The Daily news and herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1868, October 04, 1866, Image 3

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% mm \oC At MAT TERS. - ;3 tii ' da y MORNING OCTOBER 4. ipcs P- Si<ainstil|» and gteanww fob new YORK Oencral Barnes, Tnurfeday. October 4th, 'c, n Salvsd r, on Saturday, Octobereth, IICM'-I' ■ clock p. >»• FOB PHILADELPHIA. • Tooawanda, Saturday, October 6, at 7« . jjBlSll'P ' ,;K » ® FOR DALTIMOBB* ,jip Gen. McClellan, on TUnrsday, October fob daRIen. ,1 \i Pool, Friday morning, 5th inst., at .;j©er xi. cu * ^ t':ock« FOR FLORIDA. < T i z7ie pakvr, every Saturday morning, at ’ * ,,c ’. lvftE snore, every.TneBday morning, ai r MW Moots* STOW;—mrnfh» BdreittMan&t to b© found in. another column, it will be seen that Mr. D. 8. Kreuter, for many years connected with th grocery business, has opened the store corner of Lincoln street and York street lane, where he will keep constantly oh hand the choicest groceries, tables and liquors, and at as low prices as they can be purchased elsewhere in the city. Mr. Kreuter having made arrangements with several of the leading houses in the North^vill receive per steamer,’weekly, the choicest and besKrticles of provisions, fee. From his long experience in the business in this city, we have no doubt’ but that those who may give hith a call wi^l be well satisfied with the articles and prices. New Store.—By their advertisement in another column it will be seen that Messrs. Einstein & Eck. man have op ened a .pew wholesale and retail Boot shoe, Hat and Clothing Store at 163 Congress street. Their large stock embraces every article in their line, purchased from the best manufacturing houses in the Northern cities. They invite merchants and planters to pive them & call before purchasing else where. ^—\r ’TILL * v BROTHBtt, Newsdealers, tita- }lc-.» r r 1,5 g u0 i;sellers, Bull street - (down stairs, : )" a ne , next to the Post Office, arc au- :^ ncru ‘ rCllts for the Daily News & Herald. ; * T,7 - e . - them will De promptly attended OF COUNCIL. C null mot last evening. Present—Hon. t i -s u Mayor; and Aldermen Freeman, Me- and Oasoy. l0!I ’ ' ,if tho last meeting were read and ap. fh£- Eaifl“ te - -,rrd. tc «T. 9 H)DO r , • Arrival of Steamers.—The steamship s Tonawan da, Captain Teal, from Philadelphia, and the San Sal vador, Captain Atkins, from New York, arrived yester day. Both of these steamers were detained a day behind their usual time on account of r.eavy weather. f\>r full files of New York and Philadelphia papers, we are indebted to Pursers J. S. Teal and C. C. Cam bridge. ^ , . Pilot Boat Anna Sims.—The pilot boat Anna Sima, which has been laying up for soma time, undergoing repairs, having completed the same, proceeded down the river yesterday afternoon on a pleasure trip, prior to entering the arena for her share of the business of the fall aud winter trade. £ C. Anderson, to whom was referred of ilrainaso aud sewerage, asked the indul- ^7;, eB „ r a for not having attended to the as he had been sick for sometime. \, l V chairman of Firo Committee, to whom ^ r'ii referred the communication of Oglethorpe ~ lUJ p 4 ny, asking for the sum of four hundred ‘ dollars for services from V. i ' » <: , 18*53, to Au- . * uMie a lengthy report, in which he stated r . Company had not bec-n in service from A u- ... to August,. 1863; that their charter had run • .jiuev were out of service; that in 1865, the oifleers of the \ ompany had presented an . -fr. m the provost marshal.directing him as chief t0 turn the property over to said officers, 'kjTcwa-* done. i. oowniittoe aiso presenied a protest from Mr. J. . . ihf attorney of certain citizens, members organization against allowing this . m xh“ committee recommended that the prayer , t j. e „ tiiioners be not granted, which, on motion, c- ufirnied. ll:c l ire Committee: to whom tans referred the pe- ... u f praii' is S 'rrell, asking permission to erect a >r . in front of lus liouso, submittei a report, • ^ui -n-ling that the same be grituted, provided the • raca’Jt o-Miplicd with the fire ordinance, which • vidtdfor the erection of verandahs ten feet above Ic'cM the street. Report adopted. ;ht same t- mmitiee made a report on the petition Wil.-ou in regard to making certain repairs to . .;,n l .udmgs, recommending it be granted, with • ,-jain* 1 piu vision. Adopted. T; e same comuiitteo submitted a bill from Mr. Phil- tauk for two hundred and twenty-five dollars, for boil and fixtures in tower on West Broad street, and as in their •/.iir. 'H the bill was loo largo, they submitted it to Council lor action. Mayor’s Court.—There was ro Court yesterday, in consequence of offenders having come to the con clusion or taking a resting spell, probably to mAke a fresh start,! Mr. P. A Herbert, the gentlemanly agent of the Italian Opera Troupe, arrived in the city yesterday morning, and is stopping at the Pulaski House. For copies of Jute Mocon papers we are indebted to the Southern Express Company. Arrivals at the Hotels. PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. \yiLTEKUUER. After tile U.<1« W Hvan, Chariest,™ A Baring. Liverpool P A Herhert.Airt Opera Co n Solomon, Gordon B T Russo il, Bakcf co R C P iiklll, laily, lulant * ncicc, Fla .1 W Benui-t', hid 1) W Davis Clms T W Neely, Jefferson cj W K Mercer, Burke co .1 Cru'oh, ecu, do L B Uilletr. Augusta Judge linker, Fla W C Tinker, iiarien 1> Ci Wul'C, City ,1 H Ha} es, Fla II11 Amesworth, Fla W Peppin, Enfuula ,1 W Evereii A lady, MY Col Holiday, Fin ,1 UobJoii, Paris A Leih, co A Gaueshlne, Palis i> Call, C*y I’ A -crouton. Augusta T Fahey, Mobile M Homans, Moliile O J WPson, Pleasant III11 M J Cohen, City : S Teal, sir Tonawanda A .loues, . do J M Foreman, do Japr Baymore, do Cant W Jennings, do J Tracy, do W C Harris, Pliila H J Strobhar, Ga H Beclltcr. Forsyth . A Wylie, Fla C H Prndilen, Macon J A Davis, lady & servt, Albany Miss Kusscll, Angasta 8 T Neal, Dealing N P Jclke, Fla W Eatabrook, I^xlngiun LJ Parr, C'oviugion W H llra liord & lady, Fla E Bradford, jr, F.a 11 Douelron, Tenn Col Hamlllou, 8 C J H iimlton, 8 C P A Bol dest, City H L sliultz, 8 j Ex Oct. 3,1865. 