The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 04, 1866, Image 1

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!ilU!. . II JUlil! IB VOL. 2—NO. *i2 4 - ►C SAYANNAIL GEORGIA. TfolRSPA Y/ OCTOBER a, 18B6. < • *;. .** — •- • • :• we**-*- PRICE, 5 CENTS. paily News and Herald. pUULWBliU BY w. MASON* : Savannah, Qjca s. hJ - 1U\ .Five Cents. $3 6o. $10 oo. By Telegraph. MORNING DISPATCHES. FROM NEW YORK. "• oP advertising. r ■'caKE first insertion, $1.50; each inser- Santa Anna Recruiting Soldier?.' Purchase of War Steamers fin* Ihg L&ec&ls. • ” ■—— »•» w- ■- SANTA ANNA’S FIVE MIIg&ON LOAN - ‘ TAKEN. ; fitorgianr Bittitg MADAgE RffiTOEI Ageitf. The Nfa^rJcctd, ^ew Yoimc, Oatpber quiet at 42@44 cents Flortr^Jull and droogdlU*. Wheat nominally lc lower. Pork steady at 33 3^§33 50. Lar^ steady at 16>£<g> 18> a c. Gold 47Ji.^^f^rling upclifeged. Sant* Anna’s ofii%ij>ras crowded yesterday with part es anxious to enter tlip'sef vice 6t Mexico. It is said that a firm lies* has been commissioned to buy six steamers for the -Liberal service. Three banking houses Si this'eity have taken Santa Anna’s loan of live millions. ^ Several citizens of Georgia havo sued L. P. Bra- shear, Treasury Agent, for seizing 90,000 dollars’ worth of cotton in February last. Iira:ihear was held to bail In 70,000 dollars. _ ,, ^ Receipts for Ristori’s performance in Brooklyn last 1 night, were upwards of 4,000 dollars, the largest re ceipts ever received.* From Philadelphia. POLITICAL EXCITEMENT INCREASING A Large Vote Expected. * Philadelphia, Oct. 3.—The political excitement is increasing as the day for the election draws near. A very large vote is expected at the election on Tues day next, there having been over 10,000 names added by the extra assessment * . ugusta. Market. Augusta, October 3.—Jottou market quiet. ¥ 72 bales Middlings at 39c. Sales Groorgia, items. a" Ab"l’AKJi i* tun measured Hue. of Nonpa reil News and Uehalu. irAi'.'rtiaiinii-ub inserted tl:ree times a week :r olfier Jay) for a month, or longer period, will harjed Mi'o ‘-fourths of table rates. B-alntriisemeuis twice a week, two-thirds of r.iVer:i.-emciit? i.ijcrfej a, special notices will car.'al irmly percent, advance on table rate3. trifcriiaoments of a iriiisient character, not ,, roiioic, will be continued until ordered Charged accordingly. IT Snyariy contracts, except for space at table ml be made; and, in contracts for space, all SfiliV charged fifty cents per square fot idee. - Hdi: -ri.i’. local or business notices, for indl . mnetit, will ix< subject to a charge of fifty i-filne, cat not less than three dollars for eaclt ;r til tra olvertisctnonu must be paid in in Tri-WesMy Ms anil Herald : Jv.l at $r. per year, or 75cents per mouth, and Tbs Weekly News and Herald U issued every Saturday at S3 per year. ■IOI1 (•BINTrUG. ' ttvie. '“fatly and promptly done.. Rbliep.—'The Rome Courier recommends that a law be enacted similar to one in Ken tucky, whereby ah real estate levied on uu der execution shall, previous to sale, be ap praised—perhars the price at which it was given on the tux books of 1860 would an swer—and unless two-thirds ot the price or more, shall be bid for the property at the sale—the creditor having the privilege of taking it at .that price if he chooses—the sale shall bo barred, «nd the property be treed from that execution and all others, in favor of the satire creditor, for the space of say three years. In Alabama they have a law' allowing a debtor the right of redemption to two year* on all real es ate sold under evxcutioa. Revivals.—R ligtous revivals aie in pro gress in mauy parts of toe State.. The Au gusta Express ot the 2d speaks of much in terest on the subject in that city. The min ister i>f St. John’s Methodist Church had whiten to some of his ministerial brethren in neighboring cities, inviting - them to come and assist him. They reply that they would be happy so to do, but that revivals are in pro gross in their churches, which binder them. The Griffin Star chronicles the apprehen sion of a jail bird, named Atelier, who es caped several days since. — Left.—The LaGrange Reporter of the 28tu, says: “A lot of freed men left here yesterday for Tennessee. We understand there was nearly a car-load of them. They go to seek employment and higher wages. We have no doubt many more ot them will g<) between this and Spring. There i’ill be neither food nor employment in tins section j of the country for tne lqrge number of them here. We advise all to go who can.” TUB E.’iPpUOR VAi'OLEO.V. This Delicious Tonic, : prtfa!!y desi:ni-f! tor the use oi the Mcsl Mission and the Family. indorsed hy all the prominent Physicians, ami Connoisseurs, as pos^ssing all those tw;c im-duTiihlqiialkiea (tonic and diuretic) which *iung to «n - OLD AND PURE GIN. T -lrn- tint onr e-tahtished reputation—tunneled richly-eight jvare of experience— abundantly wtiatifj, PUr .„pi|.,u c corifi'i nre, and gunr- 2®* lil ? vXiwlienct ot this Standard Article, rut a.,7containing urn. dozen bottl s each, WfoMbj . G . R U W E , SAVANNAH, n a!: prominent Druggist a. Grocers, *C. ,, . A. M. BIN1NGKK & CO., -■>aj.ished 1775.] Sule Importers. No. 15 B- aver .-treet, New York. Opinions of the Press, “'Bin'ngcr,, No. 15 Beaver street, have a very t>jitian„i 1 1„ sustain, as the oldest and best “tillNew York.—Home Journal, us house of A. M. Biniugcr & Co., No. 15 Beaver “i. us- Mi'taiiicil lor a period of eighty years a *u ton lUiit „ iay WL -u |,e envied -N Y. Evening i jo5-eod-d*wly His Affair with Aisle. Margol thk political juiah op the Sew YORK TIMES. The-extaordlnary coarse of that political trimmer and trickster, Henry J, Raymond, of the New-York Times, has'justly rendered him a subject of ridicule. It wil^Ije Tt- membered that lft tire last Congress, hb. Raymond made'several speeches in support 6T"ibo President’s vetoes, but in each in- stancac^ Jjen^the^/sSeasuie was brought to s ' final votyT^n^fecorded his vote with the op ponents of The President. So uniform^ was this the caie thnt flieitibers'Were accustonred to set him down la advance, as sure to vote ipfavor of “the measure he opposed; to his speech. Biit when the call lor the -phila- - delphia Convention was made by the frieada of tbe.Executivi:, hh cordial endorsement ol that movement was supposed finally,, to have fixed tUepultticul status of the editor of the Times, arrd when he appeared ih*lBe Co wren lion, claiming the authorship ot the address, which he read . to that ’ body, and which embodied the President's rtconslrue tion’ policy, there no longer remained any doubt in the minds even of his triends that tie entertained the principles he so ardently professed, and that the alienation between biro&if and the extremists ot jjis party was ' I ~ * So settled wasd^H^fiction tfiat the Re publican Execnti^WJommiuee, of which he was chairman, promptly expelled him from their councils; and the Republican organs proceeded to read him oi|t of the ranks oj the party. In the meantime the elections in MctioO'aud New Hampshire tock place, the result of which seems to have convinced the ‘‘Little Villain,” aa-Beunett was wont to call him, that in uniting with the President against the extreme wing of his own party he had counted without his host, and that his own political safety would 1ys best pro moted by throwiug himself again into the wreckless dritt of the radical current which, even if he would he was unable to stem. But his tergiversations having disgusted the Radicals he now finds it difficult to regain his former position and influence among them. His present anomalous position is tbus.shown up by the editor of the World]: When, in speaking not 16ng since of the relations ol Mr. Raymond and bis Republican associates with the Democratic party, we said “thatthe whalemight swal low Jonah, but Jonah could not swallow the whale,” we certmnlv must have been tilled with a prophetic fervor in selecting our comparison. Certainly, if we ever diS have a Jonah amongst us, he lives and moves and has being In the parson of Mr. Henry J. Ray mond. In hot, if we might say so without affecting the reputation of his friends, we should say that lie ont-Jonahs Jonah. The parallel between these two great characters of ancient pnd modern history is indeed instructive. ' The original Jonah requested to be thrown in the sea from a spirit of self-sacrifice. We onoe thought— that is, we did not exactly think (for we bad kuowu Mr. Raymond a longtime), bi|t»ehoped—that in ask ing to be thrown overboard uy liis party he was actu ated by the same feeliug; ui»w, however, w# kjiow that he was only taking a dive after the tbavasand fishes. Jonah the fit s| accepted the Whale as a sale refuge: Jonah the second undertook to swallow the whale bimselL - ... The Biblical'Jonah, after having been engulf*(V by bis fish, behaved himself properly, and alter a short sojourn was borne to bis destination by it iu satetv; while the political Jonah, undertaking to “bolt”-after his absorption, was iguoininiously repudiated by his whalefeUid cast out into the midst of the sea, where, in spite of his vigorous efforts to attsch himself on one day to the stern of the Republican slop and on the next to the tail of the Democratic whale, he is drifting about, even unto this day. ' i Floating thus on a stormy political sea, rejected by both friends and enemies, no Nineveh, no nomina tion iu sight; ont in tbo cold just when his decreasing circulation requires a nice snng place by the fire, the modern Jonah is certainly more unhappy than his prototype. Poor Jonah 1 Poor, poor Raymond! eity; 'bat "absolute!^ prejudicial to thq health of ths citizens, abated, tvrd.1 roost certainly dojiyrt-derive to see private.-interests pro moted at the oost of public'health. “Sic utere tiiam ut non alienum abutere.’’ * Savannah; Sept 18, 1866. -' -- - IThoataren eoxonttmicatioh w^a- written f<A appear in the News and th* 190* September, but was n£av355>ly delayed, the present date,}:; >' MAHON & CO, BroniMon and Jefferson Sts, kflvr for sale the following stock of GROCERIES <fcc. ]jj )| j BBLB. i'LOU it, various grades. I'jO bills. Porto Rico and Muscovado SagArv. iOli buls. Clarified Sujars. 20 bhls. Croshod and Powdered Sugars. lou sacks Rio CoflTee. 50 mats Java Coffee. i'w caddies Green ami Black Teas—choloe, loo boxes Soap. 50 boxes assorted'Candy. S Ilfcds. Bacon. 5 libds. Sugar-cared Hams. t 3 packages Leaf Lard. 2o bWs. fjyrup. 50 hales Assorted Yarns. ' -1 bales Gunny Cloth. 20 ba;es Domestics. 1'i.w 1 y irds Sea Island Cotton. 500 lbs. Twine. • 25 boxes Chewing Tobacco—5s and 10s. 50 boxes Grant St, Williams*. 20 boxes Choice Chewing, Sugars, various brands. T °?ether with A p CLL STOCK OF GOODS IN OUR „ LINE. ■'Mso offer Mu hush. White Corn, choice. 3,000 bush. Feed, do. is 500 bush. Oats. 200 sacks bran. Ji’-'OO hales H3P4-lm Paris (Sept. 4.) Correepondeuco of the New York World. In the event of Napoleon’a sudden demise I am far from believing that immediate revolution will ensue. The government of the regency will go on silently, until the firat pretext comes for a battle, aud this will be precipitated by the republican, press aud the re publicans of the legislative corps. Then you shall see old Paris, terribly splendid in her awakening, arise out of stone like one ot Michael Augelo’n brawny murblt8, and slie never stretches nor gapes bttt from all corners of Europe the-wild beasis beat their cages and roar. . * Tim French master is now very. sick at St Cloud, aud his wile and ‘*whelp,” as the Faubourg St. Ger main calls die prince imperial, are en route to Biarritz. The Empress has no element of a govar- nes>. She belongs io the Josephine aud Horteuse type of a woman, uay dressers and sweet coquettes, but there is not a drop of the blood ot Catharine. de Medivis or Mane Tnerese about her. Tho prince im perial is as yet a doil figure, whom nobody has gauged. The Emperor himself, worn down by the excesses of a life, alternately imprisoned and absolute, must be nearly at the end of his reckoning, and aveu now ‘‘they whisper’* unceasingly that he js drawing to the exit door. His reign has been to you, who see it from without, a stately, heartless one, bad in the beginning, but vindicated by brilliant acuievemeuts. To those who have looked upon it wuhih, it is marked by worse than the e.'derly debasement of courts, partaking at times of the licentiousness of the stew.-. The anair of Margot is not yet stale, so that I may tell it to you. „ .... 1U - Margot is a common tory?fr, -known as the balls of the Rue ues Tictonpa. She was beheld of the em peror in the Bois du Boulogne. He dispatched after her, aud discovered her re idehce.' ViMta were fre quent ot evenings^ no pains being taken to appoint a more secluded- rendezvous, aud with these the Em press, though well apprned, made no interference, her habit being to give all lii»erty to her supreme. One night Word came to the household for the Bn* peror, Rue ——. He was found therein wstate be tween a spasm and paralysis, JTdey brougnt him .home. Everybody was aiaimed, and Jounert, lus physician, advised more abstemiousness. As for Margot, tbe Empress sent to her, persuasively asking thai she be auow d to defray her expenses out of France, at least out of Paris. Mai got saucily replied ihat she had as much right, etc., and shouldn’t be de- fra\ed or persuaded. Of couf?e it was not eiiquetie to broach ilie tlnng to the Emperor, nor how could he so retort upon one whose'magnetism had been so irre sistible. Therefore, Margot, yuo told the story freely, grew in great request, ami an Amerioah gentleman who danced with her a few weeks ago, .dates that her heart melted but a day and a week to -the imperil charms; that she is still the same susceptible siren, and ablq to keep her voiture aud driver. A Dikty Cuss.—The Phila elphia Mercury, speak ing of the parade of the ** Mean Whites’* in tuat city, says: The most disgustidg feature of the. disunion pro cession on Monday pist was the profane old scoundrel, Brown low, from ieunessee. He passed our office in an open carriage, stretched out at full length, with bis feet hanging over the side, aud exhibited the dirtibst pair ol stockiugs we ever su' there wan iio excus for this. here, aud he should at least have some respect for tbs people of Philadelphia if he has none Ibr himself. Parson, have your btockings washed before jou go home.” • \^ ""ifH ritey. ar»nu A —Having disposed of and transferred my “ SHARKS in the Timber Cotters; Bank. “> Savannah, I hereby give notice of the 8 'PH nuom* JOHNB. DORM IKY. ALL for the Best.—Blessed are*they that are blind, for they shall aee 1,0 ghost. • Blessed are they tbaj are delf, for they need nsver lend mom y nor listen to tedious stories. Blessed are they Oiat are afraid or thunder, for they shall hesitaie about getting* married and keep away from political meetings. Blessed are they tuat are iguorent, for they are happy in thinking that they know everything. Blessed is he that is ugly in form and features, for the girls sbant molest him. Blessed isehe that would get married and can’t, for the* consolations-of the gospel are here. Blessed are the orphan children, lor they have no mother to spank them. The Hero’s Name.—A lady friend informs the Progress that, after lonr, endeavor, she has found out the name el the noWe and brave soldier that Buerman and bis pets cruelly murdered ont their entrance to the city of Raleigh. It was First Lieutenant Walsh. Eleveuih Texas Cavalry. The P*P«f of his native State would do well to give publicity to the fact, so tbat bis relatives may know the fate he met. One of our most ac complish td young ladies has seen to it that the grave of this hero is not neglected- —Slight frosts have been quite general in New Englaud during the last week- fcOSIMCSICATED.j Mr. Editor Without the slightest in tention of entering into the discussion which has arbep betwetn “Common Sense’-’ and “Citizen.” on the subject of a reorganization of tbe “Board of Health,” I desire to cor rect some mistakes, into wh ich the former has (inadvertantly, no doubt,) thlteu to Uisceii|- nruulcation of the 18th ot iBept. > ' ; i 1st. I think if “Common Sense” will refer to the report of the committee appointed by the Georgia Medical Society to examine into the condition of the city, Ac., and which re port has been ordered by the City Council lo be published, he will find that ihe recom mendation to remove the filUl deposited op posite the one mile stone on tho Augusta road is there explicitly made. 2d. It is true as staled by “C. S.,” that the further deposite of filth at the locality above mentioned, was advised to be stopped.; It is also true that the bridge leading to this pile has been torn up. But when “C. S.” goes on to say that “further deposits were pr even ted," he goes a step further thAH tire facts warrant, and to satisfy himself of this - he nt ed only go to tbe spot and examine for himself The facts are these : Deposits of oftal by the city carts have been made od this foetid mass as late as August 27th. This assertion is made from actual observation, and can be substantiated by'an eye Witness; and further, the drivers of the carts stated in' reply to questions at;ked that -they were in 1 ' strutted to empty, their losds tttctf^ ’Tie true that the driver of one of the carts stated tint b« had beqa directed to empW Tjioken glass and such offal, but 'rfi^ w- tormant. states that if there was any such matter to the "cart it-Was so .hidden, by ma nure and other decomposing filth that it dill not nu ei hist ye. . , It is equally true, as above stated, that the bridge across the ditch has' been removed, but to obviate