A Sacks Urerp-ofSak, dUU 1.HMHW Mae Tel 'EavAnAx.'Sfy.X, Mfteli oa to i /ii to r. >Jt oii.ux LiuutU gsril hi aldwfiro-ii i SB,, --si xto aa/ilaveeaaoO rdi i-.tfijsi •j^r.ili,., cnyatx foaa -ooxtaxai^aiut It (yil.til ii.J'1 ottx turdeiui 1 r .I, a .1 MsVitan Jam. -iq ,Jl ; vstiii iifail .'i-jUikn; adl at rttii.- at I'uv'ie (liiitoa-jai ot o- n ar, tt «iI t, •; «i.wrt>—rrrTir-easr to i«w a i liuyu m-> oi a x>di ltat tidl <>T ,<* virlitntikii Noorril ^o«.ijF»a oai SOAATMEAM^ j /ihjnld li-Mi, (ita to »u ot! H: ll/. o liisll tW Ji-J oT,W U-JluL-i !tl s ! ^TJverJS,000^)00 DfrinaMa (WTU'Cmn.) Proaauew Aamuut. ** ‘EToante Mametw. Ftraiitent. Wa. B. Bam, Actuary. - yili SAVANNAH BRANCH OFFICE: A taunt Tritenm, eureri BayhwtfBnn streaw. . LOCAL BOABDOF RRMRBNOE: j'.ie. Lsflirop A OO. MmeeriUMto*. " “ M. • DwWitt A Msggaa- ' >njAi(rioa, t Vl|^A^B. _ _ .. me** mwm* - »*-■ reafirteff tha eatlie p oBta. " Ml*' id-'iH ■ BERriff. HffRNEY, , - _ (tfrtof the “Banker Richmond, Xdpiqeeenr General Agent for < si. J oi (lariaulofo 'lt»l orr* f. i"yt<tU113>»IIHl ^»»io*iit*di to tolwsr l!t» lox.. ziitiw ,,i » mil no jiVXoti -.i'v ijj r. Lux', •aiofia vToLi u a.J Jt' tn I33I jifqOBti -M>lv Ir-iH u, >d’ tinvtn* ei li XV;:: ith-iu L*iu J-.- 1 itoti-: I-1 07 ! ilen« Policiee Written at tha Branch Office and Losses Prompt* •ij •• « rfeti* tM in (lidiai:>b3l 1 tofitoLarooui SDuilitsi uw ! 1 r-f i • - - '■•••> .rf.' >ti abosrii axxxi sflj u-!J fi-/ r i. i. - Vii. fllui>is03 tirjt ivr • . a /. WHEM MBHffiDt erfi Insuranoe Comp’y Of*. SAVANNAH* Mm prepared to t*) e - Fire Ms si mi i.. v t. : lo ,'.'vuy tsWWtod nd u- . »•; -rill thZlT ~Ul '■aW>sU !*•; DIVIDENDS . 1 !.i:i<'-irrt tod he* 1-jitloifiJi >• ,‘. : PAID HT CASH ; AB»S»' / lte POIiICY, -a. --.i:U :J?3I lt Nor- , •». . tin- Li E n d o yr £u e u t AB0-; ii mm iz tfortiq ,tr> :■ U Life PoBdiek YTHtte*. • .. • Itoinew-n oowj uvx ti 1 • v *l.£9it Ini:'-# .a-jeiukiL J, :.: - : 1 1 f »<rr iu lad// ,a<aulji« gar caff atoartacteritoeettectefte itmre* i. i »CJ to wuivoi ' t. JbMjJMA. , iij* anj li-* tefauwj - gy tee here ewe mtwf Mrilu m; fau wrerg part af tae ummd games.; *e nlrlltesgamtirmmm ■iMMeaalmhto wgperistiy «w- aee la the bahtt»( diaa*'rtf«Xti*rtrterte thepwri- le«eof realtliagEdulhdhrlakreiMaer tetslha. ik y itid adl to c.oJi q • - y *. iiamb eir jrum ; ' •ito -Id :n»«il nit. L: A. wm. n. ACtvD, Aatat, EmlgrMti VinAk Supplied ■ yasuA u 1 expe:. certain and paitty cored winar era ledtugtl For farther feWteiArg wbrtr tir *• WM. UOkVltUi A Jncksnw A Las folio W. Anderson A Son, Savannah. SKWSgkaiB^s McUolla, cmydfe. teeatetel n* • ; aauaaal ‘■“i aa faaajlgfi ekbi •ru,.ituiiii »m a- -ms - Ploateve ■ i.jj oltififliiMiiei Jeetu ; *. to-.-. the preptegf 1 bcaww ai*M -UEtefcB ffiMKltAII RICE MUX,* lMHad rewrite khriter te aR few nod uecemary mreMfify tetetiiiaq ffi-wifitei •class bice FO(n^>lIripffiIlXl , to haW R market, and ta the ItttifUrsXniV Fkdtbrs Wlo give ns Haring ample bcIHties far stoilfeg Ride, Planters and factors can ship st anytime to tbe Hffi to suit Urii Mferen te-ftereg^ .. she mi oa~ - - ’ - /.IhlMiHl 3l] .i :K J uni • ;iio .Mfk ici yn-'j if tha ah of tha or (hr TnsiiraRcef. J*iT .vJL.-i ,<L! < ;i.J: Atdbeir Office, llTBajr Street. H- W. MERCER, President. CHAV. S. HARDEE, Vice President J. T. Tbohas, See. Directors: M. RGoton 3. Lama .., , J. W. Neritt D G. Purse ’ A. Fhllartea - l: J. McMahdc , L. 3. Gull martin F. W. Sims G. Bptler ' R. Lachlison £ P. Clatos, Angnsta J. W. Knott. Macon B. V. Ross, Macon W. H. Young, Ooiumbu; 1B. HABMGTON. EVERY VARIETY OF FURNITURE IS SELLING GOODS Lower Than Any Other House IW SAVANNAH. HOTELS AMO STEAMBOATS FUKNISHKD. PARLOR BETS, extra well Upbolreered. FINE RED BOOM SETS, Walnut and Ma- tW>T. - OOTTAGB BED ROOM SETS, of every' - Variety. ' DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS of all kinds. * KITTLES FOLDING SPRING BEDS and MATTBXSSES, tfie beet Bed in uo, and WARRANTED SUPERIOR to all oMrem. # j , , LACE AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, and CANOPY FRAMES. u. WAREftOOMS, 178 nearly Onnite St iiirei’s Hall. Jei*-< BACON! BACON! Fifty Hogshead* SMdere and Sides, Inhaadnare Oder. Juet reeetred aad tor aria Jhr, W. H. Whitney * Co., tuao-tf d Harrtf Haage. era - - OM 1 .il U'J* TT^TjF) J D1XKA SPABRAWXi PtenoKW.; efqoaq odt xio-|»: