The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 03, 1866, Image 3

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i '-nVCDAV MOBSING, , 0 f steamships a.n& Steamers for new yobk General Barnes, Thursday, October 4t!i f ^jinsinp ‘ vlncKP- m * > n -.all Salvad r, on Saturday, October 6tb, i-esffls* 11 " V.-clock p. m- FOB PHILADELPHIA. !lip ionawanda, Saturday, October 6, at — >*-«>• VOR BALTIHPR*. ,,1-1 Gen., on TUarsday, October ■ V1 ovlcck. - FOR DaKIXN*. r H. M- Cool, Friday morning, 6th inst., at iiocfc FOR FLORIDA. r ^jxzie Bnker, every Saturday morning, m . string, ai . Ivan Shore* every faceda* ir- Board ©f RemHli. The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Health waa held%fit evening, present Dr. J. D. Fish, Chair man, and fturteen members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and con firmed, after which the mortuary report was *e*<l, showing the total number of deaths for the week to be sixty-three, of which fifteen were whites, three from cholera, and forty-eight negroes, twenty-three from cholera. The following seven wards were reported by the various members to be in good condition, with exceptions: * Anson, Chatham, Elbert, Lafayette, r * thorpe. Middle Oglethorpe and Bevnjftgpimtirm at S ' Mr. J. H. Bashler tendered Jtoved from the ward member of the Board, havip£ ere being no further to which he was Mtigngf the meeting adjourned, business before tlpx^- Newsdealers, Sta- r.c*—- x5ull street (down stairs^ • a0 j to Ule pout Office, arc au- oi Bay i(ie DilLT NiWB A IIebaud. : .<u*s b: * \. u [hem will oe promptly attended uii>n* elS,cl Oar House. ^fdy t we judge, has noticed the lack, in this restaurant facilities. We now understand that .tt£e Our House, far lamed and long-lamed, is to be opened to-morrow^or, at the latest, some time this week, with due notice, by advertisement through our columns. Very extensive improvements hare been made, of which we shall in a. day or two give a full description. We know that this announcement will give general satisfaction. C . u. undtf® 1 . Bare®*. ,7uiP Gc “* B»rne«-r.A Card. T |,c Sir*” ’ steamship Gen. Barnes. 1 °,?liMVAE. September 30, 1866. J 0rr ‘ * , ne j passengers on board the steam- liaviug passed through a ailcees- ;ales, offer our thanks trf an over- ■ - :fTir ' T for our safety, and hereby take trending to the travelling public, ’ " t II Morton, as an officer of distiuguiseed ‘ ' . . p! in the discharge of his duties, kind m his passengers, cool and determined - and altogether a most reliable : J officers as worthy of high praise; the B Rilfe. as the best of stewards; the r .St efficient in the discharge of her Gen. Barnes as a staunch and fast W* Ham that there will be a gial Fire Department of Augusta on the fito-of IHWSmber next. The Metropolitan Hre Company of Saeannah, we are informed, ho^received and accepted an Invita tion to bo present and have a trial "of engines with a company from Charleston. The engine ol the Charles ton Fire Company is of the same, third class, bat of a different make. . «::tr.e i Mr. t lark, I Helene C Brown, Ur W H Cuyler, i Henry Blun, :jjF Lancaster, H A Stults, IU W Chapman, IT B Slone, M 0 Reardon. IE E Brown. •las Roix=rt«, i Mr» S W Houlton and daughter, Mrs E L McDonald and I daughter, ill J Doyle, Hd Centre, I Geo Damon, \V C H gau. ,Chas Hugen. Ij C Hemming, I Miss J Stone, 1 Peter Ford, IJ S Ban li eld, '.Roland B Hall, 1 The Southern Insurance and Trust Company— Removal op Office.—The 3outhem Insurance and Trust Company have removed their offloe from -the Merchants' National Bank, to the room -immediately over entrance first door East of the Bank. W. H Inman, (Late of Georgia,) New York, . ell & Inman,! • ? CMuiadon Merchants, ' SO Vail street, WK are full, ‘ IT vancem*"A at this place anil at our agencies and Planto ctie South. Onr Mr. Anstell, of Atlanta, Winr arrange advancements there. Cotton and mer- cbandsiwill be forwarded to n< with dispatch by onr agentB, Messrs Brady A Moses. of-favknRah. We will exett onr best en.Tirics to give satisfaction, and promote the interests of our patron-. Consignments lrom our Southern friends respect- fhily Solicited, se274lm MANSION HOUSE, - U ' , i li vlxjfl Broad Street, Hear Meeting, CHARLESTON. 5. C. « T HIS popnlar and well-known House, situated in the liaeinew portion of the city, having been re cently refitted ami hewly. furnJdifd by the present proprietress, Madame T. M. RCTJE3, ( ormerly of t -.e Central H use. at Columbia, S. C.,) she offers the traveling public a pleasant r -tlng place, com bining the conveniences of a Hotel with the comforts of a private house. _ . . ' __ Permanent, Transient and Day Boanlerataken, oh very reasouaide terms.- Rooms with or withont Board, if desired. Address Madame T. M. KIJTJE8, ■c29-lot Proprietress. CHA'fm a m T7Tu_ . YVILL be sold on ’• next, between the Chart tioasn door Stedffier MARY RI.T.-A, Pmffit also, three Steam handle Bedding, two botuee-e . n __v nn r^pg,^djpg,Alpe box Stationery, one box Cr»^ , ChStes C. Sklltou, fo sati-fy an attachment rVfnrnu- ble to the Superior Court or Chatham county la JtD- uarwuext, at the suit of Chas. L Colby * Co ■ Sold by ordet of the Hon. A. H. Hausell, Judge of the Superior Court of the Southern District 01 Georgia. Pffiperty pointed ont by plaintiff's attorney, eengl BENJ. L. COLK. SheriffC. C. , i Ju • hd TUESDAY in October il hooss of sale, before k city of 8 .vannab, tae Mail her tackling and «>- S3h WWMKi Empire Foil C. Maker ARE SOW PREPARED TO I*HBIT, PASSAGE RATES: C»1>Ma Passage, •« Steerage, »13 j THE STEAMER I . Shtootog. FORNEW YOlS ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship Lane. SIDE WHEEL LINE. abla Passage, l«. .Steerage, 913 Arrivals at the Hotels. J auction. BY G. LAUItAST, , J - iVrrilS DAT, 3d inst.. at 10 o’clock a, m.. in front of store. wiU be sold, for account of all whom it may cooceru, 3 bbls Frontier Mills Flour. ALSO, White and brown Sugars, Soap, Starch, Candles, etc. . ALSO, Aq invoice of Hosiery, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Spool Thiead, Buttons, Pocket-books, Pins, Woolen Coats, Shirts and Drawers, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeries, and a fine assortment of Albums. Notice. to close a consignment, It 12 cases assorted Boots and Shoes. AI TJiLiii hew STORE, CORNER OF Broughton and Whitaker Sts., A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, To Which Additions fill lie made hy San. Salvador- ATKINS, Mastvi, Will sail for New York on Saturday, Ort. «, « 3 o'clock p. m. For height or pasnge, having accommodation* ■«- perior to any steamer In this trade, apply to B. H. HARDER, No. li StoddarAr Range. GARRISON- * ALLEN. Agent*. oc3 - No. 5 Bowling Green, N. Y. PULASKI HOUSE—AV. H. WlLTnKKOEH. H L Shultz, So Ex IP C Pendlotou, Valdoala T F Mnitb. I'la j*- II Boaworth, City A B Adilison. Amcricii- I' BceKcH, city c c Eddy, Stai'Keville jT H_Beiisji|y, i.nlf Hoad W A Wittin^h.m, Albany v) V Hazel, Hardeenlle J S Llgluaey.” > I-aWioa ] SCREVEN HOUSE—G. McGlNLY. Capt E Jones, str Express: W H Alden, St Helena E Hollenbeck, NY LG Gibbs, lady, child & K Ganl, N Y | servt, Augusta U H Lovett, City | J U Clark, cliy TV R IValter, City |J 1 Winchester, City PAVILION HOTEL—H. K. Sears. Capt Campbell, N Y a J Sinclair, Columbus During Mayor's Court. r.:-; i.,1 brought up for disposition before His n.c M.vor, yesteruay morning, was that of Jehnson, ana another negro who were charged ,a ituijj City Ordinance by disorderly driving in i endangering tho lives of citizens. It ap- drat the two negroes who drove the teams had arrestee and taki-n tri’m their vehicle* by tho rrir ab.-nce Johnson and the other ,e drays and had a abort race to the at amuse meat ol a crowd of negroes. On tho po- u , v ;d s iu arrest the drivers they made their , .■ J. -rill Nowell and Januacy Reed, the two ap- -r ’aJ ’ts were taken into custodybylhepolice- BUing brought before His Honur, the Mayor, they Ua: they knew nothing of the drivers that had J, and Lad never seen mem before, although it ikLo»n they were intimately acquainted. For nc ! divulge the names or whereabouts of the egrou.-.v. rs, N ovell and Seed were fined five , r tUC L and ordered to be locked up in jail ollduding parties ’were re- J L Newell, SKldaway Capt Smitli, City (. apt C Nichols, Skidaway MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. Luc*. S U Brandon, strYl BarnesiF S Williams. Balt G Heard, Scarboro F Hyatt, Ga w A E lenflald, ScarborolD L Yulee. Fla Shipping Intelligence. rliuiatnrc Almanac—’Till a Bay. HIGH WATER. . 1 33, At Port.. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER,) DISTRICT OF THE CHATTAHOOCHEE, 5 Macon, Ga., September 14, I860. ) S EALED PROPOSALS will be received ai this office till 9 o'clock a. in. THURSDAY, October *th, 1866, tor the material and construction of a FENCE of sev enteen hundred lineal feet, more or leas, around the National Cemetery now beinff made ai Lawk*i,3iurke county, Ga., on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. The ground is one mile from the railroad station, oil a good road. f * SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WORK. To be a picket fence 6 feet bigb, with panels 8 feet long, and to be built of the following material, and in a substantial and workmanlike manner. AU lumber to be aawn and fixed without planing. Posra.—To be made of sound cedar or wnite oak lumber, 8 feet long and 6 inches square, with caps of same material 2* inches thick, ^ejecting one luch, and bevelled on top. To be charred and set three feet in the ground, and the ground to be well tamped. Fence Rails.—To be made of Georgia pine, cedar, cypress or oak, 8 feet long, 5 inches wide, and 2 inches thick. To have a tenon on each end 2>£ inches long, and IK inches thick, and mortised into the posts. Fence Picebts.—To be made of good' Georgia Or white pine or cypres*, to be 8 feet long, 8 K toefeed wide and 1K inches thick, and pointed on top. To be fixed with beat quality of Teuco 4 to each picket One Gate.—To be 10 ieet wide and made to open m centre. Stiles to be made of good Georgia or white Dine, 3x4; cross rails and picket* same as in fence. • ‘ Gate Posts.—To be made of sound cedar or white oak limber, 8 feet« inches long and 12 inches square, and to hav^ a cap inches thick, projecting l> a inches aud bevelled on top. To be charred and set 3 feet in the grdund. Hinges.—The gates to be bnng with strong hook hinges, 20 inches long, and fixed with bolls aud screws. , . _ ... ... Fastenings.—To be fastened at the bottom with AT AUCTION. BY BKLL, WTLLY & CHR18TIA9, WiU be sold THIS DAY, in front of store, at Id* o’clock, the usual assort meat of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Cheese, Hants, Breakfast Bteon, Shoulders, Starch, Caudles, Shoes, Boots, Furniture, Dqr floods, 4&c.. &c. T^rfas cash'. J? 3 03 PORT OF SAVANNAH- Tuesday, Oct. 2, isca. Arrived. Steamer Laura, Johnson, Hancock’s Landing—J M Farr. Steamer H MXtool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Brig Prairie "Rose, RamlotT, New York, assorted cargo—Hunter J: Ganftoell. Cleared. Steamship Veteran, Spencer, Providence, R I— Hunter & GamineU. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York—Hunter & Gammed. steamer Sylvan Shore, Tucker, Palatka, Ac.—Clag- Iiorn aS: Cunningham. Scnr Margaret, Farr, Providence, R I—F W Sims A O j. white men, charged with being drunk aud B the strut t. One of the party was lined three , unJ the other, for his uou-uttendance on Court, :c*i five dollars and costs. cdi. charged witu-baing drunk and dis- viu the streets, was fined three dollars. t rt (colored) waa charged with va- :caud sleeping behind some bacon hogsheads i > pure. Robert stated that be had just got m Efliu^ham county, and leeling tired, and hav- • i .ao. to sleep, he lay down behind the hogs- ij take a nap, m order to refresh himself before u. whe., as lie said, he intended looking lor li.i H nor, ihiukiug that he might be an in- eu3 fellow and actually wanted work, acccmino- h.iu with it by placing him on the chain gang ®Luin Wayne (colored), was charged with striking j r a negro, with a brick. NYayne stated tliat he , hio-'.-ii tv a nail, ana being a little in liquor, might c.muntied the deed, bat w:ts nnawaro or it. J three d( liars and costs. rtter Bryan, John Williams, John Green and Geo. En_.u were charged with sleeping in the lumber v :.: : : West Broad street. They made various sir-s.-, toee of thorn stating that they had just ar- Florida and weie unable to find their ; du 1 others that they had put up in the lnm- • r.nJ until they could find something to do, when : .L-.t-nded hiring a room. The truth of the mat- •i:c-y had been down at Darien getting out tim- 1-: a. i having got i)aid, had come to Savannah to lie t: -id as vagrants until they spent what they Li. His H-»nor turned all of them over to the Gulf £*.lroad;o work for thirty days. Import Per steamer Laura, from Hancock’s Landing—42 bales cotton, 4 cords staves, 7 do wood, 10,u00 ft lum ber, 23 bdla shingles. Exports. Per steamship Leo, lor New York—510 bales cotton, 631 boxes ordnance stores, 31 bbls dried fruit, 60 do turpentine, 23 bales domestics, 60 bbls rosin, 24 do batting, 19 pckgs mdse. Per schr Margaret, lor Providence, U 1—109,000 ft lumber. punsciijim. Per steamship Leo. for New York—U B King. F M CoOK, C C Eddy, H \V Kraull, B Gruiuey, W H Billups, LT Wiiitciiii * " " * r ' u ““ 1 u Matscy, J M. Gnchihxt, A EaUwestre, G Heaid, J L i C .lohnaou, and 5 steerage. ’ ! trXDEltWKLTliltS’ SALE. BY BELL, 1VVLI.Y A CHRISTIAN. 2 Neat’s Trunks, damaged on board ot trie schooner Arlington on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspection and by recommendation of Port Wardens, for account of Underwriters and all concerned. It EVERY STEAMER 4 ocl-tf Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Co. For ^ Philadelphia. The new anfepery fast sailing side-wheel steamship GENERAL BARNES, 2.000 tons burthen, Tho*. U. Morton, commander, will positively Mil on her regular day, Thursday, Oct. 4th, mt 4 o'clock p. For freight or passage, having new and eplenffidfr arranged accommodations, apply to WILDER A FULLARTON, 8 Stoddard’s Upper Range. N B —No engaged berths secured after Tuesday Cct 2d, uni cue paid for.wpM SPECIAL SALE. BY BEIiL. WI LLY & CUBlSTiASI. THIS DAY, in front of the store, at 10*% o'clock, wiL be sold, 3 barrels Whisky. 2 barrels Rum. \ r 23 cases Claret. 20 boxes Native W’ine. lu cases Hennessj^Brandy. Sale positive. Terms cash. It i -.mrr A f ull line of Gouts' and Ladies' furnishing Goods, hook°and staple, attached to striking posts in ground; fiBBSh tin Y W^tiy of also a latch and keeper fixed 3 feet from the ground, AUCTION SALE. IY.S. fil. DAFFITKAU. THIS DAY' in front of store, at 11 o'clock 20 M. imported Havanna Segars, 2 cases Connecticut leaf Tobacco. An invoiee of Clothiug. The Old Established House, COR. SOUTH BROAD AND PRICE STS. llOlTO—“ Live asd Let Live.’' RICHARD RIECK * CO., Beg leave to say that they have taken the Old Estab lished House, which they have, fitted up ta the moat approved style. They would particularly caff atten tion totbeir * • ... Private Sapper Room*—Pp fitaln. Kf WINES. ALES aad LIQUORS, wha* deaired, may be had by the Case at New York prices, particu larly Bininger'a Celt brated Liq.uora. The old Favorite Caterer i* engaged^ ocl-lw CHEAP ICE HOUSE. TOE! ICE! A T ICE HOUSE, corner Whitaker street and South Broad street lane, math side, AT OWE CBHT , / ISJOB, POUND. BY QUANTITIES, 75 CT3. PER 100 LBS. DEL1VEBED, 81. BY BLl'X & MEYER. On WEDNESDAY, Oct. 3d, at 10 o’clock, a. m., will be sokl in front of store: t.tum WaIH.—The entire fence, when^sftd^ 4o fiave one coat of good lime wash on both sides. 7 The whole to be done in the best Btyle, according to specifications, aud to the satisfaction of the undcr- gl *Bidder8 will please specify the price per lineal fkot at which they propose to do the work; will give tlieir full names and addresses, and accompany their bids by the written agreement of two responsible persons to become their sureties. Bids can be sent Lo thia office by mail, and bidders are invited to be pros® tat the opening of the same. The nect ssary papers will be sent by me to me roll- tractor for signatures, he to furnish stamps. The work to bo commenced as soon as contracts are signed, and to be completed on or before the 20th of October, 1866. r . Bids to be marked “Bids for constructing fence, and addressed to the undersigned. E. B. CARLING, Brevet Lt. Col. and A. Q. M. U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster District of Chattahoochee. I will state, for the information of all parties, that there is a good saw mill at Lawton. sep26-7t The lint class steamship Tonawanda, 1. TEAL, Oonmanfier, Will tail for tfac above port on - lalarday, October ft, at — o’clock — For freight or passage, having sup.rlpr accommo dations, apply to sep2* GEN. M’CLELLAN, HOWES, Commander, Will sail as above on Thursday, Oct. 11th, at — o’clock. For freight or passage having accommodations eaual to aDy Ship running Irem thi, port, apply to PUiNf 4 UUiVhKT. HUNTER A GAMMELti. OLD SEMI-WEEKLY 1M Leave every May M Saturday. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYU PRHNANDINA^ JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. A full assortment of Linen Bosom Gents’ Shirts do ? do* Flannel Traveling. do no do Check and Hickorv . do S do do Drawers and Undershirts besides, Shirt Bosoms, Collars, Cuffs, Ac An assortment ©f Handkerchief, Ties,'Belts, Gloves of all kind?, &c. An assortment of Clothing, consisting of Cloth, Ciissimere and Satinet Suits, of different quali- l ties, and a lot of Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satch- j els, Haversacks, Sac. ' Terms, amounts over $100, thirty days; over $500, sixty days, approved notes. oc*2-2t CAMP t CHRISTIE, AffiffiNTS, Drapers and Tailors, 'US BKUl’GHTOK STREET, . H AVE in store and ready for Inspection their Fail aud Winter Stock, comprising, the Urgent a^rt- | ment of loungaeer. P. i brig Prairie Ro-e, from New York—Weed i 0, p uzlnlyoaki, u.-il. >v fee. L K K Aat, Scott, il ■ H. W M Turin.. * Co, G P itten « son. G Butler, « H ^t»i k A Co, C R .tigers & llro Anuerson * co, Tieon & G L J Gu 1 marlin IE Co. J P Colons & Co. Cooper, t, S F, IIJ Jones, M A Cohen, Watis, .'IcK A Co, M IHjvle A Co, Cneraro .“c F, A I, Fiit-denberg, Brady, S A Co, Hunter & G, h A Uanie. & Co, F W Sims A lo, J M Kindlier, A S HmruigC. J M Clarke A Sous C Van Horn A Co, X 1 )\ Tnom|.8ou, J 1, I illulouga. J McMabou A Co,' Johnston, Woods A Co, C H etead C L Gili.erl, J laima. i C Rowland, H G.Kuwe, T il Turner. Per stearner Laura, from Hancock's Landing—E C wade A Co, Havant &-W. J Mcf Fa r, and others. NOTICE. T HE undersign,.<1 have entered into a limited parr- erehtp, under toe firm name ol A M - SCAK- BKOUGU fur the huyinfe and aeldng ot merchaudise, both on their own accounr ami ou commission in me city of Savannah. A. M. SCARBROUGH, ofSavaonah. isiiie general partner, awl AifiiAM rcdBWMU. o: Jei» j city. Slate of NeW .Jeracv, IjTSWrtiN D. MAGKISOS, <8 ueegea. Stab) of New Jertev, Jnd CORNELIUS D. VAN W.AGgNEV, o: WedtyU Mew York.aretbe special partners. Abiam S J.-welicon- tributes to lhe common Stock three tbonsand ilrree hundred and tliirlj-three dollars and tinrtj-four oenta ti>.333 34,) and tl.e raid Stephen D. H irri on and Cornelius D. Van Wngenea . ulitrihuteeaou tliree ihou“a:id three hui dr d and ihirty-ihree dollars and thiity-thre.) cept* ($3,333 33) This latrtnersbip M to commence on the 1st ol October, ]8tH, and ron- tinne lor one year; to-wit: nnJi the11 «f October, 1867. A. Mi SCARBROUGH. AHKaM S. .JEWELL. STEPHEN I-. HAKRIsON. CORNELIUS D. VAN 'WAGENI.N. ocl-6w FJ^E DRAY AND WAGON HAR NESSES AT AUCTION. BY' BElL, WILLY Si CHRISTIAN. WiU be sold on WEDNESDAY. Oct. 3d; mt 11 o'clock, In f. ont of the fctore, 12 sets fide Dray Harness. 3 setts fine Wagon Harness. Terms cash. It Fine Cloths, Caasianeres, aad Vestings to be found in any house in the city in thei ^ Un 'i*’ 1 of which will be made to order at short notice, trim med and got up in unsurpassed et*le. .. Far* tab lug Goads _ , of every deacription, requisite to a gentleman'* ward- I robe, constantly on hand. oc2-3tawlm The new and elegant steam packers, LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. KING, and SYLVAS 7 SHORT, Capt JAMES TUCKER. having be*i tpoefady BUoki up -tar thl* mate with unsurpassed accjiumod-itions, will leave regularly for the above places, the Syivan Sliure every TL2r- DAY MORNING, and the Lizzie Baker every SATUR DAY MORNING, at ten o'clock.- Returning, -will leave Jacksonville evert Tuesday and Priday. arriving at Savaunab every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, in time to connect with the New York steam-re. _, .. For fireigbt or Passage apply at the office on Florida wharf; or to CLAGHOKN 4 CUNNINGHAM, AgcuU N. B.—All freight payable by shippers. lyM-tf TRUSTEES SALE. BY BKLL, WYLLY Si CHRISTIAN. WiU be sold, on the FIRST TUESDAY in November next, in front of the Court House, between the legal fiours of sale, Lot Ko. 8, corner of New Hon*:sn and Jefferson streets. 60 Ieet front on New Houston, aud 1U5 feet on j ^ BITS and MEAL always on band Jefferson. ' * Terms cash, purchaser to pay for titles. de*29 “ GILLIAM’S OLD MILL.” 6K1TS, GBITS, IEAL LUDDINGTON 4W FOR SALE, RIVES STEAMBOATS and TOW BOATS, ot various site, and draft. ALSO, Salting Vessels, St- am Ba-ges, Ac. , A. M. DA COSTA, No 42 Water street. N T. Notice to Jlaimefl SSoldiers FINE CROWN SHERRY AT AUCTION. BY BELL, WYLLY Si CHRISTIAN. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY. Oct Sd, in front of store, at 11 o'clock: . U ii casks CroVn Sherry, a choice arficlu Rale positive. Sold to pay advance*. Term* caah. NOTICE. feY THE ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE _ ITY 1886, the Court House Sales. There was a Urge attendance on the Bales at the Court ytai'jday. The bidding was spirited, ai d quite a Urge number of improved and unim- pro\«j Jots wc.u sold. The following are tho sales ttadv by Lcii, Wv Uy i: Christian : Pa:: vf Let letter L, situated on Market square, cvrne.-of O ngresa street, now occupied by C. L. Gil- bert, s ;ld for {lOjCtiO. * L t So. iT. Carpenter’s Row, fee simple, with im- pr:vemems, a two-story wooden house, sold f«*r Memoranda* Steamer n M Cool, iieport^—Passed uchr Science near the s.utti end ol St. Catharines, with a cargo of ro<jiu and inuchtuory, b.»und up. Also spoke aumnei^] rr , H p flrn , r LuddiMion & Harrison is this day eis schooner m Romney Marsh with coastwise produce* hv mnmalcousent. Wm. A. Lulling; cc Dissolution of Co-Partnorslpp FURNITURE AT AUCTION. BY' BjKLi^ WYLLY Si tftkBwifaN- Will be sbld on WEDNESDAY, Ocf. 3d, in fr ol' atore, at 10 % o'clock: A desirable assortment of Furniture, consisting of Glass Book Case, 2 flue Mahogany Wardrobes, Wslnnt Sofas, Branch Lights, Mahogany Chairs, Clothes Baskets, Mahogany Bureaus, 2 boats books. Mahogany Arm Chairs, Ice Box, Ac. ytsrmacaah. ; . i ; oc - ^ large qnaiiti- (jT hesTdrily'gmund, and can mak# it especially to the interest of Grocers and Bay Merchant* who fill country orders to give us their patrouage. we re spectfully solicit a call from all who use the above. Depot lor shippers at S. Hayno a warehouse, 80 and 192 Bav street, corner - gggjg"** Ca . oc2-tf •* Cor. Habersham and Liberty streets. A 1 PREJ NOTICE. LL PARTIES having bills against Steamers EX it ESS and ECLIPSE wiU render them to i. M. FINCHLEY, ocftftt .. Florid* Wharf. K "council on tin 37th day ot December 18* Taxes upon gross sales of every descrlptitai of mer chandise aad wares, upon freight and passage money, payable in this city, and upon horses and mules, are required to be paid monthly. The Tax upoh real es tate, commission* end income, are required to be paid quarterly. Tho uuder.-igned is prepared to receive the Tax due for the third quarter. ^ «*» ' nai Xti«s Cattle, TOg#frV*m<», Regular Auction Sales Lot No. 12, Crawford Ward,with Improvements, four foiement brick houses, sold lor $5,500. I ur hundred ai.d ninety acre9 of land in Appling •Uriel, estate B. Ring, sold for $100. bound up. Receipt* per Atlantic A Gulf R* R* Oct. 2,1686. 73 bales upland cotton. 15 cases tobacco, 1 wagon, 44 nead cuttle, 39 head hoirs, 47 bbls turpentine, 1 boggy, 18 rks potatoes, 84 i»b:§ rwsm, and indae. to L J Gailm.irii i & C«», Siosu. S4S, Clark, J to Co. J Viliaionga, M G Klirncii, E 0 wade *v Co, Biyan, H & Co, B Miltfken. Duncan .v J. UK R Cooper a Me a. R Mclutife ^ Co Rindall A Co. L'uville A O, N, Cauip & Co. Weed A «!; J Bot»tll A Co, G H Ar-. ledge, b Join son, C Van Horn A Co, J W Bandy. Consignees per teniral R« R* * “ Oct. 2.1806. 349 bales cotton. 10 jftO domestic?, *24 d0 p<per, 50 skdUour, 8 cofife fi.l^eoddtes of tobacco, boxes ^utt?: r ear# ^afWoir an.1 mdse. to N A Oue haLdred aud sixtv acres of land in Union Hardee & Co, E P Tunison, F Vy Sims to Co, I'niiiips •1S!7. c-'uc o’ Ii King sold for *sn |*M PH Behn. B ri Harnc*. Clarke, Joaea »Oo. E 0. li. Eing. sold lor *oj. I p 1(lelforij R u a ber,hum & bon. Crane A GrayMlI. P t- '« y/), Murray county, 709 and 10* in Lnmpkip vYlirgins, Jones A W, A Myer ft Co. J Tiiooip“On, T ; 5tiy. 2t j acres in all, sold for twenty cents per aero. “ n. “" lin “ -'•'-i. suarss of A. k G. Railroad stock sold for T-u shares Georgia Railroad stock sold for S78 per lire. r Meyer sold the following lots situated south "Lt-is street and west of West Boundary street, ■ ■ - o and 4, $1-20 each; No. 5, $65;No. 6. $67 60; iOand 17, $100 each; Nos. 18, 19 and 20. No. 21, $12); Nos. 23 and 2^ fllOeach; .6, $83 each; Nos. 27 and 23, $95 each; B M j«nall a liro,.P M Deleon, T McGuire, bavh Gas irn.-J O iiitaer.Bonafcnllil B, Stoao. StH, Oaptc A lleiAOlJs, vV W Cd»rap, J A ttpYerts- Financial and Commercial. Kovannah Market. Savannah, Oct 2, 1866. Cotton.—The market still continues active. Sev eral parcels changed bands yesterday swndvsnce of -3 aud 36, $50 each; Nos. 37, 38, 39 and 40. $105 1 lc> on quotations of the day pilous. We ^ N* ?. 