this difficulty the ditch has been so fitted up os to enable the carts to drive over It.. TheUffedt of this is ifcfe offiy to enable the carts to go on increasing this hot bed of miasmata (which, without assert ing the fact, I am free to say I believe they are doing at this presens time), but to pre vent the w4ter from running offi thus addj»: ten-fold to the nuisance. As I stated above, Mr. Editor, I do not in tend to bo drawn into any discussion as fo there' the reorganization of the “Board of Health.” J This, however, I will say in connection with what has liSen said above, that the ordi nances of tho city amply provide, not only for the abatement of such a nuisance as the one under consideration, Vbf tbe preven- tiorarf iufcfreatton. jSeeUityOifiAnjcs, ar- tiolei nuiSafices; ecivei^er, ri« fthflpf. &c., ■ THAT’S WlUT’k We clip the following tion in a New England jfe Certain tribes of JudUftH, We aretoldr61 . that the bear brings forth' lfe young in condition, aud tliat\he cobs ere VlAnvard^iaieedjfi; J tin standard of ursiuu beauty by.Qkeir f ions them with her Mi^gftfttv - ^ I have ihout^it fh^t‘ever)rbien lies i&ofSTir- leas of these unshapely c^ X'4gr«kdfrbkY^479i> , -fll tbetxr: end at timeti they; U*YQ seeded fo rgamr^en Infinite kmountof painetifi^ug on jfey pen. Toe one is the universeai^ithayilipr is uyeeli. Tfiif.uuiH the more strange; for I moi neither thk lathef at the world nor the 8>»u of myself.' Nevertbalere, it epptAre to be iu- cumbent on me fo being them both iuio some order aud fashion of ldvdihees. It is to tlfis tor* prevalent idea in certain quarters—acted-- upon by certain leadffls of public opipiott-^that they were “borrDto put the world to' rights”—that we may trace much of the misfortune which has be&llen our 9nce happy country. It is to this ripirit of Mioral-and social Knighfoerrantry thaj^we may tome aiauy'^ tjie pvils which-bqacijta. If thes4 self-constituted guardians of tbe pe . litical, moral and social world would confine than>selvcs to the care of themselves, to niihdihg their own business—ifo licking their own cub into. “some order and fashion of loveliness,” or even decency—amt let the univerSfe take care of itself, the world would move on much more harmoniously. But while they, arrogate to themselves all the wisdom, all tho morality, virtue aud patriot ism—aud undertake not only to regulate the morals, polities and domestic affairs of their neighbors, but even to usurp the prerogative of the'creator of the univorse and to improve His work, the world is not likely to be much better. . If men would confine their interference and “painstaking” within the limits of their own responsibility, it \Vould be better for themselves, for society, and for the world at larije. Hunuiciitt—Bis Having, and Calumnies. Obscure aud despicable as he is, it is proper that ihqsayings and doings of Huu- uicutt should he known to the people oi the Souib, whom he persistently slanders. See what he said sit a harangue at Indianapolis, on the 27th instant, as reported by special telegram to the New York Herald : “Hunuicult linido a violent, incoherent and de- momac speech, which, htraiigo to say, was wildiy ap plauded by the audience. His programme for the regeneration of Virginia was as follows: Pass an eq- abiing aci, send trooj.a with bayonets to keep things straight until a State government could be revolution ized ; arm the negroes and give them the bal:ot. If a rebel dared to crook lus linger, kill him. They would not disiranchise rebels simply for live years, as has been d -ue iu Tennessee, but for fifteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-iflne years. They had tried to get up a mob when ho established the New Nation at Richmond. Yet he—HUuuicutt—walked the streets of Richmond day aud night, and had never been mo lested. Ue knew the Southern people. Give way to thopa and they were domineering, overbearing and murderoQs, but stand for the right aud {hoy are towards. He was^a man ol ^a.-e. He did not waul td kill anybody, or to bo killed; but if anybody afr* tacked him, by the God who made him, he would slay his antagonist.