354 bales cotton, 16 do yarn, 7 do rags, 83 do do- mesucs,253 boxes guns, 13 ears scrap iron, 17 bids dried frnlt. 11 rolls lecher, 12 cars lumber and mdse, F W-Siros & Co, Crane A G, Briglmm, H A Co, Hon- “r* a J, Woods t Co. Patten A Bon, Brady A M. L MlIiEHDt, T J Walsh, J GaiHasd A CO, Tebean, p k Co, Capt C A Beynotde. Bryan. H k Co, Champion fc F, C D Rogers, Jones A W, Tison A G, E C Wade .1 M Kmchley, J A Roberts, Austin A K, Anderson A 8on, L J Gnilmaitin A Co. P U Beto. A S Hartrldue. JL Villalonga, Bothwellft W, BeB/W AC GIST UK VEliELS 111 TIIK PORT OV SAVANNAH. 2 SAYAnotOcU A 1866. artHtanips.' San Salvador, Atkins, New York—B H Hardee. Tonawanda, Teal, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gam- mell. - ... Jshot Dalglish, (Bt) Dalglish, Catite*ena-L t OuUiuartin A Co. ■ ... • - •. Sagadahock, Auld, Boston—C L Coibjr A Co.“ Starlight, sparrow, SoMth America—O AlcDonongh. Aobie .N Franklin, Holbrook, discharging—Crane A GraybHL _ . Ragle, Remington, discharging^* J Stark ft’Co. BRIGS. ► Nellie Mitchell/Dnnphy, Asplnwall—C L Colby ft Co. Mintle Miller, Morton. Portland—Blair A Bickford. Irene, Tyre, New Ywk—C.B Colby A bo. Firm, (Br) Wi ey, Burbadoes—T B Marshall A Bro. Prank W, Joleinc, Halifax—Crane A GraybiU. Prairie Rose, Bamloff, discharging—Hunter k Gammell. * Newberry,, discharging—Wilder ft Fab. larton. SCHOOKKRS. Arlington. Halsey, discharging—Hunter A Gatn- melL W L Springs, Steelman, Philadelphhi—Wilder A Fuilarton. Glenroy, Mnrray, waiting—nnnter A Gammell. Forest King, Welsh, discharging—R K Hertz A Co. Wassta, Haskins, New York—0 L Colhy A CO. M E Taber, Arnold, discharging—K E Hertz A Co. A Keen, Robinson, Philadelphia—'T B Marshall A Bro M B Mahoney, CoBn, discharging—Peters k Hol lingsworth. Ora ffloueta, Ryan, discharging—Nixon A Don nelly. Fannie, Kinsey—Hunter A Gammell. SavliWtoutesatfe frfcerCtrrreirtr Article*. l*r\From to AAs, klat«»ey, CdUlfia k Co., $ & 4 c. Pfnladek)fcR ? . bbl Ai 00 A. Scotch and English cask.. .doz 4 75 § Imitation doz 3 00 ^ Taylor's Albany Cream... . .bbl 19 00 Atplb -bbl 5 50 (m G 09 Bawung, Gunny yd 36^(g^ 38 Tucker. Carter 6l Co yd 40 © 45 Dundee yd* 35 (a) 45 Beef,Mess. ..bbl 23 00 (g i jtra. Mess (new) half bbl 17 00 (u) 18 00 . Ftfltou Market haifbbls 1700 BacoH, Itibbed Sides tti 21 <£ 21 Clear do do lb 22 (a) * Clear Sides lb bfioulders ib lb Brfawm Pilot ib » BEANip. Mediums bbl 6 00 Bra.*C,7 cwt Butter, Goshen lb MtHJd Weateru. \.. lb Candles, Adamantine. tb Mould -fti Mould Coal, Bed Asli, dehTered. .ton English, do • CaSdi, Asserted Fancy....".., gp Caeasn, Farm Dairy... Good Factory S'..... It; English Dairy.. ........2b Cioabs, Comi.-otierrt M Seed and Havana............M Imported.,,:.....Jt Corv.K, ML Domingo lb Bin... 1 ... tb - Java, common to.good lb DomssYki Ubona— Shirtings, « yd 'Shinmgs, yd Yarns, .ji bunch Cotton Omabargs.....-....8oz Georgia Plains yd Prints yd Flour,’ buperhne bbl Extra. bbl Wustern, taucy brands bbl! 16 -U) 7 00 . 40 <3 © 6>i© 00 © 50 © 43 © «1S | ton U 60 © 30 © • *0 © 15 © 21 © J>* © SOM © SO 00 3-8 27 <0 28 im 0 22 9 SO: O 13 (tt <S* 18 0b 4? a 74 $ 24 (*0 Financial and Commercial. ■ubpioii, mi 'tion was made to lay ou ire vailed. prepared as per resoluflon of Coun- . u-as r.a i fir t t:me, providing for the extension of tin- plan of tli city over farm lot iir Holland tytiling, Pereival Ward, au>l the opening of certain streets. Tiic ordinance w is laid over and ordered to be pub- llsh*d for :uforui.iUi*n. ff.v i-t tl:iuu was received from wm. Remshart, ask ing teriui-si'iii to ripair certain wooden buildings. Beft-rred to Ciiit-f Fireman. A jn*tn»!'»i from John Roach, asking permission lobuiltl au extension to wooden building corner West Broad and Chariton streets, wa> received and referred to/’iiiff Fireman. ^ Petition ofjas. McDonald, asking permission to build a kitchen on ol No. 24, Charlton street, was ro- Krred to Fireman. Pet.tion ■: li. Mallon, asking permission to r»^air - •jiien buiiiiiiig Southwest corner of Congress and Whitaker struts, was referred to Chief Fireman. A c:juiu:uuicatiou from Waring Bussell, E^q., Jailor, Hiking that tlic pay of the watchman at tae .sil !•** mcrca-c-ii, was received. Tlie petitioner stated that :uc watchmen were required to be on duty e:g'-t*vu hours i ut of the twenty four, and in many irstances had to act as nurses to the pick prisoners in iidicoi) to tin ir other duties, and that the pay was ■••piate to suyport their families. • in :i ,u was made that the salaries of the tvatcli- n.c.U- in.leased to correspond with that received by. tin city p'uicunon. Adopted. A i-rtition was received from Mrs. C: Conn asking tbii liie taxes on certain property which she was pre- Tmuilfruui lining bo refunded, which'’was referred to a Ofy Ireasuier, and if all dues were paid he waB r i-rci io refund tlio amount asked for. i A jietition numerously signed was received from j Ur.Jao. McDermott, Messenger of Council, asking ‘fiat l i- sjUry bo increased. t ieriii:,n McMahon paid a high tribute to the effl- ci- ;aiul fauhl'ulneas of htr. McDermoti, and moved kiltie -mm of one hundred dollars be appropriated t Liu. for. extra services, which motion was adopted •.]'•!man Freeman offered a le-oliuion that the ti. -uni t-l two hundred dollars bo appropriated to Printer lor luo maniionn which the work bsi lki\i. xcciited, and in view of the large amount •f extra work which had been xierformed. Mr. Frreman slated tliat most of the old ordinances tad beta r viicd and published, and that a great ntiijy i.n. ;e had"been published for information afto fu.v. rtiuViug, thus nece*biuiting a double amouut cl work. 0a inoiiou, iluf resolution was adopted. A aicjii,-icatiou from, the Chairman of the Board ofElucauua was received, asking for an appropriation of arc iitindrej doliara for the ittontti of September. E: red to them xt Board. •y efft-reda resolution providing for v«i hundred copies of the Mayor’s and report in pamphlet form, for distri- a.hg:(ed(o. ' : ty offered a reso utioii providing for tiic rateiitiou-of Mr. JJerrien as assistant in the Clerk's $ • uni.! Ja: nary next, at a Baiary nf one huudred d-.