41, 42, 43 and 44, $76 each; Nos. 45 and 46, j quote New York Middlings at 39@40c.; Savannah Nos. 13, 29 aud 63, $7i 60; So.Jb», $61; Ntoa J. solved liy mninal consent. Wm. A. Ludingiec arone is authorized tn receive ab bibs will settle^ all claims. tV id. A. LU*)DiNGTO>, JAS. HARRISON, Th* bosineaa will be continued at th^ old stand- nn- (,e ; o t lHt <lrmStJle0r LUDDINGTON !c CO. Savannah Institute FOR Young Ladies. rrpt IXIRCISES of tuu Sckocl wm ba l«4P led X txtob.rSth. - • l lift I J. S. F. LANCASTER, JOHN B. MALLARD, Teachers of Junior and Senior Classes, lit S;« , '■* -3 and To, $50 each. Wt-stern half lot No. 9, • ; -bia Ward, with improvements, a brick dwelling • 1 :t half stories on basemenf, and brick out- sold for $5,350. £r - r I. Walsh—East half of lot No. 81, Columbia with improvements, a dwelling with a kitchen ^->'.1, sokl for $1,520. Soutiiern quarter of oast a • :>f I t No. 31, with improvements, s email wooden ’■"--'.Eg fronting on York stnotlane, sold for $70. ^e’holfof lot No. 18, Grct-n Ward, with improve-. a two story dwelling with kitchen and stable Cached, sold lor $3,800. Lot and improvements No. West Bro^d street, sold for $300. A farm contaiu- •^tBentv-two acres, situated a mile and a half from ’•-•f city, gold for $14,350. fifty sliares Central Railroad stock were sold— ^ny-two shares at $95 50 and eight at $9& ky I.rk, Williams, Molntire to Co—Six brick tone- at& ts on lot 4C, Crawford ward, sold for $4,000. % G. Laurant—A lot of 50 acres, situated near 4>£ & G H. E., sold for $38 per acre. • E - v L, Co>, County Sheriff—Lot No. 17 and im- l ; Gvcu:<rnt5, near the dorner of President aiti ^ streets, suld fur $5, COO. ApKiivTMzrcj of Teachers.—At,an nstminatipn was held at the Armory Hall on Monds y sftar- ^" L > before tho Committee appointed by tho Board • Education, the following named ladies,- after s creditable examination, were appointed to 111 ^-10F.iticLs: iliss Claudia Quitman as Second As- 111 the girls intermediate school, and Miss Eliza ^rttr as Second Assistant in the Primary Departs £ '“‘- Then cames were yesterday submitted, and re- ' lv td the concurrence of the Board of School Com- ^ioneia. Middlings, 38@39c. Blount Circular, Cliiplejr's Cottt Columbus, Ga, [SpecUUy famished K> the Savannah News k Hebalb) CoLUMBva, Gx., Oct. 1, 1866. Cotton atatement and quotations for the week end- ding Sept. 29: Low Ordinary ~ Ordinary ^‘ c Good Ordinary 7?? Good Middling Middling Fair Teacher of Preparatory Department. Prof. DEITZ, Teacher of French. Mrs. PELOT, Teacher of Pemmumahip. Dr. CHARTERS will lecture on Natural Philoso phy, and Dr. HARRISS on Physiology ami Hygiene. v 1 J. 8. F. LANCArTBR, oc2-lw -- Principal- o THE LADIES F Savannah and vicinity are Invited to call at Fair. (Tax unpaid.) . ^£10 li cals.—We are indebted to Estill to Brother * r a co l*y oi the Charleston News of the 1st iust&nt, fjr the Crescent Monthly for October, published c • v ' tw Orleans. The foUowing is a list of the contents latter; Caught at Last; an'BvCnfirg Visit to ths Around Petersburg; to Esther, Part 2; Life at a ■i hern Watering ftace ; the Lilies of the Sea; the ft* and Writings of Wm. Cowper; Genius and Beau- ” ’ ^atue de Stael; If; the Cleon Village of Brock; ^torial Notes; Literary Xotea; Book Notices, STATEMENT FOR WEEE: Stock on hand Sept 1, 1866 " 2,861 Arrived past week 609 Arrived previously...........y 374— $79 Total.. .3,840 Exported pa»t week j ..r.r.ttt . Expbrteu ......w. »47— 678 Stock on hand and on board 3,162 The demand is heavy; sales brisk, especially fbr good cottons. • Army and boll worm's continue de structive. The crop pVospects are gloomy. We have cheap and quick freight facilities to Hew York, New Orleaub and the West. *• J Blount to Chitley. Angnsta Market. Acqusta, October 1. Cotton —The market to-day was in an unsetUsd state, in coniefiBlri* <rfwMeh no correct quotationa fofftAfe. M follows: 1 at 27. « 100at 35K. lffiLat.36. 6U36%, » at 36K and 82 -ltalee at 82«ei»ta, Beceiffta, U» ^xn.-Brokeraare bnying at Us! and aelling at 145. -rd T-- • . ‘ , -- Jefferson one uuur »Iuui ~ _ n T^TVTm ^ ’% m J CuL - «bi?I 1, Notice. i- T HE drug stORE of thc subacriberi iriu be kept open afniglit, tad on 8nnaij8 durlnK thi* % ' A.ASdU»IOWfcCO. MILLINERY, FANCY AND Dress Goods Establishment OF M. G. EHRLICH Jefferson street, one door frbm Broughton, CARRIAGES, At the Veterinary Rtables oi IL W. CAMPBELL, oa Bay street, between Jefferaou andMoutgomery street**, vrili commence on WEDNESDAY, 8ept 19th, end •y Wednesday thereafter. sep!4-tf Wanted, 10,000 POUNDS BLACK SKID COT TON. CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., Coi ner B:iv and Abercorh •traetv. NOTES DISCOUNTED BY DAVID R. DILLOJT, Banker, sep92-tf 2G BAY'-STREET. ENTERPRISE-MILLS, CORNER WEST BROAD AIID CON GRESS STREETS. • DEPOT AT R- COWDEN S. Soatia aid* St. JaUca atreet, Weat of tbe illarlnt. Grits and Meal always on hsnd- ocl-lm R- J- WADS A BRO. For Baltimore. Sldewheel Line. The line sldewheel stcauihhip FOR • DARIEN. THE STEAMER M. Cool, TAYLOR, Commander, Will leave for. Darien on Friday morning, 6ih Inat, at 8 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board or to oc3 M. A. COHEN, Agent. THE ITS ST1TBS1 BRAZIL HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA, AND RIO DE JANEIRO, vi Under contract with the United States and Brad Governments for the carriage of the mails, will ilia ■ patch one of their NEW FIRST CLASS 8IDEWHEFL Baggio and Rope. A?