« Auother element of strength was the ten thousand •loyal blacks, who would wade through blood to their armpits for him. Let them harm him orhifi jiriaticigoififl*, and Richmond would be in ashes within tvMty-fiiur hours. He continued in this strain for nearly an hour, aud out-Brownlowed Brown low in the violence of his language. He mhst certainly have boeu dounk. . No sober man could have made such a speech. The enthusiasm with which it w&8 received is significant, showing, that we are further advanced here in the Weal than has besfi suspected. - It is uot surprising that iu these disordered times wretches have been thrown to the surface who ure: capable of uttering such lib el as and iueeudiany sentiments as ihe above, bat that large audiences of men and women North should he so embittered and lost to everjr sense of decency, as to counte nance aud applaud them, may well exeite our special wonder, and cause in us serious fears of the inter disruption of society. It wus such a spit it of malignant hate that pre ceded the horrors of the French Revolu tion- KffiCKEKftOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of New York. .m, '-v t-m . ^ SOUTHERN BRAICH OFFICE t STREET, Insurance. “THE NEW YORK” Life Insurance Company. Assets, - - Over $5,000,000 RESIDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Policies Written at the Branch Office and Losses Prompt- * ly Paid. 50 Per Cent Credit Given, WHEN DESIRED. DIVIDENDS PAID IN CASH, ADDED TO POLICY, IN TAIMINT OF NOTES. Gloomy Pioipecti of the Planter. Southern - Ar plaater. writing to lira New York Wwrtd from McBean’e StaUou. Burke county,-under date of Sept 18th i*»ys: # v There are veiy few, at least, in that fertile and ex tensive region ravaged by Sherman, who will make much effort toward a cotton crop this year.- The rem nant of their means was exhausted in tbe preparation * for the preseut crop—their efforts have proved faille. The very (dements combined to rob them of Ihe re ward of their toil and privation, without means, money, or credit, backed by the enormous tax upon cotton, dcspondeucy and despair have, succeeded the arouaed energies with which, the year Was begun. The destitution of mfr people is appalling to ourselves. You at tbe North seem to think that we should regard ourselves ss biessedtf we are -allowed hr breathe tbe free air of heaven. This privilege is almost tbe only Oueist t-us. We are without a government, and we do uot know that wo have even a country that we can call oqr pwa. The cherished remembrance of our kindred friends, whose bones lie thickly scattered, overall our fair laud, is the only thought that is left us. Onr most eafnest effort, our rat trouble is to shield from wSh'l Sni krfering aud hapless ones de pendent upon Us. This U is that occupies ut all times our thought, to the exclusion of every other consid eration. We are subdued, patient, submissive—faith ful to tbe laws and obedient to those having authority. It is only when we are commanded to love a govern ment that knows us but to oppress us; when we are ordered to forget our dead, that a fitful gleam ol the old fire is lighted up. That lovely idol of Northern men aud women, the inevitable negro, is. as he has always been, and ever will be, working when he is forced to work,, and doing ms little as possible even then, ever consoling himkeli with the reflection that next’ ar he w m 1lo t work. Those who are left to tflfmselves vary the monotony cl life in stealing, chain gangs jails, and penitentiaries, content in either po- -itfon’so it relieves them of tbe necessitv of earning their own living. They are kindly treated by the white* and a perfectly good feeling exists on both sides. We look with nnmiour earnestness to the re sult? of tbq conservatism now embodying st tho North. Non-Forfeiture, Endo wment AND Life Policies* Written. A fSf Call sod get a Circular setting Forth rates. “6 f- Wo have one rate of Prcminntoor ererj part of tne United Steles. No limits of triyel within the cirdiced settlement*. This feature Is eapedsllj fa vorable tq Southern customers, 4s man; Companies are In the habit of charging extra rates for the privi lege of residing South during summer months. A. WILBTJR, General Manager. WM. R. BOYD, Agent. R. D. ARNOLD, Consulting Physician. EASTON YONGE, Examining Physician. - Bepll-tf . AeteL. savannah Uraisch oiftncKi 0 Bossso. SmLeiM, corner Be; and Ball stnefa. ' LOCAI. BOARD OF RgRKRXNCX J. W. UUinp *ca. garret Bro hers. wflMssao, MEDICAL BXAMUUCHB: W. G. Bulloch. M..D. J. Q. Thomss, M. D. This Company ie strict I r mutual, the policy holders reestriOR llwentirt profits. _ H8NRY HARNEY, (Date of the lift of Ricbmond,” Vs.,) eepl«*o<fif General Agent for