-.iura, which was amended to read; M That he be re- ! ‘*:vd 1 -i.g as his services are required in tbs cfficf," alter which it passed. h e May»,r submitted his annual report as pub- ftshtd iu .n ews and Herald of yesterday morn ng. Aiueruiuii Freeman Btated that he had authorized purchase of Lot No. 17, Carpenter’s Row, aare- tt-mtufiided iho Committee cf Freeholders, for the ium o» $1,95U AidfcrniAn Crane offt-red a resolution providing for g the Salary of Mr. Cole, tho Assistant Clerk l - •••e M .iket, to forty dollars per month. He Mid the Hillary of tho Assistant was but twenty- ‘brs, but tho Clerk, Mr. Bruner, had been-pay- * n - lum flitceu dollars a mouth out of hie own salary, ft * din ion was agreed to. the auditing of sundry aceounts Council ad- l " lt Grand Cotckrt To-night.—At the solicitation ’■Mitral of our most respectable citizens. Professors y “t--,Louis and Maas,and Mr. Erlich have consented ‘V'' 1 a second grand concert at St. Andrew's JElall *’ ►■ eniug. That tho citizens of Savannah are lover fl ■*tmiBic i-** not a mere boaet, but a fact that finds its 5 »eit»on ou every good opportuuity. Wo therefore beg assure them that, judging from the skill and ^’••t di-played by these geuileuien on the evening of ‘teiSth ultimo, tlie true devotee who deliglits in the of music will be more than gratified by the per- kftn.nce this eveniug. They will have the occasion - i caiy of hearing the renditions of an aBBociatioli '** favorite artists, but they will, as they should, be ffriug encouragement to the musical talent which re- ;id €h m their midst. The programme, which appears •t another column, is too well known need special ^enti a by us. For tlio present we must be coutent ^ ft‘-:i!sg our lutroductory notice until we meet the PiofeugoYs and the reader in the concert poom, to go ^toecstacies «.f delight over tlie pure and vigorourf ‘^'f iruti^ns of tlie grand master, so firmly enshrined •k the hearts of all who love music for ita refining and character, and its humanizing influence*. Arrest of a Dry Good* ■fThtef* Ah-^m seven o’clock last evening Policeman Quatie, on duty at the Market, obaenred a man liaising '••th a holt and portion of a bolt of dry goods. Think- ,n k tuat all was not right, the man was stopped by Po- liC «iuaii Quane anu questioned about the goods in his •'^session. jj fc i U g unable to give a fair statement, he w Wub-ju! b&ing tak,eu into custody, when he dropped P° 0t i* and ran. He was closely pursued by the talicenmn, who was compelled to bring his club to SCREVEN HOUSE—G. McGlNLY. W M Smith, City [Mrs L Maaina, Fia A Twinainaue, Augusta MSchwaiz, do Mi««s Basa, Ga | F J Egbei t, do A Reppard, wife k son,Qa vi Het nek, N Y J Friend. Fernanainu H Hentlrickson, wife c Pike, N Y j child. Fernamllna L -1 Whifeside & lady, F*a .) Snyder, A&OK-R Miss M Whiteside, Fla |J Verderey. do Mis - S Whiteside, Fla Mrs A Russell, N Y G H WhitesMe, Fla |J C Aideu, Skidaway G B Whiteside, Fla J • MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. Luc*. F Wvatt, Ga 1) L Yu'ce, Fla .1 B Hill, Newton J W Laiiei^r, .sewton »y M JRuhiusOn. Rev Cutler Mr Suiitn, City E Pipe, City S Hoyt, N Y Gen Tilisou, Ga W A Hopkins, Tsnn Dr J D Martin, Uitjr N KoDiieau, CRB li Merunni. City ' * Mrs 11 u:I A: child, Phil Dr Wimie, USA J Amirf. N Y J A Murphy, N Y E T Routh, N Y *V Ji Al« ssene, Boston J Ellen wood, Fia J S Turner, Fla B F Lyons, Fla JJ Hatch, <£ indy, Chelsea' (Mrs * F Mitchell, . do [Mi’S J Main. ' do A apple Americu* 111 M Noe, sir S Salvador A Lo©b. Horn era vifte ] F H Tiffany A lad}’, N Y PAVILION HOTEL—Hi K. Sears. |F Fisher, etr Sau Salvador J A Frost. do H W Page* do TGoodwin, * |.l Henry, do If G Price, ul Linn, do P Buss, <A Hamilton, do R E iiailiugtou'WaltJiour- F KeiApvm, do jCapi F Gadagher, USA G Knox, >' Y G U end licks, Ga H McDonald. ville S YVAJflfAH MARKET. Savannah, Wedne*day, Oct. 5,1866. Cotton—There has been ah active demand during the nast week, and prices have advanced fully 5c. on last week’* prices, say 39@40c. for New York mid dlings, at which prices all desirable lots are eagerly taken up. Inferior grades and uneven lots are not in request. The receipts for the week amount to 2.520 bales up land and 19 do. Sea Island, against l.lOOruplauda and —5- Sea Islands for the week previous—increase in receipts, 1,439 bales. The exports for the week amount to 2,373 bales upland against 1,848 bales up land aud 33 do. Sea Island for the wesk previous—in crease iu exports, 486 bales. Cotton. Statement. m a ^ » a op 3 I s I S | I'l I 1 I a 3 b f ? ! I ■M.f Ilf iff : § : I g !• •: : : : : 8 -US -S3 B eo « 1st r EXPORTS OF COTTON ' Prom September 23, 18#r., to (fetober 3, I960. Shipping Intelligence. .tlSiiiature Ahnanw;—Tills Day. if HI II WATER. . . 2 15.At Port. the ] rim City Ir« i . e.iuai . * -PORT OF SAVANNAn. " Wednesday, Oct 3. 1886. Arrived. Steaniphip Tonawanda. Teal, Philadelphia—Hunter A Ganincll. Steamship San Salvador, Atkins, New Yorls—B 11 Hardee. St earner Two Boys GarnCtt, Augusta—Brwm & Hardte. Cleared. Steamer Swan, Cohen, Augusta—M A Cohen. B ig Beil Barnard, C ok, Philadelphia—G gart. Below. A bark and tiirre-urasted schooner. Ports. Liverpool Boston. :[ New* York [ Baltimore.. ...I Philadelphia. i Providence, R. L J Total Exports I N*w Georgia...............*»ck 7 Fish, Mackerel, No. 1 .bbl 23 U0 do do kite 3 t>5 <gi do No. 2 bbi 21 0U & 22 do do >a bbls 11 OU (g) do do .....kite 3 00 (or * • do No. 3, Urge....bbl 18 00 & Herrings, No. 1 80 <qi .. ,«lo Scaled., box 90 (yt Cod, choice lb 09 ($ Fertilizer*, ith’d* Phos.Liu^.toni 62 50 & Guano, Peruvian ton 110 (.0 (£120 00 3 Bolivian ton! 80 00 <& Grain, Corn, yellow IT. wharf bush 1 22 (gj WAite - bunhl 130 (# 135 Mixed bUhiii Gats...., ....bush 75 @ GlAss, ’ American Window % . I Hat, Prune Northeru.... cwt} 1 75 @ 2 00 Eastern cwt 1 90 <gr Hides, good Flint lb 11%(<£ Dry Salted *. in n ^ Hominy ...bbl* 5 50 ($ IRON, Swedes............; ft 9 10 Refined ft 6,' 4 (g) Lard, Prime Leaf..../ lb 24 ^ Pressed...... ft 24 S LKau .