*HOLS * CO , F or sale on ra- [ucJJ Coffee. 2,000 ■ Direct importation from Rio de Janeiro, ort-sm* l ° r 84,6 bV WEED * COltNWEU.. Executive Department, Milledgeville, Go., September 20,1866. rjiHE report of the Cammittes of Scientific Sur 1 geoue, appointed to examioe samples of Artificial Limb, snbmiitrd to their inspection by different manufacturers, having been received, the contract i. .warded tatt. DougJa%«iy. tor his Army and Navy Lee and for his Koeler Arm, as the lowest bidder, "faking into consideration quality as well as pnee,’ in the language of the Act. Aud the said Douglas Bly having executed a contract, which is on file in office^ U> manufacture said Iambs in the, city of Ma- (which may be seen by calling on the Ordinary,) may apply to the contractor and be supplied. Parties ap plying are enjoined to strict compliance with ihe Act. Dr. Bly request, that the Ordinaries communicate to him at Hacmr the name and address of each person to whom they may Mae neartttcdte- ' • ■ Let thia order be published in the papers of this city; the Maco,Telegraph, CoJumbua Enquirer, At lanta Inteliigeartr.Boip* Ctatok r, Anmata Ohromcle Hr sentinel end Savannah News and Herald one A ftentmel, end m ^nm, “ ': f l f t O -. i. 1 •< Governor. SIC. 2. Be It farther enacted. That whenever any 1 maimed, indigent soldier or officer, who has become ao maimed in tha service of the Stale, or in the ser vice oi the Confederate States, whde a member of any Georgia military organisation, it shall be lawful for such soldier er officer, to apply to the Ordinary of the County wherp he resides, tor an order to obtain such artificial limb, or part thereof, as his maimed condi tion may render necessary; which he ah all he atatitled x-eiv* on complying with the conditions of this ocL See 4 B* it further enacted. That every such ap plication S*H TOO tain a personal description of the auplicant, designating bis age, color of his hair and eves, hi* height, and any other distinguishing mark calculated to insure his Identity, also the company and renimant to which he belonged, the place and time of receiving hi* waned, end hi. pseeent bonnes, or em ployment; which atatement shall be sworn toby the aoniicaut, and the fact, verified by some citiaen of the county known!® the Ordinary, >b hn office paper, and a copy of the same transmitted to the Comptroller General, accompanied with the certificate of the Or dinary that he believe* the statements to be end tie-1 to credit; which application and certificate shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller General. oc2-4w each over 2,000 tons burthen. On the 22d of Every Month, From the Port of New York! For the following named porta and at the follow, ing rates of passage, payable In gold or Its, equivar lent: near exam. From New York to St. Thomas $60 t-rom New York to Para $160 From New York to Pernambuco 170 From New York to Bahia. -ISO From New York to Kio de Janeiro 200 Steerage at half these ratea. meals lnelnded, but not bedding. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each vessel. All Letters moat pass through the Poet Office. Poet* age 10 cent. Foe further information or passage apply to B. H. HARDER, Agent, No. 12 -toddard's Block. GARRISON A ALLEN, my31 New York Agenta. Georgia Chemical Works, OF SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. W E ARE NOW PREPARED to supply the trade witli a superior orand of ravnY soar, MANUFAciuRSB AT THE GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. For the Laundry, lt has no superior. It Is uniform in amilitv.and every box wfarranted. I? Wnowln rise by ina >y families in the city, giv ing nortec' satisfaction in every case, and Las been 7n*rudnceJ into the Laundries of the principal Hotels, c ‘(Mdcra C addrastod ft to° the re nndersign^ will Lave prompt attention. PtlRSE & THOMAS, AGK VTSTCHSOILGIA. CHEMCAId H ORK8, tcp3-lm 117 Bay Street. . for rent, ,- . TBHEMMIT of done*' paiUuffi west, C ^.^IMHkae's Wharf Buildings Oat ol^Bnll Atr*et,,ti, Ribbons, . velvets, t m'M * 1 FLO WE*, anl j -MIImNEKY GOODS) and all other Goods In our line. wliktt wiU Uf sold low for cash. CORN." 2 1 AAA BOSHBtS prim* WMUE CORN for j>SP0-.-«tta M aWsa ROPE. .COILS OREENLEAF ju t received, and for sale by brXWjW HJLL * Oft, So. 12 stoddardfo Lower Range. 100 Dr. Notice. Archer, T ATE of Buenos Ayres, Soath America, Offer* hi Ij professional service* To the citiaen* of ISgvau nah, and solicits a elmre of patronage. Speaks French, Spanish. German and Kngitah. Office, No 181 Broughton street, corner Montgomery, seplf-lui Note Lost FTJUTON PETRQLEUll AND MINING CO. Capital Stock, $800,000 FALL DRY GOODS. DeWitt & Morgan, Wholesale & Retail Dealers, 137 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, GA., ARE NOW OPENING DRESS GOODS i* enssT Tiunr and ielbct notiltii* : French Merinos, Poplins and Alphccaa, Saxony Plaids and Muslin Delaines, Lnglish. French and American Calicos, Opera Funnel., Welsh, Stxonj and Unshrinkable Flannels, Black French and Fancy Clotha and Caaaimerei, Table Damaak and Napkins, llerino Shins. Hosiery and Gloves, Blenched aud Brown Shirtings and Sheetings. Weinvbe the attention of buyers to cor stock, which la offered at extremely low prices. Addl Iona will be made weekly.