Georgia,. . Mil^rAUrodier. Demit* Morgan. m, -Vans A e». THE OGLETHORPE Insurance Comply - OF SAVANNAH Art prepared to take: Fire Risks on Reasonable Terns, At (hair Office, 117 Bay Street. H. W. MKRCKR, President CI1AS. S. HABDKB, Vice President 3. T. Tbouas, Sec. Directors : H. W. ileicer' M. A Cohen C. 8. Hardee J. Lams William Hooter J. W. Nentt A. A nartridge D G. Purse A. Porter A. PuUsrios ft Morgan J. McMahon J. Stoddard L. J. Gnllmsrtiir J. T. Thomss V. W. Bias -W. Bemehut G. Butler P. L-Gne - H. Luchlieoo a. A. Crane N P. Claton, Angnsta A. A. Solomons J. W Snott. Macon M. Hamilton B. F. Rims, Macon W. W. (Jordon W. H. Yonng, Colnmbnr ■yT-tl Miscellaneous.. A. Acafstt, . Afloat4, “V-‘ • StfllMlNiUR WP ? • I Austell & Inraan, W. H Is MJN, (Late of C-orgU,l New York. . No. SO Walt street, . NEW TORS. yjfTF; are folly prepared to make liberal cash ad VY TsncenrautS on consignment, tr. m Merchants SnJFleTei^lwniJnEMk pltdFMM our evendto tbroughvnt tneSootb. Our Mr Austell, op AtUot*. will arrange adrSfcement* there. -Cottonrand mer- eband se will be- forwarded to hs with dispatch By ear scants, Messrs Brady A Moees, of fievsniuh. We wai exert our best em rules tergive satisfaction, and promote the lsteresW dr our patron*. Ookalgnuunta fsom our southern friends respect- fally solic ted. ' 8e37-3m Savannah Inatltnttf FOR Yo'ung Ladies. T HB KCRHCISEB of thh School wlU Ootober-StU. ' * 3- S. F. LANCASTER, JOHN B, M.ALLARD, Teachers of Jonior and Senior Claniss, 1 '. her of Krcnph. . -.'Mbs. 'PELOT. *' : * Teacher of Pennmansblp. Dr. CHARTERS wifi lecture on- Natural Philoso phy, and Nr. 11ARR188 pn Physiology and Htalens. . J. 8. F. LANCASTER, 0C2-1W* . Principal. S. B. HABSDTOTON. EVERY VARIETY OF FURNITURE IS SELLING GOODS Lower Than Any Other House IN SAVANNAH. \ - THE LADIEk O F Savannah and vicinity are Invited to call at the MILLINERY, FANCY. AND ' • Dress Goods Establishment o* SC. G. EHRLICH, Jefferson street; one door Horn Broughton, to look at onr new stock of Straw, Beaver and Pelt Goods of all tbe latest .tylee, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, and MILLINERY GOODS, and all other Goods to onr line, which will be sold low for cash. ocl-3t Ac.) I deem it not inappropriate, in connection ■with the subject matter in h*n<£ eamfiptl j to direct the attention of the proper authorities to the cdnditioA pt fhatjpleoe rfjlow ground situated between the Ogeechee canal and the Angnsta road. The operation of. fifil»g,-^P the ditch above alluded to has depnved it, of what partial drainage itr pravioualy enjdytd, and it is now in a most pestilential condition. A very little work,' judiciously expended, would thoroughly dram it In conclusion, I beg leite to state that my sole object (spartiVom corrMlhig a mistake) in publishing the abqre facts, is for the pnb- lio good. I desire to see a nuisance, not oily disagreeable and offeiibive to all passers on a frequented thoroughfare to and frofe th* A “J*JT*nftS0S«i*sl”—As one of the representa tive i,f the “Loysliflts" ot Gtorgia, we find the name of N S. Morse. A distinguished officer of the Fed eral army yesterday gave us the antecedents of this Jteutlemau on tbe '‘march to the toinb of Lincoln." In laaLte wse editor of the Bridgeport (Conaecttcut) Farmer, a paper rankly '‘disloyal'’ and vety obnox ious lo those who in that year regained the President as ■•UieimivermiM iit." Tins man Morse assailed Prt- siJent-Lhicoln so bitterly that a mob destroyed the office. He went South and tendered his services to Jeff. Davit, who said that ho wanted hothing to do with a -renegade Northerner.” Morse fiuahy brought Ult-ln Gcesls. and became editor of s rabid seeeesion sheet When our Government del ermined upon arm- ffig^he uegroe^he declared th.t the South ehould r,L, the black flag and shoot down every negro found ‘firthe*UiAon bluet When the Federal army captared Augusta he was fearful that his office would be de stroyed by onr soldiers, aud he for a time refrained from exp leasing his .lisloyalserfUments Bydegrees he becai&o bolfiea until finally an officer of the army, now a resident of Cleveland, officially notified mm that he would take lus office form Government job mittsd bis editorials to the officer referred to before he published thorn. He at length “ptayedout finan cially! and to raise the wind, no doubt, rapidly be. .rr,« -Inval " and now. like old John Brown’s sonl, h^goes mrncbii^on with Brownlow, Stokes & Co— Clevflanq iHaiiuieaUr. •; wferSasKT.fifsws’a ... Jot .