*...ft 12 Lime, ltocUsiul. Uni 2 25 (g Leather. lYeiiok c$tfsKin doz Hot <4 87 I S^le Bern lock..ft 40 Oak Tuuucd Ib| 55 (aj l Liquors—Whisky— j J, Gibson, Sons & Co.'s] 3 45 (5} do do Old NecUir.gai. 4 10 ^ do...-do 0amnet.;/.faij 5 00 / Ve J. Tlatk k Son’s XU*Qt... -gal ^ - r. *” An 1 A. — •' 9? Aoctton Sates. BY BDUlf ft HBYBR. THIS DAY, 4th lost, at 10 o'clock, will he M6. * 1 hhd. Bacon Shooldera 2 hhds. amoked Ham, 3 teA augir-cntv4 Hams 10 blfls. yiour 20 boxes Goshen Cheese .20 tub* Lard '20 bbls. Ufht-browo Sngsr " - 10 bask^e Champagne ‘ 20 boxes Claret * * 5 boxea Chewing Tobacco 10 boxes Tomato 10,000 assorted orse, agMi^umes, , Boggy and. Harness 1 Unger’s Sewing Machine new, in Black Wat. not Case, oc4-lt CONTINUED CHATHAM COUNTY SfiEWFPS H4TH W ILL be sold on the second TUESDAY in October next, between the legal honaa or sale; befor- the Conrt House door in the city or Ssyannah, the Steamer MAUY KLLA, with. aU her tackling end an tierel t also, three 8re<ta BoHetm flw Beepers, one bundle Bedding, two boxes Bedding, one box Boots, one box Reddiug, one box Stationery, one box Crock, ery, one Bed, Ac., cne box lag and tiro boxes, esn- t.ute uakndwn s ' . Levied on as the property of Henry L. PHmer and nun! Swan . CharlesC.Sklltoo,tosgtWyan ettaehmeutreturns “ Vc yg hi. tn Sit, SnnMrlor Court ol Chatham conntv in Jen. ble to Hie Superior Court of Chatham county in Jan- nary next, at the suit of Cges. L Colby A Co. Sold t>j order or the Hon. A. U. Uausell, Judge of the Soperkir Court ol theSonthera District of Georgia. Property pointed ou r by plaintliT’s attorney. snipping, Eip.pir© Line FOB HEW TOIL PASSAGE RATBB: Cabin Passage. BB3...........Steerage, $13 ’ *’ THE STEAMER OlhlahftblM ^ omuuTng. FOR NEW YORK ATLANTIC C0A8T Alail Steamship Xjine. SIDS WHEEL DIN®. San Salvador' ATKIN'S, lUst€£ ' , win aat( for Sew Y ork n ^ v ' latarilay, Oct/ 6, at S o'clock p. I ' For height or passage, having aecoamodations sa perior to any Bteamer In this trade, apply to '*’• - hE. 1UBDKB No, 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, oc3 ’ No. 5 Bowling Green, N. Y. Scp21 BE.NJ. L. COLK. ShertYC. C. TRUSTEES SALE. BY BEkh, WYLLY ft CHRISTJAB. Will be sold, on the FIRST TUESDAY in November next, tn front oft he Coort Honse, between the legal hours of sale. Lot Not 8, corner of New Houstea and Jeftereon streets. GO feet front on New Houston, end 165 feet on Jefferson. ' — Terms cash, purchaser to pay for titles. de2> Regular Auction Sales OF Horses, Mules, Cattle, Wagons, Maggies, < CARRIAGES, *e., At the Veterinary Stables of R. V. CAKVBELL, on Bey street, between Jefferson end Montgomery street-, will cowmenoe on WEDNESDAY, Sept. 19th, and evMjJKeitoe8d©^2Si2St.«__««««JSBit2s, Ex. Keel.. _ Wsllsce’s Bramie— Bo«rbou Whisky X gal 2 70 © Old Kentucky Whisky ... .gall 3 00 © ’ lmpersti Whisky.. .gm| 8 48 © ,,i, Koilly, Lesvy A Co.’a iiiiiud.—. McGregor Whtbky....' gsi| 4 60 © 4 75 Weaver Bye Whisky gall 3 75 © 3 85 Old BouruonWhisky., ga:| 3 GO © 3 75 Lone Star gal] 2 35 © 2 95 Otard, Dupuy *y Co. . qr; naif haU' casks, gal Pinch Qastiliou it Co........gel ltDM—Lons 8i»r. :_...gui Oin—Uolleud Gin gol Uoluiuumu gal Wises—Chamiwgue dun 12 00 ($’ 10110 © 16 00 2 ttt *© * 10 5 50 © 6 00 4 00 © 28 00 © 40 00 Claret c,),...., cssei 6 50 © 8 50 Sherry Wine, in egiuli casks.giu Fort Wine gal Molasses, New Cubs, hkde gsi J- I.C sod Ga. Syrup nom... .gel Imports. Per steamer Two Boys, Irom Angnsta—: boilaEi 7 bag, poi aloes, and nhlse. Exports. P?r Bteirashlp V'eferan, for Provilnnce, 1? 1—482. bales upland coium, 12 tonsmld iron. Prr brL Bell Barnard, for Phi:adelphla-418 tons railroad Iron. ■’aaicasera. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—Mlss A Russell, Miss t) Whlieside, Mrs R ed, MissRrcil, Mils Mucrni, Ml-3 Misirc, MI-s .lanis, Miss Purler, Miss A K dliflish, GAp.iCl, wile mid 6 children, J .1 liaich and wife. .S 51 .con, wife, 3 children and anrvi, I)r J Davis, wife slid svt. Mrs H Scott and child, s J white-idcs and wile, Mr» SI -.Whitesides, MrsQA Mo lnskev, MiaH T Prentice, 5Iis3 A Wjnn, Mrs w ard, .1 li Dii.-sey. wife and 4clilldri n, \V Elm< r and wife Mrs c T Miicbeil, Mrs K Jordan, Mrs H Ward, Mrs J Sloan, Mrs R C Decker an 1 iUui«Uter, Jas W Everett and wile, Mrs Brown, Mary Fienvug. Ann \lcAnile, J W li irroiighs and wi e, H Hendrickssn, Wi c nd child, Mrs M Rawls, oBHsit add wife, P \ Bingesi, mo her, sister aud 3 men, W Kline. 1 A Scranton, J Anmfit, F W Reed. .1 Cohpn, T Fleming. D J Real, M Hrttrick, 11 B-ckler, J Slern. P Ward, L Wirkeiiaki. A Wiley, W U Measure, F Hunter, AT Metcnll C T Sawyer. W rippen, James Klduwood, J Schwarz, F« Egbert, C Volker, E J dowdy, G If Whiteside, G M Whiteside and servt, J Avon, J II flays, J s Turner, C K Prutbleu, Mr McKeralium, .1 A Murphy. M Hearn. E R iir. Mr Meade, C Kelly, Th..s Fahey, J Friend, II Amsw., G Pliny 51 Mannier, Mr W el man, 1) Ca.iayi.mi. M Dawson, P H Bond, C U Pearco, M E Day, F Walter, 51 D Sickles. per elesmship JTonawanda, from Philadelphia—J McConaghy, (any and 2 children, Miss M Hnnter, E T Hasti'.g, Mrs-EH McKenzie, B Grade and lady, Mrs M Hull, Mrs M Lowe. Mrs Conway and family. J G Dioiz, mdy and 3 children, Mrs © Wilsud, Sirs 51 A O linn W Mea lowcrolt, lady aud 4 ehiidran. Mrs S S Fad e, W (>Harris, S S Fudge, Woriwn, A Reppard, S li Levitt. V Natttaus. AN Sibley. W R T .mb, Mrs M P Birtfum, Sirs A Reppard apd sou. L T P»lmg, and i deck. p , r Rteamcr Two Boys from Augusta—J G Mingel- doif, R II Mlkler. • Consignees, Per sleimsliip Tonawanda, from Philadelphia—C R R, Hunter A (i, 1’raue k G. -Macky, B A Co, A Dnteii- hoirer, MA C’.,hcn, F M Sl.ieli, Erwin,* H, w H Whliuey & Co, 1. Ldienthal, L * Kohn. McKee, B ft Co, A Minis, H Meimmrd & llro,.) Langsdorf ft Co, G B Luiuar, W W L’.ncoin, L JI Levllt. - Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—J H Anedge, Adams Ex'. Aus'in A E, Autlerson A Soil T U Ausiiu, G Appel, B .use .v II, A Behrens, B.uu * M, Brigham. 