*Cpl>—I 4 LL persons are hereby forewarned fromtradhig ■\_ for a Note given by Isaac M. Atkeu toM. D. Mc- Issue M. Aikeo, a npiill-d not to pay ute s*im to any person except to mvself or my duly appointed agent. Thert»'d Note was BiaLeil SJ.;®* 1 *** not l>een received. McARTHlR. SavouDAl), be|»L 29th, 1866. * . ocWt ' ocl-3t ROBERT HA.B&R9HAM & 80X3. f l \> as OQUIHOBB HALL. . 'p^^^n^mSediately^The ground floor !S W^unA Volks □ on] ^lender m mi. t; , • PRICE—•* C*MT8. Tor sole by •ca pamt.L b. BBO. TAKEN lor tis l.eneflt of the heir.and creditors of natd cSt ate. , » ^86^ DANIEL H. LOUDON. NO. 63, fehOADWAT, NEW YORK, Skipping ntl CouniBsIoii Merchant, haying Merchandise ann Produce ol every deccrip- lion. (juiiSignnKOt^ and orJers solicited. > RgFEBKNCEB. I* flATkSNAB—Major A- Porteri Duncan A Ji^ on, N. A. Hardee m Co., E. K. Hert* * (to., Jonn 8t IN*lSsw York-W. c. lanclej k Co.. Barclay * Livingston; WaiaonhOo. Liberal advances — Messrs. Eyre’ Evans SHARKS, $30 EACH.. FIRST PAYMENT, % 15 PER SHARE And no other assessment made, except by direction of a majority of all the Stockholders. * ' v OFFICteS: J.P. SLOAN • Srl'i'Sf: E. Z. RAW SON Vice Preildeat. JNu; C. WB1TNBR p » peaSE Treasurer. BOBT. LOGAN ..General Superintendent. di*ectobf: J P. LOGAN, ROBT. LOGAN. E. K P.A'VSUS, 'S. It.McCAWHT, ppra« JNO C. WHITNnB, W. B. PAUEHCBSi. M* Company propose* to operate in Georgia. Ai a Imma and Trmarwir Having -Ieaeed Lands in Uv imine ill »tt l vicinity of recent oil discoveries, lt low offersaportion of its Stock for sale, the anlonnt paid apoa whlca shall be returned to s * parcBaasr beiore “I amoimto?s5ock ^y^seenred by cril- ing^n tuenndendgnW.agen.em PHCEHIX STUD SAW MILL EASTERN WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA npn g nfidersigned. having completed their DOUBLE A GANG SAW MILL, known *3 the “PEfRSlX ■'TEAM SAW MILL,'’ would respectfully lntorm their irienffi and thepabUc generally, tha; they are now prepared to fid orders for Lumber in any quan tity and of any sisee and lengths. We have con nected with onr Mill an improved Planer, and will give particular art. ntion to orders for planed and laoroe and grooved lumber. Order* tell at the Mill, or at J. F. A M. Hamilton* office, corner Bay and Abereom streets, will-receiv prompt attention. A share of public patronage la respectfully so licited. ehlbn * Hamilton^, jo*. toLB*, J. v. unuoi. a. aaauuoa. an8-tf ' RESIDEWQE or Sa\e. t a Jf|ri|L*3bencc, with its .W.nrive grounds, sltnated in the most dm- T an® 11 " htahanffiffiely ! ^Orchard coutalnanm^var^raof pr^rW and paying expen ee*.^. JO{(a>Ctua>]|e _ JvmcBtonrWjn. Watson* vQ- # Liberal advances allowed bn Cotton •hipped to teasre. Evre'Evans h Co.. Liverpool. • «»Am WHITE CORN AND SEED OATS, T 'MMMMm* B*«t Eaotn ah Whltafa Brea*, for ,1a sal* Bow to aim* Cl alignment. 2,500 bushels Seed Oats, 2,500 bushels White Corn. OC, * . M. H. WLLIlAMS A SON. ILL RE-OPEN HER SCHOOL at the Chatham Academy an the »'h of aep8-2’aw«w To Rent, fevwiRhffd or tmfornkfaed. App’y at News i awi Pterald pflre. . ocl-lw Law Notice. nUIR UNDERSIGNED will plaet ce I AW in the M. s ate aud Fedarai Courts lu the city ot Savannah. se/B- w JAS. JOHNSON. v HA COTTON FACTOB^ AND General Conunission Merchant** Established in. 1830. Liberal advances OBL v c<maiirllfo |n tBtoon r trlenffi in Saw York. i C;Cl ' 3al Emigrant Call b# Supplied / • WITHIN TEN DAYSi. rpHB undersigned are prepared to eopply Planters A and other paiOM who may be in want gWHITl LABORBK& and have gam nrergenry arrange ments in the North to ftU any order* for agriculture Lnbotow Woodm.*-a. Mechanics, ato, wttMn Ten or Twelve days fry ml ha day the order is given here. the Imttarr i* ate to eetototved by the Employer* on arrival of the Mtoffiw here, and transported to tha petals when they see wanted at Employers fiMim, and the Etotoosers have farther to pay a —---^mVlveaoe. pertty as security expenses in bringing ilie • life Wood, Wood. I TAKE pleasure in informing my friends sad the pub.ic tha: 1 have established a WOOD YARD adjcinleg the Gulf Depot, aad am prepared to dfo liver‘Wood of ths dim quality, Iren ol charge, to any pan of the city. * Order Boxes may he feudal the Ding Store, cor ner of Broegheon and Haherehnaa; at A. Fernandes A Kro-’s, Comer Bail and Broughio*; Onffier, Olcotta A Farreily. comer Whitaker and St J alien MreeU- gAS. B MCINTOSH. ae3»-tt; Qar.Hahdr^i dngad Jen"* Laths! Laths! ioo,6ba' AbbieN. Franklin, aad fcr tole by _ aepSfi CRANE A GRAYB3LL and partly for The rate at wtlffi Affimlng Laborers can he to- agbohtftUepnrjaar.thehaphS- ' -M. M8BUI B Cft, _ - it * ySSMuck. Bay atree*.. _OtoLdQStEa« of nammd*«ta fc .oi s2 FOR CHARTER, QCHOONEB M. B. MAHONY, off aria I forty tons, new r oeaffi i dOo , Savannah i Nattanal Bank, Savannah. LATHE now landing from Bark Notice. mHK HBM O* JOB* W. ANDEBSON * SONS wm A dbMlvadeatoalUdayef Augaat. 1866. by tha daalhnf Anha W. Anderaoa. Sr. — * ' * will coottaae the Geaatml Coauaiai - - John B.H. ANDI GEO. W. ANDEBSON. ffi. WO. W. ANPEMOIL Stores to Bent. T WO WHARF STORES, epartty tie hatay pech. Two Alley StoreA capacity * « One Ooun rtnf-reeeL n»h hy for emiot the ^CwXIXT * CHBBTUN.