< e. » .<L™ SSimti^ diuate craving for medicines. Fromimto this Old bachelor did; only in ihrir case It is more to- mTnari^BtoWn as baker', breed. Tb« American Coloffisalloo Society has beea" applied to by six hundred colored peo ple at the South lor a passage to Liberia General Insurance AGENCY. FIRE, MARINE, # # Life and j^Locident. INSURANCE EFFECTED AND LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. 89 BAY STREET, Savannah. Ga. WM. R. BOYD, SeparlaUedent mf l|»ey. A. WILBUR, aepSStf Oeweiwl A*e*». HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS FURNISHED. PARLOR.BBTS, extra well upholstered. FINE BED ROOM SETS, Walnut and Ma hogany. COTTAGE BED BOOM SETS, of every variety. DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SETS. MATTRESSES, BOIabTERS and PILLOWS of all kinds. - Steiger’s Volks Kalender VCR 1*67. PRICE—SS Ckuts. * Foreale by ocl - E5TTLL k BBO. MARTIN J. FORD, ATTOnSKV AT LAW, * OFFICE. Mo. 70 BRYAN STREET, ivIT-am SAVANNAH, GA,, Wax and Pearl Flowers. T HB ART of making WAX and PEARL "LOWERS la taught in an elegant manner, and iff a very short rime, by Mes. ELI£ A KEOGH, Corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, jylS-ti Over L. Fries’ Store, Notice I S HEREBY GIVEN that the partner-Wpa bnsso. fora < listing under the a.mes of Miller, Thomas A Go . In s&vabnah. Ga., and Tbomae. Ltvlngi.ton A Co.. Madison, Fie , have been dissolved by the death of D G Living*ton. one of the partners. A. J. MILLBR will give his attention- to the boat- ness In Savannah, ana 8. B. THt'MABto tbs business in Madison, in liquidation. . A J. MILLElL . S. B. THOMAS, August, lifid. Surviving Partners. The subs ribers will contione the Grocery and Com- mtsston Business in Savannah, Ga, at the store oo esptsd by tbe late fins, on Bay street. August, 18:8. MILLER A BROTHER. The subscriber solieltp for the new a continuance oi the p.tronage extended to the late firm. S. B. THOMAS. One of tne eurvivdVa. Ahenot. 190d. * nilAf MP4RT1RSBIP NOTICE. npHE UNDERSIGNED has this day associated with Unuelf Mr. hAMUkL O. GATHEKWOOD, for the X Hs purpose of on the Wholesale andRetaf Drug and Preecnfiffni Business. Tbe firm will be known under the name and .tyle of THOMAS M. TURNER & CO., THOMAS H. TURNER. SaTakrab, August IX1366.auSt-tf KITTLES FOLDING SPRING BEDS and MATTRESSES, the beat Bed to use, find WARRANTED SUPERIOR to all others. ^ . LACE AND GAUZE MOSQUITO CANO PIES, and CANOPY FRAMES. T he undebhgned will oontihum the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS ob his own account, and respectfully solicits «on- mign meats of Cotton and other pradnee. Office S8 D y afreet. MOB*F E. ALLEN. SivAiniAH, Sep.», 1888, »e>* 1m Bale Rope. 1Q00 and good. OOILfi KJHCB JUTE lag ISM. stmf . DAKIUS ALLEN, . , 8* Pine afreet. New Toth. Gunny Cloth. 50 t ptogfog] IW> *ScH AEiSdN WAREROOMS, -~i * ^ * 178. Broughton Street, leatli Deposite 81. Hint's HaH jeRAm Chills and Ferer, Asthma, * Rheumatism, Cancer, And Epileptic Fits, CURED BY MRS. ELIZA KEOGH, Corner of 'Broochton and Barnard -treeti Oyer L. Freid’ssto Paper Hangings HD Window Shades. MB8. MAitr J. TURNER, No. 58 St. tkilian Street, ae received a sew supply of Paper Hangings, Win. (1 fchadee and Gilt Cornices, which will he sold Cheap . DIO- FOR RENT, M On reasonable terms FOUR COUNTING ROOMS and TWO LARGE HALLS to the brick bnlldingon tbe com« of B*y and Lta- cola etreetfl. Foaeisaton given Immediately EDWARD PAPELFOHP. Thomaston Lime. />/-v/y bbls. fb'sale to ° vU BRADLEY, HUL * COu BACON! BACON! Fifty Hogsheadfi Shoulders and Sides, Inhaadeoae order, Jnat reeffived and for sale to |g«Q| M mm |h| M W. H. Whitney ^ Co., aepai-i No. It Stoddard** Lower Range. TALLAHASSEE, FLA. DYKE a SPABHAWK, SaoMtowL sas'jfst.'SfASSft'ft’Sfss; »tiKffi , sws."attsas Hi; For Sale. I OFFER for file my ReMdenee. with Its extensive wromMla, aitaaied lathe moat de sirable and beautiful part of Ttoowavlile. .The Home la large handsome and coBve- . lie Gardena Urge, productive and handsomely arranged; the Orchard dbntaina many varieties of ex cellent trait,- and .the Vineyard torse, varieties of grape*. The water Is abundant anffexceilent The pbee contains 8* scree, tbe who's eeftobie fog building lota. 8ueeu are already Uid off and homes >oln« «P wound th* g~* c Rraufilh Of peinuv. BILL A CO.. KP»1« , tovaMfiE. *• '