11 & 'Co, T Bateson, iiothwell ft W, $V K Boggs. Cooper, O & F, Clark * N. Coil'serat ft J, R Cowdm, N, tamp ft Co, CM chase, 8 M Coldlng, COinby, S & Co, I olm, Caffrey ft U, Callaghan ft CO, Ciuglioru jc C A Cohen, 1 W catey, Chamiiion ifi M A Cohen Crime ft G, J Davidson, M J Boyle ft Co, L uuuii, J H Demand, Doyle ft Co, T J Dunbar Co, DeWiU ft M. J Deacy, Duncan ft J, Krwiu A H, B ft Ein-lbin. E Ehrlicli, I) Finnegan, -M Fi rst A Co. A ft L Filed*ihierg, ,sGoo lad, I. J uuilmardu. CL Gil bert, G W Garmauy, A Uomin, G ft h, T Gilhooly, H B Holliday, H tl Hoeg. B II Hardee. Holcombe at Co, Heidi ft L, Houseman. A ft Co, A liamee, Mrs Has- scit A S Hartlldgc, Hilton ft K, A li Ives, Mrs JOues, Jolinstou, W ft Co, Kenny ft B. E H Kiniu, Kenny, o N H Knann. M Ulieutlud, M Lavtn, J ljuna, 1, t Eov"ll L A Kohn, LaKocne. W ft D, J Lippman, faihrop ft Co; Upprn n ft B.o, M S Meyer, P Mc Donald^ J H Moses, 7l“vred’j ft Bro, Mclutyreft Co. “n^Rx’h Me tiahon Miner ft Bro, J C Maker ^Co, Nat Kx H W Pease, ® L Neidiitiger, *>™ i'Oadiftgimtrff® I^en- llce, Palmer ft D, T Pepper. t a, II-Rosens - will, .. ra<y jNdwffnrl Kuwe J A Roberta, J j c t) Holers, Sioau, fe k J H 8 , a . t M, G McGiuiy, W aiarr, tayhCufMOet'» HS a k. A A Holomoi.B ft CO, E D rtrffrtlw. B Q Tddrwcjv TUOI11|)BuD, 2,373 BAQcr«a—Is offering freely at 36(<$37c., with but little demand. ^ Bacon.—Thsrs is* fair stock on the market, with a good demand. We quote ribbed sides at 22<&22*£c.; clear do. at 23c.; shoulders, 17@19c.; bams, 26©29c. Duffleld hams sre held at 20>4©32c. Coffse.—There is a good supply on the market, with a fair demaud. We quote Rio at 2G^)30c.; La- guira, 32 %c.; sad Jsva from ^7>i to 43 cents. Flouh.— Both old and new is in good supply, with a fair demand. It is held at from $8 60 to $18 $ bfyl., according to quality. Objlin.—The market continues well supplied with both wMte and yellow com. Western white is selling in quantities at $1 20, and Maryland, white from SI 35 to $1 40. Yellow is selling In quantities at $1 ifiy* $1 20. and retailing at $1 20($$1*«25. Hat—Is now coming in very freely, with mand prevailing; except for local consumption. We quote Northern at $1 70 from wharf, and $1 75^4 80 from store, and Eastern, $1 90. • ' Hidks—Have advanced %c. t and eagerly taken on arrival. The receipts are still smalL We quote how at J2^c. ^ lh. ' ' Limk—Is in good supply, with a fair demand. Itjs held at $2 2»@i2 50 according to quantity. - Molabsxs.—Th® demand is confined to the retail trade, for which the limited supply is adequate. A cargo of Cuba, old crop, consisting of 50 hhds. and 400 bbls., arrived duriug the past week, a portion of which has been sold at 62e. It is now held from atoft at6K§55c.' ' / Rom.—There is a fair supply, with «i •twpfofed demand. It is held at 18®22c. Oats.—The market is well supplisd with a fair de mand. Iu large quantities they sre .setting at 75c, and by retail at 80@S5c. per bushel. Scaams.—The supply is limited, with but Hkte wholesale demand. Prices are stiff, with air upward tendency. — — — - v EXPORT* or TIMBKH AKD LUMBSU ^ . from 1st September, I860. * Meal bbl From Mills bilaii Nails T ft Naval Stores, Tar ...bbi Turpentine /. bbl 1{hsji y bbi Oils, s^perni g*i Lard. gal Kerosene g»* Traiu . gal OnioKSv ... bbi Paper, News Printing ft| Ledger.... ft Commercial Note.’.ream ‘Letter ream Foolscap. ream Wrapping, targe aiwe ream eta ton all size ream Peas f ousfi Pork, Prime and ltqmp bbl Mtss. bbl Powdeji kegi do half kegi do qr. kegs do.. .V.. ft cans Potatoes bbi Rice. Clean ss. C ,.ft India. i. .... ft Raisins, layer box Layer. half box do .qr. box R41PE, Greenfeaf. Hyinp. v . ,.i......ft Jute....*..’. ;;....ft 8alt. Liverpool, as to quantity.sack So.vP ft Georgia Ctiemical ft Othe,. Brands Shot, Drop,-, bag Luck:.. .b^ Sugars,Musco’do and Porto itico.ib, While li ft! Yel.ow C ft Crushed ft Granulated ft Havana box Tallow. —.. ft Tobacco, Smoking, from stems..ft do % do leaf....ft Chewing, Diamond Twist.. ..ft do - Spun Roll ft Bright choice grades ft Medium ft Low... % ft Teas, Grogiir*.. r ...\ liiicir:.I; .Hi 1 Twine ’ Vineoak, White aiul Cider gal )i>, Oak,iu j’ard..........,ccftl Pin- coid p LigHtivood .cord Wool. (Juwashed. *.....ft Washed. ft Wax. ft 4 00 (o> 4 60 80 <tj> 7 00 dp 1 cd © 7 X© 4 0U © 4 (10 © 2 90 © 2 75 © ’ . 2 15 © 75- © 1 75 © 3-75 © 24>i© Exported till, week... Exported previonsiy.. Total exports. I 1.935,321 | 1,661,868, 310^84 1 1,935.3*11 31a, 085 Baltimore Market. ' > Friday, September 28, 18CC. Cotton—Has been In very brisk demand by spin ners, and the sales have nearly cleared ihe market of all good grades offered. We quote to-day middling upland at 87@a7>4c. and firm. „ Coffeb.—Toere were sales yesterday of 1,000 bqgs common Kio, extra Lapwing, at 13>gc.; 350 bag* tair, extra Cliitou, at 1234c.; to-day 1,150 do. good, per lat ter, at 13,Me., all gold, in bond. Tbe market iaiirm, with R-Hue inquiry from Western tdiyrrh. Goal.—We quote anthracite, large lota, delivered at the yard, $7 50; and retaiHois, delivered in the city, at $8 25® 88 60. Cumberland is dull at 85 96 fur car goes, deltvei od tree on board at Locuat Foint. o Flour.—The marketia veryjtirm for all description, with salea aa follows: 300 bbja. common City Rills Exna at 8111 200 do. fair at 812; 200 bb.s. Northwest ern Extra at 812; 425-do. do. at 812 26; 100 bhteUty AllUa super, good, at 810 60; 100 do. Dhio and How ard street at 810 75@*fU 87«. City MUis Is offered at 819 25; medium grodes ot Extra nt,^12©|j2 2o, ana in good demand. We give the mnge«lh«,t»ar- ketasfriUowi: Howard street Super *nd Cuf Extra at 81» 76*11: do- Extra Shipping, 812®*12 75|<lo. High grades, $13@1» 60; do. Family, M®15; <»*<> Sutler, 810 '60©81U 75; do. Extra Shipping, fiope; do. 53rtug, $U 600813 : do. Family, ;8«@814 50 ; Northwestern Super, $10; do. Cal'*, til 2»®$1- -5. City Mills Super, $10 25@$10 56; do shipping brauds Extra. $14©$14 6j; Baltimore, Welch’s and Green field Family, 8BR »“d Baltimore high grade Extra at •15 25 per bbL Bye Flour, new, $6 25© $6 50. Mills, $4 40©$4 50 per bbl. tar upon the supposedlliief before he could stop his headway, Auer arresting him, he was taken back to Market, where he had thrown llie goods, aud was oihipeiitM to pick them up and carry them with him to Hie Police Barracks, where the cloth was shortly “'hr ideunfierLas the proporty of Messrs. Kenny A ^ On.-u, and had been stolen “from the inside of their t’toio door. The thief, who gave hlB name as John j B-F Uituer, Siiauahau, but m>on whose person letters were found ! °\tu ic tvi a,J dressed to JohuFox, was locked up until this morn- | West, W P Yotlug. "*• wl,eu he l*e prosecuted by the parties from i Pe . et£amer Tw0 Bo . Si fl0 m Angus! fi-E C Wade “cm he stole the goods. ! & Co, £ E Hertz A Co. iUUIIO vv l m _ . , wr, .n, H A Topltuiu, Tison * U, UU ;r, J L Yllifiionga, E H Vair NvJJ ,, Wen k .tl. Wilder Jt t, J Wart? I.*. . .... i r. r i.' t' limit- Corn, meal. City ■t r\f\ £\a-vv>iATHB- now landing Imm Bark eep2G Sai-Xat-LOUO bushel, white ind 4,000 bushels red offered; market itani. bushels fair red at $* 80; 2.000 bujpels i«c*b> »2“« at f2 90©t3, and 880 boshtte chcSjor tldpiXt.*, at __ _ _ .. $3 05—of white the only sale reported was a email lot Tr.Tffj- X * v .. is , e j, y of njnme at $3 06. Corn—l^qubfiebela only received Abbie N. Frankliu, ana lor with small salea of bath while and yeUow reported at 697©98c. Oats—9,000 bushels received nud Bold at 50®53c.; bulk aV 52@53c. Byer^l,000 bnafielo re- oeived, and as much sold at $1 per Uusheh ' Molabsks.—We hear of no sales to-day; mat sale was 160 puncheons English Island at 68c. V gallon, 4 months. provisions—No report received. ScaAR.—We notice sales to-day of 40 hhds Cuba, low grocery,at 10^c.; 12 hhds Demcrara vacuum pan. at 15-40.; and 106 hhds fair grocery Cuba on private terms. Salt.—We notice the sale of an invoice of 1,950 sacks Ground Akim, per titelkg on private terms. Phare is none now afloat for this market. Defiers to- - — tlnir ’ ‘ - Turk’s Island. 68©6Uo. bushel for iota lrom store, but little dem. nd. WlnnxY.—Yesterday there were sales .of 66 bbls. Western in lots at $2 43 ^ gallon; to-day the market is steady at same figure. 45 ’© 50 1 75 © 4 00 3 0U © 5 00 3 50 © $ 00 1 80 ©. 90 © J • 1 50 © 1 75 33 00 © 24 90 37 ()0 © 4 ■■ . 8 50 to> 9 p0 4 60 © 2 60 IS, 89 ©’ 3 75 © 4 08 12 © 13 •H‘4©- 2 60 1 50 22 © 2* 15 © 2 15 © H K© 11 © 14 13 45 > 3 ,UJi@ 3 25 © 3 50 © 13 © 17 © 1« © 18‘a© 18X© \3 © • 1234© 40 © 9014© 1 26 © 81 © ! '75 © I 25 SO © 75 25 © 40 1 0) © 2 © k 80 © T 56 40 © 45 35 © 40 ' 7 50 (31 li 00 © 7 50 © 30 © © 30 © • Wanted, 10,000 POtJ.NDS BLACK SEED COT TON. CnAS. L. COLBY A CO., Cornef Buy and Abercorn -trwta. NOTES DISCOUNTED * * ‘ • ‘ BY ! ' DAVID R. DILLON, Banker, nepggdf -324 BAY 8TREKT, , T WO MONTH:; AFTER DATE, application will will he msdeto t::ecourt o'OrJiuaiyolBulloch Conntufor have to Pell all the lands belonging to the estate of JAMK4 H- MARTIN, late of eMd coun ty, d. ceased, lor the beueflt of tbe heirs aud creditors ol said estate. This 20th day of September. 1858. JAMKS ALDERMAN. eeff-lawSm Admiu-snaror de Bongs Non. ' ., /..NOTICE, rpHE’nnderF.lgred have entered into a limited part- I er«lilp, BQiier firm name of A M SCAK- bkODGII far the buying and selling 01 merchandise, lioih oa gbejr u,.Il accuun: aud »n couimissiou in the citv of tiavannah. A. M. SCAKBROPGg ofdavnnnili, is the. general parlner, and ABtrAjf e. JEWELL 01 J-rs y Ciiy, State ot N-w Jersey, .STEPHEN D. UAKRIBONv ot Bergen. St-ite of New Jerrey, and coRNEULS D. VAN WAGKNEN, Oi tlieatyof New V ork, are the spt-ciai partners. Abram S. Jewell con- trtbutaato the couduou stock three thousand three hundred am! tltlrij-tlirce dollars and thirtj-four oeltt- (83 333 34.) nud tbe said Stephen D. H.trn-on and Coriiedus 1 >. Van Wsgenen contributeeacu three th-msaitd three ha- dr d and thlny-tlirc-e dollars and thirty-three cents ($3,333 33) This partnership Is to ■ijteuwncehon thc lst ot October, >864. and .hail con- tince far one year, to-wtt: until thel t of October, igfl- A. kf SCARBROUGH. - ’ A'lRAM S. JEWELL. .... r- ^ .ffTOTHES I'- HARRISON. K «■ OGBtt-ELlCa D. VAN WAGENEN. notice. TuTeiruuun gross sales of every description of mer chandise and wares, upon freight and passage money, payable in this city, aud npon horses and mules, are r.auBMkt06l«ud inonthtr; The Tax npon real es tate, eomm&sSuft and income are required to be paid quarterly. The nndereigned is prepared to receive tho Tax due for the third qumrter- WILLIAHgON „•! . ■ . : City Xreaanrec. Laths! Laths! CRANE * ORATBILL. Miscellaneous. REMOVAL. J. C. Maker & Co. .. .- j • • ARE NOW PREPARED TO EXHIBIT; AT THEIR NEW STORE, CORNER OF Broughton and Whitaker Sts., A FINE ASSORTMENT OF' Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, To Vtth AililioiB »itt Ik isie It Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co. For Philadelphia. JflE The first class steamship Tonaw^ndfti J. TEAL, Commander, Wm sail for the above potffon hntnrdny, October 0, at TJi o’clock s. «. For freight or passage, having snp rior accomnto- datioM, apply to —. sep24 nDNTKR k, GAMMELL OLD UlI-WKKEl L1M. Leare every Tnesjay .anil Satnrflay,. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BKUNSWIGK, OT. MA RY'S, FEHNANDLNA, JACKSON-* VILLE AND PlOOLATA The now and elegant steam packe- s, LIZZIE baker, Cape N. XHW, anfi SYLVAN SHORE, - „ Capt JAMBS TUCKER, having been specially fitted up for this route - ith unsurpassed aceomm-id ithms, will leave • regular!> fur the abirre places,-the Sylvan Sh ire every TIIK-- •Si? liSfcfM^^^ Ketnrnmg, w«U lease Jnctasanvil© *v«rv Tuesday add Friday*arriving pt hnrununh t-v«r, Wednesday and -Mtunny mnsoisgs; in time' to counecv-wtth the New York steam, rs. For fraight or Pnsssjsepply at tlio offleqen Florida wharf, or to ’ CsMe Passage, $83.. Steerage, $13 jtM ’ery fast sailing side© The new and very fast salltni side-wheel steamship GENERAL BARNES, 2.000 tons bocthen, Thoe. H. Morton, commander, wtn positively aail on her regular dr.y, Thursday, Oct. 4«h, aX * o'clock p. an For freight or passage, ltavlag hew aud splendidly arranged aceommoda’Ione, apply to WILDER A -MTLLAHTON, 8 Stoddird'.-, Upper Range. No engaged berths Sheared after Tuesday Oot 2d, nnlhss’paid for. sep28 For Baltimore. Sidewheel Line. ' The fine sidewheel steamship CEN. M’CLELLAN, HOWES, Commander, Will sail as above On _ ' Thursday, Oct. 11th, at a, o’clock. ' • . •/SV" -• * For -freight or passage having xm-ammodatlons equal to any ship rnpuingfrem thi- port, apply to _ * •,”* CRANE* GBAYpILL. (t r 3 t;’- • Agents. *• LAURA) fa-tain JOHNSON, Will leave Tii.d AFTERNOON at her usual hour (8 o’ lock) for all W >y La idings od Savannah River. For l elgui or pasiage «m>lv ou board, or to oc4-lt J. MoPHEKSON FARR. Agent. IlMWv ? EVERY STEAMER. 'oci-tr Wood, W«od. WOOD YARD - St ™’ cor - Ti.nk'n lalunrl RRlSlAlh. 93 .1 « - r "MilUlhtDll iD* HSDrMBW) mm The Old Established House,. COB. SOUTH BKOAD AND PRICE STS. MOTTO—“ Live and Let- Lite.** RICHARD RIECK A CO., B^ leave to say that" they h»ve taken the Old Estab lish^ Honae, which they have fitted 'ap in the most approved style. They would particularly call atten tion to their .Private Supper Rooai. Up Scutes. 43 s - WINES. ALES and LIQUORS, when desired, may be had by tlie Case at New York prices, particu larly ffinioger’s Celebrated Liquors. Tbe old Favorite Caterer is engaged. ocl-lw CHEAP ICE HOUSE. ICE! ICE! A T ICE nouSE, corner Whitaker street and Booth Bread street lane, south side, AT 0\E CENT <■ PER FOY7NTZX BY QUANTITIES, 75 CTS. PER 100 LBS. DELIVERED, $1 OC2-1W • F. BROWN.- DANIEL H. LOUDON.' NO. 63, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Shipping and Commission Merchant, W ILL sell nil kinds of Tob icco. Cotton, Bagging. Grain, fctaetl, Ac., and wKl execute orders for buying Merchandise and Produce ol every descrip tion. Cunsistnnients and orders solicited. RSPfiRE >iCKff. In RAYANNAn—Migor A. Porter, Dnucan A John* ston. N. A. Hardee & Co., E. £. Herts A Oft, John Storldaid. IN New York—W. C, Lam-ley A Co., Barclay & Livingston, Wm. Watson A Co. Liberal advances allotted on Cotton shipped to Messrs. Eyre’ Evans & Co.. Liver, ool. oel-ftn . N. A. HARDEE & GO: COTTON FACTOR s AND General Commission Merchants. KstablUherl in 1836. Liberal advances on consignments to our friends in New York. ocl-3m 1866 Fall Dry Goods: lj6 , TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, r 151 CONGRESS OT., SAVANNAH, Are ready to show the largest stock ol , . Staple anu Fancy Dry Goods 10 be fonnd In this city, and which are offefsfi : fit-the LOWEST PRICES. Call and see for yourselves, Osl-tf WM.- S. BOGART'S ' CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, CHATHAM ACADEMY, MALE DEPART MENT, Will be RtoftnO Monday, Oc*. 8th. Particular attention is paid to Composition and De clamation. French is taught as ops of th* regular studies. _ The school year to divided in© Three Tim*., of fourteen weeks each. The Tuition Fee ie 830, or 836 per term, according to advancement. - -onuer pupils will aecaefi their pleoee. and nfiffap- lante wBlreport this week for eaaminaMou. • M. P. BE aUFOHT, . SAIL-MAKER, BICHAISK WHARF, 2 ™*y- comer Weaker aud SLJnUenmreete. a*28-4t Cor. Habersham and Jonea streets ly^ANDFACTDEES Sails, Tents. Cota, Awnings, Window Shades, Blocks and Fills; White ItefirWaska, M,*8 and 98 pounds; • for rice, grain, tc. Having good workman and tnt. clast sswiBg-madhlaes,can fin ordere tor Bags at short notice. Tarpaulin, for hire. N. B All freight payable l;y «Wppera. Agent. lyis-ir FOR SALE, RIVER STEAMBOATS and TOW BOATS, of various sizes and draft. AL#»y ; , Safling Veseelw, St am Barest Ac. A. M. DA COSTA, No 42 Wat*r street. Jf, Y.. Notice to Maimed Soldiers Executive Department, y Milledgeville, Ga., September 20,18QG. j mHE report of The Committee of Scientific Sur X geons, appointed to examine samples of Artificial Limbs submitted to their inspection by different manufacturers, hiving been received, the contract is awarded to Dr. Douglas-Bly, for his Army and Navy Leg, aud for his Koeier Arm, as the lowest bidder, “takinganto consideration quality as well as price,” in the language of -the Act And the said Douglas Bly having executed a contract, which is on file in this office, to manufcctufce sfid Iambs In the city of Ma con, parties having procured the necessary certificate as provided in sections second and thifld of said Act, (which ipsy he Seen by calling ou the Ordinary,) may apply to the contractor and be supplied. Parties'ap plying are enjoined to strict compMancs with. I ho Act. Dr. Bly requests that the Ordinaries communicate to him at Macon the name and address of each person to whom they may isswe a certificate. . Let (his order bt pigfctbBd in tho papers of this city;' the Macon Tetagrwph.flnbitful Enqaifsr, At lanta Intelligencer, Borne Courier, Augusta CnronJcle A Sentinel, and Savannah News and Herald one month. CHARLES J. JENKINS, Governor. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That whenever any msjmed, Indigent aol'lieror officer, who ftag become so maimed in ttm service of the State, or in the ser vice of the Confederate States, while a member of any Georgia military organization, it shall be lawful for such soldier or officer, to apply to the Ordinary of the County where h* resides, for an order to obtain such artificial limb, or part thereof, as his maimed condi tion may render necessary; which he shall bh entitled io receive on complying with the conditions of this act. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That every such ap plication shall contain a personal description of the applicant, designating bis age, color, of ins hair and eyes, hi. height, and any other distinguishing mark calculated to iusure his identity, also the company and regiment to which he belouged, the place and time of receiving his woend, and his present business or em ployment; which statement shall be sworn to by the applicant, and the facta verified by some citizen of the scanty known to the Or Unary, aa an office paper, and a copy of Ihe same transmitted to the Comptroller General, accompanied with the certificate of tbe Or dinary, that be beitevaa the statement* to be entitled to credit; which application aud certificate shall be filed in the office of the Comptroller General. od-4w .FUJLTO^L PETROLEUM AND MINING CO. Capital Stock, • - - $200,000 5IURIJ, $30* BACH. FIRST PAYMENT, *15 PER SHARE And ho other assessmefit made, except b, direction of a majority of all the btocklijMere. Tl JM Qfi .. J. p:! .. AV.i it. E. E. UAWaits Vice Pre-hlent. JSo. C. WUITNBH.. -eeretaty. P. P. PKASfc... Treasurer. aoBT. LOGA'N General Superintehdent.- DlhECTOEf: V ■* l P. LOGAN, ROBT. LOGAN, B. It. BA-VSgN, - S. H. MCVAWBT. F. P. Pr.A sB, JNO C. WHIT self, W. F. PAHKHL’B*r. This Company mropeies to operate In Georgia, Ala; hamasiid Tend.nose. Having teased Lands la the immediate vicinity of recent oil dtrcovertes, tt now otters a iHirtiun oMta Stock ter sate, the amount paid upon which Shall be returned to t e purcliaacr belor. any general dividend will be declared. „ ▲ limited amouut of Stock may be secured by pall* “* °2 D ““^tLL. 8 ^^ T&XUV. WHITE CORN AND SEED OATS, L ANDING from Bark Kvmj at White's Press, for ■satedswtesfiosuaabsigtoutei*.: .j : '•. , 2J^0 burttela Se«d Qfits, ^ . , ' 2(560 bushels.White Corn. * ■ ■ M. H. WILLIAMS A SON. Xtotiee. r IE FIRM OF JOtnCfir. ANDEBSON A SONS wfis dissolved on tke 22d dsy of Angnst, W66, by the death of Jshn W. Anderson, Sr. The undersigned will continue the General Commission, Factorage and. Forwardui£ Jktainess, fuuler 109 4kiu tame of John W. AudewonV Sous. B. H. ANDEBSON, _ . ' GEO. W. ANDEBSON. Ja, ocl-lw JNO. W. ANDEBSON. mail Steamship company. ’ • - . . FOB ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAMBUCO, Bahia, and bio de Janeiro. Under contract with the United States and Brail Governments for the carriage of the malls, will dls. patch one af their - NEW FIRST CLASS SIDEWHEEL BTBAMSHIP0, each or*r 2,0ut> tons burthen, On the 22d of Every Month, . * " From the Fort of New Ydrkl For the following named ports and at the follow, lng rates of passage, payable In gold or its equiva lent: ' - mST OABIH. . From New York to St. Thomas $30 From New York to Para $160 From New YorlatO Pernambuco.... 170 From New York to Bahia . kSO From New York to Kio d« Janeiro JB0 Steerage at hall these rates, meals included, but not bedding. An.experienced Surgeon is attached to each vessel. All Letters must pass through the Post Office. Post age 10 (tents. Fur farther information or ] my3l on or passage apply to B. H. HARDEE, Agent, No. 12 -teddarfi’s Block. GARRISON A ALLKN, New York Agents. FILL DRY GOODS. DeWitt & Morgan, Wholesale & Ret ail Dealers, 137 Congress Ktrest,. SAVANNAH, GA., ARE NOW OPENING DRESS GOODS IN GREAT TABIXTT AND ttLXCT NOTILTW : French Merinos, Poplins and Alpicois, Saxony Plaids and Muslh, English. French and Amciican Calicos, Gpera Flannel , Welsh, Ksxnny and Unshrinkable FI a* Dels, Black FrenaL aud Fancy Cloths aud Caeuimeres, Table Damvsk and Naifflna • Merino Shires, Hosiery and Gloves, Ble .cited and Brown S'firHugs amt Shccilrgs. Wc invite the attention of npy r» to > ur stock, a hicn is offered at ex reaiely low prices. Addl lone will ho mads weekly. -sepia 8m PHENIX STEAM SAW MILL. EASTERN WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. r IB nndersigaed, having completed their DOUBLI GANG HAW MILL, known as the “MBfBNIX -TEAM SAW MILL,*' would r-speitru)ly unorm their iriends and the public generally. they are now prepared to fi 1 orders fur Lumber In any qaac- tltyaud of any sizes aud tengih-n We have con nected with onr Mill an improved Pl ater, and will give partlcalar attention to orders for planed and ougue and grooved lumber. Orders left at the Mill, or at J. F.A M. Uahiilton' nffice, corner Bay and Abercont streets, will receiv prompt attention. a share of pnbllc patronage la respectfal'y eo- litlted. BHLKN A HaMU-TONS. job. isnan, J. r. HAMILTON, u UAUtntoX. an8-tf flis&aiLuriN’. ILL RE-OPEN HER SCHOOL at the Chatham A- ademy on the 8'h oPOctoher next spp8-gtaw4w To Rent, TYGOMS, fomlrhed or nnfamlrhed. Apply at News rtsnd nersldtifflce. ocl-lw Law Notice. r fS UNDERSIGNED will ptsct’Ce tAW ill the ©ale and Feds rat Quarts In the city ot Ssvsunsh. se-:9-.w JAA JOHNSON. Notice. THJE Firm of BOTH WELL A WHITEHEAD was A dissolved i n tbe 26th ds\ of hettemo-rlasr, by the desth of BENJAMIN WHITEHEAD one of tbe partners. 8AMIELE. BOlHoELL, * ■ ' -. Satvlving Paitner. The badness of the Iste firm will be c ntloned qn- dex the firm name of BOTH WELL A « H T EHBAP, by P. E. BOD HWFLL. ocfi-if# 8 H WHITEHEAD. N(4icfr-?-BetT)0val. SOUTHERN ^ ik^RA^CK AND TBDST T OOM PAN Y have thto'day moved their ogle .-from the Merchants- National Bank » »e froed »»<•*- recity above. In the same building. Ebtnfcse- •«“ door S stolthd ocl-lw. J. C. MCNULTY. flscT- To Rent, • ^ J A comfortable HWltUNa and STORE Insta , n .A^t, © a esmiitl lucaUin. Apply at ML. - STORE .UOlfT, oc9 I N the best bnalatss part of the city, the News and Herald Office. ' Inqulre^fit UfSItRS, OYSTERS. ’rj7HK BES-T OY8TEES can _ always be foand at MONAHAN’S OLD STAND, On Whitaker street, above Bay. LUNCH AT 11 O’CLOCK EVERY DAY. aqid Choice LlqnoA at tie Bar. NEW YORK OYSTERS BT EVERYRTEAMEB- Psrticular attention family and country Dngjvnpfii hrrstefore^ofilHng Notice. r. Arche , of Enenoe Ayres, Sooth America, offers hi proferetarel services •» the .lfifi Ur^ghton ©rest, corner Moetgoissry